The Pfeiffer Library Volume 6, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 1998 Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
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J. William Pfeiffer
A person’s interpersonal life is dependent on that person’s facility for making his or her
thoughts, feelings, and needs known to others and on that person’s receptiveness to the
attempts of others to share similar data with him or her. Communication, a multifaceted
phenomenon, is the result of efforts by individuals toward this end. Communication can
be considered in simplistic terms as the sending and receiving of messages, as both
elements must be present for communication to take place. However, the fundamental
transaction of message sent and received does not presuppose that communication has
occurred. Often, it has only partially occurred or has been aborted entirely as a result of
the circumstances surrounding the occasion when the communication attempt was made.
These circumstances may be environmental, emotional, verbal-skill oriented,
phenomenological, or resulting from a host of conditions present within the individuals
who are attempting to relate.
An analogy may help to clarify the concept of the effect of circumstances on the
effectiveness of sending and receiving messages. In the late afternoon when you observe
a sunset, the sun often appears to be a deep red, larger and less intense than it seems at
midday. This is due to the phenomenon of refraction, the bending of the light rays as
they pass through the earth’s atmosphere, and the higher density of dust in the air
through which the light passes as the sun goes down. The sun has already moved below
the horizon, but it is still in sight because its emissions are distorted by the conditions of
the medium through which they must travel. In a similar way the messages that we send
to one another are often refracted by intrapersonal, interpersonal, and environmental
conditions that contribute to the atmosphere in which we are relating. I may distort my
message to you by giving out mixed messages verbally and symbolically, and you may
distort what you hear because of your own needs and experiences. The two of us may be
located in an environment, physical and psychological, that contributes to the difficulty
in clearly sharing what we intend. In an atmosphere of suspicion, for example, we may
both become unduly cautious in our communication.
Although it is unlikely that totally nonrefracted communication is a possibility over
time between any two people or with significant others with whom we must deal
interpersonally, an awareness of conditions that block and alter the intention of sent and
received messages may produce less refraction and better communication in the long
Originally published in The 1973 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
The Pfeiffer Library Volume 6, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 1998 Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
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Some of the conditions that cause refraction can be labeled and examined in light of
their impact on effective communications:
emotional blocks
past experiences
hidden agendas
physical environment
mind wandering
1. Preoccupation. A person who is focusing on internal stimuli may listen in such a
way that none of the message comes through or so little of it that he or she cannot grasp
the message appropriately and may respond in such a way that the blocking of the
message is apparent. A story is told of a columnist in New York who attended numerous
cocktail parties and had come to believe that a certain socialite was so preoccupied with
making an outstanding impression on her guests that she was unable to hear anything
they were saying. To test his theory he came late to her next party; when he was greeted
effusively at the door by the hostess, he said, “I’m sorry to be late, but I murdered my
wife this evening and had a terrible time stuffing her body into the trunk of my car.” The
super-charming hostess beamed and replied, “Well, darling, the important thing is that
you have arrived, and now the party can really begin!”
2. Emotional blocks. A second condition may be an emotional block to the direction
that the message is taking. Words may have become charged with emotion for a person,
possibly due to that person’s conditioning in childhood or to current circumstances in his
or her life at the time the communication attempt is made. An example might be of the
well-intentioned but unaware adult white male, who, in speaking to an adult black male,
makes reference to “you colored boys.” Similarly, a woman who is having difficulty in
conceiving a child may not be able to discuss Aunt Mary’s comment, “Now that you and
Bob have been settled for a few years, it would be nice to start a family”; or she may
find herself responding irrationally to a lecture on population control.
The Pfeiffer Library Volume 6, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 1998 Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
3. Hostility. Hostility may create refraction of messages. This can occur when
communicating with a person with whom you are angry, or it may be a carryover from a
recent experience. It may also be the subject matter that arouses hostility. When two
people are engaged in a hostile confrontation, each often distorts messages from the
other in such a way that provides fuel for further venting of hostility. A husband and a
wife may have the following type of exchange of messages: He: “I really thought I was
helping you when I . . . .” She: “Are you trying to tell me that I was incapable of . . . .”
He: “You aren’t capable of much of anything! Just look at the state of our finances.” The
husband’s intended message was “I know I’ve made you angry by my action. Where did
I go wrong?” The angry wife chose to interpret the word “help” as an accusation that she
lacked the resources to handle the situation. Her message elicits further distortion and
hostility from the husband. In another example, a woman may come home from just
having had a confrontation with her boss and may carry over her hostility to her family
by overreacting to her husband’s messages concerning the day’s irritations, or she may
simply filter out all messages and respond in monosyllables to any attempts at
communication. The subject matter being dealt with may engender hostility and thereby
distort the message. A father may comment that his son should plan to have his hair
trimmed for his sister’s wedding and find that his message has been refracted as an all-
encompassing criticism of his son’s life style.
4. Charisma. The charisma of the sender of a message may affect how the message
is received. Political candidates are often chosen more for their possession of this quality
than for their other attributes. A charismatic person can often make tired, trivial
messages seem new and important to the recipient; however, this too can become
detrimental to communication, as the receiver of the message is less likely to question or
ask for clarification of the message. How often have we come away enthusiastically
from having heard a dynamic speaker, only to discover that we cannot actually
remember the content of the speech? Conversely, a person who has something important
and unique to say to us may not be able to hold our attention in such a fashion that we
hear the message he or she is sending.
5. Past experience. Our experience can predispose us to refraction. If our weekly
staff meetings have always been a waste of time, we may come into each succeeding
meeting expecting not to give the messages that are sent much consideration or to hear
them as having no relevant implications. Staff meetings may also nurture another kind
of condition that may create message refraction.
6. Hidden agendas. A person with a special interest, that is, a hidden agenda, may
hear all messages only in reference to his or her own needs or may not be able to hear
messages that do not relate to his or her own interest. If the hidden agenda is in
competition with the message of another employee, he or she may reject all suggestions
made by that other employee or may attempt to manipulate others into distorting the
other employee’s messages. The person with the hidden agenda might make such
comments as “Of course, Chris has no real expertise in this area” or “We all know that
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the administration will never buy that, Chris.” He or she may dismiss an excellent idea
from someone with a fresh perspective.
7. Inarticulateness. Simple inarticulateness, or lack of verbal skill, may distort the
intention of the sender. As clarity is essential for the true message to be received, a
person may never be able to communicate effectively if he or she has never developed
verbal skills. If the receiver of the message is unaware of the sender’s difficulty, he or
she may dismiss the messages or distort them. Verbal patterns that are culturally
determined may also hinder communication, as they could function as lack of skill when
the message is received. A person from a minority culture may be quite articulate within
his or her peer group but may fail to get messages through when speaking to a person
from another culture. It is at this point that verbally administered standardized
intelligence tests become invalid. An Appalachian child was once being tested by a
psychometrist, who asked that the child name the seasons of the year. The child replied,
“Deer season, possum season, fishing season . . . .” The child showed an excellent grasp
of seasonal variation throughout the year; but because his response was not the standard
one, his score on the test was reduced.
8. Stereotyping. Culturally determined verbal patterns may lead to another type of
communication distortion—stereotyping. Eliza Doolittle in the musical My Fair Lady
was “heard” and understood as a charming, if unconventional, lady once her speech
patterns had been altered from their original cockney flavor. However, Eliza had not
changed her values or increased her worth as a person in changing her speech patterns;
the only change was in her ability to send messages as a refined lady rather than as the
stereotype of a thoroughly dismissable guttersnipe. Another type of stereotyping that
causes adjustments in a person’s perceptual prism is that of the visual impact of the
speaker. A very conventional person may “hear” all attempts at communication as
radical if the speaker has an unconventional physical appearance. A conservative
member of the faculty at an urban university in the United States may hear a bearded
colleague say “Perhaps some of the experimental programs, such as the bachelor’s
degree in general studies, would serve the needs of our particular group of students
better than the traditional degree programs seem to do,” and may angrily dismiss the
idea as an attempt to downgrade the “standards” of the university. Yet a colleague with a
conservative appearance might make the identical proposal, and the faculty member
might respond with “Yes, we need to have more flexibility for our particular student
9. Physical environment. The environment alone may create conditions under which
communication cannot take place effectively. A stuffy, warm room may make it
impossible to send and receive messages accurately. A person’s physical state may also
be detrimental to communication. Any teacher will expound at length on the decline in
understanding on the part of students as summer approaches in a classroom that is not
air conditioned. Physical environment may contribute to another condition that may get
in the way of communications.
The Pfeiffer Library Volume 6, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 1998 Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
10. Mind wandering. This is a state to which all are susceptible. It distracts from the
message sent in much the same way that preoccupation distracts, but the internal
stimulus may never focus on any topic for more than a few seconds. This inability to
focus for long on internal stimuli will generalize to the external stimulus of a sender’s
11. Defensiveness. This leads to continual refraction of messages received. The
insecurity of the person tends to distort questions into accusations and replies into
justifications. A wife may ask her husband if he happened to pick up a loaf of bread on
his way home from work. Her intention is informational, that is, she is planning to go
out anyway and will pick up some bread at the same time, if he has not already bought
some. The issue is duplication of effort. The insecure husband, however, may respond as
if the issue were his ability to meet her needs. “No, I didn’t. I can’t think of everything,
you know, when I’m busy with a huge project at work. I suppose you think my buying a
loaf of bread is more important than concentrating on my job!”
12. Relationships. When we are attempting to communicate with another person,
we are giving out two sets of messages simultaneously, content and relationship. The
other person may be so preoccupied with hearing any cues about the latter that the
content is lost or seriously refracted. For example, a boss tells her secretary that she has
a set of instructions for her and that she wants her to be sure that she gets them right. If
the secretary is insecure in her relationship with the boss, she may hear an implication
that she is being evaluated negatively. Consequently, the secretary may distort her
hearing of the boss’s instructions.
13. Status. Perhaps the most difficult condition to overcome in communications is
that of status, as it encompasses most of the elements that have already been discussed.
A person in a position of high status may find communication difficult with most of the
people with whom he or she must interact, as his or her perceived power differentially
affects various people. One person may be preoccupied with impressing the source of
power, while another may be defensive, feeling that his or her job or status is threatened
by the powerful person. In addition, any high-status person must deal with the hostility
of the envious, the stereotyping of the power worshiper, the past experiences with other
high-status individuals that people may be generalizing from, and the emotional
elements generated by all of these conditions.
The means of alleviating these conditions that interfere with the communication
process are as varied as the people who must deal with them. The key, however, is in
becoming aware of the conditions that are interfering with the process and attempting to
modify behavior in such a way that messages are less often and less severely refracted.
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Anthony G. Banet, Jr.
Thinking and feeling are the two major ways by which we interact with our
interpersonal environment. Both are essential to constructive communication. In general,
thinking (“head talk”) leads to an explanation of the interactive situation, while feeling
(“gut talk”) leads to an understanding of it. Head talk is the prose of communication; gut
talk is the poetry.
“Think” statements refer to the denotative aspects of the environment. They attempt
to define, assert, opine, rationalize, or make causal connections between environmental
events. Think statements are bound by the rules of logic and scientific inquiry; they may
be true or untrue. Many times a think statement can be proven or disproven. Think
statements require words to be communicated.
Most of us have been trained to emit think statements exclusively. We are
constantly engaged in cognitive work: observing, inferring, categorizing, generalizing,
and summarizing; occasionally we report to others what goes on in our heads.
Frequently we are asked for facts (“Where did you put the car keys?”), opinions
(“Which tastes better, California or French wine?”), and speculation (“What happens
when we achieve zero population growth?”). Sometimes we are simply asked “What are
you thinking about?” Human beings like to think, and our ability to do it is usually on
the short list of characteristics that distinguish us from orangutans.
Laboratory learning places great emphasis on feelings. Many participants in groups
learn quickly that beginning sentences with “I think” is bad form, so they preface their
remarks with “I feel” and go on to report thoughts. This bogus use of “I feel” often
muddles communication.
1. “I feel like having a drink” is no expression of feeling but merely a shorthand
way of saying “I’m thinking about having a drink, but I’m still undecided.” In
this case “feel” is used to express an indefinite thought.
2. “I feel that Roger’s brashness is a cover for his insecurity” is not an expression
of feeling. Rather, it is a statement of opinion, an offering of a hypothesis.
3. “I feel that all men are created equal.” An abstract principle cannot really be felt;
this is a statement of belief, an expression of faith in someone or something. It is
more accurate to say “I believe that all men are created equal.”
Watch yourself when you say “I feel that . . . .” Such phraseology is a clue that you
are making a think statement with a feel prefix.
Originally published in The 1973 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
The Pfeiffer Library Volume 6, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 1998 Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
“Feel” statements refer to the connotative aspects of the environment. They attempt
to report our internal affective, immediate, nonrational, emotional, “gut” responses to
environmental events. Usually, feel statements are personal and idiosyncratic in that
they refer to inner states, what is happening inside of us. Feel statements, like dreams,
cannot be true or false, or good or bad, but only honestly or dishonestly communicated.
Feel statements may not require words at all; when they do, they usually take the form
of “I feel (adjective)” or “I feel (adverb).”
Many of us have conditioned ourselves to screen out awareness of internal
reactions. We may allow ourselves to report feeling “interested” or “uncomfortable,” but
deny ourselves more intense or varied reactions. Laboratory learning emphasizes feeling
states precisely because of this conditioning and denial. By getting in touch with our
inner events, we enrich our experiences with the reality surrounding us.
Changes inside of us provide direct cues to the feelings we are experiencing. A
change in bodily functioning—muscle tightness, restlessness, frowning, smiling,
inability to stay with a conversation—tells us how we are reacting to what is happening.
The sudden emergence of fantasies, impulses (“I want to go over and sit by Kathy”) or
wishes (“I wish Tom would shut up”) into our consciousness can provide immediate
entry into the rich and productive area of feeling communication if we can express them.
Sometimes we can also become aware of what is blocking our awareness of what
we are experiencing. Shame is one kind of block, especially when the impulse sounds
childish or regressive. Fear that if we communicate wishes, overt behavior will result is
another problem. It is a leftover from the magical thinking of childhood. Often, we have
a clear expectation of judgment from others if we dare to express ourselves. In a well-
functioning group, these blocks do not correspond to reality. It can be truly liberating to
express your feelings without shame, fear, or judgment.
Projection occurs when we deny our own feelings and attribute them to others. It is a
common happening in groups and involves many distortions. Frequently, projections are
made in an attempt to justify our own biases and prejudices.
Judging motives in others is guesswork that escalates misunderstanding. It is a sly
way of focusing on another’s feelings instead of your own and an entry into the
intriguing but time-wasting game of explaining why someone is feeling the way he or
she does. If you want to read minds, start with your own.
Metafeelings are thoughts and feelings about feelings. Metafeelings garble
communication. They are a way of distancing yourself from the immediate event, and
they present the risk of intellectualizing a potentially rich feeling experience. Beware of
exchanges that begin with phrases such as “I’m guessing that when I think I’m sort of
feeling that . . . .” You will get nowhere.
The Pfeiffer Library Volume 6, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 1998 Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
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Effective communication occurs when the communicators take responsibility for their
thoughts, feelings, and overt behavior—when they own what they do. Blaming and
imputing motives are sneaky, dishonest attempts to be irresponsible. When you own
your thoughts and feelings, the other person knows what you are experiencing and can
respond more authentically to you.
You are entitled to have thoughts and feelings in your interpersonal environment.
Being aware of them and the differences among them can improve your
The Pfeiffer Library Volume 6, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 1998 Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
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J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones
This article attempts to set forth certain theoretical concepts concerning indirect and
direct communication. In order to integrate theory with practice, six activities are
interspersed throughout this article. These activities are designed to add the dimension
of experiential learning to the theoretical concepts discussed.
Each of the six activities described is inserted at the exact point in the lecture at
which the activity is designed to occur. Activity 1, for example, should take place before
any theoretical concepts are introduced. The activities can accommodate an unlimited
number of participants.
Activity 1
1. The participants form subgroups of four. No talking is allowed.
2. Each person in each subgroup writes down the first two things that he or she
would communicate to each of the other people in the subgroup. Again, no
talking is allowed.
3. The facilitator gathers and publishes information concerning how many of the
twenty-four items generated in each subgroup are questions.
4. Participants are directed to “discard” the items they have generated; they will
be asked to “communicate” later.
One basic focus of the human relations movement is on the effective use of
communication. Many people fear taking risks in interpersonal relationships; yet as they
Originally published in The 1974 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
The Pfeiffer Library Volume 6, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 1998 Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
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need to feel that they are articulate and adept at “communication,” they often engage in
what we can call “pseudo communication.”
In reality, they try to direct the risk of interpersonal communication away from
themselves. They are afraid to present their own opinions, ideas, feelings, and desires.
The individual who fears taking risks may want to manipulate others into fulfilling
his or her own desires or expectations. Thus, this person would be saved from being
rejected or from exposing his or her vulnerability to others. The person’s motive may
also be to control others without apparently assuming authority.
This article attempts to illustrate several common varieties of indirect, pseudo
communication and to suggest some alternatives to these misdirected patterns of
One way that people engage in noncommunicative discourse is by speaking as if they
represented other people, in an attempt to get illegitimate support for their personal
points of view. For example, a person who prefaces his or her remarks by saying, “I
agree with Fred when he says . . .” or “I think I speak for the group when I say . . .” is
not communicating. Instead, that person is simply attempting to borrow legitimacy.
Perhaps the most frequently misused communication pattern is the question. In fact,
most questions are pseudo questions. The questioner is not really seeking information or
an answer to the “question.” Rather, he or she is offering an opinion—a statement. But
because the person does not want to risk having the idea rejected, he or she frames it as a
question, hoping to force the other person to agree.
With few exceptions, we could eliminate all questions from our communications
with others. As most questions are indirect forms of communication, they could be
recast as statements, or direct communications. By replacing pseudo questions with
genuine statements, we would come much closer to actual communication with one
Before we can achieve the aim of direct communication, however, we must be able
to identify the varieties of pseudo questions that people tend to use. There are eight basic
types of pseudo questions. Specific examples of each of these types of indirect
communication are noted.
Co-optive Question
This pseudo question attempts to narrow or limit the possible responses of the other
person. “Don’t you think that . . . ?” is a classic example of this type. Other examples are
“Isn’t it true that . . . ?”; “Wouldn’t you rather . . . ?”; “Don’t you want to . . . ?”; and
“You wouldn’t want that, would you?”
The Pfeiffer Library Volume 6, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 1998 Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
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The questioner is attempting to elicit the response that he or she wants by building
certain restrictions into the question.
Punitive Question
When the questioner uses a punitive question, he or she really wants to expose the other
individual without appearing to do so directly. For example, a person may be proposing
a new theoretical model in training; the listener, knowing that the theory has not been
properly researched, may ask what the experimental evidence indicates. The purpose of
the questioner is not to obtain information but to punish the speaker by putting him or
her on the spot.
Hypothetical Question
In asking a hypothetical question, a person again resorts to a pseudo question: “If you
were in charge of the meeting, wouldn’t you handle it differently?” This person does not
actually want to know how the individual being questioned would handle it. Instead, the
person may wish to criticize the meeting or may be indirectly probing for an answer to a
question that he or she is afraid or reluctant to ask. Hypothetical questions typically
begin with “If,” “What if,” or “How about.”
Imperative Question
Another type of pseudo question is the one that actually makes a demand. A question
such as “Have you done anything about . . . ?” or “When are you going to . . . ?” is not
asking for information. Rather it implies a command: “Do what you said you were going
to do and do it soon.”
The questioner wants to impress the other person with the urgency or importance of
his or her request (command).
Activity 2
1. The facilitator assigns one category of pseudo questions to each member of
each subgroup. The subgroup is given five minutes to “communicate.” with
each person restricted to initiating his or her assigned category of pseudo
2. No processing time is allowed at this point.
Screened Question
The screened question is a very common variety of pseudo question. The questioner,
afraid of simply stating a choice or preference, asks the other person what he or she likes
or wants to do, hoping the choice will be what the questioner secretly wants.
The Pfeiffer Library Volume 6, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 1998 Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
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For example, two acquaintances decide to go out to dinner together. One individual,
afraid to take the risk of making a suggestion that he or she is not sure will be accepted,
resorts to a screened question: “What kind of food do you prefer?” Secretly he or she
hopes the other person will name the questioner’s favorite food, say Chinese. Or he or
she frames the question in another way: “Would you like to have Chinese food?” Both
questions screen an actual statement or choice, which the questioner fears to make: “I
would like to have Chinese food.”
One result of the screened question is that the questioner may get information that
he or she is not seeking. If the other person misinterprets the question about food, for
example, he or she may tell the questioner about exotic varieties of food experienced in
his or her travels—not what the questioner wanted to know at all.
On the other hand, the screened question may sorely frustrate the person being
questioned, who is not sure how to give the “correct” response and feels under pressure
to “guess” what that response might be.
The questioner, too, may find the results of a screened question frustrating. If the
other person takes the question at face value, the questioner may be trapped into a
choice (Italian food, for example) that he or she does not like but cannot escape. Worse,
both individuals may be unable to “risk” a suggestion and end up eating Greek food,
which neither likes.
In marriage, the screened question may be used by one partner to punish or control
the other. One individual may seem generously to offer the other “first choice,” while he
or she actually poses the question in such a way that the partner’s suggestions can be
rejected and countered with a “compromise” consisting of what he or she wanted all
along. Thus, the partner who offers the “compromise” gets what he or she wants by
manipulating the other partner into the position of offering all the “wrong” choices.
Set-Up Question
This pseudo question maneuvers the other person into a vulnerable position, ready for
the axe to fall. One example of the setup question is “Is it fair to say that you . . . ?” If
the person being questioned agrees that it is fair, the questioner has him or her “set up”
for the kill. Another way that set-up questions are introduced is by the phrase “Would
you agree that . . . ?” The questioner is “leading the witness” in much the same way a
skillful lawyer sets up a line of response in court.
Rhetorical Question
One of the simplest types of the pseudo question is the rhetorical question, which comes
in many forms. The speaker may make a statement and immediately follow it with a
positive phrase that assumes approval in advance: “Right?” or “O.K.?” or “You see?” or
“You know?” He or she is not asking the other person to respond; indeed, he or she
wishes to forestall a response because it may not be favorable. Often, an insecure person
may acquire the habit of ending almost all statements with “Right?” as an attempted
guarantee of agreement.
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Or the questioner may precede his or her statements or requests with such negative
phrases as “Don’t you think . . . ?” or “Isn’t it true that . . . ?” or “Wouldn’t you
like . . . ?” In either case, the person who fears risking his or her own opinion is trying to
eliminate all alternatives by framing the “question” so that it elicits the response that he
or she wants.
A supervisor may say to a staff member, “Don’t you think it would be a good idea
to finish the report tonight and have it out of the way?” He or she phrases the question
so as to make it appear that the decision to work late was a joint one. The staff member
may not approve of the suggestion, but he or she has little or no alternative but to agree.
“Got’cha” Question
A “got’cha” question is derived from Eric Berne’s Games People Play (1964):
“Now I got’cha, you so-and-so.” Related to the set-up question, a “got’cha” question
might run something like this: “Weren’t you the one who . . . ?” or “Didn’t you say
that . . . ?” or “Didn’t I see you . . . ?” The questioner’s joy in trapping the other person
is nearly palpable. He or she is digging a pit for the respondent to fall into rather than
inviting an answer to the “question.”
Activity 3
1. The process used with the first four types of pseudo questions is repeated with
the second four types.
2. Five minutes is allowed to process the experience.
3. The facilitator has the participants infer the statements that lie behind the
questions asked; participants test the accuracy of their inferences and then
react to them.
Pseudo questions are one method of indirect communication; clichés are another. When
people use clichés, they really do not want to communicate with another person—or
they want to feel that they are “communicating” without sharing anything of
significance. Thus, they resort to routinized, pat, standardized, stylized ways of
responding to one another.
Examples of clichés abound in English, as in other languages: “You could hear a
pin drop.” “If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.” “He hit the nail on the head.” “He
took the bull by the horns.” “He has us over a barrel.” “We got our bid in just under the
wire.” “It’s an open-and-shut case.” “He left no stone unturned in his search.” “Better
late than never.” “The early bird gets the worm.” “He can’t see the forest for the trees.”
“I’ve been racking my brains over the problem.” “His kind of person is few and far
between.” “He is always up at the crack of dawn.” “Let’s get it over and done with.”
“His mind is as sharp as a tack.” “Better safe than sorry.” “She’s as cute as a button.”
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Activity 4
1. Participants write down as many clichés as they can in three minutes.
2. The facilitator has participants form pairs by moving to new partners.
3. The partners “communicate” with each other using only clichés.
4. Five minutes of processing time follows in groups of six (three pairs).
No one can avoid using clichés occasionally. But the frequent use of tired, worn-out
phrases diminishes the effectiveness of communication.
If, then, we have established that clichés and pseudo questions are forms of indirect
(and, therefore, ineffective) communication, it is important to know some of the effects
that such indirect communication has on dealings between people. We can note five
major effects generated by indirect communication: guesswork, inaccuracy, inference of
motives, game-playing behavior, and defensiveness.
Indirect communication encourages each person to make guesses about the other.
Without direct, open patterns of communication, people cannot get to know each other
successfully; if they do not know something, they will make guesses about it. Such
“guessing games” further inhibit or obstruct true communication.
If one person is forced to guess about another, the guess may often be wrong. Yet the
person who engaged in the guesswork communicates with the other person on the basis
of an assumption, the accuracy of which he or she is unable to check. Obviously,
communication based on inaccurate assumptions is not clear or direct.
Inference of Motives
Indirect communication also increases the probability that people will be forced to infer
each other’s motives. They will try to determine each other’s motives: Why is he or she
doing that? What is the intention behind that comment? By communicating through
clichés and pseudo questions, we hide our true motivations.
Game-Playing Behavior
Indirect communication encourages people to “play games” with each other: to deceive,
to be dishonest, not to be open or straightforward. Clearly, such behavior leads away
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from the basic aims of human relations training. When the questioner is playing a
“got’cha” game, for example, his or her behavior may be contagious.
One of the surest effects of indirect communication is defensiveness. As there is an
implied threat behind a great deal of indirect communication, people tend to become
wary when faced with it. Their need to defend themselves only widens the gap of
effective communication even further.
Defensiveness can be recognized in several different postures, all characteristic
results of indirect communication: displacement, denial, projection, attribution, and
Activity 5
1. Participants form new subgroups of three.
2. The members of each subgroup communicate with one another for ten
minutes without using questions or clichés.
3. Five minutes of processing time follows.
In contrast to indirect (ineffective) communication, direct (effective) communication is
marked by the capacity for taking certain risks in order to understand and be understood.
Communication is effective when it has certain characteristics:
1. It is two-way communication. Ideas, opinions, values, attitudes, beliefs, and
feelings flow freely from one person to another.
2. It is marked by active listening. People take responsibility for what they hear—
accepting, clarifying, and checking the meaning, content, and intent of what the
other person says.
3. It utilizes effective feedback. Each person not only listens actively, but also
responds to the other person by telling that person what he or she is hearing. The
process of feedback tests whether what was heard is what was intended.
4. It is not stressful. Communication is not effective if people are concerned that
they are not communicating; when this happens, it is a key that the
communication is not functioning properly.
5. It is clear and unencumbered by mixed or contradictory messages. Such
messages, whether verbal, nonverbal, or symbolic, serve to confuse the content
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of the communication. In other words, communication is effective when it is
Any communication always carries two kinds of meanings: the content message
and the relationship message. We hear not only what other people say to us, but also
implications about our mutual relationship. If we are so preoccupied with detecting cues
about the latter, we may distort the content message severely or lose it altogether. When
communication is effective, both messages are clearly discernible; one does not confuse
or distract the other.
Five major approaches can foster direct communication:
1. Confrontation. Each person can learn to confront the other in a declarative rather
than an interrogative manner. We can attempt to eliminate almost all our pseudo
questions by formulating them into direct statements.
2. Active listening. This is a powerful antidote to indirect communication. We can
learn to paraphrase, empathize, reflect feelings, test the accuracy of our
inferences, and check our assumptions in order to produce clearer, more
straightforward communication with others.
3. Owning. If people can learn to accept their legitimate feelings, data, attitudes,
behavior, responsibility, and so on, then they can learn to reveal themselves more
directly to others. Owning what we are, what we are feeling, and what belongs to
us is a first step toward communicating more effectively.
4. Locating. This is a way of finding the context of a question. Some questions we
cannot answer because we do not know their “environment,” so to speak. We
need to learn to locate these questions before we can respond to them. Questions
are usually more effective if they are preceded by an explanation of their
contextual origins.
5. Sharing is the final, and perhaps most important, approach to direct
communication. All communication is a sharing process: In attempting to
communicate with others, we are sharing our views, beliefs, thoughts, values,
observations, intentions, doubts, wants, interests, assumptions, strengths, and
For any of these five approaches to be useful, we must, as indicated earlier, be
ready to take risks and to work toward a genuine sharing of a common meaning with the
other person. If we are not prepared to risk, we will not attain successful, effective, and
direct communication.
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Activity 6
1. The participants form subgroups of six.
2. The learning of the experience is processed within each subgroup in terms of
back-home applications.
3. Each participant contracts to find out what has happened with his or her
spouse or significant other or with a fellow worker without using questions.
Berne, E. (1964). Games people play: The psychology of human relationships. New York: Grove.
Jones, J.E. (1972). Communication modes: An experiential lecture. In J.W. Pfeiffer & J.E. Jones (Eds.), The 1972
annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Jones, J.E. (1972). Risk-taking and error protection styles. In J.W. Pfeiffer & J.E. Jones (Eds.), The 1972 annual
handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Pfeiffer, J.W. (1973). Conditions which hinder effective communication. In J.E. Jones & J.W. Pfeiffer (Eds.), The
1973 annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Pfeiffer, J.W. (1973). Risk-taking. In J.E. Jones & J.W. Pfeiffer (Eds.), The 1973 annual handbook for group
facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Pfeiffer, J.W., & Jones, J.E. (1972). Openness, collusion and feedback. In J.W. Pfeiffer & J.E. Jones (Eds.), The
1972 annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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John E. Jones
A basic human tendency in our culture is to enumerate our experiences. Because people
attempt to abstract those elements that they recognize as repeatable, they often end by
describing their experiences in terms of “how much” or “how many.” This tendency to
attach numbers to observations of everyday life, however, has some inherent dangers.
The tendency to oversimplify is one danger. Another is to imagine that experience
can be accumulated, as if one experience is equal to another. Yet another danger occurs
when we enumerate the characteristics and experiences of others. In other words, in
describing other people numerically, we summarize their experiences, characteristics,
and behaviors in terms of linear scales. A fourth danger is that we forget to look at
human beings and look instead at quantities.
Numbers, best thought of as symbols or as abstract concepts, are a very useful
device. When we assign a numerical value to some event, behavior, observation, or
pattern of tick marks on an answer sheet, we are symbolically representing a human
process. Counting may be done mechanically or electronically, but the schema is an
extension of the thought process of some person or persons. Numbers can be talked
about; manipulated statistically and arithmetically; and seen in an abstract, conceptual
way. The primary value of numbers, then, is to extrapolate from and summarize human
In practice, however, there is a tendency to assign more value to our numbering
than to the quality of human interaction needed to solve social problems. The logic of
numbers is not the syntax of human experience, even though ample evidence exists that
we treat people as though they were numbers. People who feel that they are being
subjected to such inhumanity are almost uniformly offended by it. When a person feels
that he or she has been treated with less dignity than that accorded to punched cards, that
person usually feels helplessness and bitterness. A few years ago a joke among college
and university students was “I am an IBM card. Do not fold, spindle, or mutilate me.”
The use of numbers in human relations—in organizational surveys, in instrumentation,
in counting—is best carried out in ways that are consistent with humanistic values. The
following principles are concerned with the relationship between using numbers in
human relations and acknowledging the worth and dignity of individual people:
Originally published in The 1975 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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1. No number or array of numbers can capture the essence of a human being.
People do not experience numbers, but we do use numbers to abstract some
principles or frequencies from what we see. The complexity of the individual
human being far exceeds our ability to describe human traits, their
interrelationships, or their patterns of interaction with the environment.
2. It is possible and desirable to conceptualize experience both numerically and
nonnumerically. The traditional notion held by many psychometricians is that “If
a thing exists, it exists in some amount. If you have not measured it, you do not
know what you are talking about.”
In human relations, we are concerned with what could be termed “soft” variables,
that is, those characteristics and interactions of human beings that cannot be described
very precisely. For example, we often talk about such concepts as trust, openness, self-
actualization, interdependence—concepts that are neither precisely defined nor
accurately measured. While it is useful to posit these human characteristics in order to
improve the ways in which people relate to one another, it is important for us to
recognize that the attempts that have been made represent the crudest form of
measurement. To say, for example, that a person who scores 8 on a 9-point synergy
scale has an unusually high ability to see “the opposites of life as meaningfully related”
is as indefensible as to say that unless we have mapped that characteristic of that person,
we cannot discuss it with any usefulness.
3. Numbers do not have meaning; only people experience meaning. There are no
inherent values in numbers. We impute, or assign, to these symbols meanings
that may be idiosyncratic. Just as words are symbols, numbers are symbols used
to simplify, arrange, and collect our experience. When we use them in
communication, we have many of the same problems we have in using other
symbols, such as words. People do not attach the same meanings to the same
symbols, though we often assume that they do (Jones, 1972).
4. There is no such thing as objectivity. Far enough behind any set of numbers will
be the subjective impressions, feelings, attitudes, theories, hunches, and
assumptions of one or more human beings. It is self-deceiving to imagine that
one can be objective in relation to oneself, other people, or even the physical
universe. “Scientific” observations are inevitably clouded by our abilities to
conceptualize experience and observations. In human relations it is important to
accept that we are first, last, and always subjective. Thus, we need to accept
responsibility for our biases, prejudices, and favorite ways of looking at the
5. The most difficult number problem is counting. A great many people experience
anxiety with regard to numbers, arithmetic, and especially statistics. Many
people are awed by the complexity of mathematical operations. It is almost as
though these number systems had a reality to be discovered and mastered. The
application of numerical processes, however, cannot be more useful than the
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observations on which the processes are based. The manipulation of frequencies,
or counts, does not add validity to the basic observations that are assigned
numerical value.
6. More of a good thing may be too much; human relations are not necessarily
linear. One human tendency, especially in Western cultures, is to think of things
as if they existed on a linear scale. For example, Westerners imagine intelligence
(a desired quality) to be a linear trait. Thus, the more intelligence, the better. As
openness in human relations is held to be desirable, Westerners have a tendency
to think that their activities in relation to one another would be most profitable if
they had completely open human interaction. It is useful, however, to think of
extremes—such as being completely open or being completely closed—as
equally dysfunctional (Pfeiffer & Jones, 1972).
7. When numbers become labels for people, individuals begin to be seen as static.
Although we usually think of people as being dynamic and changing, we tend to
oversimplify one another and to assume that our human characteristics are
unchangeable. Assigning numbers to the amounts of our hypothesized traits
strengthens this tendency. It is more useful, then, to consider numerical
designations of observed human behavior as short-term indicators. In training we
are interested in helping people to change their behavior. Using numbers in that
context suggests that intra-individual dynamics are more important than
characteristics that the individual cannot change.
8. The things that can be measured precisely are relatively unimportant in human
relations. Physical characteristics, certain personality traits, and some aspects of
the physical environment can be specified with considerable precision. These
considerations, however, cannot adequately account for the wide individual
differences in human interaction.
The dilemma in using numbers to foster human and organizational growth and
development, then, is that we have to allow for our subjectivity while we are attempting
to amass a reliable body of useful knowledge and information. In this process we should
not omit the positive aspects of subjectivity.
People are not numbers, but their experiences can, nevertheless, to a degree, be
collected, accumulated, and used as a basis for prediction. The important humanistic
consideration is that in using numbers we not violate the integrity of the people whose
human experience we are abstracting.
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Jones, J.E. (1972). Modes of communication. In J.W. Pfeiffer & J.E. Jones (Eds.), The 1972 annual handbook for
group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Pfeiffer, J.W., & Jones, J.E. (1972). Openness, collusion, and feedback. In J.W. Pfeiffer & J.E. Jones (Eds.), The
1972 annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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Myron R. Chartier
“Why can’t people get things straight?” is a question often asked when communication
breaks down. Because many factors contribute to a lack of clarity in communication, no
easy answers are available.
Misunderstandings between people can occur because of faulty assumptions that people
make about communication. Two such faulty assumptions are (1) “you” always know
what “I” mean and (2) “I” should always know what “you” mean. The premise seems to
be that because people live or work together, they are or should be able to read one
another’s minds. Some people believe that because they are transparent to themselves,
they are transparent to others as well. “Because I exist, you should understand me,” they
seem to be saying. People who make this assumption often presume that they
communicate clearly if they simply say what they please. In fact, they often leave those
listening confused and guessing about the message being communicated.
Misunderstanding is common because clarity of communication does not happen.
A third assumption often made is that communication happens naturally, like
walking across a room. The communication process, however, is complex; achieving a
correspondence between messages sent and messages received is difficult. Some people
ascribe to a “conveyor-belt” theory of communication—meaning moves from one head
to another with 100-percent accuracy. The shortcoming of a “conveyor-belt” theory of
communication, however, is that it suggests that meanings are inherent in the words
used or messages sent. However, the meaning one person has is never identical to that
which another person has because meanings are in people’s minds, not in the words they
use. Total accuracy in communication would require that two people have an identical
history of shared experiences. Only then could they perceive exactly the same meaning
for a given message. Given the reality of different life experiences, this is impossible.
Originally published in The 1976 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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“Getting things straight” is a difficult communication task; yet people must
communicate clearly with each other in order to receive information to accomplish the
mundane tasks of life and to experience the depths of dialogue with each other.
Fortunately, absolute clarity is unnecessary; effective communication is
accomplished when the amount of clarity or accuracy achieved is sufficient for handling
each situation adequately. According to information theorists, the purpose of
communication is to reduce uncertainty. Total accuracy in communication would lead to
an absence of uncertainty, but uncertainty can never be totally eliminated. Accurate or
clear communication, then, is designed to reduce uncertainty in a given situation to a
point at which necessary understanding can occur.
Certain practical principles and guidelines for reducing uncertainty and increasing
the accuracy and clarity in interpersonal communication can be suggested. To achieve
greater clarity in speaking, a person should have the desire to do so and should want to
understand the communication process more completely. The communicator can try to
analyze and shape his or her message according to the following factors: sending and
receiving, the communication context, encoding a message, and communication
channels. Of course, the degree of clarity achieved in a given situation is likely to result
from the combined effects of several of these factors. As communication is a process,
the factors being considered are interrelated, making it difficult to differentiate one from
Several principles and guidelines are observable in any attempt to send a clear message
from one person to another. These guidelines can be seen in terms of pictures, attitudes,
skills, and the frame of reference.
A person needs to have a clear picture of what he or she hopes to communicate to
another. The preacher needs a proposition in order to know what he or she is trying to
accomplish with a sermon. The teacher needs instructional objectives in order to know
what he or she wants students to learn. The administrator needs both short and long-
range objectives in order to plan organizational goals and interpret them to his or her
colleagues. Well-stated goals or objectives aid the effective communicator in developing
a clear picture of what he or she wants to say.
This first guideline is particularly valid when dealing with complex, ambiguous, or
vague topics. If a topic or idea is unclear to the person sending the message, its lack of
clarity is likely to be magnified by the person trying to understand it. Although there are
times when a person may find interpersonal communication helpful in clarifying the
pictures in his or her own head, it is imperative that the communicator first be clear
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about ideas before he or she attempts to convince or influence others, give data, or share
Accuracy in communication varies with the attitudes of the communicators toward their
topic. If a person’s attitudes are very positive or very negative, the resulting
communication tends to be less accurate. Indeed, people often organize data according
to their biases.
Communication clarity is also influenced by the attitudes of communicators toward
each other. It seems reasonable that communication between people who respect or love
each other would be more accurate. However, research indicates that accuracy is
inversely correlated with either positive or negative attitudes that the communicators
hold toward each other. Thus, an analysis of the extent of one’s positive or negative
attitudes toward the topic and toward the listener is important for clarity and accuracy of
Communication Skills
Clarity of communication is also influenced by the extent to which those who are
listening and those who are sending are aware of their communication skills. It is
possible to evaluate the assumptions that people hold about their ability to communicate
messages. People with careless speech-communication habits are often convinced that
they are successful communicators because they are able to open their mouths and utter
a stream of words. Actual skills in interpersonal communication, however, are quite
different. An accurate assessment of one’s own communication weaknesses and
strengths is important. Often strengths can be maximized and weaknesses improved.
One person may have a sparkling personality that aids him or her in communication.
Another may have a way with words. Yet another may be able to communicate in such a
way that others feel he or she understands them.
The communicator should also try to assess the listening skills of the person
receiving the message. Good “hearing” is not necessarily good “listening.” As listening
is an active rather than a passive process, people’s poor listening habits often take the
form of daydreaming, defensiveness, inattention, and so on.
Psychological Frame of Reference
Because communication is a function of shared or common meanings, meaning does not
occur simply because words are spoken. Words have no meaning in and of themselves.
Meaning is what people attribute to words; meanings lie within the experiences and
feelings of people. Thus, meanings are within people.
Each person is unique. What a person is has been determined by individual
experiences and choices in or with his or her family, friends, school, and culture. Each
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person has his or her own set of perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This
uniqueness has a profound impact on the success or failure of communication.
It is impossible to know what another person is sensing or feeling. Because a
listener can only guess about the communicator’s meaning, it is essential that the person
speaking avoid basing his or her communication on unexamined assumptions about the
To assess what he or she is communicating, the sending person needs to know the
psychological frame of reference of the person who is receiving the message. How does
the listener see, feel, and act with respect to others and the world? The psychological
frame of reference of a child is quite different from that of an adult, just as people from
Maine have a different viewpoint from Californians. People respond quite differently to
the words they hear. One person may react warmly to the words “Jesus saves,” while
another person may become angry and hostile, and yet another may be indifferent and
display no strong sentiment. Indeed, what is clear and rational to one person may seem
vague and ridiculous to someone else.
A person can increase the clarity of his or her communication by constantly trying
to place himself or herself inside the psychological framework of the other person—by
trying to see the communicative situation from the listener’s point of view. If the person
communicating understands the other person, he or she can make the communication
more relevant to the other’s self-understanding and needs.
A second set of factors affecting the clarity of communication is the context in which
communication occurs. Is the setting an office, someone’s home, or the golf course?
Communicating with a professor in his or her office is altogether different from
communicating with a friend at the bowling alley. The rules in the two situations are
distinctly different.
The context of communication is important in determining the amount of accuracy
needed or possible between people in a given situation. How much clarity can be
achieved is somewhat determined by their communication skills, the nature of their
relationship, the number of communication channels available to the person sending,
and how much repetition he or she can incorporate into the message. Also, attempting to
communicate with a person in another room presents more difficulties for the
clarification process than does speaking face-to-face. In short, the speaker needs to
develop a realistic expectation for the degree of clarity obtainable in a given context.
In order to make ideas clear, an individual must encode his or her message in order to
reduce the amount of uncertainty that the listener experiences in hearing that
communication. Encoding is the process of translating ideas into a message appropriate
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for delivery. Once ideas are encoded into messages, they become the potential
information that can reduce ambiguity in the other person’s mind and produce a clearer
picture. There are seven principles for increasing the accuracy and clarity of the
messages that people use to communicate.
1. Principle of Relevance
Make the message relevant in the terms of the listening party. The most difficult task
related to encoding a message is to assemble it in such a way that the words used
accurately reflect the picture one intends and, at the same time, fall within the other
person’s psychological frame of reference. To comprehend the sender’s message, the
listener must be able to relate the received information to what he or she already knows.
Therefore, it is important that the message be presented in a context that says to the
listener, “This is important and significant for you.” This can be done by using the
words of the listening person rather than one’s own to encode a message. Such a
strategy requires adaptability and flexibility in communication behavior. When a person
possesses such adaptability and flexibility in communicating, he or she can employ
appropriate behaviors for sending a clear message, whether the listener is a child, a
teenager, an adult, or someone from a different cultural or subcultural background.
Just as the encoding of a message should be relevant to the listener, so should it be
appropriate to the situation or the context. The content of a conversation in the privacy
of a home is not necessarily appropriate for a discussion at a church-committee meeting.
Even if the topic were the same in both situations, the message would very likely be
encoded quite differently.
2. Principle of Simplicity
Reduce ideas to the simplest possible terms. The communicator should employ as few
words as possible to communicate his or her ideas to a listener. Simplicity of language
and economy of words are helpful in facilitating clarity of communication. Generally,
the simpler the words, the more likely they are to be understood. However, simplicity
really relates to the experience of the person receiving the message. What is simple to
one person is complex to another. The effective communicator calculates the extent to
which material must be simplified if it is to be understood by those listening, and he or
she uses the principle of simplicity to enhance the probability of success in sending a
3. Principle of Definition
Define before developing; explain before amplifying. Even simple terms can be unclear.
Where would a person go, for example, if someone said, “I’ll meet you at the side of the
building”? Terms more complicated than “side” increase the need for definition and
explanation. The use of jargon also creates problems of clarity for those not acquainted
with the words. Unfamiliarity with jargon may cause a person to become confused and
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frustrated in his or her efforts to understand; the person may even stop trying. To make
the message as clear as possible, the communicator should define and explain unfamiliar
or exceptional terms or concepts before using them.
4. Principle of Structure
Organize a message into a series of successive stages. Texts on public speaking
emphasize the importance of making apparent the order or structure of a message. A
well-organized speech, it is said, will increase the audience’s understanding. However,
there is little research evidence to support such a contention, especially with regard to
face-to-face dialogue. Indeed, most people will structure the message in accordance with
their own patterns of thinking even as they listen, regardless of how well a message is
What is important is the clarity of thought and the expression of individual parts. In
interpersonal communication it is probably best to develop one idea at a time. A
message can be “packaged” into a series of stages, with one stage completed before the
next is introduced.
Furthermore, the communicator can help the listener by not overloading him or her
with information. When people are asked to comprehend too much, they tend to forget
or become confused. By developing one idea at a time and taking one step at a time, the
person speaking can facilitate accuracy in communication.
5. Principle of Repetition
Repeat the key concepts of the message. The principle of repetition is important—very
important. The words “very important” in the previous sentence are repetitive; they
repeated the idea in a slightly different manner in order to make the concept clearer.
Repetition is particularly important in oral communication, where words are spoken
only once. Obviously a communicator would not want to repeat everything he or she
says; doing so would bore the listener. However, the person speaking needs to use
enough repetition to ensure the clear reception of ideas. Some possible strategies are
(1) repeating key ideas; (2) restating difficult ideas; (3) recycling ideas whenever
feedback indicates they are weak or misunderstood; and (4) using examples, synonyms,
analogies, or periodic summaries. In short, a person should use intentional repetition in
attempting to achieve clarity.
6. Principle of Comparison and Contrast
Relate new ideas to old ideas; associate the unknown with the known. The principle of
comparison and contrast is essential to the achievement of clear communication, as
understanding comes most often through association—the perception of similarities and
differences among objects, events, and people. A person can understand a new,
unknown idea more clearly if he or she is able to relate it to an old, known one.
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Discriminating between those elements that rightfully belong to an idea and those
that do not will help a listener to understand a concept. Comparison helps the listener to
identify the similarities in two or more ideas, and contrast helps to point out the
differences in two or more ideas. When accurate discriminations occur, clarity in
communication emerges: The sharper the discrimination, the greater the clarity.
Helpful devices for presenting comparisons and contrasts include the use of models,
metaphors, analogies, and explanations.
7. Principle of Emphasis
Focus on the essential and vital aspects of the communication. As the transitory nature
of interpersonal communication makes it highly susceptible to loss of information,
attention should be given to the essential and vital aspects of a message. Communication
goals and key points should be sharply focused so as not to submerge the message in
details and make it vague, ambiguous, and blurred. The impact of the significant points
of a communication can be heightened by speaking louder, using a different tone of
voice, pausing, or using various other techniques to captivate the listener. Reinforcing
and underscoring ideas help in developing such impact. Here is an example: This last
principle is an important one—remember it and use it. Communication strategies based
on this principle and the other six will result in a more accurate correspondence of ideas
between people.
Once a message is constructed for sending to another person, it must be sent through a
communication channel. Several factors related to communication channels affect
clarification in the speaking-listening process. Four of these are discussed here.
Channels Available
An important aspect of communication that affects accuracy and clarity is the number of
channels available for sending a message. For example, in a letter only one channel—the
written word—is in use. Face-to-face interaction, however, utilizes several channels, for
example, body tension, facial expressions, eye contact, hand and body movements,
relative positions of each person, and the vocal sounds accompanying a verbal message.
To communicate clearly, a person should be aware of the various channels available
and utilize as many of them as possible. When messages are sent through more than one
channel, repetition is increased. As repetition increases, uncertainty is reduced and the
chances for clarity are increased. It is important, however, that whenever multichannel
communication occurs, the messages be consistent across all channels or the results will
be confusing for the listener.
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The use of feedback is important to the communicator. Feedback, which is a term from
cybernetic theory, is an essential element in any control process. This phenomenon can
be observed in the operation of a self-adjusting camera in which a built-in light meter
measures the amount of illumination in the environment and automatically adjusts the
camera accordingly. In a comparable manner, feedback can be used to correct and adjust
meanings and thus increase communication clarity. A person sending a message should
elicit feedback following his or her communication attempts in order to determine
whether the picture received was the one transmitted. On the basis of this feedback, the
next step in the communication process can be taken. The following conversation
between Joe and Sally is an example of feedback as purposive correction:
Joe: “Feedback is a process of correcting inaccuracy in communication.”
Sally: “Do you mean that feedback is simply a process of correcting errors?”
Joe: “Not exactly, although that’s part of what I mean. Feedback is a way of
being sure that what I say to you is adequately perceived by you.”
Sally: “Now you’re really getting complicated. What does ‘adequately perceived’
Joe: “Well, I think ‘adequately perceived’ means that you understand the idea as
I would like for you to understand it.”
Sally: “Oh, then you mean that feedback is a device for checking whether or not I
got the idea you wanted me to get.”
Joe: “Exactly.”
Sally: “Do you think I used feedback effectively?”
Joe: “Well, how do you feel about it?”
In the same way that communication clarity can be increased by using a variety of
available channels, a number of feedback channels can also be an aid to accuracy.
Communication accuracy is affected by noise, a term frequently used to refer to any
disturbance that interferes with the sending of a message. Although noise may occur in
almost any aspect of the communication process, such interference appears often as an
obstruction in the channel between two interacting people. The interfering noise may be
a conversation between two other people, the whir of a vacuum cleaner, or the sound of
a lawn mower coming through an open window. The greater the noise, the more difficult
it becomes to communicate clearly. For this reason it is important for the communicator
to find ways of eliminating or reducing sources of distracting noise.
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Speed and Pacing
Clarity of communication is related to how much information a channel can carry and
how much information a listener can receive at one time. Because the oral channel
requires those listening to depend heavily on their memories for comprehension, it is
less effective than other channels for handling large amounts of verbal information.
Effective lecturers know that it is the rare audience that can absorb more than one or two
new ideas. In contrast, the written channel can carry much more verbal information, as it
allows people to reconsider the material. Therefore, the speed of oral communication
must be determined by the rate of comprehension of the listener(s). The communicator
should pace his or her message according to the information-processing capacities of the
channel and the listener(s).
A person wishing to achieve greater clarity in his or her interpersonal communication
would do well to remember these quotes:
“I know you believe that you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
“What is clear to you is clear to you and not necessarily to anyone else.”
Also, the communicator seeking to improve his or her communication clarity might
find the following guidelines helpful:
1. Have a clear picture of what he or she wants the other person to understand as a
result of the communication.
2. Analyze the nature and magnitude of his or her attitudes toward both the topic
and the listener.
3. Assess his or her own communication skills and those of the listener.
4. Seek to identify himself or herself with the psychological frame of reference of
the listener.
5. Develop a realistic expectation for the degree of clarity obtainable in a given
6. Make the message relevant to the listener by using that person’s language and
7. State his or her ideas in the simplest possible terms.
8. Define before developing and explain before amplifying.
9. Develop one idea at a time; take one step at a time.
10. Use appropriate repetition.
11. Compare and contrast ideas by associating the unknown with the known.
12. Determine which ideas need special emphasis.
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13. Use as many channels as necessary for clarity.
14. Watch for and elicit corrective feedback in a variety of channels.
15. Eliminate or reduce noise if it is interfering.
16. Pace his or her communication according to the information-processing
capacities of the channel and the listener.
Combs, A.W., Avila, D.L., & Purkey, W.L. (1971). Helping relationships: Basic concepts for the helping
professions. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Keltner, J.W. (1973). Elements of interpersonal communication. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
McCroskey, J.C., Larson, C.E., & Knapp, M.L. (1971). An introduction to interpersonal communication.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Pace, R.W., & Boren, R.R. (1973). The human transaction: Facets, functions, and forms of interpersonal
communication. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman.
Ruesch, J. (1957). Disturbed communication: The clinical assessment of normal and pathological communication
behavior. New York: W.W. Norton.
Satir, V. (1967). Conjoint family therapy (rev. ed.). Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books.
Satir, V. (1972). Peoplemaking. Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books.
Stewart, J. (Ed.). (1973). Bridges not walls: A book about interpersonal communication. Reading, MA:
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Jack N. Wismer
“I know you believe that you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you
realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” This quote illustrates an important
point. When a person communicates a message to another person, the message usually
contains two elements: content and feeling. Both elements are important because both
give the message meaning. However, we often do not understand other people’s
messages or are misunderstood by others because we forget that meanings are in people,
not in words.
The communication of mutual acceptance is vital to developing and maintaining work
and personal relationships. However, various ways of responding to situations run the
risk of communicating nonacceptance. To understand a person’s point of view
effectively, it is necessary not to communicate nonacceptance. According to Gordon
(1970, pp. 41-44), author of several books on active listening, most people, in a listening
situation, commonly respond in one or more of the following twelve ways:
1. Ordering, Directing: “You have to . . .”;
2. Warning, Threatening: “You’d better not . . .”;
3. Preaching, Moralizing: “You ought to . . .”;
4. Advising, Giving Solutions: “Why don’t you . . .”;
5. Lecturing, Informing: “Here are the facts . . .”;
6. Evaluating, Blaming: “You’re wrong . . .”;
7. Praising, Agreeing: “You’re right . . .”;
8. Name Calling, Shaming: “You’re stupid . . .”;
9. Interpreting, Analyzing: “What you need . . .”;
10. Sympathizing, Supporting: “You’ll be OK . . .”
11. Questioning, Probing: “Why did you . . .”; and
12. Withdrawing, Avoiding: “Let’s forget it . . . .”
Abstracted from Thomas Gordon’s Parent Effectiveness Training, Peter H. Wyden, New York, 1970. Used by permission.
Originally published in The 1978 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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These modes of response may communicate to the sender that it is not acceptable to
feel the way he or she feels. If the sender perceives one of these messages as indicating
nonacceptance, there is a risk that he or she will become defensive about new ideas, will
be resistive to changing behavior, will tend to justify certain feelings, or will turn silent
because the listener is perceived as only passively interested in the sender.
A more effective way of responding to a listening situation is called “active listening.”
Gordon (1970) defines active listening as a communication skill that helps people to
solve their own problems. In active listening, the listener is involved with the sender’s
need to communicate. To be effective, the listener must take an “active” responsibility
for understanding the content and feeling of what is being said. The listener can respond
with a statement, in his or her own words, of what the sender’s message means. Here is
an example:
Sender: “The deadline for this report is not realistic!”
Listener: “You feel pressured to get the report done.”
To understand the sender’s meaning, the listener must “put himself or herself in the
sender’s place.” Feeding back perceptions of intended meaning allows the listener to
check the accuracy of his or her listening and understanding.
Benefits of Active Listening
An open communication climate for understanding is created through active listening.
The listener can learn to see what a person means and how the person feels about
situations and problems. Active listening is a skill that can communicate acceptance and
increase interpersonal trust among people. It can also facilitate problem solving.
Therefore, the appropriate use of active listening increases people’s communication
Pitfalls in Active Listening
Active listening is not intended to manipulate people to behave or think the way others
believe they should. The listener also should not “parrot” someone’s message by
repeating the exact words used. Empathy is a necessary ingredient—the listener should
communicate warmth toward and feeling about the sender’s message by putting himself
or herself in the sender’s place. Timing is another pitfall; active listening is not
appropriate when there is no time to deal with the situation or when someone is asking
only for factual information. Also, it is important that the listener be sensitive to
nonverbal messages about the right time to stop giving feedback. Avoiding these
common pitfalls will make active listening a more effective communication skill.
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Principle of Problem Ownership
As active listening is most appropriate when a person expresses feelings about a
problem, it is necessary to ask who owns the problem. The principle of problem
ownership can be demonstrated in the following situations:
1. Person A’s needs are not being satisfied by his or her own behavior, and A’s
behavior does not directly interfere with Person B’s satisfaction of his or her own
needs. Therefore, A owns the problem.
2. Person A’s needs are being satisfied, but A’s behavior interferes in some way
with Person B’s satisfaction of his or her own needs and thus creates a problem
for B. B then owns the problem.
3. Person A is satisfying his or her own needs, and A’s behavior does not directly
interfere with Person B’s needs. In this case, there is no problem.
Active listening is very useful, but it is not appropriate to use if another person’s
behavior is creating the problem.
Ineffective Approaches
It is necessary for the person who owns the problem to know how to confront it and
communicate his or her needs so that other people will listen. However, people
frequently confront problems in a way that tends to stimulate defensiveness and
resistance. The two most common approaches are as follows:
1. Evaluating. This approach communicates judgment, blame, ridicule, or shame
(for example, “Don’t you know how to use that machine?” or “You’re late
again!”). It has several risks: (a) It makes people defensive and resistant to
further communication; (b) it implies power over the other person; and (c) it
threatens and reduces the other person’s self-esteem.
2. Sending solutions. This approach communicates what the other person should do
rather than what the speaker is feeling (for example, “If you don’t come in on
time, I’ll have to report you” or “Why don’t you do it this way?”). Sending
solutions also carries risks: (a) People become resistive if they are told what to
do, even if they agree with the solution; (b) this approach indicates that the
sender’s needs are more important than the recipient’s; (c) it communicates a
lack of trust in other people’s capacities to solve their own problems; and (d) it
reduces the responsibility to define the problem clearly and explore feasible
alternatives to solution.
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A More Effective Approach
Problems can be confronted and one’s needs can be made known without making other
people feel defensive. An effective communication message has three components: (1)
owning feelings, (2) sending feelings, and (3) describing behavior.
Ownership of feelings focuses on “who owns the problem.” The sender of a
message needs to accept responsibility for his or her own feelings. Messages that own
the sender’s feelings usually begin with or contain the word “I.”
Sometimes communicating feelings is viewed as a weakness. But the value of
sending feelings is communicating honesty and openness by focusing on the problem
and not evaluating the person.
Describing behavior concentrates on what one person sees, hears, and feels about
another person’s behavior as it affects the observer’s feelings and behavior. The focus is
on specific situations that relate to specific times and places.
It is useful to distinguish between descriptions and evaluations of behavior. The
italicized parts of the next statements illustrate evaluations of behavior:
“I can’t finish this report if you are so inconsiderate as to interrupt me.
“You’re a loudmouth.”
The italicized parts of the following statements are descriptions of behavior:
“I can’t finish this report if you constantly interrupt me.
“I feel that you talked considerably during the meetings.
A design for sending feeling messages can be portrayed as follows:
Ownership + Feeling Word + Description of Behavior = Feeling Message
Here is an example:
“I (ownership) am concerned (feeling word) about finishing this report on time”
(description of behavior).
The effectiveness of feeling messages can be attributed to several factors:
“I” messages are more effective because they place responsibility with the sender
of the message.
“I” messages reduce the other person’s defensiveness and resistance to further
Behavioral descriptions provide feedback about the other person’s behavior but
do not evaluate it.
Although “I” messages require some courage, they honestly express the speaker’s
Feeling messages promote open communication in both work and personal
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Sending feeling messages and listening actively are skills that can be applied to work,
family, and personal relationships (Prather, 1970, unpaged):
No one is wrong. At most someone is uninformed. If I think a man is wrong, either I am unaware
of something, or he is. So unless I want to play a superiority game I had best find out what he is
looking at.
“You’re wrong” means “I don’t understand you”—I’m not seeing what you’re seeing. But there is
nothing wrong with you, you are simply not me and that’s not wrong.
Gibb, J.R. (1961). Defensive communication. Journal of Communication, 11, 141-148.
Gordon, T. (1970). Parent effectiveness training. New York: Peter H. Wyden.
Prather, H. (1970). Notes to myself. Lafayette, CA: Real People Press.
Rogers, C. (1952). Communication: Its blocking and facilitating. Northwestern University Information, 20, 9-15.
Stewart, J. (Ed.). (1973). Bridges not walls: A book about interpersonal communication. Reading, MA: Addison-
From Notes to Myself by Hugh Prather. Copyright © 1970 by Bantam Books. Used with permission of the author.
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Michele Stimac
The importance of understanding feelings and emotions in the communication process
or in a helping relationship has been stressed so often that there is no question but that
affect is as important as cognitive data for human expression and understanding. Human
relations trainers have stressed the importance of “catching feelings” (empathy) and
have emphasized the importance of discerning feelings in order to understand an
individual’s inner being. But training manuals filled with structured activities too often
concentrate on affective understanding to the exclusion of cognitive understanding. This
concentration on the affective dimension has created an imbalance in our skill training
as egregious as the previous concentration on cognitive communication. Human beings
function continually at several levels, and true understanding requires listening to them
at all levels.
Individuals trained to listen to others must “kenepathize,” that is, hear the verbal
message, see the nonverbal behavior, and grasp what the speaker’s thoughts and
perceptions are as well as what that person is feeling and experiencing at the moment.
The term “kenepathy” supplements the term “empathy.” We have come to associate
empathy almost exclusively with “catching feelings” or understanding affect, so the
term kenepathy has been coined to convey a more all-inclusive understanding. The
prefix ken, borrowed from the archaic Scottish word meaning to know or to understand,
has been joined to the root pathy from the Greek “pathos” or feelings. Kenepathy, as
defined here, means to understand cognitive as well as affective data—to grasp
another’s thoughts, perceptions, and feelings.
The “bucket” model developed here is useful in human relations or leadership
training to convey the complexity of the human being and the need for a confluent grasp
of feelings, thoughts, perceptions, and actions.
Human beings are so complex that their behavior is not easy to understand, a fact that
Lewin (1951) attempted to explain with his concept of “life space.” According to Lewin,
behavior is a function of each person’s life space; to understand it requires that we
understand the dynamics in that person’s space—a challenge that even the most
proficient listener finds difficult to meet. The bucket model illustrates the complexity of
Originally published in The 1981 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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life space and helps us to perceive the monumental task involved in listening for true
understanding. The model is explicated below.
Here-and-Now Level: The Conscious
Each of us is like a bucket (Figure 1) containing several dimensions. At the surface is
our here-and-now (conscious) life space, which includes current behavior, both verbal
and nonverbal. This facet is most accessible to anyone else who attempts to listen and
Also included in our here-and-now space at the surface are our current thoughts and
perceptions. These are apparent to others if we choose to disclose them directly or
indirectly. Because we generally have been encouraged through schooling and societal
conditioning, most of us readily exchange thoughts and ideas unless we find ourselves in
inhibiting climates.
Finally, also at the here-and-now level are our current feelings and what we are
experiencing at the moment. Our feelings are often not very accessible, especially if we
are adept at hiding them. Societal conditioning in the United States in particular has
typically not encouraged their expression, although the human relations movement has
helped to modify this conditioning by pointing out that feelings are essential data that
listeners must have if they are to really understand what we are like.
Figure 1. The Here-and-Now Level
There-and-Then Level: Preconscious
Kenepathizing requires more than understanding thoughts, perceptions, and feelings,
however, because there are other levels in our “buckets.” As each moment passes, the
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here-and-now becomes past data that fill “mini-buckets” in the there-and-then
(preconscious) area of our larger buckets (Figure 2).
Figure 2. The There-and-Then Level: Preconscious
While receding into the there-and-then area, data are either posited so that they
influence our current behavior, thoughts, and feelings or so that they are comparatively
insignificant in our lives.
Through memory we can recall a great deal of these data, but some are virtually lost
forever. Much of what we have done, thought, and felt has the potential to influence us
dynamically at some later time in our lives. The data remain to be recalled and perhaps
serve as a modifier of our current (here-and-now) behavior, thoughts, perceptions,
feelings, and experience. Sometimes harmoniously, sometimes not, the past and present
interrelate. Lewin (1951) might call these data the “facts” in our life space—memories
that force their way into the current situation where they stir old feelings and thoughts
and modify current perceptions and behavior. To kenepathize with us, others must
understand the influences of the intruding mini-buckets that act as catalysts at the
present moment.
There-and-Then Level: Unconscious
Even more remote and inaccessible is the unconscious area of our buckets—the most
inscrutable of all (Figure 3). This area contains miniature buckets that represent what we
have repressed throughout our lives. Experiences too painful to deal with have been
pushed into the unconscious. Like experiences stored in our preconscious, they often
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thrust their way into the present and influence our behavior—albeit in ways
incomprehensible to us except through analysis.
Figure 3. The There-and-Then Level: Unconscious
The bottom of the bucket in some sense remains bottomless. There is no way for
behavioral scientists to make definitive statements concerning the unconscious. It is
important to remember, however, that these forces influence our current behavior. Total
kenepathy—in the sense of understanding the facts in our unconscious and how they
influence our behavior—we leave to the psychotherapist.
Unlike the neatly placed miniature buckets in Figures 2 and 3, the pieces of data
that the miniature buckets represent are often in collision and disharmony with one
another. This very conflict is another source of our feelings, thoughts, and behavior.
The bucket model depicts the combination of here-and-now and there-and-then
cognitive and affective data that must in some measure be understood by anyone who
tries to understand another person. If Person B, for example, attempts to understand
Person A (Figure 4), B must learn A’s frame of reference, which includes facts from
both cognitive and affective levels. As B kenepathizes with A, B must try to understand
some of what is in A’s there-and-then, especially if one or more of A’s mini-buckets
greatly influence A’s here-and-now. This defies the general rule that group members
must stay exclusively in the here-and-now when exchanging information. A better rule
might be to remain in the here-and-now when functional, but to be alert to times when
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there-and-then data that need to be expressed and understood invade and alter present
Figure 4. Mini-buckets from There-and-Then Influence the Here-and-Now
For example, if Person A has recently quarreled with a spouse, the residue of that
quarrel will undoubtedly affect his or her interaction with Person B. The experience of
the quarrel, a mini-bucket in A’s there-and-then, will probably intrude on the current
moment, so B must attempt to pick up on the experience of the quarrel also. The residue
of the quarrel is probably mostly affect, so to kenepathize B must respond to A’s
feelings about it.
On the other hand, A may have just come from a stimulating brainstorming session
with colleagues. In this instance, his or her mini-bucket contains a great deal of
cognitive as well as affective material. In this case, it is essential for B to understand A’s
thoughts as well as A’s feelings, especially if they modify A’s current behavior.
There are endless examples that illustrate the demand on the listener for confluent
attention and understanding; as shown here, to grasp only affect may be as remiss as to
grasp only cognitive material.
Of course, the disposition of B, the listener, further complicates the process of
communication. If B’s bucket were accurately analyzed, it would be apparent what
mini-buckets impose their dynamics into the here-and-now surface of B’s conversation.
B may fail to perceive accurately what is being communicated because of his or her own
preconscious or unconscious data.
The complexity of life space—the bucket that each of us possesses—is enormous.
The phenomenon of communication commands respect, even awe, when its intricacies
and complexities are assessed. It is no wonder that so much miscommunication occurs.
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The bucket model reflects the multifaceted nature of the human being and illustrates the
necessity for kenepathy, that is, simultaneously reacting to multiple levels of personality
when communicating. The model is learned most effectively when reinforced with
activities designed to develop discriminating yet comprehensive listening techniques. A
few sample communications are cited below. After reading each, consider your own
kenepathic response before reading the sample response.
At a meeting with the principal, a teacher suggests:
I really believe now that we should try to get our teachers to teach for mastery learning. We talked
a lot about mastery learning in our departmental meetings this past month, and now I’m sold on it.
I think it’s the way to go.
This teacher is functioning mostly at the cognitive level, so the principal could
respond kenepathically as follows:
You’ve had an insight that’s changed your opinion of how to teach. You think we should move
from our current method of giving students one chance to learn the material to a method that gives
them as much time as it takes to learn the material.
This response obviously catches the teacher’s thoughts on the subject and
adequately says that he or she is understood.
In another example of an exercise in kenepathy, a coordinator speaks to his or her
Ms. Coronoa is really making a mess of that job I gave her last week.
If the listener reflects this statement with “You feel that she’s not doing a good
job”—a typical empathic response—the message has not been captured adequately. It is
more accurate for the respondent to leave the statement at the cognitive level and
respond with “You disapprove of her performance.” A judgment, not a feeling, was
expressed. If the listener detects affect also, he or she might add “and that makes you
feel disappointed.” But the speaker’s statement alone, without accompanying body
language or innuendo, is a cognitive statement.
Other examples of the intermix between affective and cognitive data can be
generated easily. Examples rife with feeling are quickly available in training manuals.
Practicing responses to both types helps us to see the importance of simultaneous
discrimination of both dimensions. It exercises our skill at detecting ideas,
preconceptions, and perceptions as well as feelings. It teaches us to listen to nonverbal
and verbal cues in behavior. It helps us to verify that human beings think and feel
simultaneously, a fact that we all experience in everyday life. In order to understand a
person, we must be in tune with as much of that person’s bucket as possible. Being able
to kenepathize means getting in touch with every aspect of another person. The bucket
model and the concept of kenepathy can be helpful tools to facilitate an understanding of
the complexity of human beings and to develop comprehensive listening skills.
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Brammer, L. (1973). The helping relationship. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Carkhuff, R.R. (1969). Helping and human relations (Vols. I & II). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Egan, G. (1973). A two-phase approach to human relations training. In J.E. Jones & J.W. Pfeiffer (Eds.), The 1973
annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Egan, G. (1975). The skilled helper: A model for systematic helping and interpersonal relating. Monterey, CA:
Gazda, G.M., Asbury, F.R., Balzer, F.J., Childers, W.C., & Walters, R.P. (1975). Human relations development: A
manual for educators. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in social science: Selected theoretical papers (D. Cartwright, Ed.). New York:
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John E. Jones
When we are attempting to transfer meanings to another person, we use three different
modes, methods, or channels to carry our intentions. We use these modes to tell people
who we are, how we experience the world, and the meanings that we attach to our
experiences. We communicate symbolically, verbally, and nonverbally. This discussion
centers around the definition of each of these modes and includes some suggested
activities designed to look at the implications of these modes for improving one’s
communication with others. The intent is to explore the implications of the mixed
signals that one often emits in attempting to share a meaning with another person.
When two people, A and B, are attempting to communicate with each other, their
communication is distorted by their personalities, attitudes, values, belief systems,
biases, backgrounds, assumptions about each other, and so on. A’s communication to B
flows through A’s screen and through B’s screen. When B responds to A, B is
responding to what he or she heard rather than what A might have intended. B shoots a
message back to A through his or her own screen of attitudes, values, and so on, through
A’s screen. What is often not understood is that the way we get messages through our
screens and through the screens of others often is confusing and distorting in and of
itself. We add to what we hear, we fail to hear, and we distort messages according to the
modes that are used to convey messages.
We say a great deal to each other about who we are and how we experience each other
and the rest of the world through symbolic means. The symbolic communication mode
is essentially passive, and messages emitted in this way are very easily misinterpreted.
What are some of the symbols that we use? First, our choice of clothing can tell a
great deal about who we are, what our values are, what our status is, how conservative
or liberal we are. We associate differences in occupational status with different
uniforms. For example, a banker might wear a suit; a laborer might wear overalls; a
radical student might wear colorful, loose clothing; and a straitlaced professor might
wear a tailored vest.
Originally published in The 1972 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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The second set of symbols with which we often associate meaning is hair. Bearded
men are presumed to be more liberal than unbearded men; and men with long hair are
presumed to have different political, economic, and social philosophies than men whose
hair is short. Our choices about our appearance say a great deal about who we are. These
signals are often highly ambiguous, however.
A third symbolic form is jewelry. Married people often wear wedding rings; some
people wear beads; some people wear highly expensive jewelry; and so on. These are
passive messages that are given out continually to other people. A flag in the lapel, a
peace symbol around the neck, an earring in one ear say many things to other people.
A fourth form of symbolic communication to other people is cosmetics or makeup.
We associate meanings with the different ways in which women apply makeup. The
prostitute might wear heavier makeup than other women, for example. The man who
uses a great many cosmetics is giving out a symbolic message about the meaning that
his world has for him.
A fifth symbolic mode is the choice of automobiles. The business executive who
drives a sports car is giving out a different set of messages to the world than his
colleague who drives an ordinary family car.
A sixth symbolic mode is the choice and location of our homes. Social status is
directly related to the type of dwelling that one lives in and its location.
Seventh, the geography of our living spaces is a form of symbolic communication.
If you sit behind your desk in your office interviewing somebody who is on the other
side of the desk, you are giving out a fundamentally different set of messages than if the
two of you sit face to face with no intervening furniture.
Through the symbols that we choose to surround ourselves and invest ourselves
with, we give out continual streams of signals about our meanings. These symbols are
essentially passive. They are, however, a real part of our communication. When we are
talking, when we are not talking, and even when we are sleeping, we emit passive
symbolic signals.
For the symbolic mode, participants may assemble into pairs and take turns interpreting
all of the symbols about each other and sharing experiences about having their own
symbols misinterpreted. An alternative activity is the statue game. In this game the
participants form pairs and take turns being “it.” The person who is “it” imagines that he
or she is a statue in an art gallery. The other person’s job is to examine the statue very
closely, to be alert to all of the details of that person, and to try to memorize these details
so that he or she can tell a third person why he or she decided to buy or not to buy the
statue. After the partners have taken turns and inspected each other as statues, then they
interpret as much of what they saw in terms of the kind of person each is.
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The communication mode that we rely on most often to carry meaning from one person
to another is the verbal mode. Everyone who has ever thought about it has come to the
insight, however, that there are enormous difficulties in sole reliance on this mode of
communication. History is replete with examples of misunderstandings among people
who were relying on words to carry meaning. Perhaps the most significant learning that
has come out of this experience has been that words themselves do not have meaning.
People have meaning; words are simply tools that we use for trying to convey meaning
that is idiosyncratic to one person into the idiosyncratic meaning system of another
One of the difficulties with words is that we attach to them different experiential
and emotional connotations. Words are not always associated with similar experiences
or similar feelings on the part of the listener and the speaker. Other difficulties
encountered in using the verbal mode include the use of jargon, the use of clichés, and
the use of specialized vocabularies. It is often said that words have meaning only in
context; it can be better said that words have meaning only when they are associated
with people in context.
People often struggle to find the right words to say what they mean. However, it is a
myth that there is one correct way to say something. If we can extrapolate from that
phenomenon, it is easy to hypothesize that there are some people who, instead of
experiencing feelings and sensations, more often experience language; in other words,
their experience parameters are defined by their vocabularies and their articulateness.
The psychologist Piaget, describing cognitive development in children, says that we go
through three phases: concrete, “imagic,” and abstract. When a baby first experiences
the world, she is incapable of a highly differentiated emotional or sensational
experience. She experiences only distress or delight, and her major inputs are concrete:
She touches things, tastes things, sees things, hears things, smells things. As it becomes
necessary for her to interact with the world and significant others in her environment in
order to have her needs met, she develops a fantasy life, an “imagic” experience. She
can imagine mother when mother is not concretely present. That fantasy life can remain
throughout her life. As she develops verbal fluency, she begins to abstract, from
physical stimuli, which bombard her, and from the images that are triggered by those
stimuli, meanings that she attaches to her experiences. This abstract experience is a
translation of sense data into a meaning system. The difficulty with us as adults, of
course, is that very often we do not let into our awareness the physical sensations that
we experience. We often mistrust our fantasy lives and tend to be afraid to permit
ourselves to dream. We experience the world, then, in an abstract way rather than in a
concrete and “imagic” way. The meanings that we permit ourselves to be aware of are
verbal and abstract. What we abstract from the physical stimuli that we experience is
dependent on our vocabularies and our reasoning abilities. But those three layers of
experience—concrete, “imagic,” and abstract—are going on continuously. People
experience in concrete ways and in “imagic” ways; and people experience the
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abstracting process when they are awake and attributing meaning to what they see, hear,
feel, taste, and touch. Not all of these meanings can be carried from one person to
another through the verbal mode only.
Suggested activities for exploring the verbal mode include the following: Participants
form trios and talk for three or four minutes using as many clichés as they can
remember. Then each trio is instructed to attempt to come to some agreement on
definition of several words, such as “uptight,” “heavy,” “straight.” Members of the trios
are encouraged as a third activity to try to express verbally their here-and-now feeling
experience of one another and of themselves. A fourth activity might be to get the
members of the trios to attempt to agree on the percentage of time that they think about
when they use the word “usually.” Once the trios have reached some consensus on the
percentage of time associated with that word, these can be posted on a newsprint flip
chart to illustrate the range of experience that we connote with the word. Similar tasks
can be to ask the trios to attempt to come to some agreement on which is wetter, “damp”
or “moist.” After three or four minutes of discussion, the trios can report by voting on
which of those words connotes more wetness.
Recently a number of psychologists and people in the human-potential movement
have turned attention to the nonverbal ways in which we share meaning with one
another. The science of nonverbal communication is called “kinesis.” One’s nonverbal
communication, or body language, is usually involuntary; the nonverbal signals that one
emits often are a more valid source of gleaning information than are the signals that are
expressed verbally and symbolically.
There are a number of forms of body language:
1. Ambulation. How people carry their bodies tells a great deal about who they are
and how they are experiencing the environment. We associate different meanings
to different ways in which people carry their bodies from one place to another.
2. Touching. This is perhaps the most powerful nonverbal communication form.
We can communicate anger, interest, trust, tenderness, warmth, and a variety of
other emotions very potently through touching. People differ, however, in their
willingness to touch and to be touched. Some people give out nonverbal body
signals that say they do not want to be touched, and others describe themselves
and are described by others as touchable. There are many taboos associated with
this form of communication. People can learn about their own personalities and
selfconcepts by exploring their reactions to touching and being touched. The skin
is the body’s largest organ, and through the skin we take in a variety of stimuli.
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3. Eye contact. In the United States people tend to evaluate one another’s
trustworthiness by reactions to eye contact. Try a little experiment with yourself.
Remember the last time you were driving down the road and passed a hitchhiker.
The odds are very high that you did not look the hitchhiker in the eye if you
passed him or her up. Con artists and salespeople understand the power of eye
contact and use it to good advantage. Counselors understand that eye contact is a
very powerful way of communicating understanding and acceptance. And
speakers understand that eye contact is important in keeping an audience
interested in a subject.
4. Posturing. How one postures when seated or standing constitutes a set of
potential signals that may communicate how one is experiencing the
environment. A person who folds his or her arms and legs is often said to be
defensive. It is sometimes observed that a person under severe psychological
threat will assume the body position of a fetus. The seductive person opens his or
her body to other people and postures himself or herself so that the entire body is
exposed to the other person.
5. Tics. The involuntary nervous spasms of the body can be a key to one’s being
threatened. A number of people stammer or jerk when they are being threatened.
But these mannerisms can be easily misinterpreted.
6. Subvocals. We say “uh, uh, uh,” when we are trying to find a word. We utter a
lot of nonverbal sounds in order to carry meaning to another person. We hum,
we grunt, we groan, and so on. These subvocal noises are not words, but they do
carry meaning.
7. Distancing. Each person is said to have a psychological space around him or her.
If another person invades that space, he or she may become somewhat tense,
alert, or disconcerted. We tend to place distance between ourselves and others
according to the kinds of relationships that we have and what our motives are
toward one another. These reasons for establishing distances are often not
displayed openly, but the behavior is, nevertheless, interpreted.
8. Gesturing. It is said that if we tie a French person’s hands, he or she is mute. We
carry a great deal of meaning to others through the use of gestures. But gestures
do not mean the same things to all people. Sometimes people attach a different
emphasis or meaning to the hand signals that we give. For example, the
“A-O.K.” sign that people in the United States use, a circle formed by the thumb
and the first forefinger, is considered very obscene in some other countries. The
“We’re number one” sign, pointing the forefinger upward, is also considered
obscene in some cultures. We give emphasis to our words and we attempt to
clarify our meaning through the use of gestures.
9. Vocalism. As an example, take the sentence, “I love my children.” That sentence
is meaningless unless it is pronounced. The way in which the sentence is
packaged vocally determines the signal that it gives to another person. For
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example, if the emphasis is on the first word, “I love my children,” the
implication is that somebody else does not love my children. If the emphasis is
on the second word, “I love my children,” a different implication is given,
perhaps that some of their behavior gets on my nerves. If the emphasis is placed
on the third word, “I love my children,” the implication is that someone else’s
children do not receive the same affection. If the emphasis is placed on the final
word, “I love my children,” a fourth implication may be drawn, that is, that there
are other people whom I do not love. So the way in which we vocalize our words
often determines the meaning that another person is likely to infer from the
There is a wide variety of activities that can be used to study nonverbal communication.
Suggested for use with this lecture might be nonverbal milling about the room,
encountering people in whatever way a person feels comfortable with, assembling into
pairs to do a trust walk, forming small groups to do a fantasy object game, and so on.
These three modes of communication—symbolic, verbal, and nonverbal—are used by
every person when he or she is awake and talking. Symbolic and nonverbal signals are
continuous, just as are our experiences of the world in concrete and “imagic” ways. A
steady stream of symbolic signals is being emitted from us to other people. Our bodies,
voluntarily or involuntarily, also give out a continuous stream of messages to other
people. Those messages, of course, may be different from what we intend. There is also
the possibility that our intentions are not highly correlated with our actual experiences.
When we are awake and talking with one another, we are giving out three sets of
signals. These signals may not be correlated with one another. Our tongues may be
saying one thing, our bodies saying another thing, and our symbols a third thing. True
communication results when people share a common meaning experience. If there is a
consistency among the modes that one is using to share meaning, then communication is
much more likely to occur. When one is saying one thing and experiencing another, he
or she is giving out confusing, mixed signals that can be very misleading to another
The implications are clear. For communication to occur, there must be a two-way
interchange of feelings, ideals, and values. One-way communication is highly inefficient
in that there is no way to determine whether what is heard is what is intended. The office
memo is a form of one-way communication that is perhaps the least effective medium
for transmitting meaning. A second implication is that for true communication to be
experienced, it is necessary that there be a feedback process inherent in the
communication effort. There needs to be a continual flow back and forth among the
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people attempting to communicate, sharing what they heard from one another. The third
implication is that people need to become acutely aware of the range of signals that they
are emitting at any given moment. They can learn that by eliciting feedback from the
people with whom they are attempting to share meaning.
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Charles M. Rossiter, Jr.
When we communicate with others, we do so on two levels. The first is the denotative
level. This is the level that deals with what we say—our words, the straightforward
verbal content of our messages. The second is the metacommunicative level. We
communicate on this level whenever we communicate about our communication.
Virginia Satir (1967), a wellknown therapist, has suggested that we use communication
about our communication to make requests of the person with whom we are interacting.
Metacommunications can be explicit and verbal, or they can be less obvious
nonverbal cues. My tone of voice when I say “Get out of my office” to someone tells
that person how to interpret my words. It tells him or her whether I am joking or serious.
The nonverbal aspects of my voice indicate a request that he or she interpret my verbal,
denotative message a certain way. By interpreting messages at both levels—denotative
and metacommunicative—people decide what they think we mean, then act on that
Obviously there can be interpretation problems. Because so many
metacommunications are nonverbal, meanings must be inferred. Another problem is that
we may not know how we really feel about the other person. We may do things to
confound that person—because we are not sure ourselves what we want him or her to do
or how we want him or her to interpret a message.
To amplify just a bit, let us presume that I really do not like a particular person, but
that I also have difficulty rejecting people in general. This creates conflict in me. I want
to reject the person, yet I do not want to.
In such a situation, an interaction might go like this:
Me: Get out of my office (in a tone that says I’m serious).
Other: Oh, I didn’t know you were busy. (He turns and starts to leave.)
Me: Wait a minute. (I feel guilty when I see he is leaving and feeling rejected.)
Other: Huh?
Me: Where are you going?
Other: You told me to get out.
Me: Oh, I was only kidding. (I deny the metacommunication given earlier.)
Other: (Confusion: What should he believe—my tone of voice earlier or my
verbal message now? What should he do? Should he stay or go?)
Originally published in The 1974 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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This interaction is an example of incongruent communication, which occurs when
two or more messages sent at different levels conflict seriously. Conflicting messages
make things difficult for the person trying to interpret them. He wonders: “What does
the other person really mean? Which of the requests should I believe?”
People vary in their capacities for sending requests clearly so that others do not
need to guess much.
Another point Satir (1967) makes is that some things cannot be requested. That is, it is
useless to request the types of things that people cannot produce. Here are examples of
some useless requests:
1. We cannot ask others to feel as we do or as we want them to. Feelings are
spontaneous. All we can do is try to elicit feelings. If we fail to elicit feelings, we
can accept the situation or try again.
2. We cannot ask others to think as we do. Thoughts also cannot be demanded. We
can try to persuade. If that does not work, then we must accept the fact,
compromise, or “agree to disagree.”
3. We can demand that others do or say (or not do or not say) what we want. But if
we succeed, the success is questionable. We have shown only that we have
power, not that we are lovable or worthwhile.
If we try to be more aware of our communicating and metacommunicating, we can
change the way we make requests of others. If we increase our knowledge of ourselves
and of what we want and how we feel about others, we are more likely to make clearer
requests. We are less likely to put others in positions of conflict.
How congruent or incongruent are your communications? (If you do not know, ask
others and then listen closely to what they say.) What kinds of requests do you tend to
make of others? Do you make useless requests? How clear are your requests? Do you
confound others with conflicting requests or with denials that you ever make requests?
Pfeiffer, J.W. (1973). Conditions which hinder effective communication. In J.E. Jones and J.W. Pfeiffer (Eds.),
The 1973 annual handbook for group facilitators (pp. 120-123). San Diego: Pfeiffer & Company.
Satir, V. (1967). Conjoint family therapy: A guide to theory and technique. Palo Alto: Science & Behavior Books.
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Melvin Schnapper
An American nurse is accused by Ethiopian townspeople of treating Ethiopians like
dogs. An American teacher in Nigeria has great trouble getting any discipline in his
class, and it is known that the students have no respect for him because he has shown no
Even though neither American has offended the respective hosts with words, both
of them are unaware of the offenses they have communicated by their nonverbal
behavior. These two examples cite but one aspect of the intercultural encounter. This
occurs whenever people from different cultures meet, be they from different countries or
from different racial or ethnic groups within one country. Whenever such persons
encounter each other, they are apt to miscommunicate because of their different values,
assumptions, perceptions, experiences, language (even if they speak the “same”
language), and nonverbal communication patterns.
Although a great deal of attention has been given to the intercultural encounter, it is
only recently that people in the training field have been given systematic preparation for
the intercultural encounter. One aspect of this encounter that is still neglected in training
is nonverbal communication.
In the first example, the nurse working at a health center would enter the waiting
room and call for the next patient as she would in the States—by pointing with her
finger to the patient and beckoning the patient to come. This pointing gesture is
acceptable in the States, but in Ethiopia it is for children—and her beckoning signal is
for dogs! In Ethiopia one points to a person by extending the arm and hand and beckons
by holding the hand out, palm down, and closing the hand repeatedly.
In the second example, the teacher insisted that students look him in the eye to
show attentiveness—in a country where prolonged eye contact is considered
Although the most innocent American/English gesture may have insulting,
embarrassing, or at least confusing connotations in another culture, the converse also is
true. If a South American were to bang on the table and hiss at the waiter for service in a
New York restaurant, that customer would be thrown out. Americans usually feel that
Originally published in The 1975 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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Japanese students in the U.S. are obsequious because they bow frequently. Male African
students in the U.S. will be stared at for holding hands in public.
It seems easier to accept the arbitrariness of language—that the word “dog” in
English is “chien” in French or “cane” in Italian—than it is to accept the different
behaviors of nonverbal communication, which in many ways are just as arbitrary as
We assume that our way of talking and gesturing is “natural” and that those who
behave differently are deviating from what is natural. This assumption leads to a blind
spot about crosscultural behavior differences. And the person is likely to remain blind
and unaware of the effect of his or her nonverbal communications, because the hosts
will seldom tell the person that he or she has committed a social blunder. It is rude to tell
people they are rude; thus, the hosts grant the foreigner a “foreigner license,” allowing
him or her to make mistakes of social etiquette, and the foreigner never knows until too
late which ones will prove disastrous.
An additional handicap is that the foreigner does not enter the new setting free of
his or her cultural background, able to see and adopt new ways of communicating
without words. The foreigner is a prisoner of his or her own culture and interacts within
his or her own framework. Yet the fact remains that for maximum understanding, the
visiting American must learn to use not only the words of another language, but also the
tools of that culture’s nonverbal communication.
Although language fluency has achieved its proper recognition as being essential
for success overseas, knowledge of nonverbal behavior should also be introduced to the
trainee in a systematic way, offering him or her actual experiences to increase awareness
and sensitivity. Indeed, it is the rise in linguistic fluency that now makes nonverbal
fluency even more critical. A linguistically fluent person may offend even more easily
than those who do not speak as well, if he or she shows ignorance about interface
etiquette. The host national may perceive this disparity between linguistic and
nonlinguistic performance as a disregard for the more subtle aspects of intercultural
communication. Because nonverbal cues reflect emotional states, both foreigner and
host national might not be able to articulate what is occurring between them.
Although it would be difficult to map out all of the nonverbal details for every language,
one can make people aware of the existence and emotional importance of the nonverbal
dimensions. These dimensions of nonverbal communication exist in every culture. The
patterns and forms are often arbitrary, and it is disputable which are universal and which
are culture specific. At least five such dimensions can be defined: kinesic, proxemic,
chronemic, oculesic, and haptic.
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Movement of the body (head, arms, legs, and so on) falls into this dimension. In the
initial example of the nurse at the health center in Ethiopia, the problem was caused by a
kinesic sign being used that had a different meaning crossculturally.
In another example, the American gesture of drawing the thumb across the throat,
implying slitting one’s throat, means “I’ve had it” or “I’m in trouble,” but in Swaziland
it means “I love you.”
Americans make no distinction between gesturing for silence to an adult or to a
child. An American will put one finger to his or her lips for both, while an Ethiopian
will use only one finger for a child and four fingers for an adult. To use only one finger
for an adult is disrespectful. On the other hand, Ethiopians make no distinction in
gesturing to indicate emphatic negation. They shake their index finger from side to side
to an adult as well as to a child, whereas in the United States this gesture is used only for
children. Thus, the American who is not conscious of the meaning of such behavior not
only will offend his or her hosts, but also will feel offended by them.
Drawing in the cheeks and holding the arms rigidly by the side of the body means
“thin” in Amharic. Diet-conscious Americans feel complimented if they are told that
they are slim, and thus they may naturally assume that the same comment to an
Ethiopian friend is also complimentary. Yet in Ethiopia and a number of other countries,
this comment is pejorative; it is thought better to be heavyset, indicating health and
status and enough wealth to ensure the two.
The use of interpersonal space is another dimension of nonverbal communication. South
Americans, Greeks, and others are comfortable standing, sitting, or talking to people at a
distance that most North Americans find intolerably close. We interpret this unusual
closeness as aggressiveness or intimacy, which causes us to have feelings of hostility,
discomfort, or intimidation. If we back away to the greater distance that we find
comfortable, we are perceived as being cold, unfriendly, and distrustful. In contrast,
Somalis would see us as we see South Americans, as the Somalis’ interface distance is
still greater than ours.
The timing of verbal exchanges during conversation is chronemics. As Americans, we
expect our partners to respond to our statements immediately. In some other cultures,
people time their exchanges to leave silence between a statement and its response. For
Americans this silence is unsettling. To us it may mean that the other person is shy,
inattentive, bored, or nervous. It causes us to repeat, paraphrase, talk louder, and
“correct” our speech to accommodate our partner. In an intercultural situation, however,
it would be best to tolerate the silence and wait for a response.
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Eye-to-eye contact or avoidance is another nonverbal dimension. Americans are
dependent on eye contact as a sign of listening. We do not feel that there is human
contact without eye contact. But many countries follow elaborate patterns of eye
avoidance that we regard as inappropriate.
The tactile form of communication is a fifth dimension. Where, how, and how often
people can touch each other while conversing are culturally defined patterns. We need
not go beyond the borders of our own country to see groups (Italians and blacks, for
example) that touch each other more often than Anglo-Americans do. Overseas,
Americans often feel crowded and pushed around by people who have a much higher
tolerance for public physical contact and even need it as part of their communication
process. An American may feel embarrassed when a hostnational friend continues to
hold his or her hand long after the formal greetings are over.
These five dimensions are by no means exhaustive. The list is literally infinite and
may include things such as dress, posture, smell, colors, time, and many others.
There are ways of helping people to prepare for crosscultural differences; and there are
some significant, additional benefits that trainees can gain through an appropriate
training technique.
The critical need for nonverbal communication skills is unquestioned, but trainers
differ as to whether and how these skills can be taught. While some trainers recognize
that proficiency in nonverbal communication would help to reduce unnecessary strain
between Americans and host nationals, others dismiss its importance, feeling that
trainees will simply “pick it up” or that it can be dealt with as a list of “dos and don’ts.”
Occasionally, a language teacher recognizes its possibilities, but generally nonverbal
communication has been dealt with in a very haphazard way. The fact that nonverbal
interaction is a part of every encounter between an American and a host national should
be enough to signify its importance.
The goal of making trainees aware of and sensitive to nonverbal communication
differences has been achieved by having them simulate a communication situation. This
results in emotional responses similar to those that would occur in particular
intercultural situations. Trainees are then encouraged to practice these new simulated
behaviors until they become a natural and comfortable part of their repertoire of
communication skills.
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One technique in this approach is to divide a group of trainees into pairs and to ask one
member of each pair to act in a prescribed nonverbal manner that will elicit feelings of
discomfort in the other person about his or her partner’s “strange” behavior.
As a sample exercise on proxemic behavior (use of space), the trainees are divided
into two groups. Separately, each group discusses issues such as “why we want to go
overseas” or “anticipated difficulties overseas.” Then members of one group are told
that when they rejoin the other group and are matched with their partners, they are to
establish a comfortable distance and then decrease it by one inch each minute or by
prearranged signals from the trainer. Signals could include the trainer’s moving from
one spot in the room to another or stopping the group to find out what specifics they
talked about and then asking them to continue. In this case, the trainer’s questions
should be about the content of the conversation, not about the experiment in process.
When the distance has been shortened by six inches or more, the nondirected partners
will experience discomfort and, consciously or unconsciously, will start moving away.
It is easy at this point to explain that the directed partners were imitating the
“comfort distance” of South Americans and that if the undirected partners were to retreat
in the same way with a Latin, the Latin would think them unfriendly and cold.
Conversely, in Somalia, it would be the American who would be perceived as
aggressive by standing too close for Somali comfort.
Basically, this technique attempts to sensitize trainees to many other behavior
patterns of nonverbal communication by taking an “informed” partner and a “control”
partner and directing the former to alter his or her nonverbal behavior in a gradual
manner to make the partner react. Both people will have an emotional or visceral
reaction, which they can share at the conclusion of each exercise. Emphasis is placed on
the reciprocal nature of the partners’ discomfort and confusion.
These group sensitizing techniques are based on the principle that people will react
emotionally and will give social meaning to alterations of standard American patterns of
nonverbal behavior, for example, when someone blinks often, he or she is nervous; if the
person avoids eye contact, he or she is insecure or untrustworthy; if the person does not
nod his or her head in agreement or shake it in disagreement, he or she is not paying
attention. And generally our interpretation is correct—if the other person is an
Role Playing
In addition to group experiences with a self-awareness emphasis, there are role-play
techniques in which nonverbal patterns of the target language group are emphasized.
Trainees watch and interpret. A dialogue with the host-national role player helps the
trainees to discover what cues were misread and what the consequences of their
misinterpretation could be.
Potential areas of discomfort for both the American and the host national are further
explored after a trainee and the host-national role player have engaged in a role-play
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activity with the host national critiquing the trainee’s behavior. The purpose of these
role plays is not to imitate behavior but to explore emotional reactions. The focus is on
model behavior of a certain culture without accounting for the idiosyncratic differences
between people in that culture.
The discussions following the training exercises are, in part, an attempt to merge the
traditionally separate components of language and cultural studies as usually presented
in training programs. Trainees can achieve a foundation of awareness and skill that will
allow them to continue developing their personal inventory of language behaviors.
Training for nonverbal communication serves as an excellent orientation for an
immersion language program in which speaking any English is discouraged. A
heightened awareness of nonverbal behavior will reduce both the trainees’ temptation to
discard the use of the target language and also their overall frustration. Nonverbal
behavior is not a new communication tool that they must learn but one whose potential
has been dormant.
And, finally, the study of nonverbal communication introduces activities and
discussions that are both interesting and fun, while encouraging trainees and language
instructors to look at their perceptions of one another. Very often trainees hesitate to ask
intimate questions of host nationals. This format offers them and host nationals
situations in which potentially controversial topics can be discussed dispassionately.
Corollary activities might involve movies, videotapes, and photographs of common
interface situations.
Host nationals who have worked with this approach have found it fascinating. Once
the atmosphere of mutual exploration has been established, host nationals find that this
method gives them a chance to explore their own cultural patterns as well as those of the
trainees. It also goes a long way toward clearing up misconceptions that the host-country
national may have developed while interacting with Americans. As part of a training
program, this technique typically receives a very high evaluation from trainees and
language teachers.
Of course, there is no guarantee that heightened awareness will truly lead to
changed behavior. Indeed, there are situations in which an American should not alter
behavior, depending on his or her status, role, personality, and ultimate objectives for
being in the host country.
