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Resideo Technologies, Inc. Pension Plan
Provisions Relating to Participants in the Retirement Earnings Plan Formula
Effective October 29, 2018
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Section 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2
Section 2 How to Participate ................................................................................................................ 3
Section 3 How Your Benefit Is Determined ...................................................................................... 5
Section 4 When You Can Begin Receiving Benefits ......................................................................... 9
Section 5 How Your Benefits Are Paid ............................................................................................ 11
Section 6 Survivor Benefits ................................................................................................................ 17
Section 7 Situations Affecting Your Benefits .................................................................................. 19
Section 8 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 21
Section 9 Other Plan Facts ................................................................................................................. 25
Section 10 ERISA .................................................................................................................................. 30
Section 11 Special Rules For Participants Who Made A Choice Election .................................... 32
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The Retirement Earnings Plan (REP) Formula
Summary Plan Description
Resideo Technologies, Inc. (the “Company”) established the Resideo Technologies, Inc. Pension Plan
(the “Plan”) effective October 29, 2018 to provide pension benefits to eligible employees and former
employees who previously earned benefits under the Honeywell Retirement Earnings Plan (the
“Honeywell Plan”).
The Plan has multiple benefit formulas and calculates benefits differently for different groups of
employees. This Summary Plan Description (SPD) describes the basic features of the Plan formula
known as the Retirement Earnings Plan (REP) Formula. You are eligible for the benefits described
in this SPD if your REP Formula benefit under the Honeywell Plan was transferred to the Plan.
If you think you may be covered by a Plan formula other than the REP Formula and want to request
the SPD that applies to you, call the Resideo Benefits Service Center at 833-277-8057 (say: Pension).
This SPD describes the REP Formula as in effect on October 29, 2018. If you terminated employment
with Honeywell before October 29, 2018, changes made to the Honeywell Plan or the Plan after your
termination date will only apply to you if required by law or an amendment.
In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between this SPD and the Plan document, or any
omission from or ambiguity in the terms of the SPD, the Plan document will control.
Terms starting with capital letters throughout this SPD are defined in the appropriate section or in
Section 8 - Definitions.”
The Company intends to continue the Plan. However, it reserves the right to modify, change,
revise, amend or terminate the Plan at any time, for any reason.
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Section 1 Introduction
Highlights of the REP Formula
The REP Formula works with Social Security and the Resideo Technologies, Inc. 401(k) Plan (the Savings Plan) to
help you build a financially secure retirement.
Here are some of the special features of the REP Formula:
You’ll know exactly what your benefit is. Just as you know exactly how much money
is in your Savings Plan account, you’ll know how much your total pension benefit is worth.
You’ll know what your pension amount is and be able to plan accordingly.
Your benefit is based on an average of your earnings toward the end of your career.
Most people have their highest earnings at the end of their careers. By basing your benefit
on the average of your pay towards the end of your career, your benefit keeps pace with
It’s understandable and valuable. The REP Formula is straightforward and easy to
understand. It pays a lump sum benefit (6% or 3%, as applicable) of your average highest
earnings times your years of Credited Service.
You choose how your benefit is paid. With the REP Formula, you can choose a
monthly payment like most traditional pension plans or you can choose a lump sum
your entire benefit in one payment when your service ends.
You can take it with you, if you leave. You don’t have to wait until age 65 to receive
your benefit you can take it with you when you leave the Company and its affiliates if
you have three years of service (five years of service if your termination of employment
with Honeywell occurred before January 1, 2008). If you take your money, you can use it
then or roll it over to another retirement plan or an IRA. (Consider the tax implications
of these options first.)
The REP Formula is one of several tools the Company provides to help you manage your financial
well-being and your future. But, like any tool, it’s only available if used properly. Knowing what your
benefits provide is the first step in using them well. This summary can help.
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Section 2 How to Participate
A. Eligibility
You are currently eligible to participate in, and earn benefits under, the REP Formula if you
(1) were earning benefits under the retirement earnings plan formula in the Honeywell Plan
on October 28, 2018, (2) became an employee of the Employer on October 29, 2018, (3) had
your retirement earnings plan formula benefit under the Honeywell Plan transferred to the
Plan, and (4) are not
Employed by a location, division, company or other affiliate of the Employer that does
not participate in the Plan;
covered by a collective bargaining agreement, unless such agreement specifically
provides for your participation in the REP Formula; or
classified by an Employer as a project employee (that is, is designated as a project
employee or similar designation because you are employed to work on a specific
project or projects), a student, co-op student, or summer intern; or
a citizen or resident of a country other than the United States who is employed by a
company, division, or business unit that is predominantly involved in international
operations unless the Plan Administrator determines that you are eligible to participate
in the REP Formula; or
retained under a contract or agreement specifying that you are not eligible to
participate in the Plan or the REP Formula (including, but not limited to, an employee
hired in connection with a government or other contract that does not permit
participation in the Plan or the REP Formula); or
a leased employee; or
classified as something other than a “common law employee” (e.g., an independent
contractor, a consultant or a non-employee director), and any reclassification as an
employee shall not entitle you to participate in the Plan or the REP Formula.
In addition, you will not be eligible to earn benefits under the REP Formula if you are hired
by an Employer or an affiliate on or after October 29, 2018.
For more information, call the Resideo Benefits Service Center at 833-277-8057 (say: Pension).
B. Rehired Employees
If your employment is terminated and you are rehired by the Employer, you will continue to
earn Vesting Service after your rehire date, but will not earn additional benefits, under the
REP Formula.
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C. Transferred Employees
If you transfer to a location or an employment classification that is not covered by the REP
Formula, you will continue to earn Vesting Service, but will not earn additional benefits, under
the REP Formula.
D. Inactive Participants
If you were not earning benefits under the retirement earnings plan formula in the Honeywell
Plan on October 28, 2018, but your retirement earnings plan formula benefit was transferred
from the Honeywell Plan to the Plan:
You will earn Vesting Service under the Plan for your employment with an Employer
or an affiliate; and
You will not earn additional benefits under the Plan’s REP Formula.
The benefit you earned under the Honeywell Plan will be paid by the Plan. If you terminated
employment with Honeywell before October 29, 2018, your benefit will generally be calculated
and paid in accordance with the provisions of the Honeywell Plan in effect on the date of your
termination. Changes made to the Honeywell Plan or the Plan after your termination date will
not apply to you unless required by law or an amendment.
