A Guide to Proper Trademark Use
For Media, Internet, and Publishing Professionals
© 2012 International Trademark Association.
All Rights Reserved. Updated May 2020.
What is a trademark?
A trademark is any word, name, symbol or device
(or any combination thereof) that identies and
distinguishes the source of the goods of one party
from those of others. Similarly, a service mark is
any word, name, symbol or device (or any combi-
nation thereof) that identies and distinguishes
the services of one party from those of others.
Trademarks and service marks (“mark” or
“marks”) are important and valuable assets for
both businesses and consumers. A distinctive
mark allows a business to build public goodwill
and brand reputation in the goods or services
it sells. Marks also help consumers identify the
source of goods and services and make informed
choices based on their experiences.
Trade names are not the same as trademarks or
service marks. Although many companies use
trade names as their marks, trade names are
corporate or business names.
The International Trademark Association (INTA)
has developed this guide to provide you with a few
easy-to-follow rules concerning proper mark use.
When referring to a mark, make sure you pass the
ACID” test of proper use:
dentication or Status
Trademarks and service marks are proper
adjectives. Not nouns. Not verbs. A mark should
always be used as an adjective qualifying a ge-
neric noun that denes the product or service. A
mark is a company brand name, not a product or
service itself. As adjectives, marks should not be
used as plurals or in the possessive form, unless
the mark itself is plural or possessive (such as
Use a XEROX brand copier
Please hand me a KLEENEX tissue
XEROX these copies
a ve-KLEENEX movie
Send the packages via FEDEX courier
Send the packages via EXPRESS MAIL service
I had four STARBUCKS lattes
Put on your RAY-BAN sunglasses
Send the FEDEXs
I drank four STARBUCKS
Put on your RAY-BANS
Are these important distinctions? Yes. Think of
the following: Elevator. Kerosene. Corn Flakes.
Each of these well-known product names was
once a famous trademark with rights exclusively
owned by a company. Today, due to misuse of
the marks, they are merely generic product
names in some jurisdictions with no accompany-
ing trademark/service mark rights. These “ghost-
marks” serve as historic and costly reminders of
what can happen to marks if the public comes to
regard a brand name as the generic name of a
In this context, please note another important
distinctiontrade names are proper nouns,
not adjectives. Consequently, trade names can
be used in the possessive form (for example,
“Reebok’s newest line of athletic shoes is for
children”) and need not be followed by generic
nouns that dene a product or service (for exam-
ple, “These athletic shoes are made by Reebok”).
Businesses use many styles to represent their
marks. Thus, it is important that your references
to a particular mark are accurate and consis-
tent, i.e., the mark should be represented the
same way each time. For example, if a mark
is represented in all capital letters, you should
consistently use all capital letters when refer-
encing that mark. This has the desired effect of
emphasizing that the term is indeed a trademark
or service mark, not merely another word in the
dentication or Status
To consistently identify trademarks and ser-
vice marks, a (mostly) international system of
demarcation or trademark notices has been
In most countries, the
symbol is recognized
as identifying an unregistered trademark. The
symbol is used to identify an unregistered
service mark (a mark used in connection with a
company’s services rather than with goods). Al-
though these symbols have no legal signicance,
their use does have the preventative effect of
indicating possible claims to trademark rights in
the designations with which they are used.
Most countries have also adopted the ® symbol
to identify a registered trademark or service
mark. Other proper forms of notice for registered
trademarks in the U.S. include: “Registered
in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Ofce” and
“Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.” Certain countries
have other symbols and designations, including
“Marca Registrada” or “MR” in some countries
where Spanish is the dominant language, and
“Marque Déposée,” “Marque de Commerce,”
or their abbreviations, “MD” and “MC,” in some
countries where French is the dominant lan-
guage. Demarcation practices vary from country
to country and, logically, marking should be in
the local language(s) or otherwise meaningful
to your readers and/or the people in the country
in which the products or services are advertised
and sold.
Generally, demarcation is not necessary for every
occurrence of a trademark or service mark in
an article, press release, advertisement or on a
website, etc; however, at a minimum, this identi-
cation should occur at least once in each piece,
either the rst time the mark is used or with the
most prominent use of the mark. When in doubt,
err on the side of “over-marking.”
® SM
Trademarks and service marks should be dis-
played in a different font or manner to distin-
guish them from surrounding text. In running
text, for example, trademarks are often distin-
guished by using all capital letters or italics. In
addition, the generic noun that identies the
product or service should be used immediately
after the trademark name at least once in each
separate written or broadcast communication, or
on each website, preferably the rst time that the
trademark appears in the material. Additional
emphasis can be given to trademarks by using
the word “brand” after the mark or by using one
of the acceptable symbols that indicate trade-
mark status, as mentioned in the “Identication”
section above.
KLEENEX tissues
Scotch brand transparent tape
Callaway golf clubs
About INTA
The International Trademark Association (INTA)
is a global association of brand owners and
professionals dedicated to supporting trademarks
and related intellectual property (IP) to foster
consumer trust, economic growth, and innovation.
Members include more than 7,200 trademark
owners, professionals, and academics from 187
countries, who benefit from the Association’s
global trademark resources, policy development,
education and training, and international network.
Founded in 1878, INTA is headquartered in New
York City, with offices in Brussels, Santiago,
Shanghai, Singapore, and Washington, D.C., and
representatives in Geneva and New Delhi. For
more information, visit inta.org.
INTA Resources
Available online, free of charge
Fact Sheets—get quick, clear answers to your
questions about trademarks.
International Trademark Association
675 Third Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10017, USA
t: +1-212-642
-1700 | F: +1-212-768-7796