Alive, Awake, Alert, Enthusiastic
(This song is an awesome song to sing in the morning at camp to wake everyone up. But you
better be ready to run, because I can guarantee that SOMEONE will come try to make you
stop singing!)
I'm alive, awake, alert and enthusiastic
I'm alive, awake, alert and enthusiastic
I'm alive, awake, alert, I'm alert, awake, alive
I'm alive, awake, alert and enthusiastic
(I’m dead, asleep, inert and slightly spastic: A great alternative, when you feel like
competing with someone who’s singing “Alive, Awake…”
A Freezing Tent
(to the tune of a ram sam sam)
A freezing tent, a freezing tent,
The rain is coming down in a freezing tent. (repeat)
Wet blankets, wet blankets, / The rain is coming down in a freezing tent. (repeat)
My shoes are wet my shoes are wet/ the rain put our campfire out (repeat)
There’s thunder and lightning / and my shoes are wet in my freezing tent
I am sick now I am sick now / ‘Cause I had to sleep in a freezing tent (repeat)
I’m leaving I’m leaving/ ‘Cause I’m sick from sleeping in a freezing tent!
(This is a repeat song. Repeat each line as it appears)
The alligator is my friend
He can be your friend too
If only you would understand
That he has feelings too
Alligator , Allllllligator,
AAAAAAAALLLLLLIGATOR (this last one, you hold as long as you can)
He can be a friend, be a friend, be a friend, too
The alligator is my friend
He can be your friend too
I'd rather have him as my friend
Than have him as a shoe
The alligator is my friend
He likes to wink and flirt
I'd rather have him as my friend
Than wear him as a shirt
The alligator is my friend
He likes to help the earth
I'd rather have him as my friend
Than have him as a purse
The alligator ate my friend
He can eat your friend too
If only you would understand
That he has hunger too!
Alphabet Song
A- You're an amazon,
B- You're a buffalo,
C- You're a cantaloupe with arms
D- You're a dragon's head
E- You're an elephant
F- You're a freak in my arms
G- You're so good to me
H- You're so homely
I- You're an ickybickyboo
J- You're a jelly bean
K- You're a kidney bean
L- You're a lima bean too
M, N, O, P, I could go on and on.
Q, R, S, T Alphabetly speaking, you disgust me.
U wear no underwear,
V- You're a vomit head
W, X, Y, Z. It's so fun to go through, the alphabet with you.
Especially since you nauseate me.
Animal Fair
We went to the animal fair, the birds and the beasts were there,
The big baboon by the light of the moon was combing his auburn hair.
The monkey, he got drunk, and fell on the elephants trunk,
The elephant sneezed and fell on his knees,
And that was the end of the monk! (The monk, the monk, the . . . etc.)
Alle la la la la le luh yah
Alla la la la la le luh yah
Alla la la la le luh yah
Alla la la la la le luh yah
Alla la la la le …. Le luh yah
Hug a friend, hug a friend next to you
Hug a friend and sing this song
Hug a friend, hug a friend next to you
Hug a friend and sing …. Sing along
-clap a hand / punch a shoulder / kiss a cheek / rub a nose / shake a hand / untie a shoe /
tie a shoe / pat a head /
Announcements, announcements, announcements
When you’re up, you’re up
When you’re down, you’re down
But when you’re only halfway up
You’re neither up nor down
Announcements, announcements, announcements
Mary had a little lamb,
Little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was white as snow
Announcements, announcements, announcements
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty back together again!
Announcements, announcements, announcements
A terrible death to die
A terrible death to die
A terrible death to be talked to death
A terrible death to die
Announcements, announcements, announcements
Interruptions, super interruptions
Interruptions! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
** “Interruptions” is always last verse. This song is fun for large gatherings. When some one
stands up to say, “I have an announcement,” you start singing as many verses as you know.
Bananas Unite!
Bananas Unite!! (Shouted)
Motions: Start with hands together above head and gradually bring down (like a banana
Peel bananas
Peel. Peel bananas
Peel bananas
Peel. Peel bananas
Twist hips and feet like squishing something on the floor
Squish bananas
Squish. Squish bananas
Squish bananas
Squish. Squish bananas
Jump on the thing on the floor
Stomp bananas
Stomp. Stomp bananas
Stomp bananas
Stomp. Stomp bananas
Do small weird dance
Go bananas
Go. Go bananas
Go bananas
Go. Go bananas
Banjo Song, The
I u-lu-lused to play-lay-lay on my-ly-ly banjo-lo-lo
But my-ly-ly banjo-lo-lo got bro-lo-lo-lo-loke
I to-lo-look it too-loo-loo a ba-la-lanjo sho-lo-lop
But the ba-la-lanjo sho-lo-lop was clo-lo-lo-lo-losed.
I to-lo-look it too-loo-loo ano-lo-lother sho-lo-lop
To see-lee-lee what they-ley-ley could do-lo-lo-lo-lo.
They fi-li-lixed the stri-li-lings on my-ly-ly banjo-lo-lo
And now-low-low its as goo-lo-lood as new-lew-lew-lew-lew.
Bean Song
My dog, ____ likes to roam, one day ____ left his home. He/She came back quite unclean,
where oh were has ____ been? (pronounced like 'bean'). ____ bean, ____ bean, where oh
where has ____ bean?
(In this song, you keep singing it as many times as you want, every time substitution in a
different type of bean.)
Billboard Song
As I was walking down the street one dark and dreary day,
I came upon a billboard, and much to my dismay,
The sign was torn and tattered from the storm the night before
The wind and rain had done its job, and this is what I saw:
Smoke Coca Cola cigarettes, drink Wrigley's spearmint beer.
Cantle ration dog food makes the worst complexion clear.
Simonize your baby with a Hershey's candy bar
And Texaco's a beauty cream that's used by all the stars.
So take your next vacation in the brand new Frigid Air,
Learn to play the piano in your winter underwear.
Doctors say that babies should smoke 'til they are three,
And people over 65 should bathe in Lipton Tea
With flow through tea bags.....
Be Kind to Your Web-footed Friends
"Be kind to your web-footed friends,
For a duck may be somebody's mother
Be kind to your friends in the swamp
Where the weather is very very damp (domp-rhymes with swamp)
Now you may think that this is the end
Well it is!
Beaver Song
Beaver one, beaver one
let's all sing the beaver song
Chchch, chchch, chchchchchchch
Beaver two, beaver three
let's all climb the beaver tree
Chchch, chchch, chchchchchchch
Beaver four, beaver five
let's all do the beaver jive
Chchch, chchch, chchchchchchch
Beaver six, beaver seven
let's all fly to beaver heaven
Chchch, chchch, chchchchchchch
Beaver eight, beaver nine
STOP! It's beaver time!
