Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Social Work
390 George Street #608 New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
[email protected] ORCiD 0000-0001-7934-0961
Housing & Health Equity; Homeless Services; Supportive Housing; Housing First; Transitions in/from
Homeless Services; Mental Health & Substance Abuse Recovery; Clinical Social Work Practice; Social
Policy; Clinical Assessment & Diagnosis; Implementation Science; Qualitative & Mixed Methods
PhD in Clinical Social Work 2015
New York University Silver School of Social Work
Dissertation Committee: Drs. Deborah Padgett (Chair), Mary McKay, and Victoria Stanhope
MSW with Honors 2004
University of Michigan School of Social Work
BFA Magna cum Laude 2002
University of Michigan School of Art & Design
Associate Professor with Tenure, School of Social Work 2022-Present
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Associate Faculty, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy 2023-Present
Ralph W. Voorhees Center for Civic Engagement
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Lead Cluster Champion, Housing & Health Equity Cluster 2022-Present
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Associate Faculty, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, & Aging Research 2015-Present
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Assistant Professor, School of Social Work 2015-2022
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey AY19-20 COVID exception
National Institute of Mental Health Predoctoral Fellow, Silver School of Social Work 2013-2015
New York University
Adjunct Lecturer, Silver School of Social Work 2013
New York University
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
National Network Co-Lead, Grand Challenges for Social Work - End Homelessness 2023-Present
Research Network Member, Homelessness Research Institute 2023-Present
National Alliance to End Homelessness
Research Committee Member, Homelessness Policy Research Institute 2019-Present
University of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy
Regional Network Liaison, National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services 2016-2019
Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW), State of New York registered through August 2025
Certification in Disaster Mental Health Response 2012
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Medical Reserve Corps
Seminar in Field Instruction (SIFI), Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey 2007
Certification in the Treatment of Juvenile Sexual Offenders 2004
State of Michigan Department of Juvenile Justice
Top Cited Article 20202021, Journal of Community Psychology 2022
Tiderington, E., Aykanian, A., Huang, B., & Tsai, J. (2021). Change in housing environment and
residential satisfaction following exit from permanent supportive housing. Journal of Community
Psychology, 49(2), 305320.
Woman of Action Award, City of Jersey City 2020
Nominated by City Councilman James Solomon for activism around housing affordability and other
social justice issues
Robert Moore Award for Excellence in Scholarship 2016
New York University Silver School of Social Work
Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of the Year Honorable Mention 2016
Society for Social Work and Research
Emerging Practice-Research Scholar Award 2014
International Conference on Practice Research
National Institute of Mental Health New Investigator Award 2014
NIMH Conference on Mental Health Services Research
New York City Medical Reserve Core Valued Responder Award 2013
City of New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
For outstanding service during Hurricane Sandy
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Social Justice Award, New York University, Silver School of Social Work 2013
For service to the school and university, as well as social justice activism around economic inequality,
access to birth control and affordable health care, and Hurricane Sandy relief efforts
Dean’s Merit Scholarship, University of Michigan, School of Social Work 2002
National Institute of Mental Health Individual Pre-Doctoral Fellowship 2013-2015
Ruth L. Kirschstein F31 National Research Service Award, $84,464
Dissertation Fellowship 2014
New York University Global Research Institute
Deans Graduate Fellowship 2009-2011
New York University Silver School of Social Work
Principal Investigator 10/2023-9/2025
Investigating Predictors of Successful Exits from Permanent Supportive Housing
National Alliance to End Homelessness - $241,298
Dual-Principal Investigator 10/2022-9/2024
Data to Action for Better Health Among People Experiencing Homelessness
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - $600,000
Dual PI: Joel Cantor, ScD (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Co-Investigator 5/2021-2/2026
The Role of Homelessness and Supportive Housing in Healthcare Disparities among Adults in Medicaid
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01MD015261-01A1) - $3,202,220
PI: Joel Cantor, ScD (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Impact Score: 20; Percentile: 5
Co-Investigator 9/2019-12/2019
Identifying Processes to Transition Clients with Varying Needs and Experiences with Homelessness
Los Angeles County Department of Health Services – Housing for Health - $76,025
PI: Jack Tsai, PhD (Yale University School of Medicine)
Principal Investigator 3/2018-2/2019
Developing and Assessing a Critical Time Intervention-Informed Case Management Skill-Building
Curriculum to Support Resident Transitions from Supportive Housing
State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs FY18 CSBG Special Initiatives grant - $123,683
Co-PI: Allison Zippay, PhD (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Co-Investigator 12/2018-11/2019
Implementation Challenges to Addressing Housing Needs in Medicaid Demonstration Waivers
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - $149,943
PIs: Frank Thompson, PhD & Joel Cantor, ScD (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Co-Investigator 8/2017-7/2019
Homeless Service Use and Medicaid Spending in New Jersey
State of New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services
(Medicaid) and The Nicholson Foundation- $453,522
PI: Joel Cantor, ScD (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Principal Investigator 3/2016-2/2019
Moving On from Permanent Supportive Housing: Implementation and Outcomes of the New York City
Moving On Initiative
Oak Foundation - $171,823
Principal Investigator 9/2013-9/2015
Identifying Barriers to Recovery-Oriented Practice in Supportive Housing Services
National Institute of Mental Health (F31MH100772) - $84,464
Impact Score: 14; Percentile: 2
Sponsor: Deborah Padgett, PhD; Co-Sponsors: Larry Davidson, PhD (Yale University); Kimberly
Hoagwood, PhD (New York University), Victoria Stanhope, PhD (New York University), Steven
Marcus, PhD (University of Pennsylvania), Mary McKay, PhD (New York University)
Co-Investigator 1/2024-12/2024
Food Access in Newark Hope Village: A partnership with The City of Newark's Mayor's Office of
Homeless Services and Office of Sustainability
REACH Community-Academic Grants Program - $94,475
PI: Veronica Jones, PhD (Rutgers University School of Environmental and Biological Sciences)
Co-Principal Investigator 7/2024-6/2024
Unhoused in New Brunswick: A partnership with Unity Square Community Center of New Brunswick
REACH Community-Academic Grants Program - $21,624
PI: Eric Seymour, PhD (Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy)
Co-Principal Investigator 1/2019-8/2020
Negotiating Competing Mandates in Family Supportive Housing and Child Protection Work
Rutgers University School of Social Work Seed Grant - $19,860
PI: Emily Bosk, PhD (Rutgers University School of Social Work)
Research Consultant 9/2020-8/2022
Helping the Helpers: Examining the Mental Health and Support Needs of Direct Service Providers
Working with People Experiencing Homelessness
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) - $90,000
PI: Nick Kerman, PhD (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
Research Consultant 6/2020-6/2020
Women’s Access to Child Support: A Comparative Investigation
Australian Research Council - $78,393
PI: Kay Cook, PhD (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Research Consultant 10/2019-6/2020
Developing a Family Service Model and Staff Training Curriculum for Family-Supportive Housing
Programmes in New York City
Oak Foundation - $544,750
Grantee: Center for Urban Community Services, Inc.