The attempt to make Americans more aware of their interpersonal relations
overseas (left to chance for too long) is based partly on the assumption that a person will
be sensitized to nonverbal differences because he or she is surrounded by them. While
true for many people, it is also true, however, that many will remain oblivious to
nonverbal differences even though exposed to them daily for many years.
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Awareness in Situations Within the United States
Although the focus thus far has been on the American/non-American dimensions of
intercultural communication, much of what has been said applies equally well to
interracial and intergroup communication within the United States. Recent studies
indicate that the oculesic and proxemic norms between whites and blacks in the United
States differ to the extent that real miscommunication often occurs.
These concepts and specific training techniques have also been used successfully
with groups who work in multicultural situations in the U.S. The emphasis on awareness
works best when the trainee group itself is multicultural. This allows the group
members’ different reactions to the changed norms to validate the existence of
nonverbal differences.
People with extensive intercultural experience benefit greatly from this approach, as
they already have had prolonged contact with cross-cultural differences.
The useful technique of heightening the awareness of cultural differences should
alert many people to attend more closely to an often-neglected part of the intercultural
encounter—nonverbal communication.
Hall, E.T. (1966a). The hidden dimension. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Hall, E.T. (1966b). The silent language. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Schefler, A.E. (1972). Body language and the social order. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
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Melinda S. Sprague and Alice Sargent
There has been a recent cultural movement toward androgynous behavior, a movement
that we as trainers have encountered in our own work. More than ever before, we have
been concerned not only with helping women to be autonomous and more supportive of
other women but also with helping men to make more emotional contact with others.
These issues influence every facet of training programs and organizational behavior.
This paper examines the impact of changing sex roles on the following dimensions of
trainer/consultant activities: role models, leadership and training styles, power, the
dynamics of interaction, and communication models.
Current role models in training tend to be the same as role models in other professions,
including politics, management, health, government, and educational administration.
Value is placed on coolness, competitive power, charisma, toughness, resiliency, an
external rather than an intrinsic reward system, logic, and a rational problem-solving
approach rather than an integrated approach that relies on wants and needs as much as
To categorize this group of norms as “male” is probably less accurate than to
characterize the current cultural norms in the United States as being divided into
organizational norms and family norms. Stated most simply, men, who are taught to
value a task-oriented, achieving style, have been socialized to fill the needs of
organizations, whereas women, who are taught to be expressive and oriented toward the
development of others as an extension of themselves, have been socialized to value the
family setting as a means of fulfilling their own needs.
Given this emphasis, it is not surprising that women in government, education,
business—or human relations training—have many similar problems to deal with.
Contributing to the difficulty is the fact that the goals of training imply placing value on
helping skills, collaborative power and nurturing, appreciation for the growth processes
of others, vicarious achievement through the appreciation of others’ development, and
expressiveness and emotionality. Yet the execution of a training program requires
presence, authority, clarity of goals, and intellectual skills. Laboratory education
requires not only the critical helping skills but also effective problem solving, the ability
Originally published in The 1977 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeffer & Company.
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to deal with power and influence, the skill to know when to give in and when to force a
point, and the ability to generalize rather than personalize.
Because of this needed blending of talents, we believe that the competent trainer
must be androgynous. Sandra Bem (1974, p. 155) defines the androgynous person as
“both masculine and feminine, both assertive and yielding, both instrumental and
expressive.” The androgynous trainer is therefore both dominant and yielding,
combining independence and competence with playfulness and nurturing. He or she
combines a direct achievement style with a vicarious achievement style (Lipman-
Blumen, 1973). A direct achievement style reflects the need to experience satisfaction
and accomplishment through one’s own efforts; vicarious achievement implies
experiencing satisfaction indirectly through another individual with whom one strongly
If we apply the concepts of Ornstein (as quoted in Mintzberg, 1976), we might say
that an androgynous trainer is well developed in both the right (creative skills) and left
(intellectual skills) brain hemispheres. Utilizing this terminology, we find that there are
just as few “new women” as there are “new men.” In fact, it seems that many
professional women, in their quest to be taken seriously, go through the state of
becoming men before they give themselves the permission to recapture or reintegrate
some of the tenderness and playfulness that they previously abandoned. But we note
with optimism that as the pool of assertive women increases, more and more women
models are surfacing who can be assertive without being oppressive or noncaring.
As women search for role models and try successfully or unsuccessfully to become like
their male colleagues and mentors, they are often awkward. They may try to take charge
or express anger in a manner similar to that of some charismatic male guru, only to feel
even more inept because they have violated their own integrity.
Women’s leadership styles have been traditionally characterized by the hostess role.
Women have learned to be pleasant—perhaps excessively so; to smooth over conflict; to
be preoccupied with bringing people together; to be more concerned with feelings than
with “getting the job done”; to smile—perhaps too much; to allow themselves to be
interrupted; to let their voices trail off when they are making an important point; to
laugh at the end of an assertive sentence; and to require more expertise from themselves
before offering a contribution than men demand from themselves.
Courses in public speaking are particularly useful for women trainers; accepting
opportunities to take charge and to give speeches is also worthwhile. Assertion-training
programs can help encourage self-expression—making “I” statements and repeating
one’s point even if it is for the seventh or eighth time, rather than giving up after two
tries. We do have, however, a specific concern regarding assertion training. It develops
powerful skills, but it can become verbal karate when it is practiced apart from an
overall concern for individual relationships.
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To enhance her own effectiveness, the woman trainer needs to be especially aware
of certain issues. In design sessions for laboratory experiences and consultations, she
needs to know where her support base is in the group; she needs to know the issues on
which she will negotiate and those on which she will not. She needs to have a good
sense of timing so that she intervenes at moments when her input can be best received.
She needs to be equally unconcerned with being ignored and with being affirmed so that
she can monitor the group climate. She needs to claim ownership for a job well done but
also to acknowledge errors in judgment. She needs to deal with instances in which
sexual attraction biases her responses to other trainers and group members.
Men, also, as they search for new, more collaborative, less competitive behavior
and as they become committed more to openness than to coolness, are likely to be
awkward. Men need to be encouraged to build support systems or begin consciousness-
raising groups in which they can explore these new behaviors. In training settings
particularly, we encourage men to be aware of whether they are operating out of a need
for power and control or a need to get the job done, ignoring other significant needs for
approval, closeness, or spontaneity.
A paramount issue for women in training is the exercise of power and the acceptance of
the potential conflict that may result. This issue is manifest in both the planning and the
execution of training programs. Women tend to be reticent with colleagues concerning
confrontation or competition in design sessions, even when it is in the best interests of
the client. The same is true when women consultants negotiate a contract with a client
system. They often fail to conceptualize the issues and tend to see an impediment in
terms of a power struggle even though such dynamics are ordinary and frequently useful
components in every organization.
The woman trainer/consultant needs to be clear in her own mind about what is
negotiable in the design and what is not, if she is to act in the best professional interests
of her client and herself. Training designs, of course, may need to be modified after the
program begins; or alternatives may need to be presented from which the participants
can choose. But women particularly, because of their past socialization and the ongoing
reward system in the United States culture, are especially vulnerable to abandoning a
position of strength in order to be charming and conciliatory instead of forceful and
Although ways of dealing with the authority issue vary tremendously among both
male and female trainers, women tend to be reluctant to take charge when that is
appropriate; and they overuse the collaborative/reactive mode even when it is not
appropriate. As women become more comfortable in leadership roles, they will
undoubtedly be able to make judgments based on a correct reading of the situation at
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In training there is ample evidence that women tend to give away their power. In
simulations, for example, women participants may ignore three pages of written
directions and instead turn to their neighbors to ask, “What did that say?” They seem to
be much more familiar with seeking help from others than with being self-reliant.
In the United States culture, women have also been socialized to “make do” rather
than to hustle. Women trainers may not ask for special facilities, may not think about
going off-site, may not plan activities that require significant funds. Women are less
likely than men to test budgetary and other resource limits.
In contrast, the culture of the United States has rewarded men for overusing the
power mode. Many men have reported to us that they naturally fall into competitive,
win-lose behavioral interactions even when such behavior is unnecessary. In order to
become more androgynous, men need to be in touch with their tendency to assume
power; they need to learn to accept the discomfort of being less in control, less
persuasive, less inscrutable.
The psychological climate varies in all-male groups, all-female groups, and mixed
groups. Although adequate research does not yet exist, it would follow that the sex of
the trainer influences the climate of the group. For example, many male trainers tell
stories and jokes in groups to enhance a point, and yet very few female trainers use this
behavior; female trainers, in contrast, may be more likely to inquire about the families of
Significant research exists on the impact of the composition of groups on
interaction patterns. Aries (1976) reports that themes in all-male groups include
competition, aggression, violence, victimization, joking, questions of identity, and fear
of self-disclosure. About one-third of the statements in all-male groups are addressed to
the group as a whole, signaling an avoidance of intimacy. Men in effect tend not to face
the issue of having their intimacy needs met by other men.
All-female group themes include affiliation, family, conflicts about competition and
leadership, and information about relationships. In mixed groups the men tend to be
more tense, serious, and self-conscious; to speak less of aggression; and to engage in
less practical joking. There are more references to self on the part of both sexes, there is
more talk of feelings; but the women generally speak much less than the men, with the
men taking two-thirds of the air time. Sexual tensions are present. Heterosexual contact
is apparent, and values and concerns are expressed about being attractive to the opposite
Women and men trainers alike need to be alert to the fact that a man in a female-
dominated group is likely to be a central figure—to be deferred to and respected. In
contrast, Aries (1976) reports that a woman in a male-dominated group is likely to be
isolated and to be treated as trivial or as a mascot. It is a part of the trainer’s function to
help women learn to relate to other women as well as to men. Our experience leads us to
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believe that the learning is richer if several women are in one group than if a solo
woman is in each training group, even if it means that some groups will have no women.
A solo woman (see Wolman & Frank, 1975) is much more likely to be forced to accept
male norms or to face isolation than if she has support from other women.
The research of Bender et al. (1966) and our own empirical data show us that
femininity is correlated with selfdisclosure. In a training situation, women trainers are
more likely to share their feelings and personal data, thereby modeling that behavior for
participants and lessening the gap between trainer and member. Culbert (1970) found
that although neither overdisclosure nor underdisclosure on the part of trainers was
healthy or effective in a group, an optimal amount of selfdisclosure modeled openness,
enhanced learning, and promoted cohesiveness. Women trainers, we think, bring these
qualities to the training team and to their groups. Trainers (of both sexes) also report that
they like having women members in their groups because women personalize the
situation and generate a feeling of intimacy.
The language of transactional analysis (TA) has been important in describing models for
communication. The typical “egogram” in TA describes communication as shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Parent, Adult, and Child Ego States
Based on Berbe (1961, 1964) and Steiner (1975).
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Figure 2. Male and Female Ego States
Steiner (1975) and Wyckoff (1975) suggested that men have overdeveloped Parent
and Adult states and an underdeveloped Child state, whereas women have
underdeveloped Parent and Adult states and an overdeveloped Child state. Therefore, in
TA terms the male and female would appear as in Figure 2.
The TA description is particularly oriented toward a masculine model because it
describes the Adult state as the rational, problem-solving mode and places the nurturing
emotions in the Parent state. The androgynous trainer needs to combine the problem-
solving style with nurturing, caring, and contact. He or she needs to learn to love, assert,
be angry, be frightened, care, and solve problems as part of men-women
communications or women-women communications in order to make a more complete
range of behaviors available.
Clearly the sex of the trainer influences perceptions and expectations of a style of
communicating. In addition to the trainer’s own individual behavior, he or she is a ready
target for a variety of participant projections from childhood concerning real or literary
male and female authority figures. These may include the righteously indignant female
elementary school teacher; the punitive male figure of retribution prevalent in most
religions; the vain, jealous witch-woman; and the good, pure, rescuing knight. These
misperceptions can lead to dysfunctional communication styles (Figure 3).
Father Mother
Figure 3. Dysfunctional Communication Styles
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Such communication styles suggest dysfunctional communication patterns:
Women’s righteous indignation in the Mother role;
Men’s paternalism and protectiveness in the Father role; and
Women’s adoption of the angry or stubborn Child role.
If we take man ←→ woman and woman ←→ woman as our goal for many of our
transactions, then we want to eliminate the following behaviors:
Men’s use of women trainers as mothers—telling them personal information but
not treating them as real colleagues with whom they also solve problems and
perform tasks;
Women participants’ and trainers’ failure to share their competence with one
Girl Motheror
Men and women trainers’ and participants’ use of sex to play out power and
control issues;
Male trainers’ sublimation of anger at women participants or trainers (assuming
the Father role and protecting women);
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In co-training, the male trainer’s deferring to his female colleague in emotional
situations in which pain is being expressed (for example, a female trainer
comforts a woman or a man who is crying while the male trainer steps aside);
In co-training, the female trainer’s deferring to her male colleague in issues
concerning the control of the design or schedule for the group.
Today women and men are acknowledging their own special competencies and slowly
differentiating which role models they value. We need to move toward androgynous
models of leadership. Women need to expand their repertoire of behavior for dealing
with power and conflict, while men need to increase their capability for selfdisclosure
and for the spontaneous expression of feelings. Because our day-to-day relationships
generally do not offer us sufficient support even now, there is surely not enough to see
men and women through the coming stormy transition in male-female relationships. All
of us need to build greater support systems to help us deal with our anxieties, take risks,
and maintain our increasing options for behavior free of sex-role stereotyping.
These issues need to be talked about and explored in every aspect of training
activities. As trainers, we need to be proactive and to highlight these concerns in our
work and teaching. We are building toward dramatically new patterns of interaction
between men and men, between women and women, and between men and women.
Both sexes must be allowed to develop androgynous behavior free of sex-role
Aries, E. (1976). Male-female interpersonal styles in all-male, all-female, and mixed groups. In A.G. Sargent,
Beyond sex roles. St. Paul, MN: West.
Bem, S.L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,
42, 155-162.
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Bender, V.L., et al. (1966). Patterns of selfdisclosure in homosexual and heterosexual college students. Journal of
Sex Research, 2(2), 149-161.
Berne, E. (1961). Transactional analysis in psychotherapy. New York: Grove Press.
Berne, E. (1964). Games people play. New York: Grove Press.
Culbert, S.A. (1970). The interpersonal process of selfdisclosure: It takes two to see one. In R. Golembiewski
(Ed.), Sensitivity training and the laboratory process. Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock.
LipmanBlumen, J. (1973, April). The development and impact of female role ideology. Speech presented at Eastern
Sociological Association, New York.
Mintzberg, H. (1976, July). Planning on the left side and managing on the right. Harvard Business Review, pp.
Steiner, C. (1975). Scripts people live. New York: Grove Press.
Wolman, C., & Frank, H. (1975, January). The solo woman in a professional peer group. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 45(1), 164-171.
Wyckoff, H. (1975). Banal scripts of women. In C. Steiner, Scripts people live. New York: Grove Press.
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J. Ryck Luthi
Effectiveness of management personnel of all grades is very dependent upon the ability to
communicate orally not only the policy of the company but suggestions as to how work should be
done, criticism of poor work, and the application of discipline, and of course the general field of
human relationships. (Lull, Funk, & Piersol, 1955, p. 17)
It seems safe to conclude from research studies that by and large, the better supervisors (better in
terms of getting the work done) are those who are more sensitive to their communication
responsibilities. They tend to be those, for example, who give clear instructions, who listen
empathically, who are accessible for questions or suggestions, and who keep their subordinates
properly informed. (Redding & Sanborn, 1964, p. 60)
Research leads to the conclusion that there is a positive correlation between
effective communication and each of the following factors: employee productivity,
personal satisfaction, rewarding relationships, and effective problem solving. Two major
components of effective communication are sending messages and receiving messages.
Techniques of listening and verbalizing help in both of these dimensions.
In the context of each communicating situation, the sender’s feelings about self will
affect how the message is encoded. The following questions are conscious and
subconscious tradewinds that affect the effectiveness of the message: “Do I feel
worthwhile in this situation? Am I safe in offering suggestions? Is this the right time
(place)? Am I the subordinate or the boss in this situation?” In everyday jargon, such
questions might be phrased in these ways: “Am I O.K.? Do I count?” Usually, the more
comfortable or positive the self-concept, the more effective the sender is in
Belief in Assertive Rights
Linked to self-concept is the belief that one has some rights, such as the right to change
one’s mind; the right to say “I don’t understand” or “I don’t know”; the right to follow a
Originally published in The 1978 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeffer & Company.
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“gut” or intuitive feeling without justifying reasons for it; the right to make mistakes and
to be responsible for them; and the right to say “I’m not sure now, but let me work on
it.” Believing in such rights can help strengthen the sender’s self-concept and avoid the
defensive maneuvering that hinders communication in exchanging information. It would
be wise to remember that assertive rights are not complete without responsibility. For
example, one has the right to say “I don’t know”; but one probably also has the
responsibility to find out.
The Sender’s Perception of the Message
The sender’s perception of the message is encompassed in the following questions: “Do
I feel the information I have is valuable? Is it something I want to say or do not want to
say? How do I feel it will be received? Is the topic interesting or not interesting to me?
Do I understand the information correctly, at least well enough to describe it to others,
and do I know the best way to say it?”
The Sender’s Feelings About the Receiver
The probability of effective communication is increased if the sender feels positive or
respectful toward the receiver. Positive or respectful feelings usually carry a built-in
commitment and/or desire to share communication. Negative or nonrespectful feelings
require conscious effort to communicate effectively. For the sender it is important to
know it is all right not to like everyone, or, for the optimist, to like some people less than
others. It is also important to know that we live in a world in which not everyone is
going to like or respect us and that is all right, too.
Suggestions for Effective Expression
In order to send messages effectively, you should consider the following points:
1. Become aware of your thoughts and feelings. Do not be quick to brand them
“good,” “bad,” “wrong,” or “right.” Accept them as a reflection of the present
“you,” and let them become best friends by giving support and feedback to your
effectiveness and to your needs; consider what they are whispering or shouting
to you. By increasing your awareness of your feelings, you can better decide
what to do with them.
2. Feel comfortable in expressing your feelings. Such expression, when congruent
with the situation and appropriate, can enhance communication.
3. Be aware of the listener. Try to verbalize your message in terms of the listener’s
understanding and indicate why you feel the message is important to him or her.
Does it have a specific significance for the listener, or is it just “general
4. Focus on the importance of the message and repeat key concepts and essential
aspects of the information.
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5. Use as few words as possible to state the message.
Effective listening is as important to communication as effective sending. Effective
listening is an active process in which the listener interacts with the speaker. It requires
mental and verbal paraphrasing and attention to nonverbal cues like tones, gestures, and
facial expressions. It is a process of listening not to every word but to main thoughts and
Nichols (1952) listed the following as deterrents to effective listening:
1. Assuming in advance that the subject is uninteresting and unimportant;
2. Mentally criticizing the speaker’s delivery;
3. Getting overstimulated when questioning or opposing an idea;
4. Listening only for facts, wanting to skip the details;
5. Outlining everything;
6. Pretending to be attentive;
7. Permitting the speaker to be inaudible or incomplete;
8. Avoiding technical messages;
9. Overreacting to certain words and phrases; and
10. Withdrawing attention, daydreaming.
The feelings and attitudes of the listener can affect what he or she perceives. How
the listener feels about herself or himself, how the message is perceived, and how the
listener feels about the speaker all affect how well the recipient listens to the message.
As a listener, you should keep the following suggestions in mind:
1. Be fully accessible to the speaker. Being preoccupied, letting your mind wander,
and trying to do more than one thing at a time lessen your chances of hearing and
understanding efficiently. In the words of Woody Allen, “It is hard to hum a tune
and contemplate one’s own death at the same time.” Interrupting a conversation
to answer the phone may enhance your perceived ego, but the interrupted
speaker feels of secondary importance.
2. Be aware of your feelings as a listener. Emotions such as anger, dislike,
defensiveness, and prejudice are natural; but they cause us not to hear what is
being said and sometimes to hear things that are not being said.
According to Reik (1972), listening with the “third ear” requires the listener to do
the following things:
1. Suspend judgment for a while;
2. Develop purpose and commitment to listening;
3. Avoid distraction;
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4. Wait before responding;
5. Develop paraphrasing in his or her own words and context, particularly to review
the central themes of the messages;
6. Continually reflect mentally on what the speaker is trying to say; and
7. Be ready to respond when the speaker is ready for comments.
Responses That Block Communication
The following kinds of responses can block effective communication:
Evaluation Response. The phrases “You should . . .,” “Your duty . . .,” “You are
wrong,” “You should know better,” “You are bad,” and “You are such a good person”
create blocks to communication. There is a time for evaluation; but if it is given too
soon, the speaker usually becomes defensive.
Advice-Giving Response. “Why don’t you try . . .,” “You’ll feel better when . . .” “It
would be best for you to . . .,” and “My advice is . . .” are phrases that give advice.
Advice is best given at the conclusion of conversations and generally only when one is
Topping Response, or “My Sore Thumb.” “That’s nothing, you should have
seen . . .,” “When that happened to me, I . . .,” “When I was a child . . .,” and “You think
you have it bad” are phrases of “one-upmanship” or assuming superiority. This approach
shifts attention from the person who wants to be listened to and leaves him or her feeling
Diagnosing, Psychoanalytic Response. “What you need is . . .,” “The reason you
feel the way you do is . . .,” “You don’t really mean that,” and “Your problem is . . .” are
phrases that tell others what they feel. Telling people how they feel or why they feel the
way they do can be a double-edged sword. If the diagnoser is wrong, the speaker feels
pressed; if the diagnoser is right, the speaker may feel exposed or captured. Most people
do not want to be told how to feel and would rather volunteer their feelings than to have
them exposed.
Prying-Questioning Response. “Why,” “who,” “where,” “when,” “how,” and
“what” are responses common to us all. But these responses tend to make the speaker
feel “on the spot” and therefore resistant to interrogation. At times, however, a
questioning response is helpful for clarification; and in emergencies it is needed.
Warning, Admonishing, Commanding Response. “You had better . . .,” “If you
don’t . . .,” “You have to . . .,” “You will . . .,” and “You must . . .” are used constantly
in the everyday work environment. Usually such responses produce resentment,
resistance, and rebellion. There are times, of course, when this response is necessary,
such as in an emergency situation when the information being given is critical to human
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Logical, Lecturing Response. “Don’t you realize . . .,” “Here is where you are
wrong,” “The facts are . . .,” and “Yes, but . . .” can be heard in any discussion with two
people of differing opinions. Such responses tend to make the other person feel inferior
or defensive. Of course, persuasion is part of the world we live in. In general, however,
we need to trust that when people are given correct and full data they will make logical
decisions for themselves.
Devaluation Response. “It’s not so bad,” “Don’t worry,” “You’ll get over it,” and
“Oh, you don’t feel that way” are familiar phrases used in responding to others’
emotions. A listener should recognize the sender’s feelings and should not try to deny
them to the owner. In our desire to alleviate emotional pain, we apply bandages too soon
and possibly in the wrong places.
Whenever a listener’s responses convey nonacceptance of the speaker’s feelings,
the desire to change the speaker, a lack of trust, or the sense that the speaker is inferior
or at fault or being “bad,” communication blocks will occur.
For both senders and listeners, awareness of feelings requires the ability to stop and
check what feelings one is presently experiencing and to make a conscious decision
about how to respond to the feelings. At first this technique may be uncomfortable and
easy to forget, but only by using it will it become second nature. The individual should
picture three lists:
Behaviors → Feelings → Responses
At a given time, the person stops and mentally asks, “What am I feeling?” A person
usually experiences a kaleidoscope of emotions simultaneously but can work on
focusing on one present, dominant feeling. After the feeling has been identified, the
person asks himself or herself, “What perceived behaviors are causing this feeling? Do I
feel this way because of what the other person is saying or how he or she is saying it, or
do I feel this way because I do not want to be bothered?”
The next step is for the person to choose how he or she wants to react to the feeling.
There is much written about letting others know one’s feelings in order to bring
congruence to actions and words. One can choose, however, not to express a feeling
because of inappropriate time, place, or circumstances. For example, I may identify a
feeling of annoyance at being interrupted. To share that feeling may not be worthwhile
in the situation. The main thing is that I am aware of my annoyance and what caused the
feeling and can now choose whether or not to let it be a block to my listening. I may tell
myself that I am annoyed but that my feeling is not going to get in the way of my
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listening. I can decide if my feeling is to be a listening block; and I can keep it from
becoming one, if I so choose.
Another way of becoming aware of feelings is “hindsight analysis.” After any given
situation, the person can recheck his or her responses and/or feelings: “What happened
to cause those feelings? What was I feeling during my responses? Why do I tend to
avoid certain people and why do I enjoy being around others?” “Why?” is very helpful
in finding feelings and behaviors that cue those feelings. As a person works with this
technique, identification and decision making will become better, resulting in more
effective communication.
The communication process is complex but vital to effective problem solving and
meaningful personal relationships. It is a process that is never really mastered; one can
continually improve on it. It requires certain attitudes, knowledge, techniques, common
sense, and a willingness to try. Effective communication happens when we have
achieved sufficient clarity or accuracy to handle each situation adequately.
Lull, P.E., Funk, F.E., & Piersol, D T. (1955). What communications means to the corporation president. Advanced
Management, 20, 17-20.
Nichols, R.G. (1952). Listening is a ten part skill. Chicago: Enterprise Publications.
Redding, W.C., & Sanborn, G.A. (Eds.) (1964). Business and industrial communication: A sourcebook. New
York: Harper & Row.
Reik, T. (1972). Listening with the third ear. New York: Pyramid.
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Aharon Kuperman
Disagreements between individuals, especially those who depend on each other in order
to “see” facts, are almost inevitable. Nevertheless, there is a common belief that “facts
are facts.” When a dispute occurs, it should be possible to unearth the “real” facts,
accept them, act accordingly, and thus settle any differences. Stagner, who for many
years was involved in studying industrial conflicts, related how a known labor mediator
liked to say, “There cannot be disagreement about facts, there can only be ignorance of
them” (1956, p. 15). It is questionable, however, whether this belief rests on a firm
foundation. The “facts” are not always that simple.
Figure 1 will give us a glimpse of what may be entailed in attempting to establish facts
that can plainly be accepted by all who look. If the drawing in Figure 1 is shown to a
group of people and each person is asked to describe what he or she sees, some
individuals, without any trace of doubt or hesitation, will say, “A profile of a bald man
with eyeglasses and a hooked nose.” Other observers, with no less confidence, will
promptly respond, “A rat!” One might wonder how both responses could be right—or
whether anybody needed an eye examination or one group was lying. It is easy to
imagine the arguments between the two groups of observers after the picture is
Situations such as that illustrated by “Mr. Rat” are not as infrequent as they may
appear. Stagner claims that many industrial conflicts revolve around the differences that
management and labor see in the facts. If this is so, we might well wonder how facts can
be established. It is not a new problem. The thorny question of the relationship between
the “real” world and the world as it appears in our experiences has concerned the human
race throughout history. Answers to such questions are prerequisites for gaining reliable
and valid knowledge about the world in general.
In modern psychology, issues of this kind are dealt with under the heading of
“perception,” a field that deals with the processes by which human beings establish and
maintain contact with their environment. Since Locke (An Essay Concerning Human
Originally published in The 1979 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeffer & Company.
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Understanding, 1690), most students of perception would agree that our knowledge of
the world comes to us via our sense organs. Consequently, the main thrust of research in
the field of perception has been concentrated not only on explorations of the structure
and function of sense organs, but also on experiences related to sensing and, more
recently, on behavioral responses to perceived stimuli. Today, evidence leads us to
conclude that parts of the process of perception are learned whereas other parts are
Insights About the Perceptual Process
The following list is by no means complete, nor is it free of suppositions and
speculation; but it may offer a sufficiently clear, although rudimentary, idea about what
is involved in the perceptual process.
1. Knowledge about the world is obtained only through the sense organs.
2. The senses are capable of detecting certain kinds of energy (stimuli) emanating
from the environment.
3. Each sense organ absorbs a special kind of energy within a given range of
magnitudes; in other words, there are both upper and lower limits (thresholds)
for sensing. For example, sound waves above a certain frequency cannot be
detected by our ears; but a dog can hear them very well and respond to them.
4. Sense organs, using nerves as conduits, transmit the incoming energy to brain
centers in the form of “signals.” These signals are raw information because at
this stage of the process their meanings for the perceiver are not yet clear.
From Bugelski and Alampay (1964). Copyright © 1961. Canadian Psychological Association. Reprinted with permission.
ure 1. “Mr. Rat”
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5. Data from sense organs, fed into brain centers, are organized into patterns.
Evidence indicates that some of this organization is due to past learning and
some is inborn.
6. In every human culture, complete patterns of signals are given labels or names
(concepts) that must be learned. These labeled patterns are “stored” for future
7. Freshly organized patterns are sorted and matched with similar patterns already
“stored” in the brain. This matching process gives rise to meanings, in terms of
human language (concepts). Thus, a pattern without a label either remains a
meaningless sensation or, if matched with a nameless stored pattern, may be
considered to have a very private and vague meaning, not communicable to
8. The stored patterns in brain centers have both affective (feeling) and symbolic
(concept) aspects.
9. The total process of perception, as described in items 1 through 7, is extremely
fast (less than
of a second).
10. Briefly, perception can be considered as a process of sensing signals and
interpreting them.
Figure 2 shows the perceptual process in schematic form.
Figure 2. A Model of the Process of Perception
As is implied in items 6 and 7 above, one basic condition for perception is the
availability of stored concepts in the brain. In the initial stages of development, the child
learns from his or her “socializing agents” what names are to be associated with given
patterns, and both the patterns and their associated names are stored and set aside for
future reference. Thus, when a new pattern arrives, it can be recognized by matching it
with a stored pattern. If a match cannot be found, either the pattern remains meaningless
or a new concept is invented. This new concept can be private or public. To become
public, it must be communicated to and confirmed by others so that they use the same
concept for the same pattern.
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As some of the organization of signals into a pattern is learned, it may be expected
that in different cultures somewhat different patterns will be established by similar
stimuli. People in different cultures organize their world into different patterns and
hence possess different concepts for almost the same stimuli. Thus, they perceive the
world slightly differently.
Indeed, comparative semantics and anthropology suggest that words of one
language are often not exactly equivalent to words of another language. Thus, while the
Western culture divides the color spectrum one way, one of the cultures in Liberia, for
example, divides the same color spectrum slightly differently. In their language red and
orange constitute a single unit; one word designates both colors (Brown, 1965). The
Eskimos are known to have several words for snow, each of which indicates somewhat
different qualities of snow, which are understood only with difficulty by an outsider.
However, as many of these differences are due to learning, other people too can learn to
make fine discriminations among the qualities of snow and hence perceive it in the same
manner as the Eskimo.
Additional Factors Affecting Perception
Under certain specified conditions, perception may be distorted. Some factors that lead
to such distortions are related to the internal emotional and motivational states of the
perceiver, while others are considered to be properties of the stimulus.
It has been demonstrated that a child from a low-income home tends to recall a
perceived coin as being larger than a richer child recalls it or than the actual size of the
coin. “Set,” or readiness to perceive, is known to lower thresholds for certain stimuli. In
other words, because of one’s set, which is established by frequent exposure to a given
stimulus, one tends to perceive that particular stimulus more readily than otherwise. A
given object placed in a different background is perceived somewhat differently. For
example, a given color placed on a given color background may appear brighter or
darker, depending on the background and without any changes in illumination.
Sometimes certain features added to known stimuli distort the judgment of certain
qualities of the perceived object; thus, an “optical illusion” is being created. For
example, a given straight line may appear shorter if arrowheads are drawn on both ends
of the line.
Sometimes stimulus conditions are uncertain or sensory information is less than
complete, as when a person glances at an object for only a brief moment. Confusion can
result, thus making a person mistakenly perceive a coiled piece of rope to be a snake. At
other times an object may be sufficiently ambiguous so that absolute identification of the
stimulus is very difficult. In other words, the pattern of signals is less than complete.
Hence it can be matched with more than one stored pattern, leading to any one of several
interpretations (“matching”). A set may determine which of the several alternative
patterns will be chosen; so may other possible determinants such as interests, attitudes,
values, and motives of the perceiving person.
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It is now easier to understand what may take place in the differing observations of
Figure 1. As “Mr. Rat” is drawn ambiguously, the perceiver is forced to rely on certain
cues in order to establish a meaning for the drawing. If the observer has a set to perceive
a person (that is, in the past he or she has seen similar drawings of a person), then the
cues that the he or she sees give rise to the perception of a person. Similarly, past
experiences with similar drawings of rats give rise to the perception of a rat. Thus, two
observers with two different “sets” perceive two different drawings, even though the
image projected on the retinas of both observers is identical. The difference lies in the
organization of the signals coming from the eye into a pattern that is matched in one
case with the stored pattern of a person and in the other case with the stored pattern of a
rat. It is very unlikely that the differences in perception here are due to differences in
motivation or emotions.
The study of perception shows us that there may be difficulties in agreeing on facts due
to differences in perception. However, people all over the world are able to
communicate with one another and to agree on facts, despite cultural differences.
Following are some suggestions that can be helpful in communicating:
1. Specify in detail the conditions of observation.
2. Describe the observed phenomenon and the boundaries of what is to be
3. Be on guard for optical illusions and other sources of perceptual distortions—use
instruments and, if possible, several senses—and check for congruency.
4. Repeat observations several times under the same specified conditions.
5. Get confirmations from independent observers—make these observations public.
In practice, these suggestions mean taking careful and cautious observations of a
situation and making adjustments and corrections by “reality testing.” Here, also,
communication and listening skills are indispensable. Such skills can lead two differing
groups of observers—as in the case of “Mr. Rat,” for example—to realize that both sides
can be right and, through accurate descriptions, to see what others see.
It should be emphasized that what is described in this article relates to “object
perception” or to perception of physical events. However, it is important to be aware
that conflicts between and among people include not only disagreements over
substantive matters, but also antagonisms and personal and emotional differences that
are typical for interdependent individuals (Walton, 1969). Furthermore, it must be
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remembered that in human relationships, knowledge about other people and their
“dispositional properties” and intentions may turn out to be far more important than
perceptions of objects.
Brown, R. (1965). Social psychology. New York: Free Press.
Bugelski, B.R., & Alampay, D.A. (1964). Role of frequency in developing perceptual sets. Canadian Journal of
Psychology, 15, 205-211.
Stagner, R. (1956). Psychology of industrial conflict. New York: John Wiley.
Walton, R.E. (1969). Interpersonal peacemaking: Confrontations and third-party consultation. Reading, MA:
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Tom Carney
Communication at cross purposes is all too unhappily common in everyday life. Mary
tries to persuade Bill to adopt a certain way of doing things, arguing logically for the
efficiency of her way. Bill responds with counterarguments about its human costs. Mary
reacts with a more-telling cost-benefit analysis. Bill counters with examples of likely
inconveniences for specific clients. By now the metamessages have taken over: Each
person is bent on defending her or his approach, and emotional misperceptions of the
other person distort all further communication.
One frequent cause of crossed communication is the common tendency to favor one
particular style of communication, often at the cost of being insensitive to other styles—
in others as well as in oneself. Ideally, one should be:
Conscious of one’s own stylistic preferences and dislikes;
Able quickly to detect such preferences and dislikes in another person; and
Able to adjust one’s own style to that of another person.
If one attempts to achieve this ideal, a surprising number of payoffs result, both in
personal insights and in interpersonal skills.
Jung (see Jacobi, 1968) identified two major dimensions in our modes of relating to
events: a thinking-feeling polarity and, at right angles to it, a sensing-intuiting one.
These polarities are familiar in everyday life:
Thinking: the logical, rational, sequential analysis that has been associated with
left-brain hemisphere (Ornstein, 1978) dominance—or with “convergent” or
“vertical” thinking (DeBono, 1970; Hudson, 1970). If this is one’s preferred
mode of relating to “reality,” one will probably use a precise, analytical form of
Intuiting: the making of associations; having insights that yield a novel “big
picture” of a situation; the free flow of creative ideas. Currently associated with
Originally published in The 1980 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeffer & Company. Credit for originating this approach should go to P.P. Mok of Drake Beam Associates. Jay Nisberg further developed
the approach, along with his associates Ed Reimer and Brian Trump.
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openness to right-brain hemisphere (Ornstein, 1978) functioning, this dimension
is also termed “divergent” or “lateral” thinking (DeBono, 1970; Hudson, 1970).
Feeling Group Maintenance: empathy with others’ feelings, leading to an
emphasis on human relationships when communicating about how things get
Doing/Task Orientation (Jung’s knowing by experiencing/sensing): a tendency to
sense reality by doing and to emphasize practicality in communicating about that
These continua are illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Dimensions of Relating to Events
Use of the Styles
Suppose you had a television set with four channels on which you could regularly get
programs. Suppose, further, that reception was excellent on the first channel, good on
the second, mediocre on the third, and poor on the fourth. In time, you would probably
find yourself using the first and second channels and avoiding the third and especially
the fourth. People’s use of the four modes of relating to, and communicating about,
reality is somewhat similar.
You have a mix of all four styles
. There is your “strong-suit” style, which you use
easily and skillfully, and your “back-up” style, which you use fairly easily and skillfully.
Then there is generally a style that you use only with effort and rather clumsily. Finally
there is a style that always gives you trouble, that does not “work” when you have to use
it. Generally you are fairly conscious of your use of your stronger styles, but you often
put the weaker ones out of mind. You tend not to dwell on how little you practice them
or how much you avoid having to use them. As does everyone else, you tend to have
blind spots—not being aware of how much you overuse your strongsuit style and
underuse your weakest one.
See Parr (1979) for a self-inventory to determine one’s own style mix.
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Shifting Styles Under Stress
Our society tends to overtrain and overuse the thinking style and underpromote and
underuse the feeling one. Similarly, the doing style is much appreciated and used, the
intuiting style somewhat less so. Usually we are not very conscious of these preferences.
If we think about these things at all, we are most conscious of the styles that are
dominant when we are really ourselves—when we are under nonstress conditions.
Usually, however, our strong-suit styles drops back when we come under stress; and
often our nonstress backup styles come to the fore. Generally, under stress, our doing
and feeling styles seem to come to the fore, and our thinking and especially intuiting
styles tend to recede. This shift can make us seem, to associates, “different people”
under extreme stress.
Some people are much more self-aware than others in these matters. The thinker—
that is, the person for whom thinking constitutes the dominant style in the foursome—
tends to be most aware of his or her communication styles. But the thinker does not
necessarily handle stress best. Knowing about one’s inner tendencies and being able to
handle those tendencies are two different things. It is the feeler who seems to handle
stress best. Feelers are more at home with their emotions—even though feelers
sometimes do not appear very conscious of their dominant styles. Because doers
generally cannot be bothered with introspection, they are not overly aware of their style
mixes and can shift a great deal under stress, precisely because they tend to undervalue
feelings. Intuitors, who are often surprisingly unaware of their style mix, seem to be the
least stable under stress.
Figure 2 diagrams some examples of the style shifts that can result from stress,
showing how extensive these shifts can sometimes be. A style’s position (or several
styles’ positions) in a person’s order of preference can change—and the emphasis given
to a style can change too.
Figure 2. Style Shifts Under Stress
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Style Blind Spots
The bigger one’s blind spot, the more one tends to overuse one’s strong-suit style and to
be oblivious to the need to match styles with someone else on a markedly different
wavelength. People get along best with others who are on their wavelength: Like attracts
like. Thus, thinkers will tend to gravitate together, producing a group with tremendous
ability to handle analytical problems; as all group members have strongly developed
thinking skills, they enhance one another’s effectiveness. While such a group builds an
enviable record for its success in coping with analytical problems, sooner or later it will
be handed a problem that calls for skills in intuition or empathy—and then disaster can
very well result. It is not just that the group’s skills do not match the skills the problem
calls for; worse, “groupthink” (Janis, 1972) can result, as the group’s mutually shared
blind spots increase its members’ tendency not to use their weak styles, which in this
case would be more appropriate.
Knowledge about stylistic preferences has been used to hamstring juries. If, by
questioning, it is possible to eliminate all the “feelers” from a jury, the group that results
will not be able to achieve consensus on any issue that is at all emotional or
Style Flexing
The most frequent use of expertise in these four communication styles is “style flexing.”
This involves:
Knowing your own most and least favored styles, in stress and nonstress
situations alike;
Knowing how you come across to others in either situation;
Learning how to identify the dominant style of any person(s) to whom you may
be talking; and
Learning how to switch your style so as to get on the same wavelength as your
conversational partner(s).
Team Building
The next most-frequent use of expertise in this approach is in team building. It is quite
unusual to be a “team in one” (equally strong in all four styles both under stress and
nonstress conditions). Most of us have overdeveloped some styles and underdeveloped
others, but there are some different strong-suit styles that seem to go well together—
feelers and thinkers in growth groups, for instance. The thinkers can dispassionately
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analyze a complex interpersonal issue, while they envy the feelers their ability to
express their emotions and bring interpersonal issues to a head (Eisenstadt, 1969).
By and large, however, naturally formed teams in organizations usually turn out to
have the same one strong-suit style dominant in each member. Yet it is known that a
heterogeneous group will outperform a homogeneous one, if only infighting can be
prevented. Here, a team-building consultant can help the members of a wellrounded
team to come together and to use their range of skills to stay together without infighting.
Application of this approach to teaching (not yet common) holds great promise. Most
teachers tend to have one, or at most two, strong communication styles. But they face
classes in which all four dominant styles are represented, and the consequences are all
too familiar. A teacher who has a dominant hard-line, analytical thinking style will
simply make any student who is a feeler curl up inside as a result of what the feeler
perceives to be a cold, calculating, impersonal presentation.
Furthermore, the overrepresentation of certain styles of teaching is reinforced by the
teaching technology and by the examination system. Any given teaching approach or
instrument may be effective with a student whose dominant style is thinking and
ineffective with another student with a dominant feeling style (DeNike, 1976). For
example, seminars suit thinkers/analysts, practica suit doers, and instructional
simulations suit feelers with a thinker backup style. Basically, the school system is
particularly suited to the thinker, whose activities—mathematical or linguistic—it can
quantify and certificate. The other strong-suit styles, especially that of the feeler, find a
much less supportive atmosphere in the school system (Bolles, 1978; Torrance, 1971).
A teacher needs to know his or her least and most favored styles. He or she should
be able to communicate on any of the four wavelengths and should be equipped with
teaching instruments that represent all of those four styles. School curriculums should be
expressly designed to accommodate all styles.
Position Papers
Writers of position papers, or of any submissions to a multimember board, can be
trained to present their materials in such a way that readers of each of the four dominant
styles can easily understand communications conveyed in “their” respective styles. A
reader who is a doer will want a brief expression of basic findings and
recommendations: That person will go straight for the “bottom line.” The feeler will
look for an assessment of the implications, in human relations, for the company team.
The intuitor will expect a “big picture,” a “look down the road” (futurist orientation),
and an impact assessment. The thinker will search for appendixes in which details have
been marshaled in sequence, options stated, and trends extrapolated and reviewed. A
report has to speak to its reader in the reader’s own dominant communication style if it
is to be seen as “realistic.”
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The four-communication-styles approach is so obviously and immediately useful that
most practitioners’ energies have been directed toward evolving new and more powerful
ways of teaching or using it (see Carney, 1976; Parr, 1979). Little energy has been put
into validation and reports (see Slocum, 1978). Some observations, however, can be
made. First, breaking mental sets does not necessarily mean innovative thinking. With
thinker-analysts, it may involve criticism or mere negativeness. Second, fluency of ideas
does not necessarily mean novelty in thinking. Doers prove amazingly fertile in ideas for
ways of coping, but these ideas are remarkably commonplace or simply variations on
one theme: Doers are concerned with effectiveness rather than originality. Originality is
the predominant characteristic of the intuitors, as a group.
Third, feelers are not emotional in their thinking. They tend to ask, “How is this
going to affect people?” It is the intuitors who, if they become blocked (that is, if they
cannot produce their usual spate of novel ideas), evidence most emotion. If they are
producing well, they are very genial. The thinkers, too, if they cannot offer constructive
suggestions and begin to produce spates of negative criticism, soon become emotional in
the way they express their ideas.
Fourth, the most outstanding performance comes from a participant whose unique
balance of two strong suits is ideally suited to the twin demands—criticism and
originality—of the problem. This concept of balance may well be one of the most
important ideas involved in the four-communication-styles approach.
Bolles, R.N. (1978). The three boxes of life. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press.
Carney, T.F. (1976). No limits to growth: Mind-expanding techniques. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Harbeck.
De Bono, E. (1970). Lateral thinking: A textbook of creativity. London: Ward Lock Educational.
De Nike, L. (1976). An exploratory study of the relationship of educational cognitive style to learning from
simulation games. Simulation & Games, 7(1), 72-73.
Eisenstadt, J.W. (1969). Personality style and sociometric choice. Washington, DC: NTL Institute.
Hudson, L. (1970). Frames of mind: Ability, perception and self perception in the arts and sciences.
Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin.
Jacobi, J. (1968). The psychology of C.G. Jung. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Janis, J.L. (1972). Victims of groupthink. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Ornstein, R. (1978). The split and the whole brain. Human Nature, 1(5), 76-83.
Parr, B.P. (1979). Organizational communications: Working papers. Windsor, Ontario: Department of
Communication Studies, University of Windsor.
Slocum, J.W., Jr. (1978). Does cognitive style affect diagnosis and intervention strategies of change agents? Group
& Organization Studies, 3(2), 199-210.
Torrance, E.P. (1971). Four types of gifted adolescents. In W.M. Cruickshank (Ed.), Psychology of exceptional
children and youth. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
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Lilith Ren
Jargon, when used without proper understanding or care, can confuse the uninitiated and
create serious problems. However, when used skillfully it is a multifaceted resource. The
economy of weight and space accomplished through the use of jargon makes it the right
tool for a variety of jobs.
Jargon is a specialized language that is developed and used by professionals within a
given discipline to communicate more precisely among themselves. It includes the
current phrases, slang, and idiosyncrasies of the personal vocabularies of such
Language is the primary means by which humans attempt to bridge the gap between
one person’s experiences and another’s. Although language helps to describe a human
experience, it is not to be equated with the experience itself. The words we use are
symbols for what we see, hear, touch, taste, smell, and do. We use these symbols to
structure thought; they serve as building blocks for the personal models we create as we
organize and store the mass of stimuli that we perceive (Gordon, 1978).
Thus, all language, and therefore all jargon, is metaphor. Kopp (1971) defines
metaphor as “a way of speaking in which one thing is expressed in terms of another,
whereby this bringing together throws new light on the character of what is being
Although no type of language can duplicate experience point for point, expert
communicators acknowledge that jargon does have a number of striking advantages over
standard English. Skillfully used jargon is a tool that helps to structure, integrate,
generalize, and retrieve experiences as well as the learnings associated with them.
Cognitive Structure
Jargon provides structure for a body of experience by bringing its new elements more
clearly into focus. By naming these elements, we reinforce their existence, adding
weight and value to them as their names are repeated (Bandler & Grinder, 1979;
Skinner, 1957). By labeling an entire body of such elements as “human resource
development” (HRD), we call attention to the programs, research, and technologies that
Originally published in The 1982 Annual for Facilitators, Trainers, and Consultants by J. William Pfeiffer and Leonard D. Goodstein
(Eds.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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reflect our commitment to helping individuals and organizations work in mutually
beneficial ways. Then we add to the existence of HRD as a discipline by mustering other
phenomena into the category that our jargon has provided. Thus, quality-of-work-life
programs and management development are incorporated into organizational budgets
and executive-meeting agendas.
By borrowing from other, more established sciences, we lend credibility to our
jargon (Hardaway, 1976). For example, the “resource” focus of HRD adds an air of
technology not found in “human potential development.” Similarly, calling an old
experience by a new name casts it in a new light. “Self-disclosure” and “active
listening” thus become discrete skills that can be taught rather than personal
communication styles.
Jargon packs large quantities of information into small spaces (Billow, 1977). Without
jargon, a trainer’s manual might instruct the trainer to “divide participants into two
groups, each group forming a circle, one inside the other, allowing the participants in the
outer circle to observe those in the inner circle while the latter participate in a brief
structured experience.” The same manual might instruct the trainer to “have the
participants assemble into a ‘fishbowl’ configuration.”
Jargon is more concise, combining two or more apparently unrelated phenomena to
create a new concept (Billow, 1977). Integrated into this new terminology is a wealth of
concrete, cognitive, and emotional data, making jargon a more potent tool than more
formal English (Billow, 1977). The term “fishbowl” again serves as a good example.
Concentrated into this one word is the representation of a commonplace object that
everyone recognizes, the physical setup that it implies, an experiential-training
technique, and the emotional overtones that accompany the experience of being
observed. Clearly, the conceptual synergy created by using jargon is not as easily
accomplished by using more formal English.
Jargon also aids memory by providing a verbal “index card” for more efficient retrieval
(Fuld & Buschke, 1976). When jargon is included in a phrase, the phrase is more
quickly recalled (Begg, 1972).
As stated before, jargon is metaphor, and it is the likeness between two concepts
that promotes recall (Tatum, 1976). This conceptual interaction deeply links the new
information or experience represented by the jargon to the listener’s existing conceptual
models (Begg, 1972; Billow, 1977). For instance, the term “laboratory education”
evokes an image of “hands-on” experience as well as experimentation. This type of
conceptual interaction also helps to “cross reference” the information included in the
jargon terminology, thereby aiding in integration and generalization of learnings. After
Another jargon term for “fishbowl” is “group-on-group configuration.”
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experiencing the solid, down-to-earth feeling of being “grounded” during an activity
conducted in a personal-growth group, an individual remembers this learning every time
he or she hears the term “grounded.” In addition to the specific learning involved, the
associated emotional, physical, and intellectual experiences are recalled.
All of us who work in the field of HRD—counselors, consultants, and trainers—are
professional communicators. Our major tool is our ability to send and receive
communications effectively. Change, often in the form of learning on the part of our
clients, is the end result toward which we work and by which we measure our
effectiveness. It is a primary goal for all of us involved in this complex process to bridge
the gap between our world and that of the client. The following “bridging techniques”
are valuable and can be enhanced through the appropriate use of jargon:
Establishing credibility and rapport;
Developing an understanding of the client’s situation;
Making oneself and one’s professional concepts understood; and
Supporting new client skills (by providing a framework to help the client make
sense of, remember, and use the information communicated).
Establishing Credibility and Rapport
When a client says, “You don’t speak my language,” this comment can be taken as a
literal criticism of a professional who uses jargon ineffectively. Selecting language that
is appropriate to the situation is crucial to success. The type of language used must be
chosen on the basis of an awareness of the setting, the client’s disposition toward
“outsiders,” and the topic to be discussed (Bourhis & Giles, 1976).
Moderate use of jargon common to the client’s field is appropriate if one has the
conceptual base to support and reinforce this use. However, to maximize success it is
important to be aware of the reactions that follow. It may not be functional to act like an
insider if clearly one is not. But in the right place with the right recipient, “speaking the
client’s language” has been proven to foster cooperation (Bourhis & Giles, 1976).
Using everyday English is safely neutral. It also allows a legitimate request for
translation of jargon used by the client. Thoughtful questioning facilitates examination
of the concepts, experiences, and subtle nuances of meaning that the client has
condensed into jargon. This practice is valuable as a clarifying and diagnostic activity
for everyone involved. It also provides verbal entry into the client’s world model, so that
the HRD specialist can note the similarities and differences that exist between his or her
own world model and that of the client (Gordon, 1978).
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Developing an Understanding of the Client’s Situation
The client’s values and style of organizing can be analyzed further by listening to the
jargon he or she uses. The language used reflects and reinforces values and world
models. It identifies the stimuli to which people pay the greatest attention (Gordon,
1978; Hardaway, 1976). This same principle applies to both groups and individuals. For
example, when an astute observer hears HRD specialists talking about “getting in touch
with their feelings through authentic selfdisclosure during the teambuilding session,” the
observer may note that those in the field value cooperation, feelings, and honest
Bandler and Grinder (1979) maintain that an individual manages and stores the
overwhelming amount of data conveyed by the senses by focusing on one of three kinds
of input. This input is then stored according to category for later access. Some people
focus on visual stimuli and reflect this emphasis by using sight-related jargon such as
“seeing the problem in a new light” or “looking for a framework.” People who pay
primary attention to what they hear use phrases such as “keeping one’s ear to the
ground” or “harmonizing efforts.” “Kinesthetic” people concentrate on tactile/olfactory
sensory input, as evident in their use of such phrases as “cutting to the heart of the
matter” or “getting a handle on the problem.”
Knowing the client’s primary focus and using the corresponding jargon has two
distinct advantages: The first is that “speaking the client’s language” quickly establishes
strong, subconscious rapport (Gordon, 1978); the second is that probing with questions
keyed to the client’s individual accessing mode helps that person to understand such
questions and retrieve relevant data. (For more explicit information on recognizing and
using a client’s conceptual processes to promote change, see Bandler & Grinder, 1979;
Gordon, 1978.)
Making Oneself and One’s Professional Concepts Understood
Using jargon that corresponds to the client’s primary focus is particularly effective when
attempting to gain support for interventions or to create a receptive attitude toward new
learning. In addition, the use of appropriate jargon harnesses the subliminal powers of
language. For example, effectively introducing a proposal to a visually oriented group of
engineers might mean using a substantial amount of visual imagery supplemented with
visual aids. The task of designing a presentation to coordinate with the client’s focus
may seem cumbersome at first, but it quickly becomes “second nature” with practice.
Bridging the communication gap may also mean teaching clients a new way of
structuring their world through language. For example, an HRD consultant might be
asked to intervene in an organization in which the “battle plan” has resulted in
dysfunctional competition in the form of “killer stress levels” and the employees’
practice of “defending” themselves by “bringing in the big guns.” Intervening in such a
climate suggests the need to help employees restructure their environment by
restructuring their world model. In this situation a skilled HRD consultant might
encourage a “new game plan” with a norm of “running interference for one another” for
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the good of “the team.” Similarly, working to replace sexist, racist, or ageist language is
a necessary step in realizing equal-opportunity goals (Swacher, 1976).
Supporting New Client Skills
Sometimes our own professional jargon is clearly the most effective way to express a
crucial concept. On these occasions, it is best to take full advantage of the concrete,
cognitive, and emotional meaning intrinsic to our jargon. Times like these are most
likely to arise during introduction of human-relations concepts and skills. The key to
translating our jargon is to embed it in a frame of reference that clients can understand.
This approach may mean telling a visually oriented client that a sensing interview helps
to “paint a picture” of an organization by “taking a fresh look” at certain practices. In
this example, the definition of the concept combines the client’s visual proclivity with
the jargon’s kinesthetic mode, thereby helping to bridge the gap between a visual
orientation and a kinesthetic concept. Saying that a sensing interview “provides a feeling
of what’s coming down” might confuse such a client. On the other hand, focusing only
on the problems seen in this client’s organization might render a narrow reflection of the
environment. When jargon is used skillfully, it can introduce a client to new aspects of
In another hypothetical situation, the desired outcome might be to help the members
of a highly visual and vocal work group to begin listening to one another. The objective
calls for both new skills and a new process for dealing with one another. Use of typically
kinesthetic human-relations jargon might focus the workers’ attention on the wrong
data, thus conflicting with the skills being taught. In contrast, the use of carefully
selected jargon that invites the workers to make auditory associations—through terms
such as “active listening” or “feedback”—might help to focus attention on the relevant
Creative HRD professionals can find many ways to sharpen their use of jargon into a
cutting-edge learning tool that is especially useful in group facilitation. To bring out the
metaphorical magic that our jargon promises, the following conditions must exist
(Billow, 1977):
1. The client understands the skills, experiences, and/or concepts expressed in the
2. The HRD specialist is aware of the metaphorical associations inherent in the
3. The specialist comprehends the relationship between the client’s understanding
of the jargon and the metaphorical associations on which that jargon is based.
A strong connection can be established between these conditions and the five stages
of a well-developed structured experience (Pfeiffer & Jones, 1981):
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1. Experiencing;
2. Publishing;
3. Processing;
4. Generalizing; and
5. Applying.
During the experiencing stage of the learning cycle, the trainer’s primary task in using
jargon effectively is to link it to a full understanding of the concept or skill experienced.
Jargon is a powerful tool for making abstract ideas concrete. For example, when clients
have participated in a “fishbowl” activity and then hear that term later, they will
remember the activity and its associated learnings (Billow, 1977). Linking jargon to an
activity provides a common experience base for all members of a learning group, so it
can decrease the ambiguity and misunderstanding that often result from misused jargon.
This linkage is especially valuable when consensual understanding of terms is crucial, as
in the training of trainers.
Publishing and Processing
Further clarification of jargon is achieved during the publishing and processing of
learnings generated during the experience. At these stages the trainer helps participants
to understand the physical and psychological associations among experience, concept,
and jargon. Full comprehension of such associations is closely related to performance of
tasks on an abstract level (Billow, 1975; Piaget, 1969). This process need not be lengthy
or complex. It simply requires that the trainer concentrate on both the experience itself
and on the psychological effects of the language used when discussing the experience.
The participants’ attention can be directed to these effects by discussing the associations
made or through the publishing and processing questions used. To finish processing the
jargon and to lead into the generalizing stage, the trainer verbally checks for clear,
shared definitions of jargon used.
Paying careful attention to the generalizing of jargon during this stage is simple and
important. As in previous stages, jargon used is processed as part of the learning
experience. Again, using brief discussion can help participants to understand how the
new concept and vocabulary being presented fit into their existing world models. The
trainer can explore the ways in which new jargon is like and unlike the language to
which participants are accustomed. During the generalizing stage, jargon and concepts
become cross referenced to a variety of stimuli already in the participants’ mental files.
This process ensures that both jargon and concepts will be further reinforced with future
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retrievals (Fuld & Buschke, 1976). Thus, the chances that participants will remember
learnings and that what is remembered will be used are increased.
Cross referencing continues during the application stage. While participants are applying
the relevant concept, the trainer can help them to translate the associated jargon into
everyday English or on-the-job terminology. The trainer can either provide direct verbal
translation or ask the participants to rehearse presentation of the concept to those “back
home.” Verbal or visual model building that invites the participants to fit the new jargon
and concept into their existing world models fosters even more sophisticated
The trainer who does not foster translation and model building suggests something
unfortunate by encouraging participants to leave behind the jargon they have learned
when they return to the “real world.” Left behind with that jargon will be some of the
learning associated with it. It is equally unfortunate to imply that the jargon and its
associated learning have no place in the “real world.” Too often it happens that telling
someone “back home” about what was learned is a difficult and disappointing
experience. When a trainer helps participants to develop their abilities to apply both
concepts and jargon to their “real world,” these participants can reenter their
communities confident that what they have learned can be put to use in everyday life.
Jargon can be a potent tool for the HRD professional whose aim is to promote learning,
change, or clear communication. Jargon shares psychological properties with all
language and with metaphors in particular. It can be used in establishing rapport with
and diagnosing problems of individual clients or client systems. When change is a
desired outcome, the development and/or careful use of appropriate jargon can serve as
an underlying structure to support that change. Finally, thoughtful use of jargon assists
clients in making sense of, remembering, and finding new uses for the information,
concepts, and skills presented by the professional. The reinforcing properties of jargon,
when wisely used, can ensure that the change or learning persists after the contract ends.
Bandler, R., & Grinder, J. (1979). Frogs into princes. Moab, UT: Real People Press.
Begg, I. (1972). Recall of meaningful phrases. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 11, 431-439.
Billow, R. (1975). A cognitive development study of metaphor comprehension. Developmental Psychology, 11,
Billow, R. (1977). Metaphor: A review of the psychological literature. Psychological Bulletin, 84, 81-92.
Bourhis, R., & Giles, H. (1976). The language of cooperation in Wales: A field study. Language Sciences, 42,
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Fuld, P., & Buschke, H. (1976). Stages of retrieval in verbal learning. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal
Behavior, 15, 401-409.
Gordon, D. (1978). Therapeutic metaphors. Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications.
Hardaway. F. (1976). Foul play: Sports metaphors as public doublespeak. College English, 38, 78-82.
Kopp, S. (1971). Guru: Metaphors from a psychotherapist. Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books.
Pfeiffer, J.W., & Jones, J.E. (1981). Introduction. In J.W. Pfeiffer & J.E. Jones (Eds.), Reference guide to
handbooks and annuals (rev. ed.). San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Piaget, J. (1969). The language and thought of the child. Cleveland, OH: Meridian Books.
Skinner, B.F. (1957). Verbal behavior. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Swacher, M. (1976). Senstitizing and sensitizing through language. Humanist Educator, 14, 171-178.
Tatum, B.C. (1976). Stimulus imagery: Effect in associative learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Human Learning and Memory, 2, 252-261.
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Gustave J. Rath and Karen S. Stoyanoff
Several years ago Richard Bandler and John Grinder
began studying the
communication behaviors of psychotherapists widely recognize for their therapeutic
successes. Their aim was to identify patterns of behavior associated with effective
results, to codify these patterns, and to make them available to others who aspire to be
effective therapists. They chose as their basic subjects Virginia Satir (Bandler, Grinder,
& Satir, 1976), a family therapist, and Milton Erickson (Bandler & Grinder, 1975a;
Grinder, DeLozier, & Bandler, 1977), a clinical hypnotist; another subject of more
indirect analysis was Fritz Perls, with whom Grinder studied. The skills and behaviors
identified were referred to as “magic,” a traditional term for any process that people do
not understand. In reality, once people learn these patterns of behavior, they, too, can be
Bandler and Grinder note that their background is that of linguists with a focus on
the process of communication rather than the content (Bandler & Grinder, 1975b;
Grinder & Bandler, 1976). The core of their theory is their interpretation of the ways in
which linguistic meanings are mentally assigned to basic thoughts and experiences. This
interpretation, called the Meta Model, serves as the foundation of their secondary model
of interpersonal-communication effectiveness, which is known simply as the
Communication Model. Although the communication methods proposed by Bandler and
Grinder in accordance with these models were developed to improve communication
effectiveness in the context of therapy, they can also be used to advantage in business
and industry and in group facilitation.
This model is based on the assertion of Chomsky (1957, 1968) and other linguists that
all languages share a basic or “deep” structure that is directly related to the physical
structure of the human brain. The three processes by which an individual transforms this
Originally published in The 1982 Annual for Facilitators, Trainers, and Consultants by J. William Pfeiffer and Leonard D. Goodstein
(Eds.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
The most widely available reports of their work can be found in Bandler and Grinder (1975b) and Grinder and Bandler (1976).
Eventually this work led them and their colleagues, Robert Dilts, Judith Delozier, and Leslie Cameron-Bandler (Dilts, Grinder, Bandler,
DeLozier, & Cameron-Bandler; 1979) to develop a theoretical approach called neuro-linguistic programming.® For detailed information
regarding this approach, see Bandler and Grinder (1979) and Cameron-Bandler (1978).
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deep structure of mental experience into an observable or “surface” structure that can
then be communicated are identified in the Meta Model.
The first process consists of incorporating all relevant data in the transformation
from deep to surface structure. Because language is essentially a summary of actual
experience, it is inevitable that some information will be lost; however, it is important
that such losses be limited to data concerning insignificant details.
The second process involves accurately translating the range of the experience from
deep to surface structure. When this process is distorted, the individual focuses the
surface structure on a single aspect of the actual experience, thereby setting erroneous
The third basic process concerns the correct use of logic. Although the deep
structure is inevitably logical, the transformation of deep to surface structure may
introduce a variety of illogical elements.
Thus, each of the three basic processes presents the potential for error: In the first
case, significant information can be lost; during the second process, erroneous limiting
of the experience can occur; and the third process can generate errors in logic. The Meta
Model provides people with appropriate responses to correct these errors and to help
clarify the meanings of messages. It should be noted, though, that the errors specified in
the model are often related to psychological disorders. Thus, it is only in the context of
psychotherapy that extensive use of the Meta Model is appropriate for interacting with
one other person in particular.
However, occasional use of responses inspired by this model can be valuable in a
group-facilitation setting to improve the communication process. The following
paragraphs provide a detailed discussion of each error and suggested responses for
correcting the error.
Informational Errors
The process of transforming relevant information can result in four different types of
errors: deletion, references to unspecified people, use of unspecified verbs, and
Deletion occurs when a significant aspect of an experience is omitted. For example,
during a group discussion a member might say, “I disagree.” An appropriate response in
terms of the Meta Model is to ask for identification of the element omitted: “With what
do you disagree?”
The second type of information error, references to unspecified people, results from
the use of vague or general nouns and pronouns. For instance, a group member might
say, “They don’t like me.” In responding one must ask to whom the word “they” refers:
Who doesn’t like you?”
Use of unspecified verbs is the third type of error. A member of a group might say,
for example, “This group ignores me.” The group leader might request clarification by
asking, “Exactly what does the group do that makes you feel ignored?”
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The fourth and final type of informational error is nominalization, which consists of
making a noun from a word generally considered to be another part of speech. For
example, a participant could say, “I believe the group process is going well.” “Process”
does not refer to a concrete, measurable object.
Erroneous Limitations
An individual who generally focuses on only one aspect of any experience formulates a
limited model of the world, which, in turn, keeps him or her from making free and open
choices. People can limit their world views in three ways: by using universal qualifiers,
by assuming the impossibility of certain situations, and by presuming the inevitability of
other conditions.
Universal qualifiers are words such as “always,” “never,” “all,” “every,” and
“nobody,” which imply that the statements to which they pertain are categorically true.
It is unlikely, however, that any expressed idea is without exceptions. Thus, when a
group member says, “Everybody in a group participates,” one may legitimately question
the validity of this comment by asking, “Is that true for every group to which you have
ever belonged?” Such a response may help the group member to recognize the fallacy in
the original statement.
Assuming impossibility limits one’s own ability to bring about change. This is
indicated by the use of words and phrases such as “can’t,” “impossible,” “must not,” and
“unable to.” For example, a group member might say, “I can’t communicate clearly with
John.” This narrowing of the range of what may or may not happen might be followed
appropriately with the response “You haven’t yet found a way to communicate clearly
with John.” A more direct confrontation is exemplified in the statement “You may not
want to communicate clearly with John.”
Presuming inevitability is the opposite of assuming impossibility. The key words
and phrases that indicate this form of narrowing process are “have to,” “necessary,”
“must,” “no choice,” and “forced to.” The group member who says, “I disagree with the
other members so strongly that I have no choice but to resign from the group” might be
corrected with this response: “You choose to have no choices. You could work with the
other members to resolve the conflict; you could present your viewpoint to the group as
a legitimate alternative for group action; or you could simply accept your difference of
opinion as normal and healthy in a group situation. Actually, you have a lot of choices
that you’ve decided not to consider.”
Errors in Logic
These types of errors are characterized by sentences that establish illogical relationships
and thus lead to ineffective communication. The four specific types are faulty cause and
effect, mind reading, unlimited generalization, and unwarranted assumptions.
In this context faulty cause-and-effect statements are the result of the speaker’s
belief that one person’s behavior can be the direct physical cause of another person’s
emotional or internal change. A group member who says, “You bother me” might be
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challenged with the question “What is it in my behavior that you choose to allow to
bother you?”
Mind reading refers to drawing conclusions about a person’s thoughts or feelings
without directly communicating with that person. An example is a comment such as “He
won’t say anything because he’s afraid of stating his opinion.” An appropriate response
might be “How do you know he’s afraid?”
The third type of error in logic, unlimited generalization, deals with personal
opinions that are stated as if they pertain to everyone or to the world itself. For example,
the statement “It’s a good idea to share feelings with others” may be countered with the
question “For whom is it a good idea to share feelings with others?”
A fourth and final type of error in logic involves making unwarranted assumptions,
assuming that some condition exists without verifying its existence. A group leader, for
example, might say, “Who will be the first to share personal feelings?” The assumption
behind this statement is that the members are willing to share their feelings. In addition,
statements that are introduced with phrases such as “I wonder,” “I question,” “I’m
curious,” “I know,” and “I understand” often contain embedded commands: “I wonder if
you’re thinking about volunteering to be first.” Many people respond to such commands
by complying, even though they have not been asked specifically to do so. Superficially
the response called for is simply “yes” or “no,” but an implicit command of this kind is
commonly used to control behavior. For instance, if a group leader wishes to tell the
members to rearrange the chairs, he or she might say, “You can rearrange the chairs
now.” Although simply a statement of possibility, this phraseology probably would lead
the group members to respond directly by rearranging the chairs. In general, the
appropriate challenge to this type of error in logic is to ask the speaker whether he or she
is actually requesting that something be done.
The Communication Model (see Figure 1) offers an advantage over the Meta Model in
that it is easier to understand, to explain to others, and to use in various settings. It is
based on evidence that everyone uses three types of imagery for representing
information in the process of communication: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. These
“representational systems” are used to help one to recall certain information as well as to
give and receive information. An individual’s principal representational system or
preferred type of imagery can be determined by analyzing a variety of cues, the most
popular of which are specific words and eye movements.
A person whose primary representational system is visual uses many phrases that
are visually oriented, such as “I see what you mean” or “I can see the picture
unfolding.” Specific eye movements also characterize this preference. People with this
type of orientation tend either to look upward or to defocus when trying to
communicate, interpret, or remember something.
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Auditory representation is indicated by the use of phrases such as “I hear what you
say,” “It sounds good to me,” and “I’m in tune with the situation.” The characteristic eye
movements that accompany this preference are glances downward and to the left.
The kinesthetic representational system centers around movement, touch, and
feeling. Phrases such as “I’m in touch with the situation,” “It feels right to me,” and “It’s
going to be a rough job” are frequently used by an individual whose style preference is
kinesthetic. Typical eye movements are glances downward and to the right.
An activity that can be used with a group to illustrate these phenomena is as
follows: A volunteer is asked to close his or her eyes. All other participants are given
copies of Figure 1 and are asked to listen and observe closely as the volunteer responds
during the activity. To elicit information about the volunteer’s visual sensitivity, the
facilitator uses probes such as the following: “How many windows are on the front of
your house?” “Imagine that you are standing in front of this building. What color is the
ure 1. The Communication Model: Indicators of Re
resentational S
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roof?” A second set of probes is used to access auditory information: “What is the eighth
word of the national anthem?” “When you open the door to your house, what is the first
sound that you hear?” To derive kinesthetic information, the following types of probes
are used: “Imagine that it is a cold winter day and you have just stepped out of your
warm house. What are your feelings?” “Which hand do you use to answer the phone?”
As a volunteer engages in this activity, the relative emphases that he or she places on the
three systems become evident.
The Communication Model can be used to analyze and correct a communication
breakdown as well as to improve an individual’s recall of important information.
Analyzing and Correcting Communication Breakdowns
If two people are having trouble communicating, the problem can be diagnosed by
analyzing the principal representational system being used by each person. If it is
discovered that these people tend to emphasize different types of imagery, their
communication can be improved by involving a third person to translate for each in
terms of his or her preferred system. As a result of this process, each of the original
parties hears terminology consistent with his or her preference but based on the other’s
representational system. When such a process takes place in a group setting, the others
who are present may point out and explain what is being observed. These explanations
help the two parties to understand that their inability to communicate is based not on
unwillingness to do so but rather on the fact that they have different styles of
communication because they use different representational systems. Ultimately, each of
the two may become sensitive to the other’s style and may generalize this sensitivity so
that the communications of others are more understandable and acceptable.
Such sensitivity can be a valuable asset when communicating with supervisors,
clients, family members, close friends, and fellow group members. The individual who
can identify another’s preferred representational system can employ that system to
communicate effectively with the other person. For example, when presenting a
proposal to a supervisor whose orientation is visual, using charts is appropriate. On the
other hand, a presentation for a supervisor with an auditory orientation should be either
completely verbal or in the form of written statements accompanied by spoken words; if
a chart is necessary, the individual responsible for the presentation should describe the
chart completely in words so that it is not necessary for the supervisor to interpret any
information from the visual image. During the verbal explanation the supervisor may be
seen to close his or her eyes or turn away, thereby ignoring a communication channel
that is not useful in order to concentrate on one that is. This kind of behavior confirms
the diagnosis of style preference.
Improving Memory Skills
The Communication Model can also be used to understand and improve memory skills.
For example, an analysis may be made of a factory worker’s system for remembering
the locations of various machine parts stored in the factory. During the course of this
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analysis, it may be found that the worker’s method is to recall an object visually, to scan
the storage area visually, and then to recall the kinesthetic movements involved in
putting the object in a specific place. Therefore, training another worker to use the same
method would entail asking the worker to develop an awareness of this process; each
time an object is stored, the worker should make a conscious effort not only to look at
the object’s specific place of storage as well as the surroundings but also to be aware of
the physical movements involved in storing that object. This practice allows the worker
to develop a model for remembering the object’s location.
The training procedure can be altered to coincide with the individual learner’s
preferred representational system by emphasizing awareness of that system’s cues in
particular. For example, if the new factory worker’s preferred communication style is
auditory, he or she could be trained to repeat aloud the steps involved in storing the item
rather than to scan the area visually. A person who can make use of all three systems
may be able to remember much more easily than the individual who relies on only one
or two systems; the second and third systems provide memory reinforcement as well as
a means for checking the accuracy of memories based on the primary system.
Awareness of finer distinctions, such as the color or intensity of visual cues, the pitch or
volume of auditory cues, and the texture or softness of kinesthetic cues, can also be
developed with practice, resulting not only in an increased ability to remember but also
in a greater ability to communicate with others in the terminology of their own particular
The Meta Model helps people to understand to some degree the nature of language and
how it affects one’s basic ability to communicate. The Communication Model deals with
the ways in which an individual retrieves information from memory and presents it to
others. Combination of the two models (Figure 2) results in a system that can be used for
the following purposes:
To interpret the nature of the internal transformations being generated by the
sender or receiver of a message;
To identify the kinds of transformational errors that may occur between the deep
and surface structures for each individual involved in a communication; and
To anticipate problems that might arise for two people who are attempting to
Bandler and Grinder suggest a number of “laws” about human communication that form
the foundation of their work (Grinder, DeLozier, & Grinder, 1977). Two of these laws
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are especially important in that they further clarify communication problems and suggest
additional approaches for dealing with such problems.
One law states that the meaning of communication is more dependent on the
response it elicits than on the intent of the communicator. Ultimately what counts is
people’s reactions rather than the original statements. In many situations one does not
have to say anything to communicate; nonverbal behavior suffices. Thus, in effect the
law says that the first step in correcting faulty communications between two people is to
examine their behavioral interaction.
The other law states that each communicator, no matter how ineffective he or she
may seem, is using the best possible alternatives that are perceived to be available in a
given situation. In other words, no one willingly communicates badly. The optimistic
implication of this law is that people are generally willing to try to improve the
effectiveness of their communication.
ure 2. Interrelation of the Meta Model and the Communication Model
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Another important element in communication effectiveness is congruency, the extent to
which the various communication channels—words, tone, gestures, body positions, eye
movements, and so forth—all convey the same message. If this is the case, an
individual’s communication behaviors are said to be congruent; if not, they are
considered to be incongruent. When incongruity is apparent, it is difficult to determine
which message accurately communicates the speaker’s intent. For example, if a member
of a group says, “I want to be the first person to share my feelings,” but at the same time
shakes his or her head from side to side, the sincerity of the comment might well be
doubted. The other members may not know how to respond to this situation. One
approach is to directly confront the incongruence with a comment such as “You said you
want to share your feelings, but at the same time you shook your head as if to say ‘no’
and to deny this. Which do you mean?” Any of a number of other approaches can be
used to achieve at least temporary congruency (Bandler & Grinder, 1975b). Not dealing
with another person’s incongruity, however, creates further problems; when the listener
randomly chooses one of the incongruent messages as representative of the speaker’s
intent and responds accordingly, the original speaker may be unable to determine which
message generated the response. If the response to the previous example had been
“That’s fine,” the original speaker would not have known what was considered fine—
the comment, the underlying desire not to share feelings, or his or her state of conflict
over the sharing of feelings.
Congruent communication is important in that it can facilitate the development of
good rapport between two individuals or between a leader and group members.
Achieving personal congruency is the first step. After this has been accomplished, one
then develops the ability to match another person’s use of communication channels
(posture, gestures, language patterns, intonations, speed of talking, preferred type of
imagery, and so forth). Choosing to be similar to another person not only develops
rapport but also facilitates interpersonal trust, which, in turn, has been shown to have
great impact on interpersonal communication effectiveness (Gibb, 1961) and group
effectiveness (Zand, 1972).
Bandler, R., & Grinder, J. (1975a). Patterns of the hypnotic techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. (Vol. 1).
Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications.
Bandler, R., & Grinder, J. (1975b). The structure of magic (Vol. 1). Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books.
Bandler, R., & Grinder, J. (1979). Frogs into princes. Moab, UT: Real People Press.
Bandler, R., Grinder, J., & Satir, V. (1976). Changing with families. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books.
CameronBandler, L. (1978). They lived happily ever after: A book about achieving happy endings in coupling.
Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications, 1978.
Chomsky, N. (1957). Syntactic structures. The Hague, Netherlands: Mouton.
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Chomsky, N. (1968). Language and mind. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Dilts, R.B., Grinder, J., Bandler, R., DeLozier, J., & Cameron-Bandler, L. (1979). Neuro-linguistic programming
(Vol. 1). Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications.
Gibb, J.R. (1961). Defensive communication. Journal of Communication, 11, 141-148.
Grinder, J., & Bandler, R. (1976). The structure of magic (Vol. 2). Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books.
Grinder, J., DeLozier, J., & Bandler, R. (1977). Patterns of the hypnotic techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D.
(Vol. 2). Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications.
Zand, D.E. (1972). Trust and managerial problem solving. Administrative Science Quarterly, 17, 229-239.
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Beverly Byrum
Most theories of leadership and management categorize “styles” or “types” of
behavioral and personality characteristics. Although only a first step in understanding
the complexities of human interaction, style differentiation at least provides a place to
Merrill and Reid’s (1981) social-style approach demonstrates that an enormous
amount of information can be perceived by watching and listening. Because the theory
allows the perceiver to understand people better and to determine how best to work with
them, this approach is useful for people at all levels in an organization.
Merrill and Reid suggest that the social-style approach differs from other
approaches in the following ways:
1. The focus is on current behavior rather than on past behavior.
2. The emphasis is on external, verifiable information rather than on internal,
subjective information.
3. The goal is to deal with a number of different situations rather than with a single
type of situation (for example, assertiveness or delegation).
Another major difference is the nonjudgmental aspect of the approach; acceptance
is a major theme. Styles are neither good nor bad, and no one style is preferable to
Social style is defined as patterns of behavior that others can observe and report. Social
style originates in behavioral preferences, the manner of talking and acting with which
one has become comfortable and tends to like in oneself and to be attracted to in others.
Social style is a method of coping with others that is learned in childhood. This method
becomes habitual and often clouds our intentions. This is especially evident in stressful
Merrill and Reid began doing research in the 1960s, beginning with the previous
work done by Fred Fiedler and the U.S. Office of Naval Research (Fiedler, 1967). This
earlier research defined the behaviors of good leaders. Four categories of leadership
behavior (consideration, structure, production emphasis, and sensitivity) resulted from
having subjects check a list of descriptive behaviors to indicate those of good leaders,
Originally published in The 1986 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer & Leonard D. Goodstein (Eds.), San
Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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but further work that attempted to determine the most important category yielded no
reliable results.
James W. Taylor, a staff psychologist with a large U.S. corporation (cited in Merrill
& Reid, 1981), created a structured, adjective checklist and asked people to describe
their own behaviors. Five categories emerged: self-confident, considerate, conforming,
thoughtful, and rigid. Merrill and Reid decided to use a different approach with the
checklist, asking numerous people to describe the behavior of one specific person. The
results of this work led to the development of the following three scales:
1. Assertiveness: the tendency to tell or to ask, to influence or not to influence the
decisions of others;
2. Responsiveness: the tendency to emote or to control one’s feelings, to display
openly or not to express emotion; and
3. Versatility: the ability to be adaptable, resourceful, and competent or to be
inflexible and rigid.
Because versatility is the ability to change one’s behavior on both the assertiveness
and responsiveness scales to accommodate other people’s preferences, the social-style
profile is formed by using the assertiveness and responsiveness scales.
Merrill and Reid, through the TRACOM Corporation, offer social-style awareness
training based on identifying, responding to, and adjusting to individual behaviors to
produce more satisfactory relationships.
The Goals of Social-Style Awareness
The four stated objectives of social-style awareness training are as follows:
1. Know yourself. Identify the strengths of your style and understand that overuse
of strengths can lead to perceived negative attributes or weaknesses.
2. Control yourself. Identify and take the growth actions required by your style.
3. Know others. Identify the strengths of other styles and understand that it is
overuse of strengths that leads to perceived weaknesses. Regard others as
different rather than as wrong or bad.
All three scales have been tested and determined reliable; assertiveness and versatility have been tested and found valid. See the
“Appendix” in Personal Styles and Effective Performance, by David W. Merrill and Roger H. Reid, 1981, Radnor, PA: Chilton Book
Although Merrill and Reid claim that styles should be viewed philosophically as different rather than as good or bad and that
versatility is an independent dimension, research by Snavley (1981) indicates that certain styles are perceived more favorably than others in
certain situations. His findings include the following:
1. Perceived versatility, trustworthiness, character, sociability, similarity, and social attraction are higher for responsive than
nonresponsive styles.
2. Perceived competence, interpersonal power, and task attraction are higher for assertive than nonassertive styles.
These conclusions may suggest that an expressive style, high in both assertiveness and responsiveness, is more desirable than other
styles when primary relationships are at stake. These scales yield four style types that can be differentiated in terms of behavior (see Figure 1).
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4. Do something for others. Adapt your style to others by understanding how they
perceive you, both positively and negatively; and use their styles to make contact
with them, to complement their “weaknesses” in a sensitive manner.
The objectives of social-style awareness training lead to the ultimate goal of
improving one’s versatility—the ability to handle behavioral preferences skillfully so
that others remain comfortable and nondefensive. Increased versatility increases the
probability of more respectful relationships and more productive work.
The Values of Social-Style Awareness Training
The goals of social-style awareness are based on values that result from the acceptance
of differences in others. These values include the following beliefs:
1. People perform best in positive relationships.
2. People need to work on productive relationships.
3. A change of approach to people is not manipulative; rather, it demonstrates
respect for the uniqueness of others.
4. Maturity involves the recognition that others are important.
5. Developing skills for dealing with interpersonal relationships is a desirable goal.
6. The use of skills to manipulate others becomes known.
7. The effort required to learn about social styles represents growth.
8. Controlling one’s actions need not conflict with one’s beliefs and values.
From Personal Styles and Effective Performance, by David W. Merrill and Roger H. Reid. Copyright © 1981 by David W. Merrill and
Roger H. Reid. Reprinted with the permission of the publisher, Chilton Book Company, Radnor, PA. This book contains documentation related
to the original work done by the TRACOM Corp. in Denver in the SOCIAL STYLE™ Models.
Figure 1. The Social-Style Profile
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Merrill and Reid’s approach, while behaviorally oriented, maintains that each
person, unique and individual, is worthy of respect and effort in interpersonal
A profile of each style follows (see Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5).
The profile of the “driver”
will be used to demonstrate how each profile is to be read. The driver’s strengths, how
he or she is perceived positively, are independence and practicality, while the
weaknesses, how he or she is perceived negatively, are harshness and severity. The
theme of this style is acting or doing, which often finds the driver specializing in
positions of command or authority. The driving behaviors that can be recognized in self
and others are a verbal focus on facts and task, a vocal pattern that tends to be fast and
loud, and nonverbal behavior characterized by pointing, leaning forward, and a rigid
posture. Under stress, the driver will resort to autocratic power or domination, a result of
moving more intensely into his or her behavioral preferences. To control those behaviors
and take growth action, the driver must practice listening. More generally, the driver can
be recognized by a swift reaction time; a major effort to control; a minor concern for
sensitivity in relationships; a present time frame; action that is direct and
straightforward; a rejection of no action; and a strong need to control, produce results,
and achieve.
These figures are based on material in Personal Styles and Effective Performance, by David W. Merrill and Roger H. Reid, copyright
1981 by Merrill and Reid. Chilton Book Company, Radnor, PA. This book contains documentation related to the original work done by the
TRACOM Corp. in Denver in the SOCIAL STYLE™ Models.
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Figure 2. The DRIVER
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Figure 3. The ANALYTICAL
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Figure 4. The AMIABLE
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Figure 5. The EXPRESSIVE
Similarities in behaviors across styles are attributed to the common behaviors of
either the assertiveness or responsiveness scales (see Figure 6). Because the scales are
represented in quartiles, those that cluster around 50 percent on either dimension will
also show evidences of the most proximate style.
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Figure 6. Shared Behaviors Among Social Styles
Comprehension of one’s own style and the styles of others clarifies why a dynamic
fit exists between some people and tolerant coexistence or intense clashes exist between
others (see Figure 7). One usually is most comfortable with people who have the same
style; one usually can attain at least minimal cooperation with people whose styles share
similarities to one’s own on either the assertiveness or responsiveness scale; and one
usually experiences tension in dealing with people whose styles have nothing in
common with one’s own.
Figure 7. Relationships Among Social Styles
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As one learns and practices versatility, tension and defensiveness between oneself
and others can be reduced, and comfort and acceptance can be increased with all styles.
Versatility means respectful adjustment to the styles of others; it does not require
forsaking one’s own style or convictions and becoming a different person.
Figures 8, 9, 10, and 11
show how each style is perceived by the other styles,
including the strengths and weaknesses of the style and how adjustments can be made to
complement other styles for productive task accomplishment.
Relate to your efficiency, logic, command of
data, and task orientation.
Question your haste, bossiness,
decisiveness, competitiveness, and risk
To work better with
1. Bring them detailed facts and logic in
2. Be patient while they evaluate and
check the accuracy of the data.
3. Help them to reach conclusions by
encouraging them to set deadlines after
you have provided time for review.
Other Drivers
Perceive you as action oriented, in a
hurry, bossy, commanding, efficient,
stubborn, disciplined, tough,
independent, secretive, logical,
demanding, nonlistening, quick,
decisive, and unfeeling.
To work better with
fellow drivers:
Agree in advance on specific goals and
provide freedom to work within these
limits. An unproductive deadlock can
occur when there is too much
dominance and no allowance for
independence and individuality.
Relate to your efficiency and discipline.
Question your lack of feeling, tough
mindedness, bottom-line orientation,
impatience, and secretiveness.
To work better with
1. Show concern for them and their
families, interests, etc.
2. Slow down and provide details and
specifics about how to accomplish
3. Support efforts and accomplishment
with personal attention.
*Working with this style will require
to exercise
Relate to your accomplishments,
independence, and decisiveness.
Question your coldness, lack of
playfulness, critical nature, and
To work better with
1. Be more open about yourself,
feelings, gossip, and opinions.
2. Relax time constraints within
structure; provide incentives
3. Provide public recognition for
accomplishments (let them win in
front of others).
Figure 8. How Others Respond to a DRIVER
Adapted from pp. 140-143 in Personal Styles and Effective Performance, by David W. Merrill and Roger H. Reid. Copyright © 1981
by David W. Merrill and Roger H. Reid. Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Chilton Book Company, Radnor, PA. This book contains
documentation related to the original work done by the TRACOM Corp. in Denver in the SOCIAL STYLE™ Models.
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Other Analytics
Perceive you as thoughtful, wanting more
facts, conservative, quiet, critical,
logical, cool toward others, thorough,
cooperative, distant, reserved, stern,
austere, dependable, and accurate
To work better with
fellow analyticals:
Recognize the need for making timetables
and for reaching decisions. Reinforcing
one another’s desire for more
information may form a self-
perpetuating cycle that does
not produce results.
Relate to your logic, command of data,
accuracy, and dependability.
Question your overabundance of facts,
lack of decisiveness, and lack of risk
To work better with
1. Summarize the facts and various
outcomes; let them decide.
2. Depend on self-discipline rather than
on excessive reports or precise
3. Recognize results with monetary
Relate to your cooperative and
conservative nature, accuracy, and
Question your lack of warmth and close
relationships and your dependence on
To work better with
fellow amiables:
1. Show your interest in them as people,
rather than as workers.
2. Use their skills as mediators to build
relationships inside the organization.
3. Help them to perceive the big picture
and how they relate to it.
Relate to your cooperativeness and
Question your dependence on
facts, criticalness, stuffy nature,
impersonal approach, and lack
of fun.
To work better with
1. Spend informal time with them.
2. Recognize their need for
package sales, incentives, and
3. Ask for their opinions and
input on a noncritical,
accepting basis
*Working with this style will
to exercise
Figure 9. How Others Respond to an ANALYTICAL
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Relate to your cooperative,
careful, quiet, thoughtful, and
willing ways.
Question your soft-hearted,
easygoing nature; emotional
responses; and compliance with
To work better with
1. Stress the need for facts and data
rather than emotions to build a case,
but let them do the work-up with a time
2. Provide added opportunities for class
work and study in return for meeting
activity standards.
3. Build confidence in the relationship
through demonstrated technical
Relate to your supportive, helpful, team-
oriented, and careful nature.
Question your lack of initiative, need for
detail, small thinking, and responsive
To work better with
1. Be businesslike; let them tell you how
to help and what they want. Do not try
to build a relationship or friendship.
2. Stay on schedule; stick to the agenda;
provide factual summaries.
3. Let them make decisions based on
options you provide.
*Working with this style will
to exercise
Perceive you as supportive, quiet, friendly,
shy, retiring, team oriented, helpful,
kind, thoughtful, slow to act,
nonthreatening, soft hearted,
easygoing, complying, responsive,
open, willing, careful, and cooperative.
To work better with
fellow amiables:
Be hard-nosed, insistent, and directive (an
uncomfortable role but a necessary
one in this situation); otherwise, it is
likely that no one will take the
necessary initiative, and the end result
will be unsatisfactory.
Other Expressives
Relate to your supportive, friendly,
responsive, and helpful
Question your slowness to act and your
careful, complying, non-competitive
To work better with
1. Try to bring them definite opinions,
backed by third-party endorsement;
do not waver.
2. Publicly recognize and praise their
3. Stand your ground when challenged
about rules and previously
established procedures.
Figure 10. How Others Respond to an AMIABLE
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Relate to your imaginative, stimulating, and
thought-provoking nature.
Question your ability to perform as stated,
your follow-through, and your loud,
flashy, emotional side.
To work better with
1. Talk about facts, not opinions, and
break down component parts,
preferably in writing.
2. Back up your facts with proof from
authoritative sources.
3. Be quietly patient while they discover
for themselves what you already know.
*Working with this style will
to exercise
Relate to your outgoing, imaginative,
competitive, and personable aspects.
Question your rah-rah, demonstrative,
impulsive, emotional side.
To work better with
1. Back up your enthusiasm with actual
results; demonstrate that your ideas
2. Be on time and keep within agreed-on
limits; provide materials promptly.
3. Provide choices of action whenever
possible and let the drivers select the
course of action.
Relate to your warmth, enthusiasm,
and stimulating and personable nature.
Question your outgoing, loud, dramatic,
impulsive side.
To work better with
1. Slow down the pace and volume; allow
time to build a relationship.
2. Work on one item at a time, in detail;
avoid the confusion of too many tasks
or ideas at one time.
3. Encourage suggestions, participation
in team activities, and supportive roles.
Other Expressives
Perceive you as outgoing,
enthusiastic, warm, opinionated,
talkative, intuitive, emotional,
stimulating, imaginative,
impulsive, excitable, loud,
flashy, dramatic, personable,
competitive, and caring.
To work better with
fellow expressives:
Provide the discipline in this
relationship, or all the fun and
creativity may accomplish
nothing. Keep on track and
emphasize the basics, allowing
carefully limited experimentation
as a reward for results.
Figure 11. How Others Respond to an EXPRESSIVE
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A simplified, general approach for each style, regardless of one’s own, is as
Explain how first.
Proceed deliberately.
Support the other person’s principles.
Talk about documented facts.
Provide deadlines.
Be patient, organized, and logical.
Explain what first.
Proceed rapidly.
Support the other person’s results.
Talk about immediate facts.
Provide freedom.
Be businesslike, time conscious, and
Explain why first.
Proceed softly.
Support the other person.
Talk about personal life.
Provide initiative.
Be gentle, specific, and harmonious.
Explain who first.
Proceed enthusiastically.
Support the other person’s intentions.
Talk about people and opinions.
Provide discipline.
Be stimulating, open, and flexible.
The social-style approach can be used to improve relationships in seven areas in the
1. Team Composition. In forming a new team, care can be taken to have all four
styles represented if the task must begin with ideas and end with implementation
and evaluation. One particular style can be selected for particular portions of the
task (for example, drivers for implementation).
2. Team Building. A social-style learning activity can be used to aid team members
in understanding complementary and conflicting styles, potential blind spots,
how to adjust to one another, and how to build on the strengths that members
bring to the team.
3. Superior/Subordinate Relationships. The approach can be used from either
vantage point to demonstrate how best to achieve task accomplishment with
different styles. Supervisors and managers can learn how to direct, guide,
support, and reward each style. Subordinates can learn how to enlist help from,
propose ideas to, and win approval from each style.
4. Recruitment. Advertising can appeal to the social style desired for a position by
describing the job in terms that reflect that style’s behavioral preferences.
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5. Selection. The social-style approach can be used both to help candidates feel
comfortable and to determine their social-style “fit” for the position, especially if
social-style profiles have been created for the “achievers” in that position.
6. Training. Training can be structured or adapted to the individual or group
according to predominant style (for example, analyticals should be approached
with an emphasis on actual data and a minimum of personal sharing).
7. Organization Development. A knowledge of the organizational culture can be
increased by identifying the styles of those who guide the organization. A strong,
stable organization can be built over time by having all four styles represented in
appropriate functional areas. Plans for management succession can include
training, developing, and placing people with particular styles in positions where
those qualities are most needed.
Fit with Other Theories
Although the social-style approach is unique, it enjoys a good “fit” with other current
theories that deal with the dimensions of assertiveness and responsiveness and the four
combinations of styles that result: high assertiveness-low responsiveness, high
assertiveness-high responsiveness, low assertiveness-high responsiveness, and low
assertiveness-low responsiveness.
Training magazine (1982) published the chart shown in Table 1 to demonstrate the
similarities among the four style approaches from a variety of training organizations and
the published literature.
Table 1. The Many Faces of the Four-Style Grid
ness Combination
Medieval Four
William M. Marston,
Emotions of Normal
John G. Geier,
Personal Profile
Inducement of
Reprinted with permission from the November 1982 issue of Training Magazine. Lakewood Publications, Minneapolis, MN. All
rights reserved.
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Table 1 (continued). The Many Faces of the Four-Style Grid
ness Combination
Thomas C. Ritt, Jr.,
Personal Concepts
Leo McManus, AMA’s
Management and
David W. Merill-Roger
H. Reid,
Styles and Effective
Corporation, Style
Awareness Training
Wilson Learning
Systems, Managing
Stuart Atkins, LIFO®
(Life Orientations)
Conflict Mode
Allen A. Zoll, III,
Explorations in
Mary Parker Follett
Donald T. Simpson,
“Conflict Styles:
Jay Hall, Conflict-
Management Survey
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Table 1 (continued). The Many Faces of the Four-Style Grid
ness Combination
Robert E. Lefton et al.,
Effective Motivation
Through Performance
Dimensional Training
Systems Dimensional
Appraisal Training
Four more additions can be made to Table 1, as shown in Table 2. Although the fit
may not be exact, there are sufficient similarities to include them.
Table 2. Additional Four-Style Approaches
High Assertiveness
High Assertiveness
1. Drake Beam
Morin, Inc.,
Senser Intuitor Feeler Thinker
2. Hersey-Blanchard,
S1 Tell S2 Tell S3 Collaborate S4 Delegate
3. Bernice McCarthy,
4 MAT System of
Learning Styles
Type 3 Learner Type 4 Learner Type 1 Learner Type 2 Learner
4. Ned Hermann, Brain
Limbic Left Cerebral Right Limbic Right Cerebral Left
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The social-style approach focuses nonjudgmentally on the behavioral styles of oneself
and others with the purpose of teaching one to adapt to and improve interpersonal
interaction. It is useful in both personal and professional relationships, is easy to teach to
people at any organizational level, and can serve a number of organizational goals.
Fiedler, F. (1967). A theory of leadership effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hill.
The many faces of the four style grid. (1982, November). Training/HRD, p. 137.
Merrill, D.W., & Reid, R.H. (1981). Personal style and effective performance. Radnor, PA: Chilton.
O’Brien, R.T. (1983, January). Blood and black bile: Four style behavior models in training. Training/HRD, pp.
Snavely, W.B. (1981, Spring). The impact of social style upon person perception in primary relationships.
Communication Quarterly, pp. 132-142.
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Kathy L. Dovey and William L. Summer
Feelings are our reactions to the world around us. Many experts agree that all feelings
are derived from one of four basic emotions: anger, joy, grief, and fear (represented,
respectively, by the adjectives “mad,” “glad,” “sad,” and “afraid”). People’s abilities to
express their feelings vary widely. Some people have the ability not only to state at any
point in time which of the four emotions they are experiencing but also to pinpoint the
precise word that defines the feeling. Others easily can identify their basic emotions, but
are stymied in distinguishing beyond that. Still others have to struggle to identify their
feelings or, in some cases, are unable to admit to being mad, glad, sad, or afraid.
Conventional wisdom in human behavior seems to be that a person benefits greatly
by being in touch with his or her feelings. Understanding one’s feelings facilitates not
only the development of intimacy in interpersonal relations but also the management of
stress and physical and mental well-being. In the popular book Mind Traps: Change
Your Mind, Change Your Life, Tom Rusk and Natalie Rusk (1988, p. 49) say, “Feelings
are the reason anyone cares about anything in life. Without feelings, life would have no
quality, good or bad.”
Human functioning and growth are largely dependent on the ability not only to
identify but also to describe feelings. Understanding oneself and how one’s behavior
affects others, communicating, and building satisfactory relationships are all dependent
on this ability. The process of identifying feelings and describing them in a clear,
concise manner can be learned. Personal-growth training, for example, provides
participants with an opportunity to express their feelings openly and to receive feedback
on how that expression affects others. Participants may find that sharing their feelings in
this type of setting is either easier or harder than previously experienced, depending on
whether the group is supportive or unsupportive. But at least the training setting offers a
chance to explore feelings in depth. Trainers often ask questions such as “What are you
feeling at this moment?” Some participants find themselves pausing for an
uncomfortably long period of time as they struggle to reply; others attempt an awkward,
rambling discourse on how they feel. But with persistence people gradually improve at
understanding and expressing their feelings.
