U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)
Mobile Application Playbook
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
Mobilizing your Mission with MAP 5
How to engage with DHS OCTO if you need assistance? 5
How to use the Mobile Application Playbook? 5
Mobile Application Phases 6
Overview of the Mobile Landscape 8
Critical Considerations for your Business Unit 8
Concept 10
Develop 13
Test 16
Deploy 19
Maintain 22
Appendix I: MAP Checklist 24
Appendix II: List of Resources 26
Appendix III: Carwash Overview 27
General Toolsets 27
Carwash Scanning Process 27
Carwash On-boarding 28
Appendix IV: UAT Distribution Using Crashlytics 29
Appendix V: 508 Lessons Learned 31
Appendix VI: Development/Deployment Options 32
Appendix VII: Contacts 33
Appendix VIII DHS S&T Mobile Device Security (MDS) Overview 34
Vision of MDS 34
Context 34
Objectives of MDS 35
Appendix IX: The Challenges of Mobile Government 36
Appendix X: MAP Benefits 38
Appendix XI: References 39
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Executive Summary
There are approximately 7.5 Billion mobile connections to date according to
GMSA’s real-time tracker
. The number of active mobile connections
exceeded the number of humans alive around the 7.19 Billion mark
. Mobile
devices are multiplying five times faster than the human race
. With the rise
in mobile devices this has changed the way we search, consume and inform
each other.
Mobile devices are used for more than calling, texting, or internet browsing
as 40% of smartphone users have used their phone to look up government
services or information in the last year
. Both commercial and federal
entities are realizing the critical need to utilize enterprise mobile strategies
to delivery both public service offerings as well as perform internal business
As the importance of the mobile channel increases, government employees and the general public
will look to Federal Agencies to offer low cost, high quality, and secure mobile applications.
Considering the data that mobile phones can gather and access (GPS location, contact lists, text
messages, etc.) building and maintaining secure applications for end users is essential. Federal
Agencies must streamline the process for building, deploying, and maintaining safe mobile
applications to rapidly deliver functionality to their end users while complying with agency rules
and regulations. The Mobile Application
Playbook (MAP) is a DHS sponsored reference
guide to assist application owners and developers
in the planning, management, and execution of
mobile application projects.
(GSMA Intelligence, 2015)
(Boren, 2014)
(Boren, 2014)
(Smith, 2015)
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The MAP is a critical tool to utilize during the entire lifecycle of the mobile application. The
Playbook informs readers of the process for developing and managing applications that run on
smartphones and other mobile devices from the initial concept to design, development, testing,
deployment, and ongoing maintenance and operations. MAP addresses the challenges of mobile
application development and deployment within the government, provides solutions and processes
that benefit CIOs, Business Owners, and Developers.
MAP is a living document with input from multiple Federal Agencies and industry partners. Within
DHS, OCTO works collaboratively with the Mobile Device Security (MDS) Program within the
Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) to identify and respond to the evolving threats and
security challenges in the mobile space.
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Mobilizing your Mission with MAP
MAP enables your team to focus on delivering mission critical mobile applications while reducing
risk and complying with the DHS policies and procedures. MAP is a DHS sponsored guide, tailored
to the unique requirements of
mobile computing within the
DHS environment. This
playbook provides DHS
organizations and components a
well-documented set of steps for
planning and deploying mobile
applications quickly and
securely while following all
necessary gate reviews.
How to engage with DHS OCTO if you need assistance?
The contact information for the team is located in Appendix VII: . The best way to get started is to
reach out to the team and schedule an initial discussion regarding the mobile application
development requirements of your organization. OCTO takes a consultative approach and helps
each mobile business owner, project manager, or developer tailor an approach that works best for
their DHS component and customer base.
How to use the Mobile Application Playbook?
Whether you are internally developing an application or attempting to deploy a 3
application, use the MAP to gain information about the steps of the application development
lifecycle that apply to you. For each phase of the application lifecycle, the MAP includes detailed
steps for your business owners, project managers, and developers to follow. Each section also
contains key checklist items to follow, and links to resources to further support your development
or deployment efforts. Review the checklists and resources to get an understanding of each lifecycle
phase, or use the detailed steps to get a deeper understanding and receive detailed guidance and
recommendations. The appendices at the end of the playbook include further information about
certain topics, as well as helpful information like a contact list and the challenges of mobility in the
government. Read the document all the way through, or browse and use the information that is
helpful for you. If you have any feedback or suggestions on MAP please send those comments to
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Mobile Application Phases
The following provides an overview of the mobile application development phases and major
milestones to ensure efficient delivery of your mobile application. The phases identified below are
to guide you through your development from conception through deployment, regardless of where
you are in your development lifecycle. Start from the beginning, or pick up where ever you are in
your development effort.
