Wisconsin BBA Resume Resource Guide
This resource guide is intended to assist Wisconsin BBA students in the process of developing a resume. Use this
document as a guide and
appropriately personalize
your resume. Falsifying or misrepresenting information on
your resume may have serious consequences with prospective employers and the BBA program.
Additional. Resume Support:
This resource guide should service as your primary guide in creating your resume. During the school year, the
BBA Advising Center has drop-in advising available each weekday. You may also make an appointment with a
career advisor via Starfish through your MyUW portal if you have more detailed questions.
Resume Resource Guide Table of Contents
From Applicant to Admitted Student Quick Changes ................................................................ 1
Best Practices and Considerations for Resume Writing ............................................................... 1
Resume Sections ............................................................................................................................ 4
Common Resume Mistakes to Avoid ............................................................................................ 7
Sample Resumes ............................................................................................................................ 8
Congratulations on your acceptance into the BBA Program! Now that you are an admitted BBA student, you need
to transform your resume and tailor it to a different audience: recruiters and employers. There are a few quick
changes you need to make, in addition to more significant revisions necessary to make your resume results-
Quick Changes
Admissions Resume
Admitted Resume
Intended Degree: Bachelor of Business
“Bachelor of Business Administration degree” or
“Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration”
Intended Majors: Marketing and International
“Double Major: Marketing and International
Business” or “Majors: Marketing and International
Business” or “Major: Marketing”
Expected May 2018
Just month & year: “May 2018”
Considerations related to overall resume content:
What will impress an employer?
Assess the relevance, impact, quality and quantity of your
accomplishments. If your leadership or organization involvement experiences are stronger than your
work experiences, list that section first (or vice versa).
What have you done since high school?
Consider your meaningful collegiate experiences to be stronger
and to carry more weight than experience(s) gained or completed while in high school.
What is the overall impression of your resume?
Read and review your resume prior to submitting it to
ensure there are no spelling, grammar, or content errors. Visit The Writing Center for assistance with
grammar and other technical writing support. Bring your resume to drop-in advising for additional
insight on content and formatting to be certain that you’re on the right track.
Best practices related to resume formatting:
Keep it to 1 page.
For most employers, only the first page of any submission will be reviewed.
Each experience or activity should be listed in reverse chronological order.
Within each section, your most
recent experiences should come first, followed by those that have concluded, according to the month
and year listed for each position or activity.
Use your resources.
Refer to theResume Sectionsportion of this document, and reference the sample
resumes to guide your formatting.
Read and review (and have it reviewed by others).
Read and review your own resume, but also identify
other trusted reviewers to ensure that your formatting is consistent, visually appealing, error free, and
easy to read.
Submit as a PDF.
In order to avoid Word Document inconsistencies across platforms such as a MacBook
versus a PC, your resume should be submitted as a .PDF when applying.
Best practices related to bullet point development:
Utilize bullet points rather than paragraphs to articulate your accomplishments, contributions, or to
communicate other relevant details for each work experience or activity.
o Bullet points are not just tasks or job responsibilities;
your goal is to communicate what you
contributed, accomplished, or added to each position or experience.
measureable outcomes
and the
you made as a direct result of your involvement and leadership.
Use the model below to assist you in crafting strong bullet points:
Begin each bullet point with an action verb.
Examples include: lead, develop, supervise, train,
collaborate, teach, organize, fundraise, strategize, create, present, and recruit. Click here for 185 action
verb examples.
o Use present tense action verbs for anything currently being done (no ing forms of verbs should
be used). An example of this is lead instead of leading or recruit instead of recruiting.
o Use past tense for anything that has concluded. An example of this is using taught instead of
teach or created instead of create.
Quantify experiences when possible.
Include specific numbers within your bullet points to provide
context and detail to your story (e.g. how many members participated, the total amount of money
raised, how frequently you completed a task). Consider using numbers, dollars, and percentages
whenever possible.
Provide context and detail.
A bullet point should not be a vague description of your job responsibilities or
involvement. Instead, provide detail and context for each bullet point in order to better articulate your
accomplishments and experiences. You will not be present to answer any questions that a reviewer
might have, so be as specific as possible to avoid any confusion.
The header of your Resume will be the first thing a reviewer sees. Headers should include identifying
information, including name, address, and contact information. Make the name stand out from the rest of the
resume by using a slightly larger font size. Refer to the sample resumes for examples on formatting this section.
Name: List at the top of the page and match your official UW student record name. It can and should be
larger than the information on your resume.