Research Consultant 10/2017-9/2018
Integrating Substance Abuse Treatment with Trauma-Informed Practice, Evaluation of the Center for
Great Expectations Introduction of the ARC Training Model
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration #SM63062 - $400,000
PI: Emily Bosk, PhD (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Research Scientist 2010-2015
Qualitative Study of Mental Health Recovery in Dual Diagnosed Homeless Adults
National Institute of Mental Health (R01MH084903) - $1.9 million
PI: Deborah Padgett, PhD (New York University)
Research Assistant 2009-2010
The Role of Consumer-Provider Relationships in Service Engagement
New York University Research Challenge Fund and Silver School of Social Work Faculty Pilot Grant
PI: Victoria Stanhope, PhD (New York University)
Research Assistant 2003, 2009
Ohio Department of Youth Services Youth Sexual Offender Evaluation
PI: David Burton, PhD (University of Michigan)
Research Assistant 2000-2002
Age, Race, and Gender Effects on Insanity Referrals and Outcome; and A Comparison of Criminal Sexual
Conduct Defendants Based on Victim Age
State of Michigan Center for Forensic Psychiatry
PI: Craig Lemmen, MD (University of Michigan)
h-index: 14; Number of times cited: 1064 (co-author denotations: *student mentee; ^community partner)
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
1. Roebuck, M., Bridger, T.^, Magny, A., Tiderington, E., & Aubry, T. (in press). Predictors of length
of time in service: Characteristics of people in Intensive Case Management for longer than five years.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal.
2. Tiderington, E., Aykanian, A., & Herman, D. (2024). Developing an implementation typology of
Moving On Initiatives. Housing Policy Debate, 34(1), 132-146. doi:10.1080/10511482.2021.1982749
3. Cronley, C., Tiderington, E., Aykanian, A. & Huslage, M. (2024). Voices from the field: Continua
of Care representatives discuss strategies and opportunities for promoting equity in homelessness
services in the United States. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness. Advance online
publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10530789.2024.2310955
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
4. Tiderington, E., Petering, R., Huang, M., Harris, T., & Tsai, J. (2024). Expert perspectives on
service user transitions within and from homeless service programs. Housing Policy Debate 34(1),
79-89. doi:10.1080/10511482.2020.1825012
5. Livingstone, K. & Tiderington, E. (2023). To stay or go?: Understanding ambivalence toward
moving on from supportive housing among supportive housing residents in a Moving On initiative.
Housing, Care and Support, 26(3-4), 171-181. https://doi.org/10.1108/HCS-12-2021-0038
6. Goodwin, J.M.* & Tiderington, E. (2023). A grounded theory of provider perspectives regarding
resident moves from permanent supportive housing. International Journal on Homelessness, 3(3), 1-
23. https://doi.org/10.5206/ijoh.2023.3.15678
7. Aykanian, A. & Tiderington, E. (2023). Health service use after moving on from permanent
supportive housing. Housing, Care, & Support, 26(2), 53-64. https://doi.org/10.1108/HCS-08-2022-
8. Voronov, J., Kidd, S.A., Tiderington, E., Ecker, J., Stergiopoulos, V., & Kerman, N. (2023). Causes
and decision paths of employee turnover in the homeless service sector. Journal of Social Distress
and Homelessness. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/10530789.2023.2220526
9. Goodwin, J.*, Tiderington, E., & Noonan, E.* (2023). Readiness assessments in Moving On
initiatives: A scoping review. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, 32(1), 160-173.
10. Kerman, N., Ecker, J., Tiderington, E., Gaetz, S., & Kidd, S. (2023). Workplace trauma and chronic
stressor exposure among direct service providers working with people experiencing homelessness.
Journal of Mental Health, 32, 424-433. doi:10.1080/09638237.2021.2022629
11. Tiderington, E., Goodwin, J.*, & Noonan, E.* (2022). Leaving permanent supportive housing: A
scoping review of Moving On Initiative participant outcomes. Housing Studies, 39(1), 203-226. doi:
12. Enich, M.*, Tiderington, E., & Ure, A. (2022). Street Medicine: A scoping review of program
elements. International Journal on Homelessness, 3(2), 295-343. doi.org/10.5206/ijoh.2022.2.15134
13. Kerman, N., Ecker, J., Tiderington, E., Aykanian, A., Stergiopoulos, V., & Kidd, S. (2022).
“Systems Trauma”: A qualitative study of work-related distress among service providers to people
experiencing homelessness in Canada. Social Science & Medicine (SSM) - Mental Health, 2, 00163.
14. Goodwin, J. M.*, Tiderington, E., Kidd, S. A., Ecker, J., & Kerman, N. (2022). Gains and losses
within the homeless service, supportive housing, and harm reduction sectors during the COVID-19
pandemic: A qualitative study of what matters to the workforce. Health and Social Care in the
Community, 30(6), 5765-5774. http://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.14008
15. Kerman, N., Goodwin, J.*, Tiderington, E., Ecker, J., Stergiopoulos, V., & Kidd, S.A. (2022).
Towards the quadruple aim in permanent supportive housing: A mixed-methods study of workplace
mental health among service providers. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(6), 6674-6688.
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
16. Kerman, N., Ecker, J., Tiderington, E., Gaetz, S., & Kidd, S. A. (2021). Paid sick leave benefits
among essential frontline workers serving people experiencing homelessness in Canada during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Public Health, 195, 142-144. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2021.04.022
17. Tiderington, E., Bosk, E., & Mendez, A.* (2021). Negotiating child protection mandates in Housing
First for families. Child Abuse & Neglect, 115, 1-12. doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105014
18. Kerman, N., Ecker, J., Gaetz, S., Tiderington, E., & Kidd, S. A. (2021). Mental health and wellness
of service providers working with people experiencing homelessness in Canada: A national survey
from the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 67, 371-379.
Research findings featured in the Toronto Star (2021, November 30). Just trying to keep people
alive: A study examines burnout among people who work with the homeless.
Research findings featured in television news program by Global News Toronto (2021,
December 6). Report sheds light on needs of homeless support workers.
19. Tiderington, E., Goodwin, J.,* Reyes, L.,* & Herman, D. (2021). Services needed and received
when moving on from permanent supportive housing. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless,
31(1), 1-10. doi: 10.1080/10530789.2021.1879615
20. Tsai, J., Huang, M., Petering, R., & Tiderington, E. (2021). Graduation practices and outcomes from
intensive case management programs for clients with severe mental illness: A systematic review.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 45(1), 61-70. doi:10.1037/prj0000487.
21. Thompson, F., Farnham, J., Tiderington, E., Gusmano, M. & Cantor, J. (2021). Medicaid waivers
and tenancy supports for individuals experiencing homelessness: Implementation challenges in four
states. The Milbank Quarterly, 99(3), 648-692. doi.org/10.1111/1468-0009.12514.
