The Complete Guide
to Simple OEE
Presented By:
EXOR / DataVisor Marquees
10150 International Blvd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
(513) 874 - 0900
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 2
Table of Contents:
DataVisor Marquees Vision………………………………………………………... Page 3
Definition of OEE………………………………………………………………….. Page 5
Simple OEE Terminology………………………………………………………….. Page 6
1. Availability
2. Performance
3. Quality
Loss Categories of Simple OEE……………………………………………………. Page 7
1. Down Time Losses
2. Speed Losses
3. Quality Losses
Major Losses Events Affecting Simple OEE……………………………………..... Page 8
Machine Breakdowns
2. Machine Adjustments/Setups
3. Machine Stops
4. Machine Reduced Speeds
5. Machine Start Up Bad Parts
6. Machine Production Bad Parts
Addressing & Improving the Major Loss Events of Simple OEE……………….... Page 9
Calculating Simple OEE………………………………………………………….. Page 10
The Simple OEE Formulas……………………………………………………….. Page 10
A Real Example of Calculating Simple OEE…………………………………….. Page 11
Defining World Class OEE……………………………………………………….. Page 12
Frequently Asked Questions about Simple OEE…………………………………. Page 13
Simple OEE Glossary of Terms…………………………………………………... Page 16
Getting Started with DataVisor Marquees………………………………………... Page 25
Who is DataVisor Marquees……………….……………………………………... Page 26
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 3
DataVisor Marquees Vision:
When manufacturing companies run up against capacity problems today, they
immediately look to increase overtime, add shifts, or purchase new equipment. Instead
they should look to optimize the performance of their existing machines to increase
equipment reliability, minimize changeover times, improve operator performance, and
lower overall downtime. All these investments can be made to increase capacity and will
pay greater dividends by allowing a manufacturing plant to spend its valuable time and
money on their manufacturing process instead of new machine purchases.
The question is “How can a manufacturing company optimize the performance of their
existing equipment?” The answer is Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). OEE is
an effective tool to benchmark, analyze, and improve your production process. The OEE
tool gives you the ability to measure your machines for productivity improvements. OEE
not only measures these inefficiencies but groups them into three categories to help you
analyze the machine and have a better understanding of the manufacturing process.
Here is a list of common concerns of many manufacturing companies:
Reducing Bottlenecks – Increase Throughput
Implementing Machine Operator Training
Reducing Machine Setup Time
Improving Machine Reliability – Implement Preventive Maintenance
Maximizing Optimal Run Rates and Capacity
Eliminating Down Time – Provide Down Time Reason Codes
Putting this tool in place to address these concerns and improve the manufacturing
process can be very time consuming and costly. DataVisor Marquees has designed a
system called the Production Marquee to help with this process. The Production
Marquee allows the whole plant to be involved in the process of improving OEE. From
the machine operator to the production manager to the plant manager, this production
monitoring solution visualizes information that can help everyone recommend solutions.
The bottom line for all employees should be to reduce production losses and build
profitable products.
The Production Marquee provides production managers and machine operators with the
necessary real time information to make crucial decisions about the effectiveness of the
production process. Machine operators get a first hand look at the production process
and the key information of the machine by viewing the data on the Production Marquee.
Instead of manually recording this data for end of shift results, the machine operator can
monitor, analyze, and improve their process in real time throughout the day.
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 4
A truly comprehensive OEE solution will provide machine operators and production
managers with continual line notification and control so that actions can be taken to
prevent events that can result in downtime, slower cycle speeds, and poor product quality.
This system should also provide a way for operators to capture codes or comments about
the production process to review and analyze later during root cause analysis meetings.
The Production Marquee provides all these features to help implement a Simple OEE
Knowledge is imperative for survival in this global economy. Measuring the efficiencies
of your machine operators and equipment can yield significant results for your company.
Get to know what motivates your team and the efficiency metrics of other companies
within your industry. Compare your production data to World Class OEE and see if
implementing this Simple OEE tool can achieve and maintain better results with your
machine productivity.
We call it Simple OEE because of the design of the self contained Production Marquee.
With no software to install and the data source formulas programmed into the marquee,
all you have to do is select the functionality of the application from drop down menus.
You provide the inputs, select the data sources and the Production Marquee will take care
of the rest. It’s that simple. Simple OEE.
