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Title and Subtitle
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Roadmap 2000-2025
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Performing Organization Name(s) and Address(es)
Office of the Secretary of Defense 1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1000
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Monitoring Agency Report
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Approved for public release, distribution unlimited
Supplementary Notes
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Classification of SF298
Classification of Abstract
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Executive Summary
This document presents the Department of Defense’s (DoD) roadmap for
developing and employing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) over the next 25 years
(2000 to 2025). It describes the missions identified by theater warfighters to which
UAVs could be applied, and couples them to emerging capabilities to conduct these
missions. A series of Moore’s Law-style trends are developed to forecast technological
growth over this period in the key areas of propulsion, sensor, data link, and
information processing capabilities. The result is a roadmap of capability-
enhancing opportunities plotted against the life spans of current and projected UAVs. It
is a map of opportunities, not point designs - a descriptive, not a prescriptive, future for
This study does not necessarily imply future officially sanctioned programs,
planning, or policy. Further, the conclusions at the end of this study (section 6.5) are not
currently funded or programmed within the military Services’ plans. This section is not
direction to any DoD organization to pursue any specific course of action. It is merely
intended to highlight opportunities in the broad areas of technology, operations, and
organizations, that the Services, industry, or other UAV-related organizations may wish
to consider when developing plans and budgets for future UAV activity.
The U.S. military has a long and continuous history of involvement with UAVs,
stretching back to the Sperry/Curtiss N-9 of 1917. UAVs have had active roles in the
Vietnam conflict (3435 sorties), Persian Gulf War (over 520 sorties), and in the ongoing
Balkan operations, providing critical reconnaissance in each. With recent technologies
allowing more capability per pound, today’s UAVs are more sophisticated than ever. As
the military’s recent operational tempo has increased, so too has the employment of
UAVs. Over the past decade, the Department of Defense has invested over $3 billion in
UAV development, procurement, and operations, and will likely invest over $4 billion in
the coming decade. Today, the DoD has 90 UAVs in the field. By 2010, this inventory
is programmed to grow to 290, with UAVs performing a wider variety of missions than
just reconnaissance.
New capabilities projected for UAVs over the next 25 years include:
Silent flight as fuel cells supplant internal combustion engines in some systems.
60 percent gains in endurance due to increasingly efficient turbine engines.
Rotorcraft capable of high speeds (400+ kts) or long endurance (24+ hrs) while
retaining the ability to hover.
Endurance UAVs serving as GPS pseudo-satellites and airborne communications
nodes to provide theater and tactical users with better connectivity, clearer
reception, and reduced vulnerability to jamming.
Faster cruise missile targeting due to more precise terrain mapping by high
altitude UAVs.
Self-repairing, damage compensating, more survivable UAVs.
Significantly speedier information availability to warfighters through onboard
real-time processing, higher data rates, and covert transmission.
The advantages offered by UAVs to the military commander are numerous and often
subject to debate. These advantages accrue most noticeably in certain mission areas,
commonly categorized as “the dull, the dirty, and the dangerous.” In an era of decreasing
force size, UAVs are force multipliers that can increase unit effectiveness. For example,
due to its vantage point and multiple sensors, one hovering unmanned sentry could cover
the same area as ten (or more) human sentries (“the dull”). The threat of nuclear,
biological, or chemical (NBC) attacks on the U.S. or its military forces abroad will likely
remain a key national security concern for the next 25 years, prompting the need for
means to conduct operations in their aftermath. UAVs could reconnoiter contaminated
areas without risk to human life
(“the dirty”). In a climate more demanding of lossless
engagement, UAVs can assume the riskier missions and prosecute the most heavily
defended targets. Unaccompanied combat UAVs (UCAVs) could perform the high-risk
suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD) missions currently flown by accompanied
EA-6s or F-16s (“the dangerous”). In such a role, UAVs would be potent force
multipliers, directly releasing aircraft for other sorties.
Finally, and most fiercely debated, is the potential cost advantage offered by UAVs.
Serious comparisons of manned versus unmanned system acquisition costs tend to show
little advantage for the latter (the adjusted costs for reaching first flight for the U-2 in
1955 and the RQ-4/Global Hawk in 1998 were roughly the same). Likewise, any savings
in procurement costs cited for UAVs by deleting the cockpit, its displays, and survival
gear is typically offset by the cost of similar equipment in the UAV ground element.
However, with innovative concepts of operation, UAVs may offer increased efficiencies
in operations and support costs due to the reduced need to actually fly pilot proficiency
and continuation training sorties. Such reductions in UAV O&S costs offer the potential
for life cycle cost savings if adopted and managed correctly within the overall weapon
system tasking tempo directed by the Defense Planning Guidance.
UAVs will play a major role in the increasingly dynamic battle control that will
evolve in the 21
century. There will be micro air vehicles as well as behemoths. UAVs
will stay airborne for weeks or months and longer, fly at hypersonic speeds, sense data in
revolutionary ways, and communicate their data at unprecedented rates. Challenges, such
as providing an adequate C
infrastructure to capitalize on unmanned as well as manned
operations, remain to be overcome. However, the decisions made now will lay the
foundation for how far and how fast these advances are implemented. Only our
imagination will limit the potential of UAVs in the 21
U.S. pilots flew similar missions in the late 1940s, exposing themselves to life-threatening levels of
radiation to characterize the effects of our nuclear weapons tests in the Pacific.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ............................................................................................ i
Table of Contents.............................................................................................. iii
List of Figures .................................................................................................... v
List of Tables...................................................................................................... v
1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 PURPOSE................................................................................................................1
1.2 APPROACH.............................................................................................................1
1.3 SCOPE....................................................................................................................2
2.0 Current UAV Programs................................................................................ 3
2.1 OPERATIONAL UAV SYSTEMS................................................................................3
2.1.1 RQ-1 Predator................................................................................................3
2.1.2 RQ-2 Pioneer..................................................................................................3
2.1.3 RQ-5 Hunter...................................................................................................4
2.2 DEVELOPMENTAL UAV SYSTEMS...........................................................................4
2.2.1 RQ-4 Global Hawk .........................................................................................4
2.2.2 Fire Scout.......................................................................................................5
2.2.3 RQ-7 Shadow 200...........................................................................................5
2.2.4 Tactical Control System..................................................................................6
2.3 OTHER UAV SYSTEMS...........................................................................................6
2.3.1 Residual UAV Systems....................................................................................6
2.3.2 Concept Exploration UAV Systems .................................................................7
2.3.3 DARPA UAV Programs ..................................................................................8
2.3.4 UAV Definition Studies.................................................................................10
2.4 UAV PROGRAM TIMELINES..................................................................................10
3.0 Requirements ............................................................................................. 13
3.1 WARFIGHTERS’ ROLES FOR UAVS........................................................................13
3.2 REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATION WITH UAVS...........................................................14
4.0 Technologies.............................................................................................. 17
4.1.1 Capability Requirements...............................................................................17
4.1 PLATFORMS .........................................................................................................18
4.1.2 Propulsion....................................................................................................18
4.1.3 Survivability .................................................................................................22
4.2 PAYLOADS ...........................................................................................................23
4.2.1 Capability Requirements...............................................................................23
4.2.2 Imagery Intelligence (IMINT).......................................................................24
4.2.3 Signals Intelligence (SIGINT).......................................................................27
4.2.4 Measurement & Signatures Intelligence (MASINT).......................................29
4.2.5 Communications Payloads............................................................................30
4.2.6 Munitions .....................................................................................................31
4.2.7 Payloads Summary .......................................................................................31
4.3 COMMUNICATION.................................................................................................32
4.4 INFORMATION PROCESSING ..................................................................................34
4.5 CURRENT UAV TECHNOLOGIES RESEARCH ..........................................................37
5.0 Operations .................................................................................................. 41
5.1 OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS................................................................................41
5.1.1 Insufficient Aircrews.....................................................................................41
5.1.2 Aircraft vs. Satellite Support.........................................................................42
5.1.3 Forward Operation Locations.......................................................................43
5.2 OPERATIONAL CONCEPTS DEVELOPMENT .............................................................43
5.2.1 Air Force......................................................................................................43
5.2.2 Navy & Marine Corps...................................................................................44
5.2.3 Army.............................................................................................................44
5.2.4 Joint .............................................................................................................44
5.3 RELIABILITY & SUSTAINABILITY ..........................................................................45
5.4 TRAINING.............................................................................................................45
5.5 COMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE.....................................................................47
5.6 COOPERATIVE UAV FLIGHT.................................................................................47
6.0 Roadmap..................................................................................................... 49
6.1 OPERATIONAL METRICS .......................................................................................49
6.2 UAV ROADMAP FOR 2000-2025...........................................................................51
6.3 COMPARATIVE COSTS OF MANNED VS. UNMANNED AIRCRAFT..............................51
6.3.1 Development Costs .......................................................................................51
6.3.2 Procurement Costs........................................................................................53
6.3.3 Operations & Support Costs .........................................................................54
6.4 KEY ISSUES..........................................................................................................55
6.4.1 Architecture..................................................................................................55
6.4.2 Airspace Integration.....................................................................................56
6.4.3 Treaty Considerations...................................................................................57
6.4.4 Organizational Responsibilities ....................................................................58
6.5 CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................59
6.5.1 Technologies.................................................................................................59
6.5.2 Operations....................................................................................................60
6.5.3 Organizations...............................................................................................60
List of Figures
FIGURE 2.4-1: DOD ANNUAL FUNDING PROFILE FOR UAVS. ..........................................11
FIGURE 3.1-1: IPL PRIORITIES LINK TO UAV MISSIONS.................................................13
FIGURE 4.1-1: UAV PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS. ..........................................................18
FIGURE 4.1.2-2: SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION TRENDS..................................................20
FIGURE 4.1.2-3 MASS SPECIFIC POWER TRENDS.............................................................21
FIGURE 4.2-1: UAV PAYLOAD REQUIREMENTS.............................................................23
FIGURE 4.3-1: UAV COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS. ...............................................32
FIGURE 4.3-2: AIRBORNE DATA LINK DATA RATE TRENDS.............................................33
FIGURE 4.4-1: UAV INFORMATION PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS. ...................................34
FIGURE 4.4-2: AUTONOMOUS CONTROL LEVEL TREND..................................................35
FIGURE 4.4-3: PROCESSOR SPEED TREND. ......................................................................36
FIGURE 5.1-1: UAV OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS..........................................................41
FIGURE 5.3-1: ISRAELI UAV MISHAP CAUSES. ...............................................................45
FIGURE 6.2-1: UAV ROADMAP, 2000-2025...................................................................52
List of Tables
TABLE 2.2.3-1: SUMMARY HISTORY OF RECENT UAV PROGRAMS...................................6
TABLE 3.2-1: UAV MISSION AREAS...............................................................................14
TABLE 3.2-3: SOCOM UAV MISSION PRIORITIZATION MATRIX--2000..........................16
TABLE 4.2.3-1. PROPOSED UAV SIGINT DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM..........................28
TABLE 4.2.4-1. POTENTIAL UAV MASINT SENSING APPLICATIONS. ............................29
TABLE 4.2.4-2: BACTERIOLOGICAL AGENT DETECTION SCHEMES...................................30
TABLE 4.4.4-1: FUTURE PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGIES. .....................................................37
TABLE 6.1-1: OPERATIONAL METRICS...........................................................................49
TABLE 6.3.2-1: MANNED VS. UNMANNED PROCUREMENT COSTS....................................53
TABLE 6.4.4-1: UAV RESPONSIBLE OFFICES OF SERVICES..............................................58
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 1.0
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this roadmap is to stimulate the planning process for US military
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) development over the period from 2000 to 2025. It is
intended to assist Department of Defense (DoD) decision makers in developing a long-
range strategy for UAV development and acquisition in the forthcoming Quadrennial
Defense Review (QDR) and beyond. It addresses the following key questions:
What requirements for military capabilities could potentially be filled by UAVs?
What platform, sensor, communication, and information processing technologies
are necessary to provide these capabilities?
When will these technologies become available to enable the above capabilities?
This roadmap is meant to complement ongoing Service efforts to redefine their roles
and missions for handling 21
century contingencies. The Services see UAVs as
becoming integral components of the future Army’s Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs), the
Navy’s DD-21 destroyers, and the Air Force’s Aerospace Expeditionary Forces (AEFs).
As an example, the Army’s current “Transformation” initiative envisions each BCT
having a reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) squadron equipped
with a UAV system, reflecting the initiative’s emphasis on reducing weight, increasing
agility, and integrating robotics.
1.2 Approach
The approach used in this document is to:
1. Identify requirements relevant to defining UAV system capabilities from the most
comprehensive, authoritative sources of warfighter needs. Link these
requirements to capabilities needed in future UAV platforms, sensors,
communications, and information processing.
2. Develop a series of forecasting trends (“Moore’s Laws”
) for the next 25 years for
those technologies driving UAV platform, sensor, communication, and
information processing performance. Define the timeframe during which the
technology to address these requirements will become available for fielding.
Moore’s Law (Gordon Moore of Intel Corp.) originated in 1965 as a forecast that the capability (number
of transistors on an integrated circuit) of microchip processors would double every 12 to 18 months. Based
on historical performance, not physics, it has nonetheless proved useful for predicting when a given
technology level will become available. The semiconductor industry has used it to define its technology
roadmap for sustained growth over the past 35 years.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 1.0
3. Synthesize an integrated plan (“Roadmap”) for UAV development opportunities
by combining the above requirements and technology trends.
Such a roadmap could potentially be used in a number of ways, to include:
Evaluating the technologies planned for incorporation in current UAV programs
for underachieving or overreaching in capabilities
Defining windows of feasibility for introducing new capabilities in the near term
on existing systems or for starting new programs.
Identifying key enabling technology development efforts to support now for use in
the far term for inclusion in the Defense Technology Objectives, the Joint
Warfighting Science and Technology Plan, and the Defense Technology Area
1.3 Scope
Like its highway namesake, this roadmap is descriptive, not prescriptive, in
nature. It describes the options of routes (current and future technologies) available to
reach a number of destinations (mission needs). It neither advocates specific UAV
programs nor prioritizes the requirements, as this is the responsibility of the Joint
Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) and the Services. It does, however, identify
future windows when technology will become available to enable new capabilities, linked
to warfighters’ needs, to be incorporated into current or planned UAV programs.
Many of the technologies discussed in this study are currently maturing in
Defense research laboratories. The roadmap’s span of 25 years was chosen to
accommodate the usual 15 years required to transition a demonstrated laboratory
capability into an operationally fielded system, followed by 10 years of spiral
development of the system until the ultimate derivative is in production, or production
ends. This constitutes one (the next) generation of aircraft and payload technology.
The information presented in this study is current as of 31 December 2000.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 2.0
Current UAV Programs
2.0 Current UAV Programs
This chapter provides condensed descriptions of current Defense Department
UAV efforts as background for the focus of this roadmap—requirements and
technologies for future UAV capabilities. It categorizes the Department’s UAVs as
operational (those currently operated by field units), developmental (those undergoing
evaluation for eventual fielding with such units), and other, which includes residual
assets withdrawn from service with fielded units, concept exploration platforms, and
conceptual UAVs undergoing definition. Detailed descriptions are available in the
Defense Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Plan (DAISRP) and at
the websites listed with specific systems below.
2.1 Operational UAV Systems
2.1.1 RQ-1 Predator
The Air Force RQ-1 Predator began as an
Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
(ACTD) in 1994 and transitioned to an Air Force
program in 1997. It takes off and lands
conventionally on a runway and can carry a 450 lb
payload for 24+ hours. Operationally, it is flown
with a gimbaled electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR)
sensor and a synthetic aperture radar (SAR),
giving it a day/night, all-weather (within aircraft
limits) reconnaissance capability. It uses both a
line-of-sight (C-band) and a beyond-line-of-sight
(Ku-band SATCOM) data link to relay color
video in real time to commanders. Since 1995, Predator has flown surveillance missions
over Iraq, Bosnia and Kosovo. The Air Force operates two squadrons of Predators, and is
building toward a force of 12 systems consisting of 48 aircraft. Initial Operating
Capability (IOC) is anticipated in 2001.
2.1.2 RQ-2 Pioneer
The Navy/Marine RQ-2 Pioneer has served
with Navy, Marine, and Army units, deploying
aboard ship and ashore since 1986. Initially
deployed aboard battleships to provide gunnery
spotting, its mission evolved into reconnaissance
and surveillance, primarily for amphibious forces.
Launched by rocket assist (shipboard), by catapult,
or from a runway, it recovers into a net (shipboard)
or with arresting gear after flying up to 4 hours with
a 75 lb payload. It currently flies with a gimbaled
EO/IR sensor, relaying analog video in real time via
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 2.0
Current UAV Programs
a C-band line-of-sight (LOS) data link. Since 1991, Pioneer has flown reconnaissance
missions during the Persian Gulf, Bosnia, and Kosovo conflicts. The Navy currently
fields three Pioneer systems (one for training) and the Marines two, each with five
aircraft. Pioneer is to be replaced by the Fire Scout Vertical Takeoff and Landing
Tactical UAV (VTUAV) beginning in FY03.
2.1.3 RQ-5 Hunter
The RQ-5 Hunter was originally intended to
serve as the Army’s Short Range UAV system for
division and corps commanders. It takes off and
lands (using arresting gear) on runways and can
carry 200 lb for over 11 hours. It uses a gimbaled
EO/IR sensor, relaying its video in real time via a
second airborne Hunter over a C-band line-of-sight
data link. Hunter deployed in 1999 to Kosovo to
support NATO operations. Although production
was cancelled in 1996, seven low rate initial
production (LRIP) systems of eight aircraft each
were acquired, four of which remain in service: one
for training and three for doctrine development and exercise and contingency support.
Hunter is to be replaced by the Shadow 200 (Tactical UAV, or TUAV) starting in FY03.
2.2 Developmental UAV Systems
2.2.1 RQ-4 Global Hawk
The Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk is a high
altitude, long endurance UAV designed to provide
wide area coverage (up to 40,000 nm
per day). It
successfully completed its Advanced Concept
Technology Demonstration (ACTD) and its Military
Utility Assessment in June 2000. It takes off and
lands conventionally on a runway and carries a 1950
lb payload for 36 hours. Global Hawk carries both
an EO/IR sensor and a SAR with moving target
indicator (MTI) capability, allowing day/night, all-
weather reconnaissance. Sensor data is relayed over
line-of-sight (X-band) and/or beyond-line-of-sight
(Ku-band SATCOM) data links to its Mission Control Element (MCE), which distributes
imagery to up to seven theater exploitation systems. ACTD residuals consist of four
aircraft and two ground control stations. The Air Force has budgeted for two aircraft per
year starting in FY02; IOC is expected to occur in FY05.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 2.0
Current UAV Programs
2.2.2 Fire Scout
Fire Scout is a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) tactical UAV (VTUAV)
currently in Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD). Fire Scout can remain
on station for at least 3 hours at 110 nm with a payload of 200 lbs. Its Modular Mission
Payload (MMP) consists of a gimbaled EO/IR sensor with an integral laser
designator/rangefinder. MMP data is relayed to its ground control station and to remote
data terminals in real time via a Ku-band LOS data link, with a UHF backup for control.
The Navy selected the Fire Scout in February 2000
to fill a need for a UAV that could operate from all
air-capable ships. Fire Scout will also fill a
requirement for the Marines, who require a UAV to
support Marine Expeditionary Units that can
operate from amphibious assault ships
(LHA/LHD/LPDs). Together, the Navy and
Marine Corps plan to acquire twenty-three systems
of three aircraft apiece with IOCs in FY07 (Navy)
and FY03 (Marine Corps). Additionally, the Coast
Guard is also considering Fire Scout for its
proposed Deep Water recapitalization program.
2.2.3 RQ-7 Shadow 200
The Army selected the RQ-7 Shadow 200
(formerly the TUAV) in December 1999 to meet its
Close Range UAV requirement for support to
ground maneuver commanders. Catapulted from a
rail, it is recovered with the aid of arresting gear. It
will be capable of remaining on station for 4 hours
at 50 km (27 nm) with a payload of 60 lbs. Its
gimbaled EO/IR sensor will relay video in real time
via a C-band LOS data link. Eventual procurement
of 44 systems of four aircraft each is expected with
IOC planned in early FY03.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 2.0
Current UAV Programs
First Number Number in
System Manufacturer Lead Service Flight IOC Built Inventory Status
RQ-1/Predator General Atomics Air Force 1994 2001 54 15 87 ordered
RQ-2/Pioneer Pioneer UAVs, Inc Navy 1985 1986 175 25 Sunset system
BQM-145 Teledyne Ryan Navy 1992 n/a 6 0 Cancelled ‘93
RQ-3/DarkStar Lockheed Martin Air Force 1996 n/a 3 0 Cancelled ‘99
RQ-4/G’Hawk Northrop Grumman Air Force 1998 2005 5 0 In E&MD
RQ-5/Hunter IAI/TRW Army 1991 n/a 72 42 Sunset system
Outrider Alliant Techsystems Army 1997 n/a 19 0 Cancelled ‘99
RQ-7/Shadow200 AAI Army 1991 2003 8 0 176 planned
Fire Scout Northrop Grumman Navy 1999 2003 1 0 75 planned
2.2.4 Tactical Control System
The Tactical Control System (TCS) is an open architecture, common
interoperable control system software for UAVs and supported C4I nodes currently in
Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD). TCS will provide five scalable
levels of UAV vehicle, sensor, and payload command and control, from receipt of
secondary imagery (Level 1) to full control of the UAV from takeoff to landing (Level 5).
It will also provide dissemination of imagery and data collected from multiple UAVs to a
variety of Service and Joint C4I systems. IOC for TCS will coincide with the fielding of
the Navy and Marine Fire Scout and with the Army Shadow 200 Block II upgrade.
2.3 Other UAV Systems
2.3.1 Residual UAV Systems
The US military maintains the residual hardware of several UAV programs that
are not current programs of record, but have recently deployed with operational units
using trained, uniformed operators. Eighty-two BQM-147 Exdrones (an 80-lb delta wing
communications jammer) remain from over 500 built, 45 of which were deployed during
the Gulf War. In 1997-98, 38 were rebuilt to the Dragon Drone standard (which includes
the addition of a gimbaled EO sensor) and have
since deployed twice with Marine Expeditionary
Units. Air Force Special Operations Command
(Hurlburt Field, FL) is currently using 15
Exdrones as testbeds to explore potential UAV
concepts and payloads for special operations
forces. The Army Air Maneuver Battle Lab (Ft
Rucker, AL) is to also begin experiments with 30
Exdrones within the year.
Approximately 50 hand-launched, battery
powered FQM-151/Pointers have been acquired
by the Marines and the Army since 1989 and
were employed in the Gulf War. Most recently, Special Operations Command Europe
(SOCEUR) employed one system (3 aircraft) in Europe, and the Army acquired six
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 2.0
Current UAV Programs
systems for use at its Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) facility at Ft
Benning, GA. Pointers have served as testbeds for numerous miniaturized sensors (e.g.,
uncooled IR cameras and chemical agent detectors) and have performed demonstrations
with the Drug Enforcement Agency, National Guard, and special operations forces.
The Army’s Night Vision Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD) operates four
Sentry UAVs (acquired in 1997), four Flight Hawk mini-UAVs, three Camcopters, and a
Pointer system as testbeds for evaluating various night vision sensors and employment
2.3.2 Concept Exploration UAV Systems
Service laboratories have developed a number of UAVs tailored to explore
specific operational concepts. The Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) is
currently exploring three such concepts. The first, Dragon Warrior (or Cypher II) was
intended to perform over-the-shore, fixed-wing flight, then land, remove its wings, and
convert to a hovering design for urban operations. This effort was transferred to the
auspices of the NVESD in late 2000, and the MCWL is now proposing a refined version
of its Dragon Warrior concept. Neither has yet flown.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 2.0
Current UAV Programs
A converted K-Max helicopter is being used to explore the Marines’ Broad-area
Unmanned Responsive Resupply Operations (BURRO) concept of ship-to-shore or ship-
to-ship resupply by UAV. It has been flying since early 2000.
Dragon Eye is a mini-UAV (2.4 foot wingspan and 4 lbs weight) developed as
one potential answer to the Navy’s Over-The-Hill Reconnaissance Initiative and the
Marines’ Interim Small Unit Remote Scouting System (I-SURSS) requirement. Its
design is still evolving; the first prototype flew in May 2000. Each of the three Marine
Expeditionary Forces will evaluate ten Dragon Eyes (30 total) during 2002. www.mcwl.
The Counter Proliferation ACTD, sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction
Agency (DTRA), envisions deploying several mini-UAVs (Finder) from a larger
Predator UAV to conduct point detection of chemical agents and relay the sensor results
back through Predator. Fifty Finders are to be built as part of this ACTD.
The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has a history of exploring new
aerodynamic and propulsion concepts for maritime UAVs. Besides the Dragon Eye and
Finder projects described above, the NRL has built and flown nearly 20 original small
and micro UAV designs in recent years. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division
(NAWC/AD) maintains a small UAV test and development team at Webster Field,
Maryland, and operates a small fleet with nine types of UAVs. This team managed the
evolution of the Exdrone into the Dragon Drone for use by the MCWL. Together, NRL
and NAWC/AD operate nearly 30 models of UAVs, many of which are in-house designs.
2.3.3 DARPA UAV Programs
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is currently
sponsoring five innovative UAV programs. The DARPA/Air Force X-45 Unmanned
Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) prototype contract was awarded to Boeing in March, 1999.
Its public debut was in September 2000, and first flight is anticipated in the Summer/Fall
of 2001. The goal of the UCAV is to perform the suppression of enemy air defenses
(SEAD) mission with an aircraft that costs one-third as much to acquire as a Joint Strike
Fighter (JSF) and is one-quarter as expensive to operate and support.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 2.0
Current UAV Programs
A similar DARPA/Navy Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) is to
develop UCAV-Navy (UCAV-N) prototypes and examine concepts for an eventual
carrier-based UCAV for the surveillance, strike, and SEAD missions. Its goal is to cost a
third as much to acquire as a JSF and one half as much to operate and support. Two
definition contracts are underway, with prototype flights possibly beginning in 2002.
Neither the Air Force nor the Navy UCAV ATD is expected to lead to a fielded UCAV
design before 2010.
The Advanced Air Vehicle (AAV) program is developing two rotorcraft projects,
the Dragon Fly Canard Rotor Wing (CRW) and the A160 Hummingbird. The CRW will
demonstrate the ability to takeoff and land from a hover, then transition to fixed wing
flight for cruise. The result will be a high speed (400+ kts) rotorcraft UAV. CRW is
expected to fly in late 2001. The A160 UAV uses a hingeless, rigid rotor to achieve a
high endurance (24+ hrs), high altitude (30,000 ft) rotorcraft. It is to fly in late 2002.
Finally, DARPA was exploring four designs for micro air vehicles (MAV) -
aircraft less than 6 inches in any dimension. Two, the Lutronix Kolibri and the
Microcraft Ducted Fan, rely on a shrouded rotor for vertical flight, while the Lockheed
Martin Sanders MicroStar and the AeroVironment Black Widow are fixed wing,
horizontal fliers. The envisioned utility of MAVs is to aid the individual soldier/Marine
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 2.0
Current UAV Programs
engaged in urban warfare. The micro air vehicle program pushed the envelope in small,
lightweight propulsion, sensing, and communication technologies. As of FY01, all MAV
funding was put toward defining the Organic Air Vehicle (OAV) within the
DARPA/Army Future Combat Systems program.