Phase 1: Overview
This section will inform you about the mobile landscape and critical considerations for your
business unit. For example, do you need a native mobile application, or will a responsive website
suffice? Should you develop a hybrid mobile application, or develop in iOS and Android native code?
Phase 2: Concept
Create detailed requirements and designs for the mobile application use case, UI/UX, and
interfaces. The two goals of this phase are to 1) create a thorough understanding of the mobile
project so that it can be realistically planned and scheduled, and 2) develop a design to a sufficient
level of detail to where the application can be built. Ensure that you have all of the necessary tools
to manage your project and track progress using a methodology such as Agile.
Milestone 1:
Conduct Kick-off Meeting with OAST/508, Privacy, and Security Teams
Milestone 2:
Onboard onto Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Tools and Carwash
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Milestone 3:
Define Mobile Application Approach i.e. Native vs. Hybrid, iOS/Android
Milestone 4:
System Architecture Acceptance
Milestone 5:
UX/UI Design Acceptance
Phase 3: Develop
Build the mobile application, its interfaces, and server based components. The goal of this phase is
to iteratively build a working application to be deployed to desired environment(s).
Milestone 6:
Build Test/Staging Environment
Milestone 7:
Package Compiled Application for Testing
Phase 4: Test
Thoroughly test your application and ensure coordination with applicable stakeholders (Users,
Security, OAST/508, and Privacy).
Milestone 8:
Complete DHS Carwash Scan
Milestone 9:
Complete User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Milestone 10:
Complete 508 Test
Milestone 11:
Complete Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA)
Phase 5: Deploy
Depending on the intended distribution method for your application, this phase will require you to
submit your compiled application to the public app stores (iTunes and Google Play) and/or work
with your organization’s mobile application store.
Milestone 12:
Complete Production CR
Milestone 13:
Complete Go Live Checklist
Milestone 14:
Conduct Soft Launch Go Live
Milestone 15:
Conduct Production Go Live
Phase 6: Maintain
Whether you are performing bug fixes or functionality enhancements, ensure that you follow the
necessary processes and gate reviews for each new release of the mobile application.
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Overview of the Mobile Landscape
Critical Considerations for your Business Unit
Responsive Web Design vs. Mobile Application
The first critical consideration involves deciding if your business unit needs to develop a responsive
website or a native application. If you are able, it is highly recommended that you build both in
order to reach the entire mobile audience. However, most business units do not always have the
available resources to develop both. Therefore it is critical that you understand the advantages of
both options when addressing your mission priorities. Responsive websites are designed so that
the website formats according to the devices that it is being accessed from. Responsive website
design is normally less costly than developing a native application and they provide the ability for
the website’s URL to be found on search engines unlike native mobile applications. Native mobile
applications are downloaded from either the App Store or Google Play and one of the significant
benefit is the ability to access the features of the phone or mobile device such as the camera and
GPS. Mobile applications also provide the additional capability to send out push notifications to the
mobile device.
Smartphone vs. Tablet
Developing for the smartphone vs. the
tablet are often being regarded as
separate initiatives. Their respective
orientation (i.e., ‘lean back’ orientation
on tablet vs. ‘On the Go’ orientation on
smartphone) continue to serve more
distinct than common use cases as the
use of tablet devices continues to
further proliferate in the marketplace.
Users expect and demand to take
advantage of the larger screen real-
estate and user experience (UX)
potential available with a tablet.
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Hybrid vs. Natively Developed Apps
The platform on which to develop mobile apps for smartphones and/or tablets is another critical
decision for an organization. Several years ago prevailing industry thinking was that native mobile
development (i.e., developing iOS mobile apps in Apple’s Swift, and Android mobile apps in Android
Studio, etc.) was the most prudent way to develop for any use case or industry need. Emerging
hybrid mobile app platforms i.e., device-agnostic platforms that promised a ‘write once, deploy to
any mobile device’ capability) at the time lacked high (UX) support and limited access to mobile
device-specific APIs to take advantage of specific mobile device features/performance.
As the mobile app development marketplace has matured, the gap has significantly narrowed.
While native mobile application development still provides the most superior UX and performance
in a mobile app, hybrid platforms have matured, making that gap closer to negligible. More open
mobile-device API sets are offered by the most prevalent mobile device manufacturers (i.e., such as
iOS and Android, who comprise the ‘Big
2’ mobile devices at 94%+ current US
market share (comScore, 2015)). With
the prolific use of the JavaScript
language as an effective code bridging
mechanism, hybrid mobile app
development platforms have narrowed
the gap for UX, performance, and native
device feature use. Adding in the benefits
of high code portability and more
prevalent (and less divergent) IT
resource support available in the
marketplace, any perceived gaps in UX or
performance can be greatly offset by
decrease in time to market (TTM) and
long term mobile app support costs
afforded by a hybrid mobile app
development platform.