22. Tiderington, E. & Goodwin, J.* (2021). Moving on from supportive housing (MOSH): Development
and evaluation of a transitional skill-building curriculum for providers helping residents exit homeless
services. Evaluation and Program Planning, 85, 1-9. doi.org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2021.101913
Article referenced by Family Centre Social Policy Research Unit for New Zealand Ministry
of Social Development (2023, February). https://www.msd.govt.nz/documents/about-msd-and-
23. DeLia, D., Nova, J., Chakravarty, S., Tiderington, E., Kelly, T.^, & Cantor, J. (2021). Effects of
permanent supportive housing on healthcare utilization and spending among New Jersey Medicaid
enrollees experiencing homelessness. Medical Care, 59-4 suppl 2, S199-205. doi:
24. Tiderington, E. (2021). “I achieved being an adult”: A qualitative exploration of voluntary
transitions from permanent supportive housing. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and
Mental Health Services Research, 48(1), 9-22. doi:10.1007/s10488-020-01036-z.
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
25. Choy-Brown, M., Tiderington, E., Tran Smith, B., Padgett, D.K. & Stefancic, A. (2021). Strategies
for sustaining fidelity: A multi-state qualitative analysis in Housing First programs. Administration
and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 48(1), 36-45.
26. Goodwin, J.* & Tiderington, E. (2020). Building trauma-informed research competencies in social
work education. Social Work Education, 1-14. doi:10.1080/02615479.2020.1820977
27. Tiderington, E., Aykanian, A., Huang, B., & Tsai, J. (2020). Change in housing environment and
residential satisfaction following the move from permanent supportive housing. Journal of
Community Psychology, 49(2), 305-320. doi:10.1002/jcop.22458
20202021 Top Cited Article - Journal of Community Psychology
28. Gurdak, K.*, Tiderington, E., & Stefancic, A. (2020). Community integration when moving on from
permanent supportive housing. Journal of Community Psychology, 48(6), 1913-1928.
29. Tiderington, E., Ikeda, J.^, & Lovell, A.* (2020). Stakeholder perspectives on implementation
challenges and strategies for Moving On Initiatives in permanent supportive housing. Journal of
Behavioral Health Services & Research, 47(3), 346-364. doi: 10.1007/s11414-019-09680-6
30. Cantor, J., Chakravarty, S., Nova, J., Kelly, T., DeLia, D., Tiderington, E. & Brown, R.W.^ (2020).
Medicaid utilization and spending among homeless adults in New Jersey: Implications for Medicaid-
funded tenancy support services. The Milbank Quarterly, 98, 106-130. doi.org/10.1111/1468-
31. Tiderington, E., Henwood, B., Padgett, D.K. & Tran Smith, B. (2020). Employment experiences of
formerly homeless adults with serious mental illness in Housing First versus treatment first
supportive housing programs. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 43(3), 253-
260. doi:10.1037/prj0000391.
32. Tiderington, E., Stanhope, V., & Padgett, D.K. (2018). “How do we force six visits on a
consumer?”: Frontline dilemmas and strategies for person-centered care under Medicaid fee-for-
service. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 21(1-2), 79-101. doi: 10.7282/t3-abqz-4q92
33. Tiderington, E. (2018). “The apartment is for you, it’s not for anyone else”: Managing social
recovery and risk on the frontlines of single-adult supportive housing. Administration and Policy in
Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 45(1), 152-162. doi:10.1007/s10488-016-0780-
Article referenced by Interior Design Educators Council (2021, August). https://idec.org/wp-
34. Tiderington, E. (2017). "We always think you're here permanently": The paradox of "permanent"
housing and other barriers to recovery-oriented practice in supportive housing services.
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 44(1), 103-114.
doi: 10.1007/s10488-015-0707-0
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
35. Padgett, D.K., Tiderington, E., Smith, B.T., Derejko, K. & Henwood, B.F. (2016). Complex
recovery: Understanding the lives of formerly homeless adults with complex needs. Journal of Social
Distress and the Homeless, 25(2), 60-70. doi: 10.1080/10530789.2016.1173817
36. Choy-Brown, M., Smith, B.T,
Padgett, D.K. & Tiderington, E. (2016). Sorting it out: Eliciting
consumer priorities in recovery. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 19(3), 223-234. doi:
37. Stanhope, V.,
Choy-Brown, M., Tiderington, E., Henwood, B.F. & Padgett D.K. (2016). Case
manager perspectives on the role of treatment in supportive housing for people with severe mental
illness. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 7(3), 507-525. doi: 10.1086/687986
38. Choy-Brown, M., Stanhope, V., Tiderington, E. & Padgett, D. (2016). Unpacking clinical
supervision in transitional and permanent supportive housing: Scrutiny or support? Administration
and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 43(4), 546-554. doi:
39. Padgett, D.K., Smith, B.T., Choy-Brown, M., Tiderington, E., & Mercado, M. (2016). Trajectories
of recovery among formerly homeless adults with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 67(6),
610-614, doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.201500126
40. Henwood, B.F., Padgett, D.K. & Tiderington, E. (2014). Provider views of harm reduction versus
abstinence policies within homeless services for dually-diagnosed adults. Journal of Behavioral
Health Services & Research, 40(1), 80-89. doi: 10.1007/s11414-013-9318-2
41. Padgett, D.K., Smith, B.T., Derejko, K., Henwood, B.F. & Tiderington, E. (2013). A picture is
worth…? Photo-elicitation interviewing with formerly homeless adults. Qualitative Health Research,
23(11), 1435-44. doi: 10.1177/1049732313507752
42. Tiderington, E., Stanhope, V. & Henwood, B. (2013). A qualitative analysis of case managers’ use
of harm reduction in practice. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 44(1), 71-77. doi:
Article referenced by Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Massachusetts Health Policy
Commission (2021, November). https://www.mass.gov/doc/tcci-care-coordination-case-
Article referenced by Oregon Center of Excellence for Assertive Community Treatment
(2014). https://oceact.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Tiderington-et-al-2012.pdf
43. Padgett, D.K., Smith, B.T., Henwood, B.F. & Tiderington, E. (2012). Life course adversity in the
lives of formerly homeless persons with serious mental illness: Context and meaning. American
Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 82(3), 421-430. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-0025.2012.01159.x
44. Henwood, B.F., Padgett, D.K., Smith, B.T. & Tiderington, E. (2012). Substance abuse recovery after
experiencing homelessness and mental illness: Case studies of change over time. Journal of Dual
Diagnosis, 8(3), 238-246. doi: 10.1080/15504263.2012.697448
Article referenced by Center for Evidence-Based Solutions to Homelessness.
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
45. Stanhope, V., Tiderington, E., Henwood, B. & Padgett, D.K. (2012). Understanding how case
managers’ use ‘sabotage’ as a frame for clinically difficult situations. Clinical Social Work Journal,
40(2), 261-267. doi: 10.1007/s10615-012-0385-2
Invited Peer-Reviewed Commentary
46. Cantor, J. & Tiderington, E. (2022). The promise of service-enriched, hotel-based housing as an
alternative to congregate shelters for high-need persons experiencing homelessness. JAMA Network
Open, 5(7):e2223895. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.23895
Invited commentary featured in MedpageToday (2022, July 27). How COVID hotels for the
homeless affected healthcare utilization.
