Exploring the Feasibility of Using Writing
Process Features to Assess Text Production
December 2015
Research Report
ETS RR15-26
Paul Deane
Mo Zhang
ETS Research Report Series
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e Daniel EignorEditorship is namedinhonorof Dr. DanielR. Eignor, whofrom 2001 until 2011 served the Research and
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the pivotal leadership role that Dr. Eignor played in the research publication process at ETS.
ETS Research Report Series ISSN 2330-8516
Exploring the Feasibility of Using Writing Process Features
to Assess Text Production Skills
Paul Deane & Mo Zhang
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
In this report, we examine the feasibility of characterizing writing performance using process features derived from a keystroke log.
writing assessments, we examine the following research questions: (a) How stable are the
keystroke timing and process features across testing occasions? (b) How consistent are the patterns of featurehuman correlation across
genres and topics? (c) How accurately can we predict human ratings on writing fundamentals using a combination of the keystroke
timing and process features, and what are the contributions of each feature to the reliable variance in the human ratings? (d) If we train a
predictive model on one prompt, how well do its predictions generalize to the other prompts of the same or dierent genre? e results
of the study indicate that keystroke log features vary considerably in stability across testing occasions and display somewhat dierent
patterns of featurehuman correlation across genres and topics. However, using the most stable features, we can obtain moderate to
strong prediction of human essay scores, and those models generalize reasonably well across prompts though more strongly within
than across writing genres.
Keywords writing; writing process; writing assessment; keystrokes; keystroke log; process features; writing quality
Writing involves multiple, coordinated cognitive processes (Alamargot & Chanquoy, 2001; Alamargot & Fayol, 2009;
Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1987; Hayes & Flower, 1980). e literature recognizes a number of distinct writing subprocesses,
such as translating ideas into words, transcribing words onto the page, and evaluating the quality of text produced to date
(Chenoweth & Hayes, 2003). e literature on the role of timing in the writing process (Chenoweth & Hayes, 2003; Hayes
& Flower, 1980; Perl, 1979; Torrance & Galbraith, 2006) indicates that pause patterns reect specic subprocesses such
as planning and evaluation that interrupt uent text production. Unskilled writers may be restricted by limitations in a
subprocess, such as transcription uency, which may limit capacity to learn/exercise other writing skills (Berninger, 1996;
Flower & Hayes, 1981; Kellogg, 2001, 2008; McCutchen, 1996, 2000). us, the distribution and patterning of pauses (or,
conversely, of bursts of uent text production) provides indirect evidence about underlying cognitive processes.
Several broad trends have been observed relating pause patterns during writing with the quality of the resulting text
(Alves, Branco, Castro, & Olive, 2012; Connelly, Dockrell, Walter, & Critten, 2012; Hayes, 2012; Kaufer, Hayes, & Flower,
1986; Miller, 2000; van den Bergh & Rijlaarsdam, 2001; Wengelin, 2006). Similar results have been obtained in prior
published research at Educational Testing Service (ETS), including studies by Almond, Deane, Quinlan, Wagner, and
Sydorenko (2012), Deane and Quinlan (2010), and Deane, Quinlan, and Kostin (2011). In particular, for stronger writers,
text tends to be produced eciently in longer bursts; pauses are more likely to happen at natural loci for planning such as
clause and sentence boundaries, and more editing and revision behavior can be observed. On the other hand, for weaker
writers, text tends to be produced less eciently, and pauses appear in locations that suggest diculties in typing, spelling,
word-nding, and other transcription processes.
However, these relationships are complicated by a variety of factors, including (a) developmental shis (for instance,
uency of transcription increases with age; Abbott, Berninger, & Fayol, 2010; Berninger, 1999; Graham, Berninger, Abbott,
Abbott, & Whitaker, 1997; Limpo & Alves, 2013); (b) dierences between tasks or writing genres (for instance, writing
processes for narrative, argument, and exposition may dier; Beauvais, Olive, & Passerault, 2011); (c) dierences in tem-
poral distributions within a task (for instance, the value of planning may be higher earlier in a writing session and be
counterproductive toward the end of a session; Breetvelt, van den Bergh, & Rijlaarsdam, 1994); and (d) dierences in
Corresponding author: P. Deane, E-mail: [email protected]
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P. Deane & M. Zhang Using Writing Process Features to Assess Text Skills
personal style (for instance, some people may prefer extensive advance planning whereas others may prefer to free write
and revise; Tillema, van den Bergh, Rijlaarsdam, & Sanders, 2011).
A number of programs for collecting keystroke log data have been developed for the purpose of measuring writing
patterns. ese include Inputlog, developed for use in studying multimodal professional writing environments (Leijten &
van Waes, 2006, 2013; van Waes & Leijten, 2006); Scriptlog, developed for use in experimental psycholinguistic research
(Andersson et al., 2006; Stmqvist, Holmqvist, Johansson, Karlsson, & Wengelin, 2006); and Translog, developed for use
in translation research (Jakobsen, 2006). ETS has developed its own keystroke logging program (Almond et al., 2012). All
of these programs rely on essentially similar methods, which involve capturing character input and tracking the length of
time between inputs. Several families of methods for analyzing keystroke logs are well attested in the literature, includ-
ing both categorical and statistical methods. Categorical methods include pause analysis (analyzing the distribution of
pauses above a minimum length), revision analysis (analyzing what chunks are inserted or deleted), burst analysis (clas-
sifying bursts into dierent types such as those occurring before/aer revision), and possibly expanding the log with
some information about the linguistic state of the text (Leijten, Hoste, Van Waes, Macken, & Van Horenbeeck, 2012).
Statistical methods include calculation of summary features, such as burst length and pause duration, with some work
using mixture models and principal component analysis (Almond et al., 2012; Baaijen, Galbraith, & de Glopper, 2012;
Deane, 2014).
Deane and Quinlan (2010), and Deane, Quinlan, & Kostin (2011) explored ways in which writing timing and process
features can function as predictors of writing scores, but Deane (2014) found that issues of stability and generalization
might exist, at least for some keystroke features. In particular, Deane (2014) examined the relationship between keystroke
features from essays instantiating very dierent genres and topics and found relatively low correlations of keystroke fea-
tures across paired student essays addressing dierent topics and genres combined with somewhat dierent patterns of
correlations with external variables.
