Jim Beam State of Origin Tickets Promotion Terms and Conditions
Jim Beam State of Origin Tickets Promotion at Sports Bar
The Star Pty Limited (ABN 25 060 510 410) “The Star Sydney”
Promotional Period
This Promotion commences at 12:00pm AEST on Monday, 13 May 2024 and concludes 11:59pm
AEST on Thursday, 30 May 2024.
Eligible Entrants
Participation in the Promotion is limited to persons who are, for the duration of the Promotional
a. aged 18 years or over;
b. residents of New South Wales;
c. not excluded (including an exclusion direction or self-exclusion order) from a casino or
premises operated by The Star Entertainment Group Limited or its related entities;
d. not the subject of a Withdrawal of License from The Star Sydney, The Star Gold Coast or
Treasury Brisbane;
e. not an Invalid Entrant;
f. not a director, officer, manager, employee or contractor of The Star Entertainment Group
Limited or any of its related entities (including, the Promoter); and
not an immediate family member (including a sibling, parent, child, grandparent,
grandchild, spouse, former spouse, de facto or former de facto partner, including a step-
relation and an adoptive relation) of any person listed in item (f) above or of their spouse,
former spouse, de facto partner or former de facto partner.
(“Eligible Entrant/s”).
“Invalid Entrant means an entrant who
is not an “Eligible Entrant” for the duration of the
Promotional Period. Invalid Entrants are not, or will no longer be, eligible to enter or participate in
the Promotion and will forfeit any entitlement to a prize.
Each day of the Promotional Period between 12:00pm and 3:00am (AEST), an Eligible Entrant
a. Visit the venue, ‘Sports Bar’ located on the main casino floor of The Star Sydney (“Sports
Bar”); and
b. Purchase any Jim Beam product from the bar at Sports Bar; and
c. Fill out the entry form provided by bar staff; and
d. Put the entry form into the barrel inside Sports Bar,
(an “Entry”).
Each Entry must be submitted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Entry Limits
Eligible Entrants can earn a maximum of one (1) Entry for a Prize Draw during each Earning Period.
The Prize is five (5) tickets to State of Origin Game 1 at Accor Stadium on Wednesday 5 June, 2024.
The Promoter will not permit Prizes to be transferred, or redeemed or exchanged for cash.
Prize Determination
There will be one (1) prize draw (“Prize Draw”) at 12pm AEDT on Friday 31 May, 2024 at Sports
Bar. (“Main Draw Location”).
At the Prize Draw, one (1) Entry will be randomly selected from the Barrel (“Drawn Entry”) by a
representative of Promoter. A representative of Promoter will review the Drawn Entry to confirm
that it is not an Invalid Entry.
If the Drawn Entry is deemed an Invalid Entrant or Invalid Entry, it will not be considered as a valid
draw and an additional Entry will be drawn until a Drawn Entrant is not deemed to be an Invalid
Entrant nor an Invalid Entry (“Prize Winner”).
The Promoter reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to deem any irregular Entry
and disqualify such Entries, including the following (“Invalid Entry”):
a. An Entry from a person who is not an Eligible Entrant;
b. An Entry that do not have the Eligible Entrant’s full details on it;
c. An Entry that are fraudulent or forged; and
d. the Entry (or the entrant) otherwise does not comply with these Terms and Conditions.
Invalid Entries are not eligible to win the Prize. If a person with an Invalid Entry is awarded the
Prize inadvertently, they must return it to The Star Sydney immediately upon request.
Notification of
Each Drawn Entrant will be contacted via phone and email by no later than Wednesday 14 February
On notification, the Drawn Entrant will be provided with details on how to claim the Prize and will
be given up to 14 days (from when the Promoter notified the Drawn Entrant that they were
successful) to claim the Prize. If the Prize Winner cannot be contacted, or does not claim the Prize
within this period, the Promoter reserves the right to disqualify the Entry and award the prize to the
next Eligible Entrant selected in accordance with the Prize Determination process described above.