DataVisor Marquees invites you to take the time to read this guide to understand Simple
OEE and how to implement this tool in your facility. After reading our Complete Guide
to Simple OEE” you will have a better understanding of Simple OEE and how we can
help you visualize, monitor, and collect OEE data in your plant with the Production
Production Marquee (Part # PM-0420-T)
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 5
Definition of OEE:
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a way to monitor and improve the efficiency
of your manufacturing process. Developed in the mid 1990’s, OEE has become an
accepted management tool to measure and evaluate plant floor productivity. OEE is
broken down into three measuring metrics of Availability, Performance, and Quality.
These metrics help gauge your plant’s efficiency and effectiveness and categorize these
key productivity losses that occur within the manufacturing process. OEE empowers
manufacturing companies to improve their processes and in turn ensure quality,
consistency, and productivity measured at the bottom line.
By definition, OEE is the calculation of Availability, Performance, and Quality.
OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality
Metric 1: Availability
Availability = Run Time / Total Time
By Definition:
Percentage of the actual amount of production time the machine is running
to the production time the machine is available.
Simple OEE: The total run time of the machine subtracting all unplanned downtime.
Metric 2: Performance
Performance = Total Count / Target Counter
y Definition: Percentage of total parts produced on the machine to the production rate of
Simple OEE: How well a machine is running when it is running.
Metric 3: Quality
Quality = Good Count / Total Count
By Definition: Percentage of good parts out of the total parts produced on the machine.
Simple OEE: How many good parts versus bad parts a machine has produced.
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 6
Simple OEE Terminology:
This section describes the various plant manufacturing terms that make up Simple OEE
and the three metric values (Availability, Performance, Quality) used in the calculation
of Simple OEE.
(1) RUN TIME (Availability Metric) - The total production time that the machine has
been running and producing parts.
(2) SETUP TIME (Availability Metric) - The period of time on the machine required for
an operator to perform all the necessary tasks to produce the first good part.
(3) DOWN TIME (Availability Metric) - The period of time the machine is not available
for production due to maintenance or breakdown
(4) TOTAL TIME (Availability Metric) - The total accumulated machine time of Run
Time + Down Time + Setup Time.
(5) TARGET COUNTER (Performance Metric) - the number of parts or cycles that
should be completed at a particular point within the shift, day, or production run.
(6) TOTAL COUNT (Performance & Quality Metric) - The total number of parts, good
and bad, that are produced on a machine.
(7) GOOD COUNT (Quality Metric) - The input count for any part produced to
manufacturing specifications on the machine.
(8) AVAILABILITY = Run Time / Total Time
(9) PERFORMANCE = Total Count / Target Counter
(10) QUALITY = Good Count / Total Count
Simple OEE begins with Planned Machine Run Time and with reductions from the three
metrics, Availability (Downtime Losses), Performance (Speed Losses), and Quality
(Quality Losses) determines the Final Machine Run Time.
Availability takes into consideration any Down Time Losses
Performance takes into consideration any Speed Losses
Quality takes into consideration any Quality Losses
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 7
Loss Categories of Simple OEE:
On the previous page, we explained that the three Loss Categories reduce the Planned
Run Time of the machine. Listed below in Table 1 are the three Loss Categories (Down
Time, Speed, and Quality) of Simple OEE and examples of events that can occur in a
production process of a machine to reduce productivity. These Loss Categories
contribute to lowering the overall Simple OEE value of the machine.
Simple OEE
Loss Category
Simple OEE Metric Loss Category Examples
Down Time Losses Availability
1. Equipment Failures
2. Tooling Damage
3. Unplanned Maintenance
4. Process Warm Up
5. Machine Changeovers
6. Material Shortage
Speed Losses Performance
1. Product Misfeeds
2. Component Jams
3. Product Flow Stoppage
4. Level of Machine Operator Training
5. Equipment Age
6. Tooling Wear
Quality Losses Quality
1. Tolerance Adjustments
2. Warm Up Process
3. Damage
4. Assembled Incorrectly
5. Rejects
6. Rework
Table 1 (Loss Categories)
100% Availability = No Down Time Losses
- Machine has been running without any recordable stops
100% Performance = No Speed Losses
- Machine has been running at the maximum speed (target counter)
100% Quality = No Quality Losses
- Machine has not produced any bad parts (bad/reject/rework)
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 8
Major Loss Events Affecting Simple OEE:
There are many events within a manufacturing process that can affect Simple OEE. The
major goal behind a Simple OEE program is to minimize or reduce the causes of
inefficiency in the manufacturing environment. Below in Table 2 is a list of the Major
Loss Events that commonly occur to decrease the productivity and efficiency of a
machine and the Loss Category associated with the Simple OEE Metric.