In an exploratory factor analysis, Deane (2014) identied three factors supported by keystroke features: measuring
latency (or hesitation in text production), editing behaviors, and burst span (amount of text produced without need for
a longer pause). Within and between prompts, all three factors showed similar patterns of correlation with writing score
(a signicant negative correlation for latency and signicant positive correlations for editing behaviors and burst span).
However, the size of the eects varied noticeably. For example, the correlation of the editing factor with human scores
was .32 in one prompt but only .18 in the other; conversely, in one prompt, the correlation of the burst span factor with
human scores was .09 in one prompt and .23 in the other. Moreover, the relation to external reading measures varied sys-
tematically. In one prompt the latency factor was signicantly and negatively correlated with a variety of reading measures
administered to the same students, and the editing and burst span factors were not statistically signicant. By contrast, in
the other writing prompt, the editing and burst span factors had signicant positive correlations with the same reading
measures, but the latency factor was not signicantly correlated. Deane (2014) thus suggested that while evidence can be
extracted from keystroke logs about characteristics of student performance, there is enough variability in performance to
raise questions about the stability and generalizability of the patterns identied.
e current study examines a large pool of essays, following a design intended to sample multiple topics within two
dierent genres. It therefore provides an important opportunity to examine the extent to which features extracted from
keystroke logs generalize across prompts and provide reliable indicators of fundamental writing skill as measured by
human raters. It is intended as an exploratory study, focused on the following four research questions.
Research Question 2 (RQ2): How consistent are the patterns of featurehuman correlation across genres and topics?
at is, how well can models based on keystroke features predict performance on the fundamental text production
Research Question 3 (RQ3): How accurately can we predict human ratings on writing fundamentals using a com-
bination of the keystroke timing and process features, and what are the contributions of each feature to the reliable
variance in the human ratings?
Research Question 4 (RQ4): If we train a predictive model on one prompt, how well do its predictions generalize to
the other prompts of the same or dierent genre?
is study purposefully did not examine the relationship between process/keystroke timing features and the prod-
uct features used in automated essay scoring systems. ese issues have been explored elsewhere (e.g., Deane, 2014;
2 ETS Research Report No. RR-15-26. © 2015 Educational Testing Service
P. Deane & M. Zhang Using Writing Process Features to Assess Text Skills
Deane, Quinlan, & Kostin, 2011), and we expect to explore them in greater depth in future publications (e.g., Zhang &
Deane, in press). Our immediate goal in this study was to examine the extent to which writing process features provide
measurement of fundamental text production skills, without reference to features of the nal written product.
Six English-language arts (ELA) test forms were developed as part of the CBAL
learning and assessment tool research
initiative at ETS (Bennett, 2011; Bennett & Gitomer, 2009; Deane, Fowles, Baldwin, & Persky, 2011). As these publications
discuss, the CBAL initiative is designed to explore ways to build high-quality assessments that are learning experiences in
their own right and can also provide useful information to guide instruction. For present purposes, the following salient
characteristics are worth noting.
Each CBAL ELA test form started with a preliminary, or lead-in, section that required students to read, think, and
respond to questions about a set of source documents.
Aer the lead-in section, students were required to complete an essay task in which they responded to the same
source documents. e two parts of a test form were linked by a common purpose, which also dened the genre of
the essay that students were required to write.
Each part was intended to be administered in a single 45-minute class session for a total of 90 minutes for a test
e six test forms were designed to sample two dierent purposes for writing (or genres). One writing purpose focused
on building an argument using evidence extracted from secondary sources, and the second focused on evaluating two
proposals using explicit evaluation criteria and recommending one proposal over another on that basis. While both genres
focused broadly on building eective arguments, the specic genres required thewriter to achieve dierent rhetorical goals
that entail distinct organizational patterns. Within each genre, we sampled three topics, as shown in Table 1.
Six writing test forms were administered during the spring of 2013 to a convenience sample of more than 2,500 students
from Grade 6 to Grade 9 in seven US states. e students who took the forms focused on writing an argument essay were
drawn primarily from an eighth-grade cohort (1,129 students) with a smaller sample drawn from adjacent grades (404
from seventh grade and 708 from ninth grade). e students who took the form focused on writing a recommendation
were drawn primarily from a seventh-grade cohort (930 students) with a smaller sample drawn from adjacent grades
Table 1 Description of the Test Forms
Unifying purpose
of assessment
Genre (of the
nal essay task) Topic Test form (acronym)
Oppose or support a
policy recommendation
Argument essay Should the United States ban advertising to
children under 12?
Ban ads (BA)
Should schools pay students for getting good
Should schools recommend that parents
restrict students’ use of social networking?
Social networking (SN)
Decide which of two
alternative plans best
satises explicit
decision criteria
What would be the best choice of service
learning project for a class to carry out?
Service learning (SL)
culture fair?
Culture fair (CF)
What is the best way for a school to spend a
large sum of money provided by a generous
Generous gi (GG)
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P. Deane & M. Zhang Using Writing Process Features to Assess Text Skills
(137 from sixth grade and 226 from eighth grade). In both cases, slightly over half of the students (54% and 56%) were
drawn from school districts in Idaho, where ETS had an opportunity for a large-scale data collection, supplemented by
data from additional schools recruited from other states. A smaller sample was collected for two forms (ban ads [BA] and
service learning [SL]) than for the remaining forms, because those two forms had already been piloted in prior studies
(e.g., Deane, 2014; Fu, Chung, & Wise, 2009).
In the argument essay administration, demographic data were available for 88% of students, of whom 51.3% were
female and 48.7% were male; 71.8% were White, 19.7% were Hispanic, 3.3% were African American, 3.5% were Asian,
and less than 1% belonged to any other group. Further demographic data were available for 1,888 students, of whom
97.8% were initially English procient, 1.6% were English-language learners (ELLs), and less than 1% percent were
reclassied. Annual yearly progress (AYP) data were available for 1,204 students, of whom 3.7% required AYP accom-
modation. Socioeconomic status (SES) data were available for 1,042 students, of whom 41.6% qualied for free or
reduced lunch.
