FY 2018
Message from the Chief Information Officer
It gives me great pleasure to present the updated PBGC Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan for
2018-2022. This is an Agency-wide plan that aligns with PBGC’s strategic vision and goals and reflects IT
support for the short and long-term plans of all PBGC’s business units. It identifies our Mission, Vision,
Goals, and Objectives for supplying the technology solutions that fulfill those initiatives and is based
upon the underlying foundation of three core elements; people, processes, and technology.
This Plan achieves PBGC’s strategic goals and objectives by leveraging PBGC’s technology architectures
and maximizing the Administration’s strategy and priorities for a secure Digital Government. It
capitalizes on a cost-effective mix of Cloud technologies, Shared/Managed Services, and internal
solutions that adhere to other Government-wide standardized policies and procedures. This Plan
establishes IT Security as foundational and ensures that IT Security will continue to be a top priority for
the PBGC. It further identifies IT Security as being everyone’s responsibility and not just an Office of
Information Technology (OIT) initiative.
To develop this Plan, we interviewed key PBGC stakeholders, conducted surveys, and reviewed various
supporting documents, and oversight requirements. The results culminated in a plan that delivers on
PBGC’s strategic initiatives. Therefore, this is our IT Strategic Plan; it belongs to all of us at PBGC.
Although a substantial amount of high-quality work went into the development of our Plan, I wish to
point out that this is a living product that must evolve as needs and priorities change. In addition, we
must take the next steps to develop the tactical plans that specify the activities, milestones,
deliverables, roles, and responsibilities to meet the goals and objectives that we have outlined. Our
tactical plans must include all IT projects and investments, reflect prioritized-investment decisions, and
align Agency resources with our decisions.
Only through working together can we develop tactical plans that are cross-cutting, holistic, and
eliminate redundant technology. With information technology continuing to evolve and mature, we
need to leverage those practices that are applicable to the PBGC environment. Our plans must become
seamless and transparent, while continually being refreshed to include current efficiencies and cost
saving measures. We can learn from other companies and agencies by asking how they developed their
tactical plans, leveraging their lessons learned, and implementing industry best practices.
I am excited about the work that we have done in developing our IT Strategic Plan, and look forward to
working together as we successfully accomplish the tasks ahead.
Bob Scherer
Chief Information Officer
Table of Contents
PBGC and Its Mission ........................................................................................................ 1
IT Program Executive Summary
......................................................................................... 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 4
IT Strategic Framework ..................................................................................................... 4
......................................................................................................................... 5
IT Mission, Vision and Goals ................................................................................................... 5
Our Concept ...................................................................................................................... 6
Process .............................................................................................................................. 7
Technology...................................................................................................................... 10
People ............................................................................................................................. 13
Alignment ....................................................................................................................... 14
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 15
Key Performance Indicators ........................................................................................... 16
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
PBGC and Its Mission
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC or the Corporation)
is a federal corporation
established under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Congress
established PBGC to insure the pension benefits of workers and retirees.
ERISA Section 4002(a) states that PBGC is to carry out
these purposes:
Encourage the continuation and
maintenance of voluntary private
pension plans for the benefit of
their participants
Provide for the timely and
uninterrupted payment of pension
benefits to participants and
beneficiaries under plans to which
this title applies
Maintain premiums established by
the Corporation under ERISA
Section 4006 at the lowest level
consistent with carrying out its
obligations under ERISA Title IV
Today, the Corporation guarantees payment of basic pension benefits earned by approximately 40 million
American workers and retirees in nearly 24,000 plans. While PBGC encourages companies to maintain
their plans, the Corporation will pay benefits when companies cannot. Since 1974, PBGC has become
responsible for payment of guarantee amounts that currently cover more than 1.5 million people in over
4,900 failed single-employer and multiemployer plans, making payments of $5.8 billion annually as of FY
PBGC operations are financed by insurance premiums paid by companies that sponsor defined
benefit pension plans, investment income, assets from plans trusteed by PBGC and recoveries from
companies formerly responsible for the plans. Congress sets PBGC premium rates. PBGC receives no
funds from general tax revenues.
