Central Features
& Benefits
Features & Benefits
Automation Module | Security Module | Insight Module | Remote Support Module | Base Plan
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Feature Benefit
One2Many Automated Task
Install or update soware,
distribute les, run scripts,
and automate manual tasks
across mulple computers
Deploy and automate roune IT tasks to increase producvity, opmize resource
allocaon, and maximize security.
A mass deployment tool that oers automaon, machine maintenance, and
task delivery.
Take back your me and be an IT hero with automated task management capabilies.
Automate remote commands or update registry sengs, and get back to the bigger
projects that maer most.
Mass or individually deploy to desnaon folders on select endpoints.
Ulize JavaScript to perform comprehensive Windows update on remote computers.
Run tasks immediately or per a schedule.
Advanced Scripting
Powerful command-line scripting
lets you install software or push
files to multiple devices at the
same time.
Run PowerShell, a powerful command-line shell and scripng language, across
mulple computers simultaneously.
Save me, eliminate repeve tasks, and reduce IT cost by running CMD or
PowerShell commands across mulple computers at the same me.
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Features & Benefits
Feature Benefit
Proactive Alerts
Set up, monitor, and take acon
on alerts to address potenal
performance and security holes
before they occur.
Take your IT support from reacve to proacve.
Receive crical system alerts in real me and address potenal issues before
they occur.
Monitor computer health and take acon on alerts to resolve concerns before they
become problems.
Monitor any soware/hardware changes including hard drive errors and stay ahead
of risks.
Set up alerts for performance (CPU), maintenance (folder size, le size), and general
support (if a user installed soware, missing hardware.)
Self-Healing Alerts
Combine proactive alerts with
One2Many automated task
management to enable common
problems to solve themselves.
Combine proacve alerts with One2Many to prevent the need to address the same
issue more than once.
Add soluons ahead of me, allowing the alert to solve the problem without any
human intervenon.
Acvely protect your business by customizing alerts on system and endpoint status.
Idenfy and close security gaps in real me.
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Features & Benefits
Feature Benefit
Patch Management
Idenfy, approve, and
deploy patches to one or
mulple devices.
Quickly idenfy vulnerable third-party applicaons and automacally deploy patches
to keep your soware up-to-date and protected against threats.
Perform mulple updates simultaneously behind the scenes with no interrupon to
end users.
Schedule and push out crical soware updates during o hours.
Automate soware updates on remote computers to save me.
Securely deploy Windows and applicaon updates to out-of-date endpoints.
Windows Updates
View, manage, and automatically
update your Windows systems at
any time.
Centrally manage and view your Windows updates status, including when a new
update is available.
Provide service packs and patches for the Windows operang system and other
Microso soware.
Update drivers for popular hardware devices.
Prevent future issues by scheduling updates.
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Features & Benefits
Feature Benefit
Application Updates
Easily and automacally deploy
third-party applicaon updates to
out-of-date devices.
Get a clear view into out-of-date soware and beer control your IT assets.
Monitor computers for outdated or at-risk soware, including Adobe, Java, web
browsers and more.
Push soware updates directly to all or select computers and groups.
Manage and perform mulple updates silently without interrupon to end users
without interrupon to end users or remote computers.
Automate soware updates on remote computers to prevent future issues.
Gain greater insight into a broader array of soware on every computer.
Spend less me on maintenance and more me on strategy thanks to
streamlined updates.
Gain stronger condence in the security of your endpoints through proacve
management of issues.
Gain exible, ecient control over your networks with automated and
scheduled updates.
Antivirus Management
Easily monitor and manage
anvirus soware to ensure your
endpoints are protected.
Request status updates, view a list of threats, iniate scans, and more.
See all the issues that exist with a computer, a list of ways to solve those issues, and a
quick link to remote into the computer to x the errors.
Manage the anvirus soware you already have deployed or take advantage of our
built-in anvirus license soware and keep all your managed computers secure.
Save me and money with included anvirus soware.
Receive alerts if there are any threats.
Manage anvirus soware from a single dashboard.
Idenfy which endpoints need updates or patches.