People who are unaccustomed to dealing with their feelings and want to change this
mind-set may encounter certain barriers, one of which is defenses that have been built
up as protection against pain. It may take exceptional discipline for a “feelings novice”
Originally published in The 1990 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
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to tune in to feelings. A commitment to check feelings daily at regularly scheduled
intervals may help; just as repetition builds the negative habit of masking or denying
feelings, it can build the positive habit of checking one’s emotional state.
Another barrier may be a vocabulary that includes too few descriptive words or a
tendency not to use a range of words to describe feelings. A number of personal-growth
groups as well as some drug- and alcohol-addiction programs distribute lists of “feeling”
words to participants. These lists serve as learning aids for participants as they strive to
be in touch with their feelings enough to detect any patterns of negative behavior or
addiction coinciding with certain feelings. The end result ideally would be a break with
the connection and, thus, a change of the negative pattern.
The authors prepared a list of “feeling” words based on a range of intensities (high,
medium, or low) of the basic terms “mad,” “glad,” “sad,” and “afraid.” After developing
the initial list, the authors mailed it to many HRD professionals to obtain their reactions.
Any word whose level of intensity (high, medium, or low) received a fairly standard
rating was retained, whereas any word that did not receive a fairly standard rating was
deleted from the list.
Figure 1 presents the survey results.
Within each major category of feeling (“mad,”
“glad,” “sad,” and “afraid”), the words are divided into columns according to their
corresponding levels of intensity as determined by the respondents. The words in each
column are listed alphabetically. To use the list, a person refers to the appropriate
category, identifies the level of intensity of the feeling being considered, and then
surveys the words in that column to find one that matches or closely resembles the
This list is offered as the basis for a systematic approach to tapping into feelings, at
least until the process becomes automatic for a person. Using the list may seem
mechanical or contrived, and to some degree it is. However, the learning of any skill
involves some awkwardness at first. Gradually the awkwardness is replaced with a
degree of comfort, and eventually the use of the skill becomes automatic. At that point
the person has developed a new habit—in this case, the habit of keeping in touch with
When devising the list that was originally sent to respondents, the authors attempted to select words that would be subject to as little
discrepancy as possible between the meaning intended and the meanings interpreted by respondents. Nevertheless, the words on the final list
(those that appear in this figure) are relative; any judgment on the part of the respondents as to whether a word connotes high versus medium
intensity or medium versus low intensity is a subjective matter.
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High Medium Low
“Teed off”
High Medium Low
Figure 1. The Feelings Vocabulary
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High Medium Low
“Turned off”
Let down
High Medium Low
Figure 1 (continued). The Feelings Vocabulary
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Professionals in human resource development (HRD) may find the list useful in many
different ways. Organizational-change agents need to be able to determine the intensity
of people’s feelings about events like mergers, alterations of organizational structure,
and the introduction of new technology. As previously mentioned, many personal-
growth groups and drug- and alcohol-addiction programs distribute similar lists as
learning aids for participants who want to get in touch with their feelings. Training in
assertion, active listening, and stress management may be facilitated by distributing the
list and encouraging participants to use it. Sometimes the introduction of such a handout
formalizes a discussion of a difficult subject like feelings and allows people to
participate with a greater degree of comfort than they might otherwise experience.
In addition, the list may be used to help people to identify and discuss their feelings
during the course of teambuilding sessions. In such sessions team members deal with a
wide variety of issues: defensiveness, supportiveness, resistance, giving and receiving
feedback, conflict management, personal congruence (between statements of beliefs and
actual behavior), responsibility, risk taking, and various functional and dysfunctional
behaviors. It is difficult if not impossible to address these issues without being able to
identify and express feelings. Similarly, activities involving group problem solving and
consensus seeking may present opportunities to use the list to elicit statements about
Managers, in particular, may benefit from being introduced to the list. During the
processes of coaching and performance appraisal, for example, a manager may need to
elicit information from a subordinate about personal feelings. Also, every manager
needs to obtain feedback regarding how subordinates feel about organizational or unit
changes; without such information, changes can fail shortly after implementation due to
people’s inability or unwillingness to follow through.
Professionals in HRD may also find the list helpful in eliciting feedback about the
impact of their behavior on others. Trainers and consultants have a significant influence
on the learning processes of those with whom they work. It is essential to determine
whether trainees and clients are receptive, involved, and enthusiastic; it is equally
essential to gauge how a professional’s behavior affects such attitudes as well as how
the professional feels about the effects of his or her behavior. Trainers who receive
negative feedback on their training styles, for example, need to get in touch with their
feelings about that feedback. Ignoring or denying feelings hinders the feedback process
and prevents trainers from taking steps to change behaviors that are negatively perceived
by trainees.
The HRD professional is continually confronted with the importance of identifying
and describing feelings; it is a rare training session or consultation that does not evoke
feelings that must be dealt with. The professional who is able to deal with feelings—and
to help others in the process of dealing with theirs—can be an invaluable asset to an
organization. The authors hope that the feelings vocabulary offered in this article will
facilitate the development of that ability.
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Rusk, T., & Rusk, N. (1988). Mind traps: Change your mind, change your life. Los Angeles: Price Stern Sloan.
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Toni La Motta
Understanding how others function is a first step in working with them. Organizations
consist of people who differ from one another on almost every dimension possible.
Diversity certainly is a challenge that is here to stay.
However, diversity also offers an opportunity to appreciate differences. In the face
of constant change, organizations need the differing strengths of different types of
people. Increasingly organizations are turning to human resource development (HRD)
professionals to guide them in managing change and managing diversity. The HRD
professional then acts as a bridge between past and future technologies and as a
facilitator between employees and managers and among various teams within an
organization. As such, an HRD professional plays roles ranging from teacher to
technician to prophet to psychologist.
In a dynamic environment, the most important and least understood HRD role may
be that of psychologist. People react in many ways to changes around them; some adjust
well, but others see change as threatening and react defensively. An effective way to
diminish the defensiveness that occurs with change is to define roles clearly and to make
personnel feel acknowledged and appreciated. Understanding theories of personality
type can help an HRD professional in these endeavors.
This article begins with brief reviews of three related theories of personality
typology: Jung, Myers and Briggs, and Keirsey and Bates. Jung’s work formed the basis
of the later work of Myers and Briggs; the work of Myers and Briggs, in turn, formed
the basis of Keirsey and Bates’ work. Next the article describes the four dimensions of
personality that provide the structure for these three theories. These dimensions are
extraverts/introverts, sensors/intuitors, thinkers/feelers, and judgers/perceivers. The
article subsequently outlines Jung’s functional types and then provides detailed
explanations of the more widely recognized Myers-Briggs types and Keirsey and Bates
The explanatory material is important to an understanding of the next section, the
role of temperament and management style. Following that, four case studies of how
personality typology can be used in an organizational setting are presented. Finally, the
article describes action steps that can be taken by managers and HRD practitioners who
want to use personality typology to enhance understanding in the workplace.
Originally published in The 1992 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
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Jung’s Theory of Type
Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist whose theory of psychological types
(Pfeiffer, 1991) helps people to recognize and to understand basic personality
differences. In essence, this theory describes people’s ranges of orientations to
perceiving (sensing versus intuitive), interpreting (thinking versus feeling), and
responding (extraversion versus introversion). By becoming aware of these basic
differences, people can better understand others’ motivations and behaviors and can
expand tolerance and respect for those whose styles are different.
Jung recognized that people make clear choices from infancy on as to how they use
their minds. Although each person has some of each kind of orientation, he or she
generally favors one type over the other. Furthermore, types seem to be distributed
randomly with regard to sex, class, level of education, and so on.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
In the early 1940s, Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katherine Briggs, began to
explore ways to use Jung’s theories to explain personality differences. With World War
II as a backdrop for their work, the women saw peace in the world as the ultimate goal
of understanding personality types. Their paper-and-pencil instrument for determining
personality type became known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The MBTI
is based on a psychometric questionnaire whose results seem to determine accurately a
person’s viewpoint and style of behavior in all aspects of work and personal interaction.
Use of the MBTI is extremely widespread; to date, several million Americans have
taken it. The instrument also has been translated into Japanese, Spanish, and French,
helping many people around the world to understand and accept themselves and others.
Using Jung’s theories as a starting point, Myers and Briggs designated three sets of
letter pairs: E/I (extraversion/introversion), S/N (sensing/intuitive), and T/F
(thinking/feeling). To these they added a fourth letter-pair set, J/P (judging/perceiving).
The MBTI classifies each person in one of sixteen personality types, based on that
person’s preferences for one aspect from each of the four sets of letter pairs.
The Keirsey and Bates Sorter
David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates (1984), in their book Please Understand Me, use the
same four dimensions that are found in the MBTI to outline four “temperaments.” They
define temperament to be “that which places a signature or thumb print on each of one’s
actions, making it recognizably one’s own” (Keirsey & Bates, 1984, p. 27).
Temperament is based first on the S/N dimension; differences on this dimension are “the
source of the most miscommunication, misunderstanding, vilification, defamation, and
denigration” (Keirsey & Bates, 1984, p. 17). People with an S (sensing) preference
gather information in concrete ways, based on facts in the here-and-now; temperament
theory then subdivides them based on how they act on this information (judging or
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perceiving). People with an N (intuitive) preference gather information in abstract ways,
based on intuition and possibilities; the temperament sorter then subdivides them based
on how they make decisions about this information (thinking or feeling). Thus,
according to the Keirsey and Bates Sorter, a person is characterized as SJ, SP, NT, or
The dimensions used by Jung, by Myers and Briggs, and by Keirsey and Bates represent
tendencies rather than absolute choices. In most situations, a person prefers one
approach over another. A person who understands his or her own approach then can use
this information to improve communication with others.
Extraverts and Introverts (E and I)
Jung identified two basic “attitude types,” which describe the direction of a person’s
interest: extravert and introvert. In the context of personality typology, an extravert is a
person whose energy source is the external world of people and things, whereas an
introvert is a person whose energy source is the internal world of ideas.
An extravert generally appears friendly and easy to know; he or she tends to think
aloud and to express emotions openly. An extravert often acts first and reflects later. In
contrast, an introvert is most productive in private and tends to reflect first and act later.
An introvert generally internalizes emotions and appears to be less self-revealing and to
need a great deal of privacy. Contrary to popular notions, however, a healthy extravert
may need time alone and a healthy introvert may have highly developed communication
Sensors and Intuitors (S and N)
The S/N preference concerns the mental function of how a person takes in data from the
outside world. The letter “S” is used for sensing, and the letter “N” is used to represent
A person is a sensor if he or she takes in information in parts, noticing fine details
by means of the five senses. A sensor is a very practical individual who wants, trusts,
and remembers facts. He or she is highly attuned to details and is usually very orderly
and organized. For this person, learning is a linear process in which data are collected
sequentially and facts are believed only when experience bears them out. A sensor
values order and truth; often he or she is a hard worker who values perspiration more
than inspiration. A sensor enjoys the present moment, takes directions easily, and may
be most comfortable with tasks that are highly detailed and require repetition.
In contrast, a person is an intuitor if he or she perceives a situation in its entirety
rather than piecemeal. An intuitor has a global perspective and is often described as
living by a sixth sense. He or she is imaginative and is always anticipating future events.
An intuitor looks primarily for relationships and patterns in the information taken in. He
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or she is an innovator who believes in and excels in hunches, visions, and dreams. An
intuitor is adept at long-range planning and can recognize all of the complexities in a
given situation.
Taken to the extreme, the sensing function causes a person to miss the forest for the
trees, and the intuitive function causes a person to miss the trees for the forest.
Thinkers and Feelers (T and F)
Once data have been collected, decisions often must be made, a process that is
determined by one’s T/F preference. The letter “T” represents thinking, and the letter
“F” represents feeling. Although this preference is based on how logic is used, thinking
should not be equated with intelligence or intellectualism, nor should feelings be
equated with emotion.
A thinker processes data in a formalized, linear fashion and can be described as
logical. He or she uses an impersonal basis to make decisions in an exacting, structured,
analytical manner. The thinker’s actions are apt to be deliberate and based on cause and
effect. A thinker is ruled by the intellect and will fight for principles; such a person is
drawn to jobs that do not depend heavily on interpersonal dynamics.
In contrast, a feeler makes decisions based on a process that more closely reflects
personal values or concerns for others. He or she looks at extenuating circumstances
rather than rigid laws. A feeler often is artistic and sensitive to the opinions and values
of others; consequently, he or she is best suited to a job that requires strong
communication and interpersonal skills.
Judgers and Perceivers (J and P)
Jung’s discussion of temperament actually dealt only with the S/N, T/F, and E/I
preferences, emphasizing that each person has preferred styles of perceiving and judging
that are best done in either the outer or inner world. Myers and Briggs built from Jung’s
theory and created a fourth pair of opposites for the MBTI, concerning the style in
which a person lives life (J/P). The J/P preference represents the weight that each of the
mental functions (S/N and T/F) is given. In general terms, this preference refers to
A judger prefers situations that are orderly and well planned; and the judging
function is dominant in the decision-making dimension, regardless of whether the
person is a thinker or a feeler. Such a person prefers a decided, settled path and tends to
be neat and orderly. A judger must know priorities and works best when his or her
attention is dedicated to one assignment. He or she likes to be prepared for any situation,
runs life by making and adhering to lists, thrives on deadlines, and always sees a task
through to the end. However, because of a strong desire for stability, a judger may find
change troubling.
A perceiver, on the other hand, lives life in an open, fluid, and spontaneous fashion.
The perceiving function is dominant in his or her actions, regardless of whether the
person is a sensor or an intuitor. A perceiver sees life’s possibilities and is always ready
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for the unexpected. He or she remains open to sudden changes and is comfortable with
letting things happen by chance; this person adapts well to changing environments and
usually enjoys being given a variety of tasks.
Jungian Functional Types
Jung categorized people according to the psychological functions of thinking, feeling,
sensation, and intuition; each of these functions then could be found in either extraverted
or introverted individuals. In this way, Jung recognized eight functional types:
extraverted sensing, extraverted intuitive, extraverted thinking, extraverted feeling,
introverted sensing, introverted intuitive, introverted thinking, and introverted feeling.
The Myers-Briggs Types
The sixteen four-letter type indicators that classify types in the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator (MBTI) consist of one letter representing a trait from each pair. Thus, the
possible sixteen combinations are ISTJ, ESTJ, INTJ, ENTJ, ISTP, ESTP, INTP, ENTP,
ISFJ, ESFJ, INFJ, ENFJ, ISFP, ESFP, INFP, and ENFP. Each of these types has certain
characteristics and preferences that distinguish it from other types.
ISTJ (Introverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging). The ISTJ type is dependable and
decisive. Attention to detail, combined with dependability, draws a person of this type to
careers in which he or she can work alone and can focus on results, objective thinking,
and procedures.
ESTJ (Extraverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging). People of this type perceive through
their senses rather than through their intuition and can be described as practical and
oriented toward facts. Because of their focus on visible, measurable results, this type is
ideally suited to organizing and directing the production of products.
INTJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging). The INTJ type is naturally good at
brainstorming and excels at turning theory into practice. People of this type often choose
careers that allow them to create and apply technology, and they often rise rapidly in an
organization because of their abilities to focus on both the overall picture and the details
of a situation.
ENTJ (Extraverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging). The ENTJ type uses intuition
rather than sensing to explore possibilities and relationships between and among things.
People of this type have a strong desire to lead and tend to rise quickly to upper-
management levels.
ISTP (Introverted-Sensing-Thinking-Perceiving). An ISTP type excels in technical
and scientific fields because he or she uses sensing and thinking to analyze and organize
data. Not wasting time is a key value for a person of this type, who tends to become
bored by tasks that are too routine or too open ended.
ESTP (Extraverted-Sensing-Thinking-Perceiving). The ESTP type makes decisions
based on logic more than on feelings. Such a person prefers to learn as he or she goes
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along, as opposed to becoming familiar with an entire process in advance. An ESTP
type has excellent entrepreneurial abilities but quickly tires of routine administrative
INTP (Introverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Perceiving). The INTP person uses intuition
to explore possibilities, preferring new ideas and theories to facts. This person’s love of
problem solving means that he or she is well suited to research and other scholarly
ENTP (Extraverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Perceiving). The ENTP type is attracted to
work that allows the exercise of ingenuity. Such a person learns best by discussing and
challenging and has little tolerance for tedious details.
ISFJ (Introverted-Sensing-Feeling-Judging). An ISFJ type combines an ability to
use facts and data with sensitivity to others. Although uncomfortable in ambiguous
situations, a person of this type is a hard worker and prefers work in which he or she can
be of service to others, both within the organization and outside it.
ESFJ (Extraverted-Sensing-Feeling-Judging). The ESFJ type is probably the most
sociable of all types and thus is highly effective in dealing with others. He or she often
leans toward a career that serves others, such as teaching or the ministry.
INFJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging). The INFJ type has a natural gift for
facilitating groups. Although interpersonal interactions are important to a person of this
type, he or she can be comfortable with any work that allows opportunities to grow and
to learn.
ENFJ (Extraverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging). An ENFJ person is a born leader
who places highest priority on people. This preference, combined with his or her strong
verbal-communication skills, makes the ENFJ type ideally suited for motivating others.
ISFP (Introverted-Sensing-Feeling-Perceiving). People whose type is ISFP excel at
tasks that require long periods of concentration and have senses that are keenly tuned.
They prefer to express themselves in concrete, nonverbal ways and are especially
inclined toward the fine arts.
ESFP (Extraverted-Sensing-Feeling-Perceiving). An ESFP type uses sensing and
feeling to live in the here-and-now and is most challenged by activities that are new and
require some special effort. He or she prefers work that provides instant gratification, an
opportunity to work with others, and avenues for learning and growing.
INFP (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Perceiving). People of this type are best
described as idealists; they value integrity, hard work, and concern for others. Although
they are adaptable to most work situations, they are best suited for careers that involve
service to others.
ENFP (Extraverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Perceiving). The ENFP type is most
interested in finding new solutions to problems and is attracted to work that involves
people. Such a person tends to be impatient with rules and procedures and serves better
as a mentor for employees than as a boss.
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Keirsey and Bates Temperaments
The Keirsey and Bates Sorter classifies people by temperament rather than by type.
Based on Jungian definitions, the sorter lists the four temperaments as sensing perceiver
(SP), sensing judger (SJ), intuitive thinker (NT), or intuitive feeler (NF). Sensing
perceivers and sensing judgers each make up between 35 and 40 percent of the
population, while intuitive thinkers and intuitive feelers each constitute between 10 and
15 percent.
Sensing Perceiver (SP). An SP, or sensing perceiver, constantly seeks adventure
and freedom and is open to whatever is new and changing. This person lives for the
moment and makes an excellent negotiator. In a work setting, he or she may deal well
with vendors and may be useful in keeping the staff abreast of new products and new
releases. Such a person often is known as a troubleshooter who likes to resolve crises
and to rally the support of others in solving a problem. Hot-line programs are often well
served by people with SP temperaments.
Sensing Judger (SJ). A sensing judger (SJ) believes in rules, regulations, and
rituals. He or she works best in a formalized, structured situation and often is well
qualified to institute the structure that is needed in the workplace. A sensing judger
would make a good librarian, inventory controller, scheduler, or administrator. He or she
thrives on setting standards, whether in reference to resource selection or the day-to-day
operating procedures of a department.
Intuitive Thinker (NT). A person who wants to understand, control, explain, and
predict events is an intuitive thinker (NT). He or she is an intellectual purist and a self-
motivated learner. An intuitive thinker can best serve an organization as a visionary and
planner. He or she is a determined learner and will pursue something until it is mastered.
An intuitive thinker makes an excellent system designer because of his or her conceptual
ability and may be well suited to customer support because of a need to strive for
resolution. Newsletter production may also be a good outlet for an intuitive thinker’s
Intuitive Feeler (NF). An intuitive feeler (NF) is enthusiastic and often has strong
communication and interaction skills. Such a person often excels at public relations and
can be effective as a liaison to other companies or departments. An intuitive feeler also
often makes a good teacher, especially on the elementary level, because of his or her
patience and understanding. Such a person is excellent at setting the atmosphere
necessary for quality learning and training.
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Because all temperament types bring their own strengths and weaknesses to the
workplace, managers need to be aware of their own temperaments before they attempt to
understand and lead the rest of the staff. Temperament, according to Keirsey and Bates
(1984), is a prime determinant of management style. To use personality typing within a
department, a manager must first look at the corporate culture in which the department
exists, its particular mission, and the objectives of the available positions. He or she
must consider whether the department is new, is seeking greater recognition, or is a
mature group looking to improve or to maintain services.
Managers need to assess their own temperaments and personality styles and their
inherent strengths and weaknesses before assessing the behavior exhibited by current or
potential staff members. Most managers will need staff members with similar
personalities to support them. However, opposite types are also needed to compensate
for existing weaknesses. The best teams seem to be composed of people who have some
personality differences but who are not total opposites. Differences can encourage group
growth, while similarities can facilitate understanding and communication. When a team
of complete opposites does exist, an understanding of type theory can go a long way
toward alleviating disagreements and recognizing the need for team integration.
When looking for a clear vision of how to plan for the future, the manager should
keep in mind that sensors are best at practical, detail tasks; that intuitors are best at
creative, long-range tasks; that thinkers’ skills are appropriate for analysis tasks; and that
the skills of feelers are suited to interpersonal communications. A successful staff
demands that all skills be used in the right place at the right time. A good manager will
recognize the type of task that needs to be done and will assign the best and most
appropriate talents to accomplish the job in harmony.
The Sensing-Judging (SJ) Manager
The SJ manager is a stabilizer or consolidator who excels at establishing policies, rules,
schedules, and routines. Such a person is usually patient, thorough, and steady. An SJ
manager will provide a sense of permanence that encourages industriousness and
responsibility in a staff. A sensing-judging manager is a task master who feels that every
person must earn his or her keep and therefore tends to be very reluctant to praise.
Operational costs are carefully monitored, but true costs often are not. An SJ manager is
impatient with delays, may decide issues too quickly, and often complicates matters by
preserving rules that are unnecessary and by adapting slowly to change. On the other
hand, this type of person has a strong understanding of policy and is a good decision
maker. He or she runs meetings efficiently; is always punctual; and can absorb,
remember, manipulate, and manage a great deal of detail—traits that certainly are useful
to an organization.
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The Sensing-Perceiving (SP) Manager
Unlike the SJ manager who sets up rules, regulations, and procedures, the SP manager
excels at putting out fires. An SP manager has a good grasp of potential situations and is
an excellent diplomat. The SP type is crisis oriented and makes decisions based on
expediency; neither regulations nor interpersonal relations are so sacred that they cannot
be negotiated by an SP manager. An SP manager is concerned with getting the job done
and is very reluctant to pay attention to theory or abstractions. Such a person often
makes commitments that he or she has difficulty carrying out when something comes up
that is more current or more pressing. An SP manager can be unpredictable and, when
not troubleshooting, can resist changes that are imposed by someone else. However,
such a person adapts well when a situation changes, always seeming to be one step
ahead. He or she is very practical and often sees breakdowns before they occur.
Beginning or struggling organizations are ideally suited to the SP manager.
The Intuitive-Thinking (NT) Manager
An NT manager is the true architect of change, questioning everything and basing
answers on proven laws and principles. Although he or she is not good at managing
maintenance or consolidation projects, an intuitive-thinking manager excels at and takes
pride in technical knowledge. An NT manager avoids crisis at all costs because
everything must make sense to him or her. The NT manager may delegate the execution
of organizational plans but afterward rarely feels that these plans were carried out
satisfactorily. Such a person often has difficulty with interpersonal transactions because
of his or her impatience and reluctance to show appreciation. A need to escalate
standards continually results in the NT manager’s feeling restless and unfulfilled. An NT
manager sees the long- and short-term implications of a decision, can recognize the
power base and the structure of an organization, and can make decisions based on
impersonal choices. More than any other type, an intuitive thinker seems to have the
vision to see all dimensions of a system, making him or her a very capable planner and
The Intuitive-Feeling (NF) Manager
A manager who is an intuitive feeler is probably inclined toward personnel management.
He or she is committed to the personal progress of the staff, to seeing possibilities for
others’ growth, and to helping others to develop their potentials. An NF manager is
democratic and encourages participation; in fact, he or she often is overly concerned
with the staff’s personal problems. Interpersonal relationships often drain the time and
energy that an NF manager needs for his or her personal and professional life. However,
an NF manager’s ability to show appreciation can encourage staff; verbal fluency and
enthusiasm make him or her an excellent spokesperson for an organization. An NF
manager is often a good judge of the organizational climate; he or she shows great
patience, despite a tendency to opt for stopgap solutions. Such a person can find himself
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or herself in conflict if the qualities of subordinates do not match the tasks required by
the manager’s superiors. In such situations, an NF manager can become frustrated at not
being able to please all of the people all of the time; often, however, he or she learns to
turn liabilities into assets.
Personality typology can be used to classify a person’s behavioral type in very general
terms. Despite significant differences within each type, recognizable similarities are
apparent. The purpose of studying types is not to judge others or to change their
behavior, but rather to understand and to appreciate why people respond differently to
the same stimuli. No preference is right or wrong; each has its own strengths and
weaknesses. Effective decision making in the workplace can hinge on exploiting the
strengths and minimizing the weaknesses of each type. For example, on a team project,
an S (sensor) will note essential details and apply practicality. However, an N (intuitive)
will exercise ingenuity, see the possibilities, and give a clear vision of the future. In
addition, a T (thinker) will provide incisive analyses, and an F (feeler) will supply the
necessary interpersonal skills. Together all four will be effective in bringing the project
to fruition.
Being typed, therefore, should not limit people but rather uncover their possibilities.
Living or working with a person of the opposite type can generate friction, but
understanding may help opposites to accept and to take advantage of each other’s
Case Study 1: Extraverted Feeler and Introverted Thinker
The following example illustrates how a manager and an employee used personality
typology to resolve a conflict. The manager, Helen, showed a strong preference for
extraversion and feeling; in contrast, the employee, Marie, tended toward introversion
and thinking. When Helen would ask Marie how she felt about issues they had been
discussing, Marie never expressed an opinion. Later, however, Marie would complain or
express disagreement about the same issues to Helen or to another staff member. Once
she understood the concept of personality types, Helen learned that the best way to
encourage Marie’s feedback in a positive manner was to ask Marie to consider the
situation and to express her opinions within a few hours or days. This approach gave
Marie the time she needed to sort through her ideas and to substantiate her viewpoint.
Meanwhile, through typing, Marie began to understand Helen’s need to verbalize and to
monitor the environment around her.
Case Study 2: Training Extraverts and Introverts
In creating a training environment, an HRD professional must be aware that extraverts
and introverts learn differently. For an extravert, concepts must follow experience; in
other words, extraverts learn by example or trial and error. In contrast, an introvert
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wants to learn the theory or the concepts behind a lesson before trying to put them into
For example, a trainer who teaches conflict-management skills to introverts might
first familiarize them with theories of conflict and encourage them to read on the
subject; then the trainer could conduct activities that involve group processes. A trainer
teaching conflict-management skills to extraverts might need the opposite approach:
Group experience would precede any written text or theory because extraverts learn best
by trial and error and tend to have shorter attention spans.
The same consideration of E/I preference holds true for the working environment.
Extraverts may experience a distracting loneliness when not in contact with people.
They usually do not mind noise around the workplace, and some may even need noise
(such as music) in order to work. The introvert, however, is more territorial. He or she
may desire a defined space and may show a true need for privacy in the physical
environment. Understanding and accommodating these needs and differences will foster
the highest-possible productivity.
Case Study 3: A Perceiver and a Judger
Veronica, a perceiver, and Wayne, a judger, worked together on a project. Each time
they met for strategic planning sessions, Wayne felt that nothing of value had been
accomplished. However, Veronica felt satisfied that the sessions had unveiled many
possibilities—but she also sensed Wayne’s discomfort. Because they were aware of
their differences on the J/P scale, they resolved the conflict by establishing a clearly
defined agenda and setting strict time limits for each meeting; this satisfied the judger’s
needs. To satisfy the perceiver’s needs, they agreed to explore as many areas as possible
on a given topic and to reopen the topic at the next session to make sure that all of the
issues had been explored.
Case Study 4: Hiring Decisions That Reflect S/N Preferences
The way a manager interviews potential staff members may reveal his or her own
sensing/intuitive preference. A sensing manager will be inclined to rely on résumés and
on proven experience, but an intuitive manager will be inclined to rely more on an actual
interview and on the applicant’s potential. For example, an executive-employment agent
who wanted to hire an HRD manager for a major bank said that he wanted someone who
had already started an HRD department successfully, preferably for a bank in the same
state. This specificity indicates the agent’s sensing mentality. When he was unable to fill
the position according to his preference, he acceded to the bank’s request for someone
with the creative potential to deal with new situations and enough understanding of the
HRD function to be able to create new programs—a more intuitive approach.
Because a work team needs a mix of types, managers and HRD professionals must
not let their own S/N preference govern hiring decisions. For example, consider the
following two approaches to learning a new computer program: (1) reading the manual
and following the instructions closely, and (2) plunging into the task and looking up
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needed information only if it does not become obvious with use. Which approach is
more successful? The answer depends on the learner. Sensors would rather use skills
already learned, while intuitors prefer to develop new skills. To a sensing interviewer,
an intuitor may appear to have his or her head in the clouds. Conversely, the intuitive
interviewer may see the sensor as being too set in his or her ways and too materialistic.
Both types have strengths and weaknesses, and both can be useful. Managers and HRD
professionals who have good grasps of personality typing should be able to understand
and work with both types, deploying them according to their strengths.
The theories of personality typing that have been discussed in this article must be
implemented with great care and flexibility. The following checklist provides some
general guidelines for managers and HRD professionals who wish to use personality-
type testing to select and assign staff members:
Read about personality-type theories.
Contact organizations that teach or use the theories.
Assess the existing organizational climate to determine how the theories can best
be used.
Use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or a similar instrument to type
members of the organization.
Understand that a person’s own personality type affects his or her perceptions of
Help employees to understand type theory and encourage them to use this
understanding to reduce conflicts.
Consider type theory as one factor in selecting employees and in making
Use typing to understand a person’s potential and best work style, not to set
Stress that all personality types have strengths and orientations that can be
invaluable to the organization.
Use type theory to explain rather than to excuse.
Celebrate differences.
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Keirsey, D., & Bates, M. (1984). Please understand me. Del Mar, CA: Gnosology Books Ltd.
Kroeger, O., & Thuesen, J.M. (1988). Type talk: How to determine your personality type and change your life.
New York: Delacorte.
Pfeiffer, J.W. (Ed.). (1991). Theories and models in applied behavioral science (vol. 1). San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
Sample, J.A. (1984). A bibliography of applications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to management
and organizational behavior. In J.W. Pfeiffer & L.D. Goodstein (Eds.), The 1984 annual: Developing human
resources (pp. 145-152). San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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Karen L. Rudick and William Frank Jones
Abstract: Trainers often view the training process, because of its one-to-many nature, as an action
that one person takes toward others, not as a transaction between people. According to the action
view, the trainer’s role is to create a message and inject it into the listener’s head. Although this is
an “overly simplified view of communication, it is one that many people still accept” (Stewart &
Logan, 1993, p. 39). However, a more effective and comprehensive view of the training event is
the transactional view.
This article applies the action, interactional, and transactional views of the communication
process to the training process and discusses the advantages of viewing training from a
transactional model. It also presents the six components of the transactional model.
Since Aristotle, scholars have viewed communication as something one does to an
audience. A message is something that one transfers to the other (Gronbeck, McKerrow,
Ehninger, & Monroe, 1994). Because early rhetoricians were concerned primarily with
the training of orators, early communication theories stressed the role of the speaker
(Berko, Wolvin, & Wolvin, 1992). This perspective of communication, commonly
referred to as the action view, is analogous to the hypodermic needle. The sender inserts
the medicinal message into the passive receiver. Recipients of the message are believed
to be directly and heavily influenced by the sender.
In the early 1900s, this view was also referred to as the “magic-bullet theory” by
mass-communications researchers (Sproule, 1989) or as “the conduit metaphor” (Reddy,
1979). Some of the first communication models, appearing around 1950, used this linear
view of communication (Lasswell, 1948; Shannon & Weaver, 1949). It is still discussed
in introductory communication textbooks (Berko, Wolvin, & Wolvin, 1992; Gronbeck et
al., 1994), mostly for historical reasons and to provide a framework for later work
(McQuail & Windahl, 1993).
Although most communication scholars today consider this view outdated, and
educators recognize the importance of the receiver of the message, very little is done in
educational curricula to reflect this realization. For example, many universities require a
basic communication/public-speaking course but require no listening course. Also, the
syntactical structure of the English language (subject-verb-object) promotes this view of
communication (Fisher, 1980). As Fisher notes, we often describe communication as
person A speaking to (persuading, informing) person B, or as the sender affecting a
Originally published in The 1997 Annual: Volume 1, Training. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
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This speaker-centered view of communication suggests that messages are
unidirectional, from speaker to listener, and that the listener has a minimal role in the
process. It assumes that communication occurs when the message is received accurately.
This assumption ignores the listener’s role in providing feedback. If communication is
ineffective or unsuccessful, blame usually is placed on the speaker, rarely on the
listener. It is the speaker who is boring, speaks in a monotone, does not repeat
instructions, or talks too fast.
It is assumed that if the speaker were to improve his or her sending skills, the
problem would be solved. Therefore, a person is told to do something about his or her
communicative behavior, e.g., add vocal variety, repeat, slow down. As Sereno and
Bodaken (1975, p.7) point out, “all of these are strategies designed to reinforce a one-
way notion of communication, and often they also reinforce the problem because the
source is dissuaded from hearing the receiver sending.” This one-way, linear view is
incomplete and oversimplifies communication.
Many trainers still view communication as an action. For example, one may say
things such as “It’s hard to get that idea across to him,” or “I made sure they understood
me; I drew it on a piece of paper and repeated the directions twice,” or “No wonder we
don’t get along; she doesn’t communicate well,” or “That professor bores me.” Each of
these comments makes it sound as if communication is an action (Stewart & Logan,
Because the action view fails to take into account all the variables in the communication
process, some communication theorists have presented a more sophisticated perspective
of communication: the interactional model. The interactional model not only recognizes
the importance of the receiver and includes the concept of feedback, it also attempts to
demonstrate a more dynamic nature of the communication process. Most often noted for
the interactional model, Berlo (1960, p. 24) states, “We view events and relationships as
dynamic, on-going, ever-changing, continuous . . . . it [the communication process] does
not have a beginning, an end, a fixed sequence of events . . . . The ingredients within a
process interact; each affects all the others.”
Although Berlo originally intended this model to recognize the dynamic nature of
communication, it does not meet these expectations. For example, Stewart and Logan
(1993, p. 41) likened the interactional view to a table full of billiard balls. “One person
makes an active choice to do something to affect another, passive person, who’s [sic]
direction gets changed by what the active person does. Then the person who was passive
becomes active, and in turn affects either the first person (who’s now passively waiting
to be affected) or someone else . . . The process is all cause and effect, stimulus and
When applied to billiards, this way of thinking correctly assumes predictability of
response. If you hit a ball in exactly the right spot, at exactly the right angle, with
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exactly the right amount of force, the next ball will go where you wish. However, the
predictability assumption is false when applied to human communication. No two
people respond to the same message in the same way. Viewing communication as active
then passive, or all cause and effect, distorts the process.
Also, emphasizing cause and effect tempts the person, as Stewart and Logan (1993,
p. 42) state, “to focus on who’s at fault or who caused a problem to occur.” Given both
sides and a fuller understanding of the context, it is very difficult to tell who “started it”
or who is to blame. The complexities of human relationships do not allow for such a
simplistic explanation. Moreover, fault finding and blaming make improving a situation
almost impossible.
Another problem with viewing communication from the interactional view is the
failure to see people as changing while they are communicating (Stewart & Logan,
1993). Neither humans nor environments are constant over time. “Moreover,” as
Sameroff and Chandler (1975, p. 234) note, “these differences are interdependent and
change as a function of the mutual influence on one another.” One cannot ignore this
mutuality of influence or interdependence.
When viewing communication from the interactional perspective, a person is not
only concerned with the “proper” preparation and delivery of messages, he or she is also
listening for feedback to alter future messages—thus making the process less speaker-
centered and more message-centered. A more equal emphasis on the “encoding” and
“decoding” processes acknowledges the problems “in translating our thoughts into
words or other symbols and in deciphering the words or symbols of others into terms we
can understand” (Gronbeck et al., 1994, p. 501).
The billiard-ball view of communication also suggests a series of actions and
reactions, “a process that is somewhat circular: sending and receiving, sending and
receiving, and so on” (Berko, Wolvin, & Wolvin, 1992, p. 52). Each communicator is
seen as either sending or receiving. The ability to simultaneously send and receive is not
recognized (Sereno & Bodaken, 1975; Burgoon, 1978).
The interactional framework implies that the speaker can manipulate the message.
In other words, if he or she chooses the “right” words, the communication problems will
be solved. Unfortunately, communication is not that simple. Even if both parties select
the “right” words and agree on their meanings, misunderstanding can still occur because
each person brings different experiences to the communication event. As Gronbeck et al.
(1994, p. 501) point out, “even when a message is completely clear and understandable,
we often don’t like it. Problems in ‘meaning’ or ‘meaningfulness’ often aren’t a matter
of comprehension but of reaction; of agreement; of shared concepts, beliefs, attitudes,
A more accurate view of the communication process takes into account the simultaneity
of sending and receiving, mutual influence, and interdependence. It also takes into
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account the many changes that occur while people communicate and how meaning is
created between the participants. Recognizing this, many communication scholars have
used the term “transaction” (Barnlund, 1970; DeVito, 1994; Kreps, 1990; Sereno &
Bodaken, 1975; Stewart, 1986; Verderber, 1993; Watzlawick, 1978; Watzlawick,
Beavin, & Jackson, 1967; Wilmot, 1987).
According to Prizant and Wetherby (1990, p. 5), “in the transactional model,
developmental outcomes at any point in time are seen as a result of the dynamic
interrelationships” between the parties and the environment that may influence both
parties. Viewing the training process as transactional allows the trainer to see several
important factors that affect what is going on.
In the transactional framework, communication has numerous components. An
understanding of all the components is needed to provide a basis for the design of
training strategies. The remainder of this paper is devoted to describing the transactional
nature of the communication process and to providing an understanding of the way
trainers behave toward clients and vice versa. Major components of communication as a
transaction—such as system, process, perception, meaning, fault/blame, and
negotiation—are discussed.
Rather than viewing communication as a message injected into a passive recipient or a
billiard-ball, cause-and-effect model, proponents of the transactional model assert that a
communication event is a system. A systemic view of communication acknowledges not
just the importance, but the constant awareness, of key factors such as interdependence
and environment.
The premise that individual behavior is a part of a system, rather than a
characteristic of the individual, provides an expanded view of the training process. This
expansion recognizes the influence of different levels of reciprocal effects. The trainee is
seen as one system immersed in and inseparable from a “larger ecological framework of
systems” (Simeonsson & Bailey, 1990, p. 430).
Holding this view of communication acknowledges that it is impossible to separate
the client, the trainer, the setting, the community, and the organizations from which the
trainee and the trainer come. These components do not act in isolation, but influence one
another in a complex and reciprocal fashion. A change in one element of the
communication event “may completely change the event” (Cronkhite, 1976, p. 53). All
elements are interdependent, and one cannot be considered without considering the
others. As Sereno and Bodaken (1975, p. 8) state, “to deal with any one element of
communication—say merely to analyze the verbal message—to the exclusion of all the
others falsifies the true picture of communication as a continuous interchange.”
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To consider simultaneously these multivariables and their interdependence, one
must keep in mind the constant “interplay between the organism and its environment”
(Sameroff & Chandler, 1975, p. 234). What makes the transactional model so innovative
and unique is its equal emphasis on the communicators and the environments (Sameroff
& Fiese, 1990). The experiences provided by the environment are not viewed as
independent of the communicators.
When trainers ignore the systemic and interdependent natures of human
communication (such as the impact of a nonsupportive work environment on trainees),
training is ineffective. For example, employees cannot be expected to report potential
safety hazards if this information is received negatively by their supervisors. Usually,
trainees are well aware of the organizational environment that they must reenter.
However, if the trainer does not acknowledge this environment and make allowances for
it in the training design, the message communicated to the trainee is ignored, and the
trainee feels frustrated and considers the material irrelevant. The end results are that
trainees do not learn or do not apply their learnings and trainers discredit themselves and
the training program.
Something very similar happens when training is mandated and does not address
the problems that exist in the workplace. Consider, for example, a sudden increase in
accidents despite the presence of employees who are knowledgeable and enforce safety
regulations effectively. The safety problems may result not from a lack of training but
from other environmental factors that have a bearing on accidents—such as improperly
maintained equipment or overtime hours that result in fatigue. The employees are fully
aware of the reasons, yet are forced to receive additional safety training. If the trainer
does not acknowledge the factors that are beyond the control of the trainee, both become
frustrated, and the training process is ineffective.
The environment within which the training occurs also impacts effectiveness.
Therefore, the issue of onsite versus offsite training is not a light decision. Onsite
training can be especially effective when training involves new equipment. However,
when training is located onsite, employees—especially managers—typically use their
breaks to go to their offices and check mail, return phone calls, or take care of problems.
The trainees are unable and/or unwilling to separate themselves psychologically from
the workplace distractions, and the trainer who is unaware of environmental factors
cannot facilitate the needed psychological distance. Offsite training can encourage new
ways of relating to peers, subordinates, and other members of the team.
Thus, the trainer and trainee may be powerful determinants of perceived outcomes,
but potential outcomes cannot be realized without considering the effects of the
environment on the communicators. Further, the communicative process is a function of
neither a single individual nor of the environment alone. Rather, the “outcomes are a
product of the combination of an individual and his or her experience” (Sameroff &
Fiese, 1990, p. 122).
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The second major component of the transactional model—and probably the least
understood—is process. Unfortunately, many people believe process to be linear and
describe it as “method,” “order,” or a “step-by-step” or “systematic” approach (Johnson
& Proctor, 1992). However, process is not linear. It implies ever-changing, flowing,
dynamic entities with no beginning and no end.
Two essential elements of process, ongoingness and simultaneity, are neither as
easy to construct nor as simple as the linear and interactional models. Instead of the
hypodermic-needle or billiard-ball analogy, a systemic view provides a new analogy for
the study of communication: the living organism. The human body never remains
constant. Neither does communication. Because of this inconstancy and the
interdependent nature of communication, the roles of encoder and decoder are
inseparable and interchangeable throughout the act of communication.
To increase effectiveness, trainers must monitor the impact of their interventions
constantly, as well as adjust their interaction, especially when facilitating activities that
generate much affect or emotional data. For example, when group feedback is focused
on a group member’s behavior, the trainer must constantly monitor nonverbals to ensure
that the person is not experiencing the feedback as a personal attack. Even while a
trainer is encouraging feedback regarding a group member’s behavior, he or she must be
sensitive to the receiver’s nonverbals (body language, skin tone, etc.) to ensure the
psychological safety of the recipient.
The encoding and decoding of messages are not mutually exclusive.
Communicators are both senders and receivers at the same time in the transaction. As
Sereno and Bodaken (1975, p. 8) state, there are “no periods of passive receptivity on
the part of any communicator . . . . At all times the participants are actively exchanging
either verbal responses (words, sentences) or nonverbal responses (gestures, glances,
shrugs or other cues of their reaction to the ongoing conversation).” The encoding and
decoding processes occur simultaneously, continuously, and multidirectionally (Berko,
Wolvin & Wolvin, 1992).
When using a theoretical model, one is forced to consciously simplify in graphic form a
piece of reality (McQuail & Windahl, 1993). Models are merely static snapshots that
capture separate pieces of a whole within moments of time, but never the whole. No one
snapshot can capture all that is going on. This also is true of the communication event.
No one view can capture all that has taken place; a person’s “view” can explain only
what that person perceived.
As Sereno and Bodaken (1975, p. 14) state, “When we speak of communication as
having ‘taken place’ or ‘occurred,’ we’re speaking figuratively of the arbitrary, fictional
freezing of the process.” A perceptual process helps “freeze” the communication event
and make sense of the surrounding world.
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Perception, the third component of the transactional model, is an active, subjective,
continuous, sense-making process. Because people are continuously interpreting the
world, they sometimes overlook the active and subjective natures of perception. The
active nature of perception implies choice, and the subjective implies the personal, one’s
own. People have choices about how they interpret the world, and this sense-making
process of the present is accomplished through their past experiences, which are entirely
their own.
For example, when a trainer notices that someone is glancing at a clock or watch,
he or she may interpret this act as boredom or simply an interest in the time—depending
on the trainer’s past experience. When someone suddenly leaves the meeting room, the
trainer can interpret it as a serious incident or merely as an urgent need for a cigarette.
Trainers who are aware of the complexity of the perception process and who constantly
monitor trainees will increase the accuracy of their interpretations.
The interpretations that people choose are affected by their past experiences and
relationships. As Gronbeck et al. (1994, pp. 502-503) point out, communicators “will
comprehend and understand each other to the degree” of similarity between their prior
experiences. If a person does not understand the prior experiences being applied to a
conversation, meaning is altered.
For example, one of the authors is hearing impaired and must stay focused and
concentrate when being spoken to. She explains this to the trainees in her introductory
remarks in order to eliminate some perceptions of being harsh or too intense. She tells
trainees that people have said that in the training environment she is totally different
from the person she seems to be in her office. She further explains that in her office she
does not have to concentrate as hard to hear, because she has only one person to focus
on, compared to twenty people in the training room. Knowing her prior experience
(hearing impairment), trainees are able to interpret her behavior within a context.
No one person’s reality is the reality. The subjective nature of perception can be
illustrated in a variety of ways. One’s perception of others is influenced, for example, by
one’s emotional state at the time of the event (Forgas, 1991), the others’ physical
characteristics and attractiveness, and one’s own gender (Zebrowitz, 1990), personality
characteristics (Verderber, 1993), and self-perceptions (Zalkind & Costello, 1962). Self-
perception and the perception of others significantly affect communication (Verderber,
1993). The more conscious that people are of the subjectivity of their interpretations, of
the choices they have in this interpretation process, and of the fact that no two people
will interpret the same event in the same way, the better communicators they will
become (Stewart & Logan, 1993).
Perception is one reason that trainers need to use humor very carefully. Someone
could be offended by a seemingly harmless joke. It is also important to protect trainees’
perceptions of one another. For example, in an active-listening activity that assigns a
controversial subject to the speaker, the speaker’s position may be different from the one
held by the listener, who is trying to practice listening skills. If the listener feels very
strongly about the topic, he or she may interpret the views as the speaker’s own and
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form negative and adverse feelings about the speaker. The trainer with a transactional
view of communication would realize the importance of perception and disengage the
speaker from ownership of the views ex-pressed. The trainer could say, “When talking
about a controversial subject, you may argue for or against it. You do not have to
believe the position you are taking.”
Created Meaning
Acknowledgment that no two people interpret anything in the same way implies that the
same message has different meanings for different people (DeVito, 1994). The
transactional view not only recognizes that the same word has different meanings to
different people, it also recognizes a fourth component: meaning that is created
collaboratively between communicators (Stewart & Logan, 1993).
Whereas the action view is speaker-centered and the interactional view is message-
centered, the transactional view recognizes the need for “a meaning-centered theory”
(Gronbeck et al., 1994, p. 502). An action or interactional view assumes that a message
has one meaning, held by the speaker, to be reproduced in the listener. The transactional
view, however, acknowledges a “productive rather than a reproductive approach to
understanding” (Broome, 1991, p. 240). The trainer and trainee are active participants in
the construction and negotiation of meanings. From a transactional perspective, the
meaning of the content is created in the interaction between people and the context
within which the communication occurs.
The following illustration comes from a training-in-residence event that involved
twenty trainees. A small space in a large room was marked off with tape. Two trainees
at a time were asked to enter the room, and each was asked to visualize his or her ideal
space within the marked-off area. The ideal spaces the trainees visualized were very
different from one another and usually were based on the individuals’ needs and desires.
Later, all the trainees were brought into the same marked-off area and were asked to
build a community out of the different spaces created in their imaginations. They soon
revealed that their projected desires and needs had different meanings and were in
conflict with one another. While one person had visualized a tent in the woods, another
had visualized an ocean, another a waterfall, and another an office in the city.
The next few days were spent working out these differences, processing the event,
and highlighting what could be learned from it. After the group finished this intense,
affective work, the room had taken on all kinds of affective meaning for the participants.
The trainers could not ignore this phenomenon and moved the remaining training events
to a different room.
This example demonstrates the importance of being aware of the created-meaning
component of the transactional model and also illustrates many of the other components
previously discussed, such as environment, interdependence, process, and perception.
An environment takes on different meanings to the trainees as they go through their
training, and this creation of meaning is ever changing. We cannot separate these
components from one another, because they are interrelated.
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Also, it is important to consider the potential meaning of a space, the different
meanings of that space for the trainees, and the space’s ever-changing meaning, which is
created between the communicators. A trainer must not be fooled into thinking that he or
she can look at something as a discrete piece, separated from the larger environment.
Space and time take on meaning. Training brings out all kinds of affective and cognitive
meanings associated with the past, brought to the present, and projected into the future.
A transactional perspective helps the trainer to become aware of these dynamic forces
involved in a training event.
No Fault or Blame
If the creation of meaning is shared by communicators, the responsibility for this
creation is also shared. This sharing leads to the fifth component in the transactional
model: no fault and no blame. When communicators are mutually responsible, the
notion of blame is eliminated (Verderber, 1993). This does not mean that no one is
responsible, but, rather, the term “responsibility” is redefined to mean “response-able”
or “able to respond” (Stewart & Logan, 1993). If people are not responsive, they are not
considering how their behavior is affecting others. They are not conscious of how their
“choices are part of a larger whole” (Stewart & Logan, 1993, p. 51).
The trainer must create a community of learners with training structures that
support everyone’s sharing the responsibility for learning. One way is to assign a
learning monitor whose role is to focus on how effectively the group is learning. The
role of the other participants is to provide feedback to the monitor. If there are questions
or concerns, the monitor may function as a liaison between the trainer and trainees.
Learning monitors take the responsibility of voicing trainees’ concerns and providing
the trainer with input about trainees’ needs and how effectively those needs are being
Another way to enact this element of no fault or blame is to ask participants at the
beginning of the training event what they want to accomplish from the training event.
Hearing these expectations makes the trainees aware of mutual responsibility in the
learning process. However, their needs may change; therefore, the “want” list should
reflect those changes throughout the event. The trainees must be given the responsibility
for providing feedback on how effectively their needs are being addressed.
The transactional view requires a conscious and continuous attempt by the trainer to
change the way he or she thinks about communication. This is not easy. It is human
nature to want to point the finger at someone else when shared meaning is not
successfully created. However, one of the major benefits of a trainer’s attempt to view
communication from a transactional view is a more complete and less simplistic
explanation of communication. The trainer also will enhance his or her probability to
improve communication.
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Negotiation of Selves
Using the term “transactional” to describe human communication implies “that each
person is changing, being defined and redefined in relation to the other persons
involved” (Stewart & Logan, 1993, p. 45). This process of constructing and responding
to definitions of oneself and others is the sixth component of the transactional model, the
negotiation-of-selves process (Stewart & Logan, 1993). Research shows that people who
are more aware of this negotiation-of-selves process are perceived as more effective
communicators (Applegate & Delia, 1980; Burleson, 1987; O’Keefe & McCornack,
This process acknowledges several factors, including the importance of feedback,
simultaneity of sending and receiving, and interdependence. First, feedback is
paramount. If definitions of selves and others are negotiated and created between
communicators, shared meaning is not necessarily created. Meaning is shared through
feedback. The more one recognizes that sending and receiving processes are
simultaneous and cannot be separated, the more he or she will recognize that feedback is
continuous and ongoing.
The trainer who views communication from the transactional model will pay
attention to the continuous flow of feedback from and to trainees and not wait until the
end of the training event for an evaluation. Nor will the trainer wait until the actual
training event begins to seek input about the client and client system. To determine the
appropriateness of the content, the client must be involved as much as is practical in the
analysis of the problems and the design of the training solution.
Definitions of self and others are not determined by one person but are
interdependent. Interdependence means that one communicator may affect the other, but
no one individual controls or determines the other. In other words, what I do may affect
you and what you do may affect me, but neither of us determines the outcome (Stewart
& Logan, 1993).
From the beginning of the training event, a trainer needs to make clear to the
trainees how he or she will function; for example, what the trainer’s role is and what
kind of self the trainer will project. The trainer’s role is not that of a lecturer. The
trainer should tell the participants that he or she will not just present information, that an
active learning approach will be used, and that the trainee’s role is necessary to make
this approach successful.
Defining the roles expected of the trainees is also important. One way to help them
to start thinking about their roles is to ask, “What are the worst and the best things that
could happen, and what can you do to encourage the best?” Responses will give the
trainees some insight into what kind of “selves” they are going to be during the training
event and will reinforce the idea of shared responsibility.
As a person goes through training, he or she is continually negotiating who the
trainer is, who the trainees are, and who each is for the other. So everything the trainer
can do to facilitate the negotiation process is important. When a trainer asks a trainee to
role play something in new ways, he or she is asking that person to be a new self. The
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trainer must give that person sufficient feedback about how to fine tune the role or self
he or she is assuming.
The trainer also should redefine his or her own role so that it is appropriate to the
task that is assigned. For example, if a trainer facilitates a group activity in which
trainees assume the roles of practicing professionals in occupational therapy (O.T.), the
trainer may need to interact with the trainees while they are still in role. This interaction
could cause the trainees to shift in and out of the assigned roles.
To avoid this problem, trainers can redefine the facilitative role in a way
appropriate to the roles assigned trainees. In the present example, a trainer could say,
“My role in this activity is to be your O.T. consultant. If you have a problem in working
with your O.T. client and don’t know what to do, you may call on me to give you some
input.” Assuming the role of consultant to the activity assists the participants in
maintaining the roles essential to their learning.
Giving trainees positive feedback about the new roles they are about to assume is
helpful. Statements like “You are really effective when you’re an active listener” are
positive reinforcements to help them maintain the newly negotiated selves that they have
discovered during the training event. Support during the training event will help them to
continue their new roles when they return to their work environments.
The transactional communication model has been applied to a variety of training
situations, such as gerontology (Litterst & Ross, 1982), intercultural communication
(Broome, 1991), child care (Prizant & Wetherby, 1990), and child development
(Sameroff, 1975). This model is not limited by any area of training expertise, and the
possibilities of application are limitless.
The transactional view requires that a more integrated perspective of multiple
variables be considered, including system, process, perception, meaning, no fault or
blame, and negotiation of selves. This approach recognizes that focusing only on
isolated aspects of training without considering the interrelationships among and
between these different variables may be of limited value and may not be true to the
realities of the training. This view also requires consideration of the complex
interdependencies among trainers, trainees, and organizational and situational contexts.
When the transactional model is applied to training, it helps us to see the
complexity of factors in successful training. The more we take these factors into
consideration, the more likely we are to be successful in our training endeavors.
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Barnlund, D.C. (1970). A transactional model of communication. In J. Akin, A. Goldberg, G. Myers, & J. Stewart
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J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones
“Tell it like it is” is a saying that is popular today. It is based on the assumption that
complete honesty is a preferred human condition; but it might better be stated as “Don’t
tell it like it isn’t.” Leveling, or responding with absolute openness, is sometimes
inappropriate and harmful. What is to be avoided is deceiving other people. This article
focuses on problems of openness as they are experienced in human communication. The
intent is to suggest a way for genuine communication to take place while preventing
systems from being blown apart by insensitivity.
Each of us is a part of a number of interpersonal systems. There are interlocking
networks of people in our families, our work staffs, our social circles, and so on; and
these systems are maintained in part by commonly held expectations about appropriate
behavior. Each of the systems within which we interact with other people can be made
tense or even destroyed by too much openness. Unrestricted, untethered “truth” can
create high levels of anxiety and can cause people in a system to become less able to
accomplish their goals. Stream of consciousness is a valid literary technique, but it can
be highly dysfunctional in interpersonal relationships.
An example of inappropriate openness is depicted in the movie Bob & Carol & Ted
& Alice. Bob and Carol have just become reinvolved in their relationship during a
weekend growth-center experience, and they are having dinner at a restaurant with Ted
and Alice. Carol pours out her feelings in such a way as to embarrass Ted and Alice. She
confronts the waiter with information about her feelings and then follows him to the
kitchen, where she apologizes to him in front of his coworkers, thereby increasing his
embarrassment. She is displaying insensitive sensitivity; that is, she is aware of herself
but oblivious of the impact she is having on others. We label this phenomenon of being
more expressive of oneself than the situation will tolerate as “Carolesque” openness. A
person who displays Carolesque behavior is highly aware of his or her own feelings to
the exclusion of any awareness of the impact of his or her behavior on others.
Destructive openness can result from the placement of an inordinate value on
“telling it like it is,” from insensitivity to the recipients of the communication, or from a
desire to be punitive. If the effect of open selfdisclosure is to make another person
Originally published in The 1972 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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defensive or highly anxious, there is a high potential for destructiveness. If the open
communication is markedly judgmental of others, the chance that it will be harmful is
increased. For example, a husband and wife may be out for the evening; during the
course of the conversation, she asks how he likes the new dress she is wearing. His
honest reaction may be highly negative; however, if he is frank, it will be a “brutal
frankness.” Not only will she be hurt over his rejection of her choice of attire; but she
will experience great frustration in that the situation is not modifiable, as it is too late for
her to change to another outfit. Total openness could only ruin the evening for both of
them. The husband need not be “dishonest” if he describes the dress in words that do not
convey a message of feelings, such as “striking” or “different,” and chooses to deal with
his negative reaction to the dress at a more appropriate time. He has not told it “like it
is,” but neither has he told it “like it isn’t.”
A number of motives may be served by sharing one’s feelings and ideas with
others. One’s intent may be to help, to impress, to seduce, to punish, to exploit, or to
achieve catharsis. The reasons behind the sharing, as well as its effects on the listener(s),
determine the ethicalness of self-disclosure. Openness qua openness is not justifiable
except in a human context in which readiness and willingness for honest interchange
have been assessed. Choosing what to share in interaction with another person or system
is purposive behavior. Therefore, openness can be helpful or harmful, effective or
ineffective, appropriate or inappropriate, depending on one’s motives, on one’s ability to
be sensitive to the probable effects of the sharing, and on the readiness of the
recipient(s) of the data. It may be hypothesized that people’s capacities for openness
with themselves regarding their motives for open communication define limits on their
ability to be sensitive to the needs of individual situations. If people deceive themselves
about their own aims, they can probably also distort the cues they get from others in the
system. On the other hand, when people are conscious of having hidden agendas, their
communication is not likely to be genuine in that they may suppress many of their
We have labeled the concept of ethical authenticity, which promotes growth in a
system, as strategic openness. Strategic openness means determining how much open
data flow the system can stand and then giving it about a ten-percent boost—enough to
stretch it but not to shatter it. This risk taking is an attempt to open up the system by
mild pushing and is far more effective than attempting to force it into whatever
recognition of conditions or sets of values the initiator of the openness had in mind.
Strategically open behavior underlies attempts at seduction, but the intent can be either
benevolent or malevolent. Being strategically open implies a responsibility to check out
the system carefully, being alert to cues that say to go on and to cues that say to stop.
Collusion is characterized by an unwillingness to take risks and an unwillingness to
check out assumptions about the expectations of others. It is confounded by being a
contract of tacit and implicit terms. It drastically underestimates the ability of the system
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(and the members of the system) to deal with openness. It is a state of being closed that
is reinforced by default.
In the experience of organization development consultants, a fairly common
assessment in the sensing (or diagnosing) period is that the key issue is the
ineffectiveness of a manager.
In one such sensing phase, the common, independently issued complaint of six
subordinates was “The problem with this organization is that Jack is a lousy manager—
reactive, slow to make decisions, and frequently preoccupied with something other than
the business at hand.” Jack revealed in an interview that he was “giving a great deal of
thought to stepping down.” He continued, “With the kids grown, through college, and
both living out on the West Coast there isn’t much to keep me interested in my work.
My wife and I have enough money so that I really don’t need to work anymore; some
days I just feel more like golfing or sitting around than I do going to the office.” At the
next staff meeting Jack decided to broach the subject of retiring. Here is how the
conversation progressed:
Jack: I’ve been thinking it over and what I think this division needs is a new chief,
someone with more energy than I have . . . .
Subordinates (in chorus): Oh no, Jack! We couldn’t get along without you.
What has taken place in this anecdote is an example of collusion—the opposite of
being too open. When collusion is identified, for example, in the anecdote involving
Jack, the unified response of the colluders is to deny the data or to attack the person who
has exposed the collusion.
It may be useful to consider openness as a nonlinear phenomenon. Too much and too
little openness can both be dysfunctional in human systems. Figure 1 depicts the
functional-dysfunctional aspects of openness. Closed communications (collusion) can be
equally as dysfunctional as completely open expression (“Carolesque” behavior).
Strategic openness functions to ameliorate the system rather than to destroy it or to hide
its reality. People in a system that has an openness problem may vacillate between too
much and too little sharing. A system that can tolerate high levels of honest interchange
of feelings and ideas is characterized by trust and interpersonal sensitivity. As they
interact, people are free to give, receive, and elicit feedback on the effects of their own
and others’ behavior.
Feedback is a method of sharing feelings directed toward another and is generally
considered a phenomenon of encounter or T-groups; however, we are constantly
engaged in feedback activity in our minds, whether or not the data are ever shared.
Feedback sharing may be incorporated into our daily experience as a means of
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constructive openness, based on an intent to help. When openness is applied to
feedback, some definite criteria can be established. Feedback is more constructive when
it has the following characteristics:
It is descriptive rather than evaluative.
It is specific rather than general.
It takes the needs of the system (two people, multiple people) into account.
It focuses on modifiable behavior.
It is elicited rather than imposed.
It is well timed.
It is validated with the recipient.
It is validated with others.
Evaluative feedback induces defensive reactions and makes listening difficult. To
be told that one is not O.K. often requires that one defend oneself. On the other hand,
having the effects of one’s behavior described leaves one the option of making one’s
own evaluation. Giving evaluative feedback is promoting one’s own ideas of what
behavior should be; it does not increase the freedom of the other person to decide for
himself or herself.
General feedback is often not useful because the recipient is left to guess about
what behavior might benefit from change. A message such as “You are pushy” is less
effective in promoting learning than are messages that focus on definite, observable
behaviors. “When you cut off Joe while he was talking, I felt irritated with you” is
highly specific feedback that leaves the listener free to choose what he or she wants to
do with it.
Adapted from theory-session material contained in the NTL-IABS 1968 Summer Reading Book.
Figure 1. A Nonlinear Conceptualization of the Open-Closed Continuum
in Interpersonal Relations
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The third feedback criterion, taking needs into account, relates directly to the
concept of strategic openness. Whose needs are being met at whose expense? The
person who is contemplating being open about his or her reactions to another person
needs to consider why it seems important to share those reactions. In order for the
feedback to be constructive, the giver of that feedback needs to assess not only his or her
own motives but also the readiness and willingness of the other person to receive the
Focusing on modifiable behavior increases the freedom of the recipient of feedback.
To call attention to behaviors over which a person has little or no control, such as tics or
other nervous mannerisms, simply leads to frustration.
Elicited feedback is more easily heard than is imposed feedback. The person who
asks to be told what his or her impact is on others is probably more ready and willing to
engage in high-level openness than is the person who feels attacked. Imposed feedback
often elicits defensiveness and denial. When the recipient of the feedback has named the
behavior on which feedback is desired, he or she is far more likely to listen.
The timing of feedback is critical. “Gunnysacking,” or withholding one’s reaction
until later, is a common interpersonal phenomenon; sharing reactions about events in the
past is less constructive than giving immediate feedback. To be told “Last week you
upset me when you didn’t call” is less useful than to be confronted with that reaction
relatively soon after the behavior has occurred.
The choice of whether and when to express the feelings that one experiences is not
a single one. It is best made from data about the interpersonal situation in which emotion
is generated and from the style that the person has in responding to his or her “inner
life.” In a committee meeting, for example, one of the members becomes irritated at the
parliamentary maneuverings of the chairperson. This member may not permit himself or
herself to be conscious of the negative affect, and this would be what analysts call
“repression.” The member may engage in suppression, or a conscious choice to focus
awareness on something else besides his or her feelings. A third type of response would
be to choose not to confront the chairperson but to maintain consciousness of the
irritation. Finally, the member may confront the other person. Choosing not to confront
can be a low-profile, avoidance style as well as a conscious attempt to be sensitive to
others. Feedback can be considered timely, then, if it is given as soon as it is
Validating feedback makes sense for two reasons. First, what is heard is very often
not what is intended. Second, a given person’s reaction may not be shared by others.
Feedback should be at least a two-way process. The recipient of the feedback needs to
determine the range of reactions caused in others by his or her behavior.
To be open in giving feedback to another person or to a group, then, is neither
effective nor ineffective except as the communication is based on sensitivity to self and
to others. It is not inauthentic to be careful in giving feedback, but downplaying one’s
reaction can carry the message that the recipient is incapable of hearing feedback. If the
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intent is to enlarge the freedom of the feedback recipient, the message should increase
Ideally, openness should be both strategic and constructive. It should enlarge the
range of the recipient’s options without shutting him or her down emotionally. It
requires demanding self-appraisal of motives on the part of the person who chooses to
be open because he or she must assume responsibility for that openness as well as for
imposing the results of his or her behavior on another. A person’s openness must be
dealt with, in some fashion, by those with whom he or she has chosen to share feelings
and ideas or to give feedback. Therefore, openness should never exceed the system
expectations to the extent of reinforcing closed behavior in others; rather, it should
become a growth experience for both the open person and the system with which he or
she is interacting.
The group facilitator needs to be aware of both the problems and possibilities with
regard to openness, collusion, and feedback. A number of these implications are
suggested by the points of view expressed in this article. Feedback criteria can be taught
rather easily in small group meetings either experientially or didactically. Building and
maintaining the norms implied in these “standards” can result in constructive openness
and trust.
The facilitator should be careful in surfacing evidence of collusion in a human
system. He needs to find a nonthreatening way of helping the colluders to “own” and to
deal with their complicity. It is equally dangerous to generate or focus on more data than
the system can process. One example of generating too much data would be calling
attention to the feelings of task-group members who have not voluntarily committed
themselves to studying their interpersonal process. Another example is a facilitator who
“models” openness in the initial session of a growth group but expresses so much
feeling that participants become unduly anxious. Hypotheses about a system’s readiness
for increased openness need to be tested. The facilitator should be wary of a tendency to
project his or her own position onto others or to be party to the collusion that may exist
in the system. The facilitator needs to check out his or her assumptions about the client
system and to find out the assumptions that people in the system are making about him
or her.
Openness and trust grow in a nurturing environment; they cannot be expected to be
engendered instantaneously. The level of openness in growth-group meetings usually
cannot automatically be reproduced in “back-home” settings. The facilitator needs to
negotiate (and renegotiate) the level of openness that is to be expected in his or her
relations with others.
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Philip G. Hanson
The process of giving and receiving feedback is one of the most important concepts in
laboratory training. It is through feedback that we implement the poet’s words, “to see
ourselves as others see us.” It is also through feedback that other people know how we
see them. Feedback is a verbal or nonverbal communication to a person (or a group) that
provides that person with information as to how his or her behavior is affecting you or
the state of your here-and-now feelings and perceptions (giving feedback). Feedback is
also a reaction on the part of others, usually in terms of their feelings and perceptions, as
to how your behavior is affecting them (receiving feedback). The term was originally
borrowed from electrical engineering by Kurt Lewin, one of the founders of laboratory
training. In the field of rocketry, for example, each rocket has a built-in apparatus that
sends messages to a steering mechanism on the ground. When the rocket is off target,
these messages come back to the steering mechanism, which makes adjustments and
puts the rocket back on target again. In laboratory training, the group acts as a steering
or corrective mechanism for individual members who, through the process of feedback,
can be kept on target in terms of their own learning goals.
The process of giving and receiving feedback can be illustrated through a model
called the Johari Window (see Figure 1). The window was originally developed by two
psychologists, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, for their program in group process. The
model can be looked on as a communication window through which you give
information about yourself to others and receive information about yourself from them.
Looking at the four panes in terms of vertical columns and horizontal rows, the two
columns represent the self and the two rows represent the group. Column one contains
“things that I know about myself”; column two contains “things that I do not know
about myself.” Row one contains “things that the group knows about me”; row two
contains “things that the group does not know about me.” The information contained in
these rows and columns is not static but moves from one pane to another as the level of
mutual trust and the exchange of feedback vary in the group. As a consequence of this
movement, the size and shape of the panes within the window will vary.
The first pane, called the “arena,” contains things that I know about myself and
about which the group knows. It is an area characterized by free and open exchange of
information between me and others. The behavior here is public and available to
everyone. The arena increases in size as the level of trust increases between people or
Originally published in The 1973 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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between a person and his or her group and, therefore, as more information—particularly
personally relevant information—is shared.
The second pane, the “blind spot,” contains information that I do not know about
myself but about which the group may know. As I begin to participate in the group, I
communicate all kinds of information of which I am not aware, but that is being picked
up by other people. This information may be in the form of verbal cues, mannerisms, the
way I say things, or the style in which I relate to others. The extent to which we are
insensitive to much of our own behavior and what it may communicate to others can be
quite surprising and disconcerting. For example, a group member once told me that
every time I was asked to comment on some personal or group issue, I coughed before I
In pane three are things that I know about myself but of which the group is
unaware. For one reason or another I keep this information hidden from them. My fear
The copyright for the Johari Window is held by Joseph Luft. Requests to reprint it should be addressed to Mayfield Publishing
Company, 1240 Villa Street, Mountain View, CA 94041. Used with permission.
Figure 1. The Johari Window
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may be that if the group knew of my feelings, perceptions, and opinions about the group
or individual members of the group, they might reject, attack, or hurt me in some way.
As a consequence, I withhold this information. This pane is called the “facade” or
“hidden area.” One of the reasons I may keep this information to myself is that I do not
see the supportive elements in the group. My assumption is that if I start revealing my
feelings, thoughts, and reactions, group members might judge me negatively. I cannot
find out, however, how members will really react unless I test these assumptions and
reveal something of myself. In other words, if I do not take some risks, I will never learn
the reality or unreality of my assumptions. On the other hand, I may keep certain kinds
of information to myself when my motives for doing so are to control or manipulate
The last pane contains things that neither I nor the group knows about me. Some of
this material may be so far below the surface that I may never become aware of it. Other
material, however, may be below the surface of awareness to both me and the group but
can be made public through an exchange of feedback. This area is called the “unknown”
and may represent such things as intrapersonal dynamics, early childhood memories,
latent potentialities, and unrecognized resources. As the internal boundaries can move
backward and forward or up and down as a consequence of eliciting or giving feedback,
it would be possible to have a window in which there would be no unknown. As
knowing all about oneself is extremely unlikely, the unknown in the model illustrated is
extended so that part of it will always remain unknown. If you are inclined to think in
Freudian terms, you can call this extension the “unconscious.”
One goal we may set is to decrease our blind spots, that is, move the vertical line to
the right. How can I reduce my blind spot? As this area contains information that the
group members know about me but of which I am unaware, the only way I can increase
my awareness of this material is to get feedback from the group. As a consequence, I
need to develop a receptive attitude to encourage group members to give me feedback. I
need to actively elicit feedback from group members in such a way that they will feel
comfortable in giving it to me. The more I do this, the more the vertical line will move
to the right. See Figure 2.
Another goal we may set for ourselves, in terms of our model, is to reduce our
facade, that is, move the horizontal line down. How can I reduce my facade? As this
area contains information that I have been keeping from the group, I can reduce my
facade by giving feedback to the group or group members concerning my reactions to
what is going on in the group and inside me. In this instance, I am giving feedback or
disclosing myself in terms of my perceptions, feelings, and opinions about things in
myself and in others. Through this process the group knows where I stand and does not
need to guess about or interpret what my behavior means. The more selfdisclosure and
feedback I give, the farther down I push the horizontal line. See Figure 3.
You will notice that while we are reducing our blind spots and facades through the
process of giving and eliciting feedback, we are, at the same time, increasing the size of
our arena or public area.
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Figure 2. Reducing Blind Spots
In the process of giving and asking for feedback, some people tend to do much
more of one than the other, thereby creating an imbalance of these two behaviors. This
imbalance may have consequences in terms of the person’s effectiveness in the group
and group members’ reactions to him or her. The size and shape of the arena, therefore,
is a function of both the amount of feedback shared and the ratio of giving versus
eliciting feedback. In order to give you some idea of how to interpret windows, I would
like to describe four different shapes that characterize an ideal window and three
extreme ratios in terms of eliciting and giving feedback. These descriptions will give
you some idea of how people, characterized by these windows, might appear to others in
a group setting. See Figure 4.
Figure 3. Reducing the Facade
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Figure 4. Ideal Window and Extreme Ratios
Window number 1 is an “ideal window” in a group situation or in any other
relationship that is significant to the person. The size of the arena increases as the level
of trust in the group increases, and the norms that have been developed for giving and
receiving feedback facilitate this kind of exchange. The large arena suggests that much
of the person’s behavior is aboveboard and open to other group members. As a
consequence, there is less tendency for other members to interpret (or misinterpret) or
project more personal meanings into the person’s behavior. Very little guesswork is
needed to understand what the person is trying to do or communicate when his or her
interactions are open both in terms of eliciting and giving feedback. It is not necessary,
however, to have a large arena with everyone. The people with whom you have casual
acquaintances may see this kind of openness as threatening or inappropriate. It is
important to note, however, in your group or with some of your more significant
relationships, that when most of your feelings, perceptions, and opinions are public,
neither person has to engage in game behavior.
The large facade in window 2 suggests a person whose characteristic participation
style is to ask questions of the group but not to give information or feedback. Thus, the
size of the facade is inversely related to the amount of information or feedback flowing
from the individual. He or she responds to the group norm to maintain a reasonable level
of participation, however, by eliciting information. Many of his or her interventions are
in the form of questions such as these: “What do you think about this?” “How would
you have acted if you were in my shoes?” “How do you feel about what I just said?”
“What is your opinion about the group?” The person wants to know where other people
stand before committing himself or herself. You will notice that his or her “eliciting
feedback” arrow is long, whereas the “giving feedback” arrow is short. As this person
does not commit himself or herself in the group, it is hard to know where the person
stands on issues. At some point in the group’s history, other members may confront him
or her with a statement similar to “Hey, you are always asking me how I feel about
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what’s going on, but you never tell me how you feel.” This style, characterized as the
“Interviewer,” may eventually evoke reactions of irritation, distrust, and withholding.
Window number 3 has a large blind spot. This person maintains his or her level of
interaction primarily by giving feedback but eliciting very little. The person’s
participation style is to tell the group what he or she thinks of them, how he or she feels
about what is going on in the group, and where he or she stands on group issues.
Sometimes the person may lash out at group members or criticize the group as a whole,
believing that he or she is being open and aboveboard. For one reason or other, however,
the person either does not hear or appears to be insensitive to the feedback given to him
or her. The person either may be a poor listener or may respond to feedback in such a
way that group members are reluctant to continue to give him or her feedback; for
example, he or she may become angry, cry, threaten to leave. As a consequence, the
person does not know how he or she is coming across to other people or what his or her
impact is on them. Because the person does not appear to utilize the corrective function
(reality) of group feedback, many of his or her reactions or self-disclosures appear out of
touch, evasive, or distorted. The result of this one-way communication (from him or her
to others) is that the person persists in behaving ineffectively. As the person is
insensitive to the steering function of the group, he or she does not know what behaviors
to change. The person’s “eliciting feedback” arrow is very short, while his or her
“giving feedback” arrow is long. This style of interaction comes across as a “bull-in-a-
Window number 4, having the large unknown, represents the person who does not
know much about himself or herself, nor does the group know much about him or her.
This person may be the silent member or the “observer” in the group, who neither gives
nor asks for feedback. As you can see in window number 4, the “eliciting” and “giving
feedback” arrows are very short. He or she is the mystery person in the group because it
is difficult for group members to know where this person stands in the group or where
they stand with him or her. The person appears to be surrounded by a shell that insulates
him or her from other group members. When confronted about the lack of participation,
he or she may respond with a comment such as “I learn more by listening.” Group
members who are not actively involved in the group or who do not participate receive
very little feedback because they do not provide the group with any data to which they
can react. The person who is very active in the group exposes more facets of himself or
herself and provides the group members with more information about which they can
give feedback. While this kind of exchange may cause the active participant some
discomfort, he or she learns considerably more than the inactive participant who does
not give or elicit feedback. The person characterizing this window is called the “turtle”
because a shell keeps other people from getting in and him or her from getting out. It
takes a considerable amount of energy to maintain an arena this small in a group
situation because of the pressure that group norms exert against this kind of behavior.
Energy channeled in maintaining a closed system is not available for self-exploration
and personal growth.
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The goal of eliciting feedback and self-disclosure or giving feedback is to move
information from the blind spot and the facade into the arena, where it is available to
everyone. In addition, through the process of giving and receiving feedback, new
information can move from the unknown into the arena. A person may have an “aha”
experience when he or she suddenly perceives a relationship between a here-and-now
transaction in the group and some previous event. Movement of information from the
unknown into the arena can be called “insight” or “inspiration.”
It is not an easy task to give feedback in such a way that it can be received without
threat to the other person. This technique requires practice in developing sensitivity to
other people’s needs and being able to put oneself in other people’s shoes. Some people
feel that giving and receiving feedback cannot be learned solely by practice; instead,
giving and receiving feedback require a basic philosophy or set of values that must first
be learned. This basic philosophy is that the person be accepting of himself or herself
and others. As this acceptance of self and others increases, the need to give feedback
that can be construed as evaluative or judgmental decreases.
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David G. Bowers and Jerome L. Franklin
Perhaps the most common misconception about survey feedback pivots on the failure to
distinguish the process and what it represents from the data and what they represent. For
the unwary, a rush to action based on this misconception all too often results in damage
to the recipient and disillusionment for both the recipient and the purveyor.
Survey feedback is not a sheet of tabulated data, nor is it the simple return of such
data to some representative of the respondents. Instead, it is a relatively complex
guidance method that draws on the device of the questionnaire survey to upgrade and
make more complete, rational, and adequate a process inherent in social organizations.
At the root of survey feedback, as with any guidance device, are three fundamental
properties: (1) purposiveness, (2) a flow of events through time, and (3) periodic
discrepancies between what occurs and what was desired or intended. The first of these
refers to the perhaps-obvious fact that “feedback” without some aim, objective, target, or
purpose is meaningless. The recitation of stock-market quotations may be eminently
meaningful to a broker or to an investor eagerly or anxiously anticipating his gains or
losses; it has no meaning for a person who has no stake in it, does not understand it, and
for whom it is simply “feed” (that is, noise).
The second basic property points to what must be implicit in the term “feedback,”
namely that a number of events occur sequentially across time. They flow from an
action on the part of the potential recipient to an end-state about which he or she
hopefully obtains information regarding how well that action went.
The third fundamental condition simply states that for feedback to be useful (that is,
to result in midcourse corrections), one must assume that some difference or discrepancy
exists from time to time between what has been desired or intended and what has
actually occurred.
Building on these three basic properties, one is able to distinguish feedback from
other forms of information input. Information that is novel and extraneous to accepted
purposes, while potentially quite useful, is different from feedback. Information that
refers to events now complete and not likely to recur is not feedback and, for guidance
purposes, is as likely to be without value as is information that conveys no difference
from what was intended (that is, leads to no action).
Originally published in The 1974 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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Descriptive or Evaluative Feedback
At a somewhat more concrete level, much is often made in interpersonal settings of the
value of providing feedback that is descriptive rather than evaluative. To the extent that
this precept refers to avoiding the debilitating effects of threat and punishment, one can
only concur. Both research and experience indicate that fear, resentment, and excessive
anxiety at best can be counterproductive, at worst paralyzing and highly destructive.
However, this is a different genre of issue from that which arises if one insists that
feedback, when provided, must be unconnected to value judgments of goodness and
badness, usefulness, desirability, and the like. In fact, the heart of any feedback process
is precisely that: a reading, returned to the actor, on how well or how poorly things are
going in relation to what he or she has done. In this sense, feedback (including survey
feedback) is evaluative.
Its highly desirable property of descriptiveness is therefore determined not by the
extent to which it avoids evaluations (it does not and cannot), but by the extent to which
it encompasses in its message information about the flow of events leading to the
outcome. As such, it must be connected, in a way clearly understood, accepted, and
believed by the actor, to a model of those events that includes cause-effect relationships.
In form, it is built around the notion that if the actor does A, that action results in B,
which in turn produces C. Although feedback that lets the actor know only that he or she
has not attained in the most current attempt(s) the desired state of C certainly possesses
some utility, feedback that also states that A was inappropriate, or that it did not lead to a
sufficient B, permits the actor to revise his or her actions and perhaps the model itself on
something more than a trial-and-error basis. It is in this sense that another property
commonly felt to be desirable in feedback—that it be helpful—reflects a great deal of
truth. However, helpfulness resides more in what the feedback permits the actor to do
constructively than in the demeanor or tone of the purveyor.
In the specific case of survey feedback, the substance of these points is that such
Must be built around a model that has a maximum likelihood of being correct
(that is, around principles of behavior and organization derived and verified
scientifically as appropriate to the situation);
Must be clearly tied, through this model, to outcomes that are positively valued;
Must provide a return of model-valid information relevant to more than merely
the outcomes of the process represented by the model.
Previous Endorsement of Model
Finally, an obvious corollary is that the principles, ideas, and concepts that make up the
model must be accepted and endorsed by the actor before, not merely after, he or she
receives the information intended as feedback. A survey-feedback operation launched
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without this prior acceptance, but in the hope that the information will itself be
persuasive, is doomed to failure for the same reason mentioned in the earlier stock-
market illustration: The input will be meaningless and therefore rejected. Where the
principles and concepts contained in the model and operationalized in the survey are not
understood or accepted in advance, the leader, change agent, or facilitator is well
advised to proceed no further until, by training or planned experience, he or she has
implanted that understanding and acceptance.
Understanding the causal sequences—let alone measuring them—involves us in an
immediate paradox. If we say, for example, that A causes B, we have to assume two
mutually contradictory things: that both A and B occurred at exactly the same point in
time (as no event can be caused by something that it is not in contact with), and that A
must have preceded B (as a cause must occur before its effect). In everyday life, we
solve this problem by storing large numbers of connected A-to-B events and looking at
them for some period of time.
The same practice holds true for the survey. Questionnaire respondents, in
describing their leader’s behavior, the behavior of their fellow members, or the
conditions present in the larger organization, summarize a large number of specific acts
and events, some of which have caused others. The picture that results in the tabulated
data, although taken at one point in time, is a composite photograph of the person,
group, and/or organization as it has persisted over some period of weeks or months. By
the changes observed in the picture from one administration and feedback to the next,
movement is depicted in much the same way as in a motion picture.
Accuracy of the Picture
The accuracy of the resulting picture depends on the care that goes into those several
aspects of the process and on the instrument that reflects their design: the accuracy and
adequacy of the body of principles and concepts on which both the model and the
instrument have been built (are they the result of rigorous research, or of armchair
extractions from experience?); the reliability and validity of the questionnaire instrument
and its measures (does it measure dependably and accurately what it purports to
measure?); and the conditions under which the data are collected (trust, confidence, care,
and clarity of procedures).
Beyond the conventional indicators of validity, the procedure employed in survey
feedback relies on the consensual validation implicit in collecting multiple perceptions
of the same events from several people. Those who view and report about the same
phenomenon should substantially agree in their perceptions and differ from other people
who perceive other events.
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A Representation of Reality
What results, of course, is a representation in abstract symbols (numbers) of the
organizational reality in which respondents live. Events have been summarized by each
respondent across some period of time considered by him or her to be appropriate,
translated by the survey into numbers, and summarized in the tabulation across all
members of the group. Their subsequent ability, in the feedback process, to translate this
into a common experience base about which joint conclusions can be drawn depends on
the clarity and concreteness of the original questionnaire items. Clear, concrete,
descriptive items are more readily converted in the discussion into clear, concrete
examples than are fuzzy, abstract ones. It is precisely this translation-summary-
conversion process, resulting in a shared view of problems and strengths, that lies at the
heart of survey feedback’s payoff potential.
Perception of Threat
Confidentiality of individual responses also plays a considerable role in the validity
question. Survey feedback is seldom undertaken in other than hierarchical organizational
settings. The differences in positions, roles, status, and power that this fact implies make
each respondent vulnerable in some respect to being held accountable in punitive terms
for having expressed himself or herself. If the threat is real and is applicable to the
majority of respondents, the facilitator’s attempt to use survey feedback to develop
constructive problem solving obviously faces a situation of model nonacceptance.
However, more common, and in some ways critical, is the real perception of an
unreal threat; and it is this anxiety that the confidential treatment of individual responses
helps to allay. Even though it is obvious to respondents that some handful of personal
background items could identify them, there is considerable reassurance in not having to
write their names on their questionnaires. “Taking attendance,” scrutinizing a
respondent’s questionnaire as it is handed in, and peering over the respondent’s shoulder
are similarly to be avoided, as is the practice of including immediate superiors and their
subordinates in the same questionnaire-completion session.
Observing these cautions, together with aggregating data across all respondents in
the group and into summary indices geared to the group’s size (a mean response
preserves confidentiality in small groups, whereas a percentage spread does not), helps
to guarantee that the results will be truly consensually valid and reasonably free from
distortions attributable to a threatened position.
The usefulness of the survey data depends as much on the nature of the feedback process
as on the character and quality of the actual data. Although a complete treatment would
involve a consideration of specific aspects of this process, we will focus at present on
only four additional major issues: (1) the role of a resource person in the process, (2) the
preexisting role relationships of people in the groups, (3) feedback sequencing for
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groups at different hierarchical levels within social systems, and (4) the place and value
of the survey-feedback process.
Effectively done, survey feedback is a complex process requiring special
knowledge and skills. Its success depends largely on the ability of the people involved to
understand and subsequently use the data as the basis for altering conditions and
behaviors. In most cases the recipients of survey feedback require the help of a resource
person who provides expertise and skill in several areas and who serves as a link
between these people and those other resources (for example, knowledgeable people)
that serve as a potential energy source for the group’s development.
The Resource Person’s Role
The resource person’s expertise must include an understanding of organizational
processes and techniques of data aggregation and statistical analyses. In addition, this
person must be skilled in helping the recipients to understand and use the feedback data
constructively. Abilities related to these functions include those of formulating
meaningful pictures of social interactions on the basis of quantitative information and
interacting with individuals and groups to facilitate the constructive use of the data.
It should by now be apparent that the resource person’s role is not an easy one. To
be useful to the process, he or she must know the group’s data thoroughly prior to any
feedback-related contact with its members or its leader. Only a thorough grounding in
data analysis and interpretation can provide this skill, and only extensive practice can
perfect it. In the group’s discussion, he or she must be able to distinguish the elaboration
and refinement of otherwise-tabulated reality from the frequently exciting, but
obfuscating, attempts by the group members to provide the consultant with what they
think he or she wants to hear and work with. The consultant must be able to intervene in
the process to keep it on track with the model and with what he or she knows represents
a profitable course for the group members. Yet the consultant must do so in ways that
avoid his or her being perceived as engaging in exaggerated flattery or reproof, telling
them what to do, or solving their problems for them.
Group-Member Relationships
Through all of this, the consultant must remember that the feedback meeting or training
session is an artificial setting for the group’s members. The fact that, in survey feedback,
they are and ordinarily have been for some time enmeshed in a network of relationships,
roles, and functions means that, for them, the greater part of their organizational reality
exists outside that setting and is more closely aligned to the data than to the process that
the consultant has stimulated. This fact requires that, prior to the group session, the
consultant present and discuss the data privately with the group leader or supervisor and
counsel him or her as to the meaning of the data. Only then can that leader, who must
chair the group session, be expected to cope constructively with the various stresses and
strains of meeting his or her subordinates.
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“Waterfall” Design
Although this latter principle is extended by some to augur what is known as a
“waterfall” design of survey feedback (beginning the process at a subordinate echelon
only after it is complete in several sessions at the echelon above), this would appear to
be an unnecessary elaboration. The modeling, which is presumed to be an advantage,
seems in fact to be less important than the reassurance that is provided by having had an
exposure as a subordinate in the group above. This seems to be largely accomplished
during the first or early session. Adhering to a “top-down” design, yet pushing to as
nearly simultaneous feedback to all levels as possible, would appear from experience
and such evidence as exists to be an optimal strategy.
The Place and Value of Survey Feedback
The point has been made that the survey-feedback process ordinarily is attempted within
complex social systems. This point cannot be overemphasized; it is this fact, principally,
among others, that ordinarily complicates even further what must seem to the reader to
be an already-complicated process. Survey feedback is a method, procedure, or
technique that often occurs within a broader paradigm termed “survey-guided
development.” This latter and broader procedure encompasses, in addition to survey
feedback, the use of survey data to diagnose the organization as a functioning social
system; it also serves to establish the proper sequencing of inputs—determined through
diagnosis—of a (nonfeedback) informational, skill, and structural-change variety.
A person proposing to move, as a facilitator or change agent, into a survey-guided
development effort cannot hope to do so without first understanding the processes of
survey feedback.
Alderfer, C.P., & Ferriss, R. (1972). Understanding the impact of survey feedback. In W.W. Burke & H.A.
Hornstein (Eds.), The social technology of organizational development (pp. 234-243). Alexandria, VA: NTL
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Klein, S.M., Kraut, A.I., & Wolfson, A. (1971). Employee reactions to attitude survey feedback: A study of the
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Mann, F.C. (1957). Studying and creating change: A means to understanding social organization. In C.M.
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Miles, M.B., Hornstein, H.A., Callahan, D.M., Calder, P.H., & Schiavo, R.S. (1969). The consequence of survey
feedback: Theory and evaluation. In W.G. Bennis, K.D. Benne, & R. Chin (Eds.), The planning of change
(pp. 457-468). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Neff, F.W. (1965). Survey research: A tool for problem diagnosis and improvement in organizations. In S. Miller
& A. Gouldner (Eds.), Applied sociology (pp. 23-38). Riverside, NJ: Free Press.
Taylor, J.C., & Bowers, D.G. (1972). Survey of organizations: A machine scored standardized questionnaire
instrument. Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research.
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Philip G. Hanson
The processes of giving and asking for feedback constitute probably the most important
dimension of laboratory education. It is through feedback that we can learn to “see
ourselves as others see us.” Giving and receiving feedback effectively are not easy tasks;
they imply certain key ingredients: caring, trusting, acceptance, openness, and a concern
for the needs of others. Thus, how evaluative, judgmental, or helpful feedback is may
finally depend on the personal philosophies of the people involved. Nevertheless, giving
and receiving feedback are skills that can be learned and developed and for which
certain useful guidelines exist.
The term “feedback” was borrowed from rocket engineering by Kurt Lewin, a
founder of laboratory education. A rocket sent into space contains a mechanism that
sends signals back to Earth. On Earth, a steering apparatus receives these signals, makes
adjustments if the rocket is off target, and corrects its course. The group can be seen as
such a steering mechanism, sending signals when group members are off target in terms
of the goals they have set for themselves. These signals—feedback—can then be used
by a person to correct his or her course. For example, George’s goal may be to become
more selfaware and to learn how his behavior affects others. Information from the group
can help George to ascertain whether he is moving toward this goal. If George reacts to
criticisms of his behavior by getting angry, leaving the room, or otherwise acting
defensively, he will not reach the goal. The other members may help by making
comments such as “George, every time we give you feedback, you do something that
keeps us from giving you further information. If you continue this kind of behavior, you
will not reach your goal.” If George responds to the “steering” of the group by adjusting
his direction, he can again move toward his target. Feedback, then, is a technique that
helps members of a group to achieve their goals. It is also a means of comparing one’s
own perceptions of one’s behavior with others’ perceptions.
Giving feedback is a verbal or nonverbal process through which a person lets others
know his perceptions and feelings about their behavior. When eliciting feedback, a
person is asking for others’ perceptions and feelings about his or her behavior. Most
people give and receive feedback daily without being aware of doing so. One purpose of
laboratory training is to increase awareness of these processes so that they can be
engaged in intentionally rather than unconsciously.
Originally published in The 1975 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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Between two people, the process of exchange goes something like this: Person A’s
intention is to act in relation to person B, who sees only person A’s behavior. Between
Person A’s intention and behavior comes an encoding process that he or she uses to
make the intention and behavior congruent. Person B perceives person A’s behavior,
interprets it (a decoding process), and intends to respond. Between person B’s intention
and responding behavior an encoding process also occurs. Person A then perceives
person B’s responding behavior and interprets it. However, if either person’s process is
ineffective, the recipient may respond in a manner that will confuse the sender.
Although the feedback process can help a person to discover whether his or her behavior
and intentions are congruent, the process focuses on behavior rather than on intentions.
A person’s intentions are private; unless he or she explains them, other people can only
guess what those intentions are. One of the most confusing aspects of communication is
that people tend to give feedback about other people’s intentions, rather than their
behavior. Causing further confusion is the fact that many people perceive behavior as
being negatively intended, when in fact it is not. It is often difficult to see that the
sender’s intentions may not be what they are perceived to be.
In many feedback exchanges, the question of ownership frequently arises: How much
responsibility should the giver and recipient assume for their respective behaviors? If
person A evokes a negative response (feedback) from person B, how much ownership
should each person assume for his or her part of the interaction? Some people are
willing to assume more than their share of the responsibility for another person’s
responses, while others refuse to own any responsibility for their behavior.
For example, a person may be habitually late for group meetings and may receive
feedback concerning members’ negative reactions to this behavior. The response of the
late person is to point out to the group members their lack of tolerance for individual
differences, saying that they are limiting his or her freedom and that they seem to be
investing too much responsibility in him or her for the group’s effectiveness. The late
person further states that he or she wants to be involved in the group but does not
understand why the members need him or her to be on time.
This situation presents a value dilemma to the group; the late person’s observations
are accurate, but his or her behavior is provocative. One clarification of this dilemma is
to point out that although a person owns only his or her behavior, the reactions of others
inevitably affect him or her. To the extent that the late person cares about the others or
his or her relationship with them, he or she must consider their responses.
Concern for the needs of others as well as one’s own is a critical dimension in the
exchange of feedback. Ownership or responsibility for one’s behavior and the
consequences of that behavior overlap between the giver and recipient of feedback. The
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problem lies in reaching some mutual agreement concerning where one person’s
responsibility ends and the other’s begins.
It is possible to minimize a person’s defensiveness in receiving feedback and to
maximize that person’s ability to use it for his or her personal growth. Regardless of
how accurate feedback may be, if a person cannot accept the information because he or
she is defensive, then feedback is useless. Feedback must be given so that the person
receiving it can hear it in the most objective and least distorted way possible,
understand it, and choose to use it or not use it.
The following guidelines are listed as if they were bipolar, with the second term in
each dimension describing the more effective method of giving feedback. For example,
in one group George, intending to compliment Marie, says to her, “I wish I could be
more selfish, like you.” Marie might respond, “Why, you insensitive boor, what do you
mean by saying I’m selfish?” George might then get defensive and retaliate, and both
people would become involved in the game of “who can hurt whom the most.” Instead,
Marie might give George feedback by stating her position in another way. That is, she
could say, “When you said, ‘I wish I could be more selfish, like you,’ I felt angry and
degraded.” This second method of giving feedback contains positive elements that the
first does not.
Indirect Versus Direct Expression of Feelings
When Marie stated that George was an insensitive boor, she was expressing her feelings
indirectly. That statement might imply that she was feeling angry or irritated, but one
could not be certain. On the other hand, Marie expressed her feelings directly when she
said, “I felt angry and degraded.” She committed herself, and there was no need to guess
her feelings. If Tom says to Andy, “I like you,” he is expressing his feelings directly,
risking rejection. However, if he says, “You are a likeable person,” the risk is less.
Indirect expression of feelings is safer because it is ambiguous. Andy might guess that
Tom likes him, but Tom can always deny it. If Andy rejects Tom by saying “I am happy
to hear that I am likeable, but I do not like you,” Tom can counter with “You are a
likeable person, but I do not like you.” Indirect expression of feelings offers an escape
from commitment.
“You are driving too fast” is an indirect expression of feelings. “I am anxious
because you are driving too fast” is a direct expression of feelings. Indirect statements
often begin with “I feel that . . .” and finish with a perception or opinion, for example, “I
feel that you are angry.” This is an indirect expression or perception and does not state
what “I” is feeling. Instead, “I am anxious because you look angry” expresses the
speaker’s feelings directly and also states a perception. People frequently assume that
they are expressing their feelings directly when they state opinions and perceptions
starting with “I feel that . . .,” but they are not.
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Interpretation Versus Description of Behavior
In the original example in which Marie said to George, “When you said, ‘I wish I could
be more selfish, like you,’ I felt angry and degraded,” Marie was describing the behavior
to which she was reacting. She was not attributing a motive to George’s behavior, such
as “You are hostile” or “You do not like me.” When one attributes a motive to a
person’s behavior, one is interpreting that person’s intention. As the person’s intention is
private, interpretation of his or her behavior is highly questionable. In addition, one
person’s interpretations probably arise from a theory of personality that may not be
shared by the other person. For example, if William is fidgeting in his chair and
shuffling his feet, and Walter says, “You are anxious,” Walter is interpreting William’s
behavior. Walter’s theory of personality states that when a person fidgets chair and
shuffles, he or she is manifesting anxiety. Such a theory interposed between two people
may create a distance between them or act as a barrier to understanding. If, instead,
Walter describes William’s behavior, William may interpret his own behavior by
saying, “I need to go to the bathroom.”
In any event, interpreting another person’s behavior or ascribing motives to it tends
to put that person on the defensive and makes the person spend energy on either
explaining his or her behavior or defending himself or herself. It deprives the person of
the opportunity to interpret or make sense of his or her own behavior and, at the same
time, makes him or her dependent on the interpreter. The feedback, regardless of how
much insight it contains, cannot be used.
