150-101-157 Form OR-SOA (Rev. 02-17)
Settlement Oer Application
General information
Some taxpayers owe more tax than they can pay. If
you’re in this situation, we may be able to help you
settle your tax debt by paying less than you owe. This
is called a settlement offer.
The settlement offer process isn’t easy and it won’t work
for everyone; however, it may be worth applying for if
you can prove you don’t have enough money to pay it
Conditions for qualifying
To qualify for a settlement offer, you must meet all of
these conditions:
• You’re not appealing any tax debts.
You must have filed all required Oregon tax returns
for all tax years and all tax types.
• You haven’t completed another settlement offer since
October 1, 2001.
You must show that you cannot sell assets or borrow
against them to pay your tax debt.
• You must show that you don’t have enough monthly
income or assets to pay your tax debt in full.
• You’re not in bankruptcy or in litigation.
Before you start
It will take you at least three hours to complete the appli-
cation. You must locate and copy many documents (bank
statements, pay stubs, lease agreements, deeds, etc.) to
include with your application (see page 6).
Not everyone who applies for a settlement offer will
qualify. To determine your chances, ask yourself these
1. Do you receive Social Security income, Social Security
disability, pension payments, or public assistance?
2. Are you over age 60?
3. Are your total assets worth more than $5,000?
4. Is your only asset your home?
5. Is your tax debt older than seven years?
If you answered yes to two or more questions, call
503-945-8254 for more information. Otherwise, continue
filling out the settlement offer application.
What to include in your settlement offer
It must include:
The completed and signed application. If your offer
isn’t signed, we’ll return it without processing. You
may re-send the signed offer.
• All supporting documentation (see page 6).
• The Tax Information Authorization and Power of Attorney
for Representation form if you want someone to repre-
sent you during the settlement offer (page 16).
Offer must follow settlement offer calculations on
page 13, or offer may be denied.
A nonrefundable payment that is 5 percent of the
settlement offer amount. Payment must be money
order, cashier’s check, or cash.
If you don’t include payment, we’ll return your offer
without processing it. You may re-send the application
with your payment.
What to expect after you submit your application
If your application is complete, we’ll review it and
usually accept or deny it within 30 days. We’ll notify
you in writing of our decision.
If your application is incomplete or inaccurate, we
may send it back to you or ask you to send us more
information. This will delay our review.
We’ll continue collection action on your debt while
we review your application. Such action may include
garnishing your wages, placing property liens, and
seizing property.
Settlement offer acceptance
If we accept your settlement offer, you must pay the
amount in full within 30 days.
If you can’t pay the entire amount at one time, you
may ask for a payment plan to pay it off in 12 equal
monthly payments.
• We’ll accept credit or debit card, check, money order,
cashier’s check, or cash.
• You can never have another settlement offer.
Settlement offer denial
If we deny your settlement offer:
• You can’t appeal our decision.
• We’ll apply your 5-percent payment to your tax debt.
You may file another application with a 5-percent
Frequently asked questions
Do I need an accountant or attorney to help me?
You can probably complete the form on your own. If you
need help, your assigned revenue agent or settlement
offer agent can answer your questions.
Who reviews my application?
A settlement offer agent will review your application.
If I have questions, who should I call?
You can call the revenue agent assigned to your case or
ask for a settlement offer agent, 503-945-8254.
What do I send with my application?
Please see the check list, page 6.
What if my financial condition changes after you
approve my settlement offer?
It won’t affect the terms of the offer. However, if the
change is due to information you omitted or misstated on
your application, you may be in default.
If I file all my returns on time, can I make
payments on tax I may owe?
You must pay taxes due within 90 days from the date
on the billing notice we’ll send you.
If you deny my application, may I submit another
settlement offer?
Yes. Make sure to include all supporting documentation
and another 5-percent payment.
Will you apply prior payments to my offer amount?
No. We apply any payments you make before or dur-
ing the settlement offer review process to your total tax
How long will it take you to make a decision?
If your application is complete, we’ll usually make a
decision within 30 days from the day we receive your
When I pay off the offer amount, will you release
property liens?
No. The lien will be released once the three year compli-
ance period has ended, at which point the settlement
fer process is complete. Contact the county in which
your property is located for a copy of the lien release. It
takes about 45 days to release the lien.
