Section 504 Manual 1
SECTION THREE: Section 504 Resources
Sample Forms
xample and sample forms included in this document are intended to be
guidance. School districts/charter schools are not required to use the
exact format. School districts/charter schools are responsible for
ensuring the accessibility of their documents for their end-users. As
appropriate, make available necessary documents in multiple languages
and alternative formats. The use of district or school letterhead on Section 504 forms
are encouraged.
Available Sample Documents
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Section 504 Referral for Evaluation ^
Section 504 Parent Notice of Referral and Consent to Evaluate
Data Collection
Consent to Release Information (Third Party)
Section 504 Student Input
Section 504 Parent Input
Section 504 Teacher Input
Evaluation and Review
Section 504 Notice of Meeting
Section 504 Team Evaluation and Determination
Section 504 Plan
Section 504 Receipt of Plan Acknowledgment
Section 504 Plan Review Teacher Input
Section 504 Plan Review
Section 504 Manifestation Determination Review
Section 504 Process Checklist
Parent Rights and Grievance Process
Section 504 Notice of Parent and Student Rights *^
Section 504 Grievance Procedures *^
Section 504 Complaint and Grievance Filing ^
Section 504 Complaint and Grievance Record
Impartial Hearing Procedure
Impartial Hearing Agenda
Impartial Hearing Review Procedure
* These documents should be presented and offered at every Section 504 meeting.
Section 504 Manual 2
^ These documents should be readily available on the district/charter website.
Sample Notification of Nondiscrimination
An effective notice of nondiscrimination makes it clear that the institution does not
discriminate on the basis of disability, has a duty to locate students with disabilities, and
how to contact the Section 504 Coordinator.
It is not sufficient to place the Notification of Nondiscrimination on a website without
publishing it elsewhere. The notice of nondiscrimination may be included in the
Student handbooks
Catalogs and Course Listings
Parent/Student Bulletins/Newsletter
Enrollment and employment
Recruitment materials
When the service area includes a significant community of individuals whose primary
language is not English, the notification of nondiscrimination should be published in the
language spoken by that community.
The notice may include additional persons designated to coordinate other civil rights
activities and their contact information. For assistance on a combined civil rights
nondiscrimination notice see SECTION THREE: Links (e.g., Public Resources).
Notification of Nondiscrimination
The ______________________________ School District does not discriminate on the
basis of disability in admission or access to its educational programs, in treatment and
the administration of services it offers, in its recruitment, hiring and employment
practices, or in any aspect of its operations in violation of Section 504.
The ______________________________ School District takes appropriate steps to
notify students with disabilities and their parents or guardians of our duty to annually
identify and locate every qualified student with a disability residing in the school district’s
jurisdiction who is not receiving a public education.
___________________ is designated to coordinate Section 504 compliance activities at
_____________________ School District and may be contacted at:
[Name of Designated Individual and Position]
[Name of District/Charter School]
[Mailing Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Telephone number]
This announcement is available in alternative formats to accommodate the hearing and
vision impaired. Information as to the existence and location of services, activities, and
Section 504 Manual 3
facilities that are accessible to and useable by individuals with disabilities may be
requested from the above-referenced coordinator.
Section 504 Manual 4
Sample Referral for Evaluation
Section 504 Referral for Evaluation
The ______________________________ School District has a duty to identify, locate,
refer and evaluate all students within this jurisdiction that may qualify for services under
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Anyone who believes that they have a child or know of a child that may have a mental or
physical impairment that substantially limits one or more life activities should complete
this form
(unless already identified under Section 504 or the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act)
Submit this form to [Name of 504 Coordinator]. They may be contacted at [phone number]
Today’s Date ______________________ School __________________________
Student Name __________________________________________________________
Date of Birth _______________ Age _________ Grade Level __________________
Referred By _______________________ Phone Number ___________________
Relationship to Student: Parent/Guardian District Employee Other: _________
Briefly indicate the observed disability or reason for referral:
This is an effort by the _____________________________ School District to provide a
free appropriate public education and assure that every student has access to equitable
educational opportunities to be successful in our district and to fulfil their potential.
This portion completed by the Section 504 Coordinator
Student ID# ________________________
Date Referral Received _____________ Received by ________________________
Section 504 Manual 5
Sample Notice of Rights
Notice of Rights under Section 504
You have the right to be informed by the school system of rights granted under §504 found at Title 34, Part
104.32 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The student has the right to:
Receive a free appropriate public education
designed to meet their educational needs as
adequately as the needs of non-disabled students
(34 CFR 104.33).
Participate in and benefit from the district’s
educational programs without discrimination.
Be provided an equal opportunity to participate in
the district’s nonacademic and extracurricular
Be educated with students who do not have
disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate
CFR 104.34).
Be educated in facilities and receive services that
are comparable to those provided to students
without disabilities
(34 CFR 104.34).
Receive accommodations, modifications, related
aids/services, and opportunities to participate in
school activities without cost, except for those fees
imposed on the parents of children without
disabilities. Insurance companies are not relieved
of any obligation to pay for services
(34 CFR 104.33).
Receive special education services if needed.
The parent has the right to:
Review and receive copies of the student’s
educational records
(34 CFR 104.36), programs, and
activities in their native language.
A response to requests for explanations and
interpretations of their student’s education records.
Request a change to their student’s education
records if believed they are wrong, misleading, or
are otherwise in violation of privacy rights. If
request denied, the right to challenge the refusal
by requesting an impartial hearing.
The student has the right to an evaluation before the
school determines if they are eligible under Section
504. The parent has the right to:
Receive notice before the district takes actions
regarding the identification, evaluation, and
placement of their student
(34 CFR 104.36).