In the written recommendation administration, demographic data were available for 81% of students, of whom 49.4%
were female and 50.6% were male; 68.4% were White, 22.9% were Hispanic, 4.6% were African American, 3.5% were
Asian, and less than 1% belonged to any other group. Further demographic information was available for 1,144 students;
of these students, 92.7% were initially English procient, 4.3% were reclassied English procient, and 2.9% were ELL.
AYP data was available for 1,203 students, of whom 3.6% required accommodation and 40.7% qualied for free or reduced
school lunch programs.
Test Administration
Parental permission was obtained in advance, and schools were compensated for each completed test form. Each test form
required two class sessions (for the lead-in and essay tasks, respectively). e two sessions were scheduled within 1 week
of one another, usually consecutively on the same day. Students answered all questions, including writing their essays, in
an electronic form using an online interface. It was expected and stated in the test administration manual that tests were
given in regular classes, and students were not expected to leave the test until completion. Keystroke logs were collected
as part of data collection.
Each student took two of the three test forms focused on the same genre, with the second form being administered
within 2 weeks aer the completion of the rst form. Students were randomly assigned within classes to one of the three
pairings of the test forms (Table 2) within a genre.
An earlier study (Deane, 2014) examined patterns of performance
each form required two separate class sessions to complete, not all students wrote both assigned essays. If a student missed
either of the two writing sessions, or produced a 0-coded response, that student’s data were excluded from Table 2, which
shows the number of students who completed both essays for each essay pair. Of the 575 students, 439 completed both BA
and another essay; 667 of 900 completed the cash for grades (CG) essay and another essay; 618 of 805 completed the social
network (SN) essay and another essay; 562 of 659 completed SL and another essay; 723 of 832 completed the culture fair
(CF) and another essay; and 710 of 825 completed the generous gi (GG) essay and another essay. Due to the sampling
scheme, we obtained much larger samples completing the CGSN and CFGG pairs, which should be considered when
interpreting subsequent analyses.
Table 2 Number of Essays in Each Essay Pairing
Genre Form pair n of paired essays
Argument essay BACG 244
BASN 195
CGSN 423
Written recommendation SLCF 249
SL–GG 236
CFGG 474
Note: BA = ban ads; CG = cash for grades; SN = social networking; SL = service learning; CF = culture fair; GG= generous gi.
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Scoring and Rater Characteristics
For the analyses in the current study, we are concerned only with the test session that administered the essay task. e
essays were scored on two rubrics: one focused on writing fundamentals (usage and mechanics, language, organization,
scale). In both rubrics, a human score of 0 was used to denote essays with unusual response characteristics such as empty,
o topic, plagiarism, or random keystrokes. ose responses were considered as outliers and were excluded from our
and SL) had been administered and analyzed in prior studies, so only about 20% of the responses were double scored.
e raters employed in this study were teachers trained by ETS sta and not professional ETS scorers. Most of them
were scoring the CBAL assessments for the rst time. On the two forms with approximately 20% double scoring (i.e., BA
In this study, as the keystroke timing and process features are most construct relevant with respect to fundamental text
production skills, we focused on their relation to human ratings on the writing fundamentals rubric. Our reasoning was as
follows: e correlation between adjudicated scores on the two rubrics is .77 in the GG data set, .72 in the CF data set, and
.68 for the 20% of the SL data set that was double scored. Despite the moderately strong correlations, keystroke features
also appear to contribute to prediction of the argument quality score. For example, in the GG data set, if we attempt to
predict performance on the content quality rubric and enter the writingfundamentals score rst, the writing fundamentals
score has a statistically signicant beta weight of about 0.67, but three other variables discussed elsewhere in this paper also
contribute to prediction: variability of sentence pauses (with a statistically signicant beta weight of about 0.12), variability
of burst lengths (with a statistically signicant beta weight of about 0.11), and variability in burst times (with a statistically
signicant beta weight of about 0.08) for a change in R
of +.02. is result indicates that students who received high
scores for the quality of content tended to have more long pauses between sentences and larger numbers of very long
bursts, suggesting that these students were generally more uent than the ones who received lower quality scores. is
outcome is consistent with results in the literature, that is, McCutchen’s (1996) capacity hypothesis, in which uency at
fundamental text production frees resources for other tasks such as critical thinking. But note that this account assumes
that greater uency is causally linked to students achieving higher content scores, so that the features remain, essentially,
measures of uency. We therefore focus in the rest of the paper on validating the use of these features as measures of an
underlying skill (competency at fundamental text production), as measured by the writing fundamentals rubric.
Preliminary Analysis of Rater Performance
Table 3 shows the number of essays that were scored by a rst and a second rater using the writing fundamentals
rubric. Also shown in Table 3 are the means and standard deviations of the human scores for each test form and the
interhuman agreements, expressed as Pearson correlation coecient, quadratically weighed kappa, and exact and 1-point
adjacent percentage agreement. e mean scores were slightly higher for the argument essay forms (ranging from
2.61 to 2.79) than for the written recommendation form (ranging from 2.40 to 2.65). e correlations range from a
low of .48 to a high of .77 below that desirable for operational scoring. Given the exploratory nature of this study, we
Table 3 Within-Form Interhuman Agreement (Writing Fundamentals Rubric)
Genre Form n (H1, H2) Mean (H1) SD (H1) Mean (H2) SD (H2) r QWK Exact % Adj. %
Argument essay BA 575,113 2.72 1.07 2.86 1.16 .55 0.55 34 85
CG 900,900 2.79 1.00 2.77 0.99 .67 0.67 51 95
SN 798,798 2.61 0.94 2.54 0.93 .48 0.48 42 91
Written recommendation SL 562,108 2.50 1.00 2.92 0.92 .77 0.76 60 97
CF 825,825 2.40 0.98 2.72 1.00 .67 0.64 47 94
GG 823,823 2.65 0.97 2.37 0.85 .69 0.66 52 96
Note: All r (Pearson correlation coecient) and QWK (quadratically weighted kappa) values were statistically signicant at p < .001
level. Exact % = exact percentage agreement; adj. % = 1-point adjacent percentage agreement; SD = standard deviation; H1 = rst
human ratings on the writing fundamentals rubric; H2 = second human ratings on the writing fundamentals rubric. BA = ban ads;
CG = cash for grades; SN = social networking; SL= service earning; CF = culture fair; GG = generous gi.