Antivirus Powered by Bitdefender
Powerful anvirus that
protects from viruses, malware,
ransomware, phishing aacks, and
sophiscated online threats.
Ensure your endpoints are protected with world-class security and control.
Customize your anvirus protecon with congurable policies for all devices in your
account or for specic groups of computers.
Consolidate your anvirus soware into Central for a single-pane-of-glass view into
your endpoint infrastructure.
Give or rescind capabilies to users with Firewall protecon.
Schedule quick local, full, and sophiscated scans to examine endpoints in depth for
viruses, including memory, hard drive, le systems, and external devices connected to
the computer.
Get real-me nocaons of threats with Real Time Protecon (RTP) that
connuously inspects the computer’s memory and le system.
See scans of HTTP trac for malware.
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Features & Benefits
Feature Benefit
Asset Management
Manage soware inventory.
Idenfy unauthorized soware installed on users’ or employees’ computers.
Easily idenfy what is installed on each machine to boost security, avoid gaps, and
take swi acon if needed.
Pinpoint unauthorized ash/external drives connected to computers.
Conrm soware versions are on the latest stable and secure build.
Proactive Alerts
Set up, monitor, and take acon
on alerts to address potenal
performance and security issues
before they occur.
Take your IT support from reacve to proacve.
Receive crical system alerts in real me and address potenal issues before
they occur.
Monitor computer health and take acon on alerts to resolve concerns before they
become problems.
Monitor any soware/hardware changes including hard drive errors and stay ahead
of risks.
Set up alerts for performance (CPU), maintenance (folder size, le size), and general
support (if a user installed soware, missing hardware).
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Features & Benefits
Feature Benefit
Dashboard & Reporting
Instantly view, track, monitor,
and report on your enre IT
Get a single-pane-of-glass view into remote access sessions.
Analyze account acvity and customer reports to keep a nger on the pulse of your
crical systems.
Easily audit security with acvity and usage reports including who logged in when
and from what IP address.
Report on the data that maers most such as inventory, CPU usage, and
installed soware.
Easily export reports for CPU usage, disc space, soware changes, computers oine,
and more.
Produce customized reports at the hardware, soware, and systems level.
Drill-down data at specic endpoints — from soware inventory to user proles.
Instant access to congurable reports and data from anywhere to help stay secure
and compliant.
Computer Audit & Inventory
View and report on your
IT infrastructure.
Instantly view and report on your enre IT infrastructure to monitor the age of your
crical systems.
Track and monitor your endpoint inventory with ease.
Review side-by-side comparisons of historical hardware, soware, and system
inventory data by date to track changes over me.
Executive Reports
Generate a xed-format report
that provides a 30-day overview
of key data.
Provide customers and stakeholders with addional insight into the value of the
services they provide.
Generate pie charges for the number of computers by Windows updates, anvirus,
OS type, and disk space status.
Produce graphs for the number and total me of remote control sessions held
per day.
Create pie charges for the number of alerts reported per day vs. the number
acknowledged, or the number of anvirus threats reported per day vs. the number
of threats handled.
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Features & Benefits
Automation Module | Security Module | Insight Module | Remote Support Module | Base Plan
Feature Benefit
Unlimited Ad Hoc Sessions
Ability to support anyone,
anywhere, seamlessly with
unlimited one-o sessions.
Access devices in oce, at remote workstaons, hybrid work environments, on-
network devices, o-network devices, or personal devices without pre-installed
soware or needing to add them permanently to your account.
Remote control devices on-demand to solve issues faster.
Support employees in one-o sessions by controlling devices with the click of a
buon as if you were sing in front of it.
The ability to connect to any device eortlessly with zero-download remote
view funconality.
Easily share les with end users while in remote support sessions, for seamless back-
and-forth data transfers.
Multi-Platform Support
Provides ad-hoc mul-plaorm
support for Windows, Mac, iOS,
and Android so you can easily
support any tech issue on
any device.
Ensure fast, friconless support for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.
Access devices remotely from a browser, desktop, or app (iOS or Android).
Deliver ad hoc capabilies across both desktop and mobile, including features like
zero-download remote view and remote control, exible join ows, admin mode, and
mul-session handling.
