New CSP: suggestions for a Business Plan outline
(Core headings & content taken from WSU Small Business Dev Center’s template for a Business Plan)
Table of Contents
Develop one page showing the topics and page references.
Executive Summary
The Company
What type of business (CSP & services) do you own or propose to own/run?
What is the current stage of development (start-up, expansion)?
What is unique about your service?
Keys to Success:
What will be the critical keys to success for your business/services?
Statement of Funding Summary
Summarize the financial projections. (Include start-up expenses, yearly gross profits, net profits, break-
even, return on investment, and cash flows.
Description of Business
Company Ownership
Who are the principals and what are their proportions of ownership?
How is the business structured (corp., LLC, etc.)?
What is the current status or projected opening?
Description of Product/Service
Describe your services(s).
Discuss any opportunities for the expansion of services.
Do you have letters of intent or commitments from people willing to be staff for your agency?
Company Location and Facilities
What is your proposed location and why did you choose it?
Will the building be rented, leased, or owned?
What are the terms of the contract? (Include copies of supporting documents in the appendix.)
What renovations will be needed and at what cost? How will they impact your lease? (Include quotes in
How much can your business expand before you will be forced to move or add on to the present
What equipment and furnishings will you need (i.e. desks, chairs, computer hardware and software, etc.)
Where will locked files/information be kept.
What licenses or permits are you required to obtain? How long does it take to get them?
Do you have a registered trademark for the name of your company? (Include supporting documents in
the appendix.)
Is your business affected by zoning, ADA, OSHA, Fire Marshall regulations?
Describe the insurance coverage (i.e. liability, property, workers compensation, etc.) you have to protect
both the company and yourself
Will you/your employees need to be bonded?
Will your company provide employee benefits for you and/or your employees? Explain, and include
copies of supporting documents in the appendix.
Start-Up Costs
Create an itemized list of anticipated start-up costs.
Market Analysis
Target Market and Demographics
Who are your potential consumers?
What is your geographic market area? How many potential customers are in your market? Document the
sources of your estimates.
Identify potential market segments. List potential consumers, if you know this.
What percent of the market do you have now? How much do you think you will have in the future?
Document the sources of your estimates.
What will influence the choice decisions of your consumers: quality, service, personal contacts,
or some combination of these factors?
Competitive Analysis
Define the current advantages and disadvantages of your major competitors’ services. Get to know the
competitors' services by calling, sending someone to the agency to see /discuss services, looking at their
advertising, etc.
Who is the Director of Services manager/leader?
Identify substitute services.
What is the trend in the business/industry? (Are revenues growing, stable, or in decline?)
Competitive Edge
What makes your service unique?
What features or services will you offer that will justify your price compared to competitors' prices?
How will you attract and keep your share of the market?
Explain all that apply: customer service, convenience, product quality, price, location, promotion,
Persuasion personal selling, distribution, accept credit cards/checks, extend credit. What is your credit
policy and payment terms?
What are your service policies?
Sales Forecast
Describe the potential annual growth of the total market.
Total market projections should be made for at least three years.
Discuss the major factors affecting growth (waiting lists; etc…).
Chart monthly sales forecasted (by market segments) for the first year and annual summaries for the
second and third.
Marketing Strategy and Implementation
Marketing Plan
Promotion Strategy
Explain the methods the company will use to appeal to the consumers (i.e. TV, radio, journals and
magazines, direct mailing, CDDO, etc.)
Describe the promotional literature, brochures, and promotional items proposed or developed.
What are your marketing tactics (i.e. community involvement, association memberships, customer
database, media relations, special events, etc.)?
If the company decides to use the services of an advertising agency, describe what the agency will be
doing and the costs involved.
Pricing Strategy
Present your pricing strategy for any non HCBS services.
Present why this strategy will enable you to market your services, maintain and increase market
share in the face of competition.
Compare your services/pricing policy with those of your major competitors.
If the price is higher than the competition, justify it on the basis of newness, quality, warranty, and/or
If the price is lower than competition, explain why and how you will maintain profitability (lower
Manufacturing or labor costs, lower overhead, lower material costs, greater effectiveness, etc.)
Describe any discount allowance for prompt payment or volume purchases.
Distribution and Sales
Describe the methods (internal sales force, sales representatives, distributors, etc.) that your company
will use to make sales and distribute the product or service (initial and long term).
If a direct sales force is to be used, indicate how it will be structured and at what rate it will be built up.
Discuss the margin that will be given to salespeople, wholesalers, and retailers. Compare the methods
and margins with the ones used by the competition.
Prepare a table indicating the build up of dealers and representatives by month and expected sales to be
made by each dealer or rep.
Strategic Alliances
Explain your strategic alliances, such as co-marketing, co-development, commission and cooperative
Is your fate tied to that of any other company?
Can you link your promotion or distribution strategies to another company, or companies?
Human Resources
Management Summary
List the members of the management team and summarize their experience. Describe their functions
with the business. Include resumes in the appendix.
Note management gaps and weaknesses and specify how they will be corrected.
List by name and firm the professionals you will engage to assist with management functions (i.e.
lawyer, accountant, outside consultant, etc.)
Who is on your board of directors and what do they contribute to the business? Who are your major
stockholders and what is their role in management?
Who will be your Director of Services; who will do Medicaid billings; etc….
Organizational Structure
Describe your organizational structure and include a brief description of who does what. Include an
Organizational chart if necessary.
List proposed salaries and wages. Are they consistent with industry norms?
If you will be using independent contractors, have you discussed this with the Kansas Department of
Revenue and/or the IRS to make sure they are not considered employees?
Describe the local labor market in terms of local unemployment rates, education, background and
experience. Where will you find your new employees?
Personnel Plan
List titles or title groups of all personnel.
Chart three years of projected costs for personnel (salary and benefits) Include the addition of new
personnel with business growth as well as pay increases.
Financial Plan
Important Assumptions
List important assumptions that have an effect on your projections such as: short/long term interest rates,
estimated payment/collection days, inventory turnover, income tax rate, percent costs for personnel
benefits, sales on credit, expenses in cash, etc.
Break-Even Analysis
Provide figures for fixed costs, unit price, and unit variable costs, and indicate the level of sales where
Your gross profit equals your operational costs.
Include explanations and assumptions.
Projected Profit and Loss
Detail by month for the first year.
Provide yearly summaries for the second and third years.
Existing businesses should supply year-end P&L statements for the past three years.
Include explanations and assumptions.
Projected Cash Flow
Detail by month for the first year.
Provide yearly summaries for the second and third years.
Include explanations and assumptions.
Projected Balance Sheet
Detail your start up-costs or include balance sheets and/or tax returns for the previous three years and a
Current balance sheet and income statement.
Give detailed projections of your assets, liabilities, and capital for the first year.
For an existing business, include a capital equipment list, complete with purchase price and depreciated
values, a detailed inventory listing with unit prices included, and a list of aged accounts receivable and
accounts payable.
Business Ratios
Profitability Ratios
Activity Ratios
Liquidity Ratios
Other Relevant Ratios
Personal Resumes for all principals, partners and officers.
Personal financial statements for all principals, partners, and anyone owning 15% or more of the
Letters of intent from prospective suppliers or customers.
Copies of all licenses, permits, leases, insurance policies, Contracts, agreements, deeds, certificates and
other legal documents.
Visuals of your business or products (i.e. photos of your product or of the exterior/interior of store or
Checklist of Sections Completed
H:\HCBS Waivers\Licensing\New CSP suggestions for a Business Plan.doc PKE 10/05/10