The Drawn Entrant must produce Valid ID that is acceptable to the representative of the Promoter
in order to collect the Prize (“Prize Winner”).
Valid ID means:
a) a passport, Australian driver’s licence or other form of photographic identification in which
the photograph is clear and undamaged and that is acceptable to the Promoter; or
b) two forms of non-
photographic identification that are valid and acceptable to the
The name of the winner will be published at https://www.star.com.au/sydney/about-
us/promotion-winners by 4:00pm AEST Friday 31 May, 2024.
Unclaimed Prize/s
If the Prize remains un-won at the end of this Promotion, that information will be published at
https://www.star.com.au/sydney/eat-and-drink/bars-and-club/sports-bar on the Monday
following the draw.
General Terms and Conditions
1 These General Terms and Conditions must be read together with the details set out in the table
above. By entering this Promotion, you accept these General Terms and Conditions.
2 Your Entry must be received during the Promotional Period and is subject to the Entry Limit and
eligibility requirements stated in these Terms and Conditions. Your Entry is deemed to be received
only when received by the Promoter.
3 The Promoter is not liable for any problems with communications networks. You are responsible for
your own costs associated with entering. If you enter using multiple aliases/addresses/email
addresses/phone numbers you may be disqualified.
4 The Promoter reserves the right to waive or vary the identification requirements specified in these
Terms and Conditions in circumstances where the identity of a Prize Winner is determinable without
the assistance of the specified identification.
5 If you or your Entry are deemed by the Promoter to breach these Terms and Conditions, your Entry
(or at the Promoter's discretion, all of your entries) will be voided.
6 The Promoter may, at any time, require you to produce documentation to establish to the Promoter's
satisfaction the validity of your Entry (including documentation establishing your identity, age, place
of residence and place of employment). Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any
stage does not waive those rights.
7 You must not:
(i) tamper with the Promotion's Entry process;
(ii) engage in any conduct that may jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of the Promotion;
(iii) act in a disruptive, annoying, threatening, abusive or harassing manner directly or
indirectly in relation to the Promotion;
(iv) do anything that may diminish the good name or reputation of the Promoter or any of its
related entities or of the agencies or companies associated with this Promotion;
(v) breach any law; or
(vi) behave in a way that is otherwise inappropriate or offensive directly or indirectly in
relation to the Promotion.
8 The Promoter is not liable for any Entry, Prize claim or correspondence that is, due to factors outside
of its reasonable control, misplaced, misdirected, delayed, lost, incomplete, illegible or incorrectly
9 The Promoter may cancel or change any Prize offered under the Promotion if there are any changes
to the law which would or might render the Promotion or any Prize offered under the Promotion
10 The Prize and all elements of the Prize must be taken as and when offered or will be forfeited, and if
forfeited, the Promoter will not be liable. The Prize is subject to any additional terms and conditions
imposed by the Promoter.
11 The Promoter is not responsible for any dispute between you and any person with whom you choose
to, or choose not to, share the Prize.
12 The Promoter will not permit a Prize, Entry or other feature of the Promotion to be transferred,
exchanged or redeemed for cash. The Prize value is correct as at the date of preparing these Terms
and Conditions and includes any applicable GST. The Promoter is not responsible for any change in the
Prize value. You agree that if a Prize (or element of a Prize) is unavailable for any reason the Promoter
may provide another item of equal or higher value, subject to any necessary approval by any
regulatory authority.
13 To the extent that a situation, malfunction, or other issue arises for which these Terms and Conditions
make no provision or in relation to which the relevant terms and conditions are unclear, the Promoter
reserves the right to:
(i) make a decision regarding those circumstances which is not inconsistent with these Terms
and Conditions; and/or
(ii) postpone any determination of a Prize Winner to a time and place which will allow the
determination to be conducted in accordance with all Terms and Conditions other than
those Terms and Conditions which specify the time and/or place of the determination of a
Prize Winner.