Have evaluation and placement decisions made
by a group of persons who know the student, the
meaning of the evaluation information, and the
placement options available
(34 CFR 104.35).
Have evaluation decisions based on a variety of
sources such as academic data, behavior data,
teacher and parent observations, physical
conditions, and medical records.
Refuse consent for the initial evaluation of the
If the student is eligible under Section 504, they have
the right to periodic reevaluations, including
reevaluations before any significant change is made
in their placement
(34 CFR 104.35).
A parent that disagrees with the district’s decisions
regarding their student’s identification, evaluation,
educational program, or placement under Section
504, may submit a grievance or request an impartial
(34 CFR 104.36). A parent may take part in the
hearing and have an attorney as representation. A
parent may request a review of the hearing decision.
Clarification of these rights
and other concerns can be
made to the district’s Section 504 Coordinator:
[Section 504 Coordinator Name]
[City, State, Zip]
[Phone Number], [E-mail]
A parent may file a complaint of discrimination with
the Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary
Education Equity Assistance Center (EAC), the U.S.
Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
or seek relief in federal court.
4 Capital Mall, Box 25
Little Rock, AR 72117
Phone: 501-682-4213
Fax: 501-682-7288
OCR Regional Office
One Petticoat Lane
1010 Walnut St., Suite
320 - 3
Kansas City, MO 64106
Phone: 816-268-0550
TTY: 800-877-8339
FAX: 816-268-0599
I received a copy of the Notice of Rights under Section 504.
_________________________ _____________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
Section 504 Manual 6
Sample Parental Notice & Consent
Section 504 Parent/Guardian Notification of Referral & Consent for Evaluation
Date: ____________________
Dear _____________________:
[Student Name] has been referred for consideration for eligibility for services under
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Such services may result in your student
receiving additional assistance to aid them in their educational success. The Section 504 Team
will analyze a variety of sources to determine whether they have a qualifying disability. Your
student’s teacher(s), building administrator(s), counselor, and others may be involved in data
collection activities.
The district is requesting your consent to conduct an initial evaluation and based on it
provide necessary accommodations. The evaluation data collection may include a review of the
following as individually deemed appropriate:
Grades Teacher Observations Achievement Tests
Work Samples Parent Observations Screening Assessment
Attendance Medical Reports Other Tests
Behavioral Trends Psych-educational Evaluation Other Sources
You will be notified and invited to attend a Section 504 Team meeting to review
evaluation results and determine Section 504 eligibility. If eligibility is established, your student
may require Section 504 services. If so, the Section 504 Team will develop an accommodation
plan to provide educational opportunities equal to that of students without a disability.
Section 504 provides specific rights such as the required parental consent for evaluation.
These rights are summarized in the Notice of Rights under Section 504 document enclosed with
this notice. If you have any questions or concerns, contact [Section 504 Coordinator] at [Phone
Number] or [Email Address] or [Mailing Address] for assistance.
Section 504 Coordinator, ____________________ ___________________
(Name) (Signature)
Parent/Guardian complete & return this form with any additional information (e.g., Parent Observations, Medical
Concerning [student name] attending [school name],
Yes, I give my written consent to have my student evaluated for Section 504 eligibility. I do
consent to the proposed evaluation
No, I refuse and do not give my written consent to have my student evaluated for Section
504 eligibility. I do not consent to the proposed evaluation.
I have received a copy of the Notice of Rights under Section 504
____________________________ ____________________________ __________
(Parent/Guardian Printed Name) (Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)
____________________________________________________ _________________
(Address) (Phone)
This portion completed by the Section 504 Coordinator Date Received ___________
Copy provided to parent
Section 504 Manual 7
Sample Parental Authorization for Release of Information
Parental Authorization for Release of Information
Student Name: _____________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________
School: ___________________________________
Information Requested (as appropriate)
Psychological Evaluation
Speech-Language Evaluation
Vision Evaluation
Hearing Exam Evaluation
Occupational Therapy Evaluation
Demographic and Social Histories
Medical and Developmental Histories
Medical Diagnosis
Discharge Summary
Physical Therapy Evaluation
Other: ____________________________
Agency Name: _________________________________________________________
Agency Address: _______________________________________________________
Agency Phone: ________________________ Fax: __________________________
Agency Email: _________________________________________________________
I consent for the Agency listed above to release the information specified above to the
School District/Charter: __________________________________________________
School District/Charter Address: ___________________________________________
District/Charter Phone: ______________________ Fax: ______________________
District/Charter Email: ___________________________________________________
I understand that I may revoke this consent in writing at any time and that my consent will
expire upon graduation or un-enrollment of the child listed above from the School/District.
_____________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Parent / Guardian Date
Any information received and maintained by the school district will be subject to the
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Section 504 Manual 8
Sample Meeting Notice
Section 504 Meeting Notice
Student Name: _____________________________ Student ID#: _________________
School: ___________________________________ Grade: ______________________
Dear [Parent or Guardian Name]:
You are invited to attend a meeting planned by the Section 504 Team to discuss
your child’s educational needs. Please notify the Section 504 Coordinator if you are not
available so that we may reschedule.
The meeting will be held on: [Meeting Date & Time]
The meeting will be held at: [Meeting Location]
The meeting is scheduled for the following reason(s)
Initial Evaluation for Eligibility
Section 504 Plan Review and Monitoring
Manifestation Determination Reevaluation
Other: ___________________________
While parents are not required participants of the Section 504 Team, you are
encouraged to attend and participate in the decision-making process. Your insights and
contributions will be helpful to the Section 504 Team in bringing about the most
appropriate decisions possible. If you have not already done so, complete and return
the Parent Input Form.