2.3.4 UAV Definition Studies
The Services are currently funding efforts to define three UAV systems for
possible fielding in the post 2010 timeframe. The Air Force’s involvement in DARPA’s
X-45/UCAV ATD may, depending on its outcome, lead to an operational version
(UCAV-AF) for the SEAD mission. The Navy is studying the feasibility of developing a
naval combat UAV (UCAV-N) from its parallel ATD. The Navy is also in the process of
defining the Multi-Role Endurance (MRE) UAV, whose performance would be in the
realm between that of the tactical Fire Scout and the strategic Global Hawk. A fourth
effort, the Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL’s) Sensorcraft, moved from being an
unfunded concept to a funded initiative in FY01; its design is to be optimized for future
sensing capabilities.
2.4 UAV Program Timelines
Between 1990 and 1999, the Department of Defense invested over $3 billion in
UAV development, procurement, and operations. It plans to invest $2.3 billion more by
2005 (see Figure 2.4-1). Projecting this rate out to 2010, DoD will likely invest $4.2
billion in UAVs in the first decade of the new century. By 2010, the U.S. UAV inventory
is expected to grow from 90 today to 290 and to support a wider range of missions.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 2.0
Current UAV Programs
A consolidated snapshot of Service UAV programs is illustrated in Figure 2.4-2,
which presents a 40-year picture (1985-2025) of historical and planned U.S. UAV
procurement. End dates were estimated for those programs without a planned date for
withdrawal from service.
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
$M (TY$)
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 2.0
Current UAV Programs
Currently, some 32 nations manufacture more than 150 models of UAVs; 55
countries operate some 80 types of UAVs, primarily for reconnaissance. Table 2.4-2
categorizes current military uses of selected foreign UAVs to identify any mission niches
not being performed by current U.S. UAVs. Systems not yet fielded are italicized in the
table. Knowledge of such niches allows U.S. planners to rely on and better integrate the
unique capabilities of coalition UAV assets in certain contingencies. The one niche
common to a number of other countries but missing in the U.S. UAV force structure
is a survivable penetrator for use in high threat environments
. France and Germany
have employed CL-289s with success in Bosnia and Kosovo, Russia’s VR-3 Reys may be
succeeded soon by the Tu-300, and Italy’s new Mirach 150 supports its corps-level
intelligence system. All are essentially jet engines with cameras attached which fly at
low altitude at high subsonic speed to increase their survivability. Previous U.S.
counterparts, the D-21 (a Mach 3 reconnaissance drone spun-off from the SR-71) and the
RQ-3 DarkStar, relied on supersonic speed or stealth as well as high altitude for their
Tactical Specialized Endurance
Country Over-the-Hill Close Range Maritime Penetrating Medium Rng Long Rng
United States Pointer Hunter/Shadow Fire Scout Predator Global Hawk
France Lulleby Crecerelle Marvel CL-289 Eagle/Horus
Germany Luna Brevel Seamos CL-289 under study
United Kingdom Sender/Observer Phoenix
Italy Dragonfly Mirach 26 Mirach 150 Predator
Israel Eyeview Searcher Heron
Russia R90 Shmel/Yak-61 VR-3 Reys
VR-2 Strizh
Key findings driving recommendations are emphasized in bold throughout the text.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 3.0
3.0 Requirements
The purpose of this chapter is to identify emerging requirements for military
capabilities which could possibly be addressed by UAVs. A requirement is defined here
as an unmet need for a capability. The key question addressed in this section is: What
are the requirements for military capabilities that could potentially be met by employing
3.1 Warfighters’ Roles for UAVs
The primary source for identifying requirements are the Integrated Priority Lists
(IPLs), which are submitted annually by each of the nine Unified Command CINCs to
prioritize the warfighting capability shortfalls of each theater. They are the seminal
source of joint requirements from our nation’s warfighters. Taken as a whole, IPLs offer
the advantages of being “direct from the field” in pedigree, joint in perspective,
enumerating worldwide (vice service- or theater-centric) requirements, and not
originating from a UAV-centric forum.
Of the 146 requirements submitted in the combined 1999 IPLs for funding in the
FY02-07 Future Year Defense Plan (FYDP), 57 (39 percent) identified needed
capabilities that have previously been associated in some form (a flight demonstration, a
technical study, etc.) with UAVs, i.e., requirements that could potentially be filled by
using UAVs, as shown in Table 3.2-1. These 57 requirements can be organized into 15
mission areas, as shown in Figure 3.1-1.
Time Critical Targeting
Mine Countermeasures
Theater Air Missile Defense
Force Protection
57 UAV-related priorities
15 UAV-Related Mission Areas
146 Total IPL Priorities
Time Critical Targeting
Mine Countermeasures
Theater Air Missile Defense
Force Protection
57 UAV-related priorities
15 UAV-Related Mission Areas
146 Total IPL Priorities
Time Critical Targeting
Mine Countermeasures
Theater Air Missile Defense
Force Protection
57 UAV-related priorities
15 UAV-Related Mission Areas
146 Total IPL Priorities
Time Critical Targeting
Mine Countermeasures
Theater Air Missile Defense
Force Protection
57 UAV-related priorities
15 UAV-Related Mission Areas
146 Total IPL Priorities
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 3.0
3.2 Requirements Association with UAVs
Despite only EO/IR/SAR sensors being operationally fielded on DoD UAVs to
date, Table 3.2-1 shows a number of nontraditional payloads which perform tasks within
these 15 mission areas have been previously flown on UAVs in proof-of-concept
demonstrations. These demonstrations show that UAVs can be a candidate solution for
certain requirements. Whenever possible, UAVs should be the preferred solution over
their manned counterparts for those requirements posing the familiar three jobs best left
to UAVs: the dull (long dwell), the dirty (sampling for hazardous materials), and the
dangerous (extreme exposure to hostile action).
Requirements UAV Mission Attributes Involved UAV Experience
(Mission Areas) “Dull” “Dirty” “Dangerous” (UAV/Payload and/or Place Demonstrated and Year)
Imagery x x Pioneer, Exdrone, Pointer/Gulf War, 1990-91
Intelligence (IMINT) Predator, Pioneer/Bosnia, 1995-2000
Hunter, Predator, Pioneer/Kosovo, 1999
Communications x Hunter/CRP, 1996; Exdrone/TRSS, 1998
Global Hawk/ACN, Predator/ACN, ongoing
Force Protection x x Camcopter, Dragon Drone/Ft Sumner, 1999
Signals Intelligence x x Pioneer/SMART, 1995
(SIGINT) Hunter/LR-100/COMINT, 1996
Hunter/ORION, 1997
Weapons of Mass x x Pioneer/RADIAC/LSCAD/SAWCAD, 1995
Destruction (WMD) Telemaster/Analyte 2000, 1996
Pointer/CADDIE 1998; Hunter/SAFEGUARD, 1999
Theater Air Missile x x Israeli HA-10 development, (canceled)
Defense (TAMD) Global Hawk study, 1997
Suppression of Enemy x Hunter/SMART-V, 1996
Air Defenses (SEAD) Hunter/LR-100/IDM, 1998
Combat Search and x Exdrone/Woodland Cougar Exercise, 1997
Rescue (CSAR) Exdrone/SPUDS, 2000
Time Critical Targeting (TCT) x Predator w/JSTARS/Nellis AFB, 1999
Mine Counter x Pioneer/COBRA, 1996
Measures (MCM)
Meteorology and x x Aerosonde/Visala, 1995
Oceanography Predator/T-Drop, 1997
Counter Narcotics (CN) x x Predator/Ft Huachuca, 1995
Psychological Ops x Non-DoD UAV/leaflet dispensing, 1990’s
Post Single Integrated x x DarkStar mission (canceled)
Operations Plan (SIOP)
Forward Operating x Global Hawk/Linked Seas demo, 2000
Location (FOL)
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 3.0
In response to a recent Joint Staff-led, Joint Requirements Oversight Council-
validated survey, Unified Command and Service staffs prioritized twelve mission areas in
terms of their desirability for being performed by Predator, Global Hawk, Shadow 200,
and Fire Scout; see Tables 3.2-2 and 3.2-3. Although one-to-one alignments of these 12
missions with the previously described 15 priorities from the IPLs for UAVs is inexact,
the priorities of the two for concurrent mission areas are in general agreement; see the
last column of Table 3.2-2 for a comparison.
Mission Predator Global Hawk TUAV VTUAV IPLs
Reconnaissance 1 1 1 1 1
Signals Intel 3 2 7 4 4
Mine Countermeasures 7 12 4 5 10
Target Designation 2 11 3 2 -
Battle Management 8 7 5 7 -
Chem-Bio Reconnaissance 10 10 6 9 5
Counter CC&D 4 5 8 11 -
Electronic Warfare 6 4 9 10 7
Combat SAR 5 8 10 8 8
Communications/Data Relay 9 3 2 3 2
Information Warfare 11 6 11 6 -
Digitial Mapping 12 9 12 12 -
U.S. Special Operations Command’s (SOCOM’s) priorities differed substantially
from those of the other CINCs due to its unique mission requirements and are therefore
enumerated separately (see Table 3.2-3). SOCOM added seven missions: psychological
operations (PSYOP), covert/clandestine sensor emplacement, decoy/pathfinder, team
resupply, battle damage assessment (BDA), differential GPS, and weather reporting
Although all 19 SOCOM missions were prioritized for both TUAV and VTUAV, only 14
of these missions were deemed applicable to Global Hawk and 12 to Predator, explaining
the lack of entries under some missions for these UAVs. Also, some SOCOM priorities,
such as “day/night/all-weather surveillance,” were considered to be part of the overall
“reconnaissance” priority, which explains the double entries for some missions.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 3.0
Mission Predator Global Hawk TUAV VTUAV
Reconnaissance - 5 7,8 7,8
Signals Intel - 7 15 11
Mine Countermeasures 10 12 11 11
Target Designation 6 6 6,14 6,14
Battle Management 7 8 16 16
Chem-bio Reconnaissance 1 1 1 1
Counter CC&D - 10 18 18
Electronic Warfare - - 19 19
Combat SAR - 11 17 17
Communications/Data Relay 4,11 3 4,13 4,13
Information Warfare 8 9 5 5
Digitial Mapping 5 4 - -
PSYOP (broadcast/leaflets) 2 2 2 2
Covert sensor emplacement 2 - 3 3
Decoy/Pathfinder - - 9 9
Team Resupply 9 - 10 10
Battle Dammage Assessment 12 - 12 12
GPS Psuedolite - 13 - -
Weather - 14 - -
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
4.0 Technologies
Aircraft achieve their operational capabilities through the integration of a number
of diverse technologies. Manned aircraft rely, in some measure, on the pilot (or aircrew)
to provide this integration. Lacking them, unmanned aircraft therefore require even
further integration, particularly in their sensing and communication capabilities. The key
question addressed in this section is: What advances in platform, payload,
communication, and information processing technologies are necessary to provide the
CINCs’ desired capabilities?
Today’s UAVs compose 0.6 percent of our military aircraft fleet, i.e., there are
175 manned aircraft for every unmanned one in the inventory. For every hour flown by
military UAVs, manned military aircraft fly 300 hours. UAVs currently suffer mishaps
at 10 to 100 times the rate incurred by their manned counterparts. UAVs are
predominantly relegated to one mission: reconnaissance. Before the acceptance and use
of UAVs can be expected to expand, advances must occur in three general areas:
reliability, survivability, and autonomy. All of these attributes hinge on technology.
Enhanced reliability, a product of technology and training, is key to ensuring
better mission availability of UAVs. Although today’s UAVs tend to cost less than their
manned counterparts, this savings is achieved largely by sacrifices in reliability—
omitting system redundancy and using components not originally developed for use in
the flight environment—shortcuts which would be unacceptable if an aircrew is involved.
The trade-offs involved between increased cost and extended life must be carefully
weighed to avoid driving UAV costs to unacceptable levels. Technology offers some
options for improving reliability today (e.g., electric versus hydraulic actuators), and
more are needed for the future. Section 5.3 discusses the reliability issue further.
Survivability, a product of technology and tactics, must be improved to ensure
UAVs remain mission effective. As with reliability, survivability considerations are
often traded for lowered costs; higher attrition becomes a more acceptable risk without an
aircrew being involved. While this plays directly to one of unmanned aviation’s strong
suits—performing the overly dangerous mission—it detracts from a commander’s
willingness to use UAVs when missions repeatedly fail to accomplish their objective.
Section 4.1.3 examines survivability issues.
Autonomy, a product of technology and doctrine, must be developed for UAVs to
expand into new roles and to grow in unmanned mission effectiveness. Increasing
current limited capabilities to make time sensitive decisions onboard, making them
consistently and correctly, and making them in concert with other aircraft, manned and
unmanned, is critical for combat UAVs to achieve their full potential. The doctrine to
allow using such autonomy in a commander’s rules of engagement (ROE) must be
evolved in lockstep with the technology that enables it. Autonomy is discussed further in
section 4.4.
4.1.1 Capability Requirements
Based on the CINC IPLs, the most desired platform capability, in the context of
enhancing reconnaissance and surveillance, is increased coverage, which can be met by
increasing the number, endurance, and/or sensing capability of stand-off assets. For
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
penetrating assets, the addition of survivability features contributes to increasing their
coverage capability. The following sections discuss technology-based opportunities for
improving the endurance, sensing, and survivability features of future UAVs.
4.1 Platforms
4.1.2 Propulsion
Endurance is driven by propulsion, both in terms of system efficiency (i.e., specific
fuel consumption (SFC) or, for batteries and fuel cells, specific energy) and performance
per unit mass (mass specific power, or MSP). SFC is the amount of fuel burned per time
for the amount of power delivered by a combustion engine (i.e., pound (fuel)/hour/pound
(thrust)). MSP is the ratio of the power delivered to the weight of the engine/battery/fuel
cell (i.e., horsepower/pound).
Significant advances in propulsion technology have been achieved over the past
decade by the AFRL-led, joint Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology
(IHPTET) program. Since its inception in 1988, it has increased the thrust-to-weight
(T/W) ratio of its baseline small turbine class (Honeywell F124) engines by 40 percent,
reduced SFC by 20%, and lowered engine production and maintenance costs by 40
percent. IHPTET concludes in 2003, but its successor, the Versatile Affordable
Advanced Turbine Engines (VAATE) program, aims to improve each of these three
criteria half again by 2015. If these trends can be continued through 2025, T/W will
Information Processing
EMI Environment
Unadulterated Airflow
Generation/ Large
Antenna Array
Low Signature
Low Altitude
EMP Hardened
High Altitude
Information Processing
EMI Environment
Unadulterated Airflow
Generation/ Large
Antenna Array
Low Signature
Low Altitude
EMP Hardened
High Altitude
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
improve by 250 percent, SFC by 40 percent, and costs by 60 percent (see Figure 4.1.2-1).
For UAV use, these goals may partially be met by deleting turbine blade containment
rings and redundant controls, as well as reducing hot section lifetime from 2000 to 1000
hours or less. In combination, the T/W and SFC improvements provided by IHPTET
should enable the number of endurance UAVs needed to provide 24-hour coverage of an
area to be reduced by 60 percent, or conversely, the endurance of individual UAVs
increased by 60 percent.
Figure 4.1.2-2 shows a threefold improvement in SFC has occurred from 1955 to the
present day for the two dominant types of combustion engines: gas turbines (jet engines)
and internal combustion engines (ICEs). Another 60 percent improvement in gas turbine
SFC and 30 percent in ICE SFC should be realizable by 2025. These improvements
translate directly into endurance, and therefore coverage, increases.
Using current jet fuels, SFC should not drop below a floor value of around 0.2
lb/hr-lb force, due to the maximum combustion temperature of these fuels. Lower SFC
values may be obtained in the future following the introduction of new fuels such as JP-
900 or endothermic JP. These developmental fuels are expected to reduce SFC floor
values by another 2% (to around 0.196 lb/hr-lb force), assuming complementary
advances in materials and fuel-cooling technologies, which are needed to increase
combustion temperature.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
Three types of electrical propulsion systems are available for UAVs: batteries,
fuel cells, and solar cells. Specific energy is the amount of energy a battery or fuel cell
stores per unit mass, usually measured in watt-hours per kilogram (hp-hours per lb).
Higher specific energies lead to batteries with increased lifespan, which would lead to
battery-powered aircraft with increased range and endurance. Future growth in battery
specific energy capability is expected with the introduction of the Lithium-polymer
battery, which suffers from a rather short lifespan (the result of internal self-shorting
when an electric current is passed over the metal in the polymer).
The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), together with the multi-carbonate fuel cell
(MCFC), represents the current state-of-the-art in fuel cell technology. A jump in
specific energy capability is anticipated with the advent of the hydrogen-air, or proton
exchange membrane (PEM), fuel cell, which is at least 5 years from production. Further
advances in fuel cell technology could occur with hybrid cells, which use the waste heat
from the cell to generate additional power via an attached turbine engine. By 2004, the
MSP of fuel cell powered engines should equal or exceed that of noisy internal
combustion engines, enabling their use in fielding silent airborne sentries (Figure
4.1.2-2) (see section 4.1.3).
Solar energy is a viable option for other types of UAVs, including high-altitude,
long endurance UAVs, either for reconnaissance or for airborne communications relays.
The AeroEnvironment Pathfinder UAV set altitude records in 1998 and 1999 for
propeller-driven aircraft by using solar cells to drive 8 electric motors, which together
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
generated roughly 10 horsepower. While storage of solar energy for use during foul
weather or night conditions is a possibility, the added weight of these storage systems
probably make them prohibitive for use on micro air vehicles and combat UAVs.
The above numbers can be compared to the energy content of the most popular
energy source, gasoline. The specific energy of gasoline is about 12 hp-hr/lb. The best
batteries listed above remain less than 2 percent of gasoline in terms of their specific
energy. Fuel cells, while an improvement over batteries, have specific energy values
roughly 4 percent that of gasoline. However, by 2015, this disparity between fuel cells
and gasoline will likely be reduced by over half.
Emerging propulsion technologies include the following:
Beaming energy to the aircraft for conversion to electricity using either
microwaves or lasers eliminates the need to carry propellant onboard, but requires
a tremendous transmit-to-receive power ratio (microwaves) or very precise
pointing (lasers) and limits flight to within line-of-sight of the power source
(both). Microwave beaming would take 100 kW (134 hp) of transmit power to
run just a micro-UAV at a range of 0.6 miles, let alone a more substantially sized
aircraft, whereas a laser would only require around 40 W (0.05 hp) of power.
Reciprocating Chemical Muscles (RCMs) are regenerative devices that use a
chemically actuated mechanical muscle (ionomers) to convert chemical energy
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
into motion through a direct, noncombustive chemical reaction. Power generated
via an RCM can be used for both propulsion (via wing flapping) and powering of
on-board flight systems. RCM technology could power future generations of
micro-UAVs, providing vertical take-off and landing as well as hover capabilities.
For dash or sustained high speed requirements, whether to enhance survivability
or for access to space, propulsion options for future UAVs (and their level of
maturity) include ramjets (mature), scramjets (developmental), integrated rocket-
ramjet (developmental), air-turbo rocket (developmental), and pulse detonation
engines (developmental), each with varying attributes depending on the mission.
4.1.3 Survivability
Aircraft survivability is a balance of tactics, technology (for both active and
passive measures), and cost for a given threat environment. For manned aircraft, aircraft
survivability equates to crew survivability, on which a high premium is placed. For
UAVs, this equation shifts, and the merits of making them highly survivable, vice
somewhat survivable, for the same mission come into question. Insight into this tradeoff
is provided by examining the Global Hawk and DarkStar programs. Both were built to
the same mission (high altitude endurance reconnaissance) and cost objective ($10
million flyaway price); one (DarkStar) was to be more highly survivable by stealth, the
other only moderately survivable. Performance could be traded to meet the cost
objective. The resulting designs therefore traded only performance for survivability. The
low observable DarkStar emerged as one third the size (8,600 versus 25,600 lbs) and had
one third the performance (9 hrs at 500 nm versus 24 hrs at 1200 nm) of its conventional
stablemate, Global Hawk. It was canceled for reasons that included its performance
shortfall outweighing the perceived value of its enhanced survivability. Further, the
active countermeasures planned for Global Hawk’s survivability suite were severely
pared back as an early cost savings measure during its design phase.
The value of survivability in the UAV design equation will vary with the mission,
but the DarkStar lesson will need to be reexamined for relevance to future UCAV
designs. To the extent UAVs inherently possess low or reduced observable attributes,
such as having seamless composite skins, fewer windows and hatches, and/or smaller
sizes, they will be optimized for some level of survivability. Trading performance and/or
cost for survivability beyond that level, however, runs counter to the prevailing
perception that UAVs must be cheaper, more attritable versions of manned aircraft to
justify their acquisition. As an illustration, both the the Air Force and the Navy UCAV
demonstrators are being valued at one third the acquisition cost of their closest manned
counterpart, the JSF.
Once these active and passive measures have failed to protect the aircraft, the
focus of survivability shifts from completing the mission to saving the aircraft. Two
emerging technologies hold significant promise in this area for UAVs, self repairing
structures and fault tolerant flight control systems (FCSs). NASA research into ionomers
shows they may be capable of sealing small holes or gaps inflight, such as those inflicted
by small arms fire. Several on-going efforts are intent on developing FCS software that
can “reconfigure” itself to use alternative combinations of remaining control surfaces
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
when a primary control surface is damaged or lost. Fault tolerant FCSs will be key to
enabling successful demonstration of the Services’ autonomous operation initiatives.
One low/reduced observable characteristic implicit in the CINC IPLs, specifically
for the force protection and SEAD missions, is aircraft acoustic signature. These two
missions can be better supported by using quieter vehicles that are less susceptible to
detection, whether by base intruders (acoustic) in the force protection role or by a hostile
integrated air defense system employing active and passive (radar and acoustic) detection
systems for the SEAD mission. To meet local noise ordinances around airports, aircraft
noise has been reduced by around 15 percent each decade since 1960, though not nearly
to the point where sophisticated unattended ground sensors would have trouble picking it
up. Electric power systems, such as fuel cells, offer lower noise and infrared signatures
for smaller UAVs while providing comparable mass specific power to that of ICEs.
4.2 Payloads
The requirements for various payload capabilities identified by the IPLs can be
grouped into five functional areas: imagery intelligence (IMINT), signals intelligence
(SIGINT), measurement and signatures intelligence (MASINT), communications, and
munitions. Meteorological sensing stands outside this breakout, yet supports all of the
others to some degree. Reporting of basic meteorological conditions can and should
be made an integral part of all future sensor systems acquired for UAVs, providing
the equivalent of pilot reports (PIREPS) from manned aircraft.
4.2.1 Capability Requirements
Information Processing
CW/BW Detection
LO Target Detection
All Weather
Field of View
Information Processing
CW/BW Detection
LO Target Detection
All Weather
Field of View
All Weather
Field of View
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
4.2.2 Imagery Intelligence (IMINT)
The ability to detect, recognize, classify, and identify targets is the key UAV
payload requirement derived from the CINC IPLs. One solution translates to obtaining
improved sensor resolution from technology advances. Another possible solution would
require an architectural change to reconnaissance and surveillance by relying instead on
micro air vehicles to obtain close-in imagery using modest sensors. Resolution in
electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensors is most commonly measured in terms of ground
resolved distance (GRD), the minimum separation between two distinguishable objects.
Whereas GRD is a function of range, instantaneous field of view (IFOV), the smallest
angle a sensor can resolve, is not. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) uses impulse response
(IPR) as its measure of resolution. Finally, the interpretability of a given image, a
subjective measure of its usefulness assigned by an image analyst, is rated on the
National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale (NIIRS) for visible and infrared (IR)
(passive) imagery and on the National Radar Interpretability Scale (NRIS) for SAR
(active) imagery.
Passive Imaging. Figure 4.2.2-1 depicts the trends in Ground Resolved Distance
(GRD) at a slant range of 4 nm (maximum range of Man Portable Air Defense
(MANPAD) systems) for large and small (i.e., gimbaled turrets) EO (visible), medium
wavelength infrared (MWIR, 3 to 5 micron), and long wavelength infrared (LWIR, 8 to
12 micron) sensors over the past several decades. The relatively flat trends for the large
systems represent the gradual, long term development of military systems, whereas the
steep curves show the rapid impact of the commercial market (e.g., for police and media
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
helicopters) for EO/IR sensors in smaller, gimbaled systems developed in the early
By way of comparison, an unarmed individual can be distinguished from an
armed one with a 4-8 inch GRD (NIIRS 8), corresponding to an IFOV of 7-14 µrad.
Facial features on an individual can be identified (or at least partially discriminated) with
a <4 inch GRD (NIIRS 9), corresponding to an IFOV of less than 7 µrad. Both cases
assume a slant range of 4 nm, equivalent to the maximum range of most currently fielded
MANPAD threats. Examples illustrating the ability of current EO/IR systems to meet
these capabilities are shown in Table 4.2.2-1.
Distinguish Armed v.
(7.1 < IFOV < 14.3 µrad)
Distinguish Facial
(IFOV < 7.1 µrad)
(µm / pixels)
Pitch (µm)
Array Size
Pitch (µm)
Array Size
Visible Wavelength
Raytheon Integrated
Sensor Suite, planned for
Global Hawk UAV
Wescam Model
14TS/QS, employed on
Predator UAV
employed on Hunter
9 / 307,200
8.3 / 379,392
9 / 393,216
Wescam Model
14TS/QS, employed on
Predator UAV
ROI CA-295
30 / 65,536
30 / 4,000,000
Indigo Alpha, uncooled 1576 51 / 20,480 NO
As EO sensors are nearing the theoretical limits in achievable array size and pixel
pitch, they will rely increasingly on evolutionary advancements in other areas of
technology to increase resolution. Examples of emerging technologies for imaging
systems include uncooled IR sensors, microelectro-mechanical systems (MEMS), new
detector materials and better fabrication techniques, and multiple aperture optical
systems. In the next few years, it is predicted that uncooled sensors will approximate the
performance of their cooled counterparts while at the same time lowering costs,
increasing reliability, reducing power requirements, and allowing for more compact
packaging. The commercial sector is pushing applications in rifle sights and driver’s
viewers, while the military is focusing on applications in threat warning, long-range
targeting, and unattended ground sensors. MEMS will enable the next generation of
lithography for manufacturing focal plane arrays characterized by reduced pixel sizes,
high fill-factors, and analog-to-digital converters on a single wafer chip, while offering
increased reliability by replacing mechanical parts. A better understanding of the
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
material characteristics of detectors, specifically Vanadium Oxide (VOx), amorphous
silicon, and Barium Strontium Titanium (BST) used in uncooled LWIR detectors, and
fabrication techniques of thin pixels will enable improved thermal responsivity and lower
read-out noise. One of the most promising areas of optics technology development is
multiple aperture optical systems. The potential increase in resolution offered by such
systems would be revolutionary. The benefits of multiple apertures have been
demonstrated in the RF bands and in astronomical telescopes, but it is a long-term
concept in tactical optical systems using visible and IR bands.