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Table 4 Cross-Form Interhuman Correlation Coecients
Genre Form pair H1/H1 (n) H1/H2 (n)H2/H2(n) H2/H1 (n)
Argument essay BACG .35 (244) .30 (244) .52 (46) .24 (46)
BASN .30 (195) .31 (195) .52 (40) .51 (40)
CGSN .45 (423) .40 (423) .43 (418) .41 (418)
Written recommendation SLCF .38 (249) .47 (249) .49 (45) .47 (45)
SLGG .56 (236) .54 (236) .49 (50) .62 (50)
CFGG .43 (472) .47 (472) .40 (472) .45 (472)
Note: Only about 20% of BA (ban ads) and SL (service learning) essays were double scored, resulting in smaller sample sizes for com-
parisons involving either prompt. e rst value (.35) in the H1/H1 (rst human rating) column represents the Pearson correlation
coecient between H1 on the writing fundamentals rubric in the BA prompt and the rst human ratings (H1) on the CG prompt.
CG = cash for grades; SN = social networking; CF = cultural fair; GG = generous gi.
process features.
Given the level of reliability that these correlations indicate, we would expect that the correlations between human
ratings across forms would be somewhat lower but still fall generally in the moderate range because they would be aected
by rater error on both prompts. As Table 4 indicates, these expectations are accurate. It appears that the human ratings
Data Cleaning
e timing and process features extracted from the keystroke logs are only likely to be statistically meaningful for essays
that contain a signicant number of keystroke events. Very short logs contain very little information (and are unlikely to
an extremely short amount of time. As a result, we eliminated essays with fewer than 25 words, if those had not already
been assigned a score of 0 during human scoring. We therefore also eliminated a small number of outlier essays where
the total time spent writing an essay was only a few seconds or where the ratio of text produced to time on task was very
composition. In a small number of keystroke logs, it appeared that the writer had closed and reopened the browser while
taking the test, resulting in a partial loss of data. ese logs were also excluded from data analysis. e total number of
essays eliminated was very small (n = 32 for BA, n = 40 for CG, n = 48 for SN, n = 4forSL,n = 8 for GG, n = 8forCF).
All results reported in this paper (including the data in Tables 24) are based on the nal cleaned data sets.
Keystroke Timing and Process Feature Extraction
e features characterizing writing process based on the keystroke logs were automatically extracted using the methods
documented in Almond et al. (2012). In this approach, the keystroke log is used to identify behavioral features (e.g., bursts
of text production vs. long pauses; various editing events, including backspacing, insertions, and deletions) and textual
boundaries (e.g., between words, sentences, and paragraphs). e following list indicates the primary features identied:
Total time on task (milliseconds)
Length of bursts (based on sequences with no pause > 2/3 seconds; in words)
Duration of bursts (in milliseconds, logged)
Duration of pauses between paragraphs (in milliseconds, logged)
Duration of pauses between sentences (in milliseconds, logged)
Duration of pauses between words (in milliseconds, logged)
Duration of pauses between characters within a word (in milliseconds, logged)
Duration of cut/paste/jump events (in milliseconds, logged)
Duration of multiple backspace events (in milliseconds, logged)
Duration of pauses before a single-character backspace (in milliseconds, logged).
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Total time on task corresponds to the overall level of eort put into producing the text.
Greater variability of between-sentence pauses and in the distribution of cut, paste, and jump events can represent
the cognitive states of deliberation, planning, and editing.
Greater variability of between-word and within-word pauses and backspacing may reect diculties in word-
nding, spelling, or typing.
Burst duration does not have as obvious an interpretation, but greater variability in the time spent in bursts of text
production could imply increased uency that has an impact on the availability of cognitive resources for higher
level processing.
For each keystroke timing and process feature, we calculated three summary values: the mean, the standard deviation of
durations, and the normalized amount of the total time that each event type occupies in the keystroke timing log. However,
student, possibly because of the highly skewed nature of the underlying distributions (Almond et al., 2012; Deane, 2014).
In the analyses presented hereaer, we therefore focused on this class of summary feature.
Data Analyses
Data Analyses for Research Question 1
RQ1 states as follows: How stable are the keystroke timing and process features across testing occasions?
To answer RQ1, we computed the Pearson productmoment correlations between the same features for the same indi-
viduals on dierent test forms. We then inspected the correlation patterns to identify dierences in feature performance
between the argument essay and written recommendation genres.
If a feature is reliable, we would expect some stability in its values across testing occasions. A high correlation would
mean that the pattern of feature values (though not perhaps the absolute magnitudes) reects a stable characteristic of the
writing process of an individual. e lower the correlations are, the more the value of the feature may be determined by
specic properties of individual forms or testing occasions. Moreover, if a feature shows strong stability across test forms
in one genre, but little generalization in another, that feature may be reecting dierences in writing patterns that reect
task dierences rather than variations in individual ability.
Data Analyses for Research Question 2
RQ2 is stated as follows: How consistent are the patterns of featurehuman correlation across genres and topics? at is,
how well can models based on keystroke features predict performance on the fundamental text production rubric?
timing and process features with human scores on writing fundamentals rubric and compared the patterns extracted
across test forms and genres. e keystroke timing and process features reect partbut only partof the writing fun-
damentals rubric. As such, we would expect weak to moderate, and not strong, correlations between individual features
and human ratings. However, the usefulness of keystroke timing and process features as measures of an underlying trait of
fundamental text production skill depends upon the consistency and magnitude of feature correlations across raters and
that they reect an underlying trait associated with writing expertise. To the extent that the patterns are consistent across
genres, we would have evidence that supports some measurement of a common underlying trait. On the other hand, if
the patterns of correlations are consistent within one genre but very dierent from those observed in the other genre, we
Data Analyses for Research Question 3
RQ3 is stated as follows: How accurately can we predict human ratings on writing fundamentals using a combination of
human ratings?
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For each prompt, we randomly divided the sample into model-building and evaluation data sets. Using the model-
building sample, we regressed the rst human ratings on the keystroke timing and process features using stepwise
regression and retaining only signicant features. e stepwise feature selection we used was a modication of the
forward-selection method in that the features entered into the model did not necessarily stay in the model. e stepwise
asignicantF-measure statistic. Only aer this step and the necessary eliminations were completed can another feature
statistics at the p < .01 level, and every feature in the model was signicant at the p < .05 level.
We used the R-squared value resulting from the models as an indication of the collective predictive value of the
keystroke timing and process features with respect to human ratings on writing fundamentals (i.e., fundamental text pro-
duction skills). To the extent that the models we built to account for a considerable amount of the total variance, we could
reasonably conclude that the patterns of keystroke features are giving us insight into writers’ fundamental writing skills.
We then examined the contribution of each keystroke timing and process feature to the reliable variance in explaining
the human ratings. Such analyses would provide us further understanding on the stability of the features within and across
the two genres.
Data Analyses for Research Question 4
RQ4 is stated as follows: If we train a predictive model on one prompt, how well do its predictions generalize to the other
prompts of the same or dierent genre?
from the same and dierent writing genres. Using independent samples, we then evaluated and compared the models’
performance on the base prompt with its performance on the other prompts using the Pearson correlation coecient
between resulting predicted scores and the human ratings (on the writing fundamentals rubric). If the keystroke feature
model weights generalize, we would expect the correlations of the resulting predicted scores with human ratings remain
as strong (or almost as strong) as when applied to other test forms. Further, if they are stronger for other forms in the
same genre than they are for forms in the other genre, that situation would indicate that the keystroke features generalize
better within genre than across genre with regard to predicting human scores.
We also conducted a less direct comparison, in which we calculated Pearson correlation coecients of predicted scores
on one form with human scores for the same student on a dierent form. If the keystroke feature model weights generalize
well, we would expect the predicted scores (derived from models based on those features) on one test form to correlate at
least moderately with the same student’s score on a parallel form, without large dierences in the correlation between the
automated model and human scores on the same versus dierent prompts. Or, to put the point more precisely, we would
expect the predicted scores on Prompt A resulting from the model based on Prompt A to correlate with the human ratings
for the same students on Prompt B in a similar way as the predicted scores on Prompt B (resulting from the model based
on Prompt B) correlate with human ratings of the same students performance on Prompt A. A lack of comparability may
suggest a lack of generalization.
Results for Research Question 1
Correlations Between Features Across Test Forms
RQ1: How stable are the keystroke timing and process features across testing occasions? e results for the patterns of
correlations between the same features for the same individuals on dierent test forms are given in Table 5.
Total Time on Ta sk
e amount of time during which an individual was actively engagedinthewritingtaskwasmoderatelypositivelycor-
related across test forms. Correlations between the total time on task for the same individual on two dierent forms
8 ETS Research Report No. RR-15-26. © 2015 Educational Testing Service
P. Deane & M. Zhang Using Writing Process Features to Assess Text Skills
Table 5 Cross-Form Correlations of Keystroke Timing and Process Features
Argumentative essay form pairs Written recommendation form pairs
Timing and process feature BACG BASN CGSN Average r SL–CF SL–GG CF–GG Average r
Total time on task .52
.57 .49
SD (burst length in words) .62
.57 .85
SD (burst duration in milliseconds) .35
.26 .43
SD (pause between sentences) .19
.21 .09 .12 .22
SD (pause within words) .62
.50 .74
SD (pause between words) .49
.38 .13
SD (duration of cut/paste/jump events) .09 .09
.15 .20
SD (duration of single backspace event) .18
.16 .17
SD (duration of multiple backspace event) .08 .01 .18
.09 .22
Note. e results are based on the rst human ratings on the writing fundamentals rubric in each test form. e sample size for each
form pair can be found in Table 2. Average r = unweighted average of the three values within a genre. BA = ban ads; CG = cash for
grades; SN = social networking; SL = service learning; CF = cultural fair; GG = generous gi.
indicates signicance at p < .05 level.
were .52, .58, and .61 with an average of .57 for the argument essay form set, but they were slightly lower for the written
recommendation form set, with the values being .49, .47, and .49 for the three pairs with an average of .48.
Burst Length
Burst length (as measured by the standard deviation of the number of words produced without a long pause) patterned
somewhat similarly to the total time on task for two of the three form pairs in the argument essay form set and exhibited
considerably lower interform correlations for one form pair in the argument essay form set (i.e., CGSN). For all three
form pairs in the written recommendation form set, the cross-form correlations for this feature were considerably higher
than the correlations for total time on task. Overall, the standard deviations of burst length in words were
moderately and positively correlated between pairs of forms within individuals for the argument essay form set; and
highly correlated between pairs of forms for the written recommendation form set.
e average correlations were .57 for the argument essay genre and .80 for the written recommendation genre.
Burst Duration
Burst length was also measured in terms of time duration in milliseconds. is feature, though, appeared to be less stable
than burst length. For all pairs of test forms in both genres, the correlations were noticeably lower for burst length in
milliseconds than by number of words. e average correlation was only .26 for the argument essay form set, with the
lowest being .15 for the BASN pair. e average correlation for the other genre, written recommendation, was .46, also
considerably lower than the value obtained from the other burst length-related measure. However, relatively speaking,
this feature appears to be more stable for the written recommendation form set than for the argument essay form set. e
lowest correlation for a pair of written recommendation forms (.37 for CFGG) is higher than the highest correlation for
a pair of argument essay forms (.35 for BACG).
