Mission Statement
“The Foreign Service Institute develops the men and women our nation requires to fulfill our
leadership role in world affairs and to defend U.S. interests.”
About FSI
Established in 1947, the Foreign Service Institute is the United States Government’s primary
training institution for employees of the U.S. foreign affairs community, preparing American
diplomats and other professionals to advance U.S. foreign affairs interests overseas and in
Washington. FSI provides more than 600 courses to include training in some 70 foreign
languages, as well as in leadership, management, professional tradecraft, area studies, and
applied information technology skills to some 100,000 students a year, drawn from the
Department of State and more than 40 other government agencies and military service branches.
FSI provides support to all U.S. Government employees involved in foreign affairs, from State
Department entry-level specialists and generalists to newly-assigned Ambassadors, and to our
Foreign Service National colleagues who assist U.S. efforts at some 270 posts abroad.
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Protocol In Brief ............................................................................................................................. 2
International Culture ....................................................................................................................... 2
Addressing Others ....................................................................................................................... 2
Introductions ............................................................................................................................... 3
Titles ........................................................................................................................................... 4
U.S. Mission Culture....................................................................................................................... 6
Before Arrival ............................................................................................................................. 6
Arriving at Post ........................................................................................................................... 6
Welcoming .................................................................................................................................. 6
Making Calls ............................................................................................................................... 7
Business Cards ............................................................................................................................ 8
Responsibilities at Post ............................................................................................................... 9
Hierarchy................................................................................................................................... 10
Host Country Culture .................................................................................................................... 12
Social Red Flags ....................................................................................................................... 12
Being a Guest ............................................................................................................................ 14
Resources for Understanding Host Culture .............................................................................. 15
Entertaining ................................................................................................................................... 15
Whom to Invite ......................................................................................................................... 16
Informal Entertaining ................................................................................................................ 17
Formal Entertaining .................................................................................................................. 17
Dress ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Formal "Black Tie" or "White Tie" .......................................................................................... 24
Semi-formal/Informal ............................................................................................................... 25
Casual ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Medals and Decorations ............................................................................................................ 26
Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Glossary of Diplomatic Terms ...................................................................................................... 29
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 32
Last Reviewed: July 2013
January 2011
Few things are as anxiety provoking for the first-time embassy or mission employee or family
member as the notion of diplomatic protocol. Protocol can sound both stuffy and mysterious at
the same time; and most of us believe we have had little experience in our non-government lives
to prepare us. In fact, the rules and processes of diplomatic protocol are based in pragmatic
thinking, common sense, and good mannersareas where we all have had some experience.
Protocol makes the job of representing our nation easier by facilitating our work as a mission
team, making our relationships and interactions within the diplomatic and host country
communities more predictable, and by providing a basic social framework and hierarchy to
We've designed this booklet to help you begin to master the basics of diplomatic protocol.
Whether you are an employee or spouse, have few representational responsibilities or are
running your post’s protocol office, this booklet is a good starting point for you. The booklet's
four main sections deal with international culture, U.S. mission culture, the host-country culture,
and entertaining. A bibliography and diplomatic glossary are included at the end of the text.
Our sincere hope is that you take the time to read through Protocol for the Modern Diplomat,
and make a point of adopting and practicing this art and craft during your overseas assignment.
We believe doing so will make you more personally effective overseas, and thereby make our
missions more effective.
Ray S. Leki
Transition Center
Protocol In Brief
Protocol is not an end in and of itself. Rather, it is a means by which people of all cultures can
relate to each other. It allows them the freedom to concentrate on their contributions to society,
both personal and professional. Protocol is, in effect, the frame for the picture rather than the
content of it.
In the relaxed atmosphere of American society, many of the rules of social behavior that were
routine a generation ago are today largely ignored, if not unknown. American casualness is often
interpreted as rudeness in other societies. What does it say if the representatives of the world’s
most powerful nation are indifferent to the appropriate respect owed to representatives of other
nations, or to ranking members of their own staff abroad? This can be taken as a personal or
national insult. There is rarely an entirely private situation in which one’s behavior is not being
International Culture
At gatherings that include representatives from the host country as well as from other countries,
the timeless formality of international diplomatic culture remains in place. It ensures that each
country will be respected uniformly and without bias. The necessary respect is expressed most
visibly through spoken courtesies. Below are some tips on how to address and introduce
diplomatic representatives.
Addressing Others
Although guidelines exist, proper forms of address vary greatly from culture to culture. Be sure
to check local customs, but a few general rules follow. The spirit of formality among diplomatic
representatives usually means not addressing others by their first names as quickly as is done in
the United States. One should rely on courtesy titles until invited to do otherwise. Socially, one
can refer to a spouse by his/her first name or as "my husband" or "my wife" rather than as "Mr.
/Mrs. Smith." When dealing with household employees however, you should still refer to your
spouse as "Mr. /Mrs. Smith."
Ambassadors are addressed as Mr. /Madam Ambassador or Ambassador Jones. Only by special
invitation or long friendship should one address an ambassador by first name and then only when
not in the public eye. In indirect address, refer to the ambassador as "the ambassador", with
his/her spouse as "the ambassador and Mr. /Mrs. Jones," or if the ambassador's spouse is a
woman who kept her maiden name after marriage, "the ambassador and his wife, Ms. Smith." An
ambassador of the United States may continue to be addressed as "Mr. /Madam Ambassador"
after retirement or after returning from his/her duties abroad. In some French-speaking countries,
the wife of the ambassador may be referred to as Madam Ambassador. Therefore, in those
countries, refer to a female ambassador by her last name (Ambassador Jones) to avoid confusion
and ensure that she receives her due respect.
Those of rank below Ambassador are addressed as Mr., Ms. or Mrs., if marital status is known.
When referring to a U.S. post, "the Embassy of the United States of America" is preferred over
"the American Embassy." As references to America can be ambiguous, especially in the Western
Hemisphere, avoid using terms such as "American ambassador" or "American citizen."
Similarly, to be clear and to avoid offending others by suggesting that the U.S. constitutes the
entire continent use "United States" in all references to this country.
The purpose of making introductions is to exchange names between people so that a
conversation can follow. For a formal occasion, the traditional "Mrs. Smith, may I present Mr.
Jones?" is used internationally. For less formal occasions simply stating the two names, "Mrs.
Smith, Mr. Jones," is acceptable. Making personal introductions (i.e., introducing oneself) is
perfectly acceptable and encouraged. Adding context about yourself and your role is helpful. For
example, "Hello, I'm Jane Smith, Vice Consul at the United States Embassy." In English, the
accepted, formal response to any introduction is, "How do you do?" Informally, a smile, "Hello,"
or, "It's nice to meet you," are fine. Other languages have very particular phrases, so be sure to
learn them upon arriving at post.
When making introductions, honor is recognized by the name spoken first. Courtesy gives honor
to those who are older, higher in rank, titled, have a professional status, or are female. To make
the introductions more pleasant, tell each individual a bit of information about the other. This
encourages the conversation to continue.
