March 1-2, 2006
The Willard Intercontinental
Washington, D.C.
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I submit to you this report on the 2006 National Summit on Retirement Savings, held
on March 1-2, 2006, in Washington, D.C. The Summit successfully promoted the importance
for every American of saving for the future.
The Summit brought together more than 200 statutory and appointed delegates as a
nonpartisan group with diverse expertise. The delegates represented state and local
governments, professionals working in the fields of employee benefits and retirement
savings, private sector institutions, employers, the general public and members of Congress.
The goal of the Summit was to explore ways to help all Americans retire with security
and dignity.
Under the theme “Saving for Your Golden Years: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities,
the Summit sought to educate and motivate people to develop their own personal retirement
saving strategies. Delegates participated in breakout sessions focusing on four specific
targeted groups: Low-Income Workers, Small-Business Employees, New Entrants to the
Work-force and Workers Nearing Retirement. The delegates developed important
recommendations to help individuals in each of these groups overcome obstacles and
take advantage of opportunities to save for their futures.
It is now a challenge to all of us to keep the work of the Summit moving forward, and
help Americans save more for themselves and their families. I hope the Summit report
provides you with another tool to continue the important task of informing the public
and encouraging them to save. I look forward to continuing to work with you on these
critical issues.
Elaine L. Chao
Section 1 The 2006 SAVER Summit Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2
Section 2 The State of Retirement Savings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3
Section 3 Plenary Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6
Section 4 Overview of the Breakout Sessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8
Section 5 Low-Income Workers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 9
Section 6 Small-Business Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13
Section 7 New Entrants to the Workforce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
Section 8 Workers Nearing Retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21
Section 9 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 25
Appendix A The Summit Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27
Appendix B Expert Speakers/Facilitators/Model Presenters . . . . . . . . . . . page 30
Appendix C Statutory Delegates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 31
Appendix D Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 35
The 2006 SAVER Summit Challenge
n 1997, Congress enacted the Savings Are Vital to
Everyone’s Retirement Act (SAVER Act) to heighten the
public’s awareness and understanding of the importance
of retirement savings. The act mandates that the Secretary
of Labor maintain a public outreach program and conduct
three bipartisan national retirement savings summits. This
report highlights the work of the final Summit, held in
Washington, D.C., March 1 and 2, 2006, at the Willard
The U.S. Department of Labor contracted with the International Foundation of Employee
Benefit Plans (International Foundation) in preparing for the Summit. The International
Foundation assisted the Department of Labor in developing the vision and agenda (see Appendix
A) for the Summit and in handling the logistics that kept the Summit running smoothly. The
International Foundation cultivated the support of many private sponsors (see Appendix D)
whose generosity helped enhance the Summit experience for all delegates.
Approximately 200 statutory and appointed delegates (see Appendix C) participated, including
members of Congress and executive branch officials. Appointed delegates included representa-
tives of state and local governments, professionals working in the fields of employee benefits
and retirement savings, employers, unions, and other private sector institutions.
The Common Goal
Summit delegates came together to achieve a common goal: to help all Americans become
better able to retire with dignity and security. To reach this goal, the Summit focused on devel-
oping strategies and programs to prompt Americans to think about long-term retirement and the
critical importance of retirement savings to their future well-being; to inspire them to commit to
personal retirement savings strategies; and to facilitate the accumulation of savings for retire-
ment. Delegates sought to devise concrete recommendations to improve both employer-based
pensions and individual retirement savings plans, to help Americans take advantage of existing
savings opportunities, and to create new opportunities to help Americans meet the challenges of
saving for retirement.
Today’s workers have more responsibility to fund their own retirements than workers have had
in recent generations. Unfortunately, despite this reality, many Americans are consuming more,
saving less, and accumulating more and more debt. Caught up in the immediate demands of
day-to-day spending, we have lost sight of the fact that planning for a successful retirement
tomorrow requires making savings a priority today.
To develop messages and strategies that can help all Americans, the 2006 Summit concentrated
on four groups of American workers who face unique challenges in saving for retirement.
These groups are:
Low-Income Workers
Small-Business Employees
New Entrants to the Workforce
Workers Nearing Retirement
By concentrating on reaching these workers and helping them to save for retirement, the
delegates hoped to develop strategies that would offer inspiration and assistance to all
Americans in reaching their retirement goals. By making retirement savings a priority today,
Americans can and will have a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow.
Section 2: The State of Retirement Savings 3
The State of Retirement Savings
Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao opened the 2006 SAVER
Summit by welcoming the delegates and thanking them for
investing their time and energy to address the vital issue of
retirement security. Secretary Chao pointed out that the nation is on the
verge of a tremendous demographic shift, as the first of 78 million baby boomers turn 60 in
2006. She warned that despite the overall strength of the U.S. economy, many Americans are not
prepared for retirement: less than half have even calculated how much retirement savings they
will need.
Secretary Chao described some of the challenges faced by the four demographic groups targeted by
the 2006 SAVER Summit. New entrants to the workforce hardly think about retirement because it
seems so far away. In addition, the average worker between ages 18 and 38 will have 10 jobs before
retiring—and only 43% of workers who change jobs preserve their employment-based retirement
savings by rolling it over into an IRA or their new employer’s retirement plan. Low income workers
find it challenging to balance spending for today’s needs with saving for tomorrow. Small business
owners, responsible for the creation of 70% of new jobs in recent years, may perceive retirement plans
to be too costly and complex, as about 80% of small businesses do not offer any type of retirement
plan for their employees. Finally, workers nearing retirement have fewer options and little time to
correct their course if they discover they have not saved enough to provide them with a secure
Secretary Chao noted that those who do not start saving early for retirement miss out on
their greatest ally in achieving retirement security: time. For every 10 years a worker puts off
saving for retirement, he or she will need to save three times as much each month to catch up.
Secretary Chao maintained that even small sums set aside for retirement can make a difference:
$100 saved at age 20 can grow to more than $1,900 by age 65.
In closing, Secretary Chao noted that saving takes time, dedication, and planning. “Americans
can look forward to longer, healthier, and more productive lives,” the Secretary said, “and building
a diverse savings portfolio is the best way to ensure that individuals have lasting independence.”
Sylvester J. Schieber, VP and U.S. Director of Benefits Counseling, Watson Wyatt Worldwide,
provided a brief review of the 1998 and 2002 Summits for the 2006 delegates. The 1998 Summit
focused on identifying barriers to retirement savings and concluded that Americans must save
more if they are to realize income security in retirement. The second Summit, in 2002, focused
on generational issues and on how to engage different generations of Americans to participate in
securing retirement savings and income at the level
needed to meet their retirement consumption needs.
President Bush, in his address to the 2002 Summit,
concluded that, “Americans are saving too little,
especially women and minorities.”
Schieber then gave a brief overview of the state of
retirement savings in the United States today. “What
makes the Golden Years golden?” he asked. His
answer: adequate retirement savings and income.
Most experts agree that in order to maintain a similar
standard of living in retirement, households need
replacement income at a rate of 70-85% of pre-retire-
ment income. Social Security, however, provides only a
portion of this replacement income: 50% or more for
those earning less than
$25,000 at retirement
and 25% or less for those
earning more than
$100,000. The gap between
Social Security and the
replacement rate needs to
be filled by the individual
worker’s savings and invest-
ment, by employer-spon-
sored retirement programs,
or by a combination of the
two. Given our nation’s
demographics, Schieber
said, about 9% of national
income should be saved
solely for retirement.
The nation currently has a
record $11.5 trillion in assets
in the individual and
employment-based retirement system. Schieber insisted, however, that we should be adding to those
assets. He contended that right now, we as a nation ought to be at our peak of savings. Yet in 2005,
the national savings rate fell below zero—meaning that we spent more than we earned for the first
time since the heart of the Great Depression in 1933. This negative savings rate represents a
substantial drop from the 8.7% of income saved in 1992.
Future retirement security depends on savings, which have become increasingly important in
recent decades. The retirement system now puts more of the burden of retirement savings
directly on the backs of workers. Heightened individual responsibility has been successful in
some ways: assets in 401(k)s will soon exceed those in the Social Security trust fund. But it has
been unsuccessful in others: Americans are not saving enough to meet this responsibility.
In part due to the continuing shift from defined benefit (DB) to defined contribution (DC)
retirement plans, younger workers are not participating in the pension system today to the
extent that older workers are. This represents an enormous lost opportunity, since saving during
the first decade of work is critical to maximizing the power of compound interest to build up
retirement savings. A worker earning $35,000 who begins saving at age 30, for example, may
find that a 5% deferral will be enough to meet her retirement goal. If the same worker waits until
age 40, however, she will need to set aside 15%; and if she delays until age 50, she will find it
nearly impossible to save enough to meet a reasonable retirement goal.
Schieber warned that low-income workers—those most dependent on Social Security as a
source of retirement income—would be hit hardest if the threatened insolvency of the Social
Security system forced cuts in benefits. The Health in Retirement Study conducted by the
National Institute of Aging found that retirees in the lowest 10th percentile of income depend on
Social Security income to meet 94% of their day-to-day spending needs. A cut of 25% in benefits
would thus mean the loss of more than 20% of their spending power (while those in the highest
percentile would only lose 2.5% of their spending dollars).
