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Medisetty, Hemanth Kumar, "TWITTER POLICING" (2023).
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A Project
Presented to the
Faculty of
California State University,
San Bernardino
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science
Computer Science
Hemanth Kumar Medisetty
December 2023
A Project
Presented to the
Faculty of
California State University,
San Bernardino
Hemanth Kumar Medisetty
December 2023
Approved by:
Dr. Yan Zhang, Advisor, Computer Science and Engineering
Dr. Qingquan Sun, Committee Member
Dr. Yunfei Hou, Committee Member
© 2023 Hemanth Kumar Medisetty
Police departments are frequently utilizing social media platforms to
actively interact with the public. Social media offers an opportunity to share
information, facilitate communication, and foster stronger connections between
police departments and the communities they serve. In this context sentiment
analysis of social media data has become a tool, for identifying sentiments and
tracking emerging trends.
This project utilizes sentiment analysis to examine the social media
interactions with particular data obtained from the Twitter (X). Initially, the project
gathers social media data, from twitter mentioned accounts on Twitter utilizing
web scraping techniques. Afterwards, we perform a thorough sentiment analysis
using techniques, in Natural Language Processing (NLP). We utilize two reliable
sentiment analysis tools, TextBlob and Natural Language Toolkit (NTLK) to
classify media posts into three distinct sentiment categories positive, negative,
and neutral. Additionally, it monitors the opinions of public sentiments on a
monthly basis. The project utilizes data visualization techniques like pie charts,
line charts, and clustered column charts to represent sentiment analysis data in
appealing ways that highlight the distribution and the trends of public opinion.
I am writing this message to express my appreciation and thankfulness to
Dr. Yan Zhang, who has served as the chair of my committee. Her unwavering
support and dedication to excellence throughout my journey have been truly
invaluable. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Qingquan Sun and Dr.
Yunfei Hou members of my committee for their belief, in my abilities and their
recognition of the contributions I have made to this study. Their confidence in me
has been a driving force behind my work.
Furthermore, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude
to the faculty at the university who have provided me with guidance and
mentorship that has played a crucial role in shaping my academic journey and
helping me progress towards achieving my educational goals.
I am particularly grateful for the curriculum offered by the School of
Computer Science at California State University, San Bernardino. This curriculum
has supported my aspirations and also equipped me with the necessary skills for
a successful future.
Throughout my master’s program, I have held onto a saying that
education is a treasure that can never be taken away from us. My commitment
and determination are evident in this pursuit as it reflects both resilience and an
unwavering dedication, towards achieving endeavors.
With gratitude and utmost admiration, I would like to dedicate my master’s
project to Dr. Yan Zhang, my professor. Their guidance, mentorship, and
invaluable perspectives have played a role in shaping my journey throughout my
this project. I am also profoundly thankful to my parents, whose unwavering
affection, backing, and motivation have served as the foundation of my strength
during this endeavor. This accomplishment stands as evidence of your belief, in
my capabilities. I offer it to you with sincerest appreciation.
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. ix
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1
Purpose ..................................................................................................... 1
Project Milestones ..................................................................................... 2
Data Collection and Preprocessing ................................................. 3
Sentiment Analysis Implementation ................................................ 3
Key Findings and Insights ............................................................... 3
Data Visualization ........................................................................... 3
Documentation And Knowledge Transfer ........................................ 4
ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................ 5
Libraries, Modules, and Software .............................................................. 5
Visual Studio ................................................................................... 5
Python ............................................................................................ 6
Scweet ............................................................................................ 6
Selenium Webdriver ........................................................................ 7
TextBlob .......................................................................................... 7
Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) .................................................... 8
Pandas .......................................................................................... 8
Dataset Information ................................................................................... 9
Data Pre-processing ................................................................................ 10
CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGIES ............................................................ 18
Dataset Collection using Scrape Method ................................................. 18
TextBlob Method Analysis ....................................................................... 20
NLTK Method Analysis ............................................................................ 23
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS ............................................................................. 25
Result Analysis and Visualization ........................................................... 26
Sentiment Analysis Comparison ................................................... 26
Keep Track of Monthly Sentiment Changes .................................. 27
Monthly Sentiment Analysis .......................................................... 33
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION ........................................................................ 36
Major Contribution .................................................................................. 36
Future Work ............................................................................................ 37
APPENDIX A: KEY PART CODE ....................................................................... 38
REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 54
Table 1: Data on Sentiment Analysis SeattlePD................................................. 26
Figure 1: Method to Clean the Text .................................................................... 12
Figure 2: Create a New Column Month ........................................................... 13
Figure 3: State Diagram ..................................................................................... 14
Figure 4: Class Diagram ..................................................................................... 15
Figure 5: Use Case Diagram .............................................................................. 16
Figure 6: Sequence Diagram .............................................................................. 17
Figure 7: Scrape Method .................................................................................... 18
Figure 8: TextBlob - Subjectivity, Polarity and Sentiment Classification. ............ 22
Figure 9: NLTK Sentiment Scores and the Sentiment Classification .................. 24
Figure 10: Sentiment Analysis Comparison between TextBlob and NLTK ......... 27
Figure 11: Positive - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using TextBlob ...................... 28
Figure 12: Neutral - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using TextBlob ....................... 29
Figure 13: Negative - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using TextBlob ..................... 30
Figure 14: Neutral - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using NLTK ............................ 31
Figure 15: Negative - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using NLTK.......................... 32
Figure 16: Positive - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using NLTK ........................... 33
Figure 17: Clustered Column for Monthly Sentiment Analysis using TextBlob ... 34
Figure 18: Clustered Column for Monthly Sentiment Analysis using NLTK ........ 35
In the digital age, social media has become a major platform for
communication and engagement between the Police Department and the public.