Go beaver, go beaver, yea yea, go beaver!
Bill Grogan's Goat
(There are many different versions of this song. Here I have typed my favorite of the
variations I know.)
Oh there was an old man (Oh there was an old man)
And he lived in a shack (And he lived in a shack)
And he kept his goat (and he kept his goat)
Out in the back (out in the back)
One day that goat (one day that goat)
Was a feelin' fine (was a feelin fine)
Ate three red shirts (ate three red shirts)
Right off the line (right off the line)
Well Bill got mad (well Bill got mad)
And he gave him a whack (and he gave him a whack)
And he tied him to (and he tied him to)
A railroad track (a railroad track)
The whistle blew (the whistle blew)
As the train drew neigh (as the train drew neigh)
Bill Grogan's goat (Bill Grogan's goat)
Was doomed to die (was doomed to die)
He gave three groans (he gave three groans)
Three groans of pain (three groans of pain)
Coughed up those shirts (coughed up those shirts)
And flagged that train (and flagged that train)
Well Bill got mad again (well Bill got mad again)
And he bought a big stamp (and he bough a big stamp)
And he sent him to (and he sent him to)
A Girl Scout Camp (A Girl Scout Camp)
Now the goat is doomed (now the goat is doomed)
Never to be free (never to be free)
And to spend his life (and to spend his life)
At Tohikanee (At Tohikanee)
And they named him Willy.....
Birdie Song
Way up in the sky, the little birds fly
while down in their nest, the little birds rest
With a wing on the left, and a wing on the right
The little birds sleep, all through the night
SHHH! They're sleeping!
The bright sun comes up
The dew falls away
"Good morning, good morning," the little birds say!
Black Socks
Black socks, they never get dirty, the longer you wear them the blacker they get
Sometimes I think I should wash them, something inside me keeps saying 'not yet'
not yet not yet not yet.....
Bob Nianga (Repeat)
Ni-anga chinki chunga (Repeat)
A masu wasu wasu (Repeat)
Ay run-away-run-away agua (Repeat)
** Repeat growing louder with each verse
Boom Chick a Boom
I said a boom chick-a-boom (repeat)
I said a boom chick-a-rocka-chick-a-rocka-chick-a-boom! (repeat)
All right (repeat)
Ok! (repeat)
One more time (repeat)
The ________ way! (repeat)
* In this blank space in the last line, insert a different way to sing the song. Some
examples are:
The quiet way
The loud way
The telephone operator way
The janitor way:
The Barnyard Way: said a moo chicka bocka chick bocka chicka moo
Flower Style:. I said a bloom chica blossom chica blossom chica bloom
Race Car Style: I said a vroom shifta grind-a shifta grind-a shifta vroom...
Astronaut Style: I said a shoot me blast me shoot me blast me shoot-me-to-the-moon...
Mr. Rogers Style: Can you say boom chica rocka chica rocka chica boom? /Can you say
uh-huh? / Can you say oh yeah? / I knew you could!
The British way
etc. etc...
Bottle Pop
(Three Part Round)
One bottle pop, two bottle pop, three bottle pop, four bottle pop,
Five bottle pop, six bottle pop, seven bottle bottle pop.
Don't chuck you're muck in my backyard,my backyard,my backyard.
Don't chuck you're muck in my backyard,my backyard's full
Fish and chips, and vinegar, vinegar, vinegar,
Fish and chips, and vinegar, pepper pepper pepper salt.
Brownie Smile Song
(This song was originally just for Brownies, but other verses have been added for all age
I've something in my pocket…
That belongs across my face.
I keep it very close at hand
In a most convenient place.
I bet you'll never guess it
If you guess a long, long while
I'll put it on and show you,
It's my great big Brownie Smile.
Bubble Gum
1. My mommy gave me a penny
To go and see Jack Benny
But I didn’t see Jack Benny
Instead! I bought bubble gum
Baroomba roomba bubble gum
Baroomba roomba bubble gum
2. Nickel to go and buy a pickle
3. Dime to go and buy a lime
4. Quarter to go and pay the porter
5. Dollar to go to the ice cream parlor
6. My mommy gave me a five
She told me to stay alive
But I didn’t stay alive
Instead! I choked on bubble gum
Buffalo Song
Out on the winds swept deserts
Where nature knows no man
A buffalo spied her brother
A lying in the sand in the sand
Said the buffalo to her brother
What makes you lie that way?
But the buffalo did not answer:
He's been dead since way last May … Since way last May....
Bugle Song
Someday I'm going to murder the bugler
Someday they're gonna find him dead
And then I'll take his revelry
And step upon it heavily
And then I'll spend the rest of my life in bed!
Oh how I hate to get up in the morning
Oh how I hate to get out of bed!
But the hardest call of all is to hear the bugler call:
"It's time to get up, It's time to get up, It's time to get up this morning"
"It's time to get up, It's time to get up, It's time to get out of bed."
Someday I'm going to murder the bugler
Someday they're gonna find him dead!
And then I'll get the other pup, the one that wakes the bugler up,
"You gotta get up, you gotta get up, you gotta get up this morning"
"You gotta get up, you gotta get up, you gotta get up this morn".
Bug Juice
(To the tune of 'On Top of Old Smokey)
At camp with the Girl Scouts, they gave us a drink.
We thought it was Koolaid, because it was pink.
But the thing that they told us, would have grossed out a moose
For that good tasting pink drink was really bug juice
It looked fresh and fruity, like tasty Koolaid
But the bugs that were in it, were murdered with raid.
We drank by the gallons, we drank by the tons
But then the next morning, we all had the runs
Next time you drink bug juice and a fly drives you mad,
He's just getting even, 'cause you swallowed his dad.
Button Factory
My name is Joe And I work in a button factory
The other day
day, my boss came up to me and said: "Hey Joe.
Are you busy?" I said "no"
Then, "Push this button with your right hand."
Left hand /Right foot /Left foot / Tongue / Head
My name is Joe
And I work in a button factory
One day, my boss came up to me and said:
"Hey Joe. Are you busy?"
I said "YES!”
Buzzard Song
If I had the wings of a buzzard* (a buzzard) up to the woods I would fly (would fly). There to
remain as a buzzard (a buzzard) until the day that I die (I die) I die (I die) Drop dead! Chorus.
Ooh la la ooh la la ooh la, ooh la la ooh la la la again
Ooh la la ooh la la ooh la, ooh la la ooh la la la la.
* May be replaced by anything
Camp Tohikanee
Where's the camp that's really a champ that's made for you and me? Tohikanee, that's the
place to be.
Give it a cheer now that we're here, we'll have some fun till day is done at Tohikanee.