Active Imaging. Since airborne radars first appeared during World War II, they
have been adapted to a wide variety of applications, from fire control and early warning
to reconnaissance weather monitoring. Their key military value has been their ability to
see farther than optical means and through conditions (night, clouds) which would
otherwise deny their use. Conversely, their resolution is poorer, their use revealing to
hostile forces, and their size, weight, and power (SWAP) a burden to their host aircraft,
particularly to the smaller UAVs. Resolution has been significantly improved in the past
two decades by the introduction of synthetic aperture radars (SARs), in which onboard
processing uses the aircraft’s forward motion to simulate a physically larger, fixed
antenna, thereby increasing system gain and thus resolution.
As can be seen from Figure 4.2.2-2, in the short history of SAR advancement, the
ratio of swath width covered to resolution achieved for SAR area search modes has
increased about 1 nautical mile in width per foot of resolution every 6 years. This
equates to resolution halving, or area of coverage doubling, (or a combination thereof)
every 6 years compared to the previous 6 years. Concurrently the SWAP of these sensors
is on a downward trend, with examples now available that are compatible with tactical
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
UAV payload limits (100-lb class). Transmit/receive modules (a.k.a. “tiles” or “bricks”)
have also shown substantial decreases in weight and cost over the past decade, while
providing expanded modes of operation.
One specific mode of SARs, moving target indicator (MTI), detects the presence of
moving vehicles on the ground through Doppler processing of the radar return. This can
be done with a single scan of the radar through a wide area search (WAS) mode. In
addition to having the resolution needed to detect the moving targets, the system must be
able to surveil a large ground area per scan to be operationally useful. The amount of
time required to scan a given area (revisit rate) is driven by the square of the radar’s
power, so to halve the revisit rate requires quadrupling the output power with current
One of the more promising near term radar development efforts is Interferometric
SAR. IFSAR provides precision terrain elevations over large areas by employing a SAR
transmitter with two receivers located some distance from it, in the case of airborne
IFSAR, in the wingtips. The difference in the two received returns can be processed to
generate Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED), critical for precision targeting
applications such as cruise missile guidance. A preliminary evaluation of airborne
IFSAR is being conducted in the Rapid Terrain Visualization ACTD. The potential
value of IFSAR to theater commanders justifies its demonstration on a large
wingspan UAV (i.e., Global Hawk) in the near future.
In the far term, range-gated laser imaging radars (LIDARs) will complement
traditional radars by providing the capability to build three-dimensional images in real
time of suspected targets found by the latter. Such LIDARs will enable imaging through
obscurants, improve target identification by capitalizing on the higher resolution offered
by using optical frequencies, and better assess target damage with 3-D images. In
addition, the same light returns will be processed to extract polarization and vibration
information, allowing foliage penetration and aimpoint refinement, respectively (see
section 4.2.4). Future airborne imaging sensors will become multi-dimensional in nature,
gathering and correlating data in real time from multiple phenomena to build a more
complete target picture than that available from any one of them.
4.2.3 Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
Although endurance-class UAVs, with their ability to be present throughout the
entire development of a radio conversation, seem tailor-made for the SIGINT mission,
little has been done to exploit UAVs in this role. Funding for exploring this mission on
Global Hawk was deleted in 1997 but reinstated in the FY02-07 FYDP. Besides a
handful of demonstrations flown on Pioneer and Hunter UAVs in 1995-97 and an
extensive characterization of Predator’s EMI environment in 1996-98, few current
programs exist to operationalize SIGINT UAVs. An integrated program to
demonstrate continuous 24-hour airborne SIGINT collection capability at the
national/theater, operational/joint task force, and tactical/unit level would address
SIGINT concerns expressed by most CINCs. Current technology would support the
following feasibility demonstrations and timeframes:
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
Level Supported Candidate UAV Capabilities Payload Available Endurance Demo By
National/Theater RQ-4/Global Hawk ELINT and COMINT up to 1200 lbs 30+ hrs 2005-10*
Operational/JTF RQ-1/Predator ELINT or COMINT up to 200 lbs 24+ hrs 2003-05
Tactical/Unit Aerosonde COMINT up to 4 lbs 24+ hrs 2003-05
* Currently planned for by Air Force in the FYDP.
A SIGINT system is expected to perform three functions: emitter mapping
(geolocation of emitters), exploitation (signal content), and technical analysis of new
signals. Taking a long view, the primary factor that will drive RF SIGINT system design
will be the reduction in received power due largely to power management, spread
spectrum techniques, and use of higher frequencies with higher atmospheric absorption.
Also decreasing the effective power level will be the increase in spectrum utilization,
resulting in increased noise in the environment. Three choices exist to improve this
situation: moving closer to the emitter, improving the antenna gain, and using coherent
processing techniques.
Moving closer to the emitter would allow lower-powered signals to be collected
using readily available equipment, but also increases the threat to the collector aircraft—
an argument for UAV use. Improving antenna gain can be achieved through concepts
like AFRL’s Sensorcraft, in which the antenna becomes the wing and largely determines
the flight characteristics of the aircraft.
Coherent processing techniques use additional information about the signal to
wring the most energy out of the signal. One technique, matched filter processing,
attempts to match the signal’s size, phase and shape as exactly as possible. Another
technique, cross-ambiguity function (CAF) processing, uses mathematical techniques and
intensive processing to find signals even if the average noise level is 10 times that of the
signal. Using conventional algorithms, the processing load increases by the fourth power
of the bandwidth, i.e., to double the width of the spectrum the processing load increases
by a factor of 16. If CAF and algorithm improvements can reduce the bandwidth scaling
factor from a fourth to a third- or second- power function, processing time can be
dramatically decreased (see Figure 4.2.3-2).
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
4.2.4 Measurement & Signatures Intelligence (MASINT)
Increases in resolution are nearing a leveling point where new technologies will
not produce leaps in resolution. Near and mid-term increases in the operational
capability to detect, identify, and recognize targets will be based on increased target
signature information, not just pixel resolution. For example, normal two-dimensional
spatial imaging of an obscure object of interest may be insufficient for detection unless
and until it is combined with vibration or polarization data on the same object. A target
may hide in a few dimensions but not in all, and once it is detected in one dimension,
additional resources can be focused for recognition and identification. The capability to
increase target information content is enabled by emerging multi-dimensional sensing
Sensing across multiple phenomena will be most effective when used in
combination, applying their additive information to culminate in target identification.
One logical result could be the combination of such sensing phenomena as 2-D range
gating and vibration on the same FPA used for imaging.
Characteristics of multi-phenomena sensing under development are described in
Table 4.2.4-1, which describes them as either passive or active in their sensing nature,
categorizes their timeframes for fielding on UAVs into near-term (0-5 years), mid-term
(5-15 years), or long-term (15+ years) windows, and describes their potential military
Phenomenology Sensor(s) Used Sensing Timeframe Military Applications
Polarimetry IR, Ladar Passive/ Mid Term Foliage penetration
Active Ground penetration
Terrain assessment
Multi-Spectral Imaging Spectrometer Passive Near Term Camouflage detection
Minefield detection
Crop maturity/health
Hyper-Spectral Imaging Spectrometer Passive Mid Term Foliage penetration
Chem/bio agent detection
Subsurface damage assessment
Vibration Laser Active Long Term Target recognition
Aimpoint refinement
Target operating condition
Fluorescence Laser Active Long Term Chem/bio agent identification
Fuel loading/leakage detection
Drug manufacturing detection
Surface Acoustic Wave Piezoelectric Passive Near Term Chemical agent identification
Bacteriological agent detectors employ a number of techniques that key on a
variety of properties produced by the suspect agent; the relation of techniques to these
properties is summarized in the matrix below. All current bio-agent detection systems
are point detectors, i.e., there is no standoff technique at present for detecting and
identifying bacteriological agents. The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) integrated an
immunoassay-based bio-agent detector on a Telemaster UAV and tested its effectiveness
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
in detecting and identifying an agent surrogate in January 1996. In addition, the Air
Force Research Laboratory at Brooks AFB, Texas, has patented the first organic
semiconductor, composed of diazoluminomelanin (DALM), which can be tailored to
detect the DNA of specific bio-agents. The lab is also researching a pulsed laser or
microwave radiation bio-agent detector which could detect from a standoff distance as
well as kill the organisms.
Technique Fluorescence pH Conductivity Vibration Spectroscopy Enzyme Chromatic
Change Produced Change_
Immunoassay* x x x x
Immunochromatograph* x
Polymerase Chain Reaction/ x x
Nucleic Acid*
Surface Acoustic Wave x
Mass Spectrometry* x
Cantilevers x
Diazoluminomelanin/DNA x x x
*Currently fielded; remainder are laboratory techniques.
4.2.5 Communications Payloads
Every CINC expressed concern over communications shortfalls in his theater (see
Figure 4.3-1). By 2010, existing and planned capacities are forecast to meet only 44
percent of the need projected by Joint Vision 2010 to ensure information superiority. A
separate, detailed study, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as Communications
Platforms, dated 4 November 1997, was conducted by OSD/C3I. Its major conclusions
regarding the use of a UAV as an Airborne Communication Node (ACN) were:
Tactical communication needs can be met much more responsively and
effectively with ACNs than with satellites.
ACNs can effectively augment theater satellite capabilities by addressing
deficiencies in capacity and connectivity.
Satellites are better suited than UAVs for meeting high capacity, worldwide
communications needs.
ACNs can enhance intra-theater and tactical communications capacity and
connectivity by providing 1) more efficient use of bandwidth, 2) extending the range of
existing terrestrial LOS communications systems, 3) extending communication to areas
denied or masked to satellite service, and 4) providing significant improvement in
received power density compared to that of satellites, improving reception and decreasing
vulnerability to jamming. The potential savings in logistics is also significant. In Desert
Storm, the deployment of Army signal units required 40 C-5 sorties and 24 ships. By
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
being largely self-deployable, an endurance UAV-based ACN could reduce the number
of airlift sorties required for communication support by half to two thirds.
DARPA/ATO is developing a modular, scalable communication relay payload
that can be tailored to fly on a RQ-4/Global Hawk and provide theater-wide support (300
nm diameter area of coverage) or on a RQ-7/Shadow for tactical use (60 nm diameter
area). The current program schedule calls for flight demonstrations beginning in 2004
and the addition of a simultaneous SIGINT capability by 2010.
4.2.6 Munitions
If combat UAVs are to achieve most of their initial cost and stealth advantages by
being smaller than their manned counterparts, they will logically have smaller weapons
bays and therefore need smaller weapons. Smaller and/or fewer weapons carried per
mission means lethality must be increased to achieve equal or greater mission
effectiveness. Achieving lethality with small weapons requires precision guidance (in
most cases) and/or more lethal warheads. Ongoing technology programs are providing a
variety of precision guidance options; some are in the inventory now. With the advent of
some innovative wide kill-area warheads, hardening guidance systems, i.e., resistance to
GPS jamming, appears to be the greatest technology requirement.
As for increased lethality, a number of innovative weapons have shown
capabilities that suggest UAV size-compatible weapons could achieve high lethality
against difficult targets. The Naval Surface Weapons Center (NSWC) at Indian Head
Arsenal, MD, has demonstrated a flying plate weapon that can reduce concrete structures
to rubble or perforate steel, giving it the potential to destroy bridge piers, drop structural
elements, and penetrate bunkers. CL-20 is a new, more high-energy explosive that can be
used to provide the explosive power of much larger weapons into very small
configurations. NSWC’s intermetallic incendiary technology generates a 6700
firestorm that cannot be quenched by water, offering the promise of neutralizing
biological and chemical agents. The flechette weapon can disable vehicles, air defense
sites, and similar soft targets with numerous, small, high velocity flechettes. High power
microwave (HPM) technology uses single or repetitive pulses to disrupt or destroy
transistors in command, control, and communication centers and electronics facilities.
The Air Force Air Armament Center’s small smart bomb (SSB), a 6-in diameter, 250-lb
weapon with a 16 to 26-ft circular error probable (CEP) and the destructive power of a
2000-lb bomb, can penetrate 5 feet of concrete to destroy buried command posts and
hardened shelters. Its IOC is 2007.
4.2.7 Payloads Summary
The objective in future UAV payloads, particularly those for the reconnaissance
mission, should not be to simply add more sensors but to extract more and different data
from the sensors at hand. As an example, ONR’s Airborne Reconnaissance Optical
Spotlight System (AROSS) extracts sea mine locations, maps bathymetry contours, and
provides precision mensuration, all from routine EO imagery from a Predator Skyball
The following section is derived largely from the UAV Technologies and Combat Operations study
performed by the USAF Scientific Advisory Board in 1996.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
camera. AROSS is not hardware; it is software, a card in Predator’s imaging chain. Such
key operational information can be being gathered, processed, and eventually provided
simultaneously with Predator’s video surveillance of activities along hostile beaches.
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) takes this concept further into the future,
proposing Sensorcraft, an aircraft designed with maximizing the functionality of its
sensor suite as its foremost criterion. As processor power grows, so increases the
capabilities of onboard sensors to expand on the types and quality of information they
provide today.
4.3 Communication
The key trend in (and CINC requirement for) future airborne communication
systems is increasing data rates, primarily brought on by migration towards higher RF
frequencies and the emerging dominance of optical over RF systems. Optical systems are
laser-based systems, which will offer data rates two to three orders of magnitude greater
than those of the best future RF systems. The advantages of optical communication were
demonstrated in 1996 when a ground-based laser communications (lasercom) system
provided rates of 1.1 terabits/second (Tbps) at over 80 nm range. Airborne and
spaceborne Tbps lasercom systems will certainly be possible by 2025. Although
lasercom will shortly surpass RF in terms of data transfer rate, RF will continue to
dominate at the lower altitudes for some time into the future because of its better all-
weather capability. Thus, both RF and optical technology development will continue to
progress out to 2025.
Information Processing
Coalition Compatible
Data Rate
Information Processing
Coalition Compatible
Data Rate
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
Data compression will remain relevant into the future as long as band-limited
communications exist, but it is unlikely compression algorithms alone will solve the near
term throughput requirements of advanced sensors. A technology that intentionally
discards information is not the preferred technique. For now, compression is a
concession to inadequate bandwidth.
Figure 4.3-2 shows the trend in data rates for both airborne RF and lasercom
communication data links. In the case of RF, limited spectrum and the requirement to
minimize airborne system SWAP have been strong contributors for limiting data rates.
Rates up to 10 GHz (40 times currently fielded capabilities) are considered possible at
current bandwidths by using more bandwidth-efficient modulation methods. At gigahertz
frequencies, RF use becomes increasingly constrained by frequency congestion,
effectively limiting its upper frequency to 10 GHz. Currently fielded digital data links
provide an efficiency varying between 0.92 and 1.5 bps/Hz, where the theoretical
maximum is 1.92.
With airborne lasercom, data rates have held steady for two decades because the
key technical challenge was adequate Pointing, Acquisition, and Tracking (PAT)
technology to ensure the laser link was both acquired and maintained. Although mature
RF systems are viewed as lower risk, therefore attracting investment dollars, BMDO
funding in the 1990s allowed a series of increasingly complex demonstrations at Gbps
rates. The small apertures (3 to 5 in) and widespread availability of low power
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
semiconductor lasers explains why lasercom systems typically weigh 30 to 50 percent
that of comparable RF systems and consume less power. We are approaching the cusp of
a growth curve in lasercom capability.
One innovative developing data link technology offers high bandwidth,
covert communications at extremely low weight and cost. The Naval Research
Laboratory has demonstrated an IR laser data link using a multiple quantum well (MQW)
modulating retro-reflector to pass data at 400-kbps rates from a hovering UAV and
predicts this system could support rates up to 10 Mbps. In the MQW concept, the UAV
carries no communications system at all. Rather, the ground station provides this via a
laser beam focused on a spherical array of voltage modulated polymer panels. Onboard
sensors modulate panel voltages, which cause amplitude and frequency modulation on
beams striking the array's surface. Detection apertures on the ground pick up the
reflected power and demodulate the sensor data. Potentially dozens of ground stations
could simultaneously tap into a single platform's sensor data. MQW technology is
currently considered viable over ranges of only a few kilometers, making it a candidate
for use in micro air vehicles and UAV communications to special operations units.
4.4 Information Processing
Increased onboard processing will be the key enabler of autonomous operations
(AO) for future UAVs. AO is a current capability-push by the Navy in the Office of
Naval Research’s AO Future Naval Capability initiative and by the Air Force as part of
the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Sensorcraft initiative. AFRL has defined ten levels
of autonomous capability (ACLs), shown in Figure 4.4-2, to serve as a standard for
measuring progress. For reference, the RQ-4/Global Hawk is defined as being between
Information Processing
Pattern Recognition
Processor Speed (NRT/RT)
Information Processing
Pattern Recognition
Processor Speed (NRT/RT)
Information Processing
Pattern Recognition
Processor Speed (NRT/RT)
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
ACL 2 and 3 in autonomy. The Navy goal is to demonstrate ACL 7 by 2008, while the
Air Force intends to demonstrate ACL 6 by 2007 and ACL 8 by 2013. In parallel with
developing the technology for AO, the Services must also evolve their doctrines for
employing it. Scalable levels of AO will probably be necessary to accommodate varying
ROEs for contingencies from peacekeeping to force-on-force.
Moore’s Law states the number of transistors on a microprocessor will double
approximately every 12-18 months, enabling a corresponding increase in computing
power. This “law” is based on an observation made by Gordon Moore, Chairman
Emeritus of Intel Corporation, in 1965 and has been remarkably accurate for the past 35
years. It has been the basis for many performance forecasts and is used here to project
the trend in microprocessor speeds for the next 25 years. These speeds directly determine
whether CINCs receive their information in real time (RT), near real time (NRT), or the
next day (ND).
Figure 4.4-3 illustrates this trend in microprocessor speed and extrapolates a trend
based on speeds doubling every 18 months. From it, GHz processors should become
commercially available within the year (2001) and THz (1000 GHz) processors by 2013.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
However, advances in silicon-based microprocessors have a finite limit dictated
by the laws of physics, known as the “point-one limit.” This refers to the smallest
dimension (0.1 micron) of a transistor achievable before, according to quantum theory,
the information-carrying electrons traveling among the transistors can tunnel through this
distance of a few atoms, negating the on/off purpose of the transistor and corrupting data.
Moore’s Law predicts this limit will be reached in the 2015-2020 timeframe. Even
before this limit is reached, the cost of manufacturing silicon chips to ever increasing
precision and tolerances should begin increasing exponentially, reversing the cost/benefit
ratio of each new generation of microchip historically enjoyed by consumers. By one
example, the equipment for a microchip manufacturing line that cost $12,000 in 1968
cost $12,000,000 in 2000 for the same microchip output, and is climbing toward the
billions. This is becoming known as Moore’s Second Law, which recognizes that
economic reality can and will constrain technical progress.
Three technology avenues for extending this deadline are converting microchips
to “microcubes,” replacing the silicon chip with one made of gallium arsenide, and
developing new manufacturing processes for chip production. Silicon microcubes offer
the simplest way to increase the number of transistors while decreasing the distance
electrons have to travel, but will generate so much heat that elaborate (i.e., expensive)
cooling techniques will be required. Microchip substrates made of gallium arsenide offer
ten times the speed of silicon ones due to electrons traveling more easily through its
crystalline architecture, but will eventually face the same point-one limit as silicon.
Finally, the current manufacturing process (lithographic etching by ultraviolet laser) will
need to be replaced by one capable of finer etching, such as that by shorter wavelength x-
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
rays or electron beams. However, the new manufacturing technology needed to etch the
silicon to even reach the point-one limit is not available today. Once this limit is reached,
improvements in microprocessor speeds must come from alternative technologies.
Four alternative technologies currently being researched are optical, biochemical,
molecular, and quantum processing. Progress towards these silicon-alternative
computers, relative to the evolution of silicon technology, is shown in the following table,
with estimates for when the new technology will likely become commercially available
given in italics.
Processor Type: Silicon Optical Biochemical Molecular Quantum
Concept: 1928 1964 1993 1975 1981
(patent) (Bell Labs) (Adleman) (Aviram/Ratner) (Feynman)
Demonstration: 1947 1990 1994 1998 1988
(transistor) (S-SEED) (DNA-based) (ethynylphenyl) (BRTT)
Production: 1958 2000-05 2005-15 2015-25 2025+
Two assertions regarding UAVs and information processing towards the latter
years of this roadmap seem reasonable: UAVs will “come of age” during this period of
transition from silicon to some other based processing, and they will be assigned missions
requiring the utmost in processing power. Therefore, UAVs will be an early, driving
consumer for, and beneficiary of, these emerging processing technologies.
4.5 Current UAV Technologies Research
A recent survey (Table 4.5-1) of Defense research laboratories revealed nearly 70
funded research initiatives are developing UAV-supportive capabilities. In general, these
research efforts are closely aligned with their respective Service’s developmental UAV
programs—UCAV for the Air Force, RQ-7/Shadow 200 for the Army, and VTUAV/Fire
Scout for the Navy. Of the total research investment across all Services (some $1,241M),
62 percent was in platform-related enhancements and 33 percent in payloads. Four
percent was invested in communications and one percent in information processing,
reflecting the dominance of commercial influence in new developments in these two
areas. Of the Air Force’s $716M investment in various research efforts supporting
UAVs, 23 percent focuses on UCAV development and 18 percent on Global Hawk. The
Army’s $104M total has 62 percent focused on TUAV/Shadow 200 support. The Navy’s
$125M total is 52 percent dedicated to VTUAV/Fire Scout. DARPA’s $298M total
supports both UCAVs (34 percent) and Global Hawk (36 percent).
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
Requirements Laboratory Initiative Service/Lab Target UAV(s) Funding*
Platforms 767.2M
Endurance Future ISR Vehicle Technologies USAF/AFRL Generic 24.4M
Joint Expendable Turbine Engine USAF/AFRL Generic 18.9M
USN/ONR Generic 23.0M
VAATE Engine Affordability USAF/AFRL Generic 60.0M
Advanced Propulsion Materials USAF/AFRL Generic 63.1M
Survivablity Canard Rotor/Wing ATD DARPA/TTO Dragonfly 14.6M
EMI Environment
Unadulterated Airflow
High Altitude
Hardpoints UAV Weapons Integration USAF/AFRL Generic 49.6M
Hover A160 Hummingbird ATD DARPA/TTO Hummingbird 29.9M
Power Generation More Electric Aircraft (MEA) USAF/AFRL Generic 38.2M
High Power Materials & Processes USAF/AFRL Generic 4.0M
Large Antenna Array Future ISR Vehicle Technologies USAF/AFRL Generic 24.4M
Reliable Autonomous Control USAF/AFRL Generic 29.1M
Low Cost Airframe Structures USAF/AFRL UCAV 13.8M
Affordable Composite Structures USAF/AFRL UCAV/RQ-4 51.1M
Future ISR Vehicle Technologies USAF/AFRL Generic 24.4M
UCAV Operator Interface USAF/AFRL UCAV 1.9M
Multi-Sensory Interfaces USAF/AFRL RQ-1/UCAV 7.6M
UAV/UCAV Training Research USAF/AFRL UCAV/RQ-1 0.6M
C2 Operator Interfaces USAF/AFRL UCAV 5.2M
UAV/UCAV Maintenance Support USAF/AFRL UCAV 15.7M
Mini UAV (MUAV) USA/NVESD Backpack Mini 7.0M
ALTAIRIS Mission Planning USN/PMA263 VTUAV 0.3M
Shipboard Touchdown Prediction USN/PMA263 VTUAV 0.6M
UAV Autonomy USN/PMA263 VTUAV 61.1M
See And Avoid System (SAAS) USN/PMA263 Generic 0.4M
Autonomy Development Efforts USN/ONR-35 Generic 15.8M
Dragon Eye Mini UAV USN/NRL Dragon Eye 4.0M
Extender Deployable UAV USN/NRL Extender 2.8M
Micro Air Vehicle USN/NRL Mite 3.0M
Micro Air Vehicles DARPA/TTO MAV 8.7M
Payloads 417.8M
Imagery Intelligence SHARP Moving Target ATR USAF/AFRL RQ-4 2.1M
IR Sensors Materials & Processes USAF/AFRL Generic 8.5M
Multi-Mode Tactical Radar ATD USA/CECOM RQ-7/VTUAV 7.2M
LWG Light Weight Gimbal USA/NVESD RQ-7/RQ-1 0.7M
Multi-Mission Modular EO/IR USA/NVESD RQ-7 4.7M
Signals Intelligence Multifunction SIGINT Payload USA/CECOM RQ-7 5.2M
MASINT (CW/BW) Remote Biological Detection ASD(C3I) RQ-7 1.3M
Standoff Chemical Detection ASD(C3I) RQ-7 15.1M
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
Requirements Laboratory Initiative Service/Lab Target UAV(s) Funding
LAMD MSI Minefield Detection USA/NVESD RQ-7 13.4M
Communications Relay VTUAV Communications Payload USN/ONR VTUAV 0.2M
Airborne Communications Node DARPA/ATO Generic 53.0M
Leaflet Dispensing
Hardened/Buried Targets
Other Advanced SEAD Targeting USAF/AFRL UCAV 38.6M
UAV Weapons Integration USAF/AFRL Generic 49.6M
UAV Repetition Rated HPM USAF/AFRL Generic 22.9M
Remote Nuclear Detection USA/SBCCOM RQ-7 1.3M
Time Critical Precision Targeting USN/PMA263 Generic 0.6M
Future Navy VTUAV Payloads USN/PMA263 VTUAV 0.4M
Plug & Play MMP Capability USN/PMA263 VTUAV 2.2M
Airborne GPS Pseudo-Satellite DARPA/SPO Generic 23.0M
Communications 43.2M
Bandwidth Advanced TCDL for UAVs USA/CECOM RQ-7 9.1M
MLAS Multi Link Antenna ACTD USN/PMA263 Generic 10.2M
LPI Techniques
Coalition Compatible
Other Communications Fusion USA/CECOM RQ-7 23.9M
Information Processing 13.0M
Processor Speed
Pattern Recognition Airborne Video Surveillance DARPA/SPO Generic 13.0M
Total: 1,241.2M
*Funding reflects Presidential Budget 01 for FY00 and out.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Section 4.0
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 5.0
5.0 Operations
5.1 Operations Requirements
In addition to the technology-driven components of a UAV system, innovations in
the way these systems are employed can also enhance warfighter capabilities. The IPL
analysis used for identifying technical requirements also revealed operations-related
shortfalls that could be addressed by UAVs--insufficient aircrews, uncertain satellite
availability, and a desire for forward operating locations (FOLs).
5.1.1 Insufficient Aircrews
Aviation physiology regulations have evolved over the better part of a century and
incorporate hard-learned lessons, but the logic underpinning them may not apply, in full
or in part, to UAV operations and indeed may impede them unnecessarily. Their
underlying assumption is that the flying environment imposes unique stresses (noise,
temperature, reduced air pressure, confinement) on the human body, which requires
limits to flight duration, recovery time between flights, and restriction for certain medical
conditions. Obviously, UAV crews do not operate in this environment, opening the need
to reexamine the absolute applicability of these regulations and offering the potential for
a new paradigm in aircrew management.