Major Loss Event OEE Metric
Example of Loss Category
Availability Down Time
Equipment Failures, Tooling Damage, Unplanned
Availability Down Time
Process Warm Up, Machine Changeovers, Material
Performance Speed
Product Misfeeds, Component Jams, Product Flow
Reduced Speeds
Performance Speed
Level of Machine Operator Training, Equipment Age,
Tooling Wear
Machine Startup
Bad Parts
Quality Quality Tolerance Adjustments, Warm Up Process, Damage
Machine Production
Bad Parts
Quality Quality Assembled Incorrectly, Rejects, Rework
Table 2 (Major Loss Events)
1) Downtime Losses are events requiring maintenance
- Machine Breakdowns
- Machine Adjustments/Setups
2) Performance Losses are events not requiring maintenance
- Machine Stops
- Machine Reduced Speeds
3) Quality Losses are rejects occurring during initial startup & full production runs
- Machine Startup Bad Parts
- Machine Production Bad Parts
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 9
Addressing & Improving the Major Loss Events of Simple OEE:
Breaking your Simple OEE data up into the three metrics helps monitor and analyze the
data. If you can improve your Simple OEE numbers you will improve your machine’s
productivity. Listed below are the six Major Loss Events we outlined on the previous
page that affect Simple OEE and steps to help reduce these events to increase your
overall machine’s productivity. The overall goal of the Simple OEE tool is to reduce or
eliminate these Major Loss Events.
(1) Machine Breakdowns (events reducing availability
To improve Simple OEE, you must eliminate unplanned downtime. Downtime is the
most critical factor to improving Simple OEE because when the process is not running
you cannot address other metrics. Supplying downtime reason codes will help you
monitor and specify a particular source for later evaluation using Root Cause Analysis.
(2) Machine Adjustments/Setups (events reducing avai
Tracking machine setup time is important to improving Simple OEE. This time could
include warm up time to consistently produce quality parts or reducing the time it takes to
exchange tooling/dies. Implementing S.M.E.D. (Single Minute Exchange of Die)
programs will reduce setup times.
(3) Machine Stops (events reducing performance)
Minimizing machine stops such as product misfeeds and component jams will help
improve performance. These stops are typically under five minutes and don’t require
maintenance to be called to the process. Train your machine operators to handle these
events that occur on the machine.
(4) Machine Reduced Speeds (events reducing performa
Benchmarking your machine’s Target Counter will help determine the theoretical
maximum speed of the machine. Understanding the machines Ideal Run Rate (Target
Counter) then categorizing the data will help with your analysis. Monitoring the data will
help understand events such as tooling wear, design capacity, and the training level of the
operator running the machine.
(5) Machine Startup – Bad Parts (events reducing quality)
Your machine may produce bad product during the initial startup of the process.
Tracking these rejects from the machine will help pinpoint potential causes that can be
monitored and reviewed. Machine tolerances and temperature adjustments can be made.
(6) Machine Production – Bad Parts (events reducing quality)
Eliminating bad parts/rejects are essential for all manufacturing machines after the initial
start up of the process. Tracking these bad parts will help you monitor the data to
discover possible patterns or causes in the manufacturing process.
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 10
Calculating Simple OEE:
Simple OEE begins with Planned Machine Run Time and measures the productivity of
the machine. With reductions from Losses of the Down Time, Speed, and Quality
categories, the formula calculates the Final Machine Run Time of the machine.
The OEE metric Availability takes into account any Down Time Losses.
The OEE metric Performance takes into account any Speed Losses.
The OEE metric Quality takes into account any Quality Losses.
Planned Machine Run Time
- Reductions from down time losses (machine breakdown, setup time, material shortage)
- Reductions from speed losses (operator inefficiencies, part jams, machine wear)
- Reductions from quality losses (bad, reject, rework, startup scrap, assembled wrong)
= Final Machine Run Time
The overall goal of OEE is to maximize the Final Machine Run Time
Again, here are the formulas that make up Simple OEE:
Simple OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality
vailability = Run Time / Total Time
Performance = Total Count / Target Counter
Quality = Good Count / Total Count
Also, Simple OEE can be defined as:
Simple OEE = Final Machine Run Time / Planned Machine Run Time
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 11
A Real Example of Calculating Simple OEE:
Below in Table 3 is an example of real machine production data to help you understand
the concept of OEE and the calculation of this data. This example will show the
calculation of Simple OEE and the Simple OEE Metrics of Availability, Performance,
and Quality.