Hempsi, Wyconda, Sacajawea, Mahonick, Achewan, Quetit, Pioneer, Potawatomi
Give it a cheer, now that we're here, we'll have some fun till day is done at Tohikanee
Where's the camp that's really a champ that's made for you and me? Tohikanee, that's the
place to be. Yeah!
Camp Tohi
Camp, Camp Tohi, Camp Camp Tohi, Camp, Camp Tohi, Camp Camp Tohi......
We Call it fun, but some they call it madness
So come on with us and wipe away your sadness
Happy campers are we, having fun 'neath the trees,
And when we are gone, we'll remember this song
Cause we're from Camp, Camp tohi......
Can a Woman?
(Tune: She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain)
Can a woman fly an airplane?
Yes she can, yes she can!
Can a woman build a building?
Yes she can, yes she can!
Can a woman fight a fire?
Can a woman change a tire?
Can a woman lead a choir?
Yes she can, yes she can!
Can a woman be a lawyer?
Yes she can, yes she can!
Can a woman fix an engine?
Yes she can, yes she can!
Can a woman be a drummer?
Can a woman be a plumber?
Can she play ball in the summer?
Yes she can, yes she can!
Can a woman be a doctor?
Yes she can, yes she can!
Can a woman drive a tractor?
Yes she can. yes she can!
Can a woman lead a nation?
Can she run a TV station?
Can she head a corporation?
Yes she can, yes she can!
Just you wait until we're older then you'll see
We'll be women in tomorrow's history!
As we grow up through the years
We'll sing out loud and clear
Can we start the process here?
Yes we can, yes we can!!
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin went France to teach the ladies how to dance
And this is what he taught them
One two and up you go (tap heel, toe, then raise knee)
One two and up you go
One two and up you go.
One two and over you go (tap heel, toe, then bring foot across)
One two and around you go (tap heel, toe, then spin in circle)
Charlotte's Town
Charlotte's Town is burning down, good-bye, good-bye (new part start here)
Burning down, to the ground, good-bye Liza Jane
Ain't ya mighty sorry? Good-bye, good-bye
Ain't ya mighty sorry? Good-bye, Liza Jane
Chiquita Bananna
I'm a *Chiquita* banana and I’m here to say
Bananas like to ripen in a certain way
When they are flecked with brown
And have a golden hue
Bananas taste the best and are the best for you
You can put them in a salad
Or bake them in pie
Any way you want eat them
It’s impossible to beat them
But bananas like the climate of the tropical equator
So you should never put bananas
In the refrigerator!
Commercial Mix-Up
[tune: farmer in the dell]
Last night I watched TV, I saw my favorite show
I heard this strange commercial, and I can't believe it's so
Feed your dog Chiffon. Comet cures the cold.
Use S-O-S pads on your face to keep from looking old
Mop your floors with Crest. Use Crisco on your tile
Clean your teeth with Borateem, it leaves a shining smile
For headaches take some Certs. Use Tide to clean your face.
And do shampoo with Elmer's Glue, it holds your hair in place.
Perhaps I am confused, I might not have it right.
But one thing that I'm certain of, I'll watch TV tonight!
Cotton Candy Song
Oh take me back to the happy land
Where the cotton candy grows * Puff Puff *
Little marshmallows grow from the trees
And lollipops grow from the ground
What? Lollipops grow from the ground
Yes! Lollipops grow from the ground
Day I Went To Sea
When I was one, I sucked my thumb, the day I went to sea...
CHORUS:I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me,
"We're goin' this way, that way, forward, backward, over the Irish/raging sea”
some chewing gum the calm my tum, and that's the life for me me me me me.
When I was two, I buckled my shoe, the day I went to sea...
When I was three, I scraped my knee, the day I went to sea...
When I was four, I slammed the door, the day I went to sea...
When I was five, I danced a jive, the day I went to sea...
When I was six, I picked up sticks, the day I went to sea...
When I was seven, I went to heaven, the day I went to sea...
When I was eight, I was really late, the day I went to sea...
When I was nine I got in line, the day I went to sea...
When I was ten, I did it again, the day I went to sea...
De Moose, De Moose (repeat song)
De Moose, De Moose
Swimming in de water
Eating His Supper
Where did he go!
He Went to Sleep
He Went to Sleep Man!
(repeat really quiet, then really loud)
Dead Moose, Dead Moose
Floating on de Water
Not Eating Any Supper
Where did he go!
He Decomposed
He Decomposed
He De
Dewey was an admiral on Manila bay
Dewy was the morning in the month of May
Dewy were her eyes as she pledged her love so true
Dewey love each other? YES INDEED WE DO! Spit!
Donut Shop
Well I walked around the corner and I walked around the block and I walked right into a
donut shop and I picked me a donut fresh from the grease and I handed the lady a five
cent piece. Well, she looked at the nickel and she looked at me and she said “this nickel is
no good to me. There’s a hole in the middle and it goes right through.” I said, “There’s a
hole in my donut too. Thanks for the donut. Bye-bye.”
Fill My Cup
Fill my cup (the front), up let it over flow,
Fill my cup up let it over flow,
Fill my cup, up let it over flow,
Let it over flow with love (kids).
Fishy Song
Did you ever see a fishy on a hot summer day?
Did you ever see a fishy swimming in the bay?
With his hands in his pockets and his pockets in his pants?
Did you ever see a fishy do the hootchycootchy dance?
You never did (clap clap)
You never will
Have you ever seen a fishy on a cold winters day? Have you ever seen a fishy out frozen in
the bay?
Have you ever seen a fishy on a house on a hill? Have you ever seen a fishy on a ten dollar
Have you ever seen a fishy out flyin in the sky? Have you ever seen a fishy on the fourth of
Found a Peanut <Version 1>
Found a Peanut, Found a Peanut, Found a Peanut, Just now,
Found a Peanut, Found a Peanut, Found a Peanut, Just now,
- Where d'ya find it?
- In the dustbin
- Did you eat it?
- Yes I ate it
- Did you wash it?
- Yes I spat on it
- Then what happened?
- Got a pain
- Call the Doctor
- Appendicitis
- Cut her open
- Found a peanut
Found a Peanut <Version 2>
Found a peanut, found a peanut, found a peanut just now.
Just now I found a peanut, found a peanut just now.
2. It was rotten,...
3. Ate it anyway,...
4. Got sick,...
5. Called the doctor,...
6. Had surgery,...
7. Died anyway,...
8. Went to heaven,...
9. Kicked an angel,...
10. Went the other way,...
11. Found a peanut,...
12. Threw it away,...
Gunk, Gunk
"Gunk, gunk," went the little green froggie,
"Gunk, gunk," went the lady froggie too.
