Shalini Sathiyamoorthy, Vishnu Priya V,Gayathri. R
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)
Volume 12, Issue 5, June 2021: 1603- 1620
Awareness On Intermittent Fasting Plan Among College Students A Survey
Shalini Sathiyamoorthy
Saveetha Dental College And Hospitals
Saveetha Institute Of Medical And Technical Sciences (Simats)
Saveetha University,
Chennai- 600077
Vishnu Priya V
Department Of Biochemistry,
Saveetha Dental College And Hospitals
Saveetha Institute Of Medical And Technical Sciences (Simats)
Saveetha University,
Email Id: Vishnupr[email protected]m
Gayathri. R
Department Of Biochemistry,
Saveetha Dental College And Hospitals
Saveetha Institute Of Medical And Technical Sciences (Simats)
Saveetha University,
Email Id: Gaya[email protected]m
Intermittent Fasting (If) Is A Dietary Strategy In Which Periods Of Normal Food And Drink Consumption Are
Punctuated By Periods Of Energy Restriction Or Fasting. The Objective Of If Is To Create A Net Reduction In Energy
Intake That Causes It To Fall Below Energy Expenditure, Thereby Creating A State Of Negative Energy Balance And
Inducing Weight Loss. The Aim Of Our Study Is To Create Awareness Of Intermittent Fasting Plan Among College
Students. This Was A Cross - Sectional Questionnaire Based Study Which Was Conducted Among College Students.
The Study Was Approved By Institutional Review Board, Saveetha Dental College. A Validated And Structured
Questionnaire Containing 10 Questions Was Framed And It Was Circulated Through An Online Forum. The Sample
Size Was 100 People And The Results Were Tabulated In The Excel Sheet And Analysed Using Spss Software. This
Study Reveals That 78% Of Total Participants Were Aware Of Intermittent Fasting And 22% Of The Participants
Were Not Aware And The Association Was Statistically Not Significant; P Value: 0.284 (P>0.05). 39% Of Total
Participants Are Aware That Intermittent Fasting Can Reduce Insulin Resistance And 61% Of The Participants Are
Not Aware And The Association Was Statistically Significant; P Value: 0.012 (P<0.05).Within The Limitation In This
Study Reveals That Females Have Better Knowledge And Awareness About Intermittent Fasting. The Findings Of
The Study Suggests That The Awareness Of Intermittent Fasting Was Low Among The College Students. Due To
The Increasing Prevalence Of Overweight And Obesity It Is Important To Share The Knowledge And Awareness On
If Among People.
Keywords: Obesity; Insulin Resistance; Survey Planet; Time Restricted Feeding; Intermittent Fasting.
Awareness On Intermittent Fasting Plan Among College Students A Survey
In Recent Years, People Worldwide Have Developed An Increased Popularity For Weight Loss Programs, Diet Plans
And Weight Maintenance Programs With Little Research Done On The Effectiveness Of Those Programs. Meanwhile,
Obesity Has Been Increasing In Prevalence Due To Many Social Determinants Such As Easy Access To Various Fast
Foods, And Lack Of Physical Activity . Obesity Is A Worldwide Epidemic Due To The Availability Of Many
Unhealthy Food Options And Limited Physical Exercise. Obesity Is A Public Health Problem That Has Raised
Concern Worldwide. Obesity Can Be Defined As A Condition Of Abnormal Or Excess Fat Accumulation In Adipose
Tissue, To The Extent That Health May Be Impaired (Ulijaszek, 2003). According To The World Health Organization
(Who), There Will Be About 2.3 Billion Overweight People Aged 15 Years And Above, And Over 700 Million Obese
People Worldwide In 2015 (Lerouge Et Al., 2020). Although A Few Developed Countries Such As The United
Kingdom And Germany Experienced A Drop In The Prevalence Rate Of Obesity In The Past Decade, The Prevalence
Of Obesity Continues To Rise In Many Parts Of The World, Especially In The Asia Pacific Region (Yoshiike, Kaneda
And Takimoto, 2002; Chew Et Al., 2018).
There Is A Wealth Of Evidence To Show That Excess Weight Is An Important Risk Factor In The Development Of
Illness Like Cardiovascular Diseases , Diabetes Mellitus , Respiratory Diseases (Murugan And Sharma, 2008),
Chronic Kidney Diseases (Ting Et Al., 2009), Musculoskeletal Disorders (Wearing Et Al., 2006; Medina, 2016),
Gastrointestinal And Hepatic Disorders (Tsai Et Al., 2004; Batty Et Al., 2008), Lower Physical Functioning
Performance (Woo, Leung And Kwok, 2007) And Psychological Problems. The Etiology Of Obesity Is Multifactorial,
Involving Complex Interactions Among The Genetic Background, Hormones And Different Social And
Environmental Factors, Such As Sedentary Lifestyle And Unhealthy Dietary Habits (Ulijaszek, 2003).
