Forest Bioenergy or Forest Carbon?
Assessing Trade-Offs in Greenhouse
Gas Mitigation with Wood-Based
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, 35 St.
George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4, Canada, Ontario
Forest Research Institute, 1235 Queen Street East, Sault Ste.
Marie, Ontario P6A 2E5, Canada, School of Policy Studies and
Deptartment of Geography, Queen’s University, 423-138
Union St. Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada, and
Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry,
School of Public Policy and Governance, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4, Canada
Received July 15, 2010. Revised manuscript received
November 11, 2010. Accepted November 18, 2010.
The potential of forest-based bioenergy to reduce greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions when displacing fossil-based energy
must be balanced with forest carbon implications related to
biomass harvest. We integrate life cycle assessment (LCA) and
forest carbon analysis to assess total GHG emissions of
forest bioenergy over time. Application of the method to case
studies of wood pellet and ethanol production from forest
biomass reveals a substantial reduction in forest carbon due
to bioenergy production. For all cases, harvest-related
forest carbon reductions and associated GHG emissions
initially exceed avoided fossil fuel-related emissions, temporarily
increasing overall emissions. In the long term, electricity
generation from pellets reduces overall emissions relative to
coal, although forest carbon losses delay net GHG mitigation by
16-38 years, depending on biomass source (harvest residues/
standing trees). Ethanol produced from standing trees
increases overall emissions throughout 100 years of continuous
production: ethanol from residues achieves reductions after
a 74 year delay. Forest carbon more significantly affects bioenergy
emissions when biomass is sourced from standing trees
compared to residues and when less GHG-intensive fuels are
displaced. In all cases, forest carbon dynamics are significant.
Although study results are not generalizable to all forests, we
suggest the integrated LCA/forest carbon approach be
undertaken for bioenergy studies.
Forests can contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation
strategies through capturing and storing atmospheric CO
in live biomass, dead organic matter, and soil pools, supplying
a source for wood products that both stores carbon and can
displace more GHG-intensive alternatives, and providing a
feedstock for bioenergy to displace fossil fuel use. While the
merit of each of these options has been individually
investigated, trade-offs associated with forest resource
utilization decisions must also be considered. Of particular
interest is the relationship between harvest and forest carbon
storage and how this impacts the GHG mitigation perfor-
mance of forest products, including bioenergy. Existing tools
employed to evaluate emissions associated with different
forest resource use decisions are not individually well suited
to considering such interactions.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been applied to bioenergy
options, including electricity generation and transportation
fuels. The GHG mitigation potential of bioenergy products
depends on activities throughout the entire life cycle (LC),
making such a perspective necessary for a comprehensive
evaluation. Numerous LCAs have focused on agricultural
biomass as feedstock for bioenergy, e.g., reviewed in ref (1).
Comparatively few LCAs have evaluated bioenergy from forest
biomass; those that have examined electricity generation (e.g.,
ref (2)), heating (e.g., ref (3)), and transportation (e.g., ref
(4)). Bioenergy LCAs have generally found that the substitu-
tion of fossil fuel-derived energy with biomass-derived
alternatives reduces GHG emissions, owing in part to the
assumption that biomass-based CO
emissions do not
increase atmospheric CO
Conventional wisdom has generally accepted this as-
sumption of biomass ‘carbon neutrality’, and thus, most of
the LC GHG emissions associated with bioenergy production
are attributed to fossil carbon inputs into the system (5). In
practice, however, the assumption of carbon neutrality may
not accurately represent carbon cycling related to biomass
growth (e.g., ref (6)). The practice of annual or semiannual
harvest in agriculture means that carbon uptake by biomass
may reasonably match carbon release in bioenergy systems
within a short time frame, although land use change impacts
resulting from biomass production can upset this balance
(7). In temperate forests, the harvest cycle can range from
60 to 100 or more years due to the relatively slow growth of
forest species. It could therefore take a century for carbon
stocks to be replaced, particularly under a clearcutting regime
(harvest of all merchantable trees). Harvest patterns and
associated implications for forest carbon stocks vary exten-
sively, ranging from clearcuts to variable retention patterns,
including shelterwood and selection cuts. Some variable
retention approaches may actually increase forest regenera-
tion, increasing the potential to recover carbon (8). Bioenergy
production from harvest residues (tree tops and branches)
also impacts forest carbon stocks; left uncollected, residues
continue to store carbon until released by decomposition or
treatment for forest regeneration. While sustainable forest
management should ensure that harvest does not impair the
long-term productivity of forests, harvest and other forest
management activities clearly impact present and future
forest carbon stocks. LCA, in its current form, is not well
suited to consider the complexities of forest carbon dynamics.