Use remote screen view on any iPhone or iPad running iOS 11+, and remote view and
control on any devices running Android 6+ with Mobile Device Support.
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Features & Benefits
Feature Benefit
Flexible Join Flow
Mulple ways to start a remote
support session to begin
Choose the right connecon method for any situaon.
Invite end users to join a session by support key, direct link, email link,
or SMS.
Ease of use for end user, giving them the exibility to choose a connecon method
with which they are comfortable and familiar.
Easily run tasks in Admin mode without needing end users to enter credenals,
allowing them to connect without extra steps or complexity.
Guided Agent Flow
Intuive visual cues to guide
end users through beginning
a remote session.
Starng a session is now simpler than ever for both the end user trying to join the
session and the agent trying to guide them through it.
Helpful for end users who are less tech-savvy, providing step-by-step instrucons on
what to do next.
Gives the agent insight into where the end user is in the process of beginning a
session, allowing faster issue resoluon with less wait me.
Provide peace of mind for end users, with no downloads required and total control
over ending a session.
Multi-Session Handling
Simultaneously handle mulple
sessions at a me.
Do more with less and opmize your resources by toggling between sessions.
Save me and solve more issues faster with mulple support sessions running at the
same me.
Access mulple monitors and synchronize clipboards for each session.
Agent Collaboration
Solve issues faster by bringing
agents together in a remote
support session.
Allows the right agents to work to resolve issues faster by bringing agents together to
team up and do more.
Enable agents to collaborate on sessions or hand o to other agents with ease.
View and control end-user screens, device diagnoscs, and chats by mulple agents
— at the same me.
Make seamless hand-os to other agents via session transfers, for maximized
producvity and faster problem resoluon.
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Features & Benefits
Feature Benefit
One-Click HD Unattended
Remote Access
Fast, secure access to any
Windows or Mac device without
needing to be on the network or
have a user present.
Best-in-class unaended remote access soware, allowing IT professionals to
eliminate on-site visits and provide on-demand support with any internet connecon.
Remote into any computer or workstaon without interrupng the end user to
troubleshoot or update devices as and when needed.
User and Device Management
Arrange your users and computers
into groups, control permissions,
and extend computer access
to anyone.
Manage unlimited users and report on each user’s acvies.
Keep your devices secure by easily updang access permissions as your team grows
or changes.
User management allows granularity in what a user can access in terms of features
or devices.
MSPs can provide addional value by providing clients user access to log in to their
machines remotely.
Organize computers according to locaon, funcon, access permissions, or the
criteria you choose.
Host Preference Package
Dene and deploy host
preferences and security
sengs to any group devices
in the account.
Set specic policies around Access Control, choosing to allow things like full control
to admins, login credenals to be saved, saving username in a cookie, hiding list of
domains on the remote access login screen, and allowing the user to turn o Central.
Establish clear policies around IP address lockout, e.g. set limits on the number of
invalid HTTP or log-in aempts.
Customize policies for network preferences, login sengs, remote control sengs
including security features, and choosing appearance preferences.
Background Access
Access and perform maintenance
to any device without interrupng
the end user by using the registry
or command line.
Work on your own me without needing to wait for the end user to leave
their device.
Monitor CPU, memory, and drive usage.
Restart or reboot devices.
View drivers, registry editor, and network trac.
View the service list with the ability to service start and service stop.
Access a PowerShell terminal.
Multi-Monitor Display & Support
Access and view more than
one monitor connected to the
remote device.
Easily view and support mulple monitors during one remote session.
Whether you have single or mulple monitors, work as if you were sing in front of
the remote device.
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Features & Benefits
Feature Benefit
File Transfer/File Sharing
Transfer and share les directly
between the computer you
are sing in front of and the
computer you are remong into.
Seamlessly and quickly transfer and share les with your team members using
secure downloads.
Drag, drop, and share les easily and securely.
Mobile Application
Mobile app available for Android
and iOS.
Access devices or provide RMM funconalies on-the-go from wherever you are
from your mobile device.
If you are traveling to a customer site, you can jump into your Central account with
your phone or iPad to check a status or make an update.
Request a Demo
Learn more at www.logmein.com/central
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