Steven Vasconcellos
State Court Administrator
1300 Broadway, Suite 1200
Denver, CO 80203
Revised 2021
Table of Contents
Preface .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Electronic Records Retention ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Colorado Judicial Case Management System ........................................................................................................................ 8
Historical Court Books and Ledgers .................................................................................................................................... 8
Trial Court Records Retention ................................................................................................................................................ 9
County Court Civil Case Files (C) ....................................................................................................................................... 10
C cases - except Name Changes and Permanent Protection Orders ............................................................................ 10
C cases - Name Changes ................................................................................................................................................ 11
C cases - Permanent Protection Orders ........................................................................................................................ 12
Criminal (CR) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
CR cases - F1 and F2, Sex Offenses, Crimes of Violence ............................................................................................... 13
CR cases - F3, F4, F5 and F6 (non-Sex Offense and Crimes of Violence cases) ............................................................. 15
District Civil Cases (CV) ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
CV cases except Name Change, Permanent Protection Order or Special District cases ........................................... 17
CV cases Name Change cases..................................................................................................................................... 19
CV cases Permanent Protection Order cases ............................................................................................................. 20
CV cases Special District cases ................................................................................................................................... 21
Water Cases (CW) ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Domestic Relations Cases (DR) ......................................................................................................................................... 23
County Court Felony Cases (F) .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Juvenile Delinquency (JD or JV)......................................................................................................................................... 25
F1, F2, Sex Offenses or Crimes of Violence cases ......................................................................................................... 25
Cases Other than F1, F2, Sex Offenses or Crimes of Violence cases............................................................................. 26
Juvenile non-Delinquency Cases ....................................................................................................................................... 28
Juvenile Adoption (JA) ................................................................................................................................................... 28
Juvenile - Dependency and Neglect Cases (JN/JV) ........................................................................................................ 29
Juvenile Paternity (JP/JV) .............................................................................................................................................. 30
Juvenile Relinquishments (JR) ....................................................................................................................................... 31
Juvenile Support Cases (JS) ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Juvenile - Truancy (JV) ................................................................................................................................................... 33
Juvenile Other Cases (JV non- D&N or Truancy Cases) .............................................................................................. 34
Misdemeanor (M) ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
M cases - DUI/DWAI, Sex Offenses or DV cases ........................................................................................................... 35
M cases - non-DUI/DWAI, Sex Offenses or DV cases .................................................................................................... 37
Return to Table of Contents
Mental Health Cases (MH) ................................................................................................................................................ 39
Probate (PR) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Protective Proceedings ................................................................................................................................................. 40
Trusts, Estates and Other Cases .................................................................................................................................... 41
Wills ............................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Traffic Infraction (R) .......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Small Claims Cases (S) ....................................................................................................................................................... 43
Traffic Cases (T) ................................................................................................................................................................. 44
T cases - DUI/DWAI ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
T cases non-DUI/DWAI cases ..................................................................................................................................... 46
Exhibits .............................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Instructions for Destruction of Exhibits ........................................................................................................................ 48
Jury Records ...................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Grand Jury ..................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Search Warrants ................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Miscellaneous Court Records............................................................................................................................................ 51
Probation Records ................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Juvenile Probation Files .................................................................................................................................................... 52
Adult Probation Files ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Appellate Court Records ...................................................................................................................................................... 53
Court of Appeals ............................................................................................................................................................... 53
Supreme Court .................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Historical Records ................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Financial and Grant Records ................................................................................................................................................ 55
Collections Documents ..................................................................................................................................................... 55
Court Bank Records (EG Court Registry, Special Accounts, Victim Fund/VALE) ............................................................... 55
Expenditure Records ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Fixed Assets Records ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Grant Records ................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Miscellaneous Financial Records ...................................................................................................................................... 57
Budget Records ..................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Purchasing Records .............................................................................................................................................................. 59
Purchasing Documents (RFB, RFI, RFP, RDQ, RFQ) ........................................................................................................... 59
Solicitation Documents ................................................................................................................................................. 59
Sole Source, Emergency Purchase and Cooperative Purchasing Documents ............................................................... 59
Return to Table of Contents
Contracts and Copyrighted Material ................................................................................................................................... 60
Contracts ........................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Copyrighted Material ........................................................................................................................................................ 60
Human Resources Records ................................................................................................................................................... 61
Pre-Employment Records ................................................................................................................................................. 61
Personnel and Payroll Files ............................................................................................................................................... 61
Reports/Other Source Documents ................................................................................................................................... 63
Supplemental Employment Records ................................................................................................................................. 63
Facilities Records .................................................................................................................................................................. 64
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................................ 65
Return to Table of Contents
This manual is published by the Office of the State Court Administrator under the direction of the Colorado Supreme
Court. It reflects the continuing responsibility of the Chief Justice and the Supreme Court to supervise and administer
the court system under Article VI of the Colorado Constitution.
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the State Archivist, and the State Auditor have approved the provisions of this
manual. References to this manual are also contained in C.R.C.P. 79(e) and 80(d); and C.R.C.P. 379(d) and 380(c); and
Crim. P. 55(e) and (f).
This manual is a basic working guide for the retention and disposition of court, probation, and administrative records.
This manual applies only to records in paper format, and electronic formats such as CD, Microfilm, audio file
recordings, etc. This manual DOES NOT apply to documents, records, or other information that has been entered into
the Colorado judicial case management systems. Any information contained within the Colorado judicial case
management systems is permanent and should not be purged. If a paper document has been scanned or uploaded into
the Colorado judicial case management system, the electronic version of that document becomes permanent and the
paper copy should be destroyed. Financial records attached in CORE (the State's Accounting System) meet retention
requirements. If financial records are attached in CORE, a paper copy does not need to be retained.