Machine Data Values
Shift Length (8 hours) 480 minutes
Run Time 375 minutes
Breaks 60 minutes
Setup Time 15 minutes
Down Time 30 minutes
Total Time 420 minutes
Ideal Cycle Time 1 part every 63 secs
Total Count 360
Good Count 355
Target Counter 400
Table 3 (Machine Production Data)
Production Data (Calculated Values from Production Marquee) Data Source
Run Time
375 Total Production Minutes per Shift Run Time
Break Times
60 Total Break Minutes per Shift Run Time
Down Time
30 Total Downtime Minutes per Shift Down Time
Setup Time
15 Total Setup Minutes per Shift Setup Time
Total Count
360 Total Parts Produced per Shift Total Count
Good Count
355 Good Parts Produced per Shift Bad Count
Target Counter
400 Expected Parts per Shift Target Counter
Process Data Formula Result
Run Time
Total Production Time of the Machine
Total Time
Down Time + Run Time + Setup Time 420
Good Count
Total Good Parts Produced on the Machine 355
OEE Variables Formula Result
Run Time / Total Time (375 / 420) 89.29%
Total Count / Target Counter (360 / 400) 90.00%
Good Count / Total Count (355 / 360) 98.61%
Simple OEE
Availability x Performance x Quality
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 12
The Target Counter interval period or Ideal Cycle Time = 1 part every 63 seconds
(400 parts should be produced in 420 total minutes of the machine)
If downtime is reduced by 15 minutes (900 seconds), the machine could
produce 14 more parts. (900 seconds x 1 part / 63 seconds = 14 parts)
Availability improves to (389/420) = 92.62%
Performance improves to (374/400) = 93.50%
Quality improves to (369/374) = 98.66%
Simple OEE improves to (.9262 x .9350 x .9866) = 85.44%
Reducing your downtime by 15 minutes in this example produced a 6% increase in
Simple OEE. Downtime is the most critical factor to improving Simple OEE because
when the process is not running you cannot address other metrics.
Many manufacturing companies have capacity constraints and consider adding overtime,
hiring new workers, or buying new equipment. The bottom line is a modest investment
to optimize the performance of their existing machines may outweigh the major
investment to purchase new equipment. By reducing down time, minimizing setup time,
and improving operator performance, a manufacturing company can unleash hidden
capacity and benefit from monitoring Simple OEE data.
Below in Table 4 lists the World Class Goals for each metric you are trying to measure.
The average OEE value in manufacturing plants is 60%. World Class standards for OEE
metrics are Availability 90%, Performance 95%, Quality 99.9%, and OEE 85%. Measure
the OEE data from your machine and see how you compete with the “World Class”.
OEE Metric World Class Value
QUALITY 99.90%
OEE 85.00%
Table 4 (World Class Goals)
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 13
Frequently Asked Questions about Simple OEE:
1) Are Simple OEE metric values subject to misinterpretation?
Yes. You should look for these Simple OEE metrics to help you monitor the
machine to minimize losses and eliminate bottlenecks in your process. Simple
OEE data does not supply you with the best decision to make an improvement or
how much it will cost to make these changes. But, Simple OEE data is very useful
in your efforts to improve the process of your machine by separating data into the
three metrics of Availability, Performance, and Quality.
2) Can Simple OEE create political differences at the management level?
Yes. Sometimes this misinterpreted data can be used for political purposes rather
than working to improve the overall productivity of the machine. The important
concept to keep in mind is to produce more quality parts with reduced downtime
and less waste. As with the measurement of any number, make sure you have a
clear plan that will deliver a result. This will help you create a plan to incentivize
your machine operators to maximize the productivity of the equipment.
3) Can Simple OEE help management enable machine operators?
Yes. The real value of Simple OEE is providing management and machine
operators the ability to make systematic improvements to the process of the
machine. The concept of Simple OEE is to put this information in terms that are
easily understood and keep the machine operator informed with visual data on the
manufacturing plant floor.
4) Are Simple OEE metric values defined in numbers of parts or units or time?
The answer is to use the unit of measure that you best understand. Availability is
usually described in hours and minutes, Performance in parts per minute or hour,
and quality as the ratio of good product to total production. All of these metrics
are converted to the percentage (%) of the actual versus potential in the Simple
OEE calculations.
