Print Controller
Variable Data Printing
© 2011 Electronics For Imaging, Inc. The information in this publication is covered
under Legal Notices for this product.
6 June 2011
Terminology and conventions 5
About this document 6
Overview of variable data printing 7
Variable data printing technologies 8
Variable data job components 8
Fiery print controller variable data printing 10
Compatible variable data printing languages 10
Fiery print controller core features for variable data printing 12
Printing variable data documents using FreeForm 14
How FreeForm works 14
Creating the master document 16
Creating the variable document 17
Combining the FreeForm master with the variable document 18
Guidelines 20
Previewing master documents in the Windows printer driver 22
Enhanced FreeForm 23
Printing variable data documents with FreeForm 2 25
Printing other variable data printing files 26
Printing PS or PDF files as variable data files 27
Printing variable data jobs with remote resources 28
Imposing variable data jobs 28
This document provides information about variable data printing (VDP) and describes
the variable data printing features that may be supported by the Fiery print controller.
NOTE: For additional information about variable data features, see Printing.
Terminology and conventions
This document uses the following terminology and conventions.
Term or convention Refers to
Copier Copier or printer
Titles in italics Other documents in this set
Topics for which additional information is available by starting
Help in the software
Tips and information
A warning concerning operations that may lead to death or injury
to persons if not performed correctly. To use the equipment safely,
always pay attention to these warnings.
A caution concerning operations that may lead to injury to persons
if not performed correctly. To use the equipment safely, always pay
attention to these cautions.
Operational requirements and restrictions. Be sure to read these
items carefully to operate the equipment correctly, and avoid
damage to the equipment or property.
About this document
The document covers the following topics:
Basic concepts of variable data printing
Supported Fiery print controller features and compatible variable data printing languages
Instructions for printing variable documents with FreeForm or FreeForm 2
Instructions for printing and submitting other variable data job formats, such as PDF/VT,
PPML, VIPP, and Creo VPS
Printing variable data jobs with remote resources
An overview of imposing variable data jobs
NOTE: For detailed information about printing variable data jobs using third-party variable
data printing applications, see the documentation that accompanies the application.
For example scenarios of popular variable data printing workflows, see Workflow Examples.
This chapter describes variable printing technology and discusses the components that may be
supported with your Fiery print controller that allow you to create variable data print jobs.
For specific variable data printing scenarios and workflows, see Workflow Examples
Overview of variable data printing
Variable data printing is typically used for personalized mailings, such as direct-mail
advertising. It involves combining a set of master elements that are common across copies of a
document (reusable data) with a set of variable elements that change from copy to copy.
When you use variable data printing, you create personalized communications with elements
that have special appeal to your targeted audience.
An example of variable data printing is a brochure that greets customers by name and may
include other personal information about the customer obtained from a marketing database.
Background elements, illustrations, and text blocks that do not change across copies of the
brochure are master elements. The customers name and other customer-specific information
are variable elements.
In its simplest form, you can use variable data printing as a basic mail merge. However, you
can also dynamically assemble images, charts, text, and other objects to create attractive,
highly customized documents.
Variable data printing uses digital printing technology that customizes communication by
linking databases that contain the content for printed documents to a print device, such as the
copier. The customized communication includes rules that specify the selection of content
from the database and the placement of that content in the document.
Variable data printing technologies
The following variable data printing technologies describe how reusable data is specified
within a variable data printing language.
Page-based technology describes static, reusable data (the master element) in terms of entire
pages. Each page element is called a master page. Page-based languages are more suitable for
simple, predictable layouts. FreeForm is a page-based language. For more information about
FreeForm, see “Printing Variable Data Documents on page 14.
Element-based technology describes static, reusable data in terms of elements or objects.
Element-based technology allows you to use many separate objects within a page as static
elements or variable elements individually.
Element-based variable data jobs use reusable objects for the variable elements in the job, such
as images. Because these elements are frequently accessed, they are stored on the Fiery print
controller and cached as a group.
Variable data job components
A typical variable data print job includes the following major components:
Variable data component Description
Content Content includes the text, images, or photographs placed in different areas of your
document. You can create static or variable content using a variety of applications, such as
Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Word.