PBGC’s business operations, Information Technology
(IT) programs, investment portfolios, budgets
and finances are managed and supported by a multidisciplinary team of professionals and
administrative staff. The current workforce consists of just under 1,000 federal employees, who are
supported by contractors. These highly skilled professionals, committed to the work of PBGC’s
mission include:
Benefits Specialists
Financial Analysts
IT and Cybersecurity
Each PBGC employee has a vital role in the Corporation’s mission of protecting
America’s pensions.
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
IT Program Executive Summary
Our vision is to be a high-performing information and technology organization recognized for strategic
thinking, collaborative business partnerships, and innovative IT solutions, which support the PBGC’s Mission.
To attain our Vision, we established two IT goals that align directly to PBGC goals. These goals pertain to
improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of business process and the delivery of secure, highly
available and accessible IT products. Meeting these goals will be achieved by the effective use of IT and
business best practices and by achieving success in three core areas; people, processes, and technology.
The plan will also address several critical focus areas to include: Cyber/Information Security, Enterprise
Architecture, Governance, Technology Platforms (Cloud Computing and Shared/Managed/In-house Services),
Information/Data, Collaboration, Mobility, and our Workforce.
Cyber/Information Security is foundational. It acknowledges and promotes the overarching importance of
the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of PBGC’s IT assets and data. It protects PBGC’s networked
assets from both internal and external cyber-attacks (Cybersecurity) and establishes policies, processes,
standards, and controls necessary to ensure PBGC maintains a secure IT environment (Information Security).
On the technology front, PBGC will continue the appropriate use of technologies such as Cloud Computing to
enable convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that
can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management or service provider interaction. In
addition, we will continue to leverage Shared Services and other available resources such as the Department
of Homeland Security’s Contiguous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program to enhance our technology
infrastructure. Over the next few years we will work make better use of PBGC’s information and data to
enable the organization to make better, faster decisions and to improve overall operational efficiency across
the organization. We will implement tools designed to create a more collaborative organization and reshape
our applications and tools to enhance mobility options for both our internal and external stakeholders where
Our Enterprise Architecture and Governance Programs ensure that we have a strategic and tactical approach
to meeting business needs in a timely and cost-effective manner and that we are using the relevant
technologies to meet or exceed customer expectations.
Additionally, we will create a high-performing workforce, which will collectively provide capabilities that
meet the current and future needs of the Corporation. We will acquire, develop, and retain a highly
qualified, blended Federal and contract workforce appropriately sized to deliver secure, scalable, and
consumer friendly IT products and services.
In the aggregate, the IT Strategic Plan describes our Vision for accomplishing PBGC’s IT Mission, Goals, and
Objectives through emerging technology trends and best practices. Our Plan provides transparency into the
PBGC’s IT program for oversight bodies, customers, and other internal and external interested parties.
Through its implementation, PBGC will be better positioned to meet the challenges driven by changes in
economic conditions, legislation and regulation, administrative policy, and industry.
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
To address PBGC’s business needs that meet both short and long-term requirements, we have developed
Enterprise Architectures and IT Business Processes that deliver enterprise solutions. Working with Agency
stakeholders, our enterprise architectures describe how PBGC operates today, how it intends to operate in
the future, and a plan for transitioning to the target state. We also have developed repeatable IT Business
Processes that have reduced our costs to develop, operate and maintain solutions. These processes help us
to ensure the solutions we develop meet the current needs, are integrated with other solutions, and have
the breadth to address future requirements.
Cyber/Information Security is foundational to our IT program. Our objective is to provide information
security that is consistently efficient and effective. We have completed our security architecture and it
meets and supports the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and Privacy Act. We also
have completed significant work towards meeting the security standards and guidelines adopted and
promulgated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). To effectively manage our Plan of
Actions and Milestones, we are using the Department of Justice Cyber Security Assessment and Monitoring
(CSAM) tool, which is designed specifically for that purpose. However, we still have much work to do before
we become fully FISMA compliant.
We are a leader in business unit led application development. For the past several years, we have actively
used specialized Integrated Project Teams (IPT) to assist our Business Innovation Services Department (BISD)
staff in gathering business requirements and developing technological solutions. These teams are led by
Project Management Professional (PMP) Certified Project Managers and include enterprise architects,
security experts, various operational technologists and subject matter experts from our business partners.
This approach is aligned with and supports our development methodology. It also fosters business-driven
application development that protects PBGC’s data, retains application integrity, reduces technology costs,
and ensures that project solutions meet the mission and functions of PBGC.
We have established multiple oversight organizations to ensure that we are performing the right work at the
right time with the appropriate technology. Oversight is provided by the PBGC Director, Executive
Management Committee (EMC), Budget and Planning Integration Team (BPIT), Information Technology
Portfolio Review Board (ITPRB), and Technology Review Board (TRB).
Architectures, processes, security programs, development methodologies, integrated project teams, and
responsible management oversight are identified as IT best practices that we already leverage in support of
PBGC’s mission. Moreover, we consistently use them in delivering information technology solutions.
However, we recognize that we must make continuous improvements to keep pace with steadily increasing
demands for more information technology, with the ever-faster increasing needs for answers, information,
and solutions. We also recognize that our budgets are shrinking. To meet these increasing demands while
our budgets are shrinking requires that we become more agile. Thus, we must continuously enhance our
best practices.
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
Our Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan provides the framework to align IT resources with PBGC’s
strategies. It further describes our IT goals and objectives that support PBGC’s mission. Our Plan conveys our
Mission, Vision, Goals, and Objectives of the Office of Information Technology (OIT) and shares our IT
Strategy with stakeholders, oversight bodies, and external parties.
IT Strategic Framework
The PBGC Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2018-2022 has three overarching strategic goals that provide the
direction for PBGC’s programs and supporting functions. The IT Strategic Framework is based upon these
three same strategic goals:
1. Preserve plans and protect the pensions of covered workers and retirees,
2. Pay pension benefits on time and accurately, and
3. Maintain high standards of stewardship and accountability.
The key components and hierarchy
of our IT Strategic Framework are
illustrated in Figure 1. This
framework is divided into two
segments - Strategic and Tactical.
The strategic segment describes
what the IT organization does, the
ultimate state to which it aspires,
and the desired results intended to
be achieved. Progressing down the
hierarchy, the components become
more actionable as they crystallize
into the means by which we will
achieve the strategic results.
Performance measurements, captured throughout the execution of initiatives, will help quantify the degree
of success achieved for goals and objectives.
Figure 1: PBGC IT Strategic Framework
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
Our IT Strategic Plan was developed and modified through a structured, three-phased approach: Discovery,
Analysis, and Finalization. During the Discovery Phase, our OIT strategic planning team reviewed the current
state of the IT, reviewed recent applicable federal guidance, conducted interviews with executives from
across the organization, and surveyed OIT’s employees. We compiled the findings and recommendations for
use during the Analysis Phase.
The Analysis Phase assimilated business directions, identified areas for improvement, and fortified
recommendations with key IT trends and best practices. The results served as the basis for our IT Mission,
Vision, Goals, and Objectives, which are described in the following sections.
During the Finalization Phase, our Chief Information Officer (CIO) socialized our IT Strategic Plan with OIT
leadership and PBGC’s executive stakeholders to gain acceptance. We recognize that acceptance and
Agency-wide buy-in is essential to our success.
IT Mission, Vision and Goals
IT Mission:
Provide secure, innovative, and
cost-effective IT solutions and customer service
to PBGC stakeholders.
IT Vision:
A high-performing technology
operation recognized for strategic thinking,
collaborative business partnerships, and
innovative IT solutions, that support the
PBGC Mission.
IT Goals:
Using the information from our
analysis we have established two IT goals:
Improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of PBGC business
processes via Information
Technology, and
Deliver secure, highly available
and accessible IT products and
services to all PBGC stakeholders
in a fiscally responsible manner
using best practices.