Of the currently fielded UAV ground control stations (GCS), only one (Predator)
incorporates a stick and rudder pedals which translate the pilot’s (or Air Vehicle
Operator’s - AVO’s) inputs into aircraft maneuvers. The trend in GCSs is to provide the
Information Processing
Insufficient Crews
Aircraft vs. Satellite Support
Information Processing
Insufficient Crews
Aircraft vs. Satellite Support
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 5.0
AVO with a mouse and keyboard with which to type in changes to route, altitude, etc.
Even the external pilot functions for the Pioneer and the Hunter are being automated in
the Fire Scout and the Shadow 200. Both the old and new GCSs require “airmanship,”
that familiarity with the flying environment (radio calls, weather evaluation, time and
distance judgment, alternatives, etc.) and its requirement for thinking in three dimensions
while moving, but only the stick and rudder pedal-based GCSs require the unique skill
(foot, hand, eye coordination) of a pilot. For all future GCSs, the mission planning (and
inflight replanning) and airmanship skills of rated non-pilots more closely match the
requisite skills for a UAV operator/mission commander. Their use would widen the pool
of Service resources from which to draw future UAV operators.
Even manned aircraft with augmented crews have limits to their duty day, thereby
defining the aircraft’s endurance. In contrast, a UAV operation should be able to rotate
fresh aircrew members into their positions on a shift basis for as long as the aircraft can
remain airborne. At typical overseas detachments of ISR aircraft (U-2s, RC-135s), three
to five crews fly four to five 6-12 hour sorties per week. If the same number of UAV
crews were used, using 6 to 8 hour shifts, they should be capable of conducting 7x24
operations for the same period or longer, a significant increase in crew availability. In
the mid term, the paradigm of one crew, one aircraft should also give way to a concept
(and a capability) of one crew, multiple aircraft, further multiplying the availability ratio.
The aircrew aspect of the low density/high demand problem for certain
missions may be mitigated by examining current crew duty day, crew qualification,
and medical restrictions for relevance to a ground-based flying environment.
5.1.2 Aircraft vs. Satellite Support
The trade offs between aircraft and satellites are most apparent in the CINCs’
command, control, and communications (C
) requirements. The satellite is accessible
over a wide area, is relatively secure, and is logistics-free. However, transponders are not
always available when needed (18 month waits per transponder are typical), and when
they are, they can be congested and costly to lease (on average $5 million per year per
transponder). A high altitude, endurance aircraft acting as a pseudo-satellite provides an
alternative in return for surrendering some of the satellite’s footprint area and reduced
vulnerability advantages. In return, it offers a number of advantages:
The opportunity to upgrade old or install new capabilities on a “between
missions” basis, compared to SATCOMs, which may be using 10 to 20-year-old
technology by the end of their life.
By orbiting at 10 nm altitude instead of 22,000 nm, the airborne communications
node is far less vulnerable to jamming and better able to receive weak or low
power transmissions by a factor of 40 dB when 100 nm away to 60 dB when
For coalition warfare considerations, aircraft-collected intelligence has
historically been more readily downgraded for release than intelligence
originating from satellites.
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 5.0
5.1.3 Forward Operation Locations
CINC-expressed desires to negotiate access to forward operating locations in their
theaters underlie their desire for being able to react more immediately to local situations.
Endurance aircraft have demonstrated the capability to provide this access by traversing
oceans and performing missions before returning to their CONUS base; Aerosonde
spanned the Atlantic nonstop in August 1998 and Global Hawk flew a round trip mission
from Florida to Portugal in May 2000. Both successfully coordinated their flights with
multiple national authorities on both sides and transited international airspace shared by
civilian airliners without incident. As such capability becomes operationalized,
endurance UAVs can offer an alternative to dependence on FOLs, with their attendant
negotiations, lease costs, and security risks. The mechanics of unmanned overflight, such
as obtaining civil aviation authority approval, are being built now with experiences like
those above, though much work remains to be done. The politics of overflight, manned
or unmanned, will remain a situational issue, occasionally requiring endurance aircraft to
sacrifice some of their time on station for a more circuitous routing when permission is
5.2 Operational Concepts Development
The potential for UAVs to be used in new and innovative ways has long been
acknowledged by many in the military establishment. It is the function of the Service
battle labs to convert such assumptions into demonstrations of practical application.
Originally an Army concept (1992), battle labs have been recently established by the
Services to address, in the Army’s words, “categories of military activity where there
appears to be the greatest potential for change from current concepts and capabilities, and
simultaneously, the areas where new requirements are emerging.” The dynamic nature of
these emerging requirements underscores the importance of continued funding for these
organizations. UAV employment has figured prominently in the short history of these
5.2.1 Air Force
The Air Force established its UAV Battlelab in 1997 at Eglin AFB, FL, to explore
and demonstrate the worth of innovative UAV operational concepts (as distinct from new
systems or tactics) in key emerging areas. Its goal is to create opportunities, with
minimal investment, for the Air Force to impact current UAV organizations, doctrine,
training, and future requirements and acquisitions. The Air Force UAVB conducts four
to six “experiments” annually, employing a variety of UAVs and UAV surrogates.
Notable firsts among its efforts have been applying the Traffic Collision/Avoidance
System (TCAS) to better integrate manned and unmanned flight operations; evaluating
UAVs to supplement base security forces (in conjunction with the Air Force Force
Protection Battlelab); using UAVs as the “eyes” for an E-8/Joint Surveillance, Targeting,
and Attack Radar System (JSTARS) in coordinated Scud missile hunts; and proving the
military utility of real time UAV reconnaissance support to Special Tactics Teams.
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 5.0
5.2.2 Navy & Marine Corps
The Marine Corps Warfighting Lab (MCWL) was created at Quantico, VA, in 1995.
It is responsible for developing new operational concepts, tactics, techniques, procedures,
and technologies to prepare Marines for future combat. It has participated in UAV
development for integration into battalion-level-and-below forces. In addition to
integrating DragonDrone UAVs into its recent series of Limited Objective Experiments
(LOEs) supporting Capable Warrior, MCWL has funded development of three new
UAVs (described in section 2.3.2), each tailored to specific requirements supporting the
Operational Maneuver From The Sea (OMFTS) concept.
The Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center (NSAWC) at NAS Fallon, NV, began
supporting concept of operations development for integrating RQ-1/Predators into Fleet
training exercises in 1998. To date, these efforts have focused on the time critical
targeting and battlespace dominance missions. It has participated in the naval utility
evaluation of the RQ-4/Global Hawk during its ACTD by serving as a node to receive
imagery during Global Hawk’s flight to Alaska in 1999. In 2000, NSAWC was selected
to initiate the feasibility phase of a joint test and evaluation program addressing the use of
UAVs in time sensitive operations.
The Naval Warfare Development Command’s Maritime Battle Center (MBC),
established at Newport, RI, in 1996, typically conducts two Fleet Battle Experiments
(FBEs) each year to explore new technologies and operational concepts in both live and
virtual scenarios. UAVs have participated in FBE-Echo (Predator in 1999) and FBE-
Hotel (Pioneer and Dakota II in 2000). In the latter, both UAVs attempted to positively
identify time critical targets within a 110 nm
5.2.3 Army
Although none of its six battle labs begun in 1992 is dedicated to UAVs, the majority
of the Army’s battle labs have been involved in exploring various UAV operational
concepts. Most notable have been the application, in concert with the MCWL, of UAVs
(Camcopter in November 1997) and micro air vehicles in urban warfare scenarios
supporting the Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) ACTD at the Dismounted
Battle Space Battle Lab at Ft. Benning, GA. The Mounted Maneuver Battle Lab at Ft
Knox, KY, which focuses on brigade-level-and-below, has an extensive resume of UAV
involvement with small UAVs for the scouting role and with UAV modeling.
TRADOC’s Systems Manager (TSM) for UAVs at Ft. Huachuca, AZ, is the Army’s
central manager for all combat development activities involving UAVs
5.2.4 Joint
I)’s Joint Technology Center/System Integration Laboratory (JTC/SIL) was
established by the former Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office (DARO) in 1996 at
the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, AL. Its mission is to provide technical support for
virtual prototyping, common software and interfaces, software verification and
validation, interactive user training, and advanced warfighting experiments (AWEs) for a
broad variety of tactical and strategic reconnaissance assets, as well as C
I systems and
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 5.0
interfaces. It has focused on two programs supporting UAVs, the Tactical Control
System (TCS) and the Multiple Unified Simulation Environment (MUSE). MUSE is
being used to explore operational concepts and train for the Army’s Tactical UAV.
JFCOM is in the process of establishing the Joint Operational Test Bed System
(JOTBS) to explore UAV and C4I interoperability concepts and procedures that benefit
the joint warfighter.
5.3 Reliability & Sustainability
A recent Israeli study of its UAV mishaps after having accumulated 80,000 hours of
operations (the U.S. fleet is at the 50,000 hour mark) showed the following breakout of
responsibilities for their mishaps.
By instituting reliability improvements in three of the above areas (flight control
systems, propulsion, and operator training), which have historically accounted for 75
percent of UAV mishaps, the overall mishap rate for UAVs could be significantly
reduced, resulting in appreciable savings in attrition aircraft acquisition costs. Further
savings could result from decreased line maintenance due to advancing technologies,
which will negate the need for hydraulic systems, analog sensors, and internal
combustion engines. The challenge is to make tradeoffs so the recurring savings of a
reliability enhancement exceeds the nonrecurring investment, and potentially decreased
performance, required to make the enhancement. The potential savings from
improvements in these three areas make a strong case for identifying and
incorporating such reliability enhancements in existing and all future UAV designs.
5.4 Training
The training implications of UAVs are potentially great. Today’s manned aircraft
are flown over 95% (50% for ISR aircraft) of the time for peacetime training of aircrews,
with the attendant operations and maintenance cost, because aircrews must practice in
their environment to maintain their flying proficiency. Remove the aircrew and today’s
costly training paradigm requires reexamination. UAV operators could receive the
majority of their training in simulators, making their training and qualification
significantly less expensive in terms of cost and time to qualify. By decoupling flight
Flight Control System
Operator Error
Electrical System
Flight Control System
Operator Error
Electrical System
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 5.0
training from the number of training aircraft available, larger numbers of UAV operators
may be trained in a given period. More air vehicle operators would help mitigate today’s
low-density/high-demand operational tempo problem. Lower sortie rates could also lead
to related reductions in certain support personnel, with their associated training and
sustainment costs.
While the potential for savings in training is generally acknowledged, the extent
of such savings have not yet been demonstrated (see DARPA effort below). Some level
of actual UAV training flying will be required in peacetime to develop techniques and
tactics for cooperative missions with manned aircraft—perhaps more to train the manned
aircraft crews to operate with UAVs than for the benefit of the UAV crews. Service-
unique operating environments, such as aboard aircraft carriers, will also impact the
extent to which savings in training can be realized. In addition to the operators, the
“boxed aircraft” concept poses significant challenges for training and maintaining a
maintenance/logistics support capability ready to support surge or wartime operations
A new paradigm for UAV crew training could evolve that more closely parallels
that for recent Navy student pilots using COTS flight simulator software to supplement
their traditional flight training. Actual flights would of course still support exercises and
real world operations (see Figure 5.4-1). However, initial training, mission qualification,
and proficiency training could be conducted largely in simulators, while most of the
aircraft remain in ready boxes for months or years at a time. DARPA is exploring this
concept by requiring its UCAV to be storable for up to 10 years from production delivery
to first flight in specially designed containers optimized for airlift. These hermetically-
sealed containers will incorporate monitors and access ports to enable maintenance
personnel to check the aircraft’s status without unboxing it.
While such a “build, box, fly” concept holds promise for reducing UAV
operations and support costs (see section 6.3.3) over their life cycle, it also contains
several cautions prior to being adopted, to include:
Even in such a concept, some critical level of maintenance manpower must be
retained to support surge and/or wartime requirements.
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 5.0
Base infrastructure otherwise not needed to support unmanned operations (altitude
chambers, etc.) must be retained to support global mobility requirements for manned
assets as well.
Service “train as you fight” doctrines will require unmanned assets to fly training
missions with manned assets to train their aircrews in cooperative tactics, regardless
of the needs of the UAV.
5.5 Communication Infrastructure
The shortage in long haul, wideband other-the-horizon communications will be
exacerbated as future ISR platforms, manned and unmanned, are fielded, as
described in section 4.2.5. This shortage takes two forms, insufficient bandwidth and
lack of coverage in some geographic areas, which can directly constrict global UAV
deployment. This infrastructure needs to be increased as these platforms, including
UAVs, are fielded.
5.6 Cooperative UAV Flight
Brig Gen Daniel P. Leaf, commander of the USAF Air Expeditionary Wing at
Aviano, Italy, during Operation Allied Force, identified three capabilities needed by
UAVs to fly safely and effectively with manned aircraft, based on his experience with
both over Kosovo:
Massing – the ability to come together as a formation to overwhelm defenses and
minimize losses;
“Rolexing” – the ability to adjust mission timing on the move to compensate for
inevitable changes to plans and still make the time-on-target;
Situational Awareness (SA) – expanding the soda-straw field of view used by
current UAVs that negatively affects their ability to provide SA for themselves,
much less for others in a formation.
Although manned versus unmanned flight was deconflicted by segregated airspace
over Kosovo, the goal of cooperative UAV flight is to conduct operations in integrated
airspace. UAVs will have to communicate and interact with each other and with manned
aircraft to achieve maximum effectiveness. Consequently they will be required to
position themselves when and where needed for optimum use. This positioning will
range from station keeping in wide spread constellations to close formation with other
UAVs and/or manned aircraft. Such cooperation will enable survivable penetration of
defended airspace and permit time compressed coordinated target attacks. The
development of the necessary command and control, communications, sensor and
weapon technologies, along with their associated software, will be central to fielding
these breakthrough capabilities.
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
6.0 Roadmap
This section brings together the requirements and desired capabilities (section 3)
with emerging technological (section 4) and operational opportunities (section 5) in an
effort to stimulate the planning process for Department UAV development over the next
25 years. It attempts, through a limited number of examples, to demonstrate a process for
selecting opportunities for solving selected shortfalls in capability and incorporating these
solutions in Service-planned UAV systems (see Figure 6.2-1). The key question
addressed in this section is: When will the technologies required to enable the CINCs’
desired capabilities become available?
6.1 Operational Metrics
To relate the priorities expressed by the CINCs in section 3 to the technologies
coming available within the next 25 years (section 4), a number of operational metrics
(see Table 6.1-1) were devised for this Roadmap. To use the road atlas analogy again,
the CINCs’ desired capabilities represent destinations, the technologies possible routes to
them, and these metrics mileposts to indicate progress toward the requirements. They
identify specific opportunities for future capabilities to satisfy the warfighters’ needs. All
references to years are for dates when these capabilities are expected to become available
for fielding. Some of the capabilities described have already been demonstrated in labs;
others, primarily in the communications and processing areas, will soon be emerging in
commercial applications.
Component Requirement Operational Metrics Timeframe
Platforms Endurance 1. Achieve 20% increased time-on-station with same fuel load 2005
2. Achieve 30% increased time-on-station with same fuel load 2010
3. Achieve 40% increased time-on-station with same fuel load 2015
Signature 4. Field a UAV inaudible from 500 to 1000 ft slant range 2004
Payloads Resolution 5. Distinguish armed from unarmed individuals from 4 nm 2002
6. Distinguish facial features (identify individuals) from 4 nm 2005
7. Achieve 12 in SAR resolution over a 10 nm wide swath 2000
8. Achieve 6 in SAR resolution over a 10 nm wide swath 2002
9. Achieve 3 in SAR resolution over a 10 nm wide swath 2005
10. Achieve 3 in SAR resolution over a 20 nm wide swath 2010
Data Links Data Rate 11. Relay entire COMINT spectrum in real time 2005
12. Relay entire ELINT spectrum in real time 2025+
13. Relay 10-band multi-spectral imagery in real time 2000
14. Relay 100-band hyper-spectral imagery in real time 2010
15. Relay 1000-band ultra-spectral imagery in real time 2025+
Information Processor 16. Map surf zone sea mines in near real time 2002
Processing Speed 17. Map surf zone sea mines in real time 2016
18. Reduce DTED level 5 data in near real time 2009
19. Reduce DTED level 5 data in real time 2022
Metrics for endurance and signature reduction were defined to show how future
UAV platform performance could be enhanced to meet the CINCs priorities. The
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
endurance metrics seek to provide 20-, 30-, and 40-percent increases in flight endurance
by equivalent improvements in specific fuel consumption (SFC) for a given engine type
and constant fuel weight. Figure 4.1.2-1 predicts these increases should be attainable,
due to such efforts as the AFRL’s Versatile, Affordable, Advanced Turbine Engine
(VAATE) program, by 2005, 2010, and 2015 respectively. These percentages equate to
20-, 30-, and 40-percent more time on station for the same number of deployed aircraft
used today, helping address the coverage shortfall identified by the majority of the
CINCs. The signature metric, driven by the CINCs’ priorities for enhancing force
protection, is to provide a UAV that is inaudible from 1000 ft, and ideally from 500 ft,
slant range to preclude detection by base intruders. Figure 4.1.2-2 anticipates the mass
specific power of fuel cell-powered engines will equal or exceed that of noisy internal
combustion engines by 2004, enabling their use in fielding a silent airborne sentry.
To illustrate future payload opportunities, resolution metrics for EO/IR sensors
and SARs were developed. Based on a recurring scenario in many theaters—an embassy
or non-combatant evacuation from a foreign city—CINCs need a standoff sensor to avoid
both further inciting the local populace and/or being downed by MANPADs (e.g., SA-
7/14) with maximum ranges of up to 4 nm. Such sensors should be capable of
distinguishing armed from unarmed persons, and, ideally, identifying specific
individuals. The former capability requires video imagery with a GRD of 4-8 in, NIIRS
8, and an instantaneous field of view of 0.014 mrad; the latter requires a 2-4 in GRD,
NIIRS 9, and a 0.007 mrad IFOV. Figure 4.2.2-1 predicts that improved focal plane
arrays could enable today’s gimbaled EO/IR sensor turrets to reach these levels of
resolution by 2002 and 2005, respectively. For area searches, today’s best SARs can
image the equivalent of a 10 nm wide swath at 12 in resolution. The metrics chosen are
to halve this resolution (6 in), then halve it again (3 in) for the same swath width, then to
double the swath width covered to 20 nm and again achieve 6 and 3 in resolution. Figure
4.2.2-2 forecasts these capabilities being fielded by 2001 (6 in), and 2005 (3 in) for 10
nm wide swaths, and by 2010 (3 in) for 20 nm wide swaths.
Advances in UAV data links were measured in terms of data rate-based metrics
needed for relaying unprocessed SIGINT and uncompressed multi-spectral imagery in
real time. Such capabilities would contribute strongly to ensuring CINCs receive ISR
information inside their opponents’ decision cycles. For SIGINT, the capability to relay
the entire COMINT spectrum or the entire ELINT spectrum was chosen. Figure 4.3-2
forecasts the communications technology for these opportunities could be fielded by
2005 and 2025+, respectively. For IMINT, the ability to relay successive 10-band multi-
spectral (MSI) at 0.16 Gb/image, 100-band hyper-spectral (HSI) at 1.6 Gb, and 1000-
band ultra-spectral imagery (USI) at 16 Gb, all at 1 sec intervals was chosen. These
levels should be reached by 2000, 2010, and 2025+, respectively. Of course any decision
to increase reliance on lasercoms would potentially allow the necessary data rates to be
achieved sooner.
Finally, metrics were developed for information processing based on CINC
prioritization of, and emerging technology in, counter mine warfare. The technology is
that of ONR’s Airborne Remote Optical Spotlight System (AROSS), which currently
employs 500 MHz processing over 48 hrs to extract images of broaching sea mines from
Predator UAV Skyball video. After optimizing AROSS’ software, this process will still
require an hour between imaging and results being available for dissemination. Using
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
faster processors in the future, this time could be reduced to near real time (20 min) using
1.5 GHz processing, or to real time (1 sec) with 1800 GHz processing speeds. Moore’s
Law, as shown in Figure 4.4-1, predicts such levels of processing speed should become
available in 2002 and 2016, respectively, but the latter date is within the period during
which the limits of silicon-based processing will reach its limits, so real time mapping of
sea mines may have to depend on alternative forms of computing. The same limit is
encountered to reduce IFSAR data to DTED level 5 maps of a 150 x 150 nm area in near
real time (2009) and real time (2022). Both examples illustrate an important caveat of the
trends developed in section 4 and applied to operational tasks here, that of recognizing
the limits to a given technology’s growth.
The upper half of Figure 6.2-1 plots the predicted appearance of these 19 metrics
over the next 25 years, with the date of each centered within a 5-year window of
estimated initial availability for fielding.
6.2 UAV Roadmap for 2000-2025
By bringing together a plot of the predicted appearance of the listed metrics with a
timeline of current/planned DoD UAV programs (Fig. 2.4-1), a roadmap of opportunities
for applying emerging capabilities to forthcoming UAVs is created. This roadmap (Fig.
6.2-1) displays 19 such opportunities over the next 25 years.
6.3 Comparative Costs of Manned vs. Unmanned Aircraft
Any full and fair comparison of manned and unmanned aircraft costs must
consider the three phases of any weapon system’s life cycle cost: development,
procurement, and operations & support (O&S). Any such comparison should also ensure
equivalency in scenarios and missions are used, but without making one conform to the
other’s tactics or mode of operation. It is not necessary that a single UAV replicate its
manned counterpart’s performance; what matters is whether the UAV can functionally
achieve the same mission objectives more cost effectively.
6.3.1 Development Costs
UAVs have been developed for DoD use through (1) contractor initiatives (e.g.,
Shadow 200), (2) defense acquisition (milestone) programs (e.g., the Aquila UAV), and
(3) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations, or ACTDs (ex: Predator). The
shorter ACTD timelines (3-5 years vice a decade or more) and lessened oversight
requirements have provided an alternative means for several recent UAV programs to
rapidly reach Milestone II. The comparisons below (Table 6.3.1-1) show the adjusted
costs to reach first flight, whether for manned or unmanned aircraft, by traditional or
ACTD approach, has historically been essentially the same. This is reasonable given that
the engineering required to get a new design airborne is driven more by aerodynamics
and propulsion than by human factors and avionics.
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
FIGURE 6.2-1: UAV ROADMAP, 2000-2025.
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
Mission/Aircraft Program First Interval Type of Program/ Cost to
Start Flight Program Sponsor First Flight
U-2 Dec 54 Aug 55 8 mos SAP*/CIA $243M
RQ-4/Global Hawk Oct 94 Feb 98 41 ACTD/DARPA $205M
F-16 Feb 72 Jan 74 23 DAB*/USAF $103M
X-45/UCAV Apr 98 Mar 01 35 ATD/DARPA $102M
Reconnaissance, Penetrating
SR-71 Aug 59 Apr 62 32 SAP/CIA $915M
D-21 Mar 63 Feb 65 23 SAP/USAF $174M
XST/Have Blue (F-117) Apr 76 Dec 77 20 SAP/USAF $103M
RQ-3/DarkStar Jun 94 Mar 96 21 ACTD/DARPA $134M
*SAP = Special Access Program; DAB = Defense Acquisition Board (Milestone Process)
6.3.2 Procurement Costs
The aviation industry has long recognized an informal rule, based on historical
experience, that the production cost of an aircraft is directly proportional to its empty
weight (before mission equipment is added). That figure is currently some $1500 per
pound (based on Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) in FY94 dollars). Estimates of the weight
attributable to the pilot (ejection seat, displays, oxygen system, pressurization system,
survival equipment, canopy, etc.) are 3000 lbs for single seat aircraft and 5000 lbs for a
dual seat cockpit, or 10 to 15 percent of the manned aircraft’s empty weight. The implied
savings of $4.5 to 7.5 million, however, must be applied to the “ground cockpit” of the
UAV aircrew. Conversely, this ground control station can be capable of simultaneously
flying multiple UAVs, somewhat restoring the advantage in cost to the unmanned system.
Additionally, the GCS is a one time procurement cost regardless of the number of UAVs
fielded during the life cycle of any particular system.
To illustrate this trade-off in procurement costs, compare a number of single seat
F-16s at $30 million each with the cost of a “de-manned” F-16 ($25 million by
subtracting out 3000 lb at $1500/lb) having a GCS of equal cost, then with DARPA’s
UCAV counterpart costing $10 million each and a GCS cost equal to that of two UCAVs
($20 million):
No. of F-16 Demanned Potential UCAV Potential
Aircraft Cost F-16 Cost +GCS Savings Cost+GCS Savings
1 $30 million $50 million -$20 million $30 million + $0 million
2 $60 $75 -$15 $40 + $20
3 $90 $100 -$10 $50 + $40
4 $120 $125 -$ 5 $60 + $60
5 $150 $150 0 $70 + $80
6 $180 $175 +$ 5 $80 + $100
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
The outcomes illustrated here are that (1) acquiring a de-manned version of a
manned aircraft requires its GCS to be able to control a large number of simultaneous
sorties (in this case six) to achieve a relatively small savings, compared to (2) acquiring a
“clean sheet design” UAV, which offers a greater potential for procurement savings, in
this case two flights (four aircraft each) of the comparable UCAV system for the same
cost as one four-ship flight of F-16s.
6.3.3 Operations & Support Costs
Merely subtracting out that weight directly attributable to the aircrew being
onboard (i.e., de-manning an existing aircraft type) does not encompass the total savings
offered by a “clean sheet” unmanned design optimized for the same mission. Compare
the objective of the DARPA/Boeing UCAV to deliver two 1000-lb JDAMs over a 650
nm radius to using today’s F-16 for that mission. The weapon delivery performance for
the two (i.e., 1.3 million lb-nm) is essentially the same, but the cost of the 7500-lb UCAV
is to be half or less than that of the 19,000-lb F-16. The UCAV is to have a design life of
5,000 hrs, half of which could be spent in combat operations under a form of build, box,
fly CONOPS. The 8,000-hour F-16 will spend 95 percent of its inflight life conducting
training sorties, accumulating some 400 hours supporting combat operations before
retirement. The depreciation rate, in terms of dollars per combat hour flown, of the
UCAV is one twelfth (six times the hours at half the initial investment) that of the F-16 in
this example, implying UCAVs could suffer 12 times the combat loss rate of F-16s and
still be cost effective by the standards applied to today’s manned fighters.
Seventy percent of non-combat aircraft losses are attributed to human error, and a
large percentage of the remaining losses have this as a contributing factor. Although
aircraft are modified, training emphasized, and procedures changed as a result of these
accidents, the percentage attributed to the operator remains fairly unchanged. Three
factors should combine in unmanned operations to significantly reduce this percentage.
First, UAVs today have demonstrated the ability to operate completely
autonomously from takeoff through roll out after landing; Global Hawk is one example.
Software-based performance, unlike its human counterpart, is guaranteed to be repeatable
when circumstances are repeated. With each UAV accident, the aircraft’s software can
be modified to remedy the situation causing the latest mishap, “learning” the corrective
action indelibly. Although software maturity induces its own errors over time, in the long
term this process could asymptotically reduce human-error induced losses to near zero.
Losses due to mechanical failures will still occur because no design or manufacturing
process produces perfect parts.
Second, the need to conduct training and proficiency sorties with unmanned
aircraft actually flying could be reduced in the near term with high fidelity
simulators. Such simulations could become indistinguishable from actual sorties to the
UAV operator with the use of virtual reality-based simulators, explored by AFRL’s
Armstrong Lab, and physiologically-based technology, like the Tactile Situation
Awareness System (TSAS). The Navy Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory
(NAMRL) developed TSAS to reduce operator saturation by visual information. It has
been tested in various manned aircraft and has potential applicability for UAV operators.
