e-binder for 2014 CEETEP workshop
Two Activities—Base Isolation for Earthquake Resistance
2. ANIMATIONS_Earthquake & Tsunami > Structural Design & EQ Damage
Science Standards
(NGSS; pg. 287)
From Molecules to Organisms—
Structures and Processes: MS-LS1-8
Motion and Stability —Forces and
Interactions: HS-PS2-1, MS-PS2-2
Energy: MS-PS3-2, HS-PS3-2,
Waves and Their Applications in
Technologies for Information Transfer:
Earth and Human Activity: HS-
ESS3-1, MS-ESS3-2
Engineering Design: MS-ETS1-1,
HS-ETS1-1, HS-ETS1-3
This activity is a companion to Build a Better Wall and the BOSS Model activities. See link trail to relevant
animations below.
Base isolation, also known as seismic or base isolation
system, is a collection of structural elements which
should decouple a structure from the ground. If the
ground below a building shifts abruptly to the left as
shown in the experimental buildings here, the building
with base isolation on the right becomes an inertial
mass that stays in the same place during the jolt due to
structural elements that decouple it from the earth.
Since 2000, members of the Earthquake Engineering Research Centre (EERC)
at Bristol University have been running an international competition to
design earthquake resistant model buildings. The competition was originally
developed to educate UK school students about the eects of earthquakes
on structures and to help them investigate and develop solutions to a simple
design problem. Many dierent, and often innovative, structural solutions to
the problem have been developed by students over the last four years and in
2004 base isolation systems were used to great eect
* Earthquake Shaking – Building Contest and Shake Table Testing Activity by Larry Braile:
Explore earthquake hazards and damage to buildings by
constructing model buildings and subjecting the buildings to
ground vibration (shaking similar to earthquake vibrations)
on a small shake table.
Base isolation is the most powerful tool of earthquake
engineering. It is meant to enable a building to survive a
potentially devastating seismic impact through a proper initial
design or subsequent modications. Contrary to popular belief
base isolation does not make a building earthquake proof.
The buildings are constructed by two- or three-person
teams of students. Use the Build A Better Wall method, or
the Marshmallow method on the following pagees. After
construction, the buildings are tested with, and without a shake
table by subjecting them to earthquake shaking to see which
designs and constructions are successful.
Comparison of the results of the building contest with
photographs of earthquake damage is used to reinforce the
concepts of building design and earthquake risk. (modied
from Braile link below*)
Base Isolation for Earthquake Resistance
The simplest form of base isolation uses flexible pads between the base of
the building and the ground. When the ground shakes, inertia holds the
building nearly stationary while the ground below oscillates in large
vibrations. Thus, no force is transferred to the building due to the shaking of
the ground. The flexible pads are called base-isolators and structures using
these devices are called base-isolated buildings.
Traditional Earthquake Mitigation Techniques
The Base Isolation Technique
Background on Base Isolation for Earthquake Resistance
1. Tell students that one way to protect a building from resonating with an earthquake is to isolate its
foundation, or base, from the ground with devices much like wheels. This technique is called base
isolation. Structural engineers are now developing the technology to place buildings on devices
that absorb energy, so that ground shaking is not directly transferred to the building. Invite students
to add standard small wheels from a hardware store to their models as an illustration of one of the
many base isolation technologies, or add wheels to your own BOSS model, then shake the table.
Better yet, place the model in a low box or tray and shake it. Then take out the model, ll the box
with marbles or BBs, and replace the model on this base. Now shake the box. Challenge students
to come up with other base isolation techniques.
2. If any of your students have studied harmonic motion in a physical science or physics class, challenge
them to explain how the BOSS model is an example of an inverted pendulum.
3. To help students connect the numbered rod assemblies to actual buildings, make paper sleeves and
decorate them to resemble buildings in your area. At some point in the lesson, slide the sleeves
over the rod assemblies to show how buildings can collide, or hammer against each other, during
an earthquake.
e-binder for 2014 CEETEP workshop
Many base isolators look like large rubber pads, although there are other
types that are based on sliding of one part of the building relative to other.
Base isolation is particularly effective for retrofitting low to medium height
unreinforced masonry buildings, such as historic buildings. Portland’s historic
Pioneer Courthouse has been seismically retrofitted using base isolation.
Experiments and observations of base-isolated buildings in earthquakes
indicate that building acceleration can be reduced to as little as one-quarter
of the ground acceleration.
Lead-rubber bearings are frequently used for base isolation. A lead rubber
bearing is made from layers of rubber sandwiched together with layers of
steel. The bearing is very stiff and strong in the vertical direction, but
flexible in the horizontal direction.
Spherical sliding isolation uses bearing pads that have a curved surface
and low-friction materials similar to Teflon. During an earthquake the
building is free to slide both horizontally and vertically on the curved
surfaces and will return to its original position after the ground shaking stops.
