Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 1
Declaring Variables in Assembly Language
As in Java, variables must be declared before they can be used. Unlike
Java, we do not specify a variable type in the declaration in assembly
language. Instead we declare the name and size of the variable, i.e. the
number of bytes the variable will occupy. We may also specify an initial
A directive (i.e. a command to the assembler) is used to define variables.
In 8086 assembly language, the directive db defines a byte sized
variable; dw defines a word sized variable (16 bits) and dd defines a
double word (long word, 32 bits) variable.
A Java variable of type int may be implemented using a size of 16 or
32 bits, i.e. dw or dd is used. A Java variable of type char, which is
used to store a single character, is implemented using the db directive.
reply db ‘y’
prompt db ‘Enter your favourite colour: ’, 0
colour db 80 dup(?)
i db 20
k db ?
num dw 4000
large dd 50000
reply is defined as a character variable, which is initialised to ‘y’.
prompt is defined as a string, terminated by the Null character.
The definition of the variable colour demonstrates how to declare an
array of characters of size 80, which contains undefined values.
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 2
The purpose of dup is to tell the assembler to duplicate or repeat the data
definition directive a specific number of times, in this case 80 dup
specifies that 80 bytes of storage are to be set aside since dup is used
with the db directive.
The (?) with the dup means that storage allocated by the directive is
unitialised or undefined.
i and k are byte sized variables, where i is initialised to 20 and k is left
num is a 16-bit variable, initialised to 4000 and the variable large is a
32-bit variable, initialised to 15000.
Indirect Addressing
Given that we have defined a string variable message as
message db ‘Hello’,0,
an important feature is that the characters are stored in consecutive
memory locations.
If the ‘H’ is in location 1024, then ‘e’ will be in location 1025, ‘l’
will be in location 1026 and so on. A technique known as indirect
addressing may be used to access the elements of the array.
Indirect addressing allows us store the address of a location in a register
and use this register to access the value stored at that location.
This means that we can store the address of the string in a register and
access the first character of the string via the register. If we increment the
register contents by 1, we can access the next character of the string. By
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 3
continuing to increment the register, we can access each character of the
string, in turn, processing it as we see fit.
Figure 1 illustrates how indirect addressing operates, using register bx to
contain the address of a string “Hello” in memory. Here, register bx
has the value 1024 which is the address of the first character in the
Another way of phrasing this is to say that bx points to the first
character in the string.
In 8086 assembly language we denote this by enclosing bx in square
brackets: [bx], which reads as the value pointed to by bx, i.e. the
contents of the location whose address is stored in the bx register.
Figure 1: Using the bx register for indirect addressing
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 4
The first character of the string can be accessed as follows:
cmp byte ptr [bx], 0 ; is this end of string?
This instruction compares the character (indicated by byte ptr)
pointed to by bx with 0.
How do we store the address of the string in bx in the first place? The
special operator offset allows us specify the address of a memory
variable. For example, the instruction:
mov bx, offset message
will store the address of the variable message in bx. We can then use
bx to access the variable message.
Example: The following code fragment illustrates the use of indirect
addressing. It is a loop to count the number of characters in a string
terminated by the Null character (ASCII 0). It uses the cx register to
store the number of characters in the string.
message db ‘Hello’, 0
mov cx, 0 ; cx stores number of
mov bx, offset message ; store address of message in bx
cmp byte ptr [bx], 0 ; is this end of string?
je fin ; if yes goto Finished
inc cx ; cx = cx + 1
inc bx ; bx points to next character
jmp begin
; cx now contains the # of
; characters in message
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 5
The label begin indicates the beginning of the loop to count the
characters. After executing the mov instruction, register bx contains the
address of the first character in the string. We compare this value with 0
and if the value is not 0, we count it by incrementing cx. We then
increment bx so that it now points to the next character in the string. We
repeat this process until we reach the 0 character which terminates the
Note: If you omit the 0 character when defining the string, the above
program will fail. Why? The reason is that the loop continues to execute,
until bx points to a memory location containing 0. If 0 has been omitted
from the definition of message, then we do not know when, if ever, the
loop will terminate. This is the same as an array subscript out of bounds
error in a high level language.