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Section 3 How Your Benefit Is Determined
Your benefit is determined using a formula that takes into account your Final Average Earnings and your Credited
The following rules apply to determine which REP Formula you participate in under the Plan:
You satisfy the Plan’s eligibility
requirements described above
You were first hired by
Honeywell or a participating
affiliate before January 1, 2009
You chose to be covered by the
REP Formula as part of
Honeywell’s Pension Choice
You participate in the 6% REP
Formula, subject to the rehire
and transfer rules of the
Honeywell Plan before
October 29, 2018 and the
rehire and transfer rules of the
Plan on and after October 29,
You satisfy the Plan’s eligibility
requirements described above
You were first hired by
Honeywell or a participating
affiliate between January 1,
2009 and December 31, 2012,
You participate in the 3% REP
Formula, subject to the rehire
and transfer rules of the
Honeywell Plan before
October 29, 2018 and the
rehire and transfer rules of the
Plan on and after October 29,
If you participate in the 6% REP Formula your benefit is determined using the formula below:
If you participate in the 3% REP Formula, your benefit is determined using the formula below:
Your Accrued Benefit under the REP Formula is your lump sum amount payable as an actuarially
equivalent single life annuity starting at your Normal Retirement Date. The interest rate used to
determine actuarial equivalence between the lump sum and the single life annuity will be the lesser of
the rate required by the IRS or 5%. After you have a Termination of Service, you can take your benefit
as an annuity or as a lump sum (subject to written, notarized spousal consent if you are married).
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Chris is age 45, has 15 years of Credited Service, Final Average Earnings of $50,000 and he participates
in the 6% REP Formula. Here’s how Chris’ lump sum amount would be calculated:
$50,000 x 6% x 15 = $45,000
Chris could also elect to immediately take the $45,000 as a lump sum or to take an actuarially equivalent
immediate annuity at age 45.
The REP Formula uses Final Average Earnings to determine your retirement benefit. Final Average
Earnings is your highest five (5) years of eligible Earnings during the last ten (10) calendar years you
work for an Employer. Final Average Earnings is determined on a calendar-year basis and includes
each calendar year even if you did not work the full twelve months. The years of eligible Earnings
included for Final Average Earnings do not have to be consecutive. If you have less than five (5)
years of eligible Earnings on the determination date, the average of all years will be used to determine
your Final Average Earnings.
For purposes of calculating your Final Average Earnings, your eligible earnings under the retirement
earnings plan formula of the Honeywell Plan will be included.
There are two types of service in the Plan: Vesting Service and Credited Service.
Vesting Service
Vesting Service is used to determine whether you are eligible for a benefit under the Plan and is usually
measured by your period of employment with the Company and its affiliates. You are vested inthat
is, earn a permanent right toyour retirement benefit after you complete three (3) years of Vesting
Service with the Company and its affiliates (five (5) years of Vesting Service if your last Hour of Service
was before January 1, 2008 under the Honeywell Plan).
Vesting Service is credited according to the following rules:
For employment with an Employer and its affiliates on and after October 29, 2018,
you will be credited with Vesting Service beginning on October 29, 2018 and ending
on your Severance from Service Date.
For employment with Honeywell and its affiliates before October 29, 2018, you will
be credited with the vesting service you had under the Honeywell Plan for purposes
of the retirement earnings plan formula as of October 28, 2018.
Vesting Service is expressed in completed years and days.
The Company may grant Vesting Service for periods of employment with a prior
employer in connection with an acquisition. You will be notified if this applies to you.
If you have a Severance from Service Date because of a quit, discharge or retirement
and you are reemployed by the Company or an affiliate before you have a One-Year
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Period of Severance, you will be credited with Vesting Service (not in excess of 12
months) for the period of absence.
If you are absent from service for a reason other than a quit, discharge or retirement,
you have a Termination of Service during the absence, and you are reemployed by the
Company or an affiliate before the first anniversary of the original absence, you will
be credited with Vesting Service (not in excess of 12 months) for the period of
Your Vesting Service will not be less than your Credited Service for purposes of the
REP Formula.
Credited Service
Credited Service is used to calculate the amount of your benefit.
Credited Service is credited according to the following rules for purposes of the REP Formula:
For employment with an Employer and its affiliates on and after October 29, 2018,
your Credited Service is equal to your Vesting Service reduced by (a) Vesting Service
for any period before you became a Participant, and (b) Vesting Service for any period
in which you are an Inactive Participant.
For employment with Honeywell and its affiliates before October 29, 2018, you will
be credited with the credited service you had under the Honeywell Plan for purposes
of the retirement earnings plan formula as of October 28, 2018.
If you have a Termination of Service for any reason and you are later reemployed by
the Company or an affiliate, you will not be credited with Credited Service for the
period of absence and you will not participate in the REP Formula or the Plan for the
period after your rehire date.
If you are an Expatriate Employee, Credited Service includes all periods of
employment with nonparticipating affiliates.
If you are receiving periodic separation pay, you will receive Credited Service for your
severance period to a maximum of twelve (12) months.
Your Credited Service will not include employment while you were earning benefits,
if any, under the Pittway Corporation Retirement Plan or the Pittway Formula under
the Honeywell Plan.
If you received a lump sum distribution of your REP Formula benefit, your Credited
Service will generally be canceled.
If you are re-employed before your Normal Retirement Date, and you are already receiving your
retirement benefits as an annuity, your retirement benefits will be suspended while you are working.
If you are re-employed after your Normal Retirement Date, annuity benefits will be suspended only if
you’re scheduled to work at least 40 hours per month.
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When you retire again, your REP Formula benefit will not be reduced to reflect payments you received
before your benefit was suspended and you may elect a different form of payment.
If you are re-employed after taking your retirement benefit as a lump sum, these suspension rules do
not apply since you have received your full benefit. You will not earn additional benefits under the
REP Formula after you are re-employed.
For purposes of this service crediting section, the following definitions apply:
Hour of Service
Each hour for which you are directly or indirectly paid or entitled to payment by the Company
or an affiliate for the performance of duties or for a period of approved absence. For purposes
of crediting Hours of Service, the Plan Administrator shall follow Department of Labor
Regulation Sections 2530.200b 2(b) and (c).
Inactive Participant
An employee who was a participant in the REP Formula, but who ceased to be an eligible
employee or incurred a Termination of Service and has not taken a complete distribution of
his REP Formula benefit.
One-Year Period of Severance
A 12-consecutive-month period beginning on your Severance from Service Date and ending
on each anniversary of such date if you do not perform an Hour of Service for the Company
or its affiliate during that period.
Severance from Service Date
The earlier of (a) the date you quit, are discharged, retire or die (provided that you are not
deemed to be discharged before your Termination of Service), and (b) the later of (i) the first
anniversary of the first day of your absence from employment with the Company or an
affiliate, with or without pay, for any reason not described in clause (a) or (b)(ii) (such as
vacation, holiday, disability (excluding periods where you continue to accrue Credited Service
because you are Disabled), maternity and paternity leave, layoff or military service, and (ii) the
date next following the expiration of an authorized leave of absence.