This manual is your authority for the disposition of records. No other approval is required. A log should be maintained
listing the files destroyed, and the date the destruction occurred. This information should be readily available to the
Office of State Court Administrator or the State Archivist, upon request.
All microfilming shall meet the requirements of section 24-80-107 C.R.S. All microfilming and imaging programs shall be
approved by the Office of State Court Administrator prior to commencement. All microfilm and imaging must be
approved by the State Archivist prior to the destruction of any paper records.
If you are destroying paper documents that are considered public record, it is recommended that those papers be
recycled. If recycling is not an option, those documents may be disposed of in the regular trash. If the paper documents
to be destroyed contain Personal Identifiable Information (PII) or protected information not for public release, those
documents must be shredded, burned, or chemically treated.
If you are destroying electronic records contained on CD, microfilm, hard drives or other portable electronic data
storage devices, these must be destroyed using a permanent destruction method (shredding, magnet, etc.). If you need
assistance, contact the Information Security Office at the Office of the State Court Administrator.
Questions concerning the development and content of this manual may be directed to:
Court Operations Research and Education Unit, Ph: 720-625-5610, E-mail:
Return to Table of Contents
Electronic Records Retention
The Judicial department retention policy for electronic records maintained in a judicial management system is currently
being evaluated. In the absence of a formalized electronic records retention policy, electronic records maintained in a
judicial management system are currently being kept indefinitely.
Once a paper document is scanned and uploaded into the judicial case management system it becomes an electronic
document and the electronic document is the original. This manual is only for paper documents and files and electronic
formats such as CD, Microfilm, audio file recordings, etc. at this time.
Return to Table of Contents
Colorado Judicial Case Management System
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Any and all records entered in
Historical Court Books and Ledgers
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Register of Actions Book, Minute
Book, Execution Docket Book, Daily
Order Book, Civil Order Book, other
miscellaneous books
Indices - index books, card index,
printed computer index
Water Court Books - register of
actions, water resumes, money
judgment records, exhibit inventories,
water indices
Cash/Fee Books, Judgment Record
No need to retain
Return to Table of Contents
Trial Court Records Retention
For a case to be eligible for destruction or cleaning it must meet the
following criteria:
It must be closed with no appeal pending
All funds held in the registry must be disbursed
There should be no active warrants on the case
Once a paper document is scanned and uploaded into the judicial case management system it becomes an electronic
document and the electronic document is the original.
Exhibits/Attachments to Pleadings should be retained and destroyed with the court file/documents. Exhibits to
pleadings may include those submitted on thumb drives or discs (i.e. video files or images). Hearing and Trial Exhibits
may have different retention periods or destruction rules. Check the manual for each case class and type for specifics.
After the appeals period for the case ends, courts may use the documents to retain section to purge the file for those
cases that are being kept permanently or until their specific retention period is up. At the end of the retention period all
paper documents in the file can be destroyed.
If the retention period is over and no documents are scanned into the system, the whole file may be destroyed and
there is no obligation to scan the documents before destruction.
For guidance on what to do before purging a court file see the Management Resources page of the Judicial Resource
Return to Table of Contents
County Court Civil Case Files (C)
C cases - except Name Changes and Permanent Protection Orders
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
All other cases
Court File/Documents
6 years from the year of filing
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
6 years from the year of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 6 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 6 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
6 years from the year of filing
Destroy per retention.*
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
6 years from the year of filing
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
If any of these cases have filings within 1 year of the date that you are purging it, keep any documents filed within that
year even if they are not listed above.
Keep in mind if you cannot determine if it should be purged or kept, please ask someone. If that is not possible, it’s
better to keep it than to purge it.
Complaint/Petition/Originating Document
Orders (with relevant motions or other documents if substance not in order)
Writs (except Writs of Garnishment)
Return to Table of Contents
C cases - Name Changes
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
All Name Change cases
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
C cases - Permanent Protection Orders
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
All Permanent Protection Order cases
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Criminal (CR)
CR cases - F1 and F2, Sex Offenses, Crimes of Violence
This is based on the highest file charge either arrest, filed or amended. Sex Offenses and Crimes of Violence are defined
by statute. See glossary for more information.
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
filed into case
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Electronic but unable to file in CCE
(CDs, DVDs, thumb drives)
Defendant found not guilty
Retain 35 days after acquittal or
dismissal .
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Electronic but unable to file in CCE
(CDs, DVDs, thumb drives)
Defendant found guilty
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Physical, oversized, contraband
(Weapons, Drugs, Clothing, Tools,
Return physical exhibits to original
agency. Courts may require agencies
to file photographs of physical
exhibits in the case file. The court
may deny the return of any exhibit
for cause.
Return physical exhibits to original
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
Search Warrants connected to a
particular case
Return to Table of Contents
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
CR cases - F3, F4, F5 and F6 (non-Sex Offense and Crimes of Violence cases)
This is based on the highest file charge either arrest, filed or amended. Sex Offenses and Crimes of Violence are defined
by statute. See glossary for more information.
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
80 years from date of filing
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
80 years from date of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
filed into case
80 years from date of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Electronic but unable to file in CCE
(CDs, DVDs, thumb drives)
Defendant found not guilty
Retain 35 days after acquittal or
dismissal .
