“Dear Parents,
We are delighted to welcome you and your child to our town-run summer day camp! We are thrilled to
have your child with us for what is sure to be a fun-filled and memorable summer experience.
Our day camp is designed to provide children with a safe and engaging environment to learn, grow, and
have fun during the summer months. Our experienced staff is committed to creating a positive and
welcoming atmosphere where children can make new friends, try new activities, and explore their
Throughout the summer, we have planned a wide range of exciting activities, including sports, arts and
crafts, nature exploration, team-building games, and much more. Our team of counselors and activity
leaders are passionate about providing your child with a fun and enriching experience, and we are
confident that your child will leave camp each day with a smile on their face.
We understand that as parents, you have placed a great deal of trust in us, and we take this
responsibility seriously. Our staff is trained in first aid and CPR, and we have strict safety procedures in
place to ensure that your child is always safe and secure while at camp.
We encourage you to stay involved and engaged with your child's summer camp experience. Please don't
hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. We welcome your feedback and
suggestions as we work together to provide your child with the best possible summer camp experience.
Once again, welcome to our town-run summer day camp! We look forward to getting to know you and
your child and to making this summer an unforgettable one.
[Your Name]
Summer Day Camp Director