"Gunk, gunk," went the both together,
And their eyes went whew whew whew,
As they kissed each other,
Just as little froggies do.
And she said "good-bye,"
ANd he said "Oh my! Gunk gunk,"
"I'm coming too!"
Every morning at half past eight, I say nahnahnahnahnah to Georgie,
And every morning at half past eight, he says nahnahnahnahnah to me.
No need to knock, no need to ring, for as I wipe my eyes,
I open the window, pop out my head and say nahnahnahnahnah to Georgie!
Every morning at half past eight, I say nahnahnahnahnah to Georgie,
And every morning at half past eight, he says nahnahnahnahnah to me.
No need to knock, no need to ring, for as I wipe my eyes,
I open the window, pop out my head, down comes the window, Off rolls my head
And nahnahnahnahnah says Georgie.
Girl One Day
A girl one day, she ran away to stay at a Girl Scout camp.
Each ringlet fair and left her hair,
Each curly curl went damp.
And there she washed the dishes, and there she scrubbed the floors...
Until one sunny day, while rowing in the bay,
She fell in all the way,
And she wrote home just to say:
"I've got cuts on my fingers, and bites on my toes
Sticks and stones to sleep on, and a red red sunburned nose.
But oh my dear family, I'm writing just to say,
I'm having such a jolly time at Tohi today!"
Glory, Glory How Peculiar
[Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic]
As one woodpecker pecked up the peg, the other woodpecker pecked down. [Repeat 3x]
Chorus: Glory, glory, how peculiar. [Repeat two times.] [Repeat stanza.]
Stanzas: As one sly snake slipped up the slide, other sly snake slipped down.
As one blue bat blew in the bowl, other blue bat blew out.
As one black bug bled blue black blood, the other black bug bled blue.
As one drunk duck dove into the ditch, the other drunk duck dropped dead.
As one flea fly flew up the flue, the other flea fly flew down.
As one pink porpoise popped into the pool, other pink porpoise popped out.
As one brown bear backed up the bank, other brown bear backed down.
As one white whale whipped over the waves, other white whale whipped under.
Glory, Glory I’m a Counselor
(Tune: Battle Hymn of Republic)
I've always been a Girl Scout
From the time that I was young.
I remember very fondly
All the camping, crafts, & fun.
I thought the work was over
When my Gold Award was done,
But I'd only just begun!
Glory, glory I'm a counselor!
A crazy, project planning leader.
I don't even have a daughter,
But now I have ten girls!
I went away to college
And I thought it awfully smart
Just taking on a job here,
at the camp that’s really great.
Soon my major classwork
Took the form of Girl Scout crafts!
and building fires twice a week!
The parents think I'm wonderful
Because I spend my days
Helping their girls learn & grow
In Girl Scout laws & ways.
I help them learn annoyin
g songs
and let them play all day
But sometimes I just want out
Glory, Glory I'm a counselorr!
A proud, exhausted, well-loved leader!
I don't even have a daughter,
But I've gotten to know some darn fine girls.
Girl Scout Went to Camp
Once a Girl Scout went to camp went to camp
Went to bed without a lamp out a lamp
Saw a beetle lying in her bed
This is what the Girl Scout said Girl Scout said.
Beetle, beetle go away go away
I’m afraid you cannot stay cannot stay
For remember what the camp director said
No two bodies in one bed in one bed.
Once a Boy Scout went to camp went to camp
Went to bed without a lamp out a lamp
Saw a beetle lying in his bed
This is what the Boy Scout said Boy Scout said
God Bless My Underwear
(To the tune of God Bless America)
God bless my underwear, my only pair
Stand beside it, and guide it
Through the wash and the wear and the tear
Through the washer, to the drier,
To the clothesline, back to me!
God bless my underwear, my only pair,
God bless my underwear, my only pair.
Going Crazy
(Version 1)
I am slowly going crazy, 1,2,3,4,5,6 switch!
Crazy going, slowly am I. 6,5,4,3,2,1 switch!
(Version 2)
I don't care if I go crazy, 1,2,3,4,5,6 switch!
Crazy go, I if care don't I, 6,5,4,3,2,1 switch!
Gopher Guts
[Tune: The Old Gray Mare]
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, dirty little pigeon's
All mixed up with a pile of poison possum pus, and me without my spoon.
And me without my spoon; and me without spoon.
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, and me without my spoon. [We'll use a
Great Big Moose
(repeat song)
There was a great big moose
Who liked to drink a lot of juice
There was a great big moose
Who liked to drink a lot of juice
Chorus: say wha-a-at
Way-oh way-oh way-oh way-oh
Way-oh, way-oh!
Way-oh way-oh way-oh way-oh
The moose's name was Fred
He liked to drink his juice in bed
The moose's name was Fred
He liked to drink his juice in bed
He drank his juice with care
But he got some on his hair
He drank his juice with care
But he got some on his hair
Now he's a sticky moose
Full of juice
On the loose
Green Grass
There was a hole (Repeat)
The pertiest little hole (Repeat)
That you ever did see (Repeat)
(Together:) Oh, the hole in the ground
And green grass grows all around all around
And the green grass grows all around
And in that hole (Repeat)
There was a tree (Repeat) (stand with arms at sides)
The pertiest little tree (Repeat)
That you ever did see (Repeat)
Oh, the tree in the hole and the hole in the ground
And the green grass grows all around all around
And the green grass grows all around
And on that tree (Repeat)
There was a limb (Repeat) (hold one arm out and bent as a limb)
The pertiest little limb (Repeat)
That you ever did see (Repeat)
Oh the limb on the tree and tree in the hole and the hole in the ground and the green grass
grows all around all around
And the green grass grows all around
Continue with:
Branch (extend forearm)
Nest (cup hand on extended arm)
Bird (fold arms like wings)
Wing (wiggle a wing)
Feather (wiggle finger from opposite hand against wing)
Gnat (pinch fingers like holding a gnat)
Eye (point to an eye)
Eyelash (use finger as a large eyelash)
And on that eyelash (Repeat)
There was some mascara (Repeat) (mime putting on mascara )
Oh the mascara on the eyelash and the eyelash on the eye and the eye on the gnat and
the gnat on the feather and the feather on the wing and the wing on the bird and the bird
in the nest and the nest on the branch and the branch on the limb and the limb on the tree
and tree in the hole and the hole in the ground and the green grass grows all around all
around And the green grass grows all around And the green grass grows all around all
around And the green grass grows all around!
Growing up in Girl Scouts
I've something in my pocket ...
That's what the big girls say.
I'll have a pocket of my own,
When I wear brown someday.
My life is bright and easy,
I smile most of the day.
I'm having lots of fun now,
I sing and laugh and play!
I've something in my pocket ...