5) What sample time period should I use for my Simple OEE test?
The Simple OEE sample time period can be any period of time. Usually, it is set
on the working cycle of the machine. One shift equals 8 hours or 480 minutes.
Some other sample periods could include 10 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, the job or
part number, or continual monitoring.
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 14
6) Do the Simple OEE metric calculations of a machine represent a magical
No. The strength of Simple OEE is that it gives you four metric numbers. These
numbers can be used individually to make decisions as your machine process
changes from day to day. The Simple OEE metrics help you visualize the total
resources of your manufacturing process as it relates to what the machine actually
produced. If your machine produces these Simple OEE metric numbers:
Availability 90%, Performance 85%, Quality 99%, Simple OEE = 76% only you
can decide if these numbers are good or bad. However, if your machine produced
these Simple OEE metric numbers: Availability 98%, Performance 85%, Quality
91%, Simple OEE = 76% are these numbers any better. The Simple OEE metric
stayed the same but is the drop in quality worth the improvement in availability.
Most manufacturers always try to improve quality so they would consider this to
be an unacceptable tradeoff.
7) Is it possible to have to have a Simple OEE metric exceed 100%?
No. If your Simple OEE metrics (Availability, Performance, Quality, Simple
OEE) are greater than 100%, you are not defining something in your process
correctly. You are probably underestimating the capacity of a process when you
input your machine parameters. Most commonly, the Performance metric has not
been correctly calculated when determining your Ideal Cycle Time (Target
Counter Value) of your process.
8) What defines if a machine is producing parts (running)?
For the purpose of measuring productivity, the Simple OEE metric needs to know
if the machine is producing product, even if this product is good or bad. If the
machine is scheduled for production (not in break or planned maintenance), the
production clock is running and the machine is considered producing parts.
9) How do you determine the Ideal Cycle Speed (Target Counter Value) of your
If the “nameplate capacity” of the machine is available from the equipment
manufacturer, this would give you the capacity data for that particular machine.
If this data is unavailable, you should perform machine calculations to measure
the cycle times and rates of the machine. These numbers will give you a starting
point but may vary depending on machine age and operator training. Take
measurements, experiment, and calculate your own Ideal Cycle Speed (Target
Counter Value).
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 15
10) Are reworked parts counted as good or bad parts in the Simple OEE
In the Simple OEE calculation, any part that comes out of the machine not
manufactured to specifications the first time is considered a bad (reject) part. This
is a production problem that exists at the machine and needs to be addressed by
management. You need to implement a production practice for improving
original part quality versus reworking bad parts.
11) If I have multiple machines in a group cell, which machine should you base
my Ideal Cycle Time (Target Counter Value) on?
Your Ideal Cycle Time (Target Counter Value) should be based on the fastest
machine of the group cell. Typically, most machines in a group cell are designed
to produce product at the same rate. Using the fastest stage as your target, forces
you to recognize the bottlenecks and work on improving the process of product
flow in the machine.
12) If my machine is running during a scheduled break, is this break time
factored into machine availability?
If the machine is producing parts, then regardless if that machine operator is or is
not on break Simple OEE considers this to be part of the machine runtime and is
factored into machine availability.
13) Does preventive maintenance downtime penalize the Simple OEE
performance calculation?
If the preventive maintenance occurs during actual production time rather than
during planned shutdown, you are interfering with machine production and should
count this downtime in the Simple OEE Performance metric. Monitoring
downtime and supplying a reason code will help us monitor and measure if this
scheduled maintenance will result in less overall downtime due to fewer surprises
and more efficient machines than losing production when maintenance is called to
the machine.
14) How do I optimize my data collection to make OEE, simple OEE?
Automate your OEE data collection and collect your plant information in real
time by installing Production Marquees. Production data is not very useful if you
see it in a printout tomorrow in the production office or don’t visualize it on the
plant floor. With this real time plant information, management and machine
operators can react to the information and alarms displayed on the plant floor and
monitor and collect the Simple OEE metrics anywhere within your manufacturing
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 16
Simple OEE Glossary of Terms:
One of the three Simple OEE metrics. This is the possible production time after all
downtime losses (machine breakdowns, machine adjustments/setup) are subtracted.
Bad Count
The input count for any part not produced to manufacturing specifications. (bad/reject)
Balanced Production
When a manufacturing process produces exactly what the product demand is. Takt time
is the measurement used most often to determine if a manufacturing process is balanced.