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
The system uses a vest with air-actuated tactors to tap the user in the direction of drift,
gravity, roll, etc.; the tempo of the tapping indicates the rate of drift. Results have shown
that use of the TSAS increases operator situational awareness and reduces workload.
Third, with such simulators, the level of actual flying done by UAVs can be
reduced, resulting in fewer aircraft losses and lowered attrition expenditures. Of 265
total U.S. F-16 losses to date, 4 have been in combat and the rest (98 percent) in training
accidents. While some level of actual UAV flying will be required to train manned
aircraft crews in executing cooperative missions with UAVs, a substantial reduction in
peacetime UAV attrition losses can probably be achieved.
6.4 Key Issues
Any list of issues on an evolving topic such as UAV assimilation into our armed
forces reflects the controversy surrounding it and therefore becomes controversial itself
for what is and is not included. The four issues discussed below were chosen to address
the technical (architecture), regulatory (airspace), political (treaty implications), and
organizational dimensions of this controversy.
6.4.1 Architecture
The most fundamental, technology-driven decision facing UAV planners early in
the 2000-2025 timeframe is whether to migrate towards an air-centric (processor based)
or a ground-centric (communications based) architecture. In the case of the former,
relatively autonomous UAVs with minimal ground infrastructure and direct downlinks to
users will be the norm. For the latter, UAVs will be remoted “dumb” sensors feeding a
variety of sensory data into a centralized ground node which builds a detailed, integrated
picture for the users. Hybrid architectures, in which processing is begun on the aircraft
and completed on the ground and transmission requirements are reduced by using
recorders and/or data compression techniques, are used by today’s reconnaissance
aircraft. This architecture exists because the capabilities of current processors and data
links are inadequate by themselves to handle the amount of data generated by today’s
sensor suites. Data compression techniques are the most prevalent workaround for
insufficient onboard processing speed and data link data rate constraints.
At some future point, sufficient onboard processing power for the worst case
information processing requirement, such as streaming video of ultra spectral imaging
(thousands of spectral bands), will be reached. At that point the answer, vice the data that
provided it, will become the driver for the data link’s capacity, downsizing its
requirement drastically. As an illustration, a future UAV system searching for “tanks
under trees” (TUT) with a hyper-spectral imaging sensor would process and exploit its
imagery onboard in real time, then relay the coordinates and certainty of identification of
all tank suspects found over a 9.6 kbps link, simultaneously with the UAV’s health and
status. This becomes an air-centric (processor driven) architecture, in which UAVs
become highly autonomous extensions of man, drawing their own conclusions onboard
and distributing their answers directly to users.
Alternatively, data link capacities, having far outdistanced the worst case data rate
requirement, reach the theoretical saturation of the RF and optical spectrums. At this
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
point, transmitting the unprocessed TUT data off-board and deriving the answer on the
ground becomes the more timely process. The UAV in effect becomes a pair of
unthinking eyes attached to a bent pipe, passing what its sensors see to the ground
without impeding the flow with any onboard processing. This becomes a ground-centric
architecture, in which UAVs become highly dependent extensions of man, routing their
data to a central node before further distribution.
These two extremes in architecture assume that, ultimately, there is a limit to how
much information needs to be collected to satisfy the operator’s requirements. As a
gauge, the entire Encyclopedia Britannica consists of 1.3 Gb, a 100-band HSI image 1.6
Gb, and a 1000-band USI image 16 Gb; USI video, at 30 frames a second, would
generate 480 Gbps as a data rate. As shown in section 4.3.4, such transmission rates
could potentially be achieved by optical communications in the 2020 timeframe, but
probably not ever by RF systems.
6.4.2 Airspace Integration
The most recognized contemporary issue concerning UAVs (Remotely Operated
Aircraft, or ROAs, in FAA terminology) is how to safely integrate unmanned flight into
the National Airspace System (NAS), which since its inception has been geared for
manned flight. Standards must be established to allow UAVs to operate flexibly within
the NAS, even for high altitude missions involving flight above all civil traffic, because
UAVs reach such altitudes only after climbing through potentially crowded airspace.
Such transits through the NAS while enroute from CONUS bases to overseas operating
areas, like that performed recently by Global Hawk (Florida to Portugal for NATO’s
Linked Seas exercise in May 2000), will become increasingly common.
Emergency/weather diversions through the NAS into alternate enroute airfields will
eventually occur. Smaller tactical UAVs are also growing users of the NAS,
participating in border patrol, counterdrug, and joint exercises requiring their flight
within the NAS. Precedents set with the FAA for the NAS then need to be applied to the
ICAO for governing UAV flights in international airspace. Such integration into civilian,
peacetime airspace is above and beyond that required for integrating UAVs into the Air
Tasking Order for a war zone, as discussed in section 5.5.
Establishing these standards is the responsibility of the FAA, whose overarching
goal is to ensure safe air operations. The Services, through such organizations as the Air
Force Flight Standards Agency (AFFSA), ensure military aircraft operations comply with
the FAA standards and thus share responsibility for safe airspace integration.
Airworthiness standards ensure aircraft are constructed for safe and reliable operation.
Air operation standards ensure pilots and mechanics are trained and proficient to a
common level. Air traffic standards ensure aircraft are channeled in time, altitude, and
geography to reduce the risk of midair collisions. In the United States (as well as
elsewhere in the world), specific versions of these standards have been developed for air
carriers (passenger and freight airlines), general aviation, helicopters, homebuilt aircraft,
gliders, and lighter-than-air craft, but not for UAVs. FAA Order 7610.4, a standard for
military (not civil) UAV operations and aircrew qualifications, went into effect on 1 May
1999; the civil version(s) of this standard awaits the manifestation of a need, i.e., a
commercial market developing. This order requires military users to obtain a Certificate
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
of Authorization (COA), good for 1 year, up to 60 days prior to flight, thereby treating
UAV flights as extraordinary, vice routine, events. Draft Advisory Circulars, which are
official FAA documents that define issues and recommend solutions, but are not
regulatory in nature, addressing these three areas for civil/commercial UAVs, were
prepared in 1996. The current state of FAA and NATO regulations governing UAVs is
shown below:
User Air Worthiness Aircrew Qualification Air Traffic/Operations
FAA Civil Advisory Circular Advisory Circular Advisory Circular
Status Draft Draft Draft
FAA Military Not applicable Order 7610.4 Order 7610.4
Status In effect, May 99 In effect, May 99
NATO AC/92-D/967 AC/92-D967 AC/92-D967
Status Working paper Working paper Working paper
The FAA is on the verge of changing its entire approach to managing air traffic,
and, as with any paradigm shift, an opportunity exists to piggyback change on change—
in this case by also introducing a new paradigm for UAV flying. The vision for future
UAV operations should be one in which the UAV pilot can check the sky, decide to
fly, file a flight plan, and be airborne, all within the same day. The coming paradigm
for manned air traffic is “free flight,” a shift from ground-centric to air-centric air traffic
control, to be implemented with the introduction of Global Air Traffic Management
(GATM) by 2010. GATM offers savings in fuel and time by flying shorter, more direct
routes and more efficient and safe use of increasingly congested airspace. GATM relies
on implementing Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), which employs
a combination of Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), transponders, and GPS
aboard each aircraft broadcasting its location to a bubble of airspace around it. When
bubbles approach one another, each system automatically diverts its aircraft from
possible collision; if one fails, the remaining one is sufficient to ensure collision
avoidance. See and avoid becomes automated and independent of visibility in
environments where all traffic is participating (i.e., GATM compliant). In such an
environment, the manned and the unmanned become equally responsible users of the
NAS, and the need for separate standards largely disappears.
6.4.3 Treaty Considerations
Initiatives to modify existing reconnaissance UAVs to deliver ordnance or to
develop new unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) for flight testing or deployment
as a weapon—that is any mechanism or device, which, when directed against any target,
is designed to damage or destroy it—must be reviewed in accordance with DoD Directive
2060.1 for compliance with all applicable treaties. Examples of treaties that may be
considered include: 1) the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, 2) the
1990 Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty, and 3) the 1991 Strategic
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
Arms Reduction Treaty (START). As is the practice for all programs, determinations
will be made on a case-by-case basis with regard to treaty compliance of armed UAVs or
6.4.4 Organizational Responsibilities
Although no single focal point for managing Defense Department UAV efforts
exists, cross-Service oversight responsibilities for UAV development have been divided
among the following organizations:
USD(AT&L) – acquisition and technology oversight
I) – policy, interoperability standards, and ISR systems oversight
JCS/JROC – CINC priorities evaluation and requirements formulation
The Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office (DARO) served as this focal point
from 1993-98. Created by Congress to oversee all airborne reconnaissance matters
(manned and unmanned), its notable UAV accomplishments included flight testing of
four new UAV designs (Predator, DarkStar, Global Hawk, and Outrider) via ACTDs, two
of which emerged from the process with recommendations to go to production,
establishing the Common Imagery Ground Support System (CIGSS) imagery standard,
and prioritizing payload development efforts based on CINC mission requirements.
DARO was disestablished in 1998.
Within each service, UAV cognizance generally resides in multiple staff
elements, generally aligned by functional responsibility—acquisition, requirements, and
operations. One element is responsible for representing its Service’s interests on the Joint
Requirements Oversight Committee’s (JROC’s) UAV Special Study Group. These
elements and their span of responsibilities are:
Service Acquisition Requirements Tactics/CONOPS
Navy ASN(RDA) N754*, N78 NWDC/NSAWC/Units
*Service representative to the JROC’s UAV SSG.
In addition, the Navy has internally established a multi-level set of steering
groups under the auspices of the Naval UAV Executive Steering Group, chaired by N75,
which oversees Navy/Marine Corps UAV interests and includes representation from the
naval acquisition, requirements, and tactics/CONOPS organizations identified above.
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
While there are a number of organizations involved, responsibility for the
following broad recurring UAV-related functions and issues is not clearly defined
within the current structure:
Establishing interoperability standards, as has already been done for data links
(CDL), for mission planning and control software, sensor product formats, etc.
Identifying common equipment for cost effective procurement and maintenance.
Prioritizing funding for promising technologies with cross-service applicability.
Ensuring UAVs are fully considered as an option in new system Analyses of
Representing DoD UAV interests in non-DoD and departmental-level forums
(Congress, Intelligence Community, NASA, etc.).
Participating in UAV system export decisions with the State and Commerce
6.5 Conclusions
The following conclusions address perceived gaps, overlaps, and potential
advances in DoD UAV capabilities, programs, and organizations identified in this study.
6.5.1 Technologies
1. Fuel cells may have equal or better mass specific power than that of internal
combustion engines as early as 2005 (section 4.1.2) and become suitable for
propulsion systems on tactical-size UAVs.
2. Flight control system failures have historically been the largest single contributor
to UAV mishaps (section 5.3).
3. DARPA’s micro air vehicles may be ready for field trials and joint military utility
assessment (MUA) by 1QFY02 (section 2.3).
4. Long term (12-20 years) research programs focused on improving turbine engine
efficiencies have demonstrated their ability to deliver significantly improved
performance (section 4.1.2). Improving turbine engine efficiency would be
beneficial for endurance UAVs.
5. COTS/GOTS payloads could address CINC requirements for an interim SIGINT
capability if integrated on endurance UAVs (section 4.2.3).
6. IFSAR holds significant potential to benefit targeteers by providing Level 5
DTED (section 4.2.2). High altitude endurance UAVs may be a suitable platform
for this sensor technology.
7. Preliminary flight tests of NRL’s multiple quantum well retro-reflector data link
demonstrated a 400 Kbps data rate, with the potential to achieve 1-10 Mbps
UAV Roadmap 2000 - Section 6.0
covert transmissions (section 4.3). This optical data link may prove suitable for
rotary and fixed wing UAVs and MAVs.
6.5.2 Operations
1. UAVs offer the potential to relieve the impact of low-density/high-demand
aircraft missions (such as those of the RC-135, EP-3, E-3, E-8, etc.) on their
aircrews (sections 5.1.1, 5.4, and 6.3.3).
2. Meteorology data, useful to a wide audience of interservice users, is readily
collectable by UAVs but goes unreported because of not being included in the
telemetry downlink information (section 4.2.1).
3. Reexamining Service training paradigms for UAVs may significantly reduce
training time and costs for UAV personnel (section 6.3.3).
4. Each service currently reports its UAV mishaps under different criteria, making it
difficult to detect UAV fleet-wide reliability and mishap trends (section 5.3).
5. The shortage in long haul, wideband, over-the-horizon communications will be
exacerbated as future ISR platforms, both manned and unmanned, are fielded
(sections 4.2.5 and 5.5).
6. Flights by UAVs into the National Airspace System (NAS) are currently treated
as mission-specific events by the FAA, constraining their military utility (section
6.4.2). UAVs should become able to conduct flights within the NAS by filing a
same-day flight plan in the future.
6.5.3 Organizations
1. Organizational responsibilities for a number of broad recurring UAV-related
functions, especially cross-Service functions, are not clearly defined within the
current DoD structure (section 6.4.4).
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Service Research Laboratories’ UAV-Related
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UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Appendix Table of Contents
A160 HUMMINGBIRD UAV HELICOPTER..........................................................................9
ADVANCED PROPULSION MATERIALS AND PROCESSES....................................................10
ADVANCED SEAD TARGETING ......................................................................................11
ADVANCED TACTICAL COMMON DATA LINK FOR UAVS ................................................11
AFFORDABLE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES..........................................................................12
AIRBORNE COMMUNICATIONS NODE (ACN)...................................................................13
AIRBORNE GPS PSEUDO-SATELLITES.............................................................................14
AIRBORNE VIDEO SURVEILLANCE (AVS) .......................................................................15
ALTAIRIS FOR UAV AUTONOMY....................................................................................15
OPERATOR INTERFACES FOR MANNED/UNMANNED SYSTEMS.....................................18
CANARD ROTOR / WING (CRW).....................................................................................18
DRAGON DRONE UAV..............................................................................................21
DRAGON EYE BACKPACK UAV .................................................................................21
DRAGON WARRIOR..................................................................................................22
FOLIAGE PENETRATION (FOPEN) RADAR ......................................................................24
FUSION OF COMMUNICATIONS FOR UAVS......................................................................25
FUTURE NAVY VTUAV PAYLOAD STUDY .....................................................................26
HELIOS PROTOTYPE – SOLAR POWERED AIRCRAFT.........................................................26
TACTICAL DEMONSTRATION SYSTEM .....................................................................27
JOINT EXPENDABLE TURBINE ENGINE CONCEPTS............................................................28
LIGHT WEIGHT GIMBAL (LWG).....................................................................................31
LOW COST STRUCTURES FOR UAV AIRFRAMES .............................................................31
MATERIALS & PROCESSES FOR INFRARED SENSORS........................................................32
MICRO AIR VEHICLES (NRL).........................................................................................33
MICRO AIR VEHICLES (DARPA/TTO)................................................................................34
MINI UNMANNED AIR VEHICLE (MUAV).......................................................................34
MORE ELECTRIC AIRCRAFT............................................................................................35
MULTI-MODE TACTICAL UAV RADAR FOR UAVS .........................................................37
MULTIPLE 6.1 AUTONOMY DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS.......................................................37
MULTIPLE LINK ANTENNA SYSTEM (MLAS)..................................................................38
MULTI-SENSORY INTERFACES / VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES.........................................41
RELIABLE AUTONOMOUS CONTROL FOR UAVS ..............................................................43
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
REMOTE BIOLOGICAL DETECTION FOR UAVS.................................................................44
REMOTE NUCLEAR DETECTION FOR UAVS.....................................................................45
SEE AND AVOID SYSTEM................................................................................................46
SHIPBOARD TOUCHDOWN PREDICTION LANDING AID .....................................................47
STANDOFF CHEMICAL DETECTION (JSAFEGUARD) FOR UAVS ....................................49
TIME CRITICAL PRECISION TARGETING...........................................................................51
UAV AUTONOMY: AUTONOMOUS OPERATIONS FNC.....................................................52
UAV PROPULSION: AUTONOMOUS OPERATIONS FNC ....................................................53
UAV/UCAV PREDICTIVE FAILURE AND DIAGNOSTICS...................................................55
UAV/UCAV TRAINING RESEARCH................................................................................55
UAV/UCAV MAINTENANCE/SUPPORT ..........................................................................56
UCAV OPERATOR VEHICLE INTERFACE RESEARCH........................................................57
UCAV ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATOR (UCAV ATD) ................................57
VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES FOR FUTURE ISR REQUIREMENTS............................................58
VERSATILE AFFORDABLE ADVANCED TURBINE ENGINE..................................................59
WEAPONS INTEGRATION FOR UAVS ..............................................................................60
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
UAV to meet NASA Science Mission Reqmts. (Predator B) NASA/DFRC
A160 Hummingbird long endurance/range UAV helicopter DARPA/TTO
Canard Rotor/Wing (CRW) ATD high-speed VTOL DARPA/TTO / Boeing / Navy
Autonomous Ground Ops. & Collision Avoidance for UCAV ATD NASA Dryden
Weapons Integration for UAVs (PDAM, SSBREX, LOCAAS, SMD) AFRL/MN
Directed Energy: Repetition Rated High Power Microwave Technologies AFRL/DE
Directed Energy & Radar: Matls. & Processes for High Power Applications AFRL/ML
Reliable Autonomous Control
(at reduced size, wt, and cost)
Low Cost Airframe Structures (reduced parts) AFRL/VA
Affordable Composite Structures (matls. & mfg.) AFRL/ML
Vehicle Technologies for future ISR reqmts. AFRL/VA
Mini UAV Army CECOM/Night Vision & Elec. Sensors
Micro AV NRL / ONR
Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) DARPA/TTO
Multiple 6.1 Autonomy Development Efforts ONR-35
UAV Autonomy technologies for capability gaps (details not available) ONR/NAVAIR
Automated/Assisted Maneuvering (details not available) ONR/NAVAIR
Autonomous Ops. FNC
(sit. awareness, multi-vehicle network, & intelligent autonomy)
Navy PEO(W)/PMA 263
Altairis for UAV autonomy
(VTUAV Mission Ctrl. Software)
Navy PEO(W)/PMA263
Shipboard Touchdown Prediction Landing Aid Navy PEO(W)/PMA263
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
See & Avoid System (SAAS) Navy PEO(W)/PMA263
Multiple Link Antenna System (MLAS) Navy PEO(W)/PMA263
Dragon Warrior (Battalion VTOL) MCWL
Broad-Area Unmanned Responsive Resupply Ops. (BURRO) MCWL
Dragon Drone testbed MCWL
Dragon Eye Backpack UAV MCWL/ONR/NRL
Extender air-drop deployed UAV for EW ONR
Autonomous Op. FNC: Propulsion Tech. Program ONR
Joint Expendable Turbine Engine Concepts (JETEC) AFRL/PR
Versatile Affordable Advanced Turbine Engine (VAATE) AFRL/PR
Advanced Propulsion Materials and Processes AFRL/ML
More Electric Aircraft (MEA) AFRL/PR
Helios Prototype – Solar Powered Aircraft for long duration (6 months) NASA Dryden
DARPA/USAF UCAV Operator Vehicle Interface
(control of multiple UCAVs by a single operator)
Multi-Sensory Interfaces/Visualization Techniques AFRL/HE
UAV/UCAV Training Research AFRL/HE
C2 Operator Interfaces for manned and unmanned AFRL/HE
UAV/UCAV Predictive Failure and Diagnostics AFRL/HE
Flight Control Predictive Diagnostics ONR/NAVAIR
Airborne GPS Pseudo-Satellites for countering GPS jammers DARPA/SPO
Airborne Comms. Node (ACN) for wide freq. and SIGINT DARPA/ATO
Airborne Video Surveillance (AVS) for targeting and monitoring DARPA/AVS
VTUAV Comms. Relay (details not available) SPAWAR (SD, CA)
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
VTUAV Comms. Payload: Info. Dist. FNC ONR
Time Critical Precision Targeting (TCPT) Navy PEO(W)/PMA263
Future Navy VTUAV Payload study Navy PEO(W)/PMA263
True Plug & Play MMP Navy PEO(W)/PMA263
Advanced TCDL Army CECOM/Intel. & IW,
Fusion of Communications Army CECOM/Space & Terrestrial Comms.,
Hyperspectral Longwave Imaging for the Tactical Environment (HyLITE) Army CECOM NVESD
Multi-Mode Tactical Radar (with MTI, SAR) Army CECOM/Intel. & IW,
Remote Tactical Imaging Spectrometer (RTIS)(day-time hyper-spectral) Army CECOM/Night Vision & Elec. Sensors
Lightweight Airborne Multispectral Minefield Detection (LAMD) Army CECOM/Night Vision & Elec. Sensors
Multi-Mission Command Modular Adv. EO/IR for TUAV Army CECOM/Night Vision & Elec. Sensors
Multifunction SIGINT (MFSP) Army Comms.-Elecs. Command/Intel. & IW,
Light Weight Gimbal (LWG) Army CECOM/Night Vision & Elec. Sensors
Remote Nuclear Detection SBCCOM
Remote Biological Detection SBCCOM
Standoff Chem. Detection (JSAFEGUARD) SBCCOM
FINDER (CW strike sampler) DTRA CP2 ACTD / NRL
Advanced SEAD Targeting AFRL/SN
System High Range Resolution Air-to-Grd Recognition Program(SHARP) AFRL/SN
Spectral Infrared Remote Imaging Transition Testbed (SPIRITT) AFRL/SN
Materials and Processes for IR Sensors AFRL/ML
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
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UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead agency: DARPA/TTO, (703) 696-7502
Objective/Description: The A160 Hummingbird Helicopter Advanced Technology
Demonstration (ATD) is a DARPA program developing a long endurance long range
UAV helicopter. This vehicle utilizes low disk loading and a patented variable speed
rotor to vary the rotor flight characteristics to optimize flight performance, and utilizes a
hingeless rigid rotor to allow precision vehicle control. The efficient rotor operation and
propulsion, along with high fuel fraction, gives the vehicle 3000+ nm max range and 40+
hours max flight endurance.
The base vehicle technology is being developed to demonstrate a low vibration
environment for payload operation, including EO/IR, and to demonstrate remote payload
deployment capability, including Unmanned Ground Vehicles. Vehicle signatures and
high lift options will be investigated and assessed. A laptop control station will be
developed for forward pass vehicle control. Studies will be carried out on potential
scaling of the technology to other size vehicle.
The FCS variant of the A160 is being pursued to develop/demo an all weather/all
environment operations capability for potential FCS applications. This includes adverse
weather/environment precision high reliability flight systems, SAR/GMTI radar
integration, and remote resupply systems. Studies will be carried out on potential
SATCOM data link options and survivability enhancement options.
Timeline: Base Technology Development
Base Tech FY00-01: A160 ground and flight tests, Low vibration rotor
design review
FY02: Low vibration rotor demo, EO/IR demo, UGV Deployment
Demo, Compound helicopter development
FCS Tech FY01: Adverse environment systems design review
FY02: SAR/GMTI Demo, SATCOM data link report
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02
Vehicle Tech Development $5.445 $3.00 $7.00
FCS Development $0.00 $6.80 $7.70
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Triply Redundant Autonomous UAV Flight Management System: $5M
Lightweight Heavy Fuel Engine $20M
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead Agency: AFRL/ML, (937) 255-1305
Objective/Description: Develop affordable, low-density, high-strength, high-
temperature materials and manufacturing technologies for all classes of future and
derivative military engines, including UAVs. These technologies are critical elements for
the development of affordable future propulsion systems. These programs are
developing, testing, and transitioning the technologies needed to double range or payload
capacity by decreasing fuel consumption and doubling of turbine engine thrust-to-weight
ratio. Technical challenges include developing high temperature materials with low
density, balanced engineering properties, long-life environmental durability and oxidation
resistance at very high temperatures, affordable manufacturing techniques, improved life
prediction methodologies, and improved material testing capabilities. Manufacturing
technologies include lower cost more durable castings and forgings, more affordable
surface treatments for increased fatigue life, and lean depot refurbishment processes.
FY01-04: Develop and mature enabling materials technologies such as gamma
titanium aluminides, refractory intermetallic alloys, ceramic matrix composites, higher-
temperature polymer matrix composites, damage tolerance methodologies for preventing
high cycle fatigue failure, and affordable metals manufacturing.
FY03: Complete turbofan/jet demonstration of 60% improvement in engine
thrust-to-weight, a 200°F increase in compressor exit temperature, and a 600°F increase
in turbine inlet temperature.
FY05: Demonstrate 100% improvement in engine thrust-to-weight and a 40%
fuel savings for turbofan/jet engines using advanced materials, which include 1500°F
gamma TiAl for compressor disks and blades, 2200°F refractory intermetallic alloys (Nb
or Mo) for turbine rear frame leading edges and high-pressure turbine blades, and 2400°F
CMCs for combustors and turbine vanes.
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04
AFRL S&T $8.9M $8.0M $9.0M $10.0M $9.0M
$7.6M $8.1M $2.0M $0.5M
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead Agency: AFRL/SN, (937) 255-4794 ext 4314
Objective/Description: The AST program is a jointly-funded DARPA/AFRL
science and technology effort aimed at developing and demonstrating cost-effective
multi-ship targeting technology for the lethal suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD)
mission. The technology will permit multiple platforms to use existing data links and
common precision timing to quickly and cooperatively determine a target’s GPS
coordinates. The program will enable the use of generic precision guided weapons, non-
dedicated SEAD platforms, and new CONOPs for the lethal SEAD mission. It is
envisioned that this system could be deployed on multiple non-dedicated platforms to
include strike aircraft, UAVs, and other available theater targeting assets. AST is on the
UCAV Roadmap as an enabling technology.
FY01: Data Link Ground Test Completion
FY01: Lab Experiments & Calibration Completion
FY02: Ground Experiments & Calibration Completion
FY02: T-39 Flight Testing at the Western Test Range Completion
FY03: Technology Availability Date
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03
DARPA $7.4M $12.3M $9.8M $2.5M
AFRL $0.5M $4.0M $2.1M
TOTAL $7.9M $16.3M $11.9M $2.5M
Ready to begin system integration: FY03
Lead Agency: US Army CECOM/Intelligence and Information Warfare
Directorate/ C. Lucas/732-427-5692
Program Description: CECOM I2WD is pursuing the development of a reduced
size, full-capability Tactical Common Data Link (TCDL) for use with planned SIGINT
and Multi-INT UAV platforms such as Prophet and Aerial Common Sensor. Data
transport techniques and architectures will be developed to compliment sensor control
and cross-platform operations developments to maximize the Intelligence operational
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Program Objective: The short-term objective is to develop fully JASA
compliant, open-architecture, data transport mechanisms and capability in a reduced
SWAP configuration for the Shadow 200 –series UAV. The long-term objective is to
develop multiple networking capabilities on a single platform. The airborne wide-area
networking communications capability provided by multiple data links would both enable
the development of a Multi-INT system architecture with multi-platform, networked
connectivity and facilitate a scaleable, wide-area data transport capability for multi-
platform Imagery and Signals Intelligence operations.