Evaluative Versus Nonevaluative Feedback
Effective feedback to George was not accomplished by calling him names such as
“insensitive boor” or, in other words, evaluating him as a person. When giving feedback,
one must respond not to the personal worth of the person but to the person’s behavior.
When someone is called “stupid” or “insensitive,” it is extremely difficult for that
person to respond objectively. The person may sometimes act stupidly or behave in an
insensitive way, but that does not mean that he or she is a stupid or insensitive person.
Evaluating a person casts one in the role of a judge and places that person in the role of
being judged. In addition, a frame of reference or set of values is imposed that may not
be applicable to, or shared by, other people. That is, the person making the evaluation
assumes that he or she can distinguish between a “good” person and a “bad” person or
between “right” and “wrong,” and that if the recipient of the feedback does not
exemplify these values, the sender will be unhappy with him or her.
Response to Evaluative Feedback
It is difficult for anyone to respond to evaluative feedback because it usually offends his
or her feelings of worth and self-esteem. These are core concepts about ourselves that
cannot be changed readily by feedback, nor can they be easily interpreted in terms of
actual behavior. It is difficult, for example, to point out to a person the specific
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behaviors that manifest low self-esteem. If a person is given feedback that he or she is
“stupid,” that person may not know what behaviors to change. It is the person’s
observable behavior and not his or her self-esteem that must be responded to when
giving feedback.
An additional problem with evaluative feedback is that it often engenders
defensiveness. When this occurs, the feedback is not likely to be useful.
General Versus Specific Feedback
When Marie responded to George by saying, “When you said, ‘I wish I could be more
selfish, like you,’ I felt angry and degraded,” she was describing a specific behavior. If
she had said, “You are hostile,” she would have been giving feedback in general terms;
George might not have known to which behavior she was reacting. The term “hostile”
does not specify what evoked a response in Marie. If George wanted to change, he
would not know what behavior to change. However, when the sender is specific, the
recipient knows to what behavior the sender is responding, which he or she can then
change or modify. Feedback expressed in general terms, such as “You are a warm
person,” does not allow the recipient to know what specific behavior is perceived as
warm. The recipient cannot expand or build on this feedback until he or she knows
which behavior evoked the response “warm.”
Pressure to Change Versus Freedom of Choice to Change
When Marie told George that she felt angry and degraded by George’s statement, she
did not tell him he had to change his behavior. If she or the feedback were important to
George, however, he would probably change anyway; if these were not important to
him, he might decide not to change. A person should have the freedom to use feedback
in any meaningful way without being required to change. When the giver of feedback
tells a person to change, the giver is assuming that he or she knows the correct standards
for right and wrong or good and bad behavior and that the recipient needs to adopt those
standards for his or her own good (or to save the sender the trouble of changing).
Imposing standards on another person and expecting him or her to conform arouses
resistance and resentment. The sender assumes that his or her standards are superior. A
major problem in marriages arises when spouses tell each other that they must change
their behaviors and attitudes to conform with one or the other partner’s expectations and
demands. These pressures to change can be very direct or very subtle, creating a
competitive, win-lose relationship.
Expression of Disappointment as Feedback
Sometimes feedback reflects the sender’s disappointment that the recipient did not meet
his or her expectations and hopes. For example, a group leader may be disappointed that
a member did not actualize his or her potential impact on the group, or a professor may
be disappointed in a student’s lack of achievement. These situations represent a
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dilemma. An important part of the sender’s feedback is his or her own feelings, whether
they are disappointment or satisfaction; if the sender withholds these feelings and/or
perceptions, the recipient may be given a false impression. If, however, the sender
expresses his or her disappointment, the recipient may experience this feedback as an
indication of personal failure instead of as an incentive to change.
Persistent Behavior
Frequently the complaint is heard that a group member persists in a behavior that others
find irritating, despite the feedback he or she receives. Group members exclaim, “What
are we supposed to do? He won’t change!” The most the members can do is to continue
to confront the offender with their feelings. While the offender has the freedom not to
change, he or she will also have to accept the consequences of that decision, that is,
other people’s continuing irritation at his or her behavior and their probable punitive
reactions. He cannot reasonably expect other group members both to feel positive
toward the offender and to accept the behavior they find irritating. The only person an
individual can change is himself or herself. As a byproduct of the change, other people
may change in relationship to him or her. As the person changes, others will have to
adjust their behavior to his or hers. No one should be forced to change. Such pressure
may produce superficial conformity, but also underlying resentment and anger.
Delayed Versus Immediate Timing
To be most effective, feedback should, whenever possible, be given immediately after
the event. In the initial example of the exchange between George and Marie, if Marie
had waited until the next day to give feedback, George might have responded with “I
don’t remember saying that,” or if Marie had asked the other group members later they
might have responded with only a vague recollection; the event had not been significant
to them, although it had been to Marie.
When feedback is given immediately after the event, the event is fresh in
everyone’s mind. It is like a mirror of the person’s behavior, reflected to him or her
through feedback. Other group members can also contribute their observations about the
interaction. There is often, however, a tendency to delay feedback. A person may fear
losing control of his or her feelings, fear hurting the other person’s feelings, or fear
exposing himself or herself to other people’s criticisms. Nevertheless, although the
“here-and-now” transactions of group life can often be most threatening, they can also
be most exciting and can produce the greatest growth.
Planned Feedback
An exception to this guideline is the periodic feedback session, planned to keep
communication channels open. Staff members in work units or departments may have
weekly feedback meetings, or a specific time may be set aside for structured or
unstructured feedback sessions in one- or two-week workshops. In these scheduled
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sessions, participants may cover events occurring since the last session or may work
with material generated during their current meeting. For this process to be effective,
however, the decision to have these feedback sessions should be reached through a
consensus of the participants.
External Versus Group-Shared Feedback
When feedback is given immediately after the event, it is usually group shared, so that
other members can look at the interaction as it occurs. For example, if group members
had reacted to George’s statement (“I wish I could be more selfish, like you”) by saying,
“If I were in your shoes, Marie, I wouldn’t have felt degraded” or “I did not perceive it
as degrading,” then Marie would have had to look at her behavior and its appropriate-
ness. If, on the other hand, group members had supported Marie’s feelings and
perceptions (consensual validation), her feedback would have had more potency.
Events that occur outside the group (“there-and-then”) may be known to only one
or two group members and, consequently, cannot be reacted to or discussed
meaningfully by other participants. In addition, other group members may feel left out
during these discussions. For example, when a group member is discussing an argument
he had with his wife, the most assistance that group members can provide is to attempt
to perceive from his behavior in the group what occurred in that interaction and to share
these conjectures with him. In describing the event, the group member’s perception is
colored by his own bias and emotional involvement; consequently, group members may
receive a distorted picture of the argument and may not be able to discriminate between
fact and fiction. If the argument had occurred in the group, however, group members
could have been helpful as they would have shared the event. Then, if the involved
group member had begun describing his perceptions of what happened, other group
members could have commented on or shared their perceptions of the interaction.
Use of There-and-Then
In other words, events within the group can be processed by all group members who
witness the interaction; they can share their perceptions and feelings about what
occurred. This does not mean that group members cannot get some value from
describing events external to the group and receiving comments from other members.
What happens frequently, however, is that the group member describes these events in
such a way as to elicit support or confirmation of his or her own perceptions rather than
objective evaluation. Yet this relation of there-and-then events to the here-and-now can
often be extremely productive as back-home “bridges.” It can also be productive when
some members have had long-term relationships with one another. It is important, at
these times, to recognize both the necessity and the difficulty of involving other group
members in the discussion.
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Consistent Perceptions
Shared perceptions of what happens in here-and-now events is one of the primary values
of a group. “Group shared” also implies that, ideally, each member has to participate.
Frequently a person receives feedback from one member in the group and assumes that
the rest of the group feels the same. This is not always a correct assumption. Feedback
from only one person may present a very private or distorted picture because that
person’s perceptions of the event may differ from other group members’. When
everyone’s reactions are given, however, the recipient has a much better view of his or
her behavior. If the group members are consistent in their perception of the recipient,
and this perception disagrees with the recipient’s view of himself or herself, then the
recipient needs to look more closely at the validity of his or her self-perceptions.
Frequently the fact that people perceive a person’s behavior differently is useful
information in itself. Part of each group member’s responsibility is to ask for feedback
from members who are not responding so that the recipient will know how everyone
sees his or her behavior. The recipient may have to be somewhat aggressive and
persistent in seeking this information. Group members may tend to say “me, too” when
their feedback is being given by someone else. When all of the data have been obtained,
the recipient is in a better position to make a more effective decision regarding his or her
use of the feedback.
Imposed Versus Elicited Feedback
In most exchanges, feedback is usually imposed. People give feedback whether it is
elicited or not and whether the person is prepared to receive it or not. In addition, the
sender’s need to give feedback may be much greater than the potential recipient’s need
to receive it. This is particularly true when the sender is upset about something
concerning the potential recipient. In many situations, it is legitimate to impose
feedback, particularly when a norm exists for giving as well as for eliciting feedback, or
in order to induce a norm of spontaneity. However, feedback is usually more helpful
when the person elicits it. Asking for feedback may indicate that the recipient is
prepared to listen and wants to know how others perceive his or her behavior.
In asking for feedback, however, it is important to follow some of the same
guidelines as for giving feedback. For example, a person should be specific about the
subject on which he or she wants feedback. The person who says to the group, “I would
like the group members to tell me what they think about me” may receive more
feedback than he or she planned. In addition, the request is so general that the group
members may be uncertain about where to begin or which behaviors are relevant to the
request. In these cases, other group members can help the recipient by asking such
questions as “Can you be more specific?” or “About what do you want feedback?”
Feedback is a reciprocal process; both senders and recipients can help one another in
eliciting and in giving it. Sometimes it is also important to provide feedback on how a
person is giving feedback. If a recipient is upset, hurt, or angry, other group members
can say to the sender, “Look how you told her that; I would be angry, too” or “What
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other way could you have given her the same information without evaluating her or
degrading her?” It is desirable to give feedback so that the recipient can preserve his or
her self-esteem.
Many people want to know how their behavior is being perceived by others, but
they fear the consequences of asking for such information. How easily a person will ask
for feedback is related to the amount of trust in the interpersonal relationship. However,
people fear that the recipient will use their feedback (particularly negative feedback) to
reinforce negative feelings about himself or herself. Again, it is sometimes difficult for a
person to separate his or her behavior from his or her feelings of self-worth.
Unmodifiable Versus Modifiable Behavior
To be effective, feedback should be aimed at behavior that is relatively easy to change.
Many people’s behaviors are habitual and could be described as personal styles
developed through years of behaving and responding in certain ways. Feedback on this
kind of behavior often is frustrating because the behavior can be very difficult to change.
Feedback on behaviors that are difficult to change may often make the person self-
conscious and anxious about his or her behavior. For example, if the wife of a chain
smoker gives him feedback (using all of the appropriate guidelines) about his smoking
behavior, it would still be very difficult for him to change. Chain smoking is a behavior
determined by often-unknown causes. The man may smoke to reduce his tension level;
continual feedback on his smoking behavior may only increase his tension.
Consequently, he smokes more to reduce that tension.
Occasionally, in giving feedback, one must determine whether the behavior
represents a person’s lifestyle or results from some unknown personality factors.
Sometimes it may be helpful first to ask whether the recipient perceives his or her
behavior as modifiable. Many behaviors can be easily changed through feedback and the
person’s conscious desire to change his or her behavior in order to produce a more
effective interpersonal style.
Motivation to Hurt Versus Motivation to Help
It is assumed that the primary motivation of membership in growth groups is to help
oneself and others to grow. When a person is angry, however, his or her motivation may
be to hurt the other person. Frequently, the conflict turns into win-lose strategies in
which the goal of the interaction is to degrade the other person. It is difficult when one is
angry to consider that the needs of the other person are as important as one’s own.
Angry feedback may be useless, even when the information is potentially helpful,
because the recipient may need to reject the feedback in order to protect his or her
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Coping with Anger
There are several ways to cope with anger. One is to engage in a verbal or physical
attack that frequently increases in intensity. Another method to deal with anger is to
suppress it. One consequence of this strategy, however, is that the person builds internal
pressure to the point of possibly losing control of his or her behavior. A third—and
better—method is to talk about personal feelings of anger without assigning
responsibility for them to the other person. Focusing on personal feelings may
frequently encourage other group members to help the person. In this way the anger
dissipates without either viciousness or suppression. Anger and conflict are not
themselves “bad.” Angry feelings are as legitimate as any other feelings. Conflict can be
a growth-producing phenomenon. It is the manner in which conflict or angry feelings
are handled that can have negative consequences. Only through surfacing and resolving
conflicts can people develop competence and confidence in dealing with these feelings
and situations. Part of the benefit derived from growth groups is learning to express
anger or to resolve conflicts in constructive, problem-solving ways.
The process of giving feedback obviously would be hampered if one attempted to
consider all of the above guidelines. Some are needed more frequently than others:
feedback should be descriptive, nonevaluative, specific, and should embody freedom of
choice. These guidelines can also be used diagnostically. For example, when the person
receiving feedback reacts defensively, some of the guidelines have probably been
violated. Group members can ask the recipient how he or she heard the feedback and
can help the giver to assess how he or she gave it.
Giving feedback effectively may depend on a person’s values and basic philosophy
about himself or herself, about his or her relationships with others, and about other
people in general. Certain guidelines, however, can be learned and are valuable in
helping people to give and receive effective and useful feedback. The checklist that
follows (Appendix: A Feedback Checklist) offers rating scales that a person can use to
assess his or her own feedback style.
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Rating scales for some of the feedback guidelines in “Giving Feedback: An
Interpersonal Skill” are listed below. For each item, draw a circle around the number on
each scale that best characterizes your feedback style. Thinking of your own specific
examples for each item may be helpful.
01. Indirect Expression of Feeling.
Not describing your own
emotional state, e.g., “You are
a very likeable person.”
1 2 3 4 5 Direct Expression of Feeling.
“Owning” your own feelings
by describing your emotional
state, e.g., “I like you very
02. Attribute Feedback. Ascribing
motives to behavior, e.g., “You
are angry with me.”
1 2 3 4 5 Descriptive Feedback.
Observing and describing the
behavior to which you are
reacting, e.g., “You are
frowning and your hands are
clenched in a fist.”
03. Evaluative Feedback. Passing
judgment on another person’s
behavior or imposing
“standards,” e.g., “You
shouldn’t be so angry.”
1 2 3 4 5 Nonevaluative Feedback.
Commenting on behavior
without judging its worth or
value, e.g., “Your anger is as
legitimate a feeling as any
04. General Feedback. Stating
broad reactions and not
indicating specific behaviors,
e.g., “You’re pretty touchy
1 2 3 4 5 Specific Feedback. Pointing
out the specific actions to
which you are reacting, e.g.,
“When you frowned, I felt
05. Pressure to Change. Implying
that people are not behaving
according to your standards,
e.g., “Don’t call me ‘Sonny’!”
1 2 3 4 5 Freedom of Choice to
Change. Allowing others to
decide whether they want to
change their behavior, e.g.,
“When you called me
‘Sonny’ I felt put down.”
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06. Delayed Feedback. Postponing
feedback to others’ behavior
until later, e.g., “I was really
hurt yesterday when you
ignored me.”
1 2 3 4 5 Immediate Feedback.
Responding immediately
after the event, e.g., “I’m
feeling hurt because you’re
not responding to me.”
07. External Feedback. Focusing
attention on events outside the
group, e.g., “My friends see
me as being very supportive.”
1 2 3 4 5 Group-Shared Feedback.
Focusing attention on events
that occur in the group, e.g.,
“Does this group see me as
being very supportive.”
Share your ratings with your group and elicit feedback from group members as to
how they would rate your feedback style. On the basis of your own ratings and the
feedback you received from other group members, check those items on which you want
to work and on which you want continuing feedback from the group. Giving feedback
effectively is a skill that can be developed.
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Donald A. Devine
A central feature of group process that is frequently discussed is interpersonal feedback.
Few attempts, however, have been made to relate the significance of interpersonal
feedback in the group situation to the process of individual ideation and its subsequent
relationship to behavior (Miller & Porter, 1972; Robinson & Jacobs, 1970).
The fact that giving feedback and receiving feedback are two of the implicit or
explicit objectives of a treatment or awareness-oriented group is well documented
(Bach, 1966; Ellis, 1973; Miller & Porter, 1972). Because of the emphasis that group
members give to the exchange of feedback (an interpersonal process that serves to
consensually validate reality), the parallel intragroup processes of ideation, construct
formation, and inferring are often overlooked.
In our daily interpersonal relationships we form constructs, ideas, or assumptions
about others based on the actions of these others. Both the overt and subtle behaviors of
others are used as the basis for creating a cognitive framework that is then used to
interpret future behavior.
This process of making inferences from behavior is of crucial importance, because
the assumptions, once formed, will tend to be resistant to change (Kelly, 1963) and will
also shape behavioral responses (Ellis, 1973; Kelly, 1963). It is useful to specify the
relationships to behavior of an interpersonal process (consensual validation) and of an
intrapersonal process (construct formation) and to foster awareness of these
relationships. Figure 1 briefly describes these relationships. As can be seen in the figure,
once the initial behavior (Behavior 1) has set this process in motion, it is difficult to
interrupt the flow of interaction that follows.
The one asset of a treatment or awareness group that is not available in an everyday
situation is validation. Groups such as these allow each group member to validate the
inferences that he or she is making concerning a person’s behavior via verbal or
nonverbal feedback. An informal “hold” procedure can be established that willenable a
group member to check his or her inferences concerning present, ongoing group and
individual behavior with the other members of the group. Ideally, this form of validation
will also allow group members to become sensitive to and reevaluate the assumptions
Originally published in The 1976 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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that they make concerning others. If changes on a conceptual level are made, it could be
expected that alternative behavioral responses would also be considered.
This model could be applied to the behavior of a group and of individual people in a
group in a variety of ways. In any group there are a number of situations in which a
group member appears to make inferences about another group member that affect his or
her behavior toward that other member. For example, if Tom interacts with another
group member, Kathy, and during this interaction he infers from Kathy’s method of
presentation (behavior) that she is defensive and manipulative, the constructs of
“defensive” and “manipulative” are then involved in shaping Tom’s behavioral response
(Behavioral Response 1) and his interpretation of further input from Kathy. Thus, he
may confront Kathy strongly, saying she is “defensive” and “manipulative.” This
response then results in Sandy’s making inferences, which, in turn, result in assumptions
on her part concerning her relationship to Tom and perhaps even to the other group
members. It is conceivable that Kathy’s inferences could result in cognitive constructs
such as “rejection” or “attack.” If this is the case, it might follow that Kathy would
contemplate quitting the group (Behavioral Response 2). Figure 2 details the example
The “Hold” Procedure
The cyclical nature of the form of interaction described requires that an intervention be
made if alternative behavioral responses are to result. A hold-feedback procedure
Figure 1. Construct Formation and Behavioral Response
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Figure 2. Example of Inferential Process: Construct Formation
and Behavioral Response
provides a constructive vehicle through which group participants can receive and share
information concerning their behavior, inferences, and constructs.
If group members observing the interaction between Kathy and Tom provide Kathy
with concrete examples of those behaviors that resulted in Tom’s forming the constructs
“manipulative” and “defensive,” alternative methods of presentation might be
considered by Kathy. It is also possible that Tom has made faulty inferences. In other
words, he may have formed constructs concerning Kathy’s behavior that are
inappropriate or invalid. Feedback to Tom, as the recipient of Kathy’s communications,
should address the inappropriateness of his inferences, as these will eventually provide
the basis for his behavioral response to Kathy. Finally, those involved in the feedback
process can provide Kathy with alternative methods of presenting herself and can offer
Tom alternative interpretations, if they are warranted.
For example, if the group consensus is that the inferences Tom drew from Kathy’s
behavior were inappropriate, and if alternative interpretations are offered (that is, that
Kathy’s behavior indicates she is scared), Tom’s response to her might be support rather
than confrontation. Figure 3 shows this process.
This model can be used to provide a conceptual framework for the interpretation of
both group and individual behavior. Using this model, awareness groups can serve two
important functions. First, through the use of consensual validation, they can create
sensitivity to the inferential process and its behavioral ramifications. Second, they can
suggest alternative behavioral responses and provide a nonthreatening environment in
which the members can experiment with these responses.
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Figure 3. Consensual Validation
Bach, G.R. (1966). The marathon group: Intensive practice of internate interaction. Psychological Reports, 18,
Ellis, A. (1973). Rational-emotive therapy. In R. Corsini (Ed.), Current psychotherapies. Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock.
Kelly, G.A. (1963). A theory of personality. New York: W.W. Norton.
Miller, C., & Porter, L. (1972). Readings book in laboratories in human relations training. Washington, DC:
National Education Association.
Robinson, M., & Jacobs, H. (1970, Fall). Focussed video-tape feedback and behavior change in group therapy.
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 7(3), 169-172.
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Alan C. Filley and Larry A. Pace
Both the literature and the training norms associated with the human-potential
movement in the United States have stressed the value of using descriptive rather than
judgmental language. It is useful in providing non-evaluative feedback (Pfeiffer &
Jones, 1972; Hanson, 1975). It is helpful in developing a problem-solving rather than a
conflictive interaction between parties (Filley, 1975). It tends to evoke factual rather
than judgmental responses (Berne, 1961; Harris, 1969). In a counseling or therapeutic
context, it encourages trust and openness between the parties rather than promoting
There is little doubt about the efficacy of such behavior. The response to the
judgmental statement “You are wrong” is likely to be different from and less functional
than the response to the descriptive statement “I disagree with you.” The former is more
likely to evoke anger or defensiveness than the latter. The descriptive statement, instead,
is more likely to generate neutral fact gathering and problem solving.
Yet experience indicates that judgments do have to be made and communicated.
Words like “good,” “bad,” “effective,” “ineffective,” “better,” and “worse” are a
necessary part of human interaction. Supervisors evaluate employee performance.
Trainers communicate judgments about group performance. Therapists evaluate client
progress. The way in which such judgments are communicated can evoke a wide variety
of responses, depending on the form of the statement. Following are some alternative
ways to make what might be called “descriptive judgments.” They suggest approaches
in communicating evaluations that minimize the threat to the recipient and reduce his or
her defensive reaction.
It is assumed that the performance of the party (a person or a group) in question has
been objectively measured by any reasonably reliable method; the point of concern here
is the objective assignment of value statements to measured performance. Thus, the
definition of “good” versus “bad” performance is crucial. The elements of the process
are twofold: (1) the presence of objective measures that compare actual behavior with
some kind of standard and (2) the communication of the standard, the measure, and the
judgment to the recipient.
Originally published in The 1976 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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Comparison with Other Measured Performances
When, for example, a supervisor tells an employee, “You are doing the same kind of
work as employees A, B, and C, but last month they each averaged sixty units per hour
and you averaged forty units per hour,” a comparison with other measured performances
is being made. “On this basis I judge your work to be the least effective in the group.”
In this situation the supervisor has communicated the basis for the judgment, the
comparative measurement and relative position among the four workers, and his or her
judgment. The response evoked is likely to be better than if the supervisor merely said,
“You are not doing a good job.”
A judgment based on a comparison with all other comparable members is an
example of what is known as “norm-referenced appraisal” in the testing sense
(American Psychological Association, 1974, p. 19), in which, for example, the position
of each person’s score is determined, compared with a mean, and expressed as a
standard score. The major criticism of norm-referenced appraisal is that relative position
depends on the performance of parties with whom the individual is compared. When
used for purposes of judgment, the recipient might well say, “But my work is more like
that of employees D, E, and F than employees A, B, and C.” This difficulty may be
allayed if agreement about the proper comparison parties and about the unit of
measurement to be used is obtained prior to the actual measurement and evaluation of
Comparison with an Accepted Standard
A comparison based on this approach involves the use of a generally accepted definition
of performance, over which the recipient has no control. For example, a supervisor may
say, “We all know that the standard output for a person doing your job is sixty units per
hour. You averaged forty units during the last month. On this basis I judge your work
last month to be ineffective.” Again, the basis for measurement, the result, and the
judgment have been communicated.
This method is one form of “criterion-referenced appraisal.” A cutoff score on
admission tests used by a university is a similar example. The chief difficulty with
criterion-referenced appraisal is the arbitrariness of the criterion level. This problem
may be reduced by identifying valid evidence of the value of the standard. Such an
approach is not likely to be welcome when the person making the judgment relies solely
on his or her status or experience (for example, “Speaking as a psychologist . . .” or “In
my experience . . .”).
Comparison with an A Priori Goal
The use of a standard to which the recipient has agreed prior to actual performance is
essential with this method, which is another form of criterion-referenced appraisal. For
example, a supervisor may say, “We both agreed last month that an acceptable level of
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performance for you in your job would be an average of sixty units an hour. You have
been averaging forty units over the last month. On this basis I would judge your
performance as ineffective.” If, on the other hand, the supervisor says, “Your
performance has averaged forty units per hour; that is ineffective,” the result may be an
argument about whether forty units is really good or bad. We should remember that
bettors place their bets before a wheel is spun or a race is run. “Good” must be defined
prior to behavior if it is to have meaning.
The use of an a priori goal differs from the use of a generally accepted standard, in
that the recipient agrees on the definition of “effective” or “good” performance before
the activity takes place. Thus, it escapes the arbitrariness of an externally imposed
Comparison with Desired Behavior
This approach emphasizes the recipient’s actions that have been shown to lead to
preferred outcomes. For example, a supervisor may say, “When an employee arrives at
work at the 9:00 starting time, presses the activating buttons on the machine for an
average of forty minutes an hour, follows the prescribed work cycle, and takes no more
than twenty minutes a day for relief breaks, he or she will average sixty units an hour.
You have been late most days and have taken one hour for breaks, so your output has
averaged forty units. That is not good behavior.”
Such comparisons between planned and actual behavior as an assessment of
outcomes are a form of criterion referencing known as “content-referenced appraisal.” It
differs from the appraisal based on a universal standard or an a priori goal because of its
emphasis on the process that leads to desired outcomes. When a known procedure is
shown to lead to a desired goal, controlling the performance of the procedure ensures the
attainment of the goal. Thus, a judgment that the behavior is not being executed
automatically suggests that outcomes will not be or have not been met.
Content-referenced appraisal depends on a proven connection between behavior
and outcomes and on the recipient’s acceptance of that connection. Its chief limitation is
the lack of consideration of other alternatives. Judgments about failure to follow desired
behaviors may be resisted or resented by recipients who have demonstrated alternate
behaviors that achieve the same goal. For this reason, content-referenced appraisal
should probably be limited to situations in which there is only one process to a goal or
one clearly superior alternative.
Comparison with Past Performance
A supervisor using this approach might say, “Your performance in the job averaged
sixty units a day over the past six months. This month you averaged forty units a day.
Your production this month has not been effective.” In this case the past performance
provides the standard, and deviation from that standard is used as the measure of
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This approach is variously identified as “difference-score,” “gain-score,” or
“change-score” analysis. In conventional usage a pretest is given, a treatment
administered, and a posttest given. The two scores are compared, presuming that
differences in test scores are a function of the treatment. Various forms of change
analysis are widely used in teaching, counseling, and training to make assessments of
Change-score analysis has been variously criticized, and its utility as a valid basis
for inference has been rejected by some researchers. The objections are mainly
statistical, having to do with the unreliability of such scores. In addition, it is not clear
that the change is due to the treatment (or behavior of the party being evaluated).
Some of the approaches discussed here suggest useful ways of making judgments
descriptive and, therefore, more effective. Change scores do provide descriptive
judgments, but they are sufficiently weak as a basis for judgment that their value in
appraising performance is minimized. Particular applications may occur, such as the
shaping of desired behavior; but equating “good” merely with “better” is not likely to be
helpful. Content-referenced appraisal has the limitations already suggested.
However, both norm- and criterion-referenced judgments offer more promising
application in the context described here. With the former it is important that the
reference parties and the measures used be agreed on prior to behavior. With the latter it
is important that the criterion be acceptable prior to behavior. In both cases the parties
involved are merely defining “good” before the fact—an essential factor in evaluating
what “good” is.
American Psychological Association. (1974). Standards for educational and psychological tests. Washington, DC:
Berne, E. (1961). Transactional analysis in psychotherapy. New York: Grove.
Filley, A.C. (1975). Interpersonal conflict resolution. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman.
Hanson, P.G. (1975). Giving feedback: An interpersonal skill. In J.E. Jones & J.W. Pfeiffer (Eds.), The 1975
annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Harris, T. (1969). I’m OK, you’re OK. New York: Harper & Row.
Pfeiffer, J.W., & Jones, J.E. (1972). Openness, collusion and feedback. In J.W. Pfeiffer & J.E. Jones (Eds.), The
1972 annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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David A. Nadler
The observation has been made that organization development (OD) has two basic roots
associated with two specific technologies (French & Bell, 1973). One root is that of
group dynamics, associated with the T-group and related laboratory methods used to
facilitate organizational learning and change. Another root is that of action research,
seen in the use of surveys and other data-collection devices as part of data-based
organizational-change technologies. While the group-dynamics root has been heavily
researched, discussed, and considered, the action-research or data-feedback root has
received considerably less attention. At the same time, action-research and data-
feedback tools have continued in general use by practitioners of organizational change,
and their use has increased during recent years.
Over the past few years, however, work that gives serious and systematic attention
to the question of how to use data for purposes of organizational change (see, for
example, Bowers & Franklin, 1977; Nadler, 1977) has begun to emerge. The research on
data-based organizational change and the development of theories about how
information affects behavior in organizations have extended our knowledge of how data
can be effectively used to initiate, facilitate, and monitor change. The use of data
involves several discrete but interrelated steps (see Figure 1), including preparation for
data collection, data analysis, data feedback, and follow-up. Of these, clearly data
feedback stands out as the most critical stage in this cycle of events. Research and
experience indicate that the way in which the feedback process is structured and
implemented can have a major effect on the ultimate usefulness of that activity. Over
time, different approaches to structuring the feedback experience—different feedback
designs—have been developed and used in organizations. As such designs have
proliferated, the change practitioner is faced with the question of which designs to use
under what conditions.
This article is an attempt to identify the range of different data-feedback designs. It
also tries to provide criteria for choosing among alternative designs by specifying the
conditions under which different designs will be most effective. The first section is
concerned with the role of the feedback meeting within the change process and the
factors that affect the success of a feedback meeting. The second section identifies a
number of feedback designs, some commonly used and some relatively new, and
discusses the various characteristics of the designs and implications for their use.
Originally published in The 1979 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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Feedback of information about organizational functioning (be it from attitude surveys,
interviews, observations, or whatever) is one of a number of different tools that can be
used to initiate and guide participative change processes in organizations. Feedback can
be a powerful stimulus for change, serving both to generate (that is, motivate) behavior
and to direct behavior (through error correction or learning).
However, experience and research indicate that providing feedback to a group or
organization does not automatically lead to change. As seen in Figure 2, several
questions must be addressed for feedback (or any intervention for that matter) to result
in change. The first question is whether the feedback creates any energy at all. If no
energy is created, then there is no potential for change. People are not motivated to act,
and thus change cannot occur. If energy is created, then the second question becomes
important: What is the direction of the energy? Feedback can create energy to use data
to identify and solve problems; on the other hand, it can also be threatening and thus
create anxiety, which leads to resistance and ultimately a lack of change. Even if the
feedback does create energy and direct it toward problem identification and solution,
there is a third question: Do the means exist to transform that energy into concrete
action? If not, frustration and failure may occur, and no change will result. If the
necessary structures and processes do exist, then change can occur.
Various factors in the whole process of feedback influence how these questions are
resolved. One factor is the nature of the feedback data; the data need to be timely and
meaningful, presented in usable form, and so on. A second and possibly more important
factor is how the feedback data are used by organizational members—what processes
and structures are present to ensure that feedback will lead to the generation of energy,
the direction of energy toward constructive change, and the translation of constructive
energy into action.
Process and Content in the Feedback Meeting
Both research and experience with data-based change point to the importance of the
feedback meeting (Klein, Kraut, & Wolfson, 1971; Nadler, 1976). Very clearly, change
begins to occur when people sit down together to work with the data. What happens at
feedback meetings is thus at the center of the question of whether feedback will produce
Change is initiated or occurs in two different ways in the feedback meeting. First, it
occurs as a result of attention to the content of the data that are being fed back.
Behavioral change can occur through mechanisms such as disconfirmation, learning,
cueing, and so forth (see Nadler, 1977). The data provide information on problems in the
organization and thus can trigger problem identification and solving. The data also
provide people with goals to work toward and rewards for doing well. Thus, the content
of the data—what the data actually say—is an important and obvious factor for initiating
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Figure 1. The Data-Collection/Feedback Cycle
Figure 2. Possible Effects of Feedback
A second important aspect of the feedback meeting, however, relates to the process
of making use of data to identify and solve problems. Most approaches to feedback
involve using the feedback meeting not only to examine what problems exist and what
solutions may be applicable, but also to examine how the group goes about working on
From D.A. Nadler, Feedback and Organization Development: Using Data-Based Methods (p. 43), © 1977 by Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, Inc. Reprinted with permission of the publisher.
From D.A . Nadler, Feedback and Organization Development: Using Data-Based Methods (p. 146), © 1977 by Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, Inc. Reprinted with permission of the publisher.
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and solving problems. The meeting is used to learn about and to improve how the group
members work together, often with the help of an outside consultant.
The process and content dimensions of the feedback meeting are related to each
other, and a successful feedback meeting needs to be effective in both dimensions.
Process is particularly helpful in aiding the group in working through content problems;
on the other hand, process problems in the group may be only symptomatic of larger
problems as reflected in the content of the feedback data. The important question is how
to create an effective process in feedback meetings so that energy will be generated,
directed, and transformed into action.
Process Issues in the Feedback Meeting
Any group attempting to do work faces the problem of building an effective process (see
Schein, 1969). Thus, a group specifically meeting to work on feedback has the normal
process concerns of leadership, participation, communication, power, decision making,
and so on. The feedback situation, however, has certain special aspects. People expect to
receive data that pertains to them and possibly to their own behavior—a very different
situation from working with everyday information that deals with things like production
or markets, things that focus away from the behavior of the group. Because of the nature
of the feedback meeting, the experience may be uncomfortable; people walk into
feedback meetings with a number of different kinds of feelings that clearly affect the
process of the meeting:
1. Anxiety. Perhaps the most pervasive feeling is anxiety. In organizations most
people do not usually give, receive, or hear valid and straightforward feedback.
Therefore, a feedback meeting is a new, unusual, and frequently uncertain situation;
people do not know what to expect. This uncertainty initially makes the feedback
meeting an uncomfortable experience.
2. Defensiveness. People enter the meeting thinking that negative things might be
said about them, either individually or as a group; therefore, they are ready to defend
themselves against attack. This defensiveness clearly can get in the way of effective
communication and can hinder the ability of the group to identify and solve problems.
When people are more interested in defending themselves than in finding out the causes
and responses to problems, it becomes difficult to do constructive work.
3. Fear. People also worry about the consequences of their feedback. If, for
example, lower-level employees have filled out a questionnaire and have been critical of
their supervisor, they may be concerned about the supervisor’s reaction and fear his or
her response, seeing the possible result as decreased communication and punishing
behavior. Fear concerning the reactions of other people, particularly people in power,
therefore motivates people to be cautious, to hedge on their positions, and in some cases
not to participate at all. When people enter the meeting with fear, the real issues may
lurk beneath the surface and may never be brought up.
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4. Hope. Not all of the feelings that people have on entering the meeting are
negative. Frequently, individuals come to feedback meetings with a great deal of
excitement and positive energy. They see in the data and in the meetings the possibility
of major and constructive change and an opportunity for critical information to be put on
the table, for problems to be surfaced, and for problem solving to begin.
To some degree, group members and leaders come to the feedback meeting with a
combination of all of these feelings. The fact, however, that people come into the
meeting with strong feelings of anxiety, defensiveness, fear, and hope makes the
meeting a particularly complex situation and implies that issues of process in the group
are important if the group is to do constructive work. There are many opportunities for
the group to get sidetracked, to spend its energy in defensive or punitive behavior, or to
let anxiety serve as a blockage to effective action. The process of working with the data
is therefore important.
Agendas in the Feedback Meeting
In any meeting there is both a formal agenda and an informal process of group
development. For the formal agenda, several specific approaches have been outlined
elsewhere (for detailed guides, see, for example, Hausser, Pecorella, & Wissler, 1977;
IBM, 1974). Most formal outlines see the meeting as having several discrete phases.
Frequently, there is premeeting preparation with the meeting leader (sometimes the
supervisor of a work group) or with the leader and the consultant. In the meeting itself,
the first step is a brief introduction in which the group leader or consultant describes the
goals of the meeting and attempts to establish how the group members will work
together. Second, the leader or consultant gives a presentation or overview of the data.
Third, the group gets involved in specific parts of the data, working to identify and
define problems and develop solutions. This stage may extend over many meetings.
Finally, the solutions that are generated are developed into an action plan as a basis
either for recommendations or actual concrete action.
Questioning Data Validity
Other events occur in the feedback meeting that are not accounted for by the formal
structure of the meeting. Neff (1965) has provided some insight into what happens by
describing a series of stages that groups receiving feedback appear to go through. The
first stage concerns data validity. People enter the meeting anxious, defensive, and
possibly skeptical of the ability of the consultant’s data-collection methods to come up
with anything real or new. Thus, because they frequently deny the validity of the data, it
is crucial early in the meeting to present data that people can verify, to provide them
with some information on how the data were obtained, and to create the kind of climate
in which people will not be motivated to deny the validity of the data. Obviously, if
organizational members have been highly involved in the data collection and analysis,
many of the validity problems are taken care of.
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Resisting Responsibility
Once the validity of the data has been established, a second issue becomes important:
The group members may resist accepting responsibility for the data and what they
represent. They may claim that the results do not apply to their own group or that the
causes of problems lie elsewhere (with top management, for instance). Frequently, this
is flight behavior, in which members avoid the uncomfortable task of dealing with the
problems indicated. Here the role of the consultant or leader is important in order to help
the group redirect its energies toward identifying those aspects of its behavior for which
it is responsible and away from flight or blaming other groups or people for problems.
Solving the Problem
Only when the data have been accepted as valid and the group has accepted
responsibility for the data can problem solving occur. Problem solving involves some
version of the basic steps of defining the problem, collecting information, generating
alternative solutions, evaluating alternative solutions, making a choice of action plans,
and implementing action plans. (For a more detailed description of problem-solving
processes in groups, see Morris & Sashkin, 1976.)
The role of the consultant and group leader (who may or may not be the same
person) is thus one of helping the group to resolve major issues of validity and
responsibility so that it can move through the first two stages and begin problem solving.
If the group is not helped, it may become stuck at one of the stages and never get to the
point of accepting responsibility for problems and taking action.
Characteristics of the Successful Feedback Meeting
If it is assumed that most groups working with feedback will have normal process
problems (facing the particular concerns of anxiety, defensiveness, hope, and fear) and
will in some form move through the stages that Neff (1965) outlines, there are some
things that need to be present to ensure that the group will effectively work on
identifying and solving problems, that people will communicate clearly, that the process
issues that may get in the way of the work will be surfaced, and that action steps will be
generated from the meeting.
Let us assume that planning and preparation have been done well, that data
collection and analysis have been competently executed, and that the feedback data
and/or reports are well presented. Some energy has already been generated through the
planning, data collection, and analysis work. It is now time to hold meetings with the
purpose of generating more energy and directing and transforming that energy into
concrete action that will result in the improvement of the organization. Given all this,
the meeting must have at least some of the following characteristics if it is to be
1. Motivation to work with the data. People need to feel that working on the data
will lead to positive results and that these results may come from the activity itself. For
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example, people may feel that working on the data will lead to an improved organization
or working life. But they may also be motivated by specific rewards: A person may feel
that his or her supervisor will approve of attempts to use the data to solve problems.
Frequently, however, people feel that if they work on the data, raise problems, or
attempt to identify their concerns, they will be punished by the organization or by their
supervisor in some way. If people come into a meeting with the feeling that they will be
punished if they raise problems, their motivation to work on the data will be decreased,
and participation in the meeting may be very low. This underscores the need for early
planning and understanding and the commitment of power groups to the data-collection
and feedback process. If the general perception is that management, for example, does
not really want to find out about and work on problems, all of the meetings in the world
may lead to nothing.
2. Assistance in using the data. In the group, there must be some skill in
understanding and using the data. Someone needs to understand how the data were
collected, what they mean, and how they should be interpreted. There should also be
someone skilled in using data once they are understood. This person (or persons) may be
a group member, the formal leader, or someone from outside the group who can serve as
a consultant to the group.
3. A structure for the meeting. Other meetings have structures such as procedures,
agendas, rules, or ways of working together; but working with feedback is a new kind of
task, and the old structures may not be adequate. Therefore, it may be useful to have
some kind of agenda or outline that can provide a guide, a road map, to working with the
4. Appropriate membership. An important issue is who attends the meeting. In
general, people who have problems in common and can benefit from working together
on questions raised by the data should be included in the meeting. Who these people are,
however, may vary from situation to situation. In some cases membership might consist
of a formal work unit with its supervisor, a work unit without its supervisor, or a new
group that cuts across existing lines. Different types of problems and different
approaches to feedback call for different groups.
5. Appropriate power. The feedback group needs to have a clear idea of its power to
make changes: on what issues it can make changes, on what issues it can recommend
changes, and what issues are clearly out of its domain. A feedback group that has no
power to make any changes may be better off not meeting at all. Of course, not every
group can have the power to restructure the entire organization; but the members of a
group can be provided with power to change how they work together and to alter certain
aspects of their environment. In clarifying the nature of the group’s power, the efforts of
the group can be focused toward those areas over which it can exercise some control.
For the total organization to change, a structure must be set up to ensure that the results
of the feedback-initiated problem solving will be translated into concrete action.
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6. Process help. A final necessary factor is some kind of assistance to ensure that
the group’s process is at least minimally effective. Someone, either inside or outside the
group, needs to be attuned to the various process issues, to watch how the group is
working rather than what it is working on. This person should have the skills to
intervene and help the group to improve its process as it works on real organizational
Given the requirements for effective feedback meetings, there are a number of different
ways in which feedback meetings can be structured. Each of these feedback designs
differs on some dimensions, but each includes a preplanned and systematic approach to
using feedback for change.
Characteristics of Feedback Designs
Three key characteristics seem to differentiate feedback designs. The first is the
composition of the group or groups in which feedback meetings are held: existing
groups within the current organizational structure or new groups created for the purpose
of receiving, working with, and acting on feedback data. When existing groups are used,
they may be used in combinations or in parts that normally do not meet together. The
second characteristic has to do with the sequence in which the feedback data are
presented to different individuals and groups within the organization. Data may be given
to managers first and then their subordinates at subsequent organizational levels in a top-
down approach, or data may be given to subordinates first in a bottom-up approach.
Feedback may also be provided simultaneously to multiple levels of the organization.
The third characteristic concerns the nature of the consultant and the role that he or she
plays: whether the consultant who provides process assistance in the feedback meeting
is internal or external to the system that is actively receiving feedback (as opposed to the
total organizational system).
Given these characteristics, the literature on feedback and discussions with
practitioners indicate that there are at least seven different feedback designs that have
been used and some initial implications for using each of these. (See Table 1 for a listing
of designs and major features and Table 2 for a summary of key characteristics of each
design and implications for use.)
Family-Group Survey Feedback
One of the designs developed for feedback is the family-group survey-feedback
approach (Baumgartel, 1959; Mann, 1957; Mann & Likert, 1952). At the core of this
design is the collection of data from what are called “family groups” within the
organization and the feedback of the data to those groups. A family group is a formal
work group made up of a supervisor and all of the people who directly report to him or
her. Implicit in this approach is the assumption that the critical behavioral problems in
organizations are related to issues of leadership and group functioning (Likert, 1961)
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and that the formal work group is the most logical forum for working on these problems.
As opposed to other possible groups, such as a T-group made up of people who do not
work with one another, the family group can implement solutions to problems because it
is the group that actually works together in the day-to-day situation. An important
element in the survey-feedback model is the process consultant. Although feedback
sessions might be conducted by the formal leader or supervisor, a consultant is present
to help the work group to solve problems. The consultant aids the group by calling its
attention to process problems, particularly those having to do with how the group goes
about problem solving. As a result, the group receiving feedback works on the data but
at the same time works on developing its own ability as a problem-solving entity.
Table 1. Seven Feedback Designs and Their Major Features
Table 2. Key Characteristics of Seven Feedback Designs and Implications for Use
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The key characteristics of this approach are fairly straightforward: the use of
existing work units (family groups) without any alterations; feedback being given in a
top-down sequence, with managers receiving feedback before their subordinates; and the
process consultant being external to the system receiving feedback.
As already mentioned, the focus of the process is on existing work units. Thus, this
design is most appropriate when within-group issues are the major concern. It may not
be very effective and may actually lead to increased feelings of frustration and
powerlessness when major problems are outside the control of the work unit. As many
people are naturally hesitant to discuss process issues in an ongoing group without an
outside consultant, the design is heavily dependent on the external consultant’s presence.
It also is dependent on the group leader or manager’s being supportive of the process so
that problem solving and action steps will continue in the absence of the external
Survey-Guided Development
A logical extension of the family-group survey-feedback approach is the survey-guided-
development design developed by Bowers and Franklin (1972, 1977). Survey-guided
development draws heavily on Likert’s (1961, 1967) model of organizational
functioning. As with survey feedback, the core of survey-guided development is the
feeding back of questionnaire data to formal work groups (family groups) within the
Several important differences exist, however, between the two different approaches.
Survey-guided development explicitly uses a top-down approach. Feedback starts with
the top work group in the organization and then proceeds downward in what is called a
“waterfall” design. Each supervisor participates as a group member in a feedback
session with his or her own manager and peers before he or she conducts a feedback
session with subordinates. As the feedback process moves downward through the
hierarchy, ideas and suggestions are filtered upward through the chain of work groups.
Second, the attitude data are taken from a standardized survey based on the Likert model
(Taylor & Bowers, 1972). Third, process help and skill in using the data do not come
from outside consultants. Rather, a group of internal resource people are trained in the
concepts of the model and techniques of survey feedback. These internal people then
serve as resources in the family-group meetings. Finally, the waterfall feedback design
is supplemented by what is called “systemic diagnosis.” Outside consultants write up a
comprehensive analysis of the problems and functioning of the total organization based
on the questionnaire results and give this report to top management. Based on the group
feedback meetings and the systemic diagnosis, the organization may then go beyond
survey feedback and begin other intervention work (such as job design, changes in
compensation systems, and so on).
Survey-guided development is similar to family-group survey feedback in that it
makes use of existing units as they are and it provides feedback very explicitly in a top-
down sequence. On the other hand, the design involves the training and development of
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internal resource people (consultants) who can aid in feedback meetings. These people,
while not normally members of the group actually conducting the feedback meeting, are
still internal to the total system receiving feedback; and their continued presence in that
system combined with system-level diagnosis provides support for the feedback activity.
The focus of the feedback activity is on issues related to existing work units within
a hierarchy. The design is thus best used for work on within-group issues and also for
work on problems of communication up and down the hierarchy of the organization.
The waterfall concept is both a strength and a weakness. Although having feedback at
higher levels before having feedback at lower levels builds support for the activity, if a
breakdown occurs at any one level, it is highly likely that the activities at all levels
below that one may be less effective. Obviously, the training and skills of the internal
resource people are critical. They need to be familiar with the content of the feedback
data as well as to possess process skills.
Subordinate Group
Another variation on the family-group approach has been suggested by Schein (1976).
Using the family group has risks because of the possibility of conflict between the role
of the supervisor as the leader of the meeting and the role of the supervisor as the
possible focus of feedback. The supervisor may do things that hinder the group’s ability
to work with data. Schein offers an alternative to the “top-down” survey-guided-
development approach: a “bottom-up” subordinate-group approach. In this case,
subordinates in the family group receive the feedback and work with it with the
assistance of a consultant before the supervisor ever sees the data. Only after
considerable work has been done is the supervisor given the data and asked to join the
meeting. Thus, by the time the supervisor does join the meeting, the data have been
validated, the group feels some ownership over them, and the process of using them as a
problem-identification and -solving tool has been started. Much of the initial anxiety,
fear, and defensiveness is defused by having the supervisor absent.
Although the subordinate-group feedback design makes use of existing work units
(the family group), it uses them in parts rather than as a whole (for example, part of the
unit—the subordinates—meets to work with the data before the whole unit meets).
Clearly the sequence of receiving data is bottom-up, and the design involves an external
consultant. As the bottom-up sequence runs contrary to the normal methods of
distributing information, it has consequences for power relations and may be very
threatening to the supervisor.
Thus, a competent and credible outside consultant is important; that consultant has
the significant role of helping the supervisor to avoid natural feelings of defensiveness
and of aiding the subordinates in using the data constructively. The design is particularly
useful for working on issues of power and on particular issues of superior-subordinate
relations and communications within the particular work unit. By removing the superior,
the design also may facilitate clearer and more open communication among work-unit
members about problems of relationships among themselves. The greatest risk,
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obviously, involves the degree to which the supervisor is threatened by the loss of
Peer Group/Intergroup
Similar concerns with the effect of the supervisor in the feedback meeting have led to
the development and testing of another approach, the peer-group/intergroup design
(Alderfer & Holbrook, 1973; Heller, 1970). In this design, groups of peers (people at the
same organizational level) review the data separately. Subordinates in one group
therefore work with the data in the absence of their supervisor. At the same time,
however, the supervisor works with the data in his or her peer group (other supervisors
at the same level). After working in peer groups, with consultative help, the groups are
brought together to share perceptions and to work on problems. Again the process of
using the data and working on potentially threatening issues is initiated in the relatively
safer peer environment and only later moved to the meeting with superiors. The final
stage is essentially an intergroup conflict-resolution meeting, with the groups arrayed
along a vertical dimension, one group being the subordinate of another group.
This design makes use of parts of existing work units and new work units (new peer
groups). Feedback is provided simultaneously to several levels of the organization. A
consultant who is external to the system is usually used. Such a design is best employed
to work on general issues of authority, control, participation, and communication within
the hierarchy. Moving out of family groups and into larger groups allows a more general
consideration of these issues as they affect the whole organization or a portion of the
organization, rather than a focus on issues just within one work unit. Moving out of
family groups provides a safer environment for dealing with issues of authority, but
some external force (that is, the consultant) is needed to make sure that the learnings and
practices coming out of the intergroup sessions are supported and integrated into
ongoing patterns of behavior.
Although not exclusively a feedback approach, the intergroup confrontation meetings
proposed by Beckhard (1969) are applicable. Data concerning the relations between two
or more groups are collected by various means—a questionnaire, an individual
interview, or a direct group interview. Included in these data are one group’s perceptions
of another group, which are then fed back to the other group as a way of initiating a
discussion of the conflicts, tensions, and common interests that exist between the
As with the peer-group/intergroup design, this approach makes use of both existing
work units and new work units. Feedback is provided simultaneously to different parts
of the organization, and an external consultant is usually involved. Here the focus of the
design is on the relations that exist between different work units but generally does not
involve questions of authority or control, as the two work units or groups are not in a
direct authority relationship with each other. Such a design is best to work on issues of
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intergroup conflict, including questions of intergroup perceptions, coordination
problems, active conflict, communication problems between groups, and so forth. The
design allows for direct exchange of feedback between groups across organizational
boundaries, with an external consultant present to help groups to hear feedback and
work constructively with it. As with the peer-group/intergroup model, it is inherently
dependent on an external third party who is trusted by both groups, is perceived as
neutral, and has process skills that can be used to aid the groups in sharing their
feedback and working constructively with the data.
Collateral Problem-Solving Groups
The argument has been made that the family group is not the most effective place for
receiving feedback and working on problems because the family group, with its
supervisor, is part of the hierarchy of the organization; and frequently the problems that
the feedback deals with are caused by the nature of the organization’s structure and how
it solves problems. Based on this observation, a number of feedback designs have been
developed that involve the creation of new structures outside the existing hierarchy as
special feedback, problem-solving, and decision-making groups. Probably the best-
developed example of this is the collateral problem-solving group design developed for
use in educational settings (Coughlan & Cooke, 1974; Mohrman, Mohrman, Cooke, &
Duncan, 1977). The groups include representatives of the organization (in this case, the
individual school members), with similar groups created at other levels of the
organization (for example, at the level of the school district). These groups have
overlapping memberships so that communication across levels of the new hierarchy is
relatively easy and so that groups at the school level can refer broader problems and
receive support from groups at a higher (district) level. In each group, at least one
member receives intensive training on problem-solving and survey-feedback methods
from outside consultants. This member subsequently serves as the process consultant
and group leader. The group then coordinates the collection of data, and the feedback is
directed to this group. The group works to solve problems, make decisions, and
implement solutions with the help of other groups at different levels. Thus, feedback is
used as an initiator. The groups are permanent structures that become involved in other
kinds of change and frequently resort to other kinds of data-collection activities and
interventions. The design combines feedback with the creation of a new organizational
structure to build a permanent mechanism in the organization for identifying and solving
problems, this mechanism being outside the basic formal organizational structure. As a
permanent structure, it has the advantage of continuing change activities long after the
first survey and feedback sessions.
The collateral problem-solving group design makes use of new organizational units
and specifically moves control of the feedback data and process out of the existing
hierarchy. As the group represents different levels of the hierarchy, and this group
receives the data first, feedback is basically simultaneous with regard to level, although
limited to selected members of the organization. The design is intended to make use of
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members of the system (members of the collateral problem-solving group) to work as
process consultants after extensive training.
The design is best used when large-scale, system-level problems need to be
investigated and addressed. It is much less effective by itself for working on within-
group or between-group issues, although it may be combined with other designs if those
issues are of concern. The design moves control of the change process away from the
hierarchy and to a new group, and thus it is inherently a change in power relations and
an organization-design intervention. Because of this, the method of forming the group,
the mandate of the group, and the skill and role of the internal consultant are critical if
the design is to work effectively. A group with an unclear mandate, inappropriate
composition, and a weak resource person with limited skills will not be able to bring
about major change.
Ad Hoc Collateral Groups
A variation of the collateral-group design is multiple collateral groups, each focused on
a specific problem or issue and each having a temporary or limited existence. This ad
hoc design is less of a radical change in the organization’s structure, but it still involves
the creation of some mechanisms outside the existing structure designed for identifying
and solving problems. Typically, feedback from a survey is given to a large
organizational unit (such as a division or a large department). This feedback can be
given in multiple sessions or in one large session. In the course of the feedback
presentation, major critical issues and problems are identified. Following the feedback,
small groups are formed through self-selection. Each of these small “action groups” is
charged with working on a specific problem surfaced by the feedback (such as
supervision or pay systems). These groups do further data collection and develop action
plans, which are then put together by the consultant and used as a basis for deciding on
further steps, including additional data collection, further feedback, or other changes in
the organization.
This design also makes use of new units, although the feedback sequence is top-
down. Management generally receives feedback first and then passes on the data for
work by the ad hoc groups. The consultant is generally someone who is external to the
system of ad hoc groups and has the role of coordinating the work of the different
The design is best used when there is a range of distinct problems within an
organizational system that can be identified and addressed individually. This design
differs significantly from the previous one in that it keeps the control of the change
process in the hands of management, which does the initial diagnostic interpretations
based on the data, determines what problems warrant the creation of collateral groups,
and ultimately determines what actions will be taken on the collateral groups’
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The organization has a wide range of differing designs to choose from when planning
feedback interventions. Or designs may be combined to create new and hybrid designs.
For example, the ad hoc collateral problem-solving design might include within it
family-group survey feedback, subordinate-group feedback, or peer-group/intergroup
feedback as one of the activities for the collateral groups. The designs are not
necessarily mutually exclusive.
Another choice point involves the design of continual feedback interventions. Most
of the designs as described imply a single feedback meeting or a process involving
several meetings that end at a specific time. Recently, experiments have been conducted
that have begun to indicate the potential value of creating continual or ongoing feedback
interventions (Nadler, Mirvis, & Cammann, 1976). Such approaches again could be
combined with many of the designs discussed here.
The realization that a choice exists among feedback designs is important, but it is
only a first step. Clearly, additional work needs to be done in the development of this
change technology. First, additional feedback designs need to be identified. The seven
designs presented here are not necessarily all of the designs in use or all that are
suggested by the research. Thus, it will be important to continue to identify other
designs that differ significantly from the ones described here and that provide the
structure for working on different kinds of organizational problems.
A second concern is the further investigation and testing of the applicability of
different designs to different problems and situations. The implications for use briefly
described in this article are basically hypothetical, based on some limited research
results and some common sense. There is a need to test these hypotheses and to go
beyond speculation. One way is to do research that tests the effectiveness of different
feedback designs in different situations and for different problems (Sashkin & Cooke,
1976, have made a first stab in this direction). Perhaps more useful and productive in the
long run would be to have practitioners who have used different feedback designs begin
to share their knowledge and to aid in the development of guidelines for using different
designs for different organizational problems.
Information in general—and data feedback in particular—provides a potentially
powerful technology and tool for bringing about organizational change. A critical issue
in whether that tool is successfully used involves the structure of the feedback process
and the feedback meeting.
Alderfer, C.P., & Holbrook, J. (1973). A new design for survey feedback. Education and Urban Society, 5,
Baumgartel, H. (1959). Using employee questionnaire results for improving organizations: The survey “feedback”
experiment. Kansas Business Review, 12(12), 2-6.
Beckhard, R. (1969). Organization development: Strategies and models. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
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❚❘ 211
Bowers, D.G., & Franklin, J.L. (1972). Survey-guided development: Using human resources measurement in
organizational change. Journal of Contemporary Business, 1, 43-55.
Bowers, D.G., & Franklin, J.L. (1977). Survey-guided development I: Data-based organizational change. San
Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Coughlan, R.J., & Cooke, R.J. (1974). The structural development of educational organizations. Ann Arbor, MI:
Survey Research Center.
French, W.L., & Bell, C.H. (1973). Organization development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Hausser, D.L., Pecorella, P.A., & Wissler, A.L. (1977). Survey-guided development II: A manual for consultants.
San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Heller, F.A. (1970). Group feedback analysis as a change agent. Human Relations, 23, 319-333.
International Business Machines. (1974). Manager’s guide: The opinion survey (Internal company publication).
Armonk, NY: Author.
Klein, S.M., Kraut, A.I., & Wolfson, A. (1971). Employee reactions to attitude survey feedback: A study of the
impact of structure and process. Administrative Science Quarterly, 16, 497-514.
Likert, R. (1961). New patterns of management. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Likert, R. (1967). The human organization: Its management and value. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Mann, F.C. (1957). Studying and creating change: A means to understanding social organization. In C.M.
Arensberg et al. (Eds.), Research in industrial human relations: A critical appraisal. New York: Harper.
Mann, F.C., & Likert, R. (1952). The need for research on the communication of research results. Human
Organization, 11, 15-19.
Mohrman, S.A., Mohrman, A.M., Cooke, R.A., & Duncan, R.B. (1977). A survey feedback problem-solving
intervention in a school system. In P.H. Mirvis & D.N. Berg (Eds.), Failures in organization development
and change. New York: Wiley.
Morris, W.C., & Sashkin, M. (1976). Organization behavior in action: Skill building experiences. St. Paul,
MN: West.
Nadler, D.A. (1976). Using feedback for organizational change: Promises and pitfalls. Group & Organization
Studies, 1, 177-186.
Nadler, D.A. (1977). Feedback and organization development: Using data based methods. Reading, MA:
Nadler, D.A., Mirvis, P.H., & Cammann, C. (1976). The ongoing feedback system: Experimenting with a new
managerial tool. Organizational Dynamics, 4(4), 63-80.
Neff, F. (1965). Survey research: A tool for problem diagnosis and improvement in organizations. In A.W.
Gouldner & S.M. Miller (Eds.), Applied sociology. New York: Free Press.
Sashkin, M., & Cooke, R.A. (1976, August). The effects of survey feedback organization development as
conditioned by organizational technology and structure. Paper presented at the National Meeting of the
Academy of Management, Kansas City, MO.
Schein, E.H. (1969). Process consultation: Its role in organization development. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Taylor, J., & Bowers, D.G. (1972). The survey of organizations: A machine scored standardized questionnaire
instrument. Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research.
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Raymond V. Rasmussen
In the field of cybernetics, the term “feedback” is used to describe an essential
component of self-regulating devices (Ruben, 1972). A thermostat is a familiar example.
In human relations, “feedback” has been used to refer to a process of information
gathering and correction: One person feeds back his or her perceptions of another person
so that the second person can make his or her social or work behavior more effective.
A number of writers have said that giving and receiving feedback is one of the most
important processes in group dynamics (Devine, 1976; DiBerardinis, 1978; Hanson,
1973; Lundgren & Schaeffer, 1976). Schein and Bennis (1965) have stated that
practically all human learning is based on obtaining information about performance
(feedback) and then determining how far the performance deviates from a desired goal.
According to these authors, feedback shakes up or “unfreezes” people by creating a
perceived threat to their self-concepts. The unfreezing process elicits a need for change.
Support for this notion comes from a review of the T-group literature by Campbell and
Dunnette (1968), who found that the reception of negative feedback stimulates a group
member to alter his or her level of self-satisfaction and to try new behaviors.
Feedback is also a widely prescribed strategy in the management literature
(Hackman & Oldham, 1976; Luthans & Kreitner, 1975; Tosi & Carroll, 1970). The
utility of interpersonal feedback in the organization has been explained by several
writers. For example, Myers and Myers (1973) state that in order to be effective in an
organization, people need to know how their behavior impacts others. Solomon (1977)
has stated:
Feedback...can help an individual become more effective in his interpersonal relations, on-the-job
behavior, and task accomplishment. If a person’s behavior is not having desirable or intended
effects, he can change it. Without feedback, the impact of his behavior on others may never be
fully or accurately known. (p. 185)
Although feedback has many potential benefits, it also seems clear that it does not
always work in practice. Pfeiffer and Jones (1972) have stated that unrestricted,
untethered truth can create high levels of anxiety and can cause people to become less
able to accomplish their goals; Solomon (1977) suggested that feedback can lead to
long-term reprisals; Lundgren and Schaeffer (1976) found that negative feedback was
Originally published in The 1984 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer and Leonard D. Goodstein (Eds.), San
Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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often rejected by the recipient; and Gibb (1961) found that the ways in which messages
typically are delivered in interpersonal situations tend to evoke defensiveness.
There are problems in transmitting as well as in receiving feedback. For example,
substantial evidence shows that people try to avoid transmitting unpleasant messages
(Blumberg, 1972; Fitts & Ravdin, 1953; Oken, 1961; Tesser & Rosen, 1975) and that if
they cannot avoid giving feedback, people tend to distort it or make it more positive
(Fisher, 1979; Tesser, Rosen, & Tesser, 1971).
A good deal of the literature on feedback is prescriptive in nature and not
empirically validated (Argyris, 1962; Egan, 1975; Gibb, 1961; Hanson, 1975; Kurtz &
Jones, 1973; Mill, 1976; Morris & Sashkin, 1976; Pfeiffer & Jones, 1972; Solomon,
1977). It suggests that there are certain rules for delivering feedback that will make the
feedback more effective. The majority of these prescriptions concern the accuracy,
focus, timing, objectivity, and validation of the transmission, that is, ensuring that the
recipient receives the correct message. Keltner (1973, p. 97) stresses, “For any change to
occur not only is feedback essential, but the synonymous meaning of the message must
be shared by the generator and the receiver.”
It seems likely, however, that accuracy of transmission is not the major cause of
problems with the feedback process. Several writers have acknowledged that feedback
can hurt people and lead to defensiveness and reprisals despite skillful delivery (Porter,
1974; Solomon, 1977). A second, largely unaddressed, problem with the feedback
process has to do with the willingness of the recipient to utilize the feedback. Until this
problem is resolved, feedback may remain underutilized and problematic in human
systems. Therefore, this paper will now address the problem of willingness.
Most of the literature views feedback as an input to help direct behavioral change (Budd,
1972; Hanson, 1975; Mill, 1976). However, the implication that change is necessary or
desired evokes feelings about being controlled. According to Gibb (1961), a continual
bombardment of persuasive messages from politicians, educators, special causes,
advertising, religion, medical experts, and industrial relations and guidance counselors
has resulted in cynical and paranoidal responses to messages that contain an element of
control. Gibb also states that change messages convey implicit, esteem-reducing
information that evokes defensive reactions:
Implicit in all attempts to alter another person is the assumption by the change agent that the
person to be altered is inadequate. That the speaker secretly views the listener as ignorant, unable
to make his own decisions, uninformed, immature, unwise, or possessed of wrong or inadequate
attitudes is a subconscious perception which gives the latter a valid base for defensive reactions.
(p. 143)
Such resistance to change messages is not a new phenomenon. According to
McGinnes and Ferster (1971, p. 432), “Ever since Machiavelli, and perhaps before, there
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has been a fear of control and manipulation of one person’s behavior for the benefit of
The perspective of the behaviorist school also sheds light on why feedback may be
a problematic process. According to the behaviorists, society primarily uses aversive or
punishment-oriented control techniques (Luthans & Kreitner, 1975; Skinner, 1953).
Thus, negative feelings that are associated with being controlled by aversive methods
have become associated with any attempt to control behavior, even if the attempt is
intended to be helpful.
A second reason why change-oriented feedback may cause problems concerns the focus
of the feedback. Although some writers emphasize that both positive and negative
feedback can be given in a group context (Luthi, 1978; Solomon, 1977), the Schein and
Bennis (1965) learning model clearly emphasizes that it is negative feedback that is
disconfirming and causes unfreezing and the need for change to occur.
The emphasis on feeding back any negative information is strongly opposed by the
behaviorists (Gambril, 1977; Luthans & Kreitner, 1975), who believe that the best way
to create behavioral change is to focus on positive or desired behaviors and to ignore
undesirable behaviors. In their view, negative feedback probably constitutes a punishing
experience for most people and can lead to detrimental side effects (for example,
anxiety, reduced performance, defensiveness, reprisal).
The counseling literature takes a similar view. Berenson and Mitchell (1969) have
distinguished five major types of confrontation, including “strength” confrontation,
focused on the resources of the person being confronted, and “weakness” confrontation,
focused on the pathology or liabilities of the person being confronted. Their research
indicates that effective helpers use strength confrontations more frequently and
weakness confrontations less frequently than ineffective helpers.
The difficulties of the feedback process can be understood further by considering the
issue of values. A person who sets a thermostat decides on a “good” temperature. The
thermostat does not care. However, in human systems, there often is more than one
definition of the desirable state. Discussion and clarification not only of behaviors but
also of conflicting values often are required. If, for example, there is consensus among
group members that it is good to be assertive and members of the group provide
feedback about certain behaviors of an unassertive member, the information could help
the recipient to become more assertive. If, however, the values of those providing the
feedback are not accepted as correct, the feedback may indicate a need to examine the
system as a whole. It may be that the “unassertive” person’s values are of a higher order
than those of the other members of the group. It also may be that the person who
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initiated the feedback could benefit from examining his or her reactions to “unassertive”
Another difficulty in the feedback process has to do with whether feedback is perceived
as part of a helping or conflict-management process. In most group situations, the people
who are sending feedback probably see themselves in helping roles whereas, in reality,
their position may be better described as being in conflict with those of the other people.
That is, if one person experiences a drive to send feedback to another person, it usually
is because he or she feels that there is something bothersome or wrong with the other
person’s behavior. It is probably for these reasons that Rogers (1970) prefers to use the
term “confrontation” for encounter situations in which people give each other feedback
and why Egan’s (1970, p. 295) definition of confrontation is so similar to what others
have called feedback: “Confrontation takes place when one person, either deliberately or
inadvertently, does something that causes or directs another person to reflect upon,
examine, question, or change some aspect of his behavior.”
When conflict-oriented feedback is sent in the guise of a helping gesture, there is a
problem for both sender and recipient. The sender-helper is certain that the problem
rests with the other and that the solution is for the other to change. Thus, the sender fails
to examine his or her own values and behavior. The problem is compounded because the
would-be helper is frustrated when the recipient-helpee indicates an unwillingness to
accept the information and to change his or her behavior.
On the other side, the recipient may feel grateful because of the attention or
intention to help, but probably also feels hurt and resentful because of sensed criticism
and the impression that a comfortable behavior is being attacked.
A skilled helper should be able to distinguish between conflict and helping
feedback. According to Egan (1975), conflictual feedback stems from a discrepancy
between the sender’s values and the values and behaviors of the recipient. Helping
feedback is based on the discrepancies between the recipient’s values and behaviors.
People who attempt to give feedback in either group or organizational contexts are
unlikely to be operating at this level of sophistication. In fact, they simply accept the
trainer’s implicit suggestion that feedback is “helpful” and, thus, think of themselves as
In summary, little attention has been paid to the willingness of the recipient of
feedback to change his or her behavior. Unwillingness may stem from several factors:
whether the recipient perceives the feedback as control, whether the feedback is positive
or negative, whether the feedback is based on the sender’s or recipient’s values, and
whether the feedback is described as “help” when it would better be described as
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If the points made in this article are accepted, prescriptions that have been suggested
elsewhere for making the feedback process more effective can be expanded and, in some
cases, should be modified.
First, people giving feedback should be able to distinguish between conflict-based
feedback and helping-oriented feedback. If the feedback is conflict based, a conflict-
resolution process should be utilized. Then the feedback would be merely the start of an
examination by both the initiator and the recipient to examine the behavior in question
with respect to their different value systems. The resolution could entail a change of
attitude or behavior on the part of either the initiator or the recipient or both. Although
accuracy of transmission is important, it is less important than the recognition that the
situation is conflictual. Gordon’s (1970) system of Parent Effectiveness Training, Gibb’s
(1961) Problem Orientation, and Harris’s (1969) Transactional Analysis model are
examples of conflict-management processes based on these premises.
Second, some behaviors that would be appropriate in a helping situation would be
inappropriate in a conflict situation. For example, consensual validation by others in a
conflict situation would be likely to be thought of as interference and could hinder the
resolution of the conflict.
Third, in either a conflict or a helping situation, an effort to reinforce desired
behaviors and ignore undesirable behaviors would probably be more effective than
describing, and thus implicitly criticizing, undesirable behaviors.
Fourth, in any feedback situation, it should be acknowledged that the feedback is
likely to evoke negative affect and feelings of resistance. The message that feedback can
lead to growth and therefore is something that one should gracefully accept denies the
reality of the situation and compounds the problem by placing pressure on the recipient.
Fifth, in a conflict-based situation, the sender of the feedback may well use the urge
to send feedback as the beginning of a self-examination that may lead to a change in his
or her own attitudes or behavior. This person then may or may not choose to send the
In summary, problems with the use of feedback in human systems stem from two
sources: the difficulty in transmitting messages accurately and the degree of willingness
of the recipient to use the transmitted information. The literature deals primarily with
techniques for transmission and largely ignores the issue of the willingness of the
recipient. The suggestions in this article for modifying and adding to the prescriptions
for users of the feedback process provide an area for further exploration of the use of
feedback in group and organizational settings.
Argyris, C. (1962). Interpersonal competence and organizational effectiveness. Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press.
Berenson, B.C., & Mitchell, K. (1969). Confrontation in counseling and life. Unpublished manuscript, American
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Blumberg, H.H. (1972). Communication of interpersonal evaluations. Journal of Personality and Social
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Budd, R.W. (1972). Encounter groups: An approach to human communication. In R.W. Budd & B.D. Ruben
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Egan, G. (1970). Encounter: Group process for interpersonal growth. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.
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Fisher, C.D. (1979). Transmission of positive and negative feedback to subordinates: A laboratory investigation.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 64(5), 533-540.
Fitts, W.T.. & Ravdin, I.S. (1953). What Philadelphia physicians tell their patients with cancer. Journal of the
American Medical Association, 153, 901-908.
Gambril, E.D. (1977). Behavior modification: Handbook of assessment, intervention, and evaluation. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Gibb, J.R. (1961). Defensive communication. Journal of Communication, 11(3), 141-148.
Gordon, T. (1970). Parent effectiveness training. New York: Wyden.
Hackman, J.R., & Oldham, G.R. (1976). Motivation through the design of work: Test of a theory. Organization
Behavior and Human Performance, 16, 250-279.
Hanson, P.G. (1973). The Johari window: A model for soliciting and giving feedback. In J.E. Jones & J.W. Pfeiffer
(Eds.), The 1973 annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Hanson, P.G. (1975). Giving feedback: An interpersonal skill. In J.E. Jones & J.W. Pfeiffer (Eds.), The 1975
annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Harris, T. (1969). I’m ok, you’re ok. New York: Harper & Row.
Keltner, J.W. (1973). Elements of interpersonal communication. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Kurtz, R.R., & Jones, J.E. (1973). Confrontation: Types, conditions, and outcomes. In J.E. Jones & J.W. Pfeiffer
(Eds.), The 1973 annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Lundgren, D.C., & Schaeffer, C. (1976). Feedback processes in sensitivity training groups. Human Relations,
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Luthans, F., & Kreitner, R. (1975). Organization behavior modification. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman.
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McGinnes, E., & Ferster, C. (1971). The reinforcement of social behavior. Boston, MA: Houghton-Mifflin.
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Solomon, L.N. (1977). Team development: A training approach. In J.E. Jones & J.W. Pfeiffer (Eds.), The 1977
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Tesser, A., & Rosen, S. (1975). The reluctance to transmit bad news. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in
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Hank Karp
The ability and the willingness to communicate effectively are the keys to supervisory
success. Although communication effectiveness is based on the ability to make and
maintain effective contact, regardless of the situation, specific areas of communications
require some additional thought and planning.
One of the most important tools for maintaining control and developing people is
the proper use of feedback. Although feedback has been categorized as positive and
negative, another way of viewing it is to classify it into supportive feedback (which
reinforces an ongoing behavior) and corrective feedback (which indicates that a change
in behavior is appropriate). In this sense, all feedback is positive. The purpose of all
feedback should be to assist a person in maintaining or enhancing his or her present
level of effectiveness.
Some feedback, by definition, is better than no feedback. There are, however, ways
to give feedback well and ways to give it superbly; there are also ways to receive it
effectively. This article presents some guidelines that can help to sharpen the processes
of giving and receiving feedback. The most important function of feedback is to help the
person who is receiving that feedback to keep in touch with what is going on in the
Supportive feedback is used to reinforce behavior that is effective and desirable. An
axiom of effective supervision is “Catch them doing something right and let them know
it” (Blanchard & Johnson, 1982). One of the most damaging and erroneous assumptions
that many supervisors make is that good performance and appropriate behavior are to be
expected from the employee and that the only time feedback is needed is when the
employee does something wrong. Therefore, these supervisors never give supportive
feedback. If a supervisor, however, were determined to give only one kind of feedback,
he or she would do well to choose supportive feedback and let corrective feedback go.
In other words, if a supervisor stressed errors only, the end result would be—at most—
an attempt by employees to do standard, error-free work. This accomplishment would
not be bad, but there is a better way.
If a supervisor concentrated on what employees were doing well, then superior
work is what those employees would become aware of. They would begin to view their
Originally published in The 1987 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
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work in terms of performing as well and as creatively as possible. What is reinforced has
a tendency to become stronger; what is not reinforced has a tendency to fade away. If
excellence is actively reinforced and errors are simply mentioned, employees will focus
on excellence and tend to diminish errors. The following example of the two types of
feedback illustrates the difference.
Focus on errors: “The last three pieces in that batch contained wrong figures. We
cannot have that kind of sloppy work in this department.”
Focus on good work: “This batch looks good, except for the last three pieces, which
contain wrong figures. You probably used the wrong formula. Take them back and
check them out, just the way you did the first group.”
Fortunately, however, no one has to make a choice between using only supportive
or only corrective feedback. Both are essential and valuable, and it is important to
understand how each works so that the maximum gain can be received from the process.
Corrective feedback is used to alter a behavior that is ineffective or inappropriate. It is as
essential to the growth process as supportive feedback. A corrective feedback session,
although never hurtful if done properly, is not a particularly pleasant experience. Under
the best of circumstances, the subordinate will probably feel a little defensive or
In giving corrective feedback, the manager should have an option ready to present.
When the employee is made aware of the inappropriate behavior, having an immediate
alternative can be effective and powerful in shaping behavior. By presenting the
alternative immediately after the corrective feedback, the manager is helping the
subordinate to come out of a personally uncomfortable situation in the shortest possible
time. This protects the dignity of the subordinate. The manager also is establishing
himself or herself as a supporter of good work and good workers, which goes a long way
in developing strong, productive, and supportive working relationships. Also very
important, the manager is presenting an alternative that the employee might never have
considered—or that was considered and rejected. This provides for immediate learning.
Most important, however, is the fact that the manager is making the employee aware
that an alternative was available at the time the employee chose to act otherwise. This
awareness can help the employee to take responsibility for his or her own choices. In
other words, the employee would realize, “That’s right; I could have done it that way.”
The following example shows how an alternative can be effectively added to the
feedback: “When you snapped at Ann in front of the group, she appeared to be very
embarrassed and angry. When you must remind an employee to be on time, it’s less
embarrassing for everyone to discuss it with the employee privately after the meeting.”
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The following guidelines are helpful for managers who are trying to improve their
feedback skills, and they may also be used as a review prior to giving feedback.
1. Deal in Specifics
Being specific is the most important rule in giving feedback, whether it is supportive or
corrective. Unless the feedback is specific, very little learning or reinforcement is
possible. The following examples illustrate the difference in general and specific
General: “I’m glad to see that your work is improving.”
Specific: “I’m pleased that you met every deadline in the last three weeks.”
General: “You’re a very supportive person.”
Specific: “I appreciate your taking time to explain the contract to our new
General: “You’re falling down on the job again.”
Specific: “Last month most of your cost reports were completely accurate, but last
week four of your profit/loss figures were wrong.”
The last set is, of course, an example of corrective feedback. General statements in
corrective feedback frequently result in hostile or defensive confrontations, whereas
specific statements set the stage for problem-solving interaction. Carrying the last
illustration one step farther, the manager could add an alternative: “Start checking the
typed report against the computer printouts. Some of the errors may be typos, not
If the employee is to learn from feedback and respond to it, then he or she must see
it in terms of observable effects. In other words, the employee must be able to see
clearly how his or her behavior had a direct impact on the group’s performance, morale,
and so on. When the employee sees the point of the feedback objectively, the issue will
be depersonalized; and the employee will be more willing to continue with appropriate
behaviors or to modify inappropriate behaviors. Although the manager’s personal
approval (“I’m glad to see . . .”) or disapproval (“I’m disappointed that . . .”) can give
emphasis to feedback, it must be supported by specific data in order to effect a change in
2. Focus on Actions, Not Attitudes
Just as feedback must be specific and observable in order to be effective, it must be
nonthreatening in order to be acceptable. Although subordinates—like their
supervisors—are always accountable for their behavior, they are never accountable for
their attitudes or feelings. Attitudes and feelings cannot be measured, nor can a manager
determine if or when an employee’s feelings have changed. For feedback to be
acceptable, it must respect the dignity of the person receiving the feedback.
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No one can attack attitudes without dealing in generalities, and frequently attacks
on attitudes result in defensive reactions. The following example illustrates the
difference between giving feedback on behavior and giving feedback on attitudes.
Feedback on attitude: “You have been acting hostile toward Jim.”
Feedback on behavior: “You threw the papers down on Jim’s desk and used
An attitude that managers often try to measure is loyalty. Certain actions that seem
to indicate loyalty or disloyalty can be observed; but loyalty is a result, not an action. It
cannot be demanded; it must be earned. Whereas people have total control over their
own behavior, they often exercise little control over their feelings and attitudes. They
feel what they feel. If a manager keeps this in mind and focuses more energy on things
that can be influenced (that is, employee behavior), changes are more likely to occur.
The more that corrective feedback is cast in specific behavioral terms, the more it
supports problem solving and the easier it is to control. The more that corrective
feedback is cast in attitudinal terms, the more it will be perceived as a personal attack
and the more difficult it will be to deal with. The more that supportive feedback is cast
in terms of specific behaviors, the higher the probability that those behaviors will be
repeated and eventually become part of the person’s natural way of doing things.
3. Determine the Appropriate Time and Place
Feedback of either type works best if it is given as soon as feasible after the behavior
occurs. Waiting decreases the impact that the feedback will have on the behavior. The
passage of time may make the behavior seem less important to the manager; other
important events begin to drain the energy of the manager, and some of the details of the
behavior might be forgotten. On the other hand, dwelling on it for a long period could
blow it out of proportion. From the subordinate’s viewpoint, the longer the wait for the
feedback, the less important it must be. The following example illustrates this point.
Tardy feedback: “Several times last month you fell below your quota.”
Immediate feedback: “There are only ten products here; your quota for today was
Enough time should be allotted to deal with the issues in their entirety. A manager
can undercut the effectiveness by looking at the clock and speeding up the input so that
an appointment can be met. Answering the telephone or allowing visitors to interrupt the
conversation can have the same effect. The manager can also cause unnecessary stress
by telling an employee at ten o’clock in the morning, “I want to see you at three this
afternoon.” A more appropriate procedure would be to say, “Would you please come to
my office now” or “When you reach a stopping point, drop by my office. I have
something good to tell you.”
In addition to an appropriate time, the setting for the feedback is important. The old
proverb “Praise in public, censure in private” is partially correct. Almost without
exception, corrective feedback is more appropriately given in private. In the case of
supportive feedback, however, discretion is needed. In many instances, praise in public
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is appropriate and will be appreciated by the subordinate. In other instances, privacy is
needed to keep the positive effect from being short-circuited. For example, some people
make a virtue out of humility; any feedback that reinforces their sense of worth is
embarrassing. Rather than appreciating an audience, this type of employee would find it
painful and perhaps resent it.
Sometimes a norm arises in a work group that prevents anyone from making a big
deal out of good work. This does not mean that the group does not value good work, but
supportive feedback in private might prevent the employee from feeling he or she was
responsible for breaking the norm. In other instances, public praise can cause jealousy,
hostility, or tense working relationships. Therefore, a conscious decision should be made
about whether or not to give the supportive feedback publicly.
Another important consideration is the actual location selected for giving the
feedback. The delivery of the feedback should match its importance. If the feedback
concerns an important action, the manager’s office would be better than an accidental
encounter in the hall. On the other hand, the manager might convey a quick observation
by telling someone at the water fountain, “Say, that was beautiful art work on the
Madison report.” Choosing the time and place is a matter of mixing a little common
sense with an awareness of what is going on.
4. Refrain from Inappropriately Including Other Issues
Frequently when feedback is given, other issues are salient. When supportive feedback
is given, any topic that does not relate to the specific feedback point should not be
discussed if it would undercut the supportive feedback. For example, the manager could
destroy the good just accomplished by adding, “And by the way, as long as you are here,
I want to ask you to try to keep your files a little neater. While you were away, I
couldn’t find a thing.”
When corrective feedback is given, however, the situation is different. The manager
will want the feedback to be absorbed as quickly and as easily as possible, with the
employee’s negative feelings lasting no longer than necessary. Therefore, as soon as the
feedback has been understood and acknowledged, the manager is free to change the
subject. The manager may want to add, “I’m glad that you see where the error occurred.
Now, as long as you are here, I’d like to ask your opinion about . . . .” This type of
statement, when used appropriately, lets the subordinate know that he or she is still
valued. Obviously, the manager should not contrive a situation just to add this type of
statement; but when the situation is naturally there, the manager is free to take advantage
of it.
In certain situations, it is appropriate to give supportive and corrective feedback
simultaneously. Training periods of new employees, performance-appraisal sessions,
and times when experienced employees are tackling new and challenging tasks are all
good examples of times when both types of feedback are appropriate. Nevertheless,
some cautions are necessary:
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Never follow the feedback with the word “but.” This word will negate everything
that was said before it. If it is appropriate to give supportive and corrective feedback
within the same sentence, the clauses should be connected with “and.” This method
allows both parts of the sentence to be heard clearly and sets the stage for a positive
suggestion. The following examples illustrate the difference:
Connected with “but”: “Your first report was accurate, but your others should have
measured up to it.”
Connected with “and”: “Your first report was accurate, and your others should
have measured up to it.”
Connected with “but”: “You were late this morning, but Anderson called to tell you
what a great job you did on the Miller account.”
Connected with “and”: “You were late this morning, and Anderson called to tell
you what a great job you did on the Miller account.”
Alternate the supportive and corrective feedback. When a great deal of feedback
must be given, it is frequently better to mix the supportive feedback with the corrective
feedback than to give all of one type and then all of the other. If all of one type is given
first, regardless of which type comes first, the latter will be remembered more clearly. If
a chronic self-doubter is first given supportive feedback and then only corrective
feedback, he or she is likely to believe the supportive feedback was given just to soften
the blow of the other type. Alternating between the two types will make all of the
feedback seem more genuine.
When feasible, use the supportive feedback to cushion the corrective feedback.
When both types of feedback are appropriate, there is usually no reason to start with
corrective feedback. However, this does not mean that corrective feedback should be
quickly sandwiched between supportive feedback statements. Each type is important,
but frequently supportive feedback can be used as an excellent teaching device for areas
that need correcting. This is especially true if the employee has done a good job
previously and then failed later under similar circumstances. For example, the manager
might say, “The way you helped Fred to learn the codes when he was transferred to this
department would be appropriate in training the new employees.”
Two major principles govern the use of feedback. The first principle, which relates to
how feedback is conducted, can be paraphrased as “I can’t tell you how you are, and you
can’t tell me what I see.” In other words, the person giving the feedback is responsible
to relate the situation as he or she observes it; and the person receiving the feedback is
responsible for relating what he or she meant, felt, or thought. The second principle is
that feedback supports growth.
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Giving Feedback: “You Can’t Tell Me What I See”
The object of giving feedback is not to judge the other person, but to report what was
seen and heard and what the effects of the behavior were. Personal approval or
disapproval, even if important, is secondary.
Feedback should be given directly to the person for whom it is intended. When
others are present, the manager sometimes addresses them almost to the exclusion of the
intended recipient, who sits quietly and gathers information by eavesdropping. Good
contact with the recipient is an essential element in giving feedback.
It is never necessary to apologize for giving corrective feedback. Corrective or
otherwise, feedback is a gift; apologies will discount its importance and lessen its
impact. Nevertheless, corrective feedback must be given in a way that does not
jeopardize the recipient’s dignity and sense of self-worth.
It is sometimes helpful to offer an interpretation of the behavior or a hunch about
what the behavior might indicate. What is of paramount importance is that the
interpretation be offered as a suggestion and never as a judgment or clinical evaluation
of the person. Only the recipient is capable of putting it into a meaningful context. For
example, the manager might say, “When Pete showed you the error you made, you told
him it was none of his concern. I wonder if you were mad at Pete for some other
reason.” This statement shows the recipient the behavior and allows him or her to
consider a possible cause for that behavior.
Receiving Feedback: “You Can’t Tell Me How I Am”
From the recipient’s viewpoint, the first principle is “You can’t tell me how I am, and I
can’t tell you what you see.” Although most people realize that giving feedback
correctly requires skill and awareness, they are less aware of the importance of knowing
how to receive feedback. When receiving feedback, many people tend to argue about,
disown, or justify the information. Statements like “I didn’t say that,” “That’s not what I
meant,” and “You don’t understand what I was trying to do” are attempts to convince
the person giving the feedback that he or she did not see or observe what he or she
claims. However, the recipient needs to understand that the observer—whether manager,
peer, or subordinate—is relating what he or she experienced as a result of the recipient’s
behavior. The giver and the recipient may well have different viewpoints, and there is
nothing wrong with that. The purpose of feedback is to give a new view or to increase
awareness. If an argument ensues and the observer backs down, the recipient is the loser.
The appropriate response, as a rule of thumb, is to say “thank you” when either type
of feedback is received. It is also appropriate, of course, to ask for clarity or more detail
on any issue.
The purpose of feedback is to help the recipient. Feedback can be thought of as
food. It is very nourishing. When people are hungry, food is what they need; but when
they are full, food is the last thing they want or need. The same applies to ingesting
feedback. When people have had enough, they should call a halt. Attempting to absorb
all of the feedback that might be available, or that various people would like to give, is
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like forcing food into a full stomach just because someone says, “Please have some
The recipient is responsible for demanding specificity in feedback. No feedback
should be accepted as legitimate if it cannot be clearly demonstrated by an observable
behavior. For example, if someone says, “You’re very arrogant,” an appropriate
response would be “What specifically have I said or done to cause you to think that?” If
that response is countered with “I don’t know; I just experience you that way,” then the
accusation should be immediately forgotten. People cannot afford to change just to meet
everyone’s personal likes or expectations.
In fact, it is impossible to change to meet everyone’s expectations, and the situation
becomes compounded as more and more people give the feedback. A single act can
generate disparate feedback from different people who observe the behavior. For
example, a loud exclamation could be viewed as appropriately angry by one person,
overly harsh by another, and merely uncouth by a third. Each person will see it from his
or her unique perspective. Therefore, feedback requires action from both the giver and
the recipient. Only the giver can tell what he or she observed or experienced, and only
the recipient can use the information in deciding whether or not to change the behavior.
For feedback to be effective, the recipient must hear what the giver is saying, weigh
it, and then determine whether or not the information is relevant. The following example
illustrates how this can be done:
Department manager: “Waste in your unit is up by 4 percent. Are you having any
problems with your employees?”
Supervisor: “I was not aware of the waste increase. No, I am not having trouble
with my employees. I suppose I have been focusing on the quality so much that I lost
sight of the waste figures. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.”
Feedback Supports Growth
The second major principle, “feedback supports growth,” is important, because we
cannot always see ourselves as others see us. Although a person may be the world’s
foremost authority on himself or herself, there are still parts of that person that are more
obvious to other people. Although people may be more aware of their own needs and
capabilities and more concerned about their own welfare than other people are, they are
able to stretch themselves and grow if they pay attention to feedback from others.
Although feedback may be extremely uncomfortable at the time, a person can look back
later and recognize such feedback as the spark that inspired a directional change in his or
her career or personal life. If the feedback is not rejected or avoided, recipients can
discover and develop ways to behave that they did not think were available.
The strategies suggested here are not step-by-step procedures to be blindly followed.
Their purpose is to help in planning and organizing an approach to dealing with an issue.
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They offer a logical and effective sequence of events for the feedback session. The
person planning the session must decide on the desired future objective. (The “future,”
however, could be five minutes after the session or two years later.) During the feedback
session, attention must be focused on what is happening in terms of the outcome. In
other words, the focus must be on obtaining the goal, not on sticking to the strategy.
This focus allows the giver to change tactics or even modify the original strategy if
conditions change or unforeseen events occur. After the strategy has been selected, the
following three rules should be kept in mind:
1. Be clear about what you want in terms of specific, identifiable outcomes for
yourself, your subordinate, and the organization.
2. Plan what you intend to say and how you intend to conduct the meeting,
according to the particular strategy you will use.
3. Have the strategy in mind as you engage the person, but keep it in the
Supportive Feedback Strategy
The following steps are suggested as a strategy for supportive feedback:
1. Acknowledge the specific action and result to be reinforced. Immediately let the
subordinate know that you are pleased about something he or she did. Be specific and
describe the event in behavioral terms. “You finished the project (action) on time
2. Explain the effects of the accomplishment and state your appreciation. For the
behavior to be reinforced, the person must be able to see the effects of that behavior in
specific, observable ways. Your appreciation is important but as an additional
reinforcing element. The main reinforcement is the effect. “What you did on the project
was a major factor in getting the contract (effect), and I am pleased with your
outstanding work (appreciation).”
3. Help the subordinate to take full responsibility for the success. If the employee
acknowledges the feedback, this step is accomplished. If the employee seems overly
modest, more work is needed. Unless he or she can, to some degree, internalize the
success and receive satisfaction from it, very little growth will occur. One approach
would be to ask how the success was accomplished or if any problems were encountered
and how they were overcome. In talking about what happened, the employee is likely to
realize how much he or she was really responsible for. It is important for both you and
the employee to hear how the success was accomplished.
4. Ask if the subordinate wants to talk about anything else. While the employee is
feeling positive and knows that you are appreciative and receptive, he or she may be
willing to open up and talk about other issues. The positive energy created by this
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meeting can be directed toward other work-related issues, so take advantage of the
5. Thank the subordinate for the good performance. The final step, again thanking
the subordinate for the accomplishment, ensures that your appreciation will be
uppermost in his or her mind as he or she leaves and returns to the work setting.
Corrective Feedback Strategy
The following steps are suggested as a strategy for corrective feedback:
1. Immediately describe the event in behavioral terms and explain the effect. Relate
clearly in specific, observable, and behavioral terms the nature of the failure or behavior
and the effect of the failure or behavior on the work group or organization. If you can
appropriately say something to reduce the employee’s embarrassment, the employee is
more likely to accept the feedback nondefensively.
2. Ask what happened. Before assuming that the subordinate is at fault, ask what
happened. In many instances, the subordinate is not at fault or is only partially
responsible. At the worst, the employee is given an opportunity to explain before you
proceed; at the best, you may receive information that would prevent you from
censuring the employee.
3. Help the subordinate to take full responsibility for the actions. The more time
spent in step 2 (finding out what happened), the easier step 3 will be. The subordinate
needs to learn from the experience in order to reduce the probability of a recurrence.
Unless this step is handled effectively, the subordinate will see himself or herself as a
victim rather than as someone who made a mistake and is willing to correct it.
4. Develop a plan to deal with the issues. Once the subordinate has accepted
responsibility, the next step is to help rectify the situation. Now that the employee is
willing to be accountable for errors, you can jointly devise a plan that will help eliminate
them. In other words, both of you must agree to take action. If you both want the same
thing (that is, better performance from the subordinate), then both of you are obligated
to do something about it. This is also an excellent opportunity to build on the
subordinate’s strengths (for example, “I’d like for you to show the same fine attention to
safety regulations that you show to job specifications”).
5. State your confidence in the subordinate’s ability. Once the issue is resolved, end
the session by stating your confidence in the ability of the employee to handle the
situation. The object is to allow the subordinate to reenter the work setting feeling as
optimistic about himself or herself as the situation permits. The subordinate must also
understand that you will follow up and give additional feedback when the situation
warrants it.
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Blanchard, K., & Johnson, S. (1982). One minute manager. New York: Morrow.
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Arthur M. Freedman
During a recent consulting experience shared by several consultants, some useful
discussion surfaced concerning how, how often, and when to intervene in groups and
what kinds of interventions to make. The consultants expressed similar uncertainties and
insecurities regarding their own organization development (OD) skills and knowledge.
How could they be sure that they would intervene effectively at just the point when an
intervention would be maximally facilitative during a process consultation? The
appropriate moment for a particular intervention might easily come and go without
either the consultant’s or the client’s realizing it.
This discussion prompted outlining the following operational “philosophy” of
making interventions, with the thought that it may be of some value to other OD
practitioners. Although all process interventions can be called merely “process
interventions,” they can be differentiated into three distinct and separate classes. These
types might be labeled conceptual-input, coaching, and process-observation
interventions. Each type could (and probably ought to) be considered in terms of (1)
what it might look or sound like when it is made; (2) the objective(s) that it can
facilitate; (3) when it can be made; and (4) the form or style it might take.
The following is an example of a conceptual-input intervention:
Member A, a supervisor (to the client group): “I am beginning to see that you
people get pretty upset when I come over to discuss the work I want you to do. I can see
that when you get upset, the work doesn’t get done as well or as fast as I think it should.
But what I don’t know is what I do that gets you all so upset. Maybe I need to hear a
little of what these consultants call ‘feedback.’ “
Member B (to Member A, after a long silence): “Well, I guess I could give you
some. You know, A, you can be pretty overbearing sometimes, and some of these new
people don’t know how to handle you.”
Member A: (Pause) “What the hell are you talking about? What’s that supposed to
Originally published in The 1978 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company. The author wishes to express his appreciation to Drs. Irvin Roth and Franklin Weingarten for encouraging him to
write this paper.
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Consultant (to the client group): “It seems to me that we’re doing a little
experimenting with giving feedback on how our actions affect one another, but we’re
running into a problem. As I see it, the problem might be this: ‘Just what is feedback and
how do you give it so that the person [stating the problem] who is getting it can use it?’
Does that sound right to you?” [double-checking for agreement or disagreement].
The client group indicates general agreement; members nod their heads and offer
short, affirmative statements.
Consultant (to client group): “O.K. Maybe it would help if I laid down some ground
rules for giving feedback.” (The members of the client group engage in more nonverbal
affirmation.) “Different consultants use the idea of feedback in different ways. But, for
me, good, useful feedback has three parts to it; and if any part is left out, the value of it
decreases. The first of the three parts is your description of what the other person is
saying and doing that is of concern to you; the second part is your description of what
you feel when you focus your attention on the other person’s actions; and the third part
is your indication of what you would most likely do, yourself, if you were on the
receiving end of the other person’s actions—the implications of the other person’s
“An example of a complete piece of feedback would be something like this: ‘I
noticed a moment ago that you reached over and patted me on the back when I
commented on Bill’s idea; and when I turned around to look at you, I saw that you were
smiling [description of the focal behavior]. At the time I felt pretty good, as if you were
telling me that you thought I was saying the right thing. I like that because I know I need
some reassurance. I felt good, almost proud of myself for being able to think up
something to say that led to getting a pat on the back. And I guess I did feel that I was
approved of and that my ideas were actually wanted [expression of feelings]. Now I’m
thinking that I’ll probably be more of an active participant at these meetings in the
future. I don’t think I’ll hold myself back so much” [statement of implications].
Member B (to Member A): “Yeah. That helps me to organize my thoughts better.
What I was trying to say to you was that when you come over to us when we’re
working, you seem to see yourself as trying to ‘discuss’ our work with us. But, from my
point of view, you come across as a critic.”
Consultant (to Member B): “Can you say what it is that he says or does that gives
you the impression he is a critic?” [coaching]
Member B (to Member A): “Yes. You never tell us that we’re doing O.K. Instead,
you say things like how you would approach the problem in a different way from the
way we’d already done it [description of behavior]. And when you say things like that, I
just want to hide somewhere and get out of the way [close to expression of feelings]. So
I sometimes change the subject if I can, or I ‘remember’ another appointment I ‘have’ to
go to. Naturally, the work stops” [statement of implications].