Are there any expenses that may not be allowed
in determining my disposable income?
Yes. We typically don’t allow you to claim college
tuition, voluntary retirement contributions, payments
on unsecured debts such as credit cards, and other
similar expenses.
How is my inability to pay in full determined?
We will look at property you own; past, present, and
future earning potential; your present lifestyle; your
ability to borrow; and any other factors that might be
helpful in making a decision.
Application instructions
You must complete all sections.
• Don’t fill in shaded boxes.
• Attach additional pages if necessary.
• Print clearly.
Section 1. Personal information
Fill out completely and include all members of your
Section 2. Employment information
There are two sections: one for your employment infor-
mation and one for your spouse/registered domestic
partner (RDP) employment information.
Provide the name of your employer, or the name of your
business if you’re self-employed.
Check the “paid” box that applies to how frequently
you get a pay check.
• Important—Include the number of allowances you
claim on your most recent W-4 form.
Section 3. General financial information–
personal and business
Bank accounts—List all bank accounts. For the total dol-
lar amount in your accounts, add together only those
accounts with positive balances.
• Important—For any bank accounts with negative bal-
ances, enter -0-.
Example: Bob has three bank accounts:
1. Checking account 1 $400.00
2. Checking account 2 –$100.00
3. Savings account $600.00
He lists all three accounts and enters -0- in the bal-
ance column for checking account 2. The total of his
bank accounts is $1,000; not $900.
Personal property—If you own a business, include only
personal property not used in your business.
Credit cards and unsecured lines of credit—We don’t allow
these expenses when we determine your ability to pay.
Other financial information—Include any court proceed-
ings that resulted in or may result in a financial judg-
ment in your favor.
Section 4. Assets and liability analysis
Lines 2–9, enter totals from Section 3.
Lines 18–19, don’t include everyday household items
such as clothing, furniture, appliances, etc.
Lines 21–23, include properties listed in Section 3. To
determine current property value, use the real mar-
ket value (RMV) from your most recent property tax
Line 28, include unsecured credit balance from Section
3 only if you filled it in.
Lines 30–32, explain other debts and provide supporting
Section 5. Monthly income and expense analysis
Important—If you work on commission or own a
business, we may ask you for more than three months
pay stubs.
Fill in gross and net amounts, except where boxes are
Line 51–53, explain other income and provide support-
ing documentation.
Lines 55–64, provide proof of monthly payments for
each expense.
Lines 71–80, provide proof of monthly payments for
each business-related expense.
Section 6. Settlement offer calculations
Line 84, disposable income formula.
Example: Anne’s net disposable income from line 82
is $1,500. She enters $1,500 on line 83 and multiplies
it by 12.0.
$1,500 x 12.0 = $18,000
She enters $18,000 on line 84.
Line 86, assets and equity formula.
Example: Anne’s total value of all immediate assets
and real property equity from line 27 is $3,000. She
enters that on line 85 and multiplies it by 0.75.
$3,000 x 0.75 = $2,250.
She enters $2,250 on line 86.
Line 87, add lines 84 and 86 to get your settlement offer
Line 87, 5-percent nonrefundable payment to submit
with your application (whole dollar amount only).
Example: Anne adds her disposable income formula
amount of $18,000 (line 84) to her assets and equity
formula amount of $2,250 (line 86).
$18,000 + $2,250 = $20,250.
She enters $20,250 on line 87 and multiplies it by
$20,250 x 0.05 = $1,012.50
She enters $1,012.50 on line 88.
Anne gets a cashiers check for $1,013, indicates it
is a collections payment, and includes it with her
Payoff information—You must pay the offer amount in full
within 30 days from the date of our acceptance letter.
If you can’t pay it all at once, you may pay it off in 12
equal monthly payments. Write the day of the month
you want your installment payment to be due.
Tax debts included in settlement offer—Write the tax type
and years/quarters of taxes.
Section 7. Additional information
You may include information that you want us to know
regarding your settlement offer.
Terms and conditions
Read the terms and conditions carefully before you sign
the taxpayer agreement.
Taxpayer agreement and authorization to use
credit reports
By signing, you confirm that the information in your
application is correct and complete to the best of your
Your signature also authorizes us to use credit reports
and other tools to verify any information in your appli-
cations, and for collection purposes.
Before mailing
Review your application to make sure it’s complete and
includes all supporting documentation and payment.
Have questions? Need help?
Download forms, instructions, and publications.
Check your refund status.
Make payments.
Find out how much you owe.
Email or write
General: questions.dor@state.or.us
Settlement offers: settlement.offer @oregon.gov
Oregon Department of Revenue
955 Center St NE
Salem OR 97301-2555
Include your name and daytime phone number.
Include the last four digits of your SSN or ITIN.
Printed forms or publications:
Oregon Department of Revenue
PO Box 14999
Salem OR 97309-0990
Español: [email protected].us
Settlement offers ......................................... 503-945-8254
Salem area or outside Oregon .................... 503-378-4988
Toll-free from an Oregon prefix ............... 1-800-356-4222
Check your refund status.
Order forms, instructions, and publications.
Listen to recorded information.
Speak with a representative:
Monday–Friday ......................................7:15 a.m.– 5 p.m.
Closed holidays. Wait times may vary.
Asistencia en español:
En Salem o fuera de Oregon ...................... 503-378-4988
Gratis de prejo de Oregon .....................1-800-356-4222
TTY (hearing or speech impaired; machine only):
Salem area or outside Oregon ................... 503-945-8617
Toll-free from an Oregon prex ..............1-800-886-7204
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Call one of the help
numbers above for information in alternative formats.
In person
Find directions and hours on our website.
Settlement offer application check list
You must include the following information with your application. If you don’t, we may return it without process-
ing, or ask you for more documentation.
All tax debt you owe.
You (and your spouse/RDP, if applying jointly)must
sign the taxpayer agreement and authorization to
use credit reports (page 15); and, if needed, the Tax
Information Authorization and Power of Attorney for
Representation form (page 16).
A nonrefundable payment that is 5 percent of the
settlement offer amount. Payment must be money
order, cashier’s check, or cash.
Verification of all income sources
To verify your household income, you must include:
Complete bank statements for the last three months
for all checking and savings accounts.
Pay stubs for at least the last three months.
Documentation of other income sources for the last
three months. For example, Social Security, disabil-
ity, child support, alimony, commissions, etc.
Verification of all expenses
You must verify your household expenses. We accept:
Copies of cancelled checks (front and back).
Documents showing payments on court-ordered
Billing statements showing payments.
Receipts of payments.
Self-employed or business owners
If you’re self-employed or a business owner, you must
A profit/loss statement from your business showing
all activity for the current year.
Bank statements for the last six months for all busi-
ness checking and savings accounts.
A general ledger showing business expenses actu-
ally paid for the current year.
Statements for loans you claimed as business
Verification of Assets
You must include all property owned for personal
or business use.
Include all county value documents.
Include most current mortgage balance statement
(if currently financing).
We will continue collection action on your tax debt until your settlement offer is accepted.
Section 1. Personal information
Revenue use only
Date received
Revenue agent
Settlement Offer Application
Other names or aliases used
Your rst name
Your Social Security number
Your date of birth
MI Last name
Spouse/RDP’s rst
Spouse/RDP’s Social Security number
Spouse/RDP’s date of birth
MI Last name
Spouse/RDP’s other names or aliases used
Your cell phone
Spouse/RDP’s cell phone
Dependent’s name (living with you)
Dependent’s name (living with you)
Dependent’s name (living with you)
Date of birth
Date of birth
Date of birth
Social Security number
Social Security number
Social Security number
Your current physical address City State ZIP code County
Your home phone
Your mailing address (if different from above) City State ZIP code
Name of your tax representative (CPA, attorney, enrolled agent)
Fax number
Address of your tax representative
Your email
Spouse/RDP’s email
Your driver license number
Spouse/RDP’s driver license no.