Analyze and understand the best mobile solution for your business unit’s needs
(Responsive Website, Respective Orientation, Hybrid Application, Native Mobile
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The concept phase includes meeting with key stakeholders and building the details around your use
case, technology dependencies, and UI/UX. In this phase, thoroughly document the requirements
and onboard onto Application Lifecycle Management tools to create your backlog and start tracking
your tasks and progress.
Key Steps
Step 1a: Conduct Kick-off Meeting with Security Team
Contact your organizations Security Team to ensure that you are considering the necessary
requirements for your application
Ensure that you have a ISSO assigned to your application
Your ISSO will help your through the process of getting your application certified and
approved for use and distribution
Step 1b: Conduct Kick-off Meeting with OAST/508 Team
The Office of Accessible Systems & Technology (OAST) provides strategic direction,
governance, technical support, and training to ensure DHS employees and customers with
disabilities have equal access to information and data.
Link to OAST Home Page
Ask the OAST Team about Mobile Developer Best Practices
Step 1c: Conduct Kick-off Meeting with Privacy Team
The DHS Privacy Office works to protect the privacy of all individuals and to ensure
compliance with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requirement for the Department.
Link to Privacy Office Home Page
Ask the Privacy Team about the Mobile Application Instruction
Milestone 1:
Conduct Kick-off Meeting with OAST/508, Privacy, and Security Teams
Step 2: Use Case Design
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Develop a written description of how users will perform tasks using your mobile
Identify, from the user’s point of view, the mobile application’s behavior as it responds to a
user request. Each use case is represented as a sequence of simple steps, beginning with a
user’s objective and ending when the objective is fulfilled.
Use case design will help determine critical aspects such web responsive vs. native mobile
app, hybrid mobile app vs. native mobile app, and public deployment vs. internal
Step 3: Gain Access to Application Lifecycle Management Tools
Use Application Lifecycle Management tools to manage your project, track your
requirements, track your bugs, manage your source code, collaborate with your team, and
run scans on your application
DHS OCIO OCTO offers free Application Lifecycle Management Shared Services (ALMSS)
through the DHS Carwash service.
Click here to access the DHS Carwash page in the DHS IT Services & Hardware Catalog
Click here for access to the Carwash User Guide from a DHS network
Click here for access to the Carwash User Guide for users with OMB Max accounts
Milestone 2:
Onboard onto Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Tools and Carwash
Step 4: Populate your Agile Backlog in your ALM Suite
Create user stories to gather your business requirements for development and track your
progress to the “definition of done” for each story
DHS OCIO OCTO offers Agile Guidance through the DHS Agile Center of Excellence
Click here to access the DHS Agile Center of Excellence
Click here to access the DHS Agile Guidebook
Click here to access the DHS Agile Instruction
Step 5: Develop Physical System/Architecture View
The physical systems view documents all of the physical features of the system such as the
specific technology platforms and components.
The physical systems view communicates decisions about the hardware and systems
software used to deliver the mobile application.
Examples include handset platforms (iPhone, Android, Blackberry, etc.), server platforms
(mainframe, cloud, etc.), and systems software used (app servers, DB servers, etc.)
Milestone 3:
Define Mobile Application Approach i.e. Native vs. Hybrid, iOS/Android
Milestone 4:
System Architecture Acceptance
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Step 6: Identify Technology Requirements and Dependencies
Develop a list of the high level technology requirements for the mobile application.
Include a list of which specific mobile devices (e.g., iOS iPhone 6s, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s;
Android Samsung Galaxy S6, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, etc.) are targeted for deployment
and support.
Step 7: Design UX/UI
Design graphics for all screens of the mobile application
Create wireframes and mock-ups to show the user experience for your application
Milestone 5:
UX/UI Design Acceptance
Meet with Security Team
Meet with Privacy Team
Gain access to ALM tools
Create Systems Architecture
Design UI/UX
OAST Home Page
Privacy Office Home Page
DHS Carwash
DHS Agile Center of Excellence
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The Develop phase includes setting up your application development tools, setting up your
environments, developing the application, and performing debugging. Develop in an iterative
fashion and package your application for testing at the end of your development increment.