Forest carbon studies have weighed the carbon balance
of harvest with the GHG mitigation potential of forest
products (e.g., refs 9-11). Some studies have utilized
sophisticated forest carbon models to track changes in carbon
stored in living biomass (above ground and below ground),
dead organic matter, and soil pools (e.g., refs 12, 13). These
studies, however, generally employ simplified assumptions
regarding the GHG emissions of forest products (including
bioenergy) and have not incorporated a full LC approach.
Given the dependence of emissions on specific system
* Corresponding author phone: (416) 946-5056, fax: (416) 978-
3674, e-mail: [email protected].
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto.
Ontario Forest Research Institute.
Queen’s University.
School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 789–795
10.1021/es1024004 2011 American Chemical Society VOL. 45, NO. 2, 2011 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
Published on Web 12/10/2010
characteristics (e.g., biomass source, bioenergy production
process, fuel displaced), generalized assumptions regarding
the GHG mitigation potential of bioenergy are inadequate
for informing decision making and public policies.
State-of-the-art tools are available for independently
evaluating both the LC emissions of bioenergy systems and
forest carbon dynamics. Using these methods in isolation,
as has been general practice, stops short of the comprehensive
evaluation needed to properly assess the GHG emissions of
forest products. In an assessment of GHG mitigation
performance of structural wood products, ref (14) incorpo-
rated LCA with an analysis of forest carbon dynamics. While
the study did not consider bioenergy as a product, the results
illustrate the importance of considering forest carbon and
LC emissions simultaneously when evaluating forest prod-
ucts. Applied to bioenergy, integrating LCA with forest carbon
modeling would improve understanding of potential con-
tributions to climate change mitigation.
Bioenergy has been treated inconsistently across energy
and climate change policy initiatives in terms of how (or if)
GHG emissions are quantified. Forest bioenergy policies that
ignore carbon flows in the forest may prove ineffective at
achieving actual emissions reductions (15). Exclusion of forest
carbon from current initiatives is in part due to data issues,
although emerging guidelines may ameliorate this situation
(16). Tools that are able to synthesize forest carbon data and
LCA and evaluate trade-offs between bioenergy and forest
carbon remain to be developed.
Forest bioenergy has the potential to significantly reduce
GHG emissions compared with fossil fuel alternatives.
However, interactions between biomass harvest and forest
carbon and the resulting effect on the GHG mitigation
performance of bioenergy systems are inadequately under-
stood. The objectives of this study are to demonstrate the
integration of LCA and forest carbon modeling to assess the
total GHG emissions (referred to as “emissions”) of forest-
based bioenergy options and to determine how emissions
reductions associated with bioenergy are impacted when
forest carbon is taken into account. We demonstrate this
approach through a case study investigating two bioenergy
products (wood pellets, referred to as pellets, and ethanol)
from two biomass sources (standing trees and harvest
residues, referred to as residues) within the Great Lakes-St.
Lawrence (GLSL) forest region of Ontario, Canada.
We develop a framework integrating two analysis tools: life
cycle inventory (LCI) analysis and forest carbon modeling.
See Supporting Information for additional detail on all
methods. LCI analysis quantifies emissions related to the
production and use of forest biomass-derived energy. The
LCI is based on the assumption of immediate biomass carbon
neutrality, as is common practice, and is therefore employed
to quantify the impact of all emissions on atmospheric GHGs
with the exception of biomass-based CO
Forest carbon modeling quantifies the impact of biomass
harvest on forest carbon dynamics, permitting an evaluation
of the validity of the immediate carbon neutrality assumption.
If biomass-based CO
is fully compensated for by forest
regrowth, biomass harvest will have no impact on forest
carbon stocks. Reduced forest carbon indicates that a portion
of biomass-based CO
emissions contributes to increased
atmospheric GHGs and should be attributed to the bioenergy
pathway. The total emissions associated with a bioenergy
system are the sum of the two sets of GHG flows (those
resulting from the LCI and those from the forest carbon
(t) ) FC(t) + GHG
(t) (1)
where GHG
(t) is the total emissions associated with
bioenergy, FC(t) is the change in forest carbon due to
biomass harvest for bioenergy, and GHG
(t) is the GHG
emissions associated with bioenergy substitution for a fossil
fuel alternative [all reported in metric tonne CO
equiv)] at time t.