This project mainly focuses on sentiment analysis, specifically Twitter (which is
referred to as X”). Web scraping is used to collect data of a specified mention
account from Twitter offering valuable insights into public sentiments, concerns,
and trends. Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, with the
two tools, TextBlob and Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), classify social media
posts into positive, negative, and neutral sentiments. This classification provides
important insights into public sentiment regarding the respective departments.
Beyond sentiment analysis, the project keeps track of the evolution of public
opinion over time using data visualization techniques like pie charts, line charts,
and custom clustered column charts. These visuals effectively convey sentiment
distributions and emerging trends on a monthly basis. When transparency and
community involvement are crucial, this project uses social media and sentiment
analysis to improve communication and cooperation between police departments
and the communities they serve.
The main purpose of the project is to analyze public sentiments towards the
police department on Twitter. This analysis will be done by collecting tweets
containing relevant hashtags, keywords, and mentioned accounts related to the
police department. But this project works on tweets that are related to the
mentioned accounts to the respective police department. The sentiment of each
tweet will be analyzed using techniques called TextBlob and NLTK to determine
if it is positive, negative, or neutral in sentiment. The findings of this analysis will
be used to identify areas where the police department may need to improve
public relations and attract public opinion over time. This project will provide
valuable insights into how the police department is perceived by the public and
help the department improve its image and reputation by addressing the areas of
public concern. Sentiment analysis combined with social media monitoring allows
you to determine how interested your target audience is in any emerging trends.
And their opinions toward the trends in the question [2].
Project Milestones
The project is about sentiment analysis on Twitter data using Python.
Sentiment analysis is an important tool to understand public opinions on any
current trends. This project shows comparison results of two sentiment analysis
methods TextBlob and NLTK. The process starts with collecting the real data
from Twitter and pre-processing the data and ensuring the processed data is
suitable to perform analysis. After analysis, the data has been processed to
generate a few charts that show how sentiments are changing monthly. The
below steps explain each stage.
1. Data Collection and Preprocessing:
a. At this stage the project includes gathering a set of tweets from the
Twitter platform.
b. Applying data preprocessing methods to tidy up and organize the
Twitter data for examination.
c. Making sure that the data is prepared for sentiment analysis.
2. Sentiment Analysis Implementation:
a. Currently we are in the stage of developing and implementing
sentiment analysis by utilizing the TextBlob and NLTK libraries.
b. We calculate the sentiment polarity and subjectivity for each tweet
using the TextBlob.
c. Utilizing the NLTK sentiment intensity analyzer to evaluate
sentiment based on compound scores.
3. Key Findings and Insights:
a. Analyzing the sentiment results to identify key findings and insights.
b. Identifying trends in public opinions and emotional responses over
c. Documenting differences in sentiment classification.
4. Data Visualization:
a. The main goal of this stage is to create charts that improve our
understanding of sentiment data.
b. Pie charts, line charts, and clustered column charts are used to
show the sentiment distribution and how it changes over time.
These pictures make it easy for us to see what people are feeling.
c. By making these visualizations we can quickly see the patterns and
trends in people’s emotions. These pictures help those who want to
understand how people feel on social media.
5. Documentation And Knowledge Transfer: In this last stage, preparing the
document to serve as a valuable resource for researchers, data analysts,
and organizations sharing their techniques and knowledge gained from
this project for studying and tracking sentiments in various contexts.
Libraries, Modules and Software
To complete the project libraries, modules and software have been used.
Starting from Visual Studio code, by using Python programming language in VS
code with the libraries scweet and selenium the data has been extracted and
processed. With the use of libraries - TextBlob and NLTK, sentiments have been
classified accordingly.