Critical to achieving the IT goals and objectives will be
supporting work in developing and/or maintaining
core capabilities in 3 specific core areas: 1) processes,
2) technology, and 3) people. Each of these three core
areas will have specific goals, objectives, and measures
that support the two overarching IT Goals.
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
Our Concept
Our Concept is based on the basic premise that an organization has three core elements, people, process and
technology that are responsible for its success or failure. Figure 2 illustrates our concept and the correlation
of the three core elements. Within each of the core elements specific objectives and/or performance
expectations will be identified.
Figure 2: IT Core Elements Diagram
On the following pages we will examine each of the three core elements in greater detail and outline the specific
goals, measures and objectives for each core element.
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
Cyber/Information Security
Our foundational process component is
Cyber/Information Security. It covers two main
Cybersecurity defines PBGC’s ability to
protect its networked assets from cyber-
Information Security defines the PBGC
policies, processes, standards, and
controls necessary to ensure a secure
internal IT environment.
The plan and participant assets for which we are
custodians are vulnerable to an increasingly wide-
range of known and unknown threats. Our
Cyber/Information Security program has been,
and will continue to be, PBGC’s highest priority
with the entire Agency supporting security
yber/Information Security is a shared
responsibility. Everyone working at PBGC has a
role in making our data and systems safer, more
secure, and resilient. Defending against ongoing,
increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks that
continue to threaten the confidentiality, integrity
and availability of our data and information
systems requires that we work together and work
smarter. We must move beyond existing
compliance-oriented government controls to a
more vigorous, risk-based approach that will yield
more robust protection from increasingly dynamic
cyber threats.
ing an enterprise-oriented risk mitigation
program, combined with continuous monitoring
and measurements, we will develop and
implement an effective IT security program for
continuous monitoring, and improve security
incident response capacity and capability.
Process Goal 1: Secure PBGC’s IT to
ensure confidentiality, availability, and
integrity of systems and data
Process Goal 1 Measure: The Annual FISMA
Report score will be used to measure PBGC’s
progress in this strategic process area.
Specific Process Goal 1 Objectives:
Improve IT security governance and
oversight via annual assessment(s)
Meet or exceed 95% of existing FISM
AP goals (continuous)
Improve access controls and configuration
management (continuous)
Improve PBGC’s ability to continuously
monitor the IT environment (continuous)
Implement modernized Identity,
Credential, and Access Management
(ICAM) capabilities (FY18 FY20)
Achieve Maturity Level 3 or 4 in each o
the five critical areas of five NIST
Cybersecurity Framework function areas
of Identity, Protect, Detect, Respond and
Recover (FY19)
Improve POA&M on-time milestone
completion rate to 90% (FY22)
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
PBGC has several mature Governance processes
that support the Office of Information Technology
and the Corporation as a whole. Collectively, the
Enterprise Architecture, IT Capital Planning and
Portfolio Management, Program and Project
Management, Solution Life Cycle Methodologies,
and IT Service Delivery processes ensure that we
deliver the right products and the right time and
the right cost.
Keeping pace with ever-changing business
requirements necessitates that we continuously
incorporate more agility and flexibility into our
governance boards and governance processes. As
we reach greater levels of maturity, we will
improve and streamline governance functions and
boards. We also will incorporate processes to re-
calibrate priorities continually throughout the
fiscal year.
Through the continuous improvement of our
Information Technology Solutions Life Cycle
Methodology (ITSLCM) and governance boards
(Technology Review Board (TRB), Information
Technology Portfolio Review Board (ITPRB),
Change Advisory Board (CAB), Governance
Coordination Board (GCB)), we will streamline and
optimize the Governance functions. We will
continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the
ITSLCM, TRB, ITPRB, and CAB policies and
directives, standards and guidelines, and eliminate
non-value processes/activities. These actions
enable more agility in developing and
implementing technology.
Process Goal 2: Mature IT Governance to
foster business agility
Process Goal 2 Measures: Performance to
plan, schedule, and budget, and the adoption
appropriate acquisition and delivery methods.