Database A database is a table containing all the changeable or variable elements in a printed
document, such as text, graphics, and photographs. You can use a database created in
popular desktop programs, such as Microsoft Excel or FileMaker Pro.
The data must be organized into records and fields (categories) for each record. For example,
in a database about people, a person is a record and the information about that person, such
as name, address, and phone number, is a field.
Business rules Business rules, created in a variable data printing application, specify what variable content
to use and where to place it within your document. According to these predefined rules,
which are described by “if ” and “then” statements, the variable data application uses
particular elements from databases to create personalized pages and documents that contain
different text and images for specific audiences. For example, you can set up a rule to print
specific content for a specific age range.
Layout Layout encompasses the design or page layout of your document in any desktop publishing
or word processing application. The layout must accommodate space for variable text and
Variable data print applications Variable data print applications combine master elements and variable information and
prepare the document for printing. For FreeForm, you do not need a dedicated variable data
print application.
Print device The print device is the output device that turns digital files into hardcopy documents. This
can be any printer, copier, or digital press that supports variable data printing.
The following diagram shows the variable data printing components.
2 Database
3 Business rules
5 Variable data application
6 Print device
Fiery print controller variable data printing
The Fiery print controller combines variable data printing languages, third-party variable data
printing applications, and Fiery print controller core features to integrate into many existing
workflows. For more information about variable data printing workflows, see Workflow
Compatible variable data printing languages
The Fiery print controller is compatible with the following variable data printing languages:
FreeForm and FreeForm 2
FreeForm and FreeForm 2 are used with variable data solutions. With FreeForm
technology, reusable data is RIPped only once, enabling the copier to run faster.
FreeForm supports the creation of master elements and variable data from any desktop
application or computer platform. Within the application, the master page is assigned a
number from 1 to 100. FreeForm options are found in the driver and job management
tools. For more information about FreeForm, see “Printing Variable Data Documents on
page 14.
FreeForm 2 expands FreeForm technology by allowing you to determine page conditions
and rules for printing a job containing multiple master pages. It also allows you to define
the boundaries of each record in the data stream. This means defining a start and end for
each record. Unlike FreeForm, FreeForm 2 requires a variable data printing application
(for example, PrintShop Mail) that specifically supports FreeForm 2. For more
information about FreeForm 2, see “Printing Variable Data Documents on page 14.
Personalized Print Markup Language (PPML) version 2.2
PPML, an XML- based language developed by PODi, is considered an industry standard.
PPML allows the copier to store text elements and graphic elements and reuse them as
needed, making variable data jobs print faster.
The Fiery print controller accepts zipped and non-zipped PPML jobs. To print documents
in PPML format, use a third-party software application that is compatible with PPML
format, such as Pageflex Persona. Send the PPML job to the Fiery print controller or
download the PPML file using Command WorkStation
or Hot Folders.
NOTE: PPML version 2.2 files that were created using either the IMPOSITION or
PRINT_LAYOUT commands specified from the PPML application are not supported on the
Fiery print controller. Instead, specify these options from Command WorkStation, using
Creo Variable Print Specification (VPS)
Creo VPS is an extension of the PostScript language developed by Creo. A Creo VPS file
consists of a Header section and a Booklet section. The Header section contains the global
objects for the entire job. The Booklet section contains one copy of a personalized
document. Page elements are reusable objects as defined in the Creo VPS format. All of
the page elements must be packaged inside of the Creo VPS file.
To print, you must have an application that emits the Creo VPS data stream, such as Atlas
PrintShop Mail or Creo Darwin Desktop. You can download a Creo VPS file using
Command WorkStation or Hot Folders.
Xerox Variable Data Intelligent PostScript Printware (VIPP)
VIPP is a proprietary page description language developed by Xerox. To print documents
in Xerox VIPP format, use a third-party application that is compatible with Xerox VIPP
format. Send the Xerox VIPP job or download the Xerox VIPP file using Command
WorkStation or Hot Folders.
Portable Document Format/Variable Transitional (PDF/VT), version 1.0
PDF/VT is created by Adobe based on PDF technology. PDF/VT enables reliable
document exchange for variable data and transactional printing. Transactional documents
include invoices, statements, and documents that integrate billing information with
marketing information.
A VDP application generates the PDF/VT files, which contain pages and records and
pages per record metadata. These PDF/VT files are imported to the Fiery print controller.