Fasting, Called “The Next Big Weight Loss Fad”, Has Long Been Integral To Many Religious And Ethnic Cultures
(Golbidi Et Al., 2017). Intermittent Fasting (If) Is A Dietary Strategy In Which Periods Of Normal Food And Drink
Consumption Are Punctuated By Periods Of Energy Restriction Or Fasting. The Objective Of If Is To Create A Net
Reduction In Energy Intake That Causes It To Fall Below Energy Expenditure, Thereby Creating A State Of Negative
Energy Balance And Inducing Weight Loss. Intermittent Fasting (If) Has Many Forms; The Basic Premise Involves
Taking Periodic Breaks From Eating. Common Forms Of If Include Fasting For Up To 24 Hours Once Or Twice A
Week Food Intake For The Remaining Days, Which Is Known As Periodic Prolonged Fasting (Pf) Or Intermittent
Calorie Restriction (Icr) (Fairburn, 2008); Time-Restricted Feeding (Trf), Such As Eating For Only 8 Hours Then
Fasting For The Other 16 Hours Of The Day; And Alternate-Day Fasting (Adf). Most Adf Programs Involve
Alternating Feast And Fast Days With Some Protocols Allowing No Caloric Intake On Fast Days.
In 2007, Varady And Hellerstein Reviewed Alternate Day Fasting Studies In Animals And Concluded That This
Fasting Regimen Was As Effective As Simple Caloric Restriction In Decreasing Fasting Insulin And Glucose
Concentration. Alternate Day Fasting In Animals Also Reduced Total Plasma Cholesterol And Triglyceride (Tg)
Concentrations, And Had Beneficial Effects On Cancer Risk Factors Such As Cell Proliferation. Rothschild Et Al
Recently Reviewed The Animal Literature On Time-Restricted Feeding. Twelve Studies Were Identified With Daily
Fasting Intervals Ranging From 12 To 20 Hours, In Numerous Mouse Models, With Variability In Coordination With
Light/Dark Phases . In Spite Of The Heterogeneity Of These Studies, The Authors Concluded That In Mice, Time-
Restricted Feeding Was Associated With Reductions In Body Weight, Total Cholesterol, Tgs, Glucose, Insulin,
Interleukin-6 (Il-6), And Tnf-Α; As Well As Improvements In Insulin Sensitivity. It Is Notable That These Health
Outcomes Occurred Despite Variable Effects Of Intermittent Fasting On Weight Loss (Varady Et Al., 2009; Collier,
2013).Previously Our Team Has A Rich Experience In Working On Various Research Projects Across Multiple
Disciplines The (Somasundaram Et Al., 2015; Hafeez And Others, 2016; Krishnan Et Al., 2018)(Choudhari And
Thenmozhi, 2016; Dhinesh Et Al., 2016; Gurunathan And Shanmugaavel, 2016; Sneha And Others, 2016;
Govindaraju And Gurunathan, 2017; Kumar And Rahman, 2017; Felicita And Sumathi Felicita, 2018; Saravanan Et
Al., 2018; Vijayakumar Jain Et Al., 2019; Wu Et Al., 2019; Palati Et Al., 2020; Paramasivam, Vijayashree
Priyadharsini And Raghunandhakumar, 2020). The Aim Of Our Study Is To Create Awareness On Intermittent Fasting
Plans Among College Students .
Materials And Method
Shalini Sathiyamoorthy, Vishnu Priya V,Gayathri. R
This Was A Cross - Sectional Questionnaire Based Study, Which Was Done In December 2019 Among Students Of
Saveetha Dental College. Ethical Approval Was Given By The Institutional Review Board, Saveetha Dental College
And A Predesigned Validated Questionnaire Was Used To Assess The Awareness Of Intermittent Fasting. A
Validated And Structured Questionnaire Containing 10 Questions Was Framed And It Was Circulated Through An
Online Forum. It Consisted Of Two Parts: Section I Demographic Data Of The Participants, In This Part Information
Regarding Name, Gender. Section Ii Knowledge And Awareness On Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan As Assessed. The
Sample Size Was 100 People And The Sampling Method Used Was A Simple Random Sampling Method. In Order
To Minimise Bias All Variables Were Included (Randomisation) And No Sorting Process Was Done. Data Collection
Verified By 2 Reviewers And Internal Validity Was A Pretested Questionnaire.
