Angela B. Shiflet and George W. Shiflet:
Introduction to Computational Science
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The Modeling Process
The process of making and testing hypotheses about models and then revising designs
or theories has its foundation in the experimental sciences. Similarly, computational
scientists use modeling to analyze complex, real-world problems in order to predict
what might happen with some course of action. For example, Dr. Jerrold Marsden, a
computational physicist at CalTech, models space mission trajectory design (Marsden).
Dr. Julianne Collins, a genetic epidemiologist (statistical genetics) at the Greenwood
Genetics Center, runs genetic analysis programs and analyzes epidemiological studies
using the Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) (Greenwood Genetics Center). Some of
the projects on which she has worked involve analyzing data from a genome scan of
Alzheimer’s disease, performing linkage analyses of X-linked mental retardation fami-
lies, determining the recurrence risk in nonsyndromic mental retardation, analyzing
folic acid levels from a nutritional survey of Honduran women, and researching new
methods to detect genes or risk factors involved in autism. Scientists in areas such as
cognitive psychology and social psychology at the Human-Technology Interaction
Center of The University of Oklahoma perform research on the interaction of people
with modern technologies (Human-Technology Interaction Center). Some of the stud-
ies involve “strategic planning in air traffic control” and “designing interfaces for effec-
tive information retrieval from collections of multimedia.” Buried land mines are a
serious danger in many areas of the world (Weldon et al. 2001). Scientists are using a
combination of mathematics, signal processing, and scientific visualization to model,
image, and discover land mines. Lourdes Esteva, Cristobal Vargas, and Jorge Velasco-
Hernandez have modeled the oscillating patterns of the disease dengue fever, for which
an estimated 50 to 100 million cases occur globally each year (Esteva and Vargas 1999).
Definition Modeling is the application of methods to analyze complex,
real-world problems in order to make predictions about what
might happen with various actions.
7 Overview
Model Classifications
Several classification categories for models exist. A system we are modeling ex-
hibits probabilistic or stochastic behavior if an element of chance exists. For ex-
ample, the path of a hurricane is probabilistic. In contrast, a behavior can be deter-
ministic, such as the position of a falling object in a vacuum. Similarly, models can
be deterministic or probabilistic. A probabilistic or stochastic model exhibits ran-
dom effects, while a deterministic model does not. The results of a deterministic
model depend on the initial conditions; and in the case of computer implementation
with particular input, the output is the same for each program execution. As we see
in Module 9.2 on “Simulations” and other modules, we can have a probabilistic
model for a deterministic situation, such as a model that uses random numbers to es-
timate the area under a curve.
Definitions A system exhibits probabilistic or stochastic behavior if an
element of chance exists. Otherwise, it exhibits deterministic
behavior. A probabilistic or stochastic model exhibits random
effects, while a deterministic model does not.
We can also classify models as static or dynamic. In a static model, we do not
consider time, so that the model is comparable to a snapshot or a map. For example,
a model of the weight of a salamander as being proportional to the cube of its length
has variables for weight and length, but not for time. By contrast, in a dynamic
model, time changes, so that such a model is comparable to an animated cartoon or
a movie. For example, the number of salamanders in an area undergoing develop-
ment changes with time; and, hence, a model of such a population is dynamic. Many
of the models we consider in this text are dynamic and employ a static component as
part of the dynamic model.
Definitions A static model does not consider time, while a dynamic
model changes with time.
When time changes continuously and smoothly, the model is continuous. If time
changes in incremental steps, the model is discrete. A discrete model is analogous
to a movie. A sequence of frames moves so quickly that the viewer perceives
motion. However, in a live play, the action is continuous. Just as a discrete sequence
of movie frames represents the continuous motion of actors, we often develop dis-
crete computer models of continuous situations (Voinov 2003).
In a continuous model, time changes continuously, while in
a discrete model time changes in incremental steps.
