Recently lost health insurance
from your job? Know your options.
Niki Conte
Associate Director of Public Outreach and Education
Today’s presentation topics:
General information about the state’s Health Connector and the
types of coverage available through
Rules around choosing Health Connector plans as an alternative to
COBRA and the new Special Enrollment Period due to COVID-19
Tips when applying for coverage, including choosing a plan and
How to get free help with this process
What is the Health Connector?
Those who don’t get health
insurance through their job or
other sources
The Massachusetts Health Connector is the state’s health insurance
Marketplace, offering individuals, families and small employers with
access to affordable coverage.
Many people who apply, qualify
or help paying for their coverage
Dental insurance is also available
or purchase
Health Connector Plan Options
All the plans sold through the Health Connector meet state and
federals standards for coverage
Qualified Health and
Dental Plans
Choose from a variety of
plans in your area from
the leading carriers in
Health Plans with
Advance Tax Credits
Those with incomes within
a certain range can qualify
for tax credits to reduce
their cost of monthly
ConnectorCare Plans
Others within lower income
ranges and other eligibility
requirements may qualify
for low or no-cost health
insurance coverage
Catastrophic Plans
Available to those under
30 or with a hardship
Dental Plans
For individuals, families
and small employers
including; pediatric-only
and low and higher
deductible plans
Health Connector as an
alternative to COBRA
Health Connector as an alternative to COBRA
When leaving a job, COBRA may be offered to continue health
insurance benefits. Before making a final decision, review your
options through the Health Connector.
Losing your employer coverage is considered a qualifying life event, which gives
you a special enrollment period for enrolling through the Health Connector
Be sure to apply and compare your options through the Health Connector within
60 days of losing your employer coverage
If you are a Massachusetts resident, you may apply for and enroll in coverage
through and indicate the date that your employer will no
longer pay for health insurance benefits
You’ll need to apply, enroll, and pay your first premium by the 23rd of the month
before your coverage can start
Special Enrollment Periods due to
COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period (SEP)
Given the COVID-19 emergency, the Health Connector has
created a Special Enrollment Period now available through
July 23rd.
To help ensure everyone who wants access to covered coronavirus services
has it, the Massachusetts Health Connector created and extended this
Special Enrollment Period
This gives uninsured residents an opportunity to apply and get into health
nsurance coverage
The new deadline to apply and enroll in coverage is July 23
The Division of Insurance has extended a similar special enrollment period
which may be helpful for anyone not eligible to shop through the Health
Getting Coverage through the
Health Connector
Who qualifies for help paying for health insurance?
You may qualify if you:
Shop through the Massachusetts Health Connector
Live in Massachusetts
Are a U.S. citizen, national, or are otherwise lawfully present in the U.S.
Have income that is 400% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or lower
You won’t be able to qualify if you:
Get coverage through Medicare, MassHealth (Medicaid), or other public
health insurance programs, are in jail at this time or are offered affordable,
comprehensive health insurance from an employer
What are the income guidelines to get help from the
Health Connector?
Current Federal Poverty Level (FPL) guidelines are used to determine what
type of help is available.
Household Size 400% FPL
1 $49,960
2 $67,640
3 $85,320
4 $103,000
For each additional person add $17,680
The income limit for ConnectorCare plans is set at 300% of FPL -
$37,470 for a household of one and $77,250 for a household of four.
Applying for Coverage
What do I need to complete the application?
Here’s a checklist of things to gather:
Social Security numbers for everyone applying (if they have one)
Immigration documents for all non-U.S. citizens who are applying (if they have
one). Find more information about immigration documents here:
Recent Pay Information
Copies of your last two pay stubs
If you are collecting unemployment, your unemployment amount (this can
be found on your award letter)
A copy of your federal tax return from last year
If you didn’t file taxes last year, or your income has changed since last year,
have information about your current income ready
Application for Individuals and Families
Begin your application at
There is a single application to find out if you qualify for help paying for
coverage. Some may be eligible for MassHealth while others may find that
Health Connector plans are a more affordable option than COBRA.
Application for Individuals and Families
How do I enter my income if I’m unemployed?
When you complete an application you’ll be asked about your current
income as well as your estimated income for the year.
If you are applying or updating your income, you should enter
current income (as it is right now) without the $600 in
additional UI income, then update your expected yearly income
based on what you think you’ll make over the course of the
When entering your yearly income, consider how much has
been earned so far this year, add any unemployment, including
the extra $600 per week, and include what might be earned if
and when you return to work later this year
If your income changes later, update your income information
again so it is as correct as possible
Keeping your income and application up to date
If you receive an Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC), you can always
adjust the amount you take by using the slide on the Eligibility Results
page of your application
Please keep updating your income as your employment situation
changes. Keeping your income information as accurate as possible
will help to make sure you:
Get the right amount of help paying for health insurance
Lower your risk of owing money to the IRS when you file taxes for 2020
Choosing a Plan and Enrolling
How do l choose the right plan?
Once you know what you qualify for, your next step is to shop for a plan
The Health Connector has resources that can help you decide:
Within the application, you can also enter your provider and
medication preferences, then see pricing and compare plan
designs from leading carriers in Massachusetts
ConnectorCare Plan Premiums and Benefits
ConnectorCare plans are affordable health insurance plans offered
through the Massachusetts Health Connector.
They have low monthly premiums, low out-of-pockets costs, with no
deductibles. Remember they are subsidized by federal premium tax
credits + state subsidies
Available to those who meet eligibility requirements, including income
below 300% of FPL
Depending on the plan type you qualify for, you could choose a plan
for as low as $0 up to $130 per month
Getting Help
Where can I get help enrolling in health
insurance coverage?
Free enrollment assistance is available through the Health Connector
Customer Service and across Massachusetts through Assisters (Navigators
and Certified Application Counselors (CACs)
Customer Service:
1-877-MA-ENROLL (1-877-623-6765), or TTY 1-877-623-7773 for people who are
deaf, hard of hearing, or speech disabled. For information about hours and days of
operation, location and phone number visit:
Trained and certified assisters can help you from application through enrollment
into health insurance plans. They can answer questions about eligibility, the
application, payments, plan details, and health care reform rules and requirements.
It is recommended that you call ahead to schedule an appointment for help.
To find an Assister near you visit
Key Takeaways
Key Takeaways
Reminders and finer details about this shopping and enrollment
Applications for coverage can be submitted online or over the phone
Some people will get an automatic special enrollment period and be allowed to
shop and enroll immediately
If you complete an application online and you are not able to shop for a plan and
enroll into coverage right away, contact Health Connector Customer to request a
special enrollment due to COVID-19
This enrollment window is open through July 23
unless you have a different qualifying
event that opens an enrollment window for 60 days. For example, you just lost coverage
from a job
You need to apply, enroll and pay your first premium by the 23rd of the month before
your coverage can start. For example, enroll and pay by July 23
for coverage to start
on August 1 or September 1
Free help with the application and plan selection process is available through the
Health Connector’s customer service and enrollment assisters across Massachusetts,
call today to make an appointment for help!
Health Connector home page:
Helpful Resources
Resource download page (Shopping Guides, Guide to Subsidies, ConnectorCare Overview,
Standardized QHPs):
Health Connector Provider and Prescription search tool:
Enrollment Assistance search:
Customer service information (call and walk-in centers):
Small Business page:
Coverage options for non-benefits eligible employees or former employees:
Resources for newly unemployed:
What are the income guidelines to get help from the
Health Connector?
Current Federal Poverty Level (FPL) guidelines used by the Health Connector
How do I enter my income if I’m unemployed?
When you complete an application you’ll be asked about your current
income as well as your estimated income for the year.
Type of Income
Include in Current Income?
Include in Projected Annual
Unemployment extension
to up to 39 weeks of
Yes, regular unemployment
should be reported as long as it is
Yes, make your best prediction
about your yearly income
accounting for how long you expect
to receive unemployment
$600 unemployment
“bump” (Federal
Pandemic Unemployment
No, do not include this amount in
the unemployment benefits you
Yes! Do add the $600 per week in
when reporting expected yearly
income. Someone on
unemployment from early April
through July 25 will earn about
$10,000 from this bump
One-time “recovery
rebate” or “stimulus
payment” of $1200 per
adult and $500 per
qualifying child
No, do not include this income No, do not include this income
Examples of ConnectorCare Plan
Premiums and Benefits