Data Analysis Was Done In The Statistical Product And Service Solutions (Spss) Software And The Statistical Test
Used Was The Chi - Square Test. Type Of Analysis Used Was Association And The Results Were Tabulated In Excel
Sheet And Transferred To Spss Software To Analyse And Represent In The Bar Graph.
Results And Discussion
Total Of 100 College Students Participated In This Study. Among The Total Participants, The Distribution Of Females
(51%) Were Slightly Higher Than Males (49%) (Figure 1). 78% Of Total Participants Were Aware Of Intermittent
Fasting And 22% Of The Participants Were Not Aware And Observed That Both Males And Females Are Aware Of
It Which Showed No Statistical Significant Association Of Gender With Awareness Of Intermittent Fasting (P =
0.284) (Figure 2). 54% Of Total Participants Agree That Intermittent Fasting Is Good For Health And 46% Of The
Participants Disagreed And Observed That Females Are More Aware Than Males Which Showed No Statistical
Significant Association Of Gender With Healthiness (P = 0.028) (Figure 3). 70% Of Total Participants Are Aware
That Intermittent Fasting Is The Effective Way To Lose Weight And 30% Of The Participants Are Not Aware And
Observed That Females Have More Awareness Than Males Which Showed Statistical Significant Association Of
Gender With Weight Reduction (P = 0.013) (Figure 4). 39% Of Total Participants Are Aware That Intermittent Fasting
Can Reduce Insulin Resistance And 61% Of The Participants Are Not Aware And Observed That Females Have
Better Knowledge Than Males Which Showed Statistical Significant Association Of Gender With Insulin Resistance
(P = 0.012) (Figure 5). 39% Of Total Participants Agree That Intermittent Fasting Reduces The Risk Of Cancer And
61% Of The Participants Disagreed And Observed That There Was Not Much Difference In Responses Among Males
And Females Which Showed No Statistical Significant Association Of Gender With Risk Of Cancer (P = 0.649)
(Figure 6). 53% Of Total Participants Agree That Intermittent Fasting Boosts The Metabolic Rate And 47% Of The
Participants Disagreed And Observed That There Was Not Much Difference In Responses Among Males And Females
Which Showed No Statistical Significant Association Of Gender With Metabolic Rate (P = 0.112) (Figure 7). 22% Of
Total Participants Agree That Intermittent Fasting Increases Autophagy And 78% Of The Participants Disagreed And
Observed That Males Have Better Knowledge Than Females Which Showed No Statistical Significant Association
Of Gender With Autophagy (P = 0.284) (Figure 8). 13% Of Total Participants Agree That Intermittent Fasting Protects
From The Effect Of Alzheimer’s And Parkinson’s Disease And 87% Of The Participants Disagreed And Observed
That There Was Not Much Difference In Responses Among Males And Females Which Showed No Statistical
Significant Association Of Gender With The Effect Of Alzheimer’s And Parkinson’s Disease (P = 0.826) (Figure 9).
37% Of Total Participants Agree That Intermittent Fasting May Extend Your Lifespan And 63% Of The Participants
Are Not Aware And Observed That Females Have More Awareness Than Males Which Showed Statistical Significant
Association Of Gender With Lifespan (P = 0.034) (Figure 10).
Awareness On Intermittent Fasting Plan Among College Students A Survey
Figure 1: Bar Chart Depicts The Frequency Distribution Of Gender Participated In This Study. X Axis Represents
Gender Of The Participants And Y Axis Represents Percentage Of Responses. This Bar Graph Shows 51% Of Females
(Orange) And 49% Of Males (Violet) Participated In This Survey. Females Were Slightly Higher When Compared
To Males.
Shalini Sathiyamoorthy, Vishnu Priya V,Gayathri. R
Figure 2: Bar Chart Depicts The Association Between Gender And Awareness On Intermittent Fasting. X Axis
Represents The Gender And Y Axis Represents The Number Of Respondents. This Bar Graph Shows That 78% Of
Total Participants Were Aware Of Intermittent Fasting (Blue) And 22% Of The Participants Were Not Aware (Green).
Chi Square Test Was Done And Association Was Statistically Not Significant. Pearson’s Chi Square Value: 1.149, P
Value: 0.284 (>0.05). However Both Males And Females Are Aware Of Intermittent Fasting.
Awareness On Intermittent Fasting Plan Among College Students A Survey
Figure 3: Bar Chart Depicts The Association Between Gender And Healthiness. X Axis Represents The Gender And
Y Axis Represents The Number Of Respondents. This Bar Graph Shows That 54% Of Total Participants Agree That
Intermittent Fasting Is Good For Health (Blue) And 46% Of The Participants Disagreed (Green). Chi Square Test Was
Done And Association Was Statistically Significant. Pearson’s Chi Square Value: 4.803, P Value: 0.028 (<0.05).