The PDF/VT files can be processed through PostScript or APPE and can show pages and
records and pages per record. PDF/VT uses object-based technology.
PS and PDF files when Define Record Length is set to On
A PS or PDF file can be processed like a variable data job when Define Record Length is
selected in Job Properties. With this option selected, you can define a fixed subset length
to be used for variable data processing.
NOTE: Define Record Length is not an available option for VDP and Quick Doc Merge jobs.
Fiery print controller core features for variable data printing
By integrating variable data support into the Fiery print controller’s core features, such as
Impose and Mixed Media, you can create custom layouts and apply different media and
finishing options to your variable data jobs. You can also manage reusable objects for a
variable data job using VDP Resources.
Impose with variable data printing imposition
The Fiery print controller is compatible with variable data printing imposition with Impose
for the following variable data printing languages:
FreeForm and FreeForm 2 variable data jobs
•Creo VPS
•Xerox VIPP
PS and PDF files when Define Record Length is selected
For information about imposing a variable data job, see Command WorkStation Help.
Hot Folders with variable data printing imposition
You can impose a variable data job using Hot Folders when you submit it to the Fiery print
controller. You must set up a proper variable data printing imposition template for the
specific Hot Folder in the Hot Folders application.
For information about imposing a variable data job with Hot Folders, see Hot Folders Help.
For information about variable data imposition options, see Command WorkStation Help.
Mixed media with variable data printing
You can apply Mixed Media settings to all variable data printing jobs.When using Mixed
Media settings, the Fiery print controller recognizes each variable data record as a separate job.
For a variable data job that is not imposed, the Mixed Media settings are applied to all records
of the variable data job.
For more information about setting Mixed Media for a job, see Utilities.
VDP Resources
Reusable objects are required images that you must download to the Fiery print controller for
variable data jobs that contain variable elements. These reusable objects are stored on the
Fiery print controller and cached as a group.
The VDP Resources feature available from Command WorkStation allows you to manage
disk space on the Fiery print controller by viewing the list of the reusable objects and deleting
them, or allowing them to reside for future variable data jobs. VDP Resources is compatible
with the following variable data printing languages:
•Creo VPS
•Xerox VIPP
For more information about using VDP Resources, see Command WorkStation Help.
With FreeForm technology, you can use print options to define master documents and assign
them to variable data jobs sent to the Fiery print controller.
This chapter explains how to do the following:
Print documents with FreeForm.
Print documents with FreeForm 2 using a third-party variable data application.
Print other variable data formats.
Print variable data jobs with remote resources.
Impose a variable data job.
NOTE: For information about supported variable data languages and features, see Printing.
Printing variable data documents using FreeForm
You can use FreeForm to print variable data documents. This section provides an overview of
FreeForm and describes how to create and combine master and variable elements. Guidelines
and tips are discussed at the end of the section.
How FreeForm works
FreeForm variable data printing sends the master-element data for the job to the Fiery print
controller and rasterizes it separately from the variable-element data. The master-element data
is stored on the Fiery print controller in rasterized form as a FreeForm master, and can be
used as often as required, with multiple sets of variable-element data. Because the FreeForm
master job is preRIPped and stored on the Fiery print controller, the only RIP time required
for variable data print jobs is the time necessary to RIP the variable-element data.
You can use FreeForm masters for any fixed-element data you might combine with different
data from day to day. For example, you can store a letterhead template as a FreeForm master
and use it repeatedly as the background for different letter content (the variable-element data).
FreeForm allows you to create the master and variable documents using any application. You
can create the two documents using different applications or computer platforms. To create
the master document, use a page layout or graphics application. To create the variable
document, use a word processing application that has a mail merge feature, a page layout
application that supports scripting, or a database application.
You control FreeForm functions with the Create Master and Use Master print options. Set
these options in the printer driver when you send a job, or instruct the operator to set them
with job overrides from Command WorkStation. After the master document is RIPped, it
appears in VDP Resources in the Device Center of Command WorkStation. You can also use
Command WorkStation to monitor and manage all the FreeForm masters stored on the Fiery
print controller. For more information, see Command WorkStation Help.