Section 504 provides specific rights to parents and students. These rights are
summarized in the Notice of Rights under Section 504 document enclosed with this
Contact [Section 504 Coordinator] at [Phone Number] or [Email Address] or
[Mailing Address] to confirm your attendance or if you have any questions\concerns,
require the use of an interpreter or would like to submit other requests for assistance.
Section 504 Coordinator, ____________________ ___________________
(Name) (Signature)
Section 504 Manual 9
Sample Parent or Guardian Input Form
Section 504 Parent/Guardian Input Form
Student Name: _____________________________ Date of Birth: _________________
To assist the Section 504 Team in the evaluation of your child answer any question
below and submit this form to the Section 504 Coordinator, [Section 504 Coordinator
Name] at [Phone Number] by [Email Address] or [Mailing Address].
My Child’s Health (Check all that apply and/or explain responses as necessary.)
My child has a physical or mental disability and a formal diagnosis.
My child has a physical or mental disability and no formal diagnosis.
My child had a serious physical or mental condition that has gone away.
My child is receiving service(s) from another agency. Explain:
My child is not currently taking medications.
My child is currently taking the following medications:
Name of medication:_______________________ Name of medication:_______________________
Purpose of medication:_____________________ Purpose of medication:_____________________
Dosage:_________________________________ Dosage:________________________________
Known side effects:________________________ Known side effects:________________________
My Child at Home (Check all that apply and/or explain responses as necessary.)
My child usually eats breakfast.
My child goes to bed at the following time: _______________________________________
My child needs or uses physical supports at home or in the community.
My child gets along with siblings and people outside of school.
There have been significant changes within the family
(e.g., divorce, separation, relocation,
serious illnesses, death, etc.).
My child seems to have difficulty doing homework. On average, the amount of time spent
on homework each day is as follows:
The following rewards and consequences are effective with my child -
Rewards:______________________________ Consequences:_____________________________
______________________________________ _________________________________________
______________________________________ _________________________________________
Section 504 Manual 10
My Child at School (Check all that apply and/or explain responses as necessary.)
Some of my child’s strengths include:
My child is experiencing and/or mentioned difficulties in school. Explain:
The cause of my child’s difficulties includes the following:
My child’s success at school would be improved if the following was provided:
Previously attend schools include:
__________________________________ ______________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
__________________________________ ______________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
This portion completed by the Section 504 Coordinator Date Received ___________
Section 504 Manual 11
Sample Student Input Form
Section 504 Student Input Form
Student Name: ______________________________ Date of Birth: _______________
To assist the Section 504 Team in your evaluation, answer any question below and
submit this form to the Section 504 Coordinator, [Section 504 Coordinator Name] at
[Phone Number] by [Email Address] or [Mailing Address].
At School (Check all that apply and/or explain responses as necessary.)
I struggle doing work by myself.
I struggle doing work in groups.
I struggle understanding directions at school.
I find it hard to stay focused in class.
All classes These classes: ___________________________________
I get overwhelmed by all the:
Sounds Sights Noises at school
I find it hard to control my frustration or anger.
I feel overwhelmed whenever I start a new project or assignment.
It seems like my friends can take notes and record assignments better than I can.
I can never finish my work in time, even when I know all the answers.
I can never finish my tests or quizzes in time, even when I know all the answers.
At Home (Check all that apply and/or explain responses as necessary.)
I struggle doing homework.
Amount of time I spend on homework each day: ____________________________
I often forget what work was assigned in class.
I often forget when assignments are due.
I cannot seem to get big assignments or projects done by the due date.
I find it hard to stay focused -
All the time When I am… ___________________________________
I get overwhelmed by all the:
Sounds Sights Noises at school
I find it hard to control my frustration or anger.
I feel overwhelmed whenever I start a new task or chore.
Section 504 Manual 12
What Helps Me Most (Only check what helps)
Being in a room with little noise and/or few distractions.
Having the following read to me
Textbooks Assignments Tests
Having large assignments broken into small parts.
Watching a recording of the lesson.
Getting assignments (not tests) ahead of time
In a group By myself With an adult
An adult checking with me on my progress
Beginning Middle
Reviewing class notes and study guides
The notes I make The teacher’s notes
Asking questions or asking for help
From the teacher From another student
Giving me some time to think about my response.
Having extra time to complete
In-class assignments Homework Tests
Giving my answers by
Writing them myself Typing them Speaking them verbally
An assignment tracker sheet that an adult regularly checks on
Having a “cool down” process P
lace Adult Mentor
An adult noticing my triggers (see below)
Other Information
Some of my strengths are:
I am having these other difficulties at school:
When I am getting frustrated or triggered, you can tell by:
In addition to what I checked above, the following things help me succeed:
__________________________________ ______________________________
Student Signature Date
This portion completed by the Section 504 Coordinator Date Received ___________
Section 504 Manual 13
Sample Teacher Input Form
Teachers should participate in the Section 504 process where appropriate and do not
have the discretion to decline or refuse to implement any component of a Section 504
Plan. The Teacher Input Form is to aid the teacher(s) in their reflection of the student’s
challenges and strengths, but collaborative meeting attendance of the teachers is still
invaluable when determining as a team the root cause of concerns and how to address
Section 504 Manual 14
Section 504 Teacher Input Form
Student Name: _____________________________ Student ID#: _________________
Teacher Name: _____________________________ Subject/Course: ______________
Performance Area
(Check the box that identifies your level of
concern for each area/skill as applicable.)
(For each area, briefly explain the student’s ability to access the
general education instructional program.)