Standard Deviations of Keystroke Timing Events Normalized Against Total Time on Task
ese features varied considerably in their level of stability within genre. For example, in the argumentative essay form set,
the average correlation for pauses within words is .50. In contrast, cut/paste/jump events had only an average correlation
of .15. e same phenomenon was found for the other genre, where the correlation was .67 for pauses within words but
much lower for cut/paste/jump events. In the argument essay form set, the average correlational values across all these
features ranged from as low as .09 for multiple backspace events to as high as .50 for pauses within words. On the other
hand, the average value of these correlations in the written recommendation form set ranged from .14 for pauses between
sentences to .67 for pauses within words. Further, these features showed the greatest dierentiation between genres. Four
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Table 6 Within-Form Correlations Between Keystroke Timing and Process Features and Human Ratings on Writing Fundamentals
Argument essay forms Written recommendation forms
Measure H1H2H1H2H1H2H1H2H1H2H1H2
Total time on tasks .50
SD (burst length in words) .20
.23 .20
SD (burst duration in milliseconds) .04 .05 .05 .05 .00 .00 .24
.13 .19
SD (pause between sentence) .21
.15 .21
SD (pause within words) .05 .08 .09
.11 .07 .06 .22
.02 .14
SD (pause between words) .07 .02 .06 .02 .02 .04 .12
.02 .01 .04 .02 .03
SD (duration of cut/paste/jump events) .23
.18 .30
SD (duration of single backspace event) .01 .14 .15
.03 .03 .11
.02 .06 .03 .05 .04
SD (duration of multiple backspace event) .14
.08 .12
.03 .18 .06 .08
Note. Values in bold contain negative values. e sample size for each form can be found in Table 3. H1 = rst human rating on the
writing fundamentals rubric; H2 = second human rating on the writing fundamentals rubric; BA = ban ads; CG = cash for grades;
SN = social networking; SL = service learning; CF = cultural fair; GG = generous gi.
indicates signicance at p < .05 level.
of the six features had a higher average correlation in the written recommendation form set than in the argument essay
form set, and in some cases, the discrepancy was rather noticeable (e.g., .50 vs. .67 for pauses within words).
Results for Research Question 2
RQ2: How consistent are the patterns of featurehuman correlation across genres and topics? at is, how well can models
based on keystroke features predict performance on the fundamental text production rubric?
Pearson correlation coecients of each keystroke timing and process feature with the human scores on writing funda-
Note that negative correlations are to be expected for certain features on construct grounds. Behaviors that reect
diculties in word-leveltext production, such as word-nding and spelling-correction behaviors, may lead to greater vari-
ability in the duration of within-word (and possibly, between-word) pauses and single-character backspacing events. e
negative correlations for standard deviation of burst durations are less clearly interpretable. On the other hand, there were
fairly consistent and signicant positive correlations for total time on task, standard deviation of burst length, standard
deviation of between-sentence pauses, and standard deviation of cut/paste/jump events, all of which can be interpreted
as reecting greater overall uency and the presence of editing behaviors. e low frequency of certain events (e.g., single
Notably, the burst duration feature showed contrasting performance in the two genres. Correlations of standard devi-
ation of burst duration with human score were not statistically signicant (and near zero) for argument essay prompts,
but were statistically signicant (and negative) for written recommendation prompts.
Results for Research Question 3
RQ3: How accurately can we predict human ratings on writing fundamentals using a combination of the keystroke timing
and process features, and what are the contributions of each feature to the reliable variance in the human ratings?
e overall performance of keystroke features varies somewhat by genre. Models built for the three argument
essayfocused assessments achieved correlations with human scores between .55 and .61. By contrast, the models built
for the three test forms focused on policy recommendations achieved correlations with human scores between .66 and .68.
Table 7 provides an estimate of how much variance in fundamental text production skill (as measured by rst human
statistics associated with nal models based on each model-building data set.
10 ETS Research Report No. RR-15-26. © 2015 Educational Testing Service
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Table 7 Final Stepwise Regression Model Statistics and Relative Feature Weights by Prompt
Argument essay forms Written recommendation forms
Model statistics n 288 450 403 281 416 413
R-squared .36 .39 .36 .45 .39 .48
Adj. R-squared .35 .38 .35 .44 .38 .47
F-measure 31.24 47.32 37.65 44.83 37.47 53.06
p value <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
Root MSE 0.87 0.79 0.78 0.74 0.74 0.72
Feature weights Total time on tasks 48.3% 41.0% 43.9% 38.6% 36.8% 38.5%
SD (burst length in words) 22.4% 19.1% 22.1% 24.1% 21.1% 19.7%
SD (burst duration in milliseconds) 7.2% 10.5% 6.5% 20.0% 17.5% 18.1%
SD (pause between sentence) 5.1%
SD (pause within words) 12.6% 13.3% 10.8% 5.5% 6.9%
SD (pause between words) 11.8%
SD (duration of cut/paste/jump events) 10.2% 5.5% 6.9% 7.7%
SD (duration of single backspace event) 10.3% 6.5% 8.8% 6.5% 5.3% 4.0%
SD (duration of multiple backspace event) 6.9%
Note. indicates that particular feature did not enter the nal model. Results in this table are based on the model-building data sets.
All features in the nal models were signicant at p < .05 level and have variance ination factor values less than 2, indicating negligible
multicollinearity. e rst human ratings on the writing fundamentals rubric were used for analyses. BA = ban ads; CG = cash for
grades; SN = social networking; SL = service learning; CF = cultural fair; GG = generous gi.
First, the model R-squared values ranged from .36 to .48 across the six prompts, with the values being generally slightly
higher for the written recommendation prompts (i.e., .45 for SL, .39 for CF, and .48 for GG) than for the argument essay
prompts (i.e., .36 for BA, .39 for CG, and .36 for SN). Derived from the R-squared values, the correlation coecients of
the resulting predicted scores and human ratings (on writing fundamentals) ranged from .60 to .69.