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Electronic but unable to file in CCE
(CDs, DVDs, thumb drives)
Defendant found guilty
80 years from date of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Physical, oversized, contraband
(Weapons, Drugs, Clothing, Tools,
Return physical exhibits to original
agency. Courts may require agencies
to file photographs of physical
exhibits in the case file. The court
may deny the return of any exhibit
for cause.
Return physical exhibits to original
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 80 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
80 years from the year of filing
Destroy per retention.*
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
80 years from the year of filing
Search Warrants connected to a
particular case
80 years from the year of filing
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
Return to Table of Contents
If any of these cases have filings within 1 year of the date that you are purging it, keep any documents filed within that
year even if they are not listed above.
Keep in mind if you cannot determine if it should be purged or kept, please ask someone. If that is not possible, it’s
better to keep it than to purge it.
Affidavit in Support of Warrantless Arrest
Complaints/Amended Complaints
Petition to Deregister
Information/Amended Information
Written Advisements
Motions, Objections, Responses, Replies (and Orders or document that is being ruled on)
Minute Orders
Jury Verdicts
Victims Statements as they deal with restitution
Anything that says ‘restitution’
Pre-sentence Investigations/Probation Reports
Judgments, Satisfactions (partial and full)
Judgment of Conviction
Probation Orders, Terms & Conditions, Revocation Complaints, Termination Order
Property Bond liens and releases
Return to Table of Contents
District Civil Cases (CV)
CV cases except Name Change, Permanent Protection Order or Special District cases
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
All other cases
Court File/Documents
6 years from year of filing
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
6 years from date of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 6 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 6 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
6 years from the year of filing
Destroy per retention.*
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
6 years from the year of filing
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
If any of these cases have filings within 1 year of the date that you are purging it, keep any documents filed within that
year even if they are not listed above.
Keep in mind if you cannot determine if it should be purged or kept, please ask someone. If that is not possible, it’s
better to keep it than to purge it.
Complaints / Amended Complaints
Answers / Amended Answers
Counterclaims / Amended Counterclaims
Crossclaims / Amended Crossclaims
Response or Replies to Counterclaims or Crossclaims
Motions w/ Orders (unless orders are self-explanatory, anything w/ judges signature)
Mandates by higher courts
Return to Table of Contents
Response or Replies to motions
Minute Orders
Stipulations / Confessions of Judgment
Judgments / Offers of Judgment
Jury Verdicts
Satisfaction of Judgment (Partial and / or Full)
Promissory Notes*
* Note: Keep Promissory Notes If judgment entered the original should have been stamped “cancelled by judgment”
dated and signed or initialed by judge. If it has not been cancelled send the note up to the Clerk of Court w/ case
number written at the top and he/she will see that it gets done and returned to the file for imaging. Once scanned and
uploaded, the original can be destroyed.
Return to Table of Contents
CV cases Name Change cases
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
All Name Change cases
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
CV cases Permanent Protection Order cases
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
All Permanent Protection Order cases
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
CV cases Special District cases
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
All Special District cases
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Water Cases (CW)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Domestic Relations Cases (DR)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
County Court Felony Cases (F)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents if bound up
to District Court
If the case has been bound up to
district court, follow the
corresponding CR retention schedule
based on high charge.
Follow CR retention period.
Court File/Documents if not ever
bound up to District Court
4 years from the year of filing if the
case has not been bound up to
district court.
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts (for F
cases non bound up to District Court)
4 years from the year of filing if the
case has not been bound up to
district court.
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 4 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 4 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
4 years from the year of filing
Destroy per retention.*
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
If any of these cases have filings within 1 year of the date that you are purging it, keep any documents filed within that
year even if they are not listed above.
Keep in mind if you cannot determine if it should be purged or kept, please ask someone. If that is not possible, it’s
better to keep it than to purge it.
Complaints/Amended Complaints
Information/Amended Information
Written Advisements
Jury Verdicts
Pre-Sentence Investigations
Property Bond liens and releases
Return to Table of Contents
Juvenile Delinquency (JD or JV)
F1, F2, Sex Offenses or Crimes of Violence cases
This is based on the highest file charge either arrest, filed or amended. Sex Offenses and Crimes of Violence are defined
by statute. See glossary for more information.
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Sex offense, F1, F2 or Crime of
Violence cases
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
Search Warrants connected to a
particular case
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Cases Other than F1, F2, Sex Offenses or Crimes of Violence cases
This is based on the highest file charge either arrest, filed or amended. Sex Offenses and Crimes of Violence are defined
by statute. See glossary for more information.
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Case files other than sex offenses, F1,
F2, or Crime of Violence
15 years from the year of filing
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
15 years from the year of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 15 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 15 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
15 years from the year of filing.
Destroy per retention.*
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
15 years from the year of filing
Search Warrants connected to a
particular case
15 years from the year of filing
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
If any of these cases have filings within 1 year of the date that you are purging it, keep any documents filed within that
year even if they are not listed above.
Keep in mind if you cannot determine if it should be purged or kept, please ask someone. If that is not possible, it’s
better to keep it than to purge it.