As they do when a woman enters the room, men should rise when being introduced to a woman.
In some countries, a man kisses a married woman's hand. Men also rise when being introduced
to another man. Women should rise when being introduced to another woman for whom she
wishes to show great respect, such as the hostess, a very distinguished woman, or much older
woman. In some countries, women rise when introduced to all others.
Throughout the world, greeting and leave-taking customs may include handshakes, salutatory
gestures or other specific expressions. If there is such a tradition, use it with host country
nationals, foreigners and fellow staff members. Failure to abide with tradition may be interpreted
as rudeness or a lack of respect for colleagues.
The best and most courteous way to handle recognizing someone without recalling his or her
name is to mention your name again. For example, "Good evening, I'm Jim Smith. We met
recently at the ambassador's home. I'm pleased to see you again." More than likely, he/she will
reintroduce himself/herself. Starting from the assumption that he/she may also not remember
your name could save both of you potential embarrassment.
Forms of address for foreign government officials and people holding professional,
ecclesiastical, or traditional titles vary among countries. The correct local usage can be verified
at post. Following are titles for U.S. and some foreign officials that are widely used in both
spoken and written address. It is appropriate to begin letters and refer to others directly and
indirectly with the following titles.
Diplomatic Titles
Chiefs of Mission
Mr. /Madam Ambassador (this also applies to an ambassador with a military title), or
Ambassador Reed.*
Sir RichardBritish ambassador who is a knight (Sir Richard's wife would be addressed
as "Lady Smith.")
Lord MontgomeryBritish ambassador who is a baron
Mr./Mrs. Douglas or Ms. Williamsthe ambassador's spouse
Chargé d'Affaires
Mr./Ms/Mrs./Madam Randal
Ministers and Others
Mr./Madam Taylor
* Special note should be made of how to address ambassadors. Over the years, and recently as
well, there has been discussion about the use of the honorific title of Ambassador by former
ambassadors, both those who remain active in the Foreign Service and those who are retired. For
years, Department regulations have forbidden this usage unless actually in the job of ambassador
or for those few who retired with the personal rank of career Ambassador.
For current employees, long-standing custom and practice, however, has established a clear
tradition in the Department and in the Foreign Service that persons who have served as
ambassador after Senate confirmation may continue to use the title after such service in
appropriate communications with others, may be referred to in communications and
conversations by the title of Ambassador, and may be introduced to public audiences by the title.
The Department has also clarified the use of the title for persons who have retired from the
Foreign Service or left government service who served as ambassador after Senate confirmation.
An amendment to the various regulations permits the use of the title, “Ambassador, Retired,” for
all such persons.
Although the United States does not use the term, "Excellency," some countries do when
referring to ambassadors. Even if the host country uses the term "Excellency," American chiefs
of mission in those countries are addressed as "Mr. /Madam Ambassador" by U.S. citizens.
Foreign chiefs of mission who are accredited to the U.S. are also referred to as ambassadors.
U.S. Government Titles
In most cases, the spouse of a government official does not share the official's title with his/her
spouse (i.e., the President's spouse is Mr. /Mrs. Washington or Ms. Lincoln).
Executive Branch
Mr./Madam President
Mr./Madam Vice President
All members of the cabinet are addressed as Mr./Madam Secretary except Mr./Madam
Attorney General
Below the rank of Secretary, U.S. Government officials are addressed by their own name: Mr.
/Madam Reynolds, not Mr. /Madam Undersecretary.
Judicial Branch
Mr./Madam Chief Justice
Mr./Madam Justice
Legislative Branch
SenateSenator Williams
HouseMr. /Madam Speaker of the House, and Mr. /Madam Williams for a state representative.
The titles "Congressman" and "Congresswoman" are becoming more common in social usage,
but are not, strictly speaking, correct forms of address.
State Government Titles
Governor Adley
Mayor Scott or Mr./Madam Mayor
U.S. Mission Culture
While less formal than interactions at international functions, mission behavior is also governed
by specific guidelines. Following these guidelines ensures a pleasant working environment and
efficient mission operation.
Before Arrival
It is a long-standing custom to write to the chief of mission at your new post when you find out
about your assignment. This letter should express your interest in the new assignment and offer
your services before your departure. Writing to your new supervisor is a thoughtful, although not
required, gesture. If writing to a new supervisor, a letter is the traditional form, but using
technology such as e-mail messages is often acceptable as well. The once-common practice of
newly assigned spouses writing to the principal officer's spouse is now rather unusual and
generally not expected.
The administrative staff will need to know about the details of your arrival. Administrative staff
members will help you with specific arrangements for housing, shipping belongings and any
other logistical matters. The person you will be replacing is also a valuable resource and you
should consider contacting him/her for advice.
Arriving at Post
You should make the post aware of your travel plans so arrangements can be made to meet you,
help you through customs, and provide transportation to a hotel, temporary or assigned housing.
Many posts assign a sponsor to meet newcomers at the airport, look after their immediate needs
and introduce them to the mission community.
As a general rule, you will meet with an administrative or personnel officer at post soon after
arrival. Most newly arrived officers are expected to advise the mission upon arrival either by
phone or in person. However, the next business day is also acceptable at many posts.
Each post has its own traditional way of greeting newcomers and introducing them to other
members of the mission. A personnel officer or an orientation packet will explain this process.
Usually, the employee will be introduced to senior officers and colleagues at the office, but
family members may meet members of the mission community in a variety of ways. Individuals
or couples may call on you (the employee), you may call on them, parties may be planned, or the
post may sponsor periodic receptions for arriving and departing families. These events are
designed to help ease your family's transition. The employee and the family will benefit from
participation in these customary welcoming procedures.
Making Calls
The purpose of making calls is to introduce yourself at post. The more people you meet, the
more likely you are to be comfortable and successful in a new assignment. There are two
different kinds of calls: office (also known as official) calls and social calls. Office calls are
actually face-to-face meetings, not telephonic contacts, and take place in the office or residence
of the person being called upon. Office calls continue to be the primary way of meeting the
individuals with whom the employee will be working. Social calls, or personal visits to another's
home, are still made at some posts but informal introductory social functions, phone calls, and
invitations are used more often as a way of getting acquainted. In the past, both types of calls
involved the exchange of social calling cards but this gesture has mostly been replaced in
business settings with the exchange of business cards and almost entirely eliminated in social
settings. Be sure that you are following your mission's customs. If the post has a protocol officer,
check with him/her for details. If not, consult your sponsor or supervisor for guidance.
Office Calls
New members of the staff should call upon the Ambassador or principal officer within two
working days. Usually, new employees are taken around the mission to see the facility and meet
colleagues on the first day. This introductory tour often serves the purpose of the "call on
colleagues"; another may not be necessary. If, for some reason, you are not introduced to others,
ask whether it would be appropriate for you to make appointments to introduce yourself. You
will not need to use calling cards for the calls you make within the U.S. mission.
