Aditya Ahmad
Tel. + 62 813 4211 0228
Technical Information
Working Title: Goldfish
Screenplay: Aditya Ahmad
Nationality: Indonesia
Genre: Drama, Coming of Age
Duration: 100 min
Shooting location: Indonesia
Production Company: Palari Films
Producer: Muhammad Zaidy & Meiske Taurisia
+ 62 815 8882 926
Director’s Information
Born in 1989, Aditya Ahmad is Indonesian director and
writer. He graduated from Makassar Institute of Arts in
2013 with a short film as his final project.
This film, On Stopping the Rain / Sepatu Baru, was
awarded with a Special Mention by the Children’s Jury
Generation KPlus at the 64
Berlin International Film
Festival (2014).
Since 2013, Aditya works for several films and TV
commercials projects. He participated in Asian Film
Academy 2014 and Berlinale Talents in 2015. His short
film A Gift / Kado was world premiered in the Orizzonti
Short Films Competition at the 75
Venice International
Film Festival and won Best Short Film. He is currently
writing his debut feature film.
Festival de Cannes, La Résidence
Since 2000, La Résidence du Festival de Cannes
has provided each year accommodation and support
to 12 selected young directors in order to help them
prepare their first or second feature film.These young
filmmakers are selected on the basis of their short
films, or even first feature film, and the merits of their
feature film project.
During their 4-and-a-half-month stay in Paris, they
work on the writing of their feature film project, have
meetings with professionals and try, with the support
of the Festival de Cannes, to bring their project to
co-production status.
5, rue Charlot, F-75003 Paris
Tel. 33 (0) 1 53 59 61 00
La Résidence
Nur is a 13-year-old boy who lives with his father in a
rural area in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Nur naturally
replaced his mother in the household after her passing.
Nevertheless, his father remains aloof, and decides
to send Nur away to an all-boys boarding school to
make him more ‘manly’.
Missing fatherly love, he unexpectedly gets the attention
and validation he needs at school. However, he faces
bullying and harassment due to his feminine nature.
Everything changes when he encounters a Bissu, an
androgynous local spiritual leader who believes Nur is
the chosen one to replace them. Presented with a chance
to finally get acceptance, Nur has to choose which path
to take. His choice will reshape his relationship with his
father forever.
Letter of Intent
Nur’s journey explores the complicated layers of typical
father-son relationships in Indonesia. It navigates
through the distant and cold paternal dynamics that
may leave a lasting impact when the child transitions
into adulthood, questioning their sense of belonging and
self-identity. This experience is especially challenging
for children with different gender expressions like Nur,
as they are seeking acceptance at home and in society.
This story is about a journey of searching for paternal
love and understanding oneself. I aim to raise the question
of how to be human and feel accepted. By revisiting
my past memories and confronting my fears, I want to
create an authentic narrative that resonates to anyone
who’s in quest to find personal peace just like myself.
Nur a 13 ans et vit avec son père dans une zone rurale
du sud de Sulawesi, en Indonésie. Le jeune adolescent
a naturellement remplacé sa mère dans la vie du foyer
après le décès de celle-ci. Néanmoins, le père de Nur
est toujours distant. Il décide d’envoyer son fils dans un
internat pour garçons afin de le rendre plus « viril ».
En l’absence d’amour paternel, Nur reçoit de manière
inattendue l’attention et la validation dont il a besoin
à l’école. Cependant, il est victime de harcèlement en
raison de sa nature féminine. Tout change lorsqu’il
rencontre un Bissu, un chef spirituel local androgyne
qui croit que Nur est l’élu qui doit le remplacer. Alors
qu’il a la possibilité d’être enfin accepté, Nur doit choisir
la voie qu’il va emprunter. Son choix influencera à jamais
sa relation avec son père.
Note d’intention
Le parcours de Nur explore les strates complexes des
relations père-fils typiques en Indonésie. Il traverse
la dynamique relationnelle d’un père distant qui peut
impacter durablement le passage de l’enfant à l’âge
adulte, remettant en question son sentiment d’appar-
tenance et sa propre identité. Cette expérience est
particulièrement difficile pour les enfants ayant une
expression de genre différente, comme Nur, car ils
doivent se faire accepter à la fois à la maison et dans
la société.
Cette histoire est celle d’un voyage à la recherche de
l’amour paternel et de la compréhension de soi. Je
souhaite soulever la question de comment être humain
et se sentir accepté. En revisitant mes souvenirs et en
affrontant mes peurs, je veux créer un récit authentique
qui trouve un écho chez toutes celles et tous ceux
qui, comme moi, cherchent à trouver la paix intérieure.
La Résidence