Whether you perform a development and test increment every day, week, or month, consider the
following steps:
Key Steps
Step 1: Setup your developer tool kits, depending on your development platform (hybrid vs. native)
o If using JavaScript based framework, develop using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
o If using any other framework, use their documentation and references to ensure
correct use
Native iOS
o Most applications in iOS have been written in the Objective-C programming
language however there is an increasing number of applications that are being
written in Swift, Apple’s new programing language that makes programming easier
and more flexible.
o Developers typically use Xcode to develop their apps
Native Android
o Most Android applications are written in the Java programming language
o Developers typically use Android Studio to develop their apps
Step 2: Prepare Development Environments
Set up the development and testing environments for use by the application development
For mobile applications that will eventually be public facing, consider testing software such
as Crashlytics to setup your distribution tool for user acceptance testing and crash analytics
For mobile applications to be deployed to Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) mobile
phones, inquire with your organizations Mobile App Store provider and your Mobile Device
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Management (MDM) provider to learn about testing and pre-production (staging)
For applications accessing back-end systems and data, ensure that you have a testing or
staging environment to have the Mobile Application interact with non-production data
during development
Milestone 6:
Build Test/Staging Environment
Step 3: Create story boards and screen layouts
XCode, Android Studio, and most mobile development tools have a “story board” function
which enable developers to create screens and define content for each
Step 4: Iteratively develop code
Associate code with story boards or layout files for iOS and Android native development
In some cases hybrid applications may not have story boards or layout files
Build out functionality and tie your application to any data or external sources as necessary
Step 5: Perform debugging
For iOS, use Xcode to simulate an iOS device running the application directly on your
For Android, use the emulator to run the application or connect a phone or tablet
For Hybrid applications, use Safari and Chrome to debug web views in iOS and Android
Step 6: Upload your code into a source code repository
At the end of each development iteration (daily, weekly, etc), ensure that you commit your
code into a source code repository
Step 7: Package your application into an ipa or apk for distribution
For testing and distribution purposes, your mobile application must be compiled into either
an ipa (iOS) or and apk (Android)
Milestone 7:
Package Compiled Application for Testing
Setup your developer tool kits
Prepare testing/staging environment
Create story boards and screens
Perform debugging
Upload to a source code repository
Package your app (ipa/APK)
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Android Design Center
Apple Developer Support
Android accessibility developer
iOS accessibility developer tools
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The Test phase includes finalizing your test conditions, distributing the application to your test
groups, and receiving feedback for inclusion within your next development cycle or your
Key Steps
Step 1: Finalize Test Conditions/Cases
Complete the list of conditions/cases to be tested with regard to aspects such as application
functionality, usability, accessibility, security, and performance
Certain methodologies like Test Driven Development (TDD) promote testing plans to be
made prior to development
Step 2: Identify and create re-usable automated test scripts
Unit testing
Quality testing
Security testing
Talk to the Carwash Team to discuss what tests can be automated with the Carwash
Step 3: Identify groups for distribution
Quality Assurance Team for basic functionality testing
User groups for User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
508 Team for accessibility testing
Carwash Team for security testing/scanning
Step 4: Prepare for test group access
Setup any user accounts needed to access and authenticate to the application
Ensure test groups have devices
Ensure test group device compatibility with application
Step 5: Provide instructions to test groups
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Document test steps (consider using ALM tools such as Jira/Confluence to track test cases
contact the Carwash Team for more information)
Document access/log in steps
Define specific screens or fields to test
Define and document any instructions for data submission
Step 6: Distribute mobile application
Carwash Upload your source code and binary to your Carwash Source Code repository
Users groups/508 -
o For mobile applications that will eventually be public facing, consider testing
software such as Crashlytics to distribute - Using Crashlytics for UAT
o For internal/sensitive mobile applications, inquire with your organizations Mobile
App Store provider and your Mobile Device Management (MDM) provider to learn
about options for distributing within testing and pre-production (staging)
Step 7: Check-in with test groups throughout testing
Offer demos or training once application is distributed and in hand of the test group
Be available for ad hoc question and answer
Use a tracking system and ALM tool suite to document and monitor responses from your
ongoing tests
Step 8: Evaluate results and determine necessary actions
Review test results
o Prioritize results and determine what will be accomplished in your next
development cycle
o Consider pushing bugs and compliance issues (security/508) to the top of the list
o If all results are positive, move onto the deployment phase of the lifecycle
Milestone 8:
Complete DHS Carwash Scan
Milestone 9:
Complete User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Milestone 10:
Complete 508 Test
Milestone 11:
Complete Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA) * if production ready
Finalize Test conditions/cases
Create automated tests
Identify test groups for distribution
Prepare for test group access
Provide instructions to test groups
Distribute mobile application
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Check-in with test groups
Evaluate results and determine
Using Crashlytics for UAT
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The Deploy phase includes steps to distribute your test results to the necessary parties, complete
your CR, sign your application, and distribute to your intended users. Whether deploying internally
or to a public app store, consider the following steps:
Key Steps
Step 1: Distribute test results to necessary parties
Send your Carwash results to the Privacy Team along with your PTA
Send your Carwash results to your Security Team and ISSO
Send the 508 results from OAST to your product/system owner
Send the UAT results to your product/system owner
Step 2: Prepare Change Request (CR) and have it approved at the CCBs
Prerequisites for your CR include the PTA, ISSO approval, product owner approval, OAST
Present your CR at your component CCB
Present your CR at the Enterprise CCB if need be (ICCB information here)
Milestone 12:
Complete Production CR
Step 3: Get licenses for Android and iOS deployments
o Apple Developer Enterprise Program License - This license is used to create
proprietary apps designed and distributed exclusively to your organization's
o Apple Developer Program License - This license is used by organizations for
creating apps for distribution on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple
o Google Play Publisher License - This license is used to publish apps on the Google
Play store.