University E-mail Address: Use your @wisc.edu email address or official university email.
Phone Number: Include only your preferred phone number.
Mailing Address: Include either (or both) your present or permanent mailing address.
Bucky Badger
608.222.3333 bbadger@wisc.edu
975 University Avenue Apartment 3150 Madison, WI 53706
The education information listed on your resume should only include post-secondary institutions (this does not
include high school). Post-secondary coursework completed during high school should not be included unless a
degree was received. If you are transferring (or have transferred) from a university or college other than UW-
Madison, this should be listed on the resume. Refer to the sample resumes for examples on formatting this
Line 1: University Name, Location
Line 2: Bachelor of Business Administration Degree
o If graduating from institution listed, provide a projected graduation date.
o If not graduating from institution listed, provide the range of time spent there.
Line(s) 3/4: Major(s), Certificates, and Overall GPA
o All GPAs should be listed on 4.00 scale, going no further than two decimal points.
Study abroad experiences should be listed in the education section.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI
Bachelor of Business Administration Degree May 201X
Major: Finance, Investment & Banking
Certificate: Spanish
Overall GPA: 3.44/4.00
Transfer University
City, State
General Studies
January 201X- May 201X
Overall: GPA: 3.81/4.00
This portion of the resume should include paid work experience and paid/unpaid internships. We encourage
you to format your resume based on
experiences which reflect your greatest accomplishments and/or business-
Within the Experience section:
List your most recent experiences first, using reverse chronological order.
Include the company/organization name, geographic location, title of position, and dates employed (see
sample resumes for examples).
If you held multiple roles with the same company/organization, list the company’s name and location
only once, followed by each position (in reverse chronological order) with its respective bullet points
(see example below that demonstrates a multiple-position experience).
Future internships that have been accepted may also be included. See the sample resumes for examples
of how best to include these not-yet-completed experiences in this section.
You should include at least two bullet points for each experience, but are encouraged to include more if
necessary/appropriate. Utilize the Best Practices Related to Bullet Point Development section of this
resource guide and the sample resumes to assist you in writing strong bullet points.
Company/Organization Name
City, State
Most Recent Position Title Month, Year Present
Begin with an action verb and continue with what you did + how you did it + the purpose/the result
Most experiences typically include 2-3 bullet points per position. There are no rules against a bullet point
taking up more than one line (as long as it’s meaningful)
Use context, specifics, and quantifiable detail to better articulate the outcomes of your experience.
Previous Position Title Month, YearMonth, Year
If you have held multiple roles with the same company or organization, split them out and articulate both
Bullet points listed under the previous title or position should begin with past tense action verbs
This section should highlight how your time is spent outside of the classroom, typically in an unpaid or
extracurricular environment. More specifically, highlight your organizational involvement and leadership, as
well as volunteer experiences.
Include the organization name, geographic location
if it is not taking place on campus (you do not
need to specify location of involvement when it is at the university you are currently attending),
position/leadership title, and dates involved (see sample resumes for examples).
Apply the same general organization and bullet point rules as the “Experience” section above.
Student/Community Organization
Month, Year Present
Leadership Title Month, Year Month, Year
Utilize the same approach to writing strong bullet points here as you did in the Experience section
Avoid using acronyms that might not be familiar to those outside of the organizationwrite out the full name
once and then abbreviate if used again
Move beyond “attend” as your primary accomplishmentthink about what you’ve contributed or gained from
your participation
It is important to understand that
not all students will have these sections
; it depends on what type of
experience the student has and whether those experiences warrant a separate section on the resume.
This section allows students to outline any proficiencies or technical skills they feel are applicable. It may also
include specific courses or completed certifications. Language proficiency is also acceptable. Microsoft Office
proficiency is not necessary to include in your skills section.
Proficient in Spanish (verbal and written)
Familiar with Java Programming and C++; Experienced in the Adobe Creative Suite package
Include a Global Profile section
if you have spent extensive time abroad (beyond a single study abroad
experience and beyond vacations) or if you are proficient/fluent in multiple languages.
Global Profile
Fluent in Spanish (written and verbal); studied for eight consecutive years
Lived in Madrid, Spain from 2008-2009; lived in Rome, Italy from 2009-2010; traveled to more than 16
countries throughout Europe over two-year period
For exams, differentiate between exams passed and exams you are sitting for; include the month and year you
plan to sit for the exam if scheduled. For VEE courses, list which requirements you have completed.
