Hellesdon High School
Guidance for parents / carers
of students
From 7
September 2020
Issue Date 17/07/2020
This guidance is a working document and subject to change. Updates will be highlighted and
Structure of the School Day
A new timetable will be in operation at Hellesdon High School from September, to help reduce mixing
between different year groups.
The new school day will still run over 5 taught periods (with Sixth Form lessons in period 6 as before).
However, lunch time will be split: some students will be in lessons while others are at lunch.
Years 9, 11 and Sixth Form (timetable A) will follow the same school day as last year, with break at
10:30 and lunch from 12:50.
Years 7, 8 & 10 (timetable B) will have break at 9:30 and lunch from 11:50.
Tutor times will run at either the beginning or end of the lunch period:
Year 7 Tutor time: 12.30-12.50 (after lunch)
Year 8 Tutor time: 11.50-12.10 (before lunch)
Year 9 Tutor time: 12.50-13.10 (before lunch)
Year 10 Tutor time: 11.50-12.10 (before lunch)
Year 11 Tutor time: 13.30-13.50 (after lunch)
Sixth Form Mentor time: 12.50-13.10 (before lunch)
A staggered start to the school day was not possible due the constraints surrounding school buses.
Lesson Timetable
The school timetable has as many ‘double’ period lessons as possible. This helps to reduce the number
of students moving around the school site at lesson changeover times.
Your child will receive their lesson timetable on the first day back in September (7
September for
Years 7, 11 and 12; 8
September for all other year groups).
Code of Conduct
All students and staff are expected to follow the general rules set out by the school.
Students are to:
- arrive on time for school;
- remove all outdoor clothing when entering the building (coats, hats, gloves etc). These will
need to be stored by the students in their bags throughout the day;
- drink only water during lesson time;
- NOT use mobile phones or music devices and headphones on the school site;
- respect the school environment and dispose of waste responsibly;
- be ready, respectful and safe at all times.
From September, there are also some new school rules that are specific to COVID19 and designed to
keep everybody safe. These are explained below.
Students are expected to report to an adult immediately if they are experiencing symptoms of
All members of the school community need to reduce the opportunity for the virus to spread.
The advice on social distancing applies to everyone.
Maintaining a distance of one metre plus between individuals wherever possible will reduce the risk
of the virus spreading. This advice applies to both inside and outside of the school buildings, including
where students may need to queue at any point in the school day.
In classrooms, students must follow instructions from staff at all times; this is especially important
with regards seating arrangements and entering and leaving classrooms.
There should be no physical contact between students such as hugging or ‘bumping’.
Students should maintain appropriate social distancing. Where it is marked out in classrooms and
around school it should be followed without exception.
Students should wash their hands at every opportunity or when asked by staff and keep hands
Students are expected to ‘pack their bags’ the night before and ensure they are equipped for their
next day of learning with a pen, pencil and ruler as the minimum requirement. This is especially
important this year as equipment cannot be borrowed due to hygiene reasons. The use of lockers will
be limited due to their positions around the school site.
We request that students bring tissues to school so they can cover their mouth if they cough or sneeze.
If students have sanitizer they will be allowed to apply it at regular intervals although students will
also have the facility to wash their hands with soap and water in the toilets. Staff will promote the
‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ National Strategy as part of ensuring good respiratory hygiene.
Students can eat at break and lunchtime only, and only in their permitted areas. These areas will be
made clear to students on the first day of term.
Transport to School
Students should wash their hands thoroughly before and after using school or public transport.
Students MUST follow all additional rules that have been put in place when travelling on buses. This
includes sitting in allocated seats and following the procedures for getting on and off the bus.
Where possible, students will be expected to sit with students from within their year group to
reduce mixing.
Students should follow the government advice to wear face coverings when travelling on public
transport, unless it is not safe for them to do so.
Only students and adults from the same household should travel together in the same car.
Parents / carers should remain in the car when dropping off or collecting students.
Parents / carers will not be allowed to enter the school car park to drop off or collect students via
car. Only those who have prior agreement with the school will be allowed access.
The school car park will be closed to all vehicles between 14.40 and 14.55, to allow students to leave
the school site safely through the main gates.
Walking / Cycling to School
Students must only walk with students from the same household.
Students should not walk to school together in groups.
Students arriving by bike will be required to enter the bike compound and follow the one way system.
This will also be operation at the end of the day and may require students to queue before collecting
their bike.
Arriving at school
Students are to arrive at the school under social distancing guidelines.
Students will queue at the designated entry points, maintaining a safe distance.
Students arriving early onto the school site will need to move straight to their designated zone. These
zones will be explained to students on the first day back in September.
A small selection of breakfast options will be available from the outside catering kiosk.
Period 1 classrooms will open from 8.15am and supervised by the class teacher. From this time,
students will be expected to wait in the appropriate classroom.