That's what I used to say.
I spent my time so aimlessly,
At home, at school, at play.
Now every day is special,
I'm searching, who am I?
Only I can find that out
Please let me have a try!
I've something in my pocket ...
That's what I used to say.
Playing childhood games with friends,
Seems just like yesterday.
I'm becoming a young woman,
Soon I'll be a child no more,
There's lots of opportunity,
And so much to explore.
I've something in my pocket ...
That's what I used to say.
Then Mother Nature waved her hand
And childhood flew away.
Today my needs are different,
I wonder, 'What will be?'
I'm making life decisions now,
The choice is up to me.
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands (Girl Scout Version)
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the Dainty, Dainty Daisies in His hands
He's got the Dainty, Dainty Daisies in His hands
He's got the Dainty, Dainty Daisies in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the Busy, Busy Brownies in His hands
He's got the Busy, Busy Brownies in His hands
He's got the Busy, Busy Brownies in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the Jazzy, Jazzy Juniors in His hands
He's got the Jazzy, Jazzy Juniors in His hands
He's got the Jazzy, Jazzy Juniors in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the Crazy, Crazy Cadettes in His hands
He's got the Crazy, Crazy Cadettes in His hands
He's got the Crazy, Crazy Cadettes in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the Sassy, Sassy Seniors in His hands
He's got the Sassy, Sassy Seniors in His hands
He's got the Sassy, Sassy Seniors in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the Loud mouth* Leaders in His hands
He's got the Loud mouth Leaders in His hands
He's got the Loud mouth Leaders in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
*May be replaced with Lovely
He jumped without a parachute ...
Charlie was a parachutist in the RAF,
Charlie was a parachutist in the RAF,
Charlie was a parachutist in the RAF,
But he ain't gonna jump no more
**Chorus : Glory, glory what a helluva* way to die,
Glory glory, what a helluva way to die
Glory glory, what a helluva way to die
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
He jumped without a parachute from forty thousand feet,
He jumped without a parachute from forty thousand feet,
He jumped without a parachute from forty thousand feet,
And he ain't gonna jump no more
He landed on the runway like a lump of strawberry jam,
He landed on the runway like a lump of strawberry jam,
He landed on the runway like a lump of strawberry jam ,
And he ain't gonna jump no more....
Chorus :
They scraped him off the tarmac with a knife and fork and spoon,
They scraped him off the tarmac with a knife and fork and spoon,
They scraped him off the tarmac with a knife and fork and spoon,
And he ain't gonna jump no more....
Chorus :
They put him in an envelope and sent him home to Mum
They put him in an envelope and sent him home to Mum
They put him in an envelope and sent him home to Mum
And he ain't gonna jump no more....
Chorus :
She put him on the mantelpiece for all the world to see
She put him on the mantelpiece for all the world to see
She put him on the mantelpiece for all the world to see
And he ain't gonna jump no more....
Chorus :
She served him up with crumpets when the Vicar came to tea
She served him up with crumpets when the Vicar came to tea
She served him up with crumpets when the Vicar came to tea
And he ain't gonna jump no more....
Chorus .
Hey Diddle Diddle (Repeat Song)
Hey, diddle, diddle huh,/ The cat and the fiddle huh, /The cow jumped over the moon. Eh eh
eh The little dog laughed To see such sport / And the dish ran away with the spoon Eh eh eh
Hippopotamus Song
What can make a hippopotamus smile?
What can make him walk for more than a mile?
It's not a party with a paper hat.
Or cake and candy that will make him fat.
That's not what hippos do!
They ooze in the gooze without any shoes.
They wade in the water 'til their lips turn blue.
That's what hippos do!
What can make a hippopotamus smile?
What can make him walk for more than a mile?
It's not the song on the old violin.
Or listenin' to the whistlin' wind.
That's not what hippos do!
They ooze in the gooze without any shoes.
They wade in the water 'til their lips turn blue.
That's what hippos do!
I'm a Camper
(Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic)
I am glad to be a girl because I thought girls had more fun
I like pink lace and ruffles, dresses, frilly bows and fun.
I like to sit and talk at night when the day is done,
So I went to girl Scout camp.
I am only half past seven and they called me to the fore.
I said "I'm not equipped" They said "Oh, yes you are, what's more;
We'll train you in the basics, we'll outfit you for the corps"
Why couldn’t I have stayed home instead?
Glory, Glory I'm a camper
How'd I get to be a camper?
All I did was join the Girl Scouts.
Is this the price I pay?
They taught me to be thrifty, to be thoughtful, to be true.
They taught me how to string beads like the noble Indians do.
I had to learn to dig a trench, and how to use it too.
And you should taste my stew!
I had to learn to sing songs that I didn't understand.
I learned to dance the polka and to make a rhythm band.
To think of what to do and then forget what I had planned.
And they say that Scouting's grand.
We went walking in the woodlands, my buddies 3 and me.
The handbook says that nature has a wealth of sights to see.
It's true we sure were sights when we were found eventually,
Mommy won’t you come get me.
I'm not meant to be a camper, I don't know which bird is which.
My weiner fork's all burned up, we come home from hikes and itch.
My sit-upon it fell apart, I made it the wrong stitch,
But I guess I’m stuck at camp
But even though I grumble and I mumble and I shout.
Though there are days I wonder what's the best way to get out.
I guess when all is said and done, there isn't any doubt.
I'm glad to be a Scout! (Chorus)
I'm a Nut:
I'm a little acorn round,
Lying on the cold cold ground,
Somebody came and stepped on me,
That is why I'm cracked you see,
I'm a nut,(clap, clap) in a rut,(clap, clap) I'm crazy.
Called myself on the telephone,
Just to see if I was home,
Asked myself out for a date,
Gotta be ready by half past eight!
I'm a nut,(clap, clap) in a rut,(clap, clap) I'm crazy.
Took myself to the picture show,
Sat myself in the very first row,
Wrapped my arms around my waist,
Got so fresh I slapped my face!
I'm a nut,(clap, clap) in a rut,(clap, clap) I'm crazy.
Little Blue Man
One morning while I was out shopping
Though you'll find it hard to believe
A little blue man came out of the crowd
And timidly tugged at my sleeve
Chorus: “I wuv you. I wuv you,” said the little blue man.
“I wuv you. I wuv you to bits.”
“I wuv you. I wuv you,” said the little blue man,
And he scared me right out of my wits.
I hurried back to my apartment.
I rushed in and I closed the door,
But there on the desk stood that little blue man
Who started to tell me once more… (Chorus)
For weeks after that I was haunted.