Termination of Service
Defined in Section 8-Definitions.
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Section 4 When You Can Begin Receiving Benefits
Under the REP Formula, you can receive your benefits immediately or wait until a later date.
If you have a Termination of Service before you retire, you will still be eligible to receive a benefit if
you are vested when your employment ends. You are vested when you have at least three years of
Vesting Service (five years of Vesting Service if your last Hour of Service occurred before January 1,
Generally, your vested benefit is determined using the formula described in “Section 3 How Your
Benefit is Determined”, based on your:
Credited Service as of your Termination of Service; and
Final Average Earnings as of your Termination of Service.
Pension payments may begin as early as the first day of the month after your Termination of Service
if you file a timely application for benefits. If you elect to receive annuity benefits before your Normal
Retirement Date, your annuity payments will be reduced to reflect the longer payment period.
You can take “normal retirement” if you are employed by the Company or an affiliate on your Normal
Retirement Date. Your normal retirement benefit is calculated under the formula described in
“Section 3 – How Your Benefit is Determined”.
As long as you have a Termination of Service and file an application for retirement benefits within 90
days of your Normal Retirement Date, pension payments will begin on the first day of the month on
or after your Normal Retirement Date.
Your normal retirement benefit is determined when your participation in the REP Formula ends. But
you can defer your benefitthat is, delay receiving itif you wish. If you do defer your benefit, the
normal retirement benefit amount will not change. But the lump sum value will typically increase.
If you continue to work for the Company or an affiliate past your Normal Retirement Date, you will
continue to earn Vesting Service and Credited Service until you retire. Your monthly retirement
benefit will be based on the same formula that is used to calculate your normal retirement benefit
(see “Section 3 – How Your Benefit is Determined”). You can begin receiving benefits as of the
first day of any month after your Termination of Service, as long as you file a timely application for
benefits. Keep in mind that if you are no longer working for the Company or an affiliate, you must
begin receiving your retirement benefit by April 1 of the year following the year in which you reach
age 70½.
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If you become Disabled, you can choose whether to continue participation or end participation and
take your benefit.
You Can Continue to Participate in the Plan
If your first day of absence for medical reasons is on or after January 1, 2007, you will continue to
earn Vesting Service and Credited Service until your Termination of Service.
If your first day of absence for medical reasons was before January 1, 2007, you will continue to earn
Vesting Service and Credited Service while you are Disabled. You will stop earning Vesting Service
and Credited Service at the earliest of the date you are no longer Disabled; the date you attain age 65;
or the date you elect to start receiving benefits.
For this purpose, your Final Average Earnings will be determined as of your last day of active
employment, no matter how many additional years of Credited Service you earn as a Disabled
You Can End Participation and Take a Distribution
If you end participation when you initially become Disabled and have three years of Vesting Service
(five years if your last Hour of Service occurred before January 1, 2008 under the Honeywell Plan),
you can begin receiving benefits based on your Credited Service as of your last day of active
employment. Disability benefit payments will begin on the first of the month following your timely
application for benefits.
If you recover and are receiving an annuity, the annuity benefits being paid to you will stop if you
In all cases, the Plan Administrator may require you to submit to a medical examination at any time,
but no frequently than once every six months. If you refuse to submit to the examination, no further
Credited Service will be granted.
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Section 5 How Your Benefits Are Paid
You can choose the form in which your benefit is paid: a lump sum or monthly payments for life.
Your normal form of pension payment depends on your marital status when pension payments begin.
If you are single, your benefits will be paid as a single life annuity. You will receive a
monthly benefit for your lifetime; no pension payments are made after your death.
If you are married, your benefits will be paid as a qualified 100% joint and survivor
annuity. The qualified 100% joint and survivor annuity is not available if you are
single.Under this form of distribution, you will receive monthly benefits for your
lifetime, and after your death your Spouse will receive a benefit - equal to 100% of the
benefit you receive - for the rest of his or her life. Because these benefits are payable
for two lifetimes, your benefits will be reduced as follows:
If your Spouse is younger than you….
If your Spouse is older than you….
Your benefits are reduced by 19% plus 0.5%
for each full year over three years that your age
exceeds your Spouse’s (up to a maximum 29%
Your benefits are reduced by 19% minus 0.5%
for each full year over three years that your
Spouse’s age exceeds yours (with the lowest
possible reduction of 14%)
If you are married and want to select a lump sum option instead of the qualified 100% joint and
survivor annuity, your Spouse must provide his or her written, notarized consent.
You may elect one of these optional forms of pension payment instead of your normal form of
pension payment:
Lump Sum: You or your survivor has the option of taking the pension benefit in a
single lump sum (as long as spousal approval is provided where required). The lump
sum value of a benefit is based on certain assumptions about life expectancy and
interest rates, as required by law. If you receive a single lump sum payment under the
REP Formula, such payment will fully satisfy all benefits due from the Plan. (If you
chose to be covered by the REP Formula during Honeywell’s Choice Election, you
can only elect to take a lump sum if you elect the lump sum with respect to your entire
Accrued Benefit, including your Guaranteed Earned Benefit if that applies.)
If you defer payment of your benefit by more than 90 days after your Termination of
Service, and later decide to take a lump sum, it may increase in value due to the interest
rates and increased age that are used when converting the benefit to a lump sum.
Single Life Annuity: Under this form of pension payment, you will receive a monthly
benefit for as long as you live. No benefits are payable after your death.
50% Joint and Survivor Annuity: This form of annuity pays you a reduced monthly
benefit. When you die, 50% of your monthly benefit will be paid to your surviving
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Spouse. (Your benefits are reduced to reflect the fact that benefits are payable for two
lifetimes.) This option is not available if you are single. The amount of reduction for
the 50% joint and survivor annuity depends on the difference between your age and
your spouse’s age, as follows:
If you choose this
And your Spouse is younger
than you….
And your Spouse is older
than you….
50% Joint and Survivor
Your benefits are reduced by
11% plus 0.25% for each full
year over three years that your
age exceeds your Spouse’s (up
to a maximum 16% reduction)
Your benefits are reduced by
11% minus 0.25% for each full
year over three years that your
Spouse’s age exceeds yours
(with the lowest possible
reduction of 8.5%)
Let’s look at how Chris’ retirement benefit might be paid under each of the payment options under
the REP Formula. In these examples, let’s assume:
Chris leaves the Company at age 50;
Chris’ Spouse is 48 years old and is Chris’ designated beneficiary; and
Chris’ single life annuity at age 65 is $1,000 per month.
In reviewing the following examples, keep in mind that the benefit calculations are based on the single
life annuity amount, and for joint and survivor options, benefits are reduced to reflect the fact that
they are payable for two lifetimes.