The change in forest carbon, FC(t), is the difference in
forest carbon stocks between harvest scenarios: those ‘with’
and ‘without’ bioenergy production. While we present this
as a single parameter in eq 1, in reality forest carbon models
consider the complexity of carbon fluxes between pools
within the forest and between the forest and atmosphere.
Carbon in biomass harvested for bioenergy is assumed to be
immediately released to the atmosphere. However, forest
regrowth will capture and store atmospheric CO
over time.
There is therefore a time dependency to the carbon impact
of forest harvest for bioenergy. Assessing the change in forest
carbon requires consideration of the forest response following
harvest and the fate of the biomass source if it is not harvested
for bioenergy (standing trees could be harvested for other
uses or never harvested; residues could decompose on site,
be burned as part of site preparation, or be collected for
other uses). Local conditions influence such factors and must
inform specific applications of this method. Information
relevant to the current case study is provided in the following
methods subsection.
LCI quantifies emissions associated with all activities from
initial resource extraction and fuel production through to
the use of fuels, inclusive of transportation and distribution
stages. Emissions related to the production of inputs are
included based on their cradle-to-grave activities. Comparing
emissions of a bioenergy product with the relevant reference
fossil fuel alternative(s) determines the bioenergy GHG
mitigation performance. The output of the bioenergy LCI
models, emissions per functional unit, is not directly
compatible with the output of forest carbon models, which
quantify carbon stocks over relatively long time periods (e.g.,
100 years) in order to fully capture the impact of management
decisions. To integrate the assessment tools, we quantify the
cumulative emissions associated with bioenergy production
within the time period investigated with the forest carbon
model (e.g., 100 years), considering GHG mitigation from
fossil fuel displacement to be permanent. LCI results are
converted to a quantity of emissions by
(t) )
(t) × GHG
dt (2)
where GHG
(t) represents emissions associated with bioen-
ergy substitution for fossil fuel alternative(s) at time t
equiv), Q
(t) is the quantity of biomass used to produce
bioenergy product i at time t (e.g., oven dry tonne (odt)
biomass/year), and GHG
is the emissions associated with
bioenergy product i per unit biomass (tCO
Summing the bioenergy emissions (based on the LCI results)
and the forest carbon emissions gives the total emissions of
bioenergy utilization over time as shown in eq 1.
Considering emissions over a long time period is relevant
to the carbon dynamics of a forest; however, this introduces
uncertainty regarding future forest conditions, markets, and
the performance of the energy systems investigated. The LCI
and forest carbon analysis in this research consider that these
conditions remain static throughout the time frame due to
the difficulty of deriving reasonable estimates for these
parameters. These issues are further examined in the Results
and Discussion.
Application of LCI/Forest Carbon Model framework. We
apply the above framework to investigate the impact of forest
carbon dynamics on the total emissions associated with
several forest-based bioenergy pathways. Forest biomass is
assumed to be procured for the production of fuels for
electricity generation and light-duty vehicle (LDV) trans-
portation. Reference models are also developed for con-
ventional fuel sources to which the bioenergy pathways are
compared. We examine emissions of selected GHGs (CO
O), reported as CO
equiv based on 100 year global
warming potentials (17). See the Supporting Information for
additional case study details and data.