A comparison tool used to determine the level of product, process, growth, or other
successes your manufacturing plant is experiencing when compared to similar companies
with similar processes and products. Used to identify a company’s strengths and
weaknesses compared to their competitors and make necessary adjustments.
Best Practices
Repeatable procedures that over time prove to be the most efficient and effective way of
accomplishing a task. Successful companies use to develop a standard of measuring.
The slowest operation or choke point in a manufacturing process or machine.
The maximum amount a machine, system, or process can produce.
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 17
Changeover Time
Time lost on a machine due to swapping out material, tooling, connections, or equipment.
Switching from producing one product to a new product on a machine. This process may
involve replacing dies or removing unused materials. In Lean Manufacturing terms
changeovers are accomplished through S.M.E.D. (Single Minute Exchange of Die)
programs which strive to accomplish a complete changeover in under ten minutes.
Continuous Improvement
The ongoing process of trying to do things better, faster, and less expensive.
Cycle Time
The time to produce one part or one repetition of a particular task on a machine.
Cycle Time Analysis
Tool used to determine cycle times of a machine and a way to understand the events that
affect the Performance metric of Simple OEE.
Down Time
The period of time the machine is not available for production due to maintenance or
Down Time Loss
Any production time lost due to unplanned shutdowns. One of the three Simple OEE
Loss Categories which reduces the Simple OEE metric, Availability.
Down Time Reason Codes
Available codes to select that explain why a machine is down or not producing parts.
These codes help to attribute the specific source or reason to why the machine is down
and can be monitored and collected to analyze the production process. With down time
reason codes, Root Cause Analysis can be applied to start determining Down Time
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 18
Giving employees more authority, accountability, and responsibility to affect their work
place and improve their daily lifestyle. Many of the best manufacturing companies invest
in Simple OEE programs that empower an individual to be more productive.
External Setup
The steps and procedures you can perform while the machine is still running that
facilitate the S.M.E.D. (Single Minute Exchange of Die) process.
In Simple OEE, an event is a production loss which occurs on a machine that is
Final Machine Run Time
The actual production time of the machine after subtracting all Losses (Downtime, Speed,
Quality). This is what Simple OEE measures – your machine’s real efficiency.
A measurable objective a machine intends to achieve within a specific period of time.
S.M.A.R.T. Goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.
Good Count
The input count for any part produced to manufacturing specifications. These parts meet
quality standards without any rework. Good count is used to calculate Simple OEE
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 19
A Japanese term for “improvement”. A Japanese philosophy that implements the Lean
Manufacturing tools used to effect improvements in the manufacturing process. This
approach is to motivate employees plant wide to become involved in the evolution and
improvement of all functions of the business by eliminating waste.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
KPI’s refer to a list of measurable parameters that will indicate how well a manufacturing
plant is doing at attaining goals. Availability, Performance, Quality, and Simple OEE are
all KPI’s that a manufacturing plant would like to measure. The Production Marquee has
these plus 25 more KPI’s built into the product for your easy implementation.
Lean Manufacturing
A manufacturing system that strives to relentlessly eliminate waste from its operations.
Lean Manufacturing strives to produce products that are on time and use as few resources
as possible. The Simple OEE metric is a key tool in Lean Manufacturing programs.
Lean Manufacturing includes many manufacturing improvement tools such as S.M.E.D,
TPM, 5S, and Kanban. Lean Manufacturing empowers and motivates employees to
engage in activities to better their respective companies.
Machine Adjustments/Setups
One of the Major Loss Events. Machine Adjustment/Setups is the time lost on the
machine due to configuring equipment. Setup and machine changeovers contribute to
Simple OEE Downtime Losses and reduce the Simple OEE metric, Availability.
Tracking machine setup time is critical in reducing this Downtime Loss.
Machine Breakdowns
One of the Major Loss Events. Machine Breakdowns is the time lost on a machine due to
equipment failure. Machine Breakdowns contribute to Simple OEE Downtime Losses
and reduce the Simple OEE metric, Availability.
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The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 20
Machine Production Bad Parts
One of the Major Loss Events. Manufactured parts which did not meet quality
specifications. These bad parts or rejects were produced during the steady state
production of the machine. Machine Production Bad Parts contribute to Quality Losses
and reduce the Simple OEE metric, Quality.
