Outcomes after a Grammont-style reverse total
shoulder arthroplasty?
Robert Z. Tashjian, MD
, Bradley Hillyard, BA
, Victoria Childress, BA
Jun Kawakami, MD, PhD
, Angela P. Presson, PhD
, Chong Zhang, MS
Peter N. Chalmers, MD
Deptartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Division of Epidemiology, Department of Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with outcomes after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA).
Methods: We retrospectively evaluated all RTSAs performed by the senior author between January 1, 2007, and November 1, 2017. We
evaluated pain visual analog scale (VAS), Simple Shoulder Test (SST), and American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Standardized Shoulder
Assessment Form (ASES) scores and complication and reoperation rates at a minimum of 2-year follow-up. We evaluated preoperative and
2-week postoperative radiographs for glenoid inclination (GI), medialization as distance between the center of the humeral head or
glenosphere and the line of the deltoid, and distalization via the acromial–greater tuberosity distance. We performed inter- and intrarater
reliabilities via intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and conducted a multivariable analysis.
Results: We included 230 RTSAs in the analysis, with 70% follow-up at a median of 3.4 years. Reliability was acceptable with all ICCs >.678.
Increased postoperative GI was significantly associated with increased VAS pain postoperatively (P ¼ .008). Increased distalization was asso-
ciated with an increased rate of complications and reoperations (P ¼.032). Younger age (P ¼.008), female gender (P ¼ .009), and lower body
mass index (BMI) (P ¼ .006) were associated with worse ASES scores. Female gender (P < .001) and lower BMI (P ¼ .039) were associated
with worse SST scores. Female gender (P ¼ .013) and lower BMI (P ¼ .005) were associated with worse VAS-pain scores.
Conclusion: Age, gender, and BMI are associated with outcome after RTSA. In this retrospective analysis of a Grammont-style RTSA, superior
inclination is associated with increased pain postoperatively, whereas excessive arm lengthening is associated with increased risk for complication
or reoperation.
Level of evidence: Level IV; Case Series; Treatment Study
Ó 2020 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty; shoulder replacement; radiographic analysis; lateralization; pati ent-repor ted out comes;
medical comorbidities
Although reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA)
generally has low reoperation rates
and excellent long-
term outcomes,
not all patients have an excellent
long-term outcome postoperatively.
Conceptually, RTSA
with a Grammont-style design shifts the center of rotation
(COR) medially and distally.
Alteration of the COR
changes the deltoid and infraspinatus function.
This shift
has been suggested to be important for postoperative
shoulder function.
However, designs with less of a shift in
the COR also have good long-term outcomes.
Biomechanically, glenosphere or baseplate lateralization
may be a trade-off between impingement-free range of
Each author certifies that his or her institution approved the human pro-
tocol for this investigation, that all investigations were conducted in con-
formity with ethical principles of research, and that informed consent for
participation in the study was obtained from all subjects.
This study was performed under the University of Utah Institutional Re-
view Board as approved protocol 46622. Informed consent for participa-
tion in the study was obtained from all subjects.
The work for this manuscript was performed at the University of Utah.
*Reprint requests: Peter N. Chalmers, MD, Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery 590 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.N. Chalmers).
J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2020) -,18
1058-2746/$ - see front matter Ó 2020 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. All rights reserved.
and deltoid forces.
Although lateralization in-
creases stability,
it does so by creating increased joint
loads and deltoid forces.
It also increases back-side forces
on the baseplate.
In addition, although lateralization may
reduce notching, it may not be as effective as inferior
Clinically, lateralization may also be a trade-off. Base-
plate lateralizati on may reduce notching
but may impair
postoperative outcomes with subscapularis repair.
alization improves external rot ation but may do so at the
expense of elevation
and abduction.
A prior systematic
review found no significant differences in postoperative
outcomes between patients with medialized and lateralized
COR implants.
Another prior retrospective study
demonstrated significantly worse outcomes with lateralized
Finally, a randomized clinical trial between a
lateralization design and a medialized one demonstrated no
significant differences in postoperative outcomes.
baseplate inclination, glenosphere size, and glenosphere
inferior overhang may also influence postoperative
Thus, there is a gap within our current knowledge. This
gap remains in part because there is anatomic variation
in the preoperative position of the COR and variation in
surgical technique with reaming and implant positioning.
The same implant, placed in different patients by different
surgeons using different technique, may be more or less
distalized and medialized and inclined.
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors
associated with outcome after Grammont-style reverse total
shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA). Following Grammont’s
original concept,
we hypothesized that increased medial-
ization and distalization would be associated with improved
postoperative outcomes.
Included patients
This is a retrospective case series. A single surgeon (R.Z.T.)
performed all procedures using the same technique and post-
operative protocol. We obtained informed consent from all
included subjects. We performed this study after approval by our
Institutional Review Board. We searched the operative logs of the
(University of Utah) for all patients who underwent a surgical
procedure by a single surgeon (R.Z.T.) between January 1, 2007,
and November 1, 2017, using the Common Procedure Terminol-
ogy code 23472 to capture all patients who underwent reverse
total shoulder arthroplasty. We excluded patients who were known
to have become deceased.
Data collection
We collected demographics, body mass index (BMI), Charlson
comorbidty index at the time of the index surgery,
indication for
surgery, version of the humeral component as assessed and
documented by the surgeon intraoperatively (not as measured
radiographically), glenosphere size, documented intraoperative
complications, documented postoperative complications, and
reoperations. We contacted all patients, and the following out-
comes were collected: American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
Standardized Shoulder Assessment Form (ASES) score, Simple
Shoulder Test (SST) score, and visual analog scale for pain (VAS)
score and whether complications or reoperations had occurred.
When patients were willing to return for an in-person evaluation,
this was preferred; otherwise, these outcomes were collected via
mail and phone. To maximize follow-up, we contacted patients on
multiple occasions at different times of the day via different phone
numbers and using all available contact methods available,
including an electronic service that provides updated contact
On preoperative and 2-week postoperative 2-dimensional
imaging, we made the following measurements: (1) glenoid
inclination (complement of the b angle
), as previously
; (2) acromial–greater tuberosity distance (AGT); and
(3) the center of rotation medialization (CORM; Fig. 1). We used
AGT to measure humeral distalization. To determine the inter-
observer reliability of these measurements, 2 attending orthopedic
surgeons fellowship trained in shoulder and elbow surgery
analyzed 50 radiographs. To determine the intraobserver reli-
ability of these measurements, one attending orthopedic surgeon
fellowship trained in shoulder and elbow surgery analyzed 50
radiographs twice separated by 1 month. From these measure-
ments, we calculated intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs)
using a single-rating, absolute-agreement, 2-way mixed effect
model. We interpreted ICCs based on prior guidelines.
As this
was a retrospective analysis, we took no a priori steps to adjust for
magnification. To ensure that there were no magnification effects,
we measured glenosphere size on 50 radiographs and compared
the measured glenosphere size to the known true glenosphere size
as provided by the manufacturer using ICCs and a mean difference
analysis. We made all measurements using the measurement tools
provided within the Picture Archiving and Communication Sys-
tems program in our hospital system (IntelliSpace 4.4, Philips,
Andover, MA, USA).
Statistical analysis
We summarized patient demographics, clinical variables, and
outcomes (SST, ASES, and VAS scores) descriptively (Tables I
and II). We summarized continuous variables as mean (standard
deviation), median (interquartile range), and range, and categori-
cal variables were summarized as frequency and percentage.
We descriptively summarized preoperative and 2-week post-
operative radiographic outcomes for GI, CORM, and AGT
shoulder measures. We tested differences between preoperative
and postoperative measures using paired t tests.
We performed univariable and multivariable regressions to
assess relationships between postoperative shoulder measures and
patient outcomes. The distribution of each outcome variable
dictated the type of regression model, where for ASES and SST
we used linear regression, as these variables were approximately
normally distributed, and for reoperation we used logistic
regression, which is common for binary outcomes.
For VAS, we
used negative binomial regression, because of its heavy skew and
notable fraction of 0 values (30%).
Multivariable models
2 R.Z. Tashjian et al.
adjusted for age, sex, BMI, Charlson comorbidty index, implant
company, humeral version, length of follow-up, and postoperative
diagnosisdexcept for reoperation, which was limited by the
number of events (we adjusted for age, sex, Charlson comorbidty
index, and length of follow-up).
We reported results from linear
regression models as mean differences, results from logistic
regression models as odds ratios (ORs), and results from negative
binomial models as ratios. We reported 95% confidence intervals
(CIs) and P values with all point estimates from the regression
models. We examined potential nonlinear relationships between
shoulder measures and outcomes. We assessed statistical signifi-
cance at the 0.05 level, and all tests were 2-tailed. We conducted
these analyses in R, version 3.6.1 (R Foundation for Statistical
Computing, Vienna, Austria).
Sample size determination
The authors assumed that an association with the strength for a
correlation coefficient of 0.3 would be clinically significant, as it
is consistent with multiple prior shoulder arthroplasty radio-
graphic and outcome association analysis studies.
To have a
90% chance to find an association of at least a value of r equal to
0.3, should one exist, a sample size of 112 patients would be
needed. Based on an expected loss to follow-up rate of 30%, our
target sample size was 160, and thus this was our minimum target
sample size.
Study cohort
During the 10-year period in question, the senior author
performed 369 RTSAs, of which 40 patients were deceased
at the time of follow-up and 99 were lost to follow-up. Of
the 329 eligible for follow-up, 230 had patient-reported
outcome scores available at a minimum of 2-year follow-
up, providing a rate of follow-up of 70% at a minimum of 2
years, a maximum of 12 years, and a mean standard
deviation of 4.01.9 years. We performed these procedures
on 216 unique patients, with 14 patients undergoing bilat-
eral RTSA. This cohor t was elderly, mostly female, and
mostly right-sided (Table I). Rotator cuff tear arthropathy
was the most common indication for surgery in 46% of
patients, with 24% of patients being revision
arthroplasties and 8% being fractures or their sequelae. The
Figure 1 Radiographic measurement technique. The solid white
line demonstrates the acromial–greater tuberosity distance (AGT),
a measure of humeral distalization, which was measured as the
shortest distance between the greater tuberosity and the acromion.
The dashed white line shows the line of pull of the deltoid, and the
solid black line shows the medialization of the center of rotation
relative to the line of pull of the deltoid (CORM), which was
measured as the distance between the center of the best-fit circle
of the humeral head or glenosphere on preoperative and post-
operative radiographs and a line between the most lateral aspect of
the acromion and the deltoid tuberosity
Table I Demographics of the included patients
Variable MeanSD,
median (IQR),
or % (n/N)
Age, yr 7010
Body mass index (n¼222) 297
Charlson comorbidty index (n¼225) 2.81.2
Length of follow-up, yr, median (IQR) 3.4 (2.5, 5.2)
Female sex, % (n/N) 71 (163/230)
Right operative side, % (n/N) 69 (158/229)
Implant, % (n/N)
Wright Medical 64 (146/229)
Zimmer 36 (82/229)
Humeral version, % (n/N)
16 (33/203)
74 (150/203)
10 (20/203)
Indication for surgery, % (n/N)
Degenerative 63 (143/228)
Rotator cuff tear arthropathy 39 (89/228)
Glenohumeral osteoarthritis (GHOA) 9 (21/228)
Rotator cuff tear (RCT) 8 (17/230)
GHOAþRCT 7 (16/228)
Failed arthroplasty 24 (54/228)
Traumatic 14 (31/228)
Acute proximal humerus fractures 4 (10/228)
Proximal humeral fracture sequelae 8 (17/228)
Other 2 (4/228)
Rtsa XR COR 3
senior author used Aequalis (Wright Medical Technology,
Memphis TN, USA) and Trabecular Metal Reverse (Zim-
mer, Warsaw, IN, USA) components during the study
period, in which most humeral components were placed in
retroversion. Both systems are Grammont-style
RTSAs with inlay, medialized humeral components and
without glenosphere lateralization options. For the initial 3
years, we performed the Zimmer RTSA exclusively and
then we switched to implants manufacturered by Wright
Medical exclusively after that point.
At final follow-up, the SST score was 73 (range 0-12,
data available for 210/230 patients), the ASES score was
6721 (5-100, data available for 224/230 patients), the
VAS score was 23 (0-1, data available for 224/230
patients). Of the included shoulders, 18% (41/230) suffered
either a complication or reoperation postoperatively; 3.4%
of shoulders had postoperative instability (8/230). One
percent of shoulders developed a recurrence of a prior
known infection (3/230), and 4% (9/230) of shoulders
suffered a new postoperative infection (3 in primary RTSAs
and 6 in revision RTSAs). Of these, 1% (3/230) were deep
infections requiring operative irrigation and d
and the other 3% (6/230) were superficial infections
responding to antibiotics. Three percent of shoul ders had a
postoperative acromial fracture (7/230), and none of these
patients had a history of trauma. One percent of shoulders
had persistent pain at the strap tendon requiring operative
release (3/230), and 1% of shoulders had postoperative
hematomas (2/230). Two percent of shoulders had glenoid
loosening (2 in the context of a glenoid bone graft and 1 in
the context of infection, 4/230). One percent (3/230) of
shoulders had nerve injuries (1 median, 1 ulnar, and 1
diffuse plexopathy), all of which resolved. Two percent of
shoulders (5/230) had other complications including a
postoperative seizure, a postoperative fall with a glenoid
neck fracture, and postoperative thromboembolic events.
Radiographic measures
Inter- and int rarater reliability was generally excellent for
all radiographic measures (Table II). There were minimal
effects from magnification, as the ICCs comparing the
radiographically measured glenosphere size and the recor-
ded glenosphere size had an ICC of 0.79 (95% CI 0.652,
0.877) with a mean difference of 0.104 (95% CI –0.014,
0.222) mm. GI changed 9
into a more inferior inclination
(range 15
superior to 40
inferior), CORM change was 24
mm medial (11 mm lateralization to 55 mm medialization),
and AGT increased 29 mm (0 to 51 mm); all of these
changes were statistica lly significant (Table III).
Associations with outcomes
There were no notable nonlinear relationships between
shoulder measures and outcomes. Our multivariable
regression analyses found no associations between any of
the measured radiographic factors and functional outcomes
as measured with the ASES or SST scores at final follow-up
(Table IV). However, there were multiple patient factors
associated with outcome. Adjusting for the other variables
in the model, a 1-year increase in age was associated
with a 0.6-point increase in ASES score (95% CI 0.2, 1.1,
P ¼ .008); women had on average an 11-point lower ASES
score relative to men (95% CI –2.7, –18.4, P ¼ .009), and a
1-point increase in BMI was associated with a 0.7-point
increase in ASES score (0.2 to 1.2, P ¼ .006). Adjusting
for the other variables in the model, females had a 2.1-po int
reduced SST score relative to males (–0.83 to –3.3,
P < .001), and a 1-point increase in BMI was associated
with a 0.1-point increase in SST (0.0 to 0.2, P ¼ .039).
Postoperative pain was associated with postoperative GI,
sex, and BMI. Adjusting for the other variables in the
model, a 1
increase in postoperative GI into superior
inclination was associated with a 3% (95% CI 1%, 6%,
P ¼ .008) increase in VAS pain, female gender was asso-
ciated with a 95% (95% CI 11%, 343%, P ¼ .013) increase
in VAS pain, and a 1-point increase in BMI was associated
with a 4% (95% CI 1%, 7%, P ¼ .005) decrease in VAS
Postoperative distalization was associated with reoper-
ation or complication. Adjusting for the other variables in
the model, a 1-mm increase in distalization was associated
with a 6% increased odds of reoperation or complication
(95% CI 1.01, 1.11, P ¼ .032; Table IV). Postoperative
Table III Radiographic measures
Variable Preoperative,
mean SD
mean SD
mean SD
GI, degrees 1028938–910 <.001
CORM, mm 208448248 <.001
AGT, mm 96388299 <.001
GI, glenoid inclination, measured as the complement of the b angle;
CORM, center of rotation medialization; AGT, acromial–greater
tuberosity distance; SD, standard deviation.
Table II Reliability analysis for the included radiographic
Variable Inter-rater ICC
(95% CI)
Intrarater ICC
(95% CI)
GI 0.948 (0.910, 0.970) 0.981 (0.967, 0.989)
CORM 0.803 (0.678, 0.883) 0.914 (0.854, 0.951)
AGT 0.971 (0.949, 0.983) 0.973 (0.953, 0.985)
GI, glenoid inclination, measured as the complement of the b angle;
CORM, center of rotation medialization; AGT, acromial–greater
tuberosity distance; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; CI, confi-
dence interval.
4 R.Z. Tashjian et al.
glenoid inclination was not associated with any change in
the odds of reoperation or complication (OR 1.01, 95% CI
0.97, 1.07, P ¼ .550; Table IV). There were no differences
in outcomes or reoperation rates between implant manu-
facturers (Table IV).
We analyzed 230 RTSAs with a minimum of 2-year,
short-term, follow-up but with an average of 4-year,
medium-term, follow-up, with patient-reported outcomes.
Baseplate superior inclination was associated with
increased postoperative pain (P ¼ .008), and distalization
was associated with increased reoperations and complica-
tions (P ¼ .032). There were also significant associations
between patient factors and patient-reported outcomes.
Overall, these analyses suggest that preoperative patient
demographics and com orbidities are important for outcome
after RTSA. Older, higher-BMI, men with inferiorly in-
clined baseplates and without excess distalization had the
best outcome and the lowest risk for reoperation or
Association between outcomes and radiographic
implant position
Our study demonstrated overall excellent outcomes and
low complication and reoperation rates after RTSA.
Multiple pri or studies have simi larly demonstrated
excellent outcomes and low reope ration rate s using a
Grammont-style implant.
2,11,21 ,35
In addition, although
our study demonstrated an overall medialization and
distalization of the COR and tilt into inferior inclina-
tion, we found substantial variation in these factors,
with 55
variation in incl ination change, 66-mm varia-
tion in medialization change, and 51-mm variation in
distalization change. A prior study demonstrated simi lar
We also found a wide variation in post-
operative outcomes, with ASES scores ranging from 5-
100, suggesting that t he outcome after RTSA does vary
widely. Inferiorly inclined baseplates demonstrated
decreased pain postoperatively. The a uthors speculate
that this association is due to the decreased impinge-
ment at the inferior glenoid w ith an inferiorly inclined
baseplate. We also found that excess distalization led to
an increased risk for reoperation or complication. The
authors speculate that this association is due to the
increased soft tissue t ension, which may increase the
risk for acromial fractures, strap tendonitis, and nerve
injuries. As each of these individual complications is
uncommon, likely multicenter studies will be necessary
to better elucidate the associations between each and
distalizatio n. However, our data set demonstrates t hat
excess distalization does increase the risk for reopera-
tion or complication. Since collection of this series and
based on this experience, the senior author has
decreased intraoperative tension, particularly in elderly
individuals who are at risk for acromial fractures, strap
tendonitis, and nerve injuries.
Table IV Results of multivariate regression analyses to determine associates with each final outcome variable
Variable ASES SST VAS Reop./Complication
Coefficient P value Coefficient P value Ratio P value OR P value
GI –0.26 (–0.67, 0.14) .200 –0.01 (–0.07, 0.05) .760 1.03 (1.01, 1.06) .008 1.01 (0.97, 1.07) .550
CORM 0.05 (–0.40, 0.50) .830 –0.01 (–0.08, 0.06) .710 1.00 (0.98, 1.03) .800 0.97 (0.92, 1.02) .260
AGT 0.03 (–0.38, 0.44) .890 –0.01 (–0.07, 0.06) .830 1.00 (0.98, 1.03) .850 1.06 (1.01, 1.11) .032
Age 0.64 (0.17, 1.12) .008 0.04 (–0.04, 0.11) .330 0.99 (0.96, 1.02) .460 0.98 (0.92, 1.04) .520
Sex –10.52 (–18.37, –2.66) .009 –2.05 (–3.25, –0.84) <.001 1.95 (1.11, 3.43) .013 0.46 (0.20, 1.06) .070
BMI 0.68 (0.20, 1.16) .006 0.08 (0.00, 0.15) .039 0.96 (0.93, 0.99) .005 NA NA
CCI –3.15 (–6.66, 0.35) .080 –0.43 (–0.98, 0.11) .120 0.93 (0.74, 1.16) .520 0.68 (0.39, 1.08) .130
Implant 0.56 (–7.86, 8.99) .900 0.68 (–0.61, 1.98) .300 0.90 (0.53, 1.52) .700 NA NA
Vers. >20
–3.29 (–16.05, 9.46) .610 0.33 (–1.62, 2.28) .740 1.91 (0.86, 4.39) .110 NA NA
FU length –0.48 (–2.34, 1.38) .610 –0.02 (–0.30, 0.26) .880 0.98 (0.87, 1.09) .700 0.95 (0.77, 1.17) .640
Reop Diag. –4.78 (–12.83, 3.28) .240 –1.15 (–2.38, 0.07) .060 0.90 (0.53, 1.53) .680 NA NA
Frx. Diag. 0.69 (–8.82, 10.21) .890 0.04 (–1.39, 1.46) .960 0.68 (0.36, 1.33) .230 NA NA
GI, glenoid inclination, measured as the complement of the b angle; CORM, center of rotation medialization; AGT, acromial–greater tuberosity distance;
BMI, body mass index; CCI, Charlson comorbidity index; Vers., Version; FU, follow-up length; Reop Diag., indication for surgery of a failed arthroplasty;
Frx Diag., indication for surgery of a fracture or fracture sequelae; ASES, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Standardized Shoulder Assessment Form;
SST, Simple Shoulder Test score; VAS, visual analog scale for pain; Reop., reoperation; OR, odds ratio; NA, not applicable.
For ASES and SST, we performed linear regression and have shown coefficient and 95% confidence intervals. For VAS, we performed negative binomial
regression and have shown ratio and 95% confidence intervals. For reoperations and complications, we performed logistic regression but reduced the
number of covariates because only 41 of these events occurred. Statistically significant differences are bolded.
Because of the limited number of events, only variables significantly associated with the outcome in the univariable analysis and length of follow-up
were included.
Rtsa XR COR 5
Association between demographics and outcome
Within our study, patient factors were ass ociated
with patient-reported functional outcome after RTSA
but implant position was not. Prior studi es have
demonstrated sex
and age to be a predictor of
patient-reported outcomes after RTSA.
demonstrated male sex to be associated with complica-
tions after RTSA,
partially because Cutibacterium
acnes is more common in males.
Preoperative patient
expectations predict outcomes,
and these likely differ
depending on patient demographics and m edical
comorbidities. Workers’ compensation status, which is
associated with patient demographics, also affects
outcome and complication r ates after sh oulder arthro-
However, some studies have demonstrated BMI,
gender, age, or medical comorbidities to either have no
association with postop erative outcome or to be associ-
ated in directions different from those seen in our own
Also, one study de monstrated signifi-
cantly better pain with more medialization.
difference in our findings and the findings of th ese
studies may be explained by the different patient pop-
ulations, smaller sample sizes, dichotimization of
outcome variables, and use of logistic regression within
these study designs.
Our study has several limitations. This was a retro-
spective study and thus no standardized protocol was
used to follow-up prospectively for preoperative radio-
graphs, surgical technique, postoperative rehabilitation,
postoperative radiographs, etc. Although this is a
single-surgeon series using all G rammont-style implants,
there were likely subtle changes in surgical technique,
postoperative rehabilitation, etc during the study p eriod.
mize sample size. In particular, the angle of arm
abduction was not standardized. Because the arm rotates
about the COR, abduction moves the shortest distance
from the COR to the line of pull of the deltoid proxi-
mally, a nd thus substantially reduces any effect of
abduction on this distance (Fig. 2). In addition, this is a
single-surgeon, single-institution study, and thus our
findings may not be generalizable. In particular,
during the study period, the author exclusively used a
medialized-COR, valgu s neck-shaft angle implant
design. Our findings thus m ay not app ly to lateral ized
(humerus or glenospher e) or varus neck-shaft angle
implant designs . However, subst antial variation was seen
in both distalization and medialization of the COR
(CORM c hang e varied from 1 1-m m lateralization to 55-
mm medialization, and AGT change varied from 0-51
mm), which mitigates thi s limitation. We also did not
analyze radiographic position relative to the pre-
deformity or ‘normal’ sc apula . Our st udy do es n ot
include radiogra phs at final follow-up a nd thus does not
allow us to assess for loosening, notching, and other
radiographic complications. Two implant designs are
included to maximize the sample size, and they do
differ slightly, although we have included im plant
manufacturer as a covariate in our multivariate analysis
and it was not associated wit h outcome. Some patients
were lost to follow-up and the population included is
heterogeneous, although diagnosis is included as a co-
variate in our analysis. It also i s an assessment of im-
mediate postoperative radiographic implant position and
not radiographic implant position at final follow-up. It is
thus possible that some implants may h ave shifted in
position. Cl inically, it has been the authors’ experience
that substantial shifts in impl ant position in the setting
of RTSA are almost always associated w ith clinical
symptoms and reoperation, and thus this limitation
likely contributes minimal bias. Finally, humeral version
is based on the surgeon’s intraoperative assessment, and
thus no reliability data are presented for this variable.
We did not measure glenoid version as it was not felt
that this could b e reliably or accurately measured on
axillary radiographs.
Age, gender, and BMI are associated with outcome after
RTSA. In this retrospective analysis of a Grammont-
style RTSA, superior inclination is associated with
Figure 2 Example of robustness of center of rotation mea-
surement to angle of glenohumeral abduction.
6 R.Z. Tashjian et al.
increased pain postoperatively, whereas excessive arm
lengthening is associated with increased risk for
complication or reoperation.
This investigation was supported by the University of
Utah Population Health Research (PHR) Foundation
(authors A.P.P., C.Z.), with funding in part from the
National Center for Research Resources and the Na-
tional Center for Advancing Translational Sciences,
National Institutes of Health, through Grant
UL1TR002538 (formerly 5UL1TR001067-05,
8UL1TR000105, and UL1RR025764). Our research
team is supported by the National Institutes of Health
grant UL1TR002538.
Peter Chalmers is a paid consultant for Arthrex and
Mitek, is paid speaker for DePuy, serves on the editorial
board for the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery,
receives intellectual property royalties from DePuy, and
has received other support from Tornier.
Robert Tashjian is a paid consultant for Zimmer/
Biomet, Wright Medical, and DePuy-Mitek; has stock in
Conextions, INTRAFUSE, Genesis, and KATOR; re-
ceives intellectual property royalties from Wright
Medical, Shoulder Innovations, and Zimmer/Biomet;
receives publishing royalties from Springer and the
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, and serves on the
editorial board for the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow
Arthroplasty and the Journal of the American Academy
of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
The institution of one or more of the authors (P.N.C.,
R.Z.T.) has received funding from the National Institute
of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease of the
National Institutes of Health (R01 AR067196). The
content is solely the responsibility of the authors and
does not necessarily represent the official views of the
National Institutes of Health.
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