Hand sanitiser will be located at the entry point to each block and each classroom.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Wearing a face covering or face mask in school is not recommended. Face coverings may be
beneficial for short periods indoors where there is a risk of close contact with people you do not
usually meet and where social distancing and other measures cannot be maintained, for example on
public transport or in shops. This does not apply to schools.
Any student earing a face covering or face mask will need to remove it when they arrive at school,
and store the mask in a plastic bag that the wearer has brought with them.
Lessons and Classroom Routines
Lessons will as much as possible reflect our normal approach.
There will be a short “briefing” for students at the start of each day to remind students of
expectations and their social responsibility. The school will promote a collective responsibility that
we are all responsible for our interaction, physical proximity and use of equipment and resources.
Furniture in each classroom has been arranged to ensure social distancing. Furniture which is not
used has been removed to minimise contact points.
Upon entry to the classroom students will be required to sit where instructed. Students are not
permitted to get up out of their seats during lessons unless they have been requested or given
permission to by their class teacher.
Students will sit forward-facing in classrooms. Where this is not possible (e.g. computer rooms or
technology workshops), clear dividing screens will be in place.
Students will be able to take exercise books and other resources home. Measures will be put in place
to ensure that books and resources are not a source of virus transmission.
Students will be permitted to use the toilets during lessons at the discretion of the teacher.
Staff will teach from the front of the class and will support students safely maintaining an appropriate
social distancing. Teaching Assistants will operate in Year group ‘bubbles’.
Each classroom and teaching space will have access to gloves, antibacterial spray, paper cloths,
tissues and a bin. Students, under staff direction, will be required to wipe down any resources prior
to using them.
Students must not share personal items with others.
Practical subjects
There will be specific adaptations to practical subjects (Science, Design & Technology, PE, Drama and
Music). Wherever possible, we will continue to offer the full curriculum of practical-based learning
for all students.
Subject leaders have carried out risk assessments in line with national subject associations to ensure
we can offer practical learning whilst maintaining safety.
Contact sports will not take place and activities that encourage shouting, singing and group use of
wind or brass instruments will not be available.
Where students have PE period 1 they should come into school in their PE kit. They will need to
return to full school uniform before period 2. Students who have PE last lesson of the period 5 will
be able to leave the school in their PE kit.
Extra-curricular activities and intervention
We are aiming to re-establish our extra-curricular activities and intervention programmes as soon as
possible. However, in the first few weeks of September, we will focus on establishing good routines
and reviewing our procedures, to ensure that everything is running as it should.
This means that in September there will be no provision available before school, and limited after-
school provision.
We will begin to introduce our extra-curricular opportunities and interventions as we can, and these
will need to be pre-booked. We will sent out further guidance for this as soon as we can.
Break and Lunchtimes
During break and lunch times, each year group will have an allocated zone within the school that they
will be expected to remain in. This will include an indoor and an outdoor space. Students will be
expected to keep noise levels to a minimum, so they do not disrupt the learning of others in class.
At break time, each year group will have a designated food serving hatch available to them.
During the lunchtime period, each year group will have designated time slot to purchase their lunch.
The main hall will now become the main dining room. The field will also be available during lunchtime.
Where required, students will be expected to queue maintaining a safe distance.
The end of the day
The end of the school day will be staggered to minimise any contact between different year groups.
This will happen between 14.45 and 14.50.
Students will be dismissed by the class teacher one at a time.
On exiting the building, students will be asked to wash their hands.
Students will exit the building through the designated exit instructed by a member of staff. Students
will be expected to leave the site promptly or board their school bus as soon as possible.
On their way home, students should maintain appropriate social distancing from their peers and go
straight home.
Additional Measures
One way systems will be in operation across the school and these will be clearly marked. Where it
has been possible to do, students will enter and exit classrooms via different doorways.
All non-fire doors will be wedged open to prevent high contact points.
Staff will ensure doors and windows remain open wherever possible to improve air circulation.
Signage to promote handwashing and social distancing will be visible throughout the school.
Student toilets will operate on a one in, one out basis.
School reception will operate on a one in, one in basis. Visitors during school hours will be limited
and only by appointment.
We will be updating our contact details for all parents / carers in September to ensure they kept up
to date and to support the NHS test and trace.
Attendance from September
The Government is very clear on its expectations regarding attendance in September: ‘Education is
not optional and it is vital for all children to return to school to minimise the possible longer term
impact of the pandemic on children’s education, wellbeing and wider development.’
Therefore from September we will return to our attendance protocols. Parents / Carers must inform
the school citing the reason for non-attendance via the normal absence line (01603 254333) for
Years 7-11 and /or inform the sixth form office for Year 12 and 13.
We appreciate that many students and families will be feeling nervous about returning to school in
September. We will continue to work with families who may be feeling anxious about returning. If
you have concerns for your child, please contact us.
