Bread Maker
MODEL 16147
Thank you for choosing the Lakeland Bread Maker.
We are sure you will be delighted with the performance and will enjoy many years of making and
baking your own delicious homemade bread.
An award winning family-owned business we have the same strong values of excellent quality,
value for money and exceptional customer care as we did when we first set up the Lakeland
company in the 1960’s.
Our products are carefully selected by our highly experienced team and are thoroughly and
rigorously tested to meet our consistently high standards so you can be assured that any product
you purchase will be functional, durable and easy to use. It is this level of commitment to our
customers that sets us apart.
Please take a little time to read this booklet before you use your bread maker and then keep it in
a safe place for future reference.
This Bread Maker makes a 500g loaf. It is the ideal size for smaller households or for those who
like to bake a small loaf of bread every day. It makes the ideal size loaf to freeze easily and the
compact neat size gives perfect slices.
Product Features ......................................................................................................................... 4
Safety Precautions ....................................................................................................................... 5
The Control Panel and Programmes ............................................................................................ 7
How to assemble the Bread Maker and using for the very first time ......................................... 10
Instructions for use ................................................................................................................... 11
Adding additional flavourings and ingredients ......................................................................... 13
Table for programme cycle times (minutes) ............................................................................... 14
A guide to ingredients............................................................................................................... 15
Adapting your own recipes ....................................................................................................... 17
Hints and tips ............................................................................................................................ 17
Recipes ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Programme 1 BASIC ......................................................................................................... 19
Programme 2 FRENCH ...................................................................................................... 20
Programme 3 WHOLE-WHEAT .......................................................................................... 21
Programme 4 QUICK......................................................................................................... 22
Programme 5 SWEET ........................................................................................................ 23
Programme 6 GLUTEN-FREE .............................................................................................. 24
Programme 7 ULTRA FAST ................................................................................................ 25
Programme 8 DOUGH (Bread Rolls) .................................................................................. 26
Programme 8 DOUGH continued (Pizza)........................................................................... 27
Programme 9 CAKE .......................................................................................................... 29
Programme 10 SANDWICH ................................................................................................. 31
Programme 11 BAKE .......................................................................................................... 32
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ 33
Care and cleaning ..................................................................................................................... 38
Electrical connections ................................................................................................................ 39
Recycling your electricals ........................................................................................................... 39
4 5
Safety Precautions
• Carefullyreadalltheinstructionsbeforeusingtheapplianceandkeepinasafeplaceforfuturereference.
• Alwaysfollowthesesafetycautionswhenusingtheappliancetoavoidpersonalinjuryordamagetothe
appliance. This appliance should be used only as described in this instruction book.
• Makesureyourelectricitysupplymatchesthevoltageshownontheappliance.
• Ensureallpackagingmaterialsandanypromotionallabelsorstickersareremovedfromtheappliance
before the first use.
• Alwaysinspecttheappliancebeforeusefornoticeablesignsofdamage.Donotuseifdamagedorifit
has been dropped. In the event of damage, or if the appliance develops a fault contact the Lakeland
Customer Services on 015394 88100.
• Donotusethisapplianceiftheleadisdamaged.Iftheleadisdamageditmustbereplacedwithaspecial
lead contact Lakeland Customer Services on 015394 88100.
• Alwaysusetheapplianceonadry,level,heatresistantsurface.
• Unplugfromthemainswhennotinuseandbeforecleaning.Allowtocoolbeforecleaningtheappliance.
• Thisapplianceisnotintendedforusebypersons(includingchildren)withreducedphysical,sensoryor
mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
• Childrenshouldalwaysbesupervisedtoensuretheydonotplaywiththisproduct.
• Donotuseanyaccessoriesorattachmentswiththisapplianceotherthanthoserecommended
by Lakeland.
• Toprotectagainstre,electricshockorpersonalinjury,donotimmersecord,plugorunitin
water or other liquids.
• Donotleavetheleadhangingovertheedgeofakitchentableorworktop.Avoidcontactbetweenthe
lead and hot surfaces.
• Forindooruseonly.
• Fordomesticuseonly.
• Thisapplianceshouldbeusedforpreparationoffoodasdescribedwithintheinstructionsforusethat
accompany it.
• Alwaysensurethatyourhandsaredrybeforeremovingtheplugfromthemainssocket.Neverpullthe
plug out of the mains socket by its lead.
• Toavoidinjuryorpossiblere,donotcovertheappliancewheninuse.
• Donotconnectthisappliancetoanexternaltimerorremotecontrolsystem.
Product Features
Kneading paddle
Baking chamber
Control panel
Drive shaft
Heating element
Removable bread
pan with handle
Viewing window
Air vents
Measuring spoon Measuring cup Hook
6 7
• Anextensioncablemaybeusedwithcare.Theelectricalratingofthecableshouldbeatleast
as great as the appliance. Do not allow the cable to hang over the edge of the worktop or
touch any hot surfaces.
• ThisappliancecomplieswiththebasicrequirementsofDirectives04/108/EC(Electromagnetic
• WARNING: a cut off plug inserted into a 13amp socket is a serious safety (shock) hazard.
Ensure the cut off plug is disposed of safely.
• Thetemperatureofallsurfacesmarkedwiththissymbolwillbeveryhotwhentheappliance
is in use. DO NOT TOUCH these surfaces as possible injury could occur.
Allow to cool completely before handling this appliance.
• CAUTION: the plastic bags used to wrap this appliance or the packaging may be dangerous.
To avoid risk of suffocation, keep these bags out of reach of babies and children. These bags
are not toys.
• Donotusefoilinthebreadmaker
• Donotoperateempty.
• Donottouchanymovingpartswhilstinuse.
• Donotliftormovethebreadmakerwhilstinuse.
• Donotcoverthebreadmakerorblocktheairventsinthelidorsideswhilstinuse.
• Makesurethereisplentyofaircirculationaroundthebreadmaker.
• Thebreadpanwillbeveryhot–alwaysuseovenglovestoremovethehotbreadpanfromthe
oven chamber.
• The kneading paddle will be very hot after use, always use an oven glove or cloth when
• Donotplacehandsintheovenchamberafterthebreadpanhasbeenremovedasitwillbe
very hot.
The Control Panel and Programmes
After switching on the Bread maker the LCD in the display screen will be illuminated and you will
hear a beep.
“1, 3:00” appears in the display screen and the arrow points to MEDIUM (see fig.1) this is the
default setting so it will show this every time you turn on the machine.
For starting and stopping the selected programme.
heard and two dots in the time display begin to flash. The programme will start.
that the programme has been switched off. The display screen will show the default setting again
(1, 3:00 – arrow pointing to MEDIUM)
Press the PAUSE button to interrupt the programme at any time (to add ingredients etc) the
machine will pause but the setting will be memorized for 10 minutes. The outstanding time will
flash on the display screen.
To continue the programme simply press the PAUSE button again.
The MENU button is used to set your selected programme.
Press the MENU button repeatedly to scroll through the menu – the programmes will show in the
display screen accompanied by short beeps.
Select your programme by pressing the screen repeatedly. When you see the number of the
programme you require together with the programme time – stop pressing.
Fig. 1
8 9
The programmes are as follows:
1. BASIC programme time 3 hours
Kneading, rising and baking normal white or brown bread.