Section 2: The State of Retirement Savings 5
Reiterating the importance of saving, Schieber urged the delegates to find effective solutions
for the following challenges that face the four groups of workers targeted by the 2006 Summit:
1. How can we create more retirement saving opportunities for low-wage workers?
2. How can we offer opportunities to small-business employees? What can we do to make
retirement plans viable for small employers to offer to their workers?
3. How can we get young people saving sooner? How can we get them committed to
participating in the system?
4. How can we facilitate extended working opportunities to those nearing retirement age?
Schieber closed with the suggestion that another major challenge in achieving retirement
security for future generations of retirees involves changing the culture. Every day, Americans
receive messages suggesting that “shopping is therapy” or that “we can save by spending more
on our credit card.” He urged the Summit to send out a new message that rather than spending
so much, all of us ought to be saving.
Following his closing, Scheiber introduced a video produced for the Summit that depicted
members of each of the four groups that were the subjects of the breakout groups. The video
helped to personalize the issues facing these groups for the delegates; illustrating the thoughts,
attitudes and hopes these groups have toward retirement savings as well as the challenges they
encounter in saving. This video may be accessed at
Plenary Sessions
he Summit’s plenary sessions featured a number of distinguished speakers, including
Vice President of the United States Richard B. Cheney; economist, author, and comedian
Ben Stein, U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley; U.S. House of
Representatives Financial Services Committee Chairman Michael Oxley; U.S. Senate Special
Committee on Aging Chairman Gordon Smith; and former U.S. Secretary of Commerce
Donald L. Evans.
Vice President Richard B. Cheney described retirement as a
period of tremendous activity and vigor. “We want to make sure,”
he vowed, “that as many citizens as possible enjoy independence
and financial security in their retirement years with personal
savings and a nest egg to call their own, a retirement safety net
that never breaks down, and reliable pension plans.”
The Vice President spoke of the importance of building an own-
ership society where every citizen has the opportunity to own a
home, a small business, a healthcare plan, and a retirement plan,
and to achieve the American dream. Both ownership and the American dream, he said, begin
with saving money. To help, the President has proposed the creation of three simplified savings
accounts: simplified retirement savings accounts; simplified employment-based retirement
savings accounts; and tax-free lifetime savings accounts for any purpose (job training, college
tuition, a house, a car, or retirement).
Vice President Cheney suggested legislation to improve the portability of Health Savings
Accounts and raise their expenditure limits, and to subsidize HSAs for low-income workers.
He also recommended the creation of a bipartisan commission to study the future impacts of
baby boomer retirement on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Finally, he urged Congress
to adopt a pension-reform bill that would mandate pension audits and require employers to
catch up on underfunded pensions and keep their promises to their employees.
“If we choose wisely,” the Vice President told the delegates, “we can have a positive impact
on the lives of Americans for many decades to come, helping millions of seniors today and
tomorrow find the dignity, the security, and the peace of mind they deserve.”
Economist and humorist Ben Stein set out to answer the question, “Why
won’t the baby boomers save?” According to Stein, the average baby boomer
needs to save about $400,000 to have sufficient interest income to make up
the difference between Social Security and what he or she needs for retirement.
Yet the average baby boomer has saved only $50,000—or $110,000 if you
include equity in their homes. He called this a crisis in the making.
Humorously exploring the question of how we got to this point, Stein suggested
a number of possible causes. First, he suggested, baby boomers have “always had it too good.”
Never having lived through economic hard times, they lack the discipline to save. He also proposed
a Freudian explanation: the false sense that mommy and daddy—or the government—will always
bail them out if they get in trouble. A third possibility drew on the theories of behavioral psycholo-
gist B.F. Skinner: saving offers no immediate gratification, while spending provides immediate
positive reinforcement such as a flat-panel plasma TV set or a new car. The final theory suggested
that baby boomers felt compelled “to obey the media consumer spending machine.”
Whatever the cause, Stein concluded, many baby boomers in retirement will have to cut their
standard of living drastically, while others will simply run out of money. The baby boomers may
actually have saved more than the previous generation of Americans, but because fewer of them
have DB pension plans, they are worse off.
Section 3: Plenary Sessions 7
What should we do about this crisis? Stein recommended shock therapy: waking people up,
educating them, scaring them with images of what life is like for people who are old and poor.
Stein ended his speech with a call to action. “If we do it right, if we educate ourselves, if we
change the laws to favor saving and lifetime income, if we organize ourselves and make a plan,
execute on the plan, we can help this country to enjoy one of FDR’s four freedoms, a glorious,
glorious freedom: freedom from fear.”
Senator Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, reminded delegates
of the old saying, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Contending that Americans seem to have
forgotten that wisdom, Grassley emphasized the need to build a Savers’ society
to “help ensure that all Americans have the opportunity for a financially secure
future.” Recognizing that more and more Americans will rely on 401(k) plans
for retirement income, Grassley advocated the incorporation of certain features
(automatic enrollment, professional investment management, etc.) of traditional
defined benefit pensions into 401(k) plans. He also urged delegates to focus
attention on how to distribute retirement plan assets in a way that ensures they
last a lifetime and emphasized the need to find ways to allow retirees to continue
working if they wish. Finally, Chairman Grassley spoke passionately about the need for defined
benefit pension reform, calling on his colleagues to pass comprehensive reform legislation quickly.
Representative Michael Oxley, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee,
informed the delegates that recently passed legislation modernizing the deposit insurance sys-
tem had increased the deposit insurance limit on certain retirement accounts from $100,000 to
$250,000 and indexed that limit to inflation. Oxley said that Americans have the
information, education, and tools they need to plan a secure future, and he
encouraged “ . . . savers and investors to take advantage of all that is available
to them, and take charge of their own futures.”
Senator Gordon Smith, Chairman of the Senate Special Committee on Aging,
warned delegates that entitlement programs (Social Security, Medicare, and
Medicaid), which once represented just 25% of the federal budget, will within
two or three decades represent—along with interest on the national debt—the
entire federal budget if current trends continue. Smith told the delegates that
he and Senator Kent Conrad were proposing a bipartisan retirement security bill
that would make enrollment in an employer’s 401(k) automatic, extend the
Savers’ Tax Credit to 2010, allow the transfer of Health Savings Accounts or
Healthflex funds into a retirement account, allow direct deposit of tax refunds
into an IRA, provide tax incentives for life annuities, and make pension provi-
sions permanent.
Don Evans, CEO of the Financial Services Forum and former U.S. Secretary
of Commerce, said that government was not doing enough to strengthen and improve impor-
tant retirement programs for seniors and future seniors—but that younger
Americans were not doing enough to help themselves for tomorrow by saving
more. “Providing for a secure retirement,” Evans insisted, “requires a lifetime
commitment to savings and investment.” Americans need not only to save
more, he said, but to save smarter: investing and putting money to work.
The S&P 500, he pointed out, had increased an average of 12% a year over the
last 80 years. A well-diversified investment portfolio, Evans said, offers a
powerful tool toward retirement security. He urged the expansion of ownership
of financial assets among all Americans and stressed the need for greater financial literacy.
Evans closed with the promise that if we plan and work together, we can meet the challenges
our retirement system currently faces.
Overview of the Breakout Sessions
or the breakout sessions, delegates were divided into
four teams, each devoted to helping a targeted seg-
ment of the workforce meet the unique challenges it
faces in saving for retirement. Again, the four targeted
groups of American workers were: Low Income Workers;
Small Business Employees; New Entrants to the Workforce;
and Workers Nearing Retirement.
Each team heard an initial briefing by a retirement
benefits expert who examined the state of savings among
their targeted group and described the obstacles that
made it more difficult for individual members of that
group to save. One or two guest speakers then addressed each team, describing model programs
that had succeeded both in reaching out to targeted workers and in motivating and/or facilitat-
ing their efforts to save for retirement.
The teams in the breakout sessions then broke into smaller subgroups, each charged with
creating one or more action plans that would serve the targeted population. Each action plan
would aim to accomplish one of two goals:
To help raise actionable awareness of the vital importance of retirement planning among
their targeted population—knowledge that would inspire and motivate individual workers
to save or to save more
To offer new programs, policy suggestions, new products, or other means that would better
enable their targeted population to save adequately for retirement
In focusing on reaching out to these segments of the workforce, the aim was to develop a
broader message of the value of retirement savings that would reach and inspire all Americans.
The subgroups often organized themselves around common themes. Some delegates wanted to
talk about educational and communication issues and work on developing outreach programs.
Some preferred to talk about reforming regulations or policy in ways that would help spur
retirement savings. Others wanted to discuss the development of new financial products or
retirement plans that would better serve their targeted population.