Exams and VEE Coursework
Passed Exam P Month, Year
Passed Exam FM Month, Year
Sitting for Exam MLC Month, Year
Fulfilled VEE requirements in Economics Month, Year (only list the ones you have completed)
List honors if they have occurred in college and/or are uniquely impressive (i.e. only a few students receive the
honor or it is highly recognizable).
Honors and Awards
UW-Madison Chancellor’s Scholar (2015-Present)
National Merit Scholar Commended Student (2015)
Eagle Scout (2014)
Do not use a template to create your resume, as they are difficult to edit and format, and often do not
include the sections needed for a strong student resume.
Do not have any spelling or grammatical errors.
Do not include a list of relevant coursework.
Do not include an objective, summary of qualifications, profile, or similar section.
Do not include personal pronouns in your bullet points (e.g. I, my, me, our, we).
Do not use overly creative fonts on your resumeselect a font that is easily readable.
Do not use images, pictures or graphics on your resume.
Do not provide personal information such as birthdate, gender, photos, etc.
Do not use narratives or paragraphs to describe your experiences and involvement (instead, utilize
bullet points).
Do not include personal or professional references or “References available upon request.”
These sample resumes are intended to assist BBA students in the process of developing a resume. Use these
sample resumes as a guide for formatting, but
appropriately personalize and tailor
your own resume. Refer to
the other sections of this resource guide for additional information regarding specific resume sections and best
practices related to content and formatting.
Sample Resume #1: Helen C. White (direct-admit first-year student)
Sample Resume #2: Vel Phillips (second-year; transfer student)
Sample Resume #3: Frederic A. Ogg (third-year student; seeking internship)
Sample Resume #4: Hermione Grainger (IMAcc student; seeking internship)
Sample Resume #5: Don Draper (fourth-year student; seeking full-time employment)
Helen C. White
608-123-4567 [email protected]
600 North Park Street • Madison, WI 53706
University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration May 2020
Majors: Marketing; International Business
Certificate: Spanish
Overall GPA: X.XX/4.00
The Wisconsin Union, Prairie Fire Madison, WI
Barista November 2016-Present
Engage with customers in a friendly manner while accurately receiving and preparing drink orders in order to
create a positive overall customer experience
Assisted in on-site marketing strategy development by recommending new ways to promote seasonal and weekly
specials to customers, resulting in an 8 percent increase in monthly sales
Denny’s Racine, WI
Server/Dishwasher May 2015-August 2016
Promoted from role of Dishwasher to Server after only three months due to outstanding performance
Greeted and served customers in an efficient manner, placing an emphasis on customer service, friendliness, and
attention to detail
Maintained knowledge of more than 75 menu items and often provided guests with specific recommendations
Communicated and collaborated with other servers and kitchen staff to effectively serve the maximum number of
guests during peak meal times
LeaderShape August 2016
Student Participant
Engaged with 50 fellow UW-Madison undergraduates at week-long leadership training, focused on teaching how
to lead with integrity through group discussion, simulations, guest speakers, and personal reflection
Learned effective goal-setting skills aimed at planning to accomplish large visions
Alpha Chi Omega, Kappa Chapter September 2016-Present
Sisterhood Chair January 2017- Present
Create a community based on sisterhood, leadership, learning, and service by planning and executing at least three
sisterhood events per semester and striving to foster relationships amongst 150 chapter members
Participate in multiple fundraising events during each semester to raise more than $3,000 for philanthropy
American Marketing Association (AMA) September 2016-Present
Active Member
Gain knowledge of potential career opportunities by attending corporate and employer presentations
Develop business acumen by interacting with group members to design marketing strategies and engage in
problem-solving opportunities
Partner with other members twice per semester to serve local community organizations in the Madison area
UW-Madison Figure Skating Club September 2016-Present
Team Member
Participate in two-hour weekly training practices to further enhance technical and teamwork skills
Collaborate with team members to coordinate and execute a competition attended by 10 other universities
Volunteer at three competitions by assisting in the hospitality room and providing food and beverages to all
judges and officials
Vel Phillips
608-456-1234 [email protected] ▪ 1950 Willow Drive ▪ Madison, WI 53706
University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI
Bachelor of Business Administration degree May 2019
Major: Management and Human Resources
Overall GPA: X.XX/4.00
University of Iowa ▪ Iowa City, IA
General Studies (pre-business) August 2015May 2016
Overall GPA: X.XX/4.00
Robert W. Baird & Co. Milwaukee, WI May 2016 August 2016
Recruiting and Talent Acquisition Intern
Participated in candidate interviews, ran background checks, and verified educational information in order to
provide hiring recommendations to leadership team
Entered contract dates, appointments, promotions, and confidential information into various databases
