FESTIVAL DE CANNES Terms and Conditions 01.19.2024 Last update : 01.22.2024
Each year, the Association Française du Festival International du Film organises the International Film Festival
in Cannes (hereinafter referred to as the “Festival de Cannes”). The purpose of the Festival de Cannes, in a spirit
of international friendship and cooperation, is to reveal and showcase high-quality works in order to contribute
to the evolution of cinematic art and to promote the development of the film industry around the world.
The purpose of these “general terms and conditions of registration” is to specify the terms and conditions for
participation in the competition by film professionals, journalists and film enthusiasts (hereinafter referred to
as "the Participants").
Access by registered “Participants” to the Festival de Cannes is subject to full compliance with the rules and
conditions outlined below.
The Festival de Cannes issues three types of accreditation:
“Festival” accreditations for the Festival de Cannes are reserved for film professionals with proven
experience. However, film industry representatives in the following professional categories must be
accredited at the Marché du Film: Sales Agents, TV Broadcasting, Buyers’ Representatives, Consulting,
Distribution, Film Rights, Film Finance and VOD Platforms.
“Press” accreditations are reserved for journalists with proven professional experience of covering the
film industry and the Festival de Cannes during the event.
FESTIVAL DE CANNES Terms and Conditions 01.19.2024 Last update : 01.22.2024
The Festival de Cannes “Cinéphiles” accreditations are reserved as a priority for film students, certain
film enthusiast associations and Grandes Écoles film clubs, upon presentation of the required
3 Days in Cannes" accreditations are reserved for film lovers aged 18 to 28 from all over the world,
with 3 sessions of 3 days each.
Requests for accreditation are considered for each category according to and within the limits of the available
Without proof of sufficient professional activity for “Festival” and “Press” accreditations, this criteria
remains at the sole discretion of the Organisers;
By people who have been banned from previous editions;
By individuals under 18 years of age. Exceptions may be granted for children after consideration of the
request by the Festival de Cannes services, and on condition that the child’s badge is linked to another
badge belonging to an adult. Children who have obtained such an exemption will only have access to
professional areas if accompanied by an accredited adult. Films shown are not classified according to
their content, so it is the responsibility of the accompanying accredited adult to determine whether a
film is suitable for a child. Parents can also request a badge for their new-born children to be able to
move around with them in the professional areas;
By individuals/companies who are in debt with the Festival or the Marché du Film, until the debt has
been cleared;
By individuals/companies conducting their professional activity outside the Palais who have not
contracted a “Croisette Package” from the Marché du Film, which is intended for Exhibitors outside the
If the registration deadline has passed.
The deadline for accreditation requests is:
1 March 2024 for “Cinéphiles” accreditations
15 March 2024 for « 3 Days in Cannes” accreditations
31 March 2024 for Audiovisual Press accreditations
1 April 2024 for “Festival” accreditations
19 April 2024 for print and digital press accreditations
From 2 April until 15 Avril, a late “Festival accreditation procedure will be set up for professionals under the
financial conditions described in article 2.4, and provided that there are still places available in this category.
Accreditation requests can only be made online via the official Festival de Cannes website.
As certain requests may be refused for the reasons set out in article 2.1 of these general terms and conditions,
a Participant’s registration will only be confirmed after their request has been approved by the Festival de
Cannes accreditation services.
In the event that the Participant is a national of a country that requires a visa for entry into France, it shall be
their responsibility to make all necessary arrangements and consider the time required to do so. For this
FESTIVAL DE CANNES Terms and Conditions 01.19.2024 Last update : 01.22.2024
purpose, once the application has been validated, the Participant will be able to obtain a letter of invitation to
the French consular services in their country from their online accreditation application. Any fraudulent use of
this invitation letter is liable to prosecution.
Accreditation requests that comply with the schedule defined in Article 2.2 are free of charge.
During the accreditation process, however, applicants will be required to pay an environmental contribution of
€20 excluding VAT (€24 including VAT) established by the Festival de Cannes as part of its environmental policy
(https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/take-part/accreditations/). The pre-tax proceeds collected via this
contribution will be paid in full to environmental projects.
This environmental contribution will be reimbursed:
automatically if the request is denied by the Festival de Cannes,
upon request via the website https://moncompte.festival-cannes.fr if the accreditation request is
cancelled by the Participant, or if the event is cancelled.
In the event that a Participant requesting accreditation for a selected film has previously applied for
accreditation and paid the environmental contribution, the first accreditation request will be cancelled and the
initial contribution refunded.
Accreditation requests made under the late accreditation procedure are subject to a payment fee of €174
including VAT and the environmental contribution defined above. This fee is non-refundable, regardless of the
response to the request, including if the application is denied or cancelled.