If your new position requires that you deal with the host country government or with its citizens,
you should make appointments to meet them in their offices. Often, chiefs of
missions are expected to make office calls upon all other foreign chiefs of mission in order of
diplomatic precedence. Other officers are not expected to call on their counterparts at other
missions, although they may decide to do so. If you do make such calls, you may ask a co-
worker who is already acquainted with the other person to accompany you as a means of formal
introduction. Official calling cards may or may not be used depending on local customs, but
business cards will probably be exchanged. Colleagues at post can usually suggest the names and
positions of the individuals to be called upon.
A third-person diplomatic note to the host country generated in the post's personnel office may
announce the arrival of new officers, usually high-ranking officials. Others are announced when
the mission issues its biannual diplomatic list. However, officers serving at smaller posts often
find that their pending arrival is widely known and/or eagerly anticipated, so do not assume
anonymity based on rank.
The Foreign Affairs Manual (Volume 2) contains more information about when calls are
expected, such as special occasions, national holidays, military visits, the deaths of dignitaries,
and on visits to the capital of a third country.
Social Calls
A social call is a visit to the home of the person being called upon. Although becoming less
common, some countries' customs may continue to require formal social calls as the employee's
primary method of meeting both business and social associates. Since the custom has been
virtually abandoned in the United States, you may not be familiar with how it is done. A few
guidelines for practicing the art of making a social call follow.
One call, either official or social, may satisfy the requisite need to make a call in both instances.
Although spouses have no obligation to make either official or social calls, it is acceptable for
them to accompany the employee on social calls. If the spouse chooses, he or she may make a
social call alone upon the spouses of the employee's colleagues, either within or outside the
mission environment. In some cultures, social calls for the employee and/or spouse are
considered obligatory. Check with post for local practices. When making an appointment for a
social call, indicate if a colleague or spouse will accompany you. Children are generally not
included unless specifically invited. Stay no longer than approximately 20 minutes unless urged
to do so by the host (ess).
According to strict protocol rules, social calls that foreign colleagues make on the employee
and/or spouse are returned within a week or two. However, depending upon local custom, social
calls may or may not require return calls. Check with post for guidance. Acknowledging calls
from people within the U.S. mission is less formal and often as simple as inviting the person who
called to your next social function.
Check with the protocol officer or Community Liaison Officer at post about possibilities for
informally meeting other U.S. families. Generally, established families introduce themselves to
newcomers and include them in planned activities rather than engaging in formal social calls or
exchanging calling cards.
Business Cards
The traditional calling card that bears only one’s name and title, if appropriate, has yielded to the
more versatile business card. The business card may include one’s name, rank or diplomatic title,
office or section, business address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. Business
cards do not have prefixes, i.e., Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Dr. (MD or PhD would follow the name when
appropriate.) Military ranks and Ambassador do precede the name.
The exchange of Business Cards may follow a ritual. Notice how one presents their card and
accept it in a similar manner. If two hands are used holding the top corners face up so they you
may read it as you receive it, accept it with two hands. Take time to read the card before putting
it away. As you present your card, take care that the print is face up and facing the receiver. Do
not exchange cards while seated at a formal dinner; there is time before or after.
When to use a business card?
Meeting someone for the first time
Leaving messages
Calling on someone at their office
Enclosed with a gift or flowers
Used received business cards for creating invitation lists
In private, make notes on received cards to help jog one’s memory
While there are no strict guidelines for family members, the general consensus is that business
cards are a classy way to exchange information for all. It may be that the family member has
taken a leave of absence from a job in the United States but still has professional interests.
It is wise to seek advice from the Security Office at post about what information should be
printed on the card. There should be no reference to the embassy unless that is the only address
or phone number that Security advises using. A family member is not entitled to display a USG
crest on the card but the member may wish to have a picture or appropriate emblem on it.
Prefixes such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Dr. are never used on business cards.
Responsibilities at Post
A U.S. ambassador serving abroad symbolizes the sovereignty of the United States and serves as
the personal representative of the President of the United States. Ambassadorial duties include
negotiating agreements, reporting on political, economic and social conditions, advising on
policy options, protecting American interests, and coordinating the activities of all U.S.
Government agencies and personnel in the country. By virtue of the position, Ambassadors at
post rely on the support of and are afforded special courtesies by the entire mission staff. These
courtesies apply to the ambassadors of other countries as well.
In direct conversation, address an ambassador as Mr. /Madam Ambassador or Ambassador
Jones. His/her spouse should be referred to as Mr. /Mrs. Jones or Ms. Smith, if the spouse is a
woman who kept her maiden name after marriage. It is proper to rise when an ambassador and/or
his/her spouse enters a room just as you would for the chief of state. When making introductions
to an ambassador, everyone but a chief of state is presented to him/her. In other words, the
ambassador's name and title is stated first, then the person being introduced. An ambassador and
his/her spouse precede all others when entering or leaving a room. The official place for the
ambassador in the car is the backseat, curbside. His/her car is allowed to pass before all others.
At ceremonies that take place on ships, the ambassador is the first to step on deck and the first to
step off, and at airport ceremonies, he/she is the last to board and the first to disembark. When
you attend social functions that the ambassador and other high-ranking U.S. officers are also
attending, you should arrive approximately fifteen minutes early and make a special point to
greet these officers. A personal greeting, however, is not necessary at a very large reception.
Many of these courtesies are also extended to senior officers and visiting officials such as
members of the Cabinet or Congress.
From time to time, the ambassador may ask employees to escort guests, substitute for him/her at
meetings, or help at social functions. If you have been invited by the ambassador to a social
event, it is important to know the role you will be expected to play. Chances are the invitation
was issued for a business reason. Study the guest list in advance and arrive at least fifteen
minutes early and offer your help. This usually includes greeting the guests and moving them
away from the receiving line. Both the employee and his/her spouse should circulate and mingle,
although not together. At these events, embassy staff will be busy ushering the guests and
mingling; therefore, remember to eat before leaving home. Social functions are very important to
the work of the mission. If your help is necessary, you may need to reschedule other
commitments. It is perfectly acceptable to explain to a colleague that a senior officer needs your
help. If you must depart before the event concludes, inform the ambassador's secretary before the
event so that the ambassador can have a mental list of who is there and who is not to help
him/her through the event.
Diplomatic ranks can be confusing and unfamiliar. The following list ranks many of the
positions (from the top down) one may find in a U.S. embassy. Not all positions exist in every
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Ministers Plenipotentiary
Chargé d'Affaires ad hoc or pro tempore
Charge d' Affaires ad interim
Counselors (or Senior Secretaries in the absence of Counselors)
Army, Naval and Air Attachés
Civilian Attaches not in the Foreign Service
First Secretaries
Second Secretaries
Assistant Army, Naval and Air Attachés
Civilian Assistant Attaches not in the Foreign Service
Third Secretaries and Assistant Attachés
When more than one ambassador is present in country, their order of precedence is determined
by the order in which they presented their credentials to the country's chief of state. All
ambassadors defer to the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps a position earned by virtue of longevity
as his/her country's representative. When a country has more than one ambassador posted to
multiple missions, the order of precedence among them is determined by the customs of their
Rise when ranking guests enter and remain standing until they are seated; as you sit, reserve right
end of the sofa for ranking guests.