Attention & Concentration
None Minimal Significant
Communication or English
Language Development
None Minimal Significant
Language Arts (Reading & Writing)
None Minimal Significant
None Minimal Significant
Physical Education
None Minimal Significant
Problem Solving & Organizing
None Minimal Significant
Short- & Long-Term Memory
None Minimal Significant
Socialization & Behavior
None Minimal Significant
Test Taking
None Minimal Significant
Work & Study Habits
None Minimal Significant
Other: _____________________
None Minimal Significant
List any planned or used accommodations, interventions, or strategies & indicate its impact on
the above concern(s). _________________________________________________________
What assignments, tests, or projects are problematic for the student? ____________________
Current Grade Average:
_______ __________________________ _____________
(Teacher Signature) (Date)
Return this form & if you have questions or concerns contact [Section 504 Coordinator] at
[Phone Number] or [Email Address] or [Mailing Address] for assistance.
This portion completed by the Section 504 Coordinator Date Received ___________
Section 504 Manual 15
Sample Team Evaluation & Eligibility Determination Form
Section 504 Team Evaluation & Determination
Meeting Date: __________________________ School: ___________________
Student Name: _________________________ Student ID: ________________
Reason for Team Meeting
Initial Evaluation Reevaluation
Has the student been previously evaluated for eligibility under IDEA? Yes No
Does the student have an Individual Health Plan (IHP)? Yes No
Data Team Reviewed (as appropriate)
Psychological Assessment Data
State Assessment Data: ______________
Other Assessment Data: ______________
Progress Monitoring Data: ____________
Grade Reports
Attendance Data
Behavior Data & Discipline Records
Student Input or Work Samples
Parent/Guardian Input
Teacher Input
School Nurse Input
School Counselor Input
Related Service Provider Input
Physician Input
Other: ____________________________
Team Determination of Eligibility under Section 504
Section 504 definition of disability:
Physical or mental impairment substantially limits a major life activity, has a record of such an impairment,
or is regarded as having such an impairment
Does the student have a physical or mental impairment?
Reasoning _________________________________________________________________
Does the student’s impairment substantially limit a major life activity? Yes No
Reasoning _________________________________________________________________
Section 504 Manual 16
The student does not have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major
life activity, nor has a record of such an impairment, or regarded as having such an
The student qualifies and does have a physical or mental impairment that substantially
limits a major life activity, or has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having
such an impairment.
Team Placement Decision
General education (if not eligible for Section 504)
General education with Section 504 protections
General education with Section 504 services (plan)
Team IDEA Referral
The Section 504 Team has determined that the student may also be eligible under a
separate definition of disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
and will refer this student for a Special Education Evaluation.
School Personnel & Others in Attendance:
Parent / Guardian Statement:
I agree with the Section 504 Team’s
determination of eligibility decision.
placement decision.
I received a copy of the school district’s Notice of Rights under Section 504.
__________________________________ ______________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
__________________________________ ______________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
Tentative Reevaluation Date:
I do not agree with the Section 504 Team’s
determination of eligibility decision.
placement decision.
Section 504 Manual 17
Sample Plan
Section 504 Plan
Student Name: __________________________ Student ID#: _______________
Grade Level: ___________________________ Date of Plan: _______________
Tentative Section 504 Plan Review Date: _______________
Area of Educational Need*
(e.g., Academics, Accessibility, Behavior,
Specialized Health Care, Transportation)
(e.g., Accommodation, Modification
Counseling, Exception)
e.g., Specific Subject/Course
Transportation Staff)
Additional Detail Regarding
(e.g., How & When to Implement,
Frequency, Duration)
*Data-based need identified (see assessments; grade, attendance, discipline reports; observations; etc.)
The Section 504 Plan will be implemented, beginning on: _______________
The Section 504 Plan will not be implemented due to the parent’s refusal of consent for
initial Section 504 services received on:
School Personnel & Others in Attendance at Plan Development:
Section 504 Manual 18
Sample Receipt of Plan Acknowledgement
Section 504 Receipt of Plan Acknowledgement
Student Name: __________________________ Student ID#: _______________
Grade Level: ___________________________ Date of Plan: _______________
Signing below acknowledges
I have received a copy of the above student’s Section 504 plan written on the
date listed above.
It is my legal responsibility to implement the Section 504 plan as written in
relation to my job duties regarding the student.
If I do not understand how to implement a portion of this Section 504 plan that I
am accountable for, it is my obligation and right to request and receive the
appropriate instruction or training.
I recognize that this Section 504 plan is confidential and subject to the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Signature Printed Name Position
Section 504 Manual 19
Sample Plan Review Teacher Input Form
Section 504 Plan Review Teacher Input
Teacher Name: __________________________ Course Name: ______________
Grade Period: ___________ Student Current Course Grade: ___________
Student Name: __________________________ Student ID#: _______________
Grade Level: ___________ Tentative Section 504 Plan Review Date: ___________
Accommodation Review & Recommendations to the Section 504 Team
List the student’s accommodations pertaining to the course, rate the overall effectiveness of the
accommodations, suggest changes, and comment as appropriate
N= Not observed 1 = Ineffective 2 = Somewhat Effective 3 = Effective
RC = Recommend Implementation Change/Adjustment
RR = Recommend Removing Accommodation RN = Recommend a New Accommodation
Current Accommodations
Rating / Recommendation / Comments
Appropriateness (check as needed)
The Section 504 Plan is appropriate. It effectively supports the student by providing an
equal opportunity to achieve as compared to their peers and recommend that it be continued.
The student is passing. The student has access to the curriculum.
There are no concerns. The student has access to the educational environment.
The Section 504 Plan is not appropriate. It does not effectively support the student by
providing an equal opportunity to achieve as compared to their peers and request a meeting.
The student is failing. The student’s access to the curriculum is currently limited.