City State ZIP code
Section 2. Employment information (personal and business)
Your employer or business name
Business phone
Date hired:____________________ Occupation: _______________________________ Wage earner Sole proprietor Partner Owner ofcer
Paid: Weekly Every other week Monthly Twice a month Number of allowances claimed on Form W-4:____________________
City State ZIP code
Payroll fax
– –
– –
– –
– –
( )
( )( )
( )
– –
( )( )
( )
Spouse/RDP’s employer or business name
Date hired:____________________ Occupation: _______________________________ Wage earner Sole proprietor Partner Owner ofcer
Paid: Weekly Every other week Monthly Twice a month Number of allowances claimed on Form W-4:____________________
City State ZIP code
Business phone
Payroll fax
( )
( )
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Section 2. (continued) Employment information (personal and business)
If self-employed: List all responsible owner(s), partner(s), ofcer(s), major shareholder(s), etc.
Identify the major responsibilities of each by circling the codes that apply: 1 = Files returns; 2 = Pays taxes; 3 = Prefers creditors; 4 = Hires and res
Name and title Effective date Home address Home phone SSN Code
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Section 3. General financial information (personal and business)
Bank accounts. Include IRA and retirement plans certicates of deposit, etc. For all accounts, attach copies of your last three bank statements.
Attach additional pages as needed.
Name of institution Address Type Date opened Account number Balance
Total. Enter this amount on line 2, Section 4 (asset and liability analysis) ........................
Vehicles. Attach supporting documentation of current payoff. Attach additional pages as needed, and vehicles paid in full.
Available equity
(cannot be less than -0-)
Current market valueYear, make, model, license number Lender/lien holder Current payoff
Total. Enter this amount on line 4, section 4 (asset and liability analysis) ........................
Safe deposit boxes (rented or accessed). Include location, box number, and contents. Attach additional pages as needed.
Name of institution Address Box identication Current value of assets
Total. Enter this amount on line 3, Section 4 (asset and liability analysis) ........................
Current market value
Personal property. Include water craft, RVs, air craft, business equipment, and/or machinery. Attach additional pages as needed.
Year, make, model, license number Lender/lien holder Current payoff
Available equity
(cannot be less than -0-)
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Section 3. (continued) General financial information (personal and business)
Real property. Include a copy of the deed and a copy of homeowners/rental insurance policy with riders and supporting documentation of loan balance.
Attach additional pages as needed.
Policy number
Life insurance. Attach additional pages as needed.
Name of insurance company Agent’s name and phone Type
Face amount
surrender value
Owner of record
Total. Enter this amount on line 7, section 4 (asset and liability analysis) ........................
Securities. Include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money market funds, securities, 401(k), etc. Attach additional pages as needed.
Type Where located
Quantity or denomination Current value
Total. Enter this amount on line 8, section 4 (asset and liability analysis) ........................
Current market value
Personal property. (continued) Include water craft, RVs, air craft, business equipment, and/or machinery. Attach additional pages as needed.
Year, make, model, license number Lender/lien holder Current payoff
Total. Enter this amount on line 6, section 4 (asset and liability analysis) ........................
Available equity
(cannot be less than -0-)
A. Physical address
(single- or multi-family dwelling,
lot, rental, etc.)
Mortgage lender’s name and address
Parcel number:_______________
How is title held:______________________________________ Purchase price: _________________ Purchase date: __________________
Current market value: _______________________Mortgage balance: ___________________________ Equity: ___________________________
B. Physical address
(single- or multi-family dwelling,
lot, rental, etc.)
Mortgage lender’s name and address
Parcel number:_______________
How is title held:______________________________________ Purchase price: _________________ Purchase date: __________________
Current market value: _______________________Mortgage balance: ___________________________ Equity: ___________________________
C. Physical address
(single- or multi-family dwelling,
lot, rental, etc.)
Mortgage lender’s name and address
Parcel number:_______________
How is title held:______________________________________ Purchase price: _________________ Purchase date: __________________
Current market value: _______________________Mortgage balance: ___________________________ Equity: ___________________________
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Section 3. (continued) General financial information (personal and business)
Credit cards and lines of credit. Credit cards and unsecured lines of credit may only be allowed with three months of statements showing they are used
for living expenses.
Type of account Name and address of creditor Monthly payment Credit limit Credit available
Amount owed
Total. Enter this amount on line 28, Section 4 (asset and liability analysis) . . . . . . . . .
