An Introduction to Analyzing the
NAWS Public Access Data
July 2020
Release 1.1
Overview on Conducting Analysis with the NAWSPAD .................................................. 3
Software Options for Analyzing the NAWS Data ......................................................... 3
Calculate Weighted Means and Proportions ............................................................... 4
Calculate Design-Corrected Standard Errors .............................................................. 4
Additional Documentation to Support NAWSPAD Users ............................................ 4
How to Calculate Weighted Means and Weighted Proportions using Excel ................... 6
Download the NAWS Excel files ................................................................................. 6
Apply Sampling Weights ............................................................................................. 6
Calculate Weighted Means and Proportions ............................................................... 6
Calculate Weighted Means ......................................................................................... 7
Calculate Weighted Means for All Fiscal Years ....................................................... 7
Calculate Weighted Means for Specific Fiscal Years .............................................. 8
Calculate Weighted Proportions ................................................................................ 10
Calculate Weighted Proportions for All Fiscal Years ............................................. 10
Calculate Weighted Proportions for Specific Fiscal Years ..................................... 16
Overview on Conducting Analysis with the NAWSPAD
This document provides an introduction to the NAWS Public Access Data (NAWSPAD),
alerting the user to statistical issues related to the National Agricultural Workers
Surveys (NAWS) complex sampling design and outlining available options for
addressing them. The NAWS uses a stratified multi-stage sampling design to account
for seasonal and regional fluctuations in the level of employment in crop agriculture. The
NAWS has seven levels of sampling. The first two levels are to create 36 strata
determined by three interviewing cycles and 12 agricultural regions. The next level
consists of the primary sampling unit (PSU) within each stratum. The PSU is the county
cluster (Farm Labor Area). The next four levels of sampling occur within the county
cluster. Within each county cluster, the NAWS draws random samples of counties, ZIP
Code regions, and employers. At the final level of sampling, workers are randomly
sampled within employers. Further information on the NAWS sampling design is
available in the Statistical Methods of the National Agricultural Workers Survey available
on the NAWS website (
The NAWSs multi-level sampling design adds complexity to data analysis in two ways:
1. To produce accurate statistics, users need to apply sampling and post-sampling
weights to account for differences in sampling probabilities and to correct for non-
response at the region and cycle levels.
2. Users who wish to calculate the standard error of point estimates need to
account for the complex multi-stage sampling design. The NAWSPAD supports
using the balanced repeated replication (BRR) method. This method does not
require information on the strata or PSU, which are suppressed from the
NAWSPAD for privacy reasons.
Software Options for Analyzing the NAWS Data
The NAWSPAD files are available in SAS, Microsoft Excel, and CSV (comma separated
values) formats. These files can be read into other data analysis programs, such as
SPSS and Stata. NAWS users who do not have access to analysis software such as
SAS, SPSS, R, or Stata, or users who only need to quickly calculate the mean or
proportion of specific variables, can perform these calculations using the NAWS Excel
files. In addition, there are several documents to support users, including codebooks,
questionnaires, and explanation of the NAWS methodology. A list of these documents
is provided below.
Calculate Weighted Means and Proportions
Users with access to statistical software such as SAS, SPSS, R, or Stata should
consult the respective manuals for how to calculate weighted means and proportions
using the weighting variable PWTYCRD. MS Excel users can calculate weighted
means and proportions using the instructions in Chapter 1 “How to Calculate
Weighted Means and Weighted Proportions from NAWS Public Access Data Using
Excel.” This chapter provides step-by-step instructions on performing the
calculations. The process can be tedious if analyzing many variables but does
provide the same means and proportions produced by statistical software.
Calculate Design-Corrected Standard Errors
This document provides specific guidance and detailed explanations on how to
calculate weighted means and weighted proportions using excel.
Additional Documentation to Support NAWSPAD Users
The following additional documentation about the NAWS and the NAWSPAD
may be useful. These documents are available on the NAWS website
NAWSPAD Variables and Labels
The NAWSPAD codebook
Supporting statement [Part A of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
Information Collection Request (ICR)]
Statistical Methods of the National Agricultural Workers Survey (Part B of
the PRA ICR)
Field sampling protocols
Questionnaires in English and Spanish
For users interested in regional analysis:
o Sampling regions
o Correspondence between NAWS and USDA Farm Labor Survey
sampling regions
o Analysis regions in the NAWSPAD file
How to Calculate Weighted Means and Weighted
Proportions using Excel
This chapter provides step-by-step instruction on calculating weighted means and
proportions using Excel.