Machine Reduced Speeds
One of the Major Loss Events. Machine cycle where the process is running but at a
slower than expected rate. Machine Reduced Speeds contribute to Simple OEE Speed
Losses and reduce the Simple OEE metric, Performance.
Machine Startup Bad Parts
One of the Major Loss Events. Bad parts produced while the machine is adjusted for
production. Machine Start Up Bad Parts contribute to Speed Losses and reduce the
Simple OEE metric, Quality.
Machine Stops
One of the Major Loss Events. A Machine Stop is a pause in production typically less
than five minutes. It is usually not long enough to be tracked as downtime. Machine
Stops contribute to Speed Losses and reduce the Simple OEE metric, Performance.
Machine State
The active state of the machine. The machine state can be run, jog, setup, or down.
Major Loss Events
The categories of production losses that are most prevalent in the manufacturing process.
Machine Breakdowns, Machine Adjustments/Setups, Machine Stops, Machine Reduced
Speeds, Machine Startup Bad Parts, and Machine Production Bad Parts make up the
Major Loss Events. The Simple OEE metrics help isolate these six different Major Loss
Events to help you address them each individually and improve your process.
Material Shortage
A condition causing a machine to be down from being out of parts or the materials
needed to make that part. The machine cannot continue to produce product until the
material flow has been corrected. A downtime reason code can be associated with this
condition and displayed on the Production Marquee for plant wide notification.
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 21
Nameplate Capacity
The design capacity of the machine or its manufacturing process.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
The key measurement in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Simple OEE is the
essential measurement for determining the efficiency and effectiveness of your process.
By breaking down Simple OEE into the three key metrics Availability, Performance, and
Quality, you can measure and analyze a problem with the machine and provide
improvements to fix the manufacturing process and benchmark your progress.
(Formula) Simple OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality
Availability: Actual production time left after subtracting all planned downtime.
Performance: How well the machine was running when it was running.
Quality: How many good parts versus bad parts the machine has produced.
OEE Metrics:
The three components of Simple OEE: Availability, Performance, and Quality. Focusing
on these three metrics is sometimes more important than the final calculated Simple OEE
OEE Losses
The three types of Productivity Losses (Downtime Losses, Speed Losses, and Quality
Losses) associated with the three Simple OEE metrics.
One of the three Simple OEE metrics. Performance is the rate at which a machine
converts available time into product. Performance tells us how well the machine was
running, when it was running. Performance takes into account all the factors (Speed
Losses) that cause the machine to operate at less than the maximum speed.
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 22
Planned Machine Run Time
The total run time that the machine is expected to produce parts.
Planned Shutdown
Unproductive time on a machine that is deliberately scheduled. Planned shutdown on a
machine is excluded from the Simple OEE calculation.
Plant Operating Time
The time that a manufacturing plant is open and the machine is capable of operation.
One of the three Simple OEE metrics. Measured in the Simple OEE metric by tracking
rejected parts. Quality takes into account bad parts (Quality Losses) that do not meet
quality standards.
Quality Loss
Quality loss is the percentage of pieces that do not meet quality standards. One of the
three Simple OEE Loss Categories which reduces the Simple OEE metric, Quality.
Reject Parts
Product produced on the machine that do not meet quality specifications.
Rework Parts
A category of rejected parts that can be remanufactured into good parts. The Simple
OEE calculation does not make the distinction between reworked parts and bad parts that
are scrapped and thrown away.
Run Time
The total amount of production time that a machine has been producing parts.
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 23
Scheduled Downtime
The period of time that a machine is not performing its intended function due to planned
downtime events. Preventive maintenance and machine production tests are a few of the
more common types of scheduled downtime.
Setup Time
The period of time on a machine required for an operator to perform all the necessary
tasks to produce the first good part.
Simple OEE
DataVisor Marquees easy way of implementing OEE and calculating the Availability,
Performance, and Quality metrics of your manufacturing process.
Single Minute Exchange of Die (S.M.E.D.)
A Lean Manufacturing tool used to quickly change a machine over from producing a
specific part or product to producing a different part or product. This program is used to
help reduce setup time on the machine. This setup time can be exchanging dies or
mechanical structures, but also include changing material thickness, color, or type.
Speed Loss
Any production time lost due to machine running below maximum speed. One of the
three Simple OEE Loss Categories which reduces the Simple OEE metric, Performance.