The invoices corresponding to the above payments are accessible from the Participant’s personal account on
the website https://moncompte.festival-cannes.fr.
Registered Participants will be given a name badge upon their arrival to Cannes.
The badge is strictly limited to the individual and may not be transferred, shared or exchanged under any
circumstances, otherwise access rights to the event will be cancelled.
The badge must be visible at all times to enable verification throughout the Festival area.
In the event that a badge is lost or stolen, the Festival de Cannes may, as an exception, issue a duplicate. In this
instance, a new badge will be issued for €55 including VAT.
Access to the different screenings of the Festival is mainly by invitation via a dedicated ticketing site.
Invitations are subject to availability, free of charge and exclusively granted by the Festival de Cannes. They
may not be sold under any circumstances, under penalty of prosecution.
FESTIVAL DE CANNES Terms and Conditions 01.19.2024 Last update : 01.22.2024
Any intentional alteration or modification of an invitation, regardless of the medium, may result in prosecution.
The Festival's infrastructure does not allow under any circumstances to guarantee participants access to the
sessions they request.
The Participant is aware and accepts that, due to the media coverage of the event, their attendance at the
Festival de Cannes may result in a visual and/or sound recording, and the reproduction and dissemination of
these images and/or sounds across all media, whether for promotional or commercial purposes.
It is strictly forbidden to use a digital camera or mobile phone to record: the red carpet and any official events
organised by the Festival inside the screening rooms (opening and closing ceremonies, films in the official
selection, cinema masterclasses,), as well as the Festival venues (official dinners and evenings, seminars, etc.).
It is also strictly forbidden to film or photograph any guest public figures. More generally, each Participant shall
expressly refrain from acting in any form whatsoever that violates the provisions of the Intellectual Property
Code governing copyright and related rights.
The Participant agrees to dress appropriately, in particular at screenings that require evening dress to be worn.
In order to respect the organisation of the Red Carpet Steps, the Organisers would like to kindly ask guests
attending screenings to not photograph or film on the steps of the Palais des Festival, and especially not to take
The Participant agrees to comply with the safety, order and police regulations, as well as any health protocols
and to behave in a respectful manner towards employees of the Festival de Cannes and other Participants. Any
misconduct (such as verbal insults, violence, damage to facilities, disruption of screenings and other events,
etc.) will result in the permanent withdrawal of the Participant’s badge and their exclusion from the event.
The Participant entrusts the Organiser to assess whether the event should be interrupted or evacuated if there
is a threat to the safety of the public, and undertakes not to make any subsequent claims against the Organiser.
FESTIVAL DE CANNES Terms and Conditions 01.19.2024 Last update : 01.22.2024
More generally, the interruption, postponement or cancellation of the event, for whatever reason, shall not
entitle Participants to any claim or compensation from the Organiser for non-material damage.
The information collected about the Participant is processed by the Association Française du Festival
International du Film and is essential for the processing of their request.
This information and personal data are also kept for security purposes, in order to comply with legal and
regulatory obligations.
It will only be stored for the time required to fulfil requests. The data controller is the Association Française du
Festival International du Film, 5 rue Charlot, 75003 Paris, privacy@festival-cannes.fr.
Access to personal data will be strictly limited to the controller’s employees who are authorised to process it in
accordance with their duties.
The information collected may be passed on to third parties who are contractually bound to the company to
carry out subcontracted tasks, which does not require the Participant’s permission. This information will be
used in particular for print and online publications by the Festival de Cannes.
In accordance with law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data protection, files and freedoms, as modified
by law no. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, and by the European Regulation no. 2016/679, the Participant has the
right to access, change, delete and transfer their data, as well as the right to object to data processing for a
legitimate reason. These rights may be exercised by contacting the data controller at the above-mentioned
postal or email address and providing valid proof of identity. If the Participant should wish to make a complaint,
they can contact the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).
Participation at the Festival de Cannes involves strict compliance with all the clauses of these general terms and
Any company, institution, association, organisation or individual who registers one or more third parties for the
Festival de Cannes, agrees to forward these general terms and conditions to the beneficiary(ies), who must
accept them, and guarantees the strict compliance of the said conditions by the accredited third party(ies).
Any infringement of the provisions of these rules may, at the sole discretion of the Organiser, lead to the
temporary or permanent withdrawal of the Participant’s badge and their exclusion from the event.
In addition, the Organiser reserves the right to take action against the offending Participant to claim damages
as compensation for any loss suffered.
FESTIVAL DE CANNES Terms and Conditions 01.19.2024 Last update : 01.22.2024
Any disputes, which may occur between the Participant and the Festival de Cannes, will be under the exclusive
jurisdiction of the Courts of Paris, French law being the only applicable law.