STUDENTBMJ VOLUME 12 FEBRUARY2004 studentbmj.com
Research has become an integral part of medical careers. A case
report is a way of communicating information to the medical world
about a rare or unreported feature, condition, complication, or
intervention by publishing it in a medical journal.
When to start
Be on the look out for a case report from the start of your basic sur-
gical or medical training. This will introduce you to the research
world, and if your report is published it will be an asset to your CV.
Any kind of research entails a lot of hard work and persistence.
Your thought processes should be geared towards research in your
postgraduate career, and you should use every opportunity you get
for writing a report. So if you come across something unusual, dis-
cuss it with a consultant, particularly one who is keen on research.
Many consultants have huge amounts of material in the top draw-
ers of their desks, waiting to be published. All they want is an enthusi-
astic medic who will help share their load in writing and getting it
published. They are usually helpful if you ask them about this.
How to start
A senior doctor’s help is a must from the beginning. He or she may
know from their experience what cases are suitable for publication. Do
an extensive literature search—PubMed, Medline, Ovid, Embase, and
even search engines like Google will give you a vast amount of infor-
mation related to the condition or feature you are after. Narrow down
the search to your actual topic. If this comes up with very few search
results, it means (assuming your search method is correct) that the
case is rare and the report is therefore more likely to be published.
Your hospital library staff can help (especially in the beginning) by
doing your searches for you and then getting relevant literature from
other sources, if necessary. So don’t be afraid to ask them. It is always
useful to read in a standard textbook or appropriate journal every-
thing about the topic that your case report relates to. Note down or
photocopy important references at the end of the chapter or article
and follow them up.
Obtaining consent from the patient is not only good medical prac-
tice but also mandatory for some journals, such as the BMJ (which has
its own consent form on bmj.com). If there is no standard form, make
up your own. It is useful to have the patient’s contact details on the
form just in case you want to trace him or her later. It is also polite to
ask permission from the doctor in charge of the patient’s management.
How to collect information related to the case
After you have done the groundwork, collect all the material for the
case report. Use the patient’s notes to record the details of all the
events in the patient’s care—that is, history, examination findings,
results of investigations with dates, and operative findings, if any,
together with the details of the actual intervention and follow ups.
Get copies—do not take the originals (they are the patient’s only
records for future reference). You are allowed to have copies only of
radiographs, slides, photographs, and so on, but in this electronic
age it is better to use a digital camera for your personal copies of
radiographs and clinical photographs. This avoids many potential
problems and saves a lot of time. Make sure you return the notes
and radiographs to their original source. You should also visit the
patient again and make sure you have got the facts right.
Which journal to choose
Again, the advice of your supervising consultant is useful. Select a
journal that you think would be the most appropriate for your case
report. For example, unusual injury presentations are more likely to
be accepted in the journals such as Trauma rather than more main-
stream, general interest journal. The BMJ does not publish case
reports, only Lesson of the Week. In other words, be sensible in
choosing the journal.
Download or copy the information for authors for that particular
journal and keep the hard copy safely in a folder with all the other
information about the case. It is also useful to have a copy of any case
report from a previous issue of the journal to get an idea of the pres-
entation. It is extremely important to understand the basic format
required by the journal. Your case report may be rejected because it
does not conform to the standard format, no matter how good the
content is. Margins, spacing, figure numbering, and style of refer-
ences (Vancouver, Harvard, and so on), all are important aspects.
How many colleagues should be included?
The honest answer is not many: the supervising consultant and
maybe one or two other colleagues, depending on how sincere and
helpful they have been in collecting information or literature. You
or your consultant (discuss with him or her) must be the first author.
Do not ever give photographs or any other material related to your
case report to anyone who you think might misplace them.
How do I write it?
It is best to write everything in one stretch. Piecemeal writing con-
sumes time because you have to go over everything repeatedly. The
following format is the most common way of writing a case report.
Describe your case report in one sentence. Also mention how rare
it is.
Case report
You have to summarise the information that you have gathered: a
brief history and important and relevant positive and negative find-
ings with details of investigations, treatment, and the condition of
the patient after treatment. Don’t include unnecessary details.
Remember, this part should read like an interesting story, which
your reader should enjoy.
One common form of presentation is to divide it into separate
paragraphs with history, examination, investigation, treatment, and
outcome in separate paragraphs—a textbook style of presentation
without the headings.
Remember that the probability of getting any research work pub-
lished in a reputable journal is determined primarily by how well
your arguments are presented scientifically —that is, how your
report is supported or discussed. The first paragraph may explain
the objective of reporting the case.
You must subsequently describe whatothers have written before
about the condition or any related feature. Be generous in quoting
the literature but don’t go into unnecessary details.
The third and most important stage in the discussion is to substan-
tiate the message you are trying to convey. Your reviewers want proof
of the rarity of the condition and the scientific explanations for it. If
you don’t do this, they are likely to reject your report immediately. So
you must be able to describe the cause of the condition or why a par-
ticular procedure or feature was chosen. How did it influence the out-
come? How does it differ from usual and what are your
How to write a
case report
Rahij Anwar and colleagues give advice on the
practical details of writing case reports
Medical Student Electives
The Institute of Medical Ethics
wishes to award
ten bursaries of up to £500 each,
to support Medical Student Electives,
or exceptionally Special Study Modules,
on issues in medical ethics.
Medical students, jointly with their supervisor,
are invited to apply by 27th February 2004.
Application is by letter,
explaining the project’s relevance to medical ethics
and the reasons why a bursary is requested.
An outline study protocol and project budget
should also be attached.
Applications should be sent to:
Institute of Medical Ethics
St Chloe
The Avenue
Glos GL6 8AT
Successful applicants will be informed
by 31st March 2004
STUDENTBMJ VOLUME 12 FEBRUARY2004 studentbmj.com
recommendations? Are there any lessons to be learnt? All (or at least,
most) of these questions need to be answered in the discussion.
This is not always necessary in a case report but if it is, summarise
your message in a few sentences.
The reference section is boring and time consuming but extremely
important. Keep to the style (Vancouver, Harvard, etc) that your
journal requires. The references should be in the form of numbers
as you go along (usually 1, 2, 3, etc, as superscripts or in brackets in
the order of appearance, as required by your journal). It is useful to
put the same number on your hard copy of the reference.
Finishing touches
Expect to have to edit and revise the report about three times. Make
sure you use the spell and grammar check on your computer. Every
section of the case report—discussion, reference, etc—should start on
a new page. Get the senior author (usually supervising consultant)
to review the finished report and then write a covering
letter. All the other documents, including photographs, copyright,
and so on, as required by the journal, should be attached to the final
copy of the report before sending it to the journal.
You are allowed to have a party once you have put your completed
case report in the mailbox. Not for celebration but for preparation.
Your search for the next case report should start the next day.
Rahij Anwar locum registrar in trauma and orthopaedics, Royal London Hospital,
Bexleyheath, London DA6 8DR
Huma Kabir clinical fellow in paediatrics, Queen Mary’s Hospital, Bexleyheath, London
Rajesh Botchu senior house officer in trauma and orthopaedics, Maidstone Hospital,
Maidstone ME16 9PQ
Khan assistant professor, Department of Orthopaedics, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India
Nitish Gogi senior house officer in trauma and orthopaedics, Russels Hall Hospital,
Dudley DY1 2LU
Case report—the real story
Clinical features
Treatment and outcome
Discussion—review of
Recommendations, if any
Box 1: Stages in writing a case report
Finding a rare case
Literature search
Collecting information related to the case, including consent
Summarising and writing
Revising and editing
Box 2: Format for writing a case report