The form of indirect addressing described here is called register indirect
addressing because a register is used store the indirect address.
String I/O
In programming languages such as C, strings are terminated by the ‘\0’
character. We adopt the same convention. This method of terminating a
string has an advantage over that used for the puts subprogram defined
earlier, where the ‘$‘ character is used to terminate a string. The use of
the value 0 to terminate a string means that a string may contain the ‘$’
character which can then be displayed, since ‘$’ cannot be displayed by
We use this indirect addressing in the implementation of two
subprograms for reading and displaying strings: get_str and
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 6
Example 3.42: Read colour entered by the user and display a suitable
message, using get_str and put_str.
; colour.asm: Prompt user to enter a colour and display a message
; Author: Joe Carthy
; Date: March 1994
.model small
.stack 256
CR equ 13d
LF equ 10d
; string definitions: note 0 terminator
msg1 db ‘Enter your favourite colour: ‘, 0
msg2 db CR, LF,‘Yuk ! I hate ‘, 0
colour db 80 dup (0)
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov ax, offset msg1
call put_str ; display prompt
mov ax, offset colour
call get_str ; read colour
mov ax, offset msg2
call put_str ; display msg2
mov ax, offset colour
call put_str ; display colour entered by
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h ; finished, back to dos
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 7
put_str: ; display string terminated by 0
; whose address is in ax
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bx, ax ; store address in bx
mov al, byte ptr [bx] ; al = first char in string
put_loop: cmp al, 0 ; al == 0 ?
je put_fin ; while al != 0
call putc ; display character
inc bx ; bx = bx + 1
mov al, byte ptr [bx] ; al = next char in string
jmp put_loop ; repeat loop test
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 8
get_str: ; read string terminated by CR into array
; whose address is in ax
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bx, ax
call getc ; read first character
mov byte ptr [bx], al ; In C: str[i] = al
get_loop: cmp al, 13 ; al == CR ?
je get_fin ;while al != CR
inc bx ; bx = bx + 1
call getc ; read next character
mov byte ptr [bx], al ; In C: str[i] = al
jmp get_loop ; repeat loop test
get_fin: mov byte ptr [bx], 0 ; terminate string with 0
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 9
putc: ; display character in al
push ax ; save ax
push bx ; save bx
push cx ; save cx
push dx ; save dx
mov dl, al
mov ah, 2h
int 21h
pop dx ; restore dx
pop cx ; restore cx
pop bx ; restore bx
pop ax ; restore ax
getc: ; read character into al
push bx ; save bx
push cx ; save cx
push dx ; save dx
mov ah, 1h
int 21h
pop dx ; restore dx
pop cx ; restore cx
pop bx ; restore bx
end start
This program produces as output:
Enter your favourite colour: yellow
Yuk ! I hate yellow
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 10
Reading and Displaying Numbers
See Chapter 3 of textbook for implementation details
We use getn and putn to read and display numbers:
getn: reads a number from the keyboard and returns it in the ax
putn: displays the number in the ax register
Example: Write a program to read two numbers, add them and display
the result.
; calc.asm: Read and sum two numbers. Display result.
; Author: Joe Carthy
; Date: March 1994
.model small
.stack 256
CR equ 13d
LF equ 10d
prompt1 db ‘Enter first number: ’, 0
prompt2 db CR, LF,‘Enter second number:’,0
result db CR, LF ‘The sum is’, 0
num1 dw ?
num2 dw ?