Step 1
Download the NAWS Excel files
From the Public Data Files” link on the NAWS website
(, download the two files that are available in
Excel format: NAWS_A2E185 (which contains the first half of the variables) and
NAWS_F2Y185 (which contains the second half of the variables).
Step 2
Apply Sampling Weights
The NAWS uses a complex sampling design that includes both stratification and
clustering; for this reason, users must make use of sampling weights to adjust the
relative value of each farmworker so that population estimates may be obtained from
the sample. The NAWS sampling weight variable PWTYCRD includes a factor which
correctly proportions the data for analysis. The PWTYCRD variable is used for almost all
NAWS analysis and allows merging several years of data together. At least two
consecutive years of data should be combined to obtain robust. The PWTYCRD
variable can be found in both the NAWS_A2E185 and NAWS_F2Y185 files. Further
information on how the NAWS sampling weight is calculated is provided in Statistical
Methods of the National Agricultural Workers Survey, available on the NAWS website
Step 3
Calculate Weighted Means and Proportions
There are two types of variables in the NAWSPAD: continuous and categorical
variables. Users can calculate weighted means for continuous variables using the
instructions in Step 3a, and weighted proportions for categorical variables using the
instructions in Step 3b. Examples of continuous variables include age of farmworker,
wages, number of work days, and numbers of years in the United States. Categorical
variables include those for which each farmworker respondent is assigned a value
indicating his/her membership in one of several possible categories. Examples of
categorical variables include gender, employment status, and legal status. Users should
consult the codebook for more information on the variables contained in the NAWSPAD.
Step 3a
Calculate Weighted Means
The mean, or average, of a variable is the sum of all values across all the observations
divided by the number of observations. This sample mean assumes that each
observation in the sample has an equal weight. However, when calculating the mean of
a variable in the NAWSPAD, users need to apply the sampling weight variable
PWTYCRD to adjust for the relative value of each farmworker in the sample, because
each farmworker contributes differently to the final mean depending on his/her sampling
The weighted mean can be calculated in Excel with a formula that uses both the
SUMPRODUCT and SUM functions. For example, if users want to calculate the mean
age of farmworkers then the SUMPRODUCT function is used to calculate the numerator
in the formula, which is the sum of the products of each farmworker’s age and his/her
sampling weight (PWTYCRD). The SUM function is used to calculate the denominator in
the formula, which is the sum of all farmworker sampling weights (PWTYCRD).
Calculate Weighted Means for All Fiscal Years
The following instructions show how to calculate the weighted mean of a continuous
variable for all fiscal years in the dataset combined in Excel. For the purpose of
illustration, we will use AGE as the variable of interest and we assume that the Excel
data set contains 500 farm workers interviewed in all fiscal years.
1. Determine the variable(s) for which you would like to calculate the weighted
mean(s). In our example, we want to calculate mean AGE.
2. Locate the variable of interest and the PWTYCRD variable in the NAWS Excel
file. For our example, the variable AGE is located in column A and the variable
PWTYCRD is located in column B (see Figure 1). There are 500 rows in our
example dataset, one for each farmworker interviewed. The first row contains
the variable names.
3. The Excel formula for calculating a weighted mean is
SUMPRODUCT(array1,array2,array3,...)/SUM(number1, [number2], [number3],
...). Using our example, the formula to calculate farmworkers’ mean age is
SUMPRODUCT(A2:A501, B2:B501)/SUM(B2:B501).
a. SUMPRODUCT(A2:A501, B2:B501) calculates the numerator, which
sums the products of each farmworker’s age (AGE) and his/her sampling
weight (PWTYCRD).
b. SUM(B2:B501) calculates the denominator, which is the sum of all 500
farmworker sampling weights.
c. The full formula SUMPRODUCT(A2:A501, B2:B501)/SUM(B2:B501)
calculates the weighted mean age for the 500 farmworkers in the data set.
Figure 1 shows an illustration of the Excel data set with the formula written
in it.