Payment Method
Retirement Benefit
Survivor’s Monthly
Retirement Benefit
Lump Sum
One payment of $61,187
Single Life Annuity (Starting at
age 50)
$330 per month
50% Joint and Survivor
$293 per month
50% of reduced retirement
benefit, or $147 per month
100% Joint and Survivor
$267 per month
100% of reduced retirement
benefit, or $267 per month
If the lump sum value of your pension benefit is $5,000 or less, your benefit will be paid as follows:
If the lump sum value of your pension benefit is $1,000 or less, you will receive a lump
sum payment as soon as administratively practicable after you terminate employment.
If the lump sum value of your pension exceeds $1,000, but does not exceed $5,000,
your REP Formula benefit will be rolled over to an IRA in your name unless you
timely elect to have the lump sum value of your pension benefit rolled over to IRA or
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paid to you. You can keep the funds in this IRA, take a distribution, or transfer them
to another IRA in your name.
The determination of whether the lump sum value is $5,000 or less is made in the year in which your
Termination of Service or death occurs.For these purposes, the Plan Administrator may redetermine
the lump sum value in any subsequent year if payment has not yet begun.
If you receive a single lump sum payment from the Plan, such payment will fully satisfy all benefits
due from the Plan.
If you are re-employed by the Company or an affiliate after you have received a lump sum of your
entire REP Formula benefit, you shall have all Vesting Service restored (but not Credited Service or
eligible Earnings).
Applying for Benefits
To receive any type of payment under the Plan, call the Resideo Benefits Service Center at 833-277-
8057 (say: Pension). You must apply for your benefits not more than 90 nor less than 45 days before
you want pension payments to begin.
Once the Plan Administrator receives your retirement application, your right to a retirement benefit
under the Plan will be verified, and the Plan Administrator will grant or deny your application. If your
application is granted, you will be sentin a timely manner but not less than 30 days before your
retirement datea detailed pension package containing your preliminary pension calculation and all
the election forms necessary to start your pension payments.
Your rights to waive your normal pension payment method and the financial implications. If you do
not make an election within 90 days after we send the pension package to you, you will need to reapply
for benefits by calling the Resideo Benefits Service Center at 833-277-8057 (say: Pension). You will
need to choose a later Benefit Commencement Date (BCD).
Please refer to the following guidelines for deadlines you must meet to receive your benefit payment
on your desired BCD.
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If you want your BCD to
You must apply between...
And make your elections
January 1
February 1
March 1
April 1
May 1
June 1
July 1
August 1
September 1
October 1
November 1
December 1
October 1 and November 15
November 1 and December 15
December 1 and January 15
January 1 and February 15
February 1 and March 15
March 1 and April 15
April 1 and May 15
May 1 and June 15
June 1 and July 15
July 1 and August 15
August 1 and September 15
September 1 and October 15
December 31
January 31
February 28
March 31
April 30
May 31
June 30
July 31
August 31
September 30
October 31
November 30
*To receive your benefit payment on your BCD, your properly completed elections must be received
by the 5th of the month prior to your BCD. If your elections are submitted after the 5th of the month
but prior to your desired BCD, your BCD will remain the same but your first month’s payment will
be delayed. For example, if your elections for a BCD of January 1 are received on December 23, you
will receive your January payment in early February along with your February payment.
To help you make your elections, the Plan Administrator will provide you with information explaining:
The terms and conditions of your normal pension payment method;
Your right to waive your normal pension payment method and the financial
implications of making this choice;
Your spouse’s rights concerning waiving the normal pension payment method; and
Your rights to change a previous choice to waive your normal pension payment
If you submit a valid election (see the
Applying for Benefits
in Section 5) of a Joint and
Survivor Annuity and you die before pension payments begin, retirement benefits will be paid
according to that election. If you elected the Level Income Feature in conjunction with the
Joint and Survivor Annuity and you die before pension payments begin, the Level Income
Feature is canceled and your retirement benefits will be paid according only to the Joint and
Survivor Annuity option.
If you submit a valid election (see the
Applying for Benefits
in Section 5) of any other
pension payment method and you die before pension payments begin, that election
automatically is canceled, and retirement benefits are paid as described in
Section 6 If You
Die Before Retirement
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You may change your pension payment election at any time before the first day of the month in which
pension payments begin; you will not be allowed to change your pension payment method after that
Claims and Appeals
If you disagree with a decision that is made with respect to your Plan benefits, you may file a written
claim. Your written claim, along with any supporting documentation, should be sent to:
Plan Administrator
Vice President, Total Rewards
c/o Resideo Technologies, Inc.
2 Corporate Center Dr.
Melville, NY 11747-2712
A. Claims
Once your claim has been documented and you have submitted any relevant information, the
Plan Administrator must process it within 90 days after receiving it. However, in some cases,
additional time may be needed. If so, you will be notified that an additional 90-day processing
period is required.
If your claim is denied, you will be notified in writing. This written notice will tell you the
reason for the denial and the specific Plan provisions on which the denial is based. It will also
point out what additional information is needed, if any, that could change the decision to deny
the claim. Finally, the notice will tell you that you can have the decision reviewed by the
Resideo Pension and Savings Appeals Committee (“Committee”) and explain the procedures
for such review.
B. Appeals
If your claim has been denied, in whole or in part, you can appeal the denial and have your
claim reviewed. You have 60 days to appeal from the time you are notified of the denial. Your
written appeal should be sent to:
Resideo Pension and Savings Appeals Committee
c/o Resideo Technologies, Inc.
2 Corporate Center Dr.
Melville, NY 11747-2712
Besides having the right to appeal, you or your authorized representative can examine any Plan
documents related to your claim. You can also submit, in writing, reasons why you think the
claim should not be denied.
Your appeal will be considered at the next Committee meeting following the date your written
appeal is received, unless your written appeal is received within 30 days of that meeting. In
that case, your appeal will be considered at the second Committee meeting following the date
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your written appeal is received. If special circumstances cause the Committee to need
additional time to resolve your appeal, you will be notified in writing before the extension
period begins, and your appeal will be decided at the third Committee meeting following the
date your written appeal was received. The Committee’s final decision will be sent to you in
writing as soon as possible, but no later than five days following the date the Committee
resolved your appeal.
The Committee’s written decision will provide you the reason for the denial, the specific Plan
provisions on which the denial is based, a statement that you may receive free of charge all
documents relevant to your claim, and a statement of your right under ERISA to bring legal
action against the Plan in federal court.
The Committee’s decision will be binding on all parties. If you challenge the decision made by
the Committee, a review by a court of law will be limited to the facts, evidence and issues
presented during the claims procedure set forth above. Facts and evidence that become
known to you after having exhausted the appeals procedure may be submitted for
reconsideration of the appeal in accordance with the time limits established above. Issues not
raised during the initial appeal will be deemed waived.