The pathways considered are as follows. (1) Electricity
generation: (a) Reference coal: production of electricity from
coal at an existing generating station (GS) in Ontario; (b)
Pellet cofiring, harvest residue: production of electricity at
20% cofiring rate (energy input basis) at retrofit coal GS,
pellets produced from residues; (c) Pellet cofiring, standing
tree: production of electricity at 20% cofiring rate (energy
input basis) at a retrofit coal GS, pellets produced from
standing trees. (2) Transportation: (a) Reference gasoline:
gasoline use in LDV; (b) E85, harvest residue: ethanol/gasoline
blended fuel use in LDV, ethanol produced from residues
(biomass is not pelletized); (c) E85, standing tree: ethanol/
gasoline blended fuel (85% ethanol by volume) use in LDV,
ethanol produced from standing trees (biomass is not
Biomass Sources. Biomass is supplied from standing trees
and residues from 5.25 million hectares within the GLSL forest
region in Ontario. This area represents 19% of provincially
owned forest managed for timber production. Trees allocated
for harvest that are not currently utilized for traditional
products could serve as a source of biomass for bioenergy
applications without impacting markets for conventional
wood products. Residues do not have a useful purpose in the
region’s conventional forest products industry and are left
to decompose in the forest. Competition for limited wood
resources can result in diversion from current uses (e.g., pulp)
to bioenergy (18) with potential indirect emissions conse-
quences (7). By limiting the present study to biomass sources
unutilized for conventional products, we avoid such market
Standing tree harvest and related forest operations
(regeneration, road construction/maintenance, and transport
to the pellet/ethanol facility) are assessed using a model
developed in our previous work (6). Emissions related to
residue collection are calculated by treating the residues as
a byproduct of forest harvest. Only additional fuel use
required for collection beyond that of current harvest
operations is allocated to the residues; other forest operations
are allocated to the primary forest product and are therefore
not included in the present study. Residue collection consists
of roadside chipping and loading.
Electricity Pathways. LCI models representing electricity
generation from coal and cofiring of pellets from standing
trees were developed in our prior work (6). The models
consider emissions associated with the full fuel LCs from
initial resource extraction through to combustion as well as
upstream emissions related to process inputs. One kWh is
selected as the functional unit for the analysis. We assume
that pellet production from residues and their use for cofiring
is similar to that of pellets from standing trees but modify
the pelletization process to reflect that residues are chipped
in the forest (standing trees are delivered as logs). For both
sources, 15% of input biomass is assumed to be consumed
during pellet production to dry the biomass. Avoiding fossil
fuel use reduces emissions during the pelletization process
but increases biomass input to pellet production and
associated forest carbon impacts. Implications of this as-
sumption are considered in Results and Discussion.
Transportation Pathways. Ethanol production, trans-
portation, distribution, and use as E85 fuel in LDV are
modeled based on the wood-to-ethanol biochemical con-
version pathway in the Government of Canada’s “well-to-
wheel” model, GHGenius 3.17 (4). The gasoline portion of
E85 fuel and the reference gasoline pathway are also taken
from GHGenius. The functional unit for the transportation
pathways is 1 km driven. Significant uncertainty exists in
evaluating ethanol production from cellulosic feedstock as
technological development and optimization is ongoing and
production not yet at commercial scale (19).
Forest Carbon. The forest carbon dynamics related to
biomass harvest are evaluated using FORCARB-ON, an
Ontario-specific adaptation of the FORCARB2 model (12).
FORCARB-ON quantifies carbon stocks (in living trees, soil,
standing dead trees, down dead wood, forest floor, and
understory vegetation pools) based on harvest schedules and
inventories that producers are required to report to the
Province. Harvest schedules take into account species and
age composition of the forest, age classes eligible for harvest,
natural disturbance frequency, growth rates, and forest
succession. The model estimates forest carbon stocks over
100 years, a time frame relevant to the long-term perspective
of forest management planning.
We evaluate forest carbon stocks for three potential harvest
scenarios: (1) “current harvest” baseline, where biomass
(standing trees, residues) is not collected for bioenergy
production and therefore timber is removed solely to satisfy
the current demand for traditional wood products; (2)
“current + residue” harvest, with residue removal for
bioenergy production; and (3) “maximum allowable” harvest,
with additional standing tree harvest (compared to the
baseline) for bioenergy production (residues are not col-
lected). The difference in forest carbon stocks between the
bioenergy production scenarios and “current harvest” base-
line scenario is allocated to the bioenergy products. Additional
standing tree harvest for bioenergy occurs as scheduled under
forest management plans; following harvest, stands are
regenerated by planting or natural regeneration, varying by
site. If not harvested for bioenergy, standing trees eventually
undergo natural succession and are subject to a small
likelihood of natural disturbance. Residue collection is
assumed to not impact soil carbon stocks; uncollected
residues are assumed to decompose on site, either at the
roadside or near where trees were felled. The consequence
of collecting residues for bioenergy production is that this
temporary carbon store is ‘liquidated’ immediately (com-
busted during bioenergy production and use) rather than
decomposing slowly in the forest. Therefore, the associated
change in forest carbon is the difference between immediate
release (bioenergy) and decomposition over time if not
collected. As noted previously, these factors could vary by
location with a potentially significant impact on the assessed
forest carbon emissions. We do not consider emissions related
to the current harvest for traditional wood products or their
use. Under the assumptions in this study, this is not affected
by the decision to undertake additional harvest or collect
residues for bioenergy production.