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Step 4: Digitally “Sign” your application for deployment
Learn about iOS app signing here
Learn about Android app signing here
Step 5: Complete Go Live checklist
Did you perform all necessary actions throughout this Playbook and hit all of your
Milestones? Complete the Go Live checklist to make sure
Milestone 13:
Complete Go Live Checklist
Step 6: Deploy the mobile application Soft Launch
The intent of a soft launch is to release your application to a controlled set of users, or to
release it without a press release or public announcement. This method provides time for
review and live testing of the production application.
Ensure that you have an approved CR for your release
Tell a few of your users and stakeholders about your release, and let them try it out
o iTunes or Google Play - There is typically a delay between the date of release and the
appearance of the application in the respective store:
iTunes: 10-14 days for a new application, 3-7 for an update
Google: 12hrs to 1 day for a new application or an update
o For internal/sensitive mobile applications, inquire with your organizations Mobile
App Store provider and your Mobile Device Management (MDM) provider to learn
about options for distributing to a small user group for your soft launch
Milestone 14:
Conduct Soft Launch Go Live
Step 7: Deploy Go Live
Ensure that your Soft Launch was successful and that the application worked correctly in
the production environment
For public facing applications, point your users to the newly deployed application in the app
For internal/sensitive mobile applications, inquire with your organizations Mobile App
Store provider and your Mobile Device Management (MDM) provider to learn about
opening the Soft Launch to all intended
Milestone 15:
Conduct Production Go Live
Step 8: Announce your release
Communicate the release of your application
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o Consider a press release (public or internal depending on your app)
o Claim the success for your work
Distribute test results
Present your CR
Get licenses for iOS and Android
Sign your app for deployment
Complete Go Live checklist
Deploy Soft Launch
Deploy Go Live
Announce your release
ICCB information here
Learn about iOS app signing
Learn about Android app signing
Complete the Go Live checklist
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The Maintain phase includes steps for monitoring your application, communicating with your users,
understanding how platform changes affect your app, and planning for sun setting and
Key Steps
Step 1: Setup and perform monitoring
Monitor your application and gather analytics such as user downloads for each platform
and number of crashes
Monitor your back-end systems
o Server traffic
o Server utilization
o Server performance
Step 2: Capture feedback from users
Solicit feedback from users on a regular basis
Consider a survey tool, or reach out directly if you know your user base
Step 3: Monitor and respond to platform/framework updates
Pay attention to updates that could affect your application:
o New releases on the platform (iOS/Android)
Monitor iOS news pages to learn more about Apple developer news and try
Beta versions of OS
Monitor Android developer resources to learn more about upcoming
o New hardware releases
o Sun setting of hardware or software
Perform testing on all new software or hardware releases
Step 4: Monitor and respond to new vulnerabilities
Pay attention to any new listed vulnerabilities
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Consider following organizations such as OWASP
Request re-scans from the Carwash Team to ensure your application’s security posture has
not changed
Step 5: Monitor and respond to bug fixes and modifications
Provide the ability for users to submit bugs and feature request
Monitor, respond to, and prioritize user submissions
Step 6: Communicate changes with users
Inform your user of content changes
Inform users of any upcoming releases or modifications to the applications
Step 7: Sunset/decommission plan
Develop communication strategy to inform all necessary stakeholders
Communicate to any necessary users and stakeholders
Remove your application from the production environment
Setup and perform monitoring
Capture feedback from users
Respond to platform updates
Monitor vulnerabilities, updates, and bug fixes
Communicate changes with
Sunset your application
iOS news pages
Android developer resources
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Appendix I: MAP Checklist
Action Items
1. Conduct Kick-off Meeting with Security and document milestones
(when scans required, risk acceptance, FISMA, etc.)
2. Conduct Kick-off Meeting with OAST/ 508 Team and document
milestones (building 508 in, testing, etc.)
