Interest Rate Reduction Renance Loan
Renancing to reduce the interest rate on VA-guaranteed loans
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Interest
Rate Reduction Renance Loan (IRRRL) generally
lowers the interest rate by renancing an existing VA
home loan. By obtaining a lower interest rate, the
monthly mortgage payment should decrease. Eligible
borrowers can also renance an adjustable-rate mort-
gage (ARM) into a xed-rate mortgage. No additional
charge is made against the veteran’s entitlement
because of a loan for the purpose of an interest rate
reduction. The Veterans’ Disability Compensation and
Housing Benets Amendments of 1980 introduced
the IRRRL program to assist veterans who wished to
take advantage of low interest rates to reduce their
monthly payments.
Income limits: There are no income limits on
this program.
Credit: No credit review is performed.
First-time homebuyers: An IRRRL can only be made to
renance a property on which the borrower has already
used his or her VA loan eligibility so it is not of use to
rst-time homebuyers. It must be a VA-to-VA renance,
and it will reuse the original entitlement.
Occupancy and ownership of other properties: No
loan other than the existing VA loan may be paid from
the proceeds of an IRRRL. The occupancy requirement
for an IRRRL differs from other VA loans. For an IRRRL,
the borrower need only certify that he or she previously
occupied the home. Single-family homes, condomini-
ums, and manufactured homes are all eligible.
Special populations: This program may only be used
by veterans and, in some cases, their spouses. A new
Certicate of Eligibility is not required. Borrowers are
Interest Rate Reduction Renance Loan Program (IRRRL)
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Not Applicable
Lenders interested in participating should contact their local VA ofce, which can be found at
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not required to show their Certicate of Eligibility to conrm the prior
use of entitlement; an email conrmation procedure is available to lend-
ers in lieu of a Certicate of Eligibility.
Special assistance for persons with disabilities: Veterans with service-
related disabilities are generally exempt from the funding fee (0.5
percent of the loan’s value, or 1 percent for an unafxed manufactured
Loan limits: The renanced loan cannot exceed the existing VA loan plus
any nanced funding fee.
Loan-to-value limits: There are no LTV limits set by VA. The new loan
amount may be more than the limits established by the secondary
market. It is the lenders responsibility to ensure it has a marketable loan.
Adjustable-rate mortgages: Existing VA ARM loans may be renanced
into a xed rate, hybrid ARM, or traditional ARM, but it must bear a lower
interest rate than the loan it is renancing, unless the loan it is renanc-
ing is an ARM.
Down payment sources: No down payment is required; however, an
IRRRL may be done with “no money out of pocket” by including all costs
in the new loan.
Homeownership counseling: Homeownership counseling is
not required.
Mortgage insurance: Mortgage insurance is not required.
Debt-to-income ratio: No credit review is performed.
Temporary interest rate buy downs: Generally not allowed since the
purpose is to lower the interest rate.
Renance: The borrower may not receive any cash from the loan
proceeds for an IRRRL unless it is for the purpose of making energy
efciency improvements.
Interest rates and loan terms: Terms are set by the lender.
Funding fee: The funding fee for an IRRRL is 0.5 percent of the loan’s
value, or 1 percent for an unafxed manufactured home. Funding fees
may be nanced or paid in cash.
Lenders can offer existing cus
tomers a product to lower their
payments, which may generate
further business for the bank.
VA loans offer competitive pricing
and terms.
Loans originated through VA may
receive favorable consideration
under the CRA, depending on
the geography or income of the
participating borrowers.
Community banks, as supervised
institutions, receive automatic
authority to originate and close
loans with the VA guarantee,
making VA loans a relatively easy
type of mortgage business to
begin offering.
Despite the ease of becoming a
VA-authorized lender, community
banks may need to acquire or
develop new expertise and infra
structure in order to participate.
A limited pool of borrowers is eli
gible for this program due to the
military service requirement.
Lenders retain risk since they
are responsible for any loss over
25 percent.
IRRRL applications where a bor
rower is more than 30 days late
on a mortgage payment must be
approved directly by VA.
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Potential Benets
Lenders can offer existing customers a product to
lower their payments, which may generate further
business for the bank.
VA loans offer competitive pricing and terms.
Loans originated with VA may receive favor-
able consideration under the CRA, depending
on the geography or income of the participat-
ing borrowers.
Community banks, as supervised institutions,
receive automatic authority to originate and close
loans with the VA guarantee, making VA loans
a relatively easy type of mortgage business to
begin offering.
Potential Challenges
Despite the ease of becoming a VA-authorized
lender, community banks may need to acquire or
develop new expertise and infrastructure in order
to participate.
A limited pool of borrowers is eligible for this pro-
gram due to the military service requirement.
Lenders retain risk since they are responsible for
any loss over 25 percent.
IRRRL applications where a borrower is more than
30 days late on a mortgage payment must be
approved directly by VA.
FHA Streamline Renance
Fannie Mae Re Plus™/Home Affordable Renance
Program (HARP)
Freddie Mac Relief Renance
/Home Affordable
Renance Program (HARP)
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Direct access to the following web links can be found at https://www.
General information
General information on VA home lending programs
Interest Rate Reduction Renance Loan Worksheet (VA Form 26-8923)
Veteran/Service members supplemental application for assistance in acquiring specially adapted
housing (VA Form 26-4555c)
Verication of VA benets form (VA Form 26-8937)
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