There are concerns. The student’s access to the educational environment is limited.
Teacher Observations
Problematic Assignments, Interactions, etc.
Possible Causal Factors
Return this form and any evidence of implementation to the [Section 504 Coordinator] at [Phone
Number] or [Email Address] or [Mailing Address].
This portion completed by the Section 504 Coordinator Date Received ___________
Section 504 Manual 20
Sample Team Plan Review Form
Section 504 Team Plan Review
Meeting Date: __________________________ School: ___________________
Student Name: _________________________ Student ID#: _______________
Reason for Team Meeting
Annual Review Requested or “As Needed” Review
Data Team Reviewed (as appropriate)
Psychological Assessment Data
State Assessment Data: ______________
Other Assessment Data: ______________
Progress Monitoring Data: ____________
Grade Reports
Attendance Data
Behavior Data & Discipline Records
Student Input or Work Samples
Parent/Guardian Input
Teacher Input
School Nurse Input
School Counselor Input
Related Service Provider Input
Physician Input
Other: ____________________________
Team Accommodation Review
List the student’s accommodations, rate the overall effectiveness of the accommodations, list changes*
as appropriate
N= Not observed 1 = Ineffective 2 = Somewhat Effective 3 = Effective
C = Change/Adjustment R = Removing Accommodation N = New Accommodation
Current Accommodations
Overall Rating / Comments
*Update the Section 504 Plan with any changes
Appropriateness (check as needed)
The Section 504 Plan is appropriate. It effectively supports the student by providing an
equal opportunity to achieve as compared to their peers and recommend that it be continued.
The Section 504 Plan is not appropriate. It does not effectively support the student by
providing an equal opportunity to achieve as compared to their peers and recommend revision.
Section 504 Manual 21
Team IDEA Referral
The Section 504 Team has determined that the student may also be eligible under a
separate definition of disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
and will refer this student for a Special Education Evaluation.
School Personnel & Others in Attendance:
Section 504 Manual 22
Sample Team Manifestation Determination Review
Section 504 Manifestation Determination Review
Meeting Date: __________________________ School: ____________________
Student Name: _________________________ Student ID#: __________________
Student Grade: _________________________ Date of Incident: _____________
Description of Incident:
Data Considered in Addition to the Student’s § 504 Plan:
Psychological Assessment Data
Progress Monitoring Data
Attendance Data
Behavior Data & Discipline Records
Parent/Guardian Input
Teacher Input
School Nurse Input
Related Service Provider Input
Physician Input
Other: _________________________
Manifestation Determination:
Was there a direct and substantial relationship between the conduct described above
and the child’s disability? Yes No
Was the conduct described above a direct result of the failure to implement the
student’s § 504 Plan? Yes No
Section 504 Manual 23
“No” to both questions, it is determined the conduct IS NOT a manifestation of the
student’s disability. The district may apply the same disciplinary procedures as those
applied to students without disabilities.
“Yes” to either question, it is determined the conduct IS a manifestation of the student’s
disability. The Section 504 Team must convene to review the plan and make the
appropriate adjustments. No disciplinary action may be taken against the student
School Personnel & Others in Attendance:
I received a copy of the parent Notice of Rights under Section 504.
__________________________________ ______________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
__________________________________ ______________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
Section 504 Manual 24
Sample Process Checklist
To ensure consistency in practices, the Section 504 Coordinator may benefit from
documenting their steps of compliance for each student.
Section 504 Process Checklist
Student Name: _____________________________ Student ID#: _________________
School: ___________________________________ Grade Level: _________________
1. Section 504 Referral
Receive signed Section 504 Referral for Evaluation
Date referral received by the school district: _____________
2. Parent/Guardian Consent for Evaluation
Provide parent Section 504 Parent/Guardian Notification of Referral form and
Consent for Evaluation form
Provide parent Notice of Rights under Section 504 form
Date consent received by the school district: _____________
Date evaluation must be completed: _____________
(___ days from consent received for initial evaluation)
3. Evaluation Process
Identify Section 504 team members (persons knowledgeable about the student, the
meaning of evaluation data, and placement options)
Determine needed evaluation data (from a variety of sources)
Seek parent consent to obtain medical information, if appropriate
Distribute Teacher Input and Parent/Guardian Input forms
4. Section 504 Meeting
Notify Section 504 team members of meeting date, time, and location
Send parent Section 504 Meeting Notice form and call/email meeting date, time,
and location
Convene meeting, review evaluation data, and determine eligibility
Develop targeted Section 504 Plan, if appropriate
Provide parent Section 504 Notice of Rights under Section 504
Send parent copy of meeting results and/or Section 504 Plan and Notice of
Rights under Section 504
5. Section 504 Plan Implementation
Notify and train persons with implementation responsibilities of the Section 504
Plan and how to provide and monitor accommodations
Monitor the student’s progress & plan effectiveness
Review the plan when progress is not made or when the plan is ineffective
Reevaluate at least every three (3) years; Tentative Reevaluation Date: _________
Section 504 Manual 25
Sample Complaint & Grievance Procedure
Section 504 Complaint & Grievance Procedure
The [school district/charter school] assures an objective and impartial Section 504
grievance procedures. The school district/charter school assures that it will take steps
to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability from recurring and to correct its efforts
when appropriate.
It is the preference of the school district/charter school to resolve allegations of
discrimination through informal processes and communications. An informal meeting
must be convened within ___ school days after receipt of a request.