Assisted in the planning and organization to ensure a successful on-campus recruitment cycle for fall 2016
Center for the First-Year Experience | UW-Madison Madison, WI September 2016Present
Transfer Ambassador
Strategize new approaches to connect with first semester transfer students at weekly staff meetings
Collaborate with campus departments to effectively identify and address the needs of transfer students
Distribute weekly e-mails to update transfer students on available opportunities and programs on campus and in
the larger Madison community
Coordinate events, such as bonfires and bowling nights, to help build community among transfer students
Utilize social networking platforms to quickly communicate answers to transfer students’ questions
Greater Green Bay YMCA ▪ Green Bay, WI May 2014 August 2016 (seasonal)
Swim Instructor
Taught swim lessons to children, ages 3-13, with a focus on building confidence in the water and developing
skills that were appropriate for each participant’s age level and experience in a fun and safe environment
Collaborated with two other instructors to execute and adapt lesson plans, maintain safety for all participants,
and provide feedback via mid-session and end-of-session report cards
Built strong relationships with families by communicating weekly improvements and addressing concerns to
encourage enrollment in future YMCA programs
Society of Human Resources Management September 2016 Present
General Member
Establish connections with graduate students and Madison-area human resources professionals as a mentee to
receive professional advice and support
Develop understanding of potential careers through presentations and networking events with employers
Moda Magazine October 2016 Present
Fashion Writer
Identify current issues and trends within the fashion industry and conduct research and interviews in order to
write three articles per semester for online and print publication
University of Iowa Dance Marathon Multicultural Business Student Organization ▪ University of Iowa Bowling Club
Frederic A. Ogg
University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration May 2018
Major: Finance, Investment & Banking
Overall GPA: X.XX/4.00 (Dean’s List, 2 semesters)
CUNA Mutual Group Madison, WI
Finance Intern Corporate Tax May August 2016
Assessed, analyzed, and ensured federal, state, and local income tax compliance for multiple entities
Utilize Excel and other software to prepare financial reports for departmental usage
Conduct tax research projects and present ideas for updates to company policies to leadership team
Roast Public House Madison, WI
Server August 2015 Present
Create a positive environment by providing prompt and friendly service to enhance guest experience
Develop knowledge of 40 menu items and changing draught list in order to address customers’ questions
Partner with three other employees to maintain a clean restaurant each day by quickly clearing and wiping
down tables and maintaining a tidy server’s station
Golf World Point Place, WI
Sales Associate May 2014August 2015 (seasonal)
Gained insight into retail finance and operations through inventory management and cash reconciliation
Utilized organization and leadership skills to manage the sales zone effectively with fellow associates
Enhanced product knowledge and assisted in the intentional placement and promotion of seasonal
merchandise to increase sales by average of 10% monthly
Finance and Investment Society (FIS) January 2015 Present
External Relations Chair (incoming) September 2016Present
Communications Chair September 2015May 2016
Managed all official internal and external communication for the organization; implemented use of Google
Drive to more efficiently organize information and ensure smooth transfer of duties to future chair
Collaborated weekly with seven executive board members to determine programming for 150+ member
organization and delegate planning and execution responsibilities to committee chairs
Network with alumni and employers to learn more about industry opportunities through on-campus
speaker events and corporate site visits in the Midwest region
Wisconsin BBA Student Government September 2014Present
Vice President of Finance September 2015May 2016
Created and maintained $15,000 budget in cooperation with advisor and executive team members to
appropriately allocated funds for programming needs
Ensured record keeping compliance with Wisconsin School of Business, UW-Madison, and legal entities
Identified and applied for sponsorship and grant opportunities to increase available funds for BBA Student
Government events; awarded $2,000 for organization
Elected Pre-Business Representative January 2015May 2015
Maintained at least two office hours per week in order to receive feedback and address concerns of current
BBA and pre-business students
Advocated for programming that supports the interests of more than 2,500 business students and 1,500+
pre-business students
fredo[email protected] 608.123.4567
835 West Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706
Hermione Granger
(608) 262-0471 ▪ hgranger@wisc.edu 975 University Ave ▪ Madison, WI 53706
University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI
Candidate for Master of Accountancy degree May 2018
Bachelor of Business Administration degree May 2017
Major: Accounting; Overall GPA: 3.69/4.00
Ministry of Management Chicago, IL
Accounting Intern Jun 2016 Aug 2016