Figure 1: Formula for Weighted Mean
Calculate Weighted Means for Specific Fiscal Years
The previous step described how to calculate weighted means for a continuous variable
using all fiscal years in the dataset. It is also possible to calculate weighted means for
specific years using the Fiscal Year (FY) variable. To ensure that your results are as
accurate as possible, you need to combine at least two consecutive fiscal years of data
(e.g., 2015 and 2016). For more information about combining fiscal years, please
consult the Statistical Methods of the National Agricultural Workers Survey, available on
the NAWS website (, which describes the
statistical methods of the NAWS.
There are two options to create a worksheet containing data for specific fiscal years.
Option 1: Use the Filter option in Excel Before entering any formulas into your
worksheet, select all cells in the worksheet, go to the “Data” tab on the menu bar at the
top of the worksheet (see Figure 2), and click the “Filter button. A small drop-down
arrow will appear next to each variable name. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the
“FY variable name (see Figure 2). This will open a dialogue box and at the bottom you
will see a list of all the fiscal years available for selection (see Figure 2). Select the fiscal
years you are interested in and click OK. You can pick as many fiscal years as you
want, but you should pick at least two consecutive years. Now that you have applied the
filter, you can calculate weighted means using the formula described in the “Calculate
Weighted Means for All Fiscal Years” section above, steps 1 through 3.
Figure 2: Apply a Filter to "FY"
Option 2: Copy and Paste Before you do any calculations, copy the column headings
for all the variables you need (i.e., the variable of interest, PWTYCRD, and FY) and the
rows corresponding to the fiscal years you are interested in. Paste them into a new
worksheet. Make sure you copy all the rows included in the fiscal years you have
chosen; missing even one row can change your results. In the new worksheet, calculate
weighted means using the formula described in the “Calculate Weighted Means for All
Fiscal Years” section above, steps 1 through 3.
For more help with calculating weighted means in Excel, please consult the “How to
calculate weighted averages in Excel page on the Microsoft website
Step 3b
Calculate Weighted Proportions
When calculating weighted proportions for categorical variables, users must apply the
sampling weight variable PWTYCRD to adjust for the relative value of each farmworker
in the sample (see Step 2 Apply Sampling Weights at the beginning of this document).
The most efficient way to calculate weighted proportions in Excel is to first organize the
data using PivotTables. The following instructions use PivotTables to help you easily
calculate weighted proportions for all fiscal years combined or for specific fiscal years.
Calculate Weighted Proportions for All Fiscal Years
The instructions below describe the method for calculating weighted proportions for all
fiscal years in the dataset. For the purpose of illustration, we will use the variable
CURRSTAT (the farmworker’s legal status at the time of interview), which has four
categories coded with the numeric values 1 through 4. The calculation described here
will yield the weighted proportion for each of the four categories of CURRSTAT.
To calculate weighted proportions for all fiscal years combined:
1. Determine the variable(s) for which you would like to calculate the weighted
proportions. In our example, we want to calculate the weighted proportions of
2. Highlight all the cells in your spreadsheet. Go to the Insert” tab on the menu bar
at the top of the worksheet and select PivotTable” (see Figure 3). The “Create
PivotTable” dialogue box will appear, and two options will automatically be
selected: Select a table or range” (which shows the range of all the cells
selected in our spreadsheet) and “New Worksheet” (see Figure 3). Click OK”.
Figure 3: Create a PivotTable
3. After clicking OK, a new worksheet will open. On the left side of the new
worksheet you will see an empty PivotTable. On the right side you will see a
PivotTable Field List from which you can select the variables that you want to
add to your PivotTable (see Figure 4). Using our example of CURRSTAT as the
variable of interest:
a. Drag CURRSTAT and drop it into the “Row Labels” area.
b. Drag PWTYCRD and drop it into the Values area; you will see “Count of
PWTYCRD with a drop-down arrow next to it (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: PivotTable Field List
c. Click on the drop-down arrow next to “Count of PWTYCRD and click
Value Field Settings. In the Value Field Settings dialogue box, select the
Sum option under Summarize value field by (see Figure 5).
Figure 5: Value Field Settings for PWTYCRD
d. Click “OK” to create your PivotTable. The left column in the table contains
the four categories of CURRSTAT. The right column contains the sum of
the PWTYCRD values for each CURRSTAT category (see Figure 6); this
is the column that you will use to calculate your weighted proportions.
