PRIMARY OWNER INFORMATION (Required for all applications submitted on behalf of an organization). If applicable, signature required below.
First Name* Middle Initial* Last Name* Sufx
% Ownership Home/Cell Telephone #
Social Security #*
Date of Birth* Are you a U.S. citizen?* Yes No
Driver’s License #
Driver’s License State of Issuance Expiration Date
Physical Street Address*
City* State* ZIP*
Have you ever led for bankruptcy?* Yes No Has a lien / judgment been led against you?* Yes No
Assets $ , .00 Liabilities $ , .00 Net Worth (assets – liabilities) $ , .00 Years in Business
Gross Sales $
, .00
Net Income $ , .00 Type of Business
Alimony, Child Support, or Separate Maintenance Payments Need Not Be Disclosed Unless Relied Upon for Credit.
APPLICANT FINANCIAL INFORMATION (1) You represent that the information given in this entire application, including all applicant names and all other information provided, is complete and accurate, and is provided for the purpose
of obtaining credit in an amount set by the credit policies and practices of John Deere Financial, f.s.b. and, if applicable, Deere & Company (“JDF”, “we”, “us” and “our”). You authorize us to check with reporting agencies, credit references, and any
other sources in investigating the information given, in reviewing or taking collection action on the account, or for other legitimate purposes, and each such source is authorized to provide us with such information. You further authorize us to share all
information obtained with our afliates and other companies which may offer or provide services to you. Those afliates and other companies may use certain consumer report information as a factor in establishing your eligibility for credit or insurance.
If you object to this, you must notify us by calling 800-541-2969, and provide your name, Social Security number, address and account number, and certain consumer report information will not be provided to those afliates and other companies. (2) For
revolving credit applications, applicant(s) requests a revolving credit account and that a card(s) be issued upon our approval of the revolving credit application. You certify the card(s) will be used for commercial/business purposes only. (3) You certify that
you are authorized to sign on behalf of the Applicant. (4) You understand that any decision to grant or deny credit will be made by us in Wisconsin. (5) You agree that any notices and disclosures can, at our option, be provided electronically to the last email
address that you provided us. (6) Married applicants can apply for an individual account. (7) You agree that, by providing us any telephone number, including mobile phone number, we, and any third party we retain to provide services to us, can contact
you using that number. (8) You consent to the recording and monitoring of your telephone conversations by us and any third parties who provide services to us. (9) You authorize us and our afliates to send you information on our products and services
by internet, facsimile transmissions and other electronic means. (10) You also authorize us to disclose nancial information about you as described in the credit agreement and future notices we may send you. YOU CERTIFY THAT YOU HAVE READ AND
For Installment Financing Only: Customer Responsibility for Physical Damage Insurance. Physical damage insurance for the equipment on the attached note will be provided by the agency listed below: You agree and understand that under the terms of
your contract with Lender, you must at all times keep the Goods insured against all risk, loss, damage, or destruction for their full-insurable value, with Lender listed as loss payee.
PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS (Please print) Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required by law (U.S.A. PATRIOT Act). Your application cannot be processed without this information.
Organization Legal Name*
(or) Legal Individual First Name* Middle Initial* Last Name* Sufx
Social Security #*
or Tax ID #* Date of Birth*
Organizational ID
Are you a U.S. citizen?* Yes No
Driver’s License #
Driver’s License State of Issuance Expiration Date
State of Incorporation/Chief Executive Ofce*
Business/Cell Telephone # County
Business Physical Street Address*
City* State* ZIP*
Business Mailing or P.O. Box # (if different than Physical Street Address)
What is the business structure? Sole Proprietor Corporation General Partnership Limited Partnership Limited Liability Co. Limited Liability Partnership
CO-APPLICANT INFORMATION (Required if spouse or person other than Primary Owner identied above has an interest in the business and is also a co-applicant). If applicable, signature required below.
First Name* Middle Initial* Last Name* Sufx
Home/Cell Telephone #
Social Security #*
Date of Birth* Are you a U.S. citizen?* Yes No
Driver’s License #
Driver’s License State of Issuance Expiration Date
Physical Street Address*
City* State* ZIP*
CR4510131 Litho in U.S.A. (17-04)
Dealer Name Dealer No.
Dealer Contact and Telephone #
Customer Account No. Patron No.
Amt. Financed Auth. No.
Credit Plan No. Description Code
(check one)
Commercial Mowing Equipment Small Equipment
Gator™ Utility Vehicle Utility Tractor and Attachments
SiteOne Landscape Materials Other or Unknown
Residential Mowing Equipment
Name and Address of Insurance Agency
Agency’s Phone #
Please return application to your nearest John Deere location or mail to: John Deere Financial, P.O. Box 5307, Madison, Wisconsin, 53705-0307.
John Deere Financial reserves the right to request additional information if needed.
SIGN HERE Applicant’s Signature and Title (required)
X Date Title
Co-Applicant’s SignatureSIGN HERE Primary Owner Signature
X Date X Date
For Revolving credit limit requests of $30,000 to $75,000, most recent balance sheet is required. For Revolving credit limit requests greater than $75,000, most recent two years balance sheets and two years income statements/ tax returns is required.
PRIMARY OWNER SIGNATURE INDIVIDUALLYRequired for Corporation, LLC & Partnership in addition to the signature on behalf of the Organizational Applicant above (by signing, such Primary Owner shall be
personally liable for all transactions and obligations arising under any Revolving Plan Account that may be approved by John Deere Financial pursuant to this Application).
(If no box is checked we will consider your application for Revolving Plan)
Revolving Plan Installment
CR4510131 Litho in U.S.A. (17-04)
This is your Agreement. Please read it and keep it for your records.
NOTICE TO OHIO RESIDENTS. The Ohio laws against discrimination require that all
creditors make credit equally available to all creditworthy customers, and that credit
reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on each individual upon request.
The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with
this law.
NOTICE TO MAINE RESIDENTS. If this application is approved by the creditor, you
will be required to obtain and maintain physical damage insurance on the collateral
securing the debt. You have a right of free choice in the selection of the agent and
insurer through or by which the insurance is placed.
TERMINOLOGY. In this Agreement the words you, your, and yours mean each
person, business or company that applies for and is granted a Revolving Plan Account
(“Account”), and any personal guarantor of your Account. JDF means John Deere
Financial, f.s.b., or any subsequent holder of the Account or any balances arising under
the Account. When the terms “nance charge” and “interest charge” are used in
this agreement and on other documents related to your Account, they have the same
CREDIT APPROVAL. This Agreement is not binding on JDF until JDF has approved your
credit and given you notice of approval.
CARD. You request an Account and credit card (“Card”) from JDF. You agree that this
Agreement controls all purchases made on this Account or with use of the Card by
you or any person you authorize to use it. You authorize JDF to honor any purchase
you make by mail, telephone, internet, facsimile transmission (fax) or other electronic
means on your Account. You agree that a signature is not necessary as identication
in such cases. You agree that any authorized use of your Account or Card constitutes
your acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as it may be
amended from time to time. If you submit your application to JDF by internet, facsimile
transmission (fax), or other electronic means, you agree that the application will have
the same effect as a signed original. You agree that you will promptly notify JDF in
writing of any suspected loss, theft, or unauthorized use of your Card. You may be
liable for the unauthorized use of your Card before you notify JDF in writing at,
John Deere Financial, P.O. Box 5327, Madison, Wisconsin 53705-0327 of the
unauthorized use. In any case, your liability will not exceed $50. You consent and
agree that your telephone conversations with JDF may be recorded to further
improve JDF’s customer service. You agree that JDF may place phone calls to you
using any telephone number you have provided to JDF, including using an automatic
dialing-announcing device, and that such calls are not “unsolicited” under state or
federal law. You agree to give JDF prompt notice of any change in your name, mailing
address, telephone number, or business location. You agree that until JDF receives
notice of your new address, JDF may continue to send statements and other notices
to the address you gave JDF on the application for this Account. You agree that, for
the purposes of this Agreement, you will be deemed to “reside” in the state of your
billing address as shown on JDF’s records. If more than one person or entity signed the
application, each is jointly and severally responsible for all obligations, and amounts
due, under this agreement. If Maryland law applies, Subtitle 9 of Title 12 of the
Maryland Commercial Law will apply.
CREDIT LIMITS. JDF will state your credit limit when JDF noties you of credit approval
and issues your Card. You may request a change to your credit limit by writing JDF at
the address listed above. You agree that JDF may increase or decrease any credit
limit at any time, in JDF’s sole discretion, without prior notice to you.
ACCOUNT USE. You can use your Account to purchase authorized goods and services
from participating retailers up to the full amount of your credit limit. You agree you
will owe JDF all amounts charged on your Account, plus interest charges and the other
charges provided for in this Agreement. JDF will allow a purchase of authorized goods
or services from a participating retailer to be made through your account as long as
(1) you are not in default; (2) your nancial condition has not materially or adversely
changed; and (3) JDF has not been provided information by third parties that indicates
serious charge-offs or delinquencies with other of your accounts. You agree to use
your Account primarily to make purchases for commercial use, and not for agricultural,
personal, family, or household use. We will consider your Account to be inactive if no
purchases have been made through your Card, and your Account Balance has been
zero for 6 months or more.
You agree that JDF is not responsible for the refusal of anyone to allow a purchase
to be made through your Revolving Plan Account.
MONTHLY STATEMENT. JDF will send you a monthly statement whenever there is
activity on your Account. Your monthly statement will show your New Balance and
any Late Fees and Interest Charge. In addition, it will show any available credit, an
itemized list of current Purchases, Debits, Payments, and Credits, the Minimum
Required Payment and the Payment Due Date, as well as other information concerning
your Account.
If you think your monthly statement is incorrect, write to JDF on a separate sheet at
the address shown on the back of your billing statement no later than 60 days after
JDF sends you the rst statement on which the error or problem appeared. Describe
the error as best you can and include your Account number in all correspondence. JDF
will send your monthly statements on dates and in intervals determined by JDF. Such
statement shall be deemed correct and accepted by you unless JDF is notied to the
contrary in writing within 60 days of the date of that statement.
PAYMENT. The Payment Due Date is the date the payment is due at the address shown
on the front of your monthly statement. You may at any time pay your entire New
Balance or pay more than the Minimum Required Payment, and you will avoid or reduce
Interest Charges by doing so. Payment of more than the Minimum Required Payment,
while reducing your balance, may also be applied to your future Minimum Required
Payments for up to six months. If your Payment Due Date falls on a Saturday, Sunday
or holiday, the Payment Due Date will not be extended. All payments must be in U.S.
dollars and drawn on funds on deposit in the United States. Payments must be sent to
John Deere Financial, at the address designated on your monthly payment stub, or to
any other payment address JDF later designates on your monthly statement payment
stub. We will not accept any payments at our ofces.
INTEREST CHARGE RATES. Interest Charges on your account for Regular Purchases
may be calculated using a variable rate that will be determined by reference to a
Base Rate” to which is added a “Spread” to arrive at the current rate with a minimum
ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APR) of 19.8%. The same Spread will be used for
purchase(s) within your account.
Interest Charges on your account if your account goes into Default, may be calculated
using a variable rate that will be determined by reference to a “Base Rate” to which is
added a “Spread” to arrive at the current rate, with a minimum APR of 22.8%.
The Base Rate from which your variable rates will be determined is the annual
percentage rate of interest announced publicly from time to time by Citibank, N.A. in
New York, New York, as the base rate it uses for interest rate determinations, which
was in effect at the close of business on the fteenth (15th) calendar day of each
month, or the next succeeding business day if the fteenth is not a business day
(“Reference Day”). The Spread added to the Base Rate to determine the APRs that will
apply to your Account will be:
Regular Purchase Rate 15.0%
Default Rate 18.0%
Rate increases and decreases that result from changes in the Base Rate will take effect
on the rst day of the month, or the next succeeding business day if the rst day is not
a business day, after the Reference Day on which the Base Rate changes.
Changes in your variable rate will apply to your existing Account Balance as well as
to future purchases. An increase in your rate will increase the total Interest Charge
accruing on your Account and the balance on which your Minimum Required Payment
is calculated.
Current effective rates are shown below:
Periodic Rate(s) PERCENTAGE RATE(S)
Regular Purchase Rate
.054247% 19.8%
Default Rate
.062466% 22.8%
The above rates are correct as of the date of printing, May 1, 2017, but are subject to
change after that date.
INTEREST CHARGE CALCULATION. The amount of Interest Charge will be
determined in the following manner. JDF uses the daily periodic rates and
corresponding Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) shown in this Agreement.
The applicable periodic rate is applied to the “Average Daily Balance” of your
Account, including current transactions during the current billing cycle.
To get the “Average Daily Balance,” JDF takes the beginning balance of your
Account each day, starting with any Previous Balance outstanding on the rst
day of the monthly billing cycle, adds new purchases and debits and subtracts
payments or credits. This determines the daily balance. Unless JDF elects
to use a later date, purchases are added to the daily balance as of the date
of purchase.
JDF totals the daily balances for the billing cycle and divides the total by the
number of days in the billing cycle. This gives JDF the “Average Daily Balance
which is shown on your monthly statement.
DEFAULT INTEREST CHARGE RATE. If you are in default, you may no longer
qualify for any reduced interest rate or repayment terms and, at JDF’s option,
the applicable APR on the entire remaining balance of any purchase(s) may be
increased to the Default Rate and the repayment terms may increase to the
standard amount described in this agreement.
A MINIMUM INTEREST CHARGE of $1.00 will be made when the result of
the application of the periodic rate to the “Average Daily Balance” is less
than $1.00.
MINIMUM REQUIRED PAYMENT. You agree to pay each month a Minimum
Required Payment equal to:
1. Any late payment fee; plus
2. Any additional fees, plus
3. Any amount past due; plus
4. For purchases:
a. Either the greater of: (i) $100, or (ii) 8% of your highest balance;
b. Or your entire New Balance, if it is $100 or less.
Starting on August 1, 2017, this will change to:
a. Either the greater of: (i) $100, or (ii) 8% of your current balance;
b. Or your entire New Balance, if it is $100 or less.
a local, state or federal government agency or department, the entire
balance of your account will be due at the date shown on your monthly
SPECIAL PROMOTIONS. From time to time special nancing terms, such
as extended free periods, incentive interest rates on certain purchases, or
other promotions may be available for certain purchases from participating
retailers. These special terms will be disclosed by the retailer at the time
of purchase or on the next monthly statement sent to you and will govern
the APR and repayment terms. Purchases you make during these special
promotions will be separately identied on your monthly statement and will
become part of the balance on which your Interest Charge and Minimum
Requirement Payment are calculated at the time provided in the special
terms disclosure.
minimum monthly payments will be made and an Interest Charge will
accrue during any “No Interest if Paid in Full” period described on your
monthly statement. No Interest Charge will be due until the end of this
“No Interest if Paid in Full” period and any accrued Interest Charge will be
waived if the entire “No Interest if Paid in Full” balance is paid in full by the
end of this “No Interest if Paid in Full” period.
minimum monthly payments will be made and an Interest Charge will not
accrue during any disclosed “No Interest With Payment” period described.
No Interest Charge will be due until the end of the “No Interest With
Payment” period.
OTHER FEES & CHARGES. JDF will add to your Account: (1) A Late Payment
Fee of $30 if JDF does not receive a payment of at least the Minimum Required
Payment (Minimum Required Payment plus unpaid late payment fees and
past due amounts) within 5 days after the Payment Due Date; (2) A Returned
Payment Fee of $25, for any check or electronic payment authorization that
JDF receives which is dishonored; and (3) Expenses incurred in connection with
the enforcement of our remedies upon default, including, without limitation,
(a) repossession, repair and collections costs, and (b) the attorney fees plus
court costs and related fees, including any bankruptcy fees and costs, to the
extent permitted by applicable law, upon default if JDF elects to refer your
Account for collection to an attorney.