Results and Discussion
Life Cycle Inventory Results, Excluding Forest Carbon. LCI
results for the pathways are shown in Table 1, using the
assumption of immediate biomass carbon neutrality. LCI
emissions for biomass are greater when sourced from
standing trees than from residues. Upstream (fuel production)
stages, however, are minor contributors to LC emissions of
either pellets or ethanol. The majority of emissions arise from
the combustion of fossil fuels, both as the fossil portion during
bioenergy use and in the reference fossil pathways. Excluding
changes in forest carbon, 20% pellet cofiring reduces LC
emissions by 18% compared to coal-only operation (kWh
basis) whether standing trees or residues are utilized, whereas
an E85-fueled LDV reduces LC emissions by 57% compared
to a gasoline LDV (km-driven basis). The greater emission
reduction of E85 relative to pellet cofiring gives the appear-
9 791
ance that this pathway represents a preferred use of biomass
for reducing emissions, but this results primarily from the
cofiring scenario utilizing a lower proportion of biomass fuel
(20%, energy basis) than E85 (79%, energy basis).
We convert the LC emissions from their initial functional
units (kWh, km driven) to a basis of one odt of biomass
removed from the forest for bioenergy production (odt
This makes the LCI and forest carbon model results compat-
ible and facilitates a comparison of the two bioenergy
pathways (electricity, ethanol) in terms of their effectiveness
of biomass utilization in reducing emissions (see Supporting
Information, equation S-3). Over their respective LCs, the
production and use of pellets from standing trees displaces
1.49 tCO
, while ethanol production and use
displaces 0.51 tCO
, exclusive of forest carbon
impacts. Utilizing residues as a feedstock for pellets and
ethanol displaces 1.50 and 0.53 tCO
, respec-
tively. Substitution of coal with pellets provides a greater
mitigation benefit than substitution of gasoline with ethanol,
primarily due to the higher GHG intensity of coal. To put
these values into perspective, the constituent carbon in
biomass is equivalent to 1.83 tCO
equiv/odt. The significance
isconsidered subsequently.
Forest Carbon Analysis Results: Impact of Biomass
Harvest. Sustainable biomass sources in the study area could
provide, on average, 1.8 million odt/year from standing trees
and 0.38 million odt/year from residues. Combined, these
sources could provide 2.2% of annual electricity generation
in the province or reduce gasoline consumption by 3.3%
(see Supporting Information). Forest carbon loss due to
undertaking biomass harvest in the study area over a 100
year period is shown in Table 2. For both sources (residues,
standing trees), harvest reduces forest carbon asymptotically
toward a “steady state”. For standing trees, as more stands
are harvested for bioenergy over time, the rate of carbon
accumulation in regrowing stands increases toward a point
where, under ideal conditions, carbon accumulation balances
removals associated with continued harvest. For residues, a
similar steady state is eventually achieved when the rate of
carbon removals at harvest is matched by the expected rate
of residue decomposition if harvest is not undertaken.
Continuing biomass harvest once a steady state has been
reached would not impact forest carbon stocks; however,
initiating biomass harvest beyond current removals has
significant emissions consequences in the near to medium
term. Forest carbon loss due to harvest residue collection
approaches a maximum of 15MtCO
equiv, whereas stand-
ing tree harvest for bioenergy results in a carbon loss
exceeding 150 MtCO
equiv after 100 years. Proportional to
the quantity of biomass provided, standing tree harvest results
in a greater impact on forest carbon than harvest residue
collection because live trees would generally continue to
sequester carbon if not harvested, whereas carbon in
uncollected residues declines over time.