2. FRENCH programme time 3 hours 50 minutes
Kneading, rising and baking with a longer rise time. The bread will have a crisper crust and a
lighter texture.
3. WHOLE-WHEAT programme time 3 hours 40 minutes
Kneading, rising and baking of bread made with whole-wheat flours. Use this programme for all
whole-wheat, brown and granary type loaves. It has a longer second rising time.
4. QUICK programme time 2 hours 10 minutes
Kneading, rising and baking of bread in a shorter time than the BASIC programme but longer than
the ULTRA FAST programme. The programme has shorter rising times. It produces an excellent
loaf which will be slightly smaller than that produced from the BASIC programme and it will have
a slightly denser texture.
5. SWEET programme time 2 hours 55 minutes
Kneading, rising and baking of sweet bread.
6. GLUTEN-FREE programme time 3 hours 30 minutes
A special programme for those who use gluten-free flours and baking mixes. The programme has
a long second rising time.
The dough is usually more like a batter and is wetter than ordinary doughs.
7. ULTRA FAST programme time 1 hour 38 minutes
Kneading, rising and baking in the shortest time. The programme has only one rise and two
kneads. Loaves baked using this programme require warm water, extra yeast and less salt.
The loaf it produces will be smaller with a denser texture than bread made using the QUICK
programme. This programme is ideal if you want to make a loaf very quickly.
8. DOUGH programme time 1 hour 30 minutes
Kneading and rising. No bake. You can remove the raw dough and shape into rolls, pizzas etc
to cook in the conventional oven. Ideal if you like to make your dough in the Bread Maker and
then oven bake your loaf.
9. CAKE programme time 1 hour 50 minutes
This programme is for producing tea loaves or cakes containing baking powder or baking soda
and eggs rather than yeast dough. The cake programme mixes and bakes the cake. You may find
that cakes made in the Bread Maker will be smaller and a little more dense than those baked in a
conventional oven but will be just as moist.
10. SANDWICH programme time 3 hours
Kneading, rising and baking light-textured bread with a thinner crust – ideal for making
11. BAKE programme time 1 hour
This is usually used in conjunction with the DOUGH programme to allow additional ingredients
to be kneaded into the dough by hand. After completion of the DOUGH programme, remove
the unbaked dough, carefully remove the kneading paddle, and reshape the dough, kneading
in the additional ingredients such as nuts, fruit etc, then return dough to bread pan and place
back in the machine. Close the lid and leave the dough to rise for approximately 30 – 40 minutes.
Select BAKE to cook the loaf.
You can also use the BAKE programme to darken crusts if the finished loaf is too light at the end
of your chosen programme. Simply select BAKE and leave the loaf to bake for longer, taking the
loaf out of the machine when you are happy with the colour.
Bread can also be crisped and freshened using the BAKE programme.
Press the COLOUR button to select a LIGHT, MEDIUM or DARK coloured crust.
This cannot be used with the DOUGH setting.
TIME + and TIME –
(DELAYING THE START TIME) (Maximum delay time is 13 hours)
If you want to delay the start time so that the bread cooks overnight and is ready to eat in the
It is 8.30pm and you want your bread ready at 7am the following day – i.e. in 10 hours and 30
Select your programme and colour.
Press TIME + or TIME – to add the time until 10.30 appears on the display screen. The time
is set in increments of 10 minutes. Remember to include the operation time of your chosen
The dots will flash and the numbers will count down to show you the remaining time.
The bread will be ready for you at 7am.
Part way through each programme (after approximately 30 minutes but it will vary according to
the programme you have selected) the machine will beep 10 times. This tells you that you can
add additional ingredients such as fruit, olives, nuts etc. (see page 13 for further information on
adding additional flavourings and ingredients ) The beeps are very clear and can be easily heard,
calling you back to the machine.
The Bread Maker will keep the bread warm for 60 minutes after baking. (Not with DOUGH
programme) At the end of the programme the bread maker will beep and the display screen will
show 0:00 indicating that the machine is in KEEP WARM mode.
The Bread maker is equipped with a power failure backup system or memory.
If the power system is interrupted during the course of bread making, the process of making
10 11
bread will be continued automatically within 10 minutes, even without pressing the START/
STOP button. If the interruption time exceeds 10 minutes, the memory cannot be kept and you
must discard the ingredients in the bread pan and start again. If the dough has not entered the
continue the programme from the beginning.
If the display screen shows “H HH” after you have pressed the START/STOP button and the
machine beeps continuously the temperature inside is too high. Stop the programme, open the
lid and allow the bread maker to cool down for 10 – 20 minutes.
allow the bread maker to rest for 10 – 20 minutes to return to room temperature.
temperature sensor has developed a fault. Contact Lakeland Customer Services for further advice.
How to assemble the Bread Maker and using for the very first time
When the Bread Maker is used for the first time it may emit a slight burning smell when first
switched on. This is completely normal with a new heating element.
You will need to operate the Bread Maker empty for the very first use. This will also show you how
easy the Bread Maker is to use.
To do this;
1. Wash the bread pan and kneading paddle in hot, soapy water, rinse and dry thoroughly.
2. Place the Bread Maker on a flat, dry surface.
3. Position the bread pan in the baking chamber holding it at a slight angle and turning it
clockwise until it clicks into place.
4. Fix the kneading paddle onto the drive shaft.
5. Close the lid.
6. Switch on at the socket.
7. The Bread Maker will beep and the display screen will show the default setting 1,3:00
8. Press the MENU button repeatedly – the programme numbers will scroll through. Stop
pressing at programme number 11, 1:00 (BAKE). If you go past the number you require
simply keep pressing until programme 11 comes round again.
9. Selectprogramme11(BAKE)andpressSTART/STOP.
10. The bread maker will begin to count down and you can follow this on the display screen.
Leave the Bread maker to BAKE for 10 minutes. You will hear some intermittent clicks during
this time.
11. PresstheSTART/STOPbuttonrmlytostoptheprogramme.
12. Open the Bread Maker and allow cooling completely.
13. Lift out the kneading paddle then remove the bread pan by turning anti clockwise and lifting out.
14. Wash, rinse and dry the bread pan and kneading paddle again and replace.
You are now ready to make your first loaf.
Instructions for use
One of the most important steps for making good bread is to use the exact measure of ingredients.
Always use the measuring cup and spoons provided with your Bread Maker.
If you prefer to use kitchen scales, metric measurements have also been included in the recipe section.
• Anyliquidshouldbemeasuredwiththemeasuringcuporspoonprovided.Observethelevel
of the measuring cup at eye level.
• When measuring cooking oil or other liquids, wash, rinse anddrythemeasuring cup and
spoon thoroughly before measuring any other ingredients.
• Drymeasuringmustbedonebygentlyspooningingredientsintothemeasuringcupandthen,
once filled, level it off with a knife. Do not be tempted to add more than required or to pack
it down tightly into the cup as it will affect the recipe. When measuring small amounts of
dry or liquid ingredients, use the measuring spoon supplied. Measurements must be level, not
heaped, as this could affect the recipe.
• Themaximumquantityofouryoushoulduseis2
rd cups, 375g; the maximum amount of
yeast is 5g, 2 teaspoons.
The measuring cup holds 160g, 200ml
1 teaspoon = 5ml
1 tablespoon = 15ml
MAKING A LOAF – Things to remember
How to put the ingredients into the bread pan;
Ensure the ingredients are put into the Bread Maker in the exact order given in the recipe,
for example;
First, liquid ingredients at room temperature or as specified in the recipe.