Visual Studio:
Visual Studio code is also known as VS code which is one of the widely
used software as it is an open-source code editor which is known for extensibility,
versatility, and developer friendly. In this project version 1.83.1 is used. VS code
is a cross-platform which can run on Mac OS, Linux, and Windows. It supports a
huge library of extensions that are contributed by the community. It supports
various programming languages and file types by giving choices to the
developers. It even allows developers to run command line tools and scripts
directly within VS code, eliminating the need to switch between a terminal and
Python is a high-level language, functional, and popular programming
language with a readable syntax. Python 3.10.9 is the version used in this
project. In Python, the braces-free, intended index which makes code easier to
read and reduces errors. It can be used for a variety of tasks such as data
analysis, machine learning, web development, and automation. It has a wide
range of libraries and frameworks. Python doesn't need to be compiled to be
executed because it is an interpreted language. This functionality allows for
development and troubleshooting. Python is open source making it accessible to
everyone for usage and contribution towards its progress. The comprehensive
Python standard library includes functions and modules that cater to an array of
tasks eliminating the need, for external dependencies.
Scweet is a robust method, for extracting and examining Twitter data
based on specific search parameters. It is a Python library that offers users the
capability to scrape types of information from Twitter including tweets, user
details, and related data. With scweet users have the flexibility to define their
search terms hashtags, user mentions and date ranges to gather tweets. In this
project, users can conveniently scrape tweets using the mentioned accounts of
users. By providing an interface for configuring search criteria, scweet
streamlines the setup process. Additionally, it allows users to specify their
timeframes, for data collection enabling analysis during specific periods.
Moreover, scweet supports Twitter data collection making it well suited for
research and analysis purposes.
Selenium Webdriver:
Selenium webdriver is a widely used open-source tool that allows
automation of web browsers. It provides an interface that enables users to
interact with web applications similar to humans. Selenium webdriver is
compatible with browsers such as Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Chrome making it
possible to run automation tests across platforms. It supports programming
languages like Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and C# which makes it versatile
for developers and QA engineers. With Selenium webdriver web applications can
be tested by emulating user actions like clicking buttons filling forms and
navigating through pages. Additionally, its functionality can be enhanced by
utilizing third-party libraries and browser-specific drivers. Overall Selenium
webdriver plays a role in web-related projects, for developers and individuals
involved in quality assurance testing.
TextBlob, a Python library, is widely used for processing data. It greatly
aids in performing natural language processing (NLP) tasks, including sentiment
analysis noun phrase extraction, part-of-speech tagging, translation, and more.
Through sentiment analysis, TextBlob can determine whether text data holds a
neutral sentiment by leveraging its pre-trained sentiment analysis model. One of
the benefits of using TextBlob is its ability to identify the part of speech, for each
word in a sentence whether it’s a noun, verb, adjective, or other. When it
comes to sentiment analysis with TextBlob it focuses primarily on two aspects:
subjectivity and polarity. Polarity measures the tone of the text on a scale from 1
(negative) to +1 (positive) while subjectivity indicates how subjective or objective
the text is on a scale from 0 to 1.
Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK):
NLTK is a Python library widely used for language processing and text
analysis. When it comes to sentiment analysis with NLTK we rely on the
Sentiment Intensity Analyzer module. This module uses a lexicon of words and
their associated sentiment scores to calculate the sentiment of a given text. By
analyzing the words and their scores, in the lexicon, the Sentiment Intensity
Analyzer assigns a polarity score to determine whether the text is positive,
negative, or neutral. The classification of sentiment in texts is based on these
polarity scores, which help us identify whether a text expresses positivity,
negativity, or neutrality.
Pandas is an open source powerful and widely used library module for
data manipulation and analysis. Panda provides two main data structures which
are Series and Data frames. While a data frame is a two-dimensional table with
labeled rows and columns, a Series is effectively a labeled array. These
structures make it simple to represent and work with data. Data frames were
used in this project. Pandas supports both import and export of data, to and from
various file formats like CSV, Excel, SQL database, and JSON. It effortlessly
interfaces with frameworks for data visualization like Matplotlib and Seaborn,
enabling users to produce helpful visualizations. Matplotlib library has been used
in this project. Pandas is incredibly effective and capable of handling huge
Dataset Information
To perform sentiment analysis on the Dataset which had been collected in
real-time. In the code, scrape is a function from the Python library. Scweet which
was customized according to the project. By using this function, it scrapes the
tweets from the mentioned Twitter account. Below are the following columns in
the dataset,
1. UserScreenName: The Twitter users screen name who posted the tweet.
2. Username: The users full name on Twitter.
3. Timestamp: The timestamp when the tweet was posted.
4. Text: The content of the tweet after cleaning (removing mentions,
hashtags, RT indicators, and URLs).