Out of these discussions, concrete action plans—presented in the following four sections
of this report—were developed. In addition, some common themes emerged from all of the
teamwork. These common themes included:
The need to improve financial literacy and awareness of retirement income needs through
such vehicles as annual Social Security statements, websites, public service announcements,
and onsite financial advisors
The need to improve access to retirement plans, especially employment-based plans, which
were regarded as the most efficient means of increasing enrollment, participation, salary
deferral rates, and overall savings
The need to provide more effective incentives to low-income workers, new entrants to the
workforce, and small-business employers
The need to explore alternatives to full retirement
The need for regulatory reform and product innovation that reflects the continuing shift
from Defined Benefit (DB) to Defined Contribution (DC) plans
Each team came up with a substantial number of creative, innovative solutions to the
challenges faced by their targeted group of workers. It is important to note that the proposals
described in this report were developed by the delegates and do not necessarily reflect the
policies of the Secretary of Labor.
Section 5: Low-Income Workers 9
Low-Income Workers
r. Kirk Johnson, Senior Policy Analyst at the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data
Analysis, opened the group discussion with an overview of the challenges confronted
by low-income workers in saving toward retirement. Low-income workers, often living
paycheck to paycheck, find it difficult to save at all. A majority do not own their own homes
and in general they tend to amass more debt. In addition, low-income workers tend to have less
financial literacy than people with higher incomes.
Low-income workers have less access than other workers to workplace retirement programs,
and even when they have access, fewer low-income workers participate. The fact that low-
income workers change jobs more often than those with higher incomes makes it more difficult
for them to qualify for employer-sponsored plans—and more inclined to cash out any plan they
might have when they leave a job.
Johnson noted that certain policies also serve as disincentives to save—or incentives to cash
in savings—among low-income workers. Asset tests that determine eligibility for food stamps,
Medicaid, TANF, and other welfare benefits, for example, include Individual Retirement Accounts
(IRAs), Keoghs, and Simplified Employee Pensions (SEPs) in their accounting of a worker’s
resources. Furthermore, the Savers’
Tax Credit provides little incentive
for low-income workers since many
have little or no tax liability and
the credit is not refundable.
Johnson noted that a number of
promising programs have demon-
strated the ability and inclination
of lower-income workers to save
when offered the right motivation
or incentives. For example, Johnson
pointed to a Phoenix financial
education program for low-income
residents linked to the opening of
free savings accounts for partici-
pants. The program’s classes were
at full capacity.
Steven Dow, Executive Director of the Community Action Project (CAP) of Tulsa County,
Oklahoma, then spoke about his organization’s model program for low-income workers. CAP
offers low-income residents of Tulsa the opportunity to build assets in Individual Development
Accounts (IDAs). The Tulsa IDAs operate under three guiding principles: matching participants’
savings to some extent, providing financial education to savers, and restricting use of the
accumulated assets. Unlike many IDAs, which restrict use solely to home ownership, small-
business development, or education, Tulsa also added retirement accounts—which became the
choice of 21% of participants. The program—aimed at getting people to invest, at least in a
savings account, toward a specific goal—has demonstrated that when given the opportunity,
the proper support, and the proper incentives, low-income workers can and will save. In
addition, the level of debt did not rise for most participants, who instead changed their
spending priorities. CAP gave participants a sense of responsibility, dignity, and self-worth,
which further motivated their desire to save for the future.
Proposed Programs
The breakout group addressing the challenges facing low-income workers in saving toward
retirement came up with a number of innovative suggestions for action programs that might help
increase the financial literacy of, and encourage retirement savings among, this segment of the
population. Essential elements of
the proposed programs included
financial education, changes in
policy, and the creation of new
savings vehicles. A brief description
that highlights the main ideas of
each action plan developed by the
subgroups of this breakout group
follows below.
Financial Initiative for
Tomorrow (FIT): The objec-
tive of this ongoing education
program would be to make the
message of the value of retire-
ment savings and personal
responsibility so pervasive—
like campaigns to wear seat-
belts or stop smoking—that people cannot help but hear it. Elements of the program would
include a national curriculum for all schools and colleges, as well as adult education and
public service ads.
PEBS Plus: To build actionable awareness and increase participation in retirement plans,
this program would use the annual Personal Earnings Benefit Statement, which every
American worker already receives from the Social Security Administration, to provide
income analysis reflecting the gap between projected Social Security income in retirement
and assets needed to meet adequate replacement income levels. It could also establish
monthly savings goals to close this gap. A public service ad campaign that stresses “Buying
Retirement” would reinforce the message.
National Retirement Savings Day: This program would aim to increase awareness of the
importance of retirement savings and stress individual responsibility by putting the full
weight of federal, state, and local government behind a focused message. The message
would be delivered through the President, governors, CEOs and business owners, and public
service ad campaigns.
Ask Those Who Know: This proposal rests on the simple premise that low-income workers
know best what would motivate them and help them to save for their retirement. The
program would conduct workshops that directly involve low-income workers in discussions
of how to enhance their own retirement security.
Enhanced Savers’ Credit: This program would extend the life of the current Savers’ Tax
Credit and make it refundable to workers who do not earn enough to owe income tax—
thereby providing tax parity with those whose contributions are deducted prior to taxes,
as well as an effective incentive for low-income workers to contribute (or increase contribu-
tions) to retirement savings plans. Other suggestions to strengthen the Savers’ Credit
include indexing it to inflation, raising eligibility limits, smoothing break points, making
the credit apply to individuals rather than families, and converting the credit to a matching
payment (50% with a $2,000 limit) deposited directly into the taxpayer’s retirement account.
Section 5: Low-Income Workers 11
Desist with Disincentives to Retirement Savings and Exempt Retirement Accounts
from Asset Tests for Means-Tested Programs: Both of these programs aim to encourage
savings among low-income workers by allowing those who have saved to remain eligible for
food stamps and other welfare benefits, if needed. Both programs would exempt retirement
savings accounts from asset tests for food stamps, SSI, and other welfare benefits, which
would bring defined contribution plans in line with defined benefit plans, which are already
exempt. This would allow the accumulation and growth of savings in qualified retirement
savings accounts by low-income workers without penalty.
The Automatic IRA: This initiative would expand participation among low-income workers
by requiring businesses with more than 9 employees that do not already sponsor retirement
plans to institute a
payroll-deduction plan
that puts money in
employees’ IRAs in
return for a temporary
business tax credit.
Employees would either
have to indicate their
choice of plan in writ-
ing or choose to opt
out if they do not want
to participate.
Employees would also
have the option of
making IRA deposits by
splitting tax refunds.
A pooled IRA or asset-
allocated collective
investment managed by
private firms under government contract would help manage the investments of workers with
little financial knowledge. This program would protect employers from both implementation
costs and fiduciary liability and would not require matching contributions.
Joint Retirement Accounts (JRAs): These would require married workers who want to
contribute to their pension or roll over their pension into an IRA to put the money in a
JRA—a jointly owned account that requires joint signatures on any distributions and, upon
death, automatically goes to the surviving spouse. In case of divorce, the account would be
divided equally unless the couple specifies otherwise. This program would extend principles
of defined benefit plans, which recognize marriage as an economic partnership and provide
spousal protections, to IRAs and 401(k)s.
Universal Kids’ Accounts: This program would use government-funded starter deposits to
establish savings accounts with Roth IRA tax treatment for all children at birth. The program
would provide a government match for deposits on behalf of low-income children.
Withdrawals would be allowed only for post-secondary education, purchase of a first home,
or retirement.
Social Security Works: This program would educate workers about the positive attributes
of Social Security’s defined benefit structure as a base for retirement savings.
The Effective 401(k) Safe Harbor: Since safe harbors that require matching contributions
may discourage some employers from offering retirement plans or encouraging plan
participation, this program would involve redesigning safe harbor 401(k) plans. Unless the
employer has a defined benefit plan, the redesign would require direct minimum employee
contributions without requiring employer matching. In addition, employers would be
required to provide educational programs on the value of savings and plan participation.
Retirement Savings Structural Simplification: To reduce the complexity of current
retirement savings plans, this program would aim to make it easy for employers to offer
retirement plans and hard for employees not to save. Simplification would involve aligning
the various retirement plans that already exist so that they fit together. Among the recom-
mendations offered were making the Savers’ tax credit permanent, offering incentives to
make lower-income savings a goal for the financial industry, automatic enrollment of all
employees upon hiring, and reducing employer costs by facilitating “pooling” into larger
Aligning Plan Sponsors and Providers with the Needs of Low-Income Workers: This
program would encourage and reward those who improve the access of low-income workers
to retirement plans. It would include tax breaks or Community Reinvestment Act credits for
employers and providers who enroll low-income participants, sponsor mandatory enroll-
ment meetings, or make matching contributions to low-income workers’ defined contribu-
tion plans. IRA providers who exclude low-income workers might be subject to penalties.
Universal Employer Retirement Plan: This program would create an intermediary
multi-employer retirement savings clearinghouse to receive retirement investments from
employers. Such a clearinghouse would encourage employers to provide access to low-
income workers, assist workers with multiple employers to coordinate a retirement savings
plan with contributions from each employer, and encourage those who change jobs to roll
over assets and continue retirement planning.