Register of Actions (paper ROA in the file, if one exists)
Petition and Summons/Amended Petition for Delinquency
Information/Amended Information
Return to Table of Contents
Written Advisements
Victim’s Statement
Motions with Orders that impact charges or sentences
Protection Order
Mandates by higher courts
Property Bond Liens and Releases
Stipulations that impact charges or sentences
Jury Verdicts
Juvenile Assessment Pre-sentence Investigations/Probation Reports
Stipulation for Deferred Sentence
Judgment of Conviction/Mittimus
Guilty Plea and Waiver of Rights
Probation Orders, Terms and Conditions, Revocation Complaints, Termination Order
Commit and Release Orders
Petition to Expunge
Return to Table of Contents
Juvenile non-Delinquency Cases
Juvenile Adoption (JA)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Juvenile - Dependency and Neglect Cases (JN/JV)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Juvenile Paternity (JP/JV)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Juvenile Relinquishments (JR)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Juvenile Support Cases (JS)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
20 years after the Juvenile turns 18
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
20 years after the Juvenile turns 18
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 20 years
after the Juvenile turns 18.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 20 years
after the Juvenile turns 18.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
20 years after the Juvenile turns 18
Destroy per retention.*
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
If any of these cases have filings within 1 year of the date that you are purging it, keep any documents filed within that
year even if they are not listed above.
Keep in mind if you cannot determine if it should be purged or kept, please ask someone. If that is not possible, it’s
better to keep it than to purge it.
Petition/Amended Petitions
Case Information Sheet
Orders for Support/Modified Orders
Orders for Judgment
Motions, Responses, Stipulations
Writs of Garnishments
Attachment of Earnings
Filing regarding contempt (motions, citations, orders, etc.)
Return to Table of Contents
Juvenile - Truancy (JV)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
Destroy after the Juvenile turns 18
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Destroy after the Juvenile turns 18
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, after the
Juvenile turns 18.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, after the
Juvenile turns 18.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
After the Juvenile turns 18
Destroy per retention.*
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
After the Juvenile turns 18
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Juvenile Other Cases (JV non- D&N or Truancy Cases)
Underage Marriage, Judicial Bypass, Genetic Exclusion, etc.
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
20 years after the Juvenile turns 18
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
20 years after the Juvenile turns 18
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 20 years
after the Juvenile turns 18.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 20 years
after the Juvenile turns 18.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
20 years after the Juvenile turns 18
Destroy per retention.*
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Misdemeanor (M)
M cases - DUI/DWAI, Sex Offenses or DV cases
This is based on the highest file charge either arrest, filed or amended. DUI/DWAI, Sex Offenses and DV cases are
defined by statute. See glossary for more information.
Record Title
Retention Period
M cases DUI/DWAI, Sex offense
cases (requiring registration as a sex
offender) or DV charges
20 years from year of filing
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
20 years from year of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 20 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 20 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
20 years from the year of filing
Destroy per retention.*
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
20 years from the year of filing
Search Warrants connected to a
particular case
20 years from the year of filing
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
If any of these cases have filings within 1 year of the date that you are purging it, keep any documents filed within that
year even if they are not listed above.
Keep in mind if you cannot determine if it should be purged or kept, please ask someone. If that is not possible, it’s
better to keep it than to purge it.
Register of Actions (paper ROA in the file, if there is one)
Return to Table of Contents
Summons and Complaint (including officer notes)
Probable Cause Affidavit
Victim’s Statement
Motions w/Orders that impact charges or sentences
Protection Order
Mandates by higher courts
Stipulations that impact charges or sentences
Jury verdicts
Stipulation for Deferred Sentence
Judgment of Conviction / Mittimus
Guilty Plea and Waiver of Rights
Probation Documents - Orders, Terms & Conditions, Revocation Complaints, Termination Order
Pre-sentence Investigations/Probation Reports
Commit and Release Orders
Return to Table of Contents
M cases - non-DUI/DWAI, Sex Offenses or DV cases
This is based on the highest file charge either arrest, filed or amended. DUI/DWAI, Sex Offenses and DV cases are
defined by statute. See glossary for more information.
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
All other cases
Court File/Documents
4 years from the year of filing
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
4 years from the date of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 4 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 4 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
4 years from the year of filing
Destroy per retention.*
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
4 years from the year of filing
Search Warrants connected to a
particular case
4 years from the year of filing
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
If any of these cases have filings within 1 year of the date that you are purging it, keep any documents filed within that
year even if they are not listed above.
Keep in mind if you cannot determine if it should be purged or kept, please ask someone. If that is not possible, it’s
better to keep it than to purge it.
Register of Actions (paper ROA in the file, if there is one)
Summons and Complaint (including officer notes)
Probable Cause Affidavit
Return to Table of Contents
Victim’s Statement
Motions w/Orders that impact charges or sentences
Protection Order
Mandates by higher courts
Stipulations that impact charges or sentences
Jury verdicts
Stipulation for Deferred Sentence
Judgment of Conviction / Mittimus
Guilty Plea and Waiver of Rights
Probation Documents - Orders, Terms & Conditions, Revocation Complaints, Termination Order
Pre-sentence Investigations/Probation Reports
Commit and Release Orders
Return to Table of Contents
Mental Health Cases (MH)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Probate (PR)
Protective Proceedings
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Return to Table of Contents
Trusts, Estates and Other Cases
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, keep
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, keep permanently.
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
All documents should be retained for imaging
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Deposited Wills
Lodged Wills
Probated Wills
100 years
Return to Table of Contents
Traffic Infraction (R)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
2 years from the year of filing
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
2 years from the year of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 2 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 2 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
2 years from the year of filing
Destroy per retention.*
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
If your R cases are not already electronic, do not scan any documents in traffic infraction cases. After the two years,
destroy the whole paper file.
Return to Table of Contents
Small Claims Cases (S)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
6 years from the year of filing
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
6 years from the year of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 6 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 6 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
6 years from the year of filing
Destroy per retention.*
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
If any of these cases have filings within 1 year of the date that you are purging it, keep any documents filed within that
year even if they are not listed above.