5. Emojis: Emojis present in the tweet (if any).
6. Tweets URL: The URL of the tweet.
7. Image link: The link to any images or media associated with the tweet.
8. Month: The full name of the month in which the tweet was posted
extracted from the timestamp,
9. Subjectivity: Subjectivity is a measure of a tweets text, indicating how
opinionated or subjective it is.
10. Polarity: The polarity is a measure of a tweets text indicating its sentiment
(positive, negative, or neutral).
11. TextBlob Sentiment: The sentiment analysis results from TextBlob,
classifying the tweet as positive, negative, or neutral based on polarity
12. NLTK_Sentiment scores: A dictionary containing sentiment scores from
the NLTK library, including compound, neg, neu, and pos scores.
13. Compound_Value: The compound score is derived from the sentiment
score, which is used to classify the tweet as positive, negative, or neutral
based on certain thresholds.
14. NLTK_Analysis: The sentiment analysis results from NLTK classifying the
tweets as positive, negative, or neutral based on the Compound_Value.
Data Preprocessing
Data Preprocessing is an important part of the code which is required for
further analysis and classification of sentiments. All the unwanted content in the
text which is not useful for the analysis will get cleaned. Along with the cleaning
of text, there is one more important part separating the tweets according to
monthly. This process can help when month-based analysis is initiated.
1. Cleaning Text Tweets: In this step, the code cleans unwanted details from
the tweet’s textual content, making the text more suitable for sentiment
analysis. In the code cleanText(text)’ is a custom function used for
cleaning the text tweets. It checks whether the input text is a string or not.
Cleaning includes the following operations:
a. Removing Mentions: Twitter usernames starts with ‘@’such as
‘@usernameare removed from the text. This helps in removing
user references from the tweet.
b. Removing Hashtags: Hashtags starting with ‘#’ are removed, as
they do not contribute to sentiment analysis.
c. Removing RT indicators: If the tweet is a retweet, it often starts with
“RT @username”. The code removes this indicator as well.
d. Removing URLs: Any web links (such as are
also removed from the text.
e. Handling consecutive single quotes: It replaces a single quote for
each set of successive single quotes. This is done to standardize
text and prevent problems brought on by repetitive quotation marks.
By removing the text data components that are unimportant for
sentiment analysis, this clearing method ensures that the text data is
clearer, more focused, and more concisely on tweets content.
Figure 1: Method to Clean the Text.
2. Parsing Timestamps: The “Timestamp” column in the data set is
processed by the code in this stage, which creates datetime objects from
timestamp strings for further analysis. This step is essential because it
allows you to segregate all of the tweets by month column which in turn
makes it easier and used for time-based analysis and visualization.
The parsing process involves the following steps:
a. Check for valid timestamps: In the code dateutil. parser library is
used to parse these timestamps into strings. The code verifies that
timestamp strings in the timestamp match the expected ISO 8601
format. This helps filter out invalid or improperly formatted
b. Conversions to datetime objects: Timestamp strings that pass the
validation are converted into datetime objects, which can be used
for various time-related analysis.
c. The code creates a new column ‘Month based on the parsed
timestamps. It extracts the full name of the month from the date
time objects allowing for further analysis.
Figure 2: Create a New Column Month.
Figure 3: State Diagram.
Figure 4: Class Diagram.
Figure 5: Use Case Diagram.
Figure 6: Sequence Diagram.
Dataset Collection Using Scrape Method
The scrape method is called from scweet in the main code, and a few methods
from are called in scweet to collect the data. In accordance with the
project requirement, these two files have been modified.
Figure 7: Scrape Method
1. Initialization and Configuration:
A. The code supports the Chrome browser and uses Selenium for web
B. The required libraries such as Selenium, Pandas, and other
modules are imported into the code.
2. Data Extraction:
A. The ‘scrape’ function is defined in for scraping Twitter
B. It takes various parameters like start date, end date, keywords,
mention account, hashtags, languages, and more.
C. A webdriver, in this case Chrome is initiated to access Twitter.
D. The code, logs into a Twitter account using credentials (username
and password) with the help of selenium webdriver.
3. Web Scraping:
A. The code opens a Twitter search page for a specific query (defined
by parameters) and starts scraping.
B. It continues scrolling through the page until a specific condition is
met (for example reaching the tweet limit).
4. Data Extraction:
A. The get_data function is defined in to extract data from a
tweet card.
B. It collects information such as username, handle, post date, tweet
text, emojis, and image links from the tweet card.
C. Promoted tweets are also handled to exclude them from the data.
5. Data Processing:
A. Extracted tweet data is checked for uniqueness and added to a list
of data.