LIFE: Lifetime Income for Everyone: This program recommends taxing lifetime annuity
and pension distributions at the capital gains rate in order to encourage savers to purchase
an annuity from their
401(k), thus ensuring
lifetime income, rather
than taking a lump sum at
retirement. Those who
proposed this program
suggested that further
incentives might be needed
for people already in the
0% tax bracket and for
married couples to
encourage the choice of
a joint and survivor
Section 6: Small-Business Employees 13
Small-Business Employees
enee V. Schaaf, Vice President of Retirement and Investor Services of the Principal
Financial Group, began the group session by outlining some of the challenges and
obstacles that employees of small companies face as they attempt to save for their
retirement. Schaaf noted that most American businesses are small businesses, with 98% having
fewer than 100 employees and 61% having fewer than five. Yet small companies are less likely
to offer retirement plans to their employees: under one-third do so. Small-business owners cite
several reasons for not providing employment-based retirement plans, including uncertainty
about revenues, the cost of retirement plans, the complex fiduciary role involved, and the
perception that their employees don’t value retirement plans.
Schaaf argued that because most small-business owners were not familiar with available
retirement plans, most of these reasons were inaccurate. The cost of plans, for example, though
about 33% more expensive per participant than those sponsored by larger firms, is still afford-
able—and in 2001 the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (EGTRRA) established
tax incentives for small businesses
that start retirement plans. The
administration of plans, simplified
by EGTRRA, continues to get easier.
She also cited two statistics that
demonstrated that small-business
employees do value retirement plans.
Sixty-two percent of employees say
they work where they do because of
their employer’s benefits package.
And when offered employment-based
retirement plans, 85% of eligible
small-business employees participate
in them.
Statistically, small-business
employees tend to be younger, less
educated, and less financially literate than employees of larger firms. They more often work
part-time, which sometimes makes them ineligible for employment-based retirement plans. For
their part, small businesses that offer retirement plans tend to require longer job tenure before
their employees become eligible to participate, and they are less likely to offer matching funds
for a defined contribution plan.
Schaaf then detailed some of the characteristics of programs that successfully engage small-
business owners and employees. Employers that offer plans tend to view employees as their
most important asset and see retirement plans as an investment rather than an expense. They
recognize that a good benefits package helps attract and retain the best employees. By facilitat-
ing a low turnover rate and greater employee productivity, a good retirement plan and benefits
package actually yields bottom-line savings as well as the loyalty of clients and customers.
Most employees, according to Schaaf, prefer “do-it-for-me” plans to plans that force partici-
pants to make difficult investment choices. According to a 2005 study by the Principal Financial
Group, 49% of employees say they have too little information on retirement planning while 72%
say they lack the discipline to save. Do-it-for-me plans—with automatic enrollment or “easy
enrollment,” default contribution rates, automatic escalation of contributions, default investment
portfolios, and periodic rebalancing of accounts—make it simple for employees to save. In fact,
75% of American employees prefer to have someone else manage their investments for them.
Finally, Schaaf stressed the critical importance of employee education and of communication
between employers and employees. The 2001 Retirement Confidence Survey found that 50% of
401(k) participants don’t know how much to save, 60% never change their investment allocation,
80% never rebalance their accounts, and 75% remain at the initial default deferral rate. Such
educational tools as retirement calculators, face-to-face financial guidance in the workplace,
websites, and written material all work to improve employees’ financial literacy.
Rob Zeldenrust, General Manager of the Fremont Co-operative Produce Company in Fremont,
Michigan, then spoke of his company’s model retirement program for small-business employees.
Zeldenrust emphasized employer benefits—the recognition that a good, fair benefits package
helps attract and retain the best employees, increases productivity and loyalty among workers,
and helps build a reputation as a good place to work. He cited a Principal Financial Group study
that found that a solid benefits package motivates 68% of employees to work harder and per-
form better. The Fremont Co-op, for example, has a very low absenteeism rate and a voluntary
turnover rate of just 7% in an industry that averages 32%.
Zeldenrust pointed out that pooling benefits among 17 affiliated companies through the
Michigan Farm Bureau had brought them much better prices on benefits packages. Instead of
covering just 36 Fremont employees, the pool included 1,500 participants. As a result, the
Fremont Co-op—which offers a 401(k) plan, a defined benefit plan, and a profit-sharing plan
in addition to health, life, disability, and accidental death insurance—spends just $600 per
employee per year in administering the entire benefits package.
Fremont produces an annual personal-benefit statement for every employee and sponsors annual
meetings that allow employees (and their spouses) to provide feedback on benefits. The company
also periodically brings in financial advisors to offer employees guidance. The success of the
Fremont program, said Zeldenrust, demonstrates that small-business employees do want to
participate in retirement plans. At Fremont, 100% of employees participate in the 401(k) plan and
defer salary at least at the level to maximize the company’s matching contribution.
Proposed Programs
The breakout group addressing the challenges that small-business employees face in saving
toward retirement came up with a number of creative and thorough suggestions for action
programs both to educate small employers about the ease and relatively low cost of retirement
plan options and to help increase awareness of and encourage retirement savings among
small-business employees. Their recommendations included the creation or adjustment of
government programs, policy
revisions, innovations in retirement
plan designs, and development of
new communication strategies. A
brief description that highlights
the main ideas of each action plan
developed by the subgroups of this
breakout group follows below.
The Automatic IRA: This
program, described in detail in
Section 5 as an action plan for
low-income workers, would
also serve small-business
employers and employees.
Employers would have no
Section 6: Small-Business Employees 15
fiduciary responsibility, serving merely as a conduit of payroll deductions by sending the
money to a centralized IRA provider. The Automatic IRA would encourage automatic
enrollment of all employees, automatic escalation of contributions, and a default investment
portfolio for participants who don’t want to make their own investment choices.
Plan Designs for the 21st Century: This program would offer three new retirement plans
that would provide small-business employees a guaranteed minimum benefit and invest-
ment return while increasing their retirement savings. The delegates who developed this
program called these three plans the Plain Old Pension Plan (POPP), the Guaranteed Account
Plan (GAP), and the Defined Benefit 401(k) (DB/K). These plans—all hybrids of existing
plans—would offer employers flexible funding (allowing them to contribute more in
profitable years to cover benefits for future lean years, for example) and continued tax
incentives while providing
employees with guaranteed
benefits and regular, easy-to-
understand account balance
Pooling Our Way to New
Small-Business Coverage: This
program would develop new
multiple-employer plans, allowing
unrelated small businesses to
band together—either by industry
or by geography—and benefit
from economy of scale in order to
provide cost-effective, portable
pension plans for themselves and
their employees. Alternatively, the
program could develop multi-
employer arrangements that
enable unrelated employers to
pool resources, but that don’t have collective bargaining requirements. Administrative
and fiduciary responsibility for these plans—a key concern of small employers—could be
assumed by financial institutions. The plans, funded through employee and/or employer
contributions, could offer pooled investments under a DB plan or simplified investments
under a DC plan.
Retirement Equity Tax Incentive Relief & Encouragement (RETIRE) Act: This proposed
act would provide new tax incentives to make employment-based retirement plans more
affordable for small businesses. For small employers (less than 100 employees), RETIRE
would provide a $1,000 tax credit to defray administrative costs, roll back IRS user fees for
retirement plan applications to 2005 levels, make the 2001 EGTRRA pension provisions
permanent, and provide exception from fiduciary risk for specified default investments used
as safe harbors. The program would use automatic enrollment and allow tax-free rollovers
for all family members, not just spouses. The program designers also recommended
increasing the age for minimum required distributions to 75, excluding $1 million in IRAs
or retirement plans from the taxable estate, and taxing IRAs and retirement plans at capital
gains rates.
Students Learning About Money (SLAM): This program would require every high school
graduate to complete at least one semester of a course in basic finance and demonstrate
basic financial literacy, including such concepts as how to balance a budget, how credit
cards work, the impact of compound interest, and the value of asset diversification. SLAM
would provide hands-on practical training using new technologies (iPods, “push” tech,
“go” phone concept) to engage young people at an age when knowledge of basic financial
concepts will make a significant difference. The program might also aim to increase
financial literacy among adults through public service announcements, or by offering a
tax credit to adults who complete a financial literacy course.
Project Alarm: This program would join the public and private sectors in providing
consistent, simple messages (slogans and rules of thumb) designed to sound the alarm
regarding retirement savings and to change the prevailing culture. Working together,
government and business would craft messages aimed at creating awareness of retirement
goals and the need for a
guaranteed income, teaching
how to manage savings and
how to safeguard against the
risk of lost savings, and
encouraging workers to start
saving early. Vehicles used to
communicate Project Alarm
messages could include the
Social Security Administration,
the Department of Labor, the
Internal Revenue Service,
employers and plan sponsors,
the Small Business
Administration, accountants
and financial planners,
schools, and the press.
Section 7: New Entrants to the Workforce 17
New Entrants to the Workforce
ori Lucas, Director of Retirement Research with Hewitt Associates, LLC, opened the group
session by providing a definition of “new entrants to the workforce” and an overview of the
challenges they confront in saving toward retirement. New entrants are those with less than
five years’ tenure with their current employer. They tend to be younger, less financially savvy,
and have lower salaries than the average American worker. They often enter the workforce
saddled with debt, since the typical college loan debt upon graduation is $20,000 and the
average graduate also carries $4,000 in credit card debt. In addition to paying off loans, new
entrants often have other spending priorities that offer more immediate gratification: a car, a
house, day-to-day needs, and “lifestyle” purchases.