Other financial information. Please provide the following information relating to your nancial conditions. If you check “Yes” in any box, provide dates,
an explanation, and documentation. Attach additional pages as needed.
Court proceedings ............................................. No Yes _______________________________________________________________________________
Repossessions .................................................. No Yes _______________________________________________________________________________
Anticipated increase in income ......................... No Yes _______________________________________________________________________________
Bankruptcies/receiverships ............................... No Yes _______________________________________________________________________________
Recent transfer of assets .................................. No Yes _______________________________________________________________________________
Beneciary to trust, estate, prot sharing, etc. ... No Yes _______________________________________________________________________________
Last Oregon income tax return led .................. Year:_______ _______________________________________________________________________________
Total number of exemptions claimed ................ ___________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Adjusted gross income from return ................... $__________ ________________________________________________________________________________
List any vehicles, equipment, or property sold, given away, or repossessed during the past three years. Attach additional pages as needed.
Year, make, model of vehicle, or property address Who took possession Value
D. Physical address
(single- or multi-family dwelling,
lot, rental, etc.)
Mortgage lender’s name and address
Parcel number:_______________
How is title held:______________________________________ Purchase price: _________________ Purchase date: __________________
Current market value: _______________________Mortgage balance: ___________________________ Equity: ___________________________
Total Equity. Enter this amount on line 9, Section 4 (asset and liability analysis) . . . . . . . . .
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1. Cash
2. Bank accounts / balance (from section 3)
3. Safe deposit box value of contents (from section 3)
4. Enter vehicles / available equity (from section 3) here:_______________________________________________________________.
5. Vehicle equity formula (line 4 - $3000, if less than -0-, enter -0-)
6. Personal property (from section 3)
7. Loan / cash surrender value for life insurance (from section 3)
8. Securities (from section 3)
9. Current real estate equity (from section 3)
10. Notes
11. Accounts receivable
12. Judgements / settlements received or pending
13. Interest in trusts
14. Interest in estates
15. Partnership interests
16. Major machinery / equipment, etc.
17. Business inventory
18. Other assets: (specify): (Example: $1,000 guns / $200 jewelry / $800 gold)
19. Other assets (specify):
20. Total assests ....................................................................................................................................................................................
Immediate assets. Totals
Section 4. Assets and liability analysis
21. Property 1:
22. Property 2:
23. Property 3:
24. Total equity from properties listed on additional sheet (if applicable)
25. Total of all real property equity (add the Equity column from lines 21 thru 24)
26. Enter dollar amount from line 20
27. Total value of all immediate assets and real property equity (line 25 plus line 26) .............................
Real property equity. From Section 3. Liens or cost of sale don’t reduce equity (can’t be less than -0-).
Address or location
Mortgage payoff amount
RMV from property tax statement
28. Amount owed to credit cards and lines of credit (from Section 3)
29. Taxes owed to IRS (provide a copy of recent notices)
30. Other liabilities (specify):
31. Other liabilities (specify):
32. Other liabilities (specify):
33. Total liabilities .................................................................................................................................................................................
Current liabilities. Include judgements, notes, and other charge accounts. Do not include vehicle or home loans.
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34. Wages / salaries / tips (yours)
35. Social Security income (yours)
36. Pension / annuities (yours)
37. Disability (yours)
38. Wages / salaries / tips (spouse/RDP’s)
39. Social Security income (spouse/RDP’s)
40. Pension / annuities (spouse/RDP’s)
41. Disability (spouse/RDP’s)
42. Interest / dividends / royalties (average monthly)
Income. Attach copies of all income sources that contribute to household expenses (minimum three months).
Section 5. Monthly income and expense analysis
List Net Income
43. Payments from trust / partnerships / entities
44. Unemployment
45. Other income (specify)
46. Other income (specify)
47. Other income (specify)
List Gross Income
48. Business income (yours)
49. Business income (spouse/RDP’s)
50. Rental income
51. Child support
52. Alimony
53. Seller carried contracts / sales
54. Total income ...........................................................................................................................................................................