Figure 6: Created PivotTable
Note: The columns in your PivotTable may have headings different from those pictured based on the
version of Excel you are using. The values in the right column will likely differ from those pictured,
depending on the fiscal years of data you are analyzing.
4. Now you are ready to calculate the weighted proportions of the variable (i.e., how
often each category of the variable occurs). For each category of the variable
(i.e., row in the PivotTable):
a. Create a formula that divides the value in the right column of the
PivotTable by the Grand Total (see Figure 7).
b. Convert the resulting values from decimals to percentages (see Figure 7).
Note: Because you are calculating weighted proportions based on cells
that were created using a PivotTable, you cannot use the fill handle to
apply the formula for the first category of the variable to the other
categories of the variable. If you want to be able to use the fill handle
option, copy the PivotTable and paste it elsewhere in your worksheet
using Paste Special with the Values” option. This will remove all
embedded formulas and provide you with a static table that you can use
for your calculations.
Figure 7: Formula for Weighted Proportion
Note that because your formula for calculating weighted proportion uses cells in a
PivotTable, you cannot use the fill handle to apply the formula for the first category of
the variable to the other categories of the variable. If you want to be able to use the fill
handle option, copy the PivotTable and paste it elsewhere in your worksheet using
Paste Special with the Values” option. This will remove all embedded formulas and
provide you with a static table that you can use for your calculations.
The category labeled (blank) represents the respondents who are missing a value for
the variable. If left in the PivotTable, the category of missing values will comprise a
share of respondents. If you want to exclude missing values from your analysis, you can
filter them out by clicking the down arrow next to CURRSTAT, unchecking the box next
to “(blank) in the filter menu, then clicking “OK” (see Figure 8).
Figure 8: Filter “(blank) from Created PivotTable
For additional help creating PivotTables in Excel, please consult the “Create or delete a
PivotTable or PivotChart report” page on the Microsoft website
Calculate Weighted Proportions for Specific Fiscal Years
The process for calculating weighted proportions for specific fiscal years is very similar
to the process for calculating weighted proportions for all fiscal years. To ensure that the
data results are as accurate as possible, you need to combine at least two consecutive
fiscal years of data (e.g., 2015 and 2016). For more information about combining fiscal
years, please consult the Statistical Methods of the National Agricultural Workers
Survey which describes the statistical methods of the NAWS.
There are two options for calculating weighted proportions for specific fiscal years.
Option 1: Use the Report Filter option in a PivotTable Create a PivotTable by
following steps 1 through 3 in the “Calculate Weighted Proportions for All Fiscal Years”
section above. After you have changed the Value Field Settings” for PWTYCRD to
Sum of PWTYCRD as described in step 3, return to the PivotTable Field List on the
right side of the screen, locate the variable FY, and drag and drop it into the “Report
Filter area below the list. Once you have done this, the variable “FY” will appear in the
“Report Filter section above your created PivotTable (see Figure 9).
Figure 9: Apply “FY” to the Report Filter
The next step is to select the fiscal years you are interested in. Click the down arrow
next to (All) and check the Select Multiple Items” box. A check box will appear to the
left of each Fiscal Year in the list; click in the check box to the left of (All) to deselect all
of them. Locate the years that you are interested in, check the box for each (we use
2001-2002, for the purpose of illustration), then click “OK” (see Figure 10).
Figure 10: Select Specific Fiscal Years
Once the report filter is applied, the sum of the PWTYCRD values for each category of
CURRSTAT and the Grand Total for the table will recalculate to reflect the weighted
frequencies for only those fiscal years which you have selected. The final step is to
calculate the weighted proportions according to the procedure described in step 4 of the
“Calculate Weighted Proportions for All Fiscal Years” section above.
Option 2: Copy and Paste Before you do any of the steps involved in creating a
PivotTable, copy the column headings for all the variables you need (i.e., the variable of
interest, PWTYCRD, and FY) and the rows corresponding to the fiscal years you are
interested in. Paste them into a new worksheet. Make sure you copy all the rows
included in the fiscal years you have chosen; missing even one row can change your
results. In the new worksheet, create a PivotTable and calculate weighted proportions
according to the process described in steps 1 through 4 of the “Calculate Weighted
Proportions for All Fiscal Years” section above.
For additional help creating PivotTables in Excel, please consult the “Create or delete a
PivotTable or PivotChart report” page on the Microsoft website