Second, we noticed that certain features did not enter the nal models and that the feature sets that failed to enter the
models generally appeared to be consistent within a genre. For example, pauses between sentences and multiple backspac-
ing did not enter the models for all argument essay prompts, and pauses between words did not enter the models for all
written recommendation prompts. One feature (i.e., pauses between words) did not enter two of the three models in the
argument essay prompts, and two features (i.e., pauses between sentences and multiple backspacing) entered the model
for two of the three models in the written recommendation prompts.
ird, according to Table 7, the features total time on task and burst length in words contributed most to prediction
of fundamental text production skills for all prompts in both writing genres. Two other features were also signicant in
predicting fundamental text production skills across all prompts: burst duration in milliseconds and single backspace
Finally, while we found some level of consistency within a writing genre, we also observed noticeable discrepancies
between genres. For example, variation of burst duration in milliseconds accounted for considerably less variance in
backspacing and pauses within words, although the contrast between the two genres was not as drastic for the burst
duration feature. Finally, the total time on task appeared to have accounted for somewhat more variance in the argument
essay prompts than for the written recommendation prompts.
Results for Research Question 4
RQ4: If we train a predictive model on one prompt, how well do its predictions generalize to the other prompts of the
same or dierent genre?
Tables 8 and 9 provide information (for the argument essay and written recommendation genres respectively) about
how well keystroke timing/process features generalize across prompts when used to predict human ratings on human
scores for the writing fundamentals rubric. e models indicated in these tables are the same models that were developed
in previous steps of the study (shown in Table 7).
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Table 8 Correlation With Human Ratings (Argument Essay Genre)
Position Form Model based on BA Model based on CG Model based on SN
Within genre BA .56 .56 .57
CG .58 .61 .61
SN .57 .57 .55
Cross genre SL .61 .60 .61
CF .61 .61 .61
GG .64 .65 .65
Note. Values in bold represent the original model’s (Table 7) performance on the base prompt on which the model was built. e rst
human ratings on the writing fundamentals rubric were used for analyses. BA = ban ads; CG = cash for grades; SN = social networking;
SL = service learning; CF = cultural fair; GG = generous gi.
Table 9 Correlation With Human Ratings (Written Recommendation Genre)
Position Form Model based on SL Model based on CF Model based on GG
Within genre SL .66 .65 .65
CF .64 .66 .64
GG .68 .68 .68
Cross genre BA .46 .45 .46
CG .49 .48 .50
SN .45 .44 .46
Note. Values in bold represent the original model’s (Table 7) performance on the base prompt on which the model was built. e rst
human ratings on the writing fundamentals rubric were used for analyses. BA = ban ads; CG = cash for grades; SN = social networking;
SL = service learning; CF = cultural fair; GG = generous gi.
Within a genre, the models generalized rather well for all prompts in both genres. ere were only small dierences
in the size of the correlation with human scores when the same model was applied to data from dierent prompts. In
some cases, the models even performed better on the parallel prompts than on the base prompts themselves. For example,
two of the three prompts in the argument essay genre (i.e., BA and SN) produced greater agreement for the two parallel
prompts than for the base prompts. When there was a degradation in model performance from base prompts to parallel
prompts, the reduction was fairly small, with the largest degradation being .05 in magnitude.
Across genres, the models trained on the argument essays generalized fully to the recommendation essay sets. When
the argument models were applied to the prompts in the written recommendation genre, the models yielded correlational
strength that was equal to or greater than the models’ performance on the base prompts. For example, the model trained
on BA responses produced correlation coecients of .61, .61, and .64 for the three written recommendation prompts,
respectively, higher than .56 for the base prompt itself. Similar results were found for the prompts CG and SN. On the
other hand, the models trained on the recommendation essays did not generalize quite as well to the prompts in the
argument essay genre. e models’ performance was considerably less satisfactory in the argument prompts than in the
base prompts in all cases. In several cases, the reduction in correlation was even greater than .20 (i.e., from SL to SN, from
CF to BA and SN, and from GG to BA and SN).
If we go one step further, and examine how well the predicted scores on one prompt correlate with students’ writing
fundamental rubric scores in a parallel prompt, we notice discrepancies. For example, using the independent evaluation
data sets, the predicted scores from the BA model associated with students’ performance on CG at a correlation coecient
level of .37, but the predicted scores from the CG model associated students’ performance on BA at a somewhat lower level
of .30. Noticeable discrepancies were also observed in all other pairs of parallel prompts in both writing genres (Table 10).
However, the size of the sample in these cases is fairly small (in many cases just above 100).
Results Synthesis
e patterns revealed in the results suggest that some of the keystroke timing and process features are particularly stable
across tasks and/or particularly consistent in their relationship with writing performance in terms of fundamental text
production skills.
12 ETS Research Report No. RR-15-26. © 2015 Educational Testing Service
P. Deane & M. Zhang Using Writing Process Features to Assess Text Skills
Table 10 Correlation Coecients of Predicted Scores With Human Ratings on a Parallel Form
Human ratings on a dierent prompt taken by the same students
Argument essay forms Written recommendation forms
BA .37 (120) .25 (104)
CG .30 (118) .42 (210)
SN .44 (94) .48 (223)
SL .47 (127) .57 (118)
CF .43 (121) .52 (240)
GG .42 (114) .36 (233)
Note: e table correlates human ratings with predicted scores resulting from the base-prompt scoring model. Numbers in parentheses
aer each correlation indicate number of observations. e rst human ratings on the writing fundamentals rubric were used for
analyses. e cross-genre cells were empty by design because no student took two test forms from the two dierent genres. BA = ban
ads; CG = cash for grades; SN = social networking; SL = service learning; CF = cultural fair; GG = generous gi.
If we examine Table 5, we observe that features related to fundamental text production uency (time on task, burst
length in words, and pauses within words) have the strongest correlations across tasks, suggesting that these features
reect a relatively stable pattern of performance that is not too strongly aected by task-specic requirements. On
the other hand, the features most likely to link with editing and planning behaviors (pauses between sentences,
cut/paste/jump events, and backspaces) show the least consistency across tasks, suggesting more sensitivity to task
If we examine Table 6, we observe that time on task and burst length in words have consistent positive correla-
tions and that pauses within words have a consistent negative correlation with writing scores for fundamental text
production. On the other hand, while some events potentially reecting editing and planning (i.e., cut/paste/jump
events and pauses between sentences) appear to have a consistent relationship with writing scores, other events,
such as pauses between words and backspacing, do not.
