Down Payment Assistance Program Application
FY 2021 CDBG/HOME Program
Program Information/Requirements
All applicants must meet income guidelines, debt ratio
requirements, and cannot have owned a home within
the last 24 months. Income for all household members
over the age of 16 will be considered in the income
The applicant or anyone in the household cannot have
been an owner or co-owner of another home or
property within the previous 24-month period. No
exceptions. Cosigners are not allowed.
Income Limits
Income for all household members over the age of 16
yrs. will be counted in this household income
calculation. Income includes worker pay/salary,
retirement, social security, child support, alimony, etc.
Family Size Annual Income Limit
1 $51,650
2 $59,000
3 $66,400
4 $73,750
5 $79,650
6 $85,550
7 $91,450
8 $97,350
Required Funds
The applicant is required to provide minimum $2,500
cash out-of-pocket into the home purchase. The funds
must be documented by the owner and cannot be
gifted, provided by the seller, realtor, etc. Proof of
these funds availability must be identified at the time of
application submission with a bank statement, 401K
statement or some other acceptable form.
Only owner-occupied units are eligible for
consideration. Existing or new construction single-
family homes, condos and townhomes are permitted.
Manufactured homes, duplexes and multi-family units
are not eligible for consideration.
All homes must be located within the City of West
Jordan. The applicant is responsible for verifying with
the City that the property is located in West Jordan.
Debt Ratios
Housing debt cannot exceed 35% (FIRM) of the
household monthly gross income. Housing debt
includes taxes, insurance, principle payment and HOA
Total debt cannot exceed 45% (FIRM) of the
household monthly gross income. This includes
existing debt and housing debt.
Eligible Loans
Only 30-year fixed rate loans are acceptable in the
program. No ARM’s, owner-financed, or other loans
are allowed. In the case of refinancing, only 30-year
fixed rate; no cash out streamline loans are allowed.
FHA, VA Conventional, etc. loans are acceptable.
Short Sales/Third Party Owned
Short sales and third party owned properties are
acceptable provided a written acceptance agreement
has been reached and documented in the application.
However, there is no guarantee that the processing
time of the application will meet the time restrictions
of a third party seller.
Ownership Requirement
The buyer must own and occupy the home for 5-years
following the purchase. Any change in ownership or
occupancy will require repayment of the grant. After
the five-year period, the grant is forgiven. If the home
is sold or not occupied by the applicant prior to the 5-
years, then 20% per completed year will be forgiven
and balance due to the City.
Homebuyers Education Classes
The applicant must attend and submit a completion
certificate from an approved HUD Program prior to
closing. Online classes will be accepted during the
COVID-19 Virus. Classes are offered by:
CDC - (801) 994-7222
Processing Time
An average of 25-35 days is required for the processing
of this application from start to loan closing. A
preliminary eligibility determination will be made
within 10-14 working days after submittal of the
application and all requested information is received.
A City check and closing documents will be provided to
the closing agent no later than noon the day of closing.
Any purchase prior to that time will be disallowed.
Documents Required for Application
- Application Checklist
- Signed and dated Real Estate Purchase
- Contract with all addendums
- Documentation of required $2,500 cash
- Good Faith Estimate and worksheet for the
property to be purchased
- Copy of 2020 Income Tax forms. A signed and
dated 1040 form must be included.
- Three months of pay stubs for all persons over
16 in the household
- Signed Lead Base Paint information sheet and
seller/buyer certification form
Assistance Provided
The City will provide a grant up to $10,000 for ½ of
the required down payment and one-time closing
costs. Most grants average between $6,900 -$8,000.
No assistance will exceed 100% of the home
appraised value. Grants are on a First Come - First
Qualified” basis while funds are available. The City
will retain a second position on the loan.
Applicants contributing more than the required
downpayment will be deemed as “Not in Need” of
assistance. Applicants must have been released from
bankruptcy for a minimum of two years and have no
judgments showing on their credit report.
Housing Condition/Inspection
The City encourages all buyers to have an inspection
conducted by a Certified Home Inspector prior to
purchasing any property. The City will conduct a site
visit and inspection to ensure the property meets
HUD’s MPS. This inspection is not intended to take
the place of a home inspection by a certified home
inspector. It is strictly for in-house use by the City.
Lead Based Paint
A visual inspection will be conducted for any homes
built prior to 1978 to identify any potential issues with
lead based paint. Should the visual inspection identify
potential issues then it will be the responsibility of the
buyer to pay for all lead based paint testing and
required repairs.
Application Submission
Applications can only be submitted by the applicant.
A driver’s license or similar picture identification will
be required at the time of submission. Applications
can only be submitted by scheduling an appointment
for a 15-minute preliminary review to verify that all
required documents are included with the application
submittal. Any and all applications without required
documents will be rejected at that point.
Applications will be accepted by appointment. To
schedule an appointment contact: Lisa Elgin, (801)
569-5103 or T-T-Y 711 for the hearing impaired.
Revised 7-26-2021
Documents Required for Submission
Applications will not be accepted without the following documents. This form must be included
in the application. For more information contact Lisa Elgin (801) 569-5103 or T-T-Y 711 for the
hearing impaired.
Required Document
Circle one
Current Application Forms
Yes No
Complete signed Real Estate Purchase Contract:
Includes all addendums.
Yes No
Documentation of required $2,500 cash
investment to be used toward the purchase.