Total GHG Emissions: Combined LCI and Forest Carbon
Analysis Results. Summing the cumulative emissions of the
bioenergy options (LCI results Figure 1, dashed lines) and
the forest carbon emissions (Figure 1, dotted lines) results
in the total emissions of bioenergy production and use (Figure
1, solid lines). When reductions in forest carbon are included,
emission mitigation is delayed and reduced compared to
the case where immediate biomass carbon neutrality is
assumed. For all scenarios investigated, total emissions from
the bioenergy pathways initially exceed those of the reference
fossil fuel pathways, indicating an initial increase in emissions
resulting from bioenergy use. Emissions associated with forest
carbon loss due to biomass harvest exceed the reduction of
fossil fuel-based emissions provided by bioenergy substitu-
tion. The emissions increase associated with bioenergy,
however, is temporary: the rate of forest carbon loss decreases
with time, whereas the emissions reduction associated with
utilizing bioenergy in place of fossil alternatives continues
to increase throughout the 100 year period, proportional to
the cumulative quantity of pellets or ethanol produced. A
TABLE 1. Life Cycle GHG Emissions Associated with Bioenergy Product (wood pellets, ethanol) Blended for Use and Substitution
for Fossil Reference Pathway
electricity generation pathways transportation pathways
life cycle stage
(g CO
20% pellet
cofiring, residue
(g CO
20% pellet
cofiring, standing tree
(g CO
(g CO
E85, residue
(g CO
E85, standing tree
(g CO
forest operations 1.9 4.3 5.1 11.7
bioenergy production, distribution
9.5 9.6 46 46
upstream fossil energy component 62 50 50 77 16 16
fuel use (combustion)
939 760 760 211 48 48
total life cycle emissions 1001 821 824 288 116 123
Values assume immediate carbon neutrality and do not take into consideration forest carbon implications.
transport of biomass to the production facility, bioenergy production, electricity coproduct credit from biochemical
production of ethanol, and bioenergy transportation/distribution stages.
Reference (6).
Surface coal mining removes
biomass and disturbs soil, which results in GHG emissions due to direct land use change. These emissions along with
other mining process emissions are considered in our analysis.
Fuel use consists of GHG emissions from the fossil
component of fuel (coal, gasoline) and non-CO
GHG emissions associated with bioenergy (pellet, ethanol) combustion.
Reference (4).
TABLE 2. Forest Carbon Impacts of Continuous Biomass Harvest
forest carbon stock change (MtCO
biomass source 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
residues 0
-8.2 -11.8 -13.0 -13.5 -13.9 -14.3 -14.7 -15.0 -15.2 -15.2
standing trees 0 -43.6 -80.9 -106.3 -112.5 -113.4 -112.7 -132.8 -143.6 -150.8 -150.7
Negative values indicate a GHG emission source (forest carbon stocks are reduced due to biomass harvest) that is
attributable to bioenergy production.
Reported values are the total stock change due to continuous harvest. For example,
50 years of continuous standing tree harvest reduces total forest carbon stocks by 113.4 MtCO
time delay therefore exists before bioenergy systems reach
a “break-even” point where total emissions for the bioenergy
and reference fossil pathways are equal. Only after the break-
even point are net emissions reductions achieved.
Figure 1a and 1b shows the total emissions resulting from
continuous use of residues for pellet and ethanol production,
respectively, over a 100 year period. Excluding forest carbon,
the emissions reduction associated with utilizing bioenergy
in place of fossil alternatives increases steadily over time.
The reduction of forest carbon stocks due to residue collection
slows toward a steady state. Co-firing with pellets produced
from residues reduces cumulative emissions relative to coal
only after an initial period of increased emissions lasting 16
years. Forest carbon impacts of residue removal reduce the
total emission mitigation at year 100 from 57 MtCO
(expected assuming immediate biomass carbon neutrality)
to 42 MtCO
Compared to the electricity pathway results, utilization
of residues for ethanol production is more greatly impacted
by changes in forest carbon, due to the lower GHG intensity
of the displaced fuel (gasoline compared to coal). An overall
emission reduction occurs only after 74 years of continuous
production of ethanol; total GHG reductions by year 100 are
reduced by 76% from expected performance assuming
immediate biomass carbon neutrality.
Due to the greater forest carbon impact of standing tree
harvest compared to residue collection, bioenergy production
from standing trees performs worse in terms of reducing
emissions (Figure 1c and 1d). Pellet production from standing
trees results in a greater initial emissions increase, reaching
a break-even point only after 38 years of continuous
production and use when displacing coal for electricity
generation. The total emissions reductions from utilizing
wood pellets from standing trees over a 100 year period,
expected under the assumption of biomass carbon neutrality,
is reduced by 56% when forest carbon impacts are considered.
As in the residue cases, for the standing tree cases forest
carbon more significantly impacts total emissions of ethanol
than those associated with pellets for electricity generation.