You must perform the following tasks to print a variable data job with FreeForm:
Step Task For more information
1 Create a master document see page 16
2 Create a variable document see page 17
3 Combine the master and variable file
using FreeForm
see page 18
Creating the master document
Before you can use FreeForm, you must create a master document and a variable document.
1 From an application of your choice, create the layout of the master, which will ultimately be
the layout for the combined document, with space for individual elements.
2 Arrange the master elements (text and graphics that do not change) on one or more pages,
leaving space for the variable elements.
3 Save the file.
Master document
1 Space for variable elements
2 Unchanging master elements
Creating the variable document
To create the variable document, you need a word processing application that provides a mail
merge function, a database application, or a page layout application that supports scripting.
1 From your supported application, create the variable document to conform to the layout of
the master document.
2 Add the variable information in the appropriate places in your document.
Your application creates the information taken from a list or database and merges it into an
existing document that is designed to accept the master information. Each application has
different controls for this function. For detailed instructions, see the documentation that
accompanies your application.
NOTE: You must create a variable document with the same page count as the master page
document. For example, if a master document has a record length of four pages, all the
variable documents must have a record length of four pages. Use Enhanced FreeForm to add
empty pages to the last record of the variable document, if necessary (see “Enhanced
FreeForm on page 23).
3 Save the file.
Variable document
1 Variable element
Combining the FreeForm master with the variable document
When you print a variable document to the Fiery print controller, specify the FreeForm
master created from your master document with the Use Master print option. The Fiery print
controller combines the raster data of the variable document with the previously RIPped
FreeForm master, creating a new raster data file.
1 Print the master document that you created (see page 16) to the Fiery print controller, with
the Create Master print option set to one of the FreeForm Master numbers.
You can also set the Create Master option to None and instruct the operator to use overrides
from Command WorkStation to create a FreeForm master from this job.
For more information, see Command WorkStation Help.
To print your FreeForm master to ensure that it is correct before you merge it with variable
data, enable the Print Master feature after the file is sent to the Fiery print controller (see
2 Print the variable document that you created (see page 17) to the Fiery print controller, with
the Use Master print option set to the appropriate FreeForm master number.
3 To preview the master page, click Preview Master from the printer driver to generate a
low-resolution image of the master page. For more information, see“Previewing master
documents in the Windows printer driver on page 22.
The FreeForm master number can be one that you set when you send the master document,
or one assigned by the operator.
To check the job from Command WorkStation Preview before it prints, Process and Hold the
job from Command WorkStation.
To impose the job, see Command WorkStation Help.
The Fiery print controller combines the raster data of the variable document with the
previously RIPped FreeForm master, creating a new raster data file.
A master document can include more than one page. When you print a variable document
and specify a FreeForm master that contains multiple pages, the variable pages are combined
with the master pages in a cyclical fashion. The following example illustrates how a variable
document combines with a two-page master document.
Combined document
Pages 1 and 2 of the variable document are combined with Pages 1 and 2, respectively, of the
master document. The cycle of master pages then starts over, and Pages 3 and 4 of the variable
document are combined, respectively, with Pages 1 and 2, again, of the master document.
This pattern continues for each subsequent set of pages in the variable document.
This section provides some suggestions to help you print variable data jobs correctly.
Ask your administrator or operator how FreeForm master numbers are assigned at your
You cannot specify the Use Master option and Create Master option in the same job.
Single page FreeForm Masters are limited to single-sided output. You cannot duplex a
singe page FreeForm Master.
Do not send your variable printing jobs to the Direct connection.
If you send a variable data job to the Direct connection, the job does not process.
Use the Notes and Instructions fields to communicate instructions about your job to the
Combined document
Assign your jobs unique and descriptive names.
You and the operator must be able to easily identify your jobs if there are many jobs in the
queues, the FreeForm master numbers are reassigned, or you must refer to another job in
the Notes or Instructions fields.
The Create Master and Use Master options do not allow the use of the following special
characters when you specify a name:
|, /, \, *,?, “, ', `,:, <, >, or special control characters
FreeForm 2 master names cannot begin with “form” or “formU”.
Character length for FreeForm 2 master names is limited to 64 characters.
Consider the restrictions on Print Options when using FreeForm.
The master file and variable file must use identical paper size and orientation settings.
Each job is limited to a single paper size, even when mixed media is applied.
