IJEAL (International Journal of English and Applied Linguistics)
Volume : 1 | Number 3 | December 2021 | E-ISSN : 2787-9482 | DOI: doi.org/ijeal.v1n1.1220
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Ima Frafika Sari
Institute Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
email: ifrafika@gmail.com
Received: 05/12/2021
Accepted: 07/12/2021
Publication: 08/12/2021
Direct and indirect speech acts are the two types of speech acts. This study aims to know
how indirect speech acts are employed in the movie "SpongeBob SquarePants." It employs
descriptive qualitative research to explain the main character's speech act types. There is currently a
scarcity of studies examining speech act types in cartoon or animation films; yet, it is necessary.
According to this study, the result of this article is: first, there are seventy-four discussions of
indirect speech acts obtained from all characters in the movie SpongeBob SquarePants. Each
dialogue in the film SpongeBob SquarePants can be deduced to reveal the meaning of indirect
speech acts. Second, The reader can use the domain analysis indirect speech acts summary to help
them understand each dialogue in this movie that has a different meaning. This stage permitted the
main characters to say literal things to the listener. The main character did not make a difficult-to-
understand statement to the listener. This research looks at Yule's theory's utterances of indirect
speech activities. As a result, the outcome differed from the prior study, despite the same issue.
Keywords: Indirect, SpongeBob SquarePants, Speech Act, Movie.
The term "communication" refers to social interactions that involve more than one person.
Usually, it is between the speaker and the listener (receiver). The words they utter are the language
forms. Linguistics is a field of study that deals with language. Linguistic fields include phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Pragmatics is an important branch of linguistics.
(Levinson, 1995: 1) defined that pragmatics is the study of "The relation of sign to interpreters". It
means that pragmatics is interested in understanding how a speaker (or writer) communicates
meaning and how a listener interprets it (or reader).
According to Austin (Pamela, 1962: 466) speech act theory is offers an unparalleled
contribution to the linguistic investigation. It means that language had previously been concerned
chiefly as an instrument for representation and broken into units such as sentences or words for its
study. Instead of taking a structural approach, speech act theory focuses on action theoretic units,
focusing on how the issuance of specific linguistic entities constitutes a means for interpersonal
Language and literary works such as poetry, short tales, novels, movies, and music can all
benefit from speech act analysis. We can study conversations in the literature by speech act since we
know that the essential point of speech actions is the utterance or conversation. As a result, this
research aims to identify some of the movie's speaking acts. It will, of course, be discussed in the
movie during a dialogue. Direct and indirect speech acts are the two types of speech acts.
When speaking daily, people will naturally express themselves in various ways. They do not
always employ a command expression when requesting something or making an utterance, and the
IJEAL (International Journal of English and Applied Linguistics)
Volume : 1 | Number 3 | December 2021 | E-ISSN : 2787-9482 | DOI: doi.org/ijeal.v1n1.1220
This is a Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
intention of what they say to each other and each other is not always evident. This phenomenon can
be observed in the actual world and literary works such as movies. This study aims to determine how
indirect speech acts are employed in the movie "SpongeBob SquarePants."
Literature Review
Any language's speech actions provide culture-specific categories of verbal communication to
its speakers. Nunan (1993: 65) defines "Identifying the speech act can be performed by a particular
utterance can only be done if we know the context in which the utterance takes place". It means that,
the speech act is an action that is performed by utterance, then people will understand the meaning of
cultural context from the performed utterances.
By relying on their mutually shared background information, both linguistic and non-linguistic,
and the hearer's general powers of logic and inference, the speaker communicates to the hearer more
than he says through indirect speech acts. The three fundamental sentence forms in English give a
reasonably straightforward structural distinction between three general sorts of speech acts. The three
structural forms (declarative, interrogative, imperative) and the three general communicative
functions (statement, question, command/request) have a clear link. According to Yule (1996: 55)
defined that "whenever there is a direct relationship between a structure and a function, we have a
direct speech act, and whenever there is an indirect relationship between structure and a function, we
have an indirect speech act."
It is a type of qualitative research that seeks to uncover the indirect speech act of SpongeBob
SquarePants the movie. The researcher explained the application of theories in finding and discussing
findings in qualitative research. The supporting sources are drawn from books, journals, and various
other sources relevant to the topic.
Result and Discussions
SpongeBob SquarePants movie utterances included indirect speech acts. In this section, all
characters in the movie SpongeBob SquarePants performed indirect speech acts, in contrast to the
main character's classification of speech acts. SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star, Squidward
Tentacles, Eugene H. Krabs, Sheldon J. Plankton, Gary the Snail, King Neptune, Mindy, Karen, Mrs.