Departures from events are according to rank and precedence:
You should remain at any dinner party (U.S. or foreign) until all persons of all nationalities who
outrank you have departed.
With regard to the ambassador and/or spouse, always rise when he or she enters the room and
remain standing until he or she is seated (this is a usual deference to age and responsibility.)
At a small function, remain until he or she leaves. At a large function, make your departure
known to the ambassador. However, never be the employee whose departure would leave the
Ambassador or spouse alone.
Accompany him or her to the car when he or she is leaving your home. Escort him or her all the
way so that he or she is never without protection.
One always observes rules of rising, sitting, introduction, and departures in any situation of
mixed nationalitiesno matter how junior the host/hostess.
Enter a car first and move to far side or go quickly and enter on the far side so that the higher
ranking person can sit on curb side. The ambassador and spouse are last in and first out in
vehicles of transportation.
Going through doorways, however, they go in first and out first.
Learn local social customs. For example: Generally the woman extends her hand first in
shaking handsexcept where she is not expected to shake hands at all.
Official Events
Share responsibility you are not invited simply to be a guest, but also to work.
Accept an invitation within 48 hours or discuss your special problem with your supervisor and
abide by the decision given.
Be familiar with the guest list beforehand; if you did not receive a guest list, ask for a copy.
Arrive 15 minutes before function is to begin (or at time interval specified).
See that guests are taken care of from the minute they arrive, especially as they leave the
receiving line.
Mingle with guests, introducing yourself to persons whom you have not met and indicating that
you are a member of the staff if you are an employee.
Keep alert, especially at the embassy, or residence of the consul in charge, to see that every high-
ranking guest is escorted to the door and that his or her car is located.
Watch the host and hostess to see if they need assistance.
Do not congregate with your American colleagues, especially when foreign guests are not getting
involved in the conversation.
Host Country Culture
Outside the formal international diplomatic culture, another circle of customs and attitudes exists
at the homes and private gatherings of host country citizens. Remember that as a guest, one is
expected to respect the host's culture. Culture, of course, is unique to each country. Researching
publications that describe in detail the particular customs of your new post before your departure
will facilitate the transition process.
This booklet outlines several areas of common concern. The following "social red flags" signal
situations of which one should be particularly aware.
Social Red Flags
Invitations and responses
Cultural differences abound in issuing and responding to invitations. In most cases, the invitation
will come addressed to all the family members invited. If a spouse is not specifically named,
he/she is probably not invited. It is inappropriate to bring a date to a working event. However, in
some places, one invitation addressed to the family is meant to include everyone in the house,
even guests and visitors. Responding is very important and should be done, generally by phone,
within two days of receiving the invitation. Be sure to observe the request on the invitation.
"Regrets only" means to call only if you will not attend, and "RSVP" means to respond whether
you will or will not attend.
Greetings and forms of address
Although you should follow the guidelines about greeting, addressing and introducing someone
in the formal international scene, you will need to learn about the local informal customs as well.
Try to learn a few polite greetings in the native language that will get you through the more
casual social situations. You will also need to be aware of different greeting rituals such as
kisses, handshakes or bows. In some countries, for example, it is not uncommon to see men show
affection. Tremendous differences exist in how close people stand to socialize, how loudly they
speak, and how much eye contact they maintain. The best advice is to be observant and ask
questions of the Foreign Service nationals and experienced officers at post. Show interest and
concern in learning a different culture; most people will respond graciously.
Local concept of social time
In some countries, an invitation for 8:00 p.m. means you should arrive at precisely 8:00 p.m. In
some other countries, it means you should arrive no earlier than 9:30 p.m. To avoid awkward and
embarrassing situations, ask questions before attending social events. The Foreign Service
nationals who work in the mission are a valuable resource, as are experienced officers at post.
Dress, too, varies according to country and event. Women should be particularly mindful of
conservative dress rules, such as skirt length, low necklines, and having one's arms covered.
Remember that "casual" in other countries almost never means jeans or shorts. It is always better
to be too dressed up than too dressed down. (For more details, see Chapter V.)
Conversation topics
Be aware that there are cultural differences about what constitutes casual conversation. In some
places, it is perfectly acceptable for someone to ask your age or income. Knowing what is
appropriate and what to expect helps one avoid problems. Acceptable casual conversation topics
vary from culture to culture. Discussing children or food is rude in some cultures. Because one
circulates at social events in order to meet as many people as possible, conversations should be
fairly brief.
Even something as simple as bringing a gift to the host can be tricky. Many rituals and customs
often surround the meaning of gifts. The type, color and number of flowers you bring, for
example, may have a hidden meaning. In Italy, mums are funeral flowers; think twice about
bringing them to a dinner party. A guest may be expected to bring a small gift, or it may be better
to bring nothing at all. Once again, asking colleagues and co-workers about local customs will be
most helpful.
Eating and drinking
To be polite, accept the food and drink that is offered. If unsure or a bit apprehensive, try a small
portion. If you do not wish to drink alcohol, still take some to have in your glass for toasts. If you
do drink, however, as a U.S. representative, you should drink responsibly so as not to embarrass
yourself or your country. If, for health or religious reasons, you absolutely cannot try even a
small portion of a particular food or drink, it is acceptable to refuse with a short explanation.
Consider new foods and drinks an opportunity to explore the new culture. Try them in good
spirits and with an open mind.
Gender issues
Gender roles vary from country to country, and sometimes even within regions of one country.
For example, a husband may be expected to precede his wife in a receiving line, or men and
women may go into separate rooms for dessert. Although men and women may drift away from
each other and talk amongst themselves, the practice of actually separating men and women at
any time during a dinner party is rare even in primarily gender-biased societies. Be aware that
this may happen and when it does, it is best to go along with these traditions. Lacking a specific
mission agenda, the diplomat's role is not to change host country customs. The country may not
consider gender bias an issue that needs to be addressed.
When everyone is treated respectfully, only a few status issues merit special note. As mentioned
earlier, stand when an ambassador and his/her spouse enter the room, and allow him/her to enter
and exit a room first. When making introductions, introduce someone to the more distinguished
or older person. In addition, reserve the far right-hand seat of a couch, as you sit, for the guest of
Thank you
Rituals often surround thanking someone. Without exception, thank your host before you leave.
Tradition determines how you should thank the host the day after the event.
What, how and when to send gifts may be different depending on the customs of your post. In
most cases, a hand-written note is sufficient, but to be seen as an appreciative guest, look into the
customs of your new country.
Being a Guest
In addition to the social red flags, be aware of other guest responsibilities. These guidelines hold
true whether you are attending a formal international event or a local party.
If you are a parent, you may be reluctant to leave your children behind when attending social
functions. However, in most cases, children may not accompany their parents. Most social events
for business or pleasure will not include children. If the event does include children, the
invitation will make it very clear.