B. Images associated with the tweets are optionally saved if specified
in the parameters.
6. Data Storage:
A. Scrapped data is stored in pandas DataFrame for further analysis.
B. A CSV file is created to save the scrapped data.
7. Scrolling and Pagination: The code keeps scrolling through the Twitter
search results to retrieve more tweets.
8. User Interaction: The code includes functions to interact with web
elements such as links and XPath to get the required information from the
Text Blob Method Analysis
In accordance with the earlier mention of TextBlob in this document, this
section offers an actual illustration of TextBlob’s use in this project. This method
demonstrates how TextBlob is used for particular tasks in this project and is
responsible for conducting sentiment analysis and categorizing tweets into
sentiment categories (Positive, Negative or Neutral).
1. getSubjectivity Function: The getSubjectivity(text)’ function calculates the
subjectivity of a given text. The degree of objectivity or subjectivity in the
text is referred to as subjectivity.
A. isinstance (text, str) is used to determine whether this input string,
text is a string or not.
B. if textis a string, the TextBlob library is used to analyze the text
and extract the subjectivity score with the help of the function
C. If text is not a string (for example missing or non-string data) it
returns a default value of 0.0.
2. getPolarity Function:
A. The polarity of a text is determined using getPolarity(text) function.
B. The polarity describes the tone of the text, which can be either
positive, negative, or neutral.
C. Similar to getSubjectivity’, it checks whether input text is a string.
D. If text is a string, it uses the TextBlob library is used to analyze the
text and retrieve the polarity score using ‘TextBlob(text). sentiment.
E. if text is not a string it returns a default value of 0.0
3. Calculating Subjectivity and Polarity:
A. Using the ‘.apply method, the code applies this function to ‘Text
column of the ‘Complete_Data DataFrame.
B. The polarity scores are kept in the ‘Polarity’ column, but the
subjectivity scores are kept in a new column called “Subjectivity”.
4. Sentiment Analysis:
A. Tweets are categorized into sentiment groups based on their
polarity scores using the getAnalysis(value)’ function.
I. if the polarity score < 0 the tweet is categorized ‘Negative.
II. if the polarity score = zero the tweet is categorized ‘Neutral.
III. if the polarity score > 0 the tweet is categorized ‘Positive’.
5. Storing Sentiment Analysis Results:
A. To save the sentiment labels the code adds a new column called
“TextBlob_Sentiment to “Complete_Data” DataFrame.
b. It is populated by using getAnalysis function on Polarity column.
Figure 8: TextBlob - Subjectivity, Polarity and Sentiment Classification.
NLTK Method Analysis
This method is used to perform sentiment analysis on text data using the
NLTK library and its SentimentIntensityAnalyzer.
1. sentiment_scores Functions:
A. The sentiment_scores(text)’ function calculates sentiment scores
(compound, negative, neutral, positive) for the input text.
B. If text is not a string (example: missing or non-string data), it
returns a default value of 0.0.
C. isinstance (text, str) is used to determine whether the input string,
text”, is a string or not.
D. If the input is a string, it proceeds to perform sentiment analysis
using the SentimentIntensityAnalyzer.
2. Applying Sentiment Analysis:
A. This line applies the sentiment_scores functions to evaluate each
text in the Complete_Data Dataframe ‘Text’ column.
B. Each text’s sentiment score is determined, and it is stored in a new
column called NLTK_Sentiment_Scores.”
3. Extracting Compound Values:
A. get_compound(text)’ This function takes NLTK_Sentiment_Scores
as a text as input and it returns the compound score from the input
B. get_compound function applies to each row in NLTK_Sentiment
_Scores extract the compound score and stores it in a new column
called ‘Compound_Value’.
4. Performing Sentiment Analysis: Tweets are categorized into sentiment
groups based on their compound scores using the
‘get_NLTK_Analysis(value)’ function.