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A conceptual-input type of process intervention is intended to provide members of a
client group with an “organizing principle” that has, as its payoff, the power to help
them clearly see distinctions between typical but not optimal behavior (the things people
say and do and/or the style with which the things are said and done) and less traditional
but more effective behavior. Conceptual inputs also tend to be easily remembered and
can, therefore, be referred to in the future. When a consultant intervenes in this way, he
or she is providing clients with a new vocabulary and a conceptual system that is quite
explicit and is shared and understood by all client-group members. Confusion and
misunderstandings should thus be minimized, as clients are more likely to remember,
understand, and make use of the kinds of behaviors to which the new “language” refers.
A conceptual-input type of intervention can be used at any time during a process
consultation—as long as the contract between the consultant and the client group
legitimizes this type of consultant behavior. For maximum effectiveness and impact, the
intervention should come immediately after a transaction between members that clearly
illustrates the undesirable consequences of dysfunctional or ineffective behavior. In the
preceding example, the consultant timed his or her intervention to take place after
Member A’s expressed confusion (one sort of undesirable consequence). This was the
point at which the intervention was most likely to make immediate sense to the client-
group members. When an intervention makes sense, people are also more likely to make
use of it.
Form or Style
A conceptual input should be brief and succinct. Words and phrases that are
comprehensible to the members of the client group should be used. It does not help to
make the perfectly appropriate intervention at exactly the right time if, for example, the
consultant’s terms are so pedagogical that the listeners cannot understand them. Such a
style could result in clients’ disregarding the consultant as unable to relate to them.
A second type of process intervention aims at facilitating the acquisition of desirable,
functional habits of interacting.
The scene takes place after the group has received a conceptual input on giving and
receiving feedback.
Member A (to Member B): “I experience you as acting in an arbitrary manner.”
(Silence.) [A is labeling B.]
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Consultant (to Member A): “What is it about Member B’s behavior that has led you
to conclude she is ‘arbitrary’?” [This is an invitation to focus on observable behavior
rather than use abstract labels.]
Member A (to Consultant): “She sometimes asks us for information to help her
make decisions.”
Consultant (to Member A): “Talk to her.”
Member A (to Member B): “But after you get it, even if you say you appreciate our
ideas, you don’t seem to use them [description of behavior]. You act in such a way that
I get the impression you never really wanted our ideas in the first place and you were
just going through a formality . . . as if you knew all along that you would stick to your
original decision regardless of what we might say” [conjecture].
Consultant (to Member A): “Do you have feelings that you are willing to share with
Member B about Member B’s not using your ideas?” [invitation to complete the second
component of feedback, ignoring the nonproductive conjecture].
Member A (to Member B): “Yes, I do. I find myself a bit confused and wondering
whether anything I might say to you has any meaning or significance in your eyes. It’s
as if I am being disregarded and held off at a distance when I really want to get close to
you and work with you. I don’t want to be pacified. I guess I feel pretty disappointed.”
(Pause.) “I had always hoped I could come up with ideas that would be valuable for
helping us do our work. Yes, I’m very disappointed. I feel I’m something of a failure
since I don’t seem to be getting the response . . . the affirmation I’ve been looking for
[an expression of feeling]. Now I’m not sure if I’ll even bother giving you any
information about me the next time you ask for it. I probably won’t. I don’t see what
value it would have. You’d probably just disregard what I say” [a statement of
implications somewhat garbled by a prediction of Member B’s future behavior, which
may not be accurate].
Member B (to Member A, after a long pause): “I hear what you’re saying pretty
clearly. It helps me to make some sense out of what has been happening between us over
the last several weeks. I recognize now that I’ve sort of been aware of some tension. But
I guess I just let myself pretend that it didn’t mean anything. Now I don’t know quite
what to do about it all” [an acknowledgment of the feedback and of having reached an
impasse. This implies the possibility that B might be ready to accept help in identifying
some functional alternatives for dealing with the problem—but she is not expressing
Consultant (to Member B): “Would you be interested in spending some time now to
see if there’s anything we can do about this problem?” [an inquiry to test whether B is
willing to assume responsibility for searching for new alternatives].
Member B (to Consultant, after a pause): “No, I guess I’m feeling a need to think
about this for a while. It has a lot of implications, and I’m not yet ready to share them all
with anyone else. Right now I want some quiet time alone. I’ll check back with the rest
of you after I’ve had a chance to mull it over” [owning up to and being responsible for
her desire to disengage temporarily, with an option to reopen the issue at a later date].
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Such coaching interventions are intended to assist members of a client group in forming
the habit of using new experimental behaviors that they have said they want to practice.
Coaching interventions are most effectively made either (1) during the early, standard-
setting phases of the consultative process (to “shape” the kinds and sequence of
interpersonal communications at an early point) or (2) just after a conceptual input has
been made that provides a justifiable theoretical framework for the coaching efforts. In
either instance, coaching interventions should be discontinued as soon as the client
group’s members demonstrate that they can employ the new behaviors without
assistance (or when some members begin systematically to perform the coaching
function for other members).
Form or Style
Coaching interventions should use up very little of the client group’s “air time.” They
should be suggestions rather than demands or reprimands. And they should be quite
precise, not at all ambiguous. No one should have to guess about what the consultant is
aiming at.
Example A
The following is an example of a process-observation intervention:
Member A (to the client group): “A little while ago I wanted to share an observation
that I thought might have been useful at the time, but I restrained myself. I wanted to say
that you’ve been on this topic for twenty minutes without coming to a conclusion.
You’re wasting my time. You guys aren’t accomplishing anything, and you ought to
move on to a different issue [a task-related function]. I guess I was afraid that I would
alienate myself from the rest of you by doing something ‘unpopular’ “ [expression of
Several members (simultaneously to Member A): “Wait a minute. Where did this
come from all of a sudden?” [probably a defensive response].
Consultant (to Member A): “If I am hearing it accurately [an attempt to reach
group members in a preventive move], you seem to be saying that you were reluctant to
perform a task function for the group, even though you thought it was needed, because
you were afraid you would be risking the possibility of getting hurt by the rest of the
group [paraphrasing]. Am I hearing you right?” [double-checking].
Member A (to Consultant): “That’s about it.”
Consultant (to Member A): “Well, it seems to me that an additional issue might be
the style or the manner in which you were thinking of performing that function. By
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saying what you wanted to say in the way you just expressed yourself, you probably
would have given me, at least, a basis for feeling bad about myself, as if I had done
something wrong. And that might have led to my wanting to hurt you or put you down
or cut you off [somewhat hypothetical personal feedback]. I wonder if you can think of
a different way of saying the same thing...a way that is less likely to result in your
feeling cut off from the group?” [an invitation to consider and experiment with an
alternative form of performing needed task or maintenance functions].
Member A (to the client group, after a long pause): “Yeah, I think so. Let me know
how this comes across” [unilateral negotiation for focused feedback]. (Pause.) “It seems
to me that we’ve gone over the same points several times. It’s as if we’ve been recycling
[description of group behavior]. I’m finding myself feeling unproductive, as if I’m not
able to do anything that seems useful or helpful...and that leaves me pretty impatient.”
(Pause.) “Has anyone else been experiencing anything like this? If so, what do we want
to do about it?” [Considerably more self-disclosure and ownership of the speaker’s
ideas and feelings are publicly expressed here; also, instead of making a critical and
punitive accusation about the other members of the client group, A is including himself
as a part of the problem and is inviting the rest of the group to collaborate in dealing
with it. Action, taken on the basis of the person’s observations and feelings, carries the
idea of implications one step forward: out of the hypothetical and into tangible reality.]
Example B
Here is another example of a process-observation intervention:
Consultant (to the client group): “I’ve noticed that we’ve been spending a lot of
time jumping from one issue to another without finishing any of them. For example,
Sam raised the question about whether or not we wanted to spend our time giving one
another feedback. Then Toni pointed out that we could handle feedback in a way that
would enable the recipient to decide whether he or she wanted to renegotiate some
interpersonal contracts with the person giving the feedback. In making this point, Toni
seemed to direct the group’s attention away from Sam—a kind of topic jump—about
which Sam did nothing. Then, before the group responded to Toni’s idea, Joe stated that
he thought we ought to focus on some of the things that had happened three days ago
during the general session, things that he thought were getting us hung up this
afternoon—another topic jump [a demonstration of the tracking or summarizing task-
function]. All of this seems to indicate to me that we’re having trouble figuring out how
we can make group decisions about what we’re going to do with our time [spelling out
the apparent problem that is confronting the group]. Now I’m finding myself rather
uncertain about just what is going on and a bit impatient [expression of feelings] for a
clear, explicit, group decision. Just what is it that we would like to do?” [statement of
expectations and a direct request to the client group’s members to disclose their
opinions and thereby flesh out the problem statement].
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A process-observation intervention may have numerous objectives, including, among
others, the following:
1. It can heighten the client-group members’ awareness of the distinction between
the content and process dimensions of transactions occurring within a group. In
Example B, the consultant illustrated both what topics or issues the group was working
on (the “content”) and how the group seemed to be operating—that is, jumping from
topic to topic and avoiding explicit, group-level decision making (the “process”).
2. Another kind of process observation might be intended to heighten the group’s
awareness of the implications and consequences of its members’ actions. For example,
an individual’s behavior may contribute to the creation or continuation of normative
standards (both functional and nonfunctional) governing group members’ behavior. In
Example B, Toni’s topic jump might have contributed to the creation of a group norm
that it is permissible to jump from one topic to another and cut off another person; when
Joe did the same to Toni, it was another contribution to the legitimization and
continuation of that norm. A process observation can also be used to highlight
implications and consequences by pointing out how the group is affected when needed
task and maintenance functions are not being performed or what happens when different
group decision-making procedures are employed.
3. A process observation also provides an observable model of functional behaviors
that demonstrate in a tangible manner how a group’s movement in the direction of its
objectives can be facilitated. In Example A, the consultant modeled quite a number of
functional activities, for example, paraphrasing, double-checking, personal feedback,
and helping another person to experiment with new ways of behaving. In Example B,
the consultant modeled tracking and summarizing, stating the issue, expressing feelings
and expectations, and asking for opinions and information.
A process-observation intervention is likely to be most effective during the early phase
of the consultative process. When any process observation has been modeled once or
twice, the consultant should refrain from making further such interventions. This gives
client-group members more opportunities to experiment with and to practice performing
these facilitative functions. To the extent that they do this, they acquire increased self-
sufficiency. This tends to preclude their becoming dependent on the consultant, the
“expert,” to perform such functions.
If the client-group members do not assume responsibility for performing these
functions after they have been modeled once or twice, the consultant might keep track of
the implications and the consequences of this failure. Then, during a “stop-action” or
some other designated process session, these data could be fed back to the group along
with a question: “What, if anything, do we want to do about this situation?” This
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explicitly invites and allows the clients to negotiate a contract among themselves (1) to
ensure that needed functions are used when they would be most relevant and (2) to avoid
the unnecessary, undesired consequences that have been observed to follow
nonperformance of the functions.
Form or Style
In style, process observations should be personalized, invitational, and not punitive.
But—almost by definition—this class of interventions usually takes a bit longer than
others. The consultant is attempting to draw a verbal portrait of dynamic, constantly
shifting group processes in order to help the clientgroup members to see what is
happening “right now” and also to model behavior that the members themselves might
attempt at some future time. To get this double message across adequately, sufficient
care and time must be taken.
Saul Alinsky’s “iron rule”—“Don’t ever do anything for people that they can do for
themselves”—comes to mind. If one or more client-group members have the skills and
knowledge to act in a functional and objective manner, they are entitled to opportunities
to use such skills and knowledge. The consultant should let them do it. If they do not
possess such resources, they may require assistance in acquiring them. However,
excessive “assistance” on the part of the organizational consultant—whether with
process, theory, structured skill-practice activities, or simulations—leads to
stultification, dependence, and indifference or apathy. In order to be as effective as
possible, the consultant must learn the fine line between not enough help and too much
Banet, A.G., Jr. (1974). Therapeutic intervention and the perception of process. In J.W. Pfeiffer & J.E. Jones, The
1974 annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Blake, R.R., & Mouton, J.S. (1976). Consultation. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Cohen, A.M., & Smith, R.D. (1976). The critical incident in growth groups: A manual for group leaders. San
Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Cohen, A.M. & Smith, R.D. (1976). The critical incident in growth groups: Theory and technique. San Diego, CA:
Pfeiffer & Company.
Schein, E.H. (1969). Process consultation: Its role in organization development. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
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Gary W. Combs
Much of our time as teachers, parents, and workers is devoted to social influence. We
attempt to modify the views of others and move them to action; others attempt to do the
same with us. The quality and effectiveness of our efforts to influence one another
depend on our styles of interaction.
A variety of prescriptions have been suggested for communicating effectively:
speak clearly and thoughtfully, avoid stereotyping, maintain an attentive posture, be
honest and timely, listen carefully, and repeat for emphasis and retention. These
principles are important and useful for improving our skills of expression and listening,
but climate is more fundamental to successful communication. Supportive climates
promote understanding and problem solving; defensive climates impede them.
As with weather climates, communication climates represent more forces than we can
readily see. The dominant motive behind defensive communication climates is control.
Although control can take many forms, it is often manifested by communication
designed to persuade. The speaker may be friendly, patient, and courteous; the goal,
nevertheless, is to convince the listener.
The speaker’s conscious or unconscious desire to prevail in the situation elicits a
characteristic set of results: evaluation, strategy, superiority, and certainty (Gibb, 1961).
As the interaction continues, these behaviors become increasingly pronounced. Each
party becomes less able to hear the other or to accurately perceive the other’s motives,
values, and emotions. In short, communication breaks down. An example of defensive
communication follows:
Nancy Russell, director of administrative services, is talking with Bob Wheeler, director of
finance. Wheeler asks Russell to prepare an additional weekly report that summarizes selected
financial data. Wheeler balks at Russell’s request and cites several reasons that an additional
summary is unnecessary. Russell, who is determined that such a report be prepared, patiently
answers Wheeler by explaining why she needs the supplementary data. Wheeler responds by
defending his position.
What is likely to happen?
Originally published in The 1981 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company. This lecturette is based on “Barriers and Gateways to Communications” by C.R. Rogers and F.J. Roethlisberger,
1952, Harvard Business Review, 30, 46-52, and on “Defensive Communication” by J.R. Gibb, 1961, Journal of Communication, 11, 141-148.
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If Wheeler continues to question the validity of Russell’s request, one or both of them
will inwardly or outwardly become critical of the other. Their dialogue may appear calm
and friendly; they may or may not be aware of their own judgmental feelings, but these
feelings will be obvious. The longer the conversation goes on, the greater their
frustration will become until each begins to evaluate the other as stubborn,
unreasonable, or downright stupid.
As the conversation progresses, each will strategize and prepare rebuttals while the other
is speaking. Energy will be focused on winning and overcoming rather than on listening
and problem solving.
One or both of the speakers will begin to feel superior to the other. Inwardly or out-
wardly each will start to question why the other cannot see the logic or “correctness” of
his or her views and begin to think of the other as being inferior in intelligence and
The energy of their arguments will lock the opponents into the correctness of their
original views. Any feeling of tentativeness either may have had about his or her
position gradually will be replaced with convictions of certainty.
We can predict that eventually one of the parties will withdraw or capitulate, that a
compromise will be negotiated, or that the individuals involved will leave in anger.
Regardless of the outcome, their feelings about each other are likely to be negative; and
commitment to following through with agreed-on action will be low. In all likelihood,
their feelings about each other will be manifest in future encounters. The “loser” will
admit to having lost the battle, but not the war.
The dominant goal underlying supportive communication climates is understanding.
Supportive communication climates often facilitate a synergistic resolution to conflict.
Synergy describes outcomes that combine elements of contrasting positions into a new
and meaningful solution that satisfies the needs of both (a win-win situation). It differs
from compromise wherein each receives only part of what is desired (a lose-lose
strategy), because the emphasis is on integration. The speakers seek to establish a
dialogue, to listen, and to appreciate and explore differences of opinion.
The results characteristic of such communication are empathy, spontaneity, problem
solving, and synergy. As each speaker listens to and attempts to understand the other’s
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position, he or she, in turn, becomes free to fully hear and appreciate the first speaker’s
views of a particular situation. A supportive climate allows both to seek a creative
resolution of their differences. A supportive communication climate could be illustrated
by the earlier example, except that Russell could choose to explore Wheeler’s
objections. What is likely to happen now?
If Russell listens and discusses Wheeler’s reasons for not doing an additional report, she
naturally will come to understand his position better. Her willingness to talk about their
differences will convey to Wheeler her respect for his thoughts and her evaluation of his
importance. If Wheeler feels understood and respected, his need to defend himself will
diminish and he will feel free to hear what Russell has to say. The net result will be that
each party will gain an appreciation of the other’s point of view.
If Russell is open and responsive, less energy will be focused on strategic rebuttal. Both
will be able to concentrate on what is being said, and each will feel free to express his or
her own thoughts and feelings.
Problem Solving
Russell’s willingness to explore their differences will imply that she is open to
collaborative resolution, and Wheeler will respond in kind. Once both are less concerned
with winning, they will be more inclined to tolerate each other’s perspectives and to
settle the conflict in a way that is mutually satisfying.
There is a good chance that Russell and Wheeler will find a way to satisfy Russell’s
concern for additional data and Wheeler’s desire to keep down the number of reports
produced, if they communicate in a way that allows them to appreciate, scrutinize, and
fuse their respective—and respected—views into a new whole that is pleasing to both
(Jones, 1973).
Supportive communication seems simple, but it is very difficult for those who are not in
the habit of developing supportive climates. Our cultural training is a major barrier to
creating such climates. We are often rewarded for developing skills of argument and
persuasion. Little or no time is given to teaching us the attitudes and skills of listening
and understanding. Therefore, it is necessary for us to practice the skills of supportive
communication until they become second nature.
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Lack of time and energy is also a barrier to supportive communication. Creating a
positive milieu takes work! At least one speaker must assume responsibility for
developing an atmosphere that permits both to understand and to respond to what is
actually being said. It is often more convenient to respond superficially or
Supportive communication also involves risk. If we permit ourselves to know
reality as others perceive it, we run the risk of being changed ourselves (Rogers &
Roethlisberger, 1952). But such risks must be taken if we are to share our thoughts and
feelings with one another authentically.
Additionally, it is difficult to give positive support to another person when one is
feeling angry and hostile. One’s inclination under these circumstances is to attack and
hurt. Yet it is at such times that empathic communication can be most helpful. Sharing
the other person’s perspective defuses otherwise hostile environments and increases
each party’s appreciation for the other’s point of view.
A genuine desire to define situations through interaction with others is the most
important ingredient for supportive communication. If this desire is not genuine and a
pretense of openness is made, it will be easily detected, others will no longer feel free to
express themselves openly, and communication will break down.
Active listening is also essential to supportive communication. We must try to grasp
the full meaning—both fact and feeling—of what others say and test our understanding
by clarifying and checking.
We must also share our perspectives with others and, when there is conflict, search
for an end result that will satisfy both our own and our partners’ objectives. This
requires a shift of thinking from “me versus you” to “how we can both gain in this
situation.” Pragmatically, supportive communication means moving from thinking in
terms of preconceived answers to thinking in terms of the end results that we want to
accomplish and then seeking solutions that satisfy those ends (Filley, 1975).
Supportive communication requires a sharing and understanding attitude. When
speaking and listening supportively, people become less defensive and more open to
their experiences and the experiences of others. They become more ready to integrate
other points of view and seek solutions to conflict that satisfy the needs of both parties.
Filley, A.C. (1975). Interpersonal conflict resolution. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman.
Gibb, J.R. (1961). Defensive communication. Journal of Communication, 11, 141-148.
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Jones, J.E. (1973). Synergy and consensus-seeking. In J.E. Jones & J.W. Pfeiffer (Eds.), The 1973 annual
handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Rogers, C.R., & Roethlisberger, F.J. (1952). Barriers and gateways to communication. Harvard Business Review,
30, 46-52.
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Daniel G. Eckstein
Parents, teachers, and managers (hereinafter called “helping persons”) frequently ask
how to motivate others more effectively. The philosophy and skill of encouragement are
a means both of increasing motivation and of combating feelings of inadequacy.
Encouragement communicates trust, respect, and belief. Many psychologists
contend that there are only two basic human emotions: love and fear. Encouragement
communicates caring and movement toward others—love, whereas discouragement
results in lowered self-esteem and alienation from others—fear. Yet, despite the
intention to be encouraging, all too often helping persons are, in fact, discouraging in
their communications with others. An example is the manager or parent who “lets things
go” as long as they are going well and who comments only when things go wrong.
A crucial beginning to being a more encouraging person is to become more aware
of and to eliminate discouraging messages. The five telltale signs that a message is
discouraging are these:
1. The “Red-Pencil” Effect, Circling the Mistakes of Others. A frequent
consequence of such “constructive criticism” is that the recipient of the message
becomes preoccupied with his or her mistakes.
2. The Vertical Plane of Interaction. The vertical plane is characterized by
“oneupmanship.” The horizontal plane, in contrast, is characterized by equality and a
mutual respect for all; classification of people as superior or inferior and sexual, racial,
and religious prejudice do not exist on this level.
3. Overperfectionism. The unrealistic notion that people should not make mistakes
leads them to become overly critical of themselves and to want to discover that others
are worse. If people cannot make peace with themselves, they never will make peace
with others.
4. Clinging to Old Patterns. A primary principle of child psychology is that
children are good observers but poor interpreters. When they observe death, many
children, being egocentric at the time, conclude that they killed the person. Many such
irrational decisions and conclusions are habits that are held over from the past. By
means of a systematic lifestyle assessment, a counselor often gently confronts a client by
Originally published in The 1983 Annual Handbook for Facilitators, Trainers, and Consultants by Leonard D. Goodstein and J.
William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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noting, “Now that you are not a child anymore, perhaps you would like to look at some
things differently.” Reinforcing a static philosophy (“You’ve always been that way;
you’re not going to change”) can actually inhibit change or growth.
5. Misused Psychological Tests. For people who doubt their own abilities, an
“objective, scientific” test can be the ultimate discourager. Such tests often “label”
people and the people then act in accordance with the labels. Although all tests
obviously are not harmful, it is wise to remember that we build on strengths, not
weaknesses. Thus, it is important to focus on people’s assets whenever possible.
The goal is not to cease all discouragement completely; indeed, all helping persons
at times need to confront others. The goal is to combine such confrontation with
encouragement as a means of maximizing the ability to impact others positively.
Dinkmeyer and Dreikurs (1963) note that the proper use of encouragement involves the
1. Valuing individuals as they are, not as their reputations indicate or as one hopes
they will be. Believing in individuals as good and worthwhile will facilitate
acting toward them in this manner.
2. Having faith in the abilities of others. This enables the helper to win confidence
while building the self-respect of the other person.
3. Showing faith in others. This will help them to believe in themselves.
4. Giving recognition for effort as well as for a job well done.
5. Using a group to help the person to develop. This makes practical use of the
assumption that, for social beings, the need to belong is basic.
6. Integrating the group so that the individual can discover his or her place and
begin working positively from that point.
7. Planning for success and assisting in the development of skills that are
sequentially and psychologically paced.
8. Identifying and focusing on strengths and assets rather than on mistakes.
9. Using the interests of the individual in order to motivate learning and instruction.
In addition, Carl Reimer (1967) lists ten specific “words of encouragement”:
1. “You do a good job of . . . .” People should be encouraged when they do not
expect encouragement, when they are not asking for it. It is possible to point out
some useful act or contribution of everyone. Even a comment about something
that may seem small and insignificant could have an important positive impact.
2. “You have improved in. . . .” Growth and improvement are things we should
expect from all. If any progress is noted, there is less chance of discouragement
and individuals usually will continue to try.
3. “We like (enjoy) you, but we don’t like what you do.” People frequently feel
disliked after having made mistakes or after misbehaving. A person, especially a
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child, should never think that he or she is not liked. Rather, it is important to
distinguish between the individual and his or her behavior, between the act and
the actor.
4. “You can help me (us, the others) by . . . .” To feel useful and helpful is
important to everyone. Most people need only to be given the opportunity.
5. “Let’s try it together.” People who think that they have to do things perfectly
often are afraid to attempt something new for fear of making mistakes or failing.
6. “So you made a mistake; now what can you learn from it?” There is nothing that
can be done about what has happened, but a person always can do something
about the future. Mistakes can teach a great deal, especially if people do not feel
embarrassed for erring.
7. “You would like us to think that you can’t do it, but we think that you can.” This
approach can be used when people say (or convey the impression) that
something is too difficult for them and they hesitate even to try. A person who
tries and fails can be complimented for having the courage to try. One’s
expectations should be consistent with his or her ability and maturity.
8. “Keep trying; don’t give up.” When someone is trying but not meeting with
much success, a comment like this can be helpful.
9. “I am sure that you can straighten this out (solve this problem); but if you need
any help, you know where you can find me.” Express confidence that others are
able to and will resolve their own conflicts, if given a chance.
10. “I can understand how you feel, but I’m sure that you will be able to handle it.”
Sympathizing with the other person seldom helps because it suggests that life has
been unfair. Empathizing (understanding the situation) and believing in the
person’s ability to adjust to the situation are of much greater help.
“Giving positive invitations” is another way to describe the process of
encouragement. Such invitations help to increase people’s self-confidence by at least
four different methods:
1. Self-affirmation—a renewed appreciation of one’s personal strengths,
motivators, values, and peak experiences;
2. Self-determination—being able to take responsibility for one’s life without
blaming others;
3. Self-motivation—setting goals and taking the action necessary to reach those
goals by integrating one’s emotions and intellect with one’s body; and
4. Increased empathic regard for others.
Many people’s feelings of inadequacy can be overcome by prolonged exposure to
positive affirmation. Of course, the process of encouragement may take longer with
some people than with others. One may be tempted to admit defeat and discouragement
much too soon. An optimistic rather than a pessimistic attitude and a proactive rather
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than a reactive affirmation of the basic worth of all people can help anyone to be a more
effective “helper.” Encouragement can assist people in rediscovering their values and
joys, in identifying their strengths instead of dwelling on their mistakes, in challenging
and changing old patterns, and in having the courage to be imperfect!
Dinkmeyer, D., & Dreikurs, R. (1963). Encouraging children to learn: The encouragement process. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Reimer, C. (1967). Ten words of encouragement. In V. Soltz, Study group leader’s manual. Chicago: Alfred Adler
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Kathy E. Kram
The practice of mentoring (counseling and coaching of newer employees by experienced
employees) has the potential to significantly benefit both the organization and the people
in it. For people at midcareer and beyond, mentoring can provide an opportunity to meet
generative needs, to stay informed about technological advancements, and to attain
confirmation in passing on wisdom and experience (Dalton, Thompson, & Price, 1977;
Hall & Kram, 1981; Levinson, 1978). From the organization’s perspective, mentoring
reduces the shock of entry for newcomers, facilitates preparation for advancement, and
provides a socializing mechanism (Levinson, 1976). Members who are aided in
becoming acquainted with the organization are less likely to leave in confusion,
frustration, or alienation. These developmental relationships help the organization to
nurture talent (Digman, 1978), to pass on central values and practices, and to reduce
undesirable turnover (Dalton et al., 1977; Levinson, 1976; Missirian, 1982).
In addition to being responsive to the predictable dilemmas of each career stage,
mentoring also can be a vehicle for addressing special concerns. For example, in
organizations in which people tend to reach mid-career plateaus, encouragement to
assume the role of mentor for younger colleagues can provide new opportunities for
growth (Hall, 1980; Hall & Kram, 1981). In settings in which affirmative action is an
important objective, mentoring can provide a way to counteract the inherent
disadvantages of not being a member of the dominant group and can provide members
of minority groups with access to important coaching, modeling, and career-counseling
opportunities (Missirian, 1982; Phillips-Jones, 1982).
Certain conditions must exist in an organization in order for the potential benefits of
mentoring to be realized. First, opportunities must exist for frequent and open
interaction between organizational members at different career stages and hierarchical
levels so that people can initiate and cultivate relationships that are responsive to their
current developmental needs. Second, organizational members must have the
interpersonal skills to build supportive relationships as well as the willingness to do so
and an interest in doing so. Third, the organization’s reward system, culture, and norms
must value and encourage relationship-building activities as central to organizational
goals and objectives (Deal & Kennedy, 1982; Peters & Waterman, 1982; Tichy, 1983).
Originally published in The 1985 Annual: Developing Human Resources by Leonard D. Goodstein and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San
Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company. Adapted from the chapter “Creating Conditions that Encourage Mentoring” from MENTORING AT WORK
by Kathy E. Kram. Copyright © 1985 by Scott, Foresman. Adapted by permission.
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These requisite conditions are not achieved easily, and a number of individual and
organizational obstacles interfere with realizing them.
People in the organization may discount the importance of relationships at work or not
have the skills needed to build supportive alliances. Studies of mentoring, superior-
subordinate, and peer relationships in numerous organizational settings indicate several
obstacles to establishing effective mentoring relationships (Clawson, 1980; Kram, 1980;
Kram & Isabella, 1985; Levinson, Darrow, Klein, Levinson, & McKee, 1978). These
individual and organizational features, summarized in Table 1 and explained further in
the following paragraphs, also have been noted by those who have attempted to set up
formal mentoring systems (Klauss, 1979; Lean, 1983; Phillips-Jones, 1982).
Obstacle 1: A reward system that emphasizes bottom-line results and, at the same
time, does not place a high priority on human resource development. The reward system
of an organization significantly influences how people behave and what they consider to
be valued activity (Lawler, 1977). In a “bottom-line” context, people are inclined to
view relationship-building efforts as a distraction from work. Thus, any attempts to
provide mentoring to junior colleagues or to seek out supportive relationships with other
colleagues will occur because of personal needs (Kram, 1983). Criteria for promotion
are related only to technical performance. It is unlikely that a person will embrace the
role of mentor when there are no organizational rewards for doing so.
When recognition and rewards are tied to efforts to coach and mentor, people are
more likely to seek out opportunities to do so. Research on well-managed companies has
confirmed that rewards for subordinate development result in more attention to coaching
and mentoring efforts and in an increase of highly talented managers for the
organization (Digman, 1978; Peters & Waterman, 1982).
Another aspect of the reward system that can hinder mentoring concerns the
rewards available to those at mid-career who no longer have opportunities to advance in
the organizational hierarchy. If there are no alternatives, people are likely to feel
discounted and resentful (Hall, 1980). This contributes to self-doubt and to a lack of
interest in supporting the growth of others. Indeed, the mentor relationship frequently
becomes destructive when the mentor foresees no further advancement and no other
rewards for his or her continued contributions to the organization (Kram, 1983).
Finally, although a reward system may encourage mentoring by promoting those
who develop talent for the organization, this practice can encourage developmental
relationships only for those who have been labeled as high-potential candidates, rather
than for a wider range of organizational members. Indeed, the coaching and mentoring
functions sometimes are explicitly assigned to people who are two levels above those
who have been labeled “fast trackers.” This has the effect of making mentoring available
only to those who have demonstrated high potential early in their careers.
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Table 1. Obstacles to Mentoring
Feature Potential Obstacles
1. Pay and promotion decisions are based solely on bottom-line results.
2. No recognition exists for developing subordinates or building relationships that
provide mentoring functions.
3. No rewards are offered to people in mid-career who might provide mentoring
functions; they become stagnant, resentful, and withdrawn.
4. Relationship-building efforts are viewed as a distraction from the work.
Work Design
1. The design of jobs provides little opportunity for junior workers to interact with
senior workers.
2. Job definitions do not include the responsibility to provide mentoring functions.
3. Tasks are highly individualized, requiring little or no collaboration among those
who may have complementary relationship needs.
1. To legitimize and clarify predictable personal and professional dilemmas.
2. No performance-management systems exist; thus, there is little opportunity or
encouragement to discuss objective, performance, and potential.
3. Formal systems exist but are not utilized effectively; little coaching or counseling is
4. Formal systems exist, but organizational members do not have the interpersonal
skills or the motivation to utilize them.
1. Values and rituals support “results" and discount the importance of relationships in
career development.
2. The leaders of the organization are concerned with short-term results and do not
model or reward concern for personnel development.
3. Trust among organizational members, particularly at different hierarchical levels, is
Attitudes, and
1. Organizational members are not aware of the importance of mentoring in career
2. Organizational members lack the interpersonal skills to initiate, build, and maintain
supportive relationships.
3. Self-confidence is low; junior workers are afraid to ask for guidance and coaching,
or senior workers are too unsure of themselves to offer advice.
Obstacle 2: The design of work interferes with efforts to build relationships that
provide mentoring by minimizing opportunities for interaction between people who have
complementary relationship needs. In organizations in which work is highly
individualized and the work-related reasons for contact with others at different
hierarchical levels are few, the opportunities to initiate mentoring relationships are
minimal. In contrast, in organizations in which work is accomplished by project teams,
the work itself provides frequent opportunities for coaching and mentoring.
It is not uncommon for newcomers to be uncertain about their own competence and
potential and about organizational norms, and this uncertainty causes them to be
cautious about making contact with those in more senior positions. Unless jobs are
structured to promote interaction with colleagues in other departments and at other
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levels, it is difficult for people to initiate relationships that might provide a variety of
mentoring functions.
In general, work that requires collaboration and interdependence also provides
opportunities for developmental relationships. When junior workers are assigned to
projects that involve more experienced employees, they frequently receive coaching on
how to do the job, how to navigate in the organization, and how to prepare for
advancement. A relationship that provides these developmental functions can expand to
provide others as well.
Structuring work around teams invites mentoring and coaching activities. It does
not, however, ensure that such relationships will emerge. If senior employees are viewed
as evaluators rather than coaches, or if junior members are concerned about proving
their competence at the expense of asking for guidance, effective mentoring connections
will be difficult to attain. Unless the expectation exists that learning and development
will occur through work on the team, one of the potential benefits of the job design will
not be realized.
Job design also can determine the extent to which people find alternatives to a
mentor relationship in their relationships with peers. The mutuality and reciprocity in a
peer relationship that facilitates both people’s development is enhanced by work that
fosters collaboration rather than competition. When work is highly individualized and
there is little reward for interacting with others, people are less likely to build supportive
alliances with their peers.
Obstacle 3: Poor performance-management systems or those that do not provide a
forum and specific tools for coaching and counseling. A human resource development
(HRD) system has the potential to facilitate mentoring by legitimizing the discussion of
career goals, plans, and dilemmas, and by providing the tools with which to conduct
such discussions. When the system clearly communicates the expectation that managers
are responsible for holding career discussions with their employees and that employees
are responsible for assessing their own aspirations, skills, and specific objectives,
discussions between managers and subordinates are likely to provide mentoring
functions. However, if managers fear the consequences of holding such career
discussions, they are likely to avoid the responsibility. Similarly, if employees view the
system as ineffectual, they are not likely to do the background work that would make it
The initial design and implementation of an HRD or career-development system
largely determines whether it will effectively create a forum for meaningful career
exploration and planning. If the system is viewed as being responsive to members’
needs, if people feel prepared to carry out their responsibilities effectively, and if the
reward system and the culture reinforce it as an important set of activities, employees
and managers are likely to embrace it in ways that benefit the organization as well.
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Similarly, performance appraisal and management by objectives (MBO) systems
have the potential to reinforce a number of the mentoring functions by providing forums
for discussion of performance, objectives, and accomplishments. For the subordinate, a
performance appraisal provides an opportunity to receive coaching and feedback. The
supervisor is given a structure in which to provide these important developmental
functions and is trained in how to do so. Unfortunately, these conditions do not exist in
many organizations.
Obstacle 4: The culture of the organization—through its shared values, systems of
informal rules and rituals, and the behavior of its leaders—labels mentoring, and
relationships in general, as nonessential. Like the reward system, the culture
significantly affects whether people will invest time in developing relationships that
support personal and professional growth (Deal & Kennedy, 1982). An organization
whose leaders provide mentoring functions down the line, reward subordinates for
developing their subordinates, and model effective mentoring behaviors, is likely to
have a reward system that values relationships and developmental activities.
Equally important are the value messages conveyed by the culture about what types
of communication are legitimate, the degree to which people can trust one another
(particularly at different hierarchical levels), the extent to which openness and trust are
valued and respected, and so on. Meaningful coaching, counseling, friendship, and role
modeling are almost impossible in a situation characterized by low trust and minimal or
purely political communication.
It is not difficult to assess how the organizational culture encourages or discourages
mentoring. Observations of communication patterns and interviews with organizational
members can provide insight about how the culture affects relationships.
Most organizations have not consciously assessed their cultures in relation to
mentoring. Those that have generally have emphasized the importance of sponsorship
and mentoring for those who have been identified as having high potential for
managerial responsibilities (“An ‘Old Girl Network’ Is Born,” Business Week, 1978;
Collins & Scott, 1978). Leaders of organizations consciously model what they consider
to be appropriate behavior, and newcomers with high potential are linked with senior
managers who are expected to provide a variety of mentoring functions. Such mentoring
for an elite group rather than for a wide range of organizational members creates a
significant loss for the organization.
The culture that most severely discourages mentoring is the one in which
relationships are considered distractions from the work. Leaders model a results
orientation, inquire only about the bottom line, and invest little time or energy in talking
with employees about their jobs or personal lives. Concerns for efficiency, high
production, and maximum use of technical resources do not include concern for the
quality of work life or the development of human resources. Thus, people feel
discounted and disaffected, the quality of communication and the levels of trust are low,
and supportive relationships are almost nonexistent.
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Obstacle 5: People’s assumptions, attitudes, and skills interfere with relationships
that provide mentoring functions: People assume that senior employees do not have the
time or interest to coach and counsel others, and many people lack the interpersonal
skills to initiate and manage such relationships. A major obstacle to initiating and
building relationships that provide mentoring functions is the lack of awareness of the
important role that relationships play in career development. Early in their careers, most
people are concerned with mastering technical competence; the notion that relationships
might aid in preparing for advancement is rare (Dalton et al., 1977; Louis, 1980;
Webber, 1976). Similarly, people in mid-career and beyond frequently do not
understand how providing guidance to others can support their own continued
development. Without this recognition, any mentoring that does occur is a result of
intuitive, rather than deliberate, action. Attitudes about one’s own competence and
career potential, assumptions about those in authority, and attitudes about the
organization in general can affect the extent to which people will attempt to build
relationships. A positive attitude generally is a prerequisite for proactive behavior.
People further along in their careers who have encountered blocked opportunity
and/or the threat of obsolescence are likely to have attitudes that make them
psychologically unavailable to provide mentoring functions to others. These may
include resentment toward younger colleagues who face opportunities for growth and
advancement. The organization’s response to a person’s mid-career dilemmas is critical
in determining his or her potential value in helping to develop other employees.
Finally, lack of interpersonal skills can harm the supportive relationships that
provide mentoring, even when attitudes and assumptions are positive. Skills in active
listening, communication, building trust and empathy, providing coaching and
counseling, and managing conflict and competition are essential to the maintenance of
relationships that contribute to growth and development.
Systematic diagnosis, planning, and action steps can modify the reward system, culture,
performance-management system, job design, and individual skills and attitudes within
the organization. An open-systems perspective suggests that change in any one feature
of an organization will affect other parts of the system as well (Beer, 1980; Nadler &
Tushman, 1980; Rice, 1969). This perspective also suggests that there are several ways
to achieve a desired objective; thus, the appropriate intervention strategy for a given
situation will depend on which features are to be modified, where the readiness and
motivation for change exist, the extent to which top management supports the objective,
and what resources are available to support the effort (Beckhard, 1969).
There are two types of interventions to encourage mentoring. Educational
interventions are training and development efforts designed to create awareness and
understanding of mentoring and its role in career development and to develop
relationship skills. Structural interventions are planned efforts to modify existing
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structures and systems in the organization in order to elicit different behaviors from
organizational members. Each type has advantages and limitations; in most instances,
educational and structural interventions should be designed and implemented
simultaneously or in sequence in order to reinforce each other.
Educational Interventions
In addition to increasing knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes, educational
interventions can contribute to a change in the culture of the organization by reinforcing
new values.
The intervention used will depend on the particular setting and the objectives that
have been defined. For example, in a setting in which a career-development system is
functioning well, education related to mentoring could be incorporated into training that
supports the system. In a setting in which there is an interest in enhancing the quality
and availability of mentoring for women and minority-group members, specialized
training for these groups as well as for the potential mentors would be appropriate.
It is possible to outline the predictable issues, topics, and concerns that would be
relevant for target groups at different career stages (see Table 2). Research on mentoring
and on life and career stages indicates that a different training program would be
appropriate for each age group or career stage (Baird & Kram, 1983; Hall, 1976;
Levinson et al., 1978; Phillips-Jones, 1982).
For People in Early Career. This target group is likely to be concerned with
learning how to function in the organization and/or preparing for advancement (Dalton
et al., 1977; Hall, 1976; Schein, 1978; Webber, 1976). The primary training objective
should be to educate these people about the importance of relationships with senior
colleagues who can coach, guide, and sponsor them as they attempt to build competence
in their new careers. This input may encourage these people to consider how they might
develop supportive relationships in their work settings and also can help to legitimize
their uncertainty about their competence, potential, or career plans at this stage.
Self-assessment and skill-development activities also are necessary so that people
can assess their own developmental needs and their current relationships and set goals
for their own development and for relationships that can support them along the way.
Equally important is the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills through a variety of
experiential methods that strengthen trainees’ abilities to initiate and build supportive
For People in Mid-Career. This population varies considerably in terms of age and
career experiences. Ranging in age from thirty-five to fifty-five, some of these people
already may have reached a plateau in terms of future advancement while others still
may be advancing. Each of these people has a substantial history in the organization or
in a particular career, as well as a history of relationships. Mid-career generally is a
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period of reassessment and redirection (Levinson et al., 1978; Osherson, 1980). The
training for this population should include a review of life and career goals as well as a
perspective on the role of mentoring in developing people in both early and mid-career
stages. The opportunity to relate one’s own experiences and concerns to the educational
input provides a forum for discussion about assuming the role of mentor in relationships
with junior colleagues.
It is to be expected that these people will have different attitudes about mentoring,
stemming from their personal experiences as well as from the organization’s current
treatment of people at this career stage. The opportunity to explore these attitudes in a
supportive context increases the likelihood that participants will leave with an
inclination to provide mentoring functions in a manner that is also self-enhancing. It is
most realistic to assume that some, not all, will embrace the role of mentor with
Table 2. Objectives of Educational Interventions for Different
Target Populations
Major Objectives
People in
Early Career
1. To legitimize and clarify predictable personal and professional dilemmas.
2. To clarify the role of mentoring in career development, outlining the range of
possible mentoring functions.
3. To highlight the mutual benefits of mentor relationships and the value of peer
relationships as alternatives.
4. To provide an opportunity for self-assessment regarding relationship needs,
current and potential relationships, and personal resources.
5. To provide an opportunity to develop the interpersonal skills needed to initiate and
maintain relationships with senior colleagues and peers.
People in
1. To legitimize and clarify predictable personal and professional dilemmas.
2. To clarify how assuming the role of mentor can be responsive to current
developmental concerns.
3. To provide an opportunity for review of accomplishments, significant relationships,
and concerns about the future.
4. To provide an opportunity to explore concerns about aging, obsolescence, and
competence in a supportive context.
5. To provide an opportunity to develop the interpersonal skills needed to coach and
counsel others.
People in
Late Career
1. To legitimize and clarify predictable personal and professional dilemmas.
2. To clarify how the role of mentor can be responsive to current developmental
3. To provide an opportunity to review the past and to prepare for leaving the
4. To provide an opportunity to discuss the experiences of late career with peers and
to generate ways to pass on wisdom to younger colleagues.
*In each target population, it may be relevant to add special-interest concerns to the agenda, depending
on demographic and organizational objectives. For example, exploration of the complexities of cross-sex and
interracial mentor relationships should be included when there is diversity in the work force.
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enthusiasm. In settings in which employees in mid-career receive few rewards and little
recognition, few are likely to want to actively coach and guide younger colleagues.
Opportunities for self-assessment and skill development are critical for this
population. People can examine their own careers and state how mentoring either played
a significant role or how it was missed at critical points along the way. Skill-
development activities help them to develop confidence and competence in providing
mentoring functions to junior colleagues and also in building alliances with peers and
superiors who might provide developmental functions that are needed during the middle
career years.
For People in Late Career. Members of this population are likely to be anticipating
retirement or at least experiencing some conflict about how much to invest in the
organization and how much to invest in other life domains (Kram & Jusela, 1978;
Levinson et al., 1978). Concerns about what they will leave behind become salient.
Mentoring can provide an important vehicle for passing on their wisdom and
experiences to younger generations, and both individual and organizational benefits are
derived from the process.
The educational design should encourage people to review their pasts, to identify
positive and negative experiences (particularly in relationships), and to define
opportunities to provide mentoring functions that would be mutually beneficial to
themselves and to junior colleagues. With this group, cognitive input and skill training
are not as critical as the opportunity to identify ways in which to create consultative
roles for themselves (Hall & Kram, 1981). Of course, some members of this group
already may be providing mentoring functions to junior colleagues.
Educational programs for employees grouped by age or career stage may not be
practical in many instances. Although these have the advantage of bringing together
people with similar developmental concerns and opportunities, heterogeneous groups
have advantages as well. In training groups that include people at every career stage,
people develop greater empathy for those with whom they are likely to develop mentor
For heterogeneous populations, the training designs must be more generalized.
Perspectives on life and career stages and the role of mentoring in career stages are
appropriate topics. It also is valuable to address special-interest topics with the group as
a whole or in smaller discussion groups. For example, newer employees might discuss
their concerns about “learning the ropes,” and women and men might discuss the
complexities of cross-sex relationships. Clearly, particular groups will have concerns
unique to their histories in the organization; an opportunity to explore these in an
educational context contributes to the awareness, attitudes, and skills necessary for
building supportive alliances in the work setting.
The appropriate objectives, designs, and target populations for educational
interventions depend on the nature of the programs that currently exist in the
organization, the role of training in the organization, and the readiness and needs of
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organizational members. For example, some organizations integrate education about
mentoring into existing career-planning workshops; thus, separate programs on
mentoring are not necessary. Indeed, the integration with other programs gives greater
credibility to the topic and its relevance for people at all career stages.
Regardless of the particular target population or special objectives, however,
experience suggests that certain principles of laboratory education (see Figure 1) are
important in developing new attitudes and behavioral skills (Bass & Vaughn, 1966;
Porter, Lawler, & Hackman, 1975; Beer, 1980).
1. Define learning objectives for specific target population.
2. Emphasize exploration of attitudes about mentoring and the behavior required to initiate and manage
relationships that provide mentoring functions. Supplement skill training and self-reflection with
cognitive learning about life and career stages and the role of mentoring in career development.
3. Provide opportunities to practice the interpersonal skills of active listening, communication, building
rapport, managing conflict, collaboration, coaching, counseling, and so on in role-play situations
and/or in discussions of on-the-job relationships.
4. Provide opportunities for constructive feedback from facilitators and participants on interpersonal
styles and on specific strategies for initiating relationships that provide mentoring functions.
5. Provide opportunities to experiment with new behavior and to observe modeling of effective coaching
and counseling.
6. End with planning for back-home applications of learnings to current and future job situations and
Figure 1. Principles of Laboratory Education
These principles stress the importance of a focus on behavior and attitudes rather
than on cognitive learning, although cognitive learning should be provided to support
skill development. In addition to skill practice, the opportunity to obtain constructive
feedback, to experiment with new behaviors, and to observe the modeling of effective
coaching and counseling will reinforce the development of new skills and attitudes.
Because not all participants will be interested in or open to learning about
mentoring, the educational program must be introduced with a clear rationale about how
it fits with the participants’ job situations and broader organizational objectives. If
organizational structures and managers do not support the attitudes and skills developed
in the educational program, the new learning is likely to fade rapidly (Argyris, 1970).
Educational programs of this type should be voluntary. Research has indicated that
some people are more inclined to provide mentoring functions than others (Alleman,
1982; Kram, 1980; Levinson et al., 1978). At a minimum, within the learning context, it
is important to acknowledge and address individual reluctance and anxiety about mentor
Coaching and counseling of people as they attempt to build supportive relationships
with peers, superiors, and subordinates subsequent to the educational experience will
help to facilitate the transfer of new attitudes and skills. If resources are available, the
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opportunity to talk with a third party about their experiences will provide the support
that people need as they venture into new relationship behaviors. Peer counseling can
augment staff resources in this regard.
The support of senior management is critical in ensuring that educational
interventions are viewed as legitimate and important. Top managers should state
explicitly that mentoring efforts contribute to organizational objectives. In addition, they
should model effective mentoring behaviors in their relationships with subordinates.
Finally, senior management must ensure that the structural changes needed to encourage
mentoring are implemented; the reward system, aspects of task design, culture of the
organization, and features of performance-management systems are unlikely to change
significantly without the active support of this group (Argyris, 1970; Beckhard, 1969;
Beer, 1980).
Structural Interventions
Educational interventions focus on changing the attitudes and skills of organizational
members. Structural interventions focus on changing the existing systems in the
organization or on introducing new ones to create new stimuli and reinforcements to
which members must respond. The primary advantage of structural interventions is that
they produce changes in behavior rapidly (Beer, 1980). If they are supplemented by
appropriate educational interventions, they have the potential to change organizational
norms and practices in a direction that encourages mentoring for members at all career
Educational and structural interventions should be implemented in sequence or
simultaneously to reinforce one another. If an educational intervention is made but the
reward system, task design, and performance-management systems do not support the
behaviors and attitudes acquired through the learning process, the organizational
members are likely to become frustrated, angry, and resentful as they attempt to
implement their newly acquired skills. Similarly, when structural intervention is
implemented without an educational intervention to develop the ownership and the skills
needed to meet the requirements of the new system, the organizational members are
likely to become uncertain, anxious, and resentful of the change (Tushman, 1974).
Table 3 lists structural interventions that can be used to encourage and support
mentoring relationships.
Table 3. Structural Interventions That Encourage Mentoring
Intervention Alternative Methods Major Advantages Major Disadvantages
Modify the
1. Base decisions about pay
and promotion on both
bottom-line results and
how well people develop
subordinates and build
relationships with senior
colleagues and peers.
Has high impact on
people’s behavior at all
career stages
Is likely to engender
significant resistance.
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Table 3 (continued). Structural Interventions That Encourage Mentoring
Intervention Alternative Methods Major Advantages Major Disadvantages
2. Develop a human-resource
accounting system to
provide data for evaluating
performance in developing
Operationalizes rewards
for developing
relationships and people.
Specific measures that
reflect quality of
relationships are difficult
to define.
3. Develop a formal process
for eliciting feedback from
peers and subordinate to
be utilized in performance
appraisal, development
planning, and decisions
about pay and promotion.
Provides qualitative data
that can help to improve
Is likely to engender
significant resistance from
organizational members
who want to maintain one-
way communication and
4. Develop explicit rewards at
mid-career for providing
coaching and counseling to
junior colleagues.
Reduces stagnation and
withdrawal of people at
mid-career while
developing their potential
to provide mentoring.
It is difficult to determine
which specific rewards
would have value and be
consistent with ongoing
Modify the
Design of
1. Modify space
arrangements to
encourage interaction
among junior and senior
employees who have
relationship needs.
Affects daily interaction
patterns. Is easy to
Is likely to change the
frequency of interaction,
but not necessarily the
2. Modify newer employees’
jobs to require more
contact with clients and
senior colleagues who can
provide mentoring
Legitimizes regular
contact with potential
People may not have the
requisite interpersonal
skills, or the new design
may violate norms of
3. Modify senior employees’
jobs to include
responsibilities for
coaching and counseling
younger colleagues.
Legitimizes the role of
mentor or coach, giving it
value and priority.
Some people may not
want to assume new
responsibilities or may not
have the interpersonal
skills to do so.
4. Create project teams that
include individuals at
different career stages who
can learn from one
Provides an ongoing
vehicle for mentoring
activities as part of the
work itself.
People may not have the
requisite interpersonal
skill, or the work
technology may prohibit
the change.
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Table 3 (continued). Structural Interventions That Encourage Mentoring
Intervention Alternative Methods Major Advantages Major Disadvantages
1. Introduce performance
appraisal, MBO, and
developmental planning
processes if they do not
Provides a forum for
mentoring activities,
including coaching,
counseling, role modeling,
and sponsorship.
Is likely to engender
considerable resistance,
particularly without
adequate skill training.
2. Offer educational programs
on the rationale and skills
required for each system.
Changes attitudes and
enhances interpersonal
Will be viewed with
skepticism unless systems
are endorsed by senior
3. Allow other than immediate
supervisors to provide
mentoring functions.
Voluntary participation
encourages positive
May threaten immediate
Introduce a
1. Set up pairs of colleagues
who are expected to build
relationships that provide
mentoring functions.
Ensures pairing and
mentoring as assigned.
People may feel coerced
and confused or anxious
about their
destructive dynamics may
2. Define a target populations
for whom formalized
relationships should be
established and provide a
process for identifying and
matching pairs.
Increases the likelihood
that matches will work
because they are based
on similar values,
interests, and
interpersonal styles.
Those who are not
selected are likely to feel
deprived, resentful, and
increasingly pessimistic
about their futures.
3. Set up procedures for
monitoring the pairs and
providing feedback to the
Provides support the pairs
and a vehicle for ending
relationships that do no
Evaluation can put people
in the program on the
4. Offer educational
opportunities to aid
members in participating
effectively in the program.
Changes attitudes and
builds requisite
interpersonal skills,
preparing people to initiate
and manage the new
Some volunteers may be
ill suited for their new
Modifying the Reward System
The reward system has tremendous impact on behavior because pay and promotion
issues are so important to people (Beer, 1980; Lawler, 1977). In most organizations, this
system is designed to reward performance and potential related to bottom-line results.
There are several ways in which a reward system can be modified to encourage
relationship-building activities. Decisions about pay increases and promotion can be
based not only on financial results but also on how well people develop subordinates
and how well they build relationships with colleagues. Feedback from peers and
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subordinates concerning how well a person provides development functions can become
part of the data on which such decisions about rewards are based. Rewards other than
promotion and pay, such as job enrichment and educational opportunities, can be made
available to people in mid-career to provide them with encouragement and the incentive
to assume the role of mentor. Finally, mentoring skills could become part of the
prerequisites for advancement to managerial positions in the organization. A clear
statement from senior management about the importance of mentoring in developing
human resources within the organization is necessary to support such structural (or
educational) interventions.
It is difficult to measure how well people assume the role of mentor. Bottom-line
results are far easier to evaluate. Several organizations are now attempting to develop
human-resource accounting systems to measure the costs incurred to recruit, train, and
develop their human resources (Flamholtz, 1974). Such an accounting approach enables
people to report the time they spend in mentoring activities, but does not reflect the
quality of that relationship time. If a reward system truly is to acknowledge the
importance of developmental relationships, subjective data concerning the quality of the
mentoring or coaching experiences also must be considered.
Feedback from peers and subordinates is one important source of information. This
may be difficult to implement in an organization in which the culture is authoritarian,
with only top-down communication. However, in settings in which two-way
communication is valued, feedback provides a powerful mechanism for helping people
to improve their skills and for producing data that can be utilized in decisions about pay
and promotion.
Changing the reward system is a complex task. It is important to educate members
about the changes in expectations and to provide education and skill training that enable
them to make mentoring activities a higher priority. If this is not done, members are
likely to become anxious and resentful about the changes in the rules (Tushman, 1974).
Resistance to changes in the reward system is predictable. Change creates fear and
anxiety (Watson, 1969; Zaltman & Duncan, 1977). Perhaps the best way to introduce
change into a system is to involve the members of the system in planning and/or
implementing the change. This not only helps to ensure modifications that are relevant
to those who will be affected but also helps to reduce some of the predictable resistance
to the change (Beer, 1980; Lawler, 1977).
Modifying the Design of Work
Opportunities for interaction are essential for encouraging relationships that provide
mentoring functions. Mentor relationships frequently begin as a result of two people’s
collaborating on a task and discovering a mutual liking and trust. Although
modifications in the reward system generally are quite significant, and therefore subject
to considerable resistance and scrutiny, modifications to the design of work in order to
foster interaction can range from minor changes to a major reorganization.
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The impact of the physical space of an organization on frequency and quality of
interactions among organizational members often is overlooked (Steele, 1973; Steele &
Jenks, 1977). Conditions that encourage relationship-building efforts can be created by
making it easier for people to have informal discussions with those who have
complementary developmental needs. Indeed, in some organizations, a conscious
decision is made to have junior and senior engineers share office space, particularly
during the first six months of employment for the newcomer (Phillips-Jones, 1982).
Organizational members who have a commitment to mentoring can model effective
management of physical space by creating an “open-door” policy through their own
actions. Perceptions of availability appear to have a tremendous effect on people’s
willingness to seek guidance from their senior colleagues.
The redesign of work need not be system wide; individual jobs also can be modified
to meet individual and organizational needs. Jobs can be redesigned to include contact
with clients, with other parts of the organization, or with senior colleagues who can
provide feedback on performance. This enriches the job (Hackman & Oldham, 1980;
Hackman, Oldham, Jansen, & Purdy, 1975), as well as increasing opportunities for
interaction with people who can provide mentoring functions.
A more radical modification in the design of work involves the creation of project
teams composed of people at different career stages who have complementary needs.
This intervention has the potential to enhance productivity as well as the quality of
Modifications in the design of work to encourage mentoring are dictated by the
nature of the work and the skills and attitudes of organizational members. As with the
redesign of the reward system, the involvement of those who will be affected by the
change is preferable.
Modifications to the design of work can have significant impact on the quality of
interpersonal relations in the organization, the level of trust across hierarchical levels,
and the general culture of the system, as well as on other structures and systems.
Consideration of how other systems must change in order to maintain a “fit” among
organizational components is essential for effective implementation (Beer, 1980;
Hackman & Oldham, 1980; Nadler & Tushman, 1980).
Modifying the Performance-Management System
The performance-management system has the potential to provide ongoing
developmental functions. Management by objectives (MBO) is a process in which the
manager and employee regularly set and review achievable goals that are consistent with
organizational objectives (Odiorne, 1965). Performance appraisal is a process in which
the subordinate’s performance is reviewed and feedback is provided on both
performance and potential. Finally, in career-development or performance-development
programs, the subordinate and supervisor jointly assess the subordinate’s strengths and
weaknesses and then develop a plan for his or her development. All of these activities
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involve a range of mentoring functions, including coaching, counseling, role modeling,
and feedback.
If one of these systems is in place but not operating effectively, it may be because
the people involved do not have the skills to perform their required roles or because the
system was not introduced and/or explained adequately. Strategies for modifying these
systems so that they will encourage mentoring are dictated by the current state of affairs.
If no formal system is yet in place, introduction should involve a planned, step-by-step
process that includes the endorsement of top management; pilot projects that
demonstrate success; and educational interventions that provide knowledge, attitudes,
and skills.
If a system is in place but underutilized or not highly valued, a systematic diagnosis
is needed to determine what is wrong. An educational intervention may be warranted, or
the system’s design may be inappropriate for the particular population, in which case
changes in the system must be considered before an educational intervention would have
positive impact. Organizational members may become unwilling to embrace the
responsibilities that a performance-management system requires (Meyer, Kay, &
French, 1965). The recognition that not all organizational members may be able to carry
out the conflicting roles required by these systems is an important first step toward
making performance-management systems more effective. A system may have to
legitimize someone other than the immediate supervisor to discuss performance and
plans for development. In one engineering organization, the role of “alternative advisor”
was introduced in the context of a new career-development program (Lewis, 1982). The
alternative advisors were managers who volunteered to be available for career
discussions with employees who did not feel comfortable in talking with their
immediate supervisors about personal and professional-development issues.
The Problems of Formal Mentoring Programs
A formal mentoring program consists of an explicit goal and set of practices for pairing
junior and senior organizational members in order to facilitate the effective socialization
of newcomers and to help them to prepare for career advancement (Phillips-Jones,
A variety of formal mentoring programs have been introduced in both the private
sector and the Federal government. In the Federal government, the Internal Revenue
Service, the Federal Executive Development Program, the Presidential Management
Internal Program, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have utilized formal systems
in which the training and development staffs assign coaches or mentors to junior-level
employees. In the private sector, the Jewel Companies assign each new manager to a
senior manager for coaching and mentoring (Collins & Scott, 1978); AT&T Bell Labs
have a junior and a senior engineer share the same office for several months; Glendale
Federal Savings and Loan has voluntary leaders in each unit act as counselors for
employees; and Merrill Lynch has bosses nominate employees who are then assigned to
mentors (Phillips-Jones, 1982). Federal Express has a mentoring system that also
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includes the education and involvement of the immediate supervisors of the junior
employees, as well as an advisory board that monitors the system’s effectiveness and
deals with any problems that occur (Lean, 1983).
Although no systematic evaluation of these formal mentoring programs has been
completed, there is sufficient evidence to raise a number of questions about their value
in creating conditions that encourage mentoring. It appears that although their primary
objective is to provide an effective socialization experience for newcomers (and, in
some instances, for particular groups of newcomers such as women, minorities, and/or
employees with high potential), they are not accomplishing this goal and, in some
instances, have had destructive consequences for the people involved. Some of these
negative results can be avoided through careful design and implementation of the
system; others are the consequences of attempts to engineer relationships that must
evolve naturally and voluntarily as a result of mutual attraction and interests (Kram,
When mentors and protégés are assigned to each other, they are likely to feel
coerced into the relationship. Senior employees may begin to resent their responsibilities
as mentors, and junior employees may resent the “patronized” aspects of their role or
doubt the value of the relationship. Even if the partners see potential value in the
relationship, they may experience anxiety or confusion about their new roles.
Educational interventions can alleviate some of this anxiety and confusion by defining
mentoring functions and providing interpersonal skill training.
Negative mentoring experiences can be minimized by making sure that
participation in a formal mentoring system is voluntary. Screening procedures can help
people to think through the decision to participate, and data can be collected to facilitate
the match between potential mentors and protégés (Phillips-Jones, 1982). However, the
very existence of a formal system that is endorsed by an organization’s management
makes it unlikely that the program will be genuinely voluntary.
Voluntary participation in a mentoring program can reduce the risk of destructive
experiences; it cannot, however, eliminate the possibility of negative reactions from
those who have not been selected to participate or from those who are affected by the
relationships that have been arranged. For example, in a mentoring system designed for
employees with high potential, those who are not selected are likely to feel deprived,
resentful, and pessimistic about their own opportunities for development. Similarly, in a
mentoring program designed to facilitate affirmative action, majority-group members
may become resentful of the guidance and support being offered to special-interest
group members. These side effects can affect relationships among peers as well as
people’s commitment to the organization.
Even if the formal mentoring system is available to all employees, the immediate
supervisors of the juniors in the mentoring pairs may be threatened by the new alliances.
The risk of losing influence over the performance and career decisions of a subordinate
increases as the bond between mentor and protégé strengthens. It is essential to involve
supervisors in the process of arranging the pairs in order to mitigate their resentment. At
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the same time it must be realized that some of their responsibilities will be infringed
with the formalization of the mentor relationships.
The risks of a formal mentoring system are significant, and the potential benefits
have not been demonstrated clearly. There is some indication that certain preconditions
can reduce some of the risks. First, participation should be voluntary; and some
systematic screening procedure should be used to enhance the decision to participate as
well as the matching of mentors and protégés. Second, the support of top management is
essential to convey the serious intent of the program and its importance in developing
human resources in the organization. Third, educational interventions should be
provided in order to increase employees’ understanding of mentoring functions and their
interpersonal skills so that their anxiety about entering new relationships is reduced.
Finally, there must be flexibility in the system so that mismatches can be remedied and
pairs can continue relationships only so long as they are fulfilling mutual needs. These
preconditions are feasible, but not easily achieved.
Research to date indicates that a mentoring relationship cannot be engineered but,
rather, must emerge from the spontaneous and mutual involvement of two people who
see potential value in the relationship (Kram, 1980; Levinson et al., 1978). The research
also indicates that people are more likely to develop a variety of relationships that
provide mentoring functions rather than attempt to meet all their developmental needs in
one alliance (Rowe, 1980; Shapiro, Haseltine, & Rowe, 1978). It appears that a
formalized mentoring program may be “unnatural” and, thus, basically unrealistic. It
also seems that alternative structural and educational interventions ultimately may have
greater positive impact. Opportunities for interaction and pairing of juniors and seniors
can be created through appropriate task design, reward systems, and performance-
management systems; and people can be offered the educational experiences to build the
requisite interpersonal skills. These strategies increase the likelihood that people with
complementary needs will find one another and decrease the risks associated with
attempts to formalize such alliances.
Because effective mentoring requires considerable personal involvement and
commitment of time, energy, and human resources, a strategy for intervention must be
based on a thorough understanding of organizational members’ attitudes, knowledge,
and skills, as well as the nature of systems, structures, and procedures that can promote
or interfere with relationship-building efforts. With this understanding, it is possible to
define which educational and structural interventions are most appropriate.
The value of an organization development approach to determining and
implementing interventions cannot be overstated. The process of organization
development and change is a dynamic one; and the major phases of data collection,
diagnosis, action planning, intervention, and evaluation do not occur in linear fashion
but are reiterated over time (Kolb & Frohman, 1970). An intervention strategy is
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necessarily defined over time, step by step, as learning occurs through each new cycle of
data collection, diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation. This is necessary in order to
ensure congruence among structure, people, process, strategy, and culture (Beer, 1980;
Nadler & Tushman, 1980). The following is an outline of a systematic intervention
1. Establish the objectives and scope of the intervention.
Who is in need of mentoring?
Who can provide mentoring?
Are resources available for a system-wide intervention, or is a smaller,
departmental intervention more appropriate?
2. Identify the features that create obstacles to mentoring and alternative methods
for alleviating them.
Which features discourage relationship-building efforts? The reward system?
The design of work? The culture? The absence of effective performance-
management systems? Individual attitudes, assumptions, or skills?
Which educational and structural interventions are feasible? Which would
address the obstacles identified?
Are there existing change efforts or established programs into which a strategy
to encourage mentoring could be incorporated?
Who should be involved in choosing the appropriate intervention so that the
support of management is assured and resistance is minimized?
3. Implement the intervention.
Which should happen first, an educational or structural intervention?
Who should be consulted and involved in the implementation?
What depth of intervention is required?
4. Evaluate the impact of the intervention and determine the next steps.
How did people respond to the intervention over time?
What other interventions are needed to support the desired changes in attitudes
and behavior?
Who needs to be informed of the impact of the intervention in order to ensure
long-term support for the change?
Systematic diagnosis of the situation enables definition of the potential obstacles to
mentoring, including structures, processes, and people. The process of data collection,
diagnosis, and action planning should involve the target population for whom mentoring
is desired, members of the management group who must commit resources and support
for change, as well as the internal and/or external change agents who have the
knowledge and skills to orchestrate the process.
Data Collection
People at all career stages should be consulted about the factors that encourage or
interfere with their efforts to establish effective relationships with colleagues, including
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the organization’s reward system, performance-management systems, task design, and
culture. Through systematic interviews with members of the relevant groups, data can be
collected to determine the appropriate objectives (for example, to provide mentoring for
women and minorities, to enhance mentoring for all employees, to expand career-
development processes in the organization), the appropriate subsystems to be involved
(one department, one division, the entire organization), the willingness and capability of
members to support the proposed objectives and required change, and the resources
available to support the intervention goals and strategy (Beckhard, 1969).
The data-collection phase of such an approach lays the foundation for a
collaborative effort so that organizational members develop a sense of ownership for the
proposed changes (Beckhard & Harris, 1977; Beer, 1980). Resistance to change is then
minimized (Alderfer & Brown, 1975).
Diagnosis and Action Planning
These phases include a synthesis of the information gathered and identification of
possible alternative actions. For example, if the data show that only bottom-line results
currently are rewarded, changes in the reward system are necessary. The data are likely
to show factors that already encourage mentoring behavior; for instance, task design
already may foster frequent interaction between junior and senior employees, or
performance-appraisal systems already may require managers to provide some
mentoring functions. These supporting factors should be built on during the action-
planning process.
Alternative options must be assessed in light of other change processes and
developmental efforts in the organization into which the development of mentoring
relationships could be incorporated.
There is no one right way to intervene in any situation; a number of strategies can lead
toward the same end (Nadler & Tushman, 1980). The choice and sequencing of
educational and structural interventions must be made on the basis of predicting the
potential costs and benefits of each alternative. In particular, it is necessary to anticipate
possible resistance and how it might be addressed (Kotter & Schlesinger, 1979; Watson,
1969; Zalman & Duncan, 1977). The potential mentors may be resistant because they
have never received mentoring and/or they resent the opportunity provided to junior
colleagues. The potential protégés may be resistant because they do not trust senior
managers to have their interests at heart, they do not respect the competence and advice
of senior colleagues, and/or they do not have the attitudes and skills required to initiate
relationships with potential mentors. Senior managers may be resistant because their
concern for “results” questions the energy that will be directed toward development of
people. Each of these sources of resistance can become a focus for intervention (Bennis,
Benne, & Chin, 1969; Lewin, 1951).
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Harrison (1970) suggests that an intervention be no deeper than is required to
achieve the objectives for change, nor should it surpass the energy and resources that
can be committed by system members. Because mentoring relationships require that
people have particular interpersonal skills as well as self-awareness and an
understanding of the mentoring process, it is likely that an educational intervention will
be necessary. If limited resources make it impossible for education to be offered, or if a
change in the design of work or the reward system requires more study and human effort
than currently can be allocated, serious consideration should be given to not initiating
the process at all.
An organization development approach to creating conditions that encourage mentoring
ensures that such efforts are relevant, acceptable, and have the intended impact (Beer,
This approach requires a systematic process of data collection, diagnosis, action
planning, and careful evaluation. Interventions that are effective in one setting may be
inappropriate in another.
An organization must consider its objectives and resources carefully when choosing
among educational and structural interventions. Frequently, the inclination is to choose
the intervention that appears most efficient in order to conserve resources. But that
alternative may not alter the systems that create the most significant obstacles.
The introduction of a formal mentoring system, while apparently a direct solution to
the lack of effective mentoring, may produce the most negative effects. Those who are
matched may resent the formalized relationship; those who are not matched may feel
deprived; and without adequate skill training and a reward system and performance-
management systems that support mentoring behaviors, participants are likely to become
frustrated even if they initially are enthusiastic and committed to the program.
This points to the need for systematic diagnosis of the situation and identification of
the sequence of educational and structural interventions that will create the conditions
for effective mentoring to evolve. If opportunities for interaction are lacking, changes in
task design, performance-management systems, or norms relating to cross-hierarchical
contact may be needed. If organizational members at each career stage do not
understand the role of mentoring in career development or if they do not have the
requisite interpersonal skills, educational intervention is warranted. Finally, if human
resource development and relationship-building activities are not considered in
performance evaluation and promotion decisions, changes in the reward system will
have to be made before mentoring activities are encouraged.
An organization development approach to intervening involves organizational
members in the diagnosis, action planning, and evaluation phases. A pool of
representatives from every level (senior management on down to new employees)
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should be invited to participate in the planning and implementation of educational and
structural interventions (Alderfer, 1976; Beckhard & Harris, 1977; Beer, 1980).
Although a number of intervention strategies have been discussed, others are likely
to be discovered as these are implemented. It is critical that evaluation be conducted in
order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of various approaches. Evaluation
research should include interviews and questionnaires to assess the impact of changes in
systems and procedures or participation in educational events. As these data are
collected, they will provide the basis for further diagnosis and subsequent interventions.
More basic research should continue as well. We have only begun to understand the
psychological and structural factors that shape a person’s willingness and capacity to
initiate relationships with colleagues of another generation. There also is a gap in our
understanding of how to manage cross-sex and interracial dynamics in developmental
relationships; as we develop further insight, it will be possible to invent new strategies
for overcoming these significant obstacles. Similarly, as our understanding of mentoring
alternatives increases, interventions to enhance the range of relationship options
available to organizational members will evolve.
Alderfer, C.P. (1976). Change processes in organizations. In M.D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of industrial and
organizational psychology. Chicago: Rand McNally.
Alderfer, C.P., & Brown, L.D. (1975). Learning from changing: Organizational diagnosis and development.
Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Alleman, E. (1982). Mentoring relationships in organizations: Behavior, personality characteristics, and
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Baird, L., & Kram, K. (1983, Summer). Career dynamics: Managing the superior-subordinate relationship.
Organizational Dynamics, pp. 46-64.
Bass, B.M., & Vaughn, J.A. (1966). Training in industry: The management of learning. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Beckhard, R. (1969). Organization development: Strategies and models. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Beckhard, R., & Harris, R. (1977). Organizational transitions. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Beer, M. (1980). Organizational change and development: A system view. Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear.
Bennis, W.G., Benne, K.D., & Chin, R. (1969). The planning of change. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Clawson, J. (1980). Mentoring in managerial careers. In C. Brooklyn Derr (Ed.), Work, family, and the career.
New York: Praeger.
Collins, E., & Scott, P. (1978, July-August). Everyone who makes it has a mentor. Harvard Business Review, pp.
Dalton, G., Thompson, P., & Price, R. (1977, Summer). The four stages of professional careers: A new look at
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Dalton, M. (1959). Men who manage. New York: John Wiley.
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Deal, T.E., & Kennedy, A.A. (1982). Corporate cultures: The rites and rituals of corporate life. Reading, MA:
Digman, L.A. (1978, Autumn). How well managed organizations develop through executives. Organizational
Dynamics, pp. 63-80.
Flamholtz, E.G. (1974). Human resource accounting. Encino, CA: Dickinson.
Hackman, J.R., & Oldham, G.R. (1980). Work redesign. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Hackman, J.R., & Suttle, L.J. (1977). Improving life at work. Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear.
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California Management Review, pp. 57-71.
Hall, D.T. (1976). Careers in organization. Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear.
Hall, D.T. (1980). Socialization process in later career years: Can there be growth at the terminal level? In C.
Brooklyn Derr (Ed.), Work, family, and the career. New York: Praeger.
Hall, D.T., & Kram, K.E. (1981). Development in mid-career. In D. Montross & C. Skinkerman (Eds.), Career
development in the 80’s. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Harrison, R. (1970). Choosing the depth of organizational intervention. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,
6(2), 181-202.
Klauss, R. (1979, March). Formalized mentor relationships for management and development programs in the
Federal government. Public Administration Review, pp. 489-496.
Kolb, D., & Frohman, A. (1970). An organization development approach to consulting. Sloan Management
Review, 12(1), 51-65.
Kotter, J., & Schlesinger, L. (1979, March-April). Choosing strategies for change. Harvard Business Review.
Kram, K.E. (1980). Mentoring processes at work: Developmental relationships in managerial careers.
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Kram, K.E. (1983). Phases of the mentor relationship. Academy of Management Journal, 26(4), 608-625.
Kram, K.E., & Isabella, L.A. (1985). Mentoring alternatives: The role of peer relationships in career development.
Academy of Management Journal, 28(1), 110-132.
Kram, K., & Jusela, G. (1978). Anticipation and realization: A study of retirement. Unpublished research report,
Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Lawler, E.E. (1977). Reward systems. In J.R. Hackman & L.J. Suttle (Eds.). Improving life at work. Santa Monica,
CA: Goodyear.
Lean, E. (1983, May). Cross-gender mentoring: Downright upright and good for productivity. Training and
Development Journal, pp. 60-65.
Levinson, D., Darrow, D., Klein, E., Levinson, M., & McKee, B. (1978). Seasons of a man’s life. New York:
Alfred A. Knopf.
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Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in social science. New York: Harper & Row.
Lewis, A. (1982, June). MOTEC pilot project in career development. Unpublished report.
Louis, M.R. (1980). Suspense and sense making: What newcomers experience in entering unfamiliar
organizational settings. Administrative Science Quarterly, 25, 226-251.
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Meyer, H.H., Kay, E., & French, J.P. (1965). Split-roles in performance appraisal. Harvard Business Review,
43(1), 123-129.
Missirian, A.K. (1982). The corporate connection: Why executive women need mentors to reach the top.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Nadler, D., & Tushman, M. (1980, Autumn). A model for diagnosing organizational behavior: Applying a
congruence perspective. Organizational Dynamics, pp. 35-51.
Odiorne, G.S. (1965). Management decisions by objectives. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Occasion, S. (1980). Holding on or letting go. New York: Free Press.
Peters, T.J., & Waterman, R.H., Jr. (1982). In search of excellence: Lessons from America’s best-run companies.
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Dennis C. Kinlaw
Behavior modeling (BEM) is a widely accepted technique in the field of human resource
development, especially in training. Behavior modeling can be defined as “a learning
methodology that enables
learners to develop specific skills and the confidence to use those skills by viewing
a model who uses a specific set of steps in a defined situation, enacting the behaviors
demonstrated by the model, then receiving feedback on their effectiveness” (Robinson,
1982, p. 181). The general value of BEM programs is well established (Robinson, 1982;
Zenger, 1980). It has become the method of choice in many interpersonal-
communication programs, such as Coaching-Skills training and other programs that
focus on skill acquisition and the practical application of learning.
Researchers and theorists have debated the strengths and weaknesses of BEM
programs (Dobbs, 1983; Parry & Reich, 1984). Some problems result from the use of
simplistic models that lead to participant boredom (Zenger, 1984). However, other
behavior-modeling programs are less effective than they might be because they make
only partial application of the theory from which they are derived, that is, the social-
learning theory of Albert Bandura (1971). If the principles of this theory were to be
applied more carefully, the training results of behavior modeling could be enhanced.
Social-learning theory (SLT) is a cognitive and behavioral theory of learning. One
distinctive characteristic of SLT is that it differentiates the process of acquisition from
the process of performance. Social-learning theory researchers emphasize that people
typically acquire the ability to perform a certain skill by observing some model. Models
may be behavioral, pictorial, or verbal. The process of acquisition, or learning from a
model, is a cognitive one and takes place by means of mental coding and organization.
Acquisition takes place before learners actually demonstrate the ability to perform the
skill. People often “learn” a skill and rehearse its performance in their minds before
actually having the opportunity to perform it.
Originally published in The 1990 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
Company. Adapted from Trainer’s Guide To Coaching for Commitment by Dennis C. Kinlaw, 1989, San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Used with permission. Coaching for Commitment: Managerial Strategies for Obtaining Superior Performance and Trainer’s Guide To
Coaching for Commitment are available from Pfeiffer & Company.
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Social-learning theory also emphasizes that behavior or performance is part of the
learning process and that performance, feedback, and reinforcement strengthen skill
development. The dual nature (cognitive and behavioral) of SLT is apparent in three
important subprocesses of observational learning identified by Bandura (1971):
attention, retention, and reproduction. Each of these subprocesses is affected by a
variety of factors, as outlined in Figure 1. (A fourth subprocess, motivation, is not
relevant to this discussion.)
Subprocess Factors Affecting the Subprocess
Distinctiveness or perceptual clarity of what is modeled
Complexity of the model
Learner’s perceptions of the value of what is modeled
Learner’s perceptual (mind) set
Learner’s past reinforcement
Symbolic coding
Cognitive organization
Symbolic rehearsal
Motor rehearsal
Physical capabilities
Availability of component responses
Accuracy of feedback
Figure 1. Factors Affecting Behavior Modeling
This subprocess describes the way in which learners orient themselves. The presentation
of a model does not ensure that learners will attend closely enough to the model, that
they will select from the model the most relevant attributes, or that they will even
perceive accurately what is being modeled. Attention is influenced by such variables as
the distinctiveness or perceptual clarity of what is modeled, the complexity of the model,
the learner’s perception of the value of what is modeled, the learner’s perceptual (mind)
set, and the learner’s past reinforcement patterns.
This subprocess of SLT emphasizes an element in observational learning that is ignored
in theories of imitation (such as behaviorism and other reinforcement theories).
Researchers have shown that when learners acquire a modeled response without
performing it as it is modeled, they must be retaining the modeled response in some
mental or symbolic form.
The process of retention includes symbolic coding, cognitive organization,
symbolic rehearsal, and motor rehearsal. Long-term retention of modeled behaviors is
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most dependent on coding. A simple illustration of coding is the way in which a person
translates a set of travel directions into a series of left and right turns; that person may
further code the directions by “R” for right and “L” for left.
In SLT, learners are not passive recorders who store replicated (isomorphic)
representations of modeled events. Instead, they are active, cognitive agents who
transform, codify, and organize modeled information into their own mnemonic schemes.
The behavioral aspect of SLT becomes apparent in the subprocess of reproduction,
which refers to the performance of a modeled pattern. Reproduction includes the
elements of physical capabilities, availability of component responses, self-observation;
and accuracy of feedback.
In a behavior-modeling training program, successful transition through this
subprocess depends largely on the availability of the component responses required to
reproduce the model. Learning to reproduce a complex, modeled interaction requires
that each of the constituent skills in the interaction be modeled for the learners and
performed by them before they go on to the more complex behaviors required in the
complete interaction.
Behavior-modeling programs expect more than mimicry. If merely producing imitative
behavior were their goal, trainers could use a repeated model with corrective feedback
and valued rewards and eventually evoke a matched response. The more complex
objective of enabling learners to develop specific skills and the confidence to use these
skills requires careful consideration of the three subprocesses of attention, retention, and
reproduction to enhance the design and results of such programs. Figure 2 outlines the
variables that can enhance the effectiveness of behavior modeling.
The modeled stimulus must be designed and presented in such a way that it is clear and
free of ambiguity. One of the recurring problems in some BEM programs is confusion
about what is being modeled.
Some programs use “behavioral models” to model rules, principles, values, and so
on. More than a set of behaviors is being modeled, yet the models are discussed as
though only behavior were being modeled. The use of behavior modeling to
communicate more than a set of behaviors can be appropriate at times. However,
regardless of the purpose, the more explicitly the model is presented to the learners, the
more distinctive the modeled information becomes and the more the attention process is
Not only can this subprocess be strengthened by increasing the distinctiveness of
the modeled stimuli; attention also can be strengthened by more careful preparation of
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the learner to receive the modeled stimuli. Such preparation requires precision in the
verbal descriptions of what is to be modeled. The observers need to know whether they
are looking for principles, rules, values, or skills. Once this question has been answered,
taking the following two steps can help to ensure that the model will serve its training
1. Develop an observation sheet with a format that requires the learners to make
very explicit responses (the closer the observations can be reduced to “yes” or
“no” responses, the better).
2. Test the model and observation sheet with observers and modify the model and
observation sheet until consistent results are obtained and the reliability of the
model and observation sheet have been established.
Another way to strengthen the attention subprocess is to be sure that the modeled
stimulus is clear of any elements that make it unbelievable or unacceptable to the
learners. One practical tactic is to use a video model that has a training setting rather
than an authentic organizational setting. Such a model (for example, in an interpersonal-
skills training program), could depict trainees in a training setting as they perform the
skills that the observer-learners will be expected to perform after they have viewed the
Subprocess Factors Enhancing Effectiveness
Clear design and presentation of modeled stimuli
Increased distinctiveness of the modeled stimuli
Learner preparation and awareness of what is to be observed
Use of an observation sheet requiring explicit responses
Reliability of the model and observation sheet
Absence of any elements in the modeled stimuli that interfere with
attractiveness to learners
Distinctive model and rigorous definitions of what is to be observed
Graphic or pictorial models describing what is to be observed in the
behavioral model
Learners’ development of alternative graphic and verbal descriptions of
what will be modeled
Use of generic cognitive models on which a variety of subsequent
applications or related models can be built
Modeling and practicing of constituent skills prior to modeling and
practicing a complex process
Post-modeling review of how observers coded and organized what they
Carefully designed practice activities
High-quality and well-timed feedback
Use of preliminary activities to ensure that the requisite skills have been
modeled and learned
Participant practice with feedback skills.
Figure 2. Factors Enhancing Behavior Modeling
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model. This would prevent objections such as “That’s not the way it is in our
organization.” Using a training setting for modeling also enhances the attractiveness of
the model for learners, because they perceive the actors to be like themselves—in the
same learning environment and facing the same learning challenges.
If the video model makes use of professional actors or people experienced in using
the modeled behaviors, they should strive to act naturally (not perfectly); and the setting
should be as generic as possible.
Observers learn from a model, first of all, by performing the cognitive processes of
classifying, organizing, and coding. In the attention phase of learning, making the model
distinctive and using rigorous definitions of what is to be observed enhance cognitive
These processes also can be strengthened in the retention phase. One way to do this
is to use graphic or pictorial models to describe what is to be observed in the behavioral
model. If, for example, learners will be viewing a problem-solving situation, they will
retain more if the process to be viewed is both diagramed and described verbally.
Another useful method is to have learners develop their own graphic and verbal
descriptions of what will be modeled. Then learners can rehearse with one another what
will be modeled and check the accuracy of the cognitive preparation that they have
Some of the most useful aids to retention are generic cognitive models on which a
variety of subsequent applications or related models can be built. For example, a generic
interpersonal problem-solving model can be used to describe the core skills and
processes involved in a whole series of specific supervisor-and-subordinate interactions,
such as establishing work objectives, counseling on performance, and coaching (Kinlaw,
1981, 1989). Each model of each subsequent interaction is related to the generic model,
resulting in better retention.
Retention also can be strengthened by modeling and practicing the constituent skills
of a complex process before modeling and practicing the whole process. In a training
program on coaching or interpersonal communication, for example, the BEM process is
enhanced if skills such as probing, reflecting, and summarizing are modeled and are
practiced individually before a complete interaction is modeled and practiced.
Post-modeling review of how observers have coded and organized what they have
viewed is another way to enhance the use of behavior modeling.
One mistake that trainers in BEM programs often make is using videotape models
to spark discussion about the content of the modeled interaction and encouraging
learners to identify what would improve the model. These discussions, if not carefully
controlled, can inhibit the retention process by creating indefiniteness about what is
being modeled and imprecision about what is being learned.
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The goal of BEM programs is that learners will be able to match the behaviors presented
in the modeled stimuli. Reproduction is assisted, of course, if clear and distinct models
are used, if the guidelines for observation are defined rigorously, and if accurate
cognitive coding and organization of modeled behavior have occurred. However, the
two critical elements in reproduction are practice and feedback. Behavior-modeling
programs typically can be improved by designing the practice activities more carefully
and by improving the quality and timing of feedback.
Most BEM activities are designed like the following example of a performance-
counseling situation:
1. Participants create a role-play situation in which a supervisor interacts with an
employee who has performance problems.
2. Participants practice a thorough and complete interaction of the performance
3. Participants receive feedback about their performance.
Several problems are inherent in this design. First, using real-life problems in order
to increase the relevance of the training and to demonstrate its application usually
confuses the learning process. The real-life situations distract the learners from the main
issue, which is the correct reproduction of the modeled stimuli.
A second problem is that this design encourages global feedback concerning a large
segment of behavior. The learner may receive too little specific feedback to be of use
and too much global feedback to be remembered and used.
The third problem arises when participants do not have a chance to practice
improved performance after the feedback. Some modular programs overcome this
problem because participants are given the chance to build on the learning from each
module and to modify their behaviors in the activities as the program progresses.
Practice activities and, therefore, reproduction, can be strengthened by ensuring that
the requisite skills for an activity or an interaction have been modeled and learned in a
series of preliminary activities.
Participants must be challenged to match the modeled behavior that they have
observed. They cannot properly value the modeled behavior until they have
demonstrated it. Furthermore, if learners are not able to match the modeled behavior
during the BEM program, it becomes unlikely that they will apply the behaviors on the
Another element in the subprocess of reproduction that can be improved in most
BEM programs is the use of feedback. Many programs pay little attention to teaching
participants how to give feedback. Ironically, programs could use BEM very effectively
to teach feedback skills to participants.
Inexpensive and efficient feedback training for participants can be achieved by
means of the following process:
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1. Give participants a verbal model of useful feedback (for example, it is concrete
and concise, and it describes behavior).
2. Apply the verbal model to the observation guidelines used in each activity.
3. Ask the participants to practice giving feedback to the video or audio model who
is demonstrating the behaviors for the practice activity. This means telling the
participants to speak to the person modeling the behavior in the tape as though
that person were a fellow participant.
Feedback can be further strengthened in BEM programs if it is given in regard to
small performance elements, if it is given so that it can be acted on immediately, and if it
permits new behavior to be tested and performance to be improved. One way to achieve
all of these objectives is to use a stop-action process during the replay of a taped
interaction. This process is as follows:
1. Stop the tape and give feedback about a specific behavior of the learner.
2. Ask the learner to demonstrate a behavior that more closely approximates what
has been modeled previously.
3. Ask the learner to compare and evaluate the behavior used in the tape and the
behavior used in the stop-action process.
Behavior-modeling programs have proven to be powerful learning technologies; they
have made significant contributions to human resource development, especially in the
areas of management and supervisory education and interpersonal communication.
However, behavior modeling can be improved by careful attention to the concepts from
which it is derived: Albert Bandura’s social-learning theory (SLT). Three of the
subprocesses in SLT (attention, retention, and reproduction) provide a standard for
evaluating BEM program designs. Emphasizing these subprocesses enables trainers to
identify practical ways to assert both the cognitive and behavioral elements in BEM,
thereby improving its effectiveness.
Bandura, A. (1971). Psychological modeling. Chicago, IL: Aldine.
Dobbs, J.H. (1983). Does behavior modeling work outside the U.S.? Training and Development Journal, 37(10),
Kinlaw, D.C. (1981). Listening and communicating skills: A facilitator’s package. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
Kinlaw, D.C. (1989). Coaching for commitment: Managerial strategies for obtaining superior performance. San
Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Parry, S.B., & Reich, L.R. (1984). An uneasy look at behavior modeling. Training and Development Journal,
38(3), 57-62.
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Robinson, J.C. (1982). Developing managers through behavior modeling. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Zenger, J. (1980). The painful turnabout in training. Training and Development Journal, 34(12).
Zenger, J. (1984). Letter to the editor. Training and Development Journal, 38(7), 6-8.
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J. Barton Cunningham
The mentoring process can take place in either a formal or an informal context. Levine
(1985) estimates that formalized mentoring programs probably only constitute about 3 to
4 percent of the mentoring that is actually occurring. Informal mentoring, by far the
more prevalent form, typically occurs when a protégé just happens to be chosen by a
mentor who possesses much greater experience and expertise. This phenomenon is
frequently described as “being in the right place at the right time to be noticed by the
right person.”
However, formal mentoring programs, in which the organization assigns or matches
mentors and protégés, are rapidly increasing in popularity in both the public and the
private sectors. In a survey conducted in eight countries (Murray & Owen, 1991), 18
percent of those surveyed (sixty-seven companies) had some kind of formal mentoring
program. Most reported that these programs were generally successful and that they
planned to continue them.
In view of the reported success of formal mentoring programs, organizations would
be well advised to consider them. In implementing a formalized mentoring program,
however, an organization needs to resolve several issues: how to identify mentors and
prospective protégés, how to develop a learning culture for succession planning and
employee development, and how to recognize the skills and characteristics that people
need in order to learn. This article provides a perspective on facilitating a formal
mentoring process and developing a culture for mentoring. It describes the benefits of
mentoring, discusses why informal mentoring and performance-appraisal systems are
insufficient ways to develop employees, pinpoints some criteria for a successful
mentoring program, and then discusses how to set up a mentoring program.
Mentoring offers benefits for the organization, for mentors, and for protégés. For
example, it is critical for an organization to develop managerial and leadership talent
among the ranks. Although it is true that organizations can easily recruit people from
outside to fill their managerial needs, most organizations recruit from within. Recruiting
Originally published in The 1994 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J.W. Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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from outside the organization not only can negatively affect morale and organizational
loyalty but also can introduce new people who conflict with the organization’s culture.
Introducing new managers or employees into an organization is analogous to the
introduction of new strains of bacteria into the body: Some strains can strengthen the
immune system, but others can be dangerous. Similarly, in some cases new people in an
organization can be a very positive influence, but in others the results may be
catastrophic to the culture.
Obviously, the process of promoting from the ranks involves much more than
choosing and promoting the most talented technical specialists. Talented line workers
may possess high levels of skill in their areas of technical expertise, but such
competencies are quite different from those required to create and manage teamwork
within a work group. The process of developing competent leaders requires an
awareness of the organization’s personnel needs as well as mechanisms for developing
managerial potential and ability (Sveiby & Lloyd, 1987).
Mentoring programs recognize that on-the-job experience and coaching are
valuable ways to develop managerial capabilities. When people in organizations are
asked to indicate the ways in which they learned most, they rarely mention university
courses, management seminars, or on-the-job training. Rather, they mention on-the-job
experience. This finding coincides with research indicating that effective leaders are
most often “able to identify a small number of mentors and key experiences that
powerfully shaped their philosophies, personalities, aspirations, and operating styles”
(Bennis & Nanus, 1985, p. 188).
Mentoring also offers obvious benefits for protégés. A young, new employee, for
example, forms an occupational identity and relationship with other employees during
the initial stages of his or her career. This is the period during which questions of
competence and ability to achieve future occupational dreams are most salient. The
employee must learn how to function effectively within the organization by developing
technical, interpersonal, and political skills as well as a sense of competence in his or her
work. The necessary skills and a sense of competence are acquired primarily through
interaction and feedback, and mentoring can be extremely useful in this acquisition
In addition, mentors benefit from the mentoring experience. During mid-career the
more experienced employee is likely to be reappraising accomplishments and
reassessing goals. Entering into a mentoring relationship with a new, ambitious worker
provides the senior employee with an opportunity to redirect his or her energies into
creative and productive endeavor. It also provides an opportunity to participate
vicariously in another person’s resolution of the challenges associated with a succession
of difficult career stages. In addition, if the protégé is young, the mentor can help that
young person to meet the challenges of early adulthood. A related benefit is that the
protégé may enable the mentor to see issues, situations, and conditions in a new light.
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Although informal mentoring has always occurred and will continue to do so, there are
several reasons for not waiting for mentoring to “just happen” (Gray, 1983):
1. A very small percentage of motivated and capable employees ever receive
informal mentoring. Often excluded from mentoring are women and minorities, groups
that in many cases require the assistance of mentors the most. Instead, it is frequently the
case that an organization either consciously or unconsciously endeavors to groom
specific types of employees with distinct backgrounds for key management positions.
This form of succession planning is often undertaken in order to reinforce the
organization’s cultural norms, traditions, and underlying value system. However, this
approach can perpetuate an “old boys’ network” whereby “who you know” is more
important that “what you know.”
2. Capable people who do not receive informal mentoring frequently feel envious of
those who do and, as a result, feel bitterness toward the organization. These negative
by-products of informal mentoring can severely undermine the credibility of the merit
principle within the public sector. Employees may perceive that career opportunities are
determined in large part on the basis of one’s “connections” rather than on the basis of
one’s perseverance, dedication, and acquisition of requisite skills.
3. When human potential goes unrecognized and undeveloped, everyone loses.
Employees end up resigning or working far below their potential and capacity because
they feel that no one is truly concerned about them or their career expectations. In turn,
the organization may lose valuable human resources that are capable of making
significant contributions.
Performance-appraisal systems also do not measure up to formal mentoring
programs. They cannot foster an employee’s psychological growth in the same way that
mentoring can, nor can they provide the opportunity to associate and identify with those
who have experience, skill, and power. This deficiency may be due, in part, to the fact
that many performance-appraisal systems are highly judgmental in nature and tend to
inhibit meaningful two-way communication between a manager and an employee. Also,
these systems are not always used in a regular and ongoing manner to facilitate
employee learning and development; they may be used for evaluations alone. In
addition, they are frequently perceived as the exclusive responsibility and prerogative of
management, because management frequently establishes the performance criteria,
standards, and objectives along with the evaluation schedule and location.
Interviews with nine mentors and thirteen protégés suggested the following criteria for
successful formal mentoring programs:
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1. The program must have the support of top management.
2. Mentors and protégés must be carefully selected.
3. Mentors and protégés must undergo an extensive orientation program
emphasizing the development of realistic expectations concerning the
4. The responsibilities of mentors and protégés must be clearly stated.
5. Minimums of duration and frequency of contact between mentors and protégés
must be established.
6. The program should recognize and take into account the skills and characteristics
required of mentors and protégés. (See “Developing an Awareness of Mentoring
Skills” in this article.)
7. The program should recognize that the mentor-protégé relationship flourishes
when the mentor and protégé share responsibility for the relationship; when there
is regular, structured contact between mentor and protégé; when the mentor and
the protégé respect each other; and when challenging and substantive issues and
protégé assignments are dealt with.
8. The program should recognize that there are benefits for mentors, for protégés,
and for the organization.
9. The program should recognize the advantages of the mentoring experience,
including the development of plans for employee development and employee
10. The program should also recognize the possible drawbacks to the mentoring
experience, such as perceived favoritism and exploitation of mentor and protégé
(Cunningham & Eberle, in press).
The successful mentoring program is one that takes these findings into account and
includes plans to use and develop the skills and characteristics of both mentors and
protégés, to foster the appropriate atmosphere and climate, to publicize and promote the
benefits for program participants, to maximize the advantages of mentoring, and to
minimize the drawbacks.
To establish formal mentoring, an organization first assesses its needs for mentoring and
then designs and implements a mentoring program. Many of the steps involved in
assessing needs and in designing and implementing a program can be undertaken during
a conference or a series of meetings attended by managers and possibly some
nonmanagerial employees representing the different functions of the organization. In
such a conference, task subgroups can meet and discuss the various topics within each of
the planning steps. Subsequent steps of the planning process leading to program
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implementation are undertaken after the task subgroups report their results to the total
Assessing the Organization’s Needs for Mentoring
The initial steps of establishing a mentoring program are concerned with assessing the
need for such a program: (1) identifying the organization’s personnel needs, (2)
developing a mission statement, and (3) establishing an organizational philosophy. If the
conference participants determine that particular skills must be developed to meet future
needs, that employee devel- opment is part of the organization’s mission, and that the
organizational philosophy supports mentoring, then proceeding with a mentoring
program is appropriate.
Identifying the Organization’s Personnel Needs
In assessing whether the organization really needs a mentoring program, first the
conference participants must take a good look at the organization’s personnel needs in
the future and must determine the methods that the organization will use to meet these
needs. This form of personnel or succession planning is dependent on defining the
organization’s future environment and identifying the skills that will be needed most in
that environment. Both the external and the internal environments should be defined.
Figure 1 offers a sample analysis of one organization’s external and internal
environmental trends. Four types of skills should be considered as necessary resources
in connection with what is or will be happening in both environments:
1. Problem-solving skills. These skills are designed to help the organization raise
questions about its strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of identifying and analyzing
strengths and weaknesses is to determine and interpret present directions as well as
future directions that may be possible with a more organized and deliberate plan. These
skills are generally used after the problem or need has been thoroughly defined.