You must exhaust the claims and appeals process before you can bring legal action against the
Plan in federal court.
C. Time for Filing Claims and Appeals
Failure to follow the Plan’s claims and appeal process in a timely manner may cause you to
lose your right to bring legal action against the Plan and the Plan Administrator.
Deadline to file claim: To be considered timely under the Plan’s claim and review procedure,
a claim must be filed with the Plan Administrator within one year after the claimant knew or reasonably
should have known of the principal facts upon which the claim is based.
Deadline to file legal action: You must exhaust the claims and appeals process before you
can bring legal action against the Plan in federal court. All legal actions against the Plan or the
Plan Administrator must be filed in court within the six-month period that begins on the date your
claim and appeal rights are exhausted. Any legal action involving the Plan must be filed in the U.S. District
Court for the Western District of Texas.
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Section 6 Survivor Benefits
If you die, the REP Formula pays benefits to the person you name as beneficiary.
The benefits and choices available to your beneficiary depend on when you diethat is, before or
after your Termination of Service occurs - and whether your REP Formula payments have already
begun. One advantage of the REP Formula that many other pension plans don’t offer is that it pays
a benefit not only to the surviving Spouse of a married employee, but also to the beneficiary of any
participant - married or single.
To make sure the benefits from the REP Formula are paid to the person whom you want to receive
them, you must name a beneficiary. If you are single, you can name anyone as your beneficiary. If
you are married, your Spouse is automatically your beneficiary. You can name someone other than
your Spouse, but only if your Spouse consents to the designation in writing, and your Spouse’s consent
is witnessed by a notary public. If you are married and designate a non-Spouse beneficiary before
January 1 of the year in which you reach age 35, your designation will become invalid on January 1 of
the year in which you reach age 35. Your Spouse will automatically become your beneficiary on that
date and you will be required to provide a new beneficiary designation if you wish to designate a
different beneficiary.
If you are not married and either have not named a beneficiary or your beneficiary has died before
you, benefits are paid to your estate.
You can change your beneficiary at any time by requesting the necessary forms by calling the Resideo
Benefits Service Center at 833-277-8057 (say: Pension).
Your surviving Spouse or other beneficiary will be eligible for benefits under the REP Formula if you
have a vested Accrued Benefit and you have not yet begun to receive payments.
If You Are Married When You Die
If you are married and have not named an alternate beneficiary, your surviving Spouse is entitled to a
single life annuity for the rest of his or her life, beginning as of the first day of the month following
the date of your death. The survivor annuity will be the actuarial equivalent of your Accrued Benefit
paid over the life of your Spouse. If your Spouse defers payment, the benefit would be adjusted to
reflect the later start date. Your Spouse must begin payment no later than April 1 of the year following
the year in which you would have reached age 70½.
If the lump sum value of your survivor annuity is $5,000 or less, however, the benefit will be paid as
If the lump sum value of the survivor annuity is $1,000 or less, your Spouse will receive
a lump sum payment as soon as administratively practicable after your death.
If the lump sum value of the survivor annuity exceeds $1,000, but does not exceed
$5,000, the survivor annuity will be rolled over to an IRA in your Spouse’s name unless
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your Spouse timely elects to have the lump sum value of the survivor annuity rolled
over to IRA or paid to him or her. Your Spouse can keep the funds in this IRA, take
a distribution, or transfer them to another IRA in your Spouse’s name.
If the lump sum value of the survivor annuity exceeds $5,000, your Spouse can choose to take a lump
sum instead of the single life annuity.
If You Are Not Married When You Die or You Named an Alternate Beneficiary
If you are not married when you die, or you are married and named an alternate beneficiary with your
Spouse’s consent, the lump sum value of your Accrued Benefit will be paid to your designated
beneficiary. If you are not married and do not have a designated beneficiary, the lump sum will be
paid to your estate.
If you die after benefit payments begin and you are receiving a 50% joint and survivor annuity or a
qualified 100% joint and survivor annuity, your Spouse will be entitled to the survivor annuity
percentage you elected for the rest of his or her life. If you were receiving a single life annuity when
you died or you received a lump sum, no further payments will be made to anyone after your death.
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Section 7 Situations Affecting Your Benefits
Some situations could cause a loss or delay of your benefits under the REP Formula. Your benefits
may be affected by the following situations:
If you leave the Company before you have three years of Vesting Service (five years
of Vesting Service if your last Hour of Service under the Honeywell Plan occurred
before January 1, 2008), no benefit under the REP Formula is payable.
No pension payment will be made for any month in which you are receiving Company-
paid sickness and accident benefit payments.
If you are Disabled, you may stop earning Credited Service if you recover, elect to
receive a distribution from the Plan or refuse to submit proof of your continuing
disability when requested.
If you were previously covered by a benefit formula that provided an offset for
benefits earned under another qualified retirement plan or formula, an adjusted
Credited Service date may be used to calculate your REP Formula benefit or your
Guaranteed Earned Benefit may be reduced by the benefit you earned under the other
qualified retirement plan or formula.
If you are unable to care for your own affairs, any pension payments due can be paid
to someone who is authorized to conduct your affairs. This may be a relative or a
court-appointed guardian.
If you don’t notify the Plan Administrator of your intent to commence benefits,
pension payments begin only after your application for benefits is received and
Payments may be delayed if you fail to make proper application for benefits or fail to
provide necessary information.
If you or your spouse can’t be located, benefits under the REP Formula will begin
once you or your Spouse file a valid, timely application. Be sure to let the Plan
Administrator know if your address changes.
You may lose your right to file a claim with, or against the Plan, if you fail to files a
timely claim for benefits.
Pension payments are reduced by any taxes the Plan is required to withhold under
federal and state laws.
The Plan must comply with tax laws and rules of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
As laws and regulations change, the REP Formula may change. If any provisions or
changes materially affect your benefits, you’ll be notified.
The Plan Administrator makes every effort to ensure that pension payments are
correct. However, if any errors are made or discovered, the Plan Administrator
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reserves the right to correct them. In the event of an overpayment, you are required
to return the overpayment with interest to the Plan. In the event you fail to return the
overpayment, the Plan has the authority to recoup any overpayments, plus interest, by
taking legal action against you or offsetting the overpayment against other Plan
benefits to which you are entitled.
If the Plan is terminated, benefits payable under the Plan are limited to those that can
be provided by the assets of the trust fund and those that are guaranteed by the
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).
Benefits may be suspended due to periods of reemployment after benefits have
You die and are not eligible for the death benefits described above.
Your benefit may also be reduced to reflect lump sum payments made to you by the
Under the qualified 100% joint and survivor annuity or the 50% joint and survivor
annuity, your benefits will be reduced.