47. Tiderington, E. (2019). Long-term effectiveness of housing and supports for homeless adults with
mental illness. The Lancet - Psychiatry, 6(11), 879-881. doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(19)30372-4
Invited commentary featured in Reuters (2019, November 25). Rent subsidies, mental health care
tied to housing stability for homeless. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-
Book Chapters
48. Henwood, B., Tiderington, E., Aykanian, A., & Padgett, D. (2022). Ending homelessness: Progress
on a major and compelling challenge? In Barth, R.P., Shanks, T.R., Messing, J. & Williams, J.H.
(Eds.). Grand challenges for social work and society. (2
Edition). London, Oxford.
49. Tiderington, E. (2019). Practice dilemmas, successes, and challenges in the delivery of homeless
services: Voices from the frontline. In Larkin, H., Aykanian, A., & Streeter, C. (Eds.), Homelessness
prevention and intervention in social work: Policies, programs, and practices (pp. 379-394).
50. Henwood, B.F. & Tiderington, E. (2017). Frontline practice in Housing First programs. In J.
Sylvestre, G. Nelson, & T. Aubry. (Eds.), Housing, citizenship, and communities for people with
serious mental illness. New York: Oxford University Press.
Research Reports
51. Tiderington, E. (2020, March). Moving on from permanent supportive housing: Implementation and
outcomes of the New York City Moving On InitiativeFinal Report. pp. 1-52.
Research evaluation referenced by The City of New York, Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
(2017). Turning the tide on homelessness in New York City.
52. Tsai, J., Petering, R., Tiderington, E., Huang, M., Harris, T., & Henwood, B. (2020, March).
Identifying processes to transition clients with varying needs and experiences with homelessness
Final Report. pp. 1-52. Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and Brilliant Corners.
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
53. Tsai, J., Petering, R., Tiderington, E., Huang, M., Harris, T., & Henwood, B. (2019, December).
Identifying processes to transition clients with varying needs and experiences with homelessness
Interim Report. pp. 1-27. Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and Brilliant Corners.
54. Thompson, F., Cantor, J., Farnham, J., Gusmano, M., & Tiderington, E. (2019, July). Medicaid
demonstration waivers with housing supports: An interim assessment. pp. 1-28. Rutgers Center for
State Health Policy. http://www.cshp.rutgers.edu/Downloads/11550.pdf
55. Cantor, J.C., Tiderington, E., & Lontok, O. (2019, April). Learning from supportive housing
programs in New Jersey: Results from interviews with program leaders. pp. 1-34. Rutgers Center for
State Health Policy. http://cshp.rutgers.edu/Downloads/11500.pdf
56. Tiderington, E., Zippay, A., & Goodwin, J.* (2019, January). Moving On from Supportive Housing
(MOSH) training final report and evaluation. pp. 1-130. New Jersey Department of Community
57. DeLia, D., Nova, J., Chakravarty, S., Cantor, J.C., Tiderington, E., & Kelly,T.^ (2019). Role of
permanent supportive housing in health service utilization and spending among New Jersey Medicaid
beneficiaries. pp. 1-13. New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Medical Assistance
and the NJ Housing and Mortgage Finance Authority.
Other Publications
58. Tiderington, E. (forthcoming - 2024). Public health and homelessness: State public health policy
playbook. [Expert commentary featured in policy report]. Community Solutions.
59. Aykanian, A., Tiderington, E., & Henwood, B. (forthcoming - 2024). Policy recommendations for
ending homelessness. [Policy brief]. Grand Challenges for Social Work.
60. Tiderington, E. (2022, May 2). Housing is mental health care. [Blog post]. Rutgers School of Social
Work - News. https://socialwork.rutgers.edu/news-events/news/housing-mental-health-care
61. Tiderington, E. & Zippay, A. (2019, October 19). Moving On from Supportive Housing (MOSH)
training manual and materials. Rutgers Research.
Training adapted for Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania (2021, December).
Training adapted for Housing Innovations/Arlington, VA (2020, August 12).
Training adapted for South Hampton Roads Regional Task Force Conference to End
Homelessness, Norfolk, VA (2019, March). https://www.theplanningcouncil.org/wp-
62. Tiderington, E. (2018, December 8). Supportive housing works (for most). Don’t throw the baby out
with the bathwater: A response to the New York Times article “Where N.Y. Fails Its Mentally Ill”.
[Blog post]. National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services.
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
63. Bowen, E., Aykanian, A., Henwood, B., Padgett, D.K., Tiderington, E. (2018, May 9). HUD’s
Making Affordable Housing Work Act: Dangerous policy in a time of crisis. [Blog post]. Grand
Challenges for Social Work - Ending Homelessness. https://www.gc2eh.org/blog/hud-s-making-
64. Choy-Brown, M., Tiderington, E., Tran Smith, B., & Padgett, D. K. (2016). Strategies and
challenges in Housing First fidelity: A multistate qualitative analysis. [Abstract] Proceedings of the
3rd Biennial Conference of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) 2015:
Advancing efficient methodologies through community partnerships and team science.
Implementation Science, 11(Suppl 1): A80. doi: 10.1186/s13012-016-0428-0
Opinion Editorials
65. Tiderington, E. (2020, February 4). Jersey City Council wants to make housing more affordable, but
for whom? The Jersey Journal, pp. 1-4. https://www.nj.com/hudson/2020/02/jersey-city-council-
National Media Coverage
Ballard, M. (2023, December 8). Transitioning into a home after being unhoused. [Background
interview]. Architectural Digest - Reviews.
Durkin, E. (2021, June 30). Democrats concerned about a looming eviction crisis. [Quoted]. National
Journal - Washington, D.C. https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/714236/democrats-concerned-
Durkin, E. (2021, May 7). Legal challenges mount for federal eviction protections. [Quoted].
National Journal - Washington, D.C. https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/713630/legal-challenges-
Durkin, E. (2020, December 2). Housing advocates brace for eviction crisis. [Quoted]. National
Journal - Washington, D.C. https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/711478/housing-advocates-brace-
Luscombe, B. (2020, July 23). [Background interview]. Constance Woodson worked hard all her life.
How did she end up homeless during a pandemic? TIME Magazine.
Durkin, E. (2020, June 24). Homelessness could surge this year unless Congress acts. [Quoted].
National Journal - Washington, D.C. https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/707788/homelessness-
Lee, S. (2020, June 26). This advocate for affordable rent proves anyone can be housing insecure.
[Television interview]. NBC lx. https://www.lx.com/community/lx-natl-this-advocate-for-affordable-
McCarthy, B. (2020, January 7). Homelessness trends. [Background interview]. Politifact.
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
HUD Exchange. (2020). Moving On services guide. [Feature on research findings]. U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development. https://files.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/Moving-
HUD Office of Policy Development and Research. (2020). Permanent housing for the hardest
cases. [Feature on research presentation]. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Local Media Coverage
Simms, J. (2024, February 16). A close call: Beacon man finds housing after eviction, but barely.