Finishing options and paper tray selection, as specified in the variable data file, take
precedence over master job settings, if these settings are different.
Only FreeForm supports the Create Master and Use Master settings in Command
WorkStation and the printer driver Job Properties window.
For more information about these restrictions, see Printing.
You cannot designate an imposed job (.dbp) as a master for any type of FreeForm job.
Only the variable data file needs to be imposed for FreeForm and FreeForm 2.
FreeForm 2 jobs require record boundary settings, as produced by the application, for use
with VDP imposition and record-based finishing.
Previewing master documents in the Windows printer driver
After a master document is created, you can preview it from the Windows printer driver.
This feature allows you to conveniently select your master document when you print using
1 Choose Print in your application.
2 Select the Fiery print controller as your printer and click Properties.
3 Click the Fiery Printing tab.
4 Click the VDP icon.
5 Click Update to retrieve the list of FreeForm master names from the Fiery print controller.
The FreeForm master numbers and names appear in the Create Master and Use Master
NOTE: You must enable Two-Way Communication to retrieve the list of FreeForm master
names. To enable this feature, see the printer driver Help.
6 Select the master document that you want to preview from the Use Master option and click
Preview Master.
The FreeForm Master Preview window appears.
7 Click Close.
Enhanced FreeForm
Enhanced FreeForm allows you to map the master and variable file in a user-defined order,
eliminating the need to add blank pages to get the desired merged output. Unlike FreeForm,
when merging master and variable files, the page order is fixed.
1 Select a FreeForm job and click the VDP tab in Job Properties.
2 From Use Master, select a FreeForm master.
NOTE: Make sure that you know the number of master pages used for your job when you
select the FreeForm master.
3 Select Enable Enhanced FreeForm and click Define Mapping.
You can map any page in the master to to any page of the variable document. The master may
contain more pages than the final document. Additionally, the variable document record
length does not have to match the total number of master pages.
4 In “Variable Pages per record,” enter the number of pages per record for your job.
5 If you want to preview your master page, click Preview Master, and then click Close when you
are finished previewing the file.
6 In “Total pages per record to be finished,” enter the record length after all the masters and
variables are merged for your job, and then click Continue.
The Total Pages column displays the total number of pages in your record and the page order
of your master file and variable page.
7 Map each page from the Variable Pages column to a master page from the Master Pages
8 If there are master pages that are not assigned to a variable page, use the up and down
arrows to arrange the page order of these pages.
9 Click OK, and then click OK to print your job.
Printing variable data documents with FreeForm 2
FreeForm 2 extends the functionality of FreeForm. FreeForm 2 requires a third-party variable
data printing application that supports FreeForm 2, such as PrintShop Mail. Using the third-
party printing application and FreeForm, you can create multiple page masters, allowing more
personalization and customization of your documents. You can use a master created in
another application, and then use a third-party application that supports FreeForm 2, such as
PrintShop Mail, to combine the design and database information.
FreeForm 2 and the third-party variable data printing application allow you to specify page
conditions that determine rules for individual master pages. These rules, described by “if” and
then” statements in each master page, allow you to skip or print pages within a master file.
For more information about creating page conditions, see the documentation that
accompanies your third-party variable data printing application.
FreeForm 2 also provides the option of deleting a specified FreeForm master from the Fiery
print controller hard disk after its corresponding variable data job has been successfully
RIPped and printed. You can set this feature in a third-party application that supports the
clearing of FreeForm masters. For more information about deleting FreeForm masters, see the
documentation that accompanies the third-party printing application.
1 Open the variable document in a third-party variable data printing application that supports
FreeForm 2, such as PrintShop Mail.
2 Select FreeForm 2 when you send the variable document.
For more information about creating a variable data job or printing variable data jobs, see the
documentation that accompanies your third-party application.
3 Print the document.
Printing other variable data printing files
You can design the master and variable elements of your job using a third-party variable data
printing application, and then print the job to the Fiery print controller from the application
using a compatible file format.
The Fiery print controller is compatible with a number of variable data printing languages.
For more information, see “Compatible variable data printing languages on page 10.
To print other variable data printing files directly from your application, see the
documentation that accompanies your application.
1 Choose File > Import Job, click Add, navigate to the location of the file that you want to add,
and then click Open.