Technical Objective: The short-term technical objective is to reduce the size, weight and
power of available systems, allowing the full complement of TCDL cards to fit in a two-
wingbox assembly on the Army’s Shadow 200 UAV. The long-term technical objective
is to further reduce full TCDL communications networking capability into a single-box
assembly, enabling dual data link capabilities and robust, wideband ISR communications
Program Status:
Program award 4QFY00 and is in Requirements Definition Phase.
Program Funding:
$1,100 K $ 4,000 K $ 2,000 K
Prototyping $ 1,000 K
Integration/Flight Demo $ 1,000
Lead Agency: AFRL/ML, (937) 904-4597
Objective/Description: Affordable Composite Structures involves several
programs across the AFRL Materials and Manufacturing Directorate. The objective this
effort is to develop the tools and technologies that will enable an order of magnitude cost
reduction for composite structures. A parallel goal is to demonstrate and transition these
technologies to current and future platforms. The focus of this effort is to reliably and
repeatably produce large integrated and bonded structures thereby reducing costs related
to part count, fasteners, tooling, labor hours, etc. Planned demonstrations include a small
UCAV demonstration in FY01, and further UCAV demonstrations from FY01-03 and
Global Hawk UAV structural demonstrations from FY01-03. The Global Hawk will
demonstrate a 30% cost reduction for the outer wing and the UCAV will demonstrate a
25% cost reduction for the entire airframe (including skins) and an attendant 20% (40 lb.)
weight reduction. The program offices will be integrally involved in these developments
and demonstrations.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY03: The Global Hawk UAV and UCAV will complete the fabrication,
structural testing and cost verification of these demonstrations.
Current Funding Levels:
Funding represented includes technology development, maturation, demonstration
and validation of affordable composite structures for fighters, UAVs and other systems.
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05
AFRL S&T $1.150M $2.588M $2.813M $3.813M $2.313M $3.375M
$5.060M $3.600M $7.500M $6.800M $5.800M $6.500M
Lead Agency: DARPA/ATO, 703-696-7495
Objective/Description: The Airborne Communications Node (ACN) is a DARPA
effort focusing on developing a multi-mission, multi-function scaleable payload capable
of communications over a wide frequency spectrum (2Mhz-40GHz). The system is
designed to interface differing legacy radio systems, data links and imagery transmission
links through ACN to facilitate electronic control of the battlefield. Additionally, ACN is
designed to provide a payload capable of performing a broad spectrum Signals
Intelligence (SIGINT) mission. Technologies being developed as part of the ACN
Program will allow near simultaneous communications and SIGINT functioning at
extremely close frequencies. ACN will be scalable to fit a wide variety of platforms (Air,
Surface (ground and naval) and Subsurface) and to meet varying user needs for these
capabilities. ACN will be dynamically re-configurable in terms of connectivity and
capacity. The candidate air platforms for demonstrating the ACN capabilities are the Air
Force Global Hawk HAE UAV, Air Force Predator MAE UAV, US Army Shadow 200
FY00 Technology Development
FY01 Technology Development
FY02 Complete design though CDR level
FY03 Transition to Services for demonstration and evaluation
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Current Funding Levels
FY 00 FY 01 FY 02
$30.4M $12.6M $10.0M
Desired unfunded follow-on activity with estimated cost: None
Lead Agency: DARPA/SPO, 703-248-1547
Objective/Description: The Global Positioning Experiment (GPX) program will
demonstrate the ability to use airborne pseudo-satellites (pseudolites) on UAVs to combat
enemy jamming of Global Positioning System (GPS) signals. The airborne pseudolite
(APL) approach puts high power GPS-like transmitters on aircraft, which are much closer
to the battlefield than the satellites are. The high power and shorter range allow the
pseudolites to burn through the jamming and provide precise location data to GPS users
with minimal modification to their GPS receivers. Demonstrations have occurred on
Hunter UAV and commercial jets. Future demonstrations will include more Hunters, and
possibly a Predator, Global Hawk, or Shadow.
FY00: APL on Hunter UAV burns through jamming in field demo
FY01: Demonstration of APL self-navigation in jamming
FY02: Demonstration of two APLs on UAVs and captive precision weapons
FY03: Demonstration of full APL system (4 UAVs) with live precision weapons
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03
$4M $4M $5M $10M
Ready for system integration: FY04
Anticipated operational availability: FY06
Desirable unfunded follow-on activities, with estimated cost:
Unfunded: Service (JPO) funding for follow-on integration.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead Agency: DARPA/SPO, (703) 248-1543
Objective/Description: The AVS Program is developing and evaluating video
processing technologies to enable real-time targeting and automated activity monitoring
from video sensors onboard manned or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The real-time
targeting effort ingests streaming airborne video imagery, with geolocation accuracies on
the order of 50-100’s of meters, and registers the video to high-precision reference
imagery to provide geolocation accuracies in the 1-15 meter range (dependent on
reference imagery used – DPPDB offers PGM accuracy). This is done at near real-time
rates (1 to 5 seconds per frame) to allow precise, real-time, precision targeting. The
automated activity monitoring technology detects specific human and vehicle activity in
airborne video streams.
FY98-99: Video geolocation (Ft. AP Hill) was performed at 1/10 Hz, 2-10m accuracy
relative to reference imagery created. Activity monitoring for specific human and human
vehicle events (Ft AP Hill, vehicle removal scenario).
FY 00: Video geolocation was extended/evaluated on varied terrains (Camp Lejeune,
Fallon NAS, Ft. Drum). Activity monitoring-based index keys were developed for the
USAF UAV experimental Predator digital video archive. Provide video geolocation
technical transfer support for ARL, USA TUAV. Activity monitoring experiments will be
performed for force perimeter security.
Past/Current Funding Levels:
FY 98-99 FY 00 FY 01
$12M $13M $0M
Unfunded: Service funding for integration, including engineering analysis, program
planning, engineering design and field testing for each UAV effort (USA TUAV, USN
VTOL, USAF Predator) to insert AVS technology.
Lead Agency: NAVY PEO(W)/PMA263, (301)- 757-5848
Objective/Description: Altairis has greatly simplified mission development for
VTUAV by separating mission extensions from core of common software. The core
software is compiled code that is common to all command and control projects. Mission
extensions primarily consist of Finite State Models, scripts, and display definition files
developed in data, not code, by the system end user rather than programmers.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY00: Work completed on Altairis Mission Control Software for VTUAV
Current Funding Levels:
Desired unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Altiris UAV autonomy: $ 685,000
Lead Agency: NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Objective/Description: The NASA Dryden Flight Research Center has been under
an agreement with The Boeing Company and the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) for providing the flight test site support for the UCAV-ATD Program.
In addition to flight test facilities and range support, DFRC also has several engineering
and research tasks in the areas of autonomous ground operations, collision avoidance, and
contingency planning/management for the UCAV. This work, being performed under the
agreement, is being augmented by Flight Research R&T Program funds to expand and
further refine to a TRL of 6 or 7 the autonomous algorithms that will result from the
effort. DFRC, with the Flight Research Program funding, is developing two mobile vans
to house computer hardware and software that will demonstrate these autonomous control
algorithms in an actual airfield environment, with driver-override capability for safety.
DFRC will incorporate into these algorithms the commercially-available TCAS system
for ground collision avoidance.
FY01-FY02: Autonomous control algorithms will be developed for the UCAV
Program and delivered to Boeing for integration and demonstration on the UCAV air
FY02-FY04: Autonomous control algorithms with imbedded collision detection and
avoidance capability will be further refined and demonstrated in an actual airfield
environment via the DFRC surrogate vehicle vans.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Current Funding Levels: FY00: $200K, FY01: $200K, FY02: $200K
Ready for demonstration on UCAV air vehicles: FY01
Ready for operational demonstration using surrogate vans: FY03-04
Desirable Unfunded Follow-On Activity, with estimated cost:
Incorporate autonomous control and collision avoidance algorithms into
Military aircraft (F/A-18, F-15) simulation: $250K
Demonstrate selected technologies on military aircraft in flight: $1M to 2M
Lead Agency: MCWL, (703) 784-3208 Maj McKinney
Objective/Description: The BURRO is a 5,000 lbs K-Max helicopter, built by
Kaman Aerospace, that is capable of carrying a 6,000 lbs external load. MCWL is doing
the research, development, and experimentation to turn this, currently single pilot vehicle,
into an unmanned aerial vehicle. Experimentation will be conducted with BURRO to
determine whether or not it is capable of conducting sea-based autonomous resupply in
support of the Marine Corps’ Operational Maneuver From The Sea (OMFTS)
Warfighting Concept, and the enabling concept, Ship To Objective Maneuver (STOM).
Experimentation within OMFTS would hypothetically be conducted from a small and
fast “SLICE like” vehicle that was carrying supplies that maneuvered 15-20 nautical
miles off shore. Initial proof of concept experimentation will be conducted at
Twentynine Palms, CA.
FY00-01: Autonomous flight demonstration in November 00 at Twentynine Palms,
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02
$4.5M $500K TBD
Estimated unit cost of each BURRO helicopter $4M.
Ready to begin system integration: FY03
Anticipated operational availability: FY04+
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
There are no unfunded requirements in the BURRO program at this time.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead Agency: AFRL/HE, (937) 255-5779
Objective/Description: Two AFRL/HE projects support improved command and
control operator interfaces for manned and unmanned systems. The Virtual Air
Commander Project Arrangement, under the US/Australian Co-Operative and
Collaborative Research Development and Engineering Agreement (CCRDE), supports a
joint exploratory and advanced demonstration program pursuing the design,
development, and evaluation of a class of crew station concepts common to Airborne
Early Warning and Control (AEWC) aircraft, air-to-ground strike aircraft, and ground-
based Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) control stations. The products of this
effort will include: (1) Quantification of potential benefits arising from the application of
advanced control and display technologies to the AWACS platform, (2) advanced virtual
crew system demonstrators for AEWC aircraft, ground-based UCAV applications, and
air-to-ground strike aircraft, and (3) risk reduction for the acquisition community
concerning the utilization and requirements for virtual control and display devices used
within AWACS, UCAV, and Common Space Interfaces. A key focus area is seamless,
integrated control of manned and unmanned assets. A separate research effort, Variable
Autonomy Control System for UAVs, is a AFRL/HE sponsored SBIR Phase 2 project to
provide an operator with selectable levels of control over a UAV system, from full
manual control to full autonomous control. This effort will culminate in the flight test
demonstration of the variable control effort. A Phase 3 is planned, in which this
technology will be integrated into a command and control workstation and flight
demonstrated in a command and control scenario.
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03
AFRL $1.675M $2.00M $0.70M $0.77M
Lead Agency: DARPA/TTO, (703) 696-2362
Objective/Description: The CRW Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) is a
50/50 jointly funded DARPA/Boeing program that is being conducted with collaboration
and support from the Navy. The CRW is a revolutionary new technology for high Speed
VTOL, which combines the low disk loading hover efficiency, and low-speed flight
characteristics of a helicopter with the high - subsonic cruise speed of a fixed wing
aircraft. In rotary wing mode, hot exhaust gas from a conventional turbofan engine is
ducted through the mast stem to reaction drive nozzles at the wing tips. During
conversion, the canard and horizontal tail surfaces provide sufficient lift to unload the
rotor, allowing it to be stopped and locked into a fixed position for survivable, high-speed
cruise (>375kts). This proof of concept demonstration program will explore the
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
revolutionary flight potential of the CRW high-speed VTOL concept through the design,
fabrication and flight test of two unmanned CRW demonstrator aircraft. Conversion
from rotary wing to fixed wing and vice-versa will be validated over a range of flight
FY00: Completed detailed designs and initiated fabrication of two unmanned air
FY01: Complete fabrication and assembly, and begin flight-testing.
FY02: Complete flight tests.
Current Funding Levels: (Combined DARPA/Boeing)
FY00 FY01 FY02
$5.88M $4.82M $3.91M
Desired Follow-On Activities and ROM Estimated Costs:
ACTD of Operational Unmanned CRW System, $50M-$100M
ACTD of Operational Manned CRW System, $100M-$150M
Lead Agency: AFRL/ML, (937) 255-2227 ext 3498
Objective/Description: Develop materials and process technologies for ultra-
lightweight , ultra-high power aircraft applications. These applications include radar and
lethal and non-lethal directed energy weapons. Wide bandgap semiconductor materials,
like silicon carbide and gallium nitride, have critical fields that are >5x that of silicon or
gallium arsenide. This translates into a >25x higher power density, which reduces the
size and weight of any airborne high power microwave system. The technology
improvement would allow the ability to put such devices in fighter/UAV sized aircraft.
The Air Force is working to develop the basic materials and processes needed for wide
frequency band, high power, fast pulse, and multi-pulsed operation at VHF through Ku-
band and higher frequencies.
FY00-01: Conductive bulk 2” silicon carbide wafers developed, 3” wafers
demonstrated and epitaxial silicon carbide thin films for power distribution developed for
2” wafers and demonstrated for 3” wafers. Initiate bulk growth of nitride wafers. Initiate
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
development of multiple 3” epitaxial reactors for thin film growth of wide bandgap
FY02: Conductive bulk 3” wafers developed with 4” wafer demonstration.
Demonstration of 2” diameter nitride wafer.
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05
AFRL $0.706M $0.685M $0.250M $0.862M $0.750M $0.750M
Conductive Silicon Carbide 3” diameter wafers will be commercially available by end
of FY02.
Lead Agency: AFRL/DE, (505) 846-4040
Objective/Description: Investigate High Power Microwave (HPM) technologies
best suited to support advanced tactical applications such as aircraft self-protection, made
practical based on increased power available on future aircraft. This is a direct result of
the Directed Energy Airborne Tactical Air Combat (DE ATAC) study, and will focus the
research on developing the technologies necessary to proceed with the top-rated concepts.
The applications component activity will focus on performing the initial research to
determine weapon system feasibility.
FY00: Initiated UCAV technology requirements & design study
FY01: Demo rep-rated experiment on HPM sources, pulsed power, multi-Gigawatt
(MG) antennas
FY02: Down-select rep-pulsed MG technologies
FY03: Demonstrate Improved Virtual Wide Band System
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04
AFRL $5.61M $3.72M $4.30M $4.57M $4.72M
Ready to begin system integration: FY04
Anticipated operational availability: FY06
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead Agency: MCWL, (703) 784-3208 (Maj McKinney)
Objective/Description: The Dragon Drone fixed wing UAV has been MCWL’s
UAV testbed since 1997. It will conclude experimentation at the end of FY00.
FY00-01: Dragon Drone will provide UAV coverage during the Millennium Challenge
Joint experiment in Gulfport, MS during September 00.
FY02: N/A
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02
$1.5M 0 0
Lead Agency: ONR/MCWL/NRL, (202)404-1213
Objective/Description: The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in collaboration with
the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) is developing an affordable,
expendable airborne sensor platform, Dragon Eye, to demonstrate Small Unit
reconnaissance and threat detection capabilities. Dragon Eye will consist of a man-
portable, multi-role, 4 lb, hand-launched air vehicle, and a wearable Ground Control
Station (GCS) to provide control of, and receive intelligence from, the air vehicle. The
vehicle characteristics will enable an operational capability in adverse weather
conditions. Dragon Eye will feature autonomous flight capability to allow one-person
operation, with recovery via an autopilot-commanded deep stall terminal descent. The
endurance goal is 30 min at 35 kt airspeed, with an electric propulsion system.
Interchangeable 1 lb modular commercial off-the-shelf components payloads for Dragon
Eye will include daylight, low light, and infrared imaging systems and robust
communication links. For GCS development, the Dragon Eye Program is enhancing
MCWL and ONR-sponsored End User Terminal (EUT+) effort currently being executed
at NRL. The EUT+ is a ruggedized wearable computer configured on a Modular
Lightweight Load-Carrying Equipment vest.
FY00: Dragon Eye 70%: semi-autonomous vehicle flight, w/ visible camera payload.
FY01: Dragon Eye 90%: autonomous vehicle flight, w/ IR payload and wearable ground
FY02: Dragon Eye transition: full system integration, w/ residual systems for warfighter
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02
$1.5M $1.5M $1.0M
Estimated unit cost of each production full-up Dragon Eye air vehicle: $5K
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Development of on-board imagery mosaicing and storage: $ 0.5M
Development of data fusion (vis with IR): $ 0.5M
Development of fuel cells for Dragon Eye: $ 2.5M
Richard Foch, PI Jill Dahlburg, Co-PI
NRL Code 5712 NRL Code 5703
(202) 404-7623 (202) 404-1213
Lead Agency: MCWL, (703) 784-3208, Maj McKinney
Objective/Description: Dragon Warrior is a close range VTOL UAV that will
support at the Battalion level and below. It will have a range of 50 kilometers with a
loiter time of 1.5 hours. It can carry either an electro-optical or Infrared sensor with built
in laser range finder in order to provide precision targeting. It has removable wings and a
shrouded rotor system in order to reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisitions in
an urban battlespace. It has a maximum forward airspeed of 125 knots, and a payload
capacity of 25-35 lbs, depending on fuel load.
FY00-01: First flight scheduled for September 00. Fully autonomous flight during an
MCWL operational experiment, January 01.
FY02: Additional prototypes built with product improvements implemented resulting
from experimentation.
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02
$5.0M $500K TBD
Estimated unit cost of each UAV system with sensor $250K.
Ready to begin system integration: FY03
Anticipated operational availability: FY04+
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Additional Ground Control Stations: $500K
Additional Air Vehicles: $1.0M
Chem/Bio sensor: $2M
LADAR mapping and targeting sensor: $3M
Field-testing: $1.0M for FY01 experimentation
Lead Agency: ONR, (703) 696-0114
Objective/Description: Extender is an air-drop deployable UAV for Electronic
Warfare missions. Extender folds for storage into a 32” x 32” x 20” enclosure. For
deployment, the Extender enclosure is simply pushed out of the door of any helicopter,
transport, or patrol aircraft. Upon being air-dropped, a parachute is deployed, the
enclosure is shed, and the wings unfold and lock into position. Next the parachute is
released and the electric motor is switched on. Extender has a 2.3 hour endurance,
cruising at 45 mph, powered by LiSO2 batteries. Extender can perform an entirely
autonomous mission using GPS navigation, or utilize a spread spectrum RF link for
realtime operator directed command and control. Gross weight is 31 lbs, including a 7 lb
payload capacity. Currently under development, Extender has flown conventional
runway takeoffs, demonstrated autonomous navigation, and demonstrated air-drop
deployment of the folded wings in a vertical wind tunnel simulating descent under the
parachute. Air-drop testing from a helicopter is currently scheduled for October 2000.
Extender is funded by ONR as 6.2 R&D project. Follow-on funding is anticipated for
mission specific development.
FY98-00: FINDER airframe and subsystem development and flight testing
FY01: (Anticipated) Transition to application sponsor for mission specific
FY02: (Anticipated) Field trials
Current Funding Levels:
FY98 FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02
$250K $250K $800K $1M
Estimated unit cost of each Extender: $35K in qty 100 production
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Flight safety approvals and integration with Navy EP-3: $1M
Mission specific development of operational capabilities: $2M
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
POC: Richard Foch, NRL Code 5712, [email protected], (202) 404-7623
Lead Agency: DTRA, (703) 325-2050
Objective/Description: FINDER’s mission is to fly through the smoke plume shortly
after a bomb or missile strike against a suspected chemical warfare (CW) weapons
storage or manufacturing site. Onboard sensors sample the plume to provide a realtime
detection capability. Samples are also collected and stored for later laboratory analysis.
FINDER is carried to the operational area with wings folded, mounted under the wing of
a Predator UAV. The nominal FINDER mission is to fly 50 miles ingress to the target
after deployment from Predator, loiter in the target vicinity for up to 2 hours performing
the CW detection and collection, and accompany Predator during egress for up to 600
miles before autonomously landing at a designated location such as an open field.
FINDER command and control messages are relayed via Predator to/from the Predator
GCS. FINDER development is sponsored by DTRA under the CP2 ACTD.
FY00: FINDER airframe, payload, and subsystem development and integration
FY01: System integration and testing; first air-drop deployment from Predator
FY02: Developmental system testing
FY03: Program mission demonstration
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03
$2.5M $1.8M $1.2M $1.0M
Estimated unit cost of each FINDER (including deployment pylon):
$100K at current low production rate for developmental test program
$60K for follow-on operational production
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Development of a Biological Agent detection capability: $1.0M
POC: Alvin Cross, NRL Code 5712, [email protected], (202) 767-4475
Lead Agency: DARPA/SPO, (703) 248-1514
Objective / Description: The FOPEN Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) is a DARPA Program that is being
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
conducted jointly with the Army and the Air Force. The radar operates simultaneously in
the VHF and UHF bands to detect stationary targets under foliage and camouflage. The
ATD will be demonstrated on an Army RC-12D aircraft; however, it is more than 85%
compatible with the Air Force's Global Hawk High Altitude UAV. The radar and its
ground station will be capable of real-time target detection and cueing.
FY00-01: ATD concept will be tested to demonstrate that it meets DARPA's
technical goals.
FY02: Air Force Tanks Under Trees (TUT) and other user demonstrations
of the system.
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02
27M 16M 11M
Estimated unit cost of each FOPEN SAR system $5.5M.
Ready to begin system integration: FY02
Anticipated operational availability: FY04+
Unfunded: Service funding for system integration into other appropriate platforms.
Lead Agency: US Army CECOM, Space and Terrestrial Communications Directorate
Program Description: CECOM S&TCD is pursuing efforts to combine all UAV
communications functions within the TUAV aircraft. This effort will aid in multi service
interoperability as well as payload(s) weight and volume reduction.
Program Objective: To expand the Fort Gordon BCBL CRP CEP efforts, by
combining Tactical Common Data Link (TCDL) with Identification Friend or Foe (IFF)
and combining CRP requirements with aircraft C2 ( Air Traffic Control ) requirements.
The objective is to develop a software re-programmable communications package fully
JTRS/JASA compliant.
Technical Objective: By combing functions and capabilities this will reduce the total
communications payloads volume, size, weight and power. Long term objective is to
develop and integrate hardware and software.
Program Status:
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Program is in Requirements Definition Phase.
Program Funding Requirements:
Engineering Development
$ 4.6 M $ 3.2 M
$ 4.3 M $ 3.4 M
Integration/Flight Demo
$ 800 K
CRP CEP $ 367 K
Lead Agency: NAVY PEO(W)/PMA263, (301)-757-5848
Objective/Description: A study to provide a quick look into evolving sensor
technologies that have application as a P
I for the VTUAV. This study will investigate
future UAV technologies, missions and operational requirements, system trade studies,
C4ISR&T architectures/CONOPS formulation, UAV simulation capability, UAV
assessments, and field demonstration recommendations.
FY00: Phase I of the study completed by August 2000
Current Funding Levels:
Desired unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Phase II of Future Navy VTUAV Payload Study: $750,000
Lead Agency: NASA (Dryden Flight Research Center), (661) 276-3704
Objective/Description: The Helios Prototype Project is a NASA Office of Aero-
Space Technology activity being conducted under the Environment Research Aircraft and
Sensor Technology (ERAST) Project. The principal objective is to develop solar
powered UAV and energy storage technology which will open the door to low cost ultra-
long duration (up to 6 months) high altitude flight for applications such as earth
monitoring, communications, emergency services, law enforcement and the DoD. The
principal contractor in this effort is AeroVironment, Inc.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY00-01: Install solar array and demonstrate UAV flight to 100,000ft; develop
prototype high density energy storage system (ESS) based on PEM fuel cell technology
for Helios Prototype and begin testing.
FY02-03: Complete development and testing of a lightweight ESS based on PEM fuel
cell technology; integrate ESS onto the Helios Prototype UAV and conduct a 96 hour
demonstration flight.
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03
$13.9M $15.6M $11.5M $9.7M
Estimated unit cost of “production” Helios Aircraft: $3M to $5M.
Anticipated operational availability: FY04+
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Extend maximum altitude of Helios Prototype up to 120,000ft: $20M
Extend maximum flight duration of Helios Prototype to 6 months: $30M
Extend operational capability of Helios Prototype to +35° latitude: $50M
Lead Agency: CECOM NVESD, (703) 704-1314
Objective/Description: The HyLITE system concept makes use of a hyperspectral
imaging sensor for day and night operations, real-time spectral anomaly algorithms to
detect CC&D and other difficult targets, and a high-resolution imaging sensor for
confirmation of targets. The HyLITE design incorporates a longwave infrared spectral
sensor integrated with a high resolution midwave infrared imager in a tactical, closed
cycle cooled, stabilized package. The Spectral detections cue the high-resolution camera
to provide an image for review by an image analyst. The HyLITE design is compatible
with Predator, and a high altitude preliminary design for Global Hawk is complete. A
reduced performance Tactical Demonstration System (HyLITE-TDS) being developed
for demonstration is a non-stabilized pushbroom version based on the original closed
cycle cooled HyLITE design. The TDS integrated on the test and demonstration airborne
platform will provide real-time CC&D target detection and cueing for day only
FY00-01: TDS development and fabrication.
FY01-02: TDS integration and user demonstrations on demonstration aircraft.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02
$4M $2M $2M
Estimated unit cost of each HyLITE system is $1.85M.
Ready to begin system integration: FY01
Anticipated operational availability: FY03+
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Integrate RISTA-II imager on HARP for TDS night operations: $1.5M
Develop and integrate MWIR imager in HyLITE TDS package: $4.5M
Develop and integrate stabilization and scanning in HyLITE TDS package: $6M
Develop processor and algorithms for real-time target detection: $3.3M
Lead Agency: AFRL/PR, (937) 255-2767
Objective/Description: The Joint Expendable Turbine Engine Concepts (JETEC)
program validates advanced, innovative, high payoff missile/Uninhabited Air Vehicle
(UAV) turbine engine technologies necessary for future Air Force, Navy, and Army
systems. The UAV portion of this program is driven by the requirement to provide a
propulsion technology base of proven high payoff components that are aimed at new or
upgrade/derivative, limited life UAV engines. The XTL-57 demonstrator uses the Joint
Turbine Advanced Gas Generator (JTAGG) XTC-56 as the engine core for this medium
altitude demonstrator. The XTL-87 uses the part of the engine core from NASA’s
general aviation program (GAP) for this high altitude demonstrator. Improvements for
UAV engines relative to program baselines include a 40% decrease in specific fuel
consumption, and a 60% reduction in engine cost. This effort will integrate advanced
engine technologies into an engine demonstrator in order to acquire the test and design
data necessary to accurately define integrated performance, overall engine stability,
mechanical limitations, and costs for use in risk assessment.
FY98-02: Design and manufacture JETEC XTL-57 engine demonstrator
FY01: XTC-56 engine core available
FY01: NASA GAP engine core available
FY02: XTL-57 goal demonstration test
FY99-03: Design and manufacture JETEC XTL-87 engine demonstrator
FY03: XTL-87 goal demonstration test
Current Funding Levels:
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03
AFRL $4.0M $4.7M $5.5M $3.7M
Navy $0.4M $1.5M $1.5M $0.2M
Total $4.4M $6.2M $7.0M $3.9M
Money includes funding from Air Force and Navy for XTL-57 and XTL-87 only
Lead Agency: CECOM, Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (POC:
Tom Smith 703-704-1219)
The LAMD Science and Technology Objective program is investigating and
developing technology to support the detection of surface and buried minefields from the
Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TUAV) platform. The technology is being
developed to support the United States Army Engineer School's (USAES) Airborne
Standoff Minefield Detection System Operation Requirements (ASTAMIDS). The STO
initially focused on phenomenology investigations and technology trade-studies to
support the specification of the technology to be applied/developed to support the
minefield detection requirements with a TUAV compatible package. Current efforts are
focused on the investigation and demonstration of two approaches/objectives.