[Editor invited comment]. The Highlands Current. https://highlandscurrent.org/2024/02/16/a-close-
Kadosh, M. (2024, January 8). 20-bed transitional housing 'village' opens in Newark. [Feature on
research grant]. TAPintoNewark.
Whitford, E. (2023, May 10). In wake of subway killing, city officials grilled on touchpoints with
unhoused New Yorkers. [Quoted]. City LimitsNew York City.
Brier, B. (2022, December 9). Bringing health care to people in homeless shelters. [Quoted]. NJ
Spotlight News. https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2022/12/nj-bill-would-allow-behavioral-health-
Morrill, A. (2022, July 13). As City unveils new affordable housing plan, critics emerge. [Quoted].
Jersey City Times. https://jcitytimes.com/as-city-unveils-new-affordable-housing-plan-critics-
Lee, S. (2020, June 26). This advocate for affordable rent proves anyone can be housing insecure.
[Television interview]. NBC New York. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/lx/this-advocate-for-
Halstater, R. (2020, February 13). Experts, Rutgers professors discuss architecture and homelessness.
[Quoted]. The Daily Targum. https://www.dailytargum.com/article/2020/02/experts-rutgers-
Rahman, R. (2019, December 27). Newark embarks on ambitious homeless efforts. [Quoted].
TAPintoNewark. https://www.tapinto.net/towns/nutley/sections/essex-county-
McDonald, C. (2019, November 18). With homelessness on the rise, Jersey City works to build trust
with destitute population. [Quoted]. Hudson County View. https://hudsoncountyview.com/with-
Markum, D. (2019, November 7). Rutgers professor helps understand homelessness issue. [Quoted].
The Daily Targum. https://www.dailytargum.com/article/2019/11/rutgers-professor-helps-
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Kelly, K. (2019, November 4). Rutgers social work professors share materials to help formerly
homeless individuals succeed in the transition to mainstream affordable housing. [Feature on research
findings]. Monarch Housing. https://monarchhousing.org/2019/11/04/moving-on-from-supportive-
Lando, B. (Fall 2019). The Homefront: Confronting Kalamazoo’s homelessness crisis. [Quoted].
Now Kalamazoo. https://tinyurl.com/yy98r2rb
Hazan, L. (2019, July 9). A lesson on affordable housing in Jersey City: An interview with Emmy
Tiderington. [Feature on local advocacy work]. Lynn Hazan (ChicPeaJC).
Kelly, K. (2018, June 12). Homelessness and Medicaid use: The impact of housing and services.
[Feature on research findings]. Monarch Housing.
Invited Keynote & Plenary Addresses
Greater New York Hospital Association and United Hospital Fund, 34th Annual Symposium on
Health Care Services in New York: Research and Practice, New York, New York. (2023, November).
The intersection of housing and health. [Plenary address and panel].
New Jersey Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Annual Conference, Edison, NJ. (2018,
November 15). Psychiatric rehabilitation’s role in addressing social determinants of
health: Integrated models. [Keynote panel].
British Columbia Non-Profit Housing Association, Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada. (2017,
November 19-21). What comes after permanent supportive housing?: Moving On Initiatives as a next
step. [Keynote address].
Invited National & International Presentations
University of Antwerp Belgium, Virtual. (2023, June). Trauma-informed research within social
Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Psychiatry Grand
Rounds, Virtual. (2023, March). Addressing homelessness in the hospital setting.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Moving On Training Series, Virtual.
(2021, May 12). Moving On Initiative outcomes, tracking, and evaluation.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA), Homeless and Housing Resource Network, Virtual. (2020, June 18).
Accessing permanent housing.
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA), Homeless and Housing Resource Network, Virtual. (2019, August 8).
Facilitating access: Providing intensive outreach and engagement.
National Alliance to End Homelessness Annual Conference, Washington, DC. (2019, July 24).
Adapting permanent supportive housing for the most vulnerable. [Invited moderator and panel].
National Alliance to End Homelessness Annual Conference, Washington, DC. (2018, July 24).
Expanding system capacity through effective PSH move-on strategies. [Invited moderator and panel].
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, Centre for Health Policy/New York University School
of Social Work, Transatlantic Summer Institute: Qualitative and Mixed Methods, New York, NY.
(2018, June 26). Building qualitative interviewing skills.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) Homeless and Housing Resource Network. (2018, February 8). Virtual.
Playing well in the sandbox: Cross-organization and cross-program partnerships.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) Homeless and Housing Resource Network, Rockville, MD. (2017,
August 14-15). Case management in the context of non-permanent housing and permanent supportive
housing with a Housing First approach.
New Jersey Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Annual Conference, Edison, NJ. (2016, November
18). Challenges for person-centered care delivery in a fee-for-service funding environment.
Hogeschool van Amsterdam School of Social Work, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (2016, February 16).
Considering the ‘Grand Challenges for Social Work’: Lessons from the street-level bureaucrats of
New York City homeless services.
Columbia University, University Seminars (Drugs and Society), New York, NY. (2014, February 11).
A qualitative analysis of harm reduction in practice.
Invited Campus & Departmental Presentations
Rutgers Equity Alliance for Community Health (REACH) Housing Collaborative Learning Table,
Virtual. (2023, December). Leaving homeless services. [Research presentation].
Rutgers Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR), Virtual. (2022, March).
Translating research to practice and policy in the homeless service sector. [Research presentation].
Rutgers Alumni Association/Rutgers School of Social Work, Virtual. (2021, November). Advancing
racial justice and health equity through housing and homeless services. [Blanche Grosswald
memorial endowed lecture].
Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, New Brunswick, NJ. (2021,
February 25). Should service user transitions be used to increase homeless service system capacity?
[Research presentation].
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Rutgers School of Criminal Justice and Rutgers School of Social Work, Newark, NJ. (2019,
September 18). Opening the pipeline in homeless services for populations with complex needs.
[Research presentation].
Rutgers Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Scotch Plains, NJ. (2016, April 15). The dilemmas
of permanency and accountability: A qualitative investigation of barriers to and facilitators of
recovery-oriented practice in supportive housing. [Research presentation].
Other Invited Speaking Engagements
Journal Square Neighborhood Association, Jersey City, NJ. (2020, May 9). Addressing homelessness
in Jersey City.
City of Jersey City, Rent Control Reform Press Conference, Jersey City, NJ. (2019, April 30).
Preventing the affordable housing crisis.
New York University Silver School of Social Work Convocation. Radio City Music Hall, New York,
NY. (2016, May 18). Social work: An ethical commitment to social justice and political action.
Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society Lecture Series. New York, New York. (2013, September 26).
Effecting social change: A ‘how-to guide’ for new social workers.
New York University Silver School of Social Work 8
Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration.
(2013, February 12). Fifty years forward: The cost of a dream deferred.
HELP USA (homeless services organization), New York, New York. (2011, December; 2012, April).