3. Conduct Kick-off Meeting with Privacy Team and document
milestones (document required identified)
4. Develop Use Cases
5. Gain Access to the ALM tools
6. Onboard onto Carwash
7. Create Systems Architecture
8. Populate your backlog
9. Identify technology dependencies
10. Design UI/UX
11. UI/UX Design Acceptance
12. Setup your developer tool kits
13. Create story boards and screens
14. Upload to a source code repository
15. Prepare testing/staging environment
16. Preform debugging
17. Package your app (ipa/APK)
18. Finalize test conditions/cases
19. Create automated tests
20. Identify test groups for distribution
21. Prepare for test group access (setup user accounts, access to
22. Provide instructions to test groups
23. Distribute mobile application
24. Check-in with test groups
25. Evaluate results and determine actions
26. Complete DHS Carwash Scan
27. Complete User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
28. Complete 508 Test
29. Complete Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA) *if production ready
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Action Items
30. Distribute test results (PTA, Security Team, ISSO, Product/ System
31. Present your Change Request to the CCB
32. Get licenses for iOS and Android
33. Sign your app for deployment
34. Complete go live checklist
35. Deploy soft launch
36. Deploy go live
37. Announce your release
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Appendix II: List of Resources
OAST Home Page
Privacy Office Home Page
Access the DHS Carwash Page in the DHS IT Services & Hardware Catalog
Access to the Carwash User Guide from a DHS Network
Access to the Carwash User Guide for Users with OMB Max accounts
DHS Agile Center of Excellence
DHS Agile Guidebook
DHS Agile Instruction
Android Design Center
Apple Developer Support
Android Accessibility Developer Tools
iOS Accessibility Developer Tools
Using Crashlytics for UAT
ICCB Information
iOS App Signing
Android App Signing
Go Live checklist
iOS News
Android News
Link to Enterprise Architecture SharePoint Page
Link to OAST On-line Classes
Link to OAST Contract Analyzer
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Appendix III: Carwash Overview
OCTO provides a core set of Application Lifecycle Management tools and application scanning tools
that are tailored to meet the needs of mobile application development efforts.
Carwash Wiki
General Toolsets
Issues (Jira) A full-featured issue and risk tracking system
Content (Confluence) A wiki-like team collaboration and publishing space
Source (Stash) Project source code repositories, and shared repositories for the storage of in-
development efforts
Automate (Bamboo) A continuous integration (CI) orchestrator to support build, test, and
Mobile Content Management & Engagement Platform
Open source and GOTs/COTs Scanning Tools
Carwash Scanning Process
OCTO tenants can view in-depth reports generated by each of the mobile scanners.
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Carwash On-boarding
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Appendix IV: UAT Distribution Using Crashlytics
The DHS Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) uses the following approach to deploy
mobile application to user groups for user acceptance testing purposes. This approach will be used
until a Mobile Device Management (MDM) or Mobile Application Management (MAM) solution is
available to distribute the application to the user’s devices.
The steps below document the list of application distribution tasks to implement in order to
distribute the application to the user acceptance test team.
Step 1: Create an enterprise distribution certificate for the app
Enable the application to be signed using the valid Enterprise License purchased from the
respective application store. Create an enterprise distribution certificate for the OCTO app (Choose
Enterprise distribution, NOT Ad-Hoc).
Sign into the apple web site
Create a bundle identifier (for example:
Create a license distribution cert: (there are directions on the developer site for this)
Step 2: Add an admin developer to the license to distribute the application
Sign into the respective vendors public application store site
Add the email address for the license under team members section of the vendors site
Step 3: Add the distribution certificate to the application
Go into X-Code (the IOS developers platform, or go to the Android equivalent)
Add the certificate
Step 4: Build the app for Archive
Enable the application to be executed using the certificate.
Go into X-Code (the IOS developers platform, or go to the Android equivalent)
Build the app for archive
Step 5: Distribute the application using a free cloud-based service called Crashlytics.
Sign up for the Crashlytics service by going to
Sign up for the Crashlytics service using the email from step 1
Upload the app to the Crashlytics service
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Step 6: Add pilot users to the application distribution list in the Crashlytics service
In the Crashlytics pulldown, click the import CSV button to add users
Step 7: Push the app out to the users
Logon to the Crashlytics site using the email address associated with the developers license
Follow the prompts to push the application out to the list of users
The pilot user will receive an email with a link that enables them to accept the profile and
install the app
When the user accepts the profile on their machine by clicking on a button within the email,
the application will be installed on the device
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Appendix V: 508 Lessons Learned
Adherence to the guidelines of the Section 508 team is best done as part of a multi-phase approach-
taking place during the entire development process. To minimize the costs of compliance the
following document will lay out the steps to be taken in the process of app development.
Before Development
Request and receive the Section 508 acceptance criteria. This list should be inclusive of all
required criteria for acceptance collated into one list.
These criteria should be reviewed by all development team members including, but not limited
to: Graphic Design, Development, and Quality Assurance.
Criteria should be used during the wire framing and concept art stage to assure all graphic
assets are in compliance.
Development staff should review the compliance matrix and ensure items such as VoiceOver
notifications are part of the development estimate.
Have the 508 team review the designs to avoid expensive rework during later testing phases.
During Development
Development staff should use compliance matrix such that items such as Voice-Over
notifications developed on-line.