Contacting the school
Please can we ask that parents / carers do not visit the school grounds unless it is absolutely
necessary. If you must visit the school grounds, please ensure only one person from the household
visits and please ensure social distancing is maintained at all times. Please report to reception upon
Please use the normal lines communication (email / telephone) if you wish to discuss a matter with
the school. Meetings can only take place if pre-arranged.
In the event of a fire
Normal fire procedures will be followed. Students and staff should leave the building by their
nearest exit and meet in the designated meeting point to the rear of school / field while maintaining
social distancing.
We will complete a Fire drill with all students during the first week of term.
First Aid
Wherever possible, first aiders will maintain appropriate social distancing and allow students to self-
care under direction and supervision.
If a student needs first aid that involves close contact, first aiders will wear gloves, apron and a face
If a child becomes unwell with Covid 19 symptoms
Students must speak to a member of staff if they feel ill. The first aider will be called, and if
appropriate the student will be accompanied to our designated medical room.
Parents / carer will be asked to collect their child as soon as possible and advised to seek a test using
the NHS website. The student must self-isolate for 7 days and all household members must self-
isolate for 14 days.
Parents / carers must inform Mr Rolfe or Mr Earl of the outcome of the COVID test.
If the student tests negative, they can return to school and the household can end their self-
isolation. If the student tests positive, the rest of the group and teachers the student has had contact
with for longer than 15 minutes will be sent home to self-isolate for 14 days.
Additional and frequent cleaning is in place during the day and after school. Cleaning equipment has
been placed around school where appropriate (for staff to use).
Soap is available in all toilets, checked each day and refilled if needed.
School uniform
All students are expected to attend in full school uniform. Please do not allow your child to purchase
incorrect school uniform as they will be asked to change if they attend school in inappropriate school
A reminder of particular areas of importance are as follows:
Trousers No skinny trousers, jeggings, leggings, trousers with zipped pockets or black jeans. Although
the current fashion is for skinny/super skinny trousers, school trousers should not be tight or ‘clinging’.
Skirts – Tailored, knee length. No stretchy material.
Ties -These must be worn traditionally not with the narrow end showing and at an appropriate length.
Your child must wear the correct house tie.
Shoes Leather shoes, no canvas shoes, pumps or trainers. (As a guideline if they can be polished
they can be worn.)
Socks - Plain black or white, no patterns.
Jewellery - One pair of stud/sleeper earrings (only in earlobes), one ring, one simple bracelet and a
Piercings - No facial/nose/lip/eyebrow/tongue piercing whatsoever this includes clear
Hair colour and style - The Principals reserve the right to make decisions about hairstyles please refer
to the uniform guide.
Nail Varnish - Coloured nail varnish is not permitted and students will be asked to remove it. In the
case of other types of nail colour e.g. acrylic, if it cannot be removed at school students will be sent
home until it is removed.
Students should not wear excessive makeup.
Summer Support
If you require any further support over the summer break, please visit our website:
Frequently Asked Questions about COVID19
What happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in school?
When a child, young person or staff member develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus
(COVID-19), they should be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 7 days and arrange to have a
test to see if they have COVID-19. They can do this by visiting NHS.UK to arrange or contact NHS 119
via telephone if they do not have internet access. Their fellow household members should self-isolate
for 14 days. All staff and students who are attending an education or childcare setting will have access
to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), and are encouraged to get tested in this
Where the child, young person or staff member tests negative, they can return to their setting and
the fellow household members can end their self-isolation.
Where the child, young person or staff member tests positive, the rest of their class or group within
their childcare or education setting should be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days. The
other household members of that wider class or group do not need to self-isolate unless the child,
young person or staff member they live with in that group subsequently develops symptoms.
As part of the national test and trace programme, if other cases are detected within the cohort or in
the wider setting, Public Health England’s local health protection teams will conduct a rapid
investigation and will advise schools and other settings on the most appropriate action to take. In
some cases a larger number of other children, young people may be asked to self-isolate at home as
a precautionary measure – perhaps the whole class, site or year group. Where settings are observing
guidance on infection prevention and control, which will reduce risk of transmission, closure of the
whole setting will not generally be necessary.
Will children and young people be eligible for testing?
All children and young people eligible to attend education and childcare settings, and members of
their households, will have access to testing if they display symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19).
This will enable them to get back into childcare or education, and their parents or carers to get back
to work, if the test proves to be negative. Parents will have a number of routes to access testing for
them and their children. Visit the guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19) testing and how to arrange to
have a test.
Will teachers and other staff be able to get tested if they have symptoms?
Access to priority testing is already available to all essential workers. This includes anyone involved
in education, childcare or social work – including both public and voluntary sector workers, as well as
foster carers. See the full list of essential workers. Education settings as employers can book tests
through an online digital portal. There is also an option for employees to book tests directly on the