The tradition of toasting is practiced around the world. In most countries, a guest who is being
toasted remains seated and does not drink to the toast. The honored guest makes a reply by
standing and offering a toast to the host and hostess.
Leave a party at a reasonable hour, no matter how much fun you are having. Leaving early is
better than overstaying one's welcome. But be aware that in some countries, a reasonable hour
may be very late by U.S. standards. It is best not to leave prior to the departure of the senior
official of any nationality. Do not leave before the guest of honor or the senior representative of
your mission leaves, especially if you are helping to host a U.S. event. Be sure to thank the hosts
before you depart, keeping the farewells brief.
You should thank your hosts in writing within 3-4 days or by phone the next day unless the event
was a very informal event or a very large reception. Thank you notes are hand-written and signed
without courtesy titles (i.e., Mark Roberts, not Mr. Roberts). If you feel the situation merits a
more elaborate thank you, let local custom be your guide for an appropriate response.
Resources for Understanding Host Culture
In most countries, an understood grace period for cultural blunders exists. That time should be
sufficient for you to absorb the nuances of the culture, but if you need more concrete references,
here are several suggestions:
The ambassador's secretary can explain inviting and responding procedures.
The Community Liaison Officer should have a good understanding of the local culture.
The post protocol officer should be able to answer your questions.
Foreign Service Nationals (FSNs) or Host Country Nationals (HCNs) are excellent
The Transition Center’s Overseas Briefing Center maintains a cross-cultural bibliography
of commercial resources.
For extremely proper (but not country-specific) guidelines, Protocol: The Complete
Handbook of Diplomatic, Official and Social Usage, 25
Anniversary Edition by Mary
Jane McCaffree, Pauline Innis, and Richard M. Sand, is also helpful.
Entertaining widens one's circle of friends among officials and private citizens of the host
country and other Foreign Service officers and diplomats. It also facilitates the informal
exchange of information. Just as being a guest at a host country event affords the American
diplomat an opportunity to experience the host country's culture, guests of embassy officers will
expect to experience American culture. When planning the event, one must carefully consider
whom to invite and how formal or informal the event will be. Also, be aware of the local
customs on reciprocity.
The ambassador fulfills the obligation for formal entertaining for the mission; however, many
staff members often have entertaining responsibilities as well. The type of entertaining depends
on one's preferences, purpose, resources, and available facilities. For example, events can be
hosted at one's home, a local restaurant, or club. Representational events need not be large,
elaborate, or expensive. In many situations, a simple lunch or a backyard barbeque can be more
effective (and enjoyable) than an elaborate dinner or reception.
For many posts, the most common place for official entertaining is in the home. When planning
an event, consider the following:
Consult the embassy calendar (kept by the Protocol Officer or the secretary to the
Ambassador or Principal Officer) to ascertain that the proposed date is appropriate (i.e.,
not a holiday or the date of scheduled entertainment by others in the mission). Weekday
evenings are the most common times for official staff entertaining. In fact, official
entertaining rarely occurs outside the workweek. In many cultures, weekend days and
evenings are reserved for family and social functions.
If the event is to be a seated meal, consult the Protocol Officer for proper seating
Review plans in terms of local food and drink preferences, entertaining space, weather
probabilities and the language abilities of proposed guests.
If colleagues from the Mission are being invited to assist, they should be sent a guest list
in advance of the event.
It is helpful to make arrangements well in advance if equipment is to be borrowed or
extra helpers hired. Include security and parking arrangements here, if appropriate.
Whom to Invite
Everyone in the diplomatic and consular community understands the need to make friends
quickly. Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable to invite new acquaintances, as well as individuals
one wishes to meet, even before receiving an invitation from them. When members of the host
government are invited, the event becomes an official function of the U.S. Mission and
international protocol is in order. Well in advance of the invitations being sent, the protocol
officer and/or senior officers at post should review the proposed guest list.
A common way to extend an invitation to a formal event and/or official function is through
official stationary cards followed by a telephone call. Increasingly, however, the invitation is
extended over the phone, and a card is sent as a reminder. Letterhead and calling cards are
seldom used. Handwritten invitations on informals are a good way to extend invitations without
the expense of having invitations printed. Some posts have blank stock, others do not. Check in
advance to determine if this is an option at your post. As the RSVPs arrive, the protocol officer
may be able to help design a proper seating arrangement.
The long-standing dilemma when entertaining abroad is the variation in responses to invitations.
Invited guests may accept an invitation, but not attend. Others may not RSVP at all. Invited
guests sometimes bring uninvited guests or arrive late. Differences in the country's cultural
norms and perceptions of socially acceptable behavior account for these variations. When it is
crucial to have an accurate guest list, one might telephone the invitees to ask if they will attend.
Differences in the concept of social time affect the role of the host as well as that of the guest.
Find out whether the time on an invitation will be adhered to, or taken to mean two hours later. If
guests arrive late according to custom, they will probably also leave late. The only way to learn
these intricacies is by asking at post.
When making the guest list, do not assume that higher-ranking U.S. officers are off-limits. They
often consider it a pleasant change of pace to attend less formal social functions. To
accommodate them, check with the ambassador's or principal officer's secretary, and confirm the
date to avoid scheduling conflicts.
Informal Entertaining
At most posts, informal entertaining is not only appropriate, but also the easiest and most
representative of the way Americans entertain at home. Informal events encourage both the
guests and the host (ess) to relax and circulate. Furthermore, if guests feel that they will not be
competing with the gala event of the year, they are more likely to reciprocate.
Informal parties can take many forms, such as family-style meals, buffet lunches, and suppers,
barbecues, picnics and tea parties. The key to any event is to move the guests around so they can
talk to different people. Accomplish this by serving in several rooms, planning interactive games
or music and dancing.
Buffet style is an excellent way to serve informal meals. The host (ess) or waiter may serve
guests from the buffet, or guests may serve themselves. Tableware may be part of the buffet
service or the table may be set in advance. Tables of six or eight people are more conducive to
conversation than tables of four. If you choose not to set up tables, at least clear coffee tables and
end tables so the guests can put down their dishes. A few tables for guests who are not
comfortable eating from plates on their laps is a thoughtful touch.
If using place cards, follow the rules of precedence to determine who will be placed in the seat of
honor (for a man, the seat to the right of the hostess and for a woman, the seat to the right of the
host). If there is no prepared seating plan, ranking guests should be invited to sit at the host's
Unless there is a receiving line, the host (ess) and his/her spouse should stand near the entrance
to greet guests as they arrive and also to say good-bye as they leave.
Formal Entertaining
Guests, Seating, and Service
As the host (ess) of a formal event, one may call on U.S. Mission colleagues to serve as "co-
hosts." Representational entertaining is a shared responsibility among officers at post. Formal
entertaining includes a variety of representational events, meetings, and activities, as well as
"black tie" and "white tie" dinners and receptions. A formal printed invitation should be issued
well in advance, usually four to six weeks ahead. Invitations may also be extended by a phone
call followed by a reminder card.