55. Rent / mortgage / real estate secured line(s) of credit
56. Real estate taxes (Is this included in your mortgage payment? No Yes)
57. Personal home owners / renters insurance: ( ) Assoc. fees: ( )
58. Personal utilities: Electric: ( )
Natural gas / oil: ( ) Phone, internet, & cable: ( )
Garbage: ( ) Water / sewer: ( )
59. Food / clothing / other Items: No. of people: ( ) Their ages: ( )
60. Auto payments / lease
61. Auto insurance
62. Auto maintenance / fuel / other transportation
63. Medical payments (not covered by insurance) (provide proof)
64. Estimated tax payments (provide proof)
65. Court ordered payments (alimony, child support, restitution, not deducted from your paycheck)
Personal expenses (actually paid). (May be limited by federal standards.)
If renting—name, address, and phone number of landlord
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66. Garnishments (specify)
67. Delinquent tax payments (other than Oregon state taxes, IRS, etc.)
68. Work related child care expenses
69. Other expenses (do not include unsecured debt) (specify)
70. Total personal expenses .......................................................................................................................................................
Personal expenses (actually paid). (continued) (May be limited by federal standards.)
Business expenses (actually paid). Provide current general ledger and prot / loss.
71. Materials purchased (specify)
72. Supplies (specify)
73. Installment payments (specify)
74. Monthly payments (specify)
75. Rent / mortgage
76. Insurance
77. Business utilities: Electric: ( )
Natural gas / oil: ( ) Phone, internet, & cable: ( )
Garbage: ( ) Water / sewer: ( )
78. Net wages and salaries paid to employees
79. Current taxes (payroll / business)
80. Other: Specify: (do not include unsecured debt)
81. Total business expenses .....................................................................................................................................................
82. Net disposable income (line 54 minus lines 70 and 81)........................................................................................................
If renting—name, address, and phone number of landlord
Section 6. Settlement offer calculations
83. Net disposable income from line 82 (If less than -0-, enter -0-)
84. Disposable income formula (line 83 x 12.0)
85. Total value of all immediate assets and real property equity from line 27 (If less than -0-, enter -0-)
86. Assets and equity formula (line 85 x 0.75)
87. Total settlement offer amount (add lines 84 and 86) .................................................................................
88. 5-percent nonrefundable payment submitted with this application (line 87 x 0.05)
Payoff information
When will you pay the remainder of this settlement offer? (check one)
Within 30 days from the date of Department of Revenue’s acceptance letter.
In 12 equal monthly installments. Day of month you want your installment payments due: _____________________________
Will you borrow the settlement offer amount (line 87)?
Yes No
Section 5. (continued) Monthly income and expense analysis
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Please provide any additional information not already included. Attach additional pages as needed. All household income must be included.
Section 7. Additional information
Tax type
Social Security number or
business identification number
Personal income tax
Business tax
Other (explain)_________________________________________________
Tax debts included in settlement offer. Check all that apply.
Lender information
Mailing address City State ZIP code
Is lender a member of your household or immediate family?
If yes, provide lender’s name, address, phone; list all collateral, if any, pledged to secure the loan.
Yes No
( )
Section 6. (continued) Settlement offer calculations
Payoff information (Continued)
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Terms and conditions
By making this offer, I understand and agree to these
terms and conditions:
1. If I don’t meet all of the terms and conditions of this
offer, the Department of Revenue will cancel the
settlement offer and collect the full amount of my
debt, including interest and penalties.
2. I will voluntarily submit all settlement offer
3. The Department of Revenue will apply all payments,
refunds, or credits it receives before my settlement
offer is approved to my debt and not to the settle-
ment offer amount.
4. If I have a current payment plan for this debt, I will
continue making payments, as agreed, while this
offer is pending.
Return your completed application, documentation,
and 5-percent payment to: Oregon Department of Revenue
PO Box 14725
Salem OR 97309-5018
5. I forfeit my right to appeal [Oregon Revised Statute
(ORS) 305.280(3)].
6. For three years from the date I pay the settlement
offer amount in full, I will file all returns and pay all
taxes due. I will pay any tax debt in full within 90
days from the date of the notice I receive from the
department. If I don’t, I violate this settlement offer
agreement and the Department of Revenue will col-
lect the full debt amount.
7. I authorize the Department of Revenue to contact
third parties (IRS, Department of Employment, credit
reporting firms, etc.) to verify information I provided
in the settlement offer application.
8. The Department of Revenue will release any tax liens
on my property after a three year compliance period
is complete.
Taxpayer agreement and authorization to use credit reports
I read and agree to the above terms and conditions. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I examined this
offer, including all attached documentation, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and
complete. I (we) authorize the Oregon Department of Revenue to use credit reports and other tools to verify
any information in this settlement offer application and for collection purposes.
Your signature
Spouse/RDP signature (if applying jointly, BOTH must sign even if only one had income)
Did you include everything?
Before mailing, please review your application to make sure it’s complete and includes all supporting
documentation. We’ll return your application if you don’t sign it or include payment; are appealing your
tax debt; or haven’t filed all required tax returns (see page 2).
Did you...
1. Include a 5-percent payment with this application?
2. Sign the taxpayer agreement and authorization to use credit reports (above)? If applying jointly, did your
spouse/RDP sign it?
3. Complete the Tax Information Authorization and Power of Attorney for Representation form, if needed?
4. Make a copy of this application for your records?
If you answered yes to each question, included all supporting documentation, meet all the conditions for
qualifying (page 2), you’re ready to submit your application. We’ll contact you within 10 business days to let
you know we received it.
If you need to contact us, see page 5.
150-800-005 (Rev. 12-15)
Tax Information Authorization
Power of Attorney for Representation
For office use only
Date received
Complete the following, if known (for routing purposes only):
Revenue employee: __________________________________________________
Division/Section: ____________________________________________________
Phone/Fax: _________________________________________________________
Send to: Oregon Department of Rev e nue
955 Center St NE
Salem OR 97301-2555
• Please print. • Use only blue or black ink. • See additional information on the back.
Address City State ZIP code
Taxpayer name Identifying number (SSN, BIN, FEIN, etc.)
Spouse’s name, if joint return
Spouse’s identifying number (SSN, etc.)
Check only one:
Tax Information Authorization: Checking this box allows the department to disclose your confidential tax information to your
des ig nee. You may designate a person, agency, firm, or or ga ni za tion.
Power of Attorney for Representation: Check this box if you want a person to “rep re sent” you. This means the person may
receive confidential information and may make decisions on your behalf. The per son you des ig nate must meet the qual i fi ca tions
listed on the back of this form.
For All tax years, or Specific tax years: __________________________________________________________________ ,
I hereby appoint the following person as designee or authorized representative:
Mailing address
State ZIP code
( ) ( )
Signature of taxpayer(s)
• I acknowledge the following provision: Actions taken by an authorized representative are binding, even if the representative is
not an attorney. Proceedings cannot later be declared legally defective because the representative was not an attorney.
Corporate officers, partners, fiduciaries, or other qualified persons signing on behalf of the taxpayer(s): By signing, I also certify
that I have the authority to execute this form.
If a tax matter concerns a joint return, both spouses must sign if joint representation is requested. Taxpayers filing jointly may
authorize separate representatives.
The above named is authorized to receive my confidential tax information and/or represent me before the Oregon Department of Rev e nue for:
All tax matters, or
Specific tax matters.
Enter tax program name(s): ________________________________________________________________________
Visit www.oregon.gov/dor to complete this form using Revenue Online.
If this tax in for ma tion au tho ri za tion or pow er of at tor ney form is not signed, it will be returned.
Power of attorney forms submitted with Revenue Online will be signed electronically.
Daytime phone
Note: This authorization form automatically revokes and replaces all earlier tax authorizations and/or all earlier powers of attorney
on file with the Oregon De part ment of Rev e nue for the same tax mat ters and years or periods covered by this form. If you do not
want to revoke a prior authorization, initial here ______.
Attach a copy of any other tax information authorization or power of attorney you want to remain in effect.
( )
Print name Date
Print name Date
Title (if applicable)
Spouse (if joint rep re sen ta tion)
Representative’s title and Oregon license number or relationship to taxpayer
If out-of-state CPA, sign here attesting you meet the requirements to practice in Oregon (see instructions)
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150-800-005 (Rev. 12-15)
Additional information
This form is used for two purposes:
Tax information disclosure authorization. You authorize
the department to disclose your confidential tax infor-
mation to another person. This person will not receive
original notices we send to you.