Specific Process Goal 2 Objectives:
Continue to mature and improve all facets
of the IT Governance Program and its
integration with overall PBGC governance
efforts (continuous)
Use the IT Governance Program to drive
sound investment and business decisions
Implement modernized solution delivery
methods that enable faster delivery of
functionality to business units
Improve IT acquisition processes to drive
overall cost savings (continuous)
Deliver IT projects on schedule and on
cost 95% of the time (continuous)
Incorporate Technology Business
Management (TBM) into the IT Budget
Process (FY18-FY122)
IT Planning
IT Security
IT Portfolio
Service Mgmt.
IT Operations
TRB : Technical
Review Board
ITPRB: IT Portfolio
Review Board
GCB: Governance
Coordination Board
CPC: Cyber Security
& Privacy Council
CAB: Change
Advisory Board
IT Governance Framework
Capability Maturity
Modeling Integration
(CMMI) For Process
Information Technology
Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
For IT Service Management
National Institute of
Standard Technology (NIST)
800-53 Rev 4 For IT
Security Framework
Project Management
Institute (PMI) For Project
Agile Methodology (SCRUM)
For Application
Federal Mandates &
Circulars Clinger Cohen
Act; E Government Act; A-
11; A-123 & A130
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
Customer Service
Our relationship with our business partners
must be complementary and unified. For this
relationship to be successful, we must view the
business units as customers as well as partners.
Our IT Service Desk serves as the initial point of
contact for PBGC’s internal customers and
handles inquiries via email, phone, walk-ins, and
self-service channels. We will expand
Information Technology Infrastructure Library
(ITIL) service management best practices and
service level driven performance management
to modernize customer service across the
following key areas:
IT Service Management
Based on prioritization of service needs solicited
from the business, we will develop a roadmap
that implements additional ITIL best practices.
We will explore opportunities to improve our
first call resolution by leveraging standard
service desk technologies such as Integrated
Voice Response (IVR) and Automated Call
Distribution (ACD) and fostering a deeper
understanding of PBGC business applications
and business processes.
SLAs and OLAs
We will increase the use of formal Service Level
Agreements (SLAs) for contractors and vendors
involved in IT operations. We will establish
Organization Level Agreements (OLAs) as
performance management mechanisms to
improve response time of Tier 3 capabilities.
Comprehensive SLAs and OLAs, coupled with
continual feedback mechanisms, will be used to
continuously monitor, manage, and improve
standards for service delivery and collaboration.
Process Goal 3: Improve IT service
delivery to add business value, achieve
efficiency, and increase customer
Process Goal 3 Measures: Service Desk
response times and customer surveys.
Specific Process Goal 3 Objectives:
Standardize existing IT service
processes and operations through IT
service management best practices
Improve the IT service desk's ability to
support business applications
Ensure end-to-end IT services are
provided in a cost-effective,
transparent, and efficient manner
Customers rate their overall experience
with the IT Service Desk and Incident
Management as Good or Excellent at
least 85% of the time (annual)
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
This section of the IT Strategic Plan will outline
the approach, technologies and tools that PBGC
will use to meet existing and emerging
requirements of both external and internal
stakeholders. It will focus on five areas; Cloud
Computing, Shared/Managed Services,
Information/Data, Social Collaboration and
Cloud Computing & Shared Services
We will make appropriate use of Cloud
Computing technologies and Shared/Managed
Services for line-of-business applications and to
optimize our internal infrastructure. We will
work, both within and with other agencies, to
reduce costs, streamline development, apply
consistent standards, and ensure consistency in
how we create and deliver information.
Data is one of PBGC’s most valuable assets. To
effectively and efficiently conduct PBGC
business requires that we become information
centric. This strategy requires that we move
from managing documents to managing
discrete pieces of data and content, which can
be tagged, shared, secured, aggregated, and
presented in the way that is most useful for the
customer of the information. We will
strengthen our enterprise Data Management
Framework (DMF) and improve data life cycle
management processes and controls to provide
consistent, accurate and timely access to data.