Engagement strategies for working with challenging populations using Motivational Interviewing as
best practice.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Presentations
(co-presenter denotations: *student mentee; ^community partner)
International Conference on Homelessness
2025 (upcoming) Theorizing positive exits from permanent supportive housing. Oral podium
Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Conference
2024 What facilitates positive transitions from permanent supportive housing? A scoping review and
theoretical model of factors relevant to positive exits from permanent supportive housing.
Poster presentation.
2024 Health service use after moving on from permanent supportive housing. Poster presentation.
Co-presenter: Aykanian, A.
2023 Should residents move on?: Provider perspectives on permanent supportive housing resident
transitions to housing without embedded supports. Oral presentation. Co-presenter: Goodwin,
2023 COVID-19 gains and losses within the homeless service sector: What matters to the workforce.
Oral presentation. Co-presenters: Goodwin, J.*, Kidd, S., Ecker, J., Kerman, N.
2022 Developing an implementation typology of Moving On initiatives. Oral presentation (accepted
as an oral presentation but presented as e-poster). Co-presenters: Aykanian, A. & Herman, D.
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
2022 To stay or go?: Understanding ambivalence toward moving on from supportive housing among
supportive housing residents in a Moving On initiative. Oral presentation (accepted as an oral
presentation but presented as e-poster). Co-presenter: Livingstone, K.
2022 What happens after permanent supportive housing?: A scoping review of Moving On initiative
individual-level outcomes. Poster presentation. Co-presenters: Goodwin, J.* & Noonan, E.*
2022 In search of normalcy and freedom: Motivating factors for moving on from supportive housing
among Moving On initiative recipients. Poster presentation. Co-presenter: Livingstone, K.
2021 Medicaid waivers and housing supports for the homeless: Implementation challenges in four
states. Poster presentation. Co-presenters: Gusmano, M., Thompson, F., Farnham, J., &
Cantor, J.
2021 'I achieved being an adult': A qualitative exploration of voluntary transitions from permanent
supportive housing. Oral presentation.
2021 Community integration and moving on from supportive housing. Oral presentation. Co-
presenters: Gurdak, K.* & Stefancic, A.
2020 Moving on from permanent supportive housing: Implementation challenges and strategies for
the Moving on Initiatives. Oral presentation.
2019 What happens after supportive housing?: Recipient views of the benefits and challenges of
leaving supportive housing through a Moving On Initiative. Poster presentation. Co-presenter:
Goodwin, J.*
2017 'How do we force six visits on a consumer?': Street-level dilemmas and discretionary strategies
for recovery-oriented practice under Medicaid fee-for-service. Panel moderator and oral
presentation. Co-presenters: Stanhope, V. & Padgett, D.K.
2017 Consumers' motivations for leaving permanent supportive housing through a Moving On
Initiative. Oral presentation. Co-presenters: Livingstone, K. & Herman, D.
2016 There's nowhere to go from here: Barriers to recovery and the paradox of 'permanent'
supportive housing. Poster presentation.
2016 Mental health recovery and homelessness: A mixed method study of supportive housing.
Symposium presentation. Co-presenters: Padgett, D.K., Smith, B.T., Choy-Brown, M.
2015 Clinical supervision in supportive housing: Scrutiny or support? Oral presentation. Co-
presenters: Choy-Brown, M., Stanhope, V., & Padgett, D.K.
2015 Ethnographic methods in research on homeless services: Challenges of integration and
interpretation (Part 1- Clients). Symposium presentation. Co-presenters: Padgett, D.K., Smith,
B.T., Choy-Brown, M.
2015 Ethnographic methods in research on homeless services: Challenges of integration and
interpretation (Part 2-Case Managers). Symposium presentation. Co-presenters: Padgett, D.K.,
Smith, B.T., Choy-Brown, M.
2014 One image after another: Photographic portrayals of recovery among formerly homeless adults
with serious mental illness. Paper accepted but withdrawn. Co-presenters: Padgett, D.K.,
Smith, B.T., Derejko, K.
2014 Fighting boredom and loneliness: Experiences of formerly homeless individuals with serious
mental illness living in supportive housing. Paper accepted but withdrawn. Co-presenters:
Smith, B.T., Derejko, K. & Padgett, D.K.
2013 Increasing the rigor and ecological validity of qualitative studies through observation and
elicitation. Workshop presentation. Co-presenters: Padgett, D.K., & Henwood, B.
2012 When to broach the subject: Exploring how case managers implement harm reduction. Oral
presentation. Co-presenter: Stanhope, V.
2011 Clinical ethnography: Negotiating reflexivity as a clinician researcher. Oral presentation. Co-
presenter: Stanhope, V.
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Council on Social Work Education Annual Meeting
2023 Indicators of client 'readiness' to 'move on' from permanent supportive housing. Poster
presentation. Presenting author: Goodwin, J.*
2022 Toward the Quadruple Aim in permanent supportive housing: Workplace mental health among
service providers. Poster presentation. Co-presenters: Goodwin, J.*, Ecker, J., Stergiopoulos,
V., Kidd, S.A., Kerman, N.
2021 Leaving permanent supportive housing: Provider views. Oral presentation. Co-presenter:
Goodwin, J.*
2020 Building trauma-informed research competencies into social work education. Poster
presentation. Co-presenter: Goodwin, J.
International Federation of Social Workers European Social Work Conference
2023 Assessing resident 'readiness' to move on from permanent supportive housing services. Oral
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting
2020 Effects of permanent supportive housing on healthcare utilization and spending among New
Jersey Medicaid enrollees experiencing homelessness. Poster presentation. Co-presenters:
DeLia, D., Nova, J., Chakravarty, S., Kelly, T.^, & Cantor, J.
Housing First Partners Conference
2020 Community integration and moving on from supportive housing. Workshop presentation. Co-
presenters: Stefancic, A. & Gurdak, K.*
2012 When to broach the subject: Exploring how case managers implement harm reduction in the
Housing First context. Oral presentation. Co-presenters: Stanhope, V., & Henwood, B.
Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA) Biennial Conference
2019 Strategies for sustaining fidelity: A multi-state qualitative analysis in Housing First programs.
Symposium presentation. Co-presenters: Choy-Brown, M., Tran Smith, B., Padgett, D.K. &
Stefancic, A.
2019 Implementation challenges and strategies for moving residents on from permanent supportive
housing through Moving On initiatives. Symposium presentation. Co- presenters: Ikeda, J.^, &
Lovell, A.
Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) Annual Research Conference
2019 Visibly homeless with less visible needs: Concordance of Medicaid & HMIS indications of
serious mental illness & substance use. Poster presentation. Co-presenters: Seith, D.C., Nova,
J., Chakravarty, S., & Cantor, J.
Corporation for Supportive Housing Summit
2018 The intersection of homelessness and Medicaid: Preliminary analysis and research plans for
New Jersey. Oral presentation and panelist. Co-presenters: Rutgers University Center for State
Health Policy, State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Monarch Housing
International Sociological Association RC43 Housing and the Built Environment Conference
2015 The paradox of 'permanent' supportive housing. Paper accepted for pre-conference workshop.
Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) Conference
2015 Strategies and challenges in Housing First fidelity: A multi-state qualitative analysis. Oral
presentation. Co-presenters: Choy-Brown, M., Smith, B.T., & Padgett, D.K.