Though no one could see him but me,
Right there by my side was that little blue man
Wherever I happened to be… (Chorus)
One morning in wild desperation
I ran to a rooftop in town
And over the side, I pushed that little blue man
Who called to me all the way down (Chorus)
I whispered, 'Thank goodness it's over!'
I smiled as I hurried outside.
Right there on the street was that little blue man
Who said with a tear in his eye
I don't wuv you anymore.
Little Canoe
Oh a boy and a girl in a little canoe
With the moon shining all around.
They paddled and paddled for miles and miles
Couldn’t even hear a sound
And they talked and they talked till the moon grew dim
She said, “You better kiss me or get out and swim”
So what you gonna do in a little canoe
With the moon shining all around?
Oh, a boy and a girl in a little canoe
With the moon shining all around
They paddled and paddled for miles and miles
You couldn’t hear a sound
And they talked and they talked till the moon grew dim
She said, "You better kiss me or get out and swim"
So what you gonna do in a little canoe
With the moon shining all a-
Boy swimming all a-
Girl paddling all around
Little Hunk of Tin
I'm a little hunk of tin / No one knows where I have been
Got four wheels and a running board / I'm a ford, a ford a ford
Honk Honk rattle rattle crash beep beep (4x)
Little Red Caboose
Sing in normal voice:
Little red caboose,
Chug, chug, chug
Little red caboose,
Chug, chug, chug
Little red caboose
Behind the train, train, train, train
Coming around the track, track, track,
Smokestack on its back, back, back, back
Little red caboose
Behind the train, choo! Choo
(Sing in deep voice)
Great big caboose,
Chug, chug, chug
Great big caboose,
Chug, chug, chug
Great big caboose
Behind the train, train, train, train
Coming around the track, track, track,
track Smokestack on its back, back, back,
Great big caboose
Behind the train, choo! Choo!
Sing in high-pitched voice:
Teeny tiny caboose,
Chug, chug, chug
Teeny tiny caboose,
Chug, chug, chug
Teeny tiny caboose
Behind the train, train, train, train
Coming around the track, track, track,
Smokestack on its back, back, back, back
Teeny tiny caboose
Behind the train, choo! Choo!
I The Little Green Frog
Gaaloomph went the little green frog one day
Gaaloomph went the little green frog
Gaaloomph went the little green frog one day
And the frog went gloomph gloomph gloomph
But we all know frogs go [clap] laa dee daa dee daa
[clap] laa dee daa dee daa [clap] laa dee daa dee daa
We all know frogs go [clap] laa dee daa dee daa
They don't go gloomph gloomph gloomph
And we all know frogs go SQUELCH when you step on them
SQUELCH when you step on them SQUELCH when you step on them
We all know frogs go SQUELCH when you step on them
They don't go gloomph gloomph gloomph
And we all know frogs go POP in the microwave
POP in the microwave POP in the microwave
We all know frogs go POP in the microwave
They don't go gloomph gloomph gloomph
And well know frogs go WHZZZ in the blender
WHZZZ in the blender WHZZZ in the blender
We all know frogs go WHZZZ in the blender
They don't go gloomph gloomph gloomph
And we all know frogs go SPLAT in the ceiling fan
SPLAT in the ceiling fan SPLAT in the ceiling fan
We all know frogs go SPLAT in the ceiling fan
They don't go gloomph gloomph gloomph
Little Green Frog <Version 2>
Mm ah went the little green frog one day.
Mm ah went the little green frog.
Mm ah went the little green frog one day.
And his eyes went Mm ah Mm ah Mm ah ah.
Honk honk went the big Mack truck one day,
Splat splat went the little green frog.
His eyes didnt go Mm ah anymore,
cause they all got eaten by a dog.
Littlest Worm <Version 1>
(The littlest worm)
You ever saw
(You ever saw)
Got stuck inside
(Got stuck inside)
My soda straw
(My soda straw)
The littlest worm you ever saw
Got stuck inside my soda straw
He said to me
(He said to me)
"Don't take a sip
("Don't take a sip)
'Cause if you do
('Cause if you do)
You'll get real sick."
(You'll get real sick.")
He said to me, "Don't take a sip,
'Cause if you do, you'll get real sick."
I took a sip
(I took a sip)
And he went down
(And he went down)
Right through my pipe
(Right through my pipe)
He must have drowned
(He must have drowned)
I took a sip and he went down
Right through my pipe, he must have drowned
He was my pal
(He was my pal)
He was my friend
(He was my friend)
There is no more
(There is no more)
This is the end
(This is the end)
He was my pal, he was my friend
There is no more, this is the end.
Now don't you fret
(Now don't you fret)
Now don't you fear
(Now don't you fear)
That little worm
(That little worm)
Had scuba gear
(Had scuba gear)
Now don't you fret, now don't you fear,
That little worm had scuba gear.
Littlest Worm <Version 2>
The littlest worm (Repeat)
I ever saw (Repeat)
Got stuck in side (Repeat)
My soda straw (Repeat)
Sing all together for each verse:
The littlest worm I ever saw. Got stuck inside my soda straw.
He said to me; Don’t take a sip
For if you do; You’ll surely flip
I took a sip; And he went down
Right through my pipes; He must have drowned
I coughed him up; And he was dead
So I buried him; In my counselor's bed
He was my pal; He was my friend
But now he’s gone; And that’s the end
Make New Friends
Make new friends but keep the old
One is silver and the other's gold.
A circle is round it has no end
That’s how long I want to be your friend
A fire burns bright it warms the heart
We’ve been friends right from the very start
New made friends like new made wine
Age and mellow till the end of time
Take one hand, then take another
Put them together and we have each other
The merry-go-round broke down mm boop-boop
And made the queerest sound mm beep-beep
The lights went out and I did shout
When the merry-go-round broke down
Mm boop-boop mm beep-beep
Mm boop mm beep
Mm boop beep
** Sung all together but with two groups for the mm boop-boops and the mm beep-beeps.
Typically done standing and when the group for boop-boop sings they also squat down and
vice versa and you see how fast the song can be sung with bopping up and down (like a
Mm Aa (Went the Little Green Frog)
Mm aa went the little green frog one day
Mm aa went the little green frog
Mm aa went the little green frog one day
And the little green frog went
Mm aa mm aa mm aa aa aa
Mm aa mm aa mm aa aa aa
All the other frogs went
Oh doe dee oh dee oh
Oh doe dee oh dee oh
Oh doe dee oh dee oh
All the other frogs went
Oh doe dee oh dee oh
Cause they couldn’t go
Mm aa mm aa mm aa aa aa
Mm aa mm aa mm aa aa aa
Mountain Girls
City girls they wear those high heeled shoes
County girls they wear the same
Mountain girls just wear old hiking boots
And they get there in just the same Yee-haw!