One objective is to evaluate the surface and buried minefield detection capability of a
modified Advanced TUAV EO/IR ATD sensor. A TUAV EO/IR sensor modified with a
filterwheel on the 3-5 micron camera will be procured, aided minefield detection
algorithms will be applied/developed and a field performance evaluation will be
conducted. This approach is expected to provide a good detection capability under
favorable environmental conditions.
The second objective is to develop and demonstrate a minefield detection system
based on an active laser polarization sensor combined with an imaging 8-12 micron IR
system. A prototype sensor will be designed and fabricated, aided target detection
algorithms will be applied/developed and a field performance evaluation will be
conducted. This approach is expected to provide very good surface minefield detection
capability under most environmental conditions and good buried minefield detection
under favorable environmental conditions.
FY00: Detailed design of Advanced TUAV EO/IR sensor filterwheel modification.
Developed system specification and initiated preliminary design of active
laser / LWIR system.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY01: Detailed design and fabrication of active laser / LWIR component hardware
and data processing system. Fabrication and delivery of modified advance
TUAV EO/IR sensor and initial system test.
FY02: Conduct field performance evaluation of the modified TUAV EO/IR sensor
and ATR system. Complete fabrication, initial test and delivery of the laser /
LWIR sensor and ATR system.
FY03: Conduct field performance evaluation of the laser / LWIR sensor and ATR.
Conduct MSI and transition to PM-MCD PDRR program
Current Funding Levels
FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03
$ 14608 $ 13916 $ 8964 $ 3566
Ready to begin system integration: FY04
Initial Production: FY08
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Both of the approaches being investigated under the LAMD STO will use Aided
Target Recognition (ATR) systems to support the minefield detection process. Under the
LAMD STO, the ATR system will process recorded data at speeds less than 1/4 the
sensor data output rate (4 seconds to process 1 seond of sensor data). The objective
system will require real time processing and reporting. Due to high data rates and limited
data link bandwidth, on board real time processing will be required. It is desirable to
develop a lightweight processor based on COTS technology, which can implement the
minefield detection algorithms in real time for UAV applications. As noted in the
advanced TUAV EO/IR sensor paper, a program to support the build and preliminary
field testing would cost 4M$.
A broadband 8-12micon sensor will be used during the LAMD STO. There is data
which supports that a multiband LWIR sensor may provide enhanced buried minefield
detection. It is desirable to integrate and test a multicolor LWIR sensor with the laser
sensor. The cost of this effort is estimated at 700k$.
The baseline advanced TUAV EO/IR sensor is configured with a 3-5micron camera
and a RGB camera. The USMC has demonstrated successful daytime surface minefield
detection with a multi-spectral UV-NIR camera. The USMC results and phenomenology
investigation support that a NIR band (790nm) can enhance target to background
contrast. It is desirable to investigate the fabrication, integration and test of a modified
three-color camera to enhance surface minefield detection. The cost of such an effort is
estimated to be $900k.
Lead Agency: CECOM, Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (POC:
Richard Wright 703-704-1329)
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
The LWG is a lightweight, compact and low cost gimbal system capable of achieving 5 micro
radian stabilization on UAV and other fixed wing application. The LWP program is in the
second phase of an SBIR that will provide a proof of concept prototype gimbal that can achieve 5
micro radian stabilization in a fixed wing dynamic environment. The stabilization will allow
target location accuracy as well as day and night recognition and ID to more than double in range
over even the most advanced payloads in the same weight and size category today. This
approach is simpler than current designs and is anticipated to be half the cost of comparable
payloads today. It will be a modular payload compatible with the TUAV and Predator interfaces
thus affordable for those systems.
FY00: Detail design of the gimbal structure, control electronics and motor drive
FY01: Fabrication and assembly of the turret and daylight sensor.
FY02: Evaluation of gimbal jitter, stability, and pointing accuracy using a
representative cross section of Army fixed and rotary wing aircraft vibration inputs.
Current Funding Levels
FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03
$ 370K $ 375K 0 0
Estimated per payload cost:
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
FY03-FY04: Build a complete payload with very long-range tactical optics as a
prototype for TUAV and SRUAV with EO and IR sensors. 8M$
FY04-FY05: Integrate and evaluate payload performance on Fixed, Rotary Wing and
UAV Aircraft. 3M$
Lead Agency: AFRL/VA, (937) 656-6337
Objective/Description: The Low Cost Structures for UAV Airframes thrust is
developing a new generation of more unitized structure specifically designed for UAVs.
The structural concepts being developed will reduce manufacturing cost and increase
system readiness without weight or supportability penalties. The approach is to identify,
develop, and transition new structural design concepts and manufacturing methods for
both metals and composites that place emphasis on reducing both part count and the
number of structural joints and fasteners. Technologies in development include
probabilistic design methods and for more reliable bonded joints, low cost composite
manufacturing processes from the automotive and general aviation industries. Design
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
concepts are centered on more effective integration of unitized advanced composite and
metal structures. Design methods and criteria development are focused on predicting
failure for these non-traditional materials and manufacturing methods.
FY00-02: Demonstration of innovative structural concepts and appropriate failure criteria
for limited life UAV structures
FY00-01: Low Cost composite fuselage structure for UCAV
FY01-03: Development of unitized design/manufacturing methods for metal structures
FY01-04: Low cost UAV composite engine inlet duct and wing structures for UAV
FY05-07: Demonstration of reliable, unitized UAV structure
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04
AFRL $3.133M $3.537M $2.857M $2.662M $1.552M
Lead Agency: AFRL/ML, (937) 255-4474 ext 3220
Objective/Description: The Materials Directorate has a strong program in
materials and processes for very high performance infrared sensors and related
technologies. The requirements are military specific and cover all infrared wavelengths.
The current program focus is on materials for Long Wave Infrared (LWIR) sensors, on
materials technologies for multispectral and hyperspectral infrared applications, and on
high payoff IR transparency technologies. The sensor materials being developed will
provide better resolution at longer ranges, enhanced target discrimination, and expanded
sensor field of regard. Aluminum Oxynitride (ALON) is being developed for IR
transparencies to supplant current expensive, easily damaged, heavy materials for UAV
IR systems; ALON will reduce transparency cost, will reduce weight by 50%, and will
not require periodic replacement.
FY01: Develop growth and doping techniques for materials for three-color
infrared detection. Demonstrate reproducible growth of processable wafers for 14 micron
cutoff at 40-65 degrees K operating temperature.
FY02-03: Transition reproducible growth technology for 14 micron cutoff/40
degree operating temperature IR sensor material to industrial fabrication lines, making
affordable high performance focal planes available for system integration. Demonstrate
three color material for high target discrimination and high definition imaging for
battlespace characterization. Demonstrate large size (one piece) ALON transparencies.
Current Funding Levels:
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY01 FY02 FY03
AFRL $2.5M $2.8M $3.2M
Lead Agency: NRL/ONR, (202)-404-1213
Objective/Description: The focus of the 6.2 Navy (Office of Naval Research/ Naval
Research Laboratory) Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) effort is to develop and refine
technologies that enable valuable Navy missions with the smallest practical unmanned
fixed-wing MAVs. This effort includes the development and integration of sensors,
avionics, advanced autopilots for flight control, aerodynamics technology and a payload.
The final objective is to demonstrate a flying MAV with a 6 to 18 inch wingspan capable
of placing a jamming system on a radio frequency (RF) target. The FY02 MAV wingspan
will be determined by the weight of the various onboard subsystems. In addition to
enabling new missions specifically suited to MAVs, the miniaturized avionics and
sensors developed for this effort are more broadly applicable to larger unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs), increasing either their useful payload or their endurance.
FY00: Fabricate MAVs and conduct flight tests with 6 to 18 inch flight test airframes.
FY01: Integrate subsystems for flight demonstrations; fabricate and flight test baseline
FY02: Complete subsystem integration; conduct mission payload final demonstration.
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02
$1.2M $1.0 $0.8M
Estimated unit cost of each MAVwith COTS camera payload: $1K
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Development/ configuration of a miniature autopilot with GPS: $ 0.9M
Development of micro-batteries for subsystems power: $ 1.5M
Development of conformal GPS antenna for MAV skin: $ 0.75M
Dr. Jill P. Dahlburg
NRL Code 5703
(202) 404-1213
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead Agency: DARPA/TTO, (703) 696-2310
Objective/Description: The MAV program will develop the technologies needed for
an air vehicle system that shall be very small (threshold less than 1 foot, goal about 6
inches) and capable of autonomous operation as part of a military force. The MAV shall
be capable of conducting military operations anytime of the day or night, in all weather
conditions under tactical conditions that include dust created by movement of
neighboring vehicles and use of smoke obscurants by friendly and enemy forces. The
MAV shall be capable of operating on the battlefield with “maneuver forces,” including
armored vehicles and performing operations of up to one-hour duration without requiring
re-supply or significant intervention by operators or support personnel. The MAV
system shall be designed and developed to conduct “close in” reconnaissance to allow the
small unit leader to know literally what is over the next hill or around the next corner.
Timeline: FY00 the separate critical technologies will be demonstrated at an industry
Current Funding Levels:
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Back packable electric vehicle for small unit operations $12M
Under the Canopy Surveillance for Future Combat System $37M
Lead Agency: CECOM, Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (POC:
Richard Wright 703-704-1329)
Objective/Description: The MUAV is a lightweight autonomous air vehicle system
capable of providing day and night over the hill surveillance operations at the lowest echelon.
The MUAV consists of an air vehicle with 36” wingspan, multiple interchangeable payloads, data
link and ground terminal. The inexpensive/attritable air vehicle and payload will be capable of
operations of greater than one hour at altitudes of 1000 feet AGL. The modular payload approach
will allow for selection of TV, thermal, acoustic, near infrared and chemical sensors. Major
advancements in uncooled thermal technology meeting required performances have enabled the
inclusion of combined EO/IR technology into a MUAV. NVESD is also technical oversight for
Congressional program to develop a back pack portable autonomous MUAV system with Mitex
FY00: Evaluate Field of View Vs MUAV dynamics and flight profiles using Pointer
MUAV and off the shelf TV and Bolometer FLIR sensors.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Demonstration/evaluation of MUAV prototype from Mitex
FY01: Purchase of Pointer and Dragon Warrior MUAVs, evaluate Acoustics to find
targets in tree lines, and determine performance requirements and design
constraints for sensors.
FY02: Custom sensor purchase and initial User Evaluation of sensor imagery at Ft.
AP Hill
FY03: Integration of Mini UAV into overall information network of Mobile, Local
Hostile STO.
FY04: Participate in Mobile Local Hostile STO Demonstrations.
Current Funding Levels
FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03
In house $ 500K
Congressional $ 1000K
$ 1000K
$ 875K
$ 1481K
Estimated per system cost: 40K (aircraft and laptop
ground station)
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
FY01-FY02: Custom light weight Bolometer FLIR sensors. 200K
FY01-FY02: Development of 2 oz roll stabilized pan and tilt system. 500K
FY01-FY03 evaluation of autonomous flight, payload and stability other candidate
platforms (250K per vender x 6 vendors) 1,500K
FY01-FY03: Integration of acoustic cueing and automated search 500k
FY01-FY03: Incorporation of AVS image mosaicing and georegistration into a prototype
laptop ground station for improved situational awareness and target location accuracy.
FY01-FY04: Purchase of Mini UAV aircraft and ground stations for initial user
evaluation and CONOPS development. 50-100K per system (aircraft and hand held
ground station).
Lead Agency: AFRL/PR, (937) 255-6226
Objective/Description: The MEA program develops power generation,
conversion, energy storage and distribution systems including advanced electrical power
component and subsystem technologies. Power components are developed for aircraft
and flight line equipment to increase reliability, maintainability, commonality, and
supportability. These electrical power technologies are necessary to meet the 10-20 year,
long-term storage requirements of Air Force unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs).
Aircraft and system-level payoffs for the power technology improvements demonstrated
include a 20% reduction in deployment requirements for combat aircraft due to reduced
ground support equipment; a 15% reduction in maintenance manpower; two-level
maintenance instead of three-level; a 15% increase in sortie generation rate; an 8-9%
reduction in combat aircraft life-cycle cost; an 8% reduction in takeoff gross weight for a
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Joint Strike Fighter-type platform; a 4X increase in power system reliability; and a 15%
reduction in vulnerability for combat aircraft.
FY01: Direct drive starter/generator with turbomachine demonstrator
FY02: Integrate internal integral starter/generator into turbine engine core
FY02: Magnetic bearing health prognostics demonstration for integrated power unit
FY02: Complete fabrication of Motor Drive with 50% improvement in power density
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02
AFRL $19.1M $8.7M $10.4M
Lead Agency: US Army Communications-Electronics Command, Intelligence and
Information Warfare Directorate, (732)427-6520
Objective/Description: The MFSP program is being conducted jointly by CECOM
I2WD and the Army PEO IEW&S, Project Manager Signals Warfare. The objective is to
develop a single payload capable of conducting both Communications and Electronic
Intelligence (COMINT/ELINT) from 20 MHz to 40 GHz on a Tactical Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle. The program’s short-term objective is to demonstration its capabilities in the
VHF frequency band aboard a Hunter UAV. The long-term objective is to expand its
frequency range and capabilities using the DARPA Advanced Digital Receiver.
Complementary antenna development research is being conducted by Small Business
Innovative Research (SBIR) programs.
FY01: The prototype unit will be flight demonstrated in December 2000 against
VHF signals.
FY01-02: Payload development will be continued expanding the frequency range
and signal type capabilities with a flight demonstration at the end of FY02.
Current Funding Levels:
FY99 FY00 FY01
$0.8M $3.9M $0.5M
Estimated Unit Cost of each MFSP: $0.75M
Ready to begin system integration (initial capability): FY00
Ready to begin system integration (full capability): FY02
Anticipated operational availability (full capability): FY04
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Expansion of signal types: $2.5M
Expansion of frequency range: $1M
Field testing/flight demonstration: $2.5M
Lead Agency: CECOM, Intelligence & Information Warfare Directorate(732)427-
Objective/Description: The Multi-Mode Tactical UAV Radar is part of an ongoing
Multi-Mission Common Modular UAV Payloads Advanced Technology Demonstration
program. This radar provides a Moving Target Indicator (MTI) mode for the detection
and location of moving targets and a high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for
the location and imaging of stationery targets in Strip Map and Spot-light modes. The
SAR mode provides target location with accuracy suitable for targeting of non line-of-
sight weapons. The ATD program advances radar technology from the 175 lb. TESAR
system flown on Predator to a 63 lb. Radar. The Army selected Tactical UAV presents
additional volume challenges for integration of the radar which must be overcome
through additional development.
FY01: Integrate radar on a Hunter surrogate Tactical UAV and demonstrate
achievement of ATD Exit Criteria. Available for IBCT.
FY02-03: Expect to initiate integration of TUAVR for the Navy’s Vertical TUAV
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01
$ 4.0 M $ 3.2 M
Estimated unit cost per radar in production: $475k
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Exercise contract option for 5 additional radars for IBCT: $4M FY02, $1M FY03
Redesign of radar for TUAV volume constraints: $4M FY02, $4M FY03
Implementation of DARPA RF Tags: $1.5M FY02
Lead Agency: ONR-35, Dr. Allen Moshfegh, (703) 696-7954
Dist. continual plng. & exec
Internet in the sky
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Dist. autonomous agent networks
Intelligent autonomous AVs
Interconnectivity & Control Policy for AV clusters enabling fault-tolerant
Fault-tolerant adaptive ctrl.
Aggressive path plng. for multiple autonomous AVs
Exponentially unstable UAVs with Saturating Actuators
Hybrid & Intelligent ctrl. architectures
Nonlinear active ctrl. of external fluid flows
Dist. Multisensor Fusion Algorithms for Tracking
Intelligent architectures
Adaptive Control
Passive Sensor-Based Ctrl. of Nonlinear systems
A theory of hierarchical dist. systems
Data Provisioning for Mobile Agent organization
Adaptive Comm. System
Data transfer over changing networks
Learning and knowledge acq.
Adaptation & Control Strategies
Reactive Ctrl. for Dist. UCAV Networks
Applied Bayesian & Dempster-Shafer Inference
Design methodologies dvmt.
Multi-Agent Decision Makinging and Comm.
Nonlinear Ctrl. Design for Stability & Performance
Network of Networks for Multi-Scale Computing
Current Funding Levels:
FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02
$1.332M $3.573M $6.976M $6.210M $2.561M
Lead Agency: NAVY / PEO(W)/PMA263, (301) 757-6403
Objective/Description: The MLAS Advanced Concept Technology
Demonstration (ACTD) is an FY00 new-start program intended to assess military utility
of an electronically steered active aperture phased array antenna based on the
Multifunction Self-Aligned Gate Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MSAG
MMIC) technology. It will provide two-way Ku-band communications with four
different platforms simultaneously while on the move and meet the increasing demand
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
for high data rate video, voice and data links applicable for land, sea, and air platform
adaptation. The electronically-steered phased array antenna has no moving parts or
mechanical interference. It has a much smaller footprint and is more reliable than the
equivalent number of mechanically-steered antennas.
FY00: Completed initial RF component design, lab tests and confirmed capability
to handle four simultaneous full duplex links at high CDL data rates.
FY01: Complete design and initiate fabrication of interim demonstration antenna
system. Initiate design of final demonstration antenna system.
FY02: Assemble, test and initiate MLAS demonstrations in lab and field environments
with interim antenna system. Initiate fabrication and integration of final
demonstration antenna system.
FY03: Complete design, fabrication, and integration of final demonstration antenna
system. Conduct military utility and operational assessments; deliver residuals.
Current Funding Levels:
S&T Funding
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03
$1.2M $1.5M $1.5M $1.0
Non-S&T Funding
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03
$3.5M $.5M $.5M $.5
Anticipate transition decision: FY04
If transitioned, first production article: FY05
Desired unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
OSD-approved ACTD – potential Navy Lead
Activity included in scope, but unfunded
FY01 FY02 FY03
$10.5M $1.5M $0
In FY01 -- $7M from Approp Bill
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead Agency: CECOM, Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (POC:
Richard Wright 703-704-1329)
Objective/Description: The Advanced EO/IR payload is a part of the Multi-Mission
Common Modular Sensor suite supporting the TUAV Block II improvement for FCS.
The ATD will demonstrate affordable rapidly interchangeable EO/IR and lightweight
MTI/SAR payloads for the FCS tactical UAVs with applications to UGVs and ground
tactical vehcles. The EO/IR Common modular payload will be form/fit/interface
compatible and share common electronics, data link, and data compression. The EO/IR
payload leverages results of the ASSI program and utilizes a progressive scan color TV
and high quantum efficiency 3-5 micron staring array for an all digital imaging system.
The sensors will interface with the Tactical Common Data Link (TCDL), and the Tactical
Control Station (TCS) to deliver IMINT products to Army Users. The sensor has been
designed to accommodate Aided Target Recognition (ATR) algorithms and processing as
well as Airborne Video Surveillance (AVS) mosaic and geo registration requirements.
As a PrePlanned Product improvement (P3I), the Advanced EO/IR payload can include a
laser designator for the directing off board weapons. This advance sensor payload will
provide enhanced reconnaissance, surveillance, battle damage assessment, and target
cueing for non-line of sight weapons.
FY00: Detailed Design and Fabrication of Component Hardware
1Q FY01: Delivery of Payload #1, Initial flight testing on Surrogate Twin Otter
2Q FY01: Delivery of Payload #2 with laser range finder, initial testing on Twin
Otter Aircraft
3Q FY01: Demonstration flight on Hunter UAV.
4Q FY01: Begin transition to PM TESAR for production.
FY02-FY03: Short EMD, transition to LRIP
4QFY03: Anticipated delivery of First Production Units
Current Funding Levels
FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03
$ 5200 $ 1928 0 0
Estimated Unit Cost:
<200K by 33
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
The contract currently has an unfunded option for a diode based Laser
Rangefinder/Designator which provides 50M CEP and Hellfire designation at 4Km from
an airborne UAV. Technology provides for needed target location accuracy for GPS
guided and area munitions, illumination of targets for unambiguous target handoff, and
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
forward lasing of targets for Apache and Comanche to increase their survivability. Cost
to build EMD prototype is 2.5M$ and would require 18-24 months to execute once
option is exercised.
The Advanced EO/IR payload has been design to use technology being developed
under a DARPA program called Airborne Video Surveillance. AVS technology can,
among other functions, mosaic and geo-locate imagery for very high location accuracy.
The real-time demonstration of AVS and the Advanced EO/IR payload is currently
unfunded. The demonstration would include real-time mosaicing and geo-location of
imagery from the Advanced EO/IR sensor from a UAV (Hunter). Cost for the
demonstration is 1.5M$ if done in conjunction with 3Q FY 01 Hunter EO/IR
demonstration. It will require 6 months of preparation and pre testing prior to
There currently is no EMD program to incorporate AVS Technology into the
Common Ground Station (CGS). A program is required to transition from DARPA the
technology into a CGS compatible system. EMD cost is ?M$ and would require 24
There is a TUAV objective ORD requirement to provide an Aided Target Recognition
(ATR) system for the EO/IR sensor. This would give the UAV a wide area search
capability with acceptable user workload. The development of the ATR system for this
sensor is a joint Air Force/Army/OSD program. The Real-time-embedded Strike
Surveillance Target Acquisition and Recognition (RsSTAR) program is a program to
develop a common neural net based ATR algorithm leveraged from the Comanche ATR
which can be used for Mid Wave and Long Wave FLIR sensors as well as SAR imagery.
The program is funded at 1M$ per year through FY02. What is needed is development of
the processor based on COTS technology, which can implement the algorithm in real
time for UAV applications. An EMD program to do this would be required to start by 3Q
FY02, require 18 months to build, do preliminary field testing and cost 4M$.
Lead Agency: AFRL/HE, (937) 255-5779
Objective/Description: This inter-service research program is investigating the
role of multi-sensory interfaces as applied to the existing and future Unmanned Air
Vehicle (UAV) control stations. In addition, this effort is determining the relative
effectiveness of 2-D vs 3-D displays for UAV operations. The baseline for the near-term
research is the USAF Predator Medium Altitude Endurance (MAE) UAV. Studies are
empirically evaluating the effectiveness of haptic technology, 3-D audio, head-
coupled/head-mounted display operations, and symbology improvements using a high
fidelity UAV simulation testbed facility. In addition, an associated program (Speech
Recognition) is exploring the effectiveness of speech recognition interfaces in the UAV
and Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) domain. The results of this effort will be
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
expanded to facilitate the design of multi-sensory interface concepts supporting single
station control of multiple UCAVs. An additional research effort within AFRL/HE
(Real-Time Human Engineering) is focused on the development of UCAV operator
workload and situation awareness metrics that can be collected in real time. Specifically,
real-time operator functional state assessment tools are being developed to assist with the
implementation and control of UCAV automation. The objective will be to minimize
required UCAV system manning, while ensuring that workload and performance remain
within acceptable levels.
FY00-01: Demonstrate partial-immersive Predator UAV interface with identified
improvements to crew performance.
FY01: Demonstrate reduced crew Predator UAV workstation.
FY02: Demonstration of real-time UCAV operator workload metric data collection.
FY03: Demonstrate multi-sensory concepts supporting multi-ship UCAV control.
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03
AFRL $2.12M $2.11M $1.69M $1.70M
Ready to begin system integration: FY02
Anticipated operational availability: FY02+
Lead Agency: DARPA/TTO, (703) 696-2321
Objective/Description: The objective of the DARPA/DoN Naval Unmanned Combat
Air Vehicle Advanced Technology Demonstration (UCAV-N ATD) is to design,
develop, integrate, and demonstrate the critical technologies pertaining to an operational
Naval UCAV system. The critical technology areas are command, control, and
communications, human-systems interaction, targeting/weapons delivery, and most
importantly, design and demonstration of an aircraft carrier capable air vehicle. The
specific objectives of the UCAV-N ATD include: developing and demonstrating a low
life-cycle cost, mission effective design for a SEAD/Strike unmanned air vehicle;
developing and demonstrating a re-configurable control station for multi-ship operations;
demonstrating robust/secure command, control and communications, including line-of-
sight and over-the-horizon; exploring the full range of human-computer function
allocation, dynamic mission planning and management approaches; evaluating off-
board/on-board sensor integration, weapon targeting and loadouts. Another objective is
to demonstrate human-in-the-loop: detection, identification, location, real-time targeting,
weapons authorization, weapons delivery and target damage indication. Validating the
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
UCAV weapon system’s potential to affordably perform Suppression of Enemy Air
Defenses, Deep Strike, and Surveillance missions in the post 2010 timeframe is another
key objective. Life cycle cost models will be developed which include verifiable
estimates of acquisition and O&S costs. The critical affordability assumptions and
technologies will be validated through concept and process demonstrations.
FY00: Begin conceptional design of a Naval UCAV Operational Air System (UOS-
FY01: Compete conceptional of the UOS-N and develop a critical technology demo
FY05: Complete demonstration phase.
FY10: Initial Operational Capability
Current Funding Levels*:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04
$3.0M $3.0M $15.0M $25.0M $25.0M
* Funding shows total burdened dollars (including management, overhead, etc.) from
both the Navy and DARPA, currently budgeted for the program. DARPA has not yet
completed budgetary planning for the program demonstration phase of the program;
hence all funding shown for fiscal years 2002-2004 is Navy funding.
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost: DARPA share if funding
to initiate and complete the demonstration phase in fiscal years 01-04: approx. $75M.
Lead Agency: AFRL/VA, (937) 656-6337
Objective/Description: The Reliable Autonomous Control for Unmanned Air
Vehicles (UAVs) thrust is targeted at providing the on-vehicle control capabilities to
enable unmanned air vehicles to be as safe and mission effective as manned assets, but at
significantly reduced size, weight and cost. The approach is to develop, integrate, and
demonstrate the key capabilities for autonomous control: reliable, compact, light weight
hardware; intelligent inner-loop control functions to compensate for failures and
changing flight conditions; and self-adapting outer-loop (flight path and navigation)
control to provide on-board capability to react to changing mission needs. Technologies
in development include: photonic vehicle management systems, intelligent reconfigurable
control, prognostic health management, multi-ship coordinated control, and automatic air
collision avoidance. Coordination will be made with Navy, NASA, DARPA, and Army
efforts in autonomous control and related technologies.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY00-02: Demonstration of key implementation technologies (photonics,
intelligent control, multi-ship coordinated control)
FY02: Baseline design of integrated reliable autonomous control system
FY03: Flight demonstration of automatic air collision avoidance
FY04-05: Simulation and ground test of integrated autonomous control system
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05
AFRL $3.1M $6.6M $7.0M $5.9M $4.1M $2.4M
Ready to begin system integration: FY05.
Anticipated operational availability: FY07.
