Sample Student Responses
and Scoring Commentary
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Free-Response Question 1
Scoring Guidelines
Student Samples
Scoring Commentary
AP® Chemistry 2023 Scoring Guidelines
© 2023 College Board
Question 1: Long Answer
10 points
(a) (i)
For the correct answer:
Accept one of the following:
22 6262 5
122 33 43sspspsd
[Ar] 4 3sd
1 point
For the correct answer, consistent with part (a)(i):
1 point
Total for part (a)
2 points
For the correct calculated value:
1 point
For the correct calculated value, consistent with part (b):
1 mol Cl
1.411 g Cl 0.03980 mol Cl
35.45 g Cl
1 point
For the correct answer, consistent with part (c):
0.03980 mol Cl 2 mol Cl
0.0199 mol Mn 1 mol Mn
1 point
For the correct answer and a valid justification:
Less than. If some of the mass of aqueous
Mn Cl
is lost due to splattering, the final mass
of the dry beaker and
Mn Cl
will be decreased, which will decrease the calculated mass
and number of moles of chlorine in the dry solid.
1 point
AP® Chemistry 2023 Scoring Guidelines
© 2023 College Board
(f) (i)
For the correct balanced equation:
2 2 23
2 23
2 MnO ( ) H O( ) 2 Mn O ( ) 2 OH ( )
Zn()2 OH() ZnO()HO()2
2 MnO ( ) Zn( ) Mn O ( ) ZnO( )
s l e s aq
s aq s l e
ss s s
+ +→ +
+ ++
+→ +
1 point
For the correct calculated value, consistent with part (f)(i):
0.15 V ( 1.28 V) = 1.43 V
E = −−
1 point
For the correct calculated value, consistent with part (f)(ii):
96,485 C
2 mol 1.43 J 1 kJ
276 kJ/mol
1 mol 1 C 1000 J
1 mol
°= °=− × × × =−
1 point
For the correct answer and a valid justification:
Accept one of the following:
Disagree. The battery is enclosed, so no change in the total mass will occur.
Disagree. All reactants and products are in the solid phase, so the mass of the
sealed battery will remain the same (no gases enter or exit the battery).
1 point
Total for part (f)
4 points
Total for question 1
10 points
Sample 1A 1 of 3
Sample 1A 2 of 3
Sample 1A 3 of 3
Sample 1B 1 of 3
Sample 1B 2 of 3
Sample 1B 3 of 3
Sample 1C 1 of 3
Sample 1C 2 of 3
Sample 1C 3 of 3
Chemistry 2023 Scoring Commentary
© 2023 College Board.
Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
Question 1
Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain spelling and grammatical errors.
Question 1 presented students with a variety of chemical situations involving manganese and its
Part (a)(i) required students to provide an electron configuration for the transition element
manganese. The intent was for students to demonstrate understanding of the Aufbau principle using
an appropriate representation for electron configuration (Learning Objective SAP-1.A, Skill 3.B from
the AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description).
Part (a)(ii) required students to use the electron configuration determined in (a)(i) to identify which
subshell loses electrons first when manganese atoms form cations. The intent was for students to
demonstrate understanding of ion formation from the electronic structure of an atom (SAP-2.A, 4.A).
Parts (b), (c), (d), and (e) involved a chemical equation with unknown subscripts “x” and “y” for the
formation of a Mn
compound from the reaction between Mn(s) and HCl(aq). Students were given
a set of experimental data to analyze, which contains the mass of an empty beaker, the mass of the
empty beaker and Mn(s), and the mass of beaker and Mn
(s) heated to constant mass.
Part (b) required students to calculate the mass of Cl in the dry Mn
sample that remains in the
beaker. The intent of the question was for students to use the experimental data provided to find the
mass of Cl (SPQ-1.A, 5.F).
Part (c) required students to calculate the moles of Cl based on the mass of Cl determined in part (b)
(SPQ-1.A, 5.F).
Part (d) required students to determine the empirical formula of the Mn
sample using the moles
of Cl determined in part (c) and a given quantity of moles of Mn (SPQ-2.A, 3.B).
Part (e) required students to explain how the moles of Cl calculated in part (c) would be affected in
the event of an experimental error where a portion of the Mn
splattered out of the beaker during
the process of heating the product to dryness (SPQ-2.A, 6.G).
Part (f) of this question consisted of four parts that revolve around an alkaline battery containing
. Students were provided with a table containing three reduction half-reactions and the
accompanying standard reduction potentials. One half-reaction contains MnO
, and the other two
half-reactions contain Zn.
