Office of Enrollment Management
45 Courtenay Dr
MSC 203
Charleston SC 29425-2030
Petition for Classification as a South Carolina Resident
This form is to be completed by persons seeking classification as a South Carolina resident for admission and/or tuition and fee purposes.
Determination of
residency depends, in part, upon two principal criteria:
continuous presence in the State for the past 12 months, except for temporary periods of absence during which time
residency in
the State is maintained.
a preponderance of evidence initiated at least 12 months before residency is sought that demonstrates that South Carolina is the petitioner’s
true, fixed, and permanent home and place of habitation; and is the place where the petitioner intends to remain and to which the petitioner
expects to return after a temporary absence during which time there has been no intent
to establish domicile in another state.
To guarantee timely processing, the residency form must be completed, signed, appended with supporting documents as needed,
returned (emailed, postmarked, or delivered) as follows.
Applicants wishing to be considered as a resident of the State of South Carolina FOR ADMISSION PURPOSES must be
found to possess in-state residency prior to the time a final admission decision is made by the University.
Therefore, applicants seeking to
have their eligibility for admission determined according to the academic standards used for South Carolina residents should submit ALL
documentation postmarked or delivered within 14 calendar days from the date a request for
petition is made.
Students who are seeking re-classification as in-state residents must submit ALL documentation
postmarked or
delivered by:
July 1
Fall Semester
November 1
for the
Spring Semester
March 1
for the
Summer Semester
Documents received after that date can be guaranteed review only for a later semester.
To expedite processing, we encourage you
to scan and
email your forms and required documentation to [email protected].
Alternatively, documents can be mailed
University Residency Officer
Office of Enrollment Management
Medical University of South Carolina
45 Courtenay Drive, MSC 203
Charleston, SC 29425-2030
Failure to include all required documents will jeopardize opportunity for a timely review. Petitioners will be notified once by email when
documents are found to be missing. Forms or materials submitted after deadlines will be processed as soon as possible but
without guarantee
for the day of registration for the next semester.
There is no provision for retroactive tuition adjustments except in instances of error by the University. Appeals to the decision of the
University Residency Officer must be
addressed to University Counsel, 274 Calhoun Street, MSC 204, Charleston, SC 29425-2040. Appeals should include updated or corrected information as well as a copy
of the Residency Officer’s denial.
A complete copy of the South Carolina Code of Laws pertaining to the determination of residency status, including the regulatory guidelines promulgated by the State of South
Carolina Commission on Higher Education, are available on the Web at http://
Semester and year you are requesting in-state status to begin:
Please indicate the college to which you are applying or in which you are currently enrolled and your status:
Dental Medicine Medicine
Health Professions
Status: Part-time
Graduate Studies
izenship (check only one)
U.S. citizen
Not U.S. citizen, but permanent resident of U.S.
Date permanent resident status granted
Other: give visa type
If you are not a U.S. citizen, attach photocopy of official document verifying immigrant status.
PART 1. Filing Status (check only one)
I am requesting South Carolina resident status as a dependent of who:
name of parent(s)/guardian(s)/spouse
has established and maintained his/her/their primary and permanent domicile in South Carolina for at least 12
months immediately preceding the term for which I am requesting resident status.
is a permanent full-time employee in South Carolina who has been domiciled in the state for fewer than 12 months.
has retired to South Carolina receiving a pension or an annuity and has been domiciled in the state for fewer than 12
is a faculty or higher-level administrative employee (MUHA is excluded) with full-time employment at a state-supported
college or university in South Carolina.
2 Educational Information:
List high school(s) attended:
Dates Name of High School City/State
st all colleges and universities attended (include attendance at MUSC): (attach additional sheet if necessary)
Dates Name of Institution City/State Full-Time or Part-Time Resident or Non-Resident
PART 3 - Domicile information of parent, spouse, or legal guardian upon whom you are dependent:
Name Telephone Number
Petitioner’s Name:
Last First M.I.
PVID, or CollegeNet ID: Email:
Date of Birth:
Permanent Phone: (
Present Daytime Phone: (
Present Address:
Street / Box /
City State Zip
Permanent Home Address:
Street / Box / Route City State
Relationship Email Address
Is/Are your parent(s), spouse or legal guardian(s) a United States citizen(s)? Yes No
If no and applicable, please provide Alien Registration/ VISA numbers(s): Person 1 Issue Date
Person 2 Issue Date
Date your parent(s), spouse or legal guardian(s) began permanently and continuously residing in South Carolina:
st the physical address(es) for your parent(s), spouse or legal guardian(s) for (at least) the previous two (2) years:
He/She/They resided at from to
Street City State Zip (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)
He/She/They resided at from to
Street City State Zip (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)
Does/Do your parent(s), spouse or legal guardian(s) rent or own his/her/their current residence? rent own
If own, when did you purchase the home?_
How many vehicles are owned or leased (with or without lien) by your parent(s), spouse or legal guardian(s)? _
Is t
he motor vehicle which you use registered in your name?
yes no
If n
ot, in whose name is it registered? _____________________________________ Relationship _____________________
what state is this vehicle registered? __________________________ Date of current registration certificate: _________
Do you have a valid driver’s license?
yes no If so, what state issued it? __________________________________
te of issue: __________________
Part 4 - Income tax information of parent, spouse, or legal guardian upon whom you are dependent:
Person who last claimed you as a dependent (or exemption) on a federal income tax return: (Do not list yourself)
Name __________________________________________________ Relationship ________________________________
City/State of residence of that person ____________________________________________________________________
Tax year that person last claimed you as a dependent (or exemption): _____________________________________________
Will you be claimed as a dependent (or exemption) on someone’s income tax return for the current year?
