Facebook & LinkedIn
Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook &
LinkedIn’s reporting tools
What terms you should know and how you can interpret data
Facebook Changes & Reporting
LinkedIn Changes & Reporting
Compiling and Sharing Report Results
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Dr. Amy Jauman, SMS, SHRM- SCP, GPHR
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Certification Chair, National Institute for Social Media (NISM)
Social Media Strategy Certification (SMS)
Program Director, Saint Marys University of Minnesota
MA in Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Graduate Certificate
International Human Resource Management Graduate Certificate (GPHR prep)
Digital Marketing Graduate Certificate (CDMP prep)
ICE Volunteer
ICE Membership Committee 2021
ICE publications (multiple contributions)
Information about
the SMS exam for
you, a co-worker, or
your staff
Information about
the MA, or HR,
IHRM, Digital
Marketing Graduate
Access to the social
media report
template (available
January 2022)
Leave me your business card with SMS, GRAD, or REPORT written on the back!
Facebook Changes &
2.80 billion monthly active users
1.84 billion daily active users
200 million businesses around the world use Facebook
63% of Americans claim they use Facebook (about 178 million)
65 percent of Facebook users are under the age of 35
98.3% of Facebook users access the social media platform via their mobile devices
Users spend an average of 19.5 hours on Facebook each month
86% of marketers are using Facebook for advertising
78% of American consumers have discovered retail products on Facebook
Facebook Statistics
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Today we are seen as a social media company, but in our DNA we are a
company that builds technology to connect people, and the metaverse is
the next frontier just like social networking was when we got started.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Recently Facebook announced the imminent closure of it s fac ial- recognitio n system
across the w orld, saying people who had opted into the feature would no longer be
automatically recognized in photos, and more than a billion people's facial-recognition
templates would be deleted over the coming weeks.
"This change will represent one of the largest shifts in facial recognition usage in the
technologys history," wrote the firm's A.I. chief, Jerome Pesenti. He said the technology
could still be useful for identity verification and anti-fraud measures, and Meta—the new
name for Facebook the company, as opposed to the specific service—would "continue working
on these technologies and engaging outside experts.“
Mark Zuckerberg shoul d quit Facebook, whistleblower Frances Haugen says, Fortune.com
Closure of Facebook Recognition System
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Significant Reporting Changes in 2021
No longer available
Facebook Analytics (July 2021)
Still kickin’
Facebook Business Suite
Ads Manager
Tool consolidation
Good for all increased focus and understanding, less opportunity to
manipulate data reported
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Business Suite
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
What is Ads Manager?
Ads Manager is your starting point for
running ads on Facebook, Instagram,
Messenger or Audience Network. Its an all-
in-one tool for creating ads, managing when
and where theyll run, and tracking how
well your campaigns are performing.
With the Ads Manager app for iOS and
Android, you can keep an eye on your
campaign while youre on the go. Wherever
you are, youll have the power to create and
edit ads, track their performance, and
manage ad budgets and schedules.
Ads Manager
Stories & Highlights
Stories & Highlights insights can be found in the top right corner of your Instagram business
profile, by tapping the “Insights” button.
View current or historical data
Website clicks, impressions , reach, taps forward & back, swipe away, reply, exits,
next story
Sticker Taps the number of times a hashtag, location tag, mention, or product sticker is
tapped on your Story.
About IG: https://help.instagram.com/788388387972460
Tracking within Platforms
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
What Facebook tools are your
already using?
What is the difference between traditional
and social media?
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
What changed?
Instead of an approximate number
of people an ad may reach,
advertisers will see an estimated
audience size range.
Why should you care?
This supports the social media
best practice of providing
estimated results.
Increased alignment with other
similar metrics (like Estimated
Daily Results).
Pre-campaign Estimates for Facebook ads
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
What changed?
Reels are now on Facebook
Why should you care?
IG saw higher engagements than
any other content format
In addition to engagement, Reels
have also proven to increase reach
Reels (short form video set to music)
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
What changed?
If FB and IG accounts are not connected in
the Accounts Center, they will be counted as
two separate users.
This will be true even if someone uses
the same email address or phone
number to sign up for both platforms.
