Milford, Delaware 19963
I. General
An employee who is to be absent from his/her duties must report the absence in the
appropriate leave system as far in advance as possible. If an employee fails to
submit the absence request in a timely manner, the employee's absence may be
unexcused resulting in a reduction of pay. Those responsible for the maintenance of
attendance records may make reasonable rules to administer this policy. Exceptions
to this policy may only be approved by an employee’s immediate supervisor in writing.
II. Record of Absences
The Milford Board of Education delegates the Superintendent, or designee, the right to
require a physician's certificate from an employee when absent if, deemed necessary. In
addition, the Milford Board of Education requires that an employee absent due to illness for
four (4) or more consecutive days present a physician's certificate upon returning to work.
Each leave eligible employee receives the option of using five (5) personal days per year
from their leave balance. Personal days need to be approved in the leave system in
advance by the immediate supervisor. If additional sick days are taken adjacent to any
approved personal day(s), the Superintendent or designee will require a physician’s
certificate from an employee when absent if, deemed necessary. Failure to produce a
doctor’s note will result in a reduction of pay for the missed sick day(s) and the sick day(s)
will be returned to the employee. Approval of the sick day(s) in the leave management
system does not indicate that the employee will not receive a reduction in pay upon further
examination. The Superintendent shall develop procedures to implement this policy.
III. Maintenance of Attendance Records
The principal is responsible for maintaining a record of absences of all personnel
assigned to his/her building. All itinerant personnel are assigned to a specific building
for the purpose of teachers' meetings, inter-school mail, reporting, etc. Therefore, the
principal of the "home base" building will be responsible for absence reports.
All leave reporting will be maintained in the appropriate leave management system
and maintained in employee personnel files as required at district office.
ADOPTED: 10/1/71
AMENDED: 1/12/76; 7/18/77; 6/20/83; 6/28/04; 4/18/11; 6/20/11; 1/19/16; 10/16/23