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 11
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov ax, offset prompt1
call put_str ; display prompt1
call getn ; read first number
mov num1, ax
mov ax, offset prompt2
call put_str ; display prompt2
call getn ; read second number
mov num2, ax
mov ax, offset result
call put_str ; display result message
mov ax, num1 ; ax = num1
add ax, num2 ; ax = ax + num2
call putn ; display sum
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h ; finished, back to dos
<definitions of getn, putn, put_str, get_str, getc, putc go
end start
Running the above program produces:
Enter first number: 8
Enter second number: 6
The sum is 14
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 12
More about the Stack
A stack is an area of memory which is used for storing data on a
temporary basis. In a typical computer system the memory is logically
partitioned into separate areas. Your program code is stored in one such
area, your variables may be in another such area and another area is used
for the stack. Figure 2 is a crude illustration of how memory might be
allocated to a user program running.
User Program
User Program
Free Memory
Low Memory
High Memory
Figure 2: Memory allocation: User programs share memory with the
Operating System software
The area of memory with addresses near 0 is called low memory, while
high memory refers to the area of memory near the highest address. The
area of memory used for your program code is fixed, i.e. once the code is
loaded into memory it does not grow or shrink.
The stack on the other hand may require varying amounts of memory.
The amount actually required depends on how the program uses the
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 13
stack. Thus the size of the stack varies during program execution. We
can store information on the stack and retrieve it later.
One of the most common uses of the stack is in the implementation of
the subprogram facility. This usage is transparent to the programmer, i.e.
the programmer does not have to explicitly access the stack. The
instructions to call a subprogram and to return from a subprogram
automatically access the stack. They do this in order to return to the
correct place in your program when the subprogram is finished.
The point in your program where control returns after a subprogram
finishes is called the return address. The return address of a
subprogram is placed on the stack by the call instruction. When the
subprogram finishes, the ret instruction retrieves the return address
from the stack and transfers control to that location. The stack may also
be used to pass information to subprograms and to return information
from subprograms, i.e. as a mechanism for handling high level language
Conceptually a stack as its name implies is a stack of data elements.
The size of the elements depends on the processor and for example, may
be 1 byte, 2 bytes or 4 bytes. We will ignore this for the moment. We can
illustrate a stack as in Figure 3:
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 14
High Memory
Low Memory
Figure 3: Simple model of the stack
To use the stack, the processor must keep track of where items are stored
on it. It does this by using the stack pointer (sp) register.
This is one of the processor's special registers. It points to the top of the
stack, i.e. its contains the address of the stack memory element
containing the value last placed on the stack. When we place an element
on the stack, the stack pointer contains the address of that element on the
stack. If we place a number of elements on the stack, the stack pointer
will always point to the last element we placed on the stack. When
retrieving elements from the stack we retrieve them in reverse order.
This will become clearer when we write some stack manipulation
There are two basic stack operations which are used to manipulate the
stack usually called push and pop. The 8086 push instruction places
(pushes) a value on the stack. The stack pointer is left pointing at the
value pushed on the stack. For example, if ax contains the number 123,
then the following instruction:
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 15
push ax
will cause the value of ax to be stored on the stack. In this case the
number 123 is stored on the stack and sp points to the location on the
stack where 123 is stored.
The 8086 pop instruction is used to retrieve a value previously placed on
the stack. The stack pointer is left pointing at the next element on the
stack. Thus pop conceptually removes the value from the stack. Having
stored a value on the stack as above, we can retrieve it by:
pop ax
which transfers the data from the top of the stack to ax, (or any register)
in this case the number 123 is transferred. Information is stored on the
stack starting from high memory locations. As we place data on the
stack, the stack pointer points to successively lower memory locations.
We say that the stack grows downwards. If we assume that the top of the
stack is location 1000 (sp contains 1000) then the operation of push
ax is as follows.
Firstly, sp is decremented by the size of the element (2 bytes for the
8086) to be pushed on the stack. Then the value of ax is copied to the
location pointed to by sp, i.e. 998 in this case. If we then assign bx the
value 212 and carry out a push bx operation, sp is again
decremented by two, giving it the value 996 and 212 is stored at this
location on the stack. We now have two values on the stack.