Select the compatible variable data printing file on your computer desktop, and then drag
and drop the file into the specified queue in Command WorkStation. Additionally, you can
drag and drop an entire folder, and all of the contents of the folder are imported.
2 From Import Using, choose from a list of Server Presets and Virtual Printers that are currently
published on the Fiery print controller.
A preset is a predefined group of settings identified for a print job. To define a preset, see
Command WorkStation Help.
3 From Default Action, select the print queue that you want to import the file to. If you select
Virtual Printer for the Import Using option, the default action appears dimmed, as the action
associated with the Virtual Printer is used.
Do not select Direct connection for variable data jobs. A variable data job must be sent to the
Print or Hold queue, in order to take advantage of the reprocessing capabilities of master
components. If you send a variable data job to the Direct connection, the job does not
Printing PS or PDF files as variable data files
To print PS or PDF files as variable data files, select the Define Record Length option in Job
Properties. When Define Record Length is selected, you can define a subset length and enable
the file for record-based finishing.
When used, information about the numbers of records and pages per record appears in the
Number of records and Pages per record columns of the Job Center view in Command
NOTE: Define Record Length is not an available option for VDP and Quick Doc Merge jobs.
1 Download any PS or PDF file to the Fiery print controller, open Command WorkStation, select
the job, and then click Properties.
Send any PS or PDF file to the Fiery print controller and select Properties or Printing
2 Click the VDP tab and select Define Record Length.
3 From Pages Per Record, specify the fixed master length (in pages) to apply all finishing to
records, rather than to the whole job.
Printing variable data jobs with remote resources
File Search Path allows you to specify a shared location to store remote variable data resources,
such as images and fonts. The Fiery print controller accesses all required resources at the
location specified and retrieves them automatically.
If you know the path location, you can also search for external resources on a job-by-job basis.
Before you print the job, indicate the File Search Path.
File Search Path accepts the following variable data printing languages:
•Creo VPS
To search for resources remote to the Fiery print controller, the File Search Path to the remote
network computer must be entered in Configure. To set the global File Search Path location
in Configure, see the Configuring VDP Settings topic in Configure Help.
1 Download the Creo VPS, VIPP, or PPML job to the Fiery print controller using a third-party
variable data application that supports the variable data printing language.
2 In Command WorkStation, select the Creo VPS, VIPP, or PPML job and right-click to choose
Job Properties.
3 Click the VDP icon and enter the File Search Path location.
4 Process the Creo VPS, VIPP, or PPML job.
NOTE: If the Fiery print controller cannot find the reusable objects for the job, the job does
not process. Make sure that you enter the correct File Search Path location.
Imposing variable data jobs
You can use Command WorkStation Impose, if supported on your Fiery print controller, to
impose FreeForm and FreeForm 2 jobs, as well as jobs using other compatible variable data
languages. For information about compatible variable data printing languages, see page 12.
When you impose a variable data job, you can choose a single record imposition scheme or a
multiple records imposition scheme.
For information about how to impose variable data jobs, see Command WorkStation Help.
Additionally, you can impose a variable data job using Hot Folders. For more information, see
Hot Folders Help.
business rules component 8, 9
content component 8, 9
Create Master option 15
Creo Variable Print Specification (VPS)
compatibility with Impose 12
described 11
database component 8, 9
element-based technology 8
File Search Path 28
creating a master document 16
creating a variable document 17
described 10, 14
master document
combining with variable document 17
previewing from the printer driver 22
guidelines 20
variable data documents 14
FreeForm 2
creating multiple page masters with 25
described 10, 25
using third party printing application 25
variable data documents 25
Hot Folders 12
described 12
imposing variable data jobs with 12
Impose feature 12
job management tools 10
defined 11
layout component 8, 9
master elements 7
Mixed Media settings, applying 12
page-based technology 8
Portable Document Format/Variable Transitional
compatibility with Impose 12
described 11
PPML (Personalized Print Markup Language)
compatibility with Impose 12
described 10
FreeForm 2 jobs 25
FreeForm jobs 14
reusable data 7
reusable objects 8
terminology 5
Use Master option 15
variable data jobs
element-based 8
imposing 28
major components 8
FreeForm 18
FreeForm 2 25
variable data printing languages
Creo VPS 11
FreeForm and FreeForm 2 10
VDP Resources 12