However Females Have Better Knowledge Than Males.
Shalini Sathiyamoorthy, Vishnu Priya V,Gayathri. R
Figure 4: Bar Chart Depicts The Association Between Gender And Weight Reduction. X Axis Represents The Gender
And Y Axis Represents The Number Of Respondents. This Bar Graph Shows That 70% Of Total Participants Are
Aware That Intermittent Fasting Is The Effective Way To Lose Weight (Blue) And 30% Of The Participants Are Not
Aware (Green). Chi Square Test Was Done And Association Was Statistically Significant. Pearson’s Chi Square
Value: 13.127, P Value: 0.013 (<0.05). However Females Were More Aware Than Males.
Awareness On Intermittent Fasting Plan Among College Students A Survey
Figure 5: Bar Chart Depicts The Association Between Gender And Insulin Resistance. X Axis Represents The Gender
And Y Axis Represents The Number Of Respondents. This Bar Graph Shows That Only 39% Of Total Participants
Are Aware That Intermittent Fasting Can Reduce Insulin Resistance (Blue) And 61% Of The Participants Are Not
Aware (Green). Chi Square Test Was Done And Association Was Statistically Significant. Pearson’s Chi Square
Value: 6.279, P Value: 0.012 (<0.05). However Females Have Better Knowledge Than Males.
Shalini Sathiyamoorthy, Vishnu Priya V,Gayathri. R
Figure 6: Bar Chart Depicts The Association Between Gender And Risk Of Cancer. X Axis Represents The Gender
And Y Axis Represents The Number Of Respondents. This Bar Graph Shows That Only 39% Of Total Participants
Agree That Intermittent Fasting Reduces The Risk Of Cancer (Blue) And 61% Of The Participants Disagreed (Green).
Chi Square Test Was Done And Association Was Statistically Not Significant. Pearson’s Chi Square Value: 0.207, P
Value: 0.649(>0.05).Hence There Was Not Much Difference In Responses Among Males And Females.
Awareness On Intermittent Fasting Plan Among College Students A Survey
Figure 7: Bar Chart Depicts The Association Between Gender And Metabolic Rate. X Axis Represents The Gender
And Y Axis Represents The Number Of Respondents. This Bar Graph Shows That Only 53% Of Total Participants
Agree That Intermittent Fasting Boosts The Metabolic Rate (Blue) And 47% Of The Participants Disagreed (Green).
Chi Square Test Was Done And Association Was Statistically Not Significant. Pearson’s Chi Square Value:2.532, P
Value: 0.112 (>0.05). Hence There Was Not Much Difference In Responses Among Males And Females.
Shalini Sathiyamoorthy, Vishnu Priya V,Gayathri. R
Figure 8: Bar Chart Depicts The Association Between Gender And Autophagy. X Axis Represents The Gender And
Y Axis Represents The Number Of Respondents. This Bar Graph Shows That Only 22% Of Total Participants Agree
That Intermittent Fasting Increases Autophagy (Blue) And 78% Of The Participants Disagreed (Green). Chi Square
Test Was Done And Association Was Statistically Not Significant. Pearson’s Chi Square Value: 1.149, P Value: 0.284
(>0.05). Males Have Better Knowledge Than Females.
Awareness On Intermittent Fasting Plan Among College Students A Survey
Figure 9: Bar Chart Depicts The Association Between Gender And Effect Of Alzheimer’s And Parkinson’s Disease.
X Axis Represents The Gender And Y Axis Represents The Number Of Respondents. This Bar Graph Shows That
Only 13% Of Total Participants Agree That Intermittent Fasting Protects From The Effect Of Alzheimer’s And
Parkinson’s Disease (Blue) And 87% Of The Participants Disagreed (Green). Chi Square Test Was Done And
Association Was Statistically Not Significant. Pearson’s Chi Square Value: 0.048, P Value: 0.826 (>0.05). Hence
There Was Not Much Difference In Responses Among Males And Females.
Shalini Sathiyamoorthy, Vishnu Priya V,Gayathri. R
Figure 10: Bar Chart Depicts The Association Between Gender And Lifespan. X Axis Represents The Gender And
Y Axis Represents The Number Of Respondents. This Bar Graph Shows That Only 37% Of Total Participants Agree
That Intermittent Fasting May Extend Your Lifespan (Blue) And 63% Of The Participants Are Not Aware (Green).
Chi Square Test Was Done And Association Was Statistically Significant. Pearson’s Chi Square Value: 4.518, P
Value: 0.034 (<0.05). Females Have More Awareness Than Males.