Grievances are processed as follows in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehibition
Act of 1973:
Step 1: Within ___ school days following the informal meeting, the grievant shall file a
grievance on the form provided by the school district/charter school. The grievant
should present the grievance orally or in writing to the District/Charter School Section
504 Coordinator. Oral complaints will be placed in writing. Within ___ school days of the
receipt of the grievance, the coordinator shall conduct an investigation/hearing
regarding the grievance. All parties involved in the grievance shall be given ___ school
days of notice of the date, time, and place [of the submission of written evidence for
consideration OR of the hearing]. The parties shall be granted appropriate due process
rights as required by law including the right to be represented by counsel, offer
testimony, present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and appeal rulings. The
consideration of the allegations must be based on applying the related legal
requirements under Section 504 to the facts. Within ___ school days of the [completion
of the investigation OR adjournment of the hearing], the District/Charter School Section
504 Coordinator will render a written decision regarding the grievance to be provided to
all parties.
Step 2: If the grievant is not satisfied at Step 1, the grievant may refer the grievance to
the superintendent/director within ___ school days after receipt of the Step 1 written
decision. The superintendent/director or designee shall [investigate OR hold a hearing]
following the same procedures as in Step 1.
The availability and use of this Section 504 grievance procedure does not prevent a
person from requesting a local Section 504 impartial hearing, filing a complaint with the
Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Equity Assistance Center (EAC), the United
States Department of Education (USDOE) Office for Civil Rights (OCR), or filing a civil
action in federal or state court.
Section 504 Manual 26
The LEA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in accordance with Section
504 an prohibits retaliation for exercising rights protected under Section 504.
Grievance: Refers to any claim by an individual that there has been a violation,
misinterpretation, or misapplication of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Advanced Step Filing: Grievances may be initially filed at Step 1 thereby eliminating the
informal conference.
No Reprisals: No reprisals shall be taken by the Board or its agents against any
individual because of participation in this process.
Withdrawal: A grievance may be withdrawn at any level without establishing a
Time Limitations: An extension of the time limits is permissible by mutual consent of the
parties at any level.
I received a copy of the school district’s Section 504 Grievance Procedures.
__________________________________ ______________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
Section 504 Manual 27
Sample Complaint & Grievance Filing Form
Section 504 Complaint & Grievance Filing Form
Your name ____________________________________________________________
Student name __________________________________________________________
Your school and/or position _______________________________________________
Your address ______________________________________________________
Your telephone ____________________________________________________
Date the grievant became aware of the alleged discriminatory action _______________
Nature of your grievance (Please describe the practice or action you believe may be in violation of
Section 504 and identify the name and title of person(s) you believe may be responsible.)
Provide a brief description of what, when and how the incident occurred. (Attach additional pages,
if necessary).
Explain what steps, if any, you have already taken to resolve this matter.
Describe any corrective action you would like to see taken with regard to the possible violation.
________________________________ ________________________________
Signature of grievant Date grievant signed
________________________________ ________________________________
Signature of person receiving grievance Date grievance received
Section 504 Manual 28
Sample Due Process Record Form
Section 504 Due Process Record FormCombined Processing Form
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Date Grievance/Impartial Hearing Received Grievance/Impartial Hearing Request Number
Name of grievant(s)/requester _____________________________________________
Student Employee Parent
Student Name _________________________________________________________
School Name __________________________________________________________
Date of alleged discriminatory action ________________________________________
Nature of discriminatory action ____________________________________________
Suggested corrective action, if given ________________________________________
Stage of consideration Stage 1 Stage 2 Hearing Review
Hearing Officer Name ____________________ Date Officer Notified ________
Hearing Date ________ Hearing Time ________ Hearing Location ________________
Date Notification of Hearing Sent ________
Date Investigation/Hearing Concluded ________ Date Decision Distributed ________
Investigation/Hearing Decision: Accepts grievant’s/requestor’s corrective action
Proposes alternative corrective action
Corrective steps description _____________________________________________
Grievant/Requester: Agree with facts/action Disagree with facts/action
Request Review
Section 504 Manual 29
Sample Impartial Hearing Procedure
Section 504 Impartial Hearing Procedure
It is the preference of the school district/charter school to resolve disagreements fairly
and equitably. Impartial hearings are available under Section 504 to resolve
disagreements between parents and the school district/charter school over matters
related to the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of a student with a
An impartial hearing may be called at the request of the school district/charter
school or a parent/guardian.
There is an exception for student use of drugs or alcohol. The school
district/charter school can take disciplinary action against any student with a
disability “who currently is engaging in the illegal use of drugs or in the use of
alcohol to the same extent that such disciplinary action is taken against students
who are not individuals with disabilities,” 29 U.S.C. § 705(20)(C)(iv).
These impartial hearing procedures shall not be used if the remedy requested by
the complainant is available through the due process procedures outlined in the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”), 20 U.S.C. § 1415 (f).
Requests for impartial hearings must be made in writing and submitted to the school
district’s/charter school’s Section 504 Coordinator. An impartial hearing must be
requested within ____ school days of the dispute giving rise to the hearing. The impartial
hearing request must include the following information:
A description of the decision(s) made by the school district/charter school with
which the complainant disagrees, including facts relating to such decision.
A proposed resolution of the problem to the extent known and available to the
party at the time.
The school district/charter school will appoint an impartial hearing officer. The impartial
hearing officer must be knowledgeable of Section 504 and disability laws and be
impartial. The impartial hearing officer may neither be employed by nor represent the
school district/charter school.
The school district/charter school will identify ____ to maintain a list of persons
who may serve as impartial hearing officers. This list should include a statement
regarding the backgrounds of each of the impartial hearing officers and should be
made available upon request.
The impartial hearing officer will be appointed within ____ school days of receipt
of a request for an impartial hearing unless an extension is requested.