If the funded status of the Plan falls below certain statutory levels, you may cease to
earn additional benefits, certain distributions may be restricted and certain changes to
the Plan may be prohibited.
Benefits may also be reduced or lost due to limitations under the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended, the imposition of income, penalty and excise taxes or a tax
lien, the application of a domestic relations order or a judgment or settlement
agreement that requires you to make payments to the Plan.
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Section 8 Definitions
A. Accrued Benefit
A single life annuity expressed as a monthly benefit beginning at your Normal Retirement
Date. (Under a single life annuity, you will receive a monthly benefit for your lifetime, and no
pension payments will be made after your death.)
B. Choice Election
A one-time irrevocable election extended to Honeywell employees covered by certain pension
plans or formulas to elect to be covered by the Honeywell Plan retirement earnings formula.
C. Company
Resideo Technologies, Inc.
D. Credited Service
Credited Service is used to calculate the dollar amount of your benefit.
E. Disabled
If your first day of absence for medical reasons is on or after January 1, 2007, you are Disabled
if (i) you receive LTD Plan benefits from an Employer-sponsored plan for any month before
your Termination of Service, or (ii) if you are not eligible for LTD Plan benefits from an
Employer-sponsored plan, you receive Social Security disability benefits for any month before
your Termination of Service. This definition does not apply if your leave of absence is the
result of an injury covered by workers’ compensation or you are covered by a collective
bargaining agreement unless the collective bargaining agreement specifically adopts this
If your first day of absence for medical reasons was before January 1, 2007, you are considered
Disabled if the Social Security Administration awards you Social Security disability benefits.
F. Earnings
Eligible Earnings is:
-- Fixed, basic, straight-time pay;
-- Tax-deferred contributions to the qualified savings plan;
-- Before-tax medical premiums, dependent care and health care spending account payments;
-- Variable pay;
-- Lump sum wage increases;
-- Shift differential;
-- Overtime;
-- Sales commissions or payments;
-- Lump sum incentive payments paid for the plan year;
-- Performance awards paid through payroll;
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-- Periodic separation pay limited to twelve (12) months; and
-- Short-term executive incentive compensation as approved by the Board of Directors for the
year in which it is paid.
Eligible Earnings does not include special payments. Examples of special payments include,
but are not limited to:
-- Retainer payments, inducement payments, completion bonuses, non-executive incentive
bonuses, differential payments for overseas or on-location employment;
-- Relocation reimbursement;
-- Educational assistance;
-- Lump sum severance payments;
-- Lump sum vacation pay;
-- Hardship or overseas premiums;
-- Insurance benefits or Company-paid premiums;
-- Long-term disability pay;
-- Profit-sharing distributions and public or private retirement contributions or retirement
-- Payments from any stock option plan (including payments associated with growth plan units
or similar remuneration) and any savings and stock purchase plan;
-- Deferrals made to a non-qualified pension plan including the Honeywell Supplemental
Savings Plan;
-- Short-term disability benefits paid by a third party vendor;
-- Gain sharing; or
-- Per diem allowances and all other allowances or special remuneration.
Your eligible Earnings will not include amounts used to calculate your benefit, if any, under
the Pittway Corporation Retirement Plan or the Pittway Formula under the Honeywell Plan.
The Internal Revenue Service limits the amount of Earnings the Plan can take into account
when calculating benefits. For 2019, this limit is $280,000.
G. Employer
Resideo Technologies, Inc. and the locations, business units, divisions and companies of the
Company and its U.S. affiliates that participate in the REP Formula for the benefit of their
eligible employees.
H. Expatriate Employee
Any individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States, who is employed by a foreign
affiliate of the Company or an affiliate designated by the Company, and who is covered by an
agreement under Section 3121(l) of the Code, provided such individual: (a) is hired by or
transferred to the foreign affiliate while in the United States; (b) is employed outside the United
States; and (c) is expected to transfer back to the United States before his or her Termination
of Service.
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I. Guaranteed Earned Benefit
If you made a Choice Election, your benefit under the REP Formula will never be less than
what you had earned under the other defined benefit pension plan or formula that covered
you through September 30, 2000.
Your Guaranteed Earned Benefit is the benefit you are entitled to under the terms of the
defined benefit plan or formula that covered you as of September 30, 2000, adjusted to reflect
Vesting Service earned after that date and your increase in age after that date. Your
Guaranteed Earned Benefit will not take into account any Earnings paid to you by Honeywell
or an Employer after that date and any Credited Service earned after that date.
J. Honeywell Plan
The Honeywell Retirement Earnings Plan
K. Normal Retirement Age
The later of your sixty-fifth (65th) birthday or the fifth (5th) anniversary of the date you
became a participant in the Honeywell Plan. If you became a participant in the Honeywell
Plan or a predecessor plan before January 1, 1988, your Normal Retirement Age is your sixty-
fifth (65th) birthday.
L. Normal Retirement Date
Your Normal Retirement Date is the first day of the month coincident with or next following
the date you have a Termination of Service on or after reaching your Normal Retirement Age.
M. Plan
The Plan is the Resideo Technologies, Inc. Pension Plan.
N. Plan Administrator
The Plan Administrator is the Vice President, Total Rewards of the Company (or, if there is
no Vice President, Total Rewards, the employee with similar responsibilities and title).
O. REP Formula
The portion of the Plan that is described in the main document and named the “Retirement
Earnings Formula.”
P. Spouse
Your legal spouse at the earlier of your BCD or your death. If a government contracting law
or regulation that applies to you requires you have the right to name your domestic partner as
a beneficiary or joint annuitant at your BCD, you will have that right. However, only a legal
spouse can receive pre-retirement surviving spouse benefits.
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Q. Termination of Service
The later of (i) the date your service with the Company and its affiliates ends in connection
with your death, retirement, resignation, or discharge, or (ii) the date on which your periodic
severance payments end (to a maximum of twelve (12) months).
R. Vesting Service
Vesting Service is used to determine your eligibility for a benefit under the Plan.
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Section 9 Other Plan Facts
A. Plan Cost and Trust Fund
The Company pays the entire cost of the Plan. It makes annual contributions, if necessary, in
amounts sufficient to meet the standards prescribed by the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The contributions are kept in a Trust Fund held by The
Northern Trust Bank (the Trustee); 50 South LaSalle Street; Chicago, Illinois 60675. The Trust
Fund is known as the Resideo Master Retirement Trust.
Certain administrative expenses relating to the Plan are paid by the Trust Fund.
No Employer has a right to, or interest in, the contributions made to the Plan. However:
if a contribution is made by a mistake of fact, the contribution may be returned within
one year after payment of the contribution.
to the extent that part or all of a contribution is disallowed as a deduction under
Internal Revenue Code Section 404, it may be returned within one year after the
if the Internal Revenue Service makes an initial determination that the Plan is not a
qualified plan, Employer contributions may be returned to the Employer within one
year of Internal Revenue Service’s determination.