Second, dry ingredients. Add the flour gently and make sure it is evenly distributed over the
liquid. If you tip it onto the liquid too fiercely the liquid may seep up through the flour and affect
the action of the yeast. This is particularly important if you are using the time delay.
Last, yeast. The yeast must be kept separate from the wet ingredients and salt. Create a
small hole in the dry ingredients using your finger or a spoon and place the yeast in the hole.
Make sure the yeast is fresh – check the use by date.
Ensure the ingredients are at room temperature unless otherwise stated. Water should be cold
unless the recipe states otherwise (as in ULTRA FAST programme).
Dry ingredients
Yeast or sodaSalt
Water or liquid
12 13
Rub a little margarine or butter onto the kneading paddle and position onto the drive shaft.
This prevents the dough from sticking to the kneading paddle and assists with removing the
paddle from the bread after baking.
Select your recipe – it is a good idea to use one of the recipes we have included in this booklet.
The BASIC bread recipe on page 19 is a good recipe to start with. When you are familiar with the
Bread Maker you can use or adapt your own recipes.
1. Add the ingredients to the bread pan as recommended in the recipe.
2. Close the lid.
3. Switch the Bread Maker on. You will hear a beep. The display panel will illuminate and show
the default setting (1, 3.00 the arrow pointing to MEDIUM)
4. Press the MENU button repeatedly until the programme you require is reached.
5. Press the COLOUR button to select the desired crust colour (LIGHT, MEDIUM or DARK)
6. If you want to delay the time the Bread Maker will start press the TIME + or TIME - button.
(for full details see page 9) Skip this step if you want the Bread maker to start immediately.
7. PresstheSTART/STOPbuttonrmlyfor3seconds.
of each step of the bread making process until the loaf is completely cooked. The remaining
time will countdown on the display screen.
Check the dough after a few minutes to make sure that all the flour is incorporated into
the dough. Sometimes flour may be left in the corners of the bread pan. Press the PAUSE
button, open the lid and, using a non stick spatula, simply loosen the flour so it will be evenly
mixed in.
Close the lid again and press PAUSE to recommence the programme.
8. During each programme, after approximately 30 minutes, but this will vary according to
the programme you have selected, you will hear 10 beeps – this tells you that you can add
additional ingredients at this stage. Open the lid, add the ingredients and close the lid again.
There is no need to pause the machine. See “Adding additional flavourings and ingredients”
on page 13.
9. When the programme is complete you will hear 10 beeps and the display screen will show
0:00 the bread will now be automatically kept warm for 60 minutes if you do not switch the
Bread Maker off.
the display screen (1, 3:00)
11. Open the lid and using an oven glove, turn the bread pan anti-clockwise and gently pull the
pan straight up out of the machine using the handle.
12. Turn the bread pan upside down and gently shake the loaf onto a cooling rack. If the loaf does
not fall out straight away gently loosen the sides of the loaf with a non stick spatula.
13. Leave the loaf to cool for at least 20 – 30 minutes. Sometimes the kneading paddle may remain
in the loaf. If it does, use the hook to remove the paddle from the base of the loaf. Take care as
the kneading paddle will be very hot. Always remove the kneading paddle before slicing the loaf.
Remember; if you do not stop the Bread Maker and remove your loaf the Bread Maker will
automatically switch to KEEP WARM mode. Your bread will be kept warm for 60 minutes to
prevent it from becoming soggy.
For best results, remove the bread as soon as the baking cycle is complete and allow it to cool on
a cooling rack.
Adding additional flavourings and ingredients
You can add many different flavours and ingredients to make a wide variety of delicious breads
for example nuts, seeds, fresh or dried herbs, sun dried tomatoes, olives, fruit, chocolate etc. the
list is endless.
There are two ways you can add these;
1. At the very start – with the main ingredients
If you add the ingredients at the start you will find that they will be very finely distributed
throughout the bread as they will be subjected to the vigorous bread making cycles. For
example if you add sun dried tomatoes at the start you will lose the texture of the tomatoes
but will get an attractive coloured bread with a delicious flavour and aroma but pieces of
tomato will not be detected in the dough. If you add them later on in the cycle you will retain
the texture of the tomatoes.
Foods such as herbs, small seeds e.g. sunflower, sesame or poppy seeds, cheese etc can be
added at the start because they will not lose their texture in the same way.
2. Before the final kneading, rising and baking cycle (the bread maker emits 10 beeps to call you
to the machine).
If you add ingredients before the final kneading and rising cycle the ingredients will be
distributed throughout the dough and will retain more of their shape and texture. Open the lid
after you hear the beeps and add your additional ingredients at this stage.
If you prefer you can add some of the ingredients at the very start so they add an overall flavour
and colour to the dough, retaining some to add later in the cycle so you have some bigger pieces
in the finished bread.
If you are delaying the start time you will need to put all the ingredients into the bread pan at
the beginning. You will also need to consider the moisture content of additional ingredients.
Juicy dried apricots or roasted red peppers may add as much as a tablespoon of juice as they go
through the kneading process. Also, because too much sugar can interfere with the action of
yeast, high sugar additives like candied peel should be added late in the kneading cycle.
Bread maker cycles
Once you start a selected programme the appliance will automatically take care of each step of
the bread making process until the loaf finishes baking. The display screen will count down and
show the remaining time.
14 15
Delay time
This allows you to delay the bread making process for up to 13 hours.
Two kneads are standard for most settings. The first knead will actually mix the ingredients.
These are periods of resting in which the unit will not be active except for the countdown display.
These are periods of rising in which the unit will not be active except for the countdown display.
The loaf is in the final baking cycle. Baking time and temperature will be regulated according to
the individual recipe.
Keep warm
The Bread Maker will automatically go into KEEP WARM mode at the end of the baking cycle.
It will stay in this mode for 1 hour or until the machine is switched off. This means bread can be
served warm; it also helps to minimize moisture build up if the loaf is not removed from the Bread
Maker immediately after baking.
Table for programme cycle times (minutes)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Basic French Whole Quick Sweet Gluten Ultrafast Dough Sandwich Cake Bake
Wheat Free
1st knead 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 20 6 15 -
1st rise 20 40 25 10 5 15 - - 5 35 -
2nd knead 15 20 20 10 15 13 5 - 10 10 -
2nd rise 70 85 100 30 80 105 33 70 9 65 -
Bake 65 75 65 70 65 65 50 - 80 55 60
Total time 03:00 03:50 03:40 02:10 02:55 03:30 01:38 01:30 01:50 03:00 01:00
A guide to ingredients
The major ingredient in bread making is flour, so selecting the right one is the key to a successful loaf.
Wheat flours
Wheat flours make the best loaves. Wheat consists of an outer husk, often referred to as bran,
and an inner kernel which contains the wheat germ and endosperm. It is the protein within the
endosperm which, when mixed with water, forms gluten. Gluten stretches like elastic and the
gases given off by the yeast during fermentation are trapped, making the dough rise.
Strong White Bread flours
These flours have the outer bran and wheat germ removed, leaving the endosperm which is
milled into a white flour. It is essential to use strong white flour or white bread flour because this
has a higher protein level essential for the development of the gluten. Do not use ordinary plain
white flour or self raising flour for making yeast raised breads in the Bread Maker because you
will not get a good result. There are several brands of white bread flour in the shops – look for
STRONG or BREAD flour on the bag.