We will
secure the data by establishing formal roles,
responsibilities, and an accountability structure
between business and IT. We will consolidate,
retire, or modernize data and data-related
applications based on prioritizations jointly set
by the business and IT.
Technology Goal 1: Modernize and
innovate PBGC’s IT solutions using cloud
computing, shared/managed services and
in-house systems to enable a flexible,
reliable, secure, and cost-effective
Technology Goal 1 Measures: Balanced
portfolio of technical platforms
Specific Technology Goal 1 Objectives:
Create a cost-effective three-tiered
approach of Cloud Computing,
Shared/Managed Services and in-house
systems to support PBGC business and
administrative functions (continuous)
Optimize the use of technology in
support of business function
Technology Goal 2: Leverage technology
to facilitate data driven decisions
throughout the organization
Technology Goal 2 Measures:
Effectiveness of data usage across PBGC.
Specific Technology Goal 2 Objectives:
Understand and effectively use
enterprise and operational data to
enable sound business decisions
Apply appropriate technologies to
enable PBGC to improve the speed and
accuracy at which incoming data is
processed as part of PBGC business
operations (continuous)
Share appropriate data with PBGC
stakeholders (continuous)
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
Collaboration comprises the processes and
technologies that help multiple people interact
and share information. PBGC will be among the
organizations that embrace collaboration tools.
Our customers and employees will no longer view
social collaboration as an innovation initiative, but
as a critical component of existing
communications, customer services, human
resources, and business strategies. Enriching our
channels of communication and collaboration to
adopt and implement this transformation requires
that we enhance the following key areas:
Enterprise Collaboration
We will implement improved, accessible,
integrated tools with our business applications to
enable online document sharing, instant
messaging, collaboration, video conferencing, and
web-based meetings with screen sharing abilities.
We will develop and provide training in the use of
these technologies to promote widespread
adoption and use.
Social Media
We will expand and optimize the use of existing
social media channels for organizational functions
and augment our knowledge sharing platform
with blogs, wikis, etc.
Strategic Communication
We will take a deliberate, structured approach to
communicate more effectively with the business.
This includes activities such as conducting forums
and focus groups to increase awareness of IT
products, services, and capabilities (including
social collaboration) and launching other IT-
specific communication endeavors. We will
collaborate with cross-agency subject matter
experts to assess the effectiveness of our
technology strategies in meeting business
requirements. We will communicate IT priorities
and provide transparency into IT projects
conducted across the organization.
Technology Goal 3: Improve internal and
external collaboration using information
Technology Goal 3 Measures: Implement
and measure the use of collaboration tools.
Specific Technology Goal 3 Objectives:
Implement and promote the use of
platforms and technologies for enterprise
collaboration with all stakeholders
Engage internal and external customers
and use customer feedback on social
collaboration tools to implement data-
driven changes to improve customer
satisfaction (continuous)
Measure collaboration tool use and adjust
promotion and tool sets accordingly
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
Mobility is more than embracing the newest
technology; it reflects a fundamental change in
how, when, and where our customers and
employees work and interact.
Mobile Device Management
Successfully mobilizing the PBGC workforce while
controlling cost and risk requires that we will
develop an enterprise mobility strategy based
upon people, processes, and technologies. The
strategy will define the controls, technologies, and
standards that support PBGC’s mobility vision and
ultimately determines PBGC’s Mobile Device
Management (MDM) construct. The MDM
includes the MDM software tools, authentication
tools, and application delivery methods.
Mobile Workforce
PBGC’s workforce will have the ability to access
data anytime, anywhere. We will document
workforce mobile requirements, establish our
mobility business case, and evaluate the level to
which mobility improves responsiveness,
productivity, or customer satisfaction. These
business cases provide guidance and best
practices on how to meet best the mobility needs
of the organization.
Mobile Applications
PBGC’s future business applications will be
characterized by employees and customers easily,
yet securely accessing information and
applications from a mobile device to conduct
common transactions. As part of our mobility
strategy, we will identify the internal and
customer-facing applications that will be mobile-
Technology Goal 4: Provide mobility
options to support the changing needs of
PBGC’s customers and workforce
Technology Goal 4 Measures: Ability for
stakeholders to access and use PBGC public facing
systems anytime/anywhere on any device and
ability for PBGC to support a mobile workforce.