B. Plan Sponsor and Administrator
The Plan is a defined benefit plan sponsored by Resideo Technologies, Inc.
The Plan Administrator has the full discretionary authority and power to control and manage
all aspects of the Plan, to determine eligibility for Plan retirement benefits, to interpret and
construe the terms and provisions of the Plan, to determine questions of fact and law, to direct
disbursements, and to adopt rules for the administration of the Plan as may be deemed
appropriate in accordance with the terms of the Plan and all applicable laws.
The Plan Administrator may allocate or delegate its responsibilities for the administration of
the Plan to others and employ others to carry out or render advice with respect to its
responsibilities under the Plan, including discretionary authority to interpret and construe the
terms of the Plan, to direct disbursements, and to determine eligibility for Plan benefits.
Questions should be directed to the Plan Administrator. The address is:
Resideo Technologies, Inc. Pension Plan
Plan Administrator
c/o Resideo Technologies, Inc.
2 Corporate Center Dr.
Melville, NY 11747-2712
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The entity designated as the agent for service of legal process is the Plan Sponsor.
The Employer Identification Number for Resideo Technologies, Inc. is 82-5318796. The plan
number for the Plan is 002. Please use these identifying numbers when inquiring about your
retirement plan benefits.
C. Plan Year
The records of the Plan are kept on a calendar-year basis. However, the first Plan Year began
on October 29, 2018 and ended on December 31, 2018.
D. D. Limitations on Benefits
Nothing in this SPD is intended to imply that participation in this Plan is a guarantee of
continued employment with an Employer, nor is it a guarantee that benefit levels will remain
unchanged in future years.
Your vested benefit belongs to you and you cannot sell, transfer or assign it. However, under
certain circumstances, a court may award all or part of your benefit under the Plan to a present
or former spouse, child or other dependent through a qualified domestic relations order, or
A QDRO is a court order, judgment or decree that:
Is made under a state domestic relations law (including community property laws);
Relates to child support, alimony payments or marital property rights; and
Creates or recognizes an alternate payee’s right to receive all or part of your benefits
under the Plan.
If you are affected by a QDRO, you or your attorney should contact the Company’s QDRO
administrator at the address below to make sure the appropriate paperwork is filed.
Alight Solutions
Attn: Qualified Order Team
P.O. Box 7144
Rantoul, IL 61866-7140
Overnight Address:
Alight Solutions
Attn: Qualified Order Team
1000 S Perimeter Road
Rantoul, IL 61866
Telephone: Parties should call the Benefits Center and ask to be transferred to the
Qualified Order Team
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Website: www.QOCenter.com
If the QDRO so provides, your pension plan benefit as of a specific date may be divided. In
this instance, the alternate payee may be set up with a separate benefit in the Plan (as
applicable). The alternate payee will then be able to elect to begin receiving benefits, but no
sooner than the date on which you would be able to start receiving benefits if you had a
Termination of Service.
QDROs that do not specify immediate allocation of benefits at the date of divorce usually
include a formula for allocating benefits when you either have a Termination of Service or
reach retirement age. If this is the case, your account will be flagged to indicate that a portion
of the total benefit earned will be paid at a later date to your alternate payee.
You and your beneficiaries can obtain, at no charge, a copy of the procedures governing
QDROs. Contact the Resideo QDRO Processing Group for details.
E. Plan Amendment or Termination
The Company hopes to continue the Plan indefinitely, but reserves the right to amend or
terminate it. Also, the Company’s Board of Directors or a properly authorized designee has
the power to amend or terminate the Plan. If the Plan is terminated, retirement benefits will
be paid in accordance with the requirements of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
(PBGC) and to the extent provided by the Trust Fund. No money in the Trust Fund can be
returned to the Company until all retirement benefit obligations are met.
F. Pension Insurance
Your pension benefits under the Plan are insured by the PBGC, a federal insurance agency. If
the Plan terminates (ends) without enough money to pay all benefits, the PBGC will step in
to pay pension benefits. Most people receive all of the pension benefits they would have
received under their Plan, but some people may lose certain benefits.
The PBGC guarantee generally covers:
Normal and early retirement benefits;
Disability benefits if you become Disabled before the Plan terminates; and
Certain benefits for your survivors.
The PBGC guarantee generally does not cover:
Benefits greater than the maximum guaranteed amount set by law for the year in which
the Plan terminates;
Some or all of the benefit increases and new benefits based on Plan provisions that
have been in place for less than five years at the time the Plan terminates;
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Benefits that are not vested because you have not worked long enough for an
Employer and its affiliates;
Benefits for which you have not met all of the requirements at the time the Plan
Certain early retirement payments (such as supplemental benefits that stop when you
become eligible for Social Security) that result in an early retirement monthly benefit
greater than your monthly benefit at the Plan’s normal retirement age; or
Non-pension benefits, such as health insurance, life insurance, certain death benefits,
vacation pay and severance pay.
Even if certain of your benefits are not guaranteed, you may still receive some of those benefits
from the PBGC, depending on how much money your Plan has and on how much the PBGC
collects from employers.
For more information about the PBGC and the benefits it guarantees, ask your Plan
Administrator or the PBGC. Inquiries to the PBGC should be addressed to:
Technical Assistance
Division 1200 K
Street, N.W., Suite
930 Washington, D.C.
20005 4026
The PBGC can also be reached by calling 1-202-326-4000 (not a toll-free number). TTY/TDD
users may call the federal relay service toll-free at 1-800-877-8339 and ask to be connected to
202-326-4000. Additional information about the PBGC’s pension insurance program is
available through the PBGC’s website on the Internet at: http://www.pbgc.gov.
G. Mergers, Consolidations or Transfers
If this Plan is merged or consolidated with another plan or the assets and liabilities attributable
to your accrued retirement benefit are transferred to another plan, your benefit under this Plan
would be equal to at least the amount to which you would be entitled if this Plan had been
terminated just before the merger, consolidation or transfer.
H. If the Plan Becomes Top-Heavy
A pension plan is considered top-heavy when 60% or more of the retirement benefits from
the Plan are payable to highly paid employees.
It is unlikely that this Plan will become top-heavy. If the Plan does become top-heavy, you’ll
be notified. Special rules apply for any period of time a plan is top-heavy.
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I. Maximum Retirement Benefits
The Internal Revenue Code limits the retirement benefits payable and the Compensation that
may be considered under defined benefit plans for highly compensated employees. If these
maximums affect you, you’ll be notified.