If we examine Table 7, we observe that the keystroke timing and process features accounted for a considerable
amount of variance in human ratings of fundamental text production. e distribution of the reliable variance in
human ratings explained by keystroke features appeared to be consistent across prompts with one drastic exception.
at is, the written recommendation models rely rather more heavily on the burst duration feature. is feature is
assigned much smaller weights in the argument essay models (7.2%, 10.5%, and 6.5% in the three argument essay
prompts vs. 20.0%, 17.5%, and 18.1% in the three written recommendation prompts). As Tables 5 and 6 indicate,
the burst duration feature is more stable in terms of cross-form correlations in the written recommendation genre.
e feature has a consistent and statistically signicant association with writing fundamental quality only in the
written recommendation genre and has insignicant and marginal association with writing fundamental quality
in the argument essay genre. e failure of the recommendation models to generalize toward argument essays (as
demonstrated in Table 9 in contrast with Table 8) might therefore be primarily because of their reliance on this
Note, however, that other factors may aect the dierence between the two genres. e written recommendation
forms were attempted primarily by seventh-grade students, and the argument essay forms were attempted primarily
by eighth-grade students, and we might reasonably expect higher performance in later grades. As Table 3 shows,
the mean scores ranged slightly higher for the forms administered in eighth grade. is situation suggests an addi-
tional hypothesis about the lower performance of keystroke features in predicting scores on the argument essays.
It may be that more of the eighth-grade students were at higher levels of uency, where the keystroke features
would provide little information to discriminate among them. While the data we have cannot decisively support
or refute this hypothesis, they suggest a potentially fruitful question for further study. Does the predictive value of
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P. Deane & M. Zhang Using Writing Process Features to Assess Text Skills
Discussion, Limitations, and Conclusion
In this study, we found with respect to RQ1 that some keystroke timing and process features appeared to be reasonably
stable across parallel forms (Table 5). With respect to RQ2 and RQ3, we found that many of these features were correlated
with and predictive of fundamental text production skill (Tables 6 and 7). With respect to RQ4, we found that models
generalized well across prompts within a genre (Tables 8 and 9). In terms of the cross-genre generalization, the models
for the argument essay prompts, which did not rely heavily on the burst duration feature, generalized well to the prompts
in the written recommendation genre but not vice versa. Table 7 is the most striking illustration of this point, because it
indicates a fairly comparable pattern of weights across prompts, while the most obvious dierence between the two genres
lies in the weights given to the burst duration feature.
Overall, the patterns of correlations and regression weights are consistent with the cognitive interpretations we oered
earlier in this paper. e only feature with a somewhat puzzling behavior is the burst duration feature, which appears to
be more stable across topics (and have a stronger correlation with writing fundamental skills) in the written recommen-
dation genre. We are not sure how to interpret this pattern. Otherwise, it seems plausible that we could use the patterns
of keystroke features as a method with which to provide additional evidence about fundamental text production skill,
supplementing the information coming from human or automated scores on the nal product. e models we have built
indicate that middle-school students with lower overall skill in fundamental text production (as measured by a writing
fundamental scoring rubric) spend less time on task and produce text less uently, with more hesitation, whereas middle-
school students with stronger fundamental text production skills write longer and more uently while producing slightly
more editing behaviors. ese results are in line with theoretical expectations, as are the high correlations we observed
between the writing fundamentals and content rubrics. All of these results are consistent with the causal explanation that
higher uency enables writers to devote more cognitive resources to achieving content quality goals.
It is important to note that this study has several limitations that should be taken into account when considering
the conclusions oered above. First, we only tested two types of writing (argument essays and written recommenda-
tions), which are more similar to one another than the argument essay/literary analysis contrast examined by Deane
(2014). We cannot, therefore, easily generalize these results to the full range of genres students are typically assigned in
school. Second, the sample we collected (sixth- to ninth-grade US students) was a convenience sample that contained
a very small proportion of African American or ELL students. We will need to conduct additional studies before we
can draw any rm conclusions about how this limited sampling has aected our results. ird, the tests were given
under low-stakes condition. Although the test administration manual provided detailed instructions for the teachers
who monitored the test sessions, it was possible that students might leave in the middle of an essay task session and
return later or (even more likely, judging by the time-on-task data) that students with low motivation might submit
their essays early and remain in class without using their full allotted time. Such scenarios would aect the analysis of
keystroke timing features, because the present design does not enable us to separate eects of motivation from limitations
in text-production uency. Finally, the keystroke features we have examined are simple summary features that indicate
very little about the details of the writing process. It seems likely that a more nuanced analysis of the keystroke log data
could extract richer information, and support deeper inferences, than the relatively simple summary features presented
in this study.
use keystroke features to explore dierences between population groups, such as ELL students versus non-ELL students,
or to track the growth of fundamental text production over time. In principle, the information provided by keystroke
features could provide useful information for teachers at the level of individual students. For example, we could track
performance longitudinally (as measured by the features predictive in our models), which could inform teachers if their
students are on target for growth in fundamental text production skill for their grade level. Somewhat more speculatively,
a lack of editing behavior (in combination with a low-quality text) could prompt the teacher to focus attention on editing
strategies, though further studies would be needed to determine whether that is, in fact, the correct pedagogical response.
More generally, given a prole of fundamental text production behavior, it becomes possible to explore how dierent
student proles respond to instruction, though the usefulness of such applications remains a subject for future research. To
that convert evidence from summary features into user-friendly dashboards. is is where computerhuman interaction
research and interface design may become highly relevant.
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1 Based on the test administration design, no student took two test forms from the two dierent writing genres.
2 We analyzed the performance of individual raters to account for the cases where interrater agreement was unexpectedly low and
identied specic individual raters who appear not to have fully complied with the directions they were given in rater training. To
support future analyses, we are conducting a partial rescoring, since we believe that the low rates of agreement on the BA and SN
prompts were due primarily to relatively poor performance on the part of those specic individuals.
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Suggested citation:
Deane, P., & Zhang, M. (2015). Exploring the feasibility of using writing process features to assess text production skills (ETS Research
Report No. RR-15-26). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ets2.12071
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