The forces needed to move the building upwards limit the horizontal or
lateral forces that would otherwise cause building deformations.
Working Principle
To get a basic idea of how base isolation works, first examine the diagrams
above that illustrate traditional earthquake mitigation methods. When an
earthquake vibrates a building with a fixed foundation, the ground vibration
is transmitted to the building. The buildings displacement in the direction
opposite the ground motion is actually due to inertia. In addition to
displacing in a direction opposite to ground motion, the un-isolated building
is deformed. If the deformation exceeds the constraints of the building
design, the structure of the building will fail. This failure often occurs in the
ground floor because most of the building’s mass is above that level. Also
many buildings have “soft” ground floors with many windows or unreinforced
spaces for parking or lobbies.
Energy Dissipation Devices for Earthquake Resistance
Another approach for controlling seismic damage in buildings is to install
Seismic Dampers in place of some structural elements, such as diagonal
braces. These dampers act like the hydraulic shock absorbers in cars that
absorb sudden jerks. When seismic energy is transmitted through them,
dampers absorb part of the energy, thus damping the vibration of the
building. By equipping a building with devices that have high damping
capacity, the seismic energy entering the building is greatly decreased. This
system has also been used in historic buildings such as City Hall in San
Commonly used types of seismic dampers include:
Viscous Dampers (energy is
absorbed by silicone-based fluid
passing between piston cylinder
Friction Dampers (energy is
absorbed by surfaces with friction
between them rubbing against each
Yielding Dampers (energy is
absorbed by metallic components that
Viscoelastic dampers (energy is
absorbed by utilizing the controlled
shearing of solids)
Modified from article by Javed Kachchhi available online at:
www.architectjaved.com/.../base_isolatio n_techniques_for_earthquake_resistance.html
e-binder for 2014 CEETEP workshop
Activity 1: Shake table exercise!*
Watch “Base Isolation and ShakeTable.mov video of activity in the folder Base Isolation.
One of the main causes of damage in an
earthquake is the collapse of buildings not strong
enough to withstand the shaking. Engineers and
architects try to design buildings rigid enough to
withstand the shock, but exible enough to give a
little under the stress. This exercise will test your
design skills and understanding of how different
structures will perform in an earthquake.
Good Luck!
40 coffee stirrers or cocktail straws
40 mini marshmallows
a 30 cm ruler
2 shallow cardboard boxes (the trays
used for cases of soda cans work well)
a pair of scissors
10-20 marbles
4 short rubber bands
1. Before building your models, you must rst
build a shake tray. Place one cardboard box on
a table and, with the scissors, cut the bottom out
of the second box so that it ts inside the rst
box with a 2-cm clearance around each side.
Place the marbles in the rst box and rest the
cut piece of cardboard on top of them. Use the
stapler to attach one rubber band to each inside
corners of the rst box and then to the corners
of the cardboard insert. The rubber bands should
be taut, but not overstretched. To start the tray
shaking, pull the insert toward one side of the
box and let it go.
2. Using the marshmallows and straws (or stirrers)
as building elements, assemble a structure that
measures at least 50 cm high.
3. Place the structure on the middle of the shake
tray and see how it stands up to your quake. Try
building several different designs to see if one
particular shape stands up better than the rest.
4. Hold a design competition with your friends. See
who can build an earthquake-proof structure
using the least amount of material.
5. Try varying the amount of time and the strength
of the shaking by how hard you pull on the insert
and how tight you stretch the rubber bands.
1. What structural shapes seem to survive quakes best?
Can you think of any existing buildings that use
this type of design?
2. What type of earthquake motion was your shake
tray simulating? Are there other motions in a
quake? How might you duplicate them?
3. Do you think that it is possible to build an
earthquake-proof structure? Why or why not?
4. How does the amount of shaking time affect
building damage?
5. How does the strength of the shaking affect building
*This activity is from Justin Sharpe, Beal High School, Ilford, Essex.
Activity 2: Base isolation with student worksheet*
acting on the building, it won’t move. Base isolation
is separating the building from the ground so that the
earthquake can’t affect it.
If you lay a toy car or a skate on a cardboard sheet
and yank the cardboard back and forth like the
horizontal motions of an earthquake, what happens?
The car will not slide as much as the cardboard, but it
will still move slightly back and forth. Those wheels
on the car and skate “isolated” the top part from the
But how do we do that with a big building? In reality,
engineers don’t use big wheels. Instead, they use a
special material between the columns of the building
and its foundation. This supports the building so that it
can stand, but it lets the “ground” move from side-to-
side underneath it.
Objectives: Observe how base isolation protects
buildings during an earthquake.
Grade Level: Middle School
Time: 30 Minutes- 1 Hour
Problem: How can we keep a building from
shaking on our shake table?