Chorus: Singing all around the mountain shouting Betsy (BETSY!)
All around the mountain Laura Lee
If I ever see that girl again, may the good lord remember me Yee-haw
City girls they wear those fancy dresses …Mountain girls just wear old overalls
City girls they use those french perfumes Mountain girls just go au natural
City girls they wear that fancy jewelry Mountain girls just find a piece of twine
City girls they use those flushy toilets Mountain girls just find a friendly bush
City:cars…own two feet
City: those babysitters… just use those C.I.T’s
City fancy hairdos…grab a bandana
City girls they see those fancy oprahs… Mountain girls just sing annoying songs
Mrs. O’Leary
Late last night, when we were all in bed.
Mrs. O’Leary hung a lantern in the shed.
And when the cow kicked it over,
She winked her eye and said,
“It’ll be a hot time in the old town tonight.”
Fire! Fire! Fire!
Pour on water! Pour on water!
Save my children! Save my children!
Jump, Lady, Jump! ** omit 1 word / phrase each time and replace with mime
Nobody likes me,
Everybody hates me!
Guess I’ll go eat worms.
Chorus (Repeat after each verse)
Long, slim slimey ones,
Short, fat juicy ones,
Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy, wuzzy worms.
First you get a bucket,
Then you get a shovel,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
First you pull the heads off,
Then you suck th guts out.
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
Down goes the first one,
Down goes the second one,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
Up comes the first one,
Up comes the second one,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
Everybody likes me,
Nobody hates me!
Why did I eat those worms?
Chop up their heads and
Squeeze out their juice,
And throw their tails away.
Nobody knows how I survive
On worms three times a day!
Pizza Hut (Tune: A ram sam Sam)
A Pizza Hut a Pizza Hut
Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut
A Pizza Hut a Pizza Hut
Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut
McDonald McDonalds
Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut
A Burger King a Burger King
Long John Silvers and a Burger King
A Burger King a Burger King
Long John Silvers and a Burger King
Red Lobster Red Lobster
Long John Silvers and a Burger King
A Dairy Queen A Dairy Queen
Chucky Cheese and a Dairy Queen
A Dairy Queen A Dairy Queen
Chucky Cheese and a Dairy Queen
Roy Rogers Roy Rogers
Chucky Cheese and a Dairy Queen
Porridge Tragedy
(to the tune of Clementine)
In a camp down in the country
Dwelt some Guides (Scouts)on holiday.
23 there were in number
Quite enough to take away.
In the camp, there was a Girl Guide
Who was like most little girls.
She was either up to mischief
Or was kicking up a noise.
Rose she early every morning
At precisely half past four,
Then she's go out and shout her war cries
Far too near the Guider's (Counselor’s)door.
Then the Guider (Counselor), then the Guider (Counselor),
Soon began to jump and roar.
Just because that silly Girl Guide (Scout)
Wouldn't let her be and snore.
So she made the early riser
Take the porridge spoon and stir
First explaining how to do it
Lest an accident occur.
Then the Girl Guide (Scout), very anxious
Thought the porridge she could smell.
Put her head into the dixie,
Lost her balance, in she fell.
Saw her head above the porridge
She was looking mighty red.
How she wished that she'd kept silent,
And kept to her little bed.
When the Guides (scouts) went down for breakfast,
There were only 22.
Though the Guider (counselor)called it porridge
They all thought that it was stew.
All you Girl Guides (Scouts), old and youthful,
Bear in mind this story sad.
Never spoil your Guider's (Counselor) slumber.
Lest your fate should be as bad.
The Rooster Song
We had some hens, no eggs would they lay,
We had some hens, no eggs would they lay.
My spouse said, "Honey, this isn't funny.
We're loosing money." No eggs would they lay.
One day a rooster came into our yard,
He caught those hens right off of their guard.
They're laying eggs now, just like they use ta,
Ever since that rooster came into our yard.
They're laying eggs now, just like they use ta,
Ever since that rooster came into our yard.
We had a cow, no milk would she give, [Repeat.]
My spouse said, "Honey, this isn't funny.
We're loosing money." No milk would she give.
One that rooster came into our yard,
He caught the cow right off of her guard.
She giving eggnog, that's more than she use ta,
Ever since that rooster came into our yard.
She giving eggnog, that's more than she use ta,
Ever since that rooster came into our yard.
We had a field, no crops would it grow . . . . We're raising eggplant . . . .
Me and my wife, no kids did we have . . . . We're raising egg heads . . . .
We had a gum machine, no gum would it give . . . . We're get-ting chiclets . . . .
We had a garden, no flowers would it grow . . . . We're growing chickweed . . . .
We had some fish, but they wouldn't grow…We're raising tuna, it's the chicken of the sea
We had a car, but it wouldn't run . . . . We have a yolkswagen
We had a army, no battles did we win . . . . We're getting shelled now
Rose, rose, rose rose
Will I ever see thee wed?
I will marry at my will, sire
At my will
Ding dong, ding dong
Wedding bells on an April morn
Carve my name in a moss covered stone, sire
Moss covered stone
You have shared your gifts with me,
Laughter, friendship and adventure
We love you so.
Sewer Song
Refrain: Oh, we sing this song about sewers
About sewers we sing this song
Together we stand, with shovels in our hands
To keep things moving along
Work all year at this here job,
They don't hire just any old slob.
You don't need to wear a tie or a coat,
All you gotta do is know how to float
Work all day with a guy named Bruce,
He takes care of all the refuse
He lets me go in first when he opens the lid
Gee, that Bruce is a mighty fine kid!
Bruce got lost the other day,
The tide came in, and swept him away
Bruce is down in Jersey now,
But that's where he's from anyhow!
Side By Side
Oh, we ain't got a barrel of money,
Maybe we're ragged and funny,
But we'll travel along,
singing a song side by side.
Don't know what's coming tomorrow,
Maybe it's trouble and sorrow,
But we'll travel the road,
Sharing our load side by side
Through all kinds of weather,
What if the sky should fall?
Just as long as we're together,
It doesn't matter, matter at all.
When they've all had their troubles and parted,
We'll be the same as we started,
Just trav'ling along,
singing our song side by side
Skeeters And The Bedbugs
I woke up Sunday morning and I looked up on the wall,
The skeeters and the bedbugs, were playin a game of ball
The score was 19-20, and the skeeters were ahead
The bedbugs hit a homerun, and knocked me out of bed.
I'm singing, eeny, meeny meeny, miny moe
Catch a wiffle waffer, by the toe
And if he hollars, hollars, hollars,
Let him go, I'm singing, eeny, meeny, meeny, miny moe
Squeegie Hunt
Audience echos each line and sets up clap/lap-slapping rhythm.
Goin' on a squeegie hunt.