Module 1.2
Steps of the Modeling Pr
The modeling process is cyclic and closely parallels the scientific method and the
software life cycle for the development of a major software project. The process is
cyclic because at any step we might return to an earlier stage to make revisions and
continue the process from that point.
The steps of the modeling process are as follows:
Analyze the problem
We must first study the situation sufficiently to identify the problem pre-
cisely and understand its fundamental questions clearly. At this stage, we de-
termine the problem’s objective and decide on the problem’s classification,
such as deterministic or stochastic. Only with a clear, precise problem identi-
fication can we translate the problem into mathematical symbols and develop
and solve the model.
Formulate a model
In this stage, we design the model, forming an abstraction of the system we
are modeling. Some of the tasks of this step are as follows:
Gather data
We collect relevant data to gain information about the system’s behavior.
Make simplifying assumptions and document them
In formulating a model, we should attempt to be as simple as reason-
ably possible. Thus, frequently we decide to simplify some of the fac-
tors and to ignore other factors that do not seem as important. Most
problems are entirely too complex to consider every detail, and doing
so would only make the model impossible to solve or to run in a rea-
sonable amount of time on a computer. Moreover, factors often exist
that do not appreciably affect outcomes. Besides simplifying factors,
we may decide to return to Step 1 to restrict further the problem under
Determine variables and units
We must determine and name the variables. An independent variable
is the variable on which others depend. In many applications, time is an
independent variable. The model will try to explain the dependent
variables. For example, in simulating the trajectory of a ball, time is an
independent variable; and the height and the horizontal distance from
the initial position are dependent variables whose values depend on the
time. To simplify the model, we may decide to neglect some variables
(such as air resistance), treat certain variables as constants, or aggre-
gate several variables into one. While deciding on the variables, we
must also establish their units, such as days as the unit for time.
Establish relationships among variables and submodels
If possible, we should draw a diagram of the model, breaking it into
submodels and indicating relationships among variables. To simplify
the model, we may assume that some of the relationships are simpler
than they really are. For example, we might assume that two variables
are related in a linear manner instead of in a more complex way.
9 Overview
Determine equations and functions
While establishing relationships between variables, we determine
equations and functions for these variables. For example, we might de-
cide that two variables are proportional to each other, or we might es-
tablish that a known scientific formula or equation applies to the
model. Many computational science models involve differential equa-
tions, or equations involving a derivative, which we introduce in Mod-
ule 2.3 on “Rate of Change.
Solve the model
This stage implements the model. It is important not to jump to this step be-
fore thoroughly understanding the problem and designing the model. Other-
wise, we might waste much time, which can be most frustrating. Some of the
techniques and tools that the solution might employ are algebra, calculus,
graphs, computer programs, and computer packages. Our solution might
produce an exact answer or might simulate the situation. If the model is too
complex to solve, we must return to Step 2 to make additional simplifying
assumptions or to Step 1 to reformulate the problem.
Verify and interpret the model’s solution
Once we have a solution, we should carefully examine the results to make
sure that they make sense (verification) and that the solution solves the origi-
nal problem (validation) and is usable. The process of verification deter-
mines if the solution works correctly, while the process of validation estab-
lishes if the system satisfies the problem’s requirements. Thus, verification
concerns “solving the problem right,” and validation concerns “solving the
right problem.” Testing the solution to see if predictions agree with real data
is important for verification. We must be careful to apply our model only in
the appropriate ranges for the independent data. For example, our model
might be accurate for time periods of a few days but grossly inaccurate when
applied to time periods of several years. We should analyze the model’s solu-
tion to determine its implications. If the model solution shows weaknesses,
we should return to Step 1 or 2 to determine if it is feasible to refine the
model. If so, we cycle back through the process. Hence, the cyclic modeling
process is a trade-off between simplification and refinement. For refine-
ment, we may need to extend the scope of the problem in Step 1. In Step 2,
while refining, we often need to reconsider our simplifying assumptions, in-
clude more variables, assume more complex relationships among the vari-
ables and submodels, and use more sophisticated techniques.