Ethanol production from standing trees (Figure 1d) does not
reduce emissions at any point within the 100 year period;
instead, overall emissions to the atmosphere increase relative
to the gasoline reference pathway. Disregarding biobased
emissions, as is common to most LCAs, would return
an opposite, and erroneous, result. This contradiction, also
identified elsewhere (15), illustrates the misleading conse-
quence of assuming immediate biomass carbon neutrality
when quantifying emissions of some bioenergy pathways.
Simply adding biobased CO
emissions associated with
bioenergy production and use to the LCI totals presented in
Table 1 would increase emissions associated with bioenergy.
Pellet cofiring (at 20%) would result in (all in gCO
kWh) 1039 (residue) and 1042 (standing tree) compared to
1001 for coal only. E85 would emit (all in gCO
equiv/km) 711
(residue) and 718 (standing tree) compared to 288 for
gasoline. This approach, however, would not accurately assess
the impact of bioenergy production and use on the atmo-
sphere. By only considering carbon in harvested biomass,
near-term emissions would be underestimated (decomposi-
tion of uncollected biomass, for example, below ground
biomass, is omitted). Mid- to long-term emissions would be
overestimated as compensation for biobased CO
within the forest (e.g., regrowth) is not considered.
Sensitivity Analysis. A sensitivity analysis is performed
to assess the impact of key sources of uncertainty/variability
in the LCI and forest carbon model parameters on the study
FIGURE 1. Cumulative GHG emissions from continuous biomass harvest for bioenergy production: (a) pellets produced from residues,
displacing coal (20% cofiring), (b) ethanol produced from residues, displacing gasoline (E85 fuel), (c) pellets produced from standing
trees, displacing coal (20% cofiring), and (d) ethanol produced from standing trees, displacing gasoline (E85 fuel). Positive values
indicate an increase in GHG emissions to the atmosphere.
9 793
results (see Supporting Information). The results are not
sensitive to most parameters, and the general trends of the
impacts of biomass harvest on carbon stocks and their
contribution to overall emissions were not found to be
impacted by uncertainty in the parameters. The pellet
pathway results were found to be most sensitive to assump-
tions related to the quantity of biomass used for drying during
pelletization (15% of input biomass in base case) (see
Supporting Information Figure S-3). Reducing the consump-
tion of biomass during the drying stage increases pellet output
and fossil fuel displacement per unit of input biomass. Co-
location of pelletization facilities with processes generating
waste heat could reduce the drying energy requirement. If
no input biomass is required for drying, there are larger
emissions reductions associated with pellet use and the time
before reaching break even with the fossil energy system is
reduced from 16 to 11 years (residues) and from 38 to 29
years (standing trees). When forest carbon is excluded from
the analysis, biomass utilization for drying energy has a
minimal impact on LC emissions (6).
Study Implications. The simplified assumption of im-
mediate biomass carbon neutrality has been commonly
employed in bioenergy studies, owing in part to emissions
from the energy and forest sectors being reported separately
in national inventories (17). This study, however, shows that
increasing biomass removals from the forest significantly
reduces carbon stocks and delays and lessens the GHG
mitigation potential of the bioenergy pathways studied.
Ignoring the complex relationship between forest carbon
stocks and biomass harvest by employing the carbon
neutrality assumption overstates the GHG mitigation per-
formance of forest bioenergy and fails to report delays in
achieving overall emissions reductions.
Combining LCI analysis and forest carbon modeling as
an analytical approach provides a more accurate represen-
tation of the role of forest bioenergy in GHG mitigation. When
forest carbon dynamics are included in the case study, the
use of forest-based bioenergy increases overall emissions
for many years and, in the worst-performing scenario
(standing tree harvest for ethanol production), does not yield
any net climate mitigation benefit over the 100 year period.
Carbon implications of bioenergy production are not limited
to forests, and these results should not be taken to suggest
that agricultural biomass is inherently preferable. Land use
impacts associated with agriculture-sourced bioenergy can
greatly increase LC emissions (7). Nonbioenergy systems can
also impact carbon stocks (e.g., overburden removal in coal
mining). While the contribution to total emissions may not
be significant in all situations, a comprehensive evaluation
of any fossil or renewable system should consider impacts
of life cycle activities on terrestrial carbon stocks.