Tax deferrals provide a weak incentive for many new entrants. These workers often have a
somewhat myopic view of life, regarding themselves as “too young to save for retirement.”
As Lucas pointed out, however, the first 10 years of employment are critical to retirement
savings, allowing much more time for compound interest or long-term investment returns.
Even for those new entrants who want to start saving for retirement, short job tenure makes
it difficult. Many employees are not eligible for either matching contributions or vesting during
the first year of employment.
In addition, because they often
work in high-turnover indus-
tries, new entrants tend to
move quickly from one job to
another. And 65% of those with
less than two years’ job tenure
cash out their 401(k) balance
when they leave a job.
Faced with the complexity of
retirement planning, many new
entrants forgo participation,
choose risk-averse investments
(money market funds), or accept
default options that are inappro-
priate for younger workers.
Lucas cited a 2003 study that showed that the more funds a retirement plan offers as options,
the less likely employees are to participate at all. This suggests that the simpler the plans, the
better, as far as new entrants are concerned.
Lucas suggested that inertia could work to the advantage of new entrants if employers
enrolled their employees immediately during orientation and if plans incorporated automatic
enrollment, “quick enrollment” cards, or “quick enrollment online” as well as set contribution
rates, premixed portfolios, and automatic escalations as default options.
Jeffrey D. Wiker, Vice President of Administration of H.L. Wiker, a Lancaster, Pennsylvania
company with about 150 employees, described his model program for new entrants to the
workforce. Wiker’s employees become eligible to participate in the company’s 401(k) plan after
3 months. The company automatically puts in 1% of the employee’s salary and provides a
25% match of the first 6% in salary deferral. The company issues benefits statements every
six months and hosts mandatory benefits meetings as well as one-on-one financial advice
sessions during work hours. Wiker’s Step Program allows low initial deferral rates with regular
escalations, and its Lifetime
Portfolio Plan takes the
guesswork out of planning by
making default investments
based on a worker’s age and
years until retirement. Among
employees with less than five
years’ tenure, 89% participate at
an average deferral rate of 5.9%.
Danielle R. Shanes, Manager
of the Work Environment at the
McGraw-Hill Companies, then
described her company’s model
program for new entrants.
With 13,500 U.S. employees,
McGraw-Hill offers 401(k), profit
sharing, and pension plans with
immediate eligibility and vesting upon hiring. Viewing retirement planning as the shared
responsibility of employers and employees, the company provides a 100% match on the first
3% of salary deferral and 50% on the next 3%. With the goal of fostering financially literate
employees, the company operates a financial resources website and sponsors retirement
seminars and one-on-one meetings with Ameriprise financial advisors. It stresses retirement
planning through multiple “edutainment” media, including iPods, a video screen in the lobby,
and personalized e-mails. The success of its efforts is demonstrated by McGraw-Hill’s 85%
participation rate in its retirement plans.
Proposed Programs
The breakout group addressing the challenges faced by new entrants to the workforce in
saving for retirement suggested a number of innovative action programs to heighten awareness
of the need to start saving early, and to help new entrants do just that. A brief description that
highlights the main ideas of each action plan developed by the subgroups of this breakout group
follows below.
Savings Are Vital for Everyone’s Retirement (SAVER) Act 2006: This act would
establish a SAVER account—with a $1,000 start-up financed through a government grant—
for every American worker upon receipt of their first paycheck. The initial contribution rate
would be 3% of the worker’s salary with regular 0.25% escalations. The payroll deduction
could either be deposited into the employer’s plan or sent with the employer’s FICA pay-
ments—at no cost to the employer—and deposited into a clearinghouse plan, managed by
private money managers, with default features both universal and legal for all plans. When
workers change jobs, funds could be automatically transferred to or from the clearinghouse.
Workers would have no access to SAVER funds until retirement age, thereby guaranteeing
some retirement savings. To offset the cost of contributions by low-income workers, this
program would also make the Savers’ tax credit refundable. A broad-based public education
campaign would supplement the program goals.
Better Education = Higher Savings: This would introduce a two-pronged financial educa-
tion program: The first would stress basic financial literacy (budgeting, savings, etc.) to
children through the public and private school systems; the second would teach higher
financial skills, including retirement planning, to workers through employer-sponsored
educational courses. The program would use incentives—federal education funds tied to
adoption of a financial literacy curriculum, tax incentives to offset employer costs of
Section 7: New Entrants to the Workforce 19
educational programs, or fiduciary
safe-harbor relief to employers
who implement a comprehensive
education program—to encourage
participation by schools and
employers. The program would aim
to create a better-educated workforce
more likely to take “ownership” of
their retirement and become better
The Portability, Education, and
Tax Incentives (PET) Project: Here,
a three-pronged approach would
help new entrants achieve future
financial security in terms of both
retirement income and healthcare
costs. A privately operated clearinghouse would be created to allow plans for workers who
change jobs frequently and for employers who do not sponsor their own plans, while
ensuring portability from job to job. The program would also make financial literacy a
requirement for high school graduation, offer incentives to employers and financial
institutions to provide investment education and advice, and use the annual SSA statement
to encourage taxpayers to calculate how much they need to save for retirement security.
Tax incentives for employers who meet benchmarks for automatic enrollment and escala-
tions in deferrals, for new workers who start participating and saving, and for savers who
preserve rather than disburse their retirement savings would help encourage prudent
savings behavior.
Invest in Yourself: This approach advocates automatic enrollment in retirement savings
plans, default investments for uncertain investors, and matching contributions from the
employer or the government to simplify and stimulate retirement savings and make them
relevant to new entrants. The program would be complemented by a multimedia educational
campaign aimed at changing the way workers think—to think in terms of retirement income,
for example, rather than retirement savings. Finally, the program would relax restrictions on
offering financial advice to new workers, giving workers access to financial professionals
and reducing their reliance on non-professional sources of financial advice—but without
exposing those advisors to
undue fiduciary risk.
Make DB Easier: This
program would preserve the
best elements of DB plans—
automatic 100% participation,
risk sharing, longevity protec-
tion, and the security of a
guaranteed minimum income—
while avoiding the chief pitfall
of the current system: under-
funding. The introduction of
simple elements—a flat or
career-average benefit that can
be upgraded, full funding so
that promises can’t run ahead
of funding, and portability (after vesting) through either reciprocity among participating
plans or locked-in transfer values equal to actuarial reserve—would enhance both employee
coverage and retirement income security.
Make Savings Easier through Structural Change: This concept advocates program
redesign and structural change aimed at making it easier for employers to adopt and
administer employment-based retirement plans and for employees to enter and remain in
a plan. It would permit employers to band together to form and administer plans, allowing
economy of scale and better expertise. The program also advocates “opt-out options”—
automatic enrollment, default to a premixed fund, escalating contribution levels, and
automatic rebalancing of accounts—for employees. To increase participation, the program’s
designers recommended immediate eligibility for plans, a short vesting period, and
expanded availability to part-time workers. Finally, the program might employ tax incentives
to encourage parents to set up retirement accounts for their children, helping to instill a
savings culture in future generations.
401(k) for Kids: This program would allow employees to save for both retirement and their
children’s future educational expenses through employment-based payroll deduction plans
by developing 401(k) for Kids plans tied to workers’ 401(k) accounts. Upon receiving their
first paycheck, workers
would be automatically
enrolled and would receive
a gift card or initial deposit
in their (k)ids account—
an immediate gratification
for saving (which usually
offers only deferred gratifi-
cation). The program,
which would allow tax-free
transfers between 401(k)
and 401(k)ids accounts,
would help build a culture
of savings among American
workers—and their children.
Workers Nearing Retirement
ylvester J. Schieber, Vice
President and U.S. Director of
Benefits Consulting at Watson
Wyatt Worldwide, opened the group
session by outlining some of the
challenges faced by today’s older
workers who are nearing retirement.
Inadequate savings, the failure to
factor in rising healthcare and
long-term care costs, and increasing
longevity represent the biggest
concerns for older workers. Most
experts suggest that retirees need a
replacement income of 70-80% of
their final year’s employment
income to avoid a drop-off in
standard of living. Yet for many soon-to-be retirees, the combination of Social Security and
retirement or pension plans will not provide this level of income—especially since about 40% of
workers over 40 do not participate in an employer-based retirement plan. Even personal savings
(IRAs, home equity, etc.) may not bridge the gap for many workers.
Schieber suggested that phased retirement that goes beyond normal retirement age offers one
solution. The anticipated flood of baby boomer retirees could lead to labor shortages in certain
sectors, opening the door for phased retirees to make substantial contributions to the workforce.
A 2004 Watson Wyatt survey of workers aged 50 to 70 found that one-third would work longer
if offered a phased retirement arrangement. Many workers cited the need for income, enjoyment
of work, and retaining medical coverage as reasons to continue working. The same workers
preferred phased retirement over continued full-time work because it offers shorter, more
flexible hours, less responsibility and stress, and more job satisfaction in addition to eligibility
for retirement benefits. However, current pension rules prohibit drawing a pension and a salary
from the same company, forcing two-thirds of those who work after “retirement” to seek a new
To explore phased retirement further, Deborah Lebryk, Director of External Relations at
Monsanto Company, told the group about her company’s model program, the Resource Re-entry
Center (RRC). The RRC matches a pool of 450 retirees and former employees with temporary
positions at all skill levels—from scientists and financial consultants to receptionists and tour
guides. The program is open to any retiree who has not worked for Monsanto in six months.
For Monsanto, the RRC provides temporary workers who require little or no training while saving
the cost of temp agency mark-ups. For the participants, the RRC provides supplemental income,
flexible work schedules with the possibility of job sharing, and fulfilling work with little stress.
Charlotte Lazar-Morrison, Principal Director of Human Resources at The Aerospace
Corporation, then described her company’s use of phased retirement to meet the challenge of
maintaining an adequate labor and skill supply. In addition to extending the normal retirement
age and providing retiree medical benefits, Aerospace offers four phased retirement options:
1) a 90-day unpaid leave of absence to “try out” retirement; 2) part-time work (at least 20 hours
per week to retain benefits); 3) “Retiree Casual Employment”—the rehiring of retirees on an
Section 8: Workers Nearing Retirement 21
as-needed hourly basis (with a maximum of 999 hours a year); 4) consulting (subject to IRS
regulations regarding independent consultants). The program has offered great flexibility to
phased retirees while allowing Aerospace to draw on the skilled workers it needs.
Proposed Programs
The breakout group addressing the unique challenges faced by workers nearing retirement
came up with a number of creative suggestions for action programs to heighten awareness
of possibly inadequate savings, improve older workers’ ability to catch up on savings, take
mea-sures to deal with rising healthcare costs, and facilitate phased retirement. A brief
description that highlights
the main ideas of each action
plan developed by the sub-
groups of this breakout group
follows below.
Lifetime Accumulation:
This program would
change the tax code that
limits tax-deferred annual
contributions to retirement
savings accounts to lifetime
limits on contributions.
The change would allow
workers nearing retirement
to catch up more quickly
and effectively, allow all
workers to take advantage
of their peak earning years to maximize savings, and allow women—who often interrupt their
careers—to maximize their savings during the years when they are earning.
Change Rules to Reflect Shifting Paradigms: This program would establish innovative
regulations to reflect the steady shift of retirement plan paradigms from defined benefit
plans to defined contribution plans. The regulations would incorporate some of the best
features of defined benefit plans—automatic enrollment, default options—into defined
contribution plans. The program would also establish longevity insurance, examine
mandatory distribution requirements, and allow annuities as an election from DC plans.
This program’s designers also recommend exploring the possibility of using group
purchasing power to allow individuals to purchase health coverage, annuities, etc., thereby
increasing access to important benefits.
Advice and Education and Simplification: This program would remove some of the
regulatory barriers that extend fiduciary liability to employers that provide investment
advice to employees as an election under their retirement plans—and thus prevent employ-
ers from providing sound financial advice to employees who need it. The designers of this
program argue that the current system makes it more costly for employers to provide
financial advice, which has a negative impact on savings. The new program, which would
require only advice that is in the sole interest of the plan participant, would aim to teach
workers such skills as how to turn a lump sum into income and thus convert their defined
contribution accumulation into a protected revenue stream.
Product Bundling: This would remove the regulatory impediments to bundling products
like annuities and long-term care insurance. This would allow the financial services industry
to design unified plans that not only provide for retirement savings, but also cover the
rapidly rising health costs that may threaten those savings.
Education and Communication to Create a “Savers Society”: This program would
develop a comprehensive national education strategy to instill and reinforce a simple,
understandable, intergenerational message that Americans need to plan and save for
retirement, with a particular emphasis on reaching those nearing retirement. The program
would involve a multimedia public educational and motivational campaign that utilizes such
existing resources as websites and public service announcements that employ celebrities,
shock and fear, patriotism, and hard reality to deliver a focused message on the importance
of preparing for a secure retirement. The program would also enhance Social Security
statements to include targeted messages by age, methods to calculate one’s “retirement
paycheck,” and links to retirement education websites. The program, which would leverage
public/private sector partnerships, would also embed financial literacy, including how to
save, into the nation’s educational curriculum.
Flexible Work Training (for Managers): This program, which would provide training to
managers who are willing to hire seniors, focuses on the design, implementation, and appro-
priate target audiences of flexible work arrangements. Training, which should be designed
by work arrangement experts in consultation with experts on senior work, could be offered
through community colleges or other non-profits focused on training and finding employ-
ment for seniors. By increasing the awareness and acceptance of flexible work arrangements
among managers, the program would create more part-time, part-year, or other flexible
employment opportunities for seniors who want or need phased rather than full retirement.
Short-Term Job Bank: This phased retirement program would create a community service
agency that matches qualified seniors who are available for short-term employment with
employers who have temporary or project-based assignments. The program would provide
marketing and outreach
services to prospective
employers of seniors
while maximizing
flexibility for phased
retirees. The program
could also work in
conjunction with training
or retraining for low-
income, low-skilled
Expand Employment
Training Opportunities
for Older Workers:
This program would
create demonstration
projects aimed at devel-
oping replicable programs that provide effective employment training for low-income,
low-skilled older workers and improve their overall access to and participation in
employment training programs. The program would also provide income support for
workers participating in such training. The Department of Labor’s Senior Community Service
Employment Program and the Environmental Protection Agency’s Senior Environmental
Employment Program were offered as effective models.
Retiree Health Security: This program would offer retirees greater financial security by
providing protection against two of the biggest threats to retirement security: runaway
healthcare costs and gaps in retiree healthcare coverage caused by bankrupt, closed, or
financially strapped businesses that discontinue or reduce retiree health benefits. The
Section 8: Workers Nearing Retirement 23
program would provide government reinsurance against catastrophic healthcare expenses,
establish prefunding mechanisms for employers who still want to fund retiree health
benefits, allow early retirees to buy into Medicare, and offer a tax credit to retirees who pay
health insurance premiums other than Medicare—extending the health care tax credit that
already exists for retirees whose companies have gone bankrupt and terminated their
pension plans, to include retirees whose former employers have reduced their benefits but
not declared bankruptcy. Finally, the program would encourage wellness and disease
prevention programs.
Retirement Income Security Plan (RISP): This program provides longevity protection
by gradually increasing payments in annuity format during the phased retirement period,
envisioned as the period from age 65 to 75 when earned income gradually decreases. By
replacing mandatory minimum disbursements with payments that phase in as retirees
phase out of work, the program would allow those in phased retirement to draw less while
they continue to have some earned income, and then draw more as they become older and
less able to work. This annuity income would thus supplement earned income, IRAs,
401(k)s, and Social
Security during the
early years of retirement
and take on increasing
importance as the other
sources of income
dwindle down, offering
protection for those
who live long lives in
ollowing the final breakout sessions, the team facilitators presented summaries of the
action plans devised by each team’s subgroups to the final plenary session of the 2006
National Summit on Retirement Savings. Tom Conger, Futurist and Founder of Social
Technologies LLC, who headed the team of facilitators, noted that an overarching theme—
“the desire to stress for everyone that savings in itself is a virtue”—had emerged throughout
the wide variety of thought-provoking plans and programs generated by the delegates’ hard
work. “Promoting savings as a core value,” he said, “maybe even a patriotic value, was very
important” to all the delegates.
Ann L. Combs, Assistant Secretary of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration,
closed the Summit by enthusiastically praising the breadth, range, and number of ideas and
concrete suggestions generated by the Summit delegates. The Summit had produced a “menu
of choices” for policy makers, legislators, and financial professionals to work on to improve the
future for all Americans.
“The work of the Summit is really not ending,” Assistant Secretary Combs reminded the
delegates. “This was the beginning of a long and a vital debate about the future of savings
for retirement.” She said she looked forward to working further with delegates to meet the
ongoing challenge of developing
strategies on how to implement
the action plans generated
through the Summit and how
to make them a reality.
“Americans are living longer,
healthier, and more active lives
than ever before, and preparing
for an independent and a secure
retirement is one of the great
challenges of our time,” she told
the delegates. “We must rise to
this occasion, and we will rise to
this occasion.”