Section 504 Manual 30
The school district’s/charter school’s pre-impartial hearing procedures include
responsibilities of the impartial hearing officer. The impartial hearing officer before the
impartial hearing must:
Within ____ school days of appointment, secure a date, time, and location for the
hearing that are convenient to both parties, and notify both parties, in writing, of
the date, time, and location of the hearing.
Ascertain whether the parties will be represented at the hearing.
Ensure that the hearing is accurately recorded.
The school district’s/charter school’s pre-impartial hearing procedures require a list of
witnesses and documentary evidence for the impartial hearing (including all evaluations
and related recommendations that each party intends to use at the impartial hearing) to
be exchanged by the parties and received by the impartial hearing officer at least ____
school days before the hearing.
The impartial hearing officer has the authority to exclude any documentary
evidence which was not provided and any testimony of witnesses who were not
identified at least ____ school days before the hearing.
The school district/charter school may hold a pre-impartial hearing conference if
appropriate and may be conducted by telephone.
The school district’s/charter school’s impartial hearing procedures include
responsibilities of the impartial hearing officer.
Maintain an atmosphere conducive to impartiality and fairness.
Maintain an accurate record of the proceedings.
Issue a written decision to all parties setting forth findings of fact and conclusions
of law based on the evidence presented in the hearing.
Render a written decision within ____ school days from the date of the impartial
hearing, unless continued upon a request of either party to the hearing. A
continuance can be granted by the hearing officer upon a showing of good
Assign the burden of proof and the order of proof to the party that requested the
impartial hearing.
The school district’s/charter school’s impartial hearing procedures provide the following
rights to parties:
Participate in the hearing and be represented by counsel at their own expense.
Present evidence and cross-examine witnesses.
Section 504 Manual 31
Obtain a copy of the transcript or a tape recording of the hearing (the cost of the
transcript to be borne by the requesting party).
The school district/charter school will provide communication to the parent/guardian in
their preferred language or mode of communication.
Upon request, the school district/charter school Section 504 Coordinator shall provide a
review procedure of the impartial hearing to ensure that the hearing was properly
conducted according to the requirements of the Section 504 procedural safeguards and
the school district’s/charter school’s Section 504 impartial hearing procedures.
The availability and use of this Section 504 impartial hearing procedure does not
prevent a person from filing a complaint with the Arkansas Department of Education
(ADE) Equity Assistance Center (EAC), the United States Department of Education
(USDOE) Office for Civil Rights (OCR), or filing a civil action in federal or state court.
The LEA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in accordance with Section
504 an prohibits retaliation for exercising rights protected under Section 504.
I received a copy of the school district’s/charter school’s Section 504 Impartial Hearing
__________________________________ ______________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
Section 504 Manual 32
Sample Impartial Hearing Agenda
Impartial Hearing Agenda
1. Formal call to order
a. Date, time and place
b. Statement such as: “We are here in the matter of (student’s first name and
last initial, school district/charter school, and case number)
2. Introductory statement by the impartial hearing officer
a. Introduction of the impartial hearing officer
b. Statement of open or closed hearing
c. Statement such as: “For the record I request that parties speak loudly and
clearly and only one at a time.”
d. Introduction of participants for record requesting that parties spell their
name for the record
e. Purpose of the hearing
f. Explanation of hearing procedures
3. Opening of formal testimony*
a. Opening statement
i. School district/charter school
ii. Parent/guardian opening statement
b. Presentation of written evidence and testimony
i. School district/charter school
ii. Parent/guardian opening statement
iii. School district/charter school (rebuttal)
4. Closing arguments*
a. School district/charter school
b. Parent/guardian
5. Closing arguments by hearing officer
a. Filing of closing arguments
b. Decision due date
c. Procedures for appeal
* The order of proof is assigned to the party that requested the impartial hearing
Section 504 Manual 33
Sample Impartial Hearing Review Procedure
School District/Charter School Section 504 Impartial Hearing Review Procedure
It is the preference of the school district/charter school to resolve disagreements fairly
and equitably. An impartial hearing review is available under Section 504 to resolve
concerns regarding if the Section 504 impartial hearing was properly conducted
according to the requirements of the Section 504 procedural safeguards and the school
district’s/charter school’s Section 504 impartial hearing procedures.
Any party aggrieved by the impartial hearing officer’s decision may request a
review of the decision by a review officer.
A request may be noted by a party by submitting a written notice of this request
with the school district’s/charter school’s Section 504 Coordinator within _____
school days of the date of the impartial hearing officer’s decision.
o The request should include a brief description of the basis of the request.
A review officer will be appointed by the Section 504 Coordinator from the
maintained list within _____ school days of the request for review.
The [review officer OR Section 504 Coordinator] will conduct a review of the
impartial hearing decision.
The review officer must:
o Examine the record of the impartial hearing.
o Determine whether the procedures at the impartial hearing were in
accordance with the requirements of due process including Section 504
procedural safeguards and the school district’s/charter school’s Section
504 impartial hearing procedures.
o Afford the parties an opportunity for written or oral argument, or both, at
the discretion of the review officer.
o Seek additional evidence, if necessary; and
o Issue a written decision.
The review officer shall uphold the initial decision unless it is found to be arbitrary
or capricious, contrary to law, or not supported by evidence.
o The decision will be based on a review of the written request, the impartial
hearing officer’s decision, the school district’s/charter school’s Section 504
impartial hearing procedures, Section 504 procedural safeguards,
additional information provided by the parent, and any additional
information deemed relevant by the Section 504 Coordinator.
Section 504 Manual 34
The review officer's decision must be issued within _____ school days from the
date the request was provided to the review officer, unless continued at the
request of a party. A continuance may be granted by the review officer upon a
showing of good cause. A copy of the decision must be sent to all parties.