Puff, David Hasselhoff, Pearl, Perch Perkins, cyclops, and Dennis are the characters in the
SpongeBob SquarePants movie.
There were 74 dialogues of indirect speech acts from all characters in the duration 01:27:23.
The data show that the duration is the shortest. The character in this film speaks a lot and cracks many
jokes. This explains the focused research of the indirect speech act in SpongeBob SquarePants. The
meaning of the dialogues of indirect speech acts in the movie SpongeBob SquarePants can be
deduced from each dialogue. The summary of domain analysis indirect speech acts can assist the
reader in understanding each dialogue in this movie that has a different meaning.
Table 1. Analysis of indirect Speech acts
Spongebob, mr.
Krabs, and phill
were in Krusty
Krab Restaurant.
Phill, as a
customer order a
Krabby Patty no
cheese, then
spongebob come to
Mr. Krabs:
Please settle down. We've
got a situation in there.
I'd rather not discuss 'til
me manager gets here.
That's what it's all about. I
want you to do me a
favor, Phil.
IJEAL (International Journal of English and Applied Linguistics)
Volume : 1 | Number 3 | December 2021 | E-ISSN : 2787-9482 | DOI: doi.org/ijeal.v1n1.1220
This is a Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
squidward, and
patrick were in
their house.
Spongebob feel
happy because mr
krabs will
announce the new
manager, so he say
to their friends
about their
Hooray! Gary! I had that
dream again!
Who's it gonna be,
The researcher used the question mark as a pointer during the data analysis procedure to
identify this category. The main characters utilized this type to get information or determine the
current status of an object. Imperative is the second most common category among the others. In this
situation, the main character's utterance leads to a directive or command directed at the audience.
The primary characters were the ones who made the fewest declarative speaking acts. This type of
utterance is used to indicate one that has a lot of information; in other words, the main character
states a fact or an opinion in this utterance.
Table 2. Summary of Domain Analysis of Indirect Speech Acts
F. Research
Please settle down. We've
got a situation in there. I'd
rather not discuss 'til me
manager gets here.
Based on the structural form, the utterance is
identified as a declarative. This conversation is
used to command the people to help mr krabs
meet with customer asks a simple order a Krabby
Patty without cheese. It is a requirement the
people who want be a new manager in Krabby
Patty 2. This utterance means asking the hearer to
do something. Indirectly, he asks the people to
help him by using this utterance.
That's what it's all about. I
want you to do me a favor,
Based on the linguistic form, the utterance is a
declarative sentence. In this conversation, it is
used as a request. Request is an act of people used
to make people do something as the speaker
wants. Spongebob wants the customer to help him
be a manager in Krabby Patty 2. Indirectly, he
wants the customer to give up and use cheese in
his Krabby Patty.
This point allowed the key characters to say things that the listener may understand literally.
The main character did not make a difficult-to-understand statement to the listener. Another reason
characters use such direct speech acts is the sincerity conditions. The key characters in this film
stated their words in how they were meant. When you ask a question, your true goal is to get an
answer; when you give an order, your real goal is to get the listener to do something.
The application of Speech Acts in some subjects such as movies or daily interaction resembles
the previous studies and this research. However, the evaluated data yielded a different outcome. The
previous researcher used Searle's Theory to analyze utterances in Illocutionary Acts. This study is
IJEAL (International Journal of English and Applied Linguistics)
Volume : 1 | Number 3 | December 2021 | E-ISSN : 2787-9482 | DOI: doi.org/ijeal.v1n1.1220
This is a Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
solely concerned with examining the utterances of indirect speech actions by Yule's theory. As a
result, the outcome differed from the previous study even though the topic was the same.
Seventy-four conversations of indirect speech acts are acquired from all SpongeBob
SquarePants' movie characters. The researcher summarizes domain analysis indirect speech acts in
this section to clarify what each dialogue means. The researcher describes structural forms as well as
communication in general. The use of Speech Acts in many subjects, such as movies or everyday
interactions, is a similarity between prior studies and this research. However, the data that was
analyzed produced a different result. The previous researcher analyzed utterances regarding
Illocutionary Acts using Searle's Theory. This research looks at the utterances of indirect speech
activities by Yule's theory. As a result, the outcome differed from the prior study, despite the same
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Richards, Jack C. And Schmidt, Richard. 2002. Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and
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Yule, G. 1996. Pragmatic. New York: Oxford University Press.
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