Prepare a guest list that shows the title or profession of each guest and make that list available in
advance to the mission staff members who will be co-hosting with you. Occasionally, other
guests or Ministry officials may request the list; it may be appropriate to provide it to them. It is
appropriate to provide the list to the guest(s) of honor.
One may wish to consult the post's protocol officer for advice in creating a guest list and seating
arrangement. The number of guests, their names and positions, the purpose of the party, and the
shape and number of tables are but a few of the details that need to be addressed. Guidelines for
seating and service follow, but keep in mind that they may be adapted to each event.
Both the guest of honor and other guests must know who has the place of honor. In the United
States, the place of honor for a man is at the right of the hostess; for a woman, it is
at the right of the host. However, in some countries, the place of honor is at the left of the
host/hostess. The host and hostess can sit at opposite ends or across from one another at the same
table. They may also be seated at separate tables. If so, each chooses a co-host or co-hostess,
creating two more seats of honor. Co-hosts and co-hostesses are usually ranking guests or
colleagues from the U.S. Mission. After the guest of honor and the host (ess) or co-host (ess) are
seated, the arrangement goes by rank, gender, and nationality. As a general rule, couples sit
across the table from each other, not side-by-side. Several examples of possible seating
arrangements are illustrated below. To seat 8, 12, 16, or 20 people without two men or two
women sitting together, the hostess sits to the left of the seat that is properly hers. ("W"
represents a female guest; "M" represents a male guest.) This allows the M seat of honor to still
be at the hostess’s right. However, unless you divide the “honored couple,” invariably one
couple will be seated side by side.
Sample Seating Arrangement for Eight
Sample Seating Arrangement for Fourteen
The most common arrangement places the host and hostess at the head and foot of the table.
("W" represents a female guest; "M" represents a male guest.)
W2 M3 W3
W1 M2 Hostess
W2 M4 W6 M5 W3 M1
W1 M3 W5 M6 W4 M2
Sample Seating Arrangement for a Men's/Women's Luncheon or Dinner
For same-sex events with only a host or hostess, a better balance of rank may be achieved by
designating a co-host and having the host and co-host seated opposite of each other at the center
of the table.
As a general rule, an even number of men and women alternate seats at a table. In American
homes, foreign guests take precedence over Americans of comparable rank with the exception of
the Ambassador of the United States. The Ambassador is seated as a host or hostess to avoid
seating precedence conflicts. This courtesy also applies to the ambassador's spouse. If an unequal
number of men and women (or individuals of more than one nationality) are in attendance,
alternate both the sexes as well as the nationalities. One possibility is to seat the host (ess) and
the guest of honor opposite each other in the middle of the long sides of the dining table and then
alternate from there. The husband of a high-ranking female official is seated commensurately; do
not demote him. When many high-ranking officials are expected to attend the event, if possible,
seat them in a manner such that many hold a seat of honor. An excellent way of doing this is to
use round tables. Using round tables is also helpful in minimizing disruptions if place settings
must be removed at the last minute.
Place a seating chart in the entrance hall so that each guest may find his/her place before entering
the dining room. Although rarely practiced today, men might be given a "take-in card" which
designates a particular woman to escort to the table. Place cards are used when there are more
than eight guests. Place them above the plates with the names and titles visible to the guests
seated at either side. For the benefit of the guests across the table, consider printing the names on
the back of the cards as well. When there are many tables, a table chart is often used to assist
guests in locating their table.
One waiter for every six to eight guests is generally sufficient. Guests may be served in sequence
around the table or women may be served before men. If guests are served in sequence, the
woman on the host's right is served first. The man to her right is served next, and service
proceeds counter clockwise so that the host is served last. If women are served first, the woman
on the host's right is served at the same time as the woman to his left. Two servers then proceed
clockwise around the table to the women and then to the men. If there is only one server per
table, the direction of service should be reversed after each course so that the same guests are not
always served last. Local customs for serving should be observed.
M9 M5 M1 Host M3 M7 M11
M12 M8 M4 Co-host M2 M6 M10
As mentioned above, seek advice at post about the local customs on toasts and drinking in
general. Usually, toasts are made with the dessert course. At the end of the meal, the host or
hostess makes the first move to leave the table. Guests then follow in order of precedence.
Coffee may be served in another room.
For suggestions on menus, table settings and decorations, consult an etiquette book or a
cookbook designed for entertaining.
Receiving Lines
At formal receptions, a receiving line enables the host and hostess to greet each guest personally.
Usually, the host stands first and the hostess stands second. However, the hostess may defer to
guests of honor and stand after them in line. To stand in line and receive guests with a drink or
cigarette in your hand is considered discourteous.
An official staff member may introduce each guest; guests may also introduce themselves. All
U.S. staff members should help the host(ess) attend to the guests by "taking them off the line";
greeting them as they finish the receiving line, accompanying them to the refreshments, and
integrating them into conversations.
At the end of the event, the host should be available near the exit to say good-bye to guests. At
an event hosted by the Ambassador, Deputy Chief of Mission, Public Affairs Officer, or agency
head, staff members should stay until all foreign guests have departed.
A verbal greeting, a toast is also given in tribute to someone. Hosts of diplomatic dinners often
offer two toasts, one being a welcome toast to everyone in the room. This toast is usually offered
after the first course is served to all guests. Another toast to the guest of honor is offered at the
beginning or at the end of the dessert course. It is helpful to practice your toast beforehand and
to be brief.
When giving a toast, rise in place and speak to the entire room. Raise your glass to eye level and
look toward the honored person and drink, making eye contact with the honored person. You
should then nod and put your glass on the table and sit down. The person being toasted should
never drink to himself/herself. A nod or smile of appreciation can suffice for a response, or the
honored person can return the toast by rising afterwards and offering a formal response.
Food and Drink Practices
No pork or pork products (ham, bacon, sausage, etc.) nor food prepared by using pork products
(bacon grease, lard, etc.) should be served. It is usual for Muslims to abstain from alcohol. A
Muslim guest of honor who does not drink may have no objection if others do, but fruit juice or
soft drinks should be offered. Most Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan, and do not eat
from sunrise to sunset, when they eat with family and friends; they will not usually accept other
invitations during this period. It is particularly important that month to refrain from serving
alcohol to observant Muslims. The following countries have a significant number of Muslims:
Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia,
Morocco, Pakistan, Saharan Africa, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey.
There is a wide variation in dietary restrictions among Hindus, depending on local custom, caste,
and individual acceptance of outside practices. Many Hindus do not eat meat, fish, or poultry;
others do not eat eggs. One branch of Hinduism, the Jains, will not eat root vegetables or nuts
that grow near the ground. It is always best to ask in advance if possible. Serving a wide
assortment of vegetables is always a good idea. Many Hindus, especially women, do not drink
alcoholic beverages. Fruit juice or soft drinks should always be offered. Culturally, many
Hindus prefer tea to coffee. The following countries have a significant number of Hindus: India,
Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
Catholics outside the United States are more likely to abstain from eating meat on given holy
days, particularly during Lent. As customs vary widely, it is best to inquire about local customs.