Facebook and Instagram accounts that are
connected through the Account Center will
still be counted as a single user.
Why should you care?
Someone who was previously counted
as one user will be counted as two
separate users for purposes like ad
displays and push notifications.
You may have seen (or see) a change in
campaign planning estimates and
reporting, including a boost in the
Estimated Audience Size and reach
across FB and IG, as some users will be
counted twice.
Counting Facebook and IG User Accounts
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Engaged audience. This metric collects demographic data (including cities,
countries, age and gender) relating to users who engage with your account and
content, regardless of whether they are your followers.
Reached audience. This metric provides demographic insights (cities,
countries, age, gender) into all people reached over a period of time.
Accounts engaged. This metric will tell you how many accounts, in total, have
interacted with your Instagram content over a period of time.
New IG Metrics
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
What is the difference between reach and
engagement (from a reporting standpoint)?
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
What is the value and limitation of each?
Reach number of unique views
Engagement any action on a post
LinkedIn Changes &
59.9% of LinkedIn’s users are between 25 and 34 years old
61 million “senior-level influencers” on LinkedIn
LinkedIn has 722 million members
LinkedIn saw a 55% increase in conversations among connections in 2020
57% of LinkedIn’s traffic is mobile
174 million LinkedIn users in the U.S., 163 million users in Europe (including the UK), 196
million in Asia Pacific and 107 million in Latin America.
Remote jobs on LinkedIn increased 2.5x from March to October 2020
40% of LinkedIn users change their job, company, or industry every 4 years
40 million people use LinkedIn to search for jobs each week
3 people are hired through LinkedIn every minute
LinkedIn Statistics
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Content creation on LinkedIn increased 60% in 2020
LinkedIn has 15x more content impressions than job postings
LinkedIn Live streams increased by 437% in 2020
LinkedIn users are 20x more likely to re-share a video post
30% of a companys engagement on LinkedIn comes from employees
Employees are 14x more likely to share content from their employers than
other types of content on LinkedIn
LinkedIn’s ad reach grew by 25 million people in Q4 2020
LinkedIn ads offer more than 200 targeting characteristics
Ad exposure on LinkedIn can increase purchase intent by 33%
LinkedIn Statistics
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
You are you on LinkedIn, no matter what kind of work you do. There is a tie
between you and your organization because LinkedIn is your professional
social media presence.
The same thought applies to your coworkers!
You have the opportunity to influence personal profiles and company
pages, thought leadership through blogging, and meaningful connections
and engagement (in addition to posts and paid advertising).
What’s unique to LinkedIn?
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Host a brown bag lunch
Set team goals (for accountability)
Plan for engagement to encourage people to try new things like blogging
While you can’t require people to update their profiles in a certain way, you’d
be surprised how many people want to learn how to be more engaged on
LinkedIn and just don’t know where to start.
Ask what your community would like to learn
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
LinkedIn Reports
1. Choose your objective
Build brand awareness (upper funnel)
Drive consideration and engagement (mid-funnel)
Generate leads and conversions (bottom funnel)
2. Identify your key metrics based on the campaign goal
Clicks: The number of clicks on links in your ad.
Impressions: The number of times people saw
your ad.
Average engagement: Total engagement (paid
and free clicks) divided by impressions.
Engagements can include social actions such as
likes, comments, or shares.
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
3. Set up conversion tracking and Lead Gen Forms
4. Evaluate ad performance
5. Optimize with demographic insights
6. Optimize with performance insights
LinkedIn tool for sales professionals.
Sales Navigator features a powerful set of search capabilities, improved visibility into
extended networks, and personalized algorithms to help you reach the right decision maker.
Increased profile visibility, connections, etc.
Increased connectivity through Teamlink
TeamLink allows you an easy way to make warm introductions to your prospects using your
entire team's network. TeamLink works by identifying Sales Navigator license holders on
your team account who are 1st-degree connections to a prospect, even if you're not
connected to your teammate on LinkedIn.
- LinkedIn
Sales Navigator
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
LinkedIn Recruiter Reports
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
What LinkedIn tools are being
used in your organization
How do you decide what similar metrics to
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
What is the value and limitation of each?
