Multifamily recycling
2024 guidelines
Hennepin County Environment and Energy
701 Fourth Avenue South, Suite 700, Minneapolis, M
N 55415-1842
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Hennepin County has funding available for multifamily properties to improve recycling and
reduce contamination, prevent waste, start organics recycling (composting), and educate their
residents on recycling and waste prevention.
Recycling requirements
Property owners, managers and associations are required to provide residents with the
opportunity to recycle traditional mixed recyclables (paper, plastic, cartons, glass, and metal).
Responsible parties must enter into an agreement with a hauler or arrange service through a city
contract to provide collection service to collect mixed recyclables from each building.
Organics, which includes food scraps and food-soiled paper, make up about a third of
residential garbage, and some multifamily properties choose to offer organics recycling.
Although organics recycling is not required at multifamily properties, the county encourages
properties to offer this service to their residents and provides free resources and assistance.
For more information on recycling requirements for multifamily properties, review
County Ordinance 13.
Funding availability
Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until Monday, November 11, 2024, or until
the annual program budget is exhausted, whichever occurs first.
Eligible applicants
Eligible applicants include apartments, condos, and townhome associations located in Hennepin
County. Applications should have the approval of an authorizing person who can enter into
agreements with Hennepin County, such as but not limited to property owners, managers, and
association board directors.
Eligible funding
Bins and compostable bags
Applicants may select up to $3,000 worth of bins and BPI-certified compostable bags (organics
programs require collection bins to be lined with compostable bags) from the county’s product
list included in the application.
Only products listed in the application may be selected. There are no exceptions or
substitutions. Bins for public spaces such as mail rooms, laundry rooms or activity/party rooms
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are encouraged. In addition, bins can also be selected to set up a floor-by-floor collection
system to make collection easier.
All bins must be properly labeled with Hennepin County signage or other approved recycling
labels upon receiving the bins and prior to setting out bins for use. Free resources are available
to Hennepin County residents to improve recycling in apartments, condos, and townhome
associations. See what's available and order free resources.
Compostable bags are available to applicants starting new organics recycling programs.
Properties with existing organics programs are only eligible for bins and bags to expand
organics recycling to new units or areas.
You may request up to a six-month supply of compostable bags and countertop bins for up to
50% of the property’s units. If you wish to request bins and bags for more than 50% of the
property’s units, you must provide supporting documentation that shows that more than 50% of
units agree to participate in organics recycling.
Bin and bag options
You will select types and quantities of bins as part of your application. Be prepared to specify
where you will place each bin. For compostable bags, you may request up to a six-month supply
for up to 50% of the property’s units.
Blue recycling bin
Size: 11.5” x 8” x 12”
Capacity: 3 gallons
Size: 14.5” x 10.5” x 15”
Capacity: 7 gallons
Size: 16.5” x 12” x 18”
Capacity: 10 gallons
Blue recycling bin (and optional lid)
Size: 20” x 11.5” x 30”
Capacity: 23 gallons
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Blue recycling bin
Size: 22” (diameter) x 28” (height)
Capacity: 32 gallons
Size: 24” (diameter) x 31.5” (height)
Capacity: 44 gallons
Outdoor recycling bin
Size: 42” x 20” x 20
Capacity: 50 gallons
Green organics countertop bin with lid
Size: 12" x 9" x 9"
Capacity: 2.25 gallons
Green organics bin with lid
Size: 14” x 10” x 15
Capacity: 7 gallons
16” x 11” x 21”
Capacity: 10 gallons
Green organics bin (and optional lid)
Size: 20” x 11” x 30
Capacity: 23 gallons
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Hauling costs
New hauling service for traditional recycling (bottles, cans, paper, cardboard, etc.) or for
organics recycling (composting)
o Grant funds may cover up to three months of hauling. The hauling service
contract must be for at least 12 months and must be new, not existing, to qualify.
o This may include the monthly charge for the recycling/organics service and up to
50% of the non-tax fees.
o This may also include additional fees to add locks to carts and dumpsters to
reduce contamination.
Other hauling, such as for textiles, large items such as furniture, and other non-
traditional recycling opportunities for an ongoing program.
o Grant funds may cover up to three months of ongoing services (minimum 12-
month contract). Grantee must show plans to sustain hauling beyond Hennepin
County funding.
o Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Recycling mattresses with Second Chance Recycling. Second Chance
offers curbside mattress and box spring pick-up service. See the
mattress recycling flyer (PDF) for more details.
Donate useable items to charitable organizations. Some donation centers
offer pick-up service. See the donation opportunities brochure (PDF)
Contact us for list of companies that provide services.
When applying for hauling costs, you must provide a quote or other documentation from
a licensed hauler that demonstrates your intent to start service(s). Must be a licensed hauler for
recycling or reuse.
Hennepin County will fund enclosure expansions that increase space for additional
recycling or organics recycling service. New properties planned for construction or under
construction do not qualify.
o Scenarios eligible for funding: adding recycling service, adding organics recycling
service, increasing recycling collection space that allows for adequate recycling
service, covered enclosure to temporarily hold bulky items for reuse or recycling
pickup. Bulky items include, but are not limited to, hard-to-recycle items such as
furniture and mattresses.
o Scenarios not eligible for funding: a property is not in compliance with city
enclosure codes and wants funding to build an enclosure, repairing old
enclosures (broken/faulty fences or gates)
o A property must make every effort to optimize service levels (right-size dumpster
sizes and frequency of pick up) before deciding to expand the enclosure.
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Hennepin County will enter a cost-share agreement to cover up to 75% of enclosure
expenses. Expenses eligible for funding include materials and construction/labor.