Report on the model
Reporting on a model is important for its utility. Perhaps the scientific report
will be written for colleagues at a laboratory or will be presented at a scien-
tific conference. A report contains the following components, which parallel
the steps of the modeling process:
Analysis of the problem
Usually, assuming that the audience is intelligent but not aware of the
situation, we need to describe the circumstances in which the problem
arises. Then, we must clearly explain the problem and the objectives of
the study.
Module 1.2
Model design
The amount of detail with which we explain the model depends on the
situation. In a comprehensive technical report, we can incorporate
much more detail than in a conference talk. For example, in the former
case, we often include the source code for our programs. In either
case, we should state the simplifying assumptions and the rationale for
employing them. Usually, we will present some of the data in tables or
graphs. Such figures should contain titles, sources, and labels for
columns and axes. Clearly labeled diagrams of the relationships
among variables and submodels are usually very helpful in under-
standing the model.
Model solution
In this section, we describe the techniques for solving the problem and
the solution. We should give as much detail as necessary for the audi-
ence to understand the material without becoming mired in technical
minutia. For a written report, appendices may contain more detail, such
as source code of programs and additional information about the solu-
tions of equations.
Results and conclusions
Our report should include results, interpretations, implications, recom-
mendations, and conclusions of the model’s solution. We may also in-
clude suggestions for future work.
Maintain the model
As the model’s solution is used, it may be necessary or desirable to
make corrections, improvements, or enhancements. In this case, the modeler
again cycles through the modeling process to develop a revised solution.
Definitions The process of verification determines if the solution works
correctly, while the process of validation establishes if the sys-
tem satisfies the problem’s requirements.
Although we described the modeling process as a sequence or series of steps, we
may be developing two or more steps simultaneously. For example, it is advisable to
be compiling the report from the beginning. Otherwise, we can forget to mention
significant points, such as reasons for making certain simplifying assumptions or for
needing particular refinements. Moreover, within modeling teams, individuals or
groups frequently work on different submodels simultaneously. Having completed a
submodule, a team member might be verifying the submodule while others are still
working on solving theirs.
The modeling process is a creative, scientific endeavor. As such, a problem we
are modeling usually does not have one correct answer. The problems are complex,
and many models provide good, although different, solutions. Thus, modeling is a
challenging, open-ended, and exciting venture.
Overview 11
1. Compare and contrast the modeling process with the scientific method:
Make observations; formulate a hypothesis; develop a testing method for the
hypothesis; collect data for the test; using the data, test the hypothesis; ac-
cept or reject the hypothesis.
2. Compare and contrast the modeling process with the software life cycle:
Analysis, design, implementation, testing, documentation, maintenance.
Esteva, Lourdes, and Cristobal Vargas. 1999. “A Model for Dengue Disease with
Variable Human Population,J. Math. Biol., 38: 220–240.
Giordano, Frank R., Maurice D. Weir, and William P. Fox. 2003. A First Course in
Mathematical Modeling. 3rd ed. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Brooks/Cole-Thompson
Greenwood Genetics Center. “Welcome to the GGC.”
Human-Technology Interaction Center. “HTIC.” The University of Oklahoma.
Marsden, Jerrold. “Control and Dynamical Systems.” California Institute of Tech-
Voinov, Alexey Arkady. “Model Classifications.” Course notes for CS 295 Computer
Simulation and Modeling, University of Vermont, Gund Institute for Ecological
Economics, 2003. (accessed
March 20, 2005).
Weldon, T. P., Y. A. Gryazin, and M. V. Kibanov. 2001. “Novel Inverse Methods in
Land Mine Imaging.IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and
Signal Processing 2001 (ICASSP 2001). Salt Lake City, UT, May 7–11, 2001.