Graphic Arts staff should produce ALL graphic assets necessary to complete the visual design in
line with 508 approved designs.
Quality Assurance Staff should test the compliance of the app using the same technology as the
508 offices, and review the app for compliance to the initial matrix. Defects should be logged
via the developer’s defect tracking process.
Development staff should close open issues in a timely manner.
Link to OAST On-line Classes
Link to OAST Contract Analyzer
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Appendix VI: Development/Deployment Options
The DHS environment is complex, and one-size fits all approach does not meet the needs of every
component. Mobile development and implementation must be flexible but adhere to some
standards and guidance to ensure success. There are a number of different paths to success, with
varying degrees of OCTO support. As an organization, you can either choose to do everything
yourself, or engage with OCTO to see how they can support your need.
Do it yourself
The “Do it yourself” option leverages OCIO’s experience encapsulated in the MAP
to help your organization deliver its mobile application. OCIO provides the
instructions - the playbook, and access to tools such as ALMSS/Carwash. Your
organization plans, delivers, and operates the application. What you get:
Access to Tools & Platforms (Carwash/ALMSS)
Consultation regarding best practices and lessons learned
Outsourced to
Outsource the work to OCTO. Pay OCTO to do it all. OCTO plans, delivers, and
operates the application. What you get:
End-to-End Implementation of your mobile application to include
application development, platform, and infrastructure hosting
Access to Tools, Platforms & Hosting
Consultation regarding best practices and lessons learned
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Appendix VII: Contacts
Office of the Chief
Technology Officer Team
Doug Hansen
Carwash Team
Vincent Sritapan
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Appendix VIII: DHS S&T Mobile Device Security (MDS)
Within DHS, OCTO works collaboratively with the Mobile Device Security (MDS) Program within
the Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) to identify and respond to the evolving threats and
security challenges in the mobile space.
Vision of MDS
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) workforce has become increasingly mobile, driving
the need for secure mobility solutions and a coordinated approach and framework to guide the
selection and implementation of common enterprise mobility solutions. To promote the safe and
secure adoption of mobile technology in DHS and the federal government, the DHS Science and
Technology Directorate (S&T) Cyber Security Division (CSD) within the Homeland Security
Advanced Research Project Agency (HSARPA) created the Mobile Device Security (MDS) Program,
and adopted the following vision to guide its research efforts:
Mobile Technology, recognized as a cornerstone of the 2012 White House Federal Digital
Government Strategy (DGS), seeks to enable “access to quality digital government information and
services anywhere, anytime, on any device.” The DGS acknowledges new and unique security and
privacy challenges must be met to accelerate the adoption of mobile technology into the federal
government. In addressing DGS challenges, interagency efforts resulted in development of security
requirements for mobile computing and identification of major barriers and gaps that impede
mobile adoption. The mobile challenge areas identified were Mobile Device Management, Mobile
Application Management, Identity and Access Management, and Data Protection. Though progress
has been made in these areas, more needs to be done to address current and especially emerging
challenges. Two factors conspire to create the urgent need for secure enterprise solutions. First, the
use of mobile solutions is rapidly increasing across the Department and the federal government.
Secondly, mobile threats present an increasingly common and more sophisticated threat to data
stored or processed on DHS devices. Threats to mobile devices, applications, and data have grown
dramatically in the past few years. A recent analysis of threats1 highlighted several key
developments, including the following. Elements of a Mature Mobile Ecosystem
Malware grew substantially in the U.S., driven by an increase in threats holding
devices and data hostage in exchange for payment (ransomware).
Mobile threat sophistication is increasing. Certain malware has even entered the
marketplace pre-installed on certain devices, indicating a compromised supply
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chain. Malware self-defense mechanisms are also gaining sophistication, evading
attempts to detect and defeat the application.
A mature mobile ecosystem comprises many elements, as shown below. Each of
these areas presents security challenges and opportunities for additional study and
mobile security research and development (R&D).
Objectives of MDS
To respond to the evolving threats and security challenges in the mobile space, S&T CSD has
developed and will transition programs directed at several strategic objectives and initiatives.
Through this work, S&T will ensure DHS is poised to bridge current capability gaps and deploy
solutions that effectively, efficiently, and securely enable the mission of the Department. The MDS
Program has established three overarching objectives as it seeks to achieve the program vision:
Link to Additional Resources on MDS
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Appendix IX: The Challenges of Mobile Government
As more and more citizens and Federal employees are adopting mobile devices the demand to
develop ‘mobile first’ applications is at an all-time high. However choosing to go mobile can also
bring about several unique challenges that Federal Agencies haven’t had before including:
Security Security presents unique challenges due to proprietary business data on mobile
devices. As a result, user authentication and both data at rest and data in motion must be highly
secure and protected.