I. If the compound value < -0.05 it is categorized as ‘Negative.
II. If the compound value > 0.05 it is categorized as ‘Positive’.
III. Otherwise, it is categorized as ‘Neutral’.
5. Storing Sentiment Analysis Results: get_NLTK_Analysis function to each
‘Compound_value in the DataFrame and save the sentiment labels, the
code adds a new column called NLTK_Analysis to the Complete_Data
Figure 9: NLTK Sentiment Scores and the Sentiment Classification
In contrast, NLTK uses compound values and TextBlob uses polarity
values for the determination of sentiment. A notable distinction is the 0.05
threshold, which separates the sentiment categories. This minor change has a
big effect on outcomes with NLTK categorizing more negative comments than
TextBlob. When comparing the two, NLTK shows a greater tendency than
TextBlob to classify feelings as negative. It's crucial to remember that this does
not necessarily mean that NLTK is always preferable to TextBlob. The choice
between the two, depends on the specific requirement of the user. While NLTK
excels in negative sentiment classification. The distribution of positive and neutral
attitudes is very constant on TextBlob. In conclusion, the choice of tool depends
on the desired results and particular use cases. In this project, sentiment analysis
was conducted on the Twitter account of SeattlePD. The results are presented
below in tabular form, indicating the counts of positive, negative and neutral
Table 1: Data on Sentiment Analysis SeattlePD
Result Analysis and Visualization
With the help of visualization, the data can be simplified, and it help one to
understand current trends and patterns. In this the analysis shown in three
categories with Sentiment Analysis Comparison using Pie Chart which gives
numbers and percentages of positive, negative neutral of complete data,
secondly, Track of monthly changes using Line Chart which shows individual
trends, and Monthly Sentiment Analysis using Clustered column chart which
shows all the sentiments and their trends in one place.
Sentiment Analysis Comparison:
The below chart visually compares sentiment analysis results for the
Police Departments tweets using text blob and NLTK. It facilitates a quick
understanding of the sentiment distribution and allows for insights into public
Sentiment Analysis SeattlePD
sentiment regarding the Police Department on Twitter. The pie chart shows
percentages and number of each sentiment for both the TextBlob and NLTK
Figure 10: Sentiment Analysis Comparison between TextBlob and NLTK.
Keep Track of Monthly Sentiment Changes:
The following code generates separate line charts to visualize sentiment
analysis results for three categories: Positive, Negative and Neutral using
TextBlob. It customizes the color palette for each sentiment category and groups
the data by month and sentiment which are present on X-axis and Y-axis. The
charts provided a clear view of statement trends over time, enabling insights into
how public sentiment towards the Police Department on Twitter varies by month
and sentiment category. Additionally, the NLTK sentiment analysis uses the
same chats with the same function with different variables.
Figure 11: Positive - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using TextBlob.
Figure 12: Neutral - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using TextBlob.
Figure 13: Negative - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using TextBlob.
Figure 14: Neutral - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using NLTK .
Figure 15: Negative - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using NLTK.
Figure 16: Positive - Monthly Sentiment Analysis using NLTK.
Monthly Sentiment Analysis: The clustered column graph helps to visualize
sentiment analysis results using TextBlob across three categories: Positive,
Neutral, and Negative. The graph represents sentiment analysis results per
month, allowing for easy comparison of sentiment distribution over time. The
code ensures that the graph is visually appealing and informative. This
visualization helps in understanding how public sentiment towards the Police
Department on Twitter varies by sentiment category and month.
Figure 17: Clustered Column for Monthly Sentiment Analysis using TextBlob.
Figure 18: Clustered Column for Monthly Sentiment Analysis using NLTK.
In conclusion, this study revealed valuable insights of how police and
public interact on Twitter showed us important things using sentiment analysis.
This project aimed to bring police and communities closer by using the power of
natural language processing to understand public sentiments by utilizing two
tools TextBlob and Natural Language Toolkit (NTLK), to understand feelings.
They showed some differences in how they work. NTLK and TextBlob are tools
we used to understand people's feelings on social media, with a certain threshold
0.05, NLTK tends to find more negative comments, while TextBlob shows a more
even distribution of positive and neutral sentiments. Neither tool is better overall;
it depends on the user specific needs. We looked at the how people feel about
this Seattle Police on Twitter. We use charts to show how these feelings change
each month this helps us understand what the community thinks. In summary
NTL K is good at finding negative feelings while TextBlob is better at keeping a
balance between positive and neutral sentiments
Major Contribution
With a Twitter API basic account, for $100 USD per month, users can
retrieve up to 10,000 tweets per month. The Twitter API Pro account, on the
other hand, allows for a maximum of 1,000,000 tweets and cost $5000 USD per
month. In the context of our code, it keeps retrieving data until a server
connection is lost. Even though it might take some time to compile a sizable
number of tweets, this period of time can handle them by taking the associated
cost into account. By executing the code and allowing it to operate for an
extended period, a significant volume of data can be collected, and that data can
be used for subsequent analysis.
Future Work
In the future, if the budget permits, we can consider using Twitter’s API
with a developer account for this project. This involves engaging in discussions
through Twitter. We can also make the project more user-friendly by creating
front-end interfaces and dashboards. This will help us better connect with our
requirements and make the project more accessible and interactive.
The code in the below snippet is used in the main program to collect dataset
in real-time. After data collection, the code is used to clean unwanted information
from tweets which is not useful for analysis. Subjectivity, Polarity values using
TextBlob method and performing sentiment analysis which in return classifying
sentiment as well. NLTK, it able to produce sentiment scores, among the scores
with help of compound values NLTK sentiment classification will be done.