Strong Wholemeal or Whole-wheat Bread flours
Wholemeal flours include the bran and wheat germ and have a nutty flavour. Wholemeal flour
gives coarser textured bread. Again look for STRONG wholemeal bread flour. If you make a loaf
using all wholemeal flour it will be denser than white loaves. Wholemeal doughs rise more slowly
which is why there is a special programme on this machine. For a lighter loaf replace part of the
wholemeal flour with white flour.
Granary Strong Bread flours.
A combination of white, wholemeal and rye flours with malted whole-wheat grains, which adds
texture and flavour. You can use this on its own or in combination with strong white flour.
Non wheat flours
Other flours such as rye can be used with white and wholemeal bread flours to make traditional
breads like pumpernickel or rye bread. Adding even a small amount can add an interesting tang
to your loaf. Do not use it on its own as the dough will be very sticky and the loaf will be heavy
and very dense.
Other grains e.g. millet, barley, buckwheat, cornmeal and oatmeal;
These grains cannot be used alone to make bread as they are unsuitable but they can be added in
small quantities to white bread flour – try replacing 10 – 20% of white bread flour with any of these.
A small quantity of salt is essential for bread making. It helps to develop the dough and gives
flavour. Use fine table salt or sea salt rather than coarse ground salt which is best kept for
sprinkling on top of hand-shaped rolls etc to give a crunchy texture. Low salt substitutes are best
avoided as most do not contain sodium.
Salt strengthens the gluten structure and makes the dough more elastic.
Salt inhibits the growth of yeast to prevent over-rising and stops the dough collapsing.
Take care to add the correct amount as too much salt will kill the yeast or prevent it rising
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Use white or brown sugars, honey, malt extract, golden syrup, maple syrup, molasses or treacle.
• Sugarandliquidsweetenershelpwiththecolourofthebreadandaddagoldencolourtothecrust.
• Sugarattractsmoisturewhichimprovesthekeepingqualityofthebread.
• Sugarprovidesfoodfortheyeast.Itisnotessentialasmoderntypesofdriedyeastareableto
feed on the natural sugars and starches found in the flour but it will help to make the dough
more active.
• Sweet breads have a moderate level of sugar with the fruit, glaze or icing adding extra
sweetness. Use the SWEET programme for these breads.
• Ifsubstitutingaliquidsweetenerforsugarthenthetotalliquidquantityoftherecipewillneed
to be reduced slightly.
Fats and oils
A small amount of fat or oil will give a softer crumb and helps to extend the freshness of the loaf.
Use butter, margarine or lard in small quantities. Do not use low fat spreads as they contain up
to 40% water and can affect the overall quantities in your recipe.
Some form of liquid is essential. Usually water or milk is used. Water gives a crisper result than
milk. Water can be combined with skimmed milk powder. If using the TIME DELAY it is important
to use water and skimmed milk powder as ordinary milk will deteriorate if left to stand for too
long. For most programmes you can use water straight from the tap but if using the ULTRA QUICK
programmes it needs to be lukewarm.
• Onverycolddaysmeasurethewaterandleavetostandatroomtemperaturefor30minutes
before use.
• Ifusingmilk,don’tuseitstraightfromthefridge,leaveittostandatroomtemperaturefor30
minutes before use.
• Buttermilk,yoghurt,sourcreamandsoftcheesessuchasRicotta,cottageorfromagefraiscan
all be used as part of the liquid content and will give a more moist and tender crumb.
• Eggs can be added to the dough to enrich it. Eggs improve the colour and help to add
structure and stability to the gluten during rising. If you are using eggs, reduce the liquid
content accordingly. Place the egg in the measuring cup and top up with liquid to the correct
level for the recipe.
All the recipes in this book have been tested using easy blend, fast-action yeast which does not
require dissolving in water first, is very easy to use and tends to give better results. It is placed in
a well in the flour where it is kept dry and separate from the liquid until the mixing commences.
• Forbestresultsuseeasyblend,fast-actionyeast.
• Useonlytheamountofyeaststatedintherecipe.Iftoomuchisaddeditwillcausethedough
to spill out over the top of the bread pan.
• Onceasachetofyeastisopeneditshouldbeusedwithin48hours.
• Alwaysuseyeastbeforeitsusebydate.
• You may also nd dried yeast that has been specially designed for use in bread makers.
Always follow the instructions on the packet.
Adapting your own recipes
After you have made some of the recipes supplied you may wish to adapt a few of your own recipes.
Start by selecting one of the recipes in this booklet, which is similar to your own and use this as a guide.
Read through the following guidelines and be prepared to make adjustments as you go along.
• MakesureyouusethecorrectquantitiesfortheBreadMaker.ThisBreadMakermakesa500g
loaf. Do not exceed the recommended maximum. If using your own recipe books always use
the quantities given for the 500g loaf size.
• Alwaysaddtheliquidtothebreadpanrst.Separatetheyeastfromtheliquidbyadding
after the flour.
• Addtheourcarefullyandspreaditovertheliquid.Iftippedintooercely,theliquidmay
seep up through the flour and come into contact with the yeast.
• Replacefreshyeastwitheasyblenddriedyeast.Note: 6g fresh yeast = 1 teaspoon (5ml) dried yeast.
• Useskimmedmilkpowderandwaterinsteadoffreshmilkifyouaredelayingthestarttime.
• Ifyourrecipeusesegg,addtheeggaspartofthetotalliquidmeasurement,unlesstherecipe
states otherwise.
• Keeptheyeastseparatefromtheotheringredientsinthebreadpanuntilmixingcommences.
• Checktheconsistencyofthedoughduringtherstfewminutesofmixing.Breadmakersdo
require slightly softer dough so you may have to add extra liquid. The dough should be wet
enough to gradually relax back.
• Forbestresults,once yourloafis baked,removeitfromthemachineand turnoutof the
bread pan immediately, although your Bread Maker will keep it warm for up to an hour if you
are not around.
• Remove the bread pan from the machine using oven gloves, even if it is during the
KEEP WARM cycle. Turn the pan upside down and shake several times to release the cooked
bread. If the bread is difficult to remove, try gently knocking the corner of the bread pan on
a wooden board, or rotate the base of the shaft underneath the bread pan.
• The kneadingpaddle should remain insidethebread pan when thebread is released but
occasionally it may remain inside the loaf of bread. If so, remove it using the hook before
slicing the bread.
• Leavethebreadtocoolforatleast30minutesonacoolingrack,toallowsteamtoescape.
The bread will be difficult to slice if hot.
Home-made bread does not contain any preservatives so should be eaten within 2 – 3 days of
baking. If you are not eating it immediately, wrap in foil or place in a plastic bag and seal.
• Crispy,French-stylebreadwillsoftenonstoragesoitisbestleftuncovereduntilsliced.
• Ifyouwishtofreezeyourbread,slicetheloafbeforefreezingsoyoucantakeoutjustthe
slices you need.
Hints and tips
• TheBreadMakerisnotasealedunitandwillbeaffectedbythetemperatureandhumidityofthe
day. If it is a very hot day or the machine is used in a hot kitchen, then the bread is likely to rise more
than if it is cold.
18 19
• Onverycolddaysletthewaterfromthetapstandatroomtemperaturefor30minutesbeforeuse.
