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Transcript Request Form
Use this form to request a copy of your FVHS
transcript. Complete, print, and submit this form by email:
or by fax: 407-377-8330. A signature is required. Only parents, guardians (for students under 18), and students aged 18 or older may
request the release of official transcripts. Please include an email address for the destination whenever possible.
Student Information
Last Name First Name Middle Name
Student’s Date of Birth
Last year student attended FVHS Last grade level with FVHS
Is the student the requestor?
no If no, please fill out the requestor information below.
Requestor Information
Last Name First Name Middle Name
Street Address
City State Zip Code County
Home Phone Cell Phone Work Phone
Relationship of Requestor to Student
Transcript Destinations
Destination 1: Name of School or Agency
Street Address
Zip Code County
Send on Date:
Email: # of Transcripts
Destination 2: Name of School or Agency
Street Address
City State Zip Code County
Send on Date: Attention:
Email: # of Transcripts
Destination 3: Name of School or Agency
Street Address
Zip Code County
Send on Date: Attention:
Parent/Guardian Approval
Email: # of Transcripts
By signing below, I give permission for FVHS to send transcripts to the above locations. A signature is required for processing.
Name Signature Date