####################### Libraries #######################
import os
import pandas as pd
from textblob import TextBlob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime, timedelta #188
import time #55
from dateutil.parser import parse #55
import nltk
from nltk.sentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
from Scweet.scweet import scrape
####################### Clearing the Screen #######################
tweets = scrape(mention_account='SeattlePD', since="2023-07-01",
until="2023-08-01", interval= 5,
Complete_Data = pd.DataFrame(tweets, columns = ['UserScreenName',
'UserName', 'Timestamp', 'Text', 'Emojis', 'Tweet URL', 'Image link'])
####################### Cleaning the Text Tweets###################
import re
def cleanText(text):
if isinstance(text, str): # Check if text is a string
text = re.sub(r'@[A-Za-z0-9]+', '', text)
text = re.sub(r'#', '', text)
text = re.sub(r'RT[\s]+', '', text)
text = re.sub(r'https?:\/\/\S+', '', text)
text = re.sub(r'\.+', '', text) # Escape the dot to match a literal dot
# Remove consecutive single quotes
text = re.sub(r'\'+', '\'', text)
return text
Complete_Data['Text'] = Complete_Data['Text'].apply(cleanText)
####################### SUBJECTIVITY AND POLARITY ##############
def getSubjectivity(text):
if isinstance(text, str):
return TextBlob(text).sentiment.subjectivity
return 0.0 # Return a default value for non-string Complete_Data
def getPolarity(text):
if isinstance(text, str):
return TextBlob(text).sentiment.polarity
return 0.0 # Return a default value for non-string Complete_Data
Complete_Data['Subjectivity'] = Complete_Data['Text'].apply(getSubjectivity)
Complete_Data['Polarity'] = Complete_Data['Text'].apply(getPolarity)
def getAnalysis(value):
if(value < 0):
return 'Negative'
elif(value == 0):
return 'Neutral'
return 'Positive'
Complete_Data['TextBlob_Sentiment'] =
####################### SENTIMENT SCORES USING NLTK ##########
sia = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
def sentiment_scores(text):
if isinstance(text, str):
return sia.polarity_scores(text)
return {'compound': 0.0, 'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 0.0, 'pos': 0.0}
# Return default values for non-string Complete_Data
Complete_Data['NLTK_Sentiment_Scores'] =
def get_compound(text):
return text['compound']
# Perform sentiment analysis
Complete_Data['Compound_Value'] =
def get_NLTK_Analysis(value):
if(value < -0.05):
return 'Negative'
elif(value > 0.05):
return 'Positive'
return 'Neutral'
Complete_Data['NLTK_Analysis'] =
####################### PIE CHARTS #######################
# Define a color map for sentiment categories
colors = {'Positive': 'lightgreen', 'Negative': 'lightcoral', 'Neutral': 'lightskyblue'}
TextBlob_sentiment_counts =
NLTK_sentiment_counts = Complete_Data['NLTK_Analysis'].value_counts()
# Sort the data by sentiment categories
TextBlob_sentiment_counts =
TextBlob_sentiment_counts.reindex(index=['Positive', 'Negative', 'Neutral'])
NLTK_sentiment_counts = NLTK_sentiment_counts.reindex(index=['Positive',
'Negative', 'Neutral'])
# Create a figure with a single pie chart
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
# Labels for the sections of the pie chart
ax1.labels = TextBlob_sentiment_counts.index
ax2.labels = NLTK_sentiment_counts.index
# Values for each section
ax1.sizes = TextBlob_sentiment_counts.values
ax2.sizes = NLTK_sentiment_counts.values
# Define colors for each sentiment category in both charts
ax1_colors = [colors[sentiment] for sentiment in ax1.labels]
ax2_colors = [colors[sentiment] for sentiment in ax2.labels]
# Explode the "Positive" section (you can adjust this for emphasis)
explode = (0.1, 0, 0)
# Calculate the percentages
ax1.percentages = [f'{count} ({count / sum(ax1.sizes) * 100:.1f}%)' for count in
ax2.percentages = [f'{count} ({count / sum(ax2.sizes) * 100:.1f}%)' for count in
# Create the pie chart with labels, values, colors, and explosion
ax1.pie(ax1.sizes, labels=ax1.labels +" " + ax1.percentages, colors=ax1_colors,
autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=140, explode=explode, shadow=True)
ax2.pie(ax2.sizes, labels=ax2.labels +" " + ax2.percentages, colors=ax2_colors,
autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=140, explode=explode, shadow=True)
# Add a title
ax1.set_title('TextBlob Sentiment Analysis')
ax2.set_title('NLTK Sentiment Analysis')
# Set a main title for both subplots
plt.suptitle('Seattle PD Sentiment Analysis Comparison',
# Display the percentages in a fancy way
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a
# Show the pie chart
####################### TEXT BLOB LINE CHARTS #################
# Now, let's create separate line charts for each sentiment category (Positive,
Negative, Neutral).