OTHER SERVICES. Third parties may offer additional features, services, and
enhancements related to the Account. You acknowledge that JDF is not liable
for those and that they are the sole responsibility of those third parties. With
respect to any insurance coverage you obtain, you understand that you will
receive all of your insurance information from the insurer.
ACCEPTING PAYMENT. You agree that JDF can accept late or partial
payments, as well as payments marked “paid in full” or with other restrictive
endorsements, without losing any of its rights under this Agreement.
your performance under this Agreement to credit reporting agencies and
others who request a credit reference from JDF. You agree that JDF may ask
credit reporting agencies or others you list as a credit reference for consumer
reports or information regarding your credit history at any time for all
legitimate purposes, including credit decisions and the review and collection
of your Account. You authorize JDF to share information regarding your
Account with its corporate afliates and other companies that offer products
and services JDF believes may be of interest to you. JDF’s afliates may
use certain consumer report information as a factor in establishing your
eligibility for credit. If you object to this, you must notify JDF by calling
John Deere Financial Customer Service at 1-800-541-2969, and providing
your name, Social Security Number, address, and Account Number, and
after a reasonable processing time of up to 30 days, certain information
will not be provided to those afliates.
You also authorize JDF to disclose nancial information about you as
described in this Agreement and future notices JDF may send you.
CANCELLATION. You may close your Account to future purchases at any
time by notifying JDF in writing and returning all Cards. You agree that JDF
may close or suspend your Account to future purchases at any time without
prior notice. You agree that, regardless of the closing or suspension of your
Account, you remain responsible for paying the amount you owe JDF according
to the terms of this Agreement.
SECURITY INTEREST. To secure payment of its purchase price you grant
JDF a purchase money security interest in all merchandise purchased
through your Account, and its proceeds, including insurance proceeds, but
this provision does not apply if you reside in NC and the APR on a purchase
or transaction exceeds 15%. JDF’s security interest continues until such
merchandise is paid for in full by application of your payments in the manner
described in this Agreement. You agree to execute and authorize JDF to le
(or to sign for you and le) any nancing statement(s) or other document(s)
needed to perfect the security interest that you have given JDF or that JDF
may deem necessary before your debt is paid in full.
PAYMENT APPLICATION. You agree that your Minimum Required Payment
will be applied as JDF determines in its sole discretion. You agree that JDF has
this discretion and that JDF may exercise it to suit its own convenience and
interests, without further notice to you. You also agree that JDF may change
how it applies payments at any time without notice to you. You acknowledge
that the exercise of this discretion by JDF may result in cases in which the
application of payments to your Account creates higher Interest Charges
than other payment application methods and that this may include payments
allocated to balances with lower APRs before balances with higher APRs and/
or to balances with longer promotional periods before balances with shorter
or no promotional periods.
You agree that your payments will be credited as of the date of receipt at the
address on the payment stub of your Monthly Statement if received by 11:00
a.m. Central Time Monday through Friday (otherwise next business day); but
if payment is not accompanied by the payment stub, is not in the envelope we
provided, includes other items such as other checks, staples or paper clips, or
is not received at that location, credit may be delayed up to ve days.
RETAILER CHARGEBACKS. JDF may charge back to a retailer who sold goods
or services to you on your Account, any part of your Account balance related to
those purchases. In that event, this Agreement will be deemed assigned to the
retailer to the extent of the chargeback. You agree to such an assignment and
further agree to pay the retailer the amount of such chargeback in accordance
with the terms of this Agreement.
DEFAULT. You agree that you will be in default if you fail to pay the Minimum
Required Payment within 10 days after the Payment Due Date. You agree
that you will also be in default if: (1) the value of JDF’s security interest in
any collateral is materially impaired; (2) your ability to repay is materially
reduced; (3) you cease your business; (4) your obligations materially change;
(5) you become subject of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings; (6) the
sole proprietor, a partner or a personal guarantor of the business holding
the Account dies or becomes incompetent; (7) you have provided JDF false
or misleading information relating to your credit application or Account;
(8) you fail to perform any other of your obligations under the terms of
this Agreement as it may be amended; or (9) you are in default under any
agreement you have with JDF or any of its afliates.
You agree that, upon your default, JDF may close your account to future
purchases and that JDF may demand immediate payment of your entire
Account balance, after giving you any notice and opportunity to cure the
default required by applicable law. In addition, you agree that JDF shall have
all the rights of a secured creditor under the Uniform Commercial Code and
other applicable law.
DELAY IN ENFORCEMENT. You agree that JDF can delay enforcing its rights
under this Agreement without losing them.
ELECTRONIC DISCLOSURE. You agree that any notices and disclosures related
to your account can be delivered to you in printed form or by electronic
means if you provided an electronic mail address to JDF when you applied for
this Account or at a later date. Until JDF receives notice of a new electronic
mail address, JDF may continue to send such notices and disclosures to the
electronic mail address you most recently provided to JDF.
GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement must be approved, and all charges
and payments to your Account processed by JDF at its ofce in Madison,
Wisconsin. Therefore this Agreement and your accounts will be governed by
the substantive law of the United States and to the extent state law applies to
this Agreement, the substantive law of the State of Wisconsin; regardless of
whether or not you reside in Wisconsin. The law of your state of residence will
apply to JDF’s recovery of any collateral located there.
This is the entire Agreement between you and JDF relating to your Account
and no oral changes can be made. Invalidity of any provision of the Agreement
shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remainder of its terms.
ANOTHER WRITTEN AGREEMENT. You agree that JDF may change any terms
of this Agreement, including the Interest Charge Calculation and the APR, at
any time, by providing prior notice to you. To the extent that the law permits
and JDF indicates in the notice, the changes will apply to your existing Account
balance as well as to future transactions.
ACCOUNT. To help the government ght the funding of terrorism and money
laundering activities, federal law requires all nancial institutions to obtain,
verify, and record information that identies each person who opens an
account. What this means for you: When you open an account, you will be
asked for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will
allow JDF to identify you. You may also be asked to show your drivers license
or other identifying documents.
The John Deere Financial companies are providing this notice. They include
Deere & Company, Deere Credit, Inc., John Deere Construction & Forestry
Company and John Deere Financial, f.s.b.
You may limit the John Deere companies, such as the manufacturing, credit,
leasing, and insurance afliates, from marketing their products or services
to you based on your personal information that they receive from any John
Deere Financial company. This information may include your income, account
history, and credit score.
Your choice to limit marketing offers from the John Deere companies will
apply for at least 5 years from when you tell us your choice. Once that period
expires, you will receive a renewal notice that will allow you to continue to
limit marketing offers from the John Deere companies for at least another
5 years.
To limit marketing offers, contact us at 1-800-541-2969.
April 2017
Revolving Plan Accounts are a service of John Deere Financial, f.s.b.
CR4510131 Litho in U.S.A. (17-04)
As every independent business owner knows, everything
turns on cash ow. Thats why John Deere Financial makes it
easy for you to get the nancing that helps you manage your
cash ow — and your whole operation.
Easy application process, quick approvals.
Financing with your success in mind.
Seasonal payments for your lower
cash ow months.
Installment loans, leasing, and revolving
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Online account management at
John Deere equipment gives you instant credibility with
customers, and John Deere Financial helps you achieve
that credibility through nancing of your equipment, parts,
service, and landscape inputs. Three ways to apply:
Visit to ll out an
application online.
Take this application to your nearest John Deere location.
Mail this application to:
John Deere Financial
P.O. Box 5307
Madison, WI 53705-0307
See what fast and
easy access to credit
can do for you.
Revolving Plan Account or Installment
Credit Application
Commercial Use Account