Buddhism is an individualistic religion, and food restrictions are self-imposed. Some Buddhists
do not eat meat because of abhorrence to killing. Some do not drink alcoholic beverages.
Buddhism is practiced in Burma, Japan, Kampuchea, Laos, Nepal, South Korea, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, and Vietnam
Many Jews follow kosher dietary laws, which means they can eat all fresh fruits and vegetables,
any fish with fins and scales, most dairy products, and certain types of meat and poultry when
slaughtered by a kosher butcher. Those who are strictly kosher will eat kosher meat only when
prepared in a kosher kitchen. Some do not mix meat and dairy products. During the week of
Passover, usually in April, an additional set of restrictions may apply. Others may observe one
or more of the Jewish dietary laws. If in doubt, inquire about restrictions in advance.
Many of your guests will have certain dietary restrictions according to their religion, health
considerations, and personal practices. While you may not always be aware of individual
practices, you do need to plan what you serve in countries where many individuals follow a
particular religion or have particular cultural habits. People from these listed countries often
follow eating and drinking customs even when resident elsewhere. It is also important to remind
yourself that some individuals you entertain may not follow any or all of the dietary practices
associated with their religion. Because of the wide variation in eating and drinking practices,
some non-meat dishes and non-alcoholic beverages should always be made available when
Table Etiquette Tips
The Napkin
The dinner napkin should be taken from the table and placed on your lap when you sit down.
Place the dinner napkin (large size) on your lap, by unfolding it halfway with the fold facing
your body. Luncheon size napkins are smaller than dinner napkins and are unfolded
completely. When the meal is over, the napkin should be casually folded from the center and
placed on the left side of the plate; or, if the plate has already been removed, place the napkin in
front of you.
Leave your napkin on the chair when you leave the table during a meal. Do not place a napkin
on the saucer under a cup.
Styles of Eating
American StyleHold the knife in the right hand and fork in the left to cut food, then
put the knife down and transfer fork to the right to lift food to the mouth tines up. Lift the food
to the mouth with the tines down. Cut no more than two pieces of food at a time.
Continental StyleKeep the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left throughout the meal.
Lift food to the mouth with the tines down. Cut one piece of food at a time.
General Tips
Follow the lead of your host.
When coffee is served after a meal that is the cue to leave in about 20 minutes if you are a guest:
if you are a co-host, depart only after the last guest has left.
Woman enters seat from the right; man holds chair and stands behind.
Toasts can be made before or after the meal. Hold glass at eye level. Do not drink if you are the
person being toasted.
Blot lipstick before having a drink (use a tissue or paper napkin only).
Candles should only be used in the evening and must be lit before guests arrive at the table.
Waiters serve from left and remove from right.
Pour drinks from the right and remove from the right.
Guest of honor goes first in the buffet line.
Through tradition and usage, diplomats have come to wear certain kinds of clothes for certain
occasions. Your "uniform" will depend on the function, be it casual or formal. This section gives
a description of each kind of dress and the occasions for which they are appropriate. Keep in
mind that local customs impose many modifications, so be sure to check at post. Sometimes,
wearing the country's ethnic or national dress in lieu of traditional dress is appropriate.
In various parts of the world, a specific nomenclature for dress has arisen. Contrary to the
common meaning within U.S. culture, in the diplomatic community, "informal dress" equates to
business dress (see below). In some parts of the world, other terms for informal dress for men
include "lounge suit", "national dress," "tenue de ville," "planters," "shirt and tie," "island
casual," and "bush shirt." "Planters" refers to a long sleeved white shirt with a tie and dark
trousers. "Bush shirt" is a long or short-sleeved shirt with a finished bottom edge worn outside
rather than tucked into the slacks, or a long or short sleeved embroidered man's shirt. "Island
casual" means a Hawaiian shirt and casual (usually khaki) slacks.
Similarly, various terms apply to formal dress for men. "Tuxedo" and "smoking jacket" mean
black tie, whereas a "Red Sea Rig" or "Gulf Rig" means a tuxedo minus the jacket. "Dinner
jacket" may refer to either a dark-colored or white jacket. If you are unsure of the terminology
used, it is always appropriate to clarify before the event.
For many posts, the overwhelming choice for day-to-day business is a suit and tie for men and a
business suit or conservative dress for women. Men and women of all ranks of staff and spouses
are expected to bring this type of clothing. Many posts stress that daily attire closely resembles
that seen in Washington, DC. Although suitable dress clothing for men can often be purchased at
post, it is often limited and expensive. The selection for women may be larger, but the clothing is
often limited and expensive as well. Business attire for women is usually appropriate for official
evening functions.
Occasionally, business attire will not be appropriate. Below are some dressing guidelines to help
clarify the lines between formal and casual wear, day and evening wear. As always, exceptions
to the rule exist, so be observant and inquire at post.
Formal "Black Tie" or "White Tie"
Formal wear may be worn at evening performances of the opera, the theater, balls, and for the
most formal of dinners and evening affairs. Black tie is generally not worn in the daytime. White
tie requires the additional formality of a cutaway ("tails") and white tie for men and a floor-
length ball gown for women. Above all, let the information on the invitation be your guide. If the
invitation is unclear, ask when you respond to the invitation.
Male Attire
Black, hip-length coat without tails and with silk or satin lapels (a white dinner coat may
be worn in hot weather and the tropics)
Low-cut black waistcoat or cummerbund may be worn with a single-breasted coat.
Black trousers
White starched or pleated shirt or a soft evening shirt with studs instead of buttons
Wing, turn-down, or attached collar and black bow tie
Black shoes and socks
Hats and gloves are optional but not worn or carried indoors
Female Attire
Knee-length cocktail dress
Floor-length ball gown
Long skirt with top
High-heeled shoes or dressy flats
Above-elbow gloves are optional with a sleeveless evening gown, and short gloves may
be worn with a long-sleeved gown. If worn, gloves need not be removed for a receiving
line or dancing, but are removed prior to eating or drinking.
Semi-formal/informal wear may be worn for cocktail parties, dinners, some dances, the theater,
the opera, and evening receptions.
Male Attire
Dark suit
Tie or bow tie
Dark shoes and socks
Female Attire
Short cocktail dress
Gloves are optional
High-heeled shoes or dressy flats
Unlike the United States, most countries do not define casual as jeans and sneakers or
sportswear. Shorts and jeans, for men and women, are considered inappropriate attire for social
functions in many parts of the world. Instead, you will find that business attire is usually
appropriate for an event specified as casual. Breakfast, lunch, daytime meetings, afternoon tea,
and some receptions are generally considered casual, but the invitation should specify.
Male Attire
Business suit (light or dark) or
Sports jacket and pants
Tie or bow tie
Dress shoes or loafers
Female Attire
Business suit or daytime dress
Pumps or flats
Head coverings may be considered a requirement at some events. Wide-brim hats may
also provide welcome and necessary protection from the sun; check with the post.