Likewise for ingredients from the fridge.
• Usealltheingredientsatroomtemperatureandwaterfromcold unlessstatedotherwiseinthe
recipe e.g for the ULTRA FAST programme when you will need to warm the liquid.
• Addtheingredientstothebreadpanintheordersuggestedintherecipe.Keeptheyeastdryand
separate from any other liquids added to the pan, until mixing commences.
• Accuratemeasuringisvitalforasuccessfulloaf.Followeithermetricorimperialmeasurements,do
not mix the two. Use the measuring cup and spoon supplied or use accurate kitchen scales.
• Alwaysusefreshingredients,withintheirusebydate.Perishableingredientssuchasmilk,cheese,
vegetables and fresh fruits may deteriorate, especially in warm conditions. These should only be
used in breads which are made immediately.
• Donotaddtoomuchfatasitformsabarrierbetweentheyeastandour,slowingdowntheaction
of the yeast, which could give a heavy, dense loaf.
• Cutbutterandotherfatsintosmallpiecesbeforeaddingtothebreadpan.
• Givingthekneadingpaddlealightcoatingofoilmaymakeiteasiertoremoveifitbakes
into the loaf.
• TheBreadMakerwillmakea500gloaf.
• Donotexceedthemaximumquantitiesofour,2
cups, 375g
• Usethemeasuringcupsandspoonssupplied.Alternatively,ingredientscanbeweighedusingyour
kitchen scales.
• Followquantitiesaccurately.
• Therecipechartsshowthesequencetheingredientsareaddedtothebreadpan.
• Thereisarecipeforeachprogramme.
Packet bread mixes
You can use packet bread mixes in your bread maker. The pack should give instructions for use.
Make sure you do not exceed the maximum amount the bread maker can handle.
Do not use bread mixes with TIME DELAY as you cannot separate the yeast from the liquid.
Basic Bread. Time to make 3 hours
This is an excellent basic loaf. You can enrich the bread by adding an egg which will give a
delicious flavour. When using egg, remember to include this in the total liquid quantity so;
Put the egg in the measuring cup and top up to 180ml with water.
You can add extra ingredients to this basic bread such as nuts, herbs, sun dried tomatoes, olives
etc. (See page 13. Adding additional flavourings and ingredients.)
Ingredient Quantity
Water 180ml
Oil 1 tablespoon (15ml)
Salt 1 teaspoon
Strong white bread flour 2 cups (320g)
Caster sugar 1 tablespoon
Milk powder 1 tablespoon
Easy blend yeast 1 teaspoon
Variations – you can add any of these ingredients to the basic bread;
Ingredient Quantity
Nuts e.g. walnuts 25g
Poppy seeds 15g
Cheese, grated 50g
Sun dried tomatoes, chopped 25g
Olives. Cut into pieces 25g
Seeds 25g
1. Put all the ingredients in the order above into the bread pan.
2. Close the lid.
3. The display screen will show 1, 3:00 which is the default setting. This is also the BASIC
programme so you do not need to press the MENU button.
4. Press COLOUR to select the crust – LIGHT, MEDIUM or DARK.
20 21
5. PresstheSTART/STOPbutton.
6 The Bread Maker will start immediately.
7. When the Bread Maker beeps 10 times you can add any additional ingredients.
8. The programme will continue until the end and will then beep 10 times to indicate that the
bread is ready.
9. PresstheSTART/STOPbuttonandopenthelid.
10. Lift out the bread pan; remove the bread and leave to cool.
French Bread. Time to make 3 hours 50 minutes.
This is a tasty French style bread with a lighter texture and crisper crust.
French bread is usually made with French bread flour, however it may be difficult to find.
This recipe uses ordinary strong white bread flour and gives excellent results. French bread flour
can be found in some shops and online.
Ingredient Quantity
Water 190ml
Oil 1 tablespoon (15ml)
Salt 1 teaspoon
Strong white bread flour 2
cups (375g)
Caster sugar 1 tablespoon
Easy blend yeast 1 teaspoon
1. Put the ingredients into the bread pan in the order above.
2. Close the lid.
3. Press MENU and select programme 2.
4. Press COLOUR and select LIGHT, MEDIUM or DARK.
5. PressSTART/STOP.
6. When the Bread Maker beeps 10 times you can add any additional ingredients.
7. The programme will continue until the end and will beep again 10 times to indicate that the
bread is ready.
8 PressSTART/STOPandopenthelid.
9. Remove the loaf from the bread pan and leave to cool.
French bread is best eaten fresh as it will soften if kept.
Programme 3 – WHOLE-WHEAT
Whole-wheat Bread. Time to make 3 hours 40 minutes
This bread uses half wholemeal strong bread flour and half white strong bread flour. You can use
all wholemeal flour but the result will be denser in texture.
Ingredient Quantity
Water 180ml
Oil 1 tablespoon (15ml)
Salt 1½ teaspoons
Strong wholemeal flour 1 cup (160g)
Strong white bread flour 1 cup (160g)
Caster sugar 1 teaspoon
Milk powder 1 tablespoon
Easy blend yeast 1 teaspoon
You can add additional ingredients to brown bread – seeds and grains are particularly good.
These can be added at the beginning of the programme with the other ingredients or when the
beep sounds.
Ingredient Quantity
Nuts e.g. walnuts 25g
Poppy seeds 15g
Cheese, grated 50g
Sunflower seeds 25g
Fennel seeds, caraway seeds,
cumin seeds etc 15g
1. Put the ingredients into the bread pan in the order above.
2. Close the lid.
3. Press MENU and select programme 3.
4. Press COLOUR and select LIGHT, MEDIUM or DARK.
5. PressSTART/STOP.
6. When the Bread Maker beeps 10 times you can add any additional ingredients.
7. The programme will continue until the end and will then beep again 10 times to indicate
that the bread is ready.
8. PressSTART/STOPandopenthelid.
9. Remove the loaf from the bread pan and leave to cool.
22 23
Programme 4 – QUICK
Quick bread. Time to make 2 hours 10 minutes
Ingredient Quantity
Egg 1 medium
Milk Make up to 180ml with the egg
Oil 2 tablespoons ( 30ml)
Salt 1 teaspoon
Strong white bread flour 2 cups ( 320g)
Soft light brown sugar 4 tablespoons
Milk powder 2 tablespoons
Easy blend yeast 2 teaspoons
1. Crack the egg into the measuring cup and make up to 180ml, 6½ fl oz with the milk
2. Put the ingredients into the bread pan in the order above.
3. Close the lid.
4. Press MENU and select programme 4
5. Press COLOUR and select LIGHT, MEDIUM or DARK.
6. PressSTART/STOP.
7. When the Bread Maker beeps 10 times you can add any additional ingredients.
8. The programme will continue until the end and will then beep again 10 times to indicate that
the bread is ready.
9. PressSTART/STOPandopenthelid.
10. Remove the loaf from the bread pan and leave to cool.
Programme 5 – SWEET
Cranberry, Almond and Pecan Bread. Time to make 2 hours 55 minutes
A delicious bread which is ideal for a weekend breakfast treat.