Yes No
Documentation type: `
Current Good Faith Estimate with worksheet
showing all costs for the property identified in
the Purchase Agreement.
Yes No
Copy of 2020 Tax forms with a signed 1040 Form.
Will not be accepted without a signed IRS 1040
form for all parties living in the home.
Yes No
3 months of pay stubs and/or copy of current
benefit letters for all persons living in the home.
Yes No
Homebuyers class certificate. Online classes are
accepted during the COVID-19 Virus. (Required
prior to closing, no exceptions).
CDC (801) 994-7222
Yes No
Lead Base Paint Notification Form, signed and
dated by the buyer(s).
Yes No
Seller/Buyer Certification, signed and dated
Yes No
Property Address Verified City staff verifying
the address must be identified
Yes No
Verified by:
Other Information/Documents
Yes No
Applicant Name: _________________________________ Phone: _________________
Present Address: ________________________________ City/State: _______________
Number of Dependents How long at present address:
living in the home: _____ ____ years _____ months
Marital Status: Married _____ Unmarried _____ Separated _____ Other _____
Employment Status: Full-time _____ Part-Time _____ Unemployed _____
Employer Name: _______________________ Business Phone: ____________
Employers Address: ____________________________________________________
Length of Employment: _____ Years _____ Months Position: ____________
Applicant Name: _________________________________ Phone: _________________
Present Address: ________________________________ City/State: _______________
Number of Dependents How long at present address:
living in the home: _____ ____ years _____ months
Marital Status: Married _____ Unmarried _____ Separated _____ Other _____
Employment Status: Full-time _____ Part-Time _____ Unemployed _____
Employer Name: _______________________ Business Phone: ____________
Employers Address: ____________________________________________________
Length of Employment: _____ Years _____ Months Position: ___________
Please list all household members in the box below that will be living in the home.
Full Name
M or W
Ethnic Origin
ANNUAL INCOME (include all working household members, all Social Security,
retirement, etc. benefits of all household members
Salary: H: M
Overtime Pay
Interest /dividends
Net Business Income
Net Rental Income
Social Security. Pension
Unemployment Benefits
Workers Compensation
Alimony, Child Support
Welfare Payments
Monthly Payment
HOA Fees
Other Financing
Total Payment
CREDITOR INFORMATION (This will be verified by a credit agency).
Acct. #
Due Date
Past Due
General Information
1. Have any of your children been tested for lead-based paint poisoning?
_____yes _____no If so, what were the results? ____________________________
2. Does anyone live with you now that is not listed previously? _____ yes _____ no
3. Does anyone plan to live with you in the future that is not listed previously? If so,
explain the situation: _______________________________________________
4. Have you or anyone in the household ever declared bankruptcy or had a home
foreclosed on? If so, explain and date filed: _____________________________
5. Property address to be purchased: ____________________________________
6. Purchase Price of the Home: $______________
7. Property condition: New _____, Good ______ Deteriorating ______
8. Realtor Name & Company: ___________________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________________________
9. Mortgage Company & Loan Officer : __________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________________
The information given in this application will be kept in confidence and used only for the
application request under the West Jordan Down Payment Assistance Program.
I/We verify that the information given on this form is accurate and complete to the best of
my/our knowledge. I/We authorize the City of West Jordan to secure and verify any and all
information contained herein and associated with this loan.
I/We have read and understand the CDBG/HOME Down Payment Assistance Program
guidelines and this application, and fully agree to abide by the regulations of the City of
West Jordan Down Payment Assistance Program and the U.S. Department of Housing &
Urban Development. I/We will not hold the City of West Jordan or any of their’ agents liable
for any actions of the City staff and contractors. I/We also understand it is our responsibility
to do any and all testing to insure the home is safe. The City encourages applicants to
undertake the following by professionals: home inspection, radon testing, health/safety
testing (meth, mold, etc.) prior to purchasing the property.
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that any discussions with or any information given
by a City of West Jordan employee or its designee regarding application for the West Jordan
CDBG/HOME Down Payment Assistance Program prior to receipt of a formal commitment
letter from the City of West Jordan or its designee committing a specific amount of funds to
the project is only for program information and may not be considered a binding
commitment on the part of the City of West Jordan to provide funds or technical assistance
to the project.
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that any costs incurred prior to receipt of a formal
commitment letter from the City of West Jordan or its designee committing a specific
amount of funds to the project is at the risk and expense of the applicant.
Applicant Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________
Applicant Signature: _________________________________ Date: _____________
As the seller/buyer of the property at __________________________, West Jordan Utah, we
understand that the City of West Jordan will use Federal Funds if this down payment assistance
loan is approved and that the following will apply:
1. The buyer has applied for down payment assistance through the West Jordan Down
Payment Assistance Program. The program is funded using federal funds.
2. The sale is voluntary and eminent domain will not be used.
3. The property has not been occupied by a renter in the past 90 days and no renter was
required to move to facilitate this sale.
4. There has been no specified project area designated by the City; all areas within the
incorporated City are eligible for West Jordan Down Payment Assistance.
5. West Jordan City will not acquire the property if negotiations fail in an amicable
6. Market Value for the property will be determined by an independent appraisal.
7. Original signatures required.
_______________________________ ______________________________
Buyer Buyer
_______________________________ ______________________________
Date Date
_______________________________ ______________________________
Seller Seller
_______________________________ ______________________________
Date Date