As mentioned earlier, if we now retrieve these values, we encounter the
fundamental feature of any stack mechanism. Values are retrieved in
reverse order. This means that the last item placed on the stack, is the
first item to be retrieved. We call such a process a Last-In-First-Out
process or a LIFO process.
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 16
So, if we now carry out a pop ax operation, ax gets as its value 212,
i.e. the last value pushed on the stack.
If we now carry out a pop bx operation, bx gets as its value 123, the
second last value pushed on the stack.
Hence, the operation of pop is to copy a value from the top of the stack,
as pointed to by sp and to increment sp by 2 so that it now points to the
previous value on the stack.
We can push the value of any register or memory variable on the stack.
We can retrieve a value from the stack and store it in any register or a
memory variable.
The above example is illustrated in Figure 4 (steps (1) to (4) correspond
to the states of the stack and stack pointer after each instruction).
Note: For the 8086, we can only push 16-bit items onto the stack e.g.
any register.
The following are ILLEGAL: push al
pop bh
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 17
mov ax, 123
push ax
mov bx, 212
push bx
after push ax
after push bx
ax and bx after
mov instructions
pop ax
pop bx
after pop bx
after pop ax
ax and bx after
pop instructions
Figure 4: LIFO nature of push and pop
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 18
Example: Using the stack, swap the values of the ax and bx registers,
so that ax now contains what bx contained and bx contains what ax
contained. (This is not the most efficient way to exchange the contents of
two variables). To carry out this operation, we need at least one
temporary variable:
Version 1:
push ax ; Store ax on stack
push bx ; Store bx on stack
pop ax ; Copy last value on stack to ax
pop bx ; Copy first value to bx
The above solution stores both ax and bx on the stack and utilises the
LIFO nature of the stack to retrieve the values in reverse order, thus
swapping them in this example. We really only need to store one of the
values on the stack, so the following is a more efficient solution.
Version 2:
push ax ; Store ax on stack
mov ax, bx ; Copy bx to ax
pop bx ; Copy old ax from stack
When using the stack, the number of items pushed on should equal the
number of items popped off.
This is vital if the stack is being used inside a subprogram. This is
because, when a subprogram is called its return address is pushed on the
If, inside the subprogram, you push something on the stack and do not
remove it, the return instruction will retrieve the item you left on the
stack instead of the return address. This means that your subprogram
cannot return to where it was called from and it will most likely crash
(unless you were very clever about what you left on the stack!).
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 19
Format of Assembly Language Instructions
The format of assembly language instructions is relatively standard. The
general format of an instruction is (where square brackets [] indicate the
optional fields) as follows:
[Label] Operation [Operands] [; Comment]
The instruction may be treated as being composed of four fields. All four
fields need not be present in every instruction, as we have seen from the
examples already presented. Unless there is only a comment field, the
operation field is always necessary. The label and the operand fields
may or may not be required depending on the operation field.
Example: Examples of instructions with varying numbers of fields.
L1: cmp bx, cx ; Compare bx with cx all fields present
add ax, 25 operation and 2 operands
inc bx operation and 1 operand
ret operation field only
; Comment: whatever you wish !! comment field only
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 20
Bit Manipulation
One of the features of assembly language programming is that you
can access the individual bits of a byte (word or long word).
You can set bits (give them a value of 1), clear them (give them a
value of 0), complement them (change 0 to 1 or 1 to 0), and test if
they have a particular value.
These operations are essential when writing subprograms to control
devices such as printers, plotters and disk drives. Subprograms that
control devices are often called device drivers. In such subprograms,
it is often necessary to set particular bits in a register associated with
the device, in order to operate the device. The instructions to operate
on bits are called logical instructions.
Under normal circumstances programmers rarely need concern
themselves with bit operations. In fact most high-level languages do
not provide bit manipulation operations. (The C language is a notable
exception). Another reason for manipulating bits is to make programs
more efficient. By this we usually mean one of two things: the
program is smaller in size and so requires less RAM or the program
runs faster.