J. Rollover Rules Applicable to Lump Sum Payments
Any lump sum pension payment made from the Plan to you or your surviving spouse is eligible
for a direct rollover to another qualified pension plan or to an Individual Retirement Account
(IRA). However, for direct rollovers, a $200.00 minimum applies. For partial rollovers, a
$500.00 minimum applies. If you do not elect a rollover, federal tax law requires that the Plan
withhold 20% of the payment as an advance estimated payment for federal income taxes.
(State withholding taxes may also apply.) You will receive further information on rollovers and
tax rules applicable to your payment when you elect to commence benefits.
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Section 10 ERISA
The following statement is required by federal law and regulation to be included in this Summary Plan
Description (SPD):
A. Statement of ERISA Rights
As a participant in the Resideo Technologies, Inc. Pension Plan, you are entitled to certain
rights and protections under the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
(ERISA). ERISA provides that all Plan participants shall be entitled to:
Examine, without charge, at the Plan Administrator’s office and your local Human
Resources office, all Plan documents, including insurance contracts, collective
bargaining agreements and copies of the latest annual report (Form 5500 Series) filed
by the Plan with the U.S. Department of Labor and available at the Public Disclosure
Room of the Employee Benefits Security Administration.
Obtain, upon written request to the Plan Administrator, copies of documents
governing the operation of the Plan, including insurance contracts, collective
bargaining agreements and copies of the latest annual report (Form 5500 Series) and
updated summary plan description. The Plan Administrator may make a reasonable
charge for the copies.
Receive an annual funding notice containing detailed financial information on the
Plan. The Plan Administrator is required by law to furnish you with a copy of this
annual funding notice each year.
Obtain a statement telling you whether you have a right to receive a retirement benefit
at Normal Retirement Age and, if so, what your retirement benefit would be at Normal
Retirement Age if you stop working under the Plan now. If you do not have a vested
right to a pension, the statement will tell you how many more years you have to work
to get a vested right to a pension. This statement must be requested in writing to
Resideo Technologies, Inc.; Resideo Technologies, Inc. Pension Plan; c/o Resideo
Technologies, Inc.; 2 Corporate Center Dr.; Melville, NY 11747-2712 and is not
required to be given more than once a year. The Plan must provide the statement free
of charge.
In addition to giving rights to Plan participants, ERISA imposes duties upon the people who
are responsible for the operation of the Plan. The people who operate your Plan, called
“fiduciaries” of the Plan, have a duty to do so prudently and in the interest of you and other
Plan participants and beneficiaries.
No one, including your employer, or any other person, may fire you or otherwise discriminate
against you in any way to prevent you from obtaining a retirement benefit or exercising your
rights under ERISA.
If your claim for a Plan benefit is denied in whole or in part, you have a right to know why
this was done, to obtain copies of documents relating to the decision without charge, and to
appeal any denial, all within certain time schedules.
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Under ERISA, there are steps you can take to enforce the above rights. For instance, if you
request materials from the Plan Administrator and do not receive them within 30 days, you
may file suit in a federal court. In such case, the court may require the Plan Administrator to
provide the materials and pay you up to $110.00 a day until you receive the materials, unless
the materials were not sent because of reasons beyond the control of the Plan Administrator.
If you have a claim for benefits that is denied or ignored, in whole or in part, you may file suit
in a state or federal court. In addition, if you disagree with the Plan’s decision or lack thereof
concerning the qualified status of a domestic relations order, you can file suit in a federal court.
If it should happen that Plan fiduciaries misuse the Plan’s money, or if you are discriminated
against for asserting your rights, you may seek assistance from the U.S. Department of Labor,
or you may file suit in a federal court. The court will decide who should pay court costs and
legal fees. If you are successful, the court may order the person you have sued to pay these
costs and fees. If you lose, the court may order you to pay these costs and fees (for example,
if it finds your claim is frivolous).
You are required to exhaust the Plan’s claims review
procedures (described above) before filing suit in a federal or state court for any reason.
You will lose your right to file suit if you (a) do not exhaust the claims review
procedures or (b) fail to meet the deadlines described in those procedures.
If you have any questions about this Plan, you should contact the Resideo Benefits Service
Center at 833-277-8057 (say: Pension).If you have questions about this statement or about
your rights under ERISA, you should contact the nearest office of the Employee Benefits
Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, listed in your telephone directory or the
Division of Technical Assistance and Inquiries; Employee Benefits Security Administration;
U.S. Department of Labor; 200 Constitution Avenue N.W.; Washington, D.C. 20210. You
also may obtain certain publications about your rights and responsibilities under ERISA by
calling the publications hotline of the Employee Benefits Security Administration.
This booklet contains a summary of the provisions of the REP Formula under the Plan in
easy-to-understand terms. Complete details and a description of all Plan provisions are
included in the official Plan document. If there is ever a conflict or inconsistency between this
Summary Plan Description (SPD) and the official Plan document, any omission from the
terms of this Summary or any ambiguity in the terms used in this Summary, the Plan
document always will govern.
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Section 11 Special Rules For Participants Who Made A Choice Election
If you made a “Choice Election” under a Honeywell defined benefit pension plan or formula in 2000,
you chose to cease participating in the plan or formula that covered you as of September 30, 2000,
and instead became covered by the retirement earnings plan formula in the Honeywell Plan as of
October 1, 2000. Your prior service and eligible earnings will generally be taken into account under
the REP Formula. Your Choice Election was irrevocable.
If you made a Choice Election, the Accrued Benefit determined under the REP Formula will never
be less than the benefit you were entitled to under the terms of the Honeywell defined benefit plan or
formula that covered you as of September 30, 2000 (your “Guaranteed Earned Benefit”). The amount
payable as a Guaranteed Earned Benefit may increase as a result of Vesting Service you earn after
September 30, 2000 and your increased age after September 30, 2000, but will not increase as a result
of additional eligible Earnings paid to you by Honeywell or the Company after that date or Credited
Service you earn after that date.
Optional Forms of Payment of Guaranteed Earned Benefit:
If you have a Guaranteed Earned Benefit, you may be entitled to elect other forms of payment with
respect to the Guaranteed Earned Benefit. You should review the applicable Summary Plan
Description or consult the Resideo Benefits Center to determine what other options are available to
Impact of Guaranteed Earned Benefit on Vested Pension
If you are entitled to a Guaranteed Earned Benefit and you decide to take that amount in a different
form or at a different date than the benefit you have earned under the REP Formula, special rules will
apply. If you make a separate election regarding the payment of the Guaranteed Earned Benefit, that
amount will not be available for distribution until the early retirement date specified under the terms
of the defined benefit plan or Supplement that govern that benefit. A separate election will also reduce
the amount of the benefit immediately payable to you because the Guaranteed Earned Benefit payable
at age 65 must be subtracted from your Accrued Benefit payable at age 65.