If so, give the name of the person who will claim you:
Name __________________________________________________ Relationship _______________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________
In which state(s)* will he/she/they file for the next tax year?
*Include tax year and non-, full- or part-year resident return, as applicable.
Part 5 - Employment of parent, spouse, or legal guardian upon whom you are dependent:
List all employment of parent/spouse/legal guardian for the previous 24 months. Please begin with the most recent employment
City State Duration (From MM/YY To MM/YY) Full-time or Part-time
Avg # hours per wk
Full-time or Part-time
Avg # hours per wk
Sources and percentages of support for twelve months immediately preceding the term for which in-state status is
requested: Parents ____%; Spouse ____%; Your Employment ____%; VA benefits ____; Social Security____%; Student
Financial Aid____%; other sources (specify _________________ %; ___________________ %) Total must equal 100%.
If currently employed, does parent/spouse/legal guardian expect any change in your employment status within the next six
yes no If so, explain:
rt 6. Statement
Provide in the space below a clear and complete statement covering the following items and any other
facts and circumstances:
1. Purpose for coming/returning to South Carolina
2. When you decided to establish/re-establish permanent residence in South Carolina
3. Factors that influenced your decision to establish/re-establish permanent residence in South
4. Immediate and long-range plans
5. Reasons why you expect to move out of state after completing your studies or to remain in South
Carolina indefinitely.
(attach additional sheet if necessary)
rt 7. Certification
I hereby certify that the information I have provided is accurate and that I am making this application in good faith based on a belief that I am a legal
resident of South Carolina. I understand that if facts provided are false or concealed, I may be charged for past tuition at non-resident rates; I may be
subject to administrative, civil, and financial penalties; and I may be denied transcripts and graduation.
Scanned or facsimile copies of signatures shall
be considered valid and enforceable.
Signature Date
Definition of Terms
Interpretation of Residency Requirements
STUDENT shall mean any person enrolled for studies in the Medical University of South Carolina.
RESIDENCE or RESIDE shall mean continuous and permanent physical presence within South Carolina. (Temporary absences for short
periods, e.g. vacations, shall not affect the establishment of residence.)
DOMICILE shall mean a person’s true, fixed, principal residence; it shall indicate the place where such person expects to remain and to
which the person expects to return upon leaving without establishing a new domicile in another state. Housing provided by the university
does not
constitute a place of principal residence.
IN-STATE RATES shall mean charges for tuition and fees established for persons who are domiciled in South Carolina according to the
“STATEMENT governing South Carolina domicile.” OUT-OF-STATE RATES shall mean charges for tuition and fees established for persons
who are not domiciled in South Carolina according to the STATEMENT.
INDEPENDENT PERSON shall mean a person in his/her majority (18 years or older) or an emancipated minor for whom 50% or more
support is his/her own earnings or income from employment, investments, or payments from trusts, grants, scholarships, loans or
payments of
alimony or separate maintenance resulting from court order.
DEPENDENT or DEPENDENT PERSON shall mean one for whom more than 50% financial support is from a parent, spouse, or guardian
and who qualifies as a dependent on the federal tax return of the parent, spouse or guardian. DEPENDENT or DEPENDENT PERSON shall
not mean a person who is the recipient of alimony or separate maintenance payments resulting from court order.
MINOR shall mean a person who has not reached the age of eighteen years.
EMANCIPATED MINOR shall mean a minor whose parents have entirely surrendered the right to care, custody and earnings of the minor and
are no longer under any legal obligation to support or maintain the minor.
PARENT shall mean a person’s natural or adoptive mother or father; or if one parent has custody of the child, that parent having custody;
or if there is a guardian or other legal custodian, that guardian or legal custodian. Guardianship or legal custodianship created primarily for
purpose of conferring South Carolina domicile for tuition and fee purposes on the dependent person shall not be given such
SPOUSE shall mean husband or wife of a married person.
Indicators of Legal Domicile
Before applicants are eligible for in-state consideration they must reside in the state for at least twelve months after taking positive steps
reflect intent to establish a permanent home in South Carolina. Examples of evidence usually include the following:
Financial independence from parents residing in another state or country during the 12 months immediately preceding the
date of
Reliance on South Carolina resources for financial support.
Designating South Carolina as the permanent address on all academic and employment records, including pertinent military records
Possession of a South Carolina drivers license
(in possession for at least one year).
Possession of a vehicle registration certificate
(in possession for at least one year).
Verification that a South Carolina income tax return has been filed for the prior year.
Evidence of housing occupancy in petitioner's name
(for at least one year).
South Carolina employment for at least 37.5 hours/week for at least one year or verification from employer that employment will
for at least one year.
Licensing for professional practice (if applicable) in South Carolina.
The absence of these indicia in other states during the period for which domicile in South Carolina is asserted.
The source of income and employment including those times when the student is not enrolled should be in South Carolina.
Credentials for residency of independent persons should be those of the applicant and not credentials of the parents.
Marriage to a South Carolina resident is only one indicator of in-state residency and does not automatically classify a person as possessing
Non-Indicators of Legal Domicile
Residence status may not be acquired by an applicant or a student while residing in South Carolina for the primary purpose of enrollment in
institution or for access to state-supported programs designed to serve South Carolina residents.
Persons classified as exemptions (or dependents) for federal income tax purposes of guardians or legal guardians who are domiciliaries of
state are ineligible to pay in-state tuition and fees.
Merely residing in the State for twelve months is not sufficient to qualify a person for in-state tuition and fees.
Foreign students are presumed not to be domiciliaries. However, certain types of visas may qualify a person for in-state. Aliens should
with the Office of Enrollment Management regarding their individual situation.
Note: When an applicant/student is granted residency, based on employment status, military status, or status as a full-time faculty
member or
dependent of a South Carolina university, he/she may be subject to an annual review of status.