Keep in mind if you cannot determine if it should be purged or kept, please ask someone. If that is not possible, it’s
better to keep it than to purge it.
Return of Service
Final Order
Return to Table of Contents
Traffic Cases (T)
T cases - DUI/DWAI
DUI/DWAI cases are defined by statute. See glossary for more information.
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court File/Documents
20 years from year of filing
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
20 years from year of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 20 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 20 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
20 years from the year of filing
Destroy per retention.*
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
20 years from the year of filing
Search Warrants connected to a
particular case
20 years from the year of filing
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
If any of these cases have filings within 1 year of the date that you are purging it, keep any documents filed within that
year even if they are not listed above.
Keep in mind if you cannot determine if it should be purged or kept, please ask someone. If that is not possible, it’s
better to keep it than to purge it.
Register of Actions (if there is one)
Summons and Complaint (including officer notes)
Probable Cause Affidavit
Return to Table of Contents
Victim’s Statement
Motions w/Orders that impact charges or sentences
Protection Order
Mandates by higher courts
Stipulations that impact charges or sentences
Jury verdicts
Stipulation for Deferred Sentence
Judgment of Conviction / Mittimus
Guilty Plea and Waiver of Rights
Probation Orders, Terms & Conditions, Revocation Complaints, Termination Order
Pre-sentence Investigations/Probation Reports
Commit and Release Orders
Return to Table of Contents
T cases non-DUI/DWAI cases
DUI/DWAI cases are defined by statute. See glossary for more information.
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
All other cases
Court File/Documents
4 years from the year of filing
Court Reporter Notes, Recorded
Proceedings and Transcripts
4 years from the year of filing
Hearing and Trial Exhibits
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 4 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
admitted as an Exhibit in a hearing or
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no applicable order exists, 4 years
from the year of filing.
Dispose of as per order of the court.
If no order exists, destroy. *
In-Camera Review Records that are
ordered to be part of the court file.
4 years from the year of filing.
Destroy per retention.*
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file.
Once scanned and sealed into
electronic court file, originals should
be destroyed. Destroy copies.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation.
4 years from the year of filing
Search Warrants connected to a
particular case
4 years from the year of filing
* The clerk of the court shall provide notice that records will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 35
days. For trial or hearing exhibits, notice shall go to each attorney of record or party. For in-camera record(s) notice
shall go to the original custodian of the record.
If any of these cases have filings within 1 year of the date that you are purging it, keep any documents filed within that
year even if they are not listed above.
Keep in mind if you cannot determine if it should be purged or kept, please ask someone. If that is not possible, it’s
better to keep it than to purge it.
Register of Actions (if there is one)
Summons and Complaint (including officer notes)
Probable Cause Affidavit
Victim’s Statement
Return to Table of Contents
Motions w/Orders that impact charges or sentences
Protection Order
Mandates by higher courts
Stipulations that impact charges or sentences
Jury verdicts
Stipulation for Deferred Sentence
Judgment of Conviction / Mittimus
Guilty Plea and Waiver of Rights
Probation Orders, Terms & Conditions, Revocation Complaints, Termination Order
Commit and Release Orders
Return to Table of Contents
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Exhibits filed in a particular case
Refer to court record retention
period for the specific case class; i.e.
misdemeanor, criminal
Unidentified Exhibits
Need not be retained
Instructions for Destruction of Exhibits
ALL EXHIBITS: Parties or original custodians of the exhibit shall be given an opportunity to claim the exhibit, once it has
reached its retention requirements. DNA, drugs, weapons or other contraband may only be released to certain criminal
justice agencies as detailed below. Notices may be electronically served or served by US mail via jPOD. Regular first-class
postage or postcards is also permitted, provided a record is made of each mailing and response, if any.
DNA: Exhibits containing possible DNA should be released to the district attorney, the local police department, or the
sheriff’s department. UNCLAIMED EXHIBITS HAVING HISTORICAL OR ARCHIVAL VALUE: Such items shall be offered to the
Colorado State Archivist, The Colorado Historical Museum, or a local museum.
Colorado Surplus Property Agency, to be disposed of as surplus state property.
Colorado Surplus Property Agency, donated to a state institution, sold as scrap, destroyed, or disposed of as the court
may deem appropriate.
WEAPONS: Weapons should be delivered to the district attorney, local police department, or the sheriff's department
for ballistics use or for destruction.
DRUGS AND OTHER CONTRABAND: Drugs and other contraband should be released to the district attorney, the local
police department, the sheriff's department, or the federal drug enforcement agency for destruction.
CASH: Any cash money that has been held as an exhibit for over two years should be receipted into the court’s account
as “unclaimed registry” (see fiscal procedures manual for further instruction).
HARDWARE (Thumb drives, cellphones, hard drives, tablets, etc.): If no one reclaims the exhibit, give to your local tech
for destruction.
Return to Table of Contents
Jury Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific
Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror
Summons Any Juror questionnaires
completed by jurors who are assigned
to a case and sent to a courtroom.
This includes both the questionnaire
on the summons document and any
additional forms filled out by jurors.
Jury questionnaires may be scanned
into electronic file and sealed, or
originals should be retained in sealed
envelope marked "NOT PUBLIC
RECORD". Retain in court file and
follow guidelines for case file. Copies
if any, should be immediately
Juror Questionnaires and Uniform
Juror Summons completed by jurors
that were not assigned to a case and
not sent to a courtroom.
Destroy immediately.