Ingredient Quantity
Water 150ml
Natural plain yoghurt 100ml
Salt ½ teaspoon
Strong white bread flour 2
cups (375g)
Ground almonds 3 tablespoons
Caster sugar 3 tablespoons
Easy blend yeast 1 teaspoon
Pecan nuts, coarsely chopped 50g
Dried cranberries, 75g
A little warmed honey for brushing
1. Put the ingredients, except the pecan nuts and cranberries, into the bread pan in the order above.
2. Close the lid.
3. Press MENU and select programme 5
4. Press COLOUR and select LIGHT, MEDIUM or DARK.
5. PressSTART/STOP.
6. When the Bread Maker beeps 10 times open the lid and add the pecans and cranberries.
7. The programme will continue until the end and will beep again 10 times to indicate that the
bread is ready.
8. PressSTART/STOPandopenthelid.
9. Remove the loaf from the bread pan and leave to cool.
10. Brush the top of the loaf with warmed honey to finish.
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Programme 6 – GLUTEN-FREE
Standard gluten-free loaf: Time to make 3 hours 30 minutes
Use gluten-free bread blend for this recipe.
The bread has a dense texture and has a lower rise than ordinary bread.
You can add any seeds, nuts or dried fruits to this recipe.
Ingredients Quantity
Water 150ml
Oil 3 tablespoons (45ml)
Runny honey ¼ cup (100g)
Cider vinegar 1 teaspoon
Egg, medium 1
Salt ½ teaspoon
Gluten free bread flour blend 2 cups (320g)
Caster sugar 2 tablespoons
Easy blend yeast 1 teaspoon
1. Put the ingredients into the bread pan in the order above.
2. Close the lid.
3. Press MENU and select programme 6
4. Press COLOUR and select LIGHT, MEDIUM or DARK.
5. PressSTART/STOP.
6. When the Bread Maker beeps 10 times you can add any additional ingredients.
7. The programme will continue until the end and will then beep again 10 times to indicate that
the bread is ready.
8. PressSTART/STOPandopenthelid.
9. Remove the loaf from the bread pan and leave to cool.
Programme 7 – ULTRA FAST
Ultra fast white bread. Time to make 1 hour 38 minutes
This programme cooks a loaf of bread in the shortest time.
• Uselukewarmwatertohelpspeeduptherisingprocess(32–35°C/90–95°F)isoptimum.
Cold water will result in a shorter loaf. If the water is too hot it will kill the yeast. For best
results mix 25% boiling water with 75% cold water.
• Bread recipes should contain at least 65%strongwhitebread our on this programme.
100% wholemeal or other whole grain breads will produce poor results as there is insufficient
time for the dough to rise.
• Thesaltlevelisreducedforthisprogrammeassaltretardsyeastactivity.However,donot
eliminate it completely as it is important for taste and texture.
• Theyeastlevelsarehigheronthisprogrammetohelpensurearapidrise.
• If you want to make several loaves in succession on this ULTRA FAST programme, leave
the Bread Maker switched off for 30 minutes between loaves. This allows the temperature
sensor within the Bread Maker to work accurately, which is critical for a short bread cycle.
• Breads made onthisprogramme will not rise as highasloaves made on other settings.
The will have a softer crust and be a little denser, which is normal.
Ingredient Quantity
Water – lukewarm 150ml
Oil 2 tablespoons, (30ml)
Salt ½ teaspoon
Strong white bread flour 2 cups (320g)
Caster sugar 3 tablespoons
Easy blend yeast 1¼ teaspoons
1. Put the ingredients, into the bread pan in the order above.
2. Close the lid.
3. Press MENU and select programme 7
4. Press COLOUR and select LIGHT, MEDIUM or DARK.
5. PressSTART/STOP.
6. When the Bread Maker beeps 10 times you can add any additional ingredients.
7. The programme will continue until the end and will beep again 10 times to indicate that the
bread is ready.
8. PressSTART/STOPandopenthelid.
9. Remove the loaf from the bread pan and leave to cool.
26 27
Programme 8 – DOUGH
Use this programme to make the dough for all sorts of recipes and then bake in the conventional
oven. Alternatively, make your bread dough, remove the kneading paddle, reshape the dough
adding any additional ingredients and then select the BAKE programme to bake the recipe in the
Bread Maker
Here are two suggestions;
Bread rolls
Makes 8
Time to make dough 1 hour 30 minutes
Rising time approximately 40 minutes.
Oven baking time 15 – 20 minutes.
Ingredient Quantity
Egg, medium 1
Water Make up to 180ml with the egg
Salt 1 teaspoon
Strong white bread flour 2 cups ( 320g)
Caster sugar 1 tablespoon
Unsalted butter, cut into pieces 15g
Milk powder 1 tablespoon
Easy blend yeast 1 teaspoon
Additional ingredients can be added when the machine beeps or at the end of the DOUGH
1. Crack the egg into the measuring cup and make up to 180ml with water
2. Put all the ingredients in the order above into the bread pan.
3. Close the lid.
4. Select the programme 8.
5. PresstheSTART/STOPbutton.
6. The Bread Maker will start immediately.
7. When the Bread Maker beeps 10 times you can add any additional ingredients.
8. The programme will continue until the end and will beep again 10 times to indicate that the
dough is ready.
9. PresstheSTART/STOPbuttonandopenthelid.
10. Lift out the bread pan, tip the dough onto a lightly floured worktop and pull out the kneading
paddle. Knead very lightly.
11. Divide the dough into 8 pieces and with lightly floured hands, shape each piece into a ball.
12. Transfer to a large, greased baking tray.
13. Cover the rolls with a piece of oiled cling film or a clean tea towel and leave in a warm place
for approximately 30 – 40 minutes or until the rolls have doubled in size.
14. Meanwhile,preheattheovento220°C,425°F,Fanoven200°C,Gasmark7.
15. Brush the rolls with your chosen glaze and sprinkle on the topping.
16. Bake for 15 – 20 minutes or until golden brown and well risen.
If liked, glaze the tops of the rolls before baking with one of the following;
Beaten egg white, egg yolk beaten with a little water, milk or about 1 tablespoon hot water in
which 2 teaspoons of caster sugar has been added.
Sprinkle the tops of the glazed rolls with one of the following;
Poppy, fennel, caraway or sesame seeds.
Programme 8 – DOUGH continued
Makes 2 x 20cm pizzas or 1 large pizza.
Time to make dough 1 hour 30 minutes. Baking time 20 – 25 minutes
Ingredients Quantity
Water 140ml
Oil 1 tablespoon (15ml)
Salt 1 teaspoon
Strong white bread flour 1¼ cups (225g)
Caster sugar ½ teaspoon
Easy blend yeast ½ teaspoon
Tomato purée 4 tablespoons
Dried oregano 2 teaspoons
Tomatoes, sliced 4 large
Cheddar cheese, grated 115g
Mozzarella, sliced 115g
Ham, torn into strips. 4 slices
28 29
Pitted black olives 10
Olive oil for drizzling
1. Put all the ingredients for the base in the machine in the order above.
2. Close the lid.
3. Press MENU and select programme 8.
4. PressSTART/STOP.
5. Ignore the 10 beeps to indicate that extra ingredients can be added.
6. The programme will continue until the end and will beep again 10 times to indicate that the
dough is ready.