2. Adaptive skills. Unlike routine problem-solving skills, which are used to resolve
only immediate organizational issues, adaptive skills incorporate new ideas from outside
the firm.
3. Coordinative skills. These skills are brought to bear in improving the
administrative system to keep up with new technologies and with changes of staff.
4. Productive skills. Productive skills focus on the regular, ordinary requirements
for the survival and stability of the organization. They are generally used to help the
organization to produce its products and/or to provide its services.
Different and often-conflicting needs and values are inherent in each of these skill
areas. In a typical manufacturing organization, for example, these differences may
manifest themselves in interdepartmental “warfare”: The production department, which
depends on productive skills, may fail to understand and appreciate the constant
modification of products and plans that characterizes the research and development
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department, which relies on adaptive skills. Such differences are a reflection of the
conflict inherent in the tasks acted out by the different subsystems.
At certain times in an organization’s life, it may be necessary to highlight certain
skills over others. For instance, at times it may be appropriate to develop skills that
assist in changing and adapting. Also, changes in one functional area (in one subsystem)
will affect other areas. Thus, after a major change, it might be appropriate to emphasize
problem-solving skills.
In most cases, the conference participants will be able to forecast skill responses to
environmental trends by brainstorming answers to four questions:
What skills will we need to respond to future changes?
What skills will we need to improve our internal management?
What skills will we need to improve our internal efficiency and cost
1. Technological Change. The rapidly changing technological environment will hasten and aid
the decentralization process. Technology improvements will provide the means for less direct
centralized operational control and will permit effective decentralized functional control, while at
the same time enabling senior management to obtain timely and usable financial information for
decision making.
2. Demographic Change. The “baby boom” will slow down the rate of career progression and in-
crease the need for “career development,” that is, changes in work assignment through lateral
3. Economic Change. Free trade zones will result in increased competitiveness in most
countries. This competitiveness will increase the rate of change in the economy.
1. Technological Change. The focus of technology implementation will continue to shift from
automating what we are currently doing to developing new and better ways of doing things and
to improving the range and quality of services provided. Additional staff training in the use of
computer technology will be required if we are to realize the full potential of existing and future
computer hardware and software.
2. Human-Resource Change. The company has a good mix of age groups and should not be
faced with a sudden turnover due to retirements. It will be an ongoing challenge to keep
performance and morale up in a climate of increasing work loads, change, and uncertainty.
There is a risk of cutbacks and freezes, particularly if there is a downturn in the economy.
3. Work-Load Change. The work load will continue to increase, and the work will become less
Figure 1. Sample Environmental-Trend Analysis
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What skills will we need to improve our maintenance and repair?
Those who participate in the conference can prioritize these skills in terms of the
degree to which they will be required and the degree to which they are now present in
the organization.
Developing a Mission Statement
An organization’s mission statement describes its justification for existence, what it is in
business for, the unique aim that sets it apart from others. If the mission statement
establishes the organization’s commitment to employee development, then the
organization can support mentoring; if such a commitment is determined to be
inappropriate and is absent from the mission statement, then a mentoring program is
inappropriate. Figure 2 offers an example of a mission statement that incorporates
employee development and, therefore, supports mentoring. To begin constructing a
mission statement, the conference participants should answer the following questions:
Who are the customers or client groups?
What makes the organization distinct?
Why do we have the goals and motivators that we have?
Where are our facilities and markets?
How are we carrying out production, marketing, sales, and distribution?
What skills do we need?
The objective of the Government Branch if Accounting and Reporting are to achieve goals of
excellence in service, accounting, and financial reporting and to create the working environment
that will accomplish these goals.
Excellence in service is striving to meet the needs of our clients—taxpayers, Treasury Board,
ministries, suppliers to government, etc.—in a manner that is efficient, effective, and friendly.
Excellence in accounting and financial reporting is ensuring that there is an effective system for
accurately recording government expenditures, revenues, assets, and liabilities on a timely basis
and ensuring that financial information produced from records is accurate, timely, understandable,
and useful to the reader.
The skills, ability, and dedication of our staff are our most valuable resources. This belief is
supported by our commitment to enhancing the knowledge, skills, and experience of our people
and by encouraging risk taking, greater two-way communication, more decision making, a greater
sense of trust at all levels, and a better work environment overall.
We want our clients, as well as each staff member, to regard the Branch as professional,
innovative, fair, efficient, and responsive and as providing leadership in the areas of our
accountability, experts, and responsibilities.
Our objective is to promote the Canadian model for consultation, teamwork, and cooperation with
our clients and with one another.
Our goal is to become the Canadian model for service, accounting, and reporting in public sector
financial administration.
Figure 2. Example of a Mission Statement That Incorporates Employee Development
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The participants in the conference also need to conduct what is called a SWOT
analysis. The acronym SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Threats. An analysis of these four areas provides a perspective on the organization’s
internal and external environments. The ideas of conference participants are particularly
valuable in identifying the opportunities and threats impacting personnel development.
Consequently, brainstorming and other idea-generation activities should be used to
identify situations and trends that the organization will have to respond to in the short
and long term as well as to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses in terms of resources and
procedures. To conduct a SWOT analysis, the conference participants answer questions
such as these:
What are the organization’s personnel strengths and weaknesses?
What are some opportunities and threats connected with the development of our
Establishing an Organizational Philosophy
The test of an organization’s commitment to establishing a mentoring program is
whether that organization would rather develop its staff from within or obtain people
from outside. To determine whether the organization is committed to developing from
within, the conference participants should generate a philosophy statement, which
describes the organization’s values or the broad, general beliefs that it feels are realistic,
credible, attractive, and desirable. Such a statement is one tool for developing an
organizational culture; if the statement promotes a culture that emphasizes development
from within, then the organizational culture will foster mentoring. The following is an
example of an organizational-philosophy statement that expresses the desire to develop
from within:
Of all the environmental influences in our organization, the most powerful ones are
personal relationships
Of all relationships, it is the manager/employee relationship that leaves the deepest
impressions and has the greatest effect on us
Fundamental to the work of this organization is a respect for the development of the
employee through guidance. We believe that training should respond to our needs.
To construct a statement of organizational philosophy, the conference participants
should answer the following questions:
What are our values regarding achieving the organization’s mission and service
to customers or clients?
What are our values and beliefs regarding employee development?
If we want to encourage development from within, what are the mentor’s
responsibilities? What are the protégé’s responsibilities?
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The process of articulating a philosophy statement, like that of generating a mission
statement, is just as important as the resulting words. The opportunity for thorough
discussion should be provided so that the conference participants can learn what values
others find important. Debate should be encouraged, and ultimately the participants
should reach consensus.
After the conference participants have identified the organization’s personnel needs,
developed a mission statement, and established an organizational philosophy, they
should review these issues before proceeding to design and implement a mentoring
What environmental needs do we have that justify the need for a mentoring
Are top-level executives prepared to commit time and energy? In what ways?
At this stage what is the scope of the program with regard to target group,
functional areas, hierarchical levels, duration, and size?
Designing and Implementing the Mentoring Program
Mentoring programs vary widely in terms of their formality. Perhaps the most important
rule of thumb that the conference participants can follow is to make the program flexible
and voluntary. The following steps encourage the design and implementation of such a
program: (1) selecting mentors and protégés, (2) developing an awareness of mentoring
skills, (3) creating an action plan for the mentoring program, (4) making the plan work,
and (5) monitoring and evaluating the program.
Selecting Mentors and Protégés
Mentoring programs are more successful when people are not required to participate but
do so because of their commitment to their career and life goals. This principle is
necessary in order to ensure that only employees who are sincerely motivated,
interested, and committed will participate in the program.
If employees are not willing to participate in their own career development, some
investigation is warranted. Those who are reluctant may not trust the program’s
objectives or the people involved, or they may not understand the program.
Alternatively, the conference participants might need to look at the people they are
There are various ways in which the conference participants can recruit mentors,
ranging from solicitation of volunteers to nomination by executives. One of the best
strategies is to ask each potential protégé to nominate three people whom he or she
thinks would make good mentors. When one of the three is matched with a protégé, the
other two may be asked to be members of the mentor pool and considered by other
potential protégés.
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Developing an Awareness of Mentoring Skills
Obviously, there are certain skills and characteristics required of mentors and protégés,
just as there are certain requirements of the parties of any coaching relationship (Murray
& Owen, 1991). The following are skills and characteristics that mentors must have:
Knowledge of the organization;
Technical competence;
Exemplary supervisory skills;
Status and prestige;
Personal power and charisma;
Willingness to be responsible for someone else’s growth;
Personal security and self-confidence;
Willingness to trust;
Ability to generate trust;
Ability to communicate effectively;
Willingness to share credit;
Patience and tolerance;
Ability to be introspective;
Accessibility; and
Willingness to take risks.
Some of the more important mentor assets are personal security and self-confidence,
accessibility, the ability to generate trust, and openness to sharing experiences.
Protégés need these skills and characteristics:
Desire to learn;
Interest in people;
Orientation toward a goal;
Conceptual ability;
Ability to be introspective; and
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In addition, the nine mentors and thirteen protégés who were interviewed suggested that the
mentoring relationship is best cultivated under the following conditions involving mentor and
protégé behavior:
1. Shared responsibility. Mentors emphasized the importance of protégés’
formulating their own strategies and solutions to problems prior to engaging the advice
and wisdom of their mentors. Mentors also stated that protégés must recognize the
interactive nature of the mentor-protégé relationship and that protégés have a
responsibility to challenge their mentors’ preconceived ideas and positions.
2. Regular, structured contact. Protégés placed substantial value on meeting
regularly with mentors for specific periods of time; regular, structured meetings gave
them needed access to their mentors. Mentors were more concerned with the quality of
the interaction that took place during their meetings with protégés than they were with
the frequency and duration of those meetings; consequently, they tended to emphasize
the importance of creating a safe and supportive atmosphere that is conducive to open
communication. The “quality” of interaction, as defined by mentors, implied the
provision of appropriate psychological reassurance and affirmation, especially during
periods of struggle and crisis.
3. Mutual respect. Mentors perceived mutual respect as encompassing re-spect for
the protégé’s desire to learn. However, mentors also emphasized the importance of each
person’s demonstrating respect for the professional and personal integrity of the other.
4. Challenging and substantive issues and assignments for the protégé. Mentors felt
they should make sure that protégés develop an understanding of the broad,
philosophical and conceptual issues that impact both them and the organization. Both
mentors and protégés stated that mentors must teach certain necessary skills and career
strategies and must help to ensure that protégés receive work assignments that are
challenging and stimulating.
It is probably not possible to find all of the characteristics of the ideal mentor or
protégé in a single person, nor is it possible to construct the ideal environment for
mentoring. However, at the outset of the mentoring relationship, it is a good idea for a
mentor and a protégé to prioritize the skills and characteristics that are most important
for them to have and then to prioritize the elements of the relationship they desire. On
the basis of this prioritization, it should be possible to construct a relationship that meets
the established priorities. The conference participants may find it useful to conduct a
group-orientation session for mentors and protégés for the purpose of assisting these
people in identifying the skills and characteristics they find most important.
Creating an Action Plan for the Mentoring Program
The action plan is a list of steps to take in order to reach the objectives of the program.
Although creating an action plan does not guarantee that the best means for achieving
objectives will be selected, it increases the chances of success. Furthermore, the very act
of planning is useful in that it may reveal that the original objectives have to be adjusted.
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The conference participants can create an action plan by following this procedure
(Bryson, 1988; Murray & Owen, 1991):
1. Determining ways in which mentors and protégés can acquire needed skills. The
conference participants should choose practical alternatives that provide a range of ways
to learn skills. Two particularly useful alternatives are training programs and coaching.
Another important consideration is that management must be willing to allow mentors
and protégés to practice skills on the job. Regardless of the alternatives chosen for
teaching skills, feedback must be a component; no skills can be acquired without
adequate feedback.
2. Identifying the negative factors that might keep a mentoring program from being
successful. The conference participants should identify potential difficulties that may be
faced. It is important, however, to avoid associating those difficulties with a particular
person or group of people. Lack of training, low morale, poor management skills, and
other people-related deficiencies should be seen as problems to be solved, not as
failures. Once these difficulties have been identified, the conference participants can
determine actions to take to ameliorate them.
3. Identifying the positive factors that might drive toward success in a mentoring
program. Several conditions or situations might be useful in implementing a successful
mentoring program and strengthening the mentor-protégé relationship. These factors can
be tangible (the plant, inventory, market share, salary levels, patents) or intangible
(quality of management, employee loyalty, public support). The qualities of certain
people might also be important strengths. The conference participants should pinpoint
such factors and determine ways to capitalize on them.
4. Choosing proposals and projects to implement the program. Each proposal or
project should correspond to one of the objectives of the program. The conference
participants can begin by brainstorming proposals or projects and then discussing the
possibilities, choosing those that are most feasible.
The initial proposals and projects will probably be vague and much larger in scope
than is necessary. To test the feasibility of any one of them, the conference participants
may want to talk to various people, look for examples of similar situations in other
settings, and in general check to see if the idea will work within the organization.
5. Identifying action steps and resources needed. After the proposals and projects
are outlined, the conference participants must determine specific action steps to be
taken, who will take them, deadlines for all steps, and the resources (money, people, and
equipment) needed to carry them out. The people who are assigned to each step can then
identify the means to accomplish that step.
6. Establishing criteria for judging the accomplishment of program objectives. The
criteria chosen by the conference participants should, in effect, serve as standards that
mentors and protégés can use to focus their development. A good way to start in
establishing criteria is to consider what the project will look like when it is fully
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developed and successful: How will mentors and protégés be functioning? What kind of
career progress will protégés be making?
Making the Plan Work
The six steps of creating an action plan should help to crystallize the roles and
responsibilities of mentors and protégés, the goals of the program, the philosophy that
mentors and protégés will use in working together, the skills they will try to use, the
expectations they will have, and the methods they will use to report progress.
At this point the conference participants might want to prepare a suitable form to
post to assist people in volunteering to participate in the mentoring program. This form
should include information such as name, current location, education, experience,
reasons for interest in mentoring or being mentored, type of mentoring relationship
wanted, amount of time available for mentoring activities, and any constraints (Bryson,
1988; Murray & Owen, 1991). The rewards offered for participating will have a major
impact on the success of the program. The surest way to encourage people to take the
roles of mentor and protégé seriously is to tie these roles to the performance-appraisal
The conference participants also may want to have mentors and protégés
summarize their roles and expectations in a document of expectations. Although
formulating documents may sound formal and bureaucratic, such documents do provide
a framework for discussing expectations, values, goals, and roles.
Various strategies or tactics can be used for implementing the mentoring plan:
educational and training activities (in listening, problem identification, problem solving,
and so on), communications and briefings, and changes in the organizational structure
and the reward system. Generally, these strategies help to manage the process of change.
Monitoring and Evaluating the Program
Periodically it is appropriate to summarize the major outcomes and results of the
mentoring program, including problems encountered, positive aspects of the experience,
and areas in which changes might be needed. This kind of evaluation is conducted for
the purpose of improving the program as opposed to determining whether the program is
effective. It might be thought of as a series of systematic, information-gathering
activities that facilitate the organizational change to a mentoring environment. In this
sense, then, evaluation is not a separate activity that takes place after the program has
been implemented; rather, it occurs at various stages of the intervention.
When monitoring and evaluating the program, it is useful to review some of the
issues considered early in the process, before the decision was made to design and
implement the program:
1. Will voluntary participation work here?
2. Are there enough mentors?
3. How will we recruit mentors?
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4. How will we reward mentors and protégés?
5. How do we encourage and make it easy for people to volunteer for the mentoring
6. What will we include in the document of roles and expectations for mentors and
7. How can we guard against obstacles to success?
8. How do we orient mentors and protégés?
The most important criterion of a healthy mentoring program is that it involves people
appropriately in assisting personnel development. In any mentoring process, a critical
mass of people is necessary to ensure implementation. The critical mass consists of
those individuals or groups whose active support will ensure that the program becomes
an important element in employee development. Their number may be small, but it is
critical (Cunningham, 1993).
It would be unrealistic to maintain that mentoring will work in all organizations.
There are circumstances in which the process is unusable. For example, mentoring is not
suitable in an organization whose senior executives refuse to consider the input of
organizational members or in an organization in which a union forbids its members to
participate. Because the mentoring approach described in this article is built on
participation, only companies that encourage employees to participate actively should
consider instituting a formal mentoring program.
Bennis, W., & Nanus, B. (1985). Leaders: The strategies for taking charge. New York: Harper & Row.
Bryson, J.M. (1988). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Cunningham, J.B. (1993). Action research and organizational development. New York: Praeger.
Cunningham, J.B., & Eberle, T. (in press). Characteristics of the mentoring experience: A qualitative study.
Personal Review.
Gray, W.A. (1983). Challenging the gifted through mentor-assisted enrichment projects. Bloomington, IN: Phi
Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.
Levine, H.Z. (1985). Consensus on career planning. Personnel, 62, 67-72.
Murray, M., & Owen, M. (1991). Beyond the myths & magic of mentoring: How to facilitate an effective
mentoring program. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Sveiby, K.E., & Lloyd, T. (1987). Managing knowhow. London: Bloodsbury.
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J. Craig VanHouten
Abstract: Bernard Weiner’s (1986) attributional theory of motivation and emotion is rich in
potential applications to the human resource development (HRD) field. This article outlines its
major premises and its possible applications to the managerial coaching process.
Success and failure usually are attributed to causes, such as ability, effort, luck, and task
difficulty. There are three dimensions of achievement-related attribution: locus (internal/external),
stability (stable/unstable), and controllability (controllable/uncontrollable). Some attributions are
more advantageous than others because they increase the expectation of success at similar tasks in
the future. Other attributions are disadvantageous because they increase the expectation of failure
at similar tasks in the future.
Managers and employees give cues about their attributions and the effects that these have on
their motivations and emotions (i.e., by demonstrating pride, anger, pity, guilt, or shame).
Managers who learn to recognize such cues can improve their own attributions and those of their
employees and, thus, can more effectively coach employees to improve performance.
You have just walked out of a meeting with your organization’s executives in which you
presented a proposal for a major training program. You prepared more for this
presentation than ever before becausse you think this training is greatly needed at this
time. However, not only did the executives say no, they seemed totally unimpressed
with the training proposed, which means a long delay before it can be proposed again.
Whether you are aware of it or not, you are about to ask yourself, “Why did I fail?”
Again, whether you are aware of it or not, how you answer that question may have a
tremendous impact on your future success.
Success comes easily at times, but for most of us, successfully reaching our most
important goals requires motivation, confidence, and persistence. These are particularly
important when the challenge is great or when we fail initially. When we succeed or fail
in an attempt to accomplish something important to us, we will usually ask ourselves,
“Why did I succeed?” or “Why did I fail?” The answer will determine, to a large extent,
our future success at achieving this objective and other related objectives because the
answer helps to shape our perceptions of our ability. These perceptions then affect what
we attempt and how we react if we attempt something and either succeed or fail. How
the “Why?” question is answered is part of what allows some people to be successful
while others fail again or even fail to try.
To return to the example at the beginning of this article, the answer may be: “These
people only care about this quarter’s profits; they will never spend a dime to invest in
Originally published in The 1996 Annual: Volume 1, Training by J.William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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our employees.” Although this may be accurate, it is not an effective answer to “Why?”
because it means that one would probably not attempt to implement this kind of training
program in the future, perceiving it as an impossible task. Even attributing the failure to
bad luck would be preferable. At least luck can change, leaving open the potential for
future success.
Unfortunately, in such a situation a person might say, “I just cannot communicate
with these people” or, even worse, “I am just not able to present a proposal effectively.”
By attributing failure to a lack of ability, the person may undermine whatever
confidence he or she had in his or her ability to accomplish similar objectives.
On the other hand, a different person might say, “I didn’t prepare enough
information about the financial benefits of this training” or “I should have found out
what their most immediate concerns are and focused the presentation on training
solutions.” This person is attributing failure to a lack of effort or to the use of an
ineffective strategy. This is a much more effective answer because it leaves the person
with the opportunity and confidence to persist in attempting to accomplish the objective.
According to Bernard Weiner (1986), an attribution is an answer to the question
“Why?,” which we ask ourselves in order to make sense of events that happen to us and
to others. In many ways, attributions are attempts to learn about ourselves and our
environment. Of course, our perceptions of ourselves and our environment may differ
from the perceptions of others; even our own perceptions are subject to change.
Weiner’s attribution theory is first concerned with when we ask the question; second, it
is concerned with the answer to the question and how it affects our subsequent thoughts
and behaviors.
In achievement-related activities such as work, we usually ask “Why did I
succeed?” or “Why did I fail?” when we succeed or fail to complete a task or achieve an
objective. We most often ask “Why?” when we fail or when an outcome is other than
expected. This may be because we have an answer for the expected.
Causal Explanations: Ability, Effort, Luck, and Task Difficulty
Although there are an almost infinite number of causal explanations, in achievement-
related activities, ability, effort, luck, and task difficulty are the most common. Among
these, ability (how competent we are) and effort (how hard we try) are most frequently
used as explanations of our successes and failures. Because achievement is so important
in many cultures, the search for the answer to “Why did I succeed?” or “Why did I fail?”
is a common practice.
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Dimensions of Attributions
There are three generally agreed-on dimensions of attributions: locus, stability, and
controllability. Causal attributions may be classified according to where they appear
along a continuum between the extremes of each dimension.
For locus, the extreme points are internal and external.
For stability, the extreme points are stable and unstable.
For controllability, the extreme points are controllable and uncontrollable.
There are no absolutes here because the relative locus, stability, or controllability of
any particular attribution is a function of the attributor’s perceptions. However, the
predominant attributions in achievement-related activities (ability, effort, luck, and task
difficulty) can be classified within generally accepted ranges within the three
dimensions (Figure 1).
Ability is most often considered to be internal, relatively stable, and relatively
uncontrollable, particularly when it is thought of as aptitude. Ability also may be
thought of as a combination of genetically inherited characteristics (e.g., aptitude) and
learning, which makes it more controllable and less stable.
Effort is internal, controllable, and often considered to be unstable in the case of
failure and stable in the case of success. For example, in the event of failure, one can
choose to try harder and, in the event of success, one may think of oneself as a hard
worker—a characteristic that is relatively stable. This makes effort a particularly
effective attribution for either success or failure. Effort may be internal yet
uncontrollable if, for example, it is a result of tiredness rather than choice. Effort may be
external and uncontrollable if, for example, it is referring to the effort of a manager as
perceived by a subordinate.
Luck is external, uncontrollable, and generally considered unstable. However, if we
think of someone as being a lucky person we may perceive luck, in this case, as stable.
Task difficulty is external, stable, and uncontrollable. However, our perceptions of
the difficulty of a task are influenced by our perceptions of our ability and expenditure
of effort in relation to the task. Because our ability and effort may change, the relative
stability and controllability of a task is also subject to individual interpretation.
Just as there are an unlimited number of possible attributions for success or failure,
there are an unlimited number of perceptions of the locus and relative stability and
controllability of any particular attribution. However, those listed previously are
generally agreed on.
Advantageous and Disadvantageous Attributions
Some attributions are more advantageous than others because they increase one’s
expectation of success, which increases one’s motivation and persistence. According to
Weiner, attributing success to more stable causes and attributing failure to less stable
causes generally increases persistence. Therefore, when one is successful, it is more
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advantageous to attribute the success to ability and effort (effort often being considered
a stable attribution in cases of success). By doing this, the person increases his or her
confidence in his or her ability to be successful in future attempts at similar tasks. If one
attributes success to luck—an unstable attribution—one will not increase his or her
expectation of success. In addition, attributing success to luck may indicate a lack of
confidence in one’s ability. Even though a person has succeeded, he or she may not
persist if he or she fails in future attempts at the task. Success does not necessarily
follow success.
After failure, it is more advantageous to attribute the failure to unstable causes such
as a lack of effort or the use of an ineffective strategy. Although strategy is not one of
the commonly used attributions, it can be particularly effective if the failure was
preceded by a large expenditure of effort. This is because there is a perceived inverse or
compensatory relationship between effort and ability.
For example, if a person is working hard to accomplish the same level of success as
another person who appears to be expending little effort, the first person probably will
assume that he or she has less ability than the other person. This is particularly critical in
cases of failure. If a person works as hard or harder than others and still fails while the
others are succeeding, the person often will be left with no other explanation than lack
of ability. Thus, the person probably will not persist in an attempt to accomplish the
task. However, by attributing failure to the use of an ineffective strategy, the person is
more likely to persist.
There usually are many different ways to accomplish a task. Therefore, explaining
failure as the use of an ineffective strategy is often correct as well as advantageous. Both
explanations—lack of effort and the use of an ineffective strategy—will preserve a
person’s perception of his or her ability and provide the person with the option of either
putting forth more effort or finding and using a different strategy in the next attempt.
Both attributions will increase persistence.
Applications to the Managerial Coaching Process
Even when subordinates’ objectives are clearly defined and subordinates are committed
to achieving them, they may not persist in their attempts to accomplish those objectives.
In many cases, it is not the subordinates’ lack of commitment but their lack of
confidence in their abilities in relation to the objective that determines whether they will
initially attempt it and, if they fail, whether they will persist and make future attempts.
From a coaching perspective, it is important to accurately assess the abilities and
efforts (including past effort as reflected in knowledge, skills, and experience) of
subordinates and, when they fail or fail to try, to guide them toward additional training,
effort, or strategies in order to help them persist in achieving their objectives.
Some subordinates may tend to explain their successes or failures in
disadvantageous ways. A potentially effective motivational strategy would be to identify
the subordinates’ explanations for successes or failures and to suggest more
advantageous causes. It has been demonstrated that simply suggesting more appropriate
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and advantageous attributions for failure will increase individuals’ persistence and
performance (Weiner, 1986).
When success is observed, managers should be alert to unstable attributions and
suggest stable ones. The following is an example:
Subordinate: “I was just lucky” (luck).
Manager: “No, you have good communication skills” (ability) or “No, you did
your research” (effort).
When failure is observed, managers should be alert to stable attributions and
suggest unstable ones. The following are examples:
Subordinate: “I can’t motivate my team” (lack of ability).
Manager: “Yes you can, but you will need to complete your training in order to
learn how” (effort, in this case, prerequisite learning).
Subordinate: “It is impossible to get this team to work cooperatively” (task
Manager: “No it isn’t, but you may need to try another approach” (strategy).
If a manager attributes a subordinate’s failure to lack of ability rather than to lack of
effort, lack of prerequisite knowledge, or use of an ineffective strategy, the manager
may not persist in helping the subordinate to succeed by providing encouragement
and/or additional training. A manager also may attribute failure to a stable “trait” (e.g.,
laziness), which will reduce the expectations of change and affect the way in which the
manager interacts with the subordinate. It is much better to think in terms of less stable
“states” (e.g., “He has not been working as hard this quarter”). Again, the less stable
attribution for failure leaves open the opportunity for change.
As has been suggested, managers may communicate their perceptions of the causes
of subordinates’ successes and failures and, therefore, communicate their perceptions of
subordinates’ relative abilities. These communications can have a tremendous effect on
subordinates’ perceptions of their own abilities. Because of this, managers should be
mindful of their own attributions as well as the attributions of their subordinates.
Just as there is a powerful connection between attributions and expectations, there is a
powerful connection between attributions and emotions. How we think influences how
we feel and what we do. Our attributions and the perceived dimensions (locus, stability,
and controllability) of those attributions influence our emotions. Because the
relationships between some emotions and attributions are understood, emotions may
provide cues about our attributions (Weiner, 1986). Although there is a wide range of
emotional responses, for our purposes the emotions of pride, anger, pity, guilt, and
shame are most relevant.
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Pride reflects self-esteem. In order to experience pride, we must attribute success to
internal causes (ability, effort, or personality) as opposed to external causes (ease of task
or luck). Many of us have a self-serving bias that encourages us to take credit for
success by attributing the success to internal causes (ability and effort) and to deny
responsibility for failure by attributing the failure to external causes (task difficulty or
bad luck). This allows us to enhance our self-esteem when we succeed and protect it
when we fail.
The emotions of anger, pity, guilt, and shame are linked to the perceived
controllability of the cause of an event. These associations are understood by children
and appear to span cultures as well (Weiner, 1986).
Anger is elicited when failure of others is perceived to be caused by a controllable
factor, such as lack of effort. Lack of effort accompanied by high ability elicits even
greater anger. If one observes someone else failing and believes that failure is due to a
lack of effort, one will most likely feel anger. If one thinks the other person is very
capable, one may be even more angry.
Pity (sympathy) is elicited when failure of others is perceived as being due to
uncontrollable causes, such as lack of ability. Pity also is associated with perceived
fundamental differences. Because of this, expressing pity or sympathy when someone
fails may communicate a perceived difference or deficiency. Thus, sometimes being
caring and understanding sends the wrong message.
Guilt is elicited when someone perceives his or her own failure to be attributable to
controllable causes, such as lack of effort. For example, we demonstrate feelings of guilt
when we fail to produce reports on time because we put them off until the last minute.
The guilt communicates that we attribute the cause of the failure to lack of effort or
another controllable cause. Because the cause is unstable and controllable, we expect to
do better next time.
Shame is elicited when someone attributes his or her failure to an uncontrollable
cause, such as lack of ability. Using the same example, if we fail to produce reports
because we lack confidence in our ability to write, we are more likely to feel ashamed.
In this case, our shame communicates that we attribute our failure to lack of ability or
another uncontrollable cause. In attributing failure to a stable and uncontrollable cause,
we do not expect to do better in the future.
There are other ways to communicate attributions. For example, we tend to punish
those whom we believe to have ability and who fail because of lack of effort more than
we punish those whom we believe to have less ability and who fail because of lack of
effort. We would not be as likely to punish failure if we were to perceive the cause to be
lack of ability, which is uncontrollable. In cases of success, we reward low ability more
than we reward high ability. Again, we may be sending the wrong message if we reward
someone for succeeding at a relatively easy task.
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Applications in the Managerial Coaching Process
Even the most well-intentioned manager can attribute a subordinate’s success or failure
to a disadvantageous cause, which may contribute to the subordinate’s lack of
confidence and achievement. Managers can communicate their disadvantageous
attributions verbally (e.g., “You were lucky this time”) or nonverbally through their
emotional responses to subordinates’ successes or failures. At the same time,
subordinates can cue the managers about their own attributions through their emotional
response to success or failure.
When a subordinate expresses pride after an accomplishment, the pride may cue the
manager that the subordinate attributes the success to ability and/or effort—
advantageous attributions. If a subordinate does not express pride following an
accomplishment, it may cue the manager that the subordinate attributes the success to
external causes, such as luck or task ease—disadvantageous attributions. If this is the
case, the manager should suggest that effort and ability caused the success. Attributing
success to these causes will increase the subordinate’s confidence and motivation.
If a manager becomes angry with a subordinate, the anger may indicate that the
manager attributes a failure to a controllable factor, usually lack of effort. At the same
time, it may cue the subordinate that the manager has confidence in the subordinate’s
ability. Because anger provides a cue to perception of high ability, it may be a more
effective response to failure in many cases, particularly if the manager follows up with a
statement such as, “How can you expect to be successful when you have not taken the
time to understand this? You’re good, but you will have to work harder to succeed with
If a manager expresses pity when a subordinate fails, the pity may cue the
subordinate that the manager lacks confidence in the subordinate’s ability. Anger,
followed by a suggested new strategy, may be a better response. This demonstrates
confidence in the subordinate’s ability and suggests an unstable factor—use of an
ineffective strategy—as the cause of failure.
The subordinate’s emotions also provide cues to the manager about the
subordinate’s perceived ability and effort. If the manager’s anger elicits the
subordinate’s guilt, the guilt cues the manager that the subordinate has attributed the
failure to a controllable cause and will probably be motivated to do better in the future.
In this case, the subordinate and manager both attribute the failure to an internal,
unstable, and controllable cause, such as lack of effort. Improvement is expected.
If the manager’s anger elicits the subordinate’s shame, the shame cues the manager
that the subordinate attributes the failure to an uncontrollable cause such as lack of
ability, and probably will not do better in the future unless the manager provides a more
advantageous explanation. The manager could suggest that the cause of failure is lack of
effort, demonstrated by a lack of prerequisite knowledge and experience. For example, if
the subordinate fails to produce a report and expresses shame, the manager may say, “I
have a good book on report writing that I use all the time. With that and a little
experience, you’ll do fine.”
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Often, finding an advantageous cause for failure is not enough. It also is important
to search for the actual cause of failure. Attributing a subordinate’s failure to the use of
an ineffective strategy when, in fact, it was due to a lack of effort will not lead that
subordinate to success. Even a new strategy without effort will likely end in failure, just
as additional effort used with an ineffective strategy will seldom lead to success.
Managers need to be aware of their explanations of their subordinates’ successes or
failures as well as the subordinates’ own explanations of their successes or failures.
Understanding cues leads to asking subordinates, “Why do you think you failed?” or
“Why do you think you succeeded?” The ability to identify disadvantageous attributions
and the ability to suggest more advantageous attributions can be effective motivational
Bernard Weiner’s (1986) attributional theory of motivation and emotion provides a rich
resource for assisting HRD professionals in understanding individual, team, and
organizational performance problems and in developing new motivational strategies for
employees at all levels. It also provides the basis for an effective motivational strategy
for managers to use in their own professional development as well as in the coaching
process with subordinates.
Weiner, B. (1986). An attributional theory of motivation and emotion. New York: Springer-Verlag.
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Robert R. Kurtz and John E. Jones
Interpersonal confrontation is one of the more potent experiences in human interaction.
As such, it can be either growth facilitating or harmful to the people involved. Perhaps
because of its potency, confrontation has come to have a negative connotation, as when
a person yells at another or deliberately tries to hurt another. These examples represent
popular misconceptions of the meaning and the purpose of confrontation in growth
groups. Confrontation is not always negative. For example, it may be positive and
directed toward another’s strength or an encouragement to take action.
The purpose of this article is to explore the concept of confrontation and to discuss
the conditions and processes that make it ultimately either a positive or a negative
experience for group members.
Egan (1970) states that confrontation takes place when one person (the confronter),
either deliberately or inadvertently, does something that causes or directs another person
(the recipient of the confrontation) to reflect on, examine, question, or change some
aspect of his or her behavior.
Berenson and his associates (Berenson, Mitchell, & Laney, 1968) have
distinguished five major types of confrontation: (1) experiential, (2) strength, (3)
weakness, (4) didactic, and (5) encouragement to action. These types of confrontation
are defined as follows:
Experiential: a response to any discrepancy perceived by the confronter between
the recipient’s statements about himself or herself and the confronter’s own
experience of the recipient;
Strength: focused on the recipient’s resources, especially if he or she does not
realize them;
Weakness: focused on the recipient’s pathology or liabilities;
Didactic: clarification of another’s misinformation or lack of information; and
Encouragement to Action: pressing the recipient to act on his or her world in
some constructive manner and discouraging a passive stance toward life.
Originally published in The 1973 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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The results of the research done on these types of confrontation suggest that
effective helpers use experiential and strength confrontations more frequently, while less
effective helpers tend to confront their clients’ weaknesses. It may well be, however,
that variables other than the content of the confrontation are more important factors in
determining the outcomes of the confrontation.
The purposes of helpful confrontation should be primarily to bring the recipient into
more direct contact with his or her own experiencing and to create a situation in which it
becomes possible for the recipient to explore and change those behavior aspects that
hinder his or her own growth and development.
Whether or not a confrontation is helpful to the recipient depends on the confronter,
the recipient, and the conditions that exist in the situation in which the confrontation
takes place.
Confronter Conditions. A confrontation is probably more helpful if the confronter:
(1) has a good relationship with the recipient or at least is sensitive to the quality of their
relationship; (2) accepts the recipient and is willing to get more involved with him or her
as a person; (3) phrases the confrontation as a suggestion or request rather than a
demand; (4) directs the confrontation toward concrete behavior rather than toward
motives; (5) makes the confrontation positive and constructive rather than negative; (6)
states the confrontation succinctly and directly; and (7) represents facts as facts,
hypotheses as hypotheses, and feelings as feelings.
Recipient Conditions. A recipient will probably benefit more from a confrontation if
he or she: (1) accepts it as an invitation to explore himself or herself; (2) is open to
knowing how he or she is experienced by others; (3) is willing to tolerate some
temporary disorganization that may result from a confrontation; and (4) responds in
different ways to different modes of confrontation rather than in the same, stereotyped
way, to all confrontations (for example, by accepting all confrontations as truth or by
dismissing all of them as worthless).
Group Conditions. Confrontation that takes place in a group situation is facilitated
by a high degree of acceptance and trust. It is difficult to receive confrontation without
being defensive if you do not trust or feel accepted by the group members.
Confrontation is also better received if it fits the goals and purposes of the group. An
interpersonal confrontation at a faculty meeting or at a social gathering, for example, can
have disruptive effects. This is so because these groups are meeting for different
purposes than the typical growth group, and the confrontation comes as a surprise.
Some behaviors that may not seem to be confronting can be. Sharing tender feelings
about a fellow group member can have a confronting effect because this is something
that some members experience little of in their everyday lives. Ignoring others or not
reinforcing certain behaviors may have the same impact.
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In summary, the purposes and motives of the confrontation have a strong effect on
the outcome of that confrontation. If given with sensitivity and with the desire to help
and if received in that vein, then the outcome is more likely to be helpful. As no one can
predict with absolute certainty what impact a confrontation will have on another person,
it is wise to elicit feedback from the recipient about the impact it had on him or her.
Not all confrontation results from the altruistic motives mentioned in the helpful
confrontation section of this article. Many confronters have ulterior motives similar to
the ones described in Berne’s Games People Play (1964). For example, the motive for a
confrontation may be to give vent to jealous rage, to punish another, or to seek revenge.
A game that Berne calls “NIGYSOB” (Now I’ve Got You, You Son-of-a-Bitch) fits the
punitive motive. The confronter carefully watches the recipient until the other makes
some mistake. After the confronter has caught the other in the mistake or has built
enough evidence, he or she is justified in venting anger on the recipient. Some
confronters (especially those in the helping professions) will rationalize this kind of
behavior with expressions such as “I’m only trying to help you” or “I’m only doing this
for your own good.”
Sometimes a confronter will confront another to show off how perceptive or
knowledgeable he or she is in psychology or psychiatry. Confrontations arising from this
type of motive sound very clinical, interpretive, and aloof. The confronter may interpret
why the recipient behaves the way he or she does or may pin some diagnostic label on
the other. Regardless of the content, these inferences are of little use to the recipient. We
have often wondered whether the operational definition of “passive aggressive
personality” is that the clinician dislikes the client.
Some confronters will confront to relieve boredom or to ward off a possible
confrontation directed toward themselves. These motives are often revealed by
expressions such as “I only wanted to stir things up.” A confronter may also manipulate
other group members into confronting one another. This behavior is similar to Berne’s
game “Let’s you and him fight.” After engineering such a conflict between others, the
confronter may assume the role of the “judge” who decides who is right. This is a
variation of the game “Courtroom.”
A confronter might take out frustration and anger on another member even though
he or she is really frustrated with the facilitator or with the group as a whole. This type
of confrontation is an example of scapegoating. Along similar lines, a confronter may
blame another group member for all of the difficulties he or she is having in the group,
thus relieving him or her of the responsibility. Berne labels this game “IWFY” (If It
Weren’t for You).
At the other extreme is the case in which group members avoid confronting another
for fear that the other will be hurt or will be unable to handle the confrontation. Some
group members handle others like “fragile vases” that will break if confronted. This may
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have a confronting effect on the others as well. Being treated very gently may be the
stimulus to wonder about why others are responding to you in such a manner. The group
member who is treated in this way may conclude that others are saying he or she cannot
handle the truth about himself or herself. Actually, most people are more resilient than
we give them credit for being and are able to handle confrontation quite well.
Occasionally, when one member of a group receives a confrontation from another,
other group members will add their comments, picking away at the recipient’s sore
points. The motive could be to build one’s status as a group member at the expense of
the recipient or to be accepted as similar to other group members. We believe that this
kind of interaction can have harmful effects on the recipient and that it is important that
a facilitator or some member intercede to stop it.
This has been an illustrative rather than an exhaustive list of the “ulterior motives”
behind some confrontations and of the games confronters play. In general, when hidden
agendas are involved, such as the ones discussed, the outcomes of the confrontation are
more likely to be harmful to the recipient.
After reading about some of the games confronters play and learning that these types of
confrontations probably have harmful effects on the recipient, the reader may have the
impression that we consider confrontation something to be avoided. Actually, we
believe that interpersonal confrontation is one of the most potent and therapeutic forces
for members in growth groups if given under the right conditions and should be
encouraged for this reason. Because of the potency of confrontation and because it can
be harmful, we suggest that a confronter do some prior self-examining.
What should the confronter examine? We believe that a confronter should assess
the conditions in the group at the time of the confrontation, should be sensitive to the
recipient and to the relationship that he or she shares with that person, and should be
aware of his or her own motives for confronting. We would like to propose a series of
questions that confronters might ask themselves as a way to aid in this examination.
1. What is the purpose of the group? Is this group situation an appropriate place for
a confrontation, and do the members expect to be confronted? How much trust and
support exist in the group at this time? A confrontation given before a sense of trust and
acceptance has developed is likely to be regarded as an attack and to be responded to
defensively. Does the confrontation arise out of the group interaction? A confrontation
that is not based on the here-and-now interaction in the group is less likely to be helpful
because it is less concrete and immediate.
2. What is the current psychological state of the person whom I am about to
confront? Is the recipient likely to receive the confrontation as an invitation to explore
himself or herself, or is the recipient likely to react defensively? In other words, what is
the confrontation likely to mean to the recipient? How close is my relationship to the
person I am confronting? If my relationship is distant, he or she may be more inclined to
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dismiss the confrontation and me as a person. Do I expect the person to change just
because I confronted him or her? As I cannot possibly experience the world as the other
person does, I cannot be sure that the change would be right for him or her. If I do not
give the other the right to decide whether and how to change, I am imposing my values
on him or her.
3. What are my own motives? Do I want to become more involved with the person I
am confronting? If not, I am intruding on another person and prying into his or her life.
Am I directing my confrontation to the right person? Am I confronting to relieve
boredom or to ward off confrontation myself? To punish or to dominate? To show off
my intelligence or perceptiveness? If I am confronting for these motives, I am
attempting to meet my needs at the other person’s expense; and my behavior may be
harmful to him or her.
4. Am I confronting behavior or the other’s motives? As motives must be inferred
from the other’s behavior and are much more difficult to describe accurately,
confronting the other’s behavior is more helpful. Am I making myself clear? Am I
checking the impact that my confrontation is having on the other person?
Some of the answers to these questions lie within yourself. Some of the answers lie
within the recipient and some within the other group members. The most effective way
to find the answers is to be open to yourself and to elicit feedback as to how you are
experienced by others.
Berenson, B.G., Mitchell, K.M., & Laney, R.C. (1968). Level of therapist functioning: Types of confrontation and
type of patient. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 24, 111-113.
Berne, E. (1964). Games people play. New York: Grove Press.
Douds, J., Berenson, B.G., Carkhuff, R.R., & Pierce, R. (1967). In search of an honest experience: Confrontation
in counseling and life. In R.R. Carkhuff & B.G. Berenson (Eds.), Beyond counseling and therapy (pp. 170-
179). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Egan, G. (1970). Encounter: Group processes for interpersonal growth. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.
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Clark Carney and S. Lynne McMahon
The idea of contracting for change in intimate relationships tends to elicit negative
reactions from most people. In the United States the word “contract” often connotes an
impersonal process of tough bargaining in smoke-filled rooms between declared
opponents. “Negotiation” evokes a picture of wily diplomats jostling for power through
subterfuge, manipulation, and hints of armed intervention.
Neither of these scenes is readily applicable to personal relationships. Yet all
relationships involve negotiated agreements that vary according to explicitness,
duration, and restrictiveness. Husbands and wives, for example, develop pacts about
household chores, while neighbors contract to form a car pool. Roommates reach
agreements about visitors, paying bills, and study times. Teachers and students specify
individual learning objectives.
Given its prevalence in our daily lives, the interpersonal contract might be
described as the mortar that binds relationships; it lends predictability to our interactions
and provides us with a basis for trust.
Most of the agreements that people work out among themselves are implicit and are
rarely verbalized. People normally function on the basis of unwritten compacts, seldom
recognizing that they have indeed negotiated an agreement.
The most fulfilling means of facilitating change in a relationship, however, occurs
when partners make a conscious and consistent effort to negotiate their expectations
openly in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. In making a public commitment,
both partners are more likely to carry out their agreements. Such explicit agreements are
easily renegotiated and modified for the mutual benefit of participants.
People generally approach the process of contracting for change in a relationship from a
problem-centered perspective: “We are doing all right, but we have a problem with....”
The problem may be one of agreeing on family finances, learning how to express anger,
or finding a satisfying means of completing a task. The situation is seen as lacking a
necessary element or as an irritant to be remedied.
Originally published in The 1974 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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Although creative growth is seldom given equal attention, it too can serve as a
subject for an interpersonal contract. Partners can use their contracts to determine how
much energy they will spend on problem solving and how much on creative
Regardless of the circumstance that prompts them to seek change, partners can use one
or both of two approaches in negotiating an interpersonal contract. They can develop a
mini-contract to deal with situations that have a restricted time limit or scope, or they
can seek the more comprehensive goals of a developmental contract to maximize the
growth possibilities for both people and their relationship.
A mini-contract might, for example, specify acceptable means of expressing
affection for members of the opposite sex, provide for completing job assignments on
time, determine grading procedures, divide household tasks, set up a homework
schedule, or designate the children’s vacation bedtime.
The developmental contract is more comprehensive, involving decisions about how
to implement the ideals of the partnership, how to provide for future changes, and how
to work through problems. A couple, for instance, might develop a contract to enhance
growth and intimacy in a marriage. To share in the process of learning together, the
marital partners could contract to attend marriage-enrichment workshops and free
university classes. They might seek to provide a renewed basis for intimacy in their
relationship by contracting to spend one weekend a month as a couple—camping,
visiting nearby cities, or having a “tryst” at a local hotel.
The Process
Negotiating an interpersonal contract can be a rewarding and illuminating experience,
especially when both partners agree to negotiate in an atmosphere that is free of
coercion and manipulation. Sitting down and talking things through—sharing your
aspirations as people and partners—offers you new insights into yourselves, your values,
feelings, priorities, and personal viewpoints. It can also help you to find and realize
rewarding new possibilities for your relationship.
If possible, find a quiet, private, pleasant place, free from outside disturbances, to
negotiate and write your contract. While you are at it, be good to yourselves. Treat
yourselves to a glass of wine, some freshly baked cookies, or any special treat.
Allow yourselves ample time to negotiate and write your contract; at least one hour
per sitting is most helpful. Guidelines for implementing serious readjustments in a
relationship are seldom developed in one sitting—take time over several sessions to let
your ideas and feelings percolate and sort themselves out. Each of you could well spend
some time alone defining, clarifying, and noting your personal behavioral goals before
sharing them with your partner.
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When you attempt to define and share your goals, consistently check signals with
each other to make sure you have heard and understood what the other is saying. During
the early stages of goal sharing, you may practice the art of listening and responding by
following this exercise:
Step 1. One person, Person A, takes responsibility for initiating a conversation
about a specific topic—in this instance “What I’d like our contract to do for us.” As A
talks, B becomes actively involved in the process of listening by nodding his head when
he feels he understands, sitting forward in his chair, taking note of things he agrees or
disagrees with, and sorting out what he understands from what he does not.
Step 2. After A completes her statement, B responds, “I heard you say . . .” and
repeats what A has said. After B summarizes to A’s satisfaction, they continue to the
next step.
Step 3. B attempts to clarify their communication further by expressing his
understanding of the feeling aspect of A’s message. He completes the sentence, “I think
you mean (feel) . . . .”
Step 4. After B has completed the process of summarizing and clarifying his
feelings, A responds with her thoughts and reflections: “My response is . . . .”
Step 5. The process is reversed, and B then engages in a monologue on the same
Tape recording your conversations may help to promote effective communication
between you and your partner, by giving both of you a more objective view of your
Most human behavior is guided by “self-fulfilling prophecies.” We often get what
we expect out of a relationship simply because our expectations guide our behavior in
ways that produce complementary responses from others. For example, if a man sees
himself as being unattractive to women, he more than likely will approach them in a
way that communicates his expectations of himself—“You wouldn’t want to go out with
me, would you?”
Accordingly, as you enter your contract negotiations, it is important to consider
your expectations for yourselves and each other and the influence they may have in
determining the success or futility of your efforts. Some assumptions that facilitate or
hinder interpersonal communication can be useful as a set of guidelines during your
contract negotiations.
These are some assumptions that facilitate successful contract negotiations:
The Humility Assumption: I am not perfect; I would like to improve my
interpersonal relationships and am willing to learn from you.
The Human Dignity Assumption: I value you and feel you are equal to me.
This assumption and several of the others in this listing are taken from The Interpersonal Game (p. 4) by K. Hardy, 1964, Provo, UT:
Brigham Young University Press.
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The Confidentiality Assumption: I will respect confidences that are entrusted to
The Responsibility Assumption: I will share equally with you in building and
maintaining our partnership.
The Changeability Assumption: I can change and am willing to try. Our
relationship can change. We are not set in our ways.
Assumptions that hinder contract negotiations are as follows:
One (or both) of us “needs help,” is mentally disturbed.
Our relationship is poor, hopeless, doomed.
My partner does not know what he is really like. I am going to get him to see the
Truth about himself.
All of our problems are my partner’s fault. She is the one who needs to change.
My partner had better change, “or else.”
My partner has hurt me. Now I am going to get even.
We are the way we are. There is no sense in stirring things up.
It seems apparent, then, that an atmosphere of trust, respect, and understanding, in
which successful contract negotiations thrive, is most likely to occur when people are
willing to listen and respond to each other without feeling that they are taking the risk of
being manipulated or coerced.
The Product
When writing your contract, strive to avoid either extreme rigidity or excessive
generalization in your statement.
Try to determine your personal priorities before specifying your goals. Identify
your nonnegotiables early in the process so that you can work with or around them.
Very useful, especially during initial negotiations, is an outline format; it reads
easily and encourages succinctness and clarity.
In writing each section, go from a general objective to the specific steps that you
will take to realize it. State your action steps so that both of you can understand your
goal or purpose. Use specific behavioral examples to clarify what you mean. For
instance, if you are experiencing difficulty in managing conflict, you might state
“dealing with conflict” as a general objective. As action steps, you might list the
following: “Both partners will define the issue before pursuing the argument”;
“John/Margaret calls time out when he/she is no longer able to listen effectively”;
“Margaret summarizes what has been said before presenting new information.”
This assumption and several of the others in this listing are taken from The Interpersonal Game (p. 4) by K. Hardy, 1964, Provo, UT:
Brigham Young University Press.
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It is also helpful to visualize a sequence of action steps. In the example given
above, “defining the issue” logically preceded the other steps as it is important to agree
on the subject for argument before beginning to discuss it.
To avoid confusion, separate each general objective and the action steps connected
with it, just as you would a clause in a contract. If you are developing a method for
dealing with conflict in one section of your contract, for example, you should not
include guidelines for completing chores, unless the chores are directly related to your
The best way to change is to act differently now. People have a tendency to
postpone remedial actions, especially when they seem difficult or costly, but the past
cannot be relived. Specify your action steps in the present tense and in the active voice,
such as “summarizes,” “clarifies,” “asks,” “takes,” “names.”
Have an objective outsider read your contract to make sure that your goals and
terms are clear. Remember, however, that your purpose should not be to persuade this
person to take sides with either partner on an issue.
Finally, specify a time in the future to review your contract and renegotiate it if
necessary. When reviewing your contract, you might ask some of the following
Are the behaviors called for by the contract appropriate to the issue?
Do the action steps adequately represent the behavior associated with the general
Is the contract too rigid or too flexible?
As they are stated, are the objectives attainable?
Do the objectives agree with the philosophy of our relationship and with the aim
of shared responsibility?
Contracting explicit, negotiated interpersonal contracts can be a very useful device
for change in intimate relationships. The success of the process requires an atmosphere
of mutual trust, time, helpful assumptions about each other, clear objectives, and a
sequence of specific action steps toward the goal of mutual change.
Sherwood, J.J., & Glidewell, J.C. (1973). Planned renegotiation: A normsetting OD intervention. In J.E. Jones &
J.W. Pfeiffer (Eds.), The 1973 annual handbook for group facilitators (pp. 195-202). San Diego, CA:
Pfeiffer & Company.
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Colleen Kelley
A friend asks to borrow your new, expensive camera . . . . Someone cuts in front of you
in a line . . . . A salesperson is annoyingly persistent . . . . Someone criticizes you angrily
in front of your colleagues . . . . For many people these examples represent anxious,
stressful situations to which there is no satisfying response. One basic response theory
being taught more and more frequently in training programs is a theory called
assertiveness or assertion.
Some important aspects of assertion theory include (1) the philosophy underlying
assertion, (2) the three possible response styles in an assertive situation, (3) some means
of outwardly recognizing these response styles, (4) some functional distinctions among
the three styles, and (5) the six components of an assertive situation.
Assertion theory is based on the premise that every individual possesses certain basic
human rights. These rights include such fundamentals as “the right to refuse requests
without having to feel guilty or selfish,” “the right to have one’s own needs be as
important as the needs of other people,” “the right to make mistakes,” and “the right to
express ourselves as long as we don’t violate the rights of others” (Jakubowski-Spector,
People relate to these basic human rights along a continuum of response styles:
nonassertion, assertion, and aggression.
The act of standing up for one’s own basic human rights without violating the basic
human rights of others is termed assertion (Jakubowski-Spector, 1973). It is a response
style that recognizes boundaries between one’s individual rights and those of others and
operates to keep those boundaries stabilized.
Originally published in The 1976 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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For example, when one of her friends asked to borrow Jan’s new sports car for a
trip, she was able to respond assertively by saying, “I appreciate your need for some
transportation, but the car is too valuable to me to lend it.” Jan was able to respect both
her friend’s right to make the request and her own right to refuse it.
The two remaining response styles, nonassertion and aggression, represent an inability
to maintain adequately the boundaries between one person’s rights and those of another.
Nonassertion occurs when one allows one’s boundaries to be restricted. In Jan’s case, a
nonassertive response would have been to lend the car, fearing that her friend might
perceive her as petty or distrustful, and to spend the rest of the afternoon wishing she
had not. Thus, Jan would not have been acting on her right to say no.
The third response style, aggression, takes place when one person invades the other’s
boundaries of individual rights. Aggression, in Jan’s case, might sound like this:
“Certainly not!” or “You’ve got to be kidding!” Here, Jan would be violating the other
person’s right to courtesy and respect.
Some helpful keys to recognizing nonassertive, assertive, and aggressive response styles
in any given situation are (1) the type of emotion experienced, (2) the nonverbal
behavior displayed, and (3) the verbal language used.
The person responding nonassertively tends to internalize feelings and tensions and to
experience such emotions as fear, anxiety, guilt, depression, fatigue, or nervousness.
Outwardly, emotional “temperature” is below normal, and feelings are not verbally
With an aggressive response, the tension is turned outward. Although the aggressor
may have experienced fear, guilt, or hurt at one time in the interchange, either this
feeling has been masked by a “secondary” emotion such as anger, or it has built up over
time to a boiling point. In an aggressive response, the person’s emotional temperature is
above normal and is typically expressed by inappropriate anger, rage, hate, or misplaced
hostility—all loudly and sometimes explosively expressed.
In contrast to the other two response styles, an individual responding assertively is
aware of and deals with feelings as they occur, neither denying himself or herself the
right to the emotion nor using it to deny another’s rights. Tension is kept within a
normal, constructive range.
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Nonverbal Behavior
Each response style is also characterized by certain nonverbal or body-language cues. A
nonassertive response is self-effacing and dependent; it “moves away” from a situation.
This response may be accompanied by such mannerisms as downcast eyes; the shifting
of weight; a slumped body; the wringing of hands; or a whining, hesitant, or giggly tone
of voice.
Aggression represents a nonverbal “moving against” a situation; it is “other-
effacing” and counterdependent. This response may be expressed through glaring eyes;
by leaning forward or pointing a finger; or by a raised, snickering, or haughty tone of
Assertion, in contrast, is facing up to a situation; it is an approach by which one can
stand up for oneself in an independent or interdependent manner. When being assertive,
a person generally establishes good eye contact, stands comfortably but firmly on two
feet with hands loosely at his or her sides, and talks in a strong, steady tone of voice.
Verbal Language
A third way of differentiating among assertion, nonassertion, and aggression is to pay
attention to the type of verbal language being used. Certain words tend to be associated
with each style.
Nonassertive words can include qualifiers (“maybe,” “I guess,” “I wonder if you
could,” “would you mind very much,” “only,” “just,” “I can’t,” “don’t you think”),
fillers (“uh,” “well,” “you know,” “and”) and negaters (“it’s not really important,”
“don’t bother”).
Aggressive words include threats (“you’d better,” “if you don’t watch out”),
putdowns (“come on, you must be kidding”), evaluative comments (“should,” “bad”),
and sexist or racist terms.
Assertive words may include “I” statements (“I think,” “I feel,” “I want”),
cooperative words (“let’s,” “how can we resolve this”), and empathic statements of
interest in the other person (“what do you think,” “what do you see”).
Emotional, nonverbal, and verbal cues are helpful keys in recognizing response
styles. But they should be seen as general indicators and not as a means of labeling
Outwardly, the three response styles seem to form a linear continuum running from the
nonassertive style, which permits a violation of one’s own rights, through the assertive
style, to the aggressive style, which perpetrates a violation of another’s rights.
Functionally, however, as indicated in Figure 1, nonassertion and aggression appear
not only very much alike but also very different from assertion. Nonassertion and
aggression are dysfunctional not only because they use indirect methods of expressing
wants and feelings and fail to respect the rights of all people, but also because they
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create an imbalance of power in which the two positions may mix or even change
positions with each other. The nonassertive responder creates a power imbalance by
according everyone else more rights than himself or herself, while the aggressive
responder creates a power imbalance by according himself or herself more rights than
everyone else.
Figure 1. Functional and Dysfunctional Assertive
This power imbalance is unstable. The restricted nonassertive responder may
accumulate guilt, resentment, or fear until he or she becomes the aggressive responder in
a burst of rage; or this person may mix a nonassertive “front” with a subversive “behind-
the-scenes” attempt to “get back” at another.
The assertive responder seeks a solution that equalizes the balance of power and
permits all concerned to maintain their basic human rights. Thus, an imbalance of
power, caused by a failure to respect the rights of all people and perpetuated by the use
of indirect methods, creates a very vulnerable position for both the nonassertive and the
aggressive responders, while the more functional assertive responder respects all human
rights, uses direct methods, and seeks a balance of power.
Assertion theory can be helpful in situations in which a person is anxious about standing
up for his or her basic human rights. These situations include saying yes and no with
conviction, giving and receiving criticism, initiating conversations, resisting inter-
ruptions, receiving compliments, demanding a fair deal as a consumer, dealing with
Adapted from J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones, 1972, “Openness, Collusion and Feedback,” in J. William Pfeiffer and John E.
Jones (Eds.), The 1972 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators (p. 199), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
The mixed or indirect response can range from guilt induction to subversion in style and is represented in Figure 1 by the broken-line
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sexist remarks, and handling various other specific situations encountered in one’s
personal, social, and professional life.
A person may feel capable of being assertive in a situation but make a conscious
decision not to be so, because of such things as power issues or the time or effort
involved. Before making a decision to be assertive, it is helpful to examine the six
components of an assertive situation:
1. The potential asserter’s basic human rights and level of confidence that he or she
has these rights;
2. The specific behavior to which the potential asserter is responding;
3. The potential asserter’s “feeling” reactions to this specific behavior;
4. The specific behavior that the potential asserter would prefer;
5. The possible positive and negative consequences for the other person if that
person behaves as the potential asserter wishes; and
6. The potential consequences of the assertive response for the potential asserter.
Once the situational assertive components have been determined, assertiontraining
techniques provide a means of formulating and enacting an assertive response.
Assertion theory offers a model for those who wish to stand up for their own rights
without violating the human rights of others. It is a model that can be used in all types of
situations—personal, professional, and social—to facilitate honest, direct, functional
Alberti, R.E., & Emmons, M.L. (1974). Your perfect right: A guide to assertive behavior (2nd ed.). San Luis
Obispo, CA: Impact.
Alberti, R.E., & Emmons, M.L. (1975). Stand up, speak out, talk back!: The key to self-assertive behavior. New
York: Simon & Schuster.
Bloom, L.L., Coburn, K., & Pearlman, J. (1975). The new assertive woman. New York: Delacorte.
Cummings, E., et al. (1974). Assert your self. Seattle: Seattle-King County N.O.W.
Fensterheim, H., & Baer, J. (1975). Don’t say yes when you want to say no: How assertiveness training can
change your life. New York: McKay.
Jakubowski-Spector, P. (1973). Facilitating the growth of women through assertive training. The Counseling
Psychologist, 4(1), 75-86.
Jakubowski-Spector, P. (1977). Self-assertive training procedures for women. In D. Carter & E. Rawlings (Eds.),
Psychotherapy with women. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Lazarus, A., & Fay, A. (1975). I can if I want to: The direct assertion therapy program to change your life. New
York: William Morrow.
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Osborn, S.M., & Harris, G.G. (1975). Assertive training for women. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Pfeiffer, J.W., & Jones, J.E. (1972). Openness, collusion and feedback. In J.W. Pfeiffer & J.E. Jones (Eds.), The
1972 annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Phelps, S., & Austin, N. (1975). The assertive woman. San Luis Obispo, CA: Impact.
Smith, M.J. (1975). When I say no, I feel guilty. New York: McKay.
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John E. Jones and Anthony G. Banet, Jr.
Anger is the first emotion that human beings experience, and it is the last one that we
learn to manage effectively. As early as four months of age, the human infant’s vague
feelings of distress differentiate into recognizable anger; for many of us, a lifetime is
spent in denying, suppressing, displacing, or avoiding this troublesome emotional
experience. Because anger usually occurs within an interpersonal context, it is a frequent
group phenomenon and presents a management challenge to all concerned.
Anger happens when we perceive an external event (object or person) as
threatening or when we experience the frustration of unmet expectations. Although
anger seems to be a response to something outside of us, it most often is an intrapersonal
event: We make ourselves angry. But because anger is so unpleasant and human beings
are so adept at projection, we usually attempt to locate the source of our anger outside
ourselves with statements such as “You make me angry” or “You have irritating habits”
or “You bother me.”
When we perceive an external event as threatening to our physical or psychological
well-being, a cycle of internal movements is initiated. As the perception is formed,
assumptions are made internally about the possible danger of the threat. The assumption
is then checked against our perceived power of dealing with the threat. If we conclude
that the threat is not very great or that we are powerful enough to confront it
successfully, a calm, unflustered response can occur. But if we conclude that the threat
is dangerous or that we are powerless to handle it, anger emerges in an effort to destroy
or reduce the personal threat and to protect our assumed impotence. The anger cycle is
graphically represented in Figure 1.
Resentment and Expectations
In the Gestalt view, anger is resentment, an experience accompanying a demand or
expectation that has not been made explicit. Unanswered demands or unmet
expectations are frustrating; they become another kind of threat, which trips off the
anger cycle within us.
Originally published in The 1976 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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Figure 1. The Anger Cycle
Maladaptive Expressions of Anger
Unlike most other feelings, anger has no specific body organs for expression.
Physiologically, anger is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and muscle
tightness; psychologically, there are impulses to say aggressive words, strike out,
commit violence. But the expression of anger can be so terrifying and threatening that,
rather than express it outwardly, we sometimes turn it inward, against ourselves. This
short-circuiting of the anger cycle produces distortions of another magnitude: Anger
turned inward is experienced as guilt; guilt produces feelings of depression,
incompetence, helplessness, and, ultimately, self-destruction.
Another common way to short-circuit the anger cycle is to vent the feeling, not at
the perceived threatening event but at someone or something else that is convenient. We
are angry at the traffic jam, but we snap at an innocent spouse. The children consistently
refuse to meet our expectations, but we kick the dog. We are angry at the group leader,
but we complain about the food. Such displacement of angry feeling serves to ventilate
but not to resolve: the anger cycle still lacks closure. When displacement becomes
generalized to the system, the government, or the state of our culture, we begin to see
the whole world as hostile and we develop a wrathful, attacking behavior style.
Expression of anger can lead to violence; turning it inward produces depression.
Displacement is ultimately ineffective and can damage innocent third parties. Repeated
failure to close the anger cycle can produce a hostile, cynical, negative view of reality.
And even though anger usually occurs in an interpersonal context, it is not an
interpersonal event, but self-generated. We make ourselves angry, and there is no one
else who can honestly be blamed. Suffering the anger often seems to be the only
Bodily responses during anger and in sexual arousal are nearly indistinguishable; the only difference is that in sexual arousal, rhythmic
muscular movement, tumescence, and genital secretion or ejaculation may occur.
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The obvious way to eliminate anger from our lives is to become so personally secure
that nothing threatens us. Short of that level of self-actualization, the procedures
described here may help.
Owning anger. Acknowledging anger—claiming it as our own behavior—is a
helpful first step. It increases self-awareness and prevents unwarranted blaming of
others. Turning blame and attribution into “I” statements locates the anger where it
actually is—inside us. This procedure can help to develop a sense of personal power.
Calibrating the response. Anger is not an all-or-nothing experience. It ranges from
relatively mild reactions such as “I disagree,” “I don’t like that,” and “I’m bothered,”
through medium responses such as “I’m annoyed,” “I’m pissed off,” and “I’m irritated,”
to intense reactions such as “I’m furious,” “I’m enraged,” and “I feel like hitting you.”
Learning to differentiate between levels of anger helps us to assess accurately our
capacity for dealing with it.
Diagnosing the threat. What is frightening about the perceived threat? What do I
stand to lose? Anger happens because we quickly assume that the situation is
dangerous—so quickly that we frequently do not know why the stimulus is threatening.
Diagnosing the threat frequently reveals that it is simply a difference in values, opinion,
upbringing, or styles of behaving.
Sharing the perceived threat. Sharing is a way to make the internal anger cycle a
public or interpersonal event. It diffuses the intensity of feeling and clarifies our
perceptions. It permits us to receive feedback and consensual validation.
Forgiveness. Forgiveness involves letting go of the anger and canceling the charges
against the other—and ourselves. Forgiving and forgetting clean the slate and constitute
a way of opening yourself to future transactions. Forgiveness is a magnanimous gesture
that increases personal power.
In interpersonal situations we often respond to another person’s anger, whether or not
we have occasioned it by means of threatening or frustrating behavior. It frequently
happens that we receive another’s anger just because we happen to be there. Laura
Huxley (1963), in her aptly titled book You Are Not the Target, views the anger of
another as negative energy that is dumped on us, just as ocean waves dump their energy
on the beach.
Anger from another has high potential for hooking us into what is essentially
someone else’s problem. If we view another’s anger as threatening, we start the anger
cycle in ourselves; and then we have our anger to deal with, as well as the other
person’s. To be angry simply because someone else is angry makes no sense, but it
frequently happens anyway. Contagion is a usual by-product of intensity.
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Anger from another, if responded to appropriately, can increase interpersonal
learning and strengthen a relationship. The following steps may be helpful.
Affirm the other’s feelings. An old Jules Feiffer cartoon devotes nine panels to one
character’s building up his anger toward another. Finally, he verbally confronts the other
with “I hate you, you son of a bitch!” The other character replies, “Let us begin by
defining your terms.” To affirm another’s anger is to acknowledge that you are receiving
it and to express a willingness to respond. Disallowing another’s anger usually heightens
its intensity.
Acknowledge your own defensiveness. Let the other person know what you are
feeling. Acknowledge that your own tenseness may lead to miscommunication and
distortion. Develop an awareness of the impact of received anger on your body.
Clarify and diagnose. Give and request specific feedback. Distinguish between
wants and needs. Check expectations. Discover together who owns what in the situation.
When interpersonal needs and wants are on the table, the resolution of anger becomes
more probable.
Renegotiate the relationship. Plan together how similar situations will be dealt with
in the future. Contracting to practice new behavior may help to eliminate the sources of
friction. Acknowledge regret and exchange apologies if that is warranted. Agree on a
third-party mediator to help if the two of you are getting nowhere.
Anger does not disappear if we refuse to deal with it; it continues to grow within us.
If we deal with anger directly, the discomfort and unpleasantness are mitigated by the
new learning and self-strengthening that occur. If we deal with it indirectly, we easily
trap ourselves into polarization, passivity, “gunnysacking,” name calling, blaming,
gaming, and viewing ourselves and our adversaries as weak and fragile. Anger is not the
worst thing in the world. It is a powerful source of energy, which, if creatively and
appropriately expressed, leads to personal growth and improved interpersonal
Huxley, L. (1963). You are not the target. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
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Francis L. Ulschak
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on
where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where—so long as I get somewhere,”
Alice added as an explanation. “Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Contracting may be used by a facilitator (therapist, consultant, leader, and so on) to
accomplish certain goals:
1. To clarify and define the relationship between the facilitator and the client (the
person or organization seeking the facilitator’s services); and/or
2. To clarify with a client where the client is presently, where he or she would like
to be (goals and objectives), and alternative ways (strategies) for getting there.
In the first case, contracting is used as a process to explore and define the
relationship between the facilitator and the client. The client’s wants and needs for
services are detailed along with the range of services that the facilitator is willing and
able to provide. This period is a time of deciding (1) what the various parties involved
want from each other, (2) whether they have the ability and resources to provide what is
wanted from the relationship, and (3) whether they are willing to enter into the
In the second case, contracting is a specific tool that the facilitator can use with a
client to assist the client in evaluating the present situation (A), the desired position (B),
and how to get to the desired position. Holloway and Holloway’s (1973) contracting
model depicts the client’s present and desired positions and the decision that the client
needs to make in order to move from one to the other. The “decision” can be seen as the
choice of a strategy (strategies) that will accomplish the movement from A to B.
The facilitator can understand contracting both as a process and as a framework that
may be used (1) to establish a relationship with the client and to set mutual goals and
objectives and (2) as a specific technique to involve the client actively in detailing A and
B and the possible strategies for moving from A to B. This latter use encourages the
client to take active responsibility for his or her present condition and future state.
Originally published in The 1978 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company. The author wishes to give a special note of thanks to Roland Weiss for his critique of an earlier draft of his paper.
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Contracting as a Process
Contracting can be seen as a dynamic process along a time line, as opposed to a single
event. The facilitator and client begin with a “directional” contract, part of which may
include the intent to recycle the contract: “In six weeks we will review the contract and
update it.” Thompson (1974, p. 31) refers to “process contracting” and states that “the
original ‘contract’ can be an agreement to work together to progressively define the
relationship and to communicate desired ‘changes’ to one another as each party sees
more clearly the development of its interests.” Part of contracting as a process is
defining the relationship; one vital aspect of this is keeping the other parties involved in
the contract explicitly informed of any changes.
Contracting as a Tool
Contracting is also a useful tool that can be used at various levels. At one level, the
intrapersonal, an individual experiencing an inner conflict may use the model as an aid
in deciding on strategies that will result in clarifying and eliminating the conflict.
A second level of contracting involves two or more people. For example, in a group
setting, one person may feel that she dominates the discussion and may make a contract
with other members of the group that (1) they will tell her when they experience her as
dominating the discussion and that (2) she will check with them when she experiences
herself as dominating the discussion. A third level of contracting may be between the
facilitator and the client, group, or organization. In this case, contracting may involve
specifying issues such as time commitments, finances involved, or group-maintenance
Two general approaches to contracting can be useful as guidelines. The first approach
concentrates on establishing the relationship between the client and the facilitator. The
second approach attends to defining the relationship between the client and the problem.
In this approach, the facilitator assists the client in moving from A to B. Although there
is a great deal of overlap between these two approaches, they are presented separately.
Depending on the setting, the facilitator may find one approach or the other more useful.
Negotiating the Relationship
A basic structure (Steiner, 1971) for using contracting in therapy can be used for
negotiating roles, expectations, and mutual benefits in nontherapy settings as well. There
are four requirements for this negotiation: (1) mutual consent, (2) valid consideration,
(3) competency, and (4) lawful object.
Mutual consent means that both parties have an adequate understanding of the
agreement. What both want and expect from the relationship should be clearly detailed.
The facilitator needs to provide the client with possible time involvements, financial
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costs, courses of action, methods that may be used, expectations, risks involved, and so
on. The client provides the facilitator with information concerning expectations, the
nature of the problem, objectives, people to be involved, time commitments, and so on.
It is important that both the client and the facilitator give each other sufficient
information so that both will be able to make informed decisions. The three ingredients
of valid information, commitment, and free choice (Argyris, 1973) are necessary
Valid consideration involves an explicit statement of the benefits that each party to
the contract will confer on the other. Benefits for the facilitator might include money,
additional experience, enhanced reputation, or publishable material. For the client, they
might mean new information, the alleviation of the problem, or training.
Competency concerns the ability of the parties to enter into the relationship. For the
facilitator, the question is whether he or she has the competencies and the background to
do what the client is requesting. For the client, competency may relate to his or her
authority to enter into an agreement. Does the client have the position and the sanction
of the organization to enter into such an agreement?
Lawful object requires very simply that what both parties are agreeing to is legal.
With the framework of these requirements, a checklist of questions can be provided
for the facilitator and the client in order to explore their relationship.
Mutal Consent
What are the time requirements?
What are the financial costs involved?
Are there any risks that the client/facilitator should be aware of?
Who will be involved?
What are the expectations of the facilitator?
Are there any ethical concerns involved?
What methods might the facilitator use?
If there is research involved, how will the information be used?
Valid Considerations
What will the client pay the facilitator?
Are there rewards other than financial ones? If so, what?
What rewards will the facilitator provide for the client?
Is the facilitator competent to do what the client is asking? What kinds
of backup services are available?
Is the client in a position to enter into the contract?
Does he or she have the authority to do so?
Lawful Object
Is the agreement legal?
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Clarifying Goals and Strategies
In the second approach, contracting focuses on the client and the “problem.” This
approach asks four questions: (1) What are the client’s wants? (2) What is the client
willing to do to meet these wants? (3) What are the client’s criteria for success? (4)
What benefits does the client gain on completing the contract?
Determining the client’s wants involves a clarification of both the present situation
and future goals and objectives. The more specific and behavioral the terms of the
descriptions are, the easier it is to determine whether and to what extent they have been
met. Sometimes the client may feel totally lacking in goals or objectives. In this case the
first “want” in this first step may be to “determine goals.”
To find out what the client is willing to do to meet his or her wants involves
strategies and action plans. There may be many ways of moving from A to B, and part
of this step is weighing the various alternatives. Again, it is important that the answer to
this question be expressed in the most specific, behavioral, and measurable terms
Criteria for success are essential in order to evaluate results; and, in order to
determine whether the criteria have been satisfied and to what extent, the criteria must
be specific.
The question of benefits is linked to motivation. If the client completes the contract
successfully, what will that mean to him or her? Will the client think differently? act
differently? feel differently? have more income? Are these outcomes pleasing?
This approach, focusing on the client and the problem, can provide the facilitator
with a frame of reference. Although the questions are presented sequentially, they are
interrelated; and in practice the facilitator may experience a good deal of overlap. Both
the facilitator and the client also need to be aware that the contract may be recycled at
any time.
Contracting has advantages on many levels. First, within the contracting process, the
client’s integrity and autonomy are respected. The first approach emphasizes how
important it is for the facilitator and the client to “level” with each other. Both need to
reveal hidden agendas, and both are held responsible for their actions.
Second, and closely related, contracting may clarify the “helpee-helper” syndrome,
a relationship filled with pitfalls. The charismatic helper may leave the client floating on
a magic cloud but with no understanding for self-help when the cloud disappears. The
“helpless” client may seduce the facilitator into solving the problem and then discount
the solution with “Yes, but...” (Berne, 1964). Contracting avoids some of these pitfalls
by asking the parties to level with each other and to state expectations clearly.
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A third advantage to contracting is that it can function to detect and/or eliminate
latent conflict at an early stage. The emphasis on clear understanding helps here, as well
as the recycling points built into the process. Contracting can also be used as a specific
tool for controlling or managing conflict.
Although the advantages of contracting are clear, problems may arise. These can be
categorized as follows:
Problems relating to condition A, that is, the present condition. The client may
not know what the difficulty is.
Problems relating to condition B, that is, goals and objectives. The client may
have a very confused understanding of what the future will look like.
Problems relating to the strategies involved in moving from A to B. The client
may have a clear understanding of both situations but be unaware of alternative
strategies for moving from one to the other.
Problems relating to one or more of these elements.
Problems can be identified as structured or unstructured (Thompson, 1972):
Structured problems have only one unknown (for example, the desired condition [B]
may be unknown, but the present condition [A] and strategies are known), while
unstructured problems have at least two unknowns (for example, the present condition
[A] is known, and the desired condition [B] and strategies are unknown).
The facilitator and client who are faced with one or more categories of problems
have options. When condition A is unknown, a contract might detail a process for
determining A, for example, the use of a research instrument. When condition B is
unknown, a contract may be formulated for goal setting or long-range planning. When
strategies are unclear, the contract may deal with problem solving, for example, the use
of force-field analysis to examine alternative strategies. When the problem combines
several elements, a contract can identify a critical starting point and then proceed with
“action plans.”
Problems that arise within the contracting process may become the focus of the
process itself; contracting can then be used as a problem-solving tool for contracting. It
is important that the facilitator be sensitive to the problems that the client experiences
with the contracting process. When the problems are identified, contracting may be used
to resolve or control them.
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The Cat’s answer to Alice provides an excellent model for contracting: Which way you
go depends on where you want to go. Contracting is a tool and a process that can help
people find answers to where they are, where they want to go, and how to get there.
Argyris, C. (1973). Intervention theory and method. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Berne, E. (1964). Games people play. New York: Grove Press.
Holloway, W., & Holloway, M. (1973). The contract setting process. Medina, OH: Midwest Institute for Human
Steiner, C. (1971). Games alcoholics play. New York: Grove Press.
Thompson, C.W.N. (1972). Edited transcript on goal defining. Unpublished manuscript.
Thompson, C.W.N. (1974, January). Implementation: A question of hanging together or hanging separately.
Defense Department Journal, pp. 30-31.
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Judy Corey Morton and D.M. Blair
The idea of “getting other people to do what you want them to do” raises uncomfortable
feelings for many individuals. Yet many people (health professionals, teachers,
managers, parents, and counselors) are expected to have the ability to encourage others
to change certain aspects of their behavior. The following model suggests one way to
help individuals make decisions about whether, when, and how to help others change
their behavior. Although there are no guaranteed ways to change another’s behavior, it is
possible to increase the likelihood that others will change. The likelihood of change is
affected by the strategy chosen.
This model is based on a number of assumptions:
People are capable of changing their behavior (that is, they can lose weight, learn
to climb mountains, and so on).
People cannot be made to change; they must have a part in deciding if they will
change—and, if so, how.
People like and need to make their own decisions and solve their own problems,
and they have a right to do so.
Intervening is one way of expressing care and respect for others.
In some cases people have a right to impose their will on those around them.
The interpersonal relationship is a tool that can be used to assist others in
considering behavioral change.
Three basic terms are essential to understanding the model:
1. Intervention. This is the process by which a person enters into a situation for the
purpose of assisting another (others) to consider changing his or her (their) behavior.
Originally published in The 1979 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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2. “Must” intervention. A “must” intervention is one that people feel they must
perform for one or both of two reasons: (1) Someone else is doing something that
concretely and tangibly affects the intervenor, and/or (2) it is part of the intervenor’s job
to encourage others to change aspects of their behavior. For example, a teacher may feel
he or she must intervene in a situation in which a student is talking so loudly that others
cannot hear the class discussion. In such a case, the talking student’s behavior may be
affecting the teacher’s ability to hear what other students are saying. The teacher may
also consider it part of his or her job to ensure that all students can hear what is being
In a must intervention, the intervenor must be satisfied with whatever alternative
behavior is decided on. Although a situation requires a must intervention, it can be
discussed at a time convenient to both parties.
3. “Can” intervention. A “can” intervention is one that people feel they can
perform because they (1) have a strong enough relationship with the other person to
have a reasonable chance of being heard, (2) have information that may be helpful to the
other person, or (3) want to help the other person. For example, an employer may notice
that one of her employees is standing so close to a client that the client is uncomfortable.
If she has a strong enough relationship with the employee, she may feel she can
intervene because she has information that may be helpful to the other person and
because she would like to help the person.
In a can intervention, it is up to the other person to decide how or if the information
will be used. It is not necessary that the intervenor know or approve of the behavior that
takes place after the intervention occurs.
It is important to remember that there is no situation that inherently requires either
type of intervention. If three people observe the same situation, one might decide that it
calls for a must intervention, another might feel that a can intervention is most
appropriate, and the third might feel that no intervention is required. It is important for
each intervenor, however, to understand which type of intervention he or she feels the
situation requires. This decision determines which strategy will be more effective in
making the intervention. If the intervenor believes that a must intervention is called for,
he or she should use a must strategy; a can strategy would be much less effective.
The proposed strategy for an intervenor in a must intervention is as follows:
1. Initiate the communication. In a must situation, the situation affects you enough
that you must assume the responsibility for changing it. Although you must initiate the
communication, you can encourage the other individual to share in deciding when and
where the intervention will take place.
2. State your concern. When doing so, it is helpful to be as descriptive as possible
and to include a statement about your feelings. If there is a question of whether it is your
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business to intervene, you might make a brief statement about why it is part of your job
to be concerned or how the action that is happening concretely affects you.
It is very easy to describe your concern in a damaging way. Consider the following
statements, none of which specifically describes what is happening or why it is
bothersome to the speaker: “Your brother would never do that!” “Stop that or you’ll get
a spanking!” “Mommy doesn’t like it when you behave badly!” “I’m telling your father
3. Involve the individual in the solution. Statements or questions that involve the
other person in the solution increase the chances that the proposed solution will be
implemented and that you, the intervenor, may learn a new solution to a problem. It is
important to enter into this solution-finding stage without knowing how the problem will
be resolved.
4. Ensure that you are satisfied with the solution. While it is hoped that you will
enter into the negotiating stage with an open mind, you must ensure that the outcome of
the negotiation is satisfactory to you, the person affected. If you know the minimal result
you want to happen, it is easier to ensure your satisfaction.
Being satisfied with the solution also means that you are willing to follow the
situation to its logical conclusion(s) should the other person choose not to define a
mutually acceptable solution. An example is the patient who decides to seek another
medical opinion because he or she is not satisfied with the physician’s response to his or
her concern. It is important to remember that all interventions do not work. If the
situation is truly a “must,” you must be prepared to carry your intervention to its logical
consequences and have the power to do so.
5. If you feel resistance, shift to active listening. Active listening involves showing
the individual not only that you heard what was said, but also that you recognized the
feeling associated with what was said. When the person with whom you are talking feels
resistant, it is difficult for him or her to consider alternative solutions. Active listening
helps that person to express further how he or she is feeling. Once the other person has
expressed these feelings and feels that you have heard him or her, problem solving is
easier. To complete the must intervention, however, you must then return the focus to
finding a solution with which you can be satisfied.
Other Helpful Hints
Because attempting to change behavior is likely to be stressful for both parties, it is
important for the intervenor to be as descriptive as possible and to avoid language that
labels the other person’s behavior. It is also important to avoid creating a situation in
which other individuals feel that they have to defend their behavior (that is, “Why did
you do that?”).
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Harmful Better
“What did I tell you yesterday?” “Please follow the instructions I gave
you yesterday.”
“That was a bad thing to do.” “I’m upset with you for being thirty
minutes late.”
Although a can intervention is not vital to the intervenor’s needs, it may allow the other
person to increase his or her options. The intervenor, in this case, chooses to intervene
because he or she:
Cares about the other person;
Feels he or she has information that may be helpful to the other person; and
Has a strong enough relationship with the other person to have a reasonable
chance of being heard.
The proposed strategy for a can intervention is as follows:
1. Ensure that you have built a relationship with the other person before attempting
to intervene. A strong relationship increases the likelihood that whatever information
you have to share will be carefully considered. One of the best ways to build a
relationship with others is to utilize your listening skills. Showing other people that you
hear what they are saying and the feelings behind what they are saying is an extremely
effective way to build a relationship.
2. State the general nature of your concern and ask the person’s permission to
share some information. Signaling the nature of your intent and allowing the other
person some control over whether he or she wants to talk about it—as well as where and
when to talk about it—increase the chances that the other person will be ready and
receptive at the time of the intervention.
3. Wait until the other person gives you permission to go on. It is important to
refrain from intervening unless it is clear that permission has been granted. Sometimes
the other person may nonverbally show reluctance to discuss the issue. If you sense any
reluctance, assume that permission has not been given.
4. Share your personal concern(s). This kind of information not only can help the
intervenor feel more comfortable, but, more importantly, decreases the likelihood that
the other person will feel threatened and therefore helps him or her to focus on the
content of what is being said.
5. Be specific. The more specifically the behavior or circumstance is described, the
more likely it is that the other person can do something to change.
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6. If you encounter resistance, shift to active listening. This approach allows the
other person to say more about his or her concern. It also lets that person know that you
are trying to understand what he or she is saying. Remember that if the situation is truly
a “can,” you do not have to make the intervention at all.
7. Be brief and state your concern only once. This helps avoid the appearance of
nagging, and it also allows the other person to assume the responsibility for asking for
more information—if it is wanted.
8. Allow the other person to decide how or if he or she wants to act on your
intervention. With a can intervention, it is not necessary to know how or if the other
person decides to act on your information. If the person wants to discuss it further with
you, he or she will do so.
If the intervenor encounters resistance and/or notices no significant change in
behavior, three things might be considered:
1. The intervenor’s assessment of the strength of the relationship was not accurate.
2. The intervenor could have improved the manner in which the information was
3. The individual considered the information and decided not to do anything about
it. (This also includes the possibility that he or she might be right.)
The key to this model is for the intervenor to understand how he or she feels about a
given situation. There is no situation that inherently requires a must or a can
intervention. Whether a must or a can strategy should be used is based on the
intervenor’s set of values and/or work situation. The wrong strategy could put the
intervenor in a worse position than he or she was in originally. For example, assume
someone is stepping on Mary’s toe. If Mary asks that person for permission to speak,
and he says “No,” what does Mary do?
The act of intervening implies personal risk. Possible negative consequences that
could occur as a result of ineffective interventions include no behavioral change on the
part of the other person and/or a worsening of the relationship between the two
individuals. However, if done appropriately, intervening can result in behavioral change
and a deepening of the relationship between the intervenor and the other person.
The two strategies suggested here are ways of increasing the likelihood that other
people will consider changing their behavior. Ultimately, people will decide for
themselves how and if they will change. Thus, these strategies will not guarantee
behavioral change; they can only increase the chances that it will occur.
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Willem F.G. Mastenbroek
The behavior of a negotiator can be characterized by two dimensions of key importance.
The first dimension is how the negotiator balances the tension between cooperation and
“fighting.” The negotiator’s style in this respect will be determined by the degree to
which he or she, in attitude and behavior, demonstrates mutual dependence and
solidarity rather than aggressive and dominating behavior. The vital significance of this
behavioral polarity has been described elsewhere (Mastenbroek, 1980). The two
behavioral poles are summarized schematically in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Negotiating as the Balancing of Cooperation and Fighting
The second dimension is how explorative the negotiator is. Some negotiators search
persistently for solutions that are relatively satisfying to both parties. This can be done
without a tendency to make concessions. For this purpose, people need certain
procedures, and they must be able to use these procedures in a flexible way. Examples
are exchanging extensive information, trying out experimental solutions, thinking aloud,
and questioning informally. The integrative potential of the situation then will be fully
utilized. Exploring means searching for common interests and presuppositions,
determining whether small concessions might be possible (which might mean a great
deal to the opposite party), and asking whether a combination of mutual advantages
Originally published in The 1986 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer and Leonard D. Goodstein (Eds.), San
Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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could be created in a package deal. The basic idea in this type of negotiating is
Interdependence implies common interests. The two poles of this behavior are indicated
in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Procedural Flexibility: Active Versus Passive
Practitioners as well as researchers (Pruitt & Lewis, 1977) stress the importance of
an active, strategic attitude for skillful negotiating. To understand the active versus
passive dimension, one must realize that one can be passive in an apparently active
manner. One can repeat the same arguments in different words, stick to one’s original
premise even when new information is presented, defend one particular solution in all
situations, or make the issue a question of principle. This behavior can be effective as
long as one realizes that one is entrenching oneself and (temporarily) no longer looking
for integrative possibilities. This entrenchment can be very active but is, in fact, an
avoidance of the search for a compromise.
These dimensions have been seen as fundamental in numerous other studies on
interpersonal behavior. Schutz (1966) differentiates between three basic interpersonal
orientations: “inclusion,” or behavior that varies from very intensive involvement
(active) to complete distance (passive); “control” (fighting); and “affection”
(cooperation). Horney (1945) distinguishes between “moving away” (passive), “moving
against” (fighting), and “moving toward” (cooperation). Zaleznik and Kets de Vries
(1975) use these dimensions in their work on managerial power. The dimensions also
can be found in well-known behavioral science instruments such as the “Managerial
Grid” of Blake and Mouton (1969), which charts managerial behavior, and in the
“Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument” of Thomas and Kilmann (1974), which
clarifies conflict-management styles.
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There are four aspects of the cooperative-fighting dimension (Mastenbroek, 1980).
Each is characterized in a different way by the tension between cooperating and
fighting. Each presents its own dilemma. These dilemmas differ from one another in that
each involves special activities proceeding from a different intention. Table 1
summarizes the four types of activities and their related dilemmas.
Table 1. The Four Aspects of the Cooperation-Fighting Dimension
The four aspects of the cooperation-fighting dimension, together with the active-
passive dimension, comprise a model of negotiation. The model can be used to describe
the behavior of negotiators. It is also prescriptive because it can specify what
constructive negotiation is.
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Figure 3 summarizes the primary elements of the negotiation model. This model enables
negotiators to better understand and to react more effectively to activities at the
negotiating table, including their own behavior.
Figure 3. Primary Elements of the Negotiation Model
1. Be flexible but firm. This is a golden rule of experienced negotiators: Link
tenacity of purpose to procedural flexibility.
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2. Firmly defending your own interests can be paired with respect for the other side
and a positive climate.
3. Firmly defending your own interests does not mean engaging in a power
struggle. Scoring points, pushing, using threatening behavior, presenting endless
arguments, manipulating, and other such behaviors have little to do with
4. Assess the behavior of the opposing side in proper proportion. By not
distinguishing the specific intentions of certain behaviors, one often allows the
situation to escalate. If one is able to place certain actions in a proper
perspective, effective negotiation becomes easier. One then is able to focus on
the real interests of the parties involved and is not hampered by a deteriorating
atmosphere or an endless power game. Several examples of this principle can be
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Exploratory moves often are preliminary or informal. A negotiator should not
misuse them by attempting to use them against his or her opponent.
Exploratory behavior is neither weak nor soft; it provides some opportunities
but not the opportunity to become dominating.
It is unwise to become irritated by one who negotiates firmly, although it may
be usual to prefer another style. A more sophisticated response is “If I were in
that position, I might not do it better.” The relationship must be separated
from the content!
Negotiation always involves some trial of strength and some testing of mutual
dependence. If challenged, one is wise to show resistance; the chance of a
material compromise or a constructive atmosphere will not necessarily be
endangered. If one does nothing, one may encourage exploitative behavior.
Sometimes an attempt to gain power is disguised. A pathetic approach (for
example, “We wouldn’t dare take that solution to our people!”) is one
example. Another is to behave as if one’s proposal is a matter of course
“based as it is on the report of top experts.”
5. Keep impasses within the content area. If both parties are firm in striving for
results that are favorable to them, impasses and crises are unavoidable.
Reproaches, ranting, injured behavior, and so on may release some personal
tension and irritation, but will have an escalating effect. It is important to prevent
result-oriented behavior from contaminating other aspects of the negotiation.
Ways of containing an impasse within the content area include these:
Asking for a summary of the different points of view;
Making or suggesting a small concession;
Exploring the possible alternatives and consequences of allowing the impasse
to continue;
Altering the composition of the delegation;
Changing the location;
Offering a revised proposal;
Postponing the difficult part of the negotiations;
Calling in a third party;
Conducting an informal study-consultation or brainstorming session on
possible solutions;
Selecting a small part of the package and trying to reach agreement on it;
Systematically placing the possible solutions next to one another; and
Sounding out a key figure in the other delegation during a break.
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The most important tactic is to view impasses as normal and legitimate means of
testing the arguments and the proposals of the opposing parties. This provides a stimulus
for exploring other possibilities; it confronts both parties with the consequence of a
permanent deadlock. In this way, an impasse becomes a constructive event that compels
both sides to look for alternatives.
6. Negotiate with your own side. One’s relationship with the people whom one
represents is also a negotiating relationship. This can be kept open by the
following means:
Working to prevent a strict mandate that, in effect, allows no room for
Moderating demands by providing information about what is attainable;
Keeping people with unrealistic expectations outside the actual negotiations
(for example, by keeping the negotiating team small or by assigning the team
members to subcommittees); and
Using one’s personal power to “sell” the settlements.
7. Be aware of your own behaviors. It is always a good idea to assess one’s own
style and to develop those areas or capabilities in which one is not strong. Score
yourself on the dimensions of negotiating behavior. In what ranges do you
usually operate? What do you tend to do under pressure? How do you think your
opponents would score you?
8. Remember that negotiation always involves dilemmas. All negotiators wonder
whether they have been too stubborn or too lenient, too open or too closed, too
friendly or too irritable, and so forth. Most negotiators learn to live with these
feelings. Many of them like their role because they have found ways to stay
relaxed and in contact with their own feelings and simultaneously alert and
Blake, R., & Mouton, J. (1969). Building a dynamic corporation through Grid organizational development.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Horney, K. (1945). Our inner conflicts: A constructive theory of neurosis. New York: W.W. Norton.
Mastenbroek, W.F.G. (1980). Negotiating: A conceptual model. Group & Organization Studies, 5(3), 324-340.
Pruitt, D.G., & Lewis, S.A. (1977). The psychology of integrative bargaining. In D. Druckman (Ed.), Negotiations:
Social psychological perspectives. London: Sage.
Schutz, W.C. (1966). The interpersonal underworld (Original title: FIRO: A three dimensional theory of
interpersonal behavior). Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books.
Thomas, K.W., & Kilmann, R.H. (1974). Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. Tuxedo, NY: XICOM.
Zaleznik, A., & Kets de Vries, M.F.R. (1975). Power and the corporate mind. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
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Beverly Byrum
Assertiveness is a topic that continues to be of interest to practitioners of human
resource development (HRD) and to the general public. In addition, it continues to be
the focus of many organizational-training efforts. The purpose of this article is to
explore the topic and various issues involved in assertiveness training, such as
definitions of “assertiveness,” assertive rights, assertive techniques, values underlying
assertiveness, consequences of assertiveness training, and the method of change
advocated by assertiveness.
“Assertiveness” is a communication technique designed to demonstrate respect toward
oneself and others and to allow the expression of a full range of behaviors. The term
came to prominence within the general framework of behavior therapy in 1949, and the
technique was first used as a counterconditioning procedure for anxiety (Alberti, 1977).
With the beginning of the women’s movement in the Sixties, assertiveness was adopted
by many as a basis and a means for upholding women’s rights. In fact, many of the
books on assertiveness that were sold at that time were written specifically for women
(Baer, 1976; Phelps & Austin, 1975). If assertiveness suggests to some that “anything
goes” and that being “pushy” is the objective, these ideas can probably be traced to the
influence of the militant extreme of the women’s movement.
If assertiveness did have a bad name, much has been done in recent years to dispel
the notion that it is solely for women who want to move from passivity into
aggressiveness. Books and articles approaching assertiveness from a management
perspective began to surface in the late Seventies and early Eighties (Back & Back,
1982; Burley-Allen, 1983; Cawood, 1983). Since that time assertiveness has apparently
been legitimized in the world of work and has been adopted by training professionals as
a skill worthy of teaching (Batten, 1979; Meier & Pulichene, 1980; O’Donnell & Colby,
1979; Paul, 1979).
Originally published in The 1988 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
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Assertiveness is not an end in itself. Taking all perspectives into account, the purpose of
assertiveness training is four-fold:
1. To maintain respect for self and others;
2. To keep lines of communication open;
3. To achieve goals; and
4. To engage and develop human resources.
Although purposes 1 and 2 can be viewed as ends in themselves, they can also be seen
as the value-based means to achieving goals and engaging and developing human
Purpose, being general in nature, needs to be elucidated by the tools and techniques
of assertiveness. Assertive methods provide particular and unique means to achieve the
four-fold purpose of assertiveness training. The “nuts and bolts” of assertiveness involve
the following six dimensions.
1. The Values of Assertiveness
If assertiveness training is being conducted by organizations that hold the common HRD
values of valid information, free and informed choice, and commitment to and support
for change (Argyris, 1970), then the values implied by assertiveness training are
consistent with such humanistic underpinnings. A critical word here is “implied,” for
values are not often overtly stated in assertiveness literature of any kind, be it texts,
articles, or training brochures. The values can, however, be easily derived from the
definitions of assertiveness and the discussion of the need for and benefits of
assertiveness training.
The values most often implied are self-awareness, self-acceptance, honesty,
empathy, responsibility, and mutuality. Although these values are not espoused by all of
the literature, they occur frequently enough to warrant considering them as integral to
assertiveness. Although most people would recognize these terms easily, the definitions
provided here are specific to assertiveness:
1. Self-awareness: knowledge of one’s own goals and behavior and the reasons for
2. Self-acceptance: positive self-regard in the face of one’s natural human
weaknesses and mistakes;
3. Honesty: congruent and truthful verbal and nonverbal expression of thoughts,
feelings, and intentions;
4. Empathy: understanding and accepting others’ experiences and feelings as valid
from their points of view;
5. Responsibility: assuming ownership of one’s thoughts, feelings, desires, needs,
and expectations as well as ownership of the consequences of one’s actions; and
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6. Mutuality: accepting another person as equal and demonstrating willingness to
negotiate issues from a win-win stance.