The Logical Instructions: and, or, xor, not
As stated above, the logical instructions allow us operate on the bits
of an operand. The operand may be a byte (8 bits), a word (16 bits) a
long word (32 bits). We will concentrate on byte sized operands, but
the instructions operate on word operands in exactly the same
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 21
Clearing Bits: and instruction
A bit and operation compares two bits and sets the result to 0 if
either of the bits is 0.
1 and 0 returns 0
0 and 1 returns 0
0 and 0 returns 0
1 and 1 returns 1
The and instruction carries out the and operation on all of the bits of
the source operand with all of the bits of the destination operand,
storing the result in the destination operand (like the arithmetic
instructions such as add and sub).
The operation 0 and x always results in 0 regardless of the value of
x (1 or 0). This means that we can use the and instruction to clear a
specified bit or collection of bits in an operand.
If we wish to clear, say bit 5, of an 8-bit operand, we and the
operand with the value 1101 1111, i.e. a value with bit 5 set to 0
and all other values set to 1.
This results in bit 5 of the 8-bit operand being cleared, with the other
bits remaining unchanged, since 1 and x always yields x.
(Remember, when referring to a bit number, we count from bit 0
Example 4.1: To clear bit 5 of a byte we and the byte with 1101
mov al, 62h ; al = 0110 0010
and al, 0dfh ; and it with 1101 1111
; al is 42h 0100 0010
[Note: You can use binary numbers directly in 8086 assembly
language, e.g.
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 22
mov al, 01100010b
and al, 11011111b
but it is easier to write them using their hexadecimal equivalents.]
The value in the source operand, 0dfh, in this example, is called a
bit mask. It specifies the bits in the destination operand that are to be
changed. Using the and instruction, any bit in the bit mask with
value 0 will cause the corresponding bit in the destination operand to
be cleared.
In the ASCII codes of the lowercase letters, bit 5 is always 1. The
corresponding ASCII codes of the uppercase letters are identical
except that bit 5 is always 0. Thus to convert a lowercase letter to
uppercase we simply need to clear bit 5 (i.e. set bit 5 to 0). This can
be done using the and instruction and an appropriate bit mask, i.e.
0dfh, as shown in the above example. The letter ‘b’ has ASCII
code 62h. We could rewrite Example 4.1 above as:
Example B.1: Converting a lowercase letter to its uppercase
mov al, ‘b’ ; al = ‘b’(= 98d or 62h) 0110 0010
and al, 0dfh ; mask = 1101 1111
; al now = ‘B’(= 66d or 42h) 0100 0010
The bit mask 1101 1111 when used with and will always set bit 5
to 0 leaving the remaining bits unchanged as illustrated below:
xxxx xxxx ; destination bits
and 1101 1111 ; and with mask bits
xx0x xxxx ; result is that bit 5 is
If the destination operand contains a lowercase letter, the result will
be the corresponding uppercase equivalent. In effect, we have
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 23
subtracted 32 from the ASCII code of the lowercase letter which was
the method we used in Chapter 3 for converting lowercase letters to
their uppercase equivalents.
Setting Bits: or instruction
A bit or operation compares two bits and sets the result to 1 if either
bit is set to 1.
1 or 0 returns 1
0 or 1 returns 1
1 or 1 returns 1
0 or 0 returns 0
The or instruction carries out an or operation with all of the bits of
the source and destination operands and stores the result in the
destination operand.
The or instruction can be used to set bits to 1 regardless of their
current setting since x or 1 returns 1 regardless of the value of x (0
or 1).
The bits set using the or instruction are said to be masked in.
Example: Take the conversion of an uppercase letter to lowercase,
the opposite of Example B.1 discussed above. Here, we need to set
bit 5 of the uppercase letter’s ASCII code to 1 so that it becomes
lowercase and leave all other bits unchanged. The required mask is
0010 0000 (20h). If we store ‘A’ in al then it can be converted
to ‘a’ as follows:
mov al, ‘A‘ ; al = ‘A‘ = 0100 0001
or al, 20h ; or with 0010 0000
; gives al = ‘a‘ 0110 0001
In effect, we have added 32 to the uppercase ASCII code thus
obtaining the lowercase ASCII code.