Goin to catch a big one.
I'm not afraid.
Look, what's up ahead?
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Gotta go through it. [Make sloshing sounds and move hands as if slogging.]
Sticks. [Snap fingers.]
Tree. [Make gestures climbing up and down.]
Gate. [Make gate-opening gestures.]
River. [make swimming gestures.]
Cave. [Go in it and find squeegie. Reverse all motions quicky to get home.]
Twelve Days of Summer Camp
On the first day of Summer Camp,
My leader said to me,
Be careful of poison ivy.
2nd day Clean out the lats and
3rd no chewing gum
4th Don't throw up!
5th Who has the hat?
6th Time for you to hop!
7th You must do polar bear.
8th Drink all your water!
9th Where's my repellant?
10th Where’s your buddy at?.
11th No you can’t light the fire!!!
12th Where are your parents?
The Coming of the Frogs (To the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic)
Mine eyes have seen the horror of the coming of the frogs,
They are sneaking through the swamps and they are lurking under logs
You can hear their mournful croaking through the early morning fogs,
The frogs keep hopping on.
Chorus: Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit, Croak, Croak,
Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit, Croak, Croak,
Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit, Croak, Croak,
The frogs keep hopping on.
The frogs have grown in number and their croaking fills the air,
There's no place to escape to cos' the frogs are everywhere,
They've eaten all the flies so now they're as hungry as a bear,
The frogs keep hopping on.
I used to like the bullfrogs, liked to feel their slimy skin,
Liked to put them in my teacher's desk then take them home again.
Now they're knocking at the front door,
I can't let those frogs come in,
The frogs keep hopping on.
They've hopped into the living room and headed down the hall,
They've trapped me in a corner and my back's against the wall,
And when I open up my mouth to give a desperate call,
This is all that's heard:
Trustee Lee (to the tune of Yankee Doodle)
Trusty Lee was a Girl Scout
Loyal to her mother,
Helpful to the folks about,
And Friendly to her brother.
Courteous to the girls she knew,
Kind unto her rabbit,
Obedient to her father, too,
and Cheerful in her habits.
Thrifty saving for a need,
Brave, but not a faker,
Clean in thought and word and deed,
And Reverent to her Maker
The Princess Pat:
(This is a repeat song)
The Princess Pat,
Lived in a tree,
She sailed across,
The seven seas,
She sailed across,
The Channel Two,
And she took with her,
A Rigabamboo.
A Rigabamboo,
Now what is that?
It's something made,
By the Princess Pat,
It's red and gold,
And purple too,
Thats why it's called,
A Rigabamboo.
Now Captain Jack,
Had a mighty fine crew,
He sailed across,
The Channel Two,
But his ship sank,
And yours will too,
If you don't take,
A Rigabamboo.
A Rigabamboo,
Now what is that?
It's something made,
By the Princess Pat,
It's red and gold,
And purple too,
Thats why it's called,
A Rigabamboo.
But Princess Pat
Saw Captain Jack
She reeled him in
She brought him back
She saved his life
And his crew too
Do you know how?
With A Rigabamboo.
A Rigabamboo,
Now what is that?
It's something made,
By the Princess Pat,
It's red and gold,
And purple too,
Thats why it's caaaaalled,
A Rigabamboo.
WHAT A STORY! (to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the republic)
It was midnight on the ocean,
Not a streetcar was in sight;
While the sun was shining brightly,
For it had rained all the night.
'Twas a summer's day in Winter,
And the rain was snowing fast,
As the barefoot girl with shoes on
Stood there sitting in the grass.
Glory, glory, what a story!
Glory, glory, tell me more-ee!
Glory, glory, she'll be sorry!
As the barefoot girl with shoes on
Stood there sitting in the grass.
It was evening and the sunrise
Was just setting in the west;
And the fishes in the treetops
Were all cuddled in their nests.
As the wind was blowing bubbles,
Lightning shot from left to right;
Everything that you could see
Had been hidden out of sight.
Glory, glory, I can't find it!
Glory, glory, who's behind it?
Glory, glory, where'd they hide it?
Everything that you could see
Had been hidden out of sight!
While the organ peeled potatoes,
Lard was rendered by the choir;
When the sexton rang the dishrag,
Someone set the church on fire.
"Holy Smokes!" the preacher shouted,
As he madly tore his hair,
Now his head resembles heaven,
For there is no parting there.
Glory, glory, what a shiny dome!
Glory, glory, get that man a comb!
Glory, glory, that's the end of my poem!
Now his head resembles heaven,
For there is no parting there.
Wormy aka Hermy aka Skipping Home from School
(This is a repeat song and a doosa dooz song...only LOUDER!!!)
The next day
I was skipping home from school, skipping home from school, skipping home from school
And there was mommy and there was daddy and there was sister and there was brother
And there was Hermy the family pet
And he was this big (hold up thumb and first finger)
So anyway
The next day
I was skipping home from school, skipping home from school, skipping home from school
And there was mommy, and there was daddy, and there was sister and....WHERE'S
And there was Hermy! The family pet!
And he was THIS BIG! (hold hands up, a bit apart)
So anyway
The next day
I was skipping home from school, skipping home from school, skipping home from school
And there was mommy, and there was daddy and there was.....WHERE'S SISTER??!!!
And there was Hermy! The family pet!
And he was THIS BIG!!! (Hold hands up farther apart)
So anyway
The next day
I was skipping home from school, skipping home from school, skipping home from school
And there was mommy and there was...WHERE'S DADDY??!!!
And there was Hermy, the family pet!
And he was THIS BIG!! (Further apart)
So anyway
The next day
I was skipping home from school, skipping home from school, skipping home from school
And there was....WHERE'S MOMMY??!!
And there was Hermy, the family pet!
And he was THIS BIG!!! (hands as far apart as possible)
So anyway
The next day
I was skipping home from school, skipping home from school, skipping home from school
And there was Hermy, the family pet
And he said: BLEH!
And there was mommy, and there was daddy and there was sister and there was brother
And there was Hermy the family pet
And he was this big (hold fingers apart again, just as in the first verse)
Yogi Bear
I know someone you don’t know- Yogi, Yogi
I know someone you don’t know- Yogi,Yogi Bear
Yogi,Yogi Bear-- Yogi,Yogi Bear
I know someone you don’t know- Yogi,Yogi Bear
-Yogi has a little friend- Boo Boo, Boo Boo
-Yogi has a girl friend too- Cindy, Cindy
-They all have an enemy Ranger Ranger
-They all live in Jellystone- Jelly, Jelly
-Yogi has a favorite food,
Picnic basket
- Who is that bear over there?
Big eyes, brown hair
Who is that bear over there?
Oh! It’s Yogi bear!