Analyzed supplemental services pricing for established clients and highlighted 6 offerings where prices could be
adjusted to attract sales; project to increase sales 11% in FY2016
Compile monthly account reconciliations for 3 clients using Microsoft Excel and SAP software
Investigated Aged Accounts Receivable items to maximize company revenue collection
Entered deposit receipts and payments to ensure accurate expense reporting
Research & Sponsored Programs, University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI
Research Assistant March 2015 Present
Monitor research department email and phone line to efficiently address customer requests
Assemble applicant demographic information to identify fields with low application volumes
Confirm 34 grant applicants’ contact information to ensure accurate fund awards
Society for the Protection of Economically Disadvantaged Women (SPEW) Jan 2014 Present
Founder & President Jan 2014 May 2015
Founded organization focused on advocating for economically disadvantaged women
Organized clothing drives to raise resources and awareness for SPEW
Recruited 35 founding members and grew to 75 members in two years
Networked with 3 local businesses to create student projects aimed at increasing company interaction with
disadvantaged customers and community members
Beta Alpha Psi Jan 2015 Present
Treasurer Sept 2016Present
Prepare and manage $25,000 annual budget aimed at maximizing number of valuable member events
Maintain financial statements in QuickBooks and presented to organization advisor to confirm spending reports
Communicate with 7 executive board members to ensure spending goals are met
Tutor group of 10 accounting students to succeed in classes and foster interest in Beta Alpha Psi
Pledge Chair Sept 2015 May 2016
Recruited and established a welcoming environment for 60 incoming pledges
Organized pledge dinner to encourage networking between new pledges and 115 current members
Documented pledge participation in organization events to ensure membership requirements were met
KPMG International Case Competition November 2014
Analyzed company’s current pain points using quantitative and qualitative information
Collaborated with a team of 4 students to develop potential case solutions
Prepared 30 minute presentation of findings and recommendations for panel of five faculty and representatives
Proficient in Excel, QuickBooks; Exposure to SAP software
Don Draper 975 University Ave.
ddraper@wisc.edu ● 608-262-0471 Madison, WI 53706
University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI
Bachelor of Business Administration degree May 2017
Majors: Marketing, International Business
Overall GPA: 3.62/4.00 (Dean’s List; 2 semesters)
ESCP-Europe Paris, France
Study Abroad Program Spring 2016
Sterling Cooper Advertising New York, NY
Ad Sales Intern May 2016 August 2016
Compiled sales proposals to support creative teams in acquiring a mobile network startup client
Created sales decks and reports using Ad Data Express, Targus Info, and Excel for use in sales meetings
Implemented digital marketing campaigns focused on inbound marketing, demand generation, and lead generation
Analyzed information from Dart for Publisher (DFP) to provide management with updates on campaign progress
Assisted 3 interns with industry projects such as competitive analysis to improve their business capabilities
The Nitty Gritty Madison, WI
Public Relations Manager May 2016 Present
Write and publish Facebook statuses and Twitter posts for over 450 followers to generate positive publicity
Develop promotional advertising for weekly drink specials based on operational capabilities in order to generate sales
Communicate with student organizations to schedule ‘Cup Night’ fundraisers to help serve the Madison community
Collaborate with managers and employees to brainstorm and execute digital media campaign strategies
Host November 2015May 2016
Track and plan customer traffic in different sections to control wait times and server work load
Greet, on average, over 100 customers per shift with friendly customer service to provide a positive dining experience
MadAd Advertising Club January 2015Present
President January 2016Present
Organize speaker events with advertising firms to provide members with opportunities to learn and network
Plan semester goals with executive board to ensure a high level of performance for the organization
Coordinate with 4 advertising firms in the New York area to schedule office visits for 16 members on semesterly trip
Alumni Director September 2015 December 2015
Maintained database of contact information for 150 organization alumni to facilitate networking by current members
Composed monthly newsletter using MailChimp mailing service to keep alumni updated on MadAd events
Consolidated members’ resumes in a professional resume portfolio to match sponsors with talented members
Auto-Appreciation Association (AAA) January 2014Present
Founder/President January 2014 December 2015
Authored mission statement, bylaws, and branding according to UW-Madison guidelines to create foundation for AAA
Organized trips for 25 members to Detroit and Milwaukee to enhance industry knowledge of cars in America
Organized 3 fundraising events and raised a total of $5,700 to maintain operating budget
Restored 1977 Chevrolet Camaro with members and sold vehicle for $9500 to benefit local homeless shelters
Proficient in Adobe Premiere Pro, Google AdWords; Exposure to Illustrator, Magisto Video Editing