Specific Technology Goal 4 Objectives:
Mobile device enable applicable PBGC
application functions (continuous)
Improve business processes, agility, and
efficiencies using mobile technologies
Enable mobile workforce practices,
including policies and procedures around
teleworking, and the use of mobile
applications (continuous)
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
IT Staffing
A well-trained, experienced workforce is vital to
providing quality IT products and services. In
order to build and sustain a skilled IT workforce in
the increasingly competitive market, we must
continuously re-evaluate the effectiveness of our
IT workforce strategies, renew recruiting and
development practices, and pay special attention
to the engagement and retention of our key IT
talent and top performers.
High-performing IT workforce
IT workforce strategies are an integral part of our
IT strategic and tactical planning processes. We
will plan for both the short- and long-term,
minimizing the use of more expensive
supplemental resources to fulfill the demand for
new skills. We will continually refresh our IT
human capital plan to ensure the proper balance
between federal and contract staff and train our
existing IT workforce on existing and emerging
technologies. Having the appropriate balance of
federal and contract staff, combined with up-to-
date skills in current technologies and historical
knowledge of PBGC’s operations will strengthen
and deepen our expertise, enabling us to be a
more proficient, high-performing IT workforce.
Recruitment and Retention
To foster retention while attracting and retaining
the best and brightest candidates, we must create
and sustain an environment that fosters high
morale. Creating that environment requires that
we solicit and understand employees’ needs and
wants and identify incentives that will encourage
them to perform at their best while achieving
personal success. We will also employ various
initiatives centered on training and marketing.
Human Capital Planning
We will be guided by PBGC’s Human Capital Plan
and OPM’s Workforce Planning Model in carrying
out our human capital activities.
People Goal 1: Build, equip, and maintain
a highly capable IT workforce with the
competencies and tools to support future
IT initiatives
People Goal 1 Measures: Employee
Satisfaction, Reduction in Skill Gaps, and
Employee Retention
Specific People Goal 1 Objectives:
Identify and create an appropriate
blended IT workforce to support PBGC
business and technology needs
Recruit, select, develop and retain a
diverse IT workforce capable of
supporting current and planned IT
systems and services (continuous)
Expand employee understanding of
emerging and existing federal regulations,
mandates, and technologies (continuous)
Identify and close skill gaps technical
and non-technical (continuous)
Improve Federal Employee Viewpoint
Survey Results (continuous)
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
PBGCs Strategic Goals
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
We are committed to maintaining a secure, reliable, and cost-effective IT environment. We also are
committed business advisors to and partners with the business areas. Through these commitments, we
will implement our IT Strategic Plan. Through our IT Strategic Plan, we support the achievement of
PBGC’s strategic goals.
We will continue to execute our IT security roadmap, addressing the IT security needs of the
organization. We will continue to implement appropriate Cloud Computing and Shared/Managed
Services solutions to further reduce the IT footprint at PBGC, gain cost efficiencies, and enable
innovative business initiatives. We will continue to mature our enterprise data management and
embrace the use of collaboration and mobility tools to enable better methods for interacting and
sharing information within and outside of PBGC.
We will continue engaging our customers to understand their needs, enhancing our programs to meet
their requirements while emphasizing excellent IT customer service. We will make continuous
improvements to our governance programs to ensure increasing agility of our IT, verify that we are
doing the right work at the right time, and confirm the PBGC is receiving the best value for its
investment dollars. We will create a high-performing workforce by providing requisite training to our
staff and empowering them with the appropriate authority to carry out their responsibilities.
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
Key Performance Indicators
The old saying what gets measured gets done is true. We are committed to meeting or exceeding our
people, process, and technology performance measures. To ensure that our focus remains on the
critical things we need to do as an organization to remain successful a set of key performance indicators
is included in this IT Strategic Plan.
People KPIs:
Process KPIs:
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
Technology KPIs:
IT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
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