Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations (June 2018)
Name of Complainant(s):
Name of Accused(s):
Division or Facility:
Date of Incident(s):
Date of First Report:
Date(s) Investigation Conducted:
List of Witnesses Interviewed:
Summary of Complaint: [Summarize the complainant’s allegations here.]
Summary of Reply: [Summarize the accused(s)’ response to the allegations here.]
Summary of Key Witnesses: [Summarize the interviews of key witnesses, with or without
names redacted]
Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations (June 2018)
Findings of Fact: [Make detailed findings of fact regarding the key elements of the
complaint and the defense. Justify findings with evidentiary support. Resolve credibility
disputes and explain the basis for the findings. Specifically address key evidence that does
not support findings and why it was discounted or discredited.]
Conclusion: [Explain conclusion as to whether or not complaint has been substantiated
and whether a violation of the company’s harassment policy occurred. Do not reach legal
conclusion as to whether “sexual harassment or racial harassment” has taken place because
this finding could be used against the company in a subsequent action.]
Remedial Action Taken: [May belong in separate document if investigator not
determining remedial action. Indicate whether remedial action was taken and what the
action was. Explain why the action was taken, if it is not obvious. Include within the
explanation of the remedial action taken any re-affirmation of the policy or training of the
Name of Investigator:
Signature of Investigator:
Date of Report: