Promoting your event on social media
Let’s get connected: We would love to get connected on Facebook where
you can share all your fantastic supporter updates with us. You can find us
at Please like our page to stay updated
with all our activity and updates.
Tag us: We want to make sure we can see your posts about us, so
remember to tag us so we can keep updated with your wonderful
fundraising efforts. If you don’t tag us, we won’t be able to see what you
have posted.
Get involved in the conversations on our page by liking or commenting
on our posts. Our community on Facebook are amazing and often share
how they are supporting Breast Cancer Now.
We have so many incredible supporters who share their pictures with
us and we love seeing them! Because of the high amount that comes
through, we are unable to share this all on social media.
If you’re having a fundraising day or evening, it’s really easy to set up an
event on Facebook so you can invite all your friends and family. They can
then share the post amongst their friends to get everyone talking about it
Tag / @ other people who will be attending / helping you to organise as
they’ll get notified and are likely to share it
Be personal in your tone. Write the post like you would any of your other
Facebook posts as your friends will then be more likely to engage with you
When adding Facebook posts about your fundraising event, tag
Breast Cancer Now so that your friends can click through to these pages
Post information about your fundraising event on your Facebook page and
the page of any media who has covered your story/event, so that fans
of these pages can see what you’re trying to achieve and support you
It is always a good idea to include an appropriate photograph or image
when you upload a post in order to generate more interest
Keep your Facebook page up to date and check in on your event page
often for any engagement activity from other Facebook users/supporters
Use appropriate images and videos for engaging content, you could even
add a personal video message from the event organisers to all those
attending and getting involved.
After the event, share your pictures on Facebook and tag
Breast Cancer Now so we can see what you’ve been up to!
Make sure you follow us on Twitter at
to get connected with us and receive all the updates
Mention us @Breastcancernow in your tweets so your followers know
exactly who you are supporting
Retweet any relevant content from the Breast Cancer Now Twitter page
Engage with other relevant Twitter users by liking, commenting
or retweeting their tweets.
Tag other Twitter users who are supporting your event. This will allow
them to see your tweet and engage with you. It also gives you a better
chance of them sharing your tweet with their followers and increasing
Make your tweets different from each other by using different images,
videos and copy.
There is a 280 character limit in each tweet including spaces
If you are sharing URLs in your tweet, any URL you add will be altered
to 23 characters.
If you want to post a longer tweet, you can do this with a tweet thread.
Simply click the + sign which you can find next to the tweet button when
creating a tweet. By creating a tweet thread, you are grouping your tweets
Use good quality and relevant images and videos to make your tweets
more engaging
To encourage others to sign-up or get involved with your event, make
your tweet action-orientated, using language such as ‘learn more, ‘find
out more’ orsign up
If you want to encourage engagement from your tweets, try asking your
audiences questions, or doing a poll
Add relevant hashtags if you have space to increase visibility
of your tweet
Find local businesses and relevant influencers
on Twitter that might be interested in your
event and may want to support you
You can @ them to directly tell them about
the event. You don’t want to come across
as spam, so only do this once
Feel free to retweet/reply to any of Breast Cancer Nows tweets as
this will help your followers understand more about the cause you
are supporting
Breast Cancer Now will retweet/reply to relevant tweets which
mention @breastcancernow
Get connected with us on Instagram by following us @breastcancernow
Head to our profile and make sure you have turned our post notifications ON.
This will ensure you see all our posts and updates.
To turn post notifications on, click ‘following’ on our profile, select
‘notifications’ and toggle your preferences on.
Posting on your story is a great way to reach your followers, your post on
stories will last 24 hours on your page and is a great way to give quick
updates and engage with your followers. You can create a story via your
profile image at the top left side on your homepage.
Tag @breastcancernow in any relevant posts or stories so we can follow your
event activity. This will also tell your followers who you are supporting.
If you have a website where people can find out more about your event, put
this link in your bio on your profile page. Note: Links on Instagram are not
clickable in posts or comments.
You can post on your grid as a single picture, video or a swipe post which
allows you to select up to 10 picture/videos per post
Play around with stories and see what you can do! There are all kinds of
features such as a countdown to your event, live streaming, create and
much more
Try not to over filter your pictures and videos. Good quality and clear
photos are the best and it makes them more useable by others.
Use relevant hashtags in your posts. Before you use the hashtag you can
always search it on Instagram to check if the hashtag is active and relevant.
If relevant, tag locations and areas so people browsing that area can see
your posts.
Engage with relevant users by liking, commenting and following others,
promoting your event where appropriate.