# Customize the color palette for the bars
colors = {'Positive': 'blue', 'Neutral': 'orange', 'Negative': 'green'}
# Group the data by month and sentiment
grouped_data = Complete_Data.groupby(['Month',
# Get the unique months in the data
available_months = Complete_Data['Month'].unique()
# Create a custom order for the available months
custom_order = sorted(available_months, key=lambda x: datetime.strptime(x,
# Create separate line charts for each Text Blob sentiment category
for sentiment in ['Positive', 'Negative', 'Neutral']:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
# Filter data for the current sentiment
sentiment_data = grouped_data.loc[custom_order][sentiment]
# Set custom x-axis ticks and labels
x_ticks = range(len(custom_order))
x_labels = custom_order
ax = sentiment_data.plot(kind='line', color='blue', marker='o', linestyle='-',
linewidth=2, markersize=8)
# Set custom x-axis ticks and labels
ax.set_xticklabels(x_labels, rotation=45, fontsize=10)
plt.title(f' TextBlob | {sentiment} | Sentiment Analysis per Month')
ax.grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', alpha=0.6)
plt.title(f'TextBlob | {sentiment} | Sentiment Analysis per Month', fontsize=16,
fontweight='bold', pad=20)
####################### TEXT BLOB CLUSTERED COLUMN GRAPH ####
# Create a clustered column graph with custom styling
# plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
ax = grouped_data.loc[custom_order].plot(kind='bar')
# Set labels and title
plt.title('TextBlob | Sentiment Analysis per Month')
# Customize the legend
plt.legend(title='Sentiment', labels=['Positive', 'Neutral', 'Negative'],
# Add count labels to each bar
for p in ax.patches:
ax.annotate(str(int(p.get_height())), (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2.,
p.get_height()), ha='center', va='bottom')
# Add a shadow effect
# Add grid lines
ax.grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', alpha=0.6)
# Add a background color to the plot
# Add a title to the graph
plt.title('TextBlob | Sentiment Analysis per Month', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold',
# Customize the tick labels
ax.set_xticklabels(custom_order, rotation=45, fontsize=10)
# Show the plot
####################### NLTK LINE CHARTS #######################
# Now, let's create separate line charts for each sentiment category (Positive,
Negative, Neutral).
# Customize the color palette for the bars
colors = {'Positive': 'blue', 'Neutral': 'orange', 'Negative': 'green'}
# Group the data by month and sentiment
grouped_data = Complete_Data.groupby(['Month',
# Get the unique months in the data
available_months = Complete_Data['Month'].unique()
# Create a custom order for the available months
custom_order = sorted(available_months, key=lambda x: datetime.strptime(x,
# Create separate line charts for each Text Blob sentiment category
for sentiment in ['Positive', 'Negative', 'Neutral']:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
# Filter data for the current sentiment
sentiment_data = grouped_data.loc[custom_order][sentiment]
# Set custom x-axis ticks and labels
x_ticks = range(len(custom_order))
x_labels = custom_order
ax = sentiment_data.plot(kind='line', color='blue', marker='o', linestyle='-',
linewidth=2, markersize=8)
# Set custom x-axis ticks and labels
ax.set_xticklabels(x_labels, rotation=45, fontsize=10)
plt.title(f' NLTK | {sentiment} | Sentiment Analysis per Month')
ax.grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', alpha=0.6)
plt.title(f'NLTK | {sentiment} | Sentiment Analysis per Month', fontsize=16,
fontweight='bold', pad=20)
# Create a clustered column graph with custom styling
# plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
ax = grouped_data.loc[custom_order].plot(kind='bar')
# Set labels and title
plt.title('NLTK | Sentiment Analysis per Month')
# Customize the legend
plt.legend(title='Sentiment', labels=['Positive', 'Neutral', 'Negative'],
# Add count labels to each bar
for p in ax.patches:
ax.annotate(str(int(p.get_height())), (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2.,
p.get_height()), ha='center', va='bottom')
# Add a shadow effect
# Add grid lines
ax.grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', alpha=0.6)
# Add a background color to the plot
# Add a title to the graph
plt.title('NLTK | Sentiment Analysis per Month', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold',
# Customize the tick labels
ax.set_xticklabels(custom_order, rotation=45, fontsize=10)
# Show the plot
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