Privacy For public facing applications, privacy advocates are particularly concerned with the
use of location settings, which could be used by the Government to find the location of mobile
Accessibility Federal mobile applications may be subject to one or more accessibility
standards such as Section 508.
Reliability of Mobile Networks Mobile Networks do not have guaranteed reliability and can
be slower in providing the required connection. As a result, mobile apps must handle a variety
of technology issues to include limited bandwidth, offline behavior, and memory management
and device recognition.
Standardization The lack of mobile platform standardization due to the large market of
devices and hardware/software solutions makes the architectural decision-making process
more difficult. IT departments frequently support more than one device platform Examples
include the following:
Device type - tablet, smartphone, or wearable
Operating system - IOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Blackberry
OS Version / application type - native, HTML 5 or hybrid
New Types of Data Mobile applications have capabilities to capture and transmit new types
of data that have traditionally not been considered by federal IT. This data includes but is not
limited to location, voice, image, and video data in additional to traditional text data.
Content & User Experience Management With increasing demands for dynamic rich
content and user experiences, hybrid mobile applications and mobile content management
platforms are becoming increasingly popular.
Software Distribution Frequent OS changes and updates result in more frequent application
updates. Dynamic updating of applications is important, given the frequency of device software
Lack of Technical Resources Due to the diversity of hardware and software platforms,
organizations are pressed to find skilled developers to comply with the heterogeneous mobile
app landscape and the unique requirements of the public sector.
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Deployment & Infrastructure Challenges Applications for the general public are simply
delivered to the public app stores, but deployment to restricted internal user groups are more
complicated and require the use of Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile App
Management (MAM) (private app stores) technology and infrastructure.
Diverse Use Cases Mobile applications enable a variety of scenarios not contemplated by
traditional personal computing users. There is a gap in what capabilities a mobile-friendly
website provides (through a mobile-browser only experience) and the experience in a mobile
It is imperative that an organization understand the challenges of choosing to go mobile. These
challenges can be address but need to be accounted for initially to ensure effective and efficient
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Appendix X: MAP Benefits
The MAP will help you accelerate your time to market, reduce costs, and reduce risks when
delivering mobile applications. The MAP achieves these benefits by enabling customers building
mobile applications to:
1. Effectively Navigate the DHS Organization Complete your project on time, and on-budget.
DHS is a complex organization and significant collaboration and cooperation is required to
successfully complete a project. You must ensure that all of the appropriate organizations are
aligned to deliver your mobile application, including, Security, Privacy, Office of Accessible
Systems & Technology, Information Technology, and Enterprise Architecture.
2. Comply with DHS Policies and Procedures Prevent your project from being stopped by an
inadvertent misunderstanding of DHS policy or DHS organizational requirements. The
Playbook helps you understand your organizational responsibilities at the start of the project,
and ensures that your mobile application meets applicable federal and organization standards.
3. Access Proven Tools and Methodologies Your mobile application development team
benefits from using tools and methodologies that are proven to work within the DHS
environment (ALMSS/Carwash).
4. Build and Deploy to the Correct Environment Business lines should think to leverage work
already performed to establish a full production environment for developing and deploying
mobile Apps. These environments can include a mobile distribution lifecycle, and mobile
content management solution with a full authority to operate, thereby reducing the number of
steps required by project teams to complete security related activities associated with the
Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA). A DHS environment with an Authority
to Operate (ATO) significantly reduces the number of compliance activities required on the part
of project teams to deliver mobile applications. And reduces the overall time required to deploy.
5. Use Best Practices and Lessons Learned Leverage best practices and lessons learned Your
mobile application development team will understand what has worked successfully in the
past, provides ability to learn from the mistakes of the past, and benefit from the experiences of
others who have delivered mobile applications within the DHS environment. See 508 Lessons
6. Access Knowledgeable Staff Your mobile application development team has the opportunity
to interact with and learn from OCTO staff, which has successfully delivered enterprise mobile
applications within the DHS environment.
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Appendix XI: References
Adrian Mettler, Y. Z. (2014, August). SSL Vulnerabilities: Who listens when Android applications talk?
Retrieved from FireEye:
Boren, Z. D. (2014, October 7). There are officially more mobile devices than people in the world.
Retrieved from Independent:
comScore. (2015, February 9). comScore Reports December 2014 U.S. Smartphone Subscriber Market
Share. Retrieved from comScore:
Google. (2015, August). Smartphone Users. Google Consumer Surveys.
GSMA Intelligence. (2015, 10 21). Global Data. Retrieved from GSA Intelligence:
Lawson, M. (2015, September). Win Every MicroMoment with a Better Mobile Strategy. Retrieved
from Thing with Google:
Meeker, M. (2013, May 29). 2013 Internet Trends Report. Retrieved from Kleiner Perkins Caufield &
Smith, A. (2015, April 1). U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015. Retrieved from PewResearchCenter: