Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Period of Continuous Study/Residency Agreement
School of Education & Human Sciences, University of Kansas
Name: KUID#: Department:
This agreement is established to help assure that the Ph.D. residency requirement is fulfilled according to its purpose and with maximal
benefit to the doctoral aspirant. The general purposes of the residency requirement are to allow for a concentrated period of immersion in
formal study and the close association of the aspirant with faculty, graduate student colleagues, and other university resources. Because the
Ph.D. is a scholarly, research-oriented degree, residency is met through academic involvement in the graduate program.
The residency requirement is not measured merely in hours of enrollment or of credit in courses counted towards a degree, but should also
include academic and professional activities appropriate to the field of study (i.e., engaging with a professor in research, publishing,
presenting at a conference, writing grants, etc.). These activities should be arranged with your advisor. Though they are not part of the
formal residency approval process, they are an expectation of the Ph.D. degree.
The formal residency can be met in 2 ways:
1. Enrollment in two consecutive semesters following one of the three patterns outlined below:
Spring enrollment of 9 credit hours and fall enrollment of 9 credit hours;
Spring enrollment of 9 credit hours and summer enrollment of 6 credit hours;
Summer enrollment of 6 credit hours and fall enrollment of 9 credit hours.
2. Students who hold a 50% Graduate Assistant, Graduate Teaching Assistant or a Graduate Research Assistant
(GA/GTA/GRA) during residency, need to enroll in two consecutive semesters following one of the three patterns
outlined below*:
Spring enrollment of 6 credit hours and fall enrollment of 6 credit hours;
Spring enrollment of 6 credit hours and summer enrollment of 3 credit hours;
Summer enrollment of 3 credit hours and fall enrollment of 6 credit hours.
Semester _____________
Semester _____________
Course name
Course name
*I am currently or have been employed as the following (for those who meet residency by #2 above):
Graduate Assistant (GA) Semester(s)___ Department
Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Semester(s)___ Department
DepartmentGraduate Research Assistant (GRA) Semester(s)___
Note: In unusual and rare circumstances, if a student cannot meet the above residency enrollment requirements, they should meet with
their advisor and develop a plan to meet the spirit of the residency requirement. Such a plan must be approved in advance through
departmental and School petition processes. These exceptions will not be automatically approved.
The signatures below attest to the fact that agreement has been reached concerning the aspirant's residency program:
(Student) (Advisor) (Dept. Chair)
Distribution: One signed copy to your department and one signed copy to the SOE&HS Graduate Studies Office, 217 JRP,
prior to residency period and comprehensive exam.