Medals and Decorations
Foreign Service officers are prohibited from accepting decorations from foreign governments. If
you wish to wear war service decorations or civilian medals at formal day or evening events,
check with the protocol officer. If appropriate, wear them on your left lapel or over the left breast
pocket, U.S. military medals above U.S. civilian medals.
Every U.S. Government employee should acquaint him/herself with the general rules of social
conduct as well as those rules particular to a post or country of assignment. An understanding
and acceptance of these rules will enhance relationships, whether formal, informal, official or
unofficial, with people of other nations.
To accomplish this, many resources are available to U.S. representatives, not the least of which
are observation and interaction. The prudent employee, and family members, will supplement
his/her knowledge by reading prior to arriving at post, participating in the post orientation
program, and consulting with host country experts. The better prepared a representative and
family members are the more effective and pleasurable their overseas experience will be.
Foreign Service Grades (established by the Foreign Service Act of 1980) Comparison of
Equivalents Diplomatic, Consular, Functional, and Military Titles
Chief of Mission
0-10 Full General
CM (Career
Ambassador or
Chief of Mission,
Deputy Chief of
0-9 Lieutenant
MC (Minister
Counselor of
Consul General
Deputy Chief of
Mission, Chief of
Section, Country
or Office Director
0-8 Major General
OC (Counselor)
Counselor or
Counselor of
Consul General
Deputy Chief of
Mission, Office
0-7 Brigadier General
FP 1
First Secretary
Deputy Chief of
Mission, Chief of
Section, Deputy
Office Director
0-6 Colonel
FP 2
First Secretary
Deputy Chief of
Mission, Chief of
Section, Desk
0-5 Lt. Colonel
FP 3
Second Secretary
Deputy Chief of
Section, Desk
0-4 Major
FP 4
Second Secretary
Vice Consul
Deputy Chief of
FP 5- 6
Third Secretary
Vice Consul
Deputy Chief of
Web Site Resources
Representational Allowances 3FAM 3240
Department of State Standardized Regulations 310 - Representation Allowances
Department of State Office of the Chief of Protocol
Australia Protocol Guidelines:
Everyday Flag Etiquette: http://www.jord1.com/flagshop/etiquette.html
Hong Kong Flag & Emblems: http://www.info.gov.hk/protocol/eng/index.htm
Protocol Professionals: http://www.protocolprofessionals.com/articles.htm
Flags of the World
Glossary of Diplomatic Terms
agrémentthe host government's acceptance of the nomination of an ambassador to the country
ambassador-designatea diplomatic agent who has been designated by the President as his/her
choice as personal representative but who has not yet been confirmed by the Senate and who has
not taken the oath of office
ambassadoran official envoy or diplomatic agent of the highest rank accredited to a foreign
government as the official resident representative of his own government; or an official
appointed for a special, often temporary, diplomatic assignment
Ambassadorcapitalized when referring to a specific person (i.e., Ambassador Scott)
ambassador at largean ambassador whose portfolio addresses specific issues rather than one
specific country
ambassador extraordinaire and plenipotentiarya diplomatic agent who is the personal
representative of the head of one state accredited to the head of another state
attachéa civilian or military technical expert or specialist on the mission
chancerythe embassy office building
chargé d'affairesa diplomatic agent accredited by letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs or
Secretary of State of one country by his/her counterpart in lieu of a duly accredited ambassador
chargé d'affaires ad interimalso referred to as charge; a subordinate diplomat who
substitutes for an ambassador or minister in his/her absence
chief of missionprincipal officer of an overseas mission, with the title of Ambassador,
Minister, or Charge d' Affaires
consula consular officer of high rank, often at the First Secretary level, within an embassy
consul-generala consular officer of the highest rank; senior official at the consulate general
consular agentindividual who performs limited consular functions in cities where there is no
consulatea constituent or subordinate post; also the office of the consul and his/her
consulate generala large constituent or subordinate post
counselora diplomatic title accorded to a head of a section in the embassy, such as "Counselor
for Political Affairs" or "Political Counselor"
demarchea request or intercession with a foreign official, e.g., a request for support of a
policy, or a protest about the host government's policy or actions
deputy chief of mission (DCM)the second in command at an embassy who becomes the
charge d'affaires in the ambassador's absence
diplomatic agenta generic term denoting a person who carries out regular diplomatic relations
of the nation he/she represents in the nation to which he/she has been accredited
diplomatic notea formal written means of communication among embassies
diplomatic corpsthe collective heads of foreign diplomatic missions and their staff members
diplomatic immunityexemption of foreign diplomatic agents or representatives from local
diplomatic ranks
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Ministers Plenipotentiary
Chargé d'Affaires ad hoc or pro tempore
Chargé d'Affaires ad interim
Counselors (or Senior Secretaries in the absence of Counselors) Army, Naval and Air
Civilian Attachés
First Secretaries
Second Secretaries
Assistant Army, Naval and Air Attachés
Civilian Assistant Attachés
Third Secretaries and Assistant Attachés
dual accreditationhaving two or more responsibilities, such as an ambassador who is
simultaneously accredited to two nations
embassya diplomatic mission in the capital city of a foreign country headed by an ambassador
exequaturwritten, official recognition of a consular officer issued by the government to which
one is accredited
interest sectionthe office responsible for protecting the interests of the United States, housed
in a third country embassy, in a country with which the United States has no formal diplomatic
legationa diplomatic mission in a foreign country headed by a minister. The United States has
none at present, but a few other countries do
missiona generic term for embassy. Mission also describes the entirety of official U.S.
representation in a given foreign country which functions under the supervision of the
Ambassador, including civilian and military personnel (except U.S. military reporting to a
unified command and official U.S. representation to a multilateral organization).
ORE-Offical Residence Expense (funds for operating official residences).
passportthe official document issued to a person by his/her government certifying citizenship
and requesting foreign governments to grant the individual safe passage, lawful aid and
protection while under that government's jurisdiction
p.c.used in written social correspondence, "pour condoler" (to express sympathy)
p.f.used in written social correspondence, "pour feliciter" (to extend congratulations)
p.m.used in written social correspondence, "pour memo ire" (to remind)
p.p.used in written social correspondence, "pour presenter" (to introduce)
p.p.c.used in written social correspondence, "pour prendre conge" (to say goodbye)
p.r.used in written social correspondence, "pour remercier" (to express thanks)
persona non grataan individual who is unacceptable to or unwelcome by the host
precedencepriority; the right to superior honor on a ceremonial or formal occasion; for
ambassadors in a country, precedence is determined by the order in which they presented their
credentials to the host government
residencethe home/living quarters of the ambassador
secretary (third, second, first)diplomatic rank of officers posted overseas, in ascending order
of seniority
vice consula junior ranking consular officer
visaa seal or endorsement made on a passport by the proper officials of a country which
entitles the bearer to apply for entry into another country at the port of admission
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