Reach number of unique views
Impressions how many times a post
shows up in someone’s timeline
LinkedIn Changes
30 second video you can use to introduce yourself
Cover Story
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Your Connect button on your will change to a Follow button
Your intro card will display the number of followers you have (the people you are connected to as
well as the people who follow you)
You can display hashtags related to the topics you post about most often within your intro card
(helping you get in front of interested audiences)
Your Featured and Activity sections will appear first
Your recent content will show in the expanded Activity section (not your likes, comments and
other activity)
If you’re a LinkedIn Live broadcaster, your LinkedIn profile background will now show your Live
broadcast when you start streaming
LinkedIn Creator Mode March 2021
To turn on creator mode, in the Your Dashboard section of your profile, click on Creator mode: Off and follow
the prompts on the screen.
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
create a service page accessible
right within your intro card
your services more discoverable
through search engines, including
anyone on LinkedIn can message
you free about your services
(normally a paid feature)
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
“Nearly 2.5 million members have adopted the frame, from airline pilots to data analysts.
Early results show members with the Open to Work photo frame are receiving 40% more
InMails from recruiters and 20% more messages from the LinkedIn community.
- LinkedIn
Open to Work & Hiring Photo Frames
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Approximately 100/week, depending on past declined connections
Connection Limits
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
“Start a Meeting” feature start a face-to-face online chat using Microsoft
Teams, BlueJeans by Verizon, or Zoom directly in your LinkedIn messages
invite one or more people to join an existing conversation (and keep your
original conversation history private)
edit or delete a message only within 60 minutes of sending it
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Reports are emerging that if the person/organization you tag doesn’t engage
with your post, the post may be more quickly downgraded than if they hadn’t
tagged anyone
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
LinkedIn Live and Events
Promote an
Celebrate Big
Interview a Guest
What LinkedIn tools are most
useful in your organization?
Compiling and
Sharing Report
Can we get creative in our design
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Measure Share of voice
Your brand metrics / Total market metrics
Create Public and Private Groups (visible
and hidden)
Open to anyone vs invite only, searchable or
As interpretation of data evolves, beneficial questions emerge that
translate into improvements. Todays “I wish we could see…” becomes
tomorrows new view, metric, or report.
Reporting tools continually change in response to user needs. Social
media platforms recognize the dynamic nature of online engagement
and continuously evolve in response to the usage and needs of the
Why do social media platforms change?
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Up isn’t always good and down isn’t always bad.
What we learn and the “whyis most important.
A trained professional adds the value of informed interpretation
On Instagram, what’s better:
taps back
taps forward
Taps backward!
If your audience taps backwards, it’s more likely that they like and have viewed more of
your story. When the tap back, they go back and spend more time on the story.
Common Misconceptions
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
LinkedIn Recruiter
hiring platform for talent professionals that helps find, connect with, and manage the people
you want to be on your team. engaged talent professionals actively use LinkedIn.
LinkedIn Premium
30 InMail messages, advanced search, unlimited visibility of your extended network,
automatic candidate tracking and integrated hiring, with a recruiting-specific design.
Sales Navigator
search capabilities, improved visibility into extended networks, and personalized algorithms
to help you reach the right decision maker.
How can you integrate Superusers?
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Individual contributions/performers
LinkedIn learning interest/progress
Opportunities and areas of interest within the organization
What can you track outside of reports?
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
How can you integrate metrics from your
social media management tool?
Create a summary report that will speak to your audience
Tell your story!
Provide definitions of terminology, information about how and why data is
Report frequently
Report on the same metrics
Report using the same format (written, video recording, meeting, or some
consistent combination of the three)
Consider what you are trying to accomplish
Compare your goals to the available tools
Make your recommendations
Build a report the reflects the most important aspects of your
Writing a Report
Facebook and LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging the recent changes to Facebook & LinkedIn’s reporting tools
Information about
the SMS exam for
you, a co-worker, or
your staff
Information about
the MA, or HR,
IHRM, Digital
Marketing Graduate
Access to the social
media report
template (available
January 2022)
Leave me your business card with SMS, GRAD, or REPORT written on the back!