Section 9: Conclusion 25
Saving for Your Golden Years:
Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
Day 1—Wednesday, March 1, 2006
8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast
9:30 a.m.-9:40 a.m. Presentation of Color Guard and National Anthem
9:40 a.m.-9:45 a.m. Introduction of Secretary Elaine L. Chao
Ann L. Combs, Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefits Security Administration,
U.S. Department of Labor
9:45 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks
The Honorable Elaine L. Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor
10:00 a.m.-10:05 a.m. Overview and Introduction
Ann L. Combs, Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefits Security Administration,
U.S. Department of Labor
10:05 a.m.-10:35 a.m. Review of Previous Summits and Current Status
of Retirement Savings
Sylvester J. Schieber, Ph.D., Vice President and U.S. Director of Benefits Consulting,
Watson Wyatt Worldwide
10:35 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Video Introduction of Breakout Groups
11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Four Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Delegates will work in one of four teams to examine the challenges facing four dis-
tinct groups by discussing ways to reach out with retirement savings messages and
help overcome savings obstacles.The Summit will address the central issues facing
workers and families.The groups to be examined are:
GROUP A: Low-Income Workers
Speaker: Kirk Johnson, Ph.D., Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Data Analysis,
The Heritage Foundation
GROUP B: Small-Business Employees
Speaker: Renee V. Schaaf, Vice President of Retirement And Investor Services,
Principal Financial Group
The Summit Agenda
Appendix A: The Summit Agenda 27
GROUP C: New Entrants to the Workforce
Speaker: Lori Lucas, CFA, Director of Retirement Research, Hewitt Financial Services,
Hewitt Associates, LLC
GROUP D: Workers Nearing Retirement
Speaker: Sylvester J. Schieber, Ph.D., Vice President and U.S. Director of Benefits
Consulting,Watson Wyatt Worldwide
12:00 noon-1:15 p.m. Luncheon Program
Mr. Ben Stein, Actor,Author, Economist, Lawyer,Teacher, Expert on Finance
1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Four Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Delegates will review model savings programs and develop action plans
targeting four distinct groups.
GROUP A: Low-Income Workers
Facilitator: Robert L. Olson, Senior Fellow, Institute for Alternative Futures
Expert: Kirk Johnson, Ph.D.,Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Data Analysis,The Heritage Foundation
Presenter: Steven Dow, Executive Director, Community Action Project of Tulsa County
GROUP B: Small-Business Employees
Facilitator: Don Abraham, Futurist and Director of Development, Social Technologies, LLC
Expert: Renee V. Schaaf, Vice President of Retirement and Investor Services,
Principal Financial Group
Presenter: Rob Zeldenrust, General Manager, Fremont Co-operative Produce Company
GROUP C: New Entrants to the Workforce
Facilitator: Atul Dighe, Futurist, 5 Big Questions About the Future
Expert: Lori Lucas, CFA, Director of Retirement Research, Hewitt Financial Services,
Hewitt Associates, LLC
Presenter: Jeffrey D. Wiker, Vice President of Administration, Fleet Manager, H.L.Wiker, Inc.
Presenter: Danielle R. Shanes, Manager of Work Environment,The McGraw-Hill Companies
GROUP D: Workers Nearing Retirement
Facilitator: Tom Conger, Futurist and Founder, Social Technologies, LLC
Expert: Sylvester J. Schieber, Ph.D., Vice President and U.S. Director of Benefits Consulting,
Watson Wyatt Worldwide
Presenter: Deborah K. Lebryk, Director of External Relations, Monsanto Company
Presenter: Charlotte Lazar-Morrison, CEBS, Principal of Director Human Resources,
The Aerospace Corporation
5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Reception at Willard Intercontinental Hotel
7:10 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Dinner Program
Welcome and Opening Remarks
The Honorable Elaine L. Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor
Keynote Speaker: The Honorable Gordon Smith, Chairman, Senate Special Committee on Aging
Closing Remarks: The Honorable Elaine L. Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor
Appendix A: The Summit Agenda 29
Day 2—Thursday, March 2, 2006
7:30 a.m.-9:15 a.m. Breakfast Program
Remarks by Congressional Speakers
The Honorable Charles Grassley, Chairman, Senate Finance Committee
The Honorable Michael Oxley, Chairman, House Financial Services Committee
9:15 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Introduction of Keynote Speakers
The Honorable Elaine L. Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor
Keynote Speakers
The Honorable Don Evans, CEO,The Financial Services Forum
The Honorable Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States of America
10:15 a.m.-12:00 noon Four Concurrent Breakout Sessions
GROUP A: Low-Income Workers
Facilitator: Robert L. Olson, Senior Fellow, Institute for Alternative Futures
GROUP B: Small-Business Employees
Facilitator: Don Abraham, Futurist and Director of Development, Social Technologies, LLC
GROUP C: New Entrants to the Workforce
Facilitator: Atul Dighe, Futurist, 5 Big Questions About the Future
GROUP D: Workers Nearing Retirement
Facilitator: Tom Conger, Futurist and Founder, Social Technologies, LLC
12:15 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Luncheon Program
Reports from the Breakout Groups
Facilitator: Tom Conger, Futurist and Founder, Social Technologies, LLC
2:00 p.m.-2:15 p.m. Closing Remarks
Ann L. Combs, Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefits Security Administration,
U.S. Department of Labor
Expert Speakers/Facilitators/Model Presenters
Expert Speakers
Kirk Johnson, Ph.D.
Senior Policy Analyst, Center for
Data Analysis
The Heritage Foundation
Washington, D.C.
Lori Lucas, CFA
Director of Retirement Research
Hewitt Financial Services
Hewitt Associates, LLC
Lincolnshire, Illinois
Renee V. Schaaf
Vice President of Retirement and
Investor Services
Principal Financial Group
Des Moines, Iowa
Sylvester J. Schieber, Ph.D.
Vice President and U.S. Director
of Benefits Consulting
Watson Wyatt Worldwide
Don Abraham
Futurist and Director of
Social Technologies, LLC
Washington, D.C.
Tom Conger
Futurist and Founder
Social Technologies, LLC
Washington, D.C.
Atul Dighe
5 Big Questions About the Future
Bowie, Maryland
Robert L. Olson
Senior Fellow
Institute for Alternative Futures
Model Presenters
Steven Dow
Executive Director
Community Action Project of
Tulsa County
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Charlotte Lazar-Morrison, CEBS
Principal Director of Human
The Aerospace Corporation
El Segundo, California
Deborah K. Lebryk
Director of External Relations
Monsanto Company
St. Louis, Missouri
Danielle R. Shanes
Manager of Work Environment
The McGraw-Hill Companies
New York, New York
Jeffrey D. Wiker
Vice President of Administration
Fleet Manager
H.L.Wiker, Inc.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Rob Zeldenrust
General Manager
Fremont Co-operative Produce
Fremont, Michigan
Appendix C: Delegates 31
The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert, Speaker,
United States House of Representatives
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Minority
Leader, United States House of
The Honorable William H. Frist, M.D.,
Majority Leader, United States Senate
The Honorable Harry Reid, Minority Leader,
United States Senate
The Honorable Michael Enzi, Chairman,
Committee on Health, Education, Labor and
Pensions, United States Senate
The Honorable Edward Kennedy, Ranking
Member, Committee on Health, Education,
Labor and Pensions, United States Senate
The Honorable Howard McKeon, Chairman,
Committee on Education and the Workforce,
United States House of Representatives
The Honorable George Miller, Ranking
Member, Committee on Education and the
Workforce, United States House of
The Honorable Gordon Smith, Chairman,
Special Committee on Aging, United States
The Honorable Herb Kohl, Ranking Member,
Special Committee on Aging, United States
The Honorable Arlen Specter, Chairman,
Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human
Services, Education and Related Agencies,
Committee on Appropriations, United States
The Honorable Tom Harkin, Ranking
Member, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and
Human Services, Education and Related
Agencies, Committee on Appropriations,
United States Senate
The Honorable Ralph Regula, Chairman,
Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human
Services, Education and Related Agencies,
Committee on Appropriations, United States
House of Representatives
The Honorable David Obey, Ranking
Member, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and
Human Services, Education and Related
Agencies, Committee on Appropriations,
United States House of Representatives
Statutory Delegates
Ms. Leanne J. Abdnor, For Our Grandchildren
Ms. Sally Atwater, President’s Committee for
People with Intellectual Disabilities
Ms. Susan Au Allen, US Pan Asian American
Chamber of Commerce
Ms. Dana Auslander, The Blackstone Group
Ms. Meredith Bagby, Dream Works
Mr. Dean Baker, Center for Economic Policy
Ms. Clare H. Barnett, National Council on
Teacher Retirement
Mr. Timothy Bartl, HR Policy Association
Mr. Hunter Bates, Bates Capitol Group, LLC
Ms. Clare Bergquist, Charles Schwab
Corporate & Retirement Services
Mr. Andrew Biggs, Social Security
Ms. Heidi Neel Biggs, For Our Grandchildren
Mr. Robert Bixby, The Concord Coalition
Ms. Lisa J. Bleier, American Bankers
Mr. Billy Borchert, Plumber and Pipefitters
Local 572
Ms. Phyllis C. Borzi, O’Donoghue &
Mr. Ramon J. Boshara, Jr., New America
Mr. Joseph Brislin, International Foundation
of Employee Benefit Plans
Mr. Jeffrey R. Brown, University of Illinois and
National Bureau of Economic Research
Mr. Jim Buchholz, Ameriprise Financial
Services, Inc
Mr. Chuck Canterbury, Fraternal Order of
Mr. David Certner, AARP
Mr. David Cesareo, C N A Financial Corp.