Lead Agency: SBCCOM
Concept of operation is being pursued on UGV and UAV to develop an operational /
Tactical Biological Detection system. Will provide Potential Presumptive Identification
at 0 - 300 feet AGL operation. The system will be able to provide Tips & Cues other Bio
assets for confirmation. System specifications; Sensitivity (10 particles/liter for 2-10 m
particles), Alarm response time (< 1 min.), False alarm rate (few per week) Compact,
light weight, low power
FY 00 – 01 develop and integrate
FY 01 demonstrate on UAV and UGV
Current Funding Levels
FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03
$ 640 K $ 640 K 0 0
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost: Develop from existing
BAWS system, an UAV Biological detection system to compliment ground systems.
FY 02 – Initiate design and development of an TUAV sensor $ 2.3 M
FY 03 – Integration and testing on TUAV $ 1 M
FY 04 – Transition to EMD/LRIP $ 1 M
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead Agency: SBCCOM
Concept of operation is being pursued on UGV and UAV for Theater / Operational /
Tactical Radiation Detection system. Developing, integrating and demonstrating
payload that detects Gamma & Neutron Radiation, Quantifies Radiation Exposure Rate at
0 - 10000 feet AGL operation and may drop in from higher altitudes.
System specifications; Ratemeter and integrated dose, measures dose rate from
0.1µGy/hr - 230 Gy/hr, measures total dose from 0.1µGy - 999 Gy, combined rate meter
and tactical dosimeter, measures dose rate from 0.1-999cGy/hr, measures total dose from
0.1-999cGy .
FY 00 – 01 integration of existing ground equipment
FY 01 demonstrate on UAV and UGV
Current Funding Levels
FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03
$ 640 K $ 640 K 0 0
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
To design and develop an UAV radiation detection sensor complementary to ground
equipment (VDR2/UDR13).
FY 02: Initiate design and development of TUAV sensor $ 1.3 M
FY 03: Integration and testing on TUAV $ 1 M
FY 04: Transition to EMD/LRIP $ 1 M
Lead Agency: CECOM NVESD, Tom Colandene (703) 704-1314
Objective/Description: The RTIS is a day time hyper-spectral sensor payload
suitable for TUAV. It will provide real-time target search of CC&D targets for detection
and cueing. The design incorporates a combined visible/near/short wave IR
(VNIR/SWIR) spectral sensor with a high resolution midwave IR imager in a tactical,
closed cycle cooled, roll stabilized package. The system concept makes use of real-time
spectral anomaly algorithms to detect CC&D and other difficult to find targets. Spectral
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
detections cue the high-resolution camera to provide an image which is transmitted via a
data link to an image analyst on the ground. The RTIS is a roll stabilized, wiskbroom
scanned, Offner spectrometer version of the Night Vision’s Imaging Spectrometer
(NVIS) sensor developed and demonstrated on NVESD’s Hyperspectral Airborne
Reconnaissance Platform (HARP). The RTIS design would be compatible with TUAV,
Hunter, Predator and a high altitude aircraft such as Global Hawk .
FY00: Proof of Concept demonstration in JCF AWE using NVIS on manned aircraft.
FY01: Design and fabricate RTIS sensor.
FY02: Assemble, Integrate and Ground Test Sensor and processing.
FY03: Sensor Specific Algorithm modifications, Flight testing on Twin Otter
Surrogate, Hunter Surrogate and TUAV.
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02
$ 400K 0 0
Estimated unit cost of each RTIS system is 750K
Ready to begin system integration: FY02
Anticipated operational availability: FY04+
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
RTIS System is currently unfunded except for Proof of Concept AWE participation
FY01: Design and fabricate RTIS sensor. 3.2M$
FY02: Assemble, Integrate and Ground Test Sensor and processing. 2.2M$
FY03: Sensor Specific Algorithm modifications, Flight testing on Twin Otter
Surrogate, Hunter Surrogate and TUAV. 1.9M$
Lead Agency: NAVY PEO(W)/PMA263, (301)- 757-5848
Objective/Description: See and Avoid systems (SAAS) are a UAV Collision
Avoidance option that consists of a multiple sensor system. One of the two systems is
transponder-based which is a derivative of the BF Goodrich Skywatch. The second
system is EO/IR and LADAR based system being built by Engineering 2000. A
combination of both systems will provide a multiple sensor solution that will allow
UAVs to fly in national airspace without a manned escort aircraft.
FY00: UAV Collision Avoidance Test
FY01: FAA certification of digital datalink data to ground control system
Engineering 2000 (E2K) SAAS
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY00: Contract award and Preliminary Design Review
FY01: Critical Design Review, meetings, and Technical Manual
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01
Desired unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Integration and Dimensional Reduction of Skywatch and E2K SAAS:
Testing of Integrated System: $500,000
FAA certification of integrated system: $750,000
Lead Agency: NAVY PEO(W)/PMA263, (301)-757-5848
Objective/Description: The shipboard touchdown prediction landing aid project
is a PMA funded effort developed by Altair Aerospace Corporation using Finite State
Models (computer code to control space satellites) and sophisticated non-linear prediction
algorithms to predict ship motion and assist the landing evolution of Naval UAVs aboard
ships at sea. The system will be deployed as Pre-Programmed Products Improvements
I) to the US Navy Firescout VTUAV ground station and will allow prediction of
quiescent periods of ship motion 20-30 seconds ahead of when they occur. The VTUAV
can then be commanded to make an autonomous landing during this quiescent period.
FY00: Touchdown prediction landing aid will be delivered and demonstrated as a
risk reduction effort for VTUAV.
FY01: EMD into VTUAV Ground station (if incorporated)
FY02: Operational testing (if Touchdown Prediction Landing Aid is incorporated
into LRIP VTUAV ground station)
FY03: Incorporated into production of VTUAV ground station.
Current Funding Levels:
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Desired unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
EMD into VTUAV ground station: $ 1M
Operational testing: $500 K
Lead Agency: AFRL/SN, (927) 299-5922 ext 291
Objective/Description: The SPIRITT Advanced Technology Demonstration
(ATD) will develop a day/night, high altitude, hyperspectral imaging (HSI)
reconnaissance sensor testbed to address U-2/Global Hawk limitations in detecting and
identifying camouflaged, concealed, and other difficult targets. The SPIRITT ATD will
develop and demonstrate an HSI sensor system with an integrated high resolution
day/night imaging system engineered to fit within both the U-2 Q-Bay and the Global
Hawk E-O Bay. It will provide the critical demonstration for transitioning this AFRL
technology to these two platforms. Operationally, this new EO/IR payload will be able to
fly concurrently with other reconnaissance assets for an integrated multi-INT capability:
the Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) payload and potentially either the Advanced Synthetic
Aperture Radar System (ASARS) radar or the Senior Year Electro-Optical
Reconnaissance System (SYERS) Pre-Planned Product Improvement (P3I) camera on the
U-2, and the synthetic aperture radar on the Global Hawk UAV. In parallel with the
SPIRITT ATD, the ASC/RA Airborne Targeting and Cross-Cueing System (ATACCS)
EMD program will develop multi-INT cross-cueing and fusion capabilities capable of
integrating the SPIRITT payload with the existing U-2 and Global Hawk reconnaissance
systems. In both the U-2 and Global Hawk configurations, the sensor system will support
a real-time on-board processing capability for rapid precision targeting. It will also
support full data recording for longer term Measurement and Signature Intelligence
(MASINT) exploitation for targets of interest to the Intelligence Community. The
SPIRITT ATD will have two development phases supporting demonstration milestones at
the end of FY03 and FY05. In Phase I, the baseline day only sensor system will be
designed, developed, and tested on-board a high altitude manned aircraft. Phase II adds
the day/night capability.
FY01-04: A day only hyperspectral sensor configuration will be developed and flight-
tested on a manned high altitude aircraft.
FY03-06: The day/night modular upgrade configuration will be developed and tested.
Current Funding Levels ($M):
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06
AFRL $1.2M $0.6M $2.0M $3.3M $2.5M $4.3M $2.5M
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
DIA/CMO $0.9M $2.0M $1.2M $0.6M
ASC/RA $2.0M $3.0M $1.0M
Ready to begin system integration of day system on manned test aircraft:
Anticipated operational availability on U-2: FY05+
Lead Agency: SBCCOM
Primarily a Theater TMD Asset that Detects Chemical Vapors, Identifies Chemical
Vapors, and Quantifies Chemical Vapors. The system will provide Tips & Cues to other
NBC Assets and operate at 2000 - 10000 feet AGL, 3.5 Km Swath @ 10000 feet AGL.
The system Provides TM WMD event situational awareness, Enables battlespace NBC
effects situation understanding, Extends battlespace geometry, Enables fighting force
positional advantage, Prevents operational & tactical level force surprise and Full-
dimension protection ( individuals, fighting formations, and critical assets ).
FY 00: Design and Development
FY 01: Integration
FY 02: Flight testing
FY 03: IOC
FY 04: Production
Current Funding Levels
FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03
$ 1.5M $ 1.0M $ 6.3M $ 6.3M
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Leverage from current concept of operation efforts and develop remote chemical
detection sensor, complementary to existing ground equipment (ACADA/ICAM).
FY 02 – Initiate design and development of a TUAV sensor that may or may not be
dropped. $ 1.8 M
FY 03 – Integrate and test on TUAV $ 1.6 M
FY 04 – Transition to EMD/LRIP $ 1.3 M
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead Agency: AFRL/SN, (937) 255-1105 ext 3434
Objective/Description: The Air Force has identified the requirements for moving
target ATR. Current Moving Target Indicator (MTI) and Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR) technology have limitations against moving targets which High Range Resolution
(HRR) ATR is expected to overcome. Specifically, current MTI technology can detect
moving targets over a wide search area but can not classify them while current SAR ATR
technology can classify these targets but only if they are stationary. HRR ATR will
complement the existing MTI and SAR technology by providing an ATR capability the
warfighter currently does not have but needs, a wide area search and ATR classification
capability against ground moving targets in all weather. This program will demonstrate
cost effective robust ATR of moving ground targets using an HRR radar mode. Concept
of operations, projected radar performance, and on board processing limitations will drive
the technical approach. Operational constraints will be defined and documented. Under
these operational constraints, existing HRR ATR algorithms will be evaluated for
feasibility of transition to operational radar platforms, including U-2 and Global Hawk
FY98-00: Demonstrate air-to-ground HRR algorithm on 5-10 moving targets
using radar testbed data.
FY01: Demonstrate fusion of Moving Target Indication and Track for HRR using
reconnaissance platform data.
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01
AFRL $0.70M $0.76M
DARPA $0.30M $0.30M
TOTAL $1.00M $1.06M
Estimated unit cost for Global Hawk radar modifications and software
modifications $2M.
Ready to begin System Integration: FY05
Anticipated Operational Capability: FY07+
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead Agency: NAVY PEO(W)/PMA263, (301)-757-5848
Objective/Description: The tasks addressed under TCPT will provide on-site
engineering and technical assessment and advice regarding advancing technologies and
developments in UAVs and UAV payloads. Tasks will include:
Participation in designated Integrated Product Teams
Technical assessment of UAV command and control systems
UAV platform avionics improvements
UAV image exploitation improvements
Development of UAV targeting concept of operations (CONOPS)
Field demonstrations of new/improved capabilities
Prototyping of new concepts and systems
Total ownership cost trades between levels of automation and levels of
required training and manning.
FY00: On-site Engineering and Technical Assessments and UAV Platform
Avionics Improvements
FY01: Engineering and Technical Assessment of C3 Systems and UAV Ground
Systems Improvements
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01
Desired unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
UAV Image Exploitation Improvements: $120K
UAV Targeting CONOPS: $30K
Field Demonstrations of New Capabilities: $120K
Lead Agency: NAVY PEO(W)/PMA263, 301-757-5848
Objective/Description: The intent of the plug and play MMP is to have a
VTUAV open architecture such that: “An MMP with the proper mechanical, electrical
and software interface, and within the platform’s physical constraints, shall be able to
operate in the TCS-compliant UAV systems with nothing more that an automatic MMP
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
driver load into TCS”. In other words, the integration of a new MMP should not require
recertification of the system.
Northrop Grumman Ryan Aeronautical Center conducted an architectural trade
study to evaluate Network topologies that will provide a “plug and play” capability, and
identify the efforts necessary to support implementation of this topology, and other
relevant program impacts, especially on the airborne elements.
FY00: Low-level studies such as Northrop Grumman Ryan Aeronautical
Center’s MMP interface Architecture Trade Study for the Firescout VTUAV
FY01: Studies & Low Level Technology development & demonstrations
FY03: Integration and test support
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07
$0 $200K $200K $200K $400K $400K $400K $400K
Desired unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Technology development: $ 1.5M
Development of standard interface: $ 2.5M
Lead Agency: NAVY PEO(W)/PMA263, (30)- 757-5848
Objective/Description: The UAV Autonomy project is a core program of the
Autonomous Operations FNC in the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The project seeks
to develop and demonstrate those core technologies needed to increase the autonomy of
the future UAVs and, in particular, provide P
I options to Firescout VTUAV and Tactical
Control System programs. The UAV autonomy project will produce three major
demonstrations, with technology transition opportunities after each:
Situational awareness demonstration (FY03)
Multi-Vehicle Networking Demonstration (FY05)
Intelligent Autonomy Demonstration (FY07)
FY00: Low-level planning
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY01: Detailed demonstration planning and technology roadmapping
FY02-FY07: Technology Development and Demonstrations
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03-
$1M $10M $10M/Y
Desired unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Joint Demonstration (with US Army, USAF): $ 1.5M
Situational Awareness EMD to VTUAV: $2M
Multi-vehicle Networking EMD to VTUAV: $2M
Intelligent Autonomy EMD to VTUAV: $2M
Lead Agency: NAVY/ONR/, (703) - 696-7917
Objective/Description: The UAV propulsion project is a funded above-core
program of the autonomous operations FNC in the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The
project seeks to leverage those technologies developed by the Integrated High
Performance Turbine Engine Technologies (IHPTET) program for future naval
UAV/UCAV applications, and in a particular to press towards a flight worthy
demonstrator engine. Major demonstrations are scheduled to be conducted FY05-07.
FY00: Low level planning
FY01: Detailed demonstration planning and technology roadmapping
FY02-07: Technology developmental demonstrations
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06
$500K $2.9M $4.2 M $4.5 M $5.0 M $5.5 M
Desired unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Joint Demonstrations (with USAF): $ 1.5 M
Final Development of Flight Worthy Demonstration Engine: $75 M
In-Flight Demonstrations: $ 5 M
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Lead Agency: NASA/DFRC
Objective/Description: This is a joint NASA/General Atomics-Aeronautical Systems
Inc. (GA-ASI) effort to develop the Predator B. The project consists of three aircraft.
The first two aircraft were part of GA-ASI’s original effort to develop two versions of the
Predator B for the US military. The first of these aircraft will fly for 25 hours over
40,000 feet. It will have a GTOW of 6,400 lbs, 94 foot wingspan, carry a payload of 700
lbs, and use a Honeywell (Allied Signal) TPE 331-10 turboprop engine. The second
vehicle will be the same size and GTOW, but will fly up to 57,000 feet, have a maximum
duration of 12 hours and will use the Williams FJ44-24 fanjet engine. The third vehicle
will be built to meet NASA objectives. It’s GTOW will 7,000 lbs, and a wingspan of 84
feet. IT will use the Honeywell turboprop engine and carry a maximum payload of 880
lbs. NASA plans to fly a series of science demonstration missions for 24 hours above
40,000 feet in the National Airspace System. NASA has to goals for the project. The
first is to develop an uninhabited aircraft to fly between 40,000 feet and 65,000 feet and
durations from 24 to 48 hours. The second goal is to fly over-the-horizon flights in the
National Airspace to promote the development of regulation to support the use of UAVs
for science missions.
FY00 Build and flight-test aircraft 001 (turboprop)
FY01 Build and flight-test aircraft 002 (turbofan)
FY02 Build and flight-test aircraft 003 (NASA enhanced turboprop)
Current Funding levels
FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02
NASA $0M $2.4M $4.7M $3.7M
GA-ASI $4.0M $4.8M $2.7M $0.5M
Total $4.0M $7.2M $7.4M $4.2M
Lead Agency: AFRL/HE, (937) 656-4390
Objective/Description: The objective of the Predictive Failure and Diagnostics for
Legacy Aircraft (PFAD) program is to reduce legacy aircraft downtime by enhancing the
capability of maintainers to identify the causes of system failures through better
diagnostics, and, where possible, identify imminent system failures (failure prognostics)
so that replacements can be made before an actual failure occurs. This program has
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
critical value in promoting the rapid turnaround of future UAVs and UCAVs for
maximum sortie rate.
FY00: Sensors investigation (6.2) - Task Order
FY00: PFAD Prime Contract Award
FY01: Data Requirements, On vs Off-Board Diagnostics
FY02: Diagnostics Concept Design/Algorithm Development
FY03: Demonstrate Diagnostics Approach, Prognostics Concept Design
FY04: Prognostics Algorithm Development
FY05: Technology Demonstration, Technology Transition
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05
AFRL $0.40M $1.97M $1.84M $3.3M $5.7M $2.5M
Ready to begin system integration: FY05
Anticipated operational availability: FY05+
Lead Agency: AFRL/HE, (480) 988-6561 ext 111
Objective/Description: This program is developing a high fidelity control station
using the Predator UAV (RQ-1) as the initial baseline system. In partnership with
U and TRSS Det 1, AFRL/HE is developing, fabricating, and delivering a PC-
based training system which supports Predator UAV crew training and serves as a testbed
to assess alternative training curricula and methods, automation levels, interface formats
and design changes. To promote realistic testbed development, cognitive task analyses
have been conducted that identify current UAV and future UCAV operator functional
requirements. The testbed will provide a realistic, low cost synthetic environment that
can be networked into larger synthetic exercises to support distributed mission training
and to provide decision-aiding information. The synthetic environment and derived
tasks, as well as the system hardware requirements and software, are available for use in
UAV/UCAV research efforts. Using the software from the training system and some
synthetic tasks derived from the cognitive task analysis, there is also an ongoing study
designed to determine the amount and type (if any) of flying experience required to serve
as an Air Vehicle Operator for the Predator.
FY00: High fidelity Predator simulation capability for training and research.
FY 01: Compete Flying Experience Study
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY03: UCAV training research capability demonstrated in distributed mission
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01
AFRL $0.30M $0.30M
Lead Agency: AFRL/HE, (937) 656-4390
Objective/Description: The objective of the Predictive Failure and Diagnostics
for Legacy Aircraft (PFAD) program is to reduce legacy aircraft downtime by enhancing
the capability of maintainers to identify the causes of system failures through better
diagnostics, and, where possible, identify imminent system failures (failure prognostics)
so that replacements can be made before an actual failure occurs. This program has
critical value in promoting the rapid turnaround of future UAVs and UCAVs for
maximum sortie rate.
FY00: Sensors investigation (6.2) - Task Order
FY00: PFAD Prime Contract Award
FY01: Data Requirements, On vs Off-Board Diagnostics
FY02: Diagnostics Concept Design/Algorithm Development
FY03: Demonstrate Diagnostics Approach, Prognostics Concept Design
FY04: Prognostics Algorithm Development
FY05: Technology Demonstration, Technology Transition
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05
AFRL $0.40M $1.97M $1.84M $3.3M $5.7M $2.5M
Ready to begin system integration: FY05
Anticipated operational availability: FY05+
Lead Agency: AFRL/HE, (937) 255-5779
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Objective/Description: This interface research directly supports Phase II of the
DARPA/USAF Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) Advanced Technology
Demonstration (ATD). The Operator Vehicle Interface program designs, develops and
evaluates interface concepts supporting the control of multiple UCAVs by a single
supervisory operator. This research effort works very closely with Boeing Human
System Interface personnel to identify operator requirements and integrate interface
solutions into the overall UCAV operator workstation.
FY00-02: Prototype interface concepts supporting UCAV software Builds 1.2, 1.3, and
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02
AFRL $0.65M $0.67M $0.57M
Ready to begin system integration: Ongoing
Anticipated operational availability: FY05+
Lead Agency: DARPA/TTO, (703) 696-2369
Objective/Description: The objective of the DARPA/USAF Unmanned Combat Air
Vehicle Advanced Technology Demonstrator (UCAV ATD) is to design, develop,
integrate, and demonstrate the critical technologies pertaining to an operational UCAV
system. The critical technology areas are command, control, and communications,
human-systems interaction, targeting/weapons delivery, and air vehicle design. The
specific objectives of the UCAV ATD include: developing and demonstrating a low life-
cycle cost, mission effective design for a SEAD/Strike unmanned air vehicle; developing
and demonstrating a re-configurable control station for multi-ship operations;
demonstrating robust/secure command, control and communications, including line-of-
sight and over-the-horizon; exploring the full range of human-computer function
allocation, dynamic mission planning and management approaches; evaluating off-
board/on-board sensor integration, weapon targeting and loadouts. Another objective is
to demonstrate human-in-the-loop: detection, identification, location, real-time targeting,
weapons authorization, weapons delivery and target damage indication. Validating a
UCAV weapon system’s potential to affordably perform SEAD/Strike missions in the
post 2010 timeframe is another key objective. Life cycle cost models will be developed
which include verifiable estimates of acquisition and O&S costs. The critical
affordability assumptions and technologies will be validated through concept and process
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY01: Block 1 Flight Testing (1 vehicle, taxi and flight tests, handoff of control,
FY02: Block 2 Flight Testing (2 vehicles, dynamic retasking, weapon drop, etc.)
Current Funding Levels*:
FY98 FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02
$15.0M $32.0M $34.1M $38.8M $23.1M
Funding shows total burdened dollars (including management, overhead, etc.) from
both the Air Force and DARPA, for Phase I and Phase II of the program. Total contract
dollars for Phase II are $110M from the Government, with an additional $21M from
Boeing. Projected UCAV Unit Recurring Flyaway (URF) Cost is less than 1/3 of JSF.
Projected UCAV O&S Cost is less than 1/4 of F-16 HARM Targeting System squadron
Ready to begin system integration and initiate EMD: FY05
Anticipated Operational Availability: FY10
Desirable unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Initiate Phase III in FY02: approx. $225M
(Phase III includes intelligent multi-vehicle flight ops, ground ops, end-to-end
demo, etc.)
Lead Agency: AFRL/VA, (937) 656-6337
Objective/Description: The Vehicle Technologies for Future Intelligence,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Requirements thrust is developing a set of
technologies that will enable a significantly more affordable ISR capability. The
endurance capability for these air vehicles is critical for mission effectiveness and greatly
impacted by vehicle weight and aerodynamic efficiency. This thrust is focused on
adaptive structures and active flow control for maximizing aerodynamic efficiency, ultra-
lightweight airframe concepts specific to high altitude airfoil geometry, and structural
concepts that enable efficient integration of large antennae. Flexible structures, coupled
with advanced actuation concepts, will enable aircraft geometry to adapt to changing
flight conditions and increase aerodynamic efficiency throughout the mission profile.
Application of advanced material product forms, advanced manufacturing and assembly
processes, design optimization and criteria, hybridization of composite and metallic
materials, and integration of structure and subsystem features will enable the structural
weight reduction necessary for long endurance.
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
FY01-03: Exploratory development of adaptive airframes and flow control for
aerodynamic efficiency improvement and broadband array integrated with load bearing structure.
FY02-04: Exploratory development of ultra-lightweight structural concepts.
FY02-04: Advanced development of structurally integrated antenna.
FY03-07: Advanced development of adaptive airframes, flow control, and lightweight
structural concepts.
Current Funding Levels:
FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07
$0.656M $1.431M $3.229M $4.682M $6.105M $4.884M $3.330M
Lead Agency: AFRL/PR, (937) 255-2767
Objective/Description: Develop and demonstrate affordable, advanced turbine
engine system and engine/ airframe integration technologies for legacy, pipeline, and
future military aircraft/rotorcraft, missiles, and unmanned air vehicles; and improve
design and cost analysis methods to gain a fundamental understanding of the overall
propulsion and power system affordability. The Versatile Affordable Advanced Turbine
Engine (VAATE) goal is a revolutionary 10X improvement in turbine engine
affordability (capability-to-cost ratio) by 2017 with interim goals of 4X by 2006 and 6X
by 2010. [Propulsion capability includes engine thrust/weight and fuel consumption; and
propulsion cost is the sum of development, production, and maintenance costs.] The
focus is to combine advanced aerodynamics, materials, and structural concepts with
emerging active control, health management, aircraft subsystem integration, and
information technologies to create a revolutionary improvement in turbine engine
affordability. When combined with advanced air vehicle technologies, VAATE
technologies will allow a 100-200% range improvements of current and developmental
combat and reconnaissance UAVs.
FY04-06: Small engine core design and manufacture
FY06: Engine core test
FY05-07: Design and manufacture of UAV engine demonstrator
FY07: Phase I UAV engine demonstrator test
Planned Funding Levels:
FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08
$5M $15M $18M $16M $6M
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
Approximately 2/3 to 3/4 of the funding is from AFRL, with the balance being
the Navy.
Lead Agency: NAVY/ONR, (703) 696-7917
Objective/Description: The VTUAV communications payload project is a
funded above-core program of the Information distribution FNC in the Office of Naval
Research (ONR). The project seeks to facilitate network centric warfare by developing
and integrating a payload package for the Firescout VTUAV capable of wideband data
relay via “internet in the sky” directional Tactical Common Data Link (TCDL). The
needs of littoral forces will also be addressed. Major demonstrations of this technology
are scheduled to be conducted in FY05-07.
FY00: Low level planning
FY01: Detailed demonstration planning and technology roadmapping
FY02-07: Technology development & demonstrations
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01
Desired unfunded follow-on activity, with estimated cost:
Joint Demonstrations (with US Army, USAF): $ 1.5 M
Development of fit Army TUAV: $ 2.0 M
Lead Agency: AFRL/MN, (850) 882-5151
Objective/Description: Weapons Integration for Unmanned Air Vehicles
(UAVs) is a collection of flight test munitions programs that are on the critical path
(required for mission utility as an Unmanned Air Vehicle) for the weaponization of
Unmanned Air Vehicles. The munitions programs include: Precision Direct Attack
Munitions (PDAM), Small Smart Bomb Range Extension (SSBREX), Low Cost
Autonomous Attack System (LOCAAS), and Small Munitions Dispenser (SMD). These
programs will provide a UAV the capability to be small in size, low cost, have increase
payload, and standoff while attacking fixed and mobile targets. PDAM, SSBREX, and
UAV Roadmap 2000 – Appendix
LOCAAS are precision guided weapons with increased accuracy to significantly improve
kills/sortie. The SMD program will develop and demonstrate advanced technologies
applicable to provide optimum carriage, electrical interface, and dispensing of smart
miniature weapons.
FY00: Flight test of SSBREX will validate range extension predictions
FY01: Flight test of LOCAAS will validate safe separation and flight commands for a
mobile target killer.
FY02: Flight test demonstration of optimum carriage, electrical interface, and dispensing
of miniature weapons.
FY02: Critical design of Precision Direct Attack Munitions for increased target accuracy.
Transition Dates:
Small Smart Bomb Range Extension (SSBREX) FY01
Low Cost Autonomous Attack System (LOCAAS) FY02
Small Munitions Dispenser (SMD) FY04
Precision Direct Attack Munitions (PDAM) FY05
Current Funding Levels:
FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04
AFRL $10.53M $9.46M $12.6M $10.62M $6.41M