Juror Questions - submitted in court.
or during deliberation. Written
questions from jurors to judge during
trial (questions for witnesses) or
questions to the judge during
deliberation. (These are part of the
court record and should be
maintained in the court file.)
Refer to the retention period for the
appropriate case class/type
Juror Notes - notebooks. Written
notes taken by jurors during trial and
Destroy at the conclusion of the trial
(C.R.C.P. 47 -comments section)
Undeliverable Juror Summonses
Once entered in Jury system destroy
Juror Reimbursement Guidelines &
Request for Juror Reimbursement
2 prior fiscal years plus current fiscal
Jury Wheel
5 years
Return to Table of Contents
Grand Jury
Examples of Grand Jury records include (but are not limited to): all questionnaires, any other documents shared with
grand jurors regarding their service after they have reported for duty, any correspondence with grand jurors after they
have reported for their service, any information about the grand jury process that is shared with grand jurors after
check-in, FTR recordings or court reporter notes, grand jury instructions, evidence, the indictment or other outcomes
from the grand jury.
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Grand Jury Records - All grand jury
records should be retained starting
from the point that the jurors check in
for duty. Grand jury records include
anything given to the grand jury as
part of their work, anything they
review and anything the grand jury
gives to the court as part of the
selection process or proceedings
should be retained.
Grand Jury Transcripts
Return to Table of Contents
Search Warrants
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Search Warrants not connected to a
particular case by notice being filed
by law enforcement or district
attorney's office.
3 years from the year of filing, unless
placed in case file or introduced as
Search Warrants connected to a
particular case
Refer to court record retention
period for the specific case class; i.e.
misdemeanor, criminal
Miscellaneous Court Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Wiretap information - application,
order, recording, production of
records, trap and trace, and pen
Permanent or may be destroyed only
after 10 years and with an order from
the Court pursuant to §16-15-102(8),
Annual Wiretap Reports
Modification of Crime of Violence
Sentence Report
Permanent 18-1.3-406(a)
Application for Relief from Federal
Firearms Prohibitions (JDF 35)
including all accompanying
3 years from final determination by
the State Court Administrator
Supporting documentation submitted
by conservator or guardian to
Protective Proceedings Auditors at
3 years from the date the audit
report is filed with the court by the
Protective Proceedings Auditors
Return to Table of Contents
Probation Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Court Ordered Reports (PSI Reports,
AASR, JASR, etc.)
If retained in the court file, refer to
appropriate case class; if retained in
probation files, follow probation
If retained in the court file, refer to
appropriate case class; if retained in
probation files, follow probation
Juvenile Probation Files
JD Cases
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Juvenile Probation Files except sex
offender cases
To age 21 or 2 years past the date
probation terminates whichever is
Juvenile Probation Files - sex offender
To age 21or 2 years past the date
probation terminates whichever is
Adult Probation Files
CR, M and T cases
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Adult Probation Files - felony sex
offender cases
20 years after termination of
Adult Probation Files - misdemeanor
sex offender cases
10 years after termination of
Adult Probation Files not related to
sex offender cases
5 years after termination of
Alcohol Evaluation Records
3 years after termination of alcohol
evaluation case
Assessments and Screening Instruments (not captured in the case management system)
o Examples: TBI screen, SSI-R, adult and juvenile MH screens, DVSI, ASUDS, ASUS-R
Official Documents not submitted or retained by the Court (see the Criminal and JD Sections for a list of
documents retained by the Court)
o Examples: Signed Terms & Conditions (if not filed with the Court) evaluations, screenings, treatment
discharge reports, certificates of completion, UPS completion or verification of other court orders, police
Note: Interstate Compact records may be accessed by contacting District Master Trainers or the ICOTS administrator at
the Division of Probation Services.
Return to Table of Contents
Appellate Court Records
Court of Appeals
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Original Pleadings, Briefs and
Dispositional Orders or Opinions
Records on Appeal
Return original to lower court - C.A.R.
Supreme Court
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Original Pleadings, Briefs and
Dispositional Orders or Opinions
Records on Appeal
Return original to lower court - C.A.R.
Return to Table of Contents
Historical Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Birth Records - delayed birth
Coroner Records
Incorporation Records - city and town
Justice of the Peace Records
Marriage Registers and supporting
Land Registration and Title Records,
Torrens Registration Records
Mining Records
Naturalization Records
Welfare Records
Return to Table of Contents
Financial and Grant Records
Collections Documents
Documents Generated by Collections Investigators
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Affidavit, Worksheet, or Application
for Payment Schedule concerning
payment of fines, fees, costs or
restitution by a person in a court case
including all supporting
one year after paid in full
Financial Affidavit, Worksheet, or
Application for Payment Schedule
concerning payment of fines, fees,
costs or restitution by a person in a
court case including all supporting
One year after creation of the
Attachment of Earnings, Writ of
Continuing Garnishment, Writ of
Pending Levy, Satisfaction of
Judgment, MIFP /Motion for
Declaration of Indigence, including all
supporting documentation, Special
One year after paid in full
Transcript of Judgment and/or Lien
20 Years*, or one year after paid in
full, whichever is shorter
Court Bank Records (EG Court Registry, Special Accounts, Victim Fund/VALE)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Bank Account Reconciliations -
including bank account statements,
check registers, and ICON-held
receipts reports (if applicable)
3 fiscal years plus the current fiscal
Bank Adjustment Memos
3 fiscal years plus the current fiscal
Daily Cash Balancing Records -
including deposit slips, cash receipt
records, credit card slips, wire
3 fiscal years plus the current fiscal
Return to Table of Contents
transfers, E-filing payments, DOC
checks, collection agency checks
Debit/Credit Memos
3 fiscal years plus the current fiscal
SCAO Monthly Fiscal Summary
3 fiscal years plus the current fiscal
Expenditure Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
All vendor payment documentation
not attached in CORE e.g. invoices,
reimbursement requests, approval of
3 fiscal years plus the current fiscal
year - refer to grant section for
extended archive requirements
Vendor W-9/W-8 Records
Until attached by SCAO in CORE
Juror W-9 Records
As not attached in CORE, SCAO retain
based upon IRS regulations
Fixed Assets Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Physical Inventory Records - including
purchase and disposal
3 years after property is disposed
Grant Records
Grants Received by the Judicial Department District or SCAO
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Grant Applications - if unsuccessful
1 year
All records related to grants received
from Federal Agencies and/or Federal
pass through entities, including
3 years after submission of final grant
report or until any pending audit,
claim, or litigation has been resolved
Return to Table of Contents
related financial records,
programmatic records,
correspondence, and files for clients
served by the program
Grants Awarded by the SCAO - to a judicial district or other entity
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Grant Applications - unsuccessful
6 months after submission or until
any pending claim, or litigation has
been resolved.