Ms. Deborah Chalfie, National Women’s Law
Ms. Elsa Cheung, Metropolitan Life Insurance
Mr. Jose Cisneros, City and County of San
Mr. Charles J. Clark, Aon Consulting
Mr. Sparb Collins, North Dakota Public
Employees Retirement System
Mr. Richard Daly, Laborers’ International
Union of North America Local 169
Ms. Jeanne de Cervens, AEGON USA, Inc
Mr. Randy DeFrehn, National Coordinating
Committee For MultiEmployer Plans
Ms. Alane Dent, American Council of Life
Mr. Stephen Dodson, Parnassus Investments
Mr. Alberto M. Duarte, InCharge Education
Mr. Ric Edelman, Edelman Financial Services
Mr. D. Don Ezra, Russell Investment Group
Mr. Michael Falcon, Merrill Lynch Retirement
Ms. Holly Fechner, U.S. Senate Health,
Education, Labor and Pensions Committee
Ms. Karen W. Ferguson, Pension Rights
Mr. Doug Fisher, Fidelity Investments
Ms. Sheri Fitts, U.S. Bank, Institutional Trust
& Custody
Ms. Bridget R. Flynn, Nationwide Financial
Mr. Clayton Fong, National Asian Pacific
Center on Aging
Ms. Martha Ford, The Arc of the US and
United Cerebral Palsey
Dr. William Fox, University of Tennessee,
Ms. Karen Friedman, Pension Rights Center
Mr. Ron Gebhardtsbauer, American Academy
of Actuaries
Mr. Carl George, Clifton Gunderson LLP
Professor Teresa Ghilarducci, University of
Notre Dame
Mr. Brian H. Graff, American Society of
Pension Professionals & Actuaries
Appointed Delegates
Appendix C: Delegates 33
Mr. Robert Greenawalt, Office of Senator
Harry Reid
Mr. Robert Greenstein, Center on
Budget/Political Priorities
Mr. Charles Hahn, Banc of America
Investment Services
Ms. Mindy Harris, Department of County
Management Multnoma County
Mr. Herbert H. Hilliard, First Horizon National
Mr. Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Council on Foreign
Ms. Cindy Hounsell, Women’s Institute for a
Secure Retirement
Mr. J. Mark Iwry, Brookings Institution
Dr. Estelle James, World Bank
Mr. David C. John, The Heritage Foundation
Ms. Abigail P. Johnson, Fidelity Investments
Mr. Julius Johnson, Tennessee Farm Bureau
Mr. Eugene L Joseph, Joseph & Turner
Consulting Actuaries LLC
Mr. Steve Judge, Securities Industry Assn.
Ms. Melissa Kahn, Metropolitan Life Insurance
Mr. Alan N. Kanter, Alan N. Kanter &
Associates, Inc
Mr. John Kapanke, Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America
Mr. Frank Keating, American Council of Life
Professor Kathryn J. Kennedy, John Marshall
Law School
Mr. Kenneth J. Kies, Clark Consulting
Mr. Bruce King, Office of Senator Harry Reid
Mr. James Klein, American Benefits Council
Mr. Richard Koski, Buck Consultants
Mr. William G. Kuchta, Paychex, Inc
Mr. Marc Lackritz, Securities Industry
Congressman Sander Levin, United States
House of Representatives
Ms. Laura Levine, Jump$tart Coalition for
Personal Financial Literacy
Mr. Edward J. Lilly, New York State Deferred
Compensation Plan
The Honorable James B. Lockhart III,
Deputy Commissioner, Social Security
Mr. Dave Low, California School Employees
Ms. Maya MacGuineas, The New America
Ms. Ruth Marlin, National Air Traffic
Controllers Association
Mr. Ralph D. Marsh, Houston Police Officers
Pension System
Mr. Alson R. Martin, Shook, Hardy & Bacon, LLC
Mr. James L. Martin, 60 Plus Association
Ms. Sandra J. Matheson, Washington State
Department of Retirement
Mr. John Mattras, HandUpWorks
Ms. Ellyn A. McColgan, Fidelity Investments
Ms. Nan S. Mead, National Endowment of
Financial Education
Ms. Susan Meisinger, Society of Human
Resource Managers
Ms. Lisa Mensah, Aspen Institute
Mr. Renato E. Merolli, National Life Insurance
Mr. Daniel A. Mica, Credit Union National
Mr. John W. Milazzo, Jr., Campus Federal
Credit Union
Ms. Judy Miller, U.S. Senate Finance
Mr. Scott D. Miller, Actuarial Consulting
Group, Inc.
Ms. Cynthia Moehring, MGM Mirage
Mr. Michael Moran, Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Mr. Bill Mulvihill, First Trust Advisors, L.P.
Professor Alicia H. Munnell, Boston College
Ms. Terry Neese, Women Impacting Public
Policy Institute
Ms. Frances Nolan, TIAA-CREF
Ms. Diane Oakley, Office of Congressman Earl
Mr. Shaun O’Brien, AFL-CIO
Mr. John O’Neill, U.S. Senate Committee on
Mr. Peter Richard Orszag, The Brookings
Ms. Variny Paladino, American Savings
Education Council
Mr. James Parker, Modrall Sperling
Mr. Timothy J. Penny, For Our Grandchildren
Ms. Pamela Perun, Aspen Institute
Congressman Earl Pomeroy, United States
House of Representatives
Mr. Roy Ramthun, National Economic Council
Mr. Steve Regenstreif, American Federation
of State, County and Municipal Employees
Mr. Bob Reid, Wachovia Bank
Mr. Alan Reuther, United Auto Workers
Mr. Charles D. Robinson, Northwestern
Mr. John Rother, AARP
Ms. Lauren Rothfarb, AFL-CIO
Ms. Joyce Ruddock, Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
The Honorable Paul Ryan, United States
House of Representatives
Mr. Dallas L. Salisbury, Employee Benefit
Research Institute
Mr. Leon Schellman, Procter & Gamble
Mr. Joseph L. Schiffhouer, FedEx Corporation
Ms. Pamela S. Schutz, Genworth Financial
Mr. Christopher Shelton, Communications
Workers of America
Mr. Ian Sheridan, Mass Mutual Financial Group
Mr. Alan Shortell, New York Life Insurance
Ms. Arshi Siddiqui, Office of the Minority
Leader, Nancy Pelosi
Mr. Andrew M. Sieg, Citigroup
Ms. Stephanie Silverman, Employee Owned S
Corporations of America
Ms. Jacqueline Simon, American Federation
of Government Employees, AFL-CIO
Ms. Sarah Simoneaux, American Society of
Pension Professionals & Actuaries
Mr. Scott G. Sleyster, Prudential Retirement
Mr. Robert E. Sollmann, Jr., Metropolitian Life
Insurance Company
Mr. Topher Spiro, U.S. Senate Special
Committee on Aging
Mr. William E. Spriggs, Howard University
Mr. Norman Philip Stein, University of
Alabama School of Law
Mr. Frank Stella, American Federation of
Mr. Eugene Steuerle, The Urban Institute
Mr. Paul Stevens, Investment Company
Mr. John Stoma, Oppenheimer Funds, Inc
Mr. Jonathan Talisman, Capitol Tax Partners
Mr. Michael Tanner, Cato Institute
Mr. Richard Thau, Presentation Testing, Inc
Mr. Warren Thompson, Russell Investment
Mr. Mark R. Thresher, Nationwide Financial
Mr. Stephen P. Utkus, Vanguard Center for
Retirement Research
Ms. Michele Varnhagen, U.S. House of
Representatives Committee on Education and
the Workforce
The Honorable Mark Warshawsky, U.S.
Department of the Treasury
Ms. Jane Washbish, Moog Louisville
Mr. Christian Weller, Sr., Center for American
Mr. Kurt Westerman, Partners HealthCare
Ms. Jane White, Retirement Solutions
Mr. J. Spencer Williams, MassMutual Financial
Ms. Della Williamson, Employees Retirement
System of Texas
Mr. Michael Wilson, International Foundation
of Employee Benefit Plans
Ms. Cindy Winckler, Iowa State Representative
Mr. Michael Wise, Caterpillar, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Wolff, American Farm Bureau
Mr. Dennis W. Wootan, Northrop Grumman
Ms. Mildeen Worrell, U.S. House of
Representatives Committee on Ways and
Mr. David L. Wray, Profit Sharing/401(k)
Council of America
Ms. Brenda Wright, San Francisco Employees’
Retirement System
Ms. Portia Wu, United States Senate, Health,
Education, Labor and Pensions Committee
Mr. Robert A. Wylie, South Dakota Retirement
Mr. J. T. Young, Ford Motor Company
Mr. Larry Zimpleman, Principal Financial
Mr. Paul Zurawski, Honeywell
Other Sponsors
Associated General Contractors
of America
Bond Beebe
Colony Capital Management
Lehman Brothers Asset
Management LLC
Union Bank of California
U.S.Trust Company
Wright Investors’ Service
American Savings Education Council
Ark Asset Management
Bear Stearns
Choose to Save
Employee Benefit Research Institute
Eubel Brady & Suttman Asset
The Marco Consulting Group
Meketa Investment Group
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
National Association of Federal
Credit Unions
Prudential Investment Management
Prudential Retirement Services
Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c.
Appendix D: Sponsors 35
The above listing of the sponsors is only for informational and acknowledgment
purposes and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the entities,
their products or services by the U.S. Department of Labor.
U.S. Department of Labor