Multilingual Education Programs
Alfonso Ceja 1300 BAKER STREET Laura Orozco
Executive Director BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305-4399 Assistant Superintendent
Multilingual Education Programs PHONE: (661) 631-4834 Educational Services
English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
Initial ELPAC Computer-Based Assessment
Parent and Guardian Notification Letter
Dear Parent/Guardian:
When registering your child in a California public school for the first time, you listed that your child has a
language other than English on the Home Language Survey. Therefore, your child will be assessed with the Initial
English Language Proficiency Assessments for California, or “Initial ELPAC.”
The Initial ELPAC is a required test used to determine how well students understand and communicate in English
when it is not the language used at home. This is important so students can get the support they need to do well in
school. Your child’s voice will be recorded as part of the Speaking portion of the computer-based test to help
ensure that the test is scored correctly. All recorded responses will be destroyed after the scores are validated.
The Initial ELPAC may be administered remotely, in person, or through a combination of in-person and remote
testing. Bakersfield City School District will administer the Initial ELPAC to all eligible students with the
following administration mode:
In-person testing
You are an important part of your child’s education. To make sure your child feels comfortable taking these tests,
you can
explain to your child that these tests are used to help them learn, and they should not be anxious or scared;
explore the practice tests with your child on the ELPAC Online Practice and Training Tests web page at so they can become familiar with the
platform and setup of the tests; and
remind your child that you and their teacher want them to try their best and are there to help, every step of
the way.
To learn more about the Initial ELPAC, go to the California Department of Education Parent Guides to
Understanding web page at
You also can review sample test questions on the ELPAC Starting Smarter website at
If you have any questions about your child taking the ELPAC, please contact your child’s school.
Alfonso Ceja
Executive Director,
Multilingual Education Programs