Takt Time
The production rate of the machine that matches the rate of sales or consumption. Takt
time is a German word meaning measure. In its purest sense, takt time is used to produce
exactly what the customer will consume. Knowing what your takt time is for a specific
product will help you understand the machine’s ideal cycle time (target counter) to meet
your customer’s demand.
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 24
Target Counter
The target counter is also referred to as Takt time or calculated target of the machine.
The target counter illustrates to the machine operator the number of parts or cycles that
should be completed at a particular point within the shift, day, or production run. The
target counter is a variable within the marquee that increases its value based on a set time
Total Count
The total number of parts, good and bad, that are produced on a machine. Total Count is
used in calculating the Simple OEE metric, Quality.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
An equipment maintenance system that addresses maintenance issues that cause
equipment downtime before they become major problems with the machine. TPM
includes scheduling maintenance on a regular basis to allow for more proactive and
preventive maintenance on the machine. A solid TPM program plans your machine
downtime and keeps breakdowns to a minimum.
Total Time
The total accumulated machine time of Run Time + Down Time + Setup Time. Total
Time is used in calculating the Simple OEE metric, Performance.
World Class OEE
A measured OEE percentage of 85% or greater is known as World Class OEE. World
Class OEE is the metric to compare current equipment performance to world class
performance. World Class figures of OEE also include Availability of 90%, Performance
of 95%, and Quality of 99.9%. Studies throughout the world indicate that the average
OEE value in manufacturing plants is 60%.
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 25
Getting Started with DataVisor Marquees:
DataVisor Marquees has built the Production Marquee Series that combines a visual
display with ethernet communications, digital I/O, and web server technology integrated
into one self contained package. With no software to install and the data source
formulas programmed into the marquee, all you have to do is select the functionality of
the application from drop down menus. Setup and monitoring of this real time production
data is as simple as opening a web browser and entering the IP address of the marquee
display. Imagine real time plant floor production data monitored and collected anywhere
within your facility. Just supply two inputs, enter your target counter value and cycle time
and the Simple OEE calculation is displayed, monitored, and collected by simply
choosing OEE as the data source. Additionally, you can select your Goal, Break
Schedule, and other Production Data Sources that are important to view and monitor from
your production process.
Production Marquee (Part # PM-0420-T)
Below Table 5 lists the functionality of the Production Marquee. You provide the inputs;
select the data sources and the Production Marquee will take care of the rest. Its that
simple. Simple OEE.
Customer Selects DataVisor Marquees Displays, Monitors, and Collects Data Source / Web Tab
One Input Availability, Total Count, % Complete, Rate, Cycle Times, Run Time, Down Time Total Count
Second Input Quality, Bad Count, % Bad Bad Count
Target Counter Value Performance, OEE, Pace, % of Pace Target Counter
Takt Time Interval Target Counter, Takt Time Remaining, Takt Time Elapsed Count / Rate / OEE
Target/Goal Goal, % Complete, Pieces to Goal Goal
Run Input Monitor Down Time and Run Time Down Time
Setup Input Monitor Setup or User Time Setup Time
Call Inputs Display Override Messages along with Timer Values Override Messages
Break Schedule Select Break Times and Lunch Break Times Break and Down Times
Table 5 (Functionality of the Production Marquee)
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480
The Complete Guide to Simple OEE Page 26
Who is DataVisor Marquees?:
DataVisor Marquees is an engineering company designing, programming, and
manufacturing visual displays and marquee scoreboards to help improve machine
productivity within manufacturing facilities. DataVisor Marquees sells their products
through distribution allowing product knowledge, application assistance, and technical
support to be available at your local plant level.
Whatever your needs - reducing downtime, increasing productivity, or improving quality,
DataVisor Marquees can help you reach the goal.
Here is a list of “Benefits” when implementing the Production Marquee:
Inform & motivate plant personnel
Display important key performance indicators (KPI’s)
Monitor your real-time production data anywhere in the world
Collect production data to evaluate your process
Minimize downtime and setup costs
Reduce material scrap through alarms and monitoring
Alert with early warnings of change in production process
Replace whiteboard style monitoring and data collection
Our goal is to make OEE simple and affordable so that every manufacturing company
can implement this Simple OEE tool as widely as world class companies.
Here is our contact information about DataVisor Marquees. Call or visit our website to
learn more about our product offering or to have a sales engineer visit your plant.
Contact Us:
Exor / DataVisor Marquees
10150 International Blvd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne Motion Control Hydraulic Pneumatic Electrical Mechanical (800) 426-5480