Power of attorney for representation. You authorize
another person to represent you and act on your behalf.
The person must meet the qualifications below. Unless
you specify differently, this person will have full power to
do all things you might do, with as much binding effect,
including, but not limited to: providing information; pre-
paring, signing, executing, filing, and inspecting returns
and reports; and executing statute of limitation extensions
and closing agreements.
This form is effective on the date signed. Authorization termi-
nates when the department receives written revocation notice
or a new form is executed (unless the space provided on the
front is initialed indicating that prior forms are still valid).
Unless the appointed representative has a fiduciary relation-
ship to the taxpayer (such as personal representative, trustee,
guardian, conservator), original Notices of Deficiency or
Assessment will be mailed to the taxpayer as required by
law. A copy will be provided to the appointed representative
when requested.
For corporations, “taxpayer” as used on this form, must be
the corporation that is subject to Oregon tax. List fiscal years
by year end date.
Qualifications to represent taxpayer(s) before
Department of Revenue
Under Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 305.230 and Oregon
Administrative Rule (OAR) 150-305.230, a person must meet
one of the following qualifications in order to represent you
before the Department of Revenue.
1. For all tax programs:
a. An adult immediate family member (spouse, parent,
child, or sibling).
b. An attorney qualified to practice law in Oregon.
c. A certified public accountant (CPA) or public accoun-
tant (PA) qualified to practice public accountancy in
Oregon, and their employees.
d. An IRS enrolled agent (EA) qualified to prepare tax
returns in Oregon.
e. A designated employee of the taxpayer.
f. An officer or full-time employee of a corporation (includ-
ing a parent, subsidiary, or other affiliated corporation),
association, or organized group for that entity.
g. A full-time employee of a trust, receivership, guardian-
ship, or estate for that entity.
h. An individual outside the United States if representa-
tion takes place outside the United States.
2. For income tax issues:
a. All those listed in (1); plus
b. A licensed tax consultant (LTC) or licensed tax pre-
parer (LTP) licensed by the Oregon State Board of Tax
3. For ad valorem property tax issues:
a. All those listed in (1); plus
b. An Oregon licensed real estate broker or a principal real
estate broker; or
c. An Oregon certified, licensed, or registered appraiser; or
d. An authorized agent for designated utilities and com-
panies assessed by the department under ORS 308.505
through 308.665 and ORS 308.805 through 308.820.
4. For forestland and timber tax issues:
a. All those listed in (1), (2), and (3)(b) and (c); plus
b. A consulting forester.
An individual who prepares and either signs your tax return
or who is not required to sign your tax return (by the instruc-
tions or by rule), may represent you during an audit of that
return. That individual may not represent you for any
other purpose unless they meet one of the qualifications
listed above.
Generally, declarations for representation in cases appealed
beyond the Department of Revenue must be in writing to the
Tax Court Magistrate. A person recognized by a Tax Court
Magistrate will be recognized as your representative by the
Tax matters partners and S corporation shareholders. See
OARs 150-305.242(2) and (5) and 150-305.230 for additional
information. Include the partnership or S corporation name
in the taxpayer name area.
Out-of-state attorneys and CPAs
Attorneys may contact the Oregon State Bar for information
on practicing in Oregon. If your out-of-state representative
receives authorization to practice in Oregon, attach proof to
this form.
CPAs may practice in Oregon if they meet the following
substantial equivalency requirements of ORS 673.010:
1. Licensed in another state;
2. Have an accredited baccalaureate degree with at least 150
semester hours of college education;
3. Passed the Uniform CPA exam; and
4. Have a minimum of one year experience.
Have questions? Need help?
General tax information ...................... www.oregon.gov/dor
Salem ............................................................... (503) 378-4988
Toll-free from an Oregon prefix ................1 (800) 356-4222
Asistencia en español:
En Salem o fuera de Oregon ........................(503) 378-4988
Gratis de prefijo de Oregon ......................1 (800) 356-4222
TTY (hearing or speech impaired; machine only):
Salem area or outside Oregon .....................(503) 945-8617
Toll-free from an Oregon prefix ................1 (800) 886-7204
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Call one of the help
numbers above for information in alternative formats.