FORM 3008 Page 1 of 2
Exact Individual or Organizational Legal Name Social Security or Tax ID Number Are You a US Citizen?
Yes No
Phone Number (Home Phone for Individual/Business Phone for Organization) Date of Birth County
Street Address City State Zip
Time at Current Address: Year s Months
Co-Applicant’s Legal Name (Last, First, Middle, Suffix) Social Security Number Are You a US Citizen?
Yes No
Home Phone Number Date of Birth County
Street Address City State Zip
Business Type:
Corporation General Partnership
Limited Partnership Limited Liability Company
Trust Other:
State of Incorporation/Chief Executive Office Organizational ID (If Known)
Officer’s Legal Name (If different than the Co-Applicant) Social Security Number Title of Officer or Co-Applicant (if Co-App is Offic
Home Phone Number Date of Birth County
Street Address City State Zip
Legal Name of Signing Party (Authorized Signer for the Organization, if different than the Officer)
Settlement Dealer Number Selling Dealer Number Dealer Contact Name
Phone Number Fax Number E-mail Address
Product Line/Usage:
Agriculture/ Agricultural Turf/ Commercial
Sales Person Name (If Different than Contact)
In the past 10 years have you filed for bankruptcy?
Yes No
In the past 10 years has a lien/judgment been filed against you?
Yes No
Financial Statement Date Years in Farming/Business
Total Assets Total Liabilities Gross Annual Sales/Income*
Type of Crop (Enter a maximum of three) Type of Livestock (Enter a maximum of three)
Government Issued ID # ID Type Expiration Date Verified By Dealer?
Yes No
*You do not have to reveal alimony, child support or separate maintenance income unless you wish to have them considered for approving this application.
For the purposes of obtaining credit, I (we) certify to Deere & Company and Deere Credit Inc . (collectively referred to as "John Deere”) that all
information i n t his statement is true an d c orrect and accurately d escribes my ( our) f inancial condition as of date shown, and t hat there h as been no
material changes since then. I (we) g rant p ermission to J ohn D eere t o verif y all inf ormation in t his statement and t o provide any inf ormation r equested
by my (our) other c reditors. I ( we) also grant John D eere p ermission to obt ain a credit r eport on m e in connection with th is transaction f or all legitimate
purposes. Such p urposes inc lude a ssisting in making a credit d ecision, r eviewing my account, and assisting in taking c ollection activity. I ( we) also
grant permission to t hose c reditors to pr ovide al l i nformation r equested by J ohn D eere. I (we) also aut horize J ohn D eere t o s hare all the f oregoing
information with its affiliates. I (we) release and waive all claims against John Deere and my ( our) other creditors for all acts or omissions which occur in
verifying the above information. See Page 2 for important notices.
________________________________________________________________ ________________________
Applicant’s Signature Title (For Organizational Customers) Date
________________________________________________________________ ________________________
Co-Applicant’s Signature Title (For Organizational Customers) Date
FORM 3008 Page 2 of 2
The Applicant acknowledges that (1) Seller has not represented that the terms of any
financing obtained is more or less favorable than any other financing; (2) Seller is not
applicant’s agent in obtaining the financing; (3) Applicant may obtain financing from other
sources; (4) Seller may be compensated by John Deere.
If your application to John Deere for business credit is denied, you have the right to a written
statement of the specific reasons for the denial. To obtain the statement, please contact the
Agricultural Finance, Deere Credit Services, Inc., P.O. Box 6600, Johnston, IA 50131-6600 within
60 days from the date you are notified of your decision. We will send you a written statement of
the reason for denial within 30 days of receiving your request. You may also call us at 1-800-828-
NOTICE: The Federal Equal Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from discrimination against credit
applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age (provided
the applicant has the capacity to enter into a binding contract); because all or part of the
applicant’s income derives from any public assistance program; or because the applicant has in
good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The federal agency that
administers compliance with this law concerning the creditor is the Federal Trade Commission,
Equal Credit Opportunity, Washington, D.C. 20580.
You permit us, and those third parties who provide services to us, to monitor and record
telephone conversations between you and us. You agree that, by providing us any telephone
number, including mobile phone number, we and any third party we retain to provide services to
us, can contact you using that number.
All information regarding your account and any other accounts you may have with Deere &
Company may be provided to corporate affiliates of Deere & Company and other companies
which may offer or provide services to you or Deere & Company. Those affiliates may use
certain consumer report information as a factor in establishing your eligibility for credit or
insurance. If you object to this, you must notify us by calling 1-800-828-8297, and providing
your name, Social Security number, address and account number and certain consumer report
information will not then be provided to those affiliates.
Notice for Ohio Residents – The Ohio laws against discrimination require that all creditors make
credit equally available to all credit worthy customers, and that credit reporting agencies maintain
separate credit histories on each individual upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission
administers compliance with this law.
Notice for Maine Residents - If this application is approved by the creditor, you will be required
to obtain and maintain physical damage insurance on the collateral securing this debt. You have
the right of free choice in the selection on the agent and insurer through which the insurance is