The record of the administrative hearings shall be sent by the review officer to
the Section 504 Coordinator upon the issuance of the decision.
The Section 504 Coordinator is responsible for maintaining all records of
Any party aggrieved by the review officer’s decision may file a civil action in a
court of appropriate jurisdiction.
I received a copy of the school district’s Section 504 Impartial Hearing Review
__________________________________ ______________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
Section 504 Manual 35
his subsection includes additional local and federal resources concerning
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation ACT of 1973. This information is provided
for the reader’s convenience and are shared in an effort to support multiple
audiences (e.g., stakeholders, parents, students, advocacy groups, and
. Resources include links to websites and information created
and maintained by public and private organizations. The Arkansas Division of
Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Equity Assistance Center (EAC)
do not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained within these resources, and
do not endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered.
Public Resources
Arkansas Department of Education Data Center District and School Personnel
For contact information of LEA Equity Section 504 Coordinators & other school
district and charter school staff.
Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Equity
Assistance Center (EAC)
For guidance, resources, and assistance in Section 504, advisors are available to
provide support and technical assistance.
For an overview of a specific Section 504 topic or of a specific role within the
Section 504 process view videos developed by the EAC.
For guidance on a combined nondiscrimination notice that encompasses the
regulatory requirements of the Age Discrimination Act, Boy Scouts of America
Equal Access Act, Section 504, Title II of Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VI,
and Title IX view this resource
Equity Assistance Center (EAC) Contact Information
Equity Assistance Center
Office of Legal Services
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Arkansas Department of Education
4 Capitol Mall, Box 25
Little Rock, AR 72201
Section 504 Manual 36
Telephone: 501-682-4213
FAX: 501-682-7288
Information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act
Website lists ADA laws, resources and information hotline. ADA Specialists are
available to provide ADA information and answers to technical questions.
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR)
Website provides an electronic version of the statute Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 C.F.R. Part 104.
Website provides an electronic version of the statute Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA), 34 C.F.R. Part 300.
Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education Guidance
Guidance provides an overview of disability discrimination and laws.
Guidance concerns frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Section 504 and the
education of students with disabilities.
Guidance summarizes key requirements of Section 504 - Parent and Educator
Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools,
OCR, Washington, DC, 2016.
Guidance describes proper evaluation and timely and appropriate services to
students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - Students with
ADHD and Section 504: A Resources Guide, OCR, Washington, DC, 2016.
OCRDear Colleague” Letters of Guidance (non-exhaustive list)
OCR Placement of School Children with Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS), July 1991
Letter provides information on the third prong in the definition of disability under
Section 504 and the reaction of others that perceive that a student has a
Section 504 Manual 37
OCR Releases Guidance about the Rights of Students with Disabilities in
Public Charter Schools, December 28, 2016
Letter addresses students with disabilities who are enrolled in public charter
schools and their rights under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Guidance on Effective Communication for Students with Hearing, Vision, or
Speech Disabilities in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools,
November 12, 2014
Letter concerns public school obligations to meet the communication needs of
students with hearing, vision, or speech disabilities.
Guidance on Bullying of Students with Disabilities, October 21, 2014
Letter discusses the school’s obligation to respond to the bullying of students
with disabilities. It describes the actions schools must take when bullying
interferes with the education of a student with a disability and provides insight
into how OCR analyzes complaints involving bullying of students with disabilities.
Guidance on Schools’ Obligation to Provide Equal Opportunity to Students
with Disabilities to Participate in Extracurricular Athletics, January 25, 2013
Letter overviews the obligations of schools under Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act and cautions against making decisions based on presumptions
and stereotypes. The letter details the requirement that students with disabilities
have equal opportunity for participation in nonacademic and extracurricular
activities and discusses the provision of separate or different athletic
Questions and Answers on Report Cards and Transcripts for Students with
Disabilities Attending Public Elementary and Secondary School, October
17, 2008
Letter describes the general principle that report cards may contain information
about a student's disability as long as it informs parents about their child's
progress or level of achievement in specific classes, course content, or
curriculum. Transcripts may not contain information disclosing students'
Section 504 Manual 38
Guidance on Access by Students with Disabilities to Accelerated
Programs, December 26, 2007
Letter states that a school district or charter school may not refuse qualified
students with disabilities participation in challenging academic programs such as
Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes. Neither can a
school district or charter school require qualified students with disabilities to give
up the services that have been designed to meet their individual needs.
Guidance on Students with Disabilities and Transitioning to Postsecondary
Education Programs, March 16, 2007
Letter provides information on the legal rights and responsibilities will affect
students with disabilities as they transition from high school to institutions of
postsecondary education.
Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Contact Information
Kansas City Office
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
One Petticoat Lane
1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320 – 3
Kansas City, Missouri 64106
Telephone: 816-268-0550
FAX: 816-268-0599; TDD: 800-877-8339
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (OSEP) of the U. S.
Department of Education Guidance
Memo 11-07: A Response to Intervention (RTI) Process Cannot Be Used to
Delay-Deny an Evaluation for Eligibility under the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), January 21, 2011
Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
For transition to employment accessibility and training needs for individuals with
Section 504 Manual 39
Private Resources
For ADHD guides, tools, and webinars.
Arkansas Disability Rights Center
For resources on disability-related rights and advocacy support services.
Center for Exceptional Families
For presentations, useful forms, and advocacy support services.
Easterseals Outreach Program and Technology Services
For available short-term loan technology equipment to assist students. When on the dashboard, click on the drop-down for
“short-term loan”.
ICAN of Arkansas
For assistive technology information assistance, device loans and
demonstrations. (search items here)
For tools and webinars concerning learning and attention issues.