Do our results support continued reliance on fossil fuels
for electricity generation and transportation? Fossil fuel use
transfers carbon from the Earth’s crust to the atmosphere;
moving beyond reliance on these energy sources is imperative
to address climate change and nonrenewable resource
concerns. Bioenergy offers advantages over other renewable
options that are limited by supply intermittency and/or high
cost. However, effective deployment of bioenergy requires
the thoughtful selection of appropriate pathways to achieve
overall emissions reductions. Harvesting standing trees for
structural wood products has been reported to reduce overall
emissions: storing carbon in wood products and displacing
GHG-intensive materials (steel, concrete) exceeds associated
forest carbon impacts (14). In comparison, using standing
trees for bioenergy immediately transfers carbon to the
atmosphere and provides a relatively smaller GHG benefit
from displacing coal or gasoline, increasing overall emissions
for several decades. Identifying biomass supply scenarios
that minimize forest carbon loss will improve the emission
mitigation performance of forest bioenergy. Residues em-
ployed for bioenergy reduce emissions from coal after a much
smaller delay than standing trees, while other forest biomass
sources (e.g., processing residuals) could offer near-term
emission reductions if used to replace GHG-intensive fossil
fuels. Industrial ecology approaches (e.g., utilizing end-of-
life wood products as a biomass source; integrating bioenergy
production with other wood products to utilize waste heat
for processing) could reduce forest carbon implications of
bioenergyproduction andare deservingoffurther consideration.
Utilizing bioenergy to displace the most GHG-intensive
fossil fuels minimizes initial emissions increases and reduces
the time required before net GHG benefits are achieved.
Ethanol production for gasoline displacement, under the
modeled conditions, is not an effective use of forest biomass
for GHG reductions. Displacing coal in electricity generation,
in comparison, is superior in reducing emissions. However,
this does not indicate that electricity applications are always
preferable. The mitigation performance of biomass-derived
electricity depends on the displaced generation source.
Further, these results represent the expected near-term state
of energy system technologies and do not consider changes
in either the reference or the bioenergy pathways over the
time frame studied. Performance improvements are inevi-
table with technological maturation and commercialization.
Technological developments regarding thermal electricity
generation (e.g., efficiency improvements; viable carbon
capture and storage) would be applicable to both biomass
and coal, while improvements in pellet production would
not greatly influence total emissions. Emissions from pro-
ducing ethanol, regarding both the ethanol production
process and the appropriate reference pathway in the future
given the limited petroleum supply and associated price
volatility, is uncertain and in the future could prove a more
effective means of emissions reductions than reported here.
Ethanol can also play an important role in addressing
economic and energy security concerns related to petroleum
Although the method demonstrated in this research is
generalizable, site-specific characteristics of forests prevent
the generalization of specific results from this study. Numer-
ous factors would influence forest carbon dynamics and must
be considered in specific analyses. Intensifying silvicultural
practices (e.g., planting instead of natural regeneration,
utilization of fast-growing species) could shorten, but not
eliminate, the period of net emission increase found in our
results. In some jurisdictions, residues are burned during
site preparation for forest regrowth. Using such residues for
bioenergy would not significantly impact forest carbon stocks.
While GHG mitigation is an important consideration of
forest resource utilization, numerous other factors must be
considered in the decision-making process. In particular,
declines in Ontario’s forest sector have negatively impacted
communities that would welcome the investment and
employment opportunities associated with bioenergy. Other
environmental factors and technical constraints must be
considered before implementing bioenergy production.
The potential of forest-based bioenergy to reduce emis-
sions from fossil fuels must be balanced with forest carbon
impacts of biomass procurement. This perspective is of
particular importance as policies related to climate change
mitigation, deployment of renewable energy, and the forest
bioeconomy are developed and implemented. Considering
bioenergy in isolation of its impact on forest carbon could
inadvertently encourage the transfer of emissions from the
energy sector to the forest sector rather than achieve real
reductions. Accounting methods must be designed to
measure the complete impact of mitigation options on the
atmosphere. By considering the broader impacts of bioenergy
production on the forest, particularly forest carbon pools,
policy can lend support to effective uses of forest resources
for climate change mitigation.
This research was supported by the Ontario Ministry of
Natural Resources and the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council. We thank Michael Ter-Mikaelian and Denis
Cormier for data and insights for the study.
Supporting Information Available
Additional detail on biomass sources, life cycle inventory of
bioenergy systems, forest carbon analysis, and additional
results and discussion. This material is available free of charge
via the Internet at
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