The Term Intermittent Fasting, When Used For Health Reasons Or Weight Loss, Has Been Used To Describe Various
Types Of Caloric Restriction. When Some People Withholds Caloric Intake For Several Consecutive Hours During
The Day (Often 16 H With All Energy Intake During The Other 8 H Of The Day) (Furmli Et Al., 2018), Others For
A Full Day Once Or Twice A Week (Corley Et Al., 2018), And Others Three Or Four Days Per Week (Harris Et Al.,
2018). Some Protocols Allow Protein Intake But No Carbohydrates And Still Label It Intermittent Fasting . Others
Allow Carbohydrates Or Macro/Micro-Nutrients Up To A Limit That Will Still Promote Ketosis And, Although It Is
Simply A Low-Calorie Diet, Due To The Popularity Of Fasting This Has Been Labeled A Diet That Mimics Fasting
(Wei Et Al., 2017). In All Instances, Non-Caloric Fluid Intake Is Permitted And Therefore Significantly Reduces The
Risk Of Dehydration And Hypotension, A Prominent Consideration In Religious Fasting. The Potential Impact On
Intermittent Fasting On The Human Microbiome, The Human Growth Hormone/Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Axis,
Mitochondriogenesis, Immune System Efficiency, And Autophagy. Autophagy Regulates The Amino Acid Supply,
And This Was Recently Reported To Be Controlled In Specific Patterns During Water-Only Fasting In Humans
(Horne Et Al., 2013; Paoli Et Al., 2019; Washburn Et Al., 2019).
Awareness On Intermittent Fasting Plan Among College Students A Survey
Insulin Resistance, The Most Prominent Feature Of Type 2 Diabetes, Has Long Been Known To Improve With Caloric
Restriction (Weindruch And Walford, 1988). After A Period Of Fasting, Insulin Sensitivity Rises And Insulin Levels
Fall (Varady, 2011; Klempel Et Al., 2012). These Result In Improved Fasting And Postprandial Glucose Levels. In
Addition, As Insulin Induces Adipose Tissue Growth, There Is Less Propensity To Weight Gain And Potentially Even
Weight Loss. Furmli Et.Al. (Furmli Et Al., 2018) Reported On Three Patients Who Were Able To Discontinue Insulin
Treatment 518 Days After Beginning Intermittent Fasting, During Which They Ate Dinner But Skipped Breakfast
And Lunch On Either Alternate Days Or 3 Days Per Week. Intermittent Fasting Decreased Skin Temperature And Fat
Mass, And Improved Glucose Tolerance With Decreasing Food Intake. Intermittent Fasting Also Prevented Memory
Loss: Short-Term And Special Memory Loss. Therefore, Intermittent Fasting May Prevent Some Of The Metabolic
Pathologies Associated With Menopause And Protect Against Age-Related Memory Decline (Montasser Et Al., 2015;
Au Et Al., 2016). Future Scope Of The Study Is To Conduct The Study In A Larger Population, Particularly For A
Certain Speciality/Age/Experience Group Should Be Studied.Our Institution Is Passionate About High Quality
Evidence Based Research And Has Excelled In Various Fields ( (Pc, Marimuthu And Devadoss, 2018; Ramesh Et
Al., 2018; Vijayashree Priyadharsini, Smiline Girija And Paramasivam, 2018; Ezhilarasan, Apoorva And Ashok
Vardhan, 2019; Ramadurai Et Al., 2019; Sridharan Et Al., 2019; Vijayashree Priyadharsini, 2019; Chandrasekar Et
Al., 2020; Mathew Et Al., 2020; R Et Al., 2020; Samuel, 2021).
Within The Limitation, This Study Reveals That Females Have Better Knowledge And Awareness About Intermittent
Fasting. The Findings Of The Study Suggests That The Awareness Of Intermittent Fasting Was Low Among The
College Students. It Is Well Known That In Humans, Even A Single Fasting Interval (E.G., Overnight) Can Reduce
Basal Concentrations Of Metabolic Biomarkers Associated With Chronic Disease Such As Insulin And Glucose. Due
To The Increasing Prevalence Of Overweight And Obesity It Is Important To Share Knowledge And Awareness On
If Among People. Further Studies Are Needed To Address The Intermittent Fasting Diet Plans In Different Population.
Intermittent Fasting May Prove To Be A Promising Approach To Improving Health Once It Is Determined Which
Individuals Will Best Benefit And Be Able To Sustain It.
The Authors Thank Saveetha Dental College For Extending Full Support To Complete This Study.
Conflict Of Interest: Nil
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