Miscellaneous Financial Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Any other financial records not listed
(e.g. JV, CR, ITI/ITA, Petty cash
records, Depreciation schedules)
3 fiscal years plus the current fiscal
Return to Table of Contents
Budget Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Budget Requests
3 years
Budget Work Papers
3 years
Return to Table of Contents
Purchasing Records
Purchasing Documents (RFB, RFI, RFP, RDQ, RFQ)
Solicitation Documents including all correspondence, evaluation materials, interview notes, etc., and vendor
responses, submissions, quotes, and all other related records and materials. For items purchased with grant
funds, see Grant section.
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Solicitation cancelled at any time
prior to contract execution
1 year after cancellation
Documents related to successful
vendor where contract executed
6 years after the performance under
the contract is completed or 6 years
after the contract is terminated or 6
years after failed contract
Purchase Orders and Invoices - and all
records related to the purchase order
or invoice
6 years after the performance under
the contract is completed or 6 years
after the contract is terminated
Documents related to unsuccessful
vendor where contract executed
2 years after contract or PO signed
with competing vendor
Protests, protest records, & Judicial
Department response
1 year after contract or PO signed
with competing vendor
Sole Source, Emergency Purchase and Cooperative Purchasing Documents
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Sole Source, Emergency Purchase,
and Cooperative Purchasing
Documents including all approvals,
correspondence, and all other related
records and materials
If contract, 6 years after the end of
the contract; if other expenditure
record, (e.g. purchase order, invoice,
etc.) 2 years after the current fiscal
Return to Table of Contents
Contracts and Copyrighted Material
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Contracts - refers to any agreement
between the Judicial Department and
a third party, including memorandum
of understanding, joint operating
agreement, intergovernmental or
interagency agreement, and
independent contractor. This
provision does not apply to
employment contracts.
6 years after the performance under
the contract is completed or 6 years
after the contract is terminated
Employment Contracts and Requests
for Outside Employment - SEE
related documents
10 years after the contract expires or
is terminated
Copyrighted Material
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Original work of authorship to which
the Judicial Department is entitled to
copyright protection. Various forms;
maintain in original form
Permission granted to use Judicial
Department copyrighted material
License to publish Judicial
Department copyrighted materials
6 years after the expiration of the
Return to Table of Contents
Human Resources Records
Pre-Employment Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Affirmative Action Questionnaires
(retained in recruitment system)
3 years
Job Announcements/Postings
(retained in recruitment system)
3 years
Applications w/any Attachments - not
3 years
Examination Records - such as
interview notes, screen grid,
tests, scores, reference checks
3 years
Criminal History Checks - not hired
3 years
Personnel and Payroll Files
(for items with * - maintain only the most current version)
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
401K Documents
10 years after separation
Application w/any Attachments
(retained in Personnel Records
10 years after separation
Acknowledgement Checklist
10 years after separation
Acknowledgement of Focal Point
Employee Policies and Personnel rules
(retained in PRS Repository)
10 years after separation
Benefits Enrollment/Change*
(retained in Benefits system)
10 years after separation
Combined Campaign Documents *
10 years after separation
Corrective Action
- Remove from personnel file after 2
years, per Colorado Judicial System
Personnel Rules
- Retained in Personnel Records
10 years after separation
Return to Table of Contents
Direct Deposit *
10 years after separation
Disciplinary Actions
10 years after separation
Emergency Information *
10 years after separation
Employment Contracts
Employment Status Form
10 years after separation
Leave Balances Report - year-end,
signed by employee
(retained in Judicial leave system)
10 years after separation
Memorandum of Understanding
10 years after separation
Payroll Computation Worksheets
10 years after separation
PERA Final 6-month Report
10 years after separation
PERA Member Information
10 years after separation
PERA Refund Request Verification -
completed by employer
10 years after separation
Performance Appraisals Signed
Cover Sheet only
10 years after separation
Personnel Action Form
10 years after separation
Resignation Letter
10 years after separation
Short/Long Term Disability
10 years after separation
Tax Authorizations Form*
10 years after separation
Training Records (Retained in Judicial
learning management system)
10 years after separation
U.S. Savings Bond Payroll Savings
Plan Documents *
10 years after separation
W-4 *
10 years after separation
Return to Table of Contents
Reports/Other Source Documents
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Affirmative Action Plan
2 years after the AAP year
EEO-1 Report
2 years after report was filed
I-9 Forms (form only, not supporting
3 years after separation
Leave Requests
(retained in Judicial leave system)
3 years
Leave Usage Reports
(retained in Judicial leave system)
3 years
Monthly Time Reports
(retained in Judicial leave system)
3 years
Payroll Expense Distribution Report -
2 years after fiscal year of document
Supervisor File
Per Colorado Judicial System
Personnel Rules
Time Sheet
(retained in Judicial leave system)
3 years
Supplemental Employment Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Medical Documentation
includes but not limited to FMLA,
ADA, Workers' Compensation, STD,
LTD, medical certification, etc.