Enclosures must be built in compliance with property’s city code. Funding is limited to
o For example:
If the total cost of the enclosure is $8,000, Hennepin County can fund
If the total cost of the enclosure is $12,000, Hennepin County can fund
If the total cost of the enclosure is $24,000, Hennepin County can fund
Grantee must submit quotes from two licensed contractor/builders. Grantee can indicate
preferred contractor. Quotes must include drawings of enclosures and configuration of
where the bins will be placed.
Chute retrofits
Hennepin County will fund construction upgrades of trash/recycling chutes that facilitate
the collection of recycling and improve access to recycling for residents. New properties
planned for construction or under construction do not qualify.
Hennepin County will enter a cost-share agreement to cover up to 75% of construction
expenses. Expenses eligible for funding include materials and construction/labor. Chutes
must be built in compliance with property’s city code. Funding is limited to
o For example:
If the total cost of the chute retrofit is $16,000, Hennepin County can fund
If the total cost of the chute retrofit is $20,000, Hennepin County can fund
If the total cost of the chute retrofit is $40,000, Hennepin County can fund
Grantee must submit quotes from two licensed contractor/builders. Grantee can indicate
preferred contractor. Quotes must include drawings of chutes and orientation of bins.
Education and training
Education and training funding is only available to properties starting recycling or organics
recycling service.
Hennepin County will fund an enthusiastic and engaged resident, property manager, or
caretaker (must be 18 years or older) to educate and engage residents at the property on
waste reduction, recycling, and organics recycling.
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o If you are requesting recycling or organics recycling hauling assistance, education
and training are required.
o Flat-fee funding for education and training based on number of units:
Less than 30 units: $200
30-100 units: $400
100+ units: $600
o Expectations:
Ensure best management practices at property: make recycling easily
accessible by pairing recycling and trash bins, label bins with proper
signage denoting waste type, survey residents on recycling/organics
recycling interest
Promote, organize, and attend waste reduction, recycling, and organics
recycling training led by Hennepin County staff
Have face-to-face interactions and distribute literature at all participating
Watch recycling and organics how-to videos
Prepare and lead one to two follow-up trainings
Follow up with residents and provide additional education as needed
Other items not outlined in this section may be considered for funding particularly if they are
innovative, prevent waste, or target hard-to-recycle items.
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1. Maximum grant award:
Up to $3,000 for bins and compostable bags, and
Up to $20,000 for all other categories combined (hauling costs, enclosures, chute
retrofits, and education and training). Applicants may request funding in multiple
categories, not to exceed $20,000.
Purchases made before entering into a grant agreement cannot be reimbursed.
Allocation of grant award payments will be made in the following manner:
50% of funds will be released upon execution of a grant agreement.
50% will be released upon documentation (invoices, receipts) of actual expenses
incurred and an approved final report detailing results of the grant project.
If preferred, all grant funds can be withheld and released upon submission and approval of
the final report and invoices.
2. Grant recipients will be required to establish a baseline of waste being discarded or recycled
prior to the start of the grant project. This information must be included in the grant
application. That baseline should be based on the size of current waste and recycling
containers and the frequency with which they are emptied or on actual weight data if that
information is available. This also includes a summary of contamination fees incurred in the
previous three months prior to the grant date.
3. Grant recipients must submit a final project report. The report must detail efforts made to
achieve project goals and the results of those efforts, including quantitative data and project
expenditures. A reporting template will be provided.
4. All grant recipients will be required to enter into a grant agreement with the county for 12 or
18 months, depending on the grant amount. Projects may be completed early. The grant
agreement process requires additional documentation after the application is submitted,
including proof of authority for the person signing the contract and minimum insurance
coverage outlined in the grant agreement. The certificate indicates Hennepin County as an
additional insured. Hennepin County reserves the right to revoke any funding award for
which an agreement is not executed due to delays on the part of the applicant within two (2)
months of the award. Awarded projects must be initiated within two (2) months of execution
of the grant contract, or funds may be withdrawn, unless specific approval is granted for
delays due to extenuating circumstances.
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Applying and evaluation criteria
The grant application will be provided by county staff after a consultation about your project
idea. An in-person tour of your property may be requested by county staff. Begin the
consultation process by submitting a multifamily recycling grant inquiry form
The following information will be required when applying:
Multifamily property name, address, and contact information
Management company (if applicable)
Number of residential units on the property
Short description of your current recycling system
Short description of education you will provide to residents
Information on your current waste hauling (refer to a recent waste hauling invoice for
this information)
Substitute W-9 vendor form
If requesting hauling start-up costs: documentation of pending hauling service
If requesting enclosure and chute retrofits: at least two quotes needed
Evaluation criteria
Grant proposals will be awarded to ensure funds are used in a way that supports Hennepin
County’s goals to increase recycling, including organics, or prevent waste. The following criteria
will be considered:
Project description: Project demonstrates significant potential for recycling, organics
recycling, or reuse and waste prevention. The project has strong support from staff and
residents. Key personnel are listed in the application along with their roles as they relate
to the project. Specific issues that the project seeks to address are identified.
Outcomes: Expected results are stated, specific, realistic and measurable. Baseline waste
service data is included and accurate.
Timeline: Project is ready to start after grant agreement is authorized and must be
completed within the term of the grant, which will be 12 or 18 months depending on the
amount of the grant.
Budget: Expenses are laid out in detail.
Sustainable: Most or all components of the project will continue after grant funding is no
longer available.
The county reserves the right to refuse funding or to partially fund an application.
After your application is reviewed, county staff will contact you to discuss next steps. Upon
application approval, a grant agreement will be emailed to the authorized person to enter into
an agreement with Hennepin County prior to the release of any funds.
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Contact information
Hennepin County
Environment and Energy
Multifamily Recycling Grants