Why do you need to wear a seat belt? If you are
in a car going 70 mph and slam on the brakes, you
will continue to go at 70 mph (and through the
windshield!) unless something like a seat belt stops
Newton’s rst law states that a body in motion will
stay in motion and a body at rest will stay at rest
unless acted on by an outside force. This is called
inertia. It is the tendency of something to stay the
way it is.
The law of inertia is important when talking
about buildings in an earthquake. A building can
be thought of as a large mass, and according to the
law of inertia, it wants to stay at rest and remain
motionless unless acted on by an outside force. In
an earthquake, the bottom parts of the building move
and the upper parts of the building don’t because of
inertia. This is called inertial force. This puts a lot
of stress on the parts that make up the building. It
is this inertial force that engineers have to try and
minimize when designing buildings.
One of the ways that earthquake engineers protect
a building is to use the inertia of the building to their
advantage. If they can keep the body from moving,
then the top oor won’t move either! So, if an
engineer can nd a way to keep the earthquake from
(see following pages)
Shake table
Base isolation attachment
Masses on rods
Inertia, inertial force, base isolation, friction
* Worksheets by: Leslie Bucar, 7-12 Science Teacher, Fond du Lac Ojibwe School, B.S. Biology,
B.A.S. Teaching Biology, B.A.S. equiv Teaching Chemistry
Dan Johnson, 7-12 Math Teacher, Fond du Lac Ojibwe School, B.A.S. Teaching Math
e-binder for 2014 CEETEP workshop
Rubber Pads used in base isolation.
Movement of Building with Base Isolation
vs. No Base Isolation
In the pictures above, the building on the left (xed
base) has no base isolation. If you were sitting on the
top oor of that building, look how much you’d move
in an earthquake! The building on the right, however,
has base isolation. When an earthquake comes, the
base isolation bearings move, and not the building, so
the people on the top oor don’t move.
Once we isolate the structure of the building from
the earth, we must make sure that the building does
not move around too much, and that it goes back to its
original position. Engineers use rubber pads to base
isolate buildings, and they add into the rubber pads
special llers that increase the pads’ friction. This
helps lessen the back and forth motion of the building.
Movement of Building with Fixed-base Isolation and with Base Isolation
Friction also absorbs some of the earthquake energy
that would otherwise go into shaking the building
and reduces the quake’s impact on the structure.
(Remember that energy never disappears completely
but only changes from one form to another and
that energy absorbed by friction gets changed into
harmless heat.)
Another bonus to adding llers to our rubber pads is
that they offer the advantage of preventing, through
friction, the frequent and annoying small oscillations
(back-and-forth movements) that even a light wind or
a car driving by would have on a building or a bridge
built on entirely rubber pads.
Base Isolation for Earthquake Safety
Write your hypothesis using the problem here.
Even though real buildings use rubber pads as base isolators, we can experimentally look at base isolation by
using a set of rollers. In this lab, horizontal rollers will be used as a base isolator and the masses on rods will be
used as a building.
1. Attach the horizontal rollers to the shake table using the two screws.
2. Test that the rollers are attached to the shake table by trying to shake it with your hands.
3. Make sure that the safety stops are attached and in position so that the masses on rods will not come off
the table.
4. Place the masses on rods plate on the horizontal rollers.
5. Start the shake table and allow it to calibrate using the procedure outlined in the shake table operations
6. Navigate to earthquake mode and select an earthquake to run.
7. When the experiment is over, press the 0 key to exit the main menu.
8. Remove the masses on rods from the rollers and remove the rollers.
Collecting and Analyzing Data:
1. What happened to the masses on rods when the base isolator is in place?
2. Why do we need a space between the edges of the base isolator and the sides of the shake table?
1 Why is it important to allow the ground to move underneath the building?
2. What would happen if the base of the building moves too much?
3. Would base isolators be able to protect a building if the ground moves up and down? Why?
Name __________________ Per ____
e-binder for 2014 CEETEP workshop
Teacher Lesson Guide and Base Isolation
Collecting and Analyzing Data Key:
1. What happened to the masses on rods when the base isolator is in place?
The masses on rods didn’t move
2. Why do we need a space between the edges of the base isolator and the sides of the masses on rods
If the masses on rods table touches the shake table, it is no longer “isolated” by the base and is
therefore subjected to all of the forces of the earthquake.
Conclusion Key:
1. Why is it important to allow the ground to move underneath the building?
By allowing the ground to move underneath the building, the building remains relatively motionless
which means that the structural components are not stressed as much as if it were moving with the
2. What would happen if the base of the building moves too much?
If the building’s base moves too much it can run into other structures on the ground, such as retaining
walls, entry steps, or even a perimeter moat. This can cause damage to the building and other
structures which is called pounding.
3. Would base isolators be able to protect a building if the ground moves up and down?
No, base isolators are only able to protect a building if the ground is moving horizontally (side to side)
Chopra, A. 2001. Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Application to Earthquake
Engineering. 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Levy, M. and Salvadori, M. 1995. Why the Earth Quakes. W.W. Norton and Company,
New York.