These values provide a foundation for assertiveness training that is similar to the
values foundation underlying current trends in human relations, customer service, and
communication-skills training; they are also consistent with recently published
directions in HRD and organizational philosophy and culture (Deal & Kennedy, 1982;
Naisbitt, 1982; Peters & Austin, 1985; Naisbitt & Aburdene, 1985).
2. The Definition of “Assertiveness”
Assertiveness is generally defined as the ability to express oneself honestly without
denying the rights of others. This definition holds the notion of appropriateness in that
there are limits to self-expression; those limits are the boundaries of others’ rights to be
treated decently, without demands, coercion, or judgment. Therefore, one is not
assertive without being conscious of the means by which one expresses oneself. Also,
the definition does not carry the mandate that one must express oneself; one is not
compelled to say one’s truth at every turn. Instead, one has the right to talk about the full
range of thoughts and feelings if so desired, as long as that talk is not punitive to others.
Some definitions include additional behaviors, such as being direct (Back & Back,
1982), listening to others (Cawood, 1983), and expressing positive feelings (Alberti &
Emmons, 1975). Other definitions include how to express oneself, such as by feeling a
low degree of anxiety (Cawood, 1983), exercising assertive rights (Smith, 1975), and
maintaining self-respect (Baer, 1976). Still others focus on acting in one’s own best
interest as the rubric under which assertiveness falls, which may mean not expressing
oneself honestly (Alberti, 1975). Finally, assertiveness is often defined by saying what it
is not: aggressiveness, passivity, or passive-aggressiveness (see Figure 1). The concept
of assertive rights mentioned in some definitions brings us to the third dimension.
3. The Scope (Rights) of Assertiveness
Assertive rights are derived from our basic democratic rights. As human beings, we are
born with certain rights, allegedly supported by our democratic tradition. The assertive
rights that follow are those generally delineated in the literature:
1. To express thoughts and feelings. For example, an employee has the right to say
to his or her supervisor, “I’m angry because I didn’t get any overtime this week.”
2. To have thoughts, feelings, and rights respected. For example, the employee in
the previous example has the right to expect the supervisor to respond, “I respect your
right to your feelings in this matter.”
3. To be listened to and taken seriously. For example, the same employee also has
the right to expect the supervisor to respond, “I understand that you’re angry that there
was no extra work; perhaps you can have overtime next week.”
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4. To ask for what one wants. For example, a customer has the right to say, “I want
this merchandise replaced because it is faulty.”
5. To make mistakes. For example, a secretary has the right to make a typographical
6. To ask for information. For example, a client has the right to ask, “What is the
purpose of this team-building technique?”
7. To say “no.” For example, an employee has the right to say, “No, I will not work
late tonight.”
8. To make a decision on one’s own terms. For example, a vice president has the
right to say, “I’m not attending the retirement party tonight.”
9. To not feel guilty. The person behaving assertively has the right not to be made to
feel “wrong” or “bad” for his or her action by receiving a comment such as “You’re
letting me down.”
10. To choose not to be assertive. Every person always has the right to decide in
terms of his or her own best interest whether to speak up or to say nothing and simply
tolerate the situation.
Common sense would suggest that if one went around exercising rights 1 through 9
indiscriminately, one could easily reap negative results, even though the other party may
grant one’s right to do so. Right number 10 seems to be included for the purpose of
allowing people to assert their rights with conscious choice of appropriate action,
depending on the predicted consequences.
FACTOR Passive Aggressive
Aggressive Assertive
Treatment of
Gives up own Usurps others’ Sneaks to usurp
Maintains own
Metaphor Doormat Steamroller Doormat with
Verbal Behavior Qualifies,
Blames, accuses Uses sarcasm,
indirect putdowns
Speaks mind
openly, directly
Averted gaze, soft
voice draws back
Stares, loud voice,
invades space
Sideways, glance,
sarcastic tone,
Direct gaze, varied
voice, balanced
Response Flight Fight Hit-and-run Engagement
Figure 1. Contrasting Style Behaviors
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Rights also imply responsibilities (Back, 1982; Chenevert, 1983). For example, if I
have a right to be listened to, then it should follow from assertive values that I also have
the responsibility to listen to others. In respecting others’ rights as well as my own, I
would have the responsibilities to respect and take seriously others’ thoughts, feelings,
and wants; to provide information when I can; to allow others to make decisions based
on their own best judgment; and not to judge or punish others for making mistakes or
saying “no” to me. Often assertive rights are likened to money in one’s savings account:
It is there if it is needed, but one does not draw on it impulsively or indiscriminately.
The rights just explained provide some initial examples of the techniques and skills
taught in assertiveness training.
4. Techniques That Should Be Taught in Assertiveness Training
Short Statements and Questions
Exercising assertive rights appropriately requires skill. One of the simplest approaches
to developing skill is to teach one-line statements and questions and then to demonstrate
how they can be combined in various scripts designed to suit the situation. There are
three kinds of statements to be learned: “I” statements, “you” statements, and “we”
1. “I” statements. “I” statements express thoughts, feelings, impact, wants/needs,
expectations, preferences, decisions, and consequences; in question form, these
statements express requests. The following are examples:
I think Tom Johnson is the top candidate for the new marketing position.”
I feel disappointed that you are behind schedule on developing the new product
I am put at a disadvantage because I haven’t received the necessary technical
updates from you before our meeting with the user.”
I want you to give me an explanation for your absence at the task-force
I need your help in getting this order processed on time.”
I expect you to inform me when you have someone else take your shift.”
I would prefer that you come to talk to me instead of writing me memos when
you are upset with me.”
I have decided to have Mary help us with the specifications.”
The consequence will be that I will put you on report.”
Would you proofread this brochure for me?” (request for help).
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Would you give me an example of how the new accounting system would work
for exempt employees? “(request for clarification).
Would you ask me if I mind staying late instead of assuming that I will?”
(request for a change in behavior).
2. “You” statements. “You” statements express empathy or understanding of the
other person’s situation or experience, grant the other person’s position or truth, or
describe the other person’s behavior. Examples are as follows:
You’re feeling under a great deal of pressure.”
Your position has some validity.”
You interrupted me three times during the meeting” (criticism).
You handled the customer’s complaint very efficiently” (compliment).
3. “We” statements. “We” statements express mutual options or alternatives,
compromises, decisions, or actions. They also affirm the relationship or, in question
form, request mutual problem solving. Here are some examples:
We could stay late today, come in early tomorrow, or work through lunch to
complete this inventory on time.”
We can compromise by your showing me the agenda and my letting you run the
meeting, then debriefing together afterward.”
We’ve decided to pilot the new training program with two departments in
We’ll begin our agreement Monday by allowing fifteen minutes at the end of the
day to plan the activities for the next day.”
Our relationship is important enough to work through this power issue.”
How can we solve this staffing problem to our mutual satisfaction?” (request for
mutual problem solving).
Many of these statements can stand on their own, while others, to make sense, need
to be combined with additional statements. For example, “I want that regional sales
report by 5:00 p.m. today” can easily stand on its own, whereas a statement of
consequences such as “Or I will tell everyone involved that I wasn’t informed” needs to
be preceded by a preference statement such as “I would prefer that you check with me
before announcing that I agree with the decision.”
Many of the most commonly taught assertive techniques are single statements
(Smith, 1975):
1. Broken record. “I want my vacation when you promised it...I want my vacation
when you promised it . . .” (repeating a comment as often as necessary to obtain what is
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2. Fogging. “I can see how you might say that I come on too strong with the
engineering division” (defusing criticism by agreeing with the critic’s perception of the
facts, without accepting accompanying judgment).
3. Negative assertion. “I failed to get my yearly projections to you on time”
(admitting behavioral mistake without conceding personality flaws).
4. Negative inquiry. “Would you like to tell me what it is that you dislike about my
management style?” (asking a question to allow someone to vent negative feelings and
doing so without taking it personally).
5. Free information. “You said that you quit your last position because you didn’t
agree with the CEO’s philosophy; would you elaborate on that?” (using a previous
comment as a base for gathering more information, in either a professional or a social
6. Self-disclosure. “I feel excited about having the opportunity to work with you”
(positive disclosure) or “I wish you wouldn’t tell me I’m wrong in front of other people”
(negative disclosure revealing information about self that is unknown, in either a
professional or a social situation).
Once the different types of short statements and questions have been taught, they may be
combined into “scripts.” The most common script used in assertiveness training is the
DESC Script (Bower & Bower, 1976). In four sequential statements, it does the
1. Describes a behavior that has a negative impact on the speaker: “When you tell
me you’ll contact the customer about a shipping date and then don’t follow
through . . . .”
2. Expresses a feeling in response to the behavior: “. . . I feel angry.”
3. Specifies the desired change in behavior: “I would prefer that you make good on
your commitment . . . .”
4. Gives consequences if the desired change does not occur: “. . . or I will look for
someone else to work with me.”
Designed for the purpose of aiding a person in maintaining his or her own rights,
this script works best in encounters in which the ongoing relationship is not of
importance. There is also a self-protective tone to the four statements. The tone makes
sense when we remember that initially assertiveness training was intended to help
passive people become assertive. Recently, however, assertiveness training has
broadened its base to help aggressive people move toward assertiveness. Five additions
can modify this script when used by an aggressive person or by someone who strongly
values the relationship in question: (1) expressing empathy, (2) providing an
explanation, (3) offering the possibility of positive consequences as well as negative,
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(4) affirming the relationship, and (5) requesting mutual problem solving. These
additions both soften the tone and establish the importance of mutuality. The modified
product looks like this in script form:
1. “I think I understand that you . . .” (statement of empathy).
2. “But when you . . .” (description of behavior).
3. “I feel . . .” (expression of feeling).
4. “Because . . .” (explanation of impact).
5. “I would prefer that you . . .” (specification of desired behavior).
6. “And if you do, I will . . .” (positive consequences of desired behavior change)
and/or “If you don’t, I will . . .” (negative consequences of lack of desired
behavior change).
7. “I am concerned because . . .” (affirmation of the relationship).
8. “How can we work together to . . . ?” (request for mutual problem solving).
Learners of assertiveness can be taught to complete the script using hypothetical
case studies or their own personal “problem” situations. A completed script may take
this form:
“I think I understand that you have orders backlogged; but when you tell the sales department that
it’s my fault for writing so many new orders, I feel angry because I can’t meet my quota unless I
make those sales and write the orders. I would prefer that you talk with my manager to see if we
can get some consistent standards. If you do, we can reduce the pressure on both of us and have
fewer angry customers. (If you don’t, I’m just going to continue doing what I’m told I have to do.)
I am concerned because I want to work with you rather than against you. How can we work
together to accomplish this standardization?”
This script provides a complete picture of the situation from the speaker’s
perspective and yet demonstrates respect for the other person’s position. As such it is
consistent with the values of assertiveness training.
Other, shorter scripts can be designed to vary with and meet the requirements of
any given situation. Three examples of such variations are as follows:
1. Expressing empathy while using the broken-record technique, when a need is to
be met. “I think I understand that you are not a field engineer; however, I need to have
this machine running.” If the recipient of the comment replies with an excuse or reason,
the expression of empathy can be changed to fit the reason; the basic assertion will stay
the same. “I understand that all of the field engineers are on calls, and I need to have this
machine running.”
2. Describing behavior with expression of feeling and explanation of impact, when
specifying a change or consequences is not appropriate. “When you put me on the task
force without asking me first, I felt overwhelmed because I already have commitments
to two other projects.”
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3. Stating a need with a request for mutual problem solving, when the other party’s
participation in the decision is desirable. “I need those figures for advertising by
Thursday. How can I help you get them completed for me?”
It is important that trainees be taught to be specific and concrete in all of their
statements and requests. The more clearly a statement or request is composed, the better
the chance of achieving the desired result. For example, the statement “I feel
discouraged when you get defensive” would be better stated as “I feel discouraged when
you justify your lateness by blaming your alarm clock and telling me I don’t understand
all of your home responsibilities.”
Other Skills
Three additional skills can be taught (Bolton, 1979). The first two focus on protection of
rights; the third focuses on improving the mutuality of the relationship by improving the
communication between the parties.
1. Ignoring undesirable behavior. Instead of specifying behavior that is
objectionable, asking for change, or discussing consequences, the person ignores the
other’s negative behavior. This is useful in situations in which bringing attention to the
negative behavior seems to intensify or prolong it by reinforcing it. For example, it may
be more useful to ignore chronic complaining than to try to understand it, object to it, or
make sanctions against it.
2. Modifying the environment. This technique can be likened to that of a mother
who crawls into a playpen to escape from her baby for a while and get some rest. It
involves restructuring the environment to get as close as possible to the desired result,
and it is useful when obtaining the other person’s cooperation is impossible. For
example, an administrative assistant who can hear gossip that he or she does not want to
listen to can turn on a radio or transcribe dictation from a dictaphone.
Although it is preferable to try communicating before using either this technique or
that of ignoring undesirable behavior, these nonverbal approaches can be used when all
else fails and the person involved is “between a rock and a hard place.”
3. Metacommunication. Metacommunication is the process of “communicating
about communication.” This technique is useful when the way in which communication
is occurring is the problem that precludes solving the issues at hand. For example, if two
people are discussing strategies for a new marketing campaign and one of the two
consistently distorts the other’s words to support his or her own ideas, this process can
be pointed out and dealt with. The person whose words are being distorted might say, “It
occurs to me that every time I mention an idea about the new campaign, you somehow
turn it around to support your ideas. For instance, when I suggested that we get a major
athlete for testimony, you picked up on the idea of testimony to support your own desire
to use a rock star.”
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5. An Effective Change Model for Assertiveness Training
The wide range of skills addressed in this article can be used in virtually any situation—
personal, social, or professional. These skills can be taught; but whether they are
practiced, learned, and used is a different issue.
One particularly effective method for applying skills is derived from a typical
behavioral-change model. The following outline presents an eight-step model that can
be used to assist people in practicing, learning, and applying assertiveness skills.
Although it is not necessary to follow all of the substeps indicated in the outline, each
one serves a purpose in “imprinting” assertive behavior.
1. Gather baseline data
a. Inventory behavior
b. Inventory anxiety-producing situations
2. Discriminate among behaviors
a. Case study
b. Role play
c. Quiz
3. Demonstrate assertive behavior through behavior modeling
4. Practice
a. Role play
b. Rehearsal of real situations
5. Feedback
a. Coaching
b. Videotape
c. Peer feedback
6. Action plan
a. Set goal and apply
b. Contract
7. Follow-up
a. Journal
b. Support group
c. Real-life situations
8. Evaluation
a. Self-report
b. Observation
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We can follow Les, a fictional participant in an assertiveness-training workshop,
through these eight steps. Instead of being interviewed by a qualified instructor to
determine baseline data (one option), Les completes a paper-and-pencil inventory that
assesses his present level of assertive behavior and his present level of anxiety. The
inventory indicates that Les has an inclination to be aggressive—to explode and blame
people. His anxiety about being discovered in making a mistake is high, while his
anxiety about being liked is low. Les indicates that his “explosions” have had negative
consequences and expresses a desire to change.
The participants are then given case studies that help them discriminate among four
types of behavior: Passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. They take a
quiz, and Les learns from the results of his quiz that he has a tendency to confuse
passive-aggressive with assertive behavior.
His confusion is somewhat cleared when he sees a videotape that further
demonstrates the differences among the behaviors and shows the advantages of assertive
behavior. Subsequently, Les joins a subgroup with three other people, and the subgroup
members take turns role playing the four different behaviors in the form of four
approaches to solving a company’s financial difficulties. The role play is videotaped so
that afterward Les can see how well he produced each of the behaviors. He notices that
although he can demonstrate each one when called for, his voice tends to sound
belligerent when playing the assertive role. He is coached by his instructor about how to
change his vocal tone. Les is also aware that he feels “out of control” when he takes the
assertive role, and he and his group members discuss possible causes and alternative
ways of viewing assertive behavior.
Ready to experiment with assertiveness, Les is encouraged to set a small,
achievable goal to which he can apply his learnings. He decides that the next day he will
talk with his secretary about her abrupt telephone behavior. Les writes this goal in the
form of a contract specifying who, what, when, how, why, the desired consequences, the
rewards from those consequences, and the obstacles that may interfere with achieving
his goal. Then he has a fellow subgroup member sign the contract and promise to call
him the next day about completing it.
As follow-up, Les is encouraged to keep a journal during the month after the
workshop. In this journal he is to describe each problematic situation that arises, the type
of response he used, and what he could have done differently to make that response
more assertive. Les is asked to bring this journal when he meets with the training group
at the end of the month for a progress review.
Finally, when the group meets again, Les retakes the original inventory and
discovers that his aggressive behavior has, in fact, been reduced. His anxiety about the
behavior remains high; however, he is now convinced of the positive consequences of
assertive behavior, so he makes a new contract to work on some anxiety-reducing
behaviors. Additional follow-up and support are scheduled for the next three months,
and he is invited to call the instructor or his fellow group members with any problems.
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6. Dealing with the Consequences of Assertive Behavior
It is obvious that there are both advantages and disadvantages to any newly acquired
behavior; some people will like the change and some will not. Thus, the consequences
of assertive behavior should be discussed during assertiveness training. The most
effective method of leading such a discussion is to elicit the different consequences from
the trainees themselves. If they offer only reasons that assertiveness will not work
(disadvantages), the trainer can lead them to see the individual, group, and
organizational advantages through behavior modeling, role play, and self-appraisal.
Some of the most common consequences cited by trainees are as follows:
If presently passive:
“People will think I’m pushy.”
“People won’t like me.”
“People will get mad at me.”
“I wasn’t brought up to act that way.”
“I’d be fired.”
If presently aggressive:
“People will think I’m weak.”
“People will think I’m insincere.”
“I’ll be out of control.”
“I’ll never get anything done that way.”
“People will walk all over me.”
“I’ll feel better about myself.”
“I’ll get more cooperation.”
“It would help the team effort.”
“I won’t be under as much stress.”
“I can start being honest.”
“People will know where I stand.”
“It would show others that I care about them.”
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This article has discussed what assertiveness is as well as some preferred methods for
teaching assertiveness. Assertiveness is a dignified approach to human interaction that
preserves the esteem of all parties while, at the same time, accomplishing a particular
objective. Although other training programs may cover some of these skills, effective
assertiveness training packages skills in action-oriented modules designed to change
behavior so that it supports both task and relationship goals in the organization.
Assertiveness training meets ongoing needs; it is not simply a passing fad. The concept
of mutuality addresses many of the equality issues that are important in organizations
and demonstrates a way to honor oneself as well as others. Assertiveness fully supports
human resource values and is still a valid and useful training topic.
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H.B. Karp
In most modern organizations there is a strong value system that stresses the need for
collaboration, cooperation, and trust. Although this viewpoint certainly has much to
recommend it, a problem has arisen in that this emphasis on “positive” reactions leads to
a tendency to discount “negative” reactions such as competition, anger, and resistance.
The reality is that there are no inherently negative reactions.
Given the proper circumstances, every human reaction has the potential to be
expressed in an appropriate and effective manner. To discount any reaction when human
interaction is concerned is to limit resources and to reduce the range of alternatives that
are available. Such limitation is hardly a prescription for individual or organizational
growth and effectiveness. There is a time to listen and a time not to listen, a time for
contemplation and a time for action, and a time to grow and a time to stand firm. It is
always the situation that determines what is appropriate, what is effective, and
sometimes even what is ethical.
The reaction that probably is most under fire today is resistance. If cooperation is
seen as a universally good reaction, then resistance as its opposite is usually seen as bad
or negative. Everyone has heard admonitions such as “Don’t be defensive,” “You’ve got
to learn to compromise,” or “You’re thinking of your own welfare.” Employees need to
know when to express resistance, how to express it appropriately so that the results are
positive for all of those concerned, and how to deal with another person’s resistance.
The ability to resist can be seen as a personal asset in that it keeps one from being
hurt and from overloading oneself. It also allows one to make clearer choices about what
is good for oneself, and it helps in blocking out unimportant distractions that would
hinder the achievement of one’s goals. Resistance also can be seen as an organizational
asset in that it allows systems to differentiate talent, provides new information about
what might not work well, and produces a lot of needed energy.
Because resistance has traditionally been disparaged, most managers tend to use
one or more of the following low-yield strategies to deal with it:
1. Breaking it down. The attempt to break down resistance is usually carried out by
threatening, coercing, selling, or reasoning.
2. Avoiding it. This strategy is pursued through deflection, “not hearing,” or
attempting to induce guilt.
Originally published in The 1988 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
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3. Discounting it. This approach involves dismissing the resistance as unimportant,
promoting tradition as the alternative to the resistance, or appealing to the resister’s need
to conform.
Although the low-yield strategies may work to some degree in that they may evoke
positive responses from resisters for the moment, they rarely provide lasting solutions
and are often quite costly. In some cases, such as with threats and attempts to induce
guilt, they may even produce more and deeper resistance at a later time.
Two basic assumptions underlie a positive approach to dealing creatively with resistance:
1. Resistance is. People will always resist, knowingly or not, those things that they
perceive as not in their best interests.
2. Resistance needs to be honored. It must be dealt with in a respectful manner.
If resistance is handled from a perspective that incorporates these two assumptions,
it becomes an organizational asset and can enhance rather than injure a relationship
between any two employees, be they supervisor and subordinate, peers, or line and staff.
Another condition must exist in order for the positive approach to work: The
demander—the individual who confronts the resister—must be absolutely clear about
what he or she wants from the resister and must be as specific as possible in relating this
information to the resister. When the demand is stated in terms of time frames, specific
outcomes, potential benefits, concrete behaviors that are needed, and so forth, the
probability that the demander will achieve compliance from the resister is great. Even if
compliance is not possible, the resistance will become more workable.
The positive approach consists of four separate steps: (1) surfacing, (2) honoring,
(3) exploring, and (4) rechecking. Each step should be completed before moving to the
next step.
Surfacing the Resistance
After the demander has clearly stated what he or she wants from the other party, the
first—and probably most difficult—step is to get the resistance out in the open. Many
people intentionally withhold their resistance for a number of reasons: experience with a
past heavy emphasis on the low-yield strategies, mistrust, a poor interpersonal
relationship, or a lack of awareness of their own resistance. The surfacing of resistance
can be approached easily and effectively by keeping two guidelines in mind:
1. Make the expression of resistance as “safe” as possible. The demander should
state clearly—and publicly, if possible—that he or she wants to hear the resistance. It is
a good idea to include an explanation of why the resistance is important and to be
straightforward. Once the resister is aware that he or she is not going to be attacked,
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punished, or “sold” on what the demander wants, the demander has a much greater
chance of exposing the real source of the resistance.
2. Ask for all of it. Listening to a resister’s statement of what he or she does not like
about the very thing that the demander wants is rarely a pleasant experience.
Nevertheless, it is the best approach to resistance. When the resistance exists, it is much
better to hear all of it than to try to work through the situation in partial ignorance.
Honoring the Resistance
Honoring involves the following process:
1. Listen. When a person states resistance openly, he or she provides the demander
with a vital source of information about what the demander wants and the potential
pitfalls in achieving what is wanted. In addition, the resister is making a personal
statement about who he or she is. Any attempt to discount the information not only stops
the information but also carries a clear message to the resister that his or her opinion
does not matter; the resister will interpret this to mean that he or she does not matter. It
is of critical importance at this stage that the demander make no attempt to reinforce his
or her original position, to sell, to reason, or in any way to imply that the resister should
not feel as he or she does. The correct approach is simply to listen.
2. Acknowledge the resistance. The act of acknowledgment does not imply that the
demander agrees with the point of resistance. It is a simple affirmation of the resister’s
right to resist. Statements such as “I see how that could be a problem for you” or “You
certainly have a right to be concerned” allow the demander to respond to the resister’s
concern without relinquishing anything. The demander should acknowledge the
resistance, but not agree with it.
3. Reinforce the notion that it is permissible to resist. The demander should keep in
mind that openly resisting in a safe environment may be a new experience for the
resister. Periodically reinforcing that the resistance is valuable and that the resister is
safe and appreciated for stating his or her resistance creates a positive atmosphere.
Statements such as “It’s really all right that you don’t like all of this” or “I can see why
you are angry” maintain the demander’s control of the situation while making the
environment continually safe for the resister.
Exploring the Resistance
Exploring involves the following tasks:
1. Distinguish authentic resistance from pseudo resistance. Authentic resistance is
directed toward the specific demand that has been made; pseudo resistance is real but
has nothing to do with the demand. Pseudo resistance usually originates in feelings such
as resentment of authority, old grudges, the need for attention, and lack of clarity about
one’s desires. The demander’s task is to uncover the authentic resistance. If the
demander is having difficulty determining which kind of resistance is manifesting itself,
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he or she can simply ask the resister, “What is your objection?” The resister either will
or will not be able to state clearly what the specific objection is. It is best to address the
cause of the pseudo resistance later rather than at the moment unless it is blocking
2. Probe the resistance. Once the resistance has been surfaced, honored, and judged
authentic and the resister has realized that he or she is safe, the demander can help the
resister to assume a proactive stance by simply asking, “What would you prefer?” In
responding to this question, the resister works with the demander toward the objective
rather than against it. The resister will suggest alternative approaches to meeting the
demand in ways that provide the demander with what is wanted and permit the resister
to obtain something for himself or herself at the same time. At this point it is a good idea
to encourage negotiation and to keep in mind that something must change positively for
the resister in order for the resistance to be permanently reduced. The end point of
probing should be the development of some kind of agreement about the action to be
Before the meeting is over, the last step is to recheck the status of the current resistance
and the agreements that have been made. This step is essential because it provides
closure to the issue and ensures that no agreement will be forgotten. If there is to be a
second meeting, rechecking provides a basis on which to start the next meeting so that
the entire process of dealing with the resistance does not have to be repeated.
The demander should always keep the following points in mind when confronted with a
1. The objective is not to eliminate all resistance because it is not possible to do so.
Instead, the objective is to work with and reduce the needless resistance. The
reduction is usually enough to allow proceeding with the demand effectively.
2. Always keep paper and pencil handy to make notes during the process. When the
problem is recorded, the resister’s objection is honored and there is less chance
that important points will be forgotten. Making notes also facilitates the last step,
3. Once the resistance is at a workable level, thank the resister and move on. It is
important not to try to persuade the resister to like the demand. It is enough that
the resister is willing to agree to it.
This approach has universal application. It can be used in any situation in which
resistance is an issue, such as in managing conflict, scheduling work, or raising
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B. Kim Barnes
Abstract: Geert Hofstede (1980) has identified four important cultural dimensions. These
dimensions are particularly relevant to anyone who is involved in negotiation with people from
different cultural backgrounds or in conflict resolution around issues of cultural diversity. This
article describes the cultural values and conditions that result from high and low prevalence of the
four dimensions and presents implications for negotiation and conflict resolution in regard to each.
In his book Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values,
Geert Hofstede (1980) identifies four different cultural dimensions that have
implications for anyone who is working with people from cultures other than their own.
Other cultural factors have been identified by other researchers, including attitudes
about time and the structure of national or professional languages that orient their
speakers toward certain concepts and make others difficult to grasp. Because of the great
numbers of people from diverse backgrounds in the United States and other countries,
and with today’s increasingly global marketplace, knowledge of cultural preferences and
differences, including Hofstede’s research, is needed—or soon will be needed—by
members of almost all organizations.
A major use of Hofstede’s findings is in cross-cultural negotiation and conflict
resolution. This may occur in international negotiations, in business relationships, in
diversity training in organizations, and in a host of other situations. Following are a few
indicators for estimating where a group (national cultural group, organization, or
subgroup) lies on each of the four dimensions and some implications for negotiation and
conflict resolution.
The four dimensions of culture identified by Hofstede are:
Power distance,
Uncertainty avoidance,
Individualism, and
For each dimension, a group can be rated on a scale from “low” to “high.” It is
important to note that neither position is intended to be presented as “good” or “bad.”
Any such implication is a result of the author’s cultural limitations.
Originally published in The 1997 Annual: Volume 1, Training. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
Hofstede calls this dimension “masculinity” The author has taken the liberty of renaming it for greater specificity.
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You are invited to compare your own preferences on Hofstede’s dimensions with
the preferences that characterize organizations in (or with) which you work. Note any
differences between your own preferences and a party or group with whom you are
working or negotiating. Add your own observations to the “implications for negotiation
and conflict resolution” for each of the four dimensions. Then adjust your approach,
taking the differences into account.
Power Distance
Power distance is the degree of fixed inequality of power between the more and less
powerful members of a group.
Low Power Distance
When power distance is low, the following conditions exist:
Decisions are made after consultation with all parties.
Inequality is seen as bad. Hierarchy exists for convenience, not for the routine
expression of power of one group over another.
Those in lower-status roles may disagree with those in authority and may express
their disagreement.
Trust among members of one’s peer group is high. Those in authority are often
Personal power is emphasized. Expert power is accepted.
Change occurs by redistributing power.
High Power Distance
When power distance is high (i.e., there is a high degree of fixed inequality of power
between the more powerful members and the less powerful members), the following
conditions exist:
Decisions are made by those in authority.
Everyone has a rightful place. The hierarchy represents reality.
Those in lower-status roles are reluctant to disagree openly with those in
Trust among peers is low. Those in authority are often trusted.
Positional power is emphasized. Referent power also is important.
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Change occurs by dethroning those in power.
Implications of Power Distance for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
In low power-distance cultures, negotiators should specify ground rules that equalize
power during the negotiations. Expert power will be accepted, but “pulling rank” may
make agreements difficult. Proposals that involve the redistribution of existing power
may be considered. Negotiators are more likely to be able to make agreements without
gaining approval from their superiors.
In high power-distance cultures, one should expect authority to be an issue. Defer to
and protect the positions of those in power. Use or borrow authority to press for a
solution. Make proposals that protect existing control of power while bringing a better
balance to the situation. Seek or provide formal methods for the redress of grievances.
Uncertainty Avoidance
Uncertainty avoidance is the degree to which members of a group prefer to avoid
uncertainty or ambiguity.
Low Uncertainty Avoidance
Cultures that have low uncertainty avoidance are typified by the following:
More risk taking and less resistance to change.
A preference for broad guidelines but few rules.
An appreciation of generalists and of “common sense.”
A view of conflict as natural, and a resultant acceptance of dissent.
A willingness to make decisions and to take action based on less evidence.
A high prevalence of innovation and informality.
High Uncertainty Avoidance
In cultures where avoidance of uncertainty is high, the following is typical:
More resistance to change and less risk taking.
A preference for clear requirements and specific regulations.
An appreciation for specialists and expertise.
The view that conflict is undesirable; therefore, consensus is sought.
A requirement for more evidence before making a decision.
A prevalence of ritual, tradition, and formality.
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Implications of Uncertainty Avoidance for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Where uncertainty avoidance is low, negotiators can make broader, more flexible
agreements. Informal agreements may be acceptable. Innovative ideas for exchange will
be considered.
In situations where uncertainty avoidance is high, it is necessary to use more
structure and to emphasize one’s expertise. Agreements must be made specific and
enforceable. (It is helpful to stress a past history of success with similar agreements.)
One should be extremely careful in planning and should be prepared with back-up
options to deal with every possible contingency.
The dimension of individualism reflects the degree to which members of a group prefer
to operate and make decisions independently, as opposed to collectively.
Low Individualism
When there is a low degree of individualism, the following conditions exist:
There is dependence on and identification with the group.
Group decisions are considered superior to individual decisions.
A high value is placed on security, conformity, and duty.
There is an emphasis on belonging—a “we” consciousness.
Opinions and values are considered to be predetermined by one’s reference
High Individualism
A high degree of individualism produces the following conditions:
Self-reliance and independence are valued.
Individual decisions are considered superior to group decisions.
Autonomy, variety, and freedom are valued.
There is an emphasis on individual initiative.
Opinions and values are considered to be personal and individual.
Implications of Individualism for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Where individualism is low, negotiators should stress common interests and the interests
of the larger community when making proposals. It is wise to emphasize organizational
needs and traditional solutions.
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Where individualism is high, a thorough exploration of differences is acceptable.
Encourage individual initiative in finding creative solutions. Identify and respond to
individual needs.
Competitiveness is a measure of the degree to which members of a group are motivated
by achievement and competition, as opposed to service and cooperation.
Low Competitiveness
In cultures with low competitiveness, the following are typical:
Relationships, service, and social atmosphere are valued.
There is a preference for cooperation and interdependence.
Intuition and feelings are trusted.
Sex roles are more fluid and more equal.
Conflict may be avoided or win-win solutions sought.
High Competitiveness
In cultures with high competitiveness, the following are typical:
Achievement, recognition, and advancement are valued.
There is a preference for autonomy.
Analyses and data are trusted.
Sex roles are more defined; men dominate.
Confrontation is common, and win-lose situations are accepted.
Implications of Competitiveness for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Where competitiveness is low, the need for harmony in relationships is probably high.
Your tactical attitude should reflect this. Cooperation is valued, and attentive listening
will be appreciated.
In more competitive cultures, achievement is highly valued. Anything that you can
do to “save face” for your opponent will be helpful in achieving agreement. Benefits
should be tangible and clear. Time limits should be respected. “Toughness” is respected
as long as you are perceived as being fair.
Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values. London/Beverly
Hills, CA: Sage.
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Dave Ford and Ord Elliott
Anyone who has contact with organizations cannot escape the omnipresent phenomenon
of organizational structure. A new employee comes face to face with the imposed
condition of structure as soon as he or she is told, “You report to Mr. Smith.”
Structuring the organization is generally accepted as an important factor influencing
how people perform their vital functions.
In one sense, “structure” means the relatively fixed relationships among the
members of an organization. (The typical organizational chart is a diagram of fixed
relationships.) However, factors that affect interaction patterns and coordination efforts
cannot be illustrated with a typical, static chart. Therefore, in another sense, “structure”
can be a diagram of interpersonal processes drawn at a particular point in time.
Structure may be imposed, or it may emerge as a group of people interacting over
time. If structure is imposed, it usually is called formal structure. If structure emerges
from interpersonal interaction, it is sometimes called informal structure. In addition,
structures that emerge within a formally structured organization may be called operating
structures. The demands of task, people, and setting involved in performance-supporting
interaction usually give rise to operating structure, particularly when the formal structure
is insufficient, unrealistic, inefficient, or out of date. Thus, identifying the operating
structure is crucial in understanding performance.
Many managers today are concerned about whether patterning of relations
significantly influences group or organizational performance and the social reactions of
members. In some organizations, sequential work-flow and assembly-line arrangements
have caused problems involving performance, productivity, and satisfaction.
Insight into problems created or facilitated by various structures has been gained from
laboratory experiments, utilizing the concept of a communication pattern, to investigate
effects of structure on performance and morale. These studies showed the following:
Originally published in The 1974 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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1. The structure of a communication pattern affects the accuracy of messages
2. The structure of a communication pattern affects the task performance of groups.
3. The structure of a communication pattern affects the satisfaction of group
Four communication patterns investigated are called (1) radial, (2) hierarchical, (3)
“Y,” and (4) leader centered. In the diagrams in Figure 1, each letter represents a person
and each line a potential communication link. For example, in the radial pattern, person
A may communicate with persons B and E but not with person C or D.
Figure 1. Four Communication Patterns
One way of characterizing communication patterns is by centrality. Centrality
measures a person's closeness to other people in a particular pattern. The most central
position is the position closest to all other positions. Position C has the greatest
centrality within the hierarchical, “Y,” and leader-centered patterns. In these, position C
has the greatest degree of centrality in the leader-centered pattern, less in the “Y,” and
still less in the hierarchical pattern. No position in the radial pattern has greater
centrality than any other. Within any pattern, centrality limits the independent action of
some group members and, therefore, primarily determines the leadership role, variation
of activity, and group-member satisfaction.
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In a star pattern (leader-centered) group, for example, the only person who may be
enjoying the situation is the leader, person C; the others will probably feel bored and left
out. In a circle (radial) group pattern, however, almost any member can, at one time or
another, be the “leader.”
A leader-centered group is likely to be faster at a specific task than a radial group.
But the radial group is likely to demonstrate higher morale and more enthusiasm than
the leader-centered group. A radial group also seems more capable of coping with
change (Leavitt, 1972).
Knowledge of patterns can aid a leader in developing an accurate and task oriented
pattern that influences job satisfaction positively. Formal and informal communication
patterns in real organizations do have many characteristics discovered and analyzed by
researchers. However, one must remember that the regulation of communication flow
and the imposition of restrictions in a laboratory setting are techniques, not intended to
be a close analog of particular groups or organizations. Communication patterns are
important potential tools for investigation. However, insight into other aspects of
structure—such as span of control, formalization, specialization, and organization size—
should complement an understanding of communication-link patterns.
Davis, J.H. (1967). Group performance. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Gibson, J.L., et al. (1973). Organizations: Structure, processes, behavior. Dallas, TX: Business Publications.
Hall, R.H. (1972). Organizations: Structure and process. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Leavitt, H.J. (1972). Managerial psychology (3rd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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Thomas H. Patten, Jr.
The presentation and handling of behavioral-science theory by organization
development (OD) facilitators, even though a particular theory may be appropriate and
timely, is often partial, out of context, and perhaps even misapplied. Participants in an
OD program may need more background and may wonder whether OD facilitators
really know what they are talking about.
It is valuable for the professional to take the trouble to integrate fundamental
theory, but being challenged on the foundations of theory in an OD learning
environment can be disastrous for a group facilitator if he or she is unable to respond
and identify his or her intellectual basis. A working knowledge of the roots and
conceptual foundations of the behavioral sciences—and of the relationship between
social interaction and organization development—is very desirable for OD facilitators.
These roots are primarily in sociology, social psychology, and social anthropology, as
well as human ecology and individual psychology; but they also include economics,
history, and statistics in important ways. The key concepts can be identified and
interrelated as shown in Figure 1. This schematic and a review of fundamental thinking
in the behavioral sciences can explain where OD comes from—not as a recapitulation of
history and concrete events (see Bradford et al., 1964), but as a discussion of key
concepts and their interrelationships.
The common meeting ground of the behavioral sciences is found in social interaction, as
can be determined by the centrality of this concept in Figure 1. Social interaction is
behavior caused by the mutual awareness of human beings. The concepts and
phenomena identified with arrows in Figure 1 are abstracted from the study of this
central phenomenon. The identification and systematic articulation of these concepts is
the primary concern of the behavioral sciences. For example, sociology is concerned
with interaction in general rather than with the specific aspects of interaction in which
the other social sciences specialize. Although this implies that there are no subspecialties
in sociology, indeed there are many, of which the following are only a sample: the
Originally published in The 1979 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators by John E. Jones and J. William Pfeiffer (Eds.), San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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family, the community, race and minority-group relations, social stratification, industrial
and organizational sociology, collective behavior, and demography. In addition,
sociology is sometimes used to analyze education, art, music, and knowledge (Merton et
al., 1959).
Social Organization
One of the major abstractions drawn from social interaction is the concept of social
organization (which appears above the double-circled central concept of social
interaction in Figure 1, signifying the importance of social organization in the behavioral
sciences). The arrowed concepts branching to the left indicate the essential domain of
sociology as an academic discipline. The arrowed concepts branching to the right
display the essential domains and core concepts of social psychology and social
anthropology (including ethnology and ethnography).
Social Psychology
Although it is true that social psychology includes more than what is displayed on the
schematic, still sociologically oriented social psychology, rather than psychologically
oriented or psychoanalytically oriented social psychology, has played the greater role in
OD. Also, considering that concepts such as the Johari Window (Hanson, 1973) and
tools such as the FIRO-B (Pfeiffer, Heslin, & Jones, 1976) are exceptionally widespread
in OD programs, the delineation of social psychology in Figure 1 should be more
acceptable to the professional social psychologist who sees his or her field in the
broadest and deepest terms (Lindzey, 1954). The T-group, in the forefront of OD efforts
a decade ago, was a socialization experience focused on the social self and the
development of an open, authentic, and confronting type of social personality. Mead’s
concepts of the “I,” “me,” and “generalized other” are implicit in the various quadrants
of the Johari Window (Mead, 1934). Books on self-disclosure, such as Jourard (1971);
on transactional analysis, such as Berne (1964), Harris (1973), and Jongeward et al.
(1973); and on self-actualization, such as Shostrom (1967), are in accord with the
sociologically oriented social psychology relevant to OD.
Social Anthropology
A second abstraction from the concept of social organization is found in social
anthropology, with the key concept of culture subdivided into the traditional categories
of material and nonmaterial. Many group facilitators would argue that the goal of OD
efforts is to change nonmaterial work cultures into some other configuration, a
transformation that often involves action-research interventions to change norms. In
reality, culture may be defined as learned ways of doing things and thinking about
things. It is an abstraction drawn from the observation of people’s behavior, that is,
doing things in patterned ways. Observations are most accurate when they are of
concrete behavior patterns performed by live people rather than of artifacts and records
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of defunct cultures. However, some parts of anthropology, such as archeology,
essentially focus on the latter.
We know that material culture affects the nonmaterial (and vice versa): Artifacts
and technological systems affect social systems, and interventions should be recognized
as sociotechnical by their very nature.
It is possible to differentiate on a continuum the extent to which norms grow
naturally or are enacted. Ways of doing or thinking, that is, folkways, are norms that
grow slowly and possess the least moral implications. They are crescive, meaning that
they are increasing or growing. Mores are folkways with moral imperatives and are
more rational (Barnes, 1948). Laws are formally enacted; when a sufficient number exist
in one sphere or domain, they become institutions (see the upper-right corner of Figure
1). Many of these mammoth institutions socialize people in work cultures that are
pathologically bureaucratic and have been prime targets of OD efforts over the past two
decades. Beckhard and Harris (1977) have recently reported on some of the dimensions
of planned change in large industrial and medical institutions. Commonly, OD has tried
to intervene in such institutions through their constituent parts (for example, in industry,
through a given company or social organization in the company) and has focused on
changing aspects of interpersonal relationships in order to change work cultures and
In making interventions, OD has often been charged with ignoring the power
distribution and naively assuming that changes in interpersonal relations will bring about
institutional change, in the belief that institutions are nothing more than interpersonal
relations “writ large” (which, of course, they are not). Organization development efforts
have sometimes culminated in proposed changes in the formal organizational structure
that turned out to be cosmetic rather than substantial because the norms were not
modified, the personalities involved were merely shifted around or given new titles, and
the overall impact was business as usual (Patten, 1975).
In summary, social organization is a basic concept not only in OD but in sociology,
social psychology, and social anthropology.
The abstractions that branch to the left of social organization in Figure 1 are of prime
concern to OD professionals. To understand the integration-isolation continuum, which
bears on opposition and cooperation among people, within groups, among groups, and
within human society, it is necessary to grasp also the connection between social and
ecological interaction.
Ecology is concerned with relations between human beings and the environment,
including the material culture and spatial world (and, in recent years, the nonmaterial
and social). Ecology focuses on “units” and their interaction. The ecological unit that
interacts with others and occupies a spatial position in any areal order may be (1) a
living organism; (2) a group that produces or consumes as a unit; or (3) any specialized
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function, such as a store, agency, or factory, that occupies a spatial position of its own in
a geographical location.
Ecology is as concerned with processes as OD is with interpersonal and group
processes, but ecology has a broader perspective. One important basis for classifying
ecological processes involves the distinction between (1) relations in which units
influence one another simultaneously during a given moment of time and (2) relations in
which the related elements take place at successive moments of time. In (1) any
influencing occurs in the mathematical moment, which is too short to have any duration
and contains only the present—neither the past nor the future. No change can occur
without the passage of time, but this mathematical moment sustains the types of
reciprocal relations among coexisting units out of which all changes in interaction arise.
Any concrete instance of ecological interaction necessarily involves both (1) and (2), but
different types of processes give greater weight to one or the other.
As a number of ecological processes can be characterized in terms of the types of
reciprocal relations that exist among interacting units, so opposition can be distinguished
from cooperation on this basis. Opposition implies the incompatibility of goals, in which
the success of one unit necessarily interferes with the success of others. In contrast,
cooperation involves a reciprocal relation in which, as any one unit succeeds, it
increases the chances of success for its cooperators. There are many concrete examples
of these contrasting forms of ecological interaction in everyday life. All involve a
sequence that results in the success or failure of participating units, but it is the
relationships of coexistence among the interacting units rather than the differences in
sequence that are the principal basis for distinguishing among them.
Relationships of coexistence distinguish the ecological from the social interaction.
Ecological interaction is an impersonal relationship in which each unit influences the
others merely by increasing or decreasing some scarce type of environmental resource
or by changing its ecological distance from the others. This type of influence occurs in
the external environment without human mental interstimulation and response. The
social type of interaction, instead, necessarily involves mental interaction among human
beings, frequently in such arbitrary symbols as language.
The social and ecological types of interaction generally occur together in human
existence, but they can be analytically separated. It is possible to argue that the
ecological is more basic because it emphasizes among living organisms an impersonal,
continuous, universal cooperative competition that selects and distributes the population
and institutions of a geographical area. This interaction also results in a basic underlying
areal structure that serves as a foundation for normative consensus in social
organization. We can thus see how the ecological structure, which is biotic or symbiotic
rather than cultural, arises, functions, and influences social interaction.
In looking at the second major type of ecological processes—those that involve
sequences in which change occurs over time—we shift from analytical to descriptive
concepts. Changes that occur at successive moments of time may be described as natural
histories; as unique, nonrecurrent events; or as scientific regularities (laws). Whatever
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form they take, these sequences describe a related series of conditions through which an
individual or a group passes during a particular period of time. One stage of a sequence
does not necessarily result in the following one, although typical sequences that recur
may repeat their stages. The causes underlying sequences may be found in ecological
and social interactions among people, in biological processes that result in birth and
mortality, and in various processes that change the physical environment (Quinn, 1950).
In Figure 1, ecological interaction is shown as influencing social interaction and as
being influenced by it. Ecological interaction has traditionally been viewed as
Darwinian competition, but many types of ecological interaction involve cooperation.
For example, in order to interact competitively (or even conflictively), opponents will
reach a consensus on a minimum number of ground rules that will govern the situation.
Therefore, ecological interaction is best characterized as involving opposition and
cooperation rather than competition.
Those who study ecology as a specialty have abstracted demography and human
ecology from ecological interaction. Few OD facilitators concern themselves with these
specialties, although, in working with groups, many have a keen awareness of the
interconnection between ecological and social interaction, particularly in such
interventions as “conflict management,” main office/subsidiary team building, and the
The continuum of opposition-cooperation deserves greater attention in organization
development than it has been given. It is a useful focal point for the study of groups and
action research involving groups and can offer a helpful perspective for the OD
practitioner. It is also a continuum of social integration and isolation, as suggested by
Figure 1.
The opposition-cooperation continuum manifests itself in everyday life in
interpersonal relations. For example, cooperation is apparent when two people walk
down a wooded path side by side, physically separate as persons but headed in the same
direction and mutually aware of each other. Opposition is apparent when the two break
contact with each other and go their separate physical ways while simultaneously
becoming socially and emotionally disengaged. They may harbor negative feelings of
each other; or their feelings may, in time, soften and lead to a rapprochement,
culminating in the reestablishment of face-to-face relations. On the other hand, in human
affairs the breaking of physical contacts may not imply any corresponding negative
feelings but merely signify that one or the other parties is required physically to separate
himself or herself, because of status and role requirements, from other institutional
domains to which the person belongs. Length of time is used to distinguish mere
separation from opposition. Thus, the opposition-cooperation continuum is often the
social reality with which we are concerned in organizational and group life.
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Conflict, the first point on the opposition-cooperation continuum, is an ever present
process among people. It may be solved on one level, as when there is agreement on
ends, and break out anew concerning means. It may be partial or total (Davis, 1949),
implying that there is no level of agreement at all and that, consequently, the only
method of relating is to injure, damage, or destroy the other (or, in a balance-of-power
situation, engage in a stalemate until such time as the power equalization is temporarily
upset and one of the opponents reenters the field in an effort to try again to destroy the
opponent). Conflict thus can exist at the interpersonal, intergroup, interorganizational,
intraorganizational, and other levels of social relations.
One of the most remarkable aspects of conflict is that contradiction and conflict not
only precede unity but are operative at every moment of its existence (Simmel, 1955).
The difference between the extreme ends of the opposition-cooperation continuum is,
therefore, in one sense razor thin.
Questioning this notion of conflict, Coser (1956) asked, “If conflict unites, what
tears apart?” He answered his question by proposing some conditions leading to
destructive conflict and other conditions leading to unifying conflict. He suggested that
conflict is disruptive in groups with intimate relations, diffuse functions, high
emotionality, unchanging status structures, assigned status, and some legitimized
inequities in rewards. In such groups, conflict is especially disruptive if it concerns the
norms in the culture and the reasons for the group’s existence. On the other hand,
conflict is unifying in groups with distant and loose relations, specific functions, low
emotionality, flexible status structures, achieved status, and no legitimized inequities.
Furthermore, Coser says that a conflict is more likely to be unifying if it concerns
peripheral norms or the means of achieving the agreed-on goals of the group.
In relating this line of thinking to OD, Glidewell (1975) has delineated how conflict
fulfills various psychosocial functions in T-group interventions. Specifically, most T-
groups after a few meetings can be characterized as showing high emotionality, close
relations, and diffuse functions. At this time, there is danger of disruption from conflict.
Yet T-groups also show achieved status in a flexible structure and do not consider
inequities in individual outcomes to be legitimate. This second set of characteristics
could lead to unification through conflict. Also, the danger of serious disruption from
conflict is mitigated by the fact that the intimacy has a peculiar character, which, while
strongly felt, does not produce the long-term binding commitments for support that are
common to more permanent groups, such as the family. Accordingly, using Coser’s
theory, we might predict that overt conflict would, in spite of the high emotionality and
diffuse functions, contribute to and be a part of the development of unity in the pattern
of resource exchanges and the feeling of solidarity in the members of a T-group.
Seeing unity as an outcome of conflict in a T-group can be understood if we
consider, for example, the instrumental outputs of a conflict over power. Each aspirant
to power in the T-group finds himself or herself challenged to defend and strengthen the
validity of his or her point of view. Accordingly, the person cultivates and tries to
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present as varied a support for his or her opinions or proposals as can be mustered. This
represents a significant shift in the basis for verification, from “authority” (based on the
personal opinion of a person in a position of relative power) to “plausibility”’ (based on
the consensual validation of others). From another standpoint, this shift may be said to
represent the beginning of a movement from legitimate power, based on institutional
position, to competence power, based on group participation and the pooled expertise of
group members.
As conflict accelerates, the psychological safety of the individual person becomes
increasingly precarious. This is particularly true for T-groups, which are likely to
include some members with strong needs for psychological safety. In the terminology of
Bion (1974), those members are regularly shifting from fight to flight. They change the
subject, make a joke, call for a recess, or provide overly rational analyses of problems.
Such acts temporarily relieve tension, and the resulting relief allows for some relaxation
in the defensive posture of the opponents. In turn, this relaxation may extend the
receptivity of the opponents so that each becomes aware of the divergent ideas of others.
Through pairing and improved dyadic relations, others in the T-group may lay a
foundation for enlarging the pair to a generalized other, such as the total T-group.
Finally, using Bion’s last type of reaction to a group, dependency, we see that some
people may become counter-dependent by holding the group at bay and adjusting to the
group by being devil’s advocates. Such people are typically more devil than advocate,
but they serve the useful function of strengthening the solidarity of the group and its
adherence to shared norms.
Continuing conflict requires that each opponent interfere with the outcomes of
others and be prepared to pay the costs in time, energy, and the utilization of resources.
In the most extreme and durable manifestation of conflict, the opponents invest more
energy in reducing the outcome of others than in increasing their own outcomes. In this
case, the total outcome is a negative win-lose situation. Protracted internecine conflict is
limited by how long the opponents can continue to suffer losses. The costs of such
conflicts ultimately become the primary limiting factor.
As the costs of conflict mount, collective outcomes are reduced, the group
experiences little or no progress, and breaks appear in the vicious cycle of mutual attack.
As breaks in the conflict appear in a T-group, for example, a few members offer succor
to one another, support an opinion or action or proposal, and even endorse the self-
disclosure involved in the active fight behavior of the more aggressive opponents. These
forms of support may provide the beginning of a shared regard, a recognition of the
wide range of divergent ideas, an extension of the resources that are potentially
complementary and reciprocal, and the awareness that varied and complex resources are
needed. The extended repertoire of explicit resources is brought into active
consideration; commitments to old ways of relating are less tenable; and conditions for
the modification of all relations are now favorable. Accommodation appears, at first in
awkward fragments, then in coordinated actions, and finally in consensually validated
settlements (Glidewell, 1975).
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Conflict is universally deprecated, and yet it is everywhere. In fact, there are some
institutions that are created to build in and control (or “institutionalize”) conflict among
opponents, such as American legal institutions that regulate union-management
We have continuing conflict because human society is not a tightly integrated entity
but a loosely knit social organization. Moreover, human society is integrated not on a
biological but on a mental level. Its integration must be constantly maintained through
psychic processes such as socialization, consensus building, and cooperative behavior. It
rests on the common and extra-personal goals possessed by society’s members, goals
that cannot come from the biological nature of human beings but only from
communicative contact between people. Goals thus differ greatly from one society to
another because they are part of the differences between cultures, thereby providing the
first major basis of conflict, ethnocentrism—the dislike of people with a different culture
and different ultimate goals (Davis, 1949).
Communication between people or groups in conflict tends to be suspended
because of the sense of threat and an increased concern for internal solidarity. For
example, when union-management conflict is intense, union leaders avoid all except the
most official and circumscribed contact with employees in order to avoid criticism.
Although it is sometimes believed that conflict is caused by poor interpersonal
communication or that conflict arises because people do not understand one another, the
roots of conflict often lie deeper. Many conflicts are grounded in the mutually
inconsistent goals of groups. In these situations, increased contact and improved
communication may intensify conflict by making groups highly aware of their
differences, increasing their fears, and revealing opposing goals that seem unchangeable
(Broom & Selznick, 1958).
As for internal and partial conflict, every group strives to eliminate it insofar as
possible because conflict precludes the degree of cooperation needed for efficiency.
However, it is not possible to eliminate all conflict because, despite the presence of
shared norms and goals, there are goals that relate to each person alone. People are never
carbon copies of one another even when similarly socialized.
As available means are scarce, a person usually attains his or her personal goals at
the expense of another; hence, conflict easily arises unless it is partly controlled by
banning outright physical conflict and internecine interactions. Society reserves for itself
the use of force and forbids it for purely individual private ends. Any permissive use of
force is likely to be closely circumscribed, ritualized, and structured so as not to result in
the death of opponents. Sporadic outbursts of conflict that occasionally occur are not
likely to last long but can seldom be entirely eliminated (Davis, 1949).
However, the suppression of open conflict does not mean that partial forms of
conflict have been eliminated; it means simply that conflict is less than total. For
example, there are many ways of getting the best of an opponent without actually doing
him or her bodily harm: the opponent may be downgraded in his or her job, banished to
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a remote outpost or office location, repeatedly embarrassed, publicly rebuked, treated
with disrespect, or avoided as a pariah.
There are elements of conflict in almost all situations. Conflict is a part of human
society because of the kind of phenomenon that society is. There is no social mind, only
the minds of individual human beings. There are no social goals, only the goals of
individual people filling positions of different importance and worth. Agreement among
individual minds thrives best where there is a clear and present external danger—when
the group’s common goals for survival are pitted against the common goals of another
group (Davis, 1949). Indeed, a high degree of internal integration seems to be a function
of an external threat (as President Franklin D. Roosevelt was so consciously aware when
he virtually waited for the Pearl Harbor attack in order to solidify the American people
and attain a consensus on a declaration of war).
In contrast to conflict, which aims to destroy the opponent or at the very least remove
him or her from the field of action, competition simply aims to better the opponent in
achieving some mutually desired goal. Competition implies that there are normative
rules applicable to the interaction to which the opponents must conform and that behind
these norms (or perhaps embedded in them, justifying and maintaining them) is a
common set of values superior to the competitive interests. It also implies a total
absence of coercion. Usually, the norms dictate that the goals of the opponents must be
obtained by methods other than fraud or physical force. If competition exceeds the
norms, it transforms itself into conflict. Thus, there is no such phenomenon as
“unrestricted competition,” for this would be a contradiction in terms: Competition is
always limited (Davis, 1949).
Competition has both an ecological and social dimension, as was previously
discussed. Competition is a form of interaction that need not involve direct social
contact; it may be ecological, impersonal, and “unconscious.” For example, cotton
farmers in the Mississippi delta of the United States compete with cotton growers in
Egypt; but they may be unaware of one another. When groups become socially aware
that they are in competition, they are rivals. Rivalry is thus a form of conscious
competition in which the interaction is social and direct, with mutual awareness and use
made of rational strategies and tactics. When the clash between opponents is so keen
that they seek to destroy each other, competition becomes conflict. Competition can
arouse intense feelings; and, as a result, the rules governing competitive and rivalrous
interaction may be abandoned (Broom & Selznick, 1958).
Competition is an extremely dynamic form of interaction because it stimulates
achievement by throwing many domains open to rewards and penalties, by lifting
people’s levels of aspiration through the freedom to compete, by threatening failure and
insecurity as well as success and security, and by adding the element of rivalry.
Competition thus creates a particularly important motivational context for changing
complex urban-industrial societies. However, nowhere do people submit themselves to
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“cutthroat” (virtually unregulated) competition because the interaction could become too
intense and thwart the purpose of the opponents’ encounters, perhaps leading to
internecine conflict.
The forms of social interaction shown in Figure 1 refer to ongoing sequences whose
related parts take place at successive moments of time rather than relations in which
units, people, or groups influence one another simultaneously during a given moment of
Accommodation is a type of interaction in which opponents are mutually adjusted
so that they retain their own identities or interests. Accommodation is often the form that
a resolved conflict takes; opponents in everyday life may “agree to disagree.” For
example, once a contract is signed between union and management, for the duration of
that contract the opponents agree to cease and desist from harmful actions and live in an
accommodative way as provided by the terms of the contract.
In an unstable accommodation, the interests of the opponents remain antagonistic;
but a temporary adjustment is made. The opponents find a way to survive despite the
continuance of unresolved issues. The main problem in accommodation is to discover
what is essential to each opponent for him or her to cease hostilities and offer the
minimum cooperation that is required for mutual survival and benefit.
On the other hand, a stable accommodation resolves the major differences of
interest and achieves a basis for deeper harmony. Opponents can then enlarge and
deepen the density of their interaction patterns and perhaps eventually come to think of
themselves as sharing a single identity (Broom & Selznick, 1958). Organization
development has the potential to help opponents move from conflict to accommodation.
Acculturation is a denser form of interaction than accommodation and refers to
opponent A’s taking on elements from the culture of opponent B. Usually both cultures
in a contact situation are changed, although one culture may be more profoundly
influenced than the other.
Union-management relations once again provide an example in which the quality of
work life in industrial plants changed when labor unions and managements moved from
an adversarial stance to a more cooperative stance. In some acculturations the union
profoundly affected management’s culture, and in others management affected the
union’s culture. In either case, significant change took place (Batt & Weinberg, 1978).
Assimilation and Amalgamation
Assimilation, another point on the continuum toward cooperation, may be defined as the
process by which the identity of opponents is fused. Communication barriers are broken
down, and one opponent is absorbed by the other. In contrast to acculturation, in which
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the culture of the opponents is modified, assimilation produces a new culture different
from that of either opponent.
There are few examples of assimilation in industrial life, although the history of
General Motors Corporation might suggest that GM has come about as an assimilation
of many early automobile manufacturing firms (Sloan, 1964). Perhaps other
entrepreneurs are engaging in assimilation when they build corporate empires through
acquisitions and mergers, but this would have to be tested.
Amalgamation is the biological counterpart of social assimilation: Not only have
the opponents worked out a new culture different from that of each, but the population
itself has intermarried and become biologically homogeneous.
Cooperation may be defined as agreed-on joint action. The opponents no longer oppose
each other but work together to accomplish goals that both desire. The agreement to
cooperate may be based on a realization of similar aspirations; or opponents may find
that they have a common enemy and thus have temporary convergent interests; or
opponents may agree upon a set of norms that so completely regulate their competition
that they in effect join forces. The amount of communication that takes place among the
former opponents will depend on the basis of the cooperation. For example, when
people act together out of loyalty to the family or the community, there is much more
communication than in the case of a limited alliance to defend themselves against a
temporary threat from the outside.
In all cases, cooperation is associated with win-win behavior. Each former
opponent gains—either with an immediate advantage or indirectly in seeing its ultimate
goals advanced. Opponents need not gain equally, and weak opponents usually gain
more from cooperation than do strong ones. Therefore, the latter are often reluctant to
enter cooperation agreements with weaker opponents.
Interestingly, cooperation (like conflict) can threaten the independence of
opponents. For example, communication between opponents will increase, the
boundaries of group membership may become obscure, and leaders may be required to
justify the independent existence of their organization. If pressure is generated for
amalgamation, the vested interests of the leaders as well as the long-run goals of
opponent groups may be threatened. This is why cooperation is not often fully endorsed
as an unmitigated good. For example, top management in the military branches of the
U.S. Department of Defense carefully examines proposals for administrative
cooperation with other agencies to determine what the consequences will be for the
sharing of public credit, the justification of independent budgets, and the maintenance of
the loyalties and outlooks of their staffs. These branches have so far successfully
resisted acculturation, assimilation, amalgamation, and cooperation and probably will
continue to do so. Cooperation is, in theory, to be highly valued; the word easily
becomes a respected rallying point. In practice, however, opponents are likely to ask
“Cooperation for what and with whom and at what price?” (Broom & Selznick, 1958).
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In summary, the opposition-cooperation continuum offers a way of thinking about
forms of interaction that are frequently topics of concern in OD efforts. Where there is
much conflict, opponents are isolated from one another; where there is much
cooperation, there is a high degree of group integration.
In Figure 1 arrows extending to the left of the opposition-cooperation continuum point
to types of social relations and to status, role, and rank. Many references have been
made to social groups and such phenomena as power, authority, and prestige that relate
to the political, economic, and social differentiation of individuals (Bendix, 1960). OD
facilitators seldom, if ever, deal directly with systems of social stratification that have
cross-societal implications, although they do deal with hierarchical structures and design
OD efforts that take status, role, and rank into account. Societal systems can be
distinguished on a continuum of relative openness closedness from a social mobility
standpoint. Caste systems are the most closed; class, the most open; and estate,
somewhere in-between. Psychologically oriented social psychologists concerned with
role theory also have an interest in this area, but it is probable that OD facilitators have
the greatest interest in social relations.
Social groups can be categorized as primary and secondary or gemeinschaft and
gesellschaft, to cite the concepts of Cooley (Dewey, 1948) and Tonnies (Heberle, 1948)
respectively. Primary groups are small, face-to-face groups in which individuals interact
very intensively and deeply. Secondary groups cover all aggregates from the large group
to bureaucratic organizations of all sizes. Society is, of course, a group of groups.
Primary and secondary groups and society have a common denominator in that they are
structured by culture. On the other hand, collective behavior, as seen in the behavior of
crowds and publics and the phenomena of public opinion and propaganda, is relatively
unstructured. The degree of relative structure in social relations has important
implications for the OD facilitator.
Group behavior is a function of both the individual and the social situation. Neither,
alone, is adequate for interpreting group behavior. The group considerably modifies the
behavior of its members and exerts on them influence that can be harmful or beneficial.
A person’s role and rank in the group may determine how others behave toward him or
her. If we knew more about the dynamics of groups, as Lewin noted forty years ago, we
might learn how groups could be made to serve more socially desirable ends (Marrow,
1977). We do know that a person who joins a group is often changed as a consequence.
A strong group can bring great pressure to bear on its members, while a weak group may
not have much molding or socializing power. To effect any change in the goals or
outlook of a group, the group must be appealed to as a whole, with recognition of its
Cohesiveness may be defined as the result of the forces that keep members together,
including the positive forces of reciprocal attraction and the negative forces of reciprocal
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repulsion. Groups become cohesive when their activities strengthen the individual
person’s chances to achieve his or her own goals. In time certain standards develop in
any group, and each member expects the others to conform to group standards. What is
important is not how similar or dissimilar a group’s members are but how dynamically
interdependent they are: a group can be a “Gestalt”—a whole containing dissimilar
parts. However, a person is more often apt to be a member of a group to whose members
he feels similar or wishes to be similar.
Belonging is signified by adherence to a group code: those who belong obey. In this
way group pressure regulates the conduct of possibly deviant group members. For a
member to change his or her behavior or point of view independently of the group
would get that person into trouble with his or her fellow group members; as a
consequence, this rarely takes place (Marrow, 1977).
At the top of Figure 1 is a large bracket displaying the range of the dominant-
minority group mode of analysis. This means that all of the concepts of social
interaction below it are potentially applicable to the analysis of power and interpersonal
relations among members of dominant groups and minority groups in any society. Many
OD practitioners work with organizations on problems of institutional racism, equal
employment opportunity and affirmative action, and upward mobility for women and
minority-group members. These experiences prompt facilitators to work on problems
related to the integration/isolation, openness/closedness, and crescive/enacted continua
as well as problems of organizational solidarity, consensus, and work culture. Although
some observers might remark wryly that such OD facilitators are working on problems
beyond their professional purview, Figure 1 suggests that, to the contrary, they are very
much on familiar intellectual turf.
Organization development facilitators, by and large, avoid individual therapy, amateur
psychologizing, and the analysis of there-and-then behavior; consequently, no attention
is given to individual psychology as a traditional field of study or basic social science in
the behavioral-science configuration. Thus, it may appear strange that OD facilitators
think they can change human institutions when they intervene in organizations by using
action-research models or seminars/workshops that involve groups or teams but ignore
individual people as such. Yet this bypass is common; T-groups, encounter groups, and
Gestalt groups, with their personal, individual orientations, are seldom used today in
The specific behavioral content that can be abstracted from social interaction and
that forms some of the intellectual content of the less-behavioral social sciences, such as
economics and political science, is also of little direct interest to OD facilitators.
Specific behavioral content is often analyzed institutionally and becomes the content and
subject matter of many of the disciplines and subdisciplines taught in universities today,
such as education, religion, medicine, science, law, and the like.
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The schematic configuration displayed in Figure 1 should be helpful to group facilitators
who require or desire a reexamination of the territory of the behavioral sciences.
Considerable emphasis has been placed on the opposition-cooperation continuum in
identifying the forms of social interaction because this part of the behavioral sciences
has been relatively neglected by group facilitators, who stress openness, authenticity,
and a problem-solving orientation—perhaps even when the main issue is conflict
It seems clear that OD, as of the late 1970s, remains more of an art than a science,
although, like medicine, it draws on a scientific base in theory and research. It is hoped
that the practitioners of the art can find a way to communicate to clients how the various
pieces of theory fit into an overall configuration of concepts.
Barnes, H.E. (1948). William Graham Sumner: Spencerianism in American dress. In H.E. Barnes (Ed.), An
introduction to the history of sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Batt, W.L., Jr., & Weinberg, E. (1978). Labor-management cooperation today. Harvard Business Review, 58(1),
Beckhard, R., & Harris, R.T. (1977). Organizational transitions: Managing complex change. Reading, MA:
Bendix, R. (1960). Max Weber: An intellectual portrait. New York: Doubleday.
Berne, E. (1964). Games people play: The psychology of human relationships. New York: Grove Press.
Bion, W.R. (1974). Experiences in groups. New York: Ballantine Books.
Bradford, L.P., Gibb, J.R., & Benne, K.D. (Eds.). (1964). T-group theory and laboratory method. New York: John
Broom, L., & Selznick, P. (1958). Sociology (2nd ed.). Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson.
Coser, L. (1956). The functions of social conflict. New York: Free Press.
Davis, K. (1949). Human society. New York: Macmillan.
Dewey, R. (1948). Charles Horton Cooley: Pioneer in psychosociology. In H.E. Barnes (Ed.), An introduction to
the history of sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Glidewell, J.C. (1975). A social psychology of laboratory training. In K.D. Benne et al. (Eds.), The laboratory
method of changing and learning: Theory and application. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books.
Hanson, P.C. (1973). The Johari Window: A model for soliciting and giving feedback. In J.E. Jones & J.W.
Pfeiffer (Eds.), The 1973 annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Harris, T. (1973). I’m OK—you’re OK: A practical guide to transactional analysis. New York: Bantam.
Heberle, R. (1948). The sociological system of Ferdinand Tönnies: “Community” and “society.” In H.E. Barnes
(Ed.), An introduction to the history of sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Jongeward, D., et al. (1973). Everybody wins: Transactional analysis applied to organizations. Reading, MA:
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Jourard, S.M. (1971). Self-disclosure: An experimental analysis of the transparent self. New York: John Wiley.
Lindzey, G. (Ed.). (1954). Handbook of social psychology. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Marrow, A.J. (1977). The practical theorist: The life and work of Kurt Lewin. New York: Teachers College Press,
Columbia University.
Mead, G.H. (1934). Mind, self and society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Merton, R.K., Broom, L., & Cottrell, L.S., Jr. (Eds.). (1959). Sociology today. New York: Basic Books.
Patten, T.H., Jr. (1975). The white paper: A tool for OD. In J.E. Jones & J.W. Pfeiffer (Eds.), The 1975 annual
handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Pfeiffer, J.W., Heslin, R., & Jones, J.E. (1976). Instrumentation in human relations training (2nd ed.). San Diego,
CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Quinn, J.A. (1950). Human ecology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Shostrom, E. (1967). Man, the manipulator. New York: Bantam.
Simmel, G. (1955). Conflict and the web of group affiliations. New York: Free Press.
Sloan, A.P., Jr. (1964). My years with General Motors. New York: Doubleday.
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W. Warner Burke and Celeste A. Coruzzi
Accomplishing things in a pyramidal organization is not quite as simple and effective a
process as it was a number of years ago. It is fairly clear that the pyramid is not working
as well as it once did, primarily because people have changed their values and their
attitudes about work. It seems that people who were teenagers in the Sixties are now
more dedicated to their chosen professions than they are to their organizations.
This trend is made apparent by the steady increase in the number of individuals who
are obtaining advanced degrees in a variety of professions. As a result, people are
entering into organizations at older ages and with higher levels of expertise required to
achieve work outcomes. In addition, they bring with them value systems that have been
nurtured outside their organizations and that are not necessarily in accord with company
policies and procedures. Consequently, corporate norms are being challenged.
As Douglas Bray (1986), formerly with AT&T Corporations, says, individuals are
not choosing management as often as before; instead, they are choosing professions.
This shift has great implications for the ways in which people are managed. We are in a
different stage of the pyramid today than we were in the past, so the traditional focus on
monetary rewards and obedience to authority needs to be altered. In order to cope with
the shift, people in organizations need to be able to influence one another in ways other
than those connected with monetary or position power.
With the recognition of this need, several important questions arise:
How can work be accomplished through other people when one does not have a
formal position of authority?
How can one influence people who are at the same hierarchical level but whose
motivations are different from one’s own?
How can one influence people who are at higher levels in the organizational
Most formal education with regard to management development and training has
focused on managing subordinate relationships. However, the changing attitudes just
discussed require a different focus. One’s effectiveness in leading people without being
in a position of authority or status rests in his or her ability to influence. The issue of
influence as a form of leadership is the focus of this paper; the authors’ conclusions
Originally published in The 1987 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
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about how to develop and use influence are based on their study of program managers at
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
The authors have been working with NASA since 1976. Their work has focused
primarily on investigating the management competencies indicative of successful
manager-subordinate relationships at two levels of management, the executive level and
the middle level. Thus, management competence has been examined from a vertical
standpoint. Recently, however, a new kind of manager has developed at NASA; and this
individual, the “program manager,” does not fit the traditional management mold.
Management practices previously identified as related to effective interpersonal
relationships are inappropriate for successful interaction involving program managers.
The program-management function involves the accomplishment of a broad
scientific or technical goal in NASA’s long-range plan through the management of a
series of related projects that continue over a period of time, normally years. Program
managers are staff officials who are connected with all of the NASA administrative
activities that their programs comprise. Their basic responsibilities include developing
and administering the guidelines and controls within which projects are conducted,
competing with other program managers for resources allocated, preparing testimony
and justification for Presidential and Congressional authorization, and monitoring
project execution and relating that execution to NASA’s overall objectives (Chapman,
What is unique about this position is the fact that program managers must manage
relationships between and among different organizational units without the power of
position or the power to reward. Program managers must interact with managers who
are of equal or higher status and who have responsibility and decision-making authority
for their own organizational units. Therefore, program managers must be able to
influence others if they are to accomplish their objectives. Without having direct control,
they must affect different people’s behavior and attitudes.
The program manager’s dilemma is considerable. At the outset of a program, the
manager goes to Congress to vie for that program, explaining the need to investigate the
particular area of aeronautical and/or space research involved. Thus, the manager must
present convincing and technically sound arguments for the pursuit of his or her
objectives, explaining how these objectives fit within NASA’s overall goals. Assuming
that the program in question is funded, the program manager must see to it that the
program plans go through the proper administrative channels for authorization. At this
point the manager has funding for his or her program and, consequently, is in a position
of power in NASA—at least temporarily.
Then the program manager determines which of NASA’s field centers can best
fulfill the program’s technical and research requirements. Once this has been
determined, the manager must “sell” the program plans to the personnel at the chosen
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center. Field centers have great latitude in choosing their assignments and projects; it is
through negotiation and discussion that the program manager and the field-center
director agree on the terms of managing the program. Subsequently, the field-center
director assigns a technical manager to carry out the program objectives; and the
program manager allocates resources to the center.
After this transaction has been completed, the program manager is left with little or
no control over the spending of the money funded; however, he or she remains
responsible for overseeing the program’s development. The program manager’s primary
responsibility is managing the relationships among the technical managers, on the one
hand, whose positions are hierarchically equivalent to his or her own, and the
headquarters administrators, on the other, whose positions are higher but who view the
program manager as the expert in managing the program concerned. In the absence of a
traditional hierarchical reporting structure, the program manager’s ability to influence
other organizational units rests largely in his or her ability to understand the limitations
and constraints of the work situations involved as well as what other people expect from
him or her.
The authors’ study focused on the following questions:
How does the program manager influence individuals in other parts of the over
whom he or she has no formal power?
What competencies distinguish the program managers who are viewed as more
successful from those who are viewed as less successful?
The authors asked people who are the objects of program managers’ influence
attempts to rate the effectiveness of these managers. This inquiry focused on the
network of individuals who are at the same and higher status at NASA. Three
conceptual models were used to analyze the influence attempts made by program
managers: personal power strategies, transformational versus transactional leadership,
and empathy versus perspective taking.
Personal Power Strategies
At OD ‘80, the University Associates (now Pfeiffer & Company) conference on
organization development that was held in New York, San Diego, and London in 1980,
Harrison (1980) delivered a presentation and subsequently wrote a paper about his work
on personal power. His presentation focused primarily on people in organizations who
do not have the traditional forms of power that are associated with positions in the
hierarchy. Such individuals include staff, product/program managers, and consultants
who act as resources to operating managers. In the absence of positional power, these
people have to rely on what Harrison calls personal power. Harrison states that in order
to make optimum use of personal power, one must be responsive to the “psychological
energy” of the individual, group, or organization with whom he or she interacts. When
one person tries to change or affect another, something analogous to physical energy or
force is involved; energy is required to overcome the inertia of the other person and to
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produce movement or change. Harrison describes four energy modes in interpersonal
relationships on which a model of influencing behaviors may be based: joining,
attracting, pushing, and disengaging.
1. Joining. In joining, a person adds his or her energy to that of others in order to
enhance or supplement it. Joining can be accomplished by encouraging, empathizing,
understanding, reflecting the ideas of others, and expressing willingness to cooperate
and reach agreement. By joining, one builds an atmosphere of trust, support, and
personal acceptance. The influence strategy associated with a joining response is that of
facilitator. Responding to another person’s needs can result in a strong sense of power,
and this method is used to a high degree by facilitators in the area of OD consulting.
2. Attracting. In attracting, a person behaves in such a way that others are drawn to
join or follow that person. One who attracts other people functions as a visionary,
inspiring and energizing others and creating a sense of common purpose. This person’s
vision about what can be is a strong source of influence based on ideals and values.
3. Pushing. In pushing, one directs energy toward influencing others to change in
some way, to adopt different attitudes, or to perform according to certain standards. This
person attempts to move, induce, teach, or control others by suggesting, prescribing, and
directing. In its more extreme form, this behavior results in arguing and debating. The
influence strategy associated with pushing is that of expert.
4. Disengaging. In disengaging, a person avoids or deflects others’ energies in order
to diminish their impact. This behavior consists of trying to influence others by keeping
them from doing what they want. One disengages by withdrawing, humoring, failing to
respond, or changing the subject. For example, a conflict is postponed or delayed rather
than dealt with; and conflicts are depersonalized by making reference to rules and
regulations. Harrison refers to the influence strategy associated with disengaging as
being that of “system worker”; but for the purposes of this paper, the authors prefer to
label it deflector. This form of personal power can be extremely effective, especially if
one is in a position in the organization to use it. Staff personnel are often seen as
deflectors; this may be the case because preventing others from doing something is the
only source of power these individuals believe they have. In other words, the source of
their power comes from their feeling of powerlessness (Kanter, 1985).
In the authors’ study, the Harrison schema was used, in conjunction with data
received from initial exploratory interviews with a sample of program managers at
NASA, as the conceptual basis for the establishment of program-manager practices. The
authors developed an instrument that included the four influence strategies of facilitator,
visionary, expert, and deflector as well as other personality measures. This instrument
was administered to a sample of program managers and individuals with whom they
The four paragraphs that follow have been adapted with permission from “Personal Power and Influence in Organization
Development” by R. Harrison, in Trends and Issues in OD: Current Theory and Practice by W.W. Burke and L.D. Goodstein (Eds.), 1980, San
Diego, California: Pfeiffer & Company.
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interact on a continual basis (project managers, program-manager supervisors, project-
manager supervisors, and headquarters associates).
The findings were simple and straightforward. Strong positive correlations were
found between the effectiveness of program managers and their use of the first three
influence strategies (facilitator, visionary, and expert). In other words, the more
program managers used these three strategies, the more they were rated as effective by
their associates and superiors. In contrast, a strong negative correlation was found for
program-manager effectiveness and use of the fourth influence strategy (deflector). This
finding suggests that the more program managers deflect others, the less effective they
are perceived to be.
Transformational Versus Transactional Leadership
Another conceptual schema used by the authors to develop an understanding of
program-manager effectiveness was the distinction between “transformational” and
“transactional” leadership. Transformational leaders are characterized by their focus on
change, influence, and inspiration. They are more interested in long-range issues than in
day-to-day concerns, and they are more interested in ends than in means. In addition,
they are creative and may be reluctant to accept traditional ways of viewing situations.
Transactional leaders, on the other hand, are characterized by their concern for equity in
their relationships with followers, the practical issues of work, the assurance of clarity,
and the completion of short-term goals. For them, leadership is a transaction: If you do
this for me (follow), I will do this for you (promote).
Transactional and transformational leadership are not necessarily polar concepts.
However, they are inversely related; they represent the types of thought processes
indicative of all leaders, but practiced in inverse proportions.
The authors’ hypothesis was that because program managers are not managers in
the traditional sense (in that they are not responsible for planning, organizing,
rewarding, and evaluating the work of others), their success would be characterized as
transformational in nature rather than transactional. The findings supported this
hypothesis. The more program managers were rated by others as transformational
leaders, the more they were perceived as effective.
To confirm this conceptual distinction, the authors looked at transformational
versus transactional leadership under various work situations. They found that under
most conditions, those program managers who were rated as more effective scored
higher on both transactional and transformational leadership. These relationships,
however, were contingent on several factors, such as the development phase of a
program, which ranged from “start-up” to “up-and-running,” to “downhill,” and
program stability, which ranged from “stable” to “unstable.”
For programs operating in a start-up phase, individuals viewed program managers
acting as transformational leaders as more effective than those acting as transactional
leaders. As programs matured to the up-and-running phase, the more effective program
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managers were seen as transactional leaders. Finally, as programs proceeded into the
downhill phase, effective program managers were viewed as transformational leaders.
In addition, the authors examined stable versus unstable program conditions and
found that effective program management in unstable conditions was associated more
with transformational leadership, while under stable conditions it is associated with
transactional leadership.
Empathy and Perspective Taking
The authors’ third step in studying program managers was to analyze the impact of
empathy on perceived effectiveness. Two scales were used in the instrument to assess
the multidimensional concept of empathy: the “empathic-concern scale,” which taps a
person’s tendency to become emotionally involved while observing events in which
others participate, and the “perspective-taking scale,” which taps a more rational form of
relating in which the person tends to understand the experiences of others without
necessarily having strong emotions. The empathic-concern scale is predictive of helping
behavior, and the perspective-taking scale has been shown to predict accuracy in
interpersonal judgment and skill in bargaining situations.
The authors examined the impact of empathy on people’s perceptions of program-
manager effectiveness in stable and unstable situations. The findings suggest that under
stable conditions, program-manager effectiveness is based on being empathic with
another, sustaining and maintaining the other’s energy and direction. However, under
unstable conditions, program-manager effectiveness is associated with perspective
taking and the ability to look at the overall picture.
More and more frequently it is the case that managers within organizations have no
formal or traditional power and must accomplish things through personal power. Like
the program managers at NASA, people are beginning to see personal power as a
positive force in organizational life and are beginning to cultivate it. The results of the
authors’ study indicate that under stable work conditions, the individual who wants to be
influential must maintain and sustain the flow of events. Facilitating, acting in a
transactional-leadership role, and being empathic seem to be appropriate responses to
stable conditions. However, when the work situation is unstable, such a manager might
be perceived as more successful by acting as a visionary, taking a transformational-
leadership role, and assuming perspective and examining the overall picture.
These findings may be generalized to other types of roles, such as that of
organization development or human resource development consultant. It appears that
people who are in the role of influencing others are not evaluated solely in terms of
being facilitators. One who wants or needs to influence others in an organizational
setting first should ascertain the particular conditions under which he or she must
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Is the project involved characterized by stability or instability? (Under stable
conditions, transactional leadership and an empathic approach may be more
effective; under unstable conditions, transformational leadership and
concentrating on the overall picture may be more effective.)
Is the project in a “start-up,” an “up-and-running,” or a “downhill” phase?
(During the “start-up” and “downhill” phases, transformational leadership may be
preferable; during the “up-and-running” phase, transactional leadership may be a
more viable approach.)
Does the situation necessitate the role of facilitator, visionary, or expert? (All
three of these roles can be effective, depending on the circumstances involved.)
As indicated in the results of the study, each of these situations requires a different
emphasis and combination of influence strategies. It is the authors’ belief that any
person put in the position of influencing others can exert the appropriate strategy to
elicit the appropriate response. Thus, the focus of attention should not be exclusively on
how good one is at being a facilitator, visionary, or expert, or whether one by nature
prefers transactional versus transformational leadership or an empathic approach versus
one that emphasizes perspective; instead, the focus should be on how accurately one
characterizes the situation so that the appropriate influence strategies are used.
Bray, D. (1986, March). Management careers: Their nature and nurture. Presentation at UA ‘86 in San Francisco.
Chapman, R.L. (1973). The management in NASA: The system and the men. (SP324, Stock No. 3300-00514).
Washington, DC: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space
Harrison, R. (1980). Personal power and influence in organization development. In W.W. Burke & L.D. Goodstein
(Eds.), Trends and issues in OD: Current theory and practice. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Kanter, R.M. (1985). The change masters: Innovation for productivity in the American corporation. New York:
Simon & Schuster.
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Daniel C. Feldman
Almost all organizations run some type of orientation program to teach new recruits
corporate practices, policies, and procedures. Recent surveys suggest that over 70
percent of the major organizations in the United States provide formal, organized
orientation programs (Zemke, 1982). However, orientation is typically seen as a less
important, or less vital, activity than skills training. Much less time and effort are
expended on it. Indeed, despite the fact that most organizations have orientation
programs, the attention that has been devoted to these programs has been noted as
“woefully inadequate” (Cascio, 1986). This article deals with several fundamental issues
involved in designing orientation programs and presents the following:
1. The common problems that organizations face in running such programs;
2. Three innovative orientation programs that have circumvented these problems;
3. Some ways in which organizations can better implement their orientation
The typical orientation program consists of a one-day seminar run by the human
resource department. In practice, orientation usually consists of delivering pep talks,
having new recruits fill out personnel forms, taking the new people on a brief tour of the
facilities, introducing them to other personnel, and giving them employee handbooks
and other rule books. When current orientation programs are reviewed, several common
problems emerge (Lubliner, 1978; McGarrell, 1984; St. John, 1980):
1. Emphasis on paperwork. Early on the recruit’s first day he or she is confronted
with a stack of forms to complete. This frequently creates a first impression of a
bureaucratic, impersonal organization.
2. Information overload. Probably the most common complaint about orientation
programs is that they try to give too much information to new recruits too quickly. New
employees simply cannot absorb all of the data that are being given to them, and they
feel intimidated.
Originally published in The 1988 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
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3. Information irrelevance. Too often in orientation programs the information given
new recruits is not relevant to their new job assignments. Either the information
conveyed is on topics of little interest, or the treatment of a topic is too superficial to be
of much use (Feldman, 1987).
4. Scare tactics. Some organizations try to intimidate new recruits by telling them
that their chances of success are low or that they will need to work seventy or eighty
hours a week just to stay even. These tactics raise already-high levels of anxiety and
interfere with real learning.
5. Too much selling. Frequently an organization tries to use the orientation program
to instill corporate loyalty or a “gung-ho” feeling about the company. Given the fact that
any new recruit has been an organizational member for literally a matter of hours, this is
not a realistic goal. Furthermore, many new recruits are put off by such a heavy-handed
6. Formal, one-way communication. Very often the orientation program consists of
a series of formal presentations by a group of top managers and human resource officers.
Recruits are given little or no opportunity to ask questions or mingle informally with
these speakers. This often gives the impression that supervisors are not readily
accessible and discourages recruits from seeking help (Feldman, 1987).
7. “One-shot” mentality. One of the most common problems with orientation
programs arises from the idea that all orientation should be done on the recruit’s first
day. Any information that a new recruit could ever want is presented during that one day
instead of provided gradually over a series of days or weeks. Organizations fail to give
new recruits information as they need it and can absorb it.
8. Lack of diagnosis and evaluation of orientation programs. Once an orientation
program is put together, it takes on a life of its own. Companies do not periodically
change the content, style, or format of their orientation programs to meet the changing
needs of their new recruits.
9. Lack of follow-up with new recruits. During orientation most of the people whom
the new recruits meet tell them to stop by with questions. However, there is very little
systematic follow-up to see how new recruits are doing. Many of them take this lack of
interest after the first day as a sign of insincerity on the part of the orientation staff
(Feldman, 1987).
10. Over-reliance on professional and occupational training. Even employees with
extensive educational background and/or work experience need to learn how their
particular jobs are practiced in a new organizational setting. Assuming that these
employees can “hit the floor running” without any training is often a mistake.
11. Lack of contact with immediate supervisors and colleagues. Orientation
programs run mainly by managers outside the new recruits’ immediate work group tend
to be ineffective in easing the recruits into the work place. There is not enough
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consistency in linking newcomers with the people who can be the most helpful to them
and can make them feel most welcome; too often this linking is done on a purely
random basis.
Although a number of organizations are attempting to revise their orientation programs,
the efforts at Texas Instruments, Corning Glass, and the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of
Management at Northwestern University have been particularly successful. They also
nicely illustrate some of the basic design and implementation principles of effective
orientation programs. These programs are described in the following paragraphs.
Texas Instruments
A pioneering study by Gomersall and Myers (1966) at Texas Instruments changed the
way in which most managers and academics viewed the impact of orientation programs.
At that time, the usual orientation for electronics-components assemblers consisted of a
two-hour orientation seminar. In this seminar the new recruits received detailed
information about work schedules, insurance, parking, work rules, and employee
services. This session also included warnings about the consequences of failure to
conform to organizational expectations. Following this two-hour meeting, each new
assembler was introduced to his or her supervisor, who would typically be too busy to
give the new employee anything more than five minutes of complicated instructions.
Because coworkers were being monitored on their output, no one else had much free
time to train the new recruits, either.
Interviews with participants in the standard orientation program revealed that they
were very anxious about their ability to learn the job and perform it adequately, and
many left Texas Instruments within weeks because of this anxiety. Moreover, interviews
with supervisors of the new recruits uncovered similar feelings. Supervisors, too, were
anxious about handling new recruits and often became uncommunicative or defensive as
a result.
Because anxiety was such a major issue, Gomersall and Myers designed an
alternative orientation program to overcome that feeling. Following the two-hour
orientation conducted by the personnel department, new recruits were kept separated
from other employees for the rest of the day so that they could not be “initiated” by their
peers. They were told that there would be no work on the first day, that they should
simply relax, and that they should use the day to become acquainted with one another
and ask questions about their concerns.
Throughout the question-and-answer session, four key points were stressed:
1. “Your opportunity to succeed is very good.” For instance, the recruits were given
data to show the high percentage of new employees who successfully mastered the job;
and they were told that it would take a few weeks to feel fully competent.
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2. “Disregard the hazing and rumors.” The recruits were told that veteran
employees often exaggerated allegations about work rules and disciplinary actions to
make the job as frightening to the newcomers as it had been to them.
3. “Take the initiative in communication.” The recruits were told that their
supervisors expected them to be unsure of themselves and somewhat lost in the
beginning and that their supervisors would not consider them incompetent for asking
4. “Get to know your supervisor.” Employees were given realistic information
about their supervisors, including tips on how frequently the supervisors wanted to be
informed of work problems.
Following this day-long orientation, the recruits were introduced to their
supervisors and their training operators. Training then commenced as usual.
The results of this program were impressive. The new employees felt less anxious
and established better two-way communication with their supervisors. Moreover, there
was an immediate financial return to Texas Instruments. Productivity in the group with
the revised orientation was triple that of the group oriented under standard procedures.
The absenteeism and tardiness rates for the experimental group were only 25 percent of
those for the regularly oriented group. Waste was reduced 80 percent; product costs
were cut 25 percent; training time was cut 50 percent; and training costs were cut 66
Corning Glass
In designing its orientation program, Corning wanted to eliminate the confusion and
disorganization of the first day on the job. New recruits reported feeling let down by
such treatment, especially after the “red-carpet” treatment received during recruitment.
Corning also wanted to reduce the turnover of new recruits and to shorten the time
required for new employees to learn the job. The company had two additional goals for
its orientation program: (1) to increase understanding of the company’s objectives,
strategies, and human resources philosophy and (2) to increase positive attitudes toward
the company and its community (McGarrell, 1984).
To achieve these goals, Corning devised an orientation process that began before a
new employee arrived for work and lasted over a fifteen-month period. That program
and its timetable are briefly described as follows:
1. Immediately after hiring. The new employee was given a pamphlet with
extensive information about the upcoming orientation and a more detailed guide about
his or her own job.
2. Prior to arrival on the job. The immediate supervisor initiated contact with the
new employee, helped him or her with any housing problems, discussed the goals and
objectives of the new job, and prepared the new employee’s office.
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3. First day at work. The new employee had breakfast with his or her supervisor,
filled out basic personnel forms, attended a seminar called “Corning and You,” read the
workbook for new employees, toured the building, and met his or her coworkers.
4. First week. The recruit had one-on-one interviews with his or her supervisor and
coworkers. The new employee also received some on-the-job training from the
supervisor and worked with the supervisor to finalize the goals and objectives of the job
for the first six months.
5. Second week. The new employee began regular job assignments.
6. Third or fourth week. The new employee attended a seminar about the
community and an employee-benefits seminar. Spouses and guests were also invited.
7. Second through sixth months. Work assignments became more challenging, and
every two weeks the new employee had progress reviews with the supervisor. The new
employee also attended six two-hour seminars at regular intervals on special topics, such
as quality control, productivity, employee relations and equal employment opportunity,
and technology. At each seminar the new employee completed workbook questions and
later reviewed answers with the supervisor.
8. Sixth month. The employee reviewed his or her progress toward goals with the
supervisor and received the first performance review. At the conclusion of the sixth
month, the employee received a certificate of completion for Phase I orientation and
made plans for Phase II orientation.
9. Months seven through fifteen. During this period the employee was oriented to
his or her functional area and the division, continued with some educational programs,
and received further performance and salary reviews.
After this orientation program had been followed for two years, the voluntary
turnover among new recruits had been reduced 69 percent. Corning also estimates that
there has been a 16-percent decrease in time needed to learn the job (Cascio, 1986;
McGarrell, 1984).
J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management
There have also been innovations in the orientation programs of not-for-profit
organizations. Notable among these is that of the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of
Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
At universities the first few days of school have traditionally been chaotic and
frustrating. Students spend large chunks of their time waiting in lines, filling out forms,
and trying to gain entrance to the classes they want. By the time the first week is over,
many students are disenchanted with their university experience.
At the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, administrators and faculty
wanted to decrease the amount of time spent by students in completing paperwork and
contending with bureaucratic details during their first week. They also wanted to
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develop or increase positive student attitudes toward the business school and to build
rapport among new students. Additionally, the administration and faculty wanted to
generate enthusiasm among the students for the courses and programs of study that the
students were about to begin. The orientation program that was implemented took place
over a nine-month period, with intensive efforts at the beginning of the process. The
following is a brief description of the new program:
1. Pre-arrival. The new students were called and welcomed by second-year
students from the same alma mater or home town. They were also sent extensive
information and advice about housing, parking, and transportation. In addition, the new
students were asked to complete many of the bureaucratic forms (for example, health
forms, forms for directory information, and requests for course waivers) over the
summer so that they would not have to bother with them on their first day at school. The
student organization organized crews of second-year students to help newcomers to
move into their apartments, have phones installed, and so forth.
2. First week. The new students participated in a program called “Conceptual Issues
in Management” (CIM). They were divided into small teams to play a computer-
simulated business game that required making decisions in finance, marketing,
operations, human resource management, and other functional areas. Before each
decision the students listened to a short lecture from the professor who would ultimately
teach them in each functional area. With this approach the students were briefly
introduced to topic areas and faculty members in a motivating, nonthreatening way.
The program for the first week also included extensive social gatherings and
picnics. In addition, there were periods of free time scheduled so that students could
have time to buy their books, acquire last-minute furniture and clothing, and so forth.
3. Second through fifth months. The students attended a series of “Career Nights,”
which consisted of seminars that introduced them to a variety of career paths and to
alumni and executives in different functional areas. During the seminars there was
extensive opportunity for questions and answers and informal interaction.
4. Sixth through eighth months. The students participated in a series of workshops
on the subject of job-search skills. The placement director explained sign-up procedures
and school policies. The students received both group and individual instruction on
résumé writing and interviewing skills. Group and individual sessions on career
planning and job-search strategies were also held.
These orientation activities were very well received by the incoming students.
Voluntary turnover among first-year students in the graduate school was very low (less
than 5 percent), and the placement rate for summer internships and permanent positions
was very high (greater than 90 percent).
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The Texas Instruments, Corning Glass, and J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of
Management examples demonstrate that well-run orientation programs can be extremely
helpful to new employees and that at the same time they can save organizations
substantial amounts of money in terms of labor, material costs, and turnover. In
reviewing what made these three programs so successful, one can make several
generalizations about effective orientation programs (Cascio, 1986; McGarrell, 1984;
Milkovich & Glueck, 1985):
1. A well-run orientation program is conducted on a “need-to-know” principle.
Participants are given the information they need as they need it, and they are subjected
neither to cram courses nor to superficial treatments of topics. The most relevant and
immediate kinds of information are provided first.
2. The program takes place over a period of days and weeks. Although the intensity
of the orientation program is greatest on the first day, all of the program objectives
cannot be met successfully in that time frame. A good orientation program begins even
before the participants arrive and continues well beyond the first day (Feldman, 1987).
3. A good orientation program presents a balance of technical and nontechnical
information. The content of the program should include information not only about the
new job or endeavor but also about the social aspects involved.
4. A great deal of two-way interaction is allowed. The successful socialization of
new recruits depends very heavily on the establishment of helpful, trusting superior-
subordinate relationships; a good orientation program with sufficient interaction
between participants and their superiors can facilitate these relationships.
5. The first day should make a lasting, positive impression. Each participant
remembers the initial impressions of the first day for years. Therefore, the first contact
with participants should be carefully planned and implemented by individuals with good
social skills. Filling out paperwork should be kept to the bare minimum on that day
(Feldman, 1987).
6. The responsibility for the participants’ adjustment should rest with their
immediate superiors. Although personnel officers and other staff members can serve as
important resources, each participant needs one steady source of guidance and support.
Moreover, the immediate superior is in the best position to see potential problems that
the participant is facing and to help him or her to resolve those issues.
7. An effective orientation program facilitates the participants’ adjustment by
helping them to become settled in the community and in new housing. When the logistics
of living are unresolved, it is difficult for participants to concentrate fully on their work
assignments. For this reason many organizations provide new recruits with assistance in
house hunting and include spouses or significant others in several orientation activities.
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8. The participants are gradually introduced to the people with whom they will
interact. This is a better approach than a superficial introduction to all coworkers on the
first day (Feldman, 1987).
9. New recruits are allowed sufficient time to “get their feet on the ground.”
Demands on new recruits are not increased until it is clear that they are ready to handle
the responsibility involved.
10. A well-run orientation program is relaxing to the participants. Anxiety is
decreased rather than increased. People who conduct an effective program create
positive attitudes toward the organization by demonstrating helpful and supportive
behavior, not by delivering high-toned speeches.
11. The needs of participants are systematically diagnosed, and the effectiveness of
the program is systematically evaluated. New topics and issues are added to the
orientation program when needed, and phases of the program that are shown to be less
worthwhile are improved or eliminated.
Figure 1 incorporates these principles into a brief check list for designing an
orientation program for a business organization.
Immediately After Hiring
1. Welcome letters from immediate supervisor and second-level manager are presented.
2. Information about the community is provided (maps, recreation, and so forth).
3. Information about real estate is offered (house listings, neighborhood information, apartment
listings, school districts, and so on).
One Month Before Arrival
1. The personnel department sends the recruit routine bureaucratic forms to complete (health forms,
directory information, insurance forms, payroll forms, identification cards, security clearance data,
parking-sticker applications, and so forth).
2. The immediate supervisor sends the recruit a schedule for the formal first day/first week orientation
3. The immediate supervisor makes arrangements for the new recruit’s work space, phone, and
First Day
1. Representatives of the personnel department, functional areas, and top management make
welcome speeches.
2. The goals of the organization, its main products and services, and its structure are presented.
3. The new employee’s department and its relationship to the rest of the organization are described.
4. Human resource specialists present information on pay procedures, fringe benefits, and important
work rules and policies.
Figure 1. Checklist for Designing an Orientation Program
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5. The new employee has lunch with his or her immediate supervisor.
6. The new employee meets with his or her immediate supervisor in the afternoon. The following
activities are included:
A discussion of the new employee’s job description;
A presentation of a broad overview of job duties;
A tour of the department and facilities; and
A brief introduction to coworkers.
First Week
1. The new employee begins on-the-job training with his or her immediate supervisor.
2. The new employee lunches with various coworkers in the same department or unit.
3. Efforts are made to reduce the new employee’s anxiety.
4. The new employee is given work assignments of relatively low difficulty.
Weeks Two Through Four
1. The employee begins regular job assignments.
2. The immediate supervisor checks with the employee for questions every two or three days.
3. The employee is introduced to various staff personnel outside the department and to key
employees in other units.
4. The employee attends a company-run seminar on the community; the employee’s spouse or guest
is also invited.
Months Two and Three
1. The employee attends a company or department-run seminar on special topics such as unions,
safety, career planning, or quality assurance.
2. After three months on the job, the employee has an informal performance review with his or her
immediate supervisor.
3. At the end of three months, plans are made for any additional training that the employee needs.
4. After three months the employee and his or her immediate supervisor set goals for the employee’s
performance and discuss formal procedures for performance appraisal.
Sixth Month
1. The employee receives his or her first formal performance review.
2. The immediate supervisor provides coaching and training as needed.
3. The end of the employee’s entry period is symbolically recognized, perhaps by the removal of
probationary status.
4. The orientation program is systematically evaluated.
5. Plans are made for revisions in the next orientation program.
Figure 1 (continued). Checklist for Designing an Orientation Program
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Cascio, W.F. (1986). Managing human resources. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Feldman, D.C. (1987). Managing careers in organizations. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman.
Gomersall, E.R., & Myers, M.S. (1966). Breakthrough in on-the-job training. Harvard Business Review, 44, 62-72.
Lubliner, M. (1978, April). Employee orientation. Personnel Journal, pp. 207-208.
McGarrell, E.J., Jr. (1984). An orientation system that builds productivity. Personnel Administrator, 29, 75-85.
Milkovich, G.T., & Glueck, W.F. (1985). Personnel and human resource management. Plano, TX: Business
Publications, Inc.
St. John, W.D. (1980, May). The complete employee orientation program. Personnel Journal, pp. 373-378.
Zemke, R. (1982, October). U.S. training census and trends report: 1982. Training, p. 16.
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Gary M. Heil and Richard W. Tate
The service that customers receive today is, at best, average. To sustain a competitive
edge, an organization must do more than simply satisfy the customer. It must provide
service that is unique, faster, more reliable, more responsive, and more caring than ever
before. It must provide service that demonstrates an understanding of the customer’s
needs and expectations.
The following ten fundamentals (see Figure 1) have evolved from the authors’
consulting work in helping a wide variety of organizations to improve their service.
They provide a framework for creating a culture of continual service improvement.
1. Make a commitment to service; create uniqueness.
2. Develop an all-out recovery strategy.
3. Ensure continual improvement.
4. Listen.
5. Facilitate the changing role of management.
6. Define the playing field.
7. Provide autonomy.
8. Measure.
9. Hold everyone accountable.
10. Celebrate.
Figure 1. The Ten Fundamentals of Improving Customer Service
The returns on investment for companies that impress their customers with value-added
service can be staggering. These returns are the result of providing service that is
perceived by customers to be not just good or excellent, but unique.
Almost any mission statement or annual report written this year will contain a
slogan about the importance of service. Throughout every organization, managers,
supervisors, customer-contact employees, and unions agree that service is a prerequisite
Originally published in The 1990 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
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for survival. Too often, however, an organization’s commitment to service is limited by
its need for predictability. Many organizational leaders are unwilling to change current
systems, structures, and priorities to achieve a culture of continual service improvement.
Achieving service that is unique requires a serious commitment from every
employee in an organization. Leaders must redefine the way in which business is
conducted; they must realize that changing customer requirements, new technologies,
decentralized structures, and greater employee flexibility are now the norm.
Do Not Just Satisfy; Create a Story
A company’s service reputation is shaped not only by customers’ experiences with the
company but also by stories that people have heard from customers. Many people have
strong opinions grounded in stories told to them by friends, relatives, and acquaintances;
in fact, many are willing to argue and aggressively defend opinions about companies
with which they have had no personal experience.
The authors have found that the stories people tell about a company’s service can
create a more lasting impression than advertising or any statistics that the company
might share with customers. If an organization wants to know how its service is being
received, it need only listen to the stories that customers are telling. To be successful in
the service business, an organization must proactively create the basis for stories that
prove that the company can provide service that is better, faster, and different from what
any competitor can provide.
It is not sufficient to “satisfy” customers. The term “satisfy” implies meeting
expectations—a far cry from what is required to create a reputation for service
uniqueness. This kind of reputation arises when an organization exceeds customers’
expectations to such a degree that they are willing to tell others. Consequently, an
organization must delete the word “satisfy” from its service goals and must instead think
in terms of exceeding expectations. As Bob Small,
executive vice president of Disney
Resorts, says, a company must provide service “that is the standard by which everybody
else in the country judges their own performance.”
Almost everyone can tell a story about a company that did not measure up to
expectations. In fact, customers often exaggerate the facts and many potential customers
believe those exaggerations. The fastest way for an organization to improve its service
reputation is to improve its process of recovering when a customer perceives that he or
she has received unsatisfactory service. The authors have found that a high percentage
of stories told by customers of companies that are famous for excellent service are
recovery stories. Customers are impressed by a company that makes a proactive,
unmistakable effort to recover.
Presentation delivered at Disney Resorts in Orlando, Florida, November 1988
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These efforts dramatically communicate to customers that the company cares, that it
is sensitive to the customer’s business, and that it will stand behind its product or
service—no matter what. The personal responses to complaints at Marriott Hotels and
Resorts, the unquestioned return policy of Nordstrom, the price reductions that
Domino’s gives for late deliveries of pizzas, the guaranteed satisfaction offered on
products sold by L.L. Bean, and the money-back guarantee of the power-quality
program at Pacific Gas and Electric distinguish these companies from their competitors.
Statistics show that recovery efforts pay big dividends (see Table 1).
Table 1. Return on Investment by Corporate Complaint-Handling Units
Industry Return on Investment
Package goods 15-75 percent
Banking 50-170 percent
Gas utilities 20-150 percent
Consumer durable goods 100 percent +
Electronic products 50 percent
Retail 35-400 percent
Automotive service 100 percent +
Consumer Complaint Handling in America: An Update Study, Part II
Technical Assistance Research Programs, March 31, 1986.
Certainly, the benefits of recovery depend on the industry, the company’s
commitment to finding disgruntled customers, the number of people in the company
involved in recovery, and the autonomy given to customer-contact employees who must
act on the spot to transform a dissatisfied customer into a company advocate.
Nevertheless, the benefits of a well-developed recovery strategy far exceed the costs.
Unfortunately, most recovery processes are much less effective than they could be.
Most companies attempt recovery only after a customer initiates a complaint, yet a great
majority of customers do not complain even when they have significantly dissatisfying
experiences. A study by Technical Assistance Research Programs (1986) indicates that
as few as 4 percent of dissatisfied customers complain, leaving 96 percent of them to tell
their negative stories to others and simply not return. An effective recovery strategy
requires that a company encourage its people to find disgruntled customers and reward
the people who do find them.
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A common failing of many companies that have suffered significant reductions in
market share in the last decade is that they expect the performance that made them
successful in the past to work equally well in the future. The only thing certain about the
future is that tomorrow will not look like yesterday. In view of the fact that so many
companies are focused on improving their service, any company that is not improving
daily will be perceived by customers as getting worse. Rapid, continual improvement is
no longer an option; it is a necessity for survival. Any organization that fails to involve
everyone in the daily improvement of every product and service is taking an
unaffordable risk.
Ted Levitt’s (1980) “total product concept” outlines some of the challenges facing
service companies in the next decade. Levitt states that the purchased product or service
is only part of what the customer expects from the transaction; customers’ prior
experiences have led them to expect certain warranties, services, and conveniences. He
also suggests that many additional services and product improvements are possible but
are unexpected by the customer. Great service companies provide high-quality products
or services, meet or exceed all customer expectations, and routinely redefine the
customer’s experience in unexpected ways.
In a recent focus-group meeting conducted by a gas and electric utility, customers
spent the first thirty minutes talking about how the utility had redefined the delivery of
gas and electricity in unexpected ways. There was no mention of therms of gas or
kilowatt hours of electricity. However, when the marketers asked the customers about
the importance of product reliability, the customers’ answer was firm: “We will not
tolerate any outages or disruptions in service.” However, an organization that meets this
customer expectation should not assume that great stories will develop. The elements
that redefine a service reputation are the unexpected service innovations, such as newly
appointed, highly trained customer representatives and money-back guarantees. Every
organization must work simultaneously to provide both the expected and the
unexpected. Failing to attend to the expected creates customer frustration and a
reputation for poor quality, and failing to do the unexpected guarantees service
Service improvement is an incremental process that requires the participation of
every employee. It is the cumulative effect of a thousand small improvements made
daily at every level in the organization. The secret of successful companies like Disney,
Honda, and Wal-Mart may be that they never finish improving. In these corporate
cultures, new technologies and innovative ideas are not perceived as intrusions but are
viewed as exciting opportunities to redefine service. The most difficult part of service
innovation and improvement is changing the organizational culture from one that
accepts the status quo to one that is excited about change and continual improvement—a
culture that demands continual, small improvements from everyone.
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The fact that listening is fundamental to building relationships with customers seems
obvious. Everyone knows that listening is the foundation of all good relationships and a
prerequisite to business success. What is surprising is how few companies
systematically listen to customers, suppliers, employees, and competitors.
Companies fail to make listening a priority for a variety of reasons. For example,
the more technically competent a group is, the harder it is for that group’s members to
listen. Because they often know better than the customer how to solve the customer’s
problem, they tend to become impatient, to leap to conclusions, and to give the customer
what they think he or she needs—which is not necessarily what the customer wants.
Often, their reward for being technically correct is one less customer to serve.
Improve Customer-Information Systems
The radical service improvements required in the next decade will necessitate the
development of more specific customer-information systems. Knowing nearly
everything about a customer’s business allows a company to become the customer’s
strategic partner and, therefore, to customize service more effectively. In expanding
their customer-information systems, organizations too often fail to quantify information
that has been gathered by service professionals. Because of the amount of time they
spend with customers in determining needs and expectations, in solving problems, and
in listening to stories, service professionals should be a primary resource for updating
customer information. One approach is to require every customer-contact person to ask
at least three customers per day for one suggestion about how to improve service. Then
the organization can use the collected responses as an integral part of its customer-
information system. It is amazing to see how much money some companies spend on
market research while neglecting the most inexpensive and obvious way to achieve a
competitive advantage—involving everyone in listening to customers, suppliers, other
employees, and competitors; quantifying what is heard; and acting quickly to achieve
continual improvement.
Service problems are leadership problems. It is easy to leap to the conclusion that
service problems are attributable to errors made in front-line performance, but the
authors have never seen a service-improvement effort fail due to the lack of front-line
effort. More often management is unwilling to change reporting structures, to reduce the
number of inflexible policies and procedures, to set higher goals for themselves and
their work groups, and to spend more time on customer-related issues. Management
creates the structures and systems that perpetuate the present culture. If improvement is
desired, then managers must rethink their roles.
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The “Too Much, Too Little” Syndrome
Much has been written in recent years about the need to empower employees to
customize service for customers. Yet most companies are still organized according to
their functional responsibilities, and most perpetuate strong hierarchies. In a traditional
organizational hierarchy, customer-contact employees do not know where to focus their
actions. Although they are told that serving the customer is their most important task,
they receive a different message—less explicit but perhaps more powerful—that
responding to the boss’s concerns and adhering to policies and procedures are the best
ways to earn promotions and to stay out of trouble. This confusion in priorities is not
only frustrating to service professionals; it also results in inconsistent and inflexible
service to customers.
In an attempt to overcome this confusion, many companies have adopted an
inverted-pyramid organizational structure that puts the customer-contact employees at
the top of the organizational chart. These companies also redefine the role of
management in such a way that the primary responsibility of managers is to be
responsive to the needs of the service professionals. Rigid rules are replaced with
flexible guidelines so that employees will be better able to serve the customer.
Although changing the leader’s role from “controlling” to “responsive” is a
prerequisite to successful service delivery, it is not enough. The authors have found that
many service-improvement efforts fail despite the change in management’s role because
leaders have not effectively set the stage for people to be responsible and accountable
for their service efforts. An organization must ensure that the desired service outcomes
are well defined, that the service-delivery process is clearly communicated and
perceived to be flexible, that core values governing every employee’s actions are
established, and that every employee understands his or her role. Otherwise, front-line
employees are often unwilling or unable to take the risk necessary to embrace their
changed roles and to deliver service in a way that consistently exceeds customer
expectations. A culture that enables the delivery of successful service is one that
balances direction and autonomy, flexibility and accountability, and the freedom to
customize and a predictable delivery process.
People’s reactions to being introduced to a new game are predictable: “How do you
score? Which actions are permitted and which are not?” No matter what game is being
played, people demand to know how the winners and losers will be judged.
Similarly, front-line employees must understand the rules of play and how to win
before they can successfully customize service. There must be a clearly defined
direction (a goal line that indicates how to score) and predefined parameters (the “rules”
or boundaries) that outline the limits of responsibility and decision making. Employees
must feel secure that within these boundaries they are free to use their intelligence,
creativity, and direction to exceed the customer’s expectations.
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Every organization must judge its ability to score by its ability to influence the
perceptions of the customer. For too long, performance goals and accountability systems
for customer-contact professionals focused on adherence to predetermined, inflexible
policies and procedures. As customers, we have all felt the frustration of being told, “I’d
like to help you, but I can’t. It’s our policy.” The goal for service professionals must be
defined in terms of perceived quality and service, not in terms of process activities.
This is not to say that process is unimportant. Process guidelines provide
boundaries for actions, predictability for employees and customers; they also promote
consistency in service delivery. Many service problems are caused by redundant and
ineffective processes. Despite the best efforts of employees, an organization’s failure to
improve the service-delivery process on a continual basis can result in a steady stream of
disgruntled customers.
The service professional can perceive deviating from policy or standard procedure
as risky if he or she does not understand the boundaries that frame individual autonomy.
Outlining such boundaries may be one of the biggest challenges facing service leaders.
If boundaries are established in terms of correcting mistakes after they happen,
employees learn to focus on avoiding mistakes rather than on creativity and
customization. If an organization wants to provide better service, it must clarify the goal
and boundaries before service professionals are put in the game.
Creative, enthusiastic service professionals who routinely make business decisions and
improvise when necessary provide the foundation for an excellent service company. Yet
many companies ignore the benefits of engaging the talents of their work force. In
essence, they tell their front-line people, “Deposit your brains outside when you come to
work each day because you won’t need them here.” Often front-line employees are
excluded from the service-planning process and are told to obey a litany of rules devised
to systematize the customer’s experience and to protect the company from employees
and customers who might take advantage. This inflexible routine bores employees and
dulls their sensitivity to customers.
Serious efforts at service improvement must include meaningful employee
involvement in service planning, innovation, and process improvement. This approach
requires that leaders, employees, and unions trust one another. It also requires that the
organization make a firm commitment to educate every employee in basic finance, the
competitive issues facing the company, and the costs of poor service and quality.
The fate of service-improvement efforts depends on management’s ability to create
a sense of ownership among employees. In the past, organizations were often
characterized by a preoccupation with centralized control; each function within a
company performed only a small part in the service process. These structures often
encouraged interdepartmental competition, turf battles, and boss-sensitive reward
systems instead of cooperation and customer-sensitive reward systems. No one felt
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responsible for service; therefore, no one felt a sense of ownership about the quality of
service provided. An effective alternative is to form service teams consisting of people
from various functions within the company and to make those teams responsible and
accountable for delivering service to wider segments and for demonstrating continual
service improvement. This approach makes people feel that they own their small pieces
of the organization; consequently, they feel a strong investment in the service provided
by those areas.
In many companies the primary emphasis is on productivity, budget compliance, and
other cost-related factors. Employees in these companies are accountable for their
performance on these issues, which is measured in terms of calls answered per shift,
“tags” completed per day, or sales per hour. Although increased productivity is
fundamental to sustained competitiveness, the fixation with easily quantifiable, financial
measures of performance leads managers to ignore service-related measures, which are
equally important. Every employee must enthusiastically embrace the idea of
simultaneously reducing costs and improving service. Cost reduction measures should
be balanced with measures of service such as customer satisfaction, first-time service
quality, employee flexibility, continual service improvement, and leadership
The most valid measure of service quality is the subjective opinion of the customer.
Although measures that report the speed of service to the customer, the percentage of
line items in stock, the percentage of repeat customers, and the number of complaints
are important, without customer evaluation they paint an incomplete picture. Each
service experience is a unique interaction, and only the customer can evaluate that
interaction in light of his or her expectations. Much of what constitutes service is a
visible demonstration that an employee cares enough to provide the most individualized
service possible. Often an average technical performance provided by an enthusiastic
employee results in an outstanding service review from a customer. Only when service
employees are actively involved in every facet of the service business can an
organization hope to foster the creativity and enthusiasm needed to radically enhance
service delivery.
Front-line service employees are not the only ones who must be held accountable for
continual service improvement. Managers must hold themselves accountable, despite the
temptation to explain shortfalls in terms of factors that are outside their control (the
product is not competitive; the price is too high; the promotional material is out of date;
the union is inflexible; employees are not as competent as they used to be). A lack of
accountability on the part of managers allows them to avoid focusing on ineffective
managerial practices, such as adhering to time-wasting routines, failing to set goals that
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test their talents, and failing to change ineffective reporting and promotional structures.
Yet such practices may be the very factors that preclude radical service improvement.
Managers must become accountable for improving service without additional resources
and without asking for tradeoffs in other areas; they must be required to look to their
own leadership actions for answers.
An organization that emphasizes continual service improvement might be called a
culture of “celebrated discontent.” It is characterized by a feeling of joy and a
simultaneous desire to improve. Too often, though, organizations have created an almost
schizophrenic “either/or” mentality; they celebrate one minute and are emphatically
discontent the next. People find such an environment confusing and uncomfortable.
They begin to discount celebration as an insincere introduction to the real agenda—
usually a push for more productivity.
The authors have found that many organizations whose service is legendary
celebrate often and sincerely, honoring those who are responsible for service
improvement; yet their people simultaneously demand greater things from themselves.
For example, Nordstrom employees strive for daily service improvements and
innovations; but they set aside time each morning for “morning heroics”—a celebration
honoring the previous day’s top performers. At Toyota “kaizen” (continual
improvement) is demanded from suppliers as well as employees, yet the company
continually finds new ways to celebrate even the smallest improvements. In each of
these cases, an attitude of “celebrated discontent” creates an environment that
encourages continual service improvement.
In the coming decade, HRD practitioners will need to meet the challenge of helping
companies find ways to stay healthy in changing times. This means not only
encouraging individual employees to develop the attitudes and skills needed to perform
well in a service economy but also encouraging management to establish the structures
and systems that will enable employees to perform well.
The practitioner can offer valuable input when management evaluates
compensation systems from a service perspective, creates performance measures that
reflect employees’ service contributions, and develops rewards to foster continual
improvement. The practitioner can advocate performance-appraisal systems that reward
the contributions of service providers and that reflect measures from the customer’s
point of view. In addition, the practitioner can encourage management to assess whether
the company’s appraisal systems reflect how managers are serving their employees.
The practitioner should strive to be actively involved in the “people issues” of the
organization. For example, the practitioner can help to evaluate the recruiting process,
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which is critical to the success of the organization. To create an exceptional service-
improvement process, an organization must ensure that job descriptions are written in
such a way that the playing field is defined but does not restrict employees’ judgment.
The practitioner can help management as it strives to create job descriptions that are
explicit but still provide sufficient latitude for employees to function autonomously.
The practitioner can play a particularly important role in helping employees to
understand the role of service as a competitive weapon. Employees whose work
experience has been entirely with traditional organizations may need a great deal of
encouragement. They will need reassurance that creative—and perhaps unusual or
avant-garde approaches to problem solving—are not only accepted but welcomed.
Similarly, management may need reassurance that employee creativity will lead not to
chaos but to important dividends in terms of market edge.
Finally, the practitioner must help management to assess its commitment to service.
This may necessitate a reeducation effort. For example, it may be necessary to hold
individual conferences with managers or to conduct training to ensure that managers
understand the importance of creating an empowering environment, praising employees
for doing things right, and differentiating positive and negative performance issues. It is
important that managers understand their responsibility to model legendary service
through their actions with employees. If employees see that management fails to provide
essential resources, they will conclude that it is acceptable to follow suit.
A company with a consistently promoted orientation toward legendary service is a
wonderful place to work. Its people are proud and loyal, and they like what they are
doing. Being part of such an environment is a positive experience not only for
employees but also for the HRD practitioner who helps to create it. Work is a big part of
most people’s lives, and the HRD practitioner who assists in the implementation of the
service orientation discussed in this article derives a unique satisfaction from knowing
that he or she has enhanced the work experience.
Levitt, T. (1980, January-February). Marketing success through differentiation—of anything. The Harvard
Business Review, pp. 83-91.
Small, B. (1988, November). Presentation delivered at Disney Resorts, Orlando, Florida.
Technical Assistance Research Programs. (1986, March 31). Consumer complaint handling in America: An update
study, part II.
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Jean Barbazette
New-employee orientation (NEO) is a planned welcome to the organization that usually
is shared by the human resource function or department and the new employee’s
supervisor. The Training Clinic of
Seal Beach, California, surveyed more than one hundred United States and
Canadian companies during a six-year period and subsequently identified twelve key
factors of successful orientation programs. According to the survey results, successful
orientation programs have the following characteristics:
1. The orientation is conducted as an ongoing process, not just as a one-day
program. The orientation process, which usually begins with the hiring decision and
continues well into the first year of employment, encompasses other programs that
include performance reviews and skills training. When orientation is held over a period
of time, overwhelming a new employee with information on the first day becomes
2. Information is given to new employees in a timely manner, when it is needed. For
example, if an employee’s health benefits vest thirty days from the start date, a benefits
orientation is not needed during the first day or first week of employment. In fact, many
companies separate benefits from other orientation information. If a benefits meeting is
held in the evening, for instance, the spouses of new employees may attend and be
provided with firsthand information about the choices available for a health plan. (See
the checklist at the end of this article for suggestions about the timing of specific
orientation tasks.)
3. The benefits of orientation are clear to both the new employee and the company.
The company might identify benefits such as reduced turnover or improved
productivity. A new employee might note benefits such as feeling valued, “fitting in”
easily and quickly, and being sufficiently relaxed to avoid making mistakes on the job.
4. The organization’s culture (its philosophy, mission, values, and norms) is
clarified. New employees need to be told the company norms, customs, and traditions.
For example, if informality is a norm, the orientation should specify this fact so that a
Originally published in The 1993 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
Company. An earlier version of this article appeared in “Designing a Successful Orientation Program” by J. Barbazette, 1991, in Human
Resources Policies and Practices, New York: Warren Gorham Lamont. This article has been adapted by permission of Warren Gorham
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new employee knows that having coffee at his or her desk or leaving work on the desk
overnight is acceptable. In contrast, if organizational rules are strictly enforced, the
orientation must include not only this information but also specifics about such issues as
dress code and the timing of breaks and lunch.
In some companies all employees are addressed by their first names. In other
companies a strong sense of formality demands the use of surnames only. Sharing
expectations and common definitions of “what is normal” contributes greatly to a
successful orientation process.
5. The employee’s first day is a welcoming experience that helps the employee to
feel useful and productive. When a new employee arrives, his or her desk, chair, office
space, phone, and supplies need to be ready. In addition, people in the organization need
to be available to direct the new employee’s activities and to teach the job to him or her.
If the necessary supplies are not ready and/or people are inaccessible, a strong negative
message is sent.
Several companies with successful orientation programs plan a welcome, an
introduction process, and then a tour that ends in the new employee’s work area. The
new employee is then paired with an experienced “buddy” who teaches a specific task.
In this way a new employee can perform a simple task that contributes immediately to
the department’s production.
6. The supervisor’s role in NEO is clear and well executed, with the human
resource department or function providing assistance. The supervisor and the human
resource function share responsibility for the successful orientation of the new
employee. It is important to determine which kinds of information and assistance ought
to come from the supervisor and which need to come from the human resource
department or function. Supervisors usually prefer to explain safety rules, reporting
requirements, and job tasks, whereas the human resource department or function is
usually better equipped to describe company policy, history, and benefits. The division
of tasks must be negotiated between the supervisor and the human resource department
or function if these tasks are to be shared successfully. (See the checklist at the end of
this article for a method to divide the tasks.)
7. Orientation objectives are specific and measurable, and the timetable for
achieving those objectives is reasonable. The objectives must focus on the new
employee’s acquisition of specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes; and there must be
some means of measuring the level of acquisition. The pacing of orientation-the rate at
which a new employee is expected to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and
attitudes—is also critical. Poor orientation programs often involve information overload
that overwhelms new employees. Successful programs, on the other hand, are
characterized by a balance of activity and pacing that makes orientation interesting, not
overwhelming or boring.
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8. Adult-learning concepts guide the orientation. If an organization wants its
employees to use their initiative and exercise judgment, then a self-directed NEO is
appropriate. Several successful NEO programs give a new employee a list of tasks to
accomplish, a deadline, and the time and resources to complete the tasks. For example,
one manufacturing company gives each new hourly employee a checklist to be
completed in five days; items on the checklist include completing forms and finding
bulletin boards as well as safety and first-aid supplies. Another organization gives its
new middle managers and staff people a list of key coworkers to interview along with a
self-directed workbook that suggests interview questions such as these: What do you
expect from me when we work together? What are your job and task goals, and how do
they affect me?
Many unsuccessful NEOs spoon-feed all information to a new employee. This
process says to the employee, “The organization will tell you everything you need to
know; just wait for management to come to you.” If an organization wants new
employees to work independently, at least part of their orientation needs to be their
9. Guest speakers (live or on videotape) are used. Many successful NEO programs
use speakers who are well prepared, present only essential information with specific
objectives, and employ good presentation techniques. In a number of cases, the
personnel or human resource function coaches these speakers, outlines or scripts their
talks, and provides professional-looking visual aids. When guest speakers are ill
prepared, they may fail to meet their goals, digress from their subjects, or arrive late (or
not at all).
10. Audiovisual components of the orientation program lend emphasis to the
program and provide a positive message. In successful orientation programs, video or
slide presentations frequently are used to describe the organization’s culture, history,
and philosophy. Guest speakers who deliver a consistent message and find it impossible
to attend every session of NEO are good candidates for video.
Although the temptation is to put as much as possible on video, the content needs to
be lasting. Information that changes often, such as information about benefits, is best
presented “live.” The organization chart, with the members of the current executive
group named, is best provided in written form.
11. The results of the NEO process are evaluated by participants, supervisors, and
the human resource department or function. Participants give their reactions to NEO and
offer suggestions about the process and the timing of content delivery. Supervisors
determine whether NEO information is used on the job and, as a result, to what degree
the orientation program needs revision. A successful NEO process is also characterized
by evaluation for bottom-line results. For example, by conducting a systematic NEO,
one manufacturing organization was able to reduce turnover by 69 percent in the first
three years. Similarly, a bank was able to reduce the time required for orientation and
skills training for new tellers from six weeks to two weeks.
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12. Information is provided to the employee’s family. Providing information can
include welcoming gestures, letters or company newsletters, and even more. Many
companies welcome families at work one day each year. Others, as mentioned
previously, schedule benefits orientations during the evening so that family members
can attend. One organization even has a corporate “welcome wagon” that visits families
of new employees.
These twelve characteristics suggest that NEO is a process that needs to be refined
and customized for each organization. For example, in planning an orientation program,
an organization ought to consider such issues as when orientation is first conducted and
how many new employees are hired at one time.
The checklist that begins on the next page can be useful in identifying appropriate
content and timing for the new-employee orientation process. This checklist has been
designed to assist those who conduct NEO. It offers a comprehensive list of topics to
help the new employee function productively. To avoid overwhelming the new
employee on the first day, the person with primary responsibility for designing the
orientation needs to identify the best timing for each item and follow the resulting
schedule. It is important to remember that information is most beneficial when it is
given to a new employee in a timely manner, closest to the time when it is to be used.
A critical step in the NEO process is to identify who is the best source of each kind
of information to be provided. Some information is best learned and retained if the
employee “discovers” it himself or herself; most standardized information is best
delivered by the human resource department or function; and information that changes
from one department to another is best given by the new employee’s supervisor. To
achieve consensus regarding the responsibility and timing of tasks, a discussion
involving human resource personnel, supervisors, and new employees is advised.
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Instructions: To designate who will be responsible for covering each item in the checklist, choose the
appropriate letter from the following code and write it in the blank in the “Who” column next to each item:
E = employee
S = new employee’s supervisor
HR = human resource representative
To designate when each item is to be done, choose the appropriate letter from the following code and
write it in the blank in the “When” column:
D = first day
W = first week
M = first month
F = follow-up after first month
Who When
Our History
Company Philosophy
Company Objectives
Our Organization
Our Industry
Our Products and Services
Our Customers
Your Department
Pay Schedule
Time Card
Salary Reviews
Payroll Deductions
Forms, Forms, Forms
Workers’ Compensation
This checklist appeared in “Designing a Successful Orientation Program” by J. Barbazette, 1991, in Human Resources Policies and
Practices, New York: Warren Gorham Lamont. It has been used here by permission and may not be reprinted or photocopied without prior
written permission from Warren Gorham Lamont.
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Who When
Medical Plan
Dental Plan
Pension Plan
Credit Union
Savings Plan
Incentive Programs
Service and Recognition Awards
Employee Purchases
Tuition Reimbursement
Training and Development Programs
Profit Sharing
Work Hours
If You Are Late, Sick, or Absent
Leave Policy
Jury Duty
Emergency Procedure
First Aid
If You Have an Accident
Childcare Program
Wellness Program
Employee-Assistance Program
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Who When
Security Procedures
Restricted Areas
Name Badge
After-Hours Procedure
Loyalty Oath
Company Newsletter
Company Bulletin Board
Employee Handbook
Travel Policies
Travel Expenses
Permits, Restricted Areas
Rest and Meal Breaks
Cafeteria/Break Facilities
Smoking Policy
Restroom Locations
Safeguarding Your Personal Belongings
Lunch the First Day
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Who When
What Is Expected of You
Ethical Standards
Conflict of Interest
Probationary Period
Dress Code
Telephone Procedures and Courtesy
Performance Reviews
Discipline Process
Causes for Termination
Personal Calls and Visitors
Equal Opportunity
Sexual Harassment
Accepting Gifts
If You Have a Problem
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Arlette C. Ballew and Pamela Adams-Regan
Since the Second World War, women have entered the work force in increasing
numbers. Sex-role expectations have changed as a result of economic necessity. Women
have become a factor in the success of business and industry in most Western nations
and in many other parts of the world as well.
In the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., the increased number of women in the work
force has prompted legislation regarding sexual discrimination and harassment. But
legislation alone cannot help men and women to learn to work together.
Making the transition from a home environment to a business environment has been
difficult for some women; they also need help in “catching up”in terms of job skills,
professional connections, and job opportunities. Making the transition from a male-
dominated work environment to a male-female work environment has been difficult for
some men; they need help in learning to deal with women in a manner that is
appropriate to the business environment.
The success of many women in today’s businesses and industries reinforces the fact
that women are an integral part of today’s work force; it also may increase some men’s
feelings of resentment and resistance regarding the encroachment of women into the
workplace. Without a doubt, women will continue to be a major presence in modern
business life. Trainers and consultants will have to address the unique challenges of
integrating women into the workplace if the full productivity of men and women, as they
work together, is to be realized.
In training and developing women to take positions in the work force and in
management, trainers need to focus on more than just traditional areas of employee
development: career management, résumé writing, presentation skills, interviewing
techniques, technical skills, project management, and meeting management. These areas
of training are just as relevant to men as they are to women, although men tend to
Originally published in The 1993 Annual: Developing Human Resources by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
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receive more information about them in school and from the mentoring process. Trainers
and training programs also must begin to address the interpersonal differences and the
relationship issues that create problems between and for men and women in the
In Developing Women Through Training, Willis and Daisly (1991) claim that
training activities in the U.K. are “planned by men, set up as a male-oriented venue in
every way.” They say that if women attend, they are there as an afterthought. According
to them, trainers in the U.K. do not focus particularly on male/female generic training;
they focus on male training. If women want to be trained, they have to learn the “male
way.” In other words, women are expected to learn to work like men rather than to work
like workers. To some degree, this probably is true wherever women work.
However, with the increasing awareness of the existing inequality in the workplace
for women, and with the increasing governmental action on both sides of the Atlantic to
promote equality, it is of critical importance to address the male-female issues that can
arise when men and women work together on the job. These issues can be addressed in a
number of ways: as communication issues, as value issues, and so on. For example, past
training groups have generated the following perceptions of basic differences between
men and women:
Men tend to be highly oriented toward the task.
Women tend to be highly oriented toward the maintenance of the relationships
with the people and environment that impact the task.
Men tend to be comfortable with or, at least, expect competition. (Most of them
have been raised with team sports in some form or another.)
Women tend to be less comfortable with even friendly competition and take the
competitive aspect of work much more seriously.
Men tend to tease one another a lot as part of ongoing relationships.
Women tend to take kidding more seriously, especially when it may reflect on
their sense of competency in a job.
Men play one-upmanship games with one another. When men try to play this
game with women, such behavior can translate as discrimination.
Men are rewarded for showing emotion only about sports and other “male-
acceptable” pursuits; they are confused when emotion is shown at work in regard
to tasks and teamwork.
Women sometimes can deal better with personnel issues because they listen well
and take care in maintaining relationships.
Women often are trained in the model of successful men, rather than successful
women. They may, therefore, be unsympathetic toward other women’s problems
in the workplace because they have been rewarded for male-like behavior. They
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may even suppress female-oriented behavior and penalize other women for
exhibiting it.
Women in the workplace may feel isolated from the mainstream of business
because men exclude them regularly from mentoring and “bonding” activities.
Women do not grow up being rewarded for successful confrontation (saying how
one feels about something or facing a situation or person head-on). Instead,
women tend to be rewarded for serving as the peacemakers; therefore, they may
have to learn the confrontation skills that are necessary in order to keep tasks on
Men can learn to share their skills, their task-management strategies, and their
teamwork expertise with women in order to create a better work environment.
Women can learn to share their relationship and listening skills, their multiple-
task management skills, and their detail orientation with men in order to create a
better work environment.
Women can learn to express their emotions in ways that focus on task-related
Men can learn to focus more on implementation, rather than just on “the big
Many of the perceived differences between men and women are, in fact, backed up
by research. Gilligan (1982), a psychologist and professor at Harvard University, studied
developmental differences between men and women. She concluded that men and
women speak differently—hence the title of her book, In a Different Voice. Gilligan also
maintains that the theory of separation or “individuation” from the mother as a
developmental process has been formulated by men (Erikson, 1963; Levinson, 1978),
whose theories assume that development then proceeds toward autonomy. Gilligan
argues that this focus emanates from a male point of view but that, in reality, males and
females experience maternal contact differently. Mothers perceive sons as being
different from themselves. Consequently, separation and the formation of “ego
boundaries” are more emphasized with males and they become more associated with the
internal world. Mothers experience female children as being like themselves, so they
tend to parent them differently. Female separation and individuation occur at a slower
rate; thus, female children perceive themselves as less differentiated from others, as
more connected to the external world. Gilligan concluded that these primary parenting
differences lead to a strengthened capacity for empathy among women, along with a
stronger basis for experiencing the needs of others.
In other words, young males and females experience relationships and issues of
dependency differently: Masculinity is defined through separation; femininity is defined
through attachment. Women define themselves in terms of relationships, are threatened
by separation, and have difficulty with individualization. Men define themselves in the
context of individualization, are threatened by attachment, and have difficulty with
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relationships. Gilligan does not say that one or the other is preferable; she merely
presents the data in the hope of increasing understanding.
Lever (1976) has documented that attachment to and separation from others often
are expressed in the games of children. Males more often play outdoors, in large groups
with a wide age range. Females more often play indoors, in smaller groups with a
narrow age range. Males more often play games that emphasize competition, and they
quarrel more often. Females more often play games that emphasize relationships; and
when quarrels or disputes arise, they often end the games. Furthermore, males play with
enemies and compete with friends, in accordance with the rules. Females play mostly
with friends in smaller, more intimate groups that are more willing to make exceptions
to the rules.
The best-selling book You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in
Conversation (Tannen, 1990) also cites the basic differences between the orientations of
and assumptions made by men and women. These assumptions cause them to view
things differently and, in fact, to communicate in “different languages.” Among other
things, men are concerned with data, and women are concerned with interrelationships
(between things as well as people).
Interpersonal training has revealed that there may be significant differences
between men and women with regard to how they perceive their own work styles, as
well as what they perceive as acceptable work styles in others.
Malcolm Hornby (1992), Director of Delta Management in the U.K., says that in
his interpersonal-skills training programs, he finds that “Men expect themselves to be
seen as drivers, or task-oriented individuals who are tough-minded decision makers with
strong leadership styles. But men see women as more amiable, less assertive, and more
emotionally responsive. This can cause men to regard women as more indecisive and
participative in their leadership approaches.”
Hornby goes on to note that a woman sometimes can be perceived unfavorably by
both sexes if she demonstrates more task-oriented, driving behavior. “She may be seen
as unresponsive, single-minded, aggressive, stubborn, hardnosed, unfeminine,
insensitive, selfish, and threatening,” he says. “Many of these attributes would be seen
as strengths in her male counterparts. But from a woman, it can sometimes break the
man’s paradigm of expected female behavior.”
On the other hand, men who exhibit analytical or emotionally responsive behaviors
may be viewed as indecisive, amiable, chatty, soft, and unbusinesslike. The essential
element in interpersonal skill development is to recognize that all work styles are needed
to make a productive workplace. “When one worker’s behavior does not conform to
another worker’s expectations, it is the worker with the expectations who needs to
demonstrate greater versatility in his or her own work style,” explains Hornby. In other
words, learning to understand and to value other people’s approaches to work can be
invaluable in enhancing overall productivity.
Clearly, if men and women are to work together effectively, they need to
understand some of the basic psychological differences between them; and they need to
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learn to respect and to deal with those differences in a way that provides a win-win
opportunity for both. If they do not do this, people will suffer, the work will suffer, the
organization will suffer, and the overall productivity and health of the economy will
Sexual harassment in the workplace has received increased attention lately in the U.S.,
Canada, and the U.K. There are several types of sexual harassment. The most common,
of course, is sexual discrimination. In short, this is any action that does not extend to a
woman the same job conditions, courtesy, benefits, salary, training and development,
and advancement opportunities as are extended to a man.
Some sexual discrimination (for example, paying a woman less than a man for the
same job) is built into an organization’s system. Some of the more subtle forms-which
include exclusion from job-based benefits such as equal access to professional
affiliation—are receiving increased attention. Although all forms of sexual
discrimination and harassment are based on the fact that the harassee is of a particular
sex, not all are “sexual” (Pfeiffer & Company, 1992).
Much sexual harassment is based on an unwillingness of those in positions of
power or control (for example, males) to share that power or control with others whom
they perceive as different from themselves (for instance, females). This type of
harassment is more about “keeping women in their place” than it is about sex. Women
who are most vulnerable to being sexually harassed on the job are the pioneers-the first
of their sex to break into an area of employment. When women make up less than 25
percent of the work force, the number of complaints amounts to about two per one
thousand women. The complaint rate drops by half when women make up more than 50
percent of a corporate population. Thus, females who enter previously male-dominated
positions often find themselves to be the objects of harassment. Female police officers,
firefighters, gas and electric workers, maintenance and repair persons, and so on report a
wide array of discrimination and harassment techniques. Many of these are intended to
actually cause the harassee to be fired or to resign from the job. It has been found that
men who are pioneers in occupations typically held by women also are more vulnerable
to harassment. It is likely that the first male nurses or telephone operators, for example,
may have experienced harassment.
Other forms of sexual harassment are related to sexuality. They are intended to
initiate some type of interchange between the harasser and the harassee. Some are
motivated by feelings of power, anger, or cruelty; some are motivated by sexual desires.
There also is evidence that men tend to exclude women from mentoring and other
developmental opportunities in the workplace.
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In the U.S.
Training magazine (Lee, 1992) reports the following:
The National Association of Female Executives surveyed its members in 1991
and found that 53 percent of the 1,300 women had been sexually harassed or
knew someone who had been.
A survey conducted by Working Woman magazine in 1988 found that 90 percent
of Fortune 500 companies had received sexual harassment complaints; one-third
had lawsuits filed against them; and 64 percent of their personnel officers said
most complaints were valid.
The American Management Association surveyed 524 of its member companies
in November, 1991, and found that 52 percent have dealt with allegations of
sexual harassment in the past five years.
Additionally, the U.S. Navy recently suffered a major embarrassment when it was
revealed that Navy aircraft carrier aviators who were attending a 1991 “Tailhook”
convention had sexually harassed and assaulted female Navy personnel at the
convention. Two women who were present at the 1991 Tailhook convention took photos
of male attendees who were exposing themselves and demonstrating other lewd
behavior. At least thirty-six women claimed to have been molested by men lining the
third-floor hallways. The resulting scandal led to the resignation of Navy Secretary H.
Lawrence Garrett II in June, 1992, and to an intensive investigation of sexual
harassment within the armed forces.
In the U.K.
In his book Mind Your Manners: Managing Culture Clash in the Single European
Market, Mole (1990) states that 45 percent of the U.K. work force is made up of women.
This is the largest percentage of female workers in any of the European Community
countries, despite the fact that female workers in the U.K. have the lowest maternity
benefits and negligible child-care facilities.
The Financial Times reported in March, 1992, that “Three quarters of female
company directors believe women are discriminated against in the workplace, according
to the first survey by the Institute of Directors of the views of its members” (Summers,
1992). A third of these directors said that they had had a direct experience of sexual
discrimination, particularly in the early stages of their careers. Male attitudes at work
and employers’ failure to take into account the child-care and domestic responsibilities
of their employees were blamed as the chief causes of the discrimination.
The Independent reported in March, 1992, that despite years of campaigning and
some legislation designed to advance equality, women in the U.K. still remain almost
invisible in the top of public and commercial businesses and institutions (Mills, 1992).
There are no female House of Lords judges and no female Cabinet ministers; and before
the recent appointment of Barbara Mills as Director of Public Prosecutions, there were
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no female permanent secretaries in the civil service. In addition, only one in every two
hundred company directors are women, even though more than 40 percent of private-
sector workers are female. Labour Research magazine published a report early in 1992
that showed that although women represent 49 percent of all nonindustrial civil servants
in the U.K, fewer than 7 percent are at the levels of under-secretary or above (Mills,
The costs of sexual discrimination and harassment are many (Gracy-Robertson, Grant,
Richmond, & Woodard, 1992). First, the effects on the victims include psychological
damage, loss of productivity, loss of wages and other benefits, loss of employment and
future benefits, and so on. If a claim or lawsuit is filed, there may be compensatory or
punitive damages. Second, the effects on others in the work force include psychological
damage (such as anger, resentment, fear), loss of productivity, loss of esteem for the
harasser and/or supervisors involved, and possible formation of factions in the work
environment as people “take sides.” All of this can severely impact the contribution that
workers can make to the organization.
Investigating or dealing with a complaint also has costs: People may need to be
reassigned or removed from positions; inquiries or in-depth investigations may need to
be conducted; in-house personnel may be required to spend time on this or outside
personnel hired to conduct briefings, interviews, and so on; there are administrative
costs; and there are counseling costs (which may be both internal and external). Other
costs include absenteeism; rescheduling; training of new employees; impact on other
workers, supervisors, and personnel relationships; and loss of morale.
In an article entitled “Sexual Harassment: After the Headlines” in Training
magazine, Lee (1992, p. 25) states, “Most corporate sexual-harassment training
programs aim to protect the company from litigation by familiarizing employees with
the company’s policy and internal complaint procedures. Often that knowledge brings a
jump in the number of reported incidents—considered a positive sign.” Later in the
article Lee says, “Lawsuit costs are everyone involved.... Everything you can
do to prevent sexual harassment before a lawsuit occurs is worth every penny” (p. 25).
The U.S., Canada, and the U.K. all have legislation that prohibits discrimination based
on factors such as gender, race or national origin, age, disability, and so on. All three
provide remedies for sexual discrimination and sexual harassment. Furthermore, all
three hold the employing organization responsible for the actions of its employees and
for establishing a working environment that is free from unlawful discrimination and
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U.S. Initiatives
The U.S. government passed the Civil Rights Act of 1991 in order to extend the
provisions of Title VII of the existing Civil Rights Act to “protect against and deter
unlawful discrimination and harassment in the workplace,” including sexual
discrimination and harassment.
The U.S. law defines sexual harassment as follows:
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:
1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or
condition of an individual’s employment; or
2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis
for employment decisions affecting such individual; or
3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an
individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
working environment.
These definitions cover both men and women and apply to all types of job-related
interactions. A third party also may file a complaint if such behavior offends him or her,
even if neither of the two people involved has complained. For example, if two people
are telling sexual jokes in the work setting and a third person who overhears them is
offended, that person may complain.
In recognition of the lack of developmental opportunities for women (and other
minorities) in the workplace, the U.S. Congress included the “Glass Ceiling Act” in the
Civil Rights Act of November, 1991, stating that “despite a dramatically growing
presence in the workplace, women and minorities remain underrepresented in
management and decision-making positions” and citing “artificial barriers exist to
advancement . . . lack of access to credential-building developmental opportunities and
the desirability of eliminating artificial barriers to their advancement” (Pfeiffer &
Company, 1992, p. 53). This act establishes a commission to study the artificial barriers
to the development and advancement of women and minorities, the manner in which
business fills management and decision-making positions, the developmental
experiences that foster advancement to such positions, and the compensation and reward
structures currently used in U.S. business.
Two Types of Harassment
Two types of sexual harassment have been defined in the U.S. (Carbonell,
Higginbotham, & Sample, 1990). Quid pro quo harassment occurs when a sexual act is
the prerequisite condition to employment, promotion, or any other job benefit or when
refusal to engage in a sexual act results in being fired, being denied promotion, or
having a job benefit withheld.
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Hostile environment harassment occurs when the work atmosphere is made
intimidating, hostile, or offensive (for instance, by such things as unequal treatment of
the sexes, nude pinups, off-color jokes and remarks, sexually based staring or gestures,
repeatedly asking a coworker for dates after initial refusal, and so on) and when such
conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work
performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
Harassment can include insulting, degrading, hurtful, or rude comments; offensive
talk, language, pictures, or physical actions; bad reviews; and attempts to force the
person out of the job.
In the case of Hall v. Gus Construction Company (1988), three female employees
were subjected to repeated acts of harassment by male coworkers. Although the
harassment included requests for sexual favors, the majority of it consisted of obscene or
hostile acts whose apparent intent was to force the women out of their jobs.
Sexual harassment must be based on the harassee’s sex, but the type of conduct can
vary; it need not be amorous or involve a request for sexual favors. The conduct can be
physical (such as touching), verbal (such as lewd or suggestive comments), or visual
(such as the display of pornographic pictures). It may occur in the office or outside the
workplace during business-related events. The harassment need not be directed at the
victim; something that is overheard or seen can affect the motivation and work
environment of those whom it upsets or offends. Harassment directed at men by women
or at homosexuals also may constitute unlawful sexual discrimination.
A single event may constitute harassment (Baxter & Hermle, 1989), as in Boyd v.
James S. Hayes Living Health Care Agency, Inc. (1987), in which the incident occurred
during an out-of-town business trip, and in Joyner v. AAA Cooper Transportation
(1983). The most significant factors in judging whether an act constitutes sexual
harassment are the nature of the conduct, the degree to which the conduct relates to the
victim’s terms and conditions of employment, whether the conduct is an isolated
incident, and how seriously the conduct was intended or perceived.
Canadian Initiatives
The Canadian Human Rights Act, Section 2, states that “Every individual should have
an equal opportunity with other individuals to make for himself or herself the life that he
or she is able and wishes to have, consistent with his or her duties and obligations as a
member of society.” It prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and nine other
characteristics. It covers discriminatory acts in employment, employment applications
and advertisements, pay, employee organizations, provision of goods and services,
reasonable accommodation, discriminatory notices, harassment, and so on. The
Canadian Human Rights Commission investigates complaints; monitors annual reports
filed by Federally regulated employers; monitors programs, policies, and legislation
affecting designated groups; and develops and conducts information programs to
promote public understanding of the provisions of the act.
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Harassment is defined as any unwelcome physical, visual, or verbal conduct
(Canadian Human Rights Commission, 1991). It may include verbal or practical jokes,
insults, threats, personal comments, or innuendo. It may take the form of posters,
pictures, or graffiti. It may involve touching, stroking, pushing, pinching, or any
unwelcome physical conduct, including physical assault. Unwelcome sexual acts,
comments, or propositions are harassment. Offensive acts such as leering or similar
gestures also can constitute harassment. A person does not have to be touched or
threatened to have been harassed. According to the Canadian Human Rights
Commission, any behavior that insults or intimidates is harassment if a reasonable
person should have known that the behavior was unwelcome.
In the case of Bonnie R. v. the Department of National Defence, the department was
held responsible for the acts of a foreman. The Supreme Court of Canada stated that an
employer has a responsibility to provide a work environment free of harassment and
added, “. . . only an employer can remedy undesirable effects [of discrimination]; only
an employer can provide the most important remedy—a healthy work environment”
(Canadian Human Rights Commission, 1991, pp. 45).
U.K. lnitiatives
In 1990 Prime Minister John Major launched a business-led campaign called
“Opportunity 2000” to increase the quality and quantity of women’s participation in the
work force. This program provides a manual of “how-to” instructions to assist
organizations in planning how to utilize women more effectively in organizations. A key
factor is the development of training that helps them not only to prepare for business and
the workplace but also to optimize the unique skills that women can bring to a male-
oriented work environment.
In March, 1992, Today reported that in the U.K. “Sex pests are in for a shock under
new Government guidelines. They will be hunted down by a new generation of ‘sex
spies’ and then taken to court” (“Spies in Office,” 1992, p. 2). The government is
charged with ordering firms to set up teams to crack down on sexual harassment at
work. More than 40,000 firms will be issued guidelines by Employment Minister Robert
Jackson. Today goes on to say that firms will be urged to “pull down girlie pinups, stop
wolf-whistling, and end dirty talk that can lead to humiliation for women” (“Spies in
Office,” 1992, p. 2). Jackson has said that he is “determined to show that women do not
have to put up with sexual harassment” (“Spies in Office,” 1992, p. 2).
Under the Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act of 1978, it may be possible
for a U.K. employee to claim constructive dismissal where sexual harassment results in
working conditions that are so intolerable as to cause the person to leave. The person
also may make a claim under the Sex Discrimination Act whereby, in addition to
employees’ liability for their own actions, employers can be held liable for the
discriminatory actions of their employees. Furthermore, sexual harassment may amount
to indecent assault (a hostile act accompanied by circumstances of indecency). In this
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instance “hostile” means that the person receiving the act is an unwilling victim, and the
act is a criminal offense.
The European Community
The European Community Code of Conduct, which was formally adopted on November
27, 1991, seeks to encourage the development and implementation of policies and
practices that establish working environments free from sexual harassment and create a
climate at work in which women and men “respect one another’s integrity.”
Obviously, the extent of these laws will raise many questions. How is one to know
where to draw the line? One answer is to ask whether the harasser’s wife/husband or
daughter/son would want to be treated in such a way. Another way is to help harassers to
realize the true motivation for some of their “kidding” behaviors. This may be difficult
for some people; they must learn to differentiate among complimenting, patronizing, and
soliciting. They must be given specific examples of what is and what is not considered
sexual harassment, so that they have some concrete standards by which to judge their
own behavior.
Women, too, have a responsibility for dealing with sexual harassment and will need
training in learning how to do this. Trainers should help participants to practice making
and receiving complaints. Furthermore, women have to learn how to confront undesired
behavior openly the first time it occurs. This may be as simple as saying assertively,
“When you (describe actual behavior), it makes me uncomfortable/offends me, and I
would like you not to do it again.” Role playing can help people to learn how to respond
to harassing behaviors (for example, how to discourage harassers) and what behaviors of
theirs might actually be encouraging harassers.
Women must learn which behaviors of theirs are sending confusing messages to
their male coworkers. For example, passive reception of sexual harassment may be a
stalling tactic on the part of the harassee but may be interpreted as acceptance on the
part of the harasser. This understanding on both sides will require some honest
communication about past assumptions and present confusions. The input of other
participants also can help to clarify situations and perceptions.
Rationally talking about responses to the issues of sexual discrimination and sexual
harassment in the safety of the training session (such discussions should be confidential
to the training setting) often leads to greatly increased awareness and sensitivity about
what is generally considered to be an embarrassing topic. During sessions, participants
may learn that they share some of the same reactions and fears.
Care must be taken not to make anyone hypersensitive to dealing with male-female
issues, as this could lead to “backlash” behaviors. People should not be led to become
paranoid about working with or being friendly with someone of the opposite sex.
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It is becoming more and more obvious that women are an integral part of the work
force. It is equally obvious that many people, both male and female, can benefit from
training that is designed to facilitate the acceptance and development of women on the
Business owners, managers, and supervisors also have much to learn. Businesses must
establish policies regarding sexual discrimination and sexual harassment and must
convey those policies to all employees and supervisors. Both supervisors and
organizations can be sued if sexual harassment occurs on the job, even if they were not
aware of it, because it is their responsibility to see that it does not occur.
Managers and supervisors must understand, communicate, model, and enforce the
organization’s policies. They also must be trained in the procedures to be followed in
receiving complaints, investigating them, and enforcing policies. Moreover, they must
establish an atmosphere in the workplace in which people are not afraid to ask for
guidance or to report harassment. They also must ensure that there are no reprisals,
either for the alleged harasser or the harassee, while the complaint is being investigated
and that there are no reprisals for the harassee or for any witnesses afterward.
In addition to establishing policies and procedures, organizations must require that
supervisors treat all employees (including complainants) with respect and dignity. It has
been suggested that some organizations may want to train some supervisors or workers
as change-agent seeds—people (men and women) who take on the responsibility for
calling subtle or not-so-subtle instances of discrimination or harassment to the
offender’s attention. Of course, this should be maintained as a learning experience and
not be allowed to become a “Gestapo-like” operation.
Much interpersonal training is based on the assumption that effective communication
and clarification of differences contribute to increased understanding, which leads to
greater harmony and increased ability to focus on the task. In any training session
designed to explore and clarify male/female issues, an emphasis should be placed on
listening and feeling free to express feelings about those issues. This may be easier for
women to do than it is for men; consequently, helping the male participants to express
their beliefs, attitudes, and feelings is one of the trainer’s major goals. Similarly, the
trainer must ensure that the women have the opportunity to express their views and are
not overruled or cut off by the men, who may not be used to such sharing.
Some of the training objectives in such a situation are as follows:
To increase listening skills;
To become aware of one’s own values and assumptions;
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To learn about the values and assumptions of others;
To practice constructive confrontation techniques;
To learn to use third-party intervention;
To learn to use direct statements and “I” statements;
To distinguish between thinking and “feeling” statements;
To explore and understand different social styles; and
To understand others’ task focus.
The experiential learning process, in which participants—both male and female—can
“experience” a business activity in a comfortable, facilitated environment, is a
productive means of exploring underlying issues and of learning communication and
listening skills, problem-solving skills, and so on. In the safety of the educational
environment, people can sort through their feelings, their assumptions, and their values
as they hear about and relate to the values of others.
Training activities that are experiential in nature are well-suited to sexual
harassment-awareness training. In such designs the participants learn from their own
experiences, including their emotional responses, reflections, insights, and discussions
with others. This differs substantially from didactic learning, in which predetermined
“facts” are imparted to the learners. In experiential learning, although the situation is
structured, much of the actual learning content is elicited from the participants
themselves. Such an outcome takes skill on the part of the trainer; it is the part of
training that often is called “facilitation.”
The popular Adult Learning Stages cycle described by Kolb (Kolb, Rubin, &
Mclntyre, 1971)—and subsequently developed and packaged by Honey and Mumford—
has been used extensively throughout the U.K. in many training programs. In the U.S.,
Pfeiffer & Company has developed the “Experiential Learning Cycle” or ELC (Jones &
Pfeiffer, 1975; Pfeiffer & Company, 1990), which elaborates on Kolb’s model. In brief,
the ELC is as follows:
Experiencing. In the “activity” phase, participants do something that generates a
common data base to be discussed, or “processed,” in the later stages. The activity may
be making something, solving problems, sharing information, giving and receiving
feedback, ranking, competing or collaborating, role playing, and so on. This is not the
most significant part of the overall activity; if the process is shortchanged after this
stage, it is simply a “game,” with learning left to chance.
Publishing. During this step people share their experiences-what happened to them
and what their reactions (behavioral, emotional, and cognitive) and observations were
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during the previous stage. In this way, all members of the group know “what happened.”
It is important to stick to reactions and observations at this point and not to skip ahead to
Processing. This step is a systematic examination of what happened, achieved by
discussing patterns and dynamics. It can be done by means of reports given by process
observers; thematic discussions; questionnaires; or other activities that help to identify
recurring topics, trends, key dimensions, and the effects of particular behaviors within
the artificial situation set up by the experiencing phase.
Generalizing. At this point the focus is taken off the initial activity and put on what
happens in the real world. The emphasis is on “what tends to happen,” not on “what
happened in this group.” The participants now are ready to take what they have learned
and generalize it to broader situations. These generalizations may include styles of
interaction and their effects, situations that evoke common behaviors, and basic “truths.”
This is the part of the activity that answers the question “So what?” It is a good idea to
have the participants create lists or other visual products to show what has been learned.
If the trainer/facilitator wants to introduce conceptual data at this point, such data must
be linked directly to the points that have been generalized by the participants.
Applying. The question in this stage is “Now what?” This is the time to plan
effective use of what was learned. The trainer/facilitator can help the participants to
apply their generalizations to actual situations in which they are involved. This increases
the chance that the learning actually will be utilized. Participants can engage in
subgroup discussions, goal setting, contracting, consulting, and practicing in order to
reinforce planned applications. This is the end of the activity, but it is not the end of
learning. Going out and “doing” something differently afterward is the experiencing step
of a new learning cycle.
Activities that ask a question about sexual values can be very useful in encouraging
the training participants to examine their own values and assumptions and to listen to
others as they communicate theirs. It is best if the situation on which the activity is
based is artificial, so that it does not threaten specific participants or relate too closely to
their particular work environment(s). In this way the discussions can be focused on
values, concepts, and feelings, rather than on past incidents or old resentments. Other
activities that can be useful include listening and communicating exercises; surveys and
questionnaires that generate discussion; structured role playing; and activities that
demonstrate different approaches to communicating, relating, problem solving, and so
Although free-form role playing can be inflammatory, structured role playing can
be quite revealing to the participants, especially if each role player plays both roles in
order to experience both sides of the issue.
The trainer must be prepared to handle the questions that will arise. In many cases
this does not mean answering the questions directly, but saying, “What do you think?”
or encouraging the group members to volunteer their own answers. This is especially
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helpful if the question does not have just one answer but is one of the realities of
everyday life that must be assessed in terms of the situation.
Integrating the skills of both men and women in the workplace is a challenging task for
any employee-development professional. Developing training that can meet the needs of
both men and women will help significantly to maximize the productivity of the
combined work force. Particularly if issues such as male-female differences and sexual
discrimination and harassment can be explored and diffused with awareness training, the
greater will be the chance that men and women will learn to treat each other with more
understanding and respect.
This will accomplish much more than avoiding undesired or unproductive
behaviors. It will allow both men and women to work together in a professional manner
that enhances both their own careers and the overall productivity of the organization.
Sooner rather than later, our society will require that everyone grow and change.
Trainers in the next decade will have the great responsibility of helping people learn to
understand, communicate with, solve problems with, and work with one another. Now is
the time to begin.
Baxter, R.H., Jr., & Hermle, L.C. (1989). Sexual harassment in the workplace: A guide to the law. New York:
Executive Enterprises Publications.
Canadian Human Rights Commission. (1991). Harassment casebook: Summaries of selected harassment cases.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: author.
Carbonell, J.L., Higginbotham, J., & Sample, J. (1990). Sexual harassment of women in the workplace: Managerial
strategies for understanding, preventing, and limiting liability. In J.W. Pfeiffer (Ed.), The 1990 annual:
Developing human resources (pp. 225-238). San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Erikson, E.H. (1963). Childhood and society (2nd ed.). New York: W.W. Norton.
Gilligan, C. (1982). In a different voice: Psychological theory and women’s development. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press.
Gracy-Robertson, G., Grant, J., Richmond, E., Jr., & Woodard, M.D. (1992). The problem of sexual harassment: A
supervisor’s: guide (booklet and audiotape package). San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
Hornby, M. (1992, May). Personal interview.
Jones, J.E., & Pfeiffer, J.W. (1975). The 1975 annual handbook for group facilitators. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer &
Kolb, D., Rubin, I.M., & McIntyre, J.M. (1971). Organizational psychology: A book of readings. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Lee, C. (1992, March). Sexual harassment: After the headlines. Training, pp. 23-31.
Lever, J. (1976). Sex differences in the games children play. Social Problems, pp. 23, 478-487.
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436 ❘❚
Levinson, D.J. (1978). The seasons of a man’s life. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Mills, H. (1992, March 2). Senior jobs still eluding women. (U.K.) The Independent, p. 7.
Mole, J. (1990). Mind your manners: Managing culture clash in the single European market. London: Industrial
Pfeiffer & Company. (1990). The experiential learning cycle. San Diego, CA: Author.
Pfeiffer & Company. (1992). Addressing sexual harassment in the workplace (trainer’s package). San Diego, CA:
Spies in office hunt sex pests. (1992, March 2). (U.K.) Today, p. 2.
Summers, D. (1992, March 19). Female directors report widespread inequality. (U.K.) Financial Times, p. 9.
Tannen, D. (1990). You just don’t understand: Women and men in conversation. New York: Ballantine.
Willis, L., & Daisly, J. (1991). Developing women through training. London: McGraw-Hill.
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John Geirland and Eva Sonesh-Kedar
Abstract: A successful, thriving organization is created to fulfill a specific purpose and is sustained
by a vision. Often the purpose and vision are incorporated into a mission statement intended to
provide behavioral guidance for the members of the organization.
But how does an organization know whether employees are interpreting the mission correctly
and consistently and whether they are translating it into appropriate action?
This article defines potential difficulties associated with a mission statement, presents a case
study describing how employees in one organization interpreted its mission, and offers a step-by-
step procedure for creating and administering a survey similar to the one used in the case study.
A mission statement is intended to be the guiding force behind an organization,
providing employees with a direction, purpose, and context for their activities. But how
can an organization determine whether its mission statement meets this intended goal?
In this article, we offer a powerful tool that organizational leaders can use to assess
whether employee behavior is aligned with the organization’s mission.
The task associated with aligning employees and mission consists of much more than writing a
good mission statement, distributing it, and explaining it carefully. The mission statement and
its fulfillment present several potential difficulties that must be taken into account:
1. A mission statement is necessarily general and, thus, open to interpretation.
Well-intentioned individuals may interpret the mission statement differently and end up
working at cross-purposes. For example, consider an organization whose mission is to
produce state-of-the-art computer technology. Given this mission, which activity carries
more value, generating new designs or refining current designs? Both activities are
important and have value; both are consistent with the organization’s mission. How do
employees decide which activity should be emphasized?
2. A mission statement involves one-way communication. As a result, management
may have difficulty in determining whether employees have perceived the message as
3. Strategies for fulfilling the mission must change over time, in accordance with
changing circumstances. For instance, new strategies may be needed to deal with
marketplace changes. And during a transition in top leadership, the new leader may
Originally published in The 1996 Annual: Volume 1, Training by J. William Pfeiffer (Ed.), San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
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define strategies that are strikingly different from those of his or her predecessor.
Strategy changes, although necessary, often conflict with deeply ingrained
organizational attitudes and behaviors. Consequently, they may be met with resistance.
These potential difficulties give rise to some important questions that an
organization needs to answer:
How is the mission statement being interpreted by employees? Are employees at
different levels interpreting the mission statement differently?
How are employees translating the mission statement into specific activities?
How are employees incorporating new strategies into their understanding of the
organization’s mission?
One way to obtain answers (and subsequently provide corrective feedback) is to
develop and administer a survey. The remainder of this article describes our intervention
in a particular organization, which led to the creation of such a survey, and our
recommendations for organizations that want to try the same kind of survey approach.
New Leadership, New Strategies
We were asked to assist in the transition of leadership in a firm located in southern
California. This organization was managed for over twenty-five years by David
a competent, no-nonsense leader with extensive experience and technical
After David retired, Karen Pizzi was brought on board as David’s replacement.
Karen was a highly talented professional with years of experience working for a large
consulting firm. She was considered an innovator in her field.
Karen soon discovered that although the general mission was well understood, the
organization’s basic structure and strategies had changed little during the past ten or
fifteen years. Many members of the management team had been in their jobs for ten,
fifteen, even twenty years. None had ever been expected to think innovatively, and
Karen wondered if they knew how. Karen wanted to introduce new strategies for
fulfilling the existing mission.
Karen was convinced that all employees needed to be more proactive in dealing
with clients, building relationships, and solving problems. She also believed that the
organization’s current management practices and attitudes reinforced specialization and
fragmentation of effort; as a result, only a few managers had the kind of larger business
perspective that she thought was vital. Karen wanted the managers to adopt the larger
All the names in this case study have been changed. Details about the nature of the company’s work have also been kept vague to
protect confidentiality.
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perspective, and she wanted both managerial and nonmanagerial employees to provide
clients with a more integrated set of services.
In a series of meetings with employees, Karen began espousing the organization’s
mission and her strategies for achieving that mission. These meetings were well received
and useful. But later, in subsequent meetings and interactions, Karen found that many
employees were still thinking and working in the old ways.
Survey Development
We began to work with Karen to develop a survey that would clarify how people were
interpreting the mission statement and translating it into action. Our first task was to
identify activities that were general enough to be relevant to most employees, but
specific enough to be easily identified and related to everyday work experience. We
used information from our previous interviews with employees to generate a
representative sample of activities.
Then we worked with Karen to revise and refine the list. We made an effort to
include activities that varied in their consistency with and support of Karen’s strategies.
Some activities represented behaviors that Karen wanted to see more widely adopted,
while other activities represented older practices that Karen wished to deemphasize.
We decided that respondents would be asked two questions with regard to each
How is the activity currently valued in the organization?
How should the activity be valued in the organization?
Survey Administration
We had asked Karen to complete the survey first, as we intended to use her value scores
for comparison to those of other groups and levels in the organization.
Subsequently, everyone in the organization was given an opportunity to complete
the survey. Participation was voluntary, and responses were kept confidential. The
response rate was close to 90 percent.
After the surveys were completed, we were able to show Karen how well (or how
poorly) her message was getting across. We broke out the data according to levels of the
organization and departments. What we discovered was that, not surprisingly, the
managers who reported directly to Karen were more in alignment with her values than
were front-line employees. However, we also found several important activities for
which there were dramatic differences between Karen’s value scores and those of her
top managers. As a result of our analysis, Karen knew which parts of her message she
needed to emphasize and with which groups.
As can be seen in Table 1, Karen placed very little value on consistency with past
practices and methods, whereas her managers placed somewhat greater value on
consistency and the staff (nonmanagerial employees) highly valued consistency. Karen
showed that she highly valued risk taking, whereas her managers and staff were far more
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risk averse. It was clear that for employees to be more proactive in dealing with clients,
building relationships, and solving problems, they needed to abandon old practices and
take more risks.
The development of a customized survey similar to the one used in our case study involves the
following steps:
1. Review the organization’s mission statement. If the organization has a written
mission statement, review it and any memos or documents relating to how the mission
statement was developed. Interview the organizational leader to clarify current thinking
about the mission, vision, and values to be promoted.
2. Generate a pool of activities. Conduct interviews with organizational managers
and nonmanagerial employees. Ask general questions about what people do on a daily
basis, how they spend their time, and what activities they feel are important.
3.Create a survey form Activities will vary in their specificity, but try to end up
with ones that are general enough to apply to most people in the organization, yet
specific enough to be easily identifiable. Include activities that are consistent with the
leader’s espoused strategies as well as ones that are inconsistent. Also include some past
practices that the leader suspects are still being pursued, despite adding little value in
light of the leader’s desired strategies. Work closely with the leader in developing and
refining this survey. A sample survey form is provided in Figure 1.
4. Have the organizational leader complete the survey, assigning numerical values
to the activities. The leader should indicate how he or she feels each activity is currently
valued in the organization as a whole and how it should be valued. We recommend a
ten-point scale, where 1 = “Low Value” and 10 = “High Value.”
Table 1. How Activities Should Be Valued
Scale: 1 = Low Value; 10 = High Value
Activities Karen Managers Staff
Remaining consistent
with past practices and
1.00 2.29 6.14
Being cautious in
decision making
3.00 4.57 7.40
Taking risks 9.00 7.00 5.93
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Rate each of the following fourteen activities on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1
value and 10 represents
value. Be sure to assign a rating in each column,
showing how each activity
is currently valued
and how it
should be valued.
Activities How Activities Are
Currently Valued in
the Organization
How Activities Should
Be Valued in the
1. Remaining consistent with
past practices and methods
________ ________
2. Being cautious in decision
________ ________
3.Writing reports
________ ________
4.Meeting deadlines
________ ________
5.Being friendly
________ ________
6. Collaborating with other
________ ________
7. Making suggestions for
________ ________
8.Being accurate
________ ________
9.Taking risks
________ ________
10.Helping clients solve
________ ________
11.Challenging existing work
________ ________
12.Developing a broad business
________ ________
13.Taking initiative
________ ________
14.Doing quality work
________ ________
Figure 1. Sample Survey Form
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5. Administer the survey throughout the organization. The survey may be
administered in the form of a stand-alone instrument; or, as in the case study, the items
may be incorporated into a larger survey instrument. Results may be summarized for
different levels, departments, functions, or job classifications—usually in the form of
mean (average) value scores. Compare these mean scores to the scores obtained from
the organizational leader. Small differences indicate areas in which employees and the
leader are in alignment; large differences indicate areas in which the leader’s message
may not be getting through.
6. Discuss value scores in a series of feedback sessions with managers and
nonmanagerial employees. Feedback sessions provide an opportunity to reinforce those
activities that are aligned with the leader’s vision and to point out activities that should
be deemphasized or abandoned. Include action planning in these sessions, when
The results we obtained in Karen’s organization stimulated a lively and productive
discussion about the need to abandon or deemphasize some older practices and embrace
new ones. Subsequently, the organization moved in a direction that was closer to
Karen’s strategies but still in keeping with the organization’s mission. She later told us,
“I think they got the message.”
The methods described in this article offer the following potential benefits to
A powerful tool for communicating a leader’s strategies and priorities throughout
the organization;
Feedback on people’s alignment with the organization’s mission, vision, and
A clear idea of which parts of the organization are “getting the message” and
which parts need help or attention; and
The basis for creating a performance-review instrument.
Foster, T. (1993). 101 great mission statements: How the world’s leading companies run their businesses. London:
Kogan Page.
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Elizabeth A. Smith
Abstract: The use of operational definitions broadens, clarifies, and improves the precision and
scope of concepts used to benchmark quality and resulting quality standards. “Best” quality
practices and standards can then be selected and used to foster and reinforce continuous quality
When processes used to define, assess, implement, and monitor quality are understood, the
quality of all levels and types of work efforts and relationships within and beyond the organization
is gradually improved and extended.
The article discusses and illustrates information sources, operational definitions and their
uses, guidelines for using and developing operational definitions, using operational definitions in
benchmarking, quality definitions and standards, and practical applications of operational
definitions and benchmarking.
The 1990s have been and will continue to be the decade of quality. Most Fortune 500
companies have some type of quality assessment and improvement program in place.
Efforts to recognize, measure, improve, and report quality are now being built into the
visions, mission statements, and strategic plans and goals of most organizations. Quality
and associated improvement efforts are slowly being ingrained in the way people in the
organization think and perform.
Organizations that adjust to change slowly, or do not have an adequate model for
change, have a difficult time introducing and implementing any form of improvement
effort, quality or otherwise. It is common to adopt one or even a number of quality
initiatives, like Total Quality Management, to streamline operations, increase
productivity, and reduce cost. No one method works for all, or works the same way in
different organizations. There is rarely an immediate payout on quality. Often five or
more years are required to realize substantial gains in quality.
A prime concern in the quality effort is to determine whether efforts to benchmark
quality actually focus on and adequately measure significant key business areas of vital
concern to organizational stability and future success. Although selection criteria may be
broad and carefully developed, as organizations expand their operations to include
partners and alliances with other organizations, the number of sources of information
steadily increases. Growing customer demands and increased competition in the
Originally published in The 1997 Annual: Volume 2, Consulting. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
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marketplace also must be considered. Major factors from within and beyond the
organization influence organizational performance in a variety of unexpected and often
unpredictable ways.
A second concern is whether, once key business areas are selected, like quality,
efficiency, or sales, descriptions and definitions of these key areas are conveyed in clear,
concise terms that are readily communicated and understood. Benchmarking, the prime
tool of quality improvement and change efforts, often establishes what is benchmarked,
how it is benchmarked, and how results are obtained, interpreted, and used in the
organization. Is this too much to expect of benchmarking?
A third concern involves the obtaining of a representative sample of information on
key business areas from throughout the organization. Standard questions include the
following: “Information from whom?” “Where should we look?” “How shall we obtain
this information? “Is it what we are looking for?” “Is it valid information?”
This paper discusses and illustrates (1) information sources; (2) operational
definitions and guidelines for using and developing them; (3) the use of operational
definitions in benchmarking; (4) quality definitions and standards; and (5) practical
applications of operational definitions and benchmarking.
Prime information sources are people at all levels of the organization, key-result areas,
and sources outside the organization. It is important to obtain quantitative, or numeric,
data and qualitative, or descriptive, information (Smith, 1991). It is necessary to
differentiate between product-based and service-based industries. Efforts to assess and
benchmark quality began in product-based industries; these same methods seldom work
well in service-based industries (Smith, 1995a).
People Doing the Job
The information people provide about their jobs reflects the broad spectrum of work
efforts and activities in the entire organization. Work activities and outcomes range from
simple, general, or clerical work to the complex, specific activities of performing
medical research in space.
The best and most reliable or predictable overall sources of information in any area,
including quality, come from people doing the job. They know more about it than
anyone else; their descriptions of their jobs provide details that could not be obtained
any other way. People, if asked and listened to, know how to change and improve their
jobs and also how to achieve and enhance quality.
Customers and Other Significant Contributors
It is vital to get information from anyone involved in the development, production, and
delivery of services and products. All types of “involved customers,” partners, suppliers,
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and end users now define and redefine what they want, when they want it, how much
they will pay, and what they will want in the future.
When customers know you are sincerely interested in their input, they will be
delighted to supply all you want to know (and more). Some of the most important
information comes from personal contact, like face-to-face conversations or telephone
discussions. Thinking like customers and communicating one-on-one helps bring
“suppliers” closer to their “customers.”
Surveys, questionnaires, and interviews designed for specific suppliers or
developers of products or services are also useful. Valuable information often comes
from “reading between the lines.”
Standards used for products and services should consider customers’ needs and
expectations. Major sources of standards from within the organization are based on input
from the work force who delivers the services and creates the products. Additional
standards from the customer’s point of view include cost, cycle time, status of
technology, and competition in the marketplace.
Key Results
Systems methods and models are commonly used to determine key or end results. Major
variables in a system exhibit a sequence or flow of input, throughput, and output and/or
outcome activities. Feedback, which is designed for monitoring, improvement, and
control, can be recycled through the system.
Areas of key results are unique to each organization, as no two entities,
departments, or separate units are exactly alike. Traditional key-result areas are usually
end results or output. Examples include efficiency, effectiveness, service, sales, and
financial return (Bain, 1982). In most organizations, key-result areas are incorporated
into mission and goals statements.
Outcomes, the far-reaching, possibly negative, effects of change efforts in general,
like downsizing and reengineering, are seldom considered logical examples of end-result
areas. Outcomes such as “good will,” the recognized reputation of a company, or spin-
off from customer services, on the other hand, can be seen as opportunities.
The key-result areas for the 7,500 employees in the Property and Casualty Division
of the United Services Automobile Association, an auto and homeowners insurer, which
generates 75 percent to 80 percent of the company’s revenue, are listed in descending
order of priority: (1) service, (2) profitability and financial strength, (3) competitive
advantage, (4) op-erating efficiency and productivity, (5) loss control, (6) human
resources, and (7) growth (Teal, 1991).
In a start-up business, key-result areas are critical, as a prime concern is to develop
a strong customer base. In an established company, the focus may be on the logistics of
expanding into uncharted waters. As organizations grow and mature, key-result areas
and accompanying definitions and standards for quality must grow and change to reflect
new visions and goals.
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Soft Data
Most soft data are subjective and difficult to define, collect, and analyze. Examples of
soft data are work habits, work climate, feelings, and attitudes.
Other sources of soft, or qualitative data, are observations, discussions, interviews,
and various types of job-related documents or records, like job descriptions and
performance appraisals (Marshall & Rossman, 1989; Patton, 1990). Soft data are
gaining recognition as a major source of valuable information (Smith, 1995a).
Hard Data
Quantitative data, or hard data, represent measurements often based on output, like the
number of units produced and the time, costs, and quality involved (Phillips, 1983) or
the number of customers served in a specific period of time.
Quantitative and qualitative data used to measure or assess the same variables can
be compared to determine reliability. It is extremely important to determine the
reliability and validity of data sources. Reliability is a measure of consistency
throughout a series of measurements, observations, or repeated activities. Validity
represents how closely a measuring instrument indicates or measures what it is supposed
to measure. Validity is discussed in detail in a following section.
Product-Based and Service-Based Areas
The line that formerly separated products from services is growing fainter. Often
products come with a built-in service, like a laptop computer with software already
A product is defined as “...a transformation of energy and matter into a presumably
desirable form, at desirable locations, and at an appropriate time” (Schwartz, 1992).
Most products are the tangible results of some manufacturing or materials-processing
industry. Products and their attributes and deficiencies, like defects, deviations, and
cycle time, can be measured and documented in numeric terms (Smith, 1995a).
A definition of services includes all those economic activities in which the primary goal
is neither a product nor a construction (Quinn & Gagnon, 1986). A service is also an
intangible performance that customers interpret in different ways. The quality and value
are judged, for example, by courtesy, speed, and competence (Smith, 1995a).
Although 70 to 75 percent of the gross national product of the United States is spent
on services, many measurement and evaluation systems are based on products. Most
service industries provide intangibles, like advice (legal and financial) and opportunity
(education). It is very difficult, if not impossible, to define “advice” and “opportunity”
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in meaningful ways. Each definition incorporates the frame of reference, beliefs,
attitudes, education, and work experience of the person developing and using it.
Definitions may also reflect a service or product orientation and incorporate aspects of
the organization’s culture.
Key-result areas apply equally to services and products. Information from the
product area is relatively easy to obtain, measure, and document. Customers readily
compare cars, computers, and clothes on a wide range of standard, often well-known
and accepted dimensions. The descriptive information from service areas is more
Simply stated, a measure is valid when it is designed to measure something, and it does
exactly that. For example, a measure of mathematical skills is valid if good
mathematicians perform well on the test. The proof is in the performance.
Measures are considered basically valid when they are sufficiently well constructed
or fine tuned to detect small differences in what they are measuring, whether it is
mathematical skills, quality, or personal or organizational attributes. Appropriate use of
valid techniques produces valid or meaningful results. Organizations with successful
quality and improvement programs have developed valid models for organizational
change and also for quality.
Validity of Definitions
Validity of definitions can be verified by determining whether those using the definition
understand it and whether they can define the concept in very similar ways. This
information can be obtained through conversations, either in person or by telephone, and
surveys and questionnaires.
Some definitions may appear to address a specific factor or variable but actually
measure only the outward or surface representation of quality, like “looks good.” These
invalid measures should be discarded.
Data from readily available information or records should be used only if they are
considered to be valid. Easy paths to information seldom lead in the right direction.
When in doubt, ask the person doing the job about the meaningfulness of the data and
also ask those using the product or service.
Operational definitions are not new concepts. Bridgeman, a physicist, used operational
definitions early in the 20th Century. The most common use and application are in
benchmarking, the core of total quality management.
Major topics are (1) descriptions and uses of operational definitions, (2) guidelines
for developing and using operational definitions, and (3) using operational definitions to
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What Is an Operational Definition?
Operational definitions are one way to explain or clarify the meanings of words, ideas,
concepts, and processes that people normally take for granted but do not really
understand. These definitions employ concepts accord- ing to how they are used. For
instance, operational definitions can be used to describe job content and work processes
using precise terms people understand.
When people ask “What do you really mean?” they usually want more information
or a better explanation. They may want another definition or more detail. Everything can
be described more clearly. Simple words that are easy to comprehend can help.
Operational definitions specify the content of the definition and the process or ways in
which the definition is used. This two-pronged approach increases the depth and range
or scope of the definition. We must be able to describe something before we can
understand it or know how important it really is. Understanding precedes agreement.
When we know how major concepts are used at work, we then add them to our
vocabulary and start to use them with confidence.
A Common Language
Operational definitions enable people in different departments, even different
organizations, to use a common language to describe and assess quality. Understanding
any factors or processes in depth requires having a clear working definition for the basic
concepts involved.
When key concepts related to quality and associated areas are operationalized, the
value and usefulness of these definitions can be expanded and enhanced. The resulting
definitions provide focus, guidelines, and consistency.
For instance, the gap between the 99-percent customer satisfaction that is expected
and the 90-percent customer satisfaction that is achieved means there are problems.
Developing clear expectations and precise standards for specific key output and
processes is one solution. By clearly defining goals, objectives, and standards, an
organization can minimize variances in results, and the gap can be reduced.
It is precisely this discrepancy or gap between what customers want or need and
what they really get that causes the majority of customer dissatisfaction. For example,
customers and suppliers seldom agree on the exact meaning of “good” or “excellent”
Clients, customers, end users, partners, suppliers, and others have their own ideas or
standards for “service” and “quality.” For example, Federal Express believes in nothing
less than 100-percent customer satisfaction.
Uses of Operational Definitions
Operational definitions can be used in various ways:
1. To build a base of information and standards for dealing with internal and
external customers in a wide range of areas and industries. In general, definitions
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built on shared expectations and knowledge of suppliers and customers
incorporate common concepts and standards. This helps cement a foundation for
developing contracts, building partnerships, and forming alliances.
2. To develop a common language that everyone throughout the organization
understands. It should provide standard, base terms that unify concepts and
reduce disagreement. The only universal language of business is financial
accounting (Senge, 1990). Using a language that is primarily numeric is a
beginning point, but not an effective way to communicate complex issues.
Descriptive definitions can be used to supplement the numeric definitions or
3. To operationalize concepts in a given area or unit to ensure the uniformity of
scope, content, or level of complexity, for instance. These procedures provide a
unified framework to examine factors affecting the design, development, and
provision of products and services. Such standardization is extremely beneficial
when working with suppliers and partners who may be next door or around the
world. This common framework helps facilitate two-way communication. The
ultimate goal is to create a set of definitions that enhance understanding and
communication and streamline business interactions, yet provide a strong base
for quality.
4. To fine-tune existing definitions of key activities and results that have been
benchmarked, thereby increasing the precision, flexibility, and scope of
definitions in numerous product and service areas. The goal is to enhance end
user and/or customer satisfaction and ultimately increase quality and
5. To make it possible to analyze work methods and accomplishments by grouping
work done on the job into areas that describe various types and levels of work
activities, such as clerical, support, professional, specialist, or knowledge
workers. Separate operational definitions could be used for each category. This
process could be applied to analyzing jobs, developing job assignments, doing
performance appraisals, and cross-training.
6. To clarify major job objectives in order to make it easier to determine and
describe job-related standards for quality. Since every person does his or her job
in a slightly different manner, it is critical to recognize and document
uniquenesses or individual differences and accompanying standards for quality.
7. To describe the fine points of products, processes, and services. When common
terms emerge, all parties experience a feeling of unity. This process works well
when creating ground rules for a new project, when current projects start to bog
down, or when it is necessary to clarify meanings of concepts and processes to
reach consensus.
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8. To recognize and appreciate other people’s special talents, professions,
experiences, and points of view. Users select a “best” or “most appropriate”
definition, which is often one they understand best or one in which they have a
vested interest. Differences are frequently based on personal preferences, type of
organization, culture, or nationality. Globalization of business requires customers
and suppliers around the world to communicate accurately and effectively.
Guidelines for Using Operational Definitions
People who work together to develop operational definitions to be used in benchmarking
learn a great deal from the various processes of working together. Group discussions,
disagreement, and communication in general broaden the variety and scope of resulting
definitions. Defining and redefining similar words to achieve the “best” definitions
increases the precision of the end result. Those who work together learn together.
Group Methods
Brainstorming and Nominal Group Technique are two of the group methods that can be
used to generate operational definitions (Smith, 1995a).
Assumptions underlying the use of group methods are based on material previously
discussed, including the use of key-result areas; the need for adequate information
sources from representative people and types of output; and the benefit of a wide range
of definitions on which consensus is gradually reached.
This fast-paced, unstructured group technique is one way to obtain as many basic ideas
as possible in a short time period. Group members call out their ideas or answers as
quickly as they think of them. No one criticizes or evaluates other people’s
contributions. Recorders write down what is said.
1. People can brainstorm individually by writing out as many synonyms or short
definitions for quality as they can in five or ten minutes. They can also
brainstorm as a group. Lists may have ten to fifteen items, like “excellence,”
“superior,” “high grade,” “outstanding,” “superior,” “best,” “supreme,” or “top-
of-the-line.” At a later date, or in the next group meeting, each synonym is
defined in terms of how it is used or what it really means.
2. People meet in a group and evaluate each definition. A rating scale may be used
to evaluate and rank each definition along the dimensions of relevancy, clarity,
or contribution to value. Individuals or groups select or rate definitions that most
closely fit their work group or standards for quality or meet other important job-
related criteria.
3. Group members then discuss each definition until they either reach consensus or
“agree to disagree.” Lack of agreement indicates that there are different
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interpretations of the same or similar concepts or processes. This is due to
uniquenesses or to wide individual differences in how people do their jobs and
how they feel about quality standards. For example, one person may readily
accept 95-percent accuracy while another person always strives for perfection.
Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
This group decision-making process, developed by Delbecq and Van de Ven in 1968
and further refined (Van de Ven, 1974; Delbecq, Van de Ven, & Gustafson, 1975), is a
gradual process of discussion within work groups, often to achieve consensus.
Groups use this structured, participative decision-making approach to clarify ideas
and develop decentralized measurement and evaluation systems. NGT works best when
group members know one another or routinely work together (Van de Van, 1974). An
ideal group size is six to eight people. Two to three hours of time may be required.
NGT is used to generate ideas on a given topic and to create goals, objectives, and
methods for specific purposes, like developing various forms of standards or measures.
Standard steps are the following: (1) a clear, unambiguous problem statement is
developed; (2) each group member silently generates and records ideas; (3) the Round
Robin technique is used to record ideas on a flip chart; (4) the facilitator directs the
discussion and helps clarify each person’s ideas; and (5) final decisions are reached by
each member silently ranking or rating each item and voting on priorities.
Guidelines for Developing Operational Definitions
Developing operational definitions in groups (Smith, 1995a) utilizes group processes
resembling those used in most problem-solving groups.
1. Unless existing definitions are still current and relevant, update or expand them
to reflect new and different standards.
2. Ensure that experienced and less-experienced people work to-gether. Encourage
cross-functional teams to develop definitions based on common understanding,
which are unique to their discipline or current focus. Cross-functional
associations offer the benefits of learning and communication and have the
synergistic effect of adding value.
3. Set ground rules and clarify what needs to be done. When work teams from
various disciplines (cross-functional teams) first meet, they will need to develop
a common framework to examine concepts with which they are unfamiliar.
4. Involve as many people as possible from the entire cycle of contact, for example,
idea people to customers. Broader, more complete definitions are created by
groups that have a wide focus and a broad experience base. Definitions must be
equally appropriate for internal organizational customers, like marketing, and for
external customers.
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5. Use representative work activities and outcomes from service and product areas.
Distinguish between services and products where possible. Try to view products
and services from the “other” person’s perspective.
6. Encourage people to take ownership in both the process of developing a
definition and the definition itself. People who believe in the definitions they
help create are likely to use them.
7. If possible, determine where the organization is in its growth cycle. Mature,
fully functioning organizations, for example, will have a strong culture; their
visions, missions, goals, and strategic plans will be different from those of new,
energetic, flexible, start-up companies.
8. Look for cultural differences in operating procedures, viewpoints, and leadership
style; in spin-off, newly merged organizations or organizations in which
outsourcing is common, determining a clear-cut culture can be difficult.
9. Use a systems feedback approach to generate definitions and keep them current.
Follow the sequence of (1) input, (2) throughput, and (3) output. Feedback that
cycles through the system may re-enter at any point. Feedback on the “fit” of the
definition may be directed to customers, clients, partners, and numerous end
10. Ensure that definitions incorporate the changing nature of work and the
workplace. However, avoid improvement that is an end unto itself.
Applying the process of developing operational definitions to benchmarking naturally
begins with defining benchmarking. This key process in quality change and
improvement initiatives reflects many personal and organizational factors, including the
service sector, in product-based and materials-processing industries (Smith, 1995a).
“Benchmarking,” a term first used in surveying, is a standard or point of reference from
which measurements can be made. In organizations, benchmarking is a continuous,
systematic process of measuring a company’s current business operations and
comparing them to the operations of “best practices” companies.
Benchmarking plays a prime role in total quality management and is a key factor in
many processes that organizations use to evaluate “quality status.”
Definitions of benchmarking and benchmarking processes are still evolving. Some
examples of operational definitions of benchmarking follow (Pulat, 1994):
In 1979, Xerox redefined benchmarking as a continuous process used to measure
products, services, and practices against those of companies recognized as world
leaders or competitors.
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Benchmarking is “. . . the process of identifying, understanding and adapting
outstanding practices and processes from organizations anywhere in the world to
help your organization improve its performance” (O’Dell, 1994).
Ford Motor Company has a structured approach for learning from others and
applying that knowledge; 3M, a tool to search for enablers that allow a company
to perform at a best-in-class level in a business process; AT&T Benchmark
Group, the continuous process of measuring current business operations and
comparing them to best-in-class companies.
Benchmarking targets key areas within a company, department, or unit and focuses
on jobs that can be improved. This process identifies and studies the best practices
others use in these same areas, and it implements new processes and systems to increase
quality or productivity or to make other major improvements.
Benchmarking provides a methodology that can be tied to any financial or
nonfinancial measure. Eccles (1991) believes that benchmarking has a transforming
effect on managerial mind-sets and perspectives. For instance, in successful
“organizations of the future,” new mind-sets and models that reflect shared
understandings of interrelationships and patterns of change will replace linear, short-
term thinking (Senge, 1990). Benchmarking these somewhat intangible concepts will be
a challenge.
The main types of benchmarking are
Internal or operational: the most common type, an in-depth, internal analysis
and comparison of an organization’s functional operations in critical success
areas. An organization’s high performing units or functions known to be
performed well can be benchmarked by other units within the same organization.
Competitive: competitors and/or others are identified in industries that
demonstrate high-level performance in some area, like chip manufacture, and
then the organization’s own performance is compared to theirs (Eccles, 1991).
Strategic: critical success factors or outstanding business strategies in any
industry are identified, regardless of the nature of products or services.
Overall, benchmarking requires a high level of self-knowledge, clear objectives,
and customer awareness. Without appropriate mechanisms to measure performance and
implement change anywhere in the company, most benchmarking efforts will fail
(Mittelstaedt, 1992).
Many people define quality in terms of their work world. Definitions for quality must
adequately represent the strong emphasis on service areas. Estimates of the percentage
of service workers in the U.S. range from seventy to nearly ninety percent. Some people
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work in both areas, and separating products from their service components is seldom
easy. Common definitions of quality include the following elements (Smith, 1995a):
1. Conformance to standards represents the degree to which a service or product
complies with a predetermined set of standards. Examples could be a specific
numeric standard, such as “Three or Four Sigma” or “zero defects.” A
descriptive standard could be a customer’s definition of “high quality.”
Standards may originate with the developer, supplier, or vendor or be a one-of-a-
kind prototype.
2. Timeliness means that the customer does not have to wait for goods or services.
3. Fitness for use could either imply (in descriptive terms) or specify (in numeric
terms) a product’s or service’s convenience, availability, or durability.
4. Value in the marketplace is a bottom-line standard for acceptance. Customers
and competitors are the ultimate judges of value or overall usefulness.
5. Quality is also based on perceptions and expectations, as “in the eye of the
beholder” implies. Customers define quality by value, cost, and by their own
gradually increasing standards for quality and service.
Standards for quality may be outlined in key-result areas and also specified in mission or
vision statements. They may also be incorporated into the strategic plans of the
A common numeric term used to express quality standards is the number of defects
or errors per total number of units produced, like one defect per hundred thousand units.
Motorola’s Six Sigma, or three errors per million, is a longstanding, well-known
standard. The Six Sigma level is one way to express literally hundreds of elements of
vital numeric and descriptive information in the entire flow of a manufacturing process
(Smith, 1996).
Numeric end-result or output variables used to represent standards are relatively
easy to understand and communicate to others. Using numbers to make comparisons
over varying period of time, like months or years, is standard operating procedure.
For instance, customer satisfaction is measured in percentage points: 98- or 99- or
100-percent satisfaction The type of industry often dictates the type of quality measure.
Service industries usually relate to customer or end-user satisfaction. Product-based
industries often use ratios of scrap or waste or damaged units to total number of units
Once people understand quality and what it means in terms of their jobs, they can
gradually develop expectations and standards for quality in their work. These same
expectations and standards extend to the work of others and to the overall quality of
services and products. Quality cannot be judged without uniform baselines or realistic,
carefully developed standards. Increasingly, standards are set by discerning, demanding
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We usually have more information available than we use. Now, more than ever before,
we should make every attempt possible to apply what we know and to use our expertise
to develop creative, cost-effective solutions for our everyday problems. Some practical
applications can be suggested:
Use carefully developed, realistic, valid definitions of quality and accompanying
quality standards to measure and to make meaningful comparisons in any area,
not just in quality. Operational definitions and benchmarking are the major tools,
but how carefully the tools are used is the critical issue.
Benchmarking can be used to improve customer service, reduce delivery time,
improve financial performance, enhance product and service development cycles,
and encourage and reinforce top management commitment. Any application of
benchmarking must use the knowledge gained to build a base of operational plans
that meet and surpass industry best practices.
Operational definitions used as a basis for benchmarking and recording results
can be documented in a “clearinghouse” of “best” or most frequently used
definitions and specifications. Definitions of important activities can then be used
to make between- and within-industry comparisons. Resulting information may
be used to develop more reliable and valid assessments of bottom-line benefits,
like customer satisfaction, product demand, competitive position, and last but not
least, profits.
Benchmarking and the use of operational definitions can become a way of life. Once
operational definitions are jointly developed, acceptable standards incorporating quality,
cost, cycle time, and other critical variables form a strong base for benchmarking and
developing quality standards in other areas. Notable examples are customer satisfaction,
customer forums, and free and open communication between customers and suppliers.
These efforts will produce innovative ideas, relationships, and encourage the formation
of partnerships for mutual gain.
With effort and direction, an organization can develop its own definitions of various
key concepts. These concepts will gradually work their way into its culture, where they
will be accepted by the workforce. When people throughout an organization determine
what basic elements are important and what the key results should be, and they use a
common terminology to describe what they are doing, they will have traveled a long
way on the unmapped, endless road to quality.
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Bain, D. (1982). The productivity prescription. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Delbecq, A.L., Van de Ven, A.H., & Gustafson, D.B. (1975). Group techniques for program planning. Glenview,
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Eccles, R.G. (1991, January-February). The performance manifesto. Harvard Business Review, pp. 131-137.
Marshall, C., & Rossman, G.B. (1989). Designing qualitative research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Mittelstaedt, R.E., Jr. (1992, Summer). Benchmarking: How to learn from best-in-class practices. National
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O’Dell, C. (1994, January). Out-of-the-box benchmarking. Management Review, p. 63.
Patton, M.Q. (1990). Qualitative evaluation methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Phillips, J.T. (1983). Handbook of training evaluation and measurement methods. Houston, TX: Gulf.
Pulat, B.M. (1994, March). Benchmarking is more than organized tourism. Industrial Engineering, pp. 68-74.
Quinn, J.B., & Gagnon, C. (1986, November-December). Will services follow manufacturing into decline?
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Schwartz, M.H. (1992, June). What do the words ‘product’ and ‘service’ really mean for management? Quality
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Senge, P. M. (1990). The fifth discipline. New York: Doubleday.
Smith, E.A. (1991, March-April). The role of qualitative information in productivity measurement. Industrial
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Smith, E.A. (1995a). Creating productive organizations: Developing your work force. Delray Beach, FL: St. Lucie
Smith, E.A. (1995b). The productivity manual (2nd ed.). Houston, TX: Gulf.
Smith, E.A. (1996, March). Making ‘quality’ meaningful. The Quality Observer, pp. 36-39.
Teal, T. (1991, September-October). Service comes first: An interview with USAA’s Robert F. McDermott.
Harvard Business Review, pp. 116-127.
Van de Ven, A.H. (1974). Group decision making and effectiveness: An experimental study. Kent, OH: Kent State
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