14 If this Promotion cannot run as planned for any reason beyond the Promoter's reasonable control,
including: act of god, law, public health order, pandemic, software, hardware or communications
issues, unauthorised intervention, tampering, fraud or technical failure, the closure of the Promoter’s
premises, government directives, and the like, the Promoter may end, change, suspend or cancel the
Promotion or disqualify affected entries/entrants, subject to any necessary approval by a regulatory
15 The Promoter may disclose your personal information, including details of a Prize Winner where
required or authorised to do so by or under law or the disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce
the law. This may occur under the laws that apply to the Promoter's business, for example, where a
regulatory authority requests information from the Promoter.
16 The Promoter is not responsible for any tax implications arising from you winning a prize. You should
seek independent financial advice. If for GST purposes this promotion results in any supply being made
for non-monetary consideration, you must follow the Australian Taxation Office’s stated view that
where the parties are at arm’s length, goods and services exchanged are of equal GST inclusive market
17 Should a Prize Winner consent to having his/her photograph taken, that Prize Winner consents to
having his/her name and photograph published in any form of media and agrees to participate in any
reasonable promotion requested by the Promoter.
18 A copy of these Terms and Conditions governing the Promotion can be obtained on our website at
19 If any dispute arises between an entrant of the Promotion and the Promoter concerning the conduct
of this Promotion or claiming a Prize, the Promoter will take reasonable steps to consider the entrant's
point of view, taking into account any facts or evidence the entrant puts forward, and to respond to it
fairly within a reasonable time. In all other respects, the Promoter’s decision is final, and no
correspondence will be entered into.
20 In these Terms and Conditions, the word "including" and any similar words are not words of limitation.
21 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions restricts, excludes or modifies any consumer rights under any
statute including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
22 Subject to the previous paragraph, the Promoter and the agencies and companies associated with this
Promotion are not liable (including in negligence) for any loss (including indirect, special or
consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury, illness or death suffered in
connection with this Promotion or any Prize (including the use of any Prize), except for any liability
which under statute cannot be excluded (in which case that liability is limited to the greatest extent
allowed by law).
23 Without limiting paragraph 23, the Promoter and the agencies and companies associated with this
Promotion are not liable for any loss of, damage to or delay in delivery of Prizes or for any damage
that occurs to Prizes if/when displayed at the Promoter’s premises to the extent those things are due
to factors outside the Promoter's reasonable control.
24 A Prize Winner and any other person(s) nominated to share a Prize with a Prize Winner may be
required, as a condition of accepting the Prize, to sign an agreement to release the Promoter from
liability arising from the use of or participation in the Prize.
25 The Promoter needs to collect your personal information so that Entries can be entered into the
Promotion and any relevant Prize provided to a Prize Winner and (if applicable) their nominated
companion. The Promoter will use your personal information to conduct and manage the Promotion.
The Promoter may disclose your personal information to its related companies, agents and
contractors to assist in conducting this Promotion and to communicate with you. The Privacy Policy
of The Star Entertainment Group http://www.starentertainmentgroup.com.au/privacy-policy
includes information about:
a. the purposes for which The Star Entertainment Group, including the Promoter, may collect,
store, use and disclose your personal information;
b. how you can seek access to the personal information the Promoter holds about you and
request changes to it; and
c. how you can complain about a privacy breach and how the Promoter will deal with such a
26 This Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with any social
media platform, including Instagram or Facebook. You provide your information to the Promoter and
not to any social media platform. You completely release any relevant social media platforms from
any and all liability.
27 The laws of the state of New South Wales govern the Promotion.
28 Help is close at hand. GambleAware gambleaware.nsw.gov.au 1800 858 858.
29 Guests must be 18 years or over to enter the casino. The Star practises the responsible service of
30 Authorised under NSW Authority No. TP/00099 - expires 16/7/2025.