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
European Conference for Social Work Research
2014 How documentation influences front-line practice: A qualitative study of case managers in
supportive housing programs. Oral presentation. Co-presenter: Stanhope, V.
NIH National Institute of Mental Health Conference on Mental Health Services Research
2014 Consumer and provider views of social support in supportive housing. Poster presentation.
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting
2014 Exploring the relationship between housing and medication in supportive housing programs.
Oral presentation. Co-presenters: Stanhope, V., Choy-Brown, M., Padgett, D.K. & Henwood,
NIH Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation
2014 Unpacking supervision in supportive housing implementation. Poster presentation. Co-
presenters: Choy-Brown, M., Stanhope, V., & Padgett, D.K.
Global Health and Wellbeing: The Social Work Response Conference
2013 Employment in the context of mental health recovery. Oral presentation.
International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference
2011 Self-sabotage: How case managers understand resistance to housing among homeless clients
with co-occurring disorders. Oral presentation.
Courses Taught - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Doctor of Social Work (DSW)
Qualitative Interviewing and Elicitation - Clinical Practice IV Module Spring 2020; Spring 2021
Homeless Services for Adults with Serious Mental Illness - Third-Year Module Summer 2016
Master of Social Work (MSW)
Advanced Contemporary Policy: Mental Health - Advanced Policy Elective
Clinical Social Work: Mental Health - Advanced Clinical Practice Elective
Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis (formerly Psychopathology) - Professional Foundation Course
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Housing Inequality & Homelessness - Undergraduate Elective
Courses Taught - New York University
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Social Welfare Programs & Policies I - Professional Foundation Course
Course Development & Leadership - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Course Developer/Lead, Housing Inequality & Homelessness (2022-present)
Course Developer/Lead, Advanced Contemporary Policy: Mental Health (2019-2023)
Course Lead, Clinical Social Work: Mental Health (2018-present)
Course Development Team Member, Policy Advocacy (2018-2021)
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Guest Lectures
Dartmouth College, Geisel School of Medicine, MPH Program, Approaches to Studying Determinants
of Health Inequities, "Considering the Use of Housing Transitions as a Tool for Expanding
Homeless Service System Capacity" - Spring 2023
City University of New York, Hunter College, MSW Program, Research I,
“Using Qualitative Methods” - Fall 2021
New York University, School of Social Work, PhD Program. Qualitative Methods,
Building Qualitative Interviewing and Elicitation Skills” - Spring 2021
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, MSW Program. Policy Advocacy,
“Politics is Social Work with Power” – Spring 2020
City University of New York, Hunter College, MSW Program. Research I,
Taking the Path from Practice to Research” - Fall 2019
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, MSW Intensive Weekend Program. Social Welfare
Programs and Policies II, “Housing Policy Solutions and Challenges” - Summer 2017
New York University, MSW Program. Homelessness in Perspective: Research, Practice and Policy,
“Using Motivational Interviewing in Homeless Services- Spring 2015
New York University, BSW Program. Social Welfare Programs and Policies I,
“Housing Policy” - Spring 2013
New York University, MSW Program. Community Organization,
“Social Work and Social Activism” - Spring 2013
New York University, BSW Program. Social Welfare Programs and Policies I,
“Social Workers, Social Policy and Occupy Wall Street” - Fall 2012
New York University, MSW Program. Social Work Research II,
“Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research” - Fall 2011
New York University, MSW Program. Social Work Research II,
“Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research” - Summer 2011
Service to the Profession
Peer Reviewer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Evidence Synthesis Program (2023-present)
Grant Reviewer Trainee, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (2023-present)
Subject Matter Expert, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Homeless and Housing Resource Network (2017-2020)
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Convener, Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 2024 Annual Conference Special Interest
Group: Grand Challenges for Social Work-End Homelessness.
External Grant Reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation (2020-2023)
Member, Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Social Policy Committee (Term 2019-2022;
Term 2022-2025) Assisted with organization of SSWR conferences 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
Consulting Editor, Social Work Research (Terms 2016-2019; 2019-2022)
Guest Reviewer, Journal of Social Work Education, Special Issue: Advancing Social Work Education
to Meet the Grand Challenge of Ending Homelessness (2019)
Subject Matter Expert, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center on Homelessness Among
Veterans Speakers Bureau (2015)
Ad hoc Reviewer
1. The Lancet Psychiatry
2. The Lancet Public Health
3. Housing Policy Debate
4. Psychiatric Services
5. Journal of Public Health Policy
6. Social Inclusion
7. Journal of Community Psychology
8. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
9. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
10. Qualitative Health Research
11. Journal of Women and Social Work
12. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice
13. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless
14. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
15. Advances in Dual Diagnosis
16. Qualitative Social Work
17. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
18. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation
19. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
Academic Service & Activities - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Lead Cluster Champion, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs' Strategic Diversity Cluster
Hiring Program - Housing and Health Equity Cluster (2022-present)
Member, School of Social Work Peer Review Committee for Tenure Track Reappointments and
Promotions (2022-present)
Elected Member, School of Social Work Sojourner Truth Visiting Professor in Social and Racial
Justice Search Committee (2023-2024; 2021-2022)
Member, University Chancellor’s Task Force on Student Essential Needs (2019-2021)
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Chair, School of Social Work Strategic Diversity Cluster Open-Rank Faculty in Housing and Health
Equity Search Committee (2022-2023)
Member, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Essex County Rutgers Cooperative
Extension Family and Community Health Sciences Faculty Search Committee (2022-2023)
Elected Member, School of Social Work Inclusion, Intersectionality, Diversity, Equity, and
Advancement (IIDEA) Committee (2020-2023)
Elected Member, School of Social Work DSW Program Executive Committee (2019-2023)
Academic Service & Activities New York University
Student Representative, Silver School of Social Work PhD Program Committee (2011-2012)
Officer, Silver School of Social Work, Doctoral Student Association (2011-2012)
Academic Mentoring
Secondary Faculty Mentor for Early Career Faculty
Katherine Marcal, Rutgers School of Social Work Assistant Professor (2023-present)
Ryon Cobb, Rutgers School of Social Work Assistant Professor (2022-2023)
Postdoctoral Mentorship Committee Member
Althea Pestine-Stevens, Rutgers School of Social Work Postdoctoral Trainee (2019-2021)
Doctoral Program Faculty Advisor