Part (f)(i) required students to use the half-reactions given in the table to write the balanced net ionic
equation representing the most thermodynamically favorable reaction (ENE-6.A, 5.E).
Part (f)(ii) required students to calculate the standard cell potential (E°
) for the overall reaction
occurring in the battery (ENE-6.A, 5.F).
Chemistry 2023 Scoring Commentary
© 2023 College Board.
Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
Question 1 (continued)
Part (f)(iii) required students to calculate the change in Gibbs free energy (ΔG°
) for the reaction in
part (f)(i), in units of kJ/mol
, utilizing the mathematical relationship between ΔG°
and E°
6.B, 5.F).
Part (f)(iv) required students to evaluate a claim (agree or disagree and then provide a justification)
that the total mass of the battery, a closed system, decreases during operation (ENE-6.A, 6.D).
Sample: 1A
Score: 10
This response earned 10 points. In part (a)(i) the point was earned for the correct electron
configuration. In part (a)(ii) the point was earned for correctly identifying the subshell from which the
electrons are lost first; the response is also consistent with the response to part (a)(i). In part (b) the
point was earned for correctly calculating the mass of Cl remaining in the dry product using the
experimental data provided; the answer is supported with work. In part (c) the point was earned for
correctly converting the mass of Cl from part (b) into moles using the molar mass; supporting work
is provided. In part (d) the point was earned for a correct empirical formula with supporting work
showing a mole ratio calculation. In part (e) the point was earned for correctly indicating that the
lower mass of the dry product results in fewer moles of Cl calculated. In part (f)(i) the point was
earned for correctly writing the net ionic equation for the reaction with the greatest thermodynamic
favorability; supporting work is provided. In part (f)(ii) the point was earned for correctly calculating
for the overall reaction consistent with part (f)(i). In part (f)(iii) the point was earned for
correctly calculating ΔG° consistent with part (f)(ii). In part (f)(iv) the point was earned for
disagreeing and providing a correct justification.
Sample: 1B
Score: 5
This response earned 5 points. In part (a)(i) the point was earned for the correct electron configuration.
In part (a)(ii) the point was earned for correctly identifying the subshell from which the electrons are
lost first; the response is also consistent with the response to part (a)(i). In part (b) the point was
earned for correctly calculating the mass of Cl remaining in the dry product using the experimental
data provided; the answer is supported with work. In part (c) the point was earned for correctly
converting the mass of Cl from part (b) into moles using the molar mass; supporting work is provided.
In part (d) the point was earned for a correct empirical formula with supporting work. In part (e) the
point was not earned because the response incorrectly indicates that the number of moles of Cl
remains the same because the concentrations of Mn and Cl are the same. In part (f)(i) the point was not
earned because the net ionic equation provided is only the reverse of one half-reaction; it is not the net
ionic equation for the reaction with the greatest thermodynamic favorability. In part (f)(ii) the point was
not earned
because the
calculated does not represent the reaction with the greatest
thermodynamic favorability and is inconsistent with part (f)(i). In part (f)(iii) the point was not earned
because the incorrect equation is given, and no answer or work is provided for ΔG°. In part (f)(iv) the
point was not earned because the justification is not correct.
Chemistry 2023 Scoring Commentary
© 2023 College Board.
Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
Question 1 (continued)
Sample: 1C
Score: 2
This response earned 2 points. In part (a)(i) the point was earned for the correct electron
configuration. In part (a)(ii) the point was earned for correctly identifying the subshell from which the
electrons are lost first. In part (b) the point was not earned because the calculation is incorrect. In
part (c) the point was not earned because there is no work to support the calculation of number of
moles of Cl, even though the answer given is consistent with part (b). The directions on the exam
say, “For calculations, clearly show the method used and the steps involved in arriving at your
answers. You must show your work to receive credit for your answer.In part (d) the point was not
earned because there is no work to support the empirical formula. In part (e) the point was not
earned because the response incorrectly indicates that the number of moles of Cl will be equal to the
number calculated in part (c) because volume does not affect molarity. In part (f)(i) the point was not
earned because the net ionic equation provided is only a restatement of one half-reaction; it is not the
net ionic equation
for the reaction with the greatest thermodynamic favorability. In part (f)(ii) the
point was not earned because the
calculated does not represent the reaction with the greatest
thermodynamic favorability and is inconsistent with part (f)(i). In part (f)(iii) the point was not earned
because although the
is consistent with part (f)(ii), the calculation of ΔG° uses an incorrect n
value that is inconsistent with part (f)(i). In part (f)(iv) the point was not earned because the response
agrees that the mass decreases.