(retained in Personnel Records
10 years after separation
(workers’ compensation – 10 years
after separation or close of claim,
whichever is later)
Criminal History Checks hired
10 years after separation
USERRA Documentation
10 years after separation
Return to Table of Contents
Facilities Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Authorized Destruction
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
15 years
Construction Budget Requests
5 years
Construction Plans - in-review
1 year after approval or rejection of
final plans
As-Built Construction Plans and
Permanent or until the Judicial
Department no longer inhabits the
Construction Project Case Files
Permanent or until the Judicial
Department no longer inhabits the
Appraisal Files
Until superseded or obsolete
Facilities Management Guidelines
Until superseded or obsolete
Space Utilization Reports
Until superseded or obsolete
Under-Construction Plans and
Until superseded or obsolete
Building and Equipment Service Files
3 years
Maintenance Work Orders
3 years
Judicial review documentation and
associated approval by the Chief
Justice of the Colorado Supreme
Return to Table of Contents
Authorized Destruction This column indicates of the records can be destroyed or should not
be destroyed based on the retention period.
Court File/Documents This is the paper file and includes all pleadings/records filed into the
case, including exhibits or attachments to any pleadings.
Crimes of violence - Pursuant to 18-1.3-406(2)(a) C.R.S., a crime of violence means any of the
following crimes committed, conspired to be committed, or attempted to be committed by a
person during which, or in the immediate flight therefrom, the person: (A) Used, or possessed
and threatened the use of, a deadly weapon; or (B) Caused serious bodily injury or death to
any other person except another participant. This section applies to the following crimes: (A)
Any crime against an at-risk adult or at-risk juvenile; (B) Murder; (C) First or second degree
assault; (D) Kidnapping; (E) A sexual offense pursuant to part 4 of article 3 of this title; (F)
Aggravated robbery; (G) First degree arson; (H) First degree burglary; (I) Escape; (J) Criminal
extortion; or (K) First or second degree unlawful termination of pregnancy. "Crime of violence"
also means any unlawful sexual offense in which the defendant caused bodily injury to the
victim or in which the defendant used threat, intimidation, or force against the victim.
Deposited Will A will deposited with the court during the person’s (testator) lifetime, not
filed into a PR case
Destroy completely dispose of (can including throwing away or shredding (based on the
contents of the item) refer to Preface for more information about authorized methods of
DUI DUI is charged under §42-4-1301(1)(a). Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is operating
an automobile with a blood alcohol content of more than .08%.
DV - Pursuant to §18-6-800.3, C.R.S. "Domestic violence" (DV) means an act or threatened act
of violence upon a person with whom the actor is or has been involved in an intimate
relationship. DV can be attached to any crime committed under the circumstances of §18-6-
800.3, C.R.S. In other words, DV is not a separate crime. It requires a judicial determination as
to whether or not there are sufficient facts within a case to prove the elements of §18-6-
800.3, C.R.S. For example, if a defendant is charged with a third-degree assault and the victim
is the defendant’s spouse, law enforcement can allege, and the Court can determine the crime
is a crime of domestic violence.
Return to Table of Contents
DWAI - DUI is charged under §42-4-1301(1)(b). Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) is
operating an automobile with a blood alcohol content of more than .05% and less than .08%
Judicial Case Management System Any electronic system in which data or documents are
entered that becomes the official source of record for a court case, probation client or juror.
Juror Questions - Written questions from jurors to judge during trial (questions for witnesses)
or questions to the judge during deliberation. These are part of the court record and should be
maintained in the court file.
Juror Questionnaires, Case Specific Questionnaires, and Uniform Juror Summons Any Juror
questionnaires completed by jurors who are assigned to a case and sent to a courtroom. This
includes both the questionnaire on the summons document and any additional forms filled out
by jurors.
Lodged Will A will lodged with the court after a person (testator) has died, not initially filed
into a PR case.
Order - Anything with a Judicial Officer, Clerk of Court, Designee or other Court Personnel’s’
signature including any Motion, Objection, Response, Reply, Stipulation or other filing related
to an Order that is not self-explanatory, e.g. an Order that does not contain the full context of
the order and merely “Grantsa filing.
Permanent Lasting for all time.
Probated Will A will that has been admitted to probate (filed as part of a probate case).
Protective Proceedings - A legal proceeding initiated to appoint a person to protect the person
and/or the property of an individual who cannot effectively manage his or her own affairs.
This includes the following case types: CG, CN, CR, CY, FO, FP, GA, GD, OT, SN, and UV.
Record Title This column identifies the type of record that is being retained.
Retention Period This column indicates the length of time a record needs to be retained
pursuant to judicial policy.
Sex offenses - Sex offense cases are those cases where the defendant or juvenile is charged
with a crime where there is an underlying factual basis of which involves unlawful sexual
behavior or one of the following charges: 18-3-402, 18-3-403, 18-3-404, 18-3-405, 18-3-405.3,
18-3-405.5, 18-6-301, 18-6-302.