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 24
Before changing the case of a letter, it is important to verify that you
have a letter in the variable you are working with.
4.1 Specify the instructions and masks would you use to
a) set bits 2, 3 and 4 of the ax register
b) clear bits 4 and 7 of the bx register
4.2 How would al be affected by the following instructions:
(a) and al, 00fh
(b) and al, 0f0h
(c) or al, 00fh
(d) or al, 0f0h
4.3 Write subprograms todigit and tocharacter, which
convert a digit to its equivalent ASCII character code and vice versa.
4.1.3 The xor instruction
The xor operation compares two bits and sets the result to 1 if the
bits are different.
1 xor 0 returns 1
0 xor 1 returns 1
1 xor 1 returns 0
0 xor 0 returns 0
The xor instruction carries out the xor operation with its operands,
storing the result in the destination operand.
The xor instruction can be used to toggle the value of specific bits
(reverse them from their current settings). The bit mask to toggle
particular bits should have 1’s for any bit position you wish to toggle
and 0’s for bits which are to remain unchanged.
Example 4.7: Toggle bits 0, 1 and 6 of the value in al (here 67h):
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 25
mov al, 67h ; al = 0011 0111
xor al, 08h ; xor it with 0100 0011
; al is 34h 0111 0100
A common use of xor is to clear a register, i.e. set all bits to 0, for
example, we can clear register cx as follows
xor cx, cx
This is because when the identical operands are xored, each bit
cancels itself, producing 0:
0 xor 0 produces 0
1 xor 1 produces 0
Thus abcdefgh xor abcdefgh produces 00000000 where
abcdefgh represents some bit pattern. The more obvious way of
clearing a register is to use a mov instruction as in:
mov cx, 0
but this is slower to execute and occupies more memory than the xor
instruction. This is because bit manipulation instructions, such as
xor, can be implemented very efficiently in hardware. The sub
instruction may also be used to clear a register:
sub cx, cx
It is also smaller and faster than the mov version, but not as fast as
the xor version. My own preference is to use the clearer version, i.e.
the mov instruction. However, in practice, assembly language
programs are used where efficiency is important and so clearing a
register with xor is often used.
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 26
4.1.4 The not instruction
The not operation complements or inverts a bit, i.e.
not 1 returns 0
not 0 returns 1
The not instruction inverts all of the bits of its operand.
Example 4.8: Complementing the al register:
mov al, 33h ; al = 00110011
not al ; al = 11001100
Table 1 summarises the results of the logical operations. Such a table
is called a truth table.
Table 4.1: Truth table for logical operators
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 27
As noted earlier, the xor instruction is often used to clear an operand
because of its efficiency. For similar reasons of efficiency, the
or/and instructions may be used to compare an operand to 0.
Example 4.9: Comparing an operand to 0 using logical instructions:
or cx, cx ; compares cx with 0
je label
and ax, ax ; compares ax with 0
jg label2
Doing or/and operations on identical operands, does not change the
destination operand (x or x returns x; x and x returns x ), but they
do set flags in the status register. The or/and instructions above
have the same effect as the cmp instructions used in Example 4.10,
but they are faster and smaller instructions (each occupies 2 bytes)
than the cmp instruction ( which occupies 3 bytes).
Shifting and Rotating Bits
We sometimes wish to change the positions of all the bits in a byte,
word or long word. The 8086 provides a complete set of instructions
for shifting and rotating bits. Bits can be moved right (towards the 0
bit) or left towards the most significant bit. Values shifted off the end
of an operand are lost (one may go into the carry flag).
Shift instructions move bits a specified number of places to the right
or left.
Rotate instructions move bits a specified number of places to the
right or left. For each bit rotated, the last bit in the direction of the
rotate is moved into the first bit position at the other end of the
Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming( alp5) 28