Lillian Alexander, Rutgers School of Social Work Doctoral Candidate (2022-2022)
Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member
Nora Sullivan, Rutgers School of Social Work Doctoral Candidate (2023-present) - Chair
Charles Chear, Rutgers School of Social Work Doctoral Candidate (2022-present)
Jordan Goodwin, Rutgers School of Social Work Doctoral Candidate (2022-present)
Michael Enich, Rutgers School of Social Work Doctoral Candidate (2022-2023)
David Pilla, Fordham University Graduate School of Education Doctoral Candidate (2021-2022)
Laurent Reyes, Rutgers School of Social Work Doctoral Candidate (2019-2021)
Recipient of 2020 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Research Scholars
Dissertation Award; Recipient of 2020-2021 Rutgers School of Graduate Studies University and
Louis Bevier Fellowship
Master Thesis Committee Member
Victoria Rozycki, Wilfrid Laurier University Department of Psychology Ontario, Canada (2022-
Doctoral Student Graduate Assistantships Funded & Supervised
Jordan Goodwin, Rutgers School of Social Work (2019-2021)
Recipient of 2019 Rutgers School of Social Work Outstanding MSW Student
Doctoral Student Research Internship Supervisor
Nora Sullivan, Rutgers School of Social Work (2023-2024)
Laurent Reyes, Rutgers School of Social Work (2019-2020)
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Doctoral Student Independent Study Supervisor
Michael Enich, Rutgers School of Social Work (2020-2021)
Doctoral Student Research Assistantship Supervisor
Antoine Lovell, Fordham Graduate School of Social Service (2018-2019)
Mariam Rashid, Rutgers School of Social Work (2017-2018)
Sarah Gold, Rutgers School of Social Work (2016-2017)
Master Student Research Assistantship Supervisor
Daniel Mervil, Rutgers School of Social Work (2022-2023)
Jhosayra Waldo, Rutgers School of Social Work (2022-2023)
Corrine Stackpole, Rutgers School of Social Work (2017-2019)
Devin Griffin, Columbia School of Social Work (2016-2017)
Gavin Green, Rutgers School of Social Work (2016-2017)
Kelly Ebbels, Rutgers School of Social Work (2015-2017)
Master Student Curricular Assistantship Supervisor
Emily Melendez, Rutgers School of Social Work (2021-2022)
Master Student Field Internship Supervisor
Elizabeth Noonan, Rutgers School of Social Work (2020-2021)
Service to the Public
Board Member, Triple C Housing, Inc., New Jersey (2016-Present)
Housing Policy Consulting Expert (Paid)Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP. (2020)
Housing Policy Consulting Expert (Pro-Bono)
U.S. House Candidate 2020, Hector Oseguera, New Jersey 8
Gubernatorial Candidate 2017, Seth Kaper-Dale, State of New Jersey
Mayor Steven Fulop, Jersey City, New Jersey
Mayoral Candidate 2017, Bill Matsikoudis, Jersey City, New Jersey
City of New York Office of the Deputy Mayor, Vicki Been, New York, New York
City Council President Rolando Lavarro, Jersey City, New Jersey
City Council Member James Solomon, Ward E, Jersey City, New Jersey
City Council Candidate 2021, Joel Brooks, Ward B, Jersey City, New Jersey
Center for Court Innovation, National Technical Assistance, New York, New York
Ward E District 13 Hudson County Democratic Committeeperson, Jersey City, New Jersey (Elected
Term 2017-2019; Re-elected Second Term 2019-2021)
Cabinet Member, City Councilperson James Solomon, Jersey City, New Jersey (2018-2019; 2021-
Rent Leveling Board Member, City of Jersey City, New Jersey (Appointed 2020; Resigned 2020)
Vice President of Membership, Harsimus Cove Neighborhood Association, Jersey City, New Jersey
(Elected Term 2017-2018)
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Founding Member, Hudson County Progressive Alliance, https://hudprogressives.com (2017- 2020)
Volunteer Organizer, NYU Graduate Student Organizing Committee, United Auto Workers
Activist/Volunteer, Occupy Wall Street Medic Team - Support Working Group
Disaster Health Responder
New York State Medical Reserve Corps COVID19 Vaccination POD Staff Poughkeepsie, NY
New York City Medical Reserve Corps Hurricane Sandy Shelter Staff - Park Slope Armory
Red Hook Initiative; Occupy Sandy YANA Rockaways Clinic Hurricane Sandy Support Staff
Founder/President, Students in Action for Ann Arbor in Need, University of Michigan Student Group
Shelter Volunteer, University of Michigan Homeless Outreach Program
Clinical Coordinator 2007-2009
Center for Urban Community Services (CUCS)
New York, New York
Served as Clinical Coordinator at the Prince George Hotel, the second largest permanent supportive
housing site in the nation (416 tenants).
Supervised a team of case managers and MSW-level staff providing onsite outcome-driven clinical
services for 137 low-income individuals, most of whom were formerly homeless, living with serious
mental illness, and/or living with HIV/AIDS.
Actively embedded evidence-based practices into clinical services by providing staff training and
supervision in Motivational Interviewing counseling techniques, coordinating with onsite Supported
Employment Program staff, and leading a 40-week Wellness Self-Management class.
Senior Primary Therapist 2004-2007
Jersey City Medical Center
Hudson County Integrated Case Management Services (ICMS)
Jersey City, New Jersey
Functioned as a Senior Primary Therapist within a collaborative team providing intensive clinical
case management services in the community for adults with serious mental illness and multiple
admissions to a state or county psychiatric hospital.
Provided linkage to services, advocacy, risk assessment and psychiatric crisis intervention.
Second-year MSW Policy Intern 2003-2004
Ozone House Homeless Youth Shelter/Crisis Center
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Provided crisis counseling and referrals via a crisis hotline for individuals experiencing psychiatric
and housing emergencies.
Developed a manual and other materials for minor parents navigating the State of Michigan
entitlement system.
First-year MSW Clinical Intern 2002-2003
State of Michigan Center for Forensic Psychiatry
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Emmy Tiderington • emmy.tiderington@rutgers.edu • Current as of March 1, 2024
Provided individual psychotherapy and case management for a caseload of male patients held on the
Long-Term Care unit under commitment orders (NGRI status - “not guilty by reason of insanity”).
Facilitated two clinical groups: Dual Diagnosis and Symptom Management.
Activity Coordinator 2002
SOS Community Services
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Coordinated daily programming and provided activity-based therapeutic interventions for youth
experiencing homelessness, aged 6-11.
Residential Support Staff 2000
Helpsource Residential Services
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Functioned as residential support staff providing house supervision, crisis intervention, and skill-
building activities for state-ward adolescent females.
Direct Care Staff; Lead Staff 2001, 1999
Family and Children Services
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Led a team of respite staff and provided crisis intervention, conflict management, and recreational
activities for “emotionally impaired” youth, aged 5-11 within a therapeutic summer program.
New York University Global Summer Seminar: Community Health Summer 2010
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Examined the impact of political change and burden of disease on community health while attending
lectures and seminars at the University of Cape Town and field visits in the townships of Cape Town
and rural Kwazulu-natal.
Council of International Fellowship (CIF) Summer 2004
Social Work Professionals International Exchange Program, Turkey
Functioned as one of four members of an international team of professional social workers touring
Turkish social services agencies during a month-long exchange program.
Presented policy recommendations to the Turkish National Association of Social Workers, the
Ankara Bar Association, and various other agencies.