7. PressSTART/STOPandopenthelid.
8. Tip the dough onto a very lightly floured board.
9. Pull out the kneading paddle and divide the dough into two pieces.
10. Preheattheovento220°C,Fanoven200°C,425°F,Gasmark7.
11. Grease one large or two smaller baking trays.
12. Put the dough onto the tin and gently stretch and pull the dough into a round shape so it
fits the tins
13. Pinch up the edges to make a lip.
14. Spread the tomato purée over the pizza bases and sprinkle on the oregano.
15. Arrange the tomato slices on top. Then sprinkle on the grated cheese.
16. Arrange the Mozzarella slices, ham and olives on top.
17. Drizzle the pizzas with a little olive oil.
18. Bake for 20 – 25 minutes until golden, well risen and the cheese is bubbling.
Programme 9 – CAKE
Chocolate and walnut cake. Time to make 1 hour 50 minutes
1. Check the mixture is mixing correctly – about 5 minutes open the lid and make sure the flour is
mixing in evenly. Scrape down the sides of the bread pan to incorporate any stray lumps of flour.
2. Do not use strong bread flour for cakes – use your usual ordinary flour.
This chocolate cake is moist and delicious.
Ingredients Quantity
Oil 75ml
Milk 75ml
Soft light brown sugar 75g
Black treacle 2 teaspoons
Egg, medium 1
Self raising flour 115g
Baking powder ¼ teaspoon
Cocoa powder 25g
Ground almonds 25g
Chocolate chips 25g
Walnuts, roughly chopped 50g
1. Put the oil, milk, sugar, treacle and eggs into the bread pan.
2. Sift together the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder, then add to the pan.
3. Sprinkle the almonds on top.
4. Close the lid.
5. Press MENU and select programme 9.
6. Press COLOUR and select LIGHT.
7. PressSTART/STOP.
8. The machine will start automatically.
9. Check the mixture after approximately 5 minutes to check that the ingredients are mixing
together. Scrape down the sides to incorporate any flour that remains.
10. When the machine beeps 10 times, open the lid and add the chocolate and walnuts.
11. The programme will continue until the end and will then beep again 10 times to indicate that
the cake is ready.
12. Lift out the bread pan and leave to cool for a few minutes before turning out the cake onto
a cooling rack.
13. Allow the cake to cool completely before filling and topping as desired.
30 31
Chocolate Butter Cream
Ingredient Quantity
Butter, softened 75g
Icing sugar, sifted 175g
Chocolate, melted 40g
Walnut halves 6
1. Cream the butter until soft.
2. Gradually beat in the icing sugar until smooth and creamy.
3. Add the melted chocolate and mix together well.
4. Cut the cake in half and use half the buttercream to sandwich the two pieces together.
5. Spread the remaining buttercream on top of the cake.
6. Arrange the walnut halves on top.
Programme 10 – SANDWICH
Sandwich loaf. Time to make 3 hours
Ingredients Quantity
Egg, medium 1
Water Make up to 180ml with the egg
Oil 1 tablespoon
Salt 1 teaspoon
Strong white bread flour 2 cups (320g)
Caster sugar 1 tablespoon
Milk powder 1 tablespoon
Easy blend yeast 1 teaspoon
1. Crack the egg into the measuring cup.
2. Add the water to the egg making up the quantity to 180ml.
3. Put the ingredients into the bread pan in the order above.
4. Close the lid.
5. Press MENU and select programme 10
6. Press COLOUR and select LIGHT, MEDIUM or DARK.
7. PressSTART/STOP.
8. When the Bread Maker beeps 10 times add any additional ingredients.
9. The programme will continue until the end and will then beep again 10 times to indicate that the
bread is ready.
10. PressSTART/STOPandopenthelid.
11. Remove the loaf from the bread pan and leave to cool.
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Programme 11 – BAKE
Sun-dried Tomato, Cheese and Olive Bread
Time to make dough 1 hour 30 minutes plus 1 hour Bake
A delicious bread which can be made into sandwiches, served with soup or toasted for bruschetta.
First of all make the dough using programme 8 DOUGH
Ingredients Quantity
Water 180ml
Oil 1 tablespoon
Salt 1 teaspoon
Strong white bread flour 2 cups (320g)
Caster sugar 1 tablespoon
Milk powder 1 tablespoon
Easy blend yeast 1 teaspoon
Parmesan cheese, grated 50g
Sun-dried tomatoes, cut into pieces 50g
Black, pitted olives, cut into pieces 25g
1. Put the water, oil, salt, flour, sugar, milk powder and yeast into the bread pan.
2. Add the Parmesan cheese and 25g of the tomatoes.
3. Close the lid.
4. Press MENU and select programme 8 DOUGH.
5. PressSTART/STOP.
6. The Bread Maker will start immediately.
7. The Bread Maker will beep 10 times to indicate that you can add extra ingredients but ignore
the beeps as the remaining tomatoes and olives will be kneaded in by hand at the end of the
programme ( however, you can add them now if you prefer)
8. The programme will continue and will beep 10 times at the end of the programme to indicate
that the dough is ready.
9. PresstheSTART/STOPbuttonandopenthelid.
10. Lift out the bread pan, tip the dough onto a lightly floured worktop and pull out the kneading
paddle. Knead very lightly.
11. Flatten the dough out a little and place the remaining tomatoes and olives on top.
12. With lightly floured hands gently knead the tomatoes and olives evenly into the dough.
13. Replace the bread pan in the unit without the kneading paddle.
14. Put the completed dough into the bread pan and close the lid
15. Press MENU and select programme 11 BAKE.
16. The machine will beep 10 times at the end of the baking time.
17. PressSTART/STOPandopenthelid.
18. Remove the loaf from the bread pan and leave to cool on a cooling rack.
Following are some common problems that can occur when making bread in your Bread maker.
Please revue the problems, their possible cause and any corrective action that should be taken to
ensure successful bread making.
Problem Possible Cause Solution
Loaf size and shape
1. Bread does not rise
•Wholemeal breads will be
lower than white breads
due to less gluten.
•Not enough liquid.
•Sugar omitted or not
enough added.
•Wrong type of flour used.
•Wrong type of yeast used.
•Not enough yeast added
or too old.
•Liquid too hot or too cold
and yeast killed or not
•Yeast and sugar came into
contact with each other
before kneading cycle.
•You opened the lid during
the rising cycle and allowed
warm air to escape.
•Normal with this type of
•Increase liquid by
15ml, 3tsp.
•Assemble ingredients as
listed in the recipe. If you
are making sweet bread
make sure you reduce the
sugar slightly if adding
sugary ingredients such as
candied fruits etc.
•You may have used
ordinary flour instead of
strong bread flour – use
correct flour.
•For best results use fast
action “easy blend” yeast.
•Measure amount
recommended and check
use by date on packet.
•Check that liquids are at
room temperature before
•Make sure they remain
separate when added to
the bread pan.
•Do not open lid during
34 35
Problem Possible Cause Solution
2. Flat loaf, no rising. •Yeast omitted
•Yeast too old.
•Liquid too hot.
•Too much salt added or
salt came into contact with
•Delay start used – yeast
became wet before bread
making commenced.
•Assemble ingredients as
listed in recipe.
•Check use by date on
•Use liquid at correct
temperature for
•Use amount recommended
and keep separate from
each other.
•Add ingredients in correct
order making sure yeast
cannot come into contact
with the liquid.
3. Top inflated – mushroom
like in appearance.
•Too much yeast.
•Too much sugar.
•Too much flour.
•Not enough salt.
•Warm, humid weather.
•Reduce yeast by ¼ tsp.
•Reduce sugar by 1 tsp.
•Reduce flour by 6 – 8 tsp.
•Use amount of salt
recommended in recipe.
•Reduce liquid by 15ml,
3tsp and yeast by ¼ tsp.
4. Top and sides cave in. •Too much liquid.
•Too much yeast.
•High humidity and warm
weather may have caused
the dough to rise too
•Reduce liquid by 15ml,
3tsp next time or add a
little extra flour.
•Use amount recommended
in recipe or try a quicker
programme next time.
•Chill the water or add milk
straight from the fridge.
5. Gnarled and knotted top
– not smooth.
•Not enough liquid.
•Too much flour.
•Increase liquid by
15ml, 3tsp.
•Measure flour accurately.
Problem Possible Cause Solution
6. Collapsed while baking. •Bread Maker may have
been placed in a draught
or may have been knocked
during rising.
•Exceeding capacity of
bread pan.
•Not enough salt used or
•Too much yeast.
•Warm, humid weather.
•Reposition bread maker.
•Do not use more
ingredients than
•Use correct amount of salt.
•Measure yeast carefully.
•Reduce liquid by 15ml, 3tsp
and reduce yeast by ¼ tsp.
7. Loaves uneven and shorter
at one end.
•Dough too dry •Increase liquid by 15ml, 3tsp.
Bread texture
8. Heavy dense texture. •Too much flour.
•Not enough yeast.
•Not enough sugar.
•Measure accurately.
•Measure accurately.
•Measure accurately.
9. Open, course and holey
•Salt omitted.
•Too much yeast.
•Too much liquid.
•Assemble ingredients as
listed in the recipe.
•Measure yeast accurately.
•Reduce liquid by 15ml, 3 tsp.
10. Centre of loaf is raw,
not baked enough.
•Too much liquid.
•Power cut during
•Quantities too large for
•Reduce liquid by
15ml, 3tsp.
•If power cut lasts for more
than 10 minutes you will
need to remove the
unbaked ingredients from
the bread pan and start
again with fresh
•Only use maximum
quantities allowed.
36 37
Problem Possible Cause Solution
11. Bread does not slice well
and is sticky.
•Sliced whilst hot.
•Wrong knife used.
•Allow bread to cool for at
least 30 minutes to allow
steam to escape before
•Use a good quality bread
Crust colour and thickness
12. Dark crust colour,
too thick.
•DARK crust colour selected. •Use MEDIUM or LIGHT
setting next time.
13. Burnt loaf. •Bread maker
•Refer to customer care
14. Crust too light. •Bread not baked long
•LIGHT crust colour selected.
•Carry out a BAKE cycle to
darken the crust.
•Choose DARK or MEDIUM
crust colour next time.
Bread pan problems
15. Kneading paddle cannot
be removed from pan.
•You must add enough
water to cover the
kneading paddle and then
leave to soak for
10 minutes.
•Twist kneading paddle
slightly after soaking to
difficult to shake out.
•Lightly wipe the inside of
the bread pan with
vegetable oil.
Bread maker
17. Bread maker not
paddle not moving.
•Bread maker not switched
•Bread pan not correctly
•Time delay selected.
•Check the product is
turned on.
•Check pan is locked in
place correctly.
•Bread maker will not start
until start time is reached.
Problem Possible Cause Solution
18. Ingredients not mixed. •Did not start bread maker.
•Forgot to put kneading
paddle in bread pan.
•After selecting programme,
button to start machine.
•Always make sure kneading
paddle in positioned
correctly on drive shaft in
bottom of bread pan
before adding ingredients.
19. Burning odour noted
on operation.
•Ingredients spilled inside
baking chamber.
•Take care when adding
ingredients to bread pan –
if ingredients spill into
chamber burning can occur.
20. Display screen shows
“H HH” and machine
beeps continuously.
•Temperature inside bread
maker is too high –
machine still hot after the
previous baking procedure.
open lid and allow machine
to cool down for 10 – 20
21. Display screen shows
“L LL” and machine
beeps continuously.
•Temperature inside bread
maker is too low.
open lid and allow machine
to return to room
temperature for
10 – 20 minutes.
22. Display screen shows
“E EO” or “E E1”.
•Temperature sensor is
•Contact Lakeland Customer
Services for further
38 39
Care and cleaning
• Unplug the Bread Maker and allow to cool completely before cleaning.
• Before the first use and after every use, clean each part thoroughly.
• Periodically check all parts before reassembly.
• Do not use metal tools in the non stick bread pan – always use plastic, nylon or silicone
spatulas etc.
• Never immerse the unit in water or any other liquid.
• To clean the unit and control panel, wipe with a clean, damp cloth and dry before storing.
• Do not use abrasive cleaners, steel wool or abrasive materials or cleansers.
• Wash the baking pan, kneading paddle, measuring cup and spoon in hot, soapy water, rinse
and dry thoroughly.
• The baking pan, kneading paddle, measuring cup and spoon are top shelf dishwasher safe.
• If the kneading paddle is difficult to remove from the bread pan, pour in sufficient warm
soapy water to cover the paddle and leave to soak for 10 – 15 minutes. This will loosen the
• If the kneading paddle still cannot be removed hold the drive shaft from underneath the pan
and twist back and forth until the kneading paddle is released.
• To clean the baking chamber, remove any bread crumbs by tipping them out or wiping them
away with a slightly damp cloth or clean pastry brush.
• If food residue burns onto the heating element, allow to cool completely then wipe away
with a damp cloth.
• Store the Bread Maker with the power cable loosely coiled. Never wrap it tightly around
the bread maker.
Earth (green/yellow)
10 amp fuse
Live (brown)
Neutral (blue)
10 amp FUSE
Electrical connections
This appliance is fitted with a fused three-pin plug to BS1363 which is suitable for use in all
homes fitted with sockets to current specifications. If the fitted plug is not suitable for your socket
outlets, it should be cut off and carefully disposed of. To avoid an electric shock, do not insert the
discarded plug into a socket.
Fitting a new plug
If for any reason you need to fit a new plug, the flexible mains lead must be connected as shown
here. The wires in the mains lead fitted to this appliance are coloured in accordance with the
following code:
Connect BLUE to Neutral (N)
Connect GREEN & YELLOW to Earth (E)
Connect BROWN to Live (L)
10 amp fuse to be used
If the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance do not correspond with the coloured
markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows. The wire which is coloured
green and yellow MUST be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter E (Earth)
or coloured green. The wire which is coloured blue MUST be connected to the terminal which is
marked with the letter N (Neutral) or coloured black. The wire which is coloured brown MUST be
connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L (Live) or coloured red.
Before refitting the plug cover, check that there are no cut or stray strands of wire inside the plug.
Use a 10 amp BS1362 fuse. Only BSI or ASTA approved fuses should be used. If you are at all
unsure which plug or fuse to use, always refer to a qualified electrician.
Note: after replacing or changing a fuse on a moulded plug which has a fuse cover, the cover must
be refitted to the plug; the appliance must not be used without a fuse cover. If lost, replacement
fuse covers can be obtained from an electrical shop. This appliance complies with the following
Along with many other high street retailers, Lakeland has joined a scheme whereby customers
can take their unwanted electricals to recycling points set up around the country.
Visit to find your nearest recycling point.
Alexandra